« Pardon My Take

Bowling Legend Pete Weber, Super Bowl Story Lines, Hot Seat/Cool Throne + A Recap Of The Bowling Punishment

2023-02-01 | 🔗

Sean Payton is back and now the Head Coach of the Denver Broncos (00:00:00-00:12:06). We talk Super Bowl storylines we're most excited for and Hank does a hater's guide to the Super Bow (00:12:06-00:35:33). Hot Seat/Cool Throne includes Mr Beast, a shower debate and more (00:35:33-00:58:05). We welcome on Bowling Legend Pete Weber to talk about his career, his famous moment "who do you think you are? I am", the art of bowling and more (00:58:05-01:41:54). We then finish with a recap of the Bowling Punishment/Stream (01:41:54-02:02:31).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners. You can find every episode on apple, podcasts, spotify or youtube. Prime members can listen ad free on amazon music. On today's pardon my take bowling, we've got bowling super bowling, super bowl, storylines and bowling the bowl, a rama at bowl. A bolero happened. Recap it we have pete weber. Who do you think you are? I am that guy, maybe the best bowler of all time on the show great interview with him talk about the entire day in a bowling alley, like I said, super bowl, storylines, sean payton to the broncos, haughty, cool throne, very fun interview, I'm very excited for people. Listen to it and it's brought to you by our friends at coors light what's better than having chores
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it's a part of my take today is Wednesday february. First and sean patroness head coach of the ten were broncos. Let's go sean an odd shock, job sean. We got a job and little birdie told me vic fans, you might be winning a move. Fangio was all but confirmed to go to the dolphins on what sunday yeah psych record scratch. He might go to denver used to be the head coach in denver as true, but it's new your group salary might want to go back, and then you might also be talk of san Francisco yeah has they lost their deepest squared meagre ryan's now head coach of the use and tax. Yes, so we had a little source off breaking news. On tuesday, the it was announced, on page was going to the brok goes and then almost instantly after to make ryan's is going to detect sins and schaffner said it was a coincidence. Rapid poor said that the broncos we're trying very hard to get to meet ryan's when they
and they went to plan b, sean patent, which seems a little weird, but I also don't think there was a coincidence there that the timing of both announcements field felt more than coincidental. So I think I think, I'm aside with rapporteur on that there is more to it than just a complete code. Instead, they were now within minutes of each up will rub. Where is the walmart shaft, or so it makes sense that he would have a closer ties with broncos. Only ask group yes site. I do think that there's could possibly atomic arrives, wanted to go to use intention. where he play obviously play there. This is crazy digital he sued the Houston texas. Now he saw the union's actions like seven eight years ago, because this is when he was on the eagles. He said that the playing field caused knee injury for him. We are for your team grow your team grasp, but they do. They do have grass, I think, don't they know they're indoors, the texans, yeah energy stadium. No, it's got an open roof on it. What a yeah really yeah! I think it's a retractable.
Isn't it a thousand one gaga came down from its rides junior. What I don't really open hooligans grass is in frazier leg. It has got your role and we re as no. They rode in that area decades. Its grasp put it shit grass, because that where I think that's where jewels so bad at all, I know is, I think, you're very that's where jewels tours acl non contact, either him or west walker. One of the two. tat. One of those guys have now know it. I got a more used to be texans ditching grass for artificial turf. This was in twenty fifteen, ok, artificial surface, Ok, why learn something you learn? Something yes, so learn suddenly got me korean, so might have been grass when he was point it might the about the meagre rind sued, the texans that he ended up settling with the group that, like installs the
in the surface? Okay, not involving the team and the final outcome, probably pretty glad that he didn't go through that lawsuit against the team. Selves cause now he's their head coach, yeah seriously, yeah, that's so, and it feels like the texans finally got the coach they want to keep around for more than a year. I dont think that they hired to make orion's to fire on the other, It seemed that way. I think we we both called it for the last two years felt like they were hiring lovie smith the fireman year, just because they they needed to get some of the heat off him because they were rumored to be trying to hire jon
account at the time and then before that there was the David Cully experienced. Yes, god bless david color and not for sean peyton. So people have been saying: why would he do this? He left he could have gone to any team. Well, the wanton Walton family has the most money like ever so they probably caught him in enormous check. They also didn't have to give up as much as I thought, like it's the twenty ninth pick this year, so that the pick the de broncos got in return for bradley job, which was, I think, the forty the forty niners pin. So they got they. They had to give up that they have to give up their second round or next year they get a third round her back from the saints and they get
peyton, and I, if you're the broncos like that champions worth more than the twenty ninth pick when it's been so bad and you've invested in Russell Wilson, you've gotta figure out a way to fix him. That's the biggest piece like who who better to fix a short quarterback who, whose arm might be like losing a little bit of the stems? Oh, how about the guy who coached a short quarterback, whose arm wasn't the strongest he's the perfect guy yeah, plus we get a sequel to the Kevin James movie or he goes to denver and and starts his own grow. So what are we nice? I think it is a good fit out there. I think that he's put its money, its money, its money, because the other arguments be. Why would you want to go into patrick homes? Division? I get that as well as its money is money, probably getting paid like twenty five million dollars year its money? It's a good opportunity for me to go out and get paid a lot of money, but
also a very good go. What it's mine he's in maybe the worst division and sports. Let's get real put an advantage and socks, I'm just gonna do complete reversal. Anwar takes from last year that division till proven. Otherwise, although skip bayliss that mother fucker, predicted the seawards to win the superbowl already a while he's got me thinking as a little early to supervise now he's and now he's got a man thinking about. Maybe my seawards take that we can get to that later. But it's why its money, it's mine, he's got paid. A lot of money is going to get paid. A shitload of my coach, the broncos, he's probably going to be okay. I and remember, and maybe there's like a very easy answer. That is right for my face. Besides Andy reid guy were taken Andy reid off the board. Here. Has there been a coach that like walked away and then came back for a big payday somewhere else and he's been better at a second?
location. There was a bell tower still out there. Bill cower still remain over how bo cowards, just in the just always awesome around ten years and hm hm walked away from the nfl like our coaching engine walked away from because we didn't walk away for that. Long walked away from coaching in the nfl. I did something similar. I mean belichick left the the jets after he Carroll left the nfl and then came back and was very successful yeah. I I'm trying to think who left parcels, but he was that's successful. Am I MIKE Mccarthy we'll see how that goes? He did walk, he did get fired. He fired rolled away, yeah rolled away and then came back and that's a good question. I dunno I'd have to off the top of my head cause. I Maybe I'm just not thinking when any red is obviously the exception to this rule in any region. Didn't even walk, didn't get a job
yeah good job right away. He got fired, I dunno how long he was in between jobs for wasn't like I want to say it was right away. So the the vibe that I'm getting is that he's going to come back, he's going to be a decent head coach, because he has forgotten more about football than we'll ever know yes and he's done it for long enough that I think he knows how to run a team. So it's going to be completely different. Look for the broncos as opposed to what they dealt with this year. Like sean payton is maybe the complete opposite of Nathaniel Hart. I would say: that's probably true, so I I think that it's a it's a good hire for denver, and I I but I don't see him like winning super bowls in denver yeah at least not with Russell, was yeah so yeah. any red was he. He was out of a job for five days, ok days, Andy Reid stepped away from football for five days or five days after he left the eagles on december, thirty, first, two thousand and twelve, and he was hired by the chiefs on january. Fourth, two thousand and thirteen.
Is there a coach out there, that is, that is left coaching football entirely for a full season or longer that came back stronger? I worry we're, definitely forgetting someone yeah very obvious and people are going to. This is one of those moments where people I mean now, John Bruton, that didn't go we're just having the conversation, a merely asking questions. Yeah this is is gonna, be one of those moments where everyone psyche how'd. You guys forget about this or forget that, like bill walsh, coached honour, like the vikings for a month back in may, in sixty. Do you know the answer might be, let's see how long I can't remember how long he was away.
