« Pardon My Take

Cris Collinsworth, Sports Are Back (This Week) And Zuckerberg's Ass Implants

2020-07-20 | 🔗
Sports are officially back (this week) and we're so fucking happy. (2:26-4:40) NFL has to figure their shit out and Bryson DeChambleu is now a Triple B. (4:42-11:20) Who's back of the week including Zac Efron's "dad bod" and true love. (13:10-24:40) Cris Collinsworth joins the show to talk about the slide in, working with Al Michaels, PFF and how he grades players and what the 2020 NFL season will look like. (26:27-1:25:57) Segments include as a straight guy, (1:29:57-1:32:09) stay woke on Zuckerberg's fake ass, (1:32:10-1:36:21) and my personal opinion. (1:36:24-1:38:05)
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On today's pardon my take. We have Chris Collins Worth on the show long discussion with him. Football is coming back. We talk about his broadcasting career, his career, with pro football focus, how they judge play hers what's going to happen in the twenty, sees an awesome conversation long time, guy that we want to have on the show and of course we get a lot of answers on the slide we have, whose After the week we have sports weeks, ports are coming back this week. We have more Luxembourg stay woke. I think he has a fake ass. Yet read talk about that, we have the Duff And since we have never seen before new in legal world- and I dont know if they teach us in in like the law departments. Are there the law schools as straight guy germ Erode Ex new legal defence for being five ran BC in a lot lot more before we gets off, that part, my takes brought you by the cash app knows that
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is Monday July. Twenty Eightth and sports are bad. Baby this we s this week we ve made it is born. We in sports weak right now in the longest. What four and a half months of all time? Yes, yet fully actually can wander over here, is so generated to get back to betting on sport, I'm so excited. I also just had the moment that it feels you know the stupid tweets we see in the last four months. Natures healing in nature is and healing, but it's. Your truly is healing now that sports or back because I tweeted out a picture of Wrigley, because the Cubs airplanes socks right now now in someone replied and said: fuck the socks, bands and someone replied back to him and said fuck you and some replied Ass David said you wish. Sports are back
Thou mass argument is like that or g we need winter. I got I gotta small taste that last week I was going to add to the Redskins. Read it to see if I could get out ahead of whatever the story was going to be, and the first like five posts on there were all from like fans of different franchising. Hey bills fan here coming in peace just reading, that is a preview from like bills. Van Cowboys Van Niners fan ass, good, a little bit of normal sees great, I'm so ready to not care about serious shit anymore, just getting back to carrying caring way way too much about dumb shit. That's that's all as American STAR duty as Americans, to do that. I'm very, very excited get back to it by the way. Apologies to analyse and golf. You have been back whatever on hunger strike in soccer. Yeah talking soccer and also Gulf is really back now, because we had gross violation that everyone got mad about in your best friend my green Borg was at the front of it being like. I saw the ball move from sitting on my couch.
So he was very upset, but it feels like reports about. Did my call it in no way out of the day, I think they got away with. I gotta think they got rid of that Yes, you do. I ll USDA guy we're decision they migrate, but you just people having lap we're at now moved over to work in the NBA span of golf violations. Up that Bryson one on Friday was was all tat dude, so kite. Can we nominated enemies like he's the now the number one triple being? I think he's sportsmen back pitch the year. Oh my god. The fact that he now has his caddy blocking camera guys to and it was a very reliable moment what he's counting shots every single person who's ever golf has been. At that moment, I fuck, oh yeah, others are there to buy the tree and then fuck of activity, be, I don't know what shot him on, but then he kept hitting the same shot out about just let that be reliable low. Yet the irregular, do you go? You don't happen to those of the boys. Like? Are you sure my balls out of bounds arose because, unfortunately Bryson? Yes, because I don't believe you, let's get another rules official in the second geike observers like yeah, brazen
definitely out about it on the other side of the fence without down any just start. Like listen, I think that history going to vindicate our Bryson takes sooner rather than later. This is a classic Roy rage type. I'm on a witch hunt he's right. Region after I stink zig time he looked like a fucking guerrilla trying to find an acorn and corn field when he was looking for his ball, you just six. He was pacing back four getting so angry. Look like a big loser. Meanwhile, because he hit that ten, our boy Brooks made the cut made the key, and I'm not going to say you know, Brooks, would never ever make an excuse ever because he's just stand up. Guy he's not like price indication, blue ah geek, bracing de sham shall be back Phd Sham Boo, hoo yeah did yet brace indeed sham. I blew it really Dyson De Chambre. You regularly wont load. I won written down, not honest, forgot Thyssen, I dont have Dyson okay, so Brooks, I think, is these still hurt again, I'm not going to
is tat. He would never say problems is going to say it for him. I think is you still hurts, so that's probably why he hasn't been that great will. Let me check in on this. Was this a major then, who go out and were still the six major we're. So this is the seventh major was a city. I was the six major, so it accounts yeah, but yet genre rom, good job winning by sea watch. The two points penalty doesn't give you the loss so good for that sports or back feels good. Baseball on Thursday. Exhibition Games in NBA and then, of course, we have all this good NEWS and it feels like we are positive momentum and then the I fell is just going to fuck everything up by
we mentioned on Friday, using our brains to say we got time. We have nothing but time and now, all of a sudden, you have the Texans and who were elections in the chief second achieved they play theirs was by Thursday night came to open the season, so they can open their training camp earlier than everyone else, and they can also invite rookies a week earlier than training camps open and I've runs like hey. Do we have a plan No, we don't say well, were fought. It seems like this was the last week and for them to get their shit together like if they don't have a plan in place by Monday. That's gonna set into effect of this big domino situation where. Entire season might get delayed and you write Roderick Adele treated this off season.
Remember having summer reading, when you have to like have a book report due on the first day back in school, you like fucking. I got two and a half months to take care of this and then all the sudden it's Labor Day weekend and you haven't read the book at all, and then you got to like go on Sparknotes food and try to just read the summary and write it real, quick bullshit report. You don't even have to do to do an analogy for my twenty five Hank was literally doing his taxes on Friday on the show. That's true Yo That's that's what we're working with Arthur Asian Ass, our brains, relying only Anna right now just file diverting attention. I honour testing play here. We do it all the time we are king, procrastinators and the NFL. We were hoping that some adult would be like hey, let's get on this. Instead I was reading, suddenly re, they don't have anything figured out. It feels like not only talking about the health protocols like testing, how often they're going to test all these things. They had to figure out the money
besides to wear. That seems like it's probably gonna be the hardest thing to figure out right is splitting up the cabin and like how have you put up to till next year guarantee money for guys to shoot. Like is obviously Players are saying to the to the NFL. If we show up day one we want something because we could show up, gets or show up job training. Camphor amount and then have the season cancelled and get no dollars. How does that make sense? So it I mean they're, trying the core made it where you saw the tweets weapons like we want to play. That was very funny. There have taken the pages baseball's at hand, but every player was just like tweeting at Roderick Adele, like Roger, does opening up his phone intersect refreshing bill I'll fuck. I just got added by the homes Dick in MECCA for us was oh fuck. Russell Wilson's wife is pregnant. Peters kid. How am I gonna do about all this is probably actually wasn't undergoes his wife checking is twitter. Life on her burner right
I got a lot of aims and say: you're playing a children's sport just shut up and get there be happy millions are out of work. God, I would love to see her burner car right now. He adds its pop and its pop, and so I dont know I let's not do the negative Let's do the path Chris Worth will tell us on a scale of aid. Ten yeah sports are definitely coming back footballs. Absolutely telling laws coming back. We have Chris Cause was coming up awesome interview with him anything else from the weekend that we had to touch on before we get to whose back scene, oil Billy, put together nice little packet force. Yes utterly is remember: it's gotten gauge travellers gun, which has just said he said nothing about being like future and if all superstar budgets getting engage when you're a senior colleges, dumbest yeah, but it did it on the airline. That's gonna cool question making nay decision. I wondered why should have already touch the rock before well he's touching around as he's on a knee, giving it to giving it to her. That's a
