« Pardon My Take

Comedian Sam Morril, NFL Week 5 Picks And Preview, The Bears Finally Win A Game, Marlins Man Calls In Plus Jimbo's

2023-10-06 | 🔗

The Bears are back. Pardon My Take civil war and PFT reports live from DC after the Bears won a game for the first time in almost a calendar year (00:00:00-00:23:25). We talk some playoff baseball (00:23:25-00:33:35). Week 5 picks and preview of every game with a bonus Marlins Man call in the middle that is a must listen (00:33:35-01:57:09). Comedian Sam Morril joins us in studio to talk comedy, Knicks, life on the road and the jokes that pissed the most people off (01:57:09-02:49:12). We finish with Jimbo's (02:49:12-03:02:45).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey part, might take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube. Prime members can listen ad free on amazon, music max the one to watch for the best and entertainment now has lived sports with a plea to report sports out on one three hundred to select lacks an l b posts, except and beyond, and asia who s soccer and then see a men's, more credible and it's all included for a limited time, any mac subscription after the from a period of four nine ninety down a month they subscription required on today's pardon my take. We have comedian sam rural on this.
Yo in studio very funny interview, great great comedian. You should go see him on tour. Ah, he changes whole flight come in to hang out with us, so a wl and recurring guest. We have thursday night football bears commanders. We got a lot to talk about their tattoo bet. Ah week five picks, improve, picks and preview, and I'll just say this right now and put it on a must: listen for a call we had with marlins man. It is a must, listen! Probably there. when we were doing the stream earlier tonight? The guys around us asked for the third most shocking thing that he said, and we told them and they're like what the fuck there's two more shocking things. So what was it third most shocking, when I think it was either to tds a teaser, it's teaser. I think it was when he said that we we we everyone, thought we hate women. Ah yeah, yeah, The whole country thought we hate women, so
then, we have fire fest to end the whole thing before we get to all of that. Our friends at chevy there's a new family with unstoppable grit and they're the official partners of the pardon. My take family, and that is the chevy silverado zr two fan. The first ever silverado heavy duty. Easy are to join a franchise, to make chevy easier to the only truck brand, with a full lineup of trucks ready for wherever you're off road adventures. Take with exclusive multi, matic, dss, v, dampers, rugged, muttering tyres and up to fourteen available camera views, chevy, so rosy are too, and so rojo h easier to a family with commanding an unstoppable grit heads chevy doc,
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he read It's important might take this course. Sport. From the point of my take today's fry eight october, sixth, and the three best words in sports for best words, the bears a back. The bears are back, the bears have rights, the rocks verges, kicked other fuel, rare someone. He loves feel goals that I love he'll go, so we should never ever call him but run again after this game.
Game against the eagles he's he's lost. Riverboat ron is no longer riverboat ron, so pft you're at the game. I'd love to get your thoughts on what the vibe was. Like, I first of all r, I p dick Butkus all time football guy he passed away this afternoon. The bears- I don't know if the strategy of having bears legends die and then getting that to galvanize a team is a sustainable strategy, but it felt like it worked tonight and r. I p dick butkus seriously like a legend of legends when it comes to the football world, but the chicago bears lost fourteenth street games. They headed into Thursday night football and they ship pump. The commanders down to smile on your face like where the guy I don't like the way its entire ensures goes. Bobo, the bureau's all birds were back, yet you buried them. You buried. That is yeah form neuro yet on their dunder don't owe the birds are bookkeepers back. It was bad for staff
no game planning against, like you said, like dick buck, his passing away and, as as much as that was like an emotional factor, I'm sure for some of the bears it probably affected ron rivera Two I'm sure ron Rivera was super close with dick butkus and he played on the bears, he's been very close in chicago like he is. He is a chicago guy in terms of his his football career, at least his playing career. So I'm sure he was sad going into the game, but yeah. The first half was bad. It was as bad. It was it that was chicken shit football all across the it's the commanders and there was no getting out of that hole. Plus it's helpful that you have d, J, Moore or maybe get him the ball more often because yeah he's on a topic below worried about. You worry about your who's. Your good, I I am, he was so good at manual. Forbes are our rookie first round pick who has played? He played pretty well until AJ brown like snatched his soul, but metaphors got benched and then the people that we put in for
forbes, can guard him either. So as it was, it was a bad night. After the first half we had a little comeback in the second half we're feeling good. I changed my jersey, the vibes change in the stadium. It looked like we're coming back and then all the alderman moments and got sucked right out of the stadium that go with joy, sly, so I'd so I'm not allowed to change my opinion. So let me ask you this phd still ticket suki nonsense,
oh I'm thinking, justin fields is good quarterback. I was right about yeah. Yeah is right for you for not wavering on that. Take yet very wavering. Yeah I mean just fields was phenomenal, he's been phenomenal, six hundred yards, eight, touchdowns and and one interception last two games. I think I'm back in love, and I know that like listen, he was bad to start the season. The packers game was bad. The bucks game was bad. The chiefs game was bad. The last two games have been great and I gotta give credit to luke etsy the offensive coordinator. He actually called a great game plan. You know what actually works when you have justin fields having designed runs, I dunno, if you notice his pft, but like I think it was probably six or seven drives started with a justin fields, run just to be like hey. We have this weapon. You now have to defend us differently, not all of them worked, but just doing that changed how the bears looked and how they're able to
back the commanders defence, which I the defence of the commanders, the diva want just goes eagles. They had some good moment sight. It was about the different line. This game was about. We the old, ready, now, is dj more, and so we got. We actually beat you with a full back at the end. You know those does single word is probably, should I had two hundred eighty yards, but they they said he was out of bounds. We think it. we play in the stadium, so I still haven't seen that play. Was he out about his fifty? He looked mad. They didn't show replay on tv, so he was at bounce there's that he was out of bounds if they don't show a single replay, they showed a replay, but it was the what was the far angle. They never showed a replay of his feet being out of bounds, yet he would have I think we we should do the math on, but I think he would have had like two hundred and seventy yards two hundred and eighty yards receiving, if, if they didn't call him out of bounds on that one, he would have what forty four touches, how many you have two or three three touchdowns three
so we would have had four and like to undertake yard. So he was, he was electric. He was in your right about just in field. So with the thing I notice about just in fields when you're up close watch him in person and not like watching tv It was after the design runs. Even was it don't work he is so confident after them he loves them. He loves doing it and when they ask for the past ball after he's, feel good about himself he's away better passer because his companies out over thinking things It changes his entire mindset is what we're saying like justin fields should run the ball more frequently. It sucks that he know he's going to get hit yeah, but that's the nature of football, but he's a big dude. He can do have some parts where he was running into people and is bouncing right up and it makes the whole run game work because, obviously we lost all of our running back sniper clil herbert when he was running was
phenomenal: he was ripping off, big, runs, left and right all right, I'm gonna come back down to reality. I had to do that because I was, I was very excited. It's it's good, listen I'll! Come back down to reality. I don't think the bears are all the way back. They're still wanting forward they're still bad team, but it's just nice to win one. Fourteen games started to weigh on me a little bit like where it was like. This is feels like you know. He refuses to get fired all this stuff. It's nice to win one justin fields deserves a win. He's been playing his ass off the last two games. It's nice to win one. I did look at the schedule coming up and I've convinced myself that could potentially go foreign one of the next five, but I'm going to save that for another day, because I know there's still some big problems. I also know justin fields is not he's. I I'm falling back in love like it was. It was basically like we had like a two week break up, whereas, like you know what let's get different places and and I started to sign a lease and I was like fuck- I really miss this guy, so I think I'm all the way back in love, but I don't want to hear. I know it's one game. It was one game I'm not going to get so crazy was one game, but it was a fun game. It was good to win one and the bears almost tried to blow it because
the offense, was not that great in the second half and if Joey sly makes a field goal, I actually think this pfd. You could tell me if I'm wrong, you can tell me on vibes in the stadium. I think if Joey slide makes a field goal to make it thirty twenty three the bears probably lose that game, because all the prayer goes back on them vibes in the stadium. That's exactly what we're saying like. If that was like a forty six yard, yup and from where memes- and I were sitting there on the sidelines and it everybody intersection- thought it was good, and so we started celebrate and they're like oh shit, no he's he's waved his arms the wrong way round. with the arms hanging we we just looked around at everybody, was like that. One enright we we collectively had like was like collective delusion for about fifteen seconds, where we're like that was a that was a wrong call that fuel going in ass. We can tell that was a bummer, but yet the way they were moving the ball and somehow I heard some people call him. Sammy's, though so that's mean, don't come Sammy. So so,
I mean yeah, oh dude, he had some runs that were insane that were like what does what does howard? How is he doing this? And how was he getting just like toss the ground and just getting back up he's a tough mother, fucker? And yet some dimes to I actually like I was surprised by the commanders. It did feel like the commanders came out in the first half like the bear. Suck will win this game, no problem because it made no sense like the bears have no secondary right now. Their defensive line actually showed up. For the first time. All year, which was nice, they felt like the defense was playing with a purpose which I haven't seen for four weeks like guys flying around, but I don't know why the commanders weren't just trying to to take deep shots all night. They did miss a couple in the first half, but once once him how it was
when you're deep, like we were getting gashed yeah. The enemy doesn't like to call the deep shots unless it's like right around midfield. If we get a first down on first down we're going to eat, that's that's kind of his style and then everything else is intermediate or screens things like that, but yeah. I agree. I think we should have gone deep way earlier more for like throw the ball through for Terri Sewell kit. Terry can do and draw pastor ference if he doesn't catch it, but I want to just go back to real story tonight. You know we don't really care about this football game, so it was bigger than sports. It was dick. Butkus was younger. We should first and foremost think about that. I like, when you think of football. Dick Butkus is one of the first names you think of just cause. You just like think of the old footage of him just looking three times the size of everyone else. Just
like clothes. Lining people just fucking, smashing people. He was football, he watched football, I saw. I was talking with a bunch of staff from the commanders here after the game, and they were great. They we I got to meet Josh harris shook his hand, great handshake, ooh, fantastic handshake. By the way who guy jacket when a cool guy jacket he was, I also noticed not wearing anything. That said, the word commanders on again glittering investigating he just got seven thousand dollars worth commanders gear, yet it is located, gave twenty thousand of it away. I met the people at parliament of my night. The medium sold out in record time. I gave away me and tossed out, probably like thirty medium about knobs in about two? when it suits us was able to Syria hundred left yeah yeah, but it was. It was cord, so the committee's work there are great hosts nine. I was talking to some of the people in the south after the game there asked me what my tattoo is gonna be and
we're just tossed around ideas and the idea of just getting lips on my ass on my ass cheek from Butkus. Oh, not with that that one sounds like it could work? I am also thinking, maybe just take it back old school barbed wire, tattoo rival, tattoo, a longer. If only there was it tat you you ve talked about getting since the beginning. The shots leaves applied have to leave here. I am also think about the plot. Have sleep still pft this right now. That's I mean that's, that's the one of the best ideas you've ever had you always talk about you talk about, then I've got a lot of great ideas. Fifty I spent all day planning out what my tattoo was going to be that I might just get one with you. I might usually get a good soldier and get one with you cause. I literally was just like looking at at images all day being like what is my tattoo going to be cause, I just I didn't think the bears were gonna be able. I thought there were a dead team and yet someone behind you in- oh- hey, hello, oh hey, he hoped he should be here. She said she she,
We have made up you ask and get on god get drawn upon some again tonight and sharply getting along. Sadly, I got here I personally josh airs no big deal. I wait so, let's get up before we, we talk touching the fucker. I just want to. I want to do what they will do in that around the stadium, like you out of that you ve been otherwise, since they have or other people yeah yeah there. and yet I agree, and I like beer, It's just so weird that in the stadium everybody pretends that something that's sticking straight up in the air super cool and yeah gotcha. There I mean, I think you should go for the tattoo, alright wait so before we do the pathetic pft. I just like last thing like where
cause I want to. I I was a little I'm a little. I should get soup. You should get to the the wind. Had me a little delusional there for a minute come back down to earth, I'm just grow up, ok, you're grubby, I'm happy slash. I know that the bears I still need just appeals to put together a lot of these. Put I'm very excited that he's back in my life. If you eyelet, I I understand completely like justin fields, is fun to watch when he's doing that stuff. I get it, I get it entirely, I'm just I'm! I'm upset because I thought this was when I haven't been back here like thirteen years and then I was all pumped up for this game and thinking about it for a year ever since last thursday night game who could forget and yeah down just bummed out and I'm going to have to get a tattoo next week. I have not even browse to what guardians falcons giants yeah, but this what this is gonna be a when that will look back.
Wish that we had at the end of the year we will be like remembered thursday. I came against bears when they had in the game in the calendar year and we lost because we came out didn't do shit in the first half, I'm going to think about down for sure, but also you can't really do that with games where you get lose by twenty yeah, it's true, but it's the bucket game like we came out there was there was no energy at all in the team. In the first half it was just a
or the whole first half was a bummer and then I booed I booted, have to I'm sorry have a kneel. I pay these guys salary kind of where they pay my salary too, because we do sports podcast he up. So I found myself in a real pickle here, but I did I booed ron rivers, clock management at the end of the first half, which was bizarre yes, where, where, if he doesn't use his timeouts until the last drive that we start on our own twenty five yard line and we've got like I dunno twenty seconds left and then he he he cause a bizarre series of plays that culminates in like a pass across the middle that gets us to like the fifty yard line. Yeah it gets us tackle there made it made, absolutely no sense. So I actually I think that ron Rivera understands how time works as the only explanation I come up and going for the field goal when you had like fourth and three or whatever it was. I that I know that's the field that I'm upset about the joy sly one I can live and die with, like you, miss a forty six yarder that should happens, but the field goal on fourth and three yeah that
made no sense whatsoever? I want somebody to look up the stats and probability how what percentage win probability did that gain us kicking a field goal there, as opposed to. If we had missed it, because I would imagine missing. A fuel goal is probably only like three per cent less than making that field goal down thirteen. Why would you kick a field goal? it makes. No sense would know it was just snow. We weren't, we were down. Oh, you were down. I think we're done sixteen at the time. Oh yeah, that's right, because you yea you down sixteen, and then you got to the touchdown with out the two punctures either way I'll say this: I it was fun for the bears to win. I don't like playing you pft cause. I love you and you know it's you it's not for doing bad blood between us. I mean I'm not upset, I'm not I'm not actually mad! That you're happy. I'm happy that you're happy thing I've just I'm I'm I'm Happy that you're happy and I'm sad that I'm sad here's what I'll say I wish the bears' first win in almost a calendar year had come against any other team. What a good
the last two wins patriots and the commanders? Do we play the eagles for best in the office dead? As we know, you play the dolphins. I think the dolphins play everybody on pardon my take this year, though we don't play the dolphins yeah. I I it's sick and twisted that I went through the bears. Next five games, vikings, raiders chargers, saints panthers and I was like that could be foreign one. Yes, that's fucked up cause. I know that's not, but I'm going to just have one night where I'm like. Could the bears me five and five in november yells soapy of tee. What are you going to do for the tattoo for real, so the ideas that I just throughout their that's? Actually, that's all I'm goin over right now, so the play, sleeve the lips and then the barbed wire and the tribal armband. Those are the those are the for them. Right now I don't know I didn't always is already having a bowl of soup could be like pretty understated the cool. I think you got
if you've got leroy, that's like that always plays, can say shit about leroy yeah, that that could be good, yeah, maybe yeah, maybe just his face, or maybe even like a minimalist leroy, where it's like his his muzzle. yeah or the paw print yeah they've got one of his paw prints. Paw prints work for sure that would be cool marlins to an sop sop. Where we're hank enough. The troll axons troll shit right now is based egg potter's burial ground medical map. Patricia rohingya sit up. What you're talking about you're, making money that sure he's very happy that bears. Why did the second dickie be died? I was too had yeah agreed. Subject you like this. We ran out michael's tonight. I thought we
What was that interaction? I saw so I was waiting to meet Josh and I was sitting in like the the owner's suite area and we get up there. We sit down and the first person walks past us is Al Michaels walks, like he's the only person besides us in the room with like one of the security guards. It was like bringing them up there and he walks right past us and memes as he was walking past us memes points right in his face and goes that's all Michael's come on names because people and then Herbert reworked, A second later he was that's verbs, so she shut out herbie. He says, what's up to all of you, as he says about it at all, you guys anything about my my problem with his plane. Tweet No, he did not say that taken up with them when we have montague, he kept that to himself and then me and memes were sitting in these chairs and a bunch of kids walk in and they're all wearing like nationals, gear watch nationals gear, and then we hear them start to scream and we're like. What's going on, I turn over my shoulder
magic johnson walks, o magic johnson was just ain't right next to me again pictures that every one of these kids jobs as nice as person world. Oh he's, maniac he's legally with magic. Is that like one person that I was completely starstruck by piazza jobs. I could see that for sure means also did some weird video work where you just so close, I don't know yet was happening. He was he was zooming all the way and on you, yeah memes like to get an ice tight, shot there. He was in the seat directly. maybe tell you all that the ones that will deliver you didn't know. He was recorder you and looked over and discussed and then happened to see the camera after. That Oh I'd, never knew when means there's according or when he wasn't. I was just complete, surprise or turn around here. The camera like right, my face: oh piazzi, last thing: where would we talk about one more? I virus has this year. If we talk about this fire fast, but you do you're, the thought cross your mind- and I
because across mine, when joy sly was about kicked up your goal to make it thirty twenty three we were in tight zone. Yes, so that we can do ass means with ten minutes left in the fourth quarter. Ten minutes left, I looked at my go. You know ties not off the table. But I think that this would happen So I was like, oh my god, what we have done. What are ya got that thought? definitely was a big fat- also means buddha veteran tonight. Oh no, oh yes, between quarters, they bring a veteran challenges or cat came bring these they anywheres nervous means. the veteran. I looked at him. What are you doing means is like it's a black rifle cos. Oh yes, I am so blue guy that needs a god. Yes, it was you less at two o
since you'll, never actually own one. You could get a el camino tattooed on your body. That was mean I'm going to buy an EL camino just to spite you that was mean the light it on fire. That was that's not a bad idea. The vehicle that do you're excited for where, where you get up here, fifty one that I think I'd do pretty soon rag like. Otherwise we will not too, would be called tattoo yeah. You got. Ok, we'll get local media yo we'll go make a video of pm tv. If you get a tattoo, what if you get it not a minute, so you're not doing the punishment borg and have nothing else going on there and the twenty four hours room, Oh you want me to fill hours of your block of solo for further viewers, I'm saying like what your problem in Iraq. I know I'm started to kill two birds with one stone. I will get a tattoo if there's a chicago based tattoo artists, that's good! Please refer them to me, and
The other ideas that you have him sure people are tweeting me tattoo ideas, don't stop right now, so I am really checked where much after the game, but get a tiger I'll get the tattoo soon I would like to get it and I might get what we want and how and when I get one way, leroy playing the guitar owed up. We can never do that. Dogs can play guitar overcomes, I made it says you have tea. I spend all day plenty, my tattoo, that I might just I might just get one with you. I might have a neck tattoo. What about an open tear and if never beat bears in close it a tier drawn teardrop in that, one for four murders. Shrove, that's true! I other things we have talked about baseball, real, quick, more like the mild card. That's gonna, frank yeah, frank, frank. Actually, I saw that I live. I reach. I was afraid of what he's right. That's it. That's ease up she's right. So now we weeps elsewhere is
I was telling max this earlier today say it for for the whole audience dear, but I though I'm a nationals fan their division rival. I really liked the phillies there's so much fun to watch suit and they're the nats they've got they've got all. Are old players were like you know, where the farm system for the phillies so very easy route for awesome environment. It's fun to watch the phillies opposes baseball. It's it's also just schwarber I'll root for schwarber wherever he goes like. I fucking love that dude so goddamn much. He is the best like him partying did you see the video of him they're trying to get him to a keg stand and it was like schwarber a like hit in his head that he wasn't a indiana frat he's like wait. I shouldn't do a keg stand, but he wanted to so badly he's the absolute best
yeah nut, listen, toughest place to play. The bank is hank, hater, hank, hater, going crazy and the saying oh everyone's stood up for a home run, never see that anywhere else. No, it wasn't. I have no issue with philadelphia fans. I love the passion. I do have an issue with our producer mack saying: there's nowhere else like it in sports, professional sport. I say doesnt matter stand by it I mean I'm, not the only ones are contained in a no that's, not again the cliff. It's a great club, their deaf, when the most passionate fans probably left in the in the current plans, but like there it's saying, there's no earls, like in professional sport is just a lie. That's why that's my business haytersbank is here. This is aigner. Hang it like. It is like the talk of baseball right now is the phillies crowd. it is. The latter is a larger isolated, though its electoral haytersbank. I thought-
No, no! No! You guys, like that video of the crowd, singing brazen starts, walk, walk up song ass, he walked to the plate and then five seconds later hitting a grand slam is like one of the cruellest sports videos of the year. The pressure of the like this state like this, but like everyone. Walk up song, you don't you never hear the entire team. Just like that's not true, though that's words like you're. Losing me fancy long to songs! That's not now a yet in europe as in euro, though in like I've been de retz axioms or they do that. They do then is sweet, caroline, caroline. What night on my part in euro gulags? What about your fuckin? What about your boy, bouchain victorino, when you the red sox world seriously. Everyone song is our only walked arrow like that point, its try to behaviour hague other saying it's not like. It happens. Hitter hank, nato has what is at issue here, what the hell are. You know what I like hater hank. We need a haider.