I am going to pull it up. The answer could be nope. Mike Holmgren also went just straight from the packers, the seahawks I couldn't remember if there's a year in between that's a good choice, because that would be that would be the guy and so yeah. I think the the broncos had to do this move and it's money. I would love to know how much getting paid yet every we can ask him in Indy. They should definitely publicize how much coaches make we need to be like sean payton, yes or no question just Like I would like to just know how many zeros know cause it's definitely one ten million or as it gets more, I think it's probably right around ten. Oh, it's definitely more than ten million. How much is balanced We know we don't know, that's the best part. I have a hook. Coaches, we don't know how much you make a larger primates like twenty
fifteen twenty million a year. We knew how much crude and made his contractors public flowers, tat, ten yeah, so he's definitely getting paid more than good. I think cause it's a rich owner yeah, whose desperate to have a competent organization again and sean peyton who could go out and do the bidding anywhere he wanted true, so it's it's gotta, be a pretty pretty big doll, I'm seeing in others it. This is on spoke track. It says that when he was with the saints his salary was five years. Forty two point: five million, so eight and a half million per year, so he's definitely getting probably least fifteen ten ten plus, I would yeah I'd, say at least fifteen okay. Let's talk some cerebral storylines. We said we'd, do it on Wednesday and it's wednesday, and it actually is tuesday right now, happy birthday, Pft! Still your birthday thanks, paquette and happy birthday on my birthday week, yeah! Ah, how do you want to start? You will storylines, she will just go from the obvious and then and then whittle it
and I also ask him to make a haters list to watching the superbowl yet because he hates this speaking of obvious I'll, see that as while Travis kelsey is on tv right out he's at kansas, kansas state game. storyline number one. Did you guys know that the kelsey brothers, our brothers? So I It didn't. You just said it that way. It's kind of wild when you put it that way. Yeah I uh. Ok, so I ever take- and I know that this one's going to get beaten to death with kelsey brothers. This can be talked about non. Stop. It's probably outside of Andy reid and the eagles. Probably the number one super bowl storyline. I actually think it is very crazy, like that they are the first two brothers to face off in a super bowl and they're, both really fucking good yeah. I I it's one of those ones where people are going to make jokes about how everyone's overstate I actually think it's why it is very cool and we have only just let me say for the parents none.
I'm not pick insides bullshit mom needs to pick one kid dad depicted yeah. They got only have one too I don't have what for its regulates, entered and they're, both like really the good at their position there, like, amongst the all time, greater procedure, both number one of their position right now in the nfl, probably in their brochure they're. Definitely both What would you say in terms of most important players on their team? What's? What's? What's jason he's, probably like the third most import? while you're on the team. Travis Travis right to know he's probably a christmas one too, and then Travis so they're both like that's the crazy part. It's not that they're just playing against each other they're, both fucking awesome and there and yeah the mom they're, both probably going to the hall of fame yeah and yeah the mom. I think the moms gonna probably go with. I think she's racist jason young dad go it travis, yeah, yeah, ok, rise
dad. You know that that dad pick the named travel. Vietnam pick jason. Yes, yes, youngest, what jersey ready to? Yes, she does it actually, the way she split the jersey the inside is is travis. I feel like dat might go against what we just said. More red and green way, more rare, the shoulders on the air like. If you see her you're going to see a lot more red, so maybe we had a reverse, maybe it's actually at the back Vat is probably always the back. Yet back looks purple story, a story like value it billy. What's this look, what are you gonna have something to say who's going away or tell me tell me what you're way it also for the first time the two quarterbacks are also brothers. oh yeah, it's on there, but man that was a way to introduce. I was just going to point out that this is the first super bowl where both backup quarterbacks are white, while the players that they backup are african american.
Yes, but it is the first super which is a very cool thing to to whack. you're back starting in the superbowl smee jail and hurts. I also think they'll be it'll storyline last we played in a championship game. He got in half yeah will gardner minshew come in. I actually had that exact storyline on my list. Yes, can I start I will get to you. Okay, we'll get how about this we're talking about kelsey or others, and the got the quarterback brothers, but no talk, sidebar, Fletcher cox and gain wellbeing, cousins, Oh, that's cool! Did you know that that's very cool wall, never have another. No one's talking about is no matter who wins the superbowl, it will be, twenty second lombardy, trophy fur, wisconsin badger. Now a lot of people talking about tat, So we should all on the chiefs and who's on the who is it on the fucking know it. I know it. I know it teach airports on eagles linebacker, you
so someone's get so I'll. Yet not a lot. I haven't heard a lot of people talking about it think it should be talked about. We ve also got to australians in this im who jordan my lotta, where there's definitely gonna, be some stories about how jorma lotta did not play american football until his super bowl yup and then somebody australia was like a mite, your your five stone and whatever for eight is europe and hey? Maybe you want to go, give this a shot and now he's like one of the best players in the nfl Yeah chief symbolic, as others peace on him in the new york times. Maybe china cock you billy, yeah loki. I provided a lot of the new york times. Contact lens it, but they did the reporting they just did a fucking. You know a mix tape of your report, Billy's the gray brown I like There is also are there any red from morocco to the eagles, while no one talking about next year, jani former coach for the Kansas city chiefs.
User wide receivers couch for many years and authors of quality control guy. He was there in Kansas city, for I think like for you before the new regime came in, any re did in higher stick around LAO. Then my leaves your revenge game. and is there any red. Storyline is also one of those ones that will get overblown but is very cool. He's the winning is coach and eagles history by almost double dino, his second buddy, your second, no max. It's actually not one of those like I'm not trying to put you on the spot, because it's one that no one should really know, and I know it, it is greasy neale, greasy neale and I got went down a rabbit, hole of greasy neale facts and I just want to share a little greasy neale stuff. So so any readers, two hundred and twenty four games, coached for the eagles,
nearly two hundred and eleven any we'd like it said most wines for the eagles all time. Greasy neil played professional football also played a major league baseball. He did at the same time, so he was d honour bow before those guys. He won the world series in nineteen nineteen with the right its hitting three fifty seven in the world series. He also coach the eagles to two titles. He coach, the steagall, yet during world war, two, he coast college football and coached a team to a shared national title, including the only zero zero tie in rosebush history. He also coach college basketball for two years and college baseball for six years. This do did it or is it a crazy mihail greatest coach, those versatile coat? I mean a cradle of time that has not yet for the fact that he was playing. He was playing with Jim Thorpe in what was before them.
National football league, while also winning a world series with the red sonic racing, mvc neil. What a guy and his name is not because he was greasy on the football field. It was red that he got the nickname in a verbal joust when he was a kid and somebody just called them greasy yeah. I think they're, just having like a name on that that that was neal. Okay, I, like it shattuck greasy neale yeah. I just wonder if you don't share greasy neale. That's some great and and Andy Reid is going to we're also going to get a lot of like fun, Andy reid stories I snapped one that was re tweeted from twenty eighteen, about any red who grew up in l a and he's his favorite places, Tommy's burgers in l a and he gets flown to Kansas city unease quoted as saying they're good for your joints. The grease keeps you loomed up man so in spot, the lie: we're going to fund any regular and get the any red. Looking like, like twenty five years old playing its twelve, you Pictures get all that stuff,
read any read food stories and there's not enough Andy reid's stories he's the bat. Is that every Andy reid story that you hear you never hear a story about coach, reid and you're, like oh man that dickhead well is lying about threed culture about anti re, thousands Andy Reid son yeah, but you never hear a bad story about Andy rea yeah and read the code and read the coach. Yes, a he's, a mormon he's a mormon, so he doesn't drink. So this receipts and true mormon tradition. He will have an opportunity to get two rinks yeah, yeah and texas. Quarterbacks are back yes, so both quarterbacks from Texas feels like we ve been. We haven't had the whole texas quarterback discussion, wilds
When we do have it, it's always like they happened to go to the same high school yeah it just maybe like five six years apart this one they're from completely different parts of the state, neither one was recruited by mack brown to play safety at texas, two great quarterbacks from texas, Texas back. Ah, this is the most johnson's in super bowl history there for johnson's playing alone. So a lot of johnson wow, that's a large islands everywhere of surprise. It has not been ok. I gotta admit I can with flexibility when a little. I kind of assumed that this was the most johnson society is at its most johnson, yet every of em on, I think three on the eagles yeah, so This also is any red is trying to become the fourteenth coach to win multiple superboss all times. There's thirteen cosenza one, multiple sue! rules, I'm gonna say off the top. My head, I'm actually looking at it right now, On the whole thing, I think you ll be the first coach to win with two different teams: yeah.