yeah, that's about it. There that's Billy. Just it looks like they took the picture at seventeen, in the evening that's good decisionmaking Maison glow up there. Yet we had some baseball games. Let's do fine or in the front row which was hilarious. The baseball fan cut. I really want to buy baseball fan, cut cutouts, but I want to make them be dude perfect and give em all cold source thou be Gabby, sick or you know else, had a cold sore Ok, let's fit. Let's do our, whose back we channel Philly by the way Billy. We we had that on Friday show he is shown up. He is ready to go here. Got his marching. Orders were going to make a man out of this boy as positive vibes. Only with Billy will tell you when you can start saying soy boy again, you can not. Until you start acting like a soybean, but right now is actually a soy man's away. Man yeah I before you to whose back our friends at whoop
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oh yeah, deposit, with sports being back empty stadiums and then I'll be means a lot more like really solid contact that cracked, which one of the best hands and sports from them. Rushmore yeah sure by a crack, is so much better than the bat ping, yes bills. Mafia is back in a big way. Canada shut down the blue Jays being allowed to play in Toronto. So there's talks about the Buffalo Blue Jays becoming a thing which would meet its Electra,
I feel like, even though we know krona sort of distancing, no faith in the crowd bills. Novice still gonna show up, there's still gonna tailed halo, blue jeans. Why are crisper mandate that I opened a situation where there is never go back to Toronto Buffalo as never turned down a chance to party before sporting events? I dont think that these matters are mean they're, probably mostly Yankee Fans in Buffalo would imagine, but they still would come out just throw themselves through tables before blueberries. Absolutely it's the same. Color scheme as a bill Zuzu can where's who bears the baseball game? That's can we say Chris Berman is definitely thinking about all the Buffalo Blue cheese references that can be making once football starts, and I'm just thinking about how glad I am to here make those that that's it while I had other ones but we're talking on later, I would clarify one before programmes. Was our love and sought lovers back love is banned. Well is love back. Love is absolutely back. That's my Indiana Hadrian Aaron Rodgers, oh yeah. That means that when we put he's dating to grow led on by that house, together,
he borrowing himself now you bought that to flex for her to be identical, you're so called that should have in the phrase. I got you a crystal room for get overlooks the Pacific ocean. Would be a real shame. If Danica maybe did some crystal, I don't know, put some crystal like bad. You do on Erin when he's goin out the door real. She wouldn't want that an absolute always dating the girl from the what's it called our banks, big little lives how my jam she'll inwardly, soil, Red erasures is obsessed with. Just dating famous people ah we watch. I watch that fifty, whether one's good right so I see that was good for us is a good idea. Yeah he is. He is obsessed with wiser. I don't know why you he just he's got he dates. I think I think maybe not guess, it would actually be counter. Intuitive you'd probably want to date and non famous person to convince them to move to Green Bay, Wisconsin famous person
that's why the zoo always happening is that you ask someone Amu degree it was content in the winter. As a famous purse it's probably how to keep our relationship. Maybe he just likes living the single life so, he only dates, people that are famous that he knows will not move in with him that he can stay up and green baby just wrong dull all that I, and also probably getting that like break up like move now, I can do whatever I want feel. Every year is gonna be exciting. Yeah prefer new beginnings is added Hank, that old aunt on the other, So my whose back in a week is true, love skip where I live. I just didn't know, but You said you was going to be true love, but it wasn't. So mine is truly, even though we discussed it. But I'm talking about my man skip, skip, skip skill in earnest. Dean are more love than ever. I don't love. You saw the tweet that skip put out on on Friday. He said for fifteen years earnest and I have done this nearly every saturday we play catch so his
is a play. Catch guy not have a catch guy. She never played a sport, would come back in a compliment. Throw as if she starred in college. We talk, listen to music reconnect, it's become our ritual. In fact, I think I fell in love the first time we played catch and it's just a video of them. Just firing line her football across her with a romantic. That's nice, you tell I'd, have joyous! It's like that's my the question I had was who took this video Scobie Wilburn. I assume he just some lives with with Skip Bayliss and they just like fucking debate everything overnight, but we all I know that on Saturday, that's when they they sleep in the same bed right. So that's like there. That's before play. Is they just throw cylinder football around until Skip Bayliss, gets an erection and then he's like it's back honey and she's like let's do this? Puts the bed
push the beds together, actually like this, because you can't, I mean it's just a natural thing that you have a football in a house. If you have a ball in the house, you can't not end up playing catch its. I mean it it's you can do it around. Single person happens. All the time in the parcel off someone has a basketball football. You just sit there. Watch semi like hell. Let me see that real, quick, and that's probably have started, and let me see that real quick started a beautiful marriage between the two. So I like that, I'm a mean on that. Ah I my, whose back the week is dad bots and people, understanding what a dad, because Zac Efron has been accused of having a dad. But if you haven't This picture, it's a picture, Zack F wrong with us, eat pack and then a picture of Zack effort. The six pack and their like, since, when did Zack, F wronger dad bought and I've said this many times, or I'll, say it again, fuck the people who have made dad bud culture seem cool, because I know deep down now:
but actually wants dad bods. They want the Zac Efron six pack dad, but they want the you know Jason, Segel? Oh he's got a dad bod, but he's also like a struggling musician is going to make it big, in forgetting Sarah Marshall and all everything is always a million last, because I'm dating is dad bod guy. Instead, reality is, if you have a true dad, bod your really tired all the time, because your metabolism metabolism is fucked up and you're overweight, any just really want a nap. He should go method if he's trying to get into the real dad bud. Culture like the only work out so he's love. Do is more the lawn like man, the grill. Pick thing not long ago, yet pickup toys I just heard it does get picked on by babies. All accounts, polish here's, a dad, bod thing is bullshit. This was like, I love a dead, but no you don't know you fucking, don't this was a successful troll, the by the New York Posts, because New York Posada have you noticed or twitter account recently they ve just been living high off the hook.
Are eating high on our work, getting those quote tweets by by putting up an article, that is Zack Enron's dead body does luxury incredible net, allowing shocks, fans and on the right is still looks very good. The saucy knew exactly what they were doing when they posted just as the beard it's dead beard had be. That's not it s, not a dad, but it's like a near death, bod right, because DIN Zack Efron almost I couple months ago, the ice yeah when usually show yes, yes, yes, we have given our new shows good, where he and back on the show It's very eyes: saving the world prudently huge going in a bar in the first four now ok regulate said he was on anniversary in the first and the set our idea, Billy, rationality, Oats Y know I saw tweet. I was like a jack Efron admitted that in the first picture was like he was out of rehab and he went on the crazy diet till I focused on staying sober news. I goes really unhealthy, others other stuff, so it's like he's really. He was unhealthy and use that
This sheep by Billy is this. Is why Billy's back because we ask Billy, we said we gave him a list of things to do in one of the things to do was we need you to stay On top of the internet all weekend and write a list of ten different stories, I could think we could discuss Billy in all Billy Fashion, he actually credit to him He waited all the way until Topic file about a ten on day. One of doing this to say we can och steroids. If you want so, good job and were able to keep it all the way to topic five, because I know I know you want to be topic. One hey you guys want talk, steroids, so good on you did a good job. We also waiting so the third topic to insert a little joke any made. It was a Trevor Lord saying these. It insert borough. Getting a bigger ring. Joke now is nigh, has seen even even thinking Joking aside inserted just like I know you guys have you wanna, be thinking of light
I would like an amendment to your top ten list. Billy. I want there to be at every list that you give us at least one section that we can talk steroids if we want our So just something that can said wait. You steroids, talk sexy twelve, twelve again, we did out and we ask you to make ten metres enabling it to be said. After I hardly been seven onto you, have really out operated twelve or more positive I've. Only I billy what you're, whose back the week my was back in the week, is swag O largely all types of Swag WAR, Jose suspenders on the Mets rocking an awesome, Glitt generous those who gave it you're egg lit up this per now. I got really bad pronouncing words. However. Oh what's his name you, it is now no Joanna nowadays hours Jose this suspense sisters, those yeah
alma mater. I'm Van was rocky Awesome, glove and belt combo at the game. Yesterday, low interest squad, skirmishers really awesome, also Swag Kelly thinks he's. The second fast is correct. Fell, which I agree with your also. It is and is not in the end, a fellow had always appear here on the colossal or string right. Yeah he's also been caught by the police, multiple, I'm so unless he saying that, like the Denver police force, but have we not Massa than Lamar JAM, you say how do you get from a party to someone's house two miles away in that quick of attire? true. They sign lambs learn. As long said. It's that Swag Kelly's seal, that draft swag Kelly is gonna, make it come back at some point. He was likely. I love it. Billy you gotta pick one guy, that's your guy arouse you! Let it! Three years ago you like watch out for Swag Kelly, he's gonna, be the steel is drafting a wrong this year. Yeah just stick with it. Yet I think he's gonna be like a like a sleeper that she's going to like