and he really plays it. Well I mean, but on that I'm not the only one saying, as a rule says rp as we wouldn't you say, while he had asked, vp is for his first quite add I dunno. If it's the first question the first question of the clip, it was the only question of the clip he asked what's different about that. What's different about citizens, bank park and Jeff passions that it's an scc football crowd at a baseball stadium, your face, Say loud but, like we didn't say which has enough money will be abandoned: vivendi, like cubs van therein, though, and the plaster? Just as you know, we ve actually saying, although songs when the, when they didn't wake guy yankees bit division right, absolutely, not if the yankees or in the falcon play us like those van gogh knots, red sox bands, go nuts fillies Van gogh. Nuts, you click, ok, I'd box, you go to a yankees game, that not, if they're, not in the play offs. Ok but like the ground by the draw here in october,
no, it's, actually manage a whorehouse banned because five dollars to go to yankees play off game, I didn't say, play off game. I set it to cause five bucks euro yankees here, which it back in the a's do the easily trombones, and should they don't really? We need more ease. the age when we're talking when they are in the end. We are talking about the way we didn't what just happened. I just saw the You can't even get a quarter of the stadium filled like we're, not harbour. These are some of the good teams and there's a lot of them. You just shut the a's with the acer in the playoffs. It's it's nuts that are fiction. That's a fact That's that that that's all I'm saying is like magic, eg, there's no rosalie gets bored. I won't say: ok, let's get fucking jerry caracas on here. It's the only thing he says, and he talks about right: socks
I eddie says the philly. Let the phillies stadium is different. It is a good environment. I think what we discovered here. Scrub policies in baseball crowds are cool, but the visa ban not raise I would actually say the mariners probably is even better. I needed to turn my mic down. I didn't the orioles are going to give them a run, for it and are agreed agreed on where I be so you're the most saint along through song. So shout inherent in the title track in I shall then here the top down back shelves, its wins, goby, the ashraf, please hiccups, who else whence that's number one. All the rangers and or yeah got dodgers. Yet in the rangers beat raise in the rays were pathetic. That was so pathetic. Cry was so pathetic. We'd owes fillies owes fillies would be
it'd be great the highway that connects philadelphian baltimore for sixteen no idea Ninety five, probably ninety five. Ninety five connects everything yeah I'd so max last question: are you worried about the breeze and blue? The braves are really good. Obviously there late forever owners wants to take some notes for some plants: baseball. Here's the official scouting report, the breeze, really good brains, are really good. What's their home environment like private debt, not as good as the phillies riders scared to go to philly strikers deftly scared to go to philly. Just when one on the road fillies have the best winning percentage at home and play an ad citizens bank park.
In the emerald bay, that's just a fact, one more games. This is ranked park than any other team. The sheer know their winning percentage at home in the play off is the best in the emerald. Be that's a fact yet, because we tuna no of all time every game that every play off game at citizens. Bank part at least twenty games played feelings of the best when he presented seven all know it there. I'm sticking out of saying a fact array. I got so much well as those big cat, and I got so much shit for reminding you that, on the last episode to like you, gotta take to go with bad as it was awfully quiet at the bank that night yeah the bank wasn't able to do it. That night, the phillies have the best home winning percentage in baseball since the
It's opened what what was the question? I just wanted. The I I just forgot that stat and I didn't forget it, but I just needed to make sure that was said. Okay, oh the braves, yeah braves are really good, but they are really good last year and we fucking spanked them last year, and I think that we're better this year than we were last year, I'm still worried about our starting pitching, but our bats are. Our lineup is just so fucking good. I may have it so. Is there I've. I've I think fillies braves is the best I feel is very proud to be. Accelerated exists, argives often lilies, is probably the best years of the entire play off some act. when they start to do the chop in atlanta. You're gonna be like looking right now. The shop is such a piece o get a little local over here think its offensive. The up, ok,
nice on it we stand on it. Blue, yeah bloopers is going to be annoying. I and I'm not creative enough to go back at him. So I'm going to ask the thing about bloopers. You can't beat a mascot because he's a mascot, you just gotta, hope the braves lose. Then you just sounds great. Fear is all you have to do max here. You piece of advice, gotta, lean heavy on chain and his photoshop game for this one. You gotta bunch of really embarrassing bluebird shots. Guess you don't want into a war of words with the mass got they don't they don't speak. So all their good thoughts just come on tweet form you have to have. You have to have shane whip up some seriously. Fucked up photoshopped, like blue per on Epstein Jeff, That type of shit has, he said anything to you yet max. Ah yeah, he said I said, give me blooper and he said I don't think you need me. You need a salad yeah he's gonna play dirty yeah, but it it
goal is just say that he's little brother, mass god, he just wants to live, be the philippine out of yes, that's so that should, if means, could start thinking of some aims about him being little brother vivian. maybe a little you small small, you were little you small pfc. Did you see this? I've regret that you have taken you see this. Oh also pfc now had the outline our tragedy and also its good good thing. You know brand here, because there were a couple of times where the the bears big boy, the commanders, yeah. Okay, yes, I'm aware, watch the game yeah. I just wanted to say it's because football is big boy football couple of times also Jonathan Allen, kind of big boy, justin fields at one time where he body slammed him that was cool. He got concussed. Yes, it feels got concussed. He got he got that was, that was a right on the top of his head. How much does justin fields way like
hundred forty pounds to thirty year, yeah shot another strong, strong man, so strong, okay, ah anything else that we should keep to ourselves got like, I said, must listen tag on marlins man's call in the middle of the picks and preview segment, and then an unbelievable interview with several so yeah. Let's keep it to okay time for our weekend preview. It's time for the nfl weekend, picks picks in previous segment brought you buy uber eats we love over its support. Take on your preparing for nfl sunday, knowing you'll be watching all the action for eight street ours, not leaving your couch. You want delivery on who reads the place to get almost almost anything get groceries I'll call in everyday essentials. In addition to the best local restaurants, you love, you won't be able to get winning pick.
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get almost almost anything with over its order. Now I'll call intellect markets and twenty one plus to order product availability may vary by region. See app for details. Ok, boys, weak five to buy weeks are here to buy weeks are here we have. Finally, finally, the nfl has given us an appropriate slate where we have seen a london game. Six, one o clock, twelve o clock aims and then for afternoon games. So it's perfect. We have every tv active, it's gonna be great, maybe not some of the best much of what the best match up his son So it's it's crazy, because at at first glance were like awesome. We have football day which kicks ass, but then also it's like kinda shitty once the london game start happening, because you have no time to be a real human being at all on sunday, you can't so it's.
Important on sundays, to release do one activity that makes you feel like you're, not an asshole go outside walk outside, take the dog at one time I help out around the house. Do a chore. Do your taxes if you got the extension and hank, but in this case it's like you are just back to back to back to back football. You have no time to do anything which no time I love. I love it, but also just let me pretend to be a human being for like gimme a hour and a half window yeah. I take my kids to the diner every sunday morning and I last week I would just you know. Well, it goes pretty quick, but I just had to watch some of the game on my phone. As you know, you gotta make sacrifices a little bit. You do yeah, alright, so london game, first game and then we'll get to the the the the early slate jaguars bills, london game jaguars. Are this fucked up his bills lost the hunting yet even think about it. something different think they might. They might get that home game back there. So scheduling cork, where they're like well, if you, if you miss out on this one, will give you something
extra, I forget what it is, ok are using their way. That's dies. Fucked up, although I did see the mayor of buffalo has put in this. So buffalo everyone. You know politics hop button. These days, government hop button these days. The mare buffalo is like I've. I've made sure that allowed for bars to serve beer at eight, a m o k, l you're, so all bars are able to reopen. That was like that. Pablo might be the last place in the world where, like politics, actually work as they care about the important things like can bills, fans get drunk. one again they're serving the people up there right, yeah they well. They know which side their bread's buttered on run route like you're, going to get votes. If you shut down the bar Yes, I am excited to see bills mafia over london, yes, see how they are going to slam back, like a bunch of fifty two degree beers. Do you think the duvall people have just stayed. Probably I'm sure that there are some people from Jacksonville that have just made like probably move to london. That's my favorite thing about sports is vacations around sports. It's you see them,
with ball games where colleague, fanbases would be yeah I'll go to temper florida fer. You know five days around this ball game, that's true sports fans and words like yeah. I guess I do need a family vacation. Oh well, let's just work it into my real life. My sports to that does kind of iraq, though, that they get to games over there, so you can do an entire week. Jacksonville fans will probably go out west, hang out with the pike ease from snatch. You up skirts bare knuckle, that's basically acts and girl. Birmingham s the atomic shall be west. England is very similar. Is it's just Jacksonville would fog? Yes, yes, so this game. I liked bills in this game. I have to say this that everyone a week as it is incredible every time a keeps growing Josh Alan has fifty nine winds and forty five of them, or by some points or more it's pretty fucking insane cam robinson is gonna. I think going be about of eligible to be back. I don't know if we made the trip, I think he's that obviously will help the jaguars offers of wine a lot and the only other note I have in this game. We talked about the wonderful
his launder taught over five in one when they play on that fields. You I've been wanting to the overall over the long at the big over this Also gonna take the wonder I notice oh he is on miller, might be back to Actually he might be so I might might my theory is he's gonna say like I wanna play I want to play and that the bills won't let him play, but he is eligible play this week, he's returned to limited yeah. He says he wants to practice this week. So there's a chance. I might I put at like thirty percent that he's going to play, but if he plays he will probably make an impact. Oh really, fucking good. I just searched him. He said I feel like riding a bike. An old bike- oh well, he's over there. No, while he's getting back into like shape playing shape. Okay, he feels like he's riding a bike, an old bike. Oh so, but he's like it's riding a bike like once. You learn to ride a bike. You never forget, put it might be an old bike where, like the chain caught, keeps
falling off the giant front, we'll bikes. Yet at the news is it's a little bit the front wheels a little bit flat, but you can't figure out where the whole is social, slowly legal leaking yeah yeah. I do have a travel note on this game. Ok shall Mcdermott so I love it when teams go overseas because they all think that they can figure out a way to outside father time announced more jet lag and we ve all been there. When you planning a trip over europe, you like ok, here's the plan whose how to do it. Sean Mcdermott's plan was that the bills flew through the night. On Wednesday night. Ok to get there are sardine their flying through the night tonight on thursday night, so it'll be yesterday. If you listen to my words right now, so they went overnight, tried to get sleep on the plane, then they're going to stay up all day on friday, go to bed on Friday night at the your time in those can be like five hours early. I did this exact move going overnight on his wedding and as good
an ideas. It sounds like on paper. You think you ve got the diagram out there. You look at the the that you're a spin or plain you're thinking. Oh well, full. Might sleep assault eight hours on the plane, my friend, you are not going to get it. I was sleep on a plane and then they're gonna try to stay up through it, I'm not I'm not confident with the bill. Sleep leg is speaking from us, on sunday, when I was coming back from danny's wedding, I was very gaseous area, so that that was about idler. As about about time zones VON miller might be gas, he he likes to fort and meetings. So, though, probably gonna be some very, very stinky side, as for the bills, the if I were a coach of an annual team and we had a london game, I would leave right after the game. On sunday,
if there's earliest snow, just go just be like and don't even go home pack your bags, let's go right away at two suits just just deal with like the first cause like monday, tuesday will suck, but then you'll be normal and you'll feel good. That would be my plan. My time. My plan would be, I would get a a team of doctors with dubious ethics, and I'd have them just give everybody on the team, and I ve with anesthesia yeah, just knocked up like medically put them into a coma. Four nine hours on the flight and then wake them up when its morning time over there, and then both your body thinks that morning I would go on further. I would now the amount? I would have ever go home, haven't go to bed knocked about going to bed and then go and carry their bodies onto the pie. kidnapped them. Yes that way you wake up, and then you carry their bodies off plain into a bed? So they go to sleep in buffalo and they wake up in their beds in london yet- and I would put I would put like film or like the eyed, the game plan in heading
that they'd have to listen to other in a coma, so they memorize the play play causing memorize the strategy going into the game. It's like reading on a book. It's like sleeping on a book, yeah yeah margarets eyes most nerd nugget as if the Josh Allen bowl so linebacker Josh Allen recorded his two hundredth tackled. The jaguar last week he's tied for first in the nfl, with six sacks and holds the record for most sacks through four games in franchise history or a little under the weather trick. I don't think so. You ve been out around dollar allergies. Yeah! You have me I gave like a tree yesterday. Oh Oh that's right! Yeah, it's got you sick. Are you yeah cause? You sound like you're. A little under the weather is just cause early cause early yeah, I'm fine. He sure arthur yeah, okay, fine, I'm nervous about you. I don't want you get sick, neither okay! Okay! It is the Josh Allen. Bowl though that's always fun with Josh Allen. Sacks Josh Allen, hopefully doesn't happen that often I am rooting for the
cause, I'm probably going to bet the bills in this game are okay, next game, starting the noon. Slate. Ah cant, not some not great games at noon, but there I think we're gonna, have a fun witching hour and predict if one witching hour, ravens and steelers is probably the best game on paper, just because I dunno, if you heard this pft, but these two teams don't like each other, you can throw out the record books when the It seems get together. That's a fact. No love lost between the ravens and the steelers. We're going to hear all those from the netroots can be great. I love hearing it yup. I love hearing it every year twice a year, I have a fund stand here. Did you know that roquat smith is not actually a raven Oh really he's not a raven, because he said last year you not a raven till he beat. Pillars a hole and they asked him again about he's a guy. I would really like to be a raven next week, so I'm not a raven yet okay, so this is ro constitutes he's trying to become a raped. Her earn his wings this game.