er. No, no! He wanted with the chiefs. I'm an idiot, and I was thinking one with the eagles yeah. So he'll be the the fourteenth not on the hall of fame. I dunno if the templars getting the hall of fame george c, for it's definitely not. I dunno George c. It's too, and he also would then be on the precipice of joining the elite elite club. There's only four coaches that have won more than two super bowls, so it's belichick, chuck noll joe gibbs and bill walsh, and I think he's got another one in him right sa mohamed and here's here's the other one with more homes. He would be the thirteenth starting quarterback to win. Two rings are more ah, and he would also be close to the elusive club of four starting quarterbacks who have won three or more that's tom, Brady, terry Bradshaw, Joe montana treatment. He also if he loses this one would join the very elusive.
club there's only one other quarterback. All time has one and two starting in the super bowl and we got it and when got it, it's not aaron rodgers. One, though, he's only been once when the same one nfc championship games as rex Grossman. It's the fact: that's not a hateful thing, that's just one quarterback with who superbowl? Nor are. We have wanted to exactly wanted to does obviously corridor Jim Kelly loss for theirs. Quarterbacks have lost more than that. The ep boating Equally, we actually wanted to give you a hint. It's happened in the last twenty five years, wanting to win the superbowl. That would be Kurt warner. I was actually just by secret, where her honor one, obviously one with the rams loss with the rams and loss to the cardinals yeah, so net more homes would be with Kurt warner, as the only other quarterback who's exactly one and two in the soup. Is he the only quarterback Kurt warner? Is he the only quarterback to lose to
The bulls are two separate teams. Hmm good question, though, is not no wait. What's landing last one with the broncos, but he never lost one with the colts right. He was worth the cost. The saints to say to there we go get so yeah. They will be elusive. Loose very, very exclusive club, the patrimony rejoining wanting to so you're talking about wisconsin storyline of a lot of wisconsin as in the surrounding areas are not. Maybe we shouldn't you no matter. Maybe we had twenty third bombard. We should show some respect to the emergence of the university of new jersey, ruckert. They ve got to running backs on the chiefs rockers, so I've got pacheco yup and then their full back is also how lockers and you like, never place, but that doesn't matter. This is that that room,
the running back room is dominated by the scarlet knights. Yes, yes, so a lot of good superbowl storylines. Oh here's, the one one. This is also the first time that any team has had their two starting receivers. Both have hyphens in their name, valdis gatling and juju smith, Schuster schuster, oh wow yeah, that is bad. Claude Edwards dealers injured, yeah yeah. That is when people forget clyde, Edwards dealer killed, Jj Whiteside isn't on the eagles yeah wow. That would have been you talk about a forty yard, dash yeah that'd, be crazy, that'd, be super wild and okay. Hank. Are you ready for the haters guide to the superbowl sure laid on us? We, we told hey, cause he hates the super bowl to go ahead and
thus for people who hate this superbowl, ah, what they could be looking for, two in a bad way joan hurts one the one the carbon chain which upset the next. I going up state to new york to the syracusans agenda game when he has no ties, syracuse or virginia. Mr weird move sought out of my mind though we talk to you, brought them yeah. Well, that's why that's the connection money, you don't own. The brings up big time celebrity game to them. It's actually like honestly. I want to hate the move, but if I had endless money, I would do the same. It's right score, sable right next to ban yeah like, would enjoy J high value they dislike, art are bold. Move on like radiant at home, and I pay no more young omen. Youngest went
hey! You gotta! You gotta have some deep pocket of onto to afford Tom Brady to come watch a game with you in upstate new york, but how sick would that be? If you had that money were like? Alright, I got a private plane show up. We'll hang out watch my ever team I'll, be there things innovators and that's it. I got it. May I m telling you do the same? If you had endless money, it sounds. It sounds kind of loser behaviour. It is it does it. What he's going like your boy institute, like you're, hiring male friend list that I've gone through this thought process because I I've there's like three or four years ago. I asked I think it was hubs because you went to syracuse like what's the deal with this guy because he always had famous people with him. He's like he's got. A shitload of money is a huge booster and he just pays for like famous people who go to games with them, and I was like what a loser and then I realized, if I had a billion dollars- and I couldn't if I, if you're on on that precipice where it's like you can't own a sports team, but you have so much money. They don't really know what to do with it. I think I'd, probably
I say okay, so I think I'd just be like hey justin fields. You want to go to a call center, real quick. I think it's a huge loser, move and the guy's a loser and will continue to call a loser really offers for us. I come What's your name within us, in which case I will change my doing a hundred per cent and yes guys, the coolest guy in the entire state of new york s. Ok, maybe the world hank. I got a lot o wise adelphi content with second place that they lose the superbowl august. We know about the phillies, we know about the soccer team. What's the socrates in the union yeah. You got it now that do so. This was only has a thousand hours, do some recharging, it is storyline. Did you know that contain who sent you said the whole philadelphia max. If you, let me finish althea the declaration, I know how much of a history, but you are, the declaration of independence, was signed in philadelphia,
somehow there still the second state in the union yet with the constitution was the one that made them into states still second place. Doc measurement depends, you know is like we were out. we're done with violent constitution was like we're starter. Our own dealing on our own coups in delaware was like pick me. I'm first showed and fill out they were second last they were close, but they weren't there when they were thinking about taxes. When you get our taxes done, you gotta do delaware. Also, I think at one time there's the america's capital and they kind of got that rob daddy. I disagree swagger jack. That big time has come to contend with second place max. I don't care about it. pattern, the homes is tom, Brady foremost, superbowl losses. That's, u can a breath it up still machine. He would get What he's on his way like people are talking about how he's on his way to catching Tom Brady. The only thing that he's going to catch Tom Brady in his super bowl losses not went to this or tie him with time
already the suitable, no time somebody airy yet jib kelly's for? U s ridge, the woman is less and I await say, say to get safely party be talking about factor, fashion, holmes, gonna catch up, Brady right, that's the story line. In my eyes he's going. The only thing that he's going to catch up to Brady on is suitable loss got it, oh god he would who's this one. They would still need to lose another one, but if he did than he would catch up to Tom Brady losses. Yeah got gotta catch up, ah foxes, and this is again like again. You want me to do that, the hate or less. So this is something that hinders gonna talk about. I don't necessarily agree above gregg olsen bud fox doing the gay Joy, augmented Joe on, are doing it. Yeah yeah I've actually see nothing but praise for gregg olsen hamburger over the last like month. We have just been going either way too got very good either. Did you have to say on this as usual,
Hopefully be some people get waiting, but that's just comes with the territory. I stand there, not real complaints like roma. I think the same people that they complain about Joe book would be the same people that would complain about your book not doing the game is, I make sense yes up, what are the biggest draw for their game as rihanna? There are definitely people who are going to tune into the super bowl being like where's Joe buck right, yeah yeah that will have your books should do his own alternate trim like on twitch yeah, rihanna's, the biggest straw yeah. Okay, actually, someone did to someone treated me to like the this is the most boring super bowl ever. I think they were just a hater and they're like it's just it's just a rihanna concert wrapped in a football game. It's like okay, that's still kind of cool, sounds cool. Stephen, a smith said one thing she's not as beyond, say, though, as true sir stephen a is going to be watching just pretending, she's beyond sir yeah, ok,
for I never said that, because got to lead, it would mean italy of twitter, but then he, but then he made a personal apology. Video to ground, which is like one x level, see, may put the real like go round there. now rihanna has to engage with me and talk to me about how you I'm sorry that I I disregarded her. First of all, there is also the patriots involve one. It will even care yeah. Now I was just thinking about that. People are talking about that. They are. Talking about that, and then I dunno I mean again, I guess max. Doesn't care about history probably doesn't care about government either, but I dunno, if you guys, saw at the philadelphia mayor said he will blow the doors off parade, I'm on my way out us, but whatever they want that's kind
if they win, but if they lose you're, just kind of admitting that you don't give a shit about doing your job and and caring about your city. Now and again, I guess he doesn't care about that because whatever but also fun p m t story line. This was the first superbowl city that pink Pft and I hung out as an area yeah my thirtieth birthday on time, quality time with one of the craziest finishes in super bowl history,
It did yeah wasn't there for that. That was, I was there for that yeah best weekend of my life, and I guess oh yeah I'll count I'll count that as part of the weekend, but that was the best week of my life. That was a fantastic weekend. I was looking through my pictures on my phone the other day for some reason. I was scrolling back to that weekend and I had a picture I sent to hank it's of that snap right before Russell wilson threw the reception I said to him. I thought he would enjoy it. Did you enjoy it yeah I loved it. Yeah you, you will always have those memories. You know truly ross. Ross probably never happen again, but like at least you've got those memories. Yeah, that's not true. Oh will you as I'll I will have. memories. You guys know they have no races. No, no, no happy, no happiness. We like we're like memento, but maybe maybe maybe this weekend, maybe no max of artificially. What is it like all source? You are, of course you are. It passes for cowards and losers, cowards.
