« Pardon My Take

Cowboy Joe West, NBA Playoffs & NFL Draft Recap/Grades

2022-05-02 | 🔗
The Bucks win Game 1 and Hank isn’t putting his mini whomp button away.(00:02:34-00:15:17) We talk Grizzlies/Warriors and some hockey (Biz coming Wednesday). (00:15:18-00:24:38) Who’s back of the week including recap from Saturday Night at MSG Taylor vs Serrano. (00:25:41-00:39:06) MLB Ump Cowboy Joe West joins the show to talk about his career, his music albums, stories from the road, and how he never made a bad call. (00:40:01-01:29:53) We finish the show recapping the NFL Draft and give out grades for a bunch of teams from the weekend.(01:30:42-01:57:34)
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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On today's pardon my take cowboy Joe West. The umpire that ah bothered all of us for very many many years joins a show, great interview. Ah he he doesn't take any shit, he doesn't take any shit and it was a fun time to talk to him. Some great stories told where it's ok, little MB, eight to start we're, gonna talk a little who's back and then after cowboy Joe West were to give out our draft AIDS and our recap, the Friday and Saturday of the NFL draft rounds too through seven ah great weekend of sports. Before we do all that cross country it's still throwing away money on rent every month. You just sitting on the bench cross country, more put you in the game and you'll be part of a championship. Teen cross country Mars. Has a team of loan officers dedicated to getting the best possible loan terms available. They have an average closed.
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Day may seconds and the self x or dare say those are the nets, those on the net snow acts are not been at sea. break for Hank today. This was Zalm is a rough way to start the series. Now you I think the next game becomes a must windfall. Yeah. By the way, we're gonna talk, NFL draft after Cowboy Joe West, where do MBA and whose back and talk about the fight it Madison Square Garden that we all whereat. But, let's start with salt Xbox not to be reductive, Hank put turns out, be Tal matters being told matters. I might have been a little bit overconfident. I'd probably should have no not underestimated Bobby Portas. Dude Chris
the ice by what Lady port Bobby pores puts on those tactical glasses dude. You look at awesome. I saw a tweet during the the game someone's like Bobby Portis has had his glasses sitting on like the scores table. She was sitting out somewhere for a couple of minutes and I'm surprised. No one has tried to it went, and I was like wait yeah. Why didn't anyone try to that the player absolutely still and throw it into the stands which? What is the deal with glasses? What makes them so much better? Does he think he can see? Is there like a heads up display on it? Where he's like it's like, virtual reality or, like reality, augmenting glasses, were his teammates get highlighted. Agree web filters get it I will read out will be sick. He did get bigger poked in the eye and the bull serious. So it's I think its preventive or whatever the word would peanut supper. We, I guess it is to get it to get more poked in the eye, it's like when, when real one hat and we're broke his nose, he put the mask on and then he was like a different dude with mass. I think porters just has to keep the glasses. Even he does have crazy eyes. Bia Hank turns out height matter
ah it's came one, that's not overreact, but I was thinking about it and I was like yeah this. It does seem like the box or just way bigger, and then I looked at the actual height, and they have three starters that are bigger than any one who plays any minutes on the Celtics Bobby Portas. Janius and Lopez are all over six ten and turns out basketball. Height matters. You gotta go up against a team that running all big. You have to be able to shoot. You have to make her jumped shots, though there are children and so do. I guess guess how many to appoint fuel goals. The Celtics made. I saw the tweet, so I saw Kirk Goldsborough our friends, so I dont did anyone not see it and wants to guess I don't want to do is give it away, as I also know it, Hank.
Ten years how they made a guideline, you cited in the lowest amount in Celtics history, so called very said. The Celtics have never as a franchise had less than fourteen to point feel bulls maiden game they attend. Today they played six thousand. Six hundred and thirty total games. So that was what I was going to say like spins one is. I would much rather lose a game where you play like absolute dog shit great play worse than lose a game you playing really well and the other teams beat you like the Celtics played, bad jail in Brown was so bad Jason Tatum didn't play well, on this point. Why aren't you all like their deepens? The plan was very very good. They basically were like she go ahead and shoot threes and anytime you get in the paint we're just going to be taller and bigger than you and make sure that Jayson Tatum doesn't have the ball in his hands. Did the honest pass to himself to that hurt cause he basically Jonas is so good. He had a triple double and he had that pass off the backboard where it was just an mba, all star game
he was just like that was that was a big brother. Little brother is emasculating yeah. That was that was. I can do anything I want watch me. Do this cool? I kind of agree with Hank, though, that if so, it's the first game of the net series when the Celtics replay nets, the nets losing that close game felt like real bad. It's like that's a game that you should have won in this one. You can like burn the tape and be like that's an aberration and we're going to be a completely different team, and that's that is how the bucks play defense. Just in general, I think they had the most three pointers attempted against them by far tales by broker or franchise record by missing and shooting a million for three pointers. I have a spin zone for you to Hank. I actually think that that was a must win for the bucks, with Chris Middleton's injury, not having home court advantage like the bucks needed that win. If the Celtics went on Tuesday night, I don't think that's. I think this. I already think the series is going seven, so I wouldn't freak
out, but it was the the pass off the backboard. It was tough that I. I also think that in a weird way, Marcus Smart gets better the more injured he gets because he needs to find stuff to like be pissed off about. now. It's like. Ok, it's me against my own by he is like the he had two injuries right there folder and then he also layered his leg on the same play like the knight in Monty Python. Where he's like, it's just a flesh wound, I got this yeah like he's. Gonna get fired up because the story is going to be like KEN Marcus, smart overcome this tremendous if the pain is going to have to play through right and Marcus is going to be like fuck yeah, I can do yeah. I can do this. I have two questions for you. Hank one is a Marcus, smart question and the green hair. How do we feel about it when things aren't going well, he needs to it was it looks sick when it's corn, rowed yeah,
took out the cornrows in it and it looks kind of crazy while it's also just like it's like when it went into the beads like it looks, it looks bad ass and it's cool when you're winning and if you're losing it's not as cool the other question I had for you, Grayson Allen still fan yeah, I mean how can he not be just watching him flop on that three pointer, and I was just the whole time I was thinking like. I hope I hope he is happy how cute in awesome he thought grace now and it wasn't like art, does the same shit out annoying person in the world. They are now Is it really gone through the checklist of like sneaky athletic, like he's actually like an athletic? Well, it was. It was the perfect grace now in play too, because he not only flopped on the three pointer, but he also like stuck out his leg to try to trip the guy hit the guy the guy and then turned that into a flop on the same play yeah. So it's Duke. How are you feeling I feel like that was have as bad of a game as you could play, and I think Jalen Brown was nowhere to be found if they play like that they're going to lose a series for nothing, but I don't think they're going to play like
next game, so yeah in a stay classy for the entire city, Boston, a whopping still on the table, medically the mini Wamp is still there. Did you see? This Hank, this is from a Jared Weiss in Ba that's his twitter handle. You can tell he's, he knows ball cause as twitter handle is Jared, Weiss and Ba. He said he does know ball. He said, of course, Celtics fans, Boo Giannis, even though he's the most lovable player in the league, how dare you how? How dare rats grasping right there Hank? This is Classic Boston. Sports fan cause you to cheer him into play in the playoff series, the guy that is going to eliminate you from the playoffs if he plays well. How can you not throw rose petals at his feet? Hank, it's disgusting. hey guys it's for your city hanging shocks, I'm an artist Why? Yes or no, I don't want it
you just now, but now I dont want boom harder, slowly, poor heart. I love that hard. We ve got to the point where its boot booing your opponents is actually bad here. It's me as I do that as an impasse. You should not be doing other people's time. Empath energy. I that was thousands of game Hague, but I think the series like this, the southern,
I forgot to go, and yes, the only thing where it wasn't like oh they're, going to want to run their their they're playing well like they played like shit all game. I have another spin zone for your throat throughout the day. I got you another spin zone. I don't think there's a harder transition going from playing the nets to playing the box, because the bucks play defense. They have an identity. They actually like have a game plan on defense and they're, really really tall, whereas the nets were like hey. Let's just let's try to shoot this. Our way to victory and not play any defense, not protect the rim, so there you go. That was like night and day. It's probably very it's a shock to the system to have to play the Milwaukee bought Box after a series against the Brooklyn Nets Boom, fun fact, pack on it and arguer of Massachusetts, Dude, that's a very fun fact: yeah he's also recurring guest who in if the bucks win it again, while I'm back on the ice and at like twenty five times through the did
I was, I had I'd, have it on mute because I was, I was doing parenting, so I had to like pretend I wasn't watching, but I was watching so by I missed all the who's doing. The call was you know, was more Omar Jackson by the way, Doris Burke and I dunno who Lebron James for actually getting Mark Jackson he's gonna go to the Cancun eggs here and I think we're still said that I think we're still had the theory correctly that it was like Leubronn doesnt actually want. Mark Jackson is a coach clutched just once Mark Jackson to coach period so if they throw it out, there's someone will hire in also Lebron James Prillie pump to be playing against more Jackson, so many times in a year, yeah Zodiac can we prefer get him. I guess close to where I play is possible, so I can just dump on him so prediction. I think I'm actually also happy cause. I was thinking about betting, the Celtics to win the the title, and this now gives me a better price yeah, which I appreciate that where's, the panic button nowhere to be found no earlier and even how pass I am so like the though many want botanist still are you look
If reviews online like product reviews for for the panic button or you just like completely- doesn't exist in your world, you have to put that many walking away when game one game two and get on a roll that that they haven't found their game and if they find it, then it's going to be rap yeah. That's the that's what the books are going to continue to do so they just John after just go now how Indiana Afghanistan, well, he did have a triple double I mean yours is: is the guy in the MBA where like? If he is playing well, there's literally, nothing that you can do there's nothing. The only thing you can do to defend. Giannis is, if you like got his brother gave him a bunch of stir. Freud's and then just used like his own genes against him yeah. I don't think there's not there's no other person and player in the area. That is that big that strong that talented? I I wonder, I I think that we've all decided the
honest is best player in the NBA right now. Like I don't know, if that's debate anymore, it does feel like after every game people have to debate it. I think I just because you're honest to nice. If he was meaner, I don't they could be a debate here I mean like he's. He like people still are holding back like oh yeah, but this guy got killer, Gi Bananas has the killers, you just will also kill you and then say it dad joke. yeah. This is like he is a guy that is so nice that if you leave him off, if you don't mention in the end, be begun. Precision, public yea, well. You've got a tough job to do. That's really hard to decide who the Mvp is. I'm glad that you picked one of the other guys are very talented and then tell like a like a knock knock joke. Yeah we're.