This is one of those times where you have to like just pretend that you had didn't. Watch the steelers look horrible against the taxes. You pretend that you didn't even seen the steelers often struggle all year and Events have looks good and just be like this is just raven. Steelers is Thomas harbour. Take the underdog, no matter what it sucks. because I can even jerry said Kennedy. playing. But in my site you told the media's me ready to go about canada, so jerry did have the first. He said he had a first on Monday. That kenny is playing the scant using us it no matter what yeah he was. Yet he was gazette no matter what the under ag over the last twenty years in this game is twenty, eight, twelve and three against the spread. In my tom and verse, John Harbaugh, the underdog is twenty two five and three it's, just take the underdog every time, the eyelids all it is. I love it didn't points really, no matter being in being a favorite. It's just serves. bolton bore material to the other team because both teams are em. For this game. Regardless
and then when they know that they're an underdog that team's got the edge now and it's such a tomlin spot. Where, like they came out flat, we all knew they were going to come out flat against the texans, their favorites after a big sunday night, win now home underdogs against the ravens have looked like shit. There's, no real reason. You would want to the steelers in this game, except for the fact that seals, ravens use after we need to go? I can look at tomlins record in games before they play the ravens if they look like shit more often than not me MIKE tomlins purposely taking those games just to get em up. Four raven steel, just to get just to become an underdog, so it could be like known, believes, and yet I suggest to be just to beat your division rival. I liked. I wouldn't pastoral, Michael now, and now I would neither. I think that at this game is being played in pittsburgh, crusher stadium adversary for this game. It should always be Huntsville its hides field for Yes, don't tell me it's akrotiri, yes, and it should also always be nice
time or late afternoon, and it should be like forty degrees and people should be getting hit. Any should be dealing tat her yeah real bad somebody. There needs to be at least two objections in this game actually have an idea for the ravens. I don't know if it's possible, do they just they signed grace willing to the practice squad. You no trace willing yet administrative horse viewpoint, number because you get into a fuckin knocked down fight with george pickens when Pickens was georgia, swilling was at george attack, they hate each other. I mean George biggest it hates everyone, but he especially hates tre swilling. They need to portray swilling up on the game day, roster just again to a fight and get pickets kicked out of the game like that. That's the strategy just have them go after him. Yeah nerd nugget for the skin first off. Remember when these teams played on Wednesday afternoon, yes I was crazy. I was crazy. Wild was that was that Thursday night football on Wednesday afternoon, I love that deny football underlines that might have. I love you. I love
that shit when it's like sat it's thursday football and saturday night. we. However, they mix up the days as the best a team of the last thirty games, as in these two teams have been cited by three or four point through learning both last year: no division robbery as more than eleven decided by a field or lack love while of senior law. Ok, next stop giants. Dolphins giants. Look like trash dolphins, came back to earth. The big story here, though, is the Evan neal controversy, the notes app that Evan neal had to release, and I have to play some audio because don the greco who's, a host in new york city had one of the fun east veto. We pay your salaries ran, took at all time, so I want to play it for you. It is very, very funny so here's the greco on ever neil ever neil. He sets its but ever neo basely was like all these fans they're just making hot dogs flippin burgers. I don't care about them, get here it s all done
even the look up towards the stands raised his arms and gestured sarcastically. He said he did not flip of fans did you tell a clear message to them?
or booing us, so I said boo louder, Neil told NJ advance media on Wednesday. Why would a lion concern himself with the opinion of a sheep, he added the person. That's commenting on my performance. What does he do? Flip hot dogs and hamburgers somewhere? Are you kidding me? I cut his ass. I would how dare you these people pay your salary? They pay it up, not just the amount of money to park, not just about money for p s cells, to sit there and watch this tap and you call them hamburger flippers what you're so much better I'd rather have a guy. That's flipping! Hamburgers block your pizza garbage. Are you to talk to fans like that? You pay for garbage, but players do that us, because you have to play a sport you're better than me, you're better than the people that pay your salary, these giant fan for ear, but for you and they'll be here after your sorry, ass is caught. What
piece of human trash apology, you're always taken out of context. I mean I don't want to hear ton ton. I would cut his fat walling willowbrook boys ass. If you see him at the dmv come on board if he goes to the pro bowl boom, if he wins a superbowl boo. His sorry ass screwed that guy we're not nobody flipping for how you taught you condescend people to pay to watch you play poorly. I might add tag If you see him on the deity. poor ways, so you have with the well brute war. always was caught. His car It is sad, ass, well you get off just as you play a sport are better than any bodies. Oh good, also, love that you could also make the argument that that the giants pay download greco salary.
we're both of us most of his leadership company. and also the giants being bet like Eben neal, is great for don the grec. His job exact ad players are great for him, yeah, it's like as much as we joke around and and and make fun of taylor swift, like at the end of the day, she's given us stuff to talk about yeah. That's true racing the keeps the world going to Deion sanders when it's like, but love him or hate him, but he gets. He gets the people going, but yeah that was such an all. He was so upset and so like offended, which I agree with him. Like you can't win win players like Well, they don't have a right to boo or you know we have ret right to boo yeah we can poo. What do you mean? We can't poo yeah you can below that's that's half the reason why we go to games. Sometimes we boo you have to you have to be able to to exercise your right. Your first amendment right to it guys know that you're paying money to watch them be a fat ass, yeah it'd be like having a dog and never letting your dog go to the park or run around with fans have to boot, need to be able to boo, otherwise that energy gets
and up- and you see fights him well sometimes, instead of booing what you can do is you can give them a standing ovation? That's true and amped them up going, yeah and sarcastic, because that's a mandate to turn the season around yeah, that's what they should do forever. Neil you take a page out of philly's book. Yes, but yeah that Time ran ever neil, then release denotes app apology, which There has never been a good notes, app apology ever you can't it just doesn't. Oh I like this one because it was, and it was dark mode yeah. I was in dark mode. It was a nice change of pace yeah, but he so he so so that's going on the giants looked terrible. Ah I love the over in this game. Just because I dunno, if the giants are, the giants have played really good defenses by the way so they've played Dallas,
wade the cardinals play the forty niners and then obviously the seahawks aren't a great defense, but the seahawks are able do whatever they wanted with them. The dolphins are a little bit of a step down a defense and then the dolphins, offense, I think, is a bounce back game I think is worth is where MIKE Diaz, like fuck everyone who said that I I like you know that that that we can't win these big games. Even though this isn't a big game, I think about I came for the dark, so mcdaniel set it to get right game yeah, he said get right. Are you gonna get learned a lesson which It's not really him saying to get right game outright, but it's in his mind yet like this is an opportunity for the dolphins to get a little bit of their confidence back, which is why, like two giants, a lot in this game any times if a team stinks in a primetime game in front audience and they stock like the giants, you would have new sudan. He should it. He should be the fans back We can do that. You can get into a boo off yeah instead of going to the hamburgers hotdogs line, insulting somebody and be like you're beneath me. Your job doesn't mean anything which I'm sure Evan neal like look at his body type here.
he probably has paid a lot of salaries for hotdog and hamburger. is that the of his life yeah? He could be No, I pay your salary cause. I eat so much of your fast food yeah, but propria garbage. The appropriate response is just to boo. Back is going to boo off with each other yeah everyone. Boone! It's fine! Yet, let's just say everyone ever feel better. If we get a nice pu against as much as is the giants looked like on Monday night. That's exactly when you have to bear on team is: thanks. You and you have to bet on a team like that. What's so whether in miami cause is also where we're still in that early part of the season, where they put, the housing seem all in the sun, and then you get the oxygen mass in the eighty, six and scattered our so called can't get the random reports during the game like disguise out with a cramp, this guy's goo battling dehydrate shin. I also love some cool fun story about how the coach made everyone like eat a banana before and you know you know- drink salt in their water to try to keep the dehydration have got picked.
Use on the sidelines I'll. I love the battling giant thermometers today. It's like a piano bar. in may in miami when they have these root, like really hot game, with a show, the giant to monitor on one sideline and then the giant amateur on the other sideline right, be like it's so much cooler over her. Yes, yes, ok, so nor doug giant to face the dolphins just ten times their fuel games against any opponent and existence of the nineteen seventy merger there. Seven, three summoned foreign one on the road that I've wondered ass, a fund nerd knock yankees giants dolphins. there's another gained this weekend. I think the texans and the falcons- I don't All those teams are playing each other like in the cereal. Two years ago, one of the bangles rams ever played each other before that yeah you, never it's it's the angles and giants to see all jaguars. However, I know that you're not like, technically speaking, they have to play every four years, but they actually done what no one pays attention cardinals ever played the jets. No, I don't think they have ever played. No,
there's another one. Finally, later the roll out there, like noble, I don't think those seeds, I played seahawks texans. Forty niners have never played yeah yeah, the demi god bowl ok, so next game, hank saints patriots, Matthew, Jude, on increasing gonzales out very difficult for the patriots defence, those The two best defenders on the patriots did you see hank before we get in the raiders side of it. Sorry the saint side of it. Did you see? that we got a report from eight of your name, Matthew who went in and upon the river. Now I didn't ok, we have wise jake smilingly. We have an extreme report from the scant stream report. We can write health from jake's faces as they are again. They'd know diego's gay. I do. I can't wait eggs little shit, eating grin they did the most serious investigative journalism that I've ever seen
got into the river they got into the creek. I literally got it in the water. They went to the top of the lighthouse took pictures. We have overhead maps detailing the line of sight. Looking so that so they went in from the actual river. You cannot see the lighthouse they were there, able to find a stream a run off stream, which is problem, Not a federally funded body of water and it's not that it's a nice connected than no as ownership water there able to see it from the run off stream, but it's not visible from water behind in the actual neponset river, and then they went up to the white house and were able to look at everything. This is in its it's pretty good report. You can't see shit will. Actually. I was I included why what this acting like always saw us. You will get your fuckin even a. Why would you hated why weren't we included in the report that you put together and also our I presented to you? I know you the this email. Ok, the definitive.
the rivers and deposit reservoir hake mentioned this is part of the headwaters system of the river. Unfortunately, frank, the center of the lake is one point two miles from the white house: What's more, the lighthouse is obstructed by the stadium itself and surrounding shopping, complex and a mile foil, full foliage and neighbourhoods. The lighthouse would have to be a scam, scraper to be visible from here. The same applies. All the bodies of water, south gillette stadium, and yes, we checked all of them. Man on the cranberry bog by bass pro shops in various it's a long series of these guys did some of the best investment research, we will ever say pay I'd, say This guy is standing in the parking lot in a stream. That's in the parking lot, which does not even upon Israel. I too am I asked if I could use his name He no. We didn't. We don't ask me, send us. He said this to us on his own, really good job by him, like I'm, very impressed with the,
they went to hear your here's here's another part. Northeast stadium, however, allows for somebody to actually see the lighthouse from outside the complex. Depending on your vantage point, we found the furthest in peter of a wide river, not justice. on Google maps at its very finest is behind the parking lot of curry leaf indian restaurant along route, one though water itself here is accessible after some push walk whacking, so they probably do they really find the water we to get into the water and looks south south west towards a stadium. Unfortunately, for hank the stadium is completely obstructed by the foliage between here and the white house. If there was no foliage is still unlikely, the structure would be visible. I felt safe crossing the section of the river off the list. It should be noted. We had full intention to drop a kayak onto those bodies of water, but having a kayak over chain link fence into the water that was waist deep water at it's deepest proved to be more trouble than it would have been worth simply put there. There is no
there's not a navigable bodies of water by any kind of both the exception being the reservoir. It's all martian swamp. Yeah the regularly kids, you like to see the lighthouse. We usually went, entangled hank, look this okay. So this is the water right here behind curry leaf rights. This is where it would be considered, potentially navigable, where Could have maybe maybe a canoe our kayak lay. House not visible from water behind curly and there is in the what he's up to his waist and water. You can clearly see and is pointing at the lack of a lighthouse. So I would say hank that this is pretty ironclad, conclusive evidence. They fucked up lighthouse sucks dick s. True, it's good since those kids did a good job, yak and really a job to do up to your phone backer. I saw they that's good, so shut out maggie and his friend dan Matin Dan, did, though the research that we need
the real research who have been allowed to present evidence yeah. That's that's one report but it's an okay, his eyes. We need another wiser, biased, there's just fact there ain't eight of you, oh, why would you to that they're? Clearly, big cat and pft sheep as well? Ok, yeah mean whatever like we need There is no longer as united by its not a little resilience unbiased or do they would have sent to all this. The fact is- and you too based. We think that they will do it with one solution in mind. That was to make you guys happy. So you talk about them on your podcast, I'm an act my own independent you again. They did a good job but find some are renderings. I think it's one of those things like similar to like the traveller bower thing, maybe they're, just powerful, gay or purpose only evidence. So you are you travel power in this case. It okay got got it gotta, just one make sure they are purposely living out evidence that they had in order to make the stores sound better. I dont know what evidence would other
They can have. It is of the lighthouse from one of those fucking kramer, also. I would also like to point out that the neponset of war is different from the Neponset river that at em, and that is a key different sank because the deposit reservoir is what's closest to the lighthouse and you still and see from the reservoir. But your whole point was that you could potentially that's not the river. that's not the ponds river, and you know that so you miss The court now thousand mistake that I realize, after the fact that I was hoping, a brown. Yes are you did mislead the court? So, thank you too Matt and dan great work. You check The mouth and also your shadow, shouted the patriots for trying to get it on on the the clout associated with the lighthouse. By saying here is a nice lock screen? If anybody wants it, This is vague. Lighthouses you have it. Oh, I like you even tweeted that use all set like you're like I've done, do it yet
You know, I don't even you know whaley had you not bout that lie here. You have a real thing. They did so marine. You know thing I think all all respect to to actual marine stuff marine things and stuff. I love whales, heretofore, yeah, okay, this game, hank, must win sure. Okay, I have a fun fact for Daniel Jones and er. Sorry matt mack Jones mack Jones is ten. Twenty in one against the spread, verse. Everyone except zach, Wilson, he's five and oregon spreading insect. That's pretty good, it's pretty good! is eaten of Zach Wilson. I also did a little deep dive. Last night. We don't give dennis Allen enough credit for being one of the worst coaches vol title. I do all the time yeah he is I I went through it. He is the seventh worst coach of all time in the super lawyers. so few jackson was eleven and forty four,
steve bagnall was eleven. Forty one gus bradley was fourteen forty eight with jaguar is dave, sure was nineteen and fifty two with the bangles in the nineties, pretty cool to touch I'd like to fail. Sons of this that's good hit. Yet about and to add contains pat shurmur. I completely memory hold the pat shurmur coached, both for the the giants and the browns. He was nineteen and forty six and then Dave Mcginnis in two thousand coach of the cardinals for three seventeen forty dennis Alan is also seventy and forty three is the sixth worst coach of all time. We need to put more, better that a sounds day in its not that he's just bad. His boring what he did with the raiders? Ok, it's the raiders should happens with the saints you had a fun team of fun office, at least say which one about sean payton. He like he would roll the dice. Since we're always great to watch on tv he's made the saints boring he's. May the saints unwatched will, which I hate,
because I love new orleans. I liked the dome used to be a great place to watch football game. Now. It's do you see the saints in a matchup you're like oh gross yeah? I don't wanna watch this right, so he Dennis Allen. Let's put some more respect on this guy's name for being a terrible, terrible head coach yeah I've got an interesting known on this games have started. I love the maps that they put out, unlike what they were they show the tv coverage and who gets what five. Also classic country the five or six and use every week there's like one map that show words like. Why is this city? Turning into this gate, where we forcing this game on that city, patriots in the saints it's really gonna be raven steelers for almost all the country, except for new england and then in a sea, south towns, but fresno california, who is be their forcing this game on fresno, California, I wouldn't know. Fresno, although aid of yours and fresno, I'm sorry that you have to watch this game, but but why their car that makes sense as a state that makes it has to be one
yeah right? Ok, don't matter make you why? Yes, I've! If ok, mystery saw me up. I was gonna. We all measures on this? Shall not we actually solve two here, because the lighthouse dont, the arm, the patriots have a quarter back them into fresnel to write. Who's, your backups nobel, exactly what you western kentucky, no there's that he are they going to leave? No, the other guy, the other other guy. Yet god I gotta pee these. are you charge rear? Now will Grier went to florida. Are you talking about? think you know you're sure he's on these. On the rams I know what you're talking about fuck. He was really really good. He was really really good. Jake Aigner hatred gainers. We are talking about. is he not on the patriots I think Jake kane or I think he actually might be on the he might be on the safe
Is he going to say he's on the same, so there we go double fresno state couple of friends. Will you get hanner and you get Derek carr? Yes, miss resolved, ok, nerd nugget for this game, patriots, rookie punter bryan, Beringer is leading the nfl with eleven punts inside the twenty he's on pace to finish the year with forty seven inside the twenty. That would be the second in nfl history crossing. That's pretty cool yeah good adjusters is a sign of a good, shocking stats and punning stat that you know you're depressed. You know, you're a terrible franchise when you go out there and you just all you have to do is support your partner. the hypothetically wearing your partners uniform right now on a podcast castle, hank you're, so apt up for something you're, so down you're, so die wearing it trusts wages. Yes, he's be hake you're, so and that you, like you, can't even get up for this game. You go to and two and two and three season back on as it would it be. We have no defense or defense has done well, it's true, not just your defense. It's neither one of these teams have scored twenty points this year,
you jerk her look so bad net sober the overlanders, forty and a half, neither did James, for it is our yet island. The all the way ass. I d, I would be. I would be locked in excited ready to go. What about the angolans or staircase? Have alma league willis, verse, J, kane, I'd watch? I came here. Are the franchise. You got jesse Jackson back shielded massive massive. It's like that. How did the charges? Let him go? It's the the videos and always go via where's coldplay fix you and all sad
It's the start of the season, and then it gets happy lights will guide you home, which is a close up of jc jackson, yeah. We doctors go, get paid somewhere else and then use your soccer cut and we'll take you back there. You go that's pretty good system by the way marlon spends about to board his flight, so we're going to call him real, quick and just get he when he feels like he's being unjustly criticized by barstool sports miles. Men. Are you doing what's up so you're on your on pmt right now we wanted to give you a chance to defend yourself. There was a blog written by one of the. Colleagues, I called you a fraud and tax of me and hank and said I defend a bar stole back and twenty sixteen slash. Seventeen, when all we would talk about was hamperll guerrilla suck. Your dick suck, my dick and you basely saved us in that time frames. So what we want to give you apply form to defend yourself fire away. it's a y, you mad
I basically felt you guys we're gonna be, and I thought you would be specifically to howard stern, a sports I first met you guys. I love what you were doing I felt you were swimming upstream everybody's, calling you're doing it the wrong way. You don't conform, and you would do what you felt. You wanted to do the right way and sure not everybody turned around and started following you, and I remember when I went around the country I was always getting abused. Why would those guys are racists and bigots thrilling Why guys salaries for the boys, girls? They mean girls no, you don't understand visionary. If are see I once told me: we don't write about fans. We don't want to write about you as a bunch of crap. I went to every single sunday night game, yup yup, oh you're, at it Imagine the out the you guys are about the fans. Yeah thanks
a lot of soldiers and is often very I got you play up now, they play. It was very interesting. last week. Do we just get a shot out? The guy's? A useless and report might take That's miles ratified. it was just. I thought we might be my video. I I'm an idiot right now I put on my mother's jersey, advisory. The airport in edinburgh has been swamped. People can recognize you, detention I don't want you to ensure that all right right side, so so what so management the jordi who blogged it? He wrote the blog. We were big company. I don't stand with what he sang, but he has a right to voice its opinion. europe would you didn't follow through
before you publish an article, you always contact the other guy for his opinion and normally say no comment or something he didn't even call me or ask me why that journalism, fraud going to europe pissy or he might want to know, I'm going to Philadelphia every year. You see me there Yeah became an online cast up. There isn't anything like a guest of I love philadelphia. So you don't even know that good ok cause, I knew, was a new unease. Younger I'm not supposed to be seen to be spanked is areas of tv. Lapierre emeralds men has gone to low, but you know I like the way he has been homage. Not ask every might remember the first question around me. I don't we were on the point about valuable eyes out. Was it we suck my dick? it was most famous person, your phone yeah yeah. I got it I didn't god dammit money huh
my humble for my mom is the right. That's always tell you right now wait, so you light weight, so you like phd because of the car, Yes, you did. You like. Your answer, goes right, gotta gotta! yeah. Now you have to review some of the most famous people in sports. I love it. I listen your show all the time I'm going to ask Peter to you right now, who is the most famous person in your phone? typically gomes. many governments go man. I missed it. The next game, with the immense came with the nationals came with me. People ask me people ask me: did your mom is this mom? Is this she's eyes, age and unreal real
who is no more than two months? Man could not really sub saying that it's it's. Birthday marlins van so both its red? So we're good, like we don't think you're fraud? We understand. thought now. Ok guys got a funny thing about. It is if you know this boy's review diagnosed, now will you do with them or others rooted plague sunday, night, sir, they almost had the play for our game, which has gone to season tickets and imagination. The second row I was going to new york for the poor out on monday, and I got an irony had plans. It looked like the marlins or be mill want by the way, the peoples that there was only a twelve percent chance. Marlins went to.