Of course, we all knew you were end up on the chiefs. Nasa really surprising Now I'm not saying that I'm not also going to support the chiefs, but it was pretty obvious this whole time that you were not going to be on phillies, because you you can convince yourself and I actually kind of agree like reaching Tom Brady's super bowls is a monumental. ask adjust it's more like in the now you want chiefs win me in ten years. You will be like whoops. If he's going for his six right, but I have to sit with this guy two feet in front of me, yeah, that's true. Bill is also common for title downs. Oh really, the sixers! How does seem the the valley, the union, a union title, baby you're wearing that illegal hearst. Every team in value is
loud right. This way who, like mac, amounts to one more loudly about our backs. If I were you, I would delete this from this partners. The currently unemployed team in the NBA max who is currently the hottest Who is currently the number one team that a shell max? I don't care about aki got it. Are it just curious? I send for the run units the subjects in the world. you should have at least one title under about like current title, for use. How not out I was like one title and, alas, not to know ten years of the eurozone, and those who can they are one it was a meal is pretty big, was against your patriots. Zebra lie: like I said, I don't know why. I like that haters list there was good Really you got another brothers joke. Nobody trusts. The process is probably the biggest ponzi scheme ever like persuaded on a city litter
I dunno kind of worked they've had like seven processes. None of them have work. The process got the guys. They just picked the wrong guys pick markelle, fultz ben simmons and new orleans dwell The two are brought, the actual one be a big yeah, of course, put up saying the process. I always am a fan of the process, because I always thought the brutal honesty of a team being like we're trying to suck so that one day we can get good. I actually am a big fan of yes. Taking works objectively works. If if the redskins had lost that dolphins team, that I would have Joe burrow right now. That's just a fact: if Davis mills and thrown a touchdown pass, then the bears wouldn't have the number one pick. Picking max would never believe for hotdogs right now, but we'll get to in a minute, ah, okay sure do hace cuatro one last story here. Well. The boces watch o or the bose is going to watch because it was nick Bosa. They asked him and he said he was not going to watch the superbowl
and I need to know of joy, both supplants and watching this solidarity. I think Joyce had, alas, a bad last couple days there was the boughs parking lot, video and then the video emerge of both in the boxes in the luxury sweets at the game and he will just showing a picture of trevor lawrence on their phones, be like, this guy. Just kick your ass, a man and he was again very very triggered yeah the entire thing here too. Bad luck for the bosses this week. I I need to know, though, if, if either one of them a watch,
let the boy watch. Ah, okay, hank, hart, sequel, throne of our hearts. It is MR beast question mark. Oh castlewood maintain away question mark last week. Mr beast made a video of MR beast. For those that don't know just does. The youtube thing is the biggest youtuber that exists. He has like a bajillion. Subscribers does a lot of videos where the the premise of the videos is giving people money and having them do something or having you know. I brought three hundred people to compete in a board game and the winner gets a million dollars or just he does all these types of pranks and stuff, but in general he just giving away money
very generous guy, good hearted dude. In his recent video, it was carrying a thousand people of blindness. One thousand title the video, like, I heard one thousand people- blindness think he paid for their medical stuff, but people are upset at him because they said he didn't do enough or like he was kind of using that as clickbait, oh and so now it's. This is the classic story of one of the most universe. we love people. The internet is as seemingly starting to turn on them. Yeah I mean I dunno. If he's on the hottie rocks, I don't think I mean, I think he is now it's a bunch of fucking losers who sit on their computers all day, and he, if you have, if you have a ton of money, you can't do anything in their eyes. You could either like if you give it all away, they're gonna be like well, you did it for a tax write off or if you don't,
give any away you're like. Why are you hoarding this money or you do what MR beast? Does it gives people a chance to win the money it's like, while you're taking advantage of them? You really can't win or if you give people the the surgery necessary to see their like, while you're just using them for clout, but guess what, at the end of the day, he's still paying for what? A thousand people write be able to see which is cool. I think that the objections should be the fact that there are so many people out there that need simple surgery, the cost like a thousand dollars that can't afford it right and then their entire lives will be change and they will be able to go to work and have a real job and contribute back to society. yet be matter? How would you help came out at health care not at mister beast, correct, providing single pair health care to these people as an individual? That's that's a fact and like the three hundred people to play aboard games when a million dollars like that who wouldn't want to compete, rats fought
like ok, I'm promised or beast yeah forever much resale reason wide pro that syracuse guy now is because maybe one day he'll give me money yeah, who, MR beast, just a thought, who can stand a bowling alley along? As for a million dollars were up for now do it, let us know cool turns max homer yeah. On saturday. He wanted one and a half million dollars winning the farmers open tournament. On monday, he there's a hop ago, monday skins gave in arizona which suggested community game he won. He showed up one shot, a sixty, seven one forge box. That's fucked up, That's got that's find out max. No, I like no gonna, keep a mumble max while match you showed up, and you took four hundred dollars from work in class golfers, your submissive, better or worse way, worse max, probably found out like riggs, was playing. He was like. Well, I'm not that guy win any money yeah! No, we that's a cool move.
I do the same thing like. I always say that I mean we're going to talk about it with pete weber. We talked about like him going showing up and playing. Ah in, like rec leagues, he was like yeah. I still do it if you came in second, would you be matter like this is cool? That's the rescue to mad yeah. If I came in second to max I'd, be madam acts of you, like a musical story tell, but at the end the day max homo just showed up fresh off a win, but it actually is weirdly similar to MR that, like, if you you want max homo to play in that game. If you play in that cause. What, if you play the round of your life, you beat maximum, that's fucking cool, like imagined, be like I beat him.