Everyone will laugh and then run away. John bead will just be like yo that trash yeah. They didn't vote from you, your trash human, but a shadow jaw and bead for doing a better job than the doctors cause after he got his face, broken against the raptors on gay, whatever night that was Wednesday night and Thursday night Thursday night yeah Thursday. He in the postgame he's like, I think I broke my face and it turns out so that sucks fulfil, can you not play with a broken face? I think it's kind of horror and your genome heard on your face, though mg shoots with his hand, which is also broken the other rest and a face together. That's us he's he's the mommy. Don't I feel like you should be able to play with a broken face you sk on right yeah, I oughta tower orbital bone. I dont know like that your- I saw you, I imagine that like hurts every time you step are you sneeze? That's probably the worse, and yet he culture would deftly gophers face. Yeah
me personally, I would play with broken face. I'm just build different. I would to absolute. I brought you could break both my eyes and still plenty. I could I think, if I broke my face my day to day, life would not be any different and it is right now. I don't know I'm trying to think like see how I'd still play yeah broken Anko I'd still poor it out. Sprain Nagel, no spray make alma high calls for no law ankle, sprains, kidney stones gas either. One of us know the birth of a child dome asthma, gas Jones Fracture did Miss by gas slip. Disk play ye, I dont I'd, say were way tougher than any player in any legal faces. Nothing, you know, walk a face off at dude is either you know you do with a face. You,
Can you go and get a bucket of ice and you put your face in it for a minute and not only is it fixed, but you looked lot: skinnier yup, that's it! It's pretty basic structural yeah, okay, so many whopping still out not worried at all. I think the series is can go the distance. I also think this is going to be a great test of has Jayson Tatum fully arrived because he will take over some of these games and then we'll be like. Oh yeah he's really fucking good. That's that's my prediction, but I don't know who the fox can win this series because it is going to be I think I can go seven. Then there was shot worse grizzlies. Ah, while I don't know where to start because I'm still upset, I had warriors minus two grizzlies crises timorous so quickly from from fun. That was a crazy ending to that game. So I actually put is perfect for this game because it turns out that the warriors do know how to close out a game. Unlike the Timberwolves who Karl Anthony towns, that three point shot
I just live in my head forever he's a cycle and there are people who are defending it being like you, we've never seen a big man shoot this. Well, it's like dude. He shot. We were like four seconds into the shot clock. He shot. Thirty five footer when they all I needed was a bucket and every time he was in the post. They were doubling him and someone did point out. Timberwolves fan dip went out. You can w Karl Anthony towns because half the time he'll throw past like ten rows up, which is air, but that timber rules like that- I guess you just say there so young and dumb- that that was TAT was Astir Series or, though grow from it. But I was disappointed. I want games yet. Will you do learn more from your mistakes? Ain't you from your victories. That's yet
I always say, and they made so many mistakes in that series they're either going to come back next year and be like really smart figure out how to win in the playoffs or they're, just that's who they are and they're going to continue to be the. I hope that they continue to be the dumbest, because the games that they play and are it's like you've, never seen a game basketball before they bloom them. They blew. I think, for three. Fourth quarter leads in that series and they did it in spectacular fashion. It was a ten point lead going into the fourth quarter and I bet the Timberwolves. I was like yeah this not going to be a win yeah if chance, but I think just either one of those teams, the grizzlies or the t, wolves they're, just going to be the fun team to watch regardless chaotic at this game. This game had a lot of chaotic energy. Draymond green got ejected on a play where he fell, the guy it was actually is the perfect Draymond Green play yeah because he smacked a guy in the face grabbed. His jersey threw him down onto the ground.
twice on the same play and then got kicked out of the game ran around the arena. Basically, flipping off the crowd was awesome and then he ran into the tunnel and went and record a podcast yeah. That's the Draymond Green Hatcher. It's the perfect, the air and the warriors one yeah, which is like the craziest part, because you think, like oh no they're in trouble with him out but yeah. That was that was a soft flagrant two, but it also is one of those situations where Draymond Green has a reputation well, there are always going to call it that way. Yeah. You know what I mean like. It was probably the right call to make, but it was is very funny because, right before that happened, Jeff Van Gundy was just just deep throat in him just being like this, Oh, what dreaming Green is done with his game. He's got smaller. He does all the little things correctly that helps when games and they like two seconds later. He was just mugging your guy just ripping his jersey I'm onto the ground? Yes pity I was crazy game, the ending I am
there is less reviews in the end of game situations, but it was not formed at the rafters, just both rafts or all three rough just decided. Ah, we don't have the balls to make a call here on. The outer bounds would like six seconds left yeah and they did jump all instead after they Thompson miss both free throws, which I mean it was a ninety percent on the earlier crazy. So at that, in, at the end of the game. Call that you were talking about when it it wasn't. Even that close of a call to know you just have to say we talk about players, not being clutch. All the time those refs are not clutch a recount. That was a clutch moment where you have to step up and make a call.
and they choked they choked, whether God they just gotta the boat out of bounds. And then you see all the reps look at each other and there's a look on her face like oh, my god. I hope this other guy. He asked the call and nobody did all UK you can do with jumper now going to jump off their no. When it was so clear I I think this might be a whopping real site that was the perfect set up for the grizzlies. I know that it was emotional to come back after two days after winning a game. Seven or six in Minnesota put stuff was in foul trouble. Clay was in foul trouble dream on got, kicked out before the half time. Georgia Jackson hit like all, is threes John ran Shotwell and they still exist. They could have one too. At the I know I do my job Moran had an a look tat. He wanted. I just feel like that. Was the game like they had everything gone their way from a rough perspective and dream on being out their player. Not in it. There player the night. From last week, Billy's Billy basketball player, the nine zero was court sign up.
And it is an awesome or like arena and crowd, but I dunno I I think there might be a woman in in place or it's just not the same. When they don't play the games inside the Bass pro shop inside the pyramid, yeah a fun weekend would be fun Sunday. I wish there was a game on Saturday we do have by the way people are like, hey that the Stanley CUP playoffs are about to start and we're going to have biz for an extended portion on Tuesday. He's gonna stick around for guys on checks. So get your questions in I am just I. I there's some people who are calling me a turncoat because I'm rooting for Canada, I don't the WAC Oxford one of the worst teams, the NHL. Why would I why? Why would I root for another team, I'm shooting for Canada yeah? So I I've I'm rooting for my pocket book. First and foremost, obviously the capital's right, it's a bummer that we're playing against the Panthers, because I want to go to the garden I wanted.
See to play off games at the MECCA and just Florida that you talk about a whopping. I feel like Florida. Just gonna want everybody yeah, so I am rooting for the guy was obviously but then I've got the leafs as my one future, but the other that I put in is the Rangers an end. The narrative that I want to get going we'll talk too busy about this. Obviously, but I think that now that the Rangers don't have long quest anymore and I ve got a clutch play off goalie, this is what they been missing over all the years and this guy ego is gonna, get him to that weight. So let me get this straight, so the Rangers play where they played the MECCA, o gateway masses were garden behind their best player. Forever is out. There is done gone gone. Well, he and now they're gonna win it all. You've got to be a theory for that. No, I don't think so either it's a thing that I made upwards like you miss your team from New York loses clearing than they actually get better as a team, because the focus is an all we have one day, yeah I hadn't baseball, which was the Bryce hypothesis. Where
after we got to him than the gnats when the title yup absolve figure It's about it talk about it, think about it with something with hockey, but yeah, I'm going. I have leafs flames and oilers and you can better mall in the barstool sports for plus three thirty for any of them to win, I'm bringing it home. I just want like it would be cool. If Canada won a cup, it's been what forty years something it's coming home, its common home, I'm excited for the birds. I was excited when I first heard your name, you Jai out there what states about the time to start to an end, but the other one I put a huge bet on we're talking, I'm in a sort of speed It's in all the unlocking as the wild. I put a huge huge on the wild I'll be pulling with the wild fans. I want to see it's that those are the sports towering, also, Canada. Those the best sport store is basically Canada, curse teams, curse, franchises, curse, cities, but isn't wouldn't you say that, like Canada's occurs country when it comes to Stanley, yes. Yes, I only want to coupling ninety force and ninety three trainer member. I did. I did Anthony arises from a dozen we a couple months ago
I love our culture or can I think Minnesota's even one cup? No, they don't. We haven't yeah so where that we're all the hockey player come from, that they ve never won a cup kindly ninety three, the Canadians, that's the last time we don't draft just from regional and Canada problem is, I had it does have a lotta hockey players have, in fact, if you grow up in that area, don't you are like play for the home team but see there? This thing called the draft, and so the teams all select from a giant pool of players across the country and they make them move to their city. They have a salary cap too. I think most guys want to play for the most money they yeah there's money, that's involved to so between money and free agency and the draft and then you can see how it might be difficult for hometown guys to play for their teams, but like also they do have preferences in negotiations right. But under that same thinking, Toronto would win every Stanley cup. Now the canadian dollar. It's when we look at when you look at it like a magazine or a book,
Canadian money is always higher, so they technically get paid more money to play in Canada, shocking. They haven't, won yeah hm hm hm finance, so yeah we're going to do a full full of Stanley CUP Playoff Preview with biz on Tuesday, which will be a game in, but that's okay, I'm also. I also love the Stanley CUP. I mean who doesn't love Stanley CUP playoffs, but it's such a refreshing thing to look at the skin will inhabit, not be the mb, a schedule where it's like every other night. You know like alright, where to get in the series and we're going to fucking. Do this that yeah, I I to start like we need to do some sort of like endurance training, because you forget how late those? Stanley CUP play off. Teams goes on when they overtime and there's like is one three overtime game and it keeps you up until I too am I'm not physically ready for that in the one like the one thing I dumb stupid idiot me, the biggest future I put was the flames they play out west yet stuff.
fuck that stuff, absolutely fucked or anything else from we're going to talk about the fight and who's back anything else from M B a or hockey shout the Mets? They got a no hitter good job and where do the whole draft recap after we have Joe S, which is an incredible interview. Let's do who's back the week who's back a week brought to you by our friends at Coors light it's a hectic time,
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as through and through can't wait for Coors light all summer long, alright, Hank who's back the week are the New England. Patriots are back in a big way. Are you doing draft? Ok? No! I was going to mention that you know you can people I don't know I wasn't. There wasn't technically draft related, but you got your Billy's apertures There was a lot of hate now, but I heard it in order to cover machine Jude. The greatest covering quarterback of all Well that way eyes ass. He is a beast. it has a noodle arm in the fall. You know I'm not a huge draft nick. I don't care too much about what like to have the people that cover the draft say, but I saw some bad grades for the, travel getting to that later, but obedient first reported that we're getting Debo, so we're gonna be well on live,
Yes, he said on Saturday night breaking news breaking problem to the Patriot Deputy Patriot, wtf fff yeah. I I think it's pretty clear what happened there, which is Odell Beckham back and get fucked up, and then he just society, who's gonna, start rumours. I just pull. I believe that the exact yet he I tried to get him on the podcast cause he bonded much I dunno. Why pick picked now put he said your tweet? I was like it's good to know it's good to see that on that. Our athletes, like multi million dollar star athletes, are just like us and get bored and just decided troll on Twitter because, like that's really what his doing he was bored and he was like. Oh I'm just going to get everyone upset by tweeting about this. That's not gonna happen and it's going to happen I hear literally said he was trolling, though like a team, was sought. Dude speaking, he definitely heard something from somebody like somebody made a phone call, and so then Was I you know what I'm fucked up like? I can I'm pretty good at a dinner,
I even if there are no typos in a tweet, I can always tell when somebody's drunk when they send a tweet yeah. That was the tweet of a drunk man. While he said back to me, I'm a good dude with for ease. I just love be asking with like five jeez like the rest of us serious, I need to be all the emotions, like the rest of us, sorry for the job. Yet Loki Hockey fucked up is a king. A shit posting yeah, yeah, Scott Miller does a good job. I was very good but yeah that that kind of got everyone going he's and then obviously all the I loved watching, all the reporters quote treatment no. Yet this is not an exact like think they got cardiac they're they're more plugged into somebody, which is that this is not true. It was Tom Palliser again, if I was a rapporteur said no yeah, although I would. I would love to see how Bilbil check would use him and that's the office would just be Debo SAM
you probably have depot similar playing, quarterback, yes and just be like okay. Debo gets the ball every play, yeah yeah, so maybe maybe it was spoken into existence ANC. I think so. Okay, fifty years back? It's kind of draft related, but it s. Okay, the Cypriot Texas, Texas, his back Texas, football is officially by When I say back, I mean back to where they weren't twenty fourteen win for the the only time in the last seventy years they went through an entire NFL draft where they did not have a player to retire hurt. How is that possibly the big twelve headed down year in general in terms of people get drafted I recall that region Robinson is gonna, be high traffic next year will be here. We, so there are a couple of guys that they're going to reload with and I'm sure they'll be fine next year, but it's just very funny to me how how how is that even possible for the University of Texas to to be so bad at college?