Yeah for that to happen, the gun to choke I lose four in a row and I'm always happy when three out of four seven games go that way. While preserving jobs I figured I invited people, I invited the guy sitting at the front row amy with her fake cuts and he lined up three baseball celebrities. You got me for Amy, I'm an amazon and I tried to get the pink haired guy from Chicago and the guy. You know I'm talking. Yes, I do. I ps we're going to have the four celebrities or baseball in the same place, and here was the big surprise. Huge. Guys for you, I thought you might be going last night now
I and you're pretty sports fan? I know you couldn't make it and I, like you, guys a lot I'm like. Why would they do that? I just invited him and now he just basically says I'm a I'm, a pussy and a fraud and all that other shit. No, no. That was also told me that, and that's when I changed here's the surprise was for you what What did you say? You boys right now, marlins no, Others were taylor, swift, dragoons, right, yeah We should include a new in the middle of it while out why is it going to be a story, the nba, the last three months did he Yes, you did your story. I think Giannis was going to rehab in Milwaukee yup yup yup. So what is Kiana is is on one side of you. On the other side program. Is me, follow Amy, Eminem guy, I didn't notice was a possibility,
in scotland. They just couldn't go because they weren't sure about security and stock. Instead, I brought with me some of the bucks employees and the guy sitting next to me in the blue is a great guide, is very skilled and competent. He's the lawyer for the bucks, oh and they wanted to make sure in a game. Those were safe seat, because what they didn't want to do is distracting the game and have all the fans come down and cause. Here's a peek at the celebrity from barstool and here's marlins man and here's. The m and m guy or gian is a lillard, and I wanted the tell was in seat one which was going to put you is was written as the camel? Well, the pancake, I'm Ghana bodily guys seven seats for the right, so If you can get it wasn't enough time if there had been a game tonight, what'd. I tell you eating any eyes with george owns windy city limo.
Ah so he was arrived for you to be gay human, a limb, chicago com there on windy city with him, oh and he was gonna. Take you in a windy city limits which is the key for their bears and they dug buzzes for the cubs gives you go up there and you were to sit in blood period and the nba an annex b and end. The bank's brewers boys will give all israel busy they would go killer. You guys are much bigger guy. I well I'm sorry we couldn't make it yeah. We, We still love you marlins man. So don't worry. It's a big company. Jordy has a right to an opinion. We don't think you're, pussy or fraud. We think you're and because I wanted to which cities jordi living philly The latest. Surely I'm going to bring them in the game, but me, okay, I'm going to make that motherfucker. Take all the pictures.
Yeah, yeah yeah, that's worth that's like hell, yeah I guess yours can be say. Oh this is this. Is disgusting? Wait a minute. Okay, he's going to be some of the people who call me a douche bag and a scumbag, I'm grooming people it could become a man. I love to see what happens. I love it. I will models but have a safe like Aren't you soon? I'm question moralism unhurried cats doing measuring early this year in large, I'm gonna happen at last ptsd Your cats are doing. Ok, humane khalifa would lead to the public I'll take his mom, ok, you're! Those we will just talk to you later. I love you.
yeah. That's me and you and I fear my eyes up all you want to call these roads. What was that there was tortured earth? I think you, I think you play that perfectly he's more of a we realise because he's like no other. How do you guys, you guys didn't, say I'm a pussy brought in there just like room right across the room. That was a slaughtered though it's awesome, like always like yeah all these people will walk around the country and they were like yeah, the racists and the heat win. By satellite over those itself for the boys. That means they hate women, my dick guerrilla. oh man, I dunno how we go on from that. That was a I dunno, maybe the greatest calling pardon my take his knee. I need to collect my thoughts that whew nerd nugget,
jake for saints right here, saints re, patronising, saunter. Ok, I do it again. Just to cleanse us picture hits Ricky plantier, bryce berringer is leading the nfl with eleven plants in sudden twenties on pace, to finish with forty seven inside its way. That would be the second and I felt the story. Ok, who were good boys? I was, I think, good you're like well, it was all good stuff. He said that he didn't hook up with them. Yeah. That's that's good you're. Like look your body being like, I think, and then he looked down like away, I have a guy. I've never met either. Has my number attacks me to yeah yeah. I don't know how that happened. Yeah, I'm very glad that I don't have. He doesn't have mine yup. I like having. He texts me all
Actually I take that back. We we dm and stuff, but that is sensory. All star relationship is now officially ic me and marlins man. Yea yea, though it's icy, there was something alright ba, but hall fame. Call yes, yeah content is content. That was good. He has to he has to bring jordy now, because if he brings jordy and and like that is
The worst punisher you could give a man is like you have to take thousands of pictures I don't want to. I don't want to jump into the whole discussion about journalism which already did or didn't, because I dunno if he tried to reach out to marlins man, but I think that moralise men should have been contacted by ignorant. I agree you you have to you have to hit him before you publish that it's journalism, one o one o one, exactly okay, next up panthers at lions. Ah I had this stat from the action network. They said last time the lions were over a seven point. Favorite was December thirty. First, twenty seventeen vs the packers and brett hundley. That's how long it's been since had been over seven point: favorite they're, like a nine nine and a half favorite against the panthers and Jared Goff. Just a reminder is the most profitable quarterback in all football. Since he came into the nfl here's another one, most profitable.
Its quarterbacks against to spread the last twenty years, jerk off number one. I got number two easy. Actually this guy might be better than then jury, guff, teddy bridgewater, nope, tat, Bridgewater guess the spread has been, but not on the lions right, but in his career, Lebanon's lions quarter. I know, but I'm surprised to see. The first thing he said was he's the most pro What about you know it is. It is It is also looked at it. You are that throttled, most probable lions quarterback so again in the last twenty years, jerk off number one of the most profitable in all the nfl, whose number two and three last Twenty years I mean I was africa, there is at hand, saw stafford. John kidnap, no joy, Harrington, joy, harringtons, number three ochre number two. Philosophy six in one? How does he not? I would I'd have that in my byline six want to get to spread its pretty good.
as that's all. Anyone cares about like if you're like, oh, didn't, ask you not you weren't, a good quarterback neuro six get spreads are in incredible quarter. Was he on the one? Sixteen team? I don't remember what I'd have been kid that was kidnapped and yeah it might have been. I wonder how they were against the spread. One says: that's all. I really care about against spread the one. Sixteen lions rod Marinelli, what a team that was. They I'm looking right now, first line one two, three, four, five: six
so they were probably seven and nine against the spread. That's pretty good at is pretty good. That's pretty! Damn good! Ah yeah! I that that team was not good but against the spread. Yet Orlowski played seven games that year, so he was that was probably where he went six and one he was. He was on fire. That should have started dinner last ship built around dinner. Lawsky didn't get a fair shake to get a fair shake that safety was smart to take. It prevented, had swung field position. Yeah! That's why they covered. Are the panthers one of the more bummer teams to watch? Definitely a bummer team. I actually think they look better with any done. Quarterback there they're more exciting to watch with him back there yeah embrace it. He hasn't caught up to the speed of the nfl. Yet the there's a report that the panthers need they're looking for a wide receiver, they don't have a first round pick. Obviously it's the bears pick, and I thought I liked dj moore lot. But what? If the pairs trade dg more back to the panthers for the next two first round, picks kind of like the the jays are one jc jags yeah. We just get all the first round picks in the past. I don't want to part with DJ moore, but he ryan polish got at least make that call. Yeah I mean Adam Thielen is not bad right, he's a good season so far yeah, but they they dunno. If, if I don't think that they're like a wide receiver away now that I think it's more, they need a wide receiver for bryce young's growth, which I understand that yeah cause you don't you you want your rookie quarterback to have someone to throw his throat yeah, but ah yeah, the the lions this. This is actually a really good litmus test for the lions
and if they're for real for real, like you have to beat the panthers south yeah might be a trap game, yeah right, he did. The lions have all the the the publicity they're really really good, but these are the type of games. If you are destined for a deep playoff run, you squash, the panthers, don't make it a game. Good news is that again, James Williams back so that the nfl said are bad on that whole gambling policy thing they revised it and part of the revision was they gave like amnesty and let people who were suspended under the old terms back o j. Mr Williams, back earlier than expected, even though I think they've just been like in in preseason, they were just running them ragged on the like. During practice, they were just putting all the workload on him, since they knew that he was going to play for a few weeks, yep I think I think the lions offense is about to explode. I think we're on explode woo, we're about to see an explosion. I like that. We're going to see. Can I I'm going to call I'm going to call a forty five
figure one this week too. I like it a lot. I'm taking hitters defense isn't terrible, but I liked that do some turn turn over. I think they're for real for real okay,
jake nerd nugget through four games, the lions run. Defense has given up the fewest rushing yards, two hundred and forty three in the nfl, as the fewest rushing yards allowed by them, since at least nineteen forty five ooh, okay, next up, titans colts Jonathan taylor, taylor watch he's back twenty one day up two days to practice has opened up on Monday. I believe I think so we're taping this early, because pft and jake and memes are going to dc for the bears commanders game. I think he's speaking to the media today, so we'll find out a little bit more about where his head's at, but everything that shane stake in it said feels like Jonathan taylor, I feel like Jonathan taylor sat out. It was like. Let me see how this team is obviously set up for the contract, but now that it's two and two they look feisty, they look frisky yeah yeah. Why not put they put them on the public just to buy themselves? Some time
like maybe a month, things were cool down. You have done to think about it. You watch football. You'll, see you guys at their, maybe when in a couple games and then you'll miss planning, so you want to come back. I don't know, I don't know when he's gonna actually get back on the field, but I do know that it has been a thousand and fifty two days on sunday since the court, have beaten the titan low, which is so long sigh. It's so long. It's been over one thousand days since they've won that game. So I think, even though the titans stink on the road this year, I think I gotta go with the titans, because Derrick Henry looked like derrick henry yeah, were you know like when it cuts to red zone and a team's on their own twenty five and you're like wait? Why are they showing this game? There are some like no
Six derrick henry touchdown run yes last week, seventy five yards boom. Yet this is this. Is my witching hour? Chaos, skin yeah? Oh no matter what happens in this game? I think we'll be watching it in the witching hour being like. Oh, my god, I'm flipping back and forth. Maybe alive bet game. Jake, nerd, nugget, Anthony Richardson leads the league in explosive play rates, which is a run of twelve plus yards or a path of twenty plus yards. He's averaging six yards a carry and was for explosive runs and four rushing touchdowns members miss time too practically. The league with explosive plays yasmine time research. So have you so fond? How pump would you be of heavy regime? Was your quarterback right now so palm toby incredible I mean I have him off its variety and it's only see a shroud might
I have a word with that. Let's go to jail time, something, although I love how the nfl say what you say makes who can occur. Oh yeah, pocono yeah. I love how there's explosive plays an actual stat vietnam, oh yeah, there's havoc plays there's all that stuff. They have a staff for everything. Alright texans falcons to finish off the early game, real quick. We did give away the cold season tickets for last for week right. Yes, congratulations to Jordan and Alyssa. We have them do they are they had video evidence that they attended Jim mercies, kicking and have videos of him singing lawyers guns and money hell yeah? Yes, us, ok, and then we give to four people right yeah. They get applause, ok, nice taxes. If falcons taxes, if falcons desmond ridder, we ve talked about this before, but he is undefeated at home in the nfl in college football. Thirty, you know and he sticks yeah and were officially on cj stroud interception watch. So thank you.
It's about thousand nerd nugget every time that he drops back to throw a pass. I would be nervous if I had a streak going that long. It's a jared, goff streak, yeah yeah, it's it's it's crazy! So you you would be. I would be thinking about that everytime. I don't throw a pick, don't throw a pick, don't throw pick. He well how many, how many passes second qb in nfl history, to not throw a pick in his first four starts: minimum of thirty attempts, gardner minshew twenty nineteen, who here's here's a stat two who are the three quarterbacks starting quarterbacks, who have not thrown interception this year. Obviously CJ shrouds number one yeah kind of surprising. When I saw this stafford nope it is property, Josh dog. We had our stops brok per not pretty jost dobbs seizure, Stroud, the three quarterbacks who have not thrown airs. We talked about christian mccaffrey, envy p watch yeah. Shall we be talking about brought pretty heavy
watch top ten quarterback? If you look at his stats are saying he's a top. Ten quarterback party has Mvp level stats right now, yeah, that's all I'm saying yeah! It's it's been in. I've seen it in talked about in the sports world property top down, yup, okay thousand or nugget are great. So, let's move on to the afternoon games eagles at rams max begat. Are you worried? Yeah, I mean rams are good team, decent team of coup? If overcoat comes back, that makes me a little bit more worry. Considering our secondary has been the best this year, but something the eels are better and will probably what close one and everyone will say that they stuck they weren't close games. I have, I have launched nuclear missile. I did this yesterday on the rams season. No, not not this weekend, listen, not arrogant manner using you're so triggered right. Now we cannot regard yeah. You are I'm not recovery just be happy, usually nicely. I am happy when life should you should be I've
two nuclear missile on the ram season. When total its for seven and a half right now I like I, I love it. Look at this guess you look at their schedule. They ve got to it is already two ins. Are they play a lotta winnable games for the remainder of the year? It was minus one fourteen, it's my biggest policies and so far I reserve the right to make a bigger but later, but I saw it I love it so much that it probably rehome games in a row eagles cardinals and steel steelers, and they go on the road to the cowboys in the packers but yeah they have the cardinals twice. Commanders giants, saints yeah like test pft yeah like this, for you I'm happy for you yeah feel free to join yeah. I might have to joy. I think MIKE trout's can be at this game. Yeah, I think he's probably will be her bank or he might be. Okay might be that'd, be so funny if MIKE trout was going to the bank and just screaming his head off for the fight, and I thought there was a chance he was going to throw out the first pitch
it'd be of game, one that'd be so far, it would have been. Ought to have him read the bill? How bad do you think MIKE trout like when he watches phillies games like fuck? I wish I was on the phillies. I actually think that when when is he a free agent again? Never never yeah he'll probably try to do what he'll do one day contract to retire as oh yeah he he's gotta, be like man. I wish I was in philadelphia right now. There was a story that, when Roy Halladay got traded to the phillies are signed by the us, he called his dad and was like we got. We got doc, we got doc. I was like: oh, the angels got the and was like you know the feeling yeah you play on the age, alright, nerd nugget for this game. The Andrea swift has produced the second most rushing yards in the nfl three, sixty four behind christian mccaffrey, three hundred and sixty four rushing yards the most by an eagle through four games since will shami coin twenty thirteen and they pay him. What like three
pretty good: pretty get ready for the greater good a next up. Bengals cardinals Joe borough has called this. Must win? Must windsor must win a fish We must work out, see a way that they lose. They can't let the cat who is the well known again, can lose their political. What must we must win the idea? They must support the cargo. Wearing their all black uniforms for the first time I lose so it might be, when first arizona might have a battle of must wins. I think this is if the biggest losers gained she's all right I would say: well, I don't wanna go old ryan clark. Is ryan clarke was like yeah the giants, they're done as a team after Monday night football, it's still very early in the season, he did shows a pinkie team. Ah, yes, the vikings, the bengals have the forty niners in the bills coming up in late october, early november. So
I feel like it's. A must win chose right. It's a must way. He knows they have to win this game, apparently he's feeling healthier than he has all season. So that's good for Joe. If that's reality, It's relative yeah he's still very injured, we'll see if the bengals can score more than three points on the road, and I so I did not know this about Josh Dobbs, a call me a josh dobbs casual, but I did a little bit of background research into him this week, digital. He was an aerospace engineer at the university of tennessee yeah. They made the shirts yeah astronaut. Astronaut yet caleb made though shorts was off he's an aerospace engineer when he was with the jaguars. He did an internship at nasa love. It he's a fucking rocket science. yeah and at nasa he worked with the experimental groups like the trash to gas group where he was taking trash that you accumulate in a spacecraft and converting it to gas power that you can use.