come out of nowhere and get thrown to a game jets. Literally, what he's done, as he has slept, he's been, we bring someone else's house came out of nowhere, and then why did you get the cop you gotta silently? I liked it dick with an obsession with swag, I good, whose back at it just general swag by athletes yeah in sports? Ok, that's so grandma. How many different twitter account you subscribe to that have something like athlete: swagger like swag for jocks I'll handle not disclosed. Are you better take general, I'm mean soon athlete. Twitter are very tight and don't don't talk about my people like the ok? a bill. You should do one of those videos Oh viral every, like six months like life, is due Natalie life, the meat like life is apart, might take in turn tat. You should do the arts. That's another thing put on your plate is armourplate, so exactly wake. Up at you know, noon you send us The fact that you're gonna be late yeah, like all your life
did you play causing your lay like dude all, actually do it exactly how I saw six thirty allegories guys like going against the up. I take my dog, so do it? Do you have a rather that we want in the morning no not is still having grown its voice, yet that honest set yeah like an old school learn clock ice ability that often as it as party or job? Now I, let's get to our awesome awesome interview with Chris Collins worth before. We do that a word from one of our favorite sponsors death wish tat, wish coffee in the seemingly never ending lockdown the world is going through its hard to stay motivated, especially windisch, must be working from home, but thanks the people, a death, wish makers, the world's strongest coffee. You can stay cabinets you, whatever you do when
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All we want yet a year, and I am on wheels now almost over slid, run where there are yet it yet. I find that you listen it's the off season for you too. Yes, you have again an interruption recently by nature, and yet so the soviets are all of our slide. Questions do at all, like thirty, four thirty, on the slide. I started off, is the Damas thing ever invented ever so they would put a mark on the thing where we would set like we sit on that under the desk right. So we sit there and they would put a marketplace. They would say, put one leg on either side of the mark right. So, ok, fine I set my, but down and I got one leg on its side while our opens. The shell by himself right, that's
he's gotta forever and its Al Michael's in America in a one on one sort of bonding exercise that he does so in order for our to do the one on one and they say. Gosh you gotta, get out a shot and isolate like What do you want me to do? You want me to put my legs between the the mark on the thing. Are you want me in the shop will just lean out right, so just give out some room, so he can do. Is that say I so I'm sitting there and I'm in some places I mean I'm literally, I'm like lying down. So in order to get out of shower and get my hip and my ass and everything out of the shot. So I'm like over like this and then out when he finishes the log these as eyelids bringing curse, Gansworth. Do it and then I come up like that right. So I flourish. I was a solution to the problem, and we did it how it became a thing.
I am no idea. I mean it was like it overnight. There was. There was one don't know if you guys ever saw it, but I'm not the most internet. Every guy and a world social media and at all that someone get better at I'm going better. But there was one where they did it out taken this thing where they were like thousands of people and a boy, are and then on a mixed roaming. Now, as I say, Andrea was, was us I've on camera and isolated and place went crazy right and so being the moron fur? I am for about fifteen seconds. I thought,
people are really gone crazy. Over my sly, nobody, where I work out, was real at those areas where we gotta leave. That was the initial clearly was at the Toronto, tavern actually Avenue, and then what we did in the future. We would superimpose other images where this allied used to, like famous shots in the World CUP and yeah, like we did one with England in the World CUP with Edward and appoint right and, like all look, was grounded. You guys do yeah I've a huge fan of the sly there for a long time. I am so honoured that that's amazing in factories, I probably like ten more questions about the I limit myself to two more, but do fine, you have to wear a certain type of pants to be able to act, cute. The slide like does it work and genes or is the friction too much where you you gotta, be careful soil, in our view over slide, then people think you're strange without
right. That's that's! That's not good, because you know Hauser Legend. I knew if I smash into home or something they get mad sigh. I can't do that. It understood heading is a problem to so you I can understand why, because then you got half your head: so yeah. It's kind of attraction that you get with that it was your pants is significant and then, after that I'm a big thing on the internet. You reversed you flipped on everybody. Any came in from the other side, ass. All that nobody, nobody! I got. I love that. You actually saw that oh yeah, it was a big deal. We pay. So much attention to the stupidest parts of sports. If that's me that, like made my week when you slit in from the other side of the camera, when you were about to do that, did you have like a little bit of nerve some jitters, like I don't know if I can execute from the side of my mb sliders, I don't know Actually there was, but the debate raged that waste
afraid modalities our producer and I get it You guys made today. I never knew this them learn something new and assure you know a lot of people watch Sunday night football right. I heard and, and so frankly, Dally said a this way and we were, I think, we're in now we're at somewhere in California, one of their stadiums that had a really small booth. I mean there was like no room to do anything, and so he said he goes. Lesson is just a little wink. We're gonna knock, you guys who made this thing up dead, dead, we're just gonna help some fine weather end so that they debated always they were gonna have hey Chris Light on it and have our look the wrong way and then I'd Charles. Like no note- and I said the internet
is so much poorer than we are. I mean you can you can like. You can't do that. I go we just gotta, just if you wanna do somethin I'll, do from the other side, but it's gotta be totally straight. Riah is you cannot, we can't let on that. We know who has then before any more like there's gotta, be some level of doubt that we're just couple oh god, as they have no idea where people are making fine. I was right It s the only way. It survives anything beyond us and We decided to it but it was hilarious, because people people like that better than pretty much anything I've done in my career. So thank you. Thank you. I was just perfectly because you're right, if you had kind of hand it up a little bit too much
It would lose a little bit of the magic you guys it was like a small little gesture. It was subtle, yet the subtlety of it. You absolutely nailed that now. My last slide question is: do you know when you like Russia slide when you're like? Oh, that was a good one like flowed well perfect timing, we're ready to roll. Now that you know why- and I didn't know this either is like amazing, I'm only on camera for like what two minutes every week. So this is it, and so this is like the most analyze part of my life, whether you know your ties, crooked sure does something you know it whatever. It is, but apparently occasionally right before I start talking. Bite? My left, like I go some some My dad, I don't know an answer. Oh then, whether I bit me Lip was like a betting line or something why I have no idea in. But that became a thing
so then I had to think about not screwing up the slide not hitting out and not biting my live in order to do all this stops, and I can't remember what I'm gonna talk about snow again like this is just over welcoming my brain. I this is. This is too much for me so, but now occasionally ass I'll different. A bite, my lab, not on purpose, but I realized I will crap. I bet my lip and I kind of start laughing all that I go this is this is insanity. This is by two by two minutes. Ideally every week and I'm
thinking about whether I bit my lip over slid my slide or bumped into a. I like this is just stupid. Regretting you at some point we're doing like a pro football focus, focus on your slide and lication do a great on every single and the lip bite was a big part of that there would be like a lip bite. Are you wearing the quarter? Zip are going to like do that thing where you look at the camera and kind of give a little wink to America's housewives out. There are all sorts of elements that that came into play for the Collinsworth slide I think you ve got to a point where you are just constantly in the zone on it. I don't think you screwed up in at least like to three years tire you guys for everything like everything you guys do is money and you make a t shirt and you make ten billion dollars and I'm sure you got time glasses can't get over Contra, Now we re always always everything Chicago you like. I get all that stuff. So now our guys wanna do like a teacher. The slide, unlike no, this is the only
they include that I do in my entire life. I am not screw it up, so you guys want to do a t, shirt, Don T shirt, make a million dollars in and then you when I come to Chicago or I come the washing Turner, Boston or one of the places in, and you guys only done, ok dial deal and you have to bring out too because I had would move on to football and end in broadcasting. You guys but a story about how, when you started out, you were just stuff. Your head with stats all the time and not enjoying the moment, enjoying your friendship with our Michaels Was there a moment that you cautiously said? self. I need to just relax, because I think you guys have great chemistry and that's paramount. Stats in information. Important, but chemistry in the booth is what makes a successful watch for fence. I think they cater broadcasting is eating enduring.