football. Is that you can't get any one draft, it's very very hard, and I like it, makes me think that, thank God that I root for a team that I just know there are always at least be in alignment yeah like I'm, always, okay cause. I won't have to deal with that embarrassment yeah, something something these change in Austin. Yes, it's very funny. They watch because they still think that they are the Yankees yeah, that's ought to Texas Football fans is like we're. Now we're not dead were working to come back and we do we're gonna, be like all of them. Think about that too, like the like just the difference between Alabama Entire Georgia, who had what five where's in the first round, yeah in Texas, zero in seven round, was people in Austin. No blame Nick saving are his wife. You know you really blame. Khazars rumors that, like Nick Saban's wife, was how shop your Austin when he was just very clearly trying to drive the price of his contract at Alabama, blame the realtor that took around like what kind of shitty houses was she shown on that trip to make her be like
I'd rather live in tusk, elusive in Austin, yeahs yeah. I we should have liked there should be no lurk. Zilla should be able to spy on coaches. Wives agreed spin like ass. She just popped up Villa here for no reason agreed. Kazoo doesn't just go on so a random, oh yeah. Sometimes it is Google coaches, wives, yeah yeah ok, my whose back is. I have two's back. Why
is Nick forces back he's back on the free agent market and he's been released by the bears? It was very funny, like the wording of it, was like Nicholls appreciates with the bears did here, because basically, they ve tried to train them for two years, and I couldn't ah, but it also, it is the end of August, just feel still counts, but Ryan Pace. I went back and looked at posts Cutler. He had five years. He signed five quarterbacks just unfilled as part of this, for a total of ninety million dollars, MIKE Linen for he paid eighteen and a half million to mature risky twenty nine million Nick False twenty one, any dont in ten just fields. Eleven tat was all the Ryan pace. That's that's actually impressive. To be able to do that. Five different quarterbacks starting a game yeah five year span. It's very classy too. Well, I mean, as a commanders fan, I've had periods where it's like yeah ten in the span of three years. That saw its impressive that most of those guys are high
skies, though yeah like to be able to sign that many people for over ten million dollars each like. That's you that's a lot of whiffs yeah as a ton of whiffs, but it was very classy the way that they say goodbye to them. Yeah, thanks for all the Memories Nick eggs, neck, you're, free to go, hopefully improbable when a super, knowing the bears I've got here. You will go latch on somewhere else and then, when it yeah commanders inside of you have got to get the gang back to get worse and why not just breathing down and then my other who's back is a John skipper. I saw him at Madison Square Garden. He looked at me and then walked the other way, but I hadn't seen him since we met with him and he canceled a barstool van talk. It was too bad. His eye. I had a long day a parenting on Saturday, so I really could he used a bump. So I wish I had been able to talk to him, but he's back he's back Billy, my whose back is boxing theirs yeah fine masses were guard one we're out exactly how I wanna hear your guys takes, but a man to surround us. First Katy Taylor went the full.
Rounds, went to a decision. It was a slugfest. The blast thirty seconds or Electric GIS, absolute slugfest, I think what we on the last Jake Paul car with a man, sir, on his eyes, those fights are extremely electric in women's boxing and the first had by women fighters in masses were garnets hundred forty year history that was the only women's fight that night. There is also a French on crews, discern who beat Ellen scenarios for those per Walter. Wait always you all now, if I am not a thousand artist slugfest yes, so women's boxing up, so we were all there. It was one of the coolest like environments, it was the fans, the probably what would you guys say? Seventy percent Irish It is important we can. I am, I think, was closed or the middle way out of a fifty, fifty and and both fan bases were like. So I bet don't run on.
and then before the fight? We were around a bunch of irish people that were all drunk as fuck and waving flags. I was like I wish that I'd bet to kill Taylor, because I want to be able to root with these fun, loving irish people when, if she eventually one but then the porter weaken people around me, they were essentially just like the irish people. dancing and having a great time it was incredible environs. In there, and it was I mean it's the best fighter. I've ever seen live in person. It was awesome, it was there's nothing like a big fight feel, and it just lived up to that. Like the walk ins were awesome. Katie Taylor Song was great. kind of put everyone to sleep. She had bagpiper cement. She, while I sit around or ready for that that surround us walk. It was unbelieving credit well I was in then it was like alright bagpipes like she's going to come with some bagpipes people are gonna, lose their mind yeah. She had like a very slow like I kept waiting for something for it to drop. I kept waiting for
the real music geography, tittering, her walk, and yet, when it was, it was an awesome, awesome experience. I do think that it was closer than I think. Whatever I've been on a mandatory serenity of sheep that fifth round she almost she almost had but Kate, Taylor's incredible. She got stronger the more she got punched in the face. Yeah, her stamina was insane so yeah. That was that was a really really fun night. Fifty got robbed kind of I didn't get rob yeah by the mad lads. This result his wild, so I go to the concession stand and Hank as a kind of behind me little bit. I think you you'd already gotten your food, but I'm waiting to get mine and the guy takes my idea, cause, I one or two beers a sandwich. He looks a mighty mighty. It turns out its expired by like a month's music. I can't sell this to you and The guy, that's behind me in line is with a group of like for other irish guys he's as Irish did drunk a shit a campaign for a sandwich campaign for your bears, put it on my tab, and so they like
it on his tab and then he leaned in give me a big kiss on the cheek like a wet kiss on the cheap he's ideas, lads, craziness, lads insane I don't know I didn't know what was going on. So he ends of ordering like two hundred dollars with a beer is like I'm paying for all that they serve all or be to us and then I'm waiting on my sandwich and there's a big commotion going on behind the register. The dude walks with a guy that works are walks over to his eye do you know those guys agree with, and I was like. No I'd literally just met them in law he's a but they paid for out of stuff. You have to know I mean I was like no. The guy just saw that my deal was expired. He's like I want to buy this guy's beer is irish. He was like they just walked away with all the beers and didn't pay me anything Did he caught his Madge Over was like yeah, someone's gonna pay for all these beers? and I was but I'll even drink the day they took the berserk. We think you know him
I think I dunno the guy. Oh no, I was like I'll pay I'll pay for my b, so I ended up paying for my entire thing after they'd already served it to me just because I didn't want this guy to get fucked over, yeah does legendary move, but by the irish blow. Tat is great. That's fucking awesome. It was the great fight a great night economic is alive and come up this week we got Canelo jobs is, above all the. How would you although we think in they were you you're, obviously like sitting there is a family you're doing yeah yeah yeah we're on Dave, Robbie and I, and in Kilburn RON Ron, an alternate broadcast, make sure you buy our pay per view. Link because that's how you can listen to us we're going to be in Vegas. I I was thinking about it, because obviously I mean I love boxing, I'm a boxing fan, but I don't I'm not an expert, but I did say- and I think I would have- I would have been right about this in the fifth round. I was like, I think Sarah Serrano, just punched herself out, like she's fucked, cause that that was the moment. So I think it would have gotten that right and then everything else probably would win
wildly wrong. But if you get one thing, that's actually the story of what happened in the fight we did at the moment she will say it's over. She was hitting her so much that she was getting tired and you saw empty the tank on her saw Katie as who, as a fight, went on. She got stronger and stronger or maybe she's getting like less tired than than a man was in. It was men. It's actually like being on a drug winner in like a full boxing environment like that, where the crowds crazy? Anyone in like you're trying to get someone to finish, like your finish and finish them and everyone gets up. I also my only story for me was I. I sat next to Molly Molly, the meatball who's, a barstool sports athlete who we will have on the show- and I think a couple of weeks and and she, if you don't know or she's a u F c fighter, very very good, just won her last fight. She has like curry,
is the elbows it knocks people out and she just throws them around like it's a joke like she, I she was rooting for the guy who fought before the the title fight the Liverpudlian yeah Liam Smith, and I was like I like- and I dunno, if I'm gonna root for this guy and you just shocking elbow right. Might that he might be she asked and, like I, like, I'm gonna caught my brother, what the factories like yeah, yeah, yeah, for him. I was like okay. I guess I am. I met her for the first time in person when she was in the office. I think last Thursday and I went up to shake her hand and was like hey. What's up, I'm Pft and she gave me a shoulder and she was again as I used to tell people to shoulder charging soccer. You put your base. I was acknowledged,
I know that is that's. That's how she said hi to me, which is like knocking me off balance. She she got in a fight without a fight, but she got in an argument with the dude in front of us and the whole time. I was like this. Dude has no idea like he's going to get fucking smoked, kill him yeah, so that's gotta, be pretty cool to be molded me pawn just walk around like talking shit, knowing that you can just elbow someone to death. She she did a fake one to like the guy turned back around and she like she liked. Did this right next to his head, like you're, that close body to get knocked out so she's awesome and okay, let's get to it, we got cowboy Joe West incredible interview after that, we'll do a full draft breakdown of the whole weekend draft grades. Everything before we get to cowboy yoest, though we got one talked about our great friends over at sport clips,
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Ok, we now welcome on a very special guessed. It is the one the only cowboy Joe West he has a podcast new podcast out. It's called the Joe West Podcast it launches on May second, it's gonna be great. I'm very, very excited you are on your cause. My clay born is is also on the pie. Cast Let's start there, what made you think I need a podcast, because I wanna hear Joe s thoughts, com excited like you do is world ready for unfiltered cowboy, Joe West oil. think it has to be unfiltered attack. The kangaroo tell the truth like it was MIKE Labour and gave me any says. You know all the stories you told me over the years. He says you should you should go I'm out there, where everybody can hear him. He says, because you have a wealth of knowledge in all the years and people Did you around you? You have a story about
reset it to everyone, and he here My share and I've known them for years in the chair, mostly my stories about the country, music artist, that I hang around with and labour last year, the stories about the ballplayers and the managers What does he went to many Caesar? Try this if it works and we have fun will will keep doing it. Evidently wall was he get. Where was his idea was his brainstorm? We ve, They done now three so far and they re a people that have agreed to come on in talk are all summits is just really really neat, and it just shows you that all umpires aren't you know what masters in I alike and you are a country singer, I'm a fan of your of your musical career, a big fan of out at home. That's my favorite single that you ve got redone, recording new country music. Are you gonna get
in the studio. Soon I think we'll go back in the guy that did that diamond dreams. Album was George Joneses Piano player for thirty years. His name was can't goods and it came one day he said there and I always set in with them. Where I saw you came to me one days. Don't you do a baseball stories? what you don't like my singing He said no less. That at least is what you got some great stories. We could put some background music didn't tell these stories in the so that that was his idea. So, and I thought that that Alan came over a good and he he got even Pennington put all music behind it. It was kind You got a lot of stories in their summer, funny somewhat more seriously than man among restores had been told over an hour I'll, never forget the one story about Johnny its owner our job album to tell the story return. Would we golf term together
and I told it to Larry. Gatling Larry picked up the phone. They pushed about no right Emergencies is gonna. Tell me about the first time you ever hear against Bob Gibson amnesia he says yeah. I remember that he says it was the weekend of my first year in a big links and he says what my dad was a you know: semi problem, He used to walk by the tv set on Saturday in says. I can hit that guy, you know, the game. The wheat was only game on at that time, rail You only had one game and is dead when any later another pitcher be other new say I can hit disk guy Johnny says he grew up. Thinking staggered in any back. So of course Johnny goes the big losers, the next hot shot. He stole guys out from his knees, the first three games and said they got like five yards.