How are your spacecraft s my eating? He was happening under. He was turning rash to get get. No, he was frontier trash into gas yeah and if that doesn't described the mission that he's all right now with the earth. are those. I don't know what it's the fact he is around trash and he's given them down. Yeah he's giving them energy. Yes, I think it's very I I had no idea the Josh dobbs was a nerd yeah, the the the all time nicknamed the pastrana yeah. It was great we made, we made sick, he was in a nasa. Headgear made the whole shirts. It was cool, I am a casual, but a casual, no more the casual, more I'm a I'm a dobbs fan. You respect his mind. I do yes, I know nugget yeah. We talked about this earlier, but Josh dobbs to one hundred and twenty three consecutive pass attempts. Without a pick. This year, the most in franchise history started sees wow, while kyler Murray, getting a little worried, yeah
alright. Next up jets, broncos broncos are wearing their snow cap white helmets, then rock yeah. They are good. He looks so sick. I have a question for you, Pft and we're obviously having this early in the morning before the bears and the commanders play, and I know that the bears will make any team look good, but is there a chance that Russell Wilson he's looked better but he has not played a good defense? I was thinking about this by the raiders idea. Played the commanders matters. Defense isn't bad. I mean they've given up thirty points in three straight games. Yet the on the points factor. They are yeah, but there's a lot more. That goes in defense than just how many points you love, but it's, but it still is like. I don't think the commanders can be considered a good, no they're, not for naught I'm joking yesterday, our ultimate judges. How many points you give them? Yeah! That's yeah, we're very bad at that again, you probably like look good against bears, so this is going to be like wait. What are you talking about? The commanders held? The bears ten points.
but now I think I think the bears gonna win outright shot a world world, so that so we play the raiders, bad defence, commanders, bad defence, a played the dolphins, bad defence and then last week they played the bears, the worst defence, and so is our chance that we see bad rush here the jets defense we might is like one of those things. I realized like wheat, I've I in my head, I'm like russia's played pretty well. This year's not really is full
the broncos defence, and then I had a little like bolt of electricity. Like oh, have they not played anyone good on defence yeah? They they might run into a bus or this week, because a gesture be piss off the agenda that we had a coach match up here. Hackett verse, peyton, revenge game refresh on pains previous comments where was like got was the worst job. Coaching I've ever seen the out the jets are in a position where they need. They need a reason to get like fired up to defend their offices honour every single week right. So if somebody that's like calling zack wilson trash or like in opposing player, like willie gay, pretending not to laugh when he's time, exact wilson, that gives them a reason not to go out there defender, often dishonor Zack Wilson also play pretty good last week. He did, but this is really easy. One for the jets to be like here is literally what he said about your coach two months ago. Right
in an article to a reporter. I think that the I think the defense for the jets it can be fired up. I think it can be russ. Turning back into like that thursday night football ross that we saw last year yup, I think it's gonna be an ugly rust game. This also is it, It's like whoever loses the game. This their season is officially officially over yeah cause one in three to two and three one and four and two and three is a psa. It feels like the biggest difference yeah in terms of how your season's going and the jets have the eagles next and then I think they have a couple of winnable games. So this is salvage time. Did you hear the interview with with unc and and marshawn lynch talking about Russell Wilson? Yes, marshawn lynch did a very good job of of trying, not to say anything mean about russ, but then shannon Sharpe kept like goading
I want to be like no tell me more about that. Tell me more about that and it sounds like Russell wilson's like the worst teammate ever so Marshawn lynch told a story which is very funny after the interception he went back to the sideline and Russell Wilson was like we'll get em next time, and marshall is what the fuck are you talking about next time. Do the soup bowls over and then marshawn. Lynch said that he took off his helmet and went right into pete carroll's face and just laughed in his face and went to the locker room. Yeah yeah pretty good story, and so after a game where russian play that well, marshawn lynch had one hundred and fifty yards two touchdowns. He wanted to call russ to be like hey man. I know that you're bummed out, like you're supposed to light this team up. I I know that you didn't things didn't go the way that you wanted them to go today, but just so you know there'll be days where I'm not playing well that you're going to pick me up. He wanted to tell ross that he didn't have russ's number, so he had to call their director of pr to give him
russia's number and instead russ tried calling him from a blocked number. That march, I can't even get his number from the call from Russia wilson who it jesse it seems like. Russia is just a bad bad, hang the aid. No wrong overall about here. He had some good years in seattle on the field, I would say, rustles and probably the worst hang of any in the end, if its it Russell wilson? I would not want to hang out with him other than maybe like a gary the convention. Then he probably a pretty good without someone to worse time ever right put him, he would fit in well that he would fit in very well right. Yeah Gary caught notes, the I think I don't know what it is. Okay, so now Shop owner nugget since weak sixteen of last year, the jets are not allowed a second half touchdown seven. King or life, along with any seems two thousand. I e that has fallen. That's a good nerd nugget.
you concerned knowing that Russell wilson likes to high step all over jets, though it's kind of his thing that he does maybe bet on russia again: yeah, okay chiefs, vikings chiefs, vikings, I'm saying: there's a get right game for patrick hopes. This is a perfect everyone. Bedrooms didn't play well on Sunday night didn't throw for two hundred yards Zach Wilson, outplayed people do their annual early september early october late september. What's wrong with the chiefs were getting into that zone right now, the vikings defense trash they don't really pressure the quarterback. This is homes for touchdown. Can we forget every year too, we do right, the chiefs off in october every year are there not to send the often stinks and then work later on this year. oh yeah, let remind me next year, not write the chiefs off the early october. It just we get port here. We do we important so fun fact this
vikings, they're, the only team in the nfl that Patrick mahomes has never beaten, who in that's because there, the only team in the nfl that patrimony has never played Oh so, last time he played against the vikings it was matt, Moore god. He feel, I think, is matt Moore either that or he was a backup yeah one of the backups play that game, but yeah patrimony has never started against the vikings and though the only thing that he's never beat so we don't know. If he's good, you don't know, a patch of moses is good. Yet, did you see her cousins went to the twins game on taking tickets? I I love using games. I like him
I I it's hard. It's like it's really hard, of course, of hard not to like a kirk cousins awesome using game time. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Kirk like listened to this podcast, just to get the game time code to save twenty dollars as they get shadow, correct, yeah, it's a I do like Kirk. Now he was very like wholesome. He just went to the game with his family catch catch, catch ballgame, not he said he didn't want to eat like you know, ask for any favors cause. You want to make it a big deal. Very cool is great. Guy yeah, kirk cousins. Awesome person are also here's a stat for you after mahomes throws for fewer than two hundred yards in a game. The chiefs are ten in one in his nine and two against the spread as the the get right game is coming. So I will talk about taylor, swift, just real, quick in the context of this game. I'm careful, I will I'll be very careful. The mayor of minneapolis. Have you thought that the nfl was sipping for taylor. Swift, like changing their bio's change, their hitters on on social media, make everything about taylor. First of all, people are like mad that taylor swift is on the nfl stuff. The nfl sold out the nfl for taylor, swift, current terms of the sipping like they're they're, they're, straight up, saying, like yeah, till you're bigger, and if you think that sipping, the minneapolis mare is the king of tail risk,
since he changed the the name of minneapolis minnesota to. Ah, it was swifty apples. So now, when she was in town and now he's begging her to come back for this game, oh no, it's honestly embarrassing if I was in if I was in minnesota, just know that your mayor will sell you out in a heartbeat swifty for one night with taylor swift inside his city yeah. That's we swifty apis, very swifty, very weird. I I there was a thought throughout this whole week. What if I just bought a ticket to tail, shows next concert in argentina and went I mean that'd be fun. Yeah sure do have. Some steak is actually nothing that you can pay me to do that now, not not tell shrift
The argentina part o argentina rock. Don't clip that? Ah, okay cowboys, you have a long, pleasant plane ride, dresses. Also there's fifty days straight of football. Yeah can't do that yeah. Not only is this muhammad, his first game against the vikings, but the chiefs are becoming the thirty second nfl team to play at us bank stadium, they've, never oh and the homes has beaten less flashy max moms has played the other thirty nfl teams and has defeated all, but one the colts and vikings. I thought I thought that he defeated the colts too. I see oh and two against colts, oh well, then maybe I was wrong with my slow. He actually did lose last year against the colts Matt ryan, one of the weirdest games of the year. Ok factcheck that will go. game cowboys niners best game, so excited for this game? Ah, this is a game. Regulars is regular.
so he has so. He has been. The court's got your here. This is a game. That's. I am very curious to see the cowboys it's actually for both these teams, because foreigners are foreigners have wasted every one you could make. The argument haven't played anyone great all the rams are are scrappy. Ah then, the cowboys red zone offense, is the big bugaboo in in Dallas right now. How do we fix the red zone offense? They are third to last in red zone offense. They have had eighty five red zone trips and only scored seven touchdowns out of that, the even like in a game that they killed the patriots. They were still struggling in the red zone and you got
guess what pft you can't beat. You can't beat the niners with firewalls. You can now Peter not now when your property under center he'll make them now, if you're, if you're kickin for three brock, pretty put seven on your brother is actually the top the number one quarterback in the entire nfl in yards per attempt. So it's not like it's not like he's checking down all the time. Yeah. Like he's. No he's he's he's he's thrown he's, throwing the football. It's also trey, lance revenge game. So a lot of talk about trey lance and whether he's going to be able to give away the forty niners playbook to the cow, but I don't even think If trailing the real playbook, I think they gave him like the third string play balkans. It's a you. You have to know what you have to mean the niners did the niners give always rosa, go the other diners gives free lance, the torturing or distinctly the cowboys did not he'll be able to be a spy for the cowboys. Are you d niners? Also given the third, you know. I think that the night is probably case of, like both sides playing him as their double agent.
were the niners didn't give him the real place when he was in san francisco and the cowboys haven't. Given him the real plays rallies and so each side is getting misinformation from each other and Trey lance thinks that he's like a super spiral. Yes, yeah he's like going to park benches and looking underneath for for drop, yellow. Both sides are like this guys, yeah, yeah yeah, I'm so excited escaped. This game is gonna fucking round Would you say it's a measuring stick game for the capital as ease of every should gain for both ok cause. I think the key If they win, they are now very much have to be taken for real as a super bowl caliber team, like a super bowl winning caliber team, they already probably the nfc championship caliber team, but this will be a measuring stick for them in that respect and then, if the niners, beat the cowboys lighted impeding everyone else. They might be just as we might have to go into. Seventeen outstretched show yeah. We need to prepare ourselves mentally, just in case the cowboys when Hanks cowboys up we have two priests
if one ourselves into why dac still sucks yes cause like I'm not going to say that he's good, I'm just I don't think I'll ever say that dak prescott is good. He could throw for seven touchdowns in the super bowl would be like still sucks. You remember, all those interceptions and twenty twenty two I saw, but we gotta, we gotta figure out a way to have that on dec in case they lose so we can still be like dak sucks. Yes, yes, maybe on the tray, lance gave him a place trail and skim the portrait trailers exactly what the cowboys or the place exactly a year ago, her absolutely right. Okay, should we? who are picks? Oh yeah, now get this actually corn. Is it of america, Jake dont, sank it all to monopolise. I looked up when I saw it lost one. You were incorrect about odds left out some information, Are foreigners water seeber branded? I yucas seventeen touches the season. All of those have resulted in either a first down or a touch.
wow. That is very cool, very cool jack. I think kettle's going to have a big game: okay, very cool stat, Jake, very cool, ah le sueur pics. I had a terrible week last week, give us the standings and then we'll go around your pics. Yes, so for the warm up portion on five and three max is foreign for me, just three and five, so one game separating everyone and then the main event, because for two and two hank four, Three and one pfc foreign force all tight sick. I asset, not even you can hear very night like he is sick. Don't let them! I don't worry me around shaming, aiming. Let me see you should say that europe is more than ever. I was just job going: you're defence there Jake you're signal iverson you set it might be in my head, were like its nasal? If you may Jake's, I might
james I might have, but I was also maybe I'm actually here now. What is it? Something we more dangerous than a cold gee. I just what? If what? If jake's like a big cat said, I was sick. What the doctor caught caught the tumor before everyone else, why he threw it out magic jake you ever do is: I'm just saying I look out for my boys now because, once you wonder why we think it would be like now while shot I used word I max. I said I told your mother that I would go to the doktor with you, because I dont think you ask the right questions. I I'd also held you're a doctor. I think I need to know that I take you at your veterinarian. I really do. Ok, you got dog pills, kramer, the pills. Aren't you
yeah exactly and your eating them in bologna little little bologna pieces forum is peanut. Butter, everyday meme says sit max and throws a pill in your mouth: ok, they're, all tight, all the standings and then pancakes hank he's dominate here. The top two guys in a league area like twenty four for hank they caught max of fifteen means a ten me with seven pfc. ok and also just as an update, we I think, of security at last piercing laughing and close whereat diminish lined were worth it for the diggers. Only punishment should be phd playing against a college team on actual classics outright to it's. Only two things is to innings I've been working on my junk. I get us sweeper. Now, vietnam, ass, sweep and then the mount rushmore punishment as soon as the new office opens. We will do that. I think we have a date so be a thursday. I completely forgot about the fact that you have to do isolation, isolation, shame for twenty off cycle,
about that yeah. Is it your basically gonna, be in solitary confinement, its psychological chinese vat is just what everyone joke of whatever Can we play I'm always going to play a lot of profit versus a shoot? Yeah? That's great: we have whatever we are but I just want to give everyone updates, so that was that a threat you threaten us with rock paper that was about to ask if who have cards are likely to play games you're gonna be like no we're going to add something. Every hour like we're going to toss something in the room right in prison when they bring your. U reveal whether cut out hole in the door will put it in their they're gonna make us fight for stuff, think bombs showed me like. I always did you find it. Do you think my good idea for shared better idea also use tossing a dvd player in the only dvd on it is the pagers eagle superbowl, which one one day. It could be mystery, mystery superbowl. We should also just play pornography until they'd have they have to watch porn together in the room together, a pervert you have to like it whose who's up the pigs and weird
yeah you're on producer, Many of you ve, enabled us egg lightly. They want the populace going. The abbot has gone. Weird yeah, I can't wait till the bunkers comes out. Twenty twenty three version- I don't think hanks done it and he's to bunk with jake, was supposed to double check yeah, but Yes, I was about anything like oh yeah, I've, it's easy to speak, responsible, rachel, It's ok who's up, fatigue, I'm leaving off of maxie love ass. Well, ass out last night I had a white had worn bogart, nine twenty bigots, as you'd watched. I recall in a poor, no facts. Gee, cameroon, came out. Small dick was crazy. They kept a jacket, is it ass was out and she has a dog on the day of J of cases. Has nation she'd have ass, she's she's got she fuckin kate shoes,
picked up for her medicine knock out the park in this horse. I gotta go we're going area. Everytime hank reads the boxes to us. I am reminded of how correct we are with our horny vs. You want to see Ricky fellow stick his throat, danaus stoke after the radical stick his throat I thighs all. I dont you told her the whole pointless right now, I'm saying yes alive and well.
he's good good, alright go ahead. Jake, alright, launder jaguars bills under forty blind have to stick to the brand bu node reasoning behind the coup except the name. Alright, I'm going to go under saints patriots under forty and a half points like I said: neither team scored twenty points. This season they're two of the three teams that haven't reached twenty. Yet so I'm going to stay on that. Okay, I'm gonna go buffalo bills, minus five and a half against the jags. Okay. I will I'll start with my over I'm gonna. Take giants dolphins over forty eight and a half bounce back game for both offenses heck was that he said the lila's like the london bills. We just had red tails. I liked that,
Yeah, it's schedule, that's very clever! You can take chiefs vikings over fifty two and a half. I like it. I like it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I did anyone take steelers, so no okay! I will take the steelers It's at against the raven, plus four against the raven he's so like each other man like each other, throw out the record box and me took my over. I will then take bills. Jagged over no, not drag antonio everywhere. had this is huge and we take packers minus one.