Early do against glaring seriously we gonna dinner. I'll use to wear me out about it is here. It mad. He would say what what don't You know about these two teams. I know you, you always lawyer, stop down in the basement, and you do all this stuff but all this all work and what you need to do is just have a laugh. I mean it's here. We are the night before the game and it still, I shall write what you guys do is sport related, but it's a show and what we do is football related, but it's a shop so any Let me into it so then I started going out on Friday night and we a great time. It like a man shows the show actually is getting better. And then only cite. As I said, I don't Friday and I will do it Saturday night and we got on Friday, night and Saturday night and we
we have our wives. Sometimes we have like great friends in various cities and cool people. Little common have dinner with us and all that kind of stuff, and now we just like we know each other so well. I beg you to spend so much time to gather the you don't have to talk to know it. Other ones. Thinking are. Then saying or if it's time you know set em up or or whatever work in the same way. You know we're just like the old dolphin forwards and wages have fun and allowed and worries yeah that that is the key. I think, because you guys make it seamless and it never feels forced in if you you haven't fund America watch at home, picks up on that and we start to have fun because it's always fun to be round. Geyser had just be induce right. That's what you guys right. I mean out of out of everything I'm kind of study. What you guys do our european values,
You know we were like we're like, like a dog little brother of your guys stuff. For yourself, we enjoy watching. What did you go? it's it been able do, which I think is to be authentic right to to can I take yourself too seriously. Have a laugh and and hope that something- get screwed up along the way because then you're gonna really laugh are yet now it like Johnny Carson is way too old, for you guys know who that is, but a guy It was the first time in my life I ever understood that sometimes the best part of wider television was the screw ups right a key out. A great way of sort of getting himself out of the sky. I've sent I've seen enough, your guy shows and you keep reserve tapes right.
People and at any time something starts going too well for that person. One of these clips are gonna, come out and they're gonna get humiliated back to where they were when they read the basement, tweeting out a couple of things, try and, as you know, get the activity mad. It's all right are shows a ninety percent groups at this point here, which is why I have another. So much so I'd say it's inching point. The bring up about EDA like having fun and not to yourself to seriously, but your website pro football focus you guys do grade. Players and you give opinions and you give stats and that can sometimes get difficult so have you had to. I can reconcile that your brain, where you're talking to guys teams before you do a broadcast. Knowing that you know profile focus, might have been are shown them or graded them a certain way, and how do you can reconcile those two things now out
my guys under the bus and hardly blame you guys. All about that. I am. I know that not a but but I I I get it you, because we do that right and I have had some people really mad at me over the YAP Shaw Mccoy. You guys suck a bunch nerds. You never played a lick of football in your whole life, that's an exact tweet yeah! That's that's! Roper even for me. Actually, I that's that's dead on, but you know it's. It's like The math is the math and the great is the grade and in like there were games that my son, who was captain it Notre Dame had a bad game and he got a bad grade and as guys that her friends it is it play in, a felony as teammates we grade the college's too and that You get mad at him and then they get mad at me and then, when I go in for a meeting, I had three hundred and pretty pound men come up in my chest, bought me because they were mad like
what like down the hallway and light bulb answer me one guy said I just need you to know. That you can do whatever you want. I said, but I'm really. It is more lawyers than you know. But a player in the rest of your life for me just hit me right there. You can say that that was Taylor. Lou on we know those around I'll. Never do it up on our Europe think I could get outweigh the tailor, I'm not sure yeah, absolutely so! Yes, so yet speaking up football focus. I've been on three guys pike ass before I know some of the guys over there. I think bacteria, George Steve I've been hammering away at the staff for the last couple years. I think that full back are undervalued but they're, making a comeback right now. I think that, as a pendulum shifted too far to you'll, never using a blocking back you've seen some coaches take advantage of it with you know you got to check out in San Francisco San
whose, like, moreover, H back kind of guy, but you see it- you see gradually coming back and we ve been hammering on this full Bacchus Istat that we came up with an I want, profitable focus to make it like an actual state. You guys can track and monitor and a full back assist according to and you can weigh on this and how it should be graded. If there's a touchdowns bored by running back from within five yards and there's a blow back on the field lined up ahead of him that fallback gets and assist on the touchdown rethink, so you're more of the avenue, Sherman kind of a guy yeah Anthony Sherman, like the John Coon, if you wanna take it back up for years that sort of guy yeah. Ok, I how about how about this Why are we play an airline manawyddan again, yells negotiate soon? Okay. So if I, if I get that stand in the pay of ev and her,
apps, even not during the slide, not during my feature to measures but some point during a gay I find a way to work in the full back stat during the course. Sunday Night Football season that you are now under a phd you become visa. Guys. This bears a critical guy. You internet, as I don't know, if I can ever had to say at this hour Chris I a counter offer. I have a stat, it's called the full back assist and I love it, and I was hoping that I could personally ask to get it into the Pff database and for you to mention on a Sunday night football game I'll just take it in then he can't do it with you see a frozen, he doesn't know what to
No, are you all related? A lawyer I will buy. Wife played virgin supper was a purely for that Turkey had I got nothin values. I would say I've got a guide serious. I think I could even throw a little cash into the equation. Yonder psycho yeah. Now I can't firstly annulling the by you. I know you just signed a new multi million dollar contract and that's good, I'm happy for you. So Bunny means it's only Roma right now. You think Romo yeah, not me in future, I will get me started on Roma, not sleep. We hope for another three, where you're, how quickly we did your agent call up by the head of NBC after Roma signed his deal, immediately from here talk about Tony Roma Roma. I love Roma though it is the best he got mice
on Jack. Who was worded, it ESPN, our Sir Andrew State ever NBC over there, but he got him on, oh hidden, credit card trick in our that everybody has to two by dinner. Yeah I puts in their credit cards. There's like fifteen days at the dinner. And you can imagine within avail players around and Jack- was at the table and they had they had all die. So where do we? Always Annabel players, throne or credit card and and Jack and to throw in one s credit cards to, and so he throws it in course, Romo pockets or Palms Jack's card. Poles of all out one at a time and now he's gonna be
He's got a very big guy. Jack's hours swept over on the side is twenty five thousand dollars when dad did a chip, it a little money for later them horse Rome or pick up the tab and his elbow yes. So I will I'll change my name to pdf commenter for a week for counter weak and begin I'll have to call me p. After the money asked for that weak links. It yeah, I think that's fair. I think, if use tell him how big our audiences charge, in London, and I wanted to know nine years in a row and he's gonna get his dad in and he's gonna Gimme a week. I'm giving you a- I mean, if we're being honest, I'm helping the future of peace that, because you guys are woefully behind the times when it comes to measuring full back efficiency. Some I think that if anything, that game is comin up short, yet anything I should be asking you to change your name. He slept at all. Should I
vine and wine, our shifted on yeah? Why not brisk eyes worth? I think this is going on. I do think honestly. I think it's it. I think it's a chance for you to be bigger than the slide they will be better than the side. I do what table this will tables negotiation and we will have an ongoing discussion about it, because we need to read the lawyer up clearly with this, so we will do that. I will. The talk about football coming back. Hopefully it will. Where we're going to be positive, it's gonna happen, patrimony, homes, signs of five hundred. I don't like to face you just did Chris, that's not What we're doing a thing with we had willing Mcguinness on last week. You have to tell us that football Gonna get played because we trust
You know more than us, and then we tell other people that trust us and then eventually just becomes a game, a telephone where the whole countries I give course proposed being played. Someone told me. And I got my guys chris- I hear airs Lama say I am. I know nothing. I am just gonna, give you my open idle. I honestly don't know, I think college football is gonna, be tough because now you got involved mama right now, you gotta get it ok from Mama. And the Board of Regents and and the professors, and are there really going to be students on campus and are they going to play in an empty stadium and bababababa right? I hope they play in the spring
firstly, because I never get to watch, watches much college football as I would like to watch so I hope they play in the spring every great for me personally, but that's my own personal thing. The NFL, though I do think, won't give it a go. Don't try and will see, or Ngos and they'll, be some people who get sick they'll, be some people who opt out they'll, be some people that war and apply, but I was around a nineteen eighty seven when the players strike cabin and they had replacement players. They came in and air dies at an ever played. Nana fell and you put on Dallas Cowboys Jerseys in Washington, Redskins jerseys and after about three weeks. A friend of mine came out through any goes, I got a bad news for you he said it's about over, for you guys, and I said what are you talking about we're going strong where this is a good strike? This is just it's the whole thing and he said
since batting line is starting to get pretty good and people, darting a wager on those guys in the Redskins uniforms. Planet those guys in the cowboys uniforms and because it's not like a fellow players and against those guys. It's those guys plan against those guys that It doesn't really matter- bridge band who's coming out. They just want to have fantasy football, and I want to make a bet and they wanted to know, do whatever the case. May be so I think that, body will be playing. Will it be every single Annabel player? Maybe not, but I think somebody will reply. Ok, we'll have Forborne, ok, we could have a ball skill of eight to ten. How likely do think it is a laughable. I'm not a chance. We have reports, ok, so it talks of football. Then why you?