I give you know when the broad one by one one stroke member when the bronze harrassing max member, when the brown got dunked on and then he got deleted from the internet that poor guy, like he dumped on the broad, that's fucking awesome. I still think that come on max lifted, he let the community golfers have their four hundred dollars spent more time with your kid is the recent on the radio. Speaking of that usually doesn't keep golf ball, but he kept the one from his wind If the sun went down the road one day for me on that sun's going to be like what do I do with this graceful great story, it sounds going to be like I'm two that has just come off. I'm going to take this off and give it to my kids. That thing is disgusting gross, it's so gross. Alright, pft, your haughty courtroom and my hot seat is artificial intelligence, because you know that chat. Bt artificial intelligence thing. Well, they ve, designed a filter on it and of new feature is a system that can
know when its own a I used to write a paper or a blog, maybe or anything so on one hand, I'm glad. You came up with this on the other. It's a little weird that now are trusting robots to police themselves for being robots. This seems like we're just every worry that comes out about ai. In last, six eight bunches feels like we're just doing skynet. I think it's it's it's terminator all over again. I hope this new robot is not real and they're. Just using it to scare people like you know, like you're peeing in the pool and you're in your you know, bathing suits turned
Well, yeah! That was never real yeah or like it's just anti air. The whole country, yeah you'd, better behave cause a I clause is looking out. Yeah Billy should be scared, I'm not scared. Okay, we need you to test this up, and I know I just like interviewing the chat robot about news about it and it makes great blog. Do you think that that's going to give you trustworthy information? I'm just like yo chat, gb team. What do you think about microsoft? Buying you do you trust bill gates and then it just it gets really funny was he say, habitually sit and talk in a smarter child. Yeah yeah, oh smart! Oh that's, nice! Throw back what smart home don't worry about it. You didn't have a! I am or aim whatever you want to call Pft. Your call for my core throne is some guy on twitch. I forget the guy's name, speaking about it, some guy on twitch, I saw a video of last night. I don't know what the fuck I watched a tree. I and understand what was going on, but best.
I didn't want to learn any more about it. I sent a link to Hank. I won't have to explain it, but I'm gonna try to accept, bearing in mind that any would love to hear okay. So this guy on he's a guy on twitch and he lives with his girlfriend slash white wife castle. He lives with his wife, maybe finance, and this guy watched porn and his wife caught him watching porn, and then he made her sit next to him. While he did a twitch stream apologizing and made her cry because she was why her husband apologize for jacking off, wait he and in or lawsky to was Alex, been ok No, nobody would you, like a bishop apologised to his wife and his wife was in tears he was in tears and he was like sorry in a moment of weakness. I typed in new porn and then and then I clicked on one of the games. Ah, you know like the game, since I bet you won't last,
I don't know anyone ever clicked on this guy did and got caught it, so he heating get caught. He caught by a stream like he was on use you mean he was on his internet browser. They saw the tab and they saw the website that it was their like what the fuck is. This is, it is video he said I ve been doing all this. I researched talking about is a high it somewhere thing. It was a website, the pot up he's a popular streamer, he's friends with all the big female streamers, though we so he can watch porn the website that is on, is an ally, porn website. That is deep, fake girls that he's friends. Let me that's different, acting all those for results. Get up. Well yeah. It was even them a well de pigs. Yes, you have had a locked up, I mean the pokey pokemon yeah, he always says you're not going to know he's like he's friends with them. It's like he likes them and and and you know around them and stuff yeah, so that is kind of to be like. Oh, this girl's hot. Let me deep fake a porn, so I can jerk off to her and
but then he made his wife sit there, while he apologized for jacking off to his friend yeah right. May I point is afflicted by our areas like opportunities. They I research, showing you tragically highlighted india it's a real life shock me. I'm sorry okey man, I was not familiar with your game. Yeah. Damn that's tougher him yeah! guy, so I'm on the side, his asshole like deep fainting poor wife, I believe all the piano her size, we she'd she got brought into the stream to cry for clout. That's as I only know, your husband jerking off to like the people that a base who works with Kai allocates it's weird I tried to. A good guy and I had a moment a weakness. I dont know what his
turn for a moment of weaknesses are where that comes in, like I've, never clicked on a link being like. I want to jack off to my friends yeah. It's not really. That sounds like a lifestyle choice, not a moment of weakness, but the whole deep fake thing is really strange, because we've all been worried that is going to come to the porn issue at some point, and so now there are just websites out there that create. You can just deep fake anybody doing porn. That sounds very dangerous to me, although the way it was prefaced in the tweet was like, I was very confused because he got caught by his wife like watching. Poor someone's like this doesn't seem that serious and then I had to do some research I what exactly he did in the website. He was on. It's like. Oh, this is,
it's very fun yeah that sounds fucked up. I don't know who she is, but I stand with pokemon yeah yeah, yeah yeah, it's a pokemon, it's fucked up! If a guy that you thought was your friend was jacking off to you Loki yeah, it's tough, yeah, pokemon. Alright, my hot seat is, I guess how I shower, because I shower in the morning so billy actually retreated. this onto his time on, I saw it it's a meme that says blue pill showering in the morning red pill showering at night and then it's people with common sense and it's a bunch of red pills, and I I have always showered in the morning. I don't I listen. I know that then it became like a whole issue that I was like, like understanding like blue collar worker. Of course, if you work manual labor- and you like work hard with your, you know- body and your sweating and stuff yeah you'd shower at night, not chow in the morning or just take two showers or take two showers but
What are are any of you guys rolling into work, not showered know I I shower in the shower today I feel tangible shower the morning, and then I mean pie casting is sweaty business, sometimes our showered. I put if I work out, then I shall wear clothes. I don't sleep in my in my sweat. No, so I shower I'd, say one: I share a one point two five times a day and the one time is always morning yeah, and it's not like it. Of course, if you go to the gym, if you if it's like the old ninety degrees, haircut haircut, there's a lot of time is that you would shower at night, but it's more like people who are not showering in the morning and walking to an office. What are you doing that again? Blue collar totally understand. Why would you like, if you have to get up at fucking five in the morning, there's no reason to shower new and go work with your hands, but people working like a nine to five in an office not shower in the morning? That's fucking, weird. I think I would still shower. If I was working,
I like five, forty five and going to work on like carburetors, because it wakes you up it does it makes you feel clean. It makes you feel fresh and then you have the coffee brewing while you're in the shower, and then people were saying they were shaming me like you're, walking around and getting dirty all day and then getting into bed. What what? What? What do? I do all day like if I don't sweat? What am I do? I do a closer for yeah. I don't go into my bed with me. Genes on good point. I get close oil recent closes. Unlike you, walk around your clothes absorb all your dirt. They block right. I'd say they also absorb they absorb, therefore, take on our close and, like I put on it'll, do layers second thermal, yet routine. Is you go home? You go to bed, you take your clothes off, her still wearing your under yeah, you get in bed and then in the morning you shower. and you put on the new under correct yeah, it's crazy. I was thinking about this. Sometimes I don't china morning, but I wash my face
news idea right, ok, I'll, let you know tat morning seal off. I use that, usually after I work out late night now shower directly after yes, okay, that makes sense. I just depends on how clean the sheets are too. I buy shower late at night cause. Sometimes I shower late at night too. I won't shower the next morning. I get that, but I do just out of routine yeah. I do that occasionally. So if it's a late night workout you shower before bed, then you wake up in the morning. You might just do like a little dust and you get out, but more mostly that's the only time that Oliver not shower in the morning it, but also you keep your ac. You don't turn the heat on, so you don't sweat. I sweat a cold, no matter. What so that's why I also shower, but it's weird I guess I'm in the minority that people are not cowering in the morning. I think I think it might have also been a troll. I have two thousand replies to the tweet yeah of people debating showering and I yeah I dunno. It's spite
showering in the morning yeah. It's actually the shower in the morning is actually a perfect debate, because everyone lives such different lifestyle yeah. I guess yeah. It is a debate. It's like one of those ones like how do you not eat this with this like well, like we should start one like. Do you eat his breakfast necessary? That would cause stir. I actually, let's get it yes, umpteen breakfast yeah. I like I like break, reflect interment fast. In practice, except I'm in the morning, you can have breakfast for dinner. Nobody just like eating when you just when you wake up. I do that. Are people going to be like heated about this? I figured I think, it'd fall right with showers too. I eat breakfast fifty percent of the time. I think it's just weird to not shower in the morning because, like it makes you for the deadly weeks you up it like you put on, will close I'll, say. if you have an office job, and you work some semblance of eight to five ninety six somewhere in that range, and you don't shower in the morning before your office job, that's what
yeah that's weird natural. As far as other lifestyles. Of course, we don't know because we don't do the course of course, blue collar. I totally get it. I would do the same thing I wouldn't shower in the morning to go. Work then a shower when I got home but yeah shouted. Baser! Is why those ones to where I tweeted it right before we walked in the bowling alley
yeah, and I didn't even like really look at it again and then I looked at it again when we got back to the office. I was like what the fuck people are really debating. Showering yeah, you don't listen, I'm pro shower yeah sure once or twice a day and my cool throne is a bubble watson, but watson has joined the live tour. We knew that and also just shut out. Anyone who joins delivered live tour like after the first wave you just slot easier, but he said the reason why he joined the live. Tour is because quote my ten year old is sitting in in the bed with me, and we were watching golf on the tv and he knew the aces. Everybody knows the aces they keep winning. He knew the aces he knew the stingers, so he basically was like because the team aspect and my kids can fall.