Okay! Against the raiders Monday night out that as well, ah I'll take the jets plus one and a half playing good defense, I will take the just for the sake of fun cowboys forty niners over forty four and a half. Thank you for the fun you're. Welcome. So do I do the the lag worse cause? I am thinking about the times isn't thinking about how the bills are approaching this game, I'm not going to do it, I'm not gonna. Do it I'm going to be square, I'm going to respect the kansas city chiefs, kansas city chiefs, home fav, our road favorites, minus four, four and a half four, and a four and a half
woof pft that hooks going to win. Yes, we know petronas, doesn't care about spread out care and I will close out with recurring guests mika reins and the texans plus throughout the falcons. Alright sounds, like you said: mikko is with his friends call yeah. They do Mika miko, okay, good pics, boyce, Those picks, sir, we're all gonna, not terrible yeah, pretty girl ass. You were so bad. Yet this is it's good. If we could just a little bit of a ball knowing be not terrible and if her heart would represent as a group, it's hard won in the sleek. Ok does profitable right right on the edge paris, he fought boy time and then we'll get to our great interviews samara. What's up you, fucking, hey! What's up water, peace is a shit. What you call us water, water rights said
My name is set in rocky rigour tone day my stardom is the bag. bag of siena walking out to feel like this place. I thought out, if you're not allowed to say this world are backed up rocky rigour. High earnings out, there's exalted said by sit on is just in time is enjoins, be long, blob block all those cod recovery plans. You talk shit about me that were Brooks Edwin people were talking. Shit about in china with the live, are unaware justin, thomas and spieth got singled out put falcon. I saw maximum awareness smash the gc that the other day yeah yeah smash him loop out, the paw. You will fuck my phone I'll, never know what are you a homosexual? You never know my sleeper
the triple renegade steals one and when they did double renegade a couple we stay out of the way in due time, really Diana do triple when again reproduction truck they played when a guy round and another one sports park tat. Anyone believe lots of things on the show this acute guy with a loud here wade decades. I would still be fought as they fuck you fuck you fuck fuck, you fuck, you ve called downloads man. Oh he never! Never, never, never would! What's up decades eyes me command abide in a back in the news, our port, from a dog I bit by bit way more people than the report turns out. They did a good job people rather than a kick me out. So I got no hope. At my start, my stardom is hunter hunter Biden because I ate a bunch of his crap and that's what made me go insane. I might I'm sitting because I'm a good boy and know how to sit. They told me that for X, I'm sitting there my sleep with this week wisely.
it is the jaguars, the jaguars as a sleeper, pretty good cause. I don't trust the jetlag, the dormant he doesn't. He takes cat naps on the dog I need walking. Absolute value, teenage pigs in town- I might know no. This is commanded by utopia that personal pay of taste Call me some of them under the mandate of common to both. What's up these fox display Achieving a mighty. My stardom is jobs. Sometimes you like to go to a game and watch the jets play that way that Google pushes down all the stories about your jets emissions? It's good to know that I'm not talking about anyone specifically, but do you ever have a chance to go to a game and everyone's giving you shit region, submission picture at the jets game. Be sure everyone writes jets in the headline when you google blank jets, it just says
he or she went to a jets game. It's like when that when that sick, fuck walt disney made that movie frozen that people when they googled his bought disney's head frozen. The first thing that come up is the movie that Ebay yeah. My sentiments, though he's a nazi serum is jalen brown ketchup with his laughed That clip was tough, very tough know why sleepers patra ball, don't sleep on this guy? Think he's going to have a bounce back game people say stinks. I don't think I think Patrick holmes has next next next stop! Okay, you wanna talk about the the zumba group, How do the celtics put that out? I think it was, I think, german brows in on it. I'll show you set out here. While I like that, I, like that theory, egg, that was so funny that was so already had been fake. That it there's no way ok is This is again sad levels of cope. If you're not right now, my what
but I believe it, I kind of believe it now it's better than the alternative of like the celtics. Just don't realize that he can't dribble with his left and somehow got a video of him dribbling. Not with his left when the the sixers pr accidentally put our was the nets that put out that clip where Ben simmons was, in the background missing like a three foot shot yeah and then that guy got fired for putting that club. You gotta be smarter than that. If you're, the the twitter account manager for the celtics, but if it was a joke and if it was like a big troll, great job, great work, you deserve a raise great work. Ah, ok, let's kits were interviewed, got a great interview with comedian. Several awesome dude came changes. Travel plans cause he wanted to come on the show. A sports fan great dude, so
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Is samara thanks, very special guess. First, a comedian he's entourage. how very funny guy we actually have both done podcast with sand before you can check out his podcast games with names. I don't I don't know, coming back on that one? Oh you aren't well, it was like I he may be he's going to keep doing it. I still love Julie, we're still cool, but there it's like they need to do in l a, and I can't I'm on the road every week I can't do the sounds like fire from whose europe allows an awkward started. The interview- hopefully I mean hopefully like a football player, someone hopefully another committee. And that would hurt all that would suck so bad if it was just like the l, a version of you just like san tino or something that'd be a bummer. Oh no, okay! Well, we gotta make sure that doesn't happen, but yeah that was, we both spent a couple of hours with you. That was a lot of fun that was well. It was a lot of fun. I dunno, if you're doing it anymore, but that was I love Julian. He he's the only
is the only person I know who sends me voice memo, textiles, eyes and some away bullshit. I think it on athlete thing. I think it's like you don't want to leave any sort of evidence as to what you have ever said. Anybody, so you can't screen shot a voice memo him hill also do he does voice memos, I think, to both of us, but he listen to our show and invoice memo and be like this. Is why you're wrong? this at least give us notes on the shut up. Oh yeah, yeah, like your take his wrong years. Why damn boys? Member yeas- I mean he would he knows a shed. He play. Yeah. He usually gets mad at hank, but it's because he expects so much more producer. Hag, like any time we bring up the patriots, have hank doesn't do an adequate job. Defending julian nettle meant in the patriots join will be. Like you, gotta talk, I gotta talk to you only more out of he was nervous with you guys. He was a factor. Show I don't want to. I don't!
you guys are like a vote was a stand up. I bring on athletes, he an he. I mean at I'm maneuvers with the athletes I'm like on my colleague her warner hates my guts older waters, eavesdropper guy. I can't stop making a calf jokes to him, because I know it's gonna make him uncomfortable and I just doing it and he was like just look at emulate. Thou though he definitely jacks yeah yeah, but he loves problem here. Israel. He cut his articles on him yeah he yeah, Kurt Kurt is a big dome. Guy he's like football should never be played in the elements, so he gets very grumpy with that he's a grumpy guy, yeah nah, not my type of dude. Now so alright, so meeting all those elites, who was your favorite one, that you got to interview Eli was awesome. I'm a giants fan so Elis. The mannings are just great. So I am wondering this because I feel like we, we obviously were living in new york. For seven years. We were round a lot of giants. Fans worked a lot of giants fans for,
your what thirty seven? Yes, your ear, but your our age, ah fur giants fans under forty is eli. Just like a god yeah I mean any time they compare Daniel jones. Unlike you Elaine. fucking arm right. What are you talking about? Comparing Daniel Jones jones actually play I like the way racist talk about black quarterbacks, do what's right, yeah, it's weird to see a white dude! I'm like! Oh, that's like it's as weird to watch. I I have a hard time watching him to the this is the point. I have a hard time watching Daniel Jones. He was at the comedy cellar one night it was like. I don't even care, that's it. That's a bad level that he's my starting quarterback nervous. I didn't care eli. I was nervous. I love you and I and I loved him through the bullshit too. Could I you know I mean who do we have before carry collins you know we just never and weaker warned her work, but it's funny because we outside of new york, think of you lie, is kind of. Like a run.
joke just because he is funny like he obviously did the two playoff, the two super bowl wins incredible played out of his mind, but the the manning face and just his like his look on Sunday. I feel like it's etched in my brain. Eli manning's like open mouth, look against the cowboys on Sunday night football and then, when you talk to giants fans of a certain age group they're like eli's, our goat, like he is, will yeah. I mean because he won twice it's insane to beat Brady twice as the most in saying it's saying the Brady should have what super boy now now. That's insane that isla and also you, I was just money in the play ass to mean we need great players, but a money tumor was clutch, Burress was clutch. Yeah Brandon, Jacobs, entire defensive lie. Also look at that eli has bragging. It's over Brady way more than his brother. Does I now even like pate manning much better quarterback than than eli. At the end of the day, the two brothers like this dude actually beat the goat twice.
It's insane. I am the second time. Oh, look we're not going to it's not going to happen again. I was watching with boston fans, and I was just like I don't know why I did this to myself there and by the end of the game that manningham catch I was like. Are you fucking kidding me now might be one of the best passes pass catches like in super bowl history? He dropped it in a bucket. I also think that, towards the end of his career with especially when he was teamed up, it was like mcadoo and eli, and the cameras would just
but back and forth between eli's, dumb face and mcadoo his dumb face. He was like the height of comedy as a football fan, and you kind of lose perspective of oh yeah. Well, this guy actually had two of the most clutch performances of all time: the super bowl yeah and it wasn't just the superbowl. I mean he would go through good teams. To get I mean we went through, like you know the packers in lambeau we went through, you know, dallas it I mean romo famously choked constantly, but you know eli was, and I look, the defense was insane too yeah yeah alright, so your comedy is fantastic. Thank you been doing it for a while. Now and your eye. Are you at a like I'm starting to blow up point cause? I'm always curious about comedians. There are so many really great comedians and for some some don't it never
happens, but then, when you watch it happened. It's like this autumn. This guy's really funny he's finally getting everything he deserves a you know: it's eeg, you stay humble because you get humbled so easily right here, I'll get a taste of my colleague chicago theatre. This is epic, but you know you never and something will always happen to keep you down here. There's nothing! I remember I used to tour. I used to open for Amy Schumer like years ago, and it was on her arena tour. So it'd be like I'd, be opening an arena. This isn't this doesn't belong to me. This is Amy stewart right, I started like feel like holy shit, and this is I'm looking at kyle lowry's face toronto and then I'm doing jokes right and then the next night you're in the village lantern- and you know in the west village, for seven grumpy people. so it's like it's the weirdest turn around, but yet now, it's my tour and its. Yet you get taste but then also every once in a while, like certain cities just suck for Many oh tell us my enemy ever I have is the worst. My it tough-
and cheese. It's like. I wasn't like some shitty like old school venue. Fontaine blue, yes, like they're, like this is worse than that performed, am I call you haven't renovated it since it looks like shit, you know, so that was brute. They don't care like you want like working classic orlando or tampa people. You don't want my amy, where they like their vapid. They stuck that's what pig J ochres had said. He said, oh how's, the best place you come. I was good but Columbus's yea clean ones grade cincinnati either there like real people right. You want people with like jobs who have to think I'm in miami people. It's like they post pictures. Of their ass for like a living yeah. They don't want to. Let I don't that's, not a comedy craft type, people that would go to a show and get real pissed off. They got made fun of if it was doing crowd. Work. Yeah, like I don't wanna, expose myself to that would really hurt by its jointly find my placid yeah. It was not a body on this.
yeah you wanna. If it was just a bad, gay was a bad value, but yeah certain vegas can be tough, but also vegas. Can we really fond right vague? The vaguest locals are awesome, yeah, it's like the tree, explants the that people like passing through or are tough yeah. That's a weird move, two to go las vegas in and go to a comedy show. I know where I'm going against a good deal on. My right may also with your biggest, where the weird parts about being in vegas is your surrounded by a bunch of people who, in their head their walk around me like. I have to have the best my life, I'm so whenever there's something that isn't the best summer lifelike I'm wasting vague. Isn't. It now gives aggravation yeah yeah around new year's energy right. It's tough right and I feel that way too. fuckin, this better be great and then your crushed yeah yeah. So when you're opening for Amy humor orators serving as the opening I do like taylor, your jokes based on like hey. This audience is an amy. They're gonna, like certain things that I am not going to you I'd unless they say: don't:
there are. I remember one opening for aziz once years ago as a right when the me to stuff happened. I d, like fifteen minutes of meat. Jokes and he was like hey. Can you not do that? That's a fair knows that like to meet you thing with disease that was now some bullshit was like the idea that it was also reached on baby dot. Net yeah. Yes, hasn't exactly a legitimate source down him down. He an awkward, beatin, awkward hook up one night. It's to separate there was. There were some good things. That obviously happened, because there were some real fuckin scumbags that got brought to the light, but then you think of like member there was like an excel sheet. that like was like any bad people and its I'd wait what you cages like anonymously, just submitting bad people when excel sheet the bad ruining were the ones it usually stay down right I like because they don't have anyone being like nice cool right now, Riah hungary wants? Do you guys want yeah? We were. There was an exception. I like
yeah, alright, so I always am curious. This comedians for the most part, I feel like art, the biggest sports events. I louisbourg yeah? Don't like it's like you and shame, yeah gillis and Joe listed yeah. Obviously billboards a huge huge sports fan, but it do you feel, like I don't understand it, there's a lot of comedians that just don't care about sports. Do you feel like the odd man out when it comes to it, because we have a bunch of comedians on and there's some that we can talk sports like your uke? We can talk sports with, but there's a lot that, like they don't even watch it cause they're just on the road or whatever. For me, that's like why I mean, if I'm you know, when you're doing club weekend, starting out as a comic it's thursday through Saturday, so I get off stage I get t and t late game, the n b, a the best show on tv radio. Ah, no, I I needed on the road and I am itching for basketball season yeah, so you knicks fan obviously huge knicks fan
dunno. Have you gotten kicked out of msg. Yet are you on James Dolan, shitless, album and play in msg theater november? Fourth, so I'm on as I'm going, good good things about james lying with us right now like it, you can Well, well there What yeah I was at the oakley game with michelle wolf, Tough one yeah I've been to some rough ones. I was at starve rose and I were at the game where fuckin pausing towards asia- oh no, you must have missed mentioned starvin. This fans, q, sports, yes dive, and I will do what we got went to deliberate game. The other night work will all were huge. Basketball guy got next, their fuckin awesome, yeah, we'll get you go up on the job,
what's wrong. They put me on to just zero applause. Some lesbian artists went on before me and it like brought the house down and then they're like here's, a guy, here's a comedian. I know everyone's like who gives and stuff got recognise as the fat dude from the bear that they were. I can see stuff going on the jumbotron and wmv a game he does like to now we want. We want to stand there good side of barclays because they got collarbone down its s, room, spicy, rigour, tony yeah, so so the knicks it it's funny because we owe you said we lived in your for seven years. I didn't fully understand till this. Last year, a year and a half was like: oh yeah, like the next. You gotta run this city when they're good. It's been a long time are now I'm in this team and like we're just a piece away. I love jailing, bronson, so fuckin my areas, the best use of new york, even though, is not new
exactly his energy is just like chill its he's a floor general I love em, randalls gettin killed fur just he just his gotta be better in the play us, but I think he really was hurt this time it just sometimes we get it body language for new york right like when he's kind of moping were like. We don't respond to that. You got to look at jimmy butler. You never see that dude mo rain yeah tibbs. Do you like tibbs ye gray? he's he's another like that due to never thought the woman. Without like and for it clearly yeah- and I mean that because he's not putting in the work right, he's he's watching game tape and then he's like I'll fuck, a hooker he's so committed to just basketball, I feel like he has no life No a mask opposes transactional is like us for eating lunch. Yet twenty bucks, my blogger, I can get home roquat. Tat, he was coming ass being like in impedance to his work. exactly turkey king. It's like the pop thing, we're getting gregg private ones are going like a fucking date.
That means he's. Just he's is all askable, so yeah. I love tibbs, he's part of that nineties culture. You know with Van gundy and all those guys so yeah. I I love. I love this team. I love the young guys the yeah tibbs. Is he. I just envisioned every night tips. It's not you not coaching bashfully sitting with like an old low, main carton and unlike pointing to the tv like I found something when I found a whole in this defence I got it yeah yeah, I love em. I not really intimidated by a lot of the I mean, I guess the sixers have nurse now, but I don't trust philly. I don't I mean harden is just max's a philly guy. I'm sorry, dude harden is just like. I, he just bugs me at this point. He just like he sucks. I don't like he's in shape now, though, which is like what he actually got it. Finally right
you do when you want to get a new team as you dont get fat, we end, or would I know, but it's like the enver relationship, you don't fuckin. Let yourself go when you're looking for a new pseudo, that's not how you do it, but he always gets fat is shit and I know you get ripped yeah, so you can get move vienna as at this point, my theory and harness that I I don't think he wants to win the playoffs I think you look so like the extended play off season as being Okay! Well, now, I'm not on vacation. I'm writing! Now, I'm not going to strip clubs like it. I actually kind of make sense from if you're not like a super competitive person. You don't give a shit about rings, yeah. Why do you want to do more work for less money? You don't even get paid as much if you're harden, let's just get outta here, it's been a long year summer. He doesn't care about legacy. The way it seems a guy like dame does yeah dame wants that it's funny for years. Dame is all about. Like you know, it's like I'm staying here and then the sec.
they just so like they clearly don't give a shit about. When now is a get me, the fuck he just became eat. That was the biggest one eighty I've seen will deem it felt like was the last guy in the world to realize the french as don't care yeah like he I got shit, I don't actually got you re building a contender around me. I'm a furious had happened. I I'm still. I still think yonder is going upon the next. I officer you so you one of those expands every player you're like no, not every neck. I did geniuses benefit. I did I performed whose benefit gonna fuckin applause break from mayor Adams. magic johnson aids joke was like someone for can get that on camera I was epic, but but yeah I did is benefit. I talked him. I tried to get stuff to go to sleep. The player ever ever, yes or starve. Am I do just it's the rainbow room, just like where a suitor soundly and any like? I dont, have any nice close.
You're a fucking millionaire. You don't have one dress shirt. You can't get like one and he's like. I can I'm sorry, but then I sent him a video with the honest and he was so full in uppsala may, but I asked him august yon us after the benefit was like you a box panels. They fought the box on the next fan. I say we, I respect your team, I, like your players, are like holiday and importers and all those but now the next fanny goes well. You never know where end up nigeria agency and his brother kind of like naughty. They want to be in new york yeah, but now it's like they can't because they got dame. So do you don't have the excuse I like the depth now so say there is an injury, I'm not hoping for an injury, that's horrible, but you know Middleton that guy has not stayed healthy, he's a great player when he's healthy, but I don't it's hard to root against as a basketball fan cause. I love both those players, but I think I think we still have a shot that I are your yankees fan too. I am okay, yeah cause, that's like a very yankees
behavior, I'm any good player there, like pinstripes three year different in all its different focus. The yankees fan is that of arrogance. Lifespan is out of date. right, whereas we never get the right, we'll never get the first, when's? The last time we got a first overall pick, ewing, yeah and also like, I feel, like instagram kind of ruined the allure of like going to new york, because it used to be like we're in the eighties nineties, like hey, we gotta go to york, that's where all the women are, the hot women the unlike like there's a ton of people. Now it's like all you can find hot women anywhere. anywhere. While you could get him. Why do you ask your item online and the bill? Ok, I want you come on over india there, how women everywhere there but the flying the women out as a roller day. Salmonella who you fuckin bouquet, that's it. That's a halving the lot why, in the mount? Oh yeah, what if you don't what? If they look off what if the pictures are off, I think you have a buffer middleman. That's what lebron talent scout yeah, probably yeah! Just have someone like meet them before you.
maybe like a above board, Jeffrey Epstein. I give you wasn't if it wasn't just taken down your information case, there's an emergency. That is, I guess, it yeah. That would stress me out, though, just on the road with range. It would be the worst because you'd be like alright. Now can you leave like I want my own room, my tabs as a right, yeah yeah. He does it have to do it. I think, if your priority, I think he can't just because you put in any work any small talk. You like you couldn't now I get five hours asleep right now I hired for practice right now leave yet So you I was one women out, so I don't think so either you I feels like you, I would probably bambi out if any controversy came out about it, because he does feel like wholesome
Yeah, he is very wholesome was at one time where are the giants? Equipment manager was like taken helmets and thrown him down the stairs and then taking them and be like yeah. These are game, worn, yeah and then selling them online. They get a little bit of troll for that. But that's such a funny move the equipment manager just like take a bunch of shit and just beat the hell out of and be like yeah. This happen.
in the third game. Now it's worth three hundred thousand dollars. Isn't that what John andres got canned for with the next yeah and then there was also jin stray and have some weird ap history, and how did he have he had like something stolen from him like his are like a hall of fame jacket like it wasn't a vacuum that was weird yeah memorabilia and in new york athletes, something weird going on someone's going to look into. That was we've to take into that. Ah, I don't want to come across the wrong way, but I have a question about comedians lifestyles, for when you do start making money. Is there a part of you that feels like a sell out? Were you like as a comedian? I should be living in like a shitty apartment and like nothing in my refrigerator, then look, you know a little box tv in the corner cause! That's where comedy comes from, I do I do with struggle, comes material, RI, sure yeah. There is a prop, but the good thing about new yorkers, even if you're making a lot of money, you're still kind of living in a shithole, you're, still kind of pissed off all the time yeah
I mean I've been living in this apartment. For the last year there is section eleven drilling on my window. Ok, it's been, I can't be home, so I'm caught in a constant state of irritation and there's you know federal heads running around the neighborhood, even a nice neighborhoods. I I think new york keeps you cranky, yeah, yeah. Okay, that's a good answer, because I do it's kind of like in music like the first albums, always the best, because that's the the rise and the struggle with comedy, usually you put your first special out like after a laugh. It should be a long time. How long was it for you by ten years wow, and then I put out one usually every couple of years now. So what was it for ten years you're like I'm not right,
am not ready. Yeah, it's tough. I I and then one comic. Finally convinced me like you're scared, you're scared to like let go of it and he was right. So I let it go and then and then you have to start from scratch as a nobody. That's the hard part is when you're doing these papered rooms. Free tickets. Aren't the oh syracuse funny bone whatever and they're not there to see you, so they don't give a fuck about you or respect you and they have no financial investment and you have to do new material and build like that process is not easy for people who don't give a shit about you, so that was that's the hardest hour for me, the second hour. What about so when you were signed to your special was part of it. Like you didn't want, is there some in the in the comedian world. Where, like you, can't have a special too early cause, then it's like this guy thinks he's a hotshot I mean, maybe, but also for more from me. I was like I just don't want people to think. I don't want the first taste of me for people to get
like you have a vastly with the comedy world and all the comics like friends, enemies. I have always said that if there was a war of the comedy world, it would be incredibly the chaperone for comedy abbe, like samara, saw this guy the other night and day they had beef and lamb. I think they do have that, but no one gives it show off like in sports you're like holy shit dame but yeah. No one, no one gives a fuck about me and stops if this is like the the marin podcast and he's like. Who are your guys? Who would you guys be?