You watch it. Obviously your ear you're part of the game, but you also have the website that we met profile focus just great stuff. You want your fantasy guide. They have a great one honestly, if you're not register, reproachful ball focus you're, not a football guy I'll just say it, because as all the avenues what better than the names have fought for, like from your perspective, how two teams constantly screw up the draft, and why, like you, think it's getting better or worse when it comes to scouting and projecting these guys going from College Centerville, because it's impossible not to take pretty girl, it's impossible. How do you mean? I do this all the time? I did I do the draft every year and I just pretend like I'm, the guy making the decision and every year you look back after like three years at the guys you would have draft and you go out no more on it's. Like fifty percent, I mean
the first round. It's like I mean how can you miss on the top thirty two players that are playing college football right? But my theory is it's the pretty girl because when you get a guy who six point six and runs or five and bench presses. You know four hundred pounds and he'd know in Yeah, maybe he's and in every fifth play. Is this freakish play in which he goes roundly throws the guy against the wall, and it comes in and saxony quarterback and they put together a tin highlight package, and they put on television, and the media gets all wound up like that. As most incredible ten plays I've ever seen and social media takes over and yet that's not what footballers football I ran football- is: I can't move my right knee my,
elbows locked up in the end this position and shakes during the course of the gay. My head is killing me and I've still got go play the there. The world champions right and you it's what it is. I mean the so it takes people who have those kinds of bodies than those kind of skills, but they have that kind of heart, that and when there are mass even their own there, a total wreck. There, still gonna their head into that brick wall and make those plays This guy's exist right. I mean those guys exist out there, but a lot of time you find them in the second third or fourth round, and they run for six or for seven instead of four five and they can't vertical jump forty two inches, which I dont know how wide receiver defence back. Why we care about that so it out I think that's what it is. I really do. I just think it's easy to fall in love with a pretty girl yeah, especially if there is not
much tape on like hypothetically. If there is a player that started six games in college thirteen thirty years, thirteen game in one's own motorcycles. Imports are started an important tech endless. They were BC level appear, like It might be easier to miss on the first three picks it could be. I personally was surprised that person did not go in the first three bags, but you know it happened so tat. You know there's been some great athletes. Did that just never got a proper orator, we're gonna get back our real quick, but before we do, I want to talk to you about. Are new favorite partners over at three. She that's right. Three chee it's the leader, hemp derived Canna Benoit products. You ve heard him talk about whom they are the real deal there the real deal you will love, it's three key stuff. It's delta, eight th, see so it's a federally legal version of teaching products that are sold in the USA and there the first ones,
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I've, never seen him he's really get a jet. You just goes. That's all I see without icy with them, just as they should. I don't know it's impossible to sell yeah I think it might somehow be related those Gosling here knocked out as top teeth. I may because I mean AUS. This guy plays It sends me a lot of pictures of AL like The time out is on one foot with his other foot on a brand. These standing upside down. I had another ball under the tree, then he sends a snapshot picture and sends it to so. I think that our may have knocked his teeth. One boy I don't know but I'll ask so I have another hour. Michael's question this always is is a tricky spot for me when I remember story in an I google it and then the only thing I could find is myself blogging.
From like seven years ago, but does I'll eat an entire dinner during the broadcast Yes, I think I was away at dinner as appetizers as a main could ever seen, em a super sally through dessert and after dinner drugs. I don't think so window and AIDS, in the commercials all the time, that's enough edible. He just eating dinner with us he's such a pro. He just eat dinner with us on a Sunday night in the fall. All the time aim. So we have all, though I am a little worried, I don't know, can you, Sir food? Now it's the whole court, true that it could be a problem we might have to have a livery might at them like a bird like full in the booth,
yeah do you eat with him during the during the broadcast? No, I can't eat. You know why, because the night I have to like swallow up. I mean when you're eating ride. You get that thing. Where you start talking, then you gotta go old on America. Let me but I can do, and everybody knows that everybody knows what you're doing well, I did you ask the question: has so tat does I'll do it? I don't know he's. Ass, the genus its right of aim, Joe Buckwheat sounds they used to drink beer in the fourth quarter. Right no eu die in a baseball game. You tat, you would sometimes sip on beer to kind of like relax and now in the later, in examining how it's a whole meal. Joe book was one that also repeat into bottle. Once yes in the booth, have you ever had to add two p during like an actual all the time, and sometimes there away down the hallway- and you know cause you got it- you mean you guys, don't do a grab already had a whole glass of water just doing this interview, so you you drink. It frank and drink and ride and you're trying to do in Sunday.
You gotta, go I'll pick me up here. You know when you try to wait for the two minute warning or some longer commercial break, but gotta, go I've never done they yeah now the thing under the table. I saw this upcoming season, there's Zawoiski. Seven teams that make the playoffs now but there's always a team or two teams that come from nowhere and end up being in place. What teams you have ah circled this outcome season and why are they the Chicago bears? Well, you know they. A multitude of quarterbacks their narrow? surprise you had not signed actually yet is not that I still have a chance is a tight and cause, I think, really about eleven right now. So we know your twelve or thirteen. Now. Yeah the Chicago bears that is Nick full.
We're gonna, be the quarterback illegal each year, you're the expert. What why don't you like me, poor eyes, I love Nick falls. Nick falls was he played. The two greatest games- I've ever seen play by border, but I think I may have put Brady in the Superbowl whenever down twenty two three, but it was dreadful holes in that Superbowl Island. I called that Dame re on that one, when for sure and the other one has to do with a core back. Who is no longer in the leg right now who played a game in New England that was off the charge, column Cavern it, and I don't want to stir this part again, but the night they played New England and it was Sunday night game it
is the worst whether night I and I've been in some random stuff in New England. I is awful whether up there late in the year, and so We were standing wait. We did. We did our pre game thing in the tunnel. You know the tunnel on the whichever side. That would be the Boston side of of an end. The wind was blowing like fifty miles an hour It was like thirty one degrees, and it was the rainy kind of thing and we Can you move my lips to do that? The the game show I mean it was, it was horrendous, so. I got up to the birth and I go out. Ten seven at best, I'm tellin you tens there's no way anybody can throw in this kind of where and when and against it these teams and all that kind of stuff cavern it came
up there- and this thing was three thousand seven hundred and thirty four Brady, and just let him down for another touchdown to take the lead late in the game. There's like a minute and a half to go and Kaepernick some right down to feel the other way and scores the game winning touched here. I looked over now, I said TAT is impossible. What those two guy they deny is absolutely impossible, so you know how I've always struggled with the cap Barnett thing, and I get it and you know people they don't whatever it is? They don't want distractions and all the different things, but that night, that guy who's going to think more about our software that it's crazy, I'm looking
box score right now and it doesn't pop off in the box. Where would I remember that game too he had he had. He was fourteen for twenty five with four touchdowns and you think, fourteen thousand four hundred and twenty five, that's not that Great Brady was thirty. Six four hundred and sixty five when it's Tom Brady, had that many incompletions, like that's crazy, so It was a forty one, thirty four game where they wanted the end scored yet like late you'll. Come back. That's interesting! Ok! So Nick folds. You saw it, though you don't think you can write, replicate it or you think it's are their guys like that. Have let me rephrase different way. How do you grade, someone in pro football focus that has a ceiling that is astronomical. Mccall put that came to game average is tough to kind of grass. What exactly he is. We. Read every single play in every single game, for every single player right and so