and then they go down and Saint Louis for the weekend and the first guys on the man was Bob Gibson. He said he said the first pitch got over so fast. He said I just fledged strike one. Second, please he he's not stupid. He threw it. There again strike and the third pledges of Islam around a corner strikes me I'm his walk back that had taken the ban on my shoulder and he says he started laughing and his manner was Fred Hutchinson, Fred started. Yelling bench was so damned funny he pieces Dad can hit this. That's mothers, is one of the story. Is a story about right: let's go in there, this stories about Lasorda, and I mean total array of people that you made in this game. I'm a member of the Gatt managed the the Red Sox. Grady little came out the mail one day and they just put in this thing about the pace. Again, you won't speed up. The hitters will speed up the pitch on the game to move fast.
in greater what that means? You know Joe this pace. A game is conducive to the way the two were. Should you don't? You don't even know what that means, and he said I know somebody told me to tell you that that's great, he mentioned sorta a second ago I have to, age that he was pretty colorful. Sometimes I here we were lucky enough to meet Tommy. When you start, and I mean half the stories he tells are about how he tried to get in fights with everybody that ever met. Did he ever actually were you afraid when Lasorda would come out there that, like this, is It might actually take a swing on me. No no effect fact homage. Only one time he shut out album in garbage of your album, but if you'll just quit, umpiring yeah that's a great line, and I said I said you know telling me that if, if I thought you'd write the check, I might think Well that! But since I don't trust you, because you don't pay for anything, I'm not going to go over that what he was quite the character
in Indiana. He had a photographic memory. He met you the first time Are you or your wife? Were you and your kids? What He would remember here and he had a knack for for remembering everybody's that he was. He was a genius that way yeah and he and he was for Dodger blue. He was the epitome he was. He was really that that interesting. You know we had to kick his pitcher out of the game in a play off one time, Jay how for he had pine tar on his glove and and I asked him after the game they said. Did you put time during your glum? He said all the time I needed the help me leave it so who, who amongst you're, try goals would, you say, was maybe your biggest rival in terms of a manager. That's like hey this day. If I'm gone, this teams games, I know there's a chance, you might get into it and it's every you know through the years you might respect them, but you knew you were gonna. Get you get an ear full and maybe have to toss them from time.
At the time. Well, er. We were never finished the game. I was in only had him in two games in spring training- absolutely mad about them, but Dick Williams was was tough. away with Dick Whims- was a great manager that you got it realize he was like a Gun everywhere he went he one they want. Still. He one would open one with the progress You want a module. fired him when they were first place He said one day says I don't care were sent home plate exchange and learn. He said care. What you call if it goes against me, I'm coming out there well sure enough about the third inning there's a run down and is their basement. Salazar didn't get out of the way in which we call obstruction and put the run on Thursday. Theory came for he could get to the dirt landfill I see what you said you come out here. You know you're wrong history, screamed and do the math, but yeah I mean this. It's amazing each see
some of the most my men people? Turning do you know the incredible hawk on this? play him because any gonna realise these guys are trying to win right. You know of all the managers I ever was around The only one that never got fired was our weaver, and yet he get kicked up all the time. he got man when Bobby Couch fasting for most objections. Yeah, you rejected Bobby Cox in a world series game that agenda judge manager in a world series gave us an extra like when you get back with the boys in the blue back in the dugout after, like while that's pretty it's like a home run in the World Series got two agenda. That was a fluke. It was check, swaying and now we call them Peter out the checks weighing them called them run around a second basin at me of the double play. So Bobby was so angry slander slammed the down on the top step of the dugout.
And it went all the way out in the middle of the infield, so I thought the hitter that struck out had had thrown it. So I went over him. Finally was Blauser Jeff Blauser and when I I'm in the whole dog ass. If he didn't do it, he did so. I said who did it and Bobby said I did it and now as it is of course your hand, so what I've always curious. What was the line? What was it was with the line you no change came to gain. like it did a guy. I have to say something specifically to throw something where was the line where it's like? I now, your God, they know where it is something the the The funny thing we ever did, I think, with Larry Young was the american gunfire Umpire deep Ripley working within a sprint Jake. and shower came in the library would do an interview and he was told him at the baseball. He rubbed the balls and now the Ripley
actually showed him a brandyball, he says this is the show. Police and then he showed in the rubble abortion. This is the word peace right after that he said he looked very ices, What do I have to say to get kicked out of the buggy and I as the Larry had actually rehearsed. This enhances call me something I'm not likewise it as it I tell him he's good. Looking that'll get, you kicked out of the game and, of course, that made the interview on a b c sports. I think one of my favorite clips of you, Joe, is your untiring en masse in Baumgartner was on the mound and you guys got into a little bit throws those like two alpha males going back and forth. It ended up in a stair down with the ages, and when I mean a staring out for the ages, you need to go watch this video. If you haven't seen already the two of you just locked eyes after, I think you caught a
walk, I believe, and they wanted a pitcher cover pitches earlier he was you ve actually was mad at me. He was mandatory through evolve in the sky was the he was upset about the pitch earlier, but one when the pitch cannon ball and now he just screamed profanity and- and he could hear it all of the infield the lamp. May I don't want to kick out a starting pitcher one? What he should be doing is go round the front where the people say, I'm sorry, but I just stared at him in Corsica, catcher buster. He says: What's goin on us and you just sit down, everything will be fine, you're taking care of it down. ads are in a staring contest because it can get awkward. Sometimes after, like the first three seconds of a stare, you it's almost like you're fighting a mental battle against yourself to not look well yeah and the pain he knew. It is wrong for me.
That's why he looked away first, but the I mean you have to realise that even a game where you're, so competitive and so has strong men. They told me they thrive on beating you. I mean there are the most competitive people in the world, like the story of APOLLO. Thirteen failure is not an option, is just not an option that day they work all year round to be the best athlete they can be in any little thing like set him off and the great players overcome the inadequacies of of everything and try to get by the best where they can? You know it's kind of funny. I imagine the APOLLO thirteen we were. We will work in Houston and now we're in this bar called Studebaker. They actually have.
Baker sticking out of the wall and we're down there and recording of having a good time. We have to work till the next night and and this cocktail waitress came over to us and we were friends with a couple of the astronauts to pull out on ESA. You know So she said: what do you do for a living and rainy Marsh Arabs as well? nationally league umpire and I'm here to work the huge last rose. Cincinnati reds. She said here and those two assholes or astronauts, and they were as regards faster, that's real task. What about? I have a couple of moments in your career that I'm wondering. If maybe you can admit that you are wrong which might be allowed to ask for famous Andre Dawson one at Wrigley. That was a point that was What I saw more beer?
of course, the one swinging my arms than they did in six innings yeah. It was yeah the Audrey does it through all of his bats, on the field, then all the Theo Van through their beers, but that was a PA. Have you ever looked back that I mean. That was unaware strikes. was that might put that was law outside you're complain about one yeah we're gonna road foreigners, sixty game yeah, we're getting pretty admit that one was a ball, no, Man, that's true Joe S eye. What about another Cubs one? Do you remember what Joe mantra with the spin move, and I actually I went and looked it cause. I was like I'm going to figure out how many times a tweet about Joe West. It's and you knew you had actually great. You had great align skills. You you, you didn't beat by the spin move. What would happen when a when a manager would get like right in your face. Was it like how? How would that go in your head, where it's like we got to
de escalate this put. I'm also Knocker just back down. Well enough, you know? What you're in a position of authority and you have to realize That position is a delicate point, because you cannot be overbearing and you cannot escalate the fight or the argument or what and- and there have been times when you have, if somebody on a name. I don't want to go and then We terms when they want to get kicked out. I, the design was just a good move to kick him out and give him his way. Or do I leave him in the game I mean I can remember Eric Gregg and, Both those target can tiktok, as a hundred Isn't there playing on astroturf and Eric kept looking at it and said: I'm not kicking you out, you can do whatever you want to set my uniform on fire, but if I got stay you gotta stay, but them
The situations is partly the hardest part of the game and the new you look at it in What really bothers me today is because in both legs, you don't get to know the players and the umpires meaning your relationship with each other as as you did when I first started when you just working one Lee, I gotta Cincinnati fourteen I go to LOS Angeles three four times I go to San Diego three for TAT, one out If I go, they want right because you were both legs and he had to work all the t. So it's its harder for the players that have a report and understand. can get along with his empire. Maybe not say anything is by this there's a mean Tony Clark, The man he saw the players director for the Blair Association
The peace actually serve their employers and her friends say anything to Joe West, and then you got guys like Craig Bayonne. Migration is GSM. and I can't wait to say hello to t. You know me it is a difference in how you ve I opened the game and do you know this guy? You know. I mean, and- and it makes it makes a big difference- yeah Hill is there or is there one game that you look back on and you're like? You know what I call the perfect I'm not a perfect game. I know how to, but I mean like you personally: what's the best game you ve ever called well, I think that the best game that you you guys remember was the one with the Red Sea in the eighties wonder Alex run rigorous slept. The glove YAP version is. and we had to change because the first base umpire didn't see. So I had a run off. The board had to put Jeter back on for a all when we called him out the Yankee fans through every
in the world so my Father, the Bmw car keys at the third way somewhere? a dollar we should have taken him tried to go through the parking lot see if we could find yeah, but now we got the playwright and the media took up. What is the media doesn't take up worse? You know I mean we're getting annihilated by the fans. The media doesn't signed with this work, plans for the rest of our lives. You know I mean literally and in my experiences and I'm very lucky that I've had place in big situations where I got right. But how do you Jimmy Joyce feels about his play at first base should the the pitched at the perfect game, and yet how do you think don in your feels about the call it first?