Well start now, you know, like all the obvious like Chris rock was huge for me, David tell and game until so funny, and I feel like the next generation. It does not understand how funny how naturally funny that guy is because he hasn't had an a maybe can correct me but like when I was growing up, he was all over comedy central show. Insomniac was fucking hilarious. He would just go out at night, but I feel like he hasn't had that same staying but early's. I haven't seen him as much recently but to me he's one of the greatest comedians ever well. He's got a new special in the can and so we'll see where he where he puts it out, but he did one a few years ago with Jeff Ross. It was really funny, but yeah dave. He doesn't release a lot into the world and I don't think he has like an internet guy, but with any comic knows that dave is like. You know a comedy: jedi is a genius yeah.
he used to take me out to open form and you just like learning so much watching him. You know how he handles a crowd he likes. He would bring me out on stage at the end, a riff with me and as a young comic. You like this is fuckin unfair yeah, like you feel like you're, literally playing like one on one with jordan, because he just he just finds the angles before anybody. He so quick. I'm aware leaving tarrytown musical once and he he's drive me back and he was like man, he just hates his his act. He's like all these comics have this self esteem and he's he hates his act and he's leaving he's like I fucking saga hack and is it you're all of our favorite comics? He goes one better than you guys great. So Your guys now who's your My friends, my guy, anyone like you know, starve, rose morgue norman. I do a pod catherine mark and I stood were opened. My
just to get soft Joe list. You know that's, like my show Rachel Feinstein's, a really close friend of mine. Those are like it's like my gary veeder. I do the road with were super tight. You know, that's my that's! Like my crew of ex kind of I guess that's like my my group yearly joint gentlemen Julia. He's tried to be accounted for Have you didn't while we get them sketch comedy videos that he put out burma the time, but I haven't seen you gotta watch burger to watch it yeah dude. He was funny he's a funny guy is I love? The guy is body's too good to be a comedian. You can't have a six pack is true. Is there any comedian out there that that you respect in terms of their comedy like shredded up? It's tough! It's because, as you said, like the more good shit, you have the more it's taking away from how funny you are like remember that season on its always signing in philadelphia when mac just get fat is shit yeah its undeniable. He was just Are you ready
The closer you are, it is I'm not saying you should get fat to be funny. like there is like a line were yet the the more you only alienating dues. I think I heard a better you now europe yeah they're, like some really hot comedian. This blowing up no my rifle the areas where I recollect it is, I think, there's just natural world like world order. Words like hawkeye's shouldn't before hey guys, because then you have it all I mean yeah. I think those people make rules, but you know I mean what would like who's makes. The line like I guess some people were like bug, but when I have friends who are like well, ryan reynolds is funny, but he's not like comedian comedian. Funny people try to make rules on, like I dunno deadpool's, pretty fun, yeah
it's like when people say athlete funny they're, like oh yeah, he's athlete that's what I'm blake griffin Griffin he's tall. He used to be able to dunk and he's hilarious yeah. That's the the ultimate three right there, yeah yeah he's cool, very cool guy yeah he's what how many times do you want blake the year two times to time to let your we're trying to show yeah. So it's pretty pretty big stuff, pretty high territory. Okay, so you're on your on the road, you're doing the whole tour. How long has this tour? That's the other thing I don't understand about comedians. Maybe this is just like a tom score, burt deo, who were friends with but like their tours. Never I dont understand me. Neither I just you know I did this for so many years when it was awful that now people are you in the vote, a lotta might give it its good raids. Vano, it's like a guy. Did it when it was. I did when I was like a crack head in realize how bad the places I was getting put up were until I I had a female comma goes: oh yeah, it's a good hotel and she call me like there are methods.
Its passed out against the window. It's a motel yeah! Now that guy, I guess I thought that was nice yeah! That's how easy it was, but you know I I I never ends. I do it every we yet cargo theatre in that's. Have you done this cavity? I did it as an open. I never have never headlined. That's awesome and palms has so I take my last special in Chicago. I love. I love it here. Yet, even especially, you are going into the performance like. Is there any additional pressures it like an athlete in the play officer like special speed, where you get on stage you like this feels different cause. I know it's a special, that's a good question. I mean noakes, I take seven I did it at the den, which is only like three hundred and fifty seats, so I did seven shows and I got drunk after every show, so get one of the I mean it's like a view of seven, you no chances to get one good performance yet again. Yeah we're gonna, get back east in a second but he's brought by simply safe. Its official fall is here. If you like me, you're setting back into busier routines. Kids at school
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flax, I mean ok, so it happened was always in. I was an edmonton with Theo VON we're doing this outdoor festival, and I'm I'm always panic. If something bad's going to happen and theo is like nah man, everything's cool yeah, it was definitely a chill guy, it was. It was an outdoor show which, by the way, like co. Where we can't do indoors now, there's wildfires and canada. The fucking cancel the outdoors so because of the wild fires in the air quality. So they do this air quality. Like do you feel this and like nah, it's all good We know there's like bad air and then origin call was like the city shutting down like everything shut down. So then we stayed another day. So I gotten a night early cause. There's no direct flights to edmonton to Merde, like three nights into a one fuckin show in Edmonton I fly back and my my connect flight home. The next day is now cancelled and I'm stuck in montreal and I'm just texting my agent like fuck. This I'm never home, I'm losing my mind.
and he's like you want your papa gig and I was like fuck yes, but I didn't think he was going to find me once I was getting shit faced at a hotel bar and I was like three man hands deep and he was like got you a gig ticket link here promoted now an amazing credit yeah. That's all it was it was. I watched it in real time. Like I watched like I'm in the drawn is like aren't, I gotta show come see it. That's what I'm talking about like. it the highs and lows: I mean just traveling every week. You're just going to have bad should happen. I know so I people I do feel like they see me at my worst. You know cause I'm just fucking. maybe monetize of times like sprinting, for connect flight. They just like shut the door. In my face. You like. Do you gonna, lose you like? That's a fuckin guy, just laws. How long is you ve gone in between shows like every every taken time, often comedy? I took like my first vacation this year. I don't do it really. I just it's very hard for me cause I like what I do so it's it's hard to and also the fear of when you shut off just shutting it back on is so painful it just. I feel rusty
I hate feeling rusty. I ran. I ran a chris rock on the street recently and he's like you take a vacation. Lately I was like yeah. I took a vacation. He goes. The broad needs analyses they did chris rock his words of wisdom. What do what he He's fine like the shortest way to just say you're like right, I should take a vacation site. I did I went to greece. I did shows on the way in london, yeah you're addicted. I love it. I love doing it. That's, like I mean that's like us with podcasting we've been doing it for a long time now but like when we take. We will take like a week off for July. Fourth and I'll just be sitting at home being like man. I wish you could talk about some sports some will happen and would like falk mba really wanted. Just how tell your brain our brains were right right and it makes a made it it's why we have the best job? Why? You probably would say you have the best job, because you love doing it that much its awesome, it's been so hard for me to shut off than every comic is like you have a problem. You know you don't, but I really know G. They think
we're addicted to coffee, mark norman and I- and we are told constantly that, like you, guys got to like STAR rose, will yell at me, he's like if you are, if you take this gig new year's in springfield Missouri we're going to fucking, kill you and I'm playing springfield Missouri. It's like I got them the axe, the action I didn't like before on new year's eve, so I got to the twenty eighth through the thirties. yeah. I don't like. I don't like new year's eve. Crowds will come out, springfield Missouri yeah. I just was like I'll. He gets so angry because I used to have a fucked up neck and he was like you are killing your body yeah. I dunno athletes. Do it, I think with it all the time like the just the flying cars, even on the even on those private jets. If you're seven see that's not yeah humphrey. I see the pictures of team usa and it's like they're sleeping like this
Well, that's not good. I know it can't feel good. No, that's what the live tour is awesome because they just rent they have this jet. That's like I dunno. Probably I get seven hundred million dollar plane. That's got fully reclined double beds. It's part nightclub part hotel on there. They put out a ridiculous video when they first got all the golfers joins like oh, I think they just might want to sleep. They just might want some downtime. That's cool, though, being addicted, to cut your addicted to comedy so yeah. Don't even think. Like you you're srd in your eye like far off vision of like maybe someday, I retire. Oh god, I think don vertically and joan rivers endanger feel like that's the dream right. The fact that you could just go till the end yeah. You know I mean it's, it's so cool. I love that Rickles and like little,
go out in the wheelchair and be like look at this ugly fucker that you're hanging on by a thread and you're just insulting. I love it. Dangerfield too there's this old clip of dangerfield, where he he's like just bomb it. Has it gotta be eighty and he's bombing in vegas and they're, just like you're like oh fuck, guy lost his fastball and then he just like he turns it on and if one line or one any he starts killing and you just kind of like guinea is like, I know a lot of fuckin jerks such a cool moment. It's I saw the others. They carol Burnett special than happened like three months ago. That's gonna be kind of weird, though, if you're, a very old comedian and basically they're doing here, funeral for you, while you're still alive, like it's nice, it's nice to see this, but like somebody spent two million dollars putting on a show to like. Thank me for everything I gotta think in the back of my head, like I'm probably gone like I've got I've got months after this, but how nice is that? they do your funeral. Why you're still alive yeah they didn't in sign of special. It's the everyone is taken. His jokes at the funeral is like
Yes, the betsy. I love the idea had scale it's true. We await we ve had problems that are no eight. We, oh yeah. We did our promises that we had john c non once and we here there's a rumour out there that he had died and we're like how cools at that, for like a day people you die and it just shows it's like it's not funny. A friend of mine were like what friend of mine died. He was wearing like a superhero outfit at the time and it was over. Zoom, like it's gotta, be cool to have people seeing all these nice things about you, because they think that you're pass away, but then you get to come back and be like no, I'm still alive get a little glimpse as to what your funeral is going to look like he's like, I know what you drive don't want. I just want to don't think it's very funny. It's very that we we've got these big ass, gloves on in the camera. Superhero record scratch. Yeah we've had those moments before you can tell me what you're doing, who else? Who else is like a weird, not viable?
if Dan marino was pretty bad oof. That was also our fault. We are in the back of a Van super bowl week and he was just like who the fuck are, because I think we it's it's in phases, because when we started obviously was like who the fuck are these guys? Now I think most people know what part my take is before they come on. we we'll get a few every now and then can we can we just say
I believe ozy yeah. First of all, I don't think he's a very good interview from what I've seen there and then we had him on the show and we came in hot on them and we're like you know, a lot of people say we'll never win a championship, blah blah blah blah blah. We might have said things like that before were trying to like joke about it and make it okay right up front. We've said these things now make fun of us and he just shut down. He is giving like one word answers for everything and he started. We wrote a book which is weird, so he didn't really like it, because I am a big believer like we'll. Have people on that? We've talk shit about and I want to say, hey. I've talked shit about you because it'll be such a fraud move to have someone on and just pretend that we haven't talked shit about them. That's true. Most people for the most part know what we do and they know that the shit that we're talking is not serious and we give ourselves more shit than we give anyone else. So it's
have some fun with it like bust, your own balls, so yeah sometimes backfired. I can see him not being fun. I bet we'd definitely have people on our podcast, you like oof, do you fucking hate us like what we're trying? What's the worst one, you've done Al Frank, It was really tough yeah. I could see. We were like very much defending him were like oh, you got fucked and- and I think he just like every joke- he'd be like you know he would like. We would make jokes can it be like tried the veal like that? I guess that's you! The corners corny try the veal, but to me they're just like then I he didn't like us, get that senator mentality where he's like above comedy now yeah, it's so weird. I think it's also like old snl. Just the ego is like I forget I was on that was so I mean we're grown up. It's like s. No was the pinnacle of everyday. If you wanted to make it a comedy, you got on personnel boom. Your good you're like minted. At that point. Now I don't think that does the case you are, I don't. I don't think, there's that many people to grow up in comedy that look it s now ass being like the destination. I couldn't name
than one cascades, I got you good name. You know em. If you saw me just like, is also benito strike to that regularly things about you Michael chain colleges of air but yeah you're right. It's there, just a million different shows now so personnel grown up on me, I would watch the comedy central reruns like sand, learn spade and rarely in any no meadows and all those guys, but now it they're going up against a million shows. I think it's just a broader landscape has podcasting helped your comedy a lot, because I feel like I'm listening watching comedians than they have a park ass it it's funny podcast. Like it just they all blow up from that yeah do in each other's pod. I think helps, but it it's weird now too were like. I feel it back in the day to be. Equally,
one carson twice and we were famous like cool. I didn't nine hundred podcast that I did and I got fortunately, two and two of them were in a story. You made me fucking travel for it yeah it. No, it definitely helps. I also am very conscious of like creative energy burn. You know cause. I I used to write all day. I feel like I'd, be like new jokes, new, jokes and ages of other shit. I guess that's the good thing. It's part of your busy things are going well yeah, but stand up is always for me number one and I always like. I got stand up. Why start stand up? There were no podcast, so I was like I'll be like a gary shambling type. A guy, homemakers, sick com and now sit com would like that. like hurt. You momentum, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry I took up my phone. I wasn't texting was paying my parking, which have gone like sixty
it's which is like two weeks. What's your writing process like if you're coming up with new material for a stand up set? Are you like dedicating certain hours like okay, starting at ten, a m I'm going to just shut myself in a room, I'm just going to write or do go somewhere I need to be like inspired by something well now I know I wish I knew I don't. I will listen to a set and it'll be like that. Joke is not finish that joke doesn't, you know, has legs, but I haven't cracked it so someone's of a joke. That's like two thirds doesn't have like that that third pop I want I want. I want like at least three good pops, and you want that last part to really be like oh okay, but sought to all edit before,
We're writing is more like I'll just be walking around or something falls in my head right and I'm like that's something I'll go back to it'll. Take a note of it. I go back and I I start to just try to solon a word doc and yet punch it up. What's the what's, the joke is pissed off the most people who at a good one okay. Well, this is this one piss people off and my fuckin. What's great is ah oh okay. First one, this bombed, fuckin insanely hard in Boston, years ago? It was right after the boston bombing and yet ready, not likely lobby tat. My commonly central half hour- and I said you know- and I saw that I was I was devastated. My first was me my brother. We don't do anything together anymore,
I know crickets and then a joke, salad and then the last one another one. So I was and we try to be healthy on the road, mostly like basketball, but we drink at night, but during the day or like exercise, and so we we went to, for whatever reason were like we'll do hot yoga, they will mix it up. We did it, we'd never have done it. So we go and the instructor recognize me and she goes do you want to tell a joke in a fucking yoga class and I'm like, of course not. I just like looked at Bryan who's, my tour manager and he needs like gives me look like I got this and I was like I dunno what the hell that means, This is the joke. He tells to a roomful of women. It's an old. This is the bit that would get me shit. He goes so. My friend's girlfriend just had a miscarriage in the shower and I was like, oh my god, worst baby shower ever he tells him to a room full of women. No one fucking laugh, there's a
There was one black due to goes on shit, that's fucked up moment. We got also no one laughed and afterwards to what the He was like it's your joke. I was like. I don't open with it. That's a delicate subject: you've got to earn that job so that one would piss people off ui. No one would upset people. I said you know, this is an old one, is I was talking to a girl. She goes. I need a man who will treat me like a princess, so I hired the paparazzi to chase her and she died in a car crash. They have grown grown yeah. Those are What about the other on the bridge? It's a relay crash, yeah right right, javelin! That's like one that a joke that you've written that you absolutely love. But when you tell it, people don't appreciate as much as they should. You know what those jokes usually are as if they're, if they're personal and you think something is funnier, but to them it's dark. I think it's like comics when angry, sometimes when the crowd doesn't like that,
I think the crowd actually likes you and feels bad, but we hate that so yeah. I had one about my biological father who, when he he you know he left and my dad raising my stepdad. When you adopt a kid legally, you need the the signature, so If the joke was it's kind of like the opposite of vps package, like hey, you sign here, and I don't want this never had. I think it made people sad yeah, it's a hard line to walk between, like that's funny, and that's just funny to me writing right because they don't feel yeah they're, like I'm, not gonna, laugh at that. That's fucked up, it's like no, but I'm forget it. Now is a tough one ear. There's a few you're like tat. One is so close, but it's not it's it's so something missing
yeah. Is there like a and m j lebron debate among stand up comedians like who's the goat? Well, I think yeah that it's not like generational, like that, it's more like pryor and carlin. I think I think louis to some degree is entered at debate. I think louis the amount of specialties put out is is pretty insane right and and just the quality is so high. But you know, I think what with what happened with him. He was kind of out of the mainstream conversation, but comics don't give a shit about that. Like do you think the grammys know anything about fuckin stand up like no? No, no! No, we don't care about words, although I think he did when he went around me. I love the bad example. I think. Usually there like they just kind of go like they don't pay attention, but louis, is he, I think he's definite in the congo to just for, like
sustain great longevity, yeah carlin play in this era? Oh yeah, I mean carlin was so fucking good. You know who I think is also gets. I see some comic says overrated, but if we're going like guy, who like, if he kept going would have been, the guy like loan was like a tupac biggie situation is, is bill hicks cause that guy's cut albums and he died like thirty two, alright I'll drive people think he's Alex Jones. Oh yeah, young alex Jones, looks a little bit like bill, her yeah, that's a conspiracy other that bill extras, went off the face of the earth, moved a central texas sartori on nine eleven. He muttered he would. good sandy hook, jokes, I gotta know bill Hicks had some fuckin brilliant joking, no dennis leary store shell out of it. That's owing hours like a lot of the beef, as he just stole a bunch as anyone soldiers from you before have yeah, I mean, but it's usually like I think a premise. No, it's usually like a like a meme
an online one of those like fetch. You type account rather like I don't give a shit right and then the problem is the audience doesn't give a shit. They cause they just click I can move on no one realizes that you like labored over this premise right. I had one that just yet it turns into a meme. So I get pissed comics are usually not dumb enough to do that, like the days of a cordless meant sia yeah, a kind of numbered because he he just got like destroyed rain right and it'd, be pretty hard now, especially with like podcasts and everything you'd hear about it right away, yeah it it does kind of take. Balls like it would be kind of fun to just go and like steal, an entire comics act. So we have to do it. Then our lungs like, if I just went up and did like you're an entire act. Someone did that to ron Wyden, I think back in the day they they got into a fight with him and he opened for money.