Just- is what it is. So there is no difference between an offensive lime when he's plan against J J wide and some bits string guy. Right. We just wages, evaluate in grade what Guy did on every single snap that he play right so there is no denying that we ve seen every single play. That's happened in college football and Enough L football, whether you want to agree with us disagree with us. Whatever the case. That's why we all understand. We think our good, it is the best indicator of what this guy's gonna be longer and its programme furniture so as well, When we look at these guys, you go it just is what it is right I mean. Nick falls has been one of the most godly play off. Bags in certain situations
we ve ever seen. I mean who has just been phenomenal in that Superbowl against Tom Brady mean you would have thought he was playing backyard pick up football. I think even made the comments during the game is like he's. Nervous at all. I mean you just like like he's out, you know playing catch or something out here. And I said all this is going to Indian. Always we go down the road we get to the third quarter. We get to the fourth quarter, he's going to fade, there's no way Tom Brady all that he never faded, and yet not seen that in the game an game out consistency. You know what he's done the course of his career. Could you put it all Other, I hope so is one of the nicest human beings gods. Green earth gives us a great dude. You know you gotta see it. You gotta see. But I will say this he's got huge hands: young unemployed. Chicago, whether so and he can you know, you can move rational level bent to site,
It'll be really interesting to see what they do. This you. I can't wait to see your guns out our so one last question about the grating Do you have everyone greater? single play, how other times when the assignment of a player they're, doing something that you guys don't even know or understand or defence, is doing something a guy's assigned to do something different than what usually happens. How do you rectify that? While we basically have three people that grade every single play, so we have a blind one person assign yeah how the other admiral, how do you do a blind? Just listen to me. I mean like what. What does it actually mean? Is monitoring all blind alike nowadays, does it by himself, okay, so right so they're not they're, not in the same room, so this guy grades it this guy grades, it
they have the same grade. It goes through if they dont than we bring in one of our coaches. Are former players are guys that have standing that have been there for the full, twelve or thirteen years. The company, and we have debate, Emily debate those plays and if none of, if we can't just can't figure it out, we just leave it alone. I gotta zero grade, which means that you know in I not and positive or negative, interesting out of its like Josh Alan. Any drops back any throws a bullock, sixty five yards in the air with just like a flicker the wrist and it's really cool to watch, but it's an incomplete does that get a higher grade than a normal incompletion. Now back there What stats are great liars? They really are like there. The game where AIR Rogers through a deep ball right and it came down till the receivers hands and it hit em right Nantes right now is an incredible thorough and about stop his hands and the deep Tobacco is beaten by two yards was running by
a balanced Alvis hands. What right the defensive back. Retook often returned right. So in the end, statue. You ago, I Rogers that's a horrible place through an interception. The wide receiver now got open and dropped. The Basel III is gonna, get it and defensible. I was you now get a positive because you got an interception, but in our system right This gets the great grade right, the defence of baggage. Brush forgetting bead on a deep ball in the wide receiver gets crockford for drop in a ball. So we don't do what the result was. We do what the guy did on the play with sometimes make people we had one. We had Aaron Rodgers one time one day and he was player of the week and he threw five touchdown passes in the game and we had him as either just a zero.
Oh great or maybe even slightly negative, because he had three passes that should have been intercepted. There were thrown right in the hands of line, backers or deviants backs that they all brothel, and stones were like a quick flair and the flat screen pass and went on so you know I mean, were I know we make people and say I know I do It makes some crazy, but I always tell them fires if they wanted a debate me, let's go out of hell yeah with out Show me the great right I'll show that this is what happened on this play. This is why we did it, and so, but they get fired up. Man not that big guy. You know I used to play wide receiver and I could you
some, I you know I could think TAT. I could use a heavy, and I am I gotcha everytime I should this stuff is fascinates me. Can you tell me that maybe Mitch risky isn't as bad as his play? His ears like spends on that we can cut its truly? Is that bad, well, It is a great honour, and that was recorded by hardly at all, and I think that when he gets his visa does okay and fairly accurate. He's got a good receiver and our and sent a really like enemies go player, but something to be said, for the fact that you can be so inaccurate that it makes your balls actually harder to intercept link is a double edged sword: yeah, that's a solid boy, yen do we have to give Josh Alan and some of those guys credit if they throw it so hard to guide drops yes, exact
break if you break a defensive backs finger just by thrown a tight spiral? Adam that's pretty cool that's why I would just like on big on grating players and just how cool they look, sometimes who's the girl. This guy, who do the coolest guy. I'm Josh honours its top to be waiters like a seven year bomb to Sean Sharm Watson's, pretty pretty fuckin coolness moving around and have an awful. I mean grovel, oh yeah, about like a human being on our yeah yeah as the one I ever gets mad. You never gets bad. It's humble able matter what anybody says about em aegis. He comes in Rome and he's got this like I. If you're selling too, Colleagues, this is definitely the dude that you why you know doin here, russian right uneasiness has that law. Hey are you guys means that's amazing, Irene somebody's quarterbacks? Now, just so so out of my leg, I am. And you just wanna go. You know, I'm not. Words
I'm not worthy of this conversation. Yes, I will now they're making never half a billion dollars intimidate. I would say that Kittle is pretty cool place. Two years gets mad and runs people out his that's just an awesome play to watch. You know, is the cause guy out of any body their view. Just you just loves it like, like Iraq as a little better than to, and they both have a little bit of this. This little kid thing you know like there they're, just having a good time. You know, I know we're going to party after the game. That's going to be awesome and you never going to tackle me like his coach is convinced them that nobody can tackle. You go back to that New Orleans game like the biggest play of the year last year, the fourth and one or whatever need to drag the whole saints field down the sideline and
or he's really really think so they can't act like he needs to pay him too. I think you can make the argument that a great tight end like a Gronkowski or like Greg Kittle, is what we call him if your at good at that position, either give more, worth more to your team than like an elite wide receiver. So I you think like there's. Some there's merit that argument, like good Jimmy Grand was trying to get paid as a wide receiver with a franchise a couple years ago. I think I kill can make that same argument. Well it and here's here's the argument, I'm going to take up your cause here for a minute, because damn Francisco's orphans in college and hands off it's it's all about getting that outside zone running thing going on time out we're all five often sublime and move one way at the same time? And then the running back just cut it goes, and so the tight in is either at the point of attack of their go and wide there cutting back, usually he's coming back across the other way block
skies and also be you block, and now I'm tellin you he Brok and a handful of guys are ongoing I believe blockers is aimed as a play and they can do everything the other guys can do as receivers. To be Travis. Kelsey is the best receiving tied in you. Now he He has legitimate wide receiver kind of Aarhus planted in, but the car oh package right now, George Genoa, I think we had him as the best player in the NFL last year in a while I read that your dad was named. Abraham Lincoln. Is that true. Is the principle of ice cold to your dad was named Abraham? Why? Why did he decides not name you Abraham, Lincoln, like when we, when you were born, you took one look. He was like nice. How can people live up to that name? I gotta go
so close to be like a bee j too, and I have like a call name, I goby J or something like that. Now, his his father, I pray, May I ask if they should do this old story, but my my other. His other two brothers were named after president's his mother, got so sick of my grand. Father name at all. After president's, he came in and told the die sure that his name was Abraham, Lincoln and mother turned around and said that his name is Charles. And so my father needed a birth certificate. A tree I do to go the hospital or he was born and get a birth certificate.