The cardinal swear that cost him the World Series, even though they made two errors after that yeah. I think I rejoice he kind of manned up to right. After the fact he goes, I kicked the shit out of that call. I blew it. I feel sick to my stomach, I think, people, young people, its way that was voted like the him material. Orderly by so many aspects, What was it and you know what it's sad, but he felt really bad about the afternoons yeah along those lines how much Did you hate when KS one came along on t v cause that had to be a bad day for arms when the regular fans can watch and be like? Oh, that was not even close to a strike. Well, the the biggest problem with the cable system. Is it's not it's not exactly accurate, it's offline, like the best example. I can give you as they grade the umpire Xolo machine for home.
like every game. They work and they great every page that you call in a year or so before I retired, we didn't have a single umpire, not one umpire that scored a hundred. Ninety five percent. Now think about that, that means, if they missed five pitches out of one hundred you'd, think that was Let me I do yeah. You know your minister, that's a plus in anybody's book. So now this thing comes along and it's not is accurate. Machine. This grading us to call the beaches and in fact the there looking at these robotic computers are trying to replace the whole planet. well, the robotic computer. They already know. Mrs seven percent of the pitches weed have an own in five.
when the robotic gunfire MRS a pitch it and call anything at least one, the umpire calls appeared, she calls it one way or another So what do you do if that robotic unburden call anything what we got would do don't think. That's that score I like this? This is shooting down robot arms. I like this Don't don't get me wrong, about shooting down anything. In fact, I think when they put instant replay and we had a bigger rebellion over instant reply, because these sump arts all the employers, that while they can take our jobs and we're going know you're gonna have an extra on helping you with it All that your block, the outer, maybe didn't see at about angle. I said I think it's a good thing in overall. He has to reply, has been a good thing because it it- is our young umpires where to go right. It's like on the feel, train it's like a similarities in the dentist whose work for toys,
Here's to a seminar to learn new techniques, the same thing without buying and its helped on parents made us better it's a good thing where we add on the uniforms right now, because I I think that it's very confusing for a lot of kids that are grown up right now. He call an umpire blue, but they're wearing black uniforms like you can bring back. The blue well! You know I used to I used to have a high recruit it's a nice guy. Also. What are they weren't today? Go? What what do you want to know? the signals. If there were black uniforms, then we should where the blue uniforms and if there were like colors then we should where the dark color, so that when mistaken on on a pop up. The infield, a player runs into US assembly, something so, but that didn't work, but for a couple of years but then we observe numbers about where anything, but the blue. Yet I I love the blue as I never understood. Why not borrowed where the black ones
well don't realize years ago, when I started we were Hathaway shirts and they understand and saw the pocket to put the patch of your pocket, we had. One guy internationally offers the dead already. Did it himself and now and this one year they didn't given to him. They sold all patches of the package. Now we couldn't get our cards in our pockets. Weird, back to the old fashioned way. Would you haven't rivalries with with your fellow umpires like wizard competition? Are you competitive guy to see who is again more calls right? I think Ariel Sharon's get em all right. I don't think there's like a company I think this is the wrong profession to be competitive and you should be changed help your number each umpire be as good as they can be, because if you are crew and your first base empires in trouble, ass, thou for other and trouble. It's not like it's not like you can come
and fit in an infinite homerun or even make a great play. It shows that every week to get every play right. We can and that's that's how they need to look at its it to be compared if to say: oh, I got this play right. You didn't mean that the you're you're hurting the profession there, and you know I've always said this- that your first responsibility and as an umpire's to the baseball, and I don't mean the commission commissioners and yours, It responsibility a profession and that doesn't mean the union means you. Profession is number and its responsibility, Do what you know in your heart is morally honest and correct, and if you do those three things in that order, nothing you do will be wrong. You might get killed for it, but nothing you do will be yeah. Who is the hardest pitcher to track the guy? Who who either his ah the movement or the speed.
When you, when you know that you're calling his game, you it'd, be real, real, sharp because, ah the you know, the game of inches and painting corners makes it difficult for you to to get everything curry. Once you learn how to do it, the harder they thought the easier it is real and also the ball levels out, the hardest bitches collar Knocker, Basel flatters, at the knees in breaking up instead of going down all the time. Those are much harder than Nolan Ryan, Jr, Richardson Uno and the flame throwers, the harder they throw it the easier it is, and I know it's harder to catch up to it with a with a bat but they're they're, trying to hit it yeah you're, trying to see where it crosses the plate, so so guys with curve balls and and and nasty. in stuff- would you ever on? Put him Wakefield start earlier and how that go? I was there are times when you're like I don't. Even know what that was well
just comes in and floating in your eyes with my first in the big leagues I had the field negro and walking to Andover one guy was Thorne Bibi's and cows walk though a butterfly, it's yeah, geez, that's what they were. They were throwing strike so that game like our fifty seven minutes, that's on board was so along the same lines. If you get a call on the edge and the batter like say strike three about like hey, you miss that would there ever be? It's I'm where you be like. You know what I did miss that, like that's my bad worthy, I tell the girl will look at it, but you're not gonna, admit that you missed it Yet I have argued: ok protocol from your heart right, hearts always right! Well, you you wanted to be We now make every effort to called everything right way. Yes, when when would start to walk the first base, when you say it was like a three and one count ripe
borderline pitch and he takes off out of the batter's box. Cause he's like that's a ball. He doesn't even let you say the words you're more likely to call that a strike register bring him back in. While, if you do, he then you're over thinking your job, you know you should call the pitched as it is, shouldn't that should have any effect on what you do. What what about a pitcher, showing you up so to speak, that we love the unwritten. rules, a baseball like when a pitcher is maybe Ellen at the arm. In our eyes, from the fans perspective, will I got the ups gonna get him here like the upskilling, squeezing a little no, you can't do that either. If you can, I dont really where the biggest the biggest thing in baseball is you have to make the game fair to everybody a view? Carl, something against again because you're mad adding. Then you cheating the game and ask right. You ve got to something to you
What makes you so mad that you would she then you should it kicked him out? Yeah, that's good ok, we got, you should never be in a situation where I'm going to get this guy they should never ever put yourself in that situation, I can remember my first four years in the major late when they argue with me, I get angry. I just get mad and start screaming. And so I am working with don't hardly one day and I called Barfleur on Dave, king and queen. When said some smart is like a pitcher earlier in the camp. I actually chased him the first place, if not just one. I forgot, you know called ball forty one so between in this Doug Harvey came down, and he says: don't Let them ruin your day. You work again. If they get outline Mickey Command, but don't get angry, don't get upset. Screaming and our messages.
make yourself miserable, and I think from that point on I heard it was like turning the line on because you the official authority you have the last word in fact, Are we told me that, one day when I got an argument with Joe Tories, you know the last word, whether you take it or by the apple and and if you look at it that way then you're going to be much more calm in an argument you going to be much more approachable and- and it makes makes much more sense, makes it easier for everybody is to know how you strike three called developed over the years if it involved at all how you came up with it, if its, if it got louder and certain circumstances, because there's a couple of months I went to a right, but in the big thing is it Sir I can remember Moreau. We
the senior one fertile young number one time he says your strike one and strike two are very good. Your time is very good, but you strike three as exceptionally fast. You need to slow down and the young guy got upset in so I thought you might have sent you don't understand. To tell you something that will help. You he's not saying anything to criticise you he said that, if you wait on strike three, you gotta be much better. better chance. You're gonna get every pitcher and that's another thing that you look at his umpire on the pitch comes in the number that takes. A split. Second to be sure he's right, don't get most of his pitches right, yeah yeah, I've always loved the turned to the side in the air. The strong points there's, nothing like a good punch. I right, like you, felt that it's like when batters say know. If you make good contact with the boy, you don't even feel the ball hit the bat like after a good punch out. You know that
nailed. It well you're worried about your form. Now, instead of getting it right, yeah, that's a we watch, we watch our. Can you tell me the b b you had a protest for the umpires with the arm bands that I made fun of I'll, just I'll come clean on it, because I just thought it was funny that, like umpires are persecuted, cut you know, class of people. This was in two thousand eighteen when they legalise gambling. How you think think you are out of they actually goes, it Wrigley had the white armband stand with umpires. That protests didn't feel like it. It got big legs, their didn't feel like you went anywhere. Well, that's causing a go, yet it was ok. I just love the picture of you be unlike the men just so you know Joe like this, but a great interview. I think anyone ever feel bad for umpires. We they were were were raised to hate umpires through and through. So
oh I just I loved it when I saw it I was like yeah. I don't think I don't think. There's gonna be a lot of people like crying over the umpires here I know, but it got the message across and then you know what I've over the years up: befriended, Jackie artery genes, widow and she says the same thing: is. She was gonna, come you're such a nice guy, thereby hate you you would there be times when, like Twitter now like you'd, be trending because of a call or something and legacy it mean there has been a great interview, so Would you here that? Would you know like afterwards that people are just saying like Joe S is the worst her Joe S, trying to make it about Joe S? Would you get that noise well yeah, but you see that's another thing. This is your. At one stage. The ballplayers united stage relate an umpire like used as they are it's a lemon or the base player in the ban.
You don't know, is there till some goes wrong? You know everything's, going right, everything's, good added, another everything's, fine, No one knows easier. But as soon as you have interfered shore obstruction, her fan and affairs, if somebody trying to cheat and the empire the do something then one sorry other hating for an that's that's party of job. You know you you can't worry about what the Gonna say about you, one, the funniest. They they had with the the ballplayers. Was they the place is gonna get us and who is the best umpire this pole and it was a hundred. Some players should- and I was The worst umpire in the league by five percent- and I was the best umpire led by five more so
Where was I in the middle of the woods, the middle? Well, it's it's an emotional yeah. It's an emotional thing. I think fans just always think they're getting screwed over. I count myself in that group. I've tweeted mean things about you I dont know apology here I'll read one of em. I said in two thousand six years: it was such a piece of shit. I actually kind of respect it I'll delete that tweet you say that you were wrong about Andrei Dawson call. Ok, you can keep the tweet
yeah. I wouldn't want it any other way. There are a couple of other highlights. It was just as terrible and he's trying to bribe me. I think this gets done. Negotiators in Raleigh will work it anymore. I've been on years. I've been standing up for for the thin blue line and umpires for a long time, and I think that it's it's a discussion that needs to happen more often, you see that you see like kids now they they have to struggle to find umpires to referee, like literally games, because all the parents are yelling at the umps and they can in play on Sunday. Sometimes while that's it, that's a saving and fair game I ever empire twelve years all day me too, I'm via the basis, because one of the fathers didn't show up toward the basis in the building.