Long easier, that's why it took like one hundred million dollars from the saudis yeah. No, that makes sense so I like so. He also said, like my kid, loves the cowboys yankees yeah, the aces. So now he had to add the aces to hanks favorite team. Yes, you're, an asa sky, big top of the future on the one you love, the aces has always been a sky or a pill. Your hot sql thrown my hot seat, all semester Also, the other streamer an showers all that, but I don't have to do the new york times it new york times because not only was a feature was did a feature story. I wrote, I was in the new york times for the bone, hunting things new york times. I shouldn't be in the new york times as much
no. I agree, yeah, that's actually fucked the ability. I think that might be the smartest thing. You've ever said kind of weird Billy billy football should never be featured in the new york times. Yeah kind of was like what the hell am. I cool throne is the dallas zoo cause. There's been a string of break ins in the Dallas zoo, breaking out various animals cloud. Leopard an emperor tamarin two monkeys were still when, but they recovered the monkeys were thrown down. What about something's going on leopard loud leopard? The leopard escape they found and put it back in, and then there was a vulture that got seriously injured and then another monkey was also released but then found, but sam was literally break into the zoo and try to steal animals that kind of rocks. Yet I I'm, if that's what the joker is up to, then I love the job. Unfortunately, it wasn't like a wildlife like
peter type. I was like exotic animal smugglers trying to steal them, idolize out ass rob, but if it's just for the care ass aspect, if it's like he's ledgers joker and what he's doing in gotham is just like breaking in an opening up like the giraffe gate, that's fucking less, like goodnight guerrilla here that children's book- oh gee, joker god, oh yeah, yeah, Oji, juggernaut, jaw, Jake, my hot seat is probable. Qualifications, Yeahs tyler huntley, who, through two touchdowns and The interceptions this year is heading to the pro bowl. This kind of bummed me out because I understand, there's injuries, exemptions, but there's gotta be some. What you're saying is the ravens can afford to get rid of Lamar yeah they've got a quarterback behind them. It also seems so stupid that they have to send someone when they aren't even playing the real game this year. Right right, I don't get it
Why do you, the car and lawrence were added as well, but ah injuries to our will bahamas is exempt to a Herber and Lamar were all ahead of him and all backed out. I'm trying to think who else should have been head of him from the Fc Josh Allen in borough I mean, can you can you pick it? Can your guy. Yeah yeah I mean they are also in the employ of white, would have been a better choice than tyler Huntley. I agree, I guess cause the ravens made the playoffs and he started and almost won that game. Yeah. That's true! That is true. So, okay yeah my cool thrones first responders, specifically in new york city. It was officially announced earlier this week that barstool sports will be hosting and broadcast the annual n Y p d, f d, n Y hockey game on barstool I'll. Tell you who's going to be an alternate play by play april. Fifteenth I'll be joining this, but in chocolates oh wow, very excited to me biz in the booth saturday, one April April. Fifteen I owe tax day, so is it yeah
Well, I guess that either we re the monday. Seventy so the way the schedule works is there time you don't pay your taxes. Neither how did you not know April fifteenth, he penalised and broadly pay is right when he gets the form. Railways was that on right on one may help. Ok, like you, don't pay taxes we either. I can send somebody else. You guys you in basque so. The waiters Gaza works out is that woman, when this games being broadcast by a sorry about your teeth, it's at that time, often between the regular season and the procedure for then I shall so we will be the only game on now how he s night, there's no conflict of watching hockey and watching us lobbying at each also yeah borselen us either. You are more information. It gets closer but saturday April, twentieth april. Fifteen with a splitting checks after n Y verse- and why do I need to be a sold out gbs? arena with islanders play? I gotta get you're gonna, get your irish names ready yeah.
cause. I feel like a lot of ryan's and Kevin's playing in that game. O Sullivan's, yeah, yeah it'll be a great game. I'm really excited to come like an awesome event. Okay, so I can't wait for that awesome are they lead to fight apparently call roughly rodya rowdy yeah apparently gets really heated. I love it Obviously, for eight o clock in the next rougher. How? Yes, now in theory, could do it? Could the police team just arrest firefighting teams for trying to fight them yeah beside you guys on check out n Y p d eight and why heat fires and I love crime. So I think I never win fires or crime, arson yeah, harrison, there's the overlap and that's the verbal handshake, yeah fuck, who are you on hank, I'm gonna with the empty and wise Y men. Why PD tonight?
a time you know. I think I guess after I gotta go after him. Why I just love the while in the part of the fucking firefighters, fucking, bricks? I have I'd, say that to them also, I I I I I reserve the right to change once I figure out, if there's a betting line on it and who I'm going to pick I'm going to take the over yeah yeah. Definitely, ok, let's get to the interview, pete Weber, greatest bowler of all time and is brought to you by the brought to you by your great friends over at blue nile blue nile dot com. valentine's day is coming up. That means that romance is in the air more than usual, whether you're celebrating this day of romance or if you're ready to pop the question, you can find jewelry as unique as she is, with a modern convenience of online shopping at blue nile dot com or, if you're, a lady
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for up to fifty percent off blue nile dot com and now here's pete web. Okay. We well come on the man, the myth, the legend. Now it is pete weber. He has over a hundred titles to his name is that true hundred over one hundred titles to his name, I'm going to set the stage real, real, quick pete. I want to call you mister weber, because I have pleased you are a legend, alright chicago, Mr Weber. No okay We have been doing the show for seven years now we ve interviewed a lot of people a lot of different people from a lot of different sports. You have passed the test of I'm actually nervous interview because you are such a legend. I just want to say that to get ready, lamb, I such a legit. You are a sport. It's like growing up while he Weber was bullet yeah that I'm still doing it, you are, and I still thoroughly enjoy it too. I still love the competition. I still love being out there. You know, so I just don't feel like I'm
and yet, but I appreciate you are your, I appreciate the legend and I think that it would be this service not just start right. Where everyone wants us to start. Let us do it gives us a whole. Won't you say who do you think you are? I am. What did you shit with got it yes, goddammit. Yes, yes, guardian Roy ass, I do did it number Thank you are, I am yet said it I. What is where did you come up with? Who do you think you are? I am, or did you just come out here? Well actually, I was kind of a miss say because I was sitting there and I was. I was thinking what I was going to say to the kid. It was good. we travel during the match and it was like I wanted to say who do you think you are with me in my house? Yeah, oh and it just came out who do you think you are I as a whole and that's the best part of the story that I think a lot of people don't know that was directed to a twelve year old kid boomer though yeah
twelve thirteen fourteen and not I'm not sure that even better like so what was the kid was like heckling, you during the game, why he rooted out loud a couple times against me. Second frahm, when I left a tenpenny he just loud enough. Yes, you know they when I left the tent ban- and you know I don't care if you route but dont route, enough for me to hear yeah, you know cause. That's just takes away from everything, but a pistol, we are so you know when I get mad, I I let people know about it. I've never held back now after you do the who do you think you are? I am You know that it was like an iconic moment in the moment or or was it afterwards, where people start sharing it, where you like on pete weber, that was called what I just gave. The people actually, I thought god what a stupid saying and it started showing up on like all on sport centre and all the halls of shame or across the
our aid ohashi abbot, unite and take it that I've figured the wide something good and bowling, he's gettin attention and that's what we It is we need attention and who better to do than meat. Is our iconic and I I also think that was earning a crack and from and yeah bill murray's character. He was loosely based after you right did you watch that movie and you're like yeah? This is pretty yeah I've. I've seen king pin yes, but that came out before I started doing all my. Antics boy, but I will do you take pride in in knowing that you were the bad boy boiling. Absolutely Slowly I mean I I've. I've always been a gracious winner and I've always been a gracious loser, but there's a I am to be bad, a time to be pissed off at a time to get angry and when people do
but to me, then I'm not going to hold back yeah. It's just not fair to me and it's not fair to my opponents that people do that. So, let's, let's certainly getting pete weber the boy your dad was obviously famous boards. Well at what age were you liked? This is this? Is it this is my career. I know that I'm going to be one of the best of all time boy well grown growing up in. I bold abode with my brother's, with my abode, with my sister, which every in my family, accept my mother. Had a three hundred game really unites conical, say her high was to eighty nine, so ten points Levin shot. So she was very happy about that. But you know I fourteen and I decided that I wanted to bowl mentally and dad gave me permission. Sign the a b c consent form for me to bowl men's league in first came in men's leg. I shot three hundred really and then they
seated to hand me a hundred dollars like back and nineteen. Seventy two hundred dollars went a long way, but you know I think I can. I can actually make some money at this. and then, by the time I was fifteen sixteen and when, in some little regional too an answer and then local targets is like yeah. This is what I want to do and they had always told me from about fourteen on uses. Pete you're the best in the family, you're gonna surpass me and be better at me, and I said dad, I'm sorry, but your weber I'll, never be better than you. Even though I have more titles than him, I will never say that I'm better than him yeah. When was your? What was your first stop three hundred when how old are you? I was twelve years old osborne and adult junior early worth my junior coach from saturday's and I shot three hundred and he actually shot to night