did is because he knows that I think about it like Gary viewer opens from him. Like I could probably do. Is that yeah? That's pretty funny, actually that's very fun to do it in front of somebody's face yeah. I like that. I don't like doing it the mike it's pretty it's pretty easy, but yeah you would get busted. I mean look, we've all also made the mistake. Live at friends, be like I'm like. Oh you just did that pits like an animal? As your mind like awfully para thought, is that more and more and you absorb stuff, but he had to do it on purpose. Now that the industry is kind of dead too, I feel people did back in the data. Like all. Do this person's joke in a late night set right and I'll take off, and now it's like podcast is red or such a big part of wood, melick cover bans or trip.
bands if you're just like a cover comedian and you go- you do perform if you get lessen misses my mitt. This is my tom waits version mitch mitch Hedberg not alive. Unfortunately, he was a great comic, but if you strained out my hair and put like a quarter a jacket on me, I feel like I could go out and tell his jokes and be maybe like one percent as funny as he has. So we have to do a live set in vegas. In our face or its or gambling picks yeah we're decision olympics, the person comes. The last place has to doing our live in LAS vegas. Why? For live cry. When are you doing? I might just feel weak. It just might be a cover night of comedy. You have to do a tribute yeah yeah tribute. You do tribute band session, you're upfront about it, be like hey. These aren't my jokes, but I'm just gonna tell him to I tim Dillon once told a funny story. Then long long island, he watched is like a rodney dangerfield cover act gotten for gotten a fight with another rodney dangerfield cover act because he was like this. Is my fucking place
rodney dangerfield sliding yeah he read dangerfield, makes me so happy like that's like my god, like back to school. This sounds like a fun movie. I I would. I did windy. Cummings is making something like regarding dangers, so she's working with his wife, so I was, she was drive me to a set and she goes do you want to talk? I know you'll have danger. Do you want to talk to his wife and I was like fuck? Yes, so she just calls danger fields: wife, who's, like the nicest human. Just like a really hot, younger woman. The dangerfield was married to and on the phone she goes. Do you want to hear like or any story that no one ever heard- and I was like please yeah, apparently when he had brain surgery he was going in. He was like please dont like if anything happens like all. I have is my
I need my mind and he to be sharp and then comes a crane surgery and the doctors like did you call for anything up and he goes year, five hundred last week to a whole force. Why had I thought the surgery dam and unheard danger? Subtle, georgi color, I mean that do just I mean caddy share so many gregson, even meet wally sparks. I you know that scene where you ever see that one. I had never seen that one. It's not! I wouldn't say like a good movie, but it's dangerous like he's just telling him. He is just so funny just everytime he's on the screen when he walks by this couple and their megan out atiku's goes you two should go, get a room, then he walks by a federal couple making it it goes to two should get away. The field is perfect best. Alright, my last question has been awesome. ever go see sam out on the road. Any sore gonna run this next week, so anything come up he's dead
live in phoenix this weekend, thursday through Saturday I got you know, indianapolis Columbus. Real in Cincinnati hearings will feel the big one is an Y see november forth at the theatre. Masses were godchildren, I still have after doing this podcast yeah, hey big fan and also yes, Australia, going to fucking australia and, oh yes and then Tampa vegas. I bet I'm gonna literally every city, we don't stop so just tickets to samuel dot com. I love it alright. So my last question: robot question r, H, o p, a c k, dot com, promo code, take twenty percent off your first purchase. Cusack polos, hoodies, joggers shorts Roberto come from a critique of the new york teams. You root for who's the next one to win a championship, then a long time and a day
stayed in nine teams, obviously to root for all nine, but yeah. It's been a long time, so who's the next. The honest question is probably deliberate. I was going to say you can't say celebrity: okay, well, there's there. I think they they got it. They love their team. I love I love stew and, and although I love the whole team and su just a fucking shooter, I gotta say I I I think the next, we'll figure it out and had been too long. Now it's been too long for the yankees it I guess in my heart I just don't carry the yankees of one. So much that I got. I was a spoiled child of the nineties yankee ray I'm kind of like I'm good,
glad, I'm glad to see that from a yankees fan yeah, I don't care. If we ever win again honestly were great. You were like the only thing in sports and I love those players. I loved the satta and jeter and mo and and pad, and all those guys, Bernie Williams, Paul O'Neil, fucking, amazingly cool team, but I just don't give a shit baseball, also lost me for so many years. Just the way they the horribly marketed the league and yeah, thank god for Otani, but are they going to fuck this up? To I dunno? Surely will so yeah, I I just gotta say the knicks are going to they're gonna find a way to get that free agent, whether it's janis, whether who, whoever No, I hope it's janius. I hope he wasn't bullshit me, I'm so fuckin magda got dame because I felt that when it happened, I was like fuck yeah, because I know that heard that yeah that hurt our shots and- and I dont trust him bead as the guy now. So I do now, no offense, I'm sorry, but
most probably I don't know that yeah, you don't don't put words in my mouth. I just don't know who the guy is right now, if it's niantic cause, I don't I it's clear. Yogesh and janis are the guys so yeah. The lag. Maybe you gotta get this guy you look nice senior in high school. I think baron trunks and to be the farce and voted on here. Long sharp yeas he's got that law. In blood we more than ever the best or be parent trump and bronte junior on the same team, the great dorani yeah yeah, that's wilson is brawny gonna be good. I wanted, I think, is the easy back He had that heart. He had heart arrhythmia. It does suck having to be like, even if he's like average m b, a player which would be a phenomenal career like well you're, not lebron James, being frank sinatra: junior. He has not yet up there, you gotta software, you gonna change your name
yeah he's something other than lebron James june we used to have like during the early days of the comic strip, don't go on up late night, the comics they would let cut you just because they had a famous dudes last name like fuck this mother, but then they didn't try like that's. The thing is like I think I heard gilbert arena say this he's like you, it's tough to be the famous dude. Even if you have the access you don't have that like hunger right right cause, you expect the acts as yet the I'm going to do like you know, draymond green, like that's, not a dude son right so do want to like tear your throat. Alright is true, it sure will. Sam has been awesome. Man. Thank you. So much The time is I hear you're always welcome back on segregated through there sam was brought by sport clips. We love sport clips, we love it. It's so nice thing means you got your hair cut sport clips not too long ago. Right I did, I did last two weeks
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The shirts are going out just a plain white shirt, big white tees, Yeah ordered ordered three of them. Like they came in a pack of three. I actually sent a prayer like a monthly membership that I keep forgetting to cancel and they just send you white t shirts every month every month, so I got three in june through July and october then I have, Well. I've been working lives as our can use more teachers. The last two packs having another it opened them yet, and then I was trying to cancel yesterday and it was like being annoying. I gotta remember to do it right now. Actually, but yeah, it just come as a package. This exciting and I was like fuck more white t shirts. You know what I I feel like. I've probably spent like two hundred bucks on white t shirt, big white t shirts, though, if you're going to have too much of something and I'm just envisioning hank wearing
The later the big know, they're like there should be white t shirts. If you're going to have too much on an item of lunch, but then it's like it's it's lame to wear a white t, shirt or white t shirts, not a bad thing to have a surplus of the fifteen thou is excessive. Yeah, probably wear to the gym you're like steve jobs, but casual because the white t shirt, mogul yeah, damn hank, you've gotta you gotta get that subscription, there's nothing better than canceling subscription. It is nice, it's very nice. Think you should just wear white t shirts all the time and just throw them out at the end of the day yeah. How would you feel like if you did that yeah alright pft? Oh, that was the issue I was trying to cancel. It was armed doing it on my phone and I walked website that we send a verification, your email, but you have to log out to get there, so you can't do it on my computer, got it to factor okay pft, my fire fest. I've got a couple. One is that mere big cat we're going?
are you ok for getting sick? I know I'm not you sound sick. I just had a cough, you should go. You should go to the doctor, I'm worried about. If I was I would for the team, I'm worried. I would go to the doctor. I don't have one, but I would that's the second time today. I'd find wanting to go. I'm just saying put began on cough watched. I'm on coffee are popular. My first, my first of our faces at me breakout are going to have to get a tattoo. yeah, really dumb idea to do a tattoo bet on this thursday night football game like tune everybody in the world. It like actively hates this game. Yeah they they are. It's become big joke. I don't know if, like the bears commanders, if there's anything inherently funny about those two teams playing each other, it's not like a really awful historical franchises in the last twenty years. But other forever. We're going to we're going to it's a it's a meaningless game, pretty much on thursday night, the whole world hates that is on tv and then me and big cat are going to have to get our first tattoo if we lose yes and then of our choosing. So it's that we we had credit to us for the foresight yeah, where we were.
Like. Oh, if the bears, when you gotta get a bear, sat tour of the creators. When I guess we said tattoos enough, you get use with tat, yes or it might get a birthmark dealers choice. That's not a bad idea! I did say. Could somebody asked what about a tide you both get tattoos off hand on twitter? I fired off tweed. That just said we will do a sex tape if its attacks. I didn't think about it and then, once I sent it immediately. I was like that was maybe a worse idea than the tattoo bet Well, you have to do it. We want me to do so. You pay an airplane, piano, P2P, P2P, docking, yeah, sort of la swordfish, docking yeah. That's that's farfetched one far fetched to is that blake that my penis again, oh, oh, again not on purpose, and he was like a toy but it likes to chew on your lap, sometimes, and because he's a big snuggler he's a great dog and he sometimes will bite your shorts bite your arm and we're working on that we're getting better, but he happened to bite
a penis through my short the other day, so gay, your blood, no blood so maybe that'll, be the sexy, mean blake aren t t on pay for you too on page yeah, yeah yeah, I gotta be nice will take a big chunk yeah, so it blake. I blake has a penis touching promptly, as an actual dog hair dog yeah. Add is not good enough to good people in their penis, although their penis or not you have taken Chris, Fog can get away with it a little bit because he's a good player until the playoffs grace now and in college was good enough right. Mac Jones, you can't have a guy that sucks also hitting people in their deck to get fined. For that I dunno interesting yeah. He profile outbreak outbreak here, perhaps you could give We should start sending that out. Man law code breaks. Ok, my fire vest knows
weak cause, what we hear in the news a lot- and it was, I would say my farfetch- is the people who went so crazy that they were like you know, I'm going to go after your family and and you and everything like that. But what, if your son wants to go, see, snow white, and he will not do no, no, not allowed not allowed. She made some really interesting, rachel Ziegler. That was actually a good tipping point where it's like. Oh you know she's on that sheet. She thinks it's not funny. Okay, then it must be funny. So, but actually it's a fire fest crazy, weak. They turn into a positive in that it like it was a good remoter. I dont need people who defend me put. It was good reminder that people have my back in. There is a lot of people who defend me and defended the fact that, like this package is a joke as its existence as a joke, the whole thing is a joke, so that was cool and my favorite. My fate,
Article was the one that waited until like way after the giant pictures to be like, and there were joking about it yeah, but still you have to wonder like what, if they weren't joking, what if they actually are demanding this. I also I was thinking the other far fetched that I kind of wish. My only regret in the whole thing was, I didn't, have a mustache like I didn't have my beard shade. That would have been very funny. Yeah for mustache man, overweight, mustache man was demanding sex tapes. Yeah, but yeah. The whole thing was pretty crazy. I liked all the tweets that were like they. They need to just stop selling microphones to people yeah. The other new tests or the one to read that always makes me laugh, is all all men should start their life in jail and prove their way out and not like the gump unfounded. with that jail sounds awesome to jail. Is the ultimate man cave I all time with the boys playing cards, fellows, listen to music and in a couple slap boxes, and how did these two guys survive? The parcel
laughs, yeah, that's a good point, good point: it's great! There was also there was so many threads going on in my mentions, less like the people arguing and then one guy made a great point cause. He was arguing with a swifty forever and he was just like just so we're clear taylor. Swift has like the most insane security staff and everything because people like you not because people like dan as like yeah, that actually is that's probably true. My other favorite were the people that we're like tagging, Dave in it yeah saying dave. How can you let this type of vulgar talk exist on your network? You need to stand up for women Dave. It is a way what What what world are we live? What they did did make a good point on pick me said that now people are going to say like I like parcel, but except for those pm, teague yeah ideas. One is a good one, yet Davis it's. The whole situation has made me, laugh it's so fun and yeah. Obviously, the people that are like doing death threats towards families have I just fucked off psychos, though I had some real fucked up tweets that I was just like what is going yeah that that will
do anything but to the people on the internet are just they're. Just you know, there's some weirdos out there, yeah they're playing basketball out there, odd jake, yeah. Well, first off on that, I. We're going to get the black pants and stopping alright yeah lebron tried to get on the kelsey's or tried to get an invite on kelsey's pot, and I said lebron come off come on and someone said I hope, the pardon my take. I die in a fire. I'd like that mean- oh, that's, very measured, not that mean compared to what I've gotten per year, so we should credit lebron, James, IRAN, James. When what was eleven into the part, my take groups can die, a fire fire, the broad james when eleven to picking games last He does a sunday morning games where sits down the out on instagram live. I put together, parlay put fifty bucks on it. That would one forty two thousand
he went to lead to any picked. Some underdogs to lebron James might be that passports programme. Get in the world any also here. Yet we are you coming home. this record. I think it was eleven two straight up, so you not counting the lions it he picked. Oh no yeah, that's a good point and say, and the jaguars take the lions on thursday night, but he will unfortunately was not able to put that pick out before the game yup and same thing with the london game. So yeah. I think he was thirteen. Thirteen and two David RON was glazing, yeah yeah. It was on fire just because you guys are truly the kings of northeast ohio and I claim to be be honest: seriously you guys are awesome, oh yeah, so we me on behalf of you guys I extended the invite, but haven't heard back yet okay, you just heard that we hope we die in a fire. That's what the response we should before we finish, show she would you score predictions because we obviously the beginning to show you know what happened, but it'd be fun, real time, capsule
There's twenty one fourteen. I think the commanders you're gonna win thirty one to twenty one. I think there's, gonna win. I should know the virgin when there's a whole shot barcelona when forty two ten forty to ten. Forty to ten that would be going to affairs. Are all going back. Forty two thanks. I can't believe that happened earlier so unlucky, damn it damn you big cat, damn your bears. Damned the chicago bears max the prediction master bears terrorism. Europe. Are you guys doing why you put it in the bears hairs in order for thirty one yards come and algae Good protection max bears eleven nos knows the albert commanders. Twenty bears eleven gum.
Okay is that most likely gummy, that hasn't happened yet? No thirty, two nineteen, thirty, two, twenty six, twenty five eighteen, three to twenty six surprises me yeah. They seemed like football numbers hank, someone just tagged us in a tweet, someone isn't ai, rendering of fenway with a lighthouse sick emergency network. By mistake, I thought I've known that lighthouse might actually work, because it's close enough to the harbor right. Well, yeah, the the rendering has it like in the north end. I like it that was so stupid of me to be like hey, do lighthouse dropped he's like dude I've seen that what do you think I jerked off to last night? Okay, do to get fit. Do you think you'd fit into that would fit? It would offend. They want this I'd. I did do elena, I didn't do a search shopping search on google for lighthouse dildos.
I was gonna get about lighthouse flush. They don't exist. The man sociology. Somebody could make millions of dollars making a lighthouse still new, pink, unlocked, ok, numbers. Three sixty nine means you ve got it forty. Ok, a fuck you prior has a greater size ago means. Would you want honestly, like ok, let you will have to lead. Let's say that you will not be the guy filming means I'd say you were not involved in the production of it whatsoever. You were not involved in the post, you would watch. Would you I know you would now? Yes, you work. Yes, you work. Be honest. Yes, she wore guys noticed oh yeah years, under look at we're all gross assure Max would you not even achieve one hundred percent asses re any sex tape of like any one? You want to see what it is: yeah, anyone
one. Anyone except for taylor, swift. If you hear that someone how why shape the first thing to your mind, is alive. Curious. What that's watch you wanna, what we're working if it gets like yeah, of course, what we would like it. I max you guess, number twenty, fifty fifty Ok, we'll see everyone on Monday will be in new york, surviving birstall, Let me guess:
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.