Agreeable North Carolina. They had the the the fathers and were two legs in the fire. from the one leg had empire in the early on the basis lay her plate umpires. Where would you know so that you would give back to the game they made them? the parents, one part of the Games says one guy didn't show up, but he was something to do with his job and so the the two coaches that won't put Joe out there. He he knows how to do it so that was the first game I ever bought. I was twelve years old and Guy Smith Stadium and I umpire debases and he fell in love with it. Well, I dunno. If I fell in love with it cause I was hitting four hundred. But what the young announced as when I first started. Yet when I used to use Dunbar Babe Ruth that kind of stuff,
go and ecology, and because I had a football scholarship, the focus would let me play on the baseball team at Ilan. Anna, so I used to go and buy local college in high school games in this direction. Vampires Caroline leg saw me. and he says you gonna do they shall learn how to do it right, took many clinics and show me. the things that you would never think I like how to take your mask off without you had come off, always open. Indicated in your left hand and does not fix that someone went down by a school a year later. I was what to do and the things that they were teaching these kids at the umpire school, and I was ahead of them because I had worked with this guy- was a professional umpire? Gave you a leg up? What's one thing about being on par that, like we don't see behind the scenes, one small detail about your job that nobody would ever noticed, watch on tv or other human beings and their feelings
like you do and when they get criticized it hurts and aid, and they take it. Then there are some there's some guys it when they get started in the mind lakes. It after couple weeks, I can't take it at all, and they are they go by the wayside and the biggest problem with all those for sufficient is pay him enough to keep em around. We lose a lot of good quality umpires because they can afford to go through It was six seven, eight nine years in the minor leagues yeah, and so we lose good people all the time, and I was I was very lucky. the national naturally was scammer an empire. That was a former player when they saw me- and I was only in like doubling
no. He he made a call and he messed up the rule, and I went down and Richie Garcia in our both there we went down and we fixed it and Fred Flaggers a director members for the National League EAST is up. I don't want the ball player in Barney Deer. He was director on part of Elvis. You can't have him he's only in double a so here's this Rachel nationally on policies that will in promoting. I went to the AAA, and then they brought me to spring training, and that was how I got there. They should remain the natural with I feel like we just saw that guy he's got it he's got the eye. You always hear stories like that of a college coach going to a high school game. Yeah scout somebody. I know that guy but the sinner here right- and it was wait. So technical questions. What's the hardest call to make on the field like the one that fans don't realize, put its just a very difficult call to make? No matter what your next june-
it's that there's not a specific like your! Your next call is your most difficult call, doesn't matter how many of the other ones you got right. You gotta get the next one right! Okay, you'd have to. You have to focus on that and here's another thing Europe wants I had part of the issues that well, how do you take place at first base and I go. I can't help you with that. Then they go wine. I said because when that guy lets the ball go. At short, operator based I've been doing, is so long, and I know weathers online. You have to experience. You have to do it enough where you can do that and see as soon as he lets the ball go or it's online or offline. You know I I Billy, because I had over what ten thousand plays it first base right.
And these kids that are asking me or just beginning- and I can't tell them to do what I do, because they don't have the experience. Yet they have to do it themselves and get the worthy they ve done enough. Now, along the same lines, what's the weirdest rule and the robot people don't realize the one that you almost like it. So rarely happens it when you get to flex it and like all I knew this. You are kind of excited. Well, there's there's some rules in their them. You have to understand that the baseball robot was put together as a work in progress, and it will increase the more place happen. Then the war things happened: the room. You know how to think and now, but there's stuff happens, all the time like they get a pop up by the by the dugout, where the the team batting didn't move the ban on the way out of the oven, decorated, move the rosin beggar, the way one of the catch
so that its interference, oh yeah, ok, yeah, yo, in yellow, see at one time in ten years right, but in the time. You do see there s just a mistake. No, it's not he is out here clean yeah. I like that, one that that's a good one, but they have to clearly areas. So the field can feel the bar. You know we had a plan a play off again. The following in the book in in San Francisco. and the players didn't get away. The players have to vacate the space. So the few can get the ball yeah hot enough. Feel just stood there. Instead of going to get the ball, then he could have created the interference, but he didn't he just. So what are you doing? That you put your hands up in not that you get then you could do if they don't interfere right so that there was no call the main he didn't know the rules
I can we re at Montreal and they threw a ball in the dirt announced of Gary artist. Children is going to the dugout. With a runner on second for the cardinals he's going to score. If Gary picks up the ball, he can't do it now. So Dick Williams got up, took his glasses off and screamed. Let it go, don't touch it. The ball! in the dugout, because it was a pitch ball. They had to send the runner back to. Third, smart ha smart play. What about a balk? Do you actually know what a ball As concerns like for too long ways, you machine might be. The only person we diaspora to bark is is TAT long, most bogs jump out at you. You know when I came out of the National Alliance If the umpires called blocks, because we had base runners like Lou Brock, the more wills and so on, and so on. So so we call back because we want the pictures, cheating the pick em off, you know
one on the heel. That was a bar if they didn't step, the first bases are left in a picture that was a bob. So once you were taught that this is a bar one. That would happen, it would jump out at you and it was really easy call it because you did it all the time. You know I can invite a blue caves internationally numerically was, notorious for not calling box at the time. So vital blue comes over these, his first game at Candlestick Park, and it's me and Kibler Pulley think Nick Glossy was the other guy and he went to throw to first base and he didn't step the first base for guys call above all for umpires cop bottle. That's gonna be a great moment. be dislike These are things that rural hugs, what what happened there, and may happen again because he knew we call a box, we didn't do it again. That's fantastic idea made
the I was gonna say: Ozzy again would not agree with how you call box. I remember that one too, when you have to kick Ozzy out, though, to boxer Mark Burley, Nobody wants to call a bunker mark burly because he pitches fast, You must be one of your favorites leave us know those like you. When you look at the yeah what he threw the glove up in the air Rob drinks, it don't throw email jokes well yeah, when you when you when, when you would look at the pitching matchups you'd, be like ok, we can get an earlier flight today, oh gosh. He he get the gay movement, that's but no, the pictures today they they never hear minimise you know is another thing: designated hitters gonna slow down again, because and I have said this before you know if Tom Seaver through more Nine pages to the seventh, eighth and ninth here. one unveiled offered to strike pitch because and they all nationally they would go right after the seventh, eighth and ninth near Circling they didn't go right after
You see what I'm saying yeah here. So you have that that discrepancy that's been a man rule from the beginning, and I know whether the players put it and they want to keep jobs and said Either- and I know what the owners is pulled him because they don't want their picture, it's hitting and they don't want him get hurt. I get I get that, but it's going to slow the game do yeah yeah. I hadn't really thought about that. But having having the nine all be like pretty much three guaranteed strikes you're efforts in the pace. The pay supply is yelling. This is the best example when Roger Clemens pitched in American lady was ahead Hunter, even though it people. when he came over to place play for use. Whether in the nationally he didn't he d by yeah. You know why is yet
that is true. That's absolutely do not say that point. To that point we win. Would you make the decision like it? How good were you at figuring out whether or not pitcher hitting a batter was intentional? Where was outline you can we can pretty much still there's there's times when they hit or does something to show up the pitcher of you. cobra or something, and I, with this young keyboard, DEC I walked in between and, as I said now, when the shortstop comes to bat. Next in and they're going to hit him- and I said when they do you're going to have to throw him out of the game, throw the pitcher, the cape, so sure enough, short that came about because he'd done something to show up the the other thing, an a drilled, Corsica, and now you're comes a management. I had to throw him out because there was
There was not a warning at the time, so the manager, when dejected until we complain, I met you, could have thrown about bubbly didn't, but he said there You know, I said because I have been here last year. This is those things we you know something you're, while the funny doors was judgment. The weather was on fire in the American League and when we consolidated legs he's got Greg, Maddox is has a has thrown at one of the other hairs. Sir Greg comes to bat Nishizawa. He says nature they're gonna, throw at me if, when they do, I don't want you to do a thing. don't go to first base and everything will be fine and checks it. I don't think you understand, I thought you and I don't do anything- I'm not gonna, be here but yeah. What what what
This is kind of a a very specific question. I should have prepped you on this one. Is there one player whose crack of the bat sounded different than everyone else's because that's my favorite is when you go to batting practice or you're watching a game and- one of like the true great players, it just sounds different. It's like a violent sound. Was there one guy or maybe a couple of guys realize who that was just totally different than the or else we will start with the board Oliver hit the ball hard. Dale Murphy hit the ball hard might show the bar and very bonds y'all hit the ball hard. I mean those their Maguire Andres, Galarraga, the big man they hit the ball, they made a yeah cause. It is cool no it when it when, when one of those guys it's abolishes its there's something about it, where its there's? No there's nothing. I know it sounds very.
come cliche a romantic, but that crack of the bat when it's a true in a home run hitter they're, just something special about it Then, the speaking a home run, I have to tell you a story because it does it work. Funny things ever happen when they built course Feel in Denver. Bob Gebhardt was the general manager the rocket And I got to leave the facility and they put everything together and, and he said Joe, you won't believe it we had. We didn't have to make those handicapped ramps. We didn't have to make handicapped parking we're going to let the handicapped people park in the players' lot. and we're going to roll that wheelchairs right up to the chain link fence in left field. So they can be on the field level and when they leave, they can go get in the players lot and I can go right up pieces and everything were
wait till one of our guys hit a home run and thirteen people got up on of wheelchairs and ran for the ball yeah pets as well Joe. This has been awesome. I have one last question: everyone tune in Joe's got a new podcast coming out. May second it's called. Ah, what's the it's the Joe S, podcast with my Claiborne, it's gonna be great tune in my last question is At question r h, o B, a c k used code take for twenty percent off your first purchase, get Cusip hoodies polos everything at rollback, dot com. My last question: can you give us? I know you said that when you, when you're calling from your heart, you can't be wrong, but best call worst, call best, call worse call in your career. Will it play in New York was probably the biggest go hm I dunno that it was web is, but it was.
It was probably the biggest and maybe the worst car was sir. When I got my divorce papers class now you say Andrey Dawson on now one was girl, you can you can keep your tweet, it's ok, you're the grave without one look at this picture. I just like I just I was here. Are you don't worry? I've seen it wears a lot earlier. There's a lot of beer or where's this Paul, this ball eyes so far I'll be the I'll be the judge here Joe ok here comes here comes there's, a lot of baseball might about you here comes, Sloan out. I had better the soldier oranges off to play it. I'm gonna give you that right.
It means a tough job. I fully mail, I did you ve got. You know you ve got a ball coming in ninety five to a hundred miles per hour on you and you have to make a call whether or not it show on the on the black part of the play or off the plane entirely. It's it's not in Noble task to do, but we appreciate it Joe and a good luck with the pie. You know Europe guess now. So when we have some pop up in a controversial, in enamel, be we're. Gonna have to call on you to come on, we'll be fine. What are we officially percent forever ever forever, ever retired, oh yeah! well. I've called my last baseball game, but though, but it was wonderful It was a good run me asking over a couple years: yes loved, you let go by the way till you wait yeah, I lost thirty pounds. My wife said of, Inter Alia, find it might not like that.
I love it. I will take you so much show we appreciated good, loving with cast enjoyed it. Thank you so much Joe, was brought by our good friends of the Procureur. If you own agreed in business, and you need to hire. Ziprecruiter makes hiring so much easier because they do the work for you and right now you can try for free at ziprecruiter dot com, Slash p m T, Ziprecruiter uses it's powerful technology to find and match the right candidates up with your job. You can easily review these recommended candidates and invite your top choices to apply. Additionally, Ziprecruiter has a complete suite of tools that makes it easy to filter, review and rate your candidates. Four out of five employers who post on Ziprecruiter, get a quality candidate within the very first day, go to ziprecruiter dot com, Slash p m t to try Ziprecruiter for free once again that ziprecruiter dot com.