beaten by one pan jani, but he shall maybe like one of the best It was a good bawler banning bat by twelve year old yeah, but any given day right, yeah, wait so how many three times and be bold in your life, I but not how you here. I know it's probably over a hundred and twenty. I maybe more than that. Are they all built the same or some three hundred better than others? I have one three hundred that really sticks out. I was in a pda turn it in Detroit. On the left lane. I had five brooklands, which is hitting left side and they had been for right hand, her, ok, here, that would be a brute hitting the brooklyn side is going crossing, ok and then on the right line. I had seven or yes, seven. Ten in the pit strikes. Ok, normal strike jump.
but to get five brooklands on one lane and she three hundred dead, that's pretty lucky. It is. It isn't more difficult to bowl if you're the last lane like. If the wall is next to you or is easier to bowl, or maybe I'm just completely. Maybe there is no difference whatsoever. I know that if you're a basketball player a lot of times, you prefer to shoot in gym that that has a wall right behind you, because it helps with depth perception. is there any difference at all where you're at in a bowling alley, in terms of which, later on, no, not really do have to be careful, sometimes because sometimes like lane one or the high end lane they have a drop off or garlic go. You have to step up to get on the approach in some time when you're playing that deep on the lane like well, if I'm playing like the sixth they're all on the left hand side, I have to stand over there, so I have to protect myself from trying to fall off. So there are
things that we have to protect ourselves and gradually, and I would rather have the solid wall there and no drop off, because I can deal with that more than I could deal with dropping off so boy, a three hundred of disease is done over a hundred and twenty times. Is there a point in a three hundred game where you start to get a little nervous showing up this? Is this it could be a three hundred game like this is happy eleven everybody says the first one is the hardest one to throw okay, I totally disagree. I think the tenth one yeah I would urge you don't get the tenth one. Then you had no chance I'll get any of em. You don't have no chance, but if you got the front nine that tense one is the most important area. So I think the tenth one is blue. Important is a rule like in baseball you're not supposed to talk about a no hitter. Are you? Are you supposed to talk about a three hundred as it's in progress? All it's probably a myth, but I I don't like to say anything about it, but it's always pop. In my mind,
Actually, when I got five or six in arose, I hear you can shoot three hundred this game. Yeah yeah! You know if you keep throwing it good like you are yeah, so yeah there there's a point in time and what about the tactical glasses? What made you start wearing those, and do you think that was a competitive advantage when you look like a bad, I'm just saying frankly, like I see you with detachable mike it's on its feet, weber time. Well, if there was one tv shows bowing to her Yes had a lotta lights at the time they shine the lie right on mars. on the lane that I was looking at and I couldn't see it because of the light, so I went to e s. P. N. I said you have to adjust that light, so I can see my mark. They looked in it now. We don't like oh okay, so forget about the bowlers and make sure your aura yeah. So a guy Eric four color came up to me handed me a pair of sunglasses. He said: try these sir,
what a moron and I throw a couple of shots, and I said yeah that works. I can see what I'm doing and it just added to the bad boy image a little bit more. So that's why I kept learn on here. What about growing up you erase in a bowling family bowling's around you all the time it was something that you started. Do at a young age. You took pretty seriously from a young age. Did you always love it, or was it ever something that you do because your parents are doing it and they're bringing you along? So like did you have to? Did you have to learn how to love bowling? Well, I know I've always loved bowling and dick lover. Being my dad. You know it's kind of tough, not to love bowling is my whole. Family loves bowling and. I'm sorry, I know you're up his curious again if a lot of people, if their if their family is in one line of business, sometimes after they do it for a while. They won't try something else, your move out but sounds like you just always love borne out on the outside up until you grew up. Yes, I did always labelling, I mean
the time I started four years old when dead. Let me start pushing the ball down the lane. I just thoroughly enjoyed You know and growing up it wasn't like. I just bold the whole time of my whole life. I play baseball soccer, I'm not big enough to play football basketball and things like that end, No, but when bowling came on weekends, when I had baseball or tournament games and soccer or whatever bowling came first, that was going to be my life, so that was going to be first, but it didn't take away from the other sports that I played you know so in my dad being the calm corn collective malady is has, thrown out most saint louis airy, corey leagues, really I mean that's just the weber hush right. Have you have you been thrown out of a few of them? Not yet oh
I have grandkids and they play baseball and softball and soccer basketball everything, but I haven't been thrown out yet: okay, okay, so the other part I mean you, you have a crazy story because you obviously had in the eighties. you had a phase where, maybe you were you know, live in the fast life, the bowling fast life and you are able to cut a clean up. We went to rehab, you got me, no got rid of the cocaine addiction. What was when you were going through that and you're still competitively bowling would like, where you were you able to come he did a high level even when you were partying, oh yeah and you know being young, you can do a lot of things when you're young, but once you start getting older, it's not it's not good for you. I you. Gob gone, oh god when you're young, it doesn't matter when you wake up yeah, but you know I just
I got over it. I started doing what I needed to do and everything's cool now air. I did read one story that you board: what was it like? A two sixty after after slamming long island ice he's yeah there might have been. I think that might have been down a Dallas texas yeah was slammed about eight or nine long island. I steal between squads, came back an average sixty eight hundred adds another I'll ever like twenty. First to search the tv show by like ten, I mean look like addictions, obviously got a joke, but it does because you're a great story that was able to overcome it like it adds the peat weber, bad boy, lord, that you had this, like, I think, you're dead. What to say was like a dark eight years and you just you came out better for it. One a bunch of titles after it? Just it was a bad part of my life that I wish I could change, but you know, after everything was said and done. I came out and I I did win and I I did make it
a living up wanted to do so. I very happy with my career who who's your biggest rival walter re williams, junior and was it? Was it heated? Was it like you guys? Wouldn't talk after matches and stuff. Now it's nothin like that. I mean france with dawn senior tour together with play golf together. We ve had dinner together. So in all its it's, not a personal rivalry, it's a bowling rival That I'm like oh and five or one six Adam all in title matches. Oh no, I beat him on t v, but I've never beat him for a title. So that's why I say that's my bowling arrive and as he still does, he still balls. Can we maybe your paper view event pete Weber finally bring it on. We might have to do
it'd be amazing if we, if we could get a chris berman involved to do the intro? For because I remember I used to watch sunday countdown and chris Berman? Would he be talking about the nfl games that were coming up and then it would just cut off and then the bowling would on the sba and I would love to have Chris permanent. I added I'm sure you know I'll watch Jim since this big No, it's a! I would love to have him out there is there or is there a particularly shot that you that you made over the course of your career that stands out from all the others like the most difficult shot, the most the most clutch bowl of your life? Well, that that would have to be the fifth us open when I struck on the phil ball to win by a pin its every bowlers dream to do that, every bowler out there and if they say it's, not the lion. So can you walk that, because we are admittedly bowling novices so walk is through what happened on our well
well, fagan ended up, shooting tooth to fourteen. I think so. If I get the first one in the tenth, I automatically win. and I threw a great shot run in it out ring in turn. I gotta make despairing strike to win by a may despair and for some reason you know I was very, very calm when I threw that last shot to strike. I thought I'd be really but I was very, very com. I didn't give. You know over zealous about throwing the shot took. My time wound up through the strike in I'll help. loose. What goes through your mind during a game? Are you a kind of competitor that gets almost zend out where you just are focusing so deeply that you tune everything else out? Are you thinking about other things
I do just do find yourself in the zone. What goes on inside your head during a competition? Well, most of the guys, the bowl on tv. They won't watch your opponents ball. I have to watch my opponent bowl. If I try to look away, it's I've still wind up going like out of the side of the eye or something just to see what he does and but I've always watched my opponent and you and I I I never think negatively. It's always like already gave you shot take advantage of it get up there. Let's go make the best shot. You know how, so you know it's all about making the best shot that you can and it's you know some guys take a lot of time. I I refused to take a lot of time because I think the more I stand there and think about it. The more apt I am to going to
throw a bad shot. Yeah yeah! So I get up- and I put my fingers in a ball- put my thumb on the ball deep breath says that breath is out. I go and that way I feel calm when I'm starting my approach and that that's just me, I you know other guys, have different ways of doing things, but you know with me: it's just the last time I take the the better off. I am. Has there ever been any in your time and bowling fashionable and was there ever any cheating controversies? Was there ever anyone who is trying to do something illegal that got caught? I'm just fascinated like what would what would even cheating be like are? The rules are are, are assume have changed over the years? Has there anyone you know done anything where it's like this guy that, like what does he do?