And they said I'm sorry, sir. There is no Abraham, Lincoln Collins Worth he said, but there there is a aid. George care and Charles Here- and that would you be stood in him Look up and, of course, it's his date and he had no idea for seventy five years of his life. There drill name on his birth certificate was actually Charles LAW and not Abraham, Lincoln girls were why sway over the other resident names Well, actually I don't know where they all presents. Our embarrassment of Alexander Hamilton event ran you're. Now in it Alexander
and William Mckinley, ok, I'll kill her. That's kind of cool move like that night was. If I had to give you, I said you Chris for the rest of your broadcasting career. You can say one of these two phrases, but you can't see the other one hears a guy or we talked about which one do you take him with you. Here's a guy, ok guy! I figured that I can't I can't walk fifteen feet. You mean seriously that do you guys have those guys, all all the time, all the time it's impious, if you were to ask me if you wanna bet. A million dollars. If I've ever said now, here's a guy more than fifteen times in my life, you taken my million dollars? I had no idea it's a great thing about the internet, like all
All those visits and all the than ugliness of anything. You ve ever done in your life people point the writer, why it's it's gonna fall on deaf ears, because, were you don't talking from a point of play the gas being on Sunday football when you get taped constantly everything you say played back to you, it's so clear that What I know a lot of words, I'm kind of an idiot. So when its play back to me- and I use the word lotta MIKE yeah- I probably but at last week. That's probably why started thrown into my repertoire? Look even that I was impressive repertoire of that, So AL knows a lot of words, so you probably just never said now. Here's a guy in his whole life right right, but I just come up and stuff as you gotta come up with a new phrase form you know, I've been doing is long enough. Now I should have it. You know at least one new phrase for decade that I've been embroiled
you should throw in the dude every now and then like like a dog it yeah does lead me oh is do like us. Seventy you know how it could be a footpath. Only when DOM Brown we interviewed in Michigan defensive Corridor actually invented that, like the phrase, the calling guys dues, so he he basely breaks, this entire roster and he has guys and then he has dude and do so the guys that are like you know you can trust in their bluechip guys. So and every now and then we'll give. If, if George Kittle breaks a bunch of blocks are tackles, you'd like that is a dude. So it's not something you say all often put every now and then he could break out be like that was a dude. What what? What? If I? What I just narrow down a little bit You know like I've, seen this a couple of times and movies or something like tat happens. It's just like so cool and you just go. There
they're, not going out to say now. There's that right, yes, there, yesterday, what? How do you think I would react to that? Just a dude italian colleagues, because only a colleague had that's right in his real. How, but always like the greatest of all time you had been calling for colleague at least once or twice he at once or twice. I have what about just torn out this guy's a hoss. I love hear the word hoss you have it, no that was keys, Jackson and behind zone yeah- I know but sigh- I just I need we have hope we have two things you gotta figure out. Our negotiation for the full back system will give you a new phrase. I think we were up for the child, so I had two final questions. The first was just out, right down what his bets are on a card beforehand, so that he doesn't forget it during the game or how does that work out doesn't forget any and aid
and I'm I'm sure that our Michael's would never bed urgent. Go on any type of sporting events. Correct. That would be. My damage is rapidly harangues just sends you down onto the field for the game to given the weather report and come back like outs tend to seven. No more. I swear to God. Learn untiring fifteen pointed this out of the bag. Man! That's how do you ever? You add that discussion with them in all, though, about gambling becoming legalised across the country and as it becomes more and popular culture, will you guys be working that more into broadcast because clearly I'll loves it E Lee drops Nuggets any E. He talks, you know guys. Guy talk with the and games knows why people are still watching a blow out because the overlanders endowed or whatever it may be, but have you guys had that conversation, but how you gonna adapt the intellect our loves beyond the rascal,
you know what I mean that's his word. Forty goes, you know, You guys can't be rascals because you're allowed to say anything at any time. I was gonna be tickets. Right, you can't you can't be rascals possesses, does is what you do, but all because he's on national television- and there are certain rules and NBC Wood fire. As for certain things that we would say, he asked let the devil sneak out every once in a while right, and so the gambling thing. I think it always been his little bit of the rascal, but now are you still rascal. If you talk about gambling because that as legal and new guide, you know the enough vows tied the casino is there now and you got it a school anymore. So now he's gotta come up with. You know something new. I think how can I shall become a rascal and in this modern Dave legalise? That's a third at a third homework aside. We got down to three now her. I'm gonna put vibrated hours. I think I can figure out a way that AL could
like still maintain is bad boy credit. I just need to know where that line is idiotic out elegantly clot cross the ventilation. We need a little titillation that you to be able to come from a gambling reference. Just what is it you want? If you did the broadcast topless man, smokey the bare other be too much air as well as the world tie. He asked you otherwise, like is hair with nitrates, cyclone, how they will just be Juba item the last question you can. You can say this is totally fake, but were you on the Jeff Rubies Waterfront restaurant, when it when in the mornings came across, came off and you guys-
Floated the restaurant floated down the Ohio River. Yes, I was, I was on the boat, and so I was a apart owner of the restaurants right, so I own basically like a toilet. That's how much that restaurant is a multi million dollar restaurant. And so the river of you guys have ever lived on a river by the river in data being at poor wages like twenty five feet, was raging like sixty feet as white water, rafting kind of river right, and is this so this usually the right How to get on this floating. Both were like down day it was like almost straight up, and so point where wherein there having dinner in Russia and everything starts, do, unlike the titanic things like snap pop to put in a boat,
art moving in it, and this restaurant is way top heavy, so it Latterly could have come over at any time luck, can. I got caught in its own little mornings there, but now all the rams to get off have been destroyed, going about nor about you're the boat about, and so it's like thirty feet between the fire Department which is now there and the boat with still like to utter people honour so One of the authors of the restaurant, the gentleman you are and I go outside, and the fire department slides. This latter up to the Tang right, and so it's like thirty four but we got a tie it on or somethin none of us are like see worthy Canna guys, so I'm sinner got some fine grey,
I would like my shoelaces to get this thing that stay on there and so tested a little bit and but now some he's gotta. Try as I well I tied to greatly knots. Let me let me try so I'm now, the water is raging right beneath me, and I get on this ladder. I don't know if I can show you this properly, but are the boats like here and the ladders like this, so I stood about two feet of lag up here, so I step my foot on this ladder and it goes like that like I've, got like six inches of reserve ladder now on this thing, but I am firmly on the ladder and I go screw it. I'm gonNA, Donald So I go down the ladder. I make a fine right, and so it's it's good so now my wife, my family, my friends, are all back on boats. I turn around and I'm gonna get back upon the book, and
firemen gauze, ah hell. No, I got two other people to get up about all night ladder, you're not get back on, and I got that's makes exits unbeknownst to me? There are at least twelve news stations that have now part themselves up on the hillside and they are watching all this is it's taken place, so they're all shooting me as the first one, the come off the boat right we are not going back on no longer hours, not only this parliament now, while you're the guy titanic it must be Romano, not time your Billy's AIDS gone national alike in Europe and here Seeing the newspaper this thing- and all I can do is take a shot at me as the birth of the boat yachts or I'm on talk radio the next day, and what am I
partners on there's a guy named bill, Cunningham and built running here, opens the broadcast with this last night. Chris Collins our says day, I'm the women and children ass offered and I'm tellin you I've never had anything, stick to be like the rest of my life. I wish I'd jumped in the water and been in local instead of what survey with that energy from Russia George Costanza you running out of the fire. You just push it all the women and children out of the way. So you get off first, but you know what we need you we needed, you cuz, who else is going to say: here's a guy on Sunday night, none of the other people. I think I have to retire I can stop saying you know, get you another. Just hearing you say right now. Maybe we feel like there's a football game. Go there is great, it's great! Don't what the Haters Genscher while Chris this been awesome,
were now recurrent guess you have to come on whenever we ask you to which will be frequent in the football season, which on the negotiations? Yes, I negotiations began to want to let him go right now, because a few like you know it's if someone's internet by car, you wanna keep him in the dealership we do not want to get our spoken deal right now. We just need to get our Hades appear. T pith here have been small change. I think he'll be back one line to the other side, he'll be back I'll, be back a mock. Just put Aragon, and I just got finish with deal with Eric she's too tough. I am. I am negotiating strictly with you. Two are not deal with going hearing from our attorney marlins man- yes, oh yes, yeah you want, I don't want. My parents may want down, will more Europe. We concept I will think some good. I will think of some good will make this deal work. Maybe you know what what what