Slash p m. T Zapruder is the smartest way to hire. Ok, let's finish up with some NFL draft talk winners, losers, draft grades, futures you're gonna make, I think I might I'm going to put a future on the Baltimore Ravens said right now, I'm on that I'm not sold on them being like hey. You know we're going to do we're just going to not even pass the ball was going to run the ball and play defense and have a bunch of fucking, crazy, ass dudes on defense, We think that the Eagles killed the strap yeah. I think they just destroyed it like when they got Nickleby Dean are think everybody who was watching was. I owe you I should have been the first of all pay here. We all just kind of forgot that he existed he's got a lotta injuries undersized right. Great look, he's he's awesome and they got him in the fourth round and I agree like I I think I may put a future on the eagles in the room. Yeah the other that the Eagles, or can we really really good and did the injury stuff would dean I think is like is very
weird: what's happened with him because he swears that he's healthy right and then people like all the people behind the scenes, are whispering like he might not even play next year and he's like no I'm good to go. So I have no idea, What's going to go on there, but I just I I love everything. The Eagles did regret. Regrettably, in this draft yeah- and I I was actually thinking about it- I don't know the FC is going to be an absolute fucking war cause the chiefs. I thought got better: they they added a lot of defense and like Cutler. I think they got a lot tougher on defense and not just saying that, because they got LEO Chanel from Wisconsin, but they also got out. What's his name from Purdue, the the Greek. Oh, you got collateral freak yeah. Ah, the bills filled the holes they needed to fill the with a running back in a corner back early, the chargers got offensive line, the colts had no picks and like the first couple around yes, but they got a bunch of freaks. I don't I don't know how anyone's f seizure so fucking staff with it
it also got sky more yeah, which that's a guy that that we were told like here's, a guy that you should pay attention to. That's gonna, be maybe the best receiver that does not go and that first It yeah, it's crazy runs. He run what like a four point, two nine or something like that- is that the guy sky, more yeah, he's sick insane. I I just don't know the FC has so many good teams, and I didn't even mention the Bengals who went to the super bowl and I don't know it's going to be tough sledding and the Steelers to the Steelers got two wide receivers. They got like a guy Calvin Austin, who runs a crazy, crazy, crazy, fast and then George Pickens, whose absolute stud, who, outside a character, issues problem first from Peck. They also got Heyward. So now the air, the Steelers, have three or four sets or others on their to wild. So it's very. Why riddle there? I didn't write the Soviets, it's scary, stuff. It would be for people that are betting on first touchdowns. It again make sure that you check the initiative for the first name there. Yet afloat
I gotta find it worse. Sets a brother snapped here. It is its t, Jane Derek what Tariffs and Trade Edmunds Carlos Unclean Davis and then Cameron Conor Heyward bales of two well yeah. I guess I'm what Heyward is not like in traditional full background, tight and hybrid there's a lot of discrepancy during roman voting, whether you should be counted as for what he has played for back in the past brunch, also like a pretty good past catcher here. That is that's a torture chamber for you. we talk about somehow Stephen Chaise Number one pick overall, in the last years too soon mock draft, what a steal? What is the I'm just in? If I just completely forget everything I saw from SAM how last year I can convince myself that he is, or Brady I lightly down. I like him too. He was number one overall. Yes, someone is early mock drafting releases the day, but the minute, the Mr Relevant, as announced he releases is draft for the next year and last year it was said
I'll number, projecting first around. That's the most radical. By the way that's the mat mock drafted. I based my particular player rankings on is his first one. We got the number one overall pick in the draft in the fifth round this year. I must say I am a die hard Carson whence defender. I love everything at he's, bring to the table right now. You know that about me. Carson. I know you're in aid of all. You listen to show its so disrespectful. What the commanders jested to you by drafting quarterback in use around whose number one over you should demand a trade course and you don't deserve to be treated like this demand- a trade get traded to the Cleveland Browns for Baker Mayfield, because I don't want you to be hurt by this franchise. You need to get out and look out for yourself. First and foremost. I love you so much. I just think that you should definitely take this as an opportunity to mandatory. Yes, I somehow
thick, there's so much so he called me fat online cause. I called him fat last year cause. I was like dude he's. Looking at that and he's like big cat you're looking fat, I was like too shady- that's actually totally fair, but I he can run. He he's one of those guys to where I think it's definitely worth where the the commanders drafted him, because he had a ton of talent his sophomore year, around him. A lot of guys left his numbers, obviously weren't the same, and he also had like Heisman hype going into the season. They remember the last Virginia Tech week, one I he's absolutely worth a fifty yeah. I mean it even even the marks that I was going back and reading after we draft, because I wanted to learn everything about him after we got em everyone had been going like the second or third round this year, yeah quarterback fell off the face here. Very me, Willis, going to the titans that was kind of a little bit of esteem.
to what happened with milk was, I feel like we all got part I feel like there is somebody that was making like a big inside joke that Molly will. It's gonna be a top ten quarterback. and then obviously that was not various agencies is, did a wonderful job and hyping em up before the draft. It didn't work out. So here's my theory and I hope this
is until exit actually like it's I've been thinking a lot about the bears draft, because I actually love what Ryan Poles did, and he essentially is like. We need everything. So, let's get as many picks as possible. They went in to the draft with six picks. They came out with eleven, so doing a bunch of trades on Saturday. I think that a lot of teams are probably saying next year is the year for quarterbacks. So why spend a first round pick or one the weird thing, with quarterbacks to a second route like quarterbacks? Don't get picked in the second round? Usually it's just not it's. It's probably. I dunno I'd have to look at the whole draft sharp, but a lot like if you, if you feel like he's a guy, you drafted him in the first chance you get the extra year and if not, he usually slides, but I think a lot of teams are like next year's the year and what I'm hoping with the bears do is they're going to sock. I know they're going to suck and then next year they trade their pick and they get a ton of. I hope we just get picks. I just want to become a franchise to just gets picks. I want pics PICS pics, all the time. Just give me all the pics, and I that's like I could. I can transition to just being like a future future guy. You know what I mean, like my pain, doesn't hurt now cause we have. I want to be the Oklahoma City Thunder. I won't have one of fifteen picks in a draft three years in cap space yeah go, we have cap space, we need pics,
and so I'm hoping that's the case in the next year. The bears are able to do some wheeling and dealing and come away with, like sixteen picks cause. That's all I'm like they suck they're gonna suck, and I yeah. I want that. I also like Ryan polls, because he, actually I haven't seen this very often he he had his scouts, like he bases like I had all my scouts sit down, give me their top three that they're most like their highest conviction of put it on the board and then, after they drew anyone who was drafted from the scouts area. He had meet with the media and I was like. Oh that's, refreshing, that's not Ryan Pace, essentially saying I'm not gonna. Listen to your scouts, I'm just going to draft a guy cause. He drives a shitty car yeah, so that was cool but yeah. Think that's the answer for the quarterback says. That allotted seems like next year's the year, but it still in saying that, like we, we were told that Yank Willis was going to be a first round pact. Even I asked you to kill everybody. Everyone like some people had Melick Wilson, the top ten in the top five tata and then and then,
EAST slides all the way down all the quarterbacks, and it was just crazy to me to see that happen, probably right, though, that teams are looking at at next year's draft class and factoring that into what they do this year and if you're, one of those people that likes to go around reading the draft grades. After the draft happens. I like to remind myself with this one. Every year this was from two thousand to the two. as in twelve Seattle, Seahawks raft. Ok, so I just refresh memories: they they picked. Bruce Urban Bobby Wagner and Russell Wilson in this draft. Okay, so here is the bleach report, two thousand twelve nfl draft great for the Seahawks, after one of the worst picks in the first round. I can ever remember the Seattle Seahawks didn't draft any positions of need or draft for the future Carroll. Proving why he didn't make it in the NFL the first time not only was, urban region. Number fifteen to see ex prove there were oblivion, their ban is by celebrating this election as if that day wasn't bad enough Seattle. Letting Russell Wilson, a cubey that doesn't fit there? Often at all, was by
are the worst move the draft with a two worst? the draft. Seattle is the only team that received an f on drafting a raid f, it's perfect. There is also a member that I can't find a right now, but there is that stretch where the jaguars gonna a plus every year, like they. It will I'm not talking about when they were Blake Bortles took to the NFC Championship game. It was before that, and it was just year after years like a plus a plus when they drafted Matt, Jones yeah quarterback to play wide receiver, a plus eight plus. That's a great reminder. I have a seahawks reminder that I want to read that is going to make us feel old. Actually, it's going to make Hank and Liam fuel to maybe not Billy. Okay, it's going to hurt us a ready for it. Now. Okay, so cornerback Kobe Bryant spelled C o b Y, not how Kobe's name was spelled Kobe Bryant out of Cincinnati drafted by Seattle after he was drafted by Seattle. He said my dad used to talk to me about Richard Sherman, Earl, Thomas,
Kam. Chancellor growing up, they were actually my favorite group growing up like that's that was like two years ago that was yeah boom was like a year ago. You can't say that he might like. I used to sit on my dad's knee, and he would tell me about the days of legion of boom. well, fuck that my dad used to talk to me about Richard Sherman. My mom would sing me Drake songs, as I was falling asleep. What the good old days I saw that the NFL official called Tweetie. I was like, oh my god, age sucks getting old, so I hate that I hate rude. Oh we drafted. Paul. The commission has got a gun in Chris. Paul seem so run Marcello. I'm now
wait mean you are. The two guys will die on that hill or so man he's got. I mean I mean he's a Thursday night live look around reseller, it's the gift for the guy that just walked around on fire yeah yeah just ready to go. There also was a very confusing. I think the packers drafted Zach Thom is his name which is all time to first name guy, that guy's a douche bag yeah, I don't know anything about them, and no disrespect is that Tom, but your douchebags, okay. So here's the crazy part that I was very confusing to me. The packers drafted Zach Tom, the bears drafted Zachary Ty, yes, I'd rather have Zachary tie would do without it on what are the odds? Are that like? How is a guide exactly sounds like one of those created player names. If you get like a Korean designed immobile,
the show knock off game yeah and that's like their idea of an american name. Yet Zach Tom I mean that's how's that how's, that a full name and stupid is it that guys are douchebags crazy or both of us women too. So that's getting a confused exact Tom Vilsack, Zachary, Thomas, ah any other. What I'm trying to think? Oh MEL Kiper, by the end, they hated him so much because he was on zoom the whole time and it was just very funny, like I turned it on around two or maybe was like two o'clock. And on Saturday and arrows like dude Mal, just shut up shut up, I'm still trying to figure out why MEL Kiper wasn't. I think that there's something else going on. We ran through some theories on Friday about, like maybe he's, may be banned from casinos where he might just be on a no fly lists yeah. He might be just eating too much pie on flights and annoying the flight attendants. Emma MEL Kiper doing his zoomed in head nod for three days
straight, that's probably what they were sick of, but it was. It was funny watching it get a little chippy towards the end. Where, like there was a moment where milk or Mc Shea was just like alright, alright mal, like let's fuckin rap, stop. We are that we actually have a show we gotta do. Let's give up. F. Ok, let's give out one f, I'm going to give it to all the jets had a good draft to they did the jets killing. It had a very good draft, I'm on it. Let's see vikings o cause, I treated a lot with individual, which was why, because I didn't like that, guy that get up there and talk for five minutes yeah and just ramsey- gave like a complete oral history of his career. Oh, my god that was thou is funny I wish I don't want him the end quote it was in that they kicked him off, but well, still doing it. It was I felt like I was taken crazy, but yeah
like this guy is still going. I mean they physically. Had a woman come out and be like hey dude, you gotta wrap this. How does the guy that punched, the ball? Seventy yards per punt, get drafted after two other punters yeah, that's weird! I have no sense to me or or eraser, went up to Buffalo. Maybe it was like. I was trying to figure it out too. Maybe it's because he played for San Diego state and they just had no offense. So his numbers are all out of whack as you always upon like they do. They days had bombs, as if I were, you can only hit bombs if you're offices backed, I read it the coach that was saying like a lot of times, and often we get pumped up. If we don't cross twenty yards line, because it means we have to send her punter out and see how long you re do they, who do you, think and can get the ball further Down field Josh on throwing it or the punt I raise a find out hunting. It may have to go back to buffer. Imagine that wind at the game that we went to if it was added, How long do you think he'd be able to potable? Probably like he completely
the ball literally out of the stadium. That went yes, three things first thing on the punter: the the reason he fellows cause a lot of people thought he was going to out kick the coverage in. That was one theory why he fell also backed Malik Willis. The first time Malik Willis came into the national conscious was during that video that went viral of him, giving his clothes the homeless guy yup. Aw could have been an amazing pr presentation from his team. People are always talking about him after the senior bull I will talk about ways: Liberty teams sought this year because I was not make believe wells fans. I do if you're gonna be a first round pick liberation winsome morgana- maybe skies it. Ok, maybe they again to that and they found out that the homeless guy was a plant. Legwork and then they the red flag them and they like. We can't use a round pick on a guy that does this with a fake homeless per year, Stephanie what happened or maybe it was just that you freeze, talked him up just to get a free ticket to Vegas this weekend.
That was funny seeing Hugh freeze in Vegas, where you get into your you shouldn't be here Dan Orlovsky to horny skies and football, are I'm going to give I'm going to give the jaguars enough that okay but you're, forgetting they got another first round pick and Travis ATM from last year? Ah fuck, alright, so that doesn't count you're right. That's a good call, they absolute that that's a that's a loaded draft now yeah cause they have both those guys he can do the Texans yeah. I liked Derek singly and you know I'll give the saints and f after the vikings after me, yeah Pcat or Hanke who's, your af and there's no basis behind the F for the saints. I think they just didn't have a ton of picks. There's someone who's, someone who's like look at what the giants are doing in this draft compared to the
years and I was like yeah dude, they have a shitload of pit yeah, the yes you're right. It's actually there look up and see who has the most draft picks. I guarantee you. They just get higher grades. Just they get more got just had an awesome, I'm not seeing the just in Heaven awesome draft. They had three first round picks like they should have an awesome Do you remember about this? Is one of those things I was on the park ass her when we came in on Sunday, I'm pretty sure Hank said that punter should be the number one pick yeah yeah after after we better yeah yeah, that's right, I didn't negative factor and thou kicking the coverage. Yeah not like you are punished, as far as I can, but you can just turn Turkey have iron announcing gain. I was I was, I was mind, blown when I saw that two other planets got drafted form they might have better coffin corners. They might just see what he might be a one trick pony my office, the cardinals. Oh, what can I change them because I actually know okay, fine fine, but I agree. Why did he not?
because the cuddles are basically creating a team where everyone is small and fast in in December. They're going to is can be like. Why are the cardinals good, oh, I dunno all hurt and can't stand. Seventeen gave. No. That's the best part about the cardinals, Are there the Linnaeus? Do they do yeah, just like counterbalance yeah but yeah? I don't know what the cardinals are doing makes no sense. Ah or what's your f, my fc, the Patriots, I think the Zat pic is action, ease API is going ease, mess is gonna mess with MAC Joneses had too much it. Maybe motivation tactic, but you know I hit quarterback, so I want to agree with Billy, because I also do your water seaver, but oh wow, wow hadn't come in what, when did I become tougher What are you said a word about is what are you little picking a correct? Also fact where you as hell, I'm not. I don't play we're not eyes weapon, but you where's SAM. How had the fastest throw the NFL draft
with this in mind, we go. I love it throws it hard. Kubi one doesn't hurt to heart, who deftly not? I just scrolled. My my official grade F is the dolphins. I had four picks that's crazy. That is now so. You gave out three s eye the saints the dolphins and the cardinals out us I am just going. The vikings I just also strolled milk Kiper. He didn't give any one lesson to be: minus I am also going to give the cowboys enough vague oh god. What support cowboys getting round about you can still is in so funny how cooked Mccarthy is when he does his press conferences, Jerry Jones, yeah is Jerry Jones talks about the pigs and he's like yeah. Sometimes we we go around the room. We get a group consensus other times. it's me that makes all the pigs like Michael Parsons. That was my picture. MIKE Mccarthy literally says in the microphone I don't even know why come to these things, because nobody really Jerry was letting of Naso dead Man egg. I hate your second half
the two yeah was just them around till I brung it's enough. The grades of the best so stupid. If everyone just such firm grade. Oh I'm giving Seahawks enough ok There is one yes, he actually get enough did they should have traded for Baker Mayfield I don't know what they're doing so, what where's bigger, Mayfield, irreplaceable notion. don't know, belies the Panthers worthy the spot than we had most rumours and then they drafted mackerel and what the third round May fourth round. I can't remember it's crazy to think that Baker Mayfield they couldn't figure out like what he was well in the draft and going if your is at a certain last year. What would Baker Mayfield B on the open market? Probably like us, around pick yeah, something like that feels right now. It's like he's a fourth or fifth round pick. If a ratio is crazy, I dunno what like where's he going to play next. I don't think that Deshawn Watson is going to play next year. The more I think about it. The more I think to Roger those gonna be like and asked me awkward Roderick Adele Chin,
in of women everywhere yeah and we're suspending to Sean Watson next year and holy fuck it'd be awkward if Baker plays and then Baker's not going to play, I don't think woah I think you'd have to. I dunno cause like what, if he didn't play, it would be very bad like for his future yeah. He played and balled out loud kind of you know, he'd set himself up. I think there's still going to try and trade him, but you're not going to be able to get into. I just I'm going through like the mental rolodex in my head. What teams need us day, one starter. Besides the seahawks I mean the Texans have Davis Mill he's awesome. I guess. Maybe you wait till there's an injury yeah who are you like a preseason injury yeah? I was going to give the Texans another f because they think they need a quarterback. Okay, nice- and I owe David smells fucking good dude. I know, but I feel like it would have been a good place to get yeah. Well, who's your limb, Hoosier off. I really just want to get to a point where half the grades refs cause. That's what we need me.
His can memes he's gonna. Listen to this ago, Jasper, okay, yeah, we didn't know either. So we need a big list of our grades, and so it will just be all the only the apps should give out any a's and the jets got an a in my mind, cause they had so many picks a plus was now. I didn't say that I'm giving the Eagles the Eagles a talk up eagles and commanders get a pluses from it. I'll give the bears in a posture. They got eleven picks. That's a lot of picks I'll. Give the Panthers, Next we got to the two thousand and twenty one draft year. Do you know what give everyone everyone who we gave an f have have our rankings out. Why and have it just be only a pluses and only apps, so whoever we gave apps to and then everyone else gets an plus yet out, except the let's go with huge, whose families that will get most give this gives us. Steel is a sea
chiming like that. No no, they got me. It was yeah. Give the maple actually switch my cowboys grade to F minus yeah. Alright, that's perfect! That's our draft recap. I think we crushed that was good yeah. We We gave you everything you need to do now. The thing is, you can judge or draft raids until five years from now to see how they are actually pans out ill. it also is metrics too aware it's not our it's, not our opinions about it. This is the formula. And the data that is telling us life. My favorite part about the NFL draft when it ends every fan, does the same exact thing, because I did it this morning You just basically searched internet till you can find someone who gave your team are really good yup, because there are some a grades out there. Like I searched high and low, and I finally found someone who was like b plus a minus for the bears. I was like alright good we're good to go. This feels good and just ignore
for everything else yeah, nobody really knows anything about. What's going to happen so who cares yeah? Who, except our grades, are correct. Our grades are factual in nature. We grade on a curve too yeah. We do great on a curve, absolutely bell curve. Dude. I remember freshman year I walked into a class and they it was like. I think it was like Econ one, a one and the explain the curve the first day, and I was like I'm out and I I withdrew. I still don't understand the curve. It's like it's just. You can't like if there's a ten percent of the classes smarter than you, you can't get NE, even if you get everything right. and is pleasure. I say not article five months mark if you're really dumb class, then it's easy get it in a correct put. I it was one of those classes. I was gonna like three hundred people, and I was just play my odds like I'm, not top ten percent smart here I'm out of this class. You think if a professor, just straight up, gave like a three hundred person class. If they gave everybody be pluses, do you think anyone would complain errors? Yes, absolutely there's absolutely at least ten people.
who would be like I deserve, and that's what I would do it over three. Yes, you're right, you know exactly what I would do it I'd like on the mid terms I give out the midterm graves, it would be like everyone gets be plus than the ten people that complain. I just here Okay, you're, not yeah, and then everyone else is happy and you don't have to do any work yeah who, whoever complains just gets it yup, that's how it works. Yeah, that's that's kind of how life works. It is you just complain. Your way through you can get. You know, discounts like no badges on yelp do. This is absolutely true, like, like fucking whoever's, ahead of a homeowners association that just the top complainer in the neighborhood
so start complaining more recent socks. Yeah we hate them, but then they get stuff. Though it's one of those weird things in life, where you see someone who's, a total asshole who complains and it just they have it in their nature, like they'll, do they're the person who will send back food at a restaurant, they'll fucking complain about an air like they'll, be up at the counter at the airline complaining for like rewards points. All these things are like that person sucks, but also they get so much free shit cause. They just go. The extra mile being an ass. It almost becomes a game to them to see what they can complain about and win right, and so then it's like every interaction with someone in customer service or someone who's just like in retail. It's like, I know I can get something from that person. I'm going to go, do my performer vassal thing and it works for them. It works, but then they're never happy with what they actually get they just like the feeling of winning in the complaint, I'm the opposite of the complainer, where I like, if, if they're like,
you can get a refund. If you fill out this simple form, a might know: paperwork no, have only now, I'm out if they're all resistance, if I'm, if I'm like, I'm looking for a refund on an app and the credit card number comes in, where's, the horizontal bar and not the nice, like dialpad style. For me to put my credit card number and I'm like. No I'm sorry. I can't do that. How about how about when you get something in it like doesn't fit, and you have to send it back now now. Never I just I just get completely like. Into submission by any retail establishment, favorite dominated by my favorites, going to a place and in like buying clothes and they're like do you need a receipt and I'm like nope, because, let's be honest here, if I don't like something, I'm just living with this decision, I'm not coming all the way back here, yup, there's no chance! So yeah don't be the complainer. I dunno his anger at the draft. But what? How do people who complain about a draft grades? I dunno all the curve curve again called the planning classes. Yeah, alright,
Give me a hand. You still haven't one this. Sixth I do sex or you want sex, others Amerigo eight. Ninety six on Western Sahara, her tail and is therefore so far that we do this every time, but we don't know that presented Olympics, which are Audio Bobby we pick six everytime. I look ninety six or sixty sixteen. I knew every over sixty nine yeah. It's simple, you have just referred Twenty four
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Transcript generated on 2022-05-05.