Actually, I do get him a new awesome catchphrase free of charge. He does the thought and yeah yeah yeah, so will fit. Think of the free couple different levers we can put this negotiated some give here, some take their will, get back to you with our final offer. Yes, yes and you to come up with a new rascal oconnor ass. We get ass, yes, well, revenue Rascal S, press has been awesome, really really appreciate, tons of fun and now you're welcome back any time. You guys man that interviewed Chris Cars worth was brought to you by our great friends over at Bugsy genes. You ve heard, as you said, before Bugsy genes are the only genes that we were because they look. Like genes, but they feel like sweat, pants, not an exaggeration. We don't know how the guy's muggy did it, but their genes Felix. What pants that had sex with even more comfortable, sweat, pants and somehow- out popped. An awesome genes. Baby the monkey was started by slowly, who is tired of being uncomfortable in his genes. His go with them,
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The number one way to tell everyone that you're not draw guy wink. It's absolutely a great way to find out who sits its shirt. That will probably get you a lot of you I wonder if you remember those old dare serves the people used to where it s a fight. We what? What percentage of the people that were wearing those dare shirts we're doing so? I ran a clean a lot. I would say that, like the federal government or whoever was getting funding at is probably got nine percent of their budget from people who are just like big, argues, do they made a sign. Contracts is like ten year old, saying, we'd, never do drop, not legally binding and saying it's fuckin in saying this is gonna fix. It will have a bunch of fuckin kid sign these Contra just say. No just say we don't granted. We last little fool like you on the best over grave someone just showed up with contracts like let sorry man busted, you said twenty five years ago, you'd never do drugs. I we
of a new segment new signal, or must we knock your while fifty cocky on Albania? a segment alert guiding now. Ok, he was does fuck. Now, I'm actually I'm going after hanging there right now cause he's being very mean to her darling, Jake. Ok, why? How decide, beating maintain higher billiards european and in a little bit now I just on three no person today hasn't come closer. That's just what he's actually mad, not nor, of course taping reference where it I haven't. I just do not make a public for other times. I grant right. That's where there we go. Jake fights fight for yourself, a spin off, As a white guy, we have as a straight guy for Germany Ironic, Who is suing NBC, Actually has a straight guy he's saying that he's been, he has been persecuted as a straight guy for his comments made
written chicken with last year sexual discrimination, what he soon as strict as a great guy, because he said that Johnny we're has made similar comments and was fine in air was totally fine. Missy's he's gay and Jerry Runic made comments which one of which was the Patrick Sharp, is so hot. He would be fine having a threesome with him as a strike right. All I mean if it be sees gonna fire people for wanting to fuck, Patrick Sharp you're, not to be able to move about non. Can you more now, I'm in I've. Long wanted to its could be hilarious if this goes to trial right if this becomes an actual like if this becomes litigation that people have to study in the future like Germany, road is gonna have prove how strategy is It will be awesome. He's gonna bring up his porn hub search history. Shows little life show all
Dick picks, Edison unsolicited people, able, if only I hear, he's been drinking yeah. Always man gave his his. You know like little poorhouse city converted into a mini bar yeah Jeremy, german ironic fans working only how many, how many convertibles do urge? How many companies create albums you own man, that's perfect! I need to watch and see the powerpoint german proving how straight he. I hope this goes. The Supreme Court, yeah yeah, Clarence Thomas would actually asked a question about this. If it goes through that thought, I ll be ass. Marble rivers chat, isn't, as I would call as a streak. I so good job German ironic, you have done, something that I didn't leave legally think was possible as a strike and now mean that winning bid
to be involved in the gas market. Yes did. I saw when would have become Tesla Germany Rhone exceed ever threesome, Patrick Sharp. Did it look like he had truth in his eyes going on there, seeing our aid testify worth it? I guess he would warrant FIAT disprove corporate testify in a court of law about how straight he thought. Jeremy Runic is three for the transcriber that here we love our art, so we have stay. Woke, yeah he's not wicked queer they were both uneasy proves that he was like a little. You know like the young woman, who had always out the window right now. He s a german ironic, has hundreds and wants to win this court case. He has to be like. Of the charge on the Kinsey Scrooge? he s a basically be an end, so yeah years ago, although it entails a b so straight that he doesn't fuck at all right that he hates his edges. All the time yeah yeah there they're gonna, have to hook up to a polygraph, and just
like pictures in front of his face and just measure like it, does his post round him when he sees it when he sees nipple. Well, guess what Jeremy it's actually guys nipple here we have. The stay woke mark, Zuckerberg surfing, is hit the internet, and I most people are talking about. Back that he is way to March son screen. I know right away. The dude got a fucking dog he's got cheeks big time, cheeks got ass for days. He does it is. It is a dunk dunk in the truck when he's on. That's in your, I know. I think that he knew exactly where the camera was he's like looking though coyly over shorter back at the camera me like. I know you got a picture, this cake yeah. Maybe it's maybe just cake peaches back in stocks sites peach season, so he, ah, I think it's an ass implant think about this. Like Mark Zuckerberg, every famous rich person I feel like does some.
Of cosmetic surgery. You too, if you had a ton of money and you could fix something like I find a more fix it more Luxembourg is a nerd though, so he can't like go get a new face, or I M We can't just do something that so obvious what you can Who is get a big fat ass yeah I mean so sunk. No, cause like textiles are so where is he where the same thing every day? But when does he have time to squat? There's no chance mark Zuckerberg spoken input in the law and the Jews are all those banal. He was not that this does not work like that. It's not nerd bought at all, yet that's not an ivy as one of those standing death no ass. Well, if he understanding desk right now deftly spend at least thirty years of his life sitting on his ass right now it flat nothing right out. Billy reason you might be on steroids,
those like super rich stooge deftly get HIV Aids into such a big out their reality like a hundred each year like Thou, be that's like our own. I get to that level were Riah, get shot up by like a year on that- a theory actually make sense, to the timing of it. So member mark Zuckerberg went to every fifty see went all fifty states can use thing about run for president. He is. Just trying to get Congo West to pick him, as vice president, was there he is like get a big ass and Karl. You will like be attracted me like I'm off to a flamed up that might be. Finally, when no one talks about this photo is he's on electric surfboard. Yes, like I know, there's a bolt right next soon, that's like re to save him. It's that it is the galloping of surf he's doing the widest. Like I don't don't let me being the ocean by myself. You re second yeah, I'm sure he's also.
Bought what he looks like MRS Del fire when that goes out. The window stuck with other, should hear the lounge came on his face just like zones. It he's a weird looking do he is. He is the only person in the history of the world that makes its being standing up on a surfboard look lame That is the course thing you could do is beyond surfboard in Hawaii, and then you look at em outside the fuckin huge ass, the motor sick. He is linked to think that Das is as good as the fake it Tom Cruise Heaven Valkyrie number that one that we we owed, speaking of which we should vote the workshop german ironic trial that is to take, Oh god, Ass risen, dead, ass will turn anyone. Germany, if you look at Mark Zuckerberg picture for longer than two seconds Falk mayonnaise dismissed, RO, ass, ass sock, who would have thought ass, Zuckerberg, add a fuckin ass
tat. I think it's is ninety percent. The stance that is in the air, probably like a thick suck very go up. Oil other thing I had was just a, it's either new segment. It's just a new thing that we so saying, Dwight Howard note not soon not see us Dwight Howard, saying he d Instagram live and he said, do I believe in vaccinations? No, I don't that's my personal opinion, but no, I don't so. I think we just need to start their own personal opinions out there for things that people really really really should believing science. I mean to say by surprise that note Howard would have this take. No. He also said I didn't know that the krona virus be flying through the air. Looking for people ok, I mean that's true as yeah. It's probably is not looking for people exactly know. It is up there like tiny little go you actually they are here. That's viruses are definitely are looking for host body looking for bats and took a wrong turn. Crews and urges look
four brows to hang out with, but my personal opinion, yet no vaccinations, Dwight Howard, that's a mean, come on we'll just caught that before he said drawing our The actual no backside vaccine might go back over vaccine much I'd may I'd, say given to give more shot everything cha cha, cha, cha, fucking, double it up might as well. I love that once we know the shots dogs, yes, what are ip he went out to champion. We think we're about play the game. We don't know. This is out of my way. Funnier. If you lose fuck, I what do you played against Dana holders in her? Yes, yes, yes, twenty twenty one, even though, is not every yes or no twenty right. Twenty twenty twenty one
Guy is my. Has its own future, so comfortable will exist. Gas twentysomethings act with this, I ah we will see ever on Wednesday stay tuned, because we have Billy's monologue overtake on me that he's gonna have to do everything. Willingness final thoughts coming up next love! Yes, my foot so forepaws, not at my senior for policies, is not happening. Some living of post football life where I like my careers, are actually really messed up. My life cycle so usually moist preparing for the fall. Like I work out, you sorry like fluctuation. We serve Eliza Report are always plan. Will follow up this point now that it's gone, how to operate in a way select, for example, like I used to get fat winter, and then I trimmed down by proposing here, but now it's not coming personalities. Fact, whenever reasons inaccurate hat is get really hard. Renault's do so it's how we're, I think I'll drive you like science teacher football coach Desert Ass, a mother. I guess I can't be special forces and I wondered if he is actually really inquiry tat. Poor people are recognised as regards keeping steel beneath nowhere. Other plan offers our view of where I would have made me feel like four five and size teacher proposed hook, and it's really hard closures.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-26.