I hear he's great in his ball too much or so. I don't even know what it would look like well and it's hard to cheat and holding yeah cause. You always have somebody watching right, so it's very hard to cheat and they're used. the two were you know they would put barium in the finger holes and and cover with wood, putty ha sir, you know of any gavel extra power in the bowling ball, but then the tea came up with a metal detector. There is no metal and signalling the opposite of cork bag. Bat see that's at sea, that's the kind of me when we were trying to do to skirt the law. Sir, but other than that you know. There's we have a hardness rule. It suits seventy five degrees. Hardness. Don't ask me what what does that? I have no idea.
No, I do not know how he has acted as if the bars at the way, that's the ball of a guy. At the outset, the ball- I guess, has to be seventy five hardness. Okay, I why I don't know, but when the bar heat up and gets warm, it loses summit that it will go down and softness like seventy four. Seventy three is like to flaking and sometimes back when we were, checking bowling balls a lot more than we do now. I would you were there are some guys towed? Do not use that ball, it's too soft interest and then they used it anyway wow and got caught and got qualified. So that's all I ask. Is it it's like I said it's really hard achievable. Would about p d, sir? Have there been any pda accusations
no steroids search. After all, maybe four focus on show. There have been two they drug test know what about what about innovation and boiling? Has there been in your time, someone who should I isn't there? The guy from Australia, who does a weird and jason Belmonte yeah. He does weird spin. So when that comes out, is everyone looking at like what the hell's going on here how's this guy doing the kind of at first? What did he do exactly can explain why he uses only two fingers: okay, he puts his hand on top of the ball and which, if you ever watch him, he dries his left hand okay more than he drives his right hand, interesting to make sure that the ball doesn't upon his left hand right, so any I gotta understand their jaws, though he goes like a little hop in their any. Actually, Does that I'm not I! I can't do it. I've tried, but I just can't do it,
but he so much rotation and power The bowling ball did well, you know when they first, when they first started. Seeing that you know they were like wow, you know they, I started watching me. They said wall or marshall, home and or mark rather wow. Those are power players, man, they get a lot of revs on the ball and boy. I want to be like that. Well now, kids today want to be like jason, belmonte and askew palermo anthony Simon soon, the two handers, because. of how hard their bowling ball hits the pins now right and land conditions are really not that much of a factor for many more right now, because they can always just change bowling balls, there are more aggressive bowling ball or less aggressive bowling ball. I just a matter of what they feel of it I mean I know, there's a team in colombia, the columbia national team, I believe, is
Two handed really are all too handed bowlers haunters you now, the more. I have travelled. You know when Jason beaumont they first came out on the tour with his two hands the more I traveled around the world like to europe in asia. In places like that, I found more and more to handers. They want to do that or death of one hand, or is it? What do you want to learn? more power. Well, gosh I mean come on. He already got five hundred and fifty revs on the ball already. I can't teach you how to get more right now, besides, taking your thumb out and go into to him, right now. It is the only way I can think of to make you get more power on the bar exactly,
are things like spin rate, it's like in baseball. If you measure everything, then you can figure out what you can improve on. What about the lanes or the have? The lanes changed over the years. Well, we've gone from wood lanes to astral lane to synthetic lanes to plastic lanes now, and you know it just seems that the plastic lanes and synthetic lanes hold up a lot better. You don't have to resurface and as much as say, the wood lanes, because the woodlands it was probably once a year you'd have to resurface them to make them even again yeah to level it out to where the these new ones, the new players The coins are more level all the time, so they don't need resurfacing as many times so they last a lot longer say it was. It was harder to bowl back in the day than it is now, because the lanes have changed, I'm trying to figure out if we can get like a competition against the errors going, I always say like in the nineteen eighties, the n b, a was tougher than it is nowadays thousand back in the day, the lanes might have been a little more uneven.
They were an uneven it. Just you know. Some houses left handers have the advantage, some houses, the right. Here's have an advantage. It just depends on It depends on the condition that they put down there many things that are the technical part of boeing that I stay away from. I am, I am more than bowlers. Did I throw them? all I watch it. If I don't like what I see, then I'll change, yeah, okay, yeah, what about what? What's your favorite ally in the entire eu? us are there have in the? U s open this week: woodland ball and indianapolis? Ok, that's that's your style! Asia minor, three major titles in their one like four five different regional is in how so you know it's gotta, that's the place, wolves, the spot, your heart now yeah, what about who's? The goat who's, the best bore of all time.
That's really hard to say you is it. You are you in the conversation, why candy why you and your michael? like you, I am sure your dad's margo, but you and I to me my dad- is the best all agree that all I want. The re has forty seven time are forty seven titles and how much you have it. I have thirty seven ok forth on the list of cows, water, Earl Anthony. norm, duke and and myself as you just great boiling. Nor do I remember not, nor duke, was all over yes be into grown on arms. A great guy in one of my best friends out there and You know when I bought him, it was on yeah may we had matches, we never got violent with each rebecca. We would I to fifty two sixty again each other, even if it was a low scoring game with two owed to teenage boys, always exciting the ball
We urge you find that when you're boy against a good opponent and end he's role really well that it makes you step your game up more so than if you're gonna get somewhere. That might be after well year. You I mean you, the people, you know they always want beat me. They always won't be walter. I always want to be authorised. on beat norm, I always wanted to be dad, which my record, with my dad and the p b, Twenty nine wins, one loss ou, we'll tell me say, is better than you tommy me get that one lost you you let him when No, I didn't let him when I was it was actually in japan. Okay, I needed two strikes in the tenth frame, got the first one and left the eight ten on the second one, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I
don't leave a turns like the yeah yeah wound up dad winning yeah. So you know it's. That was the one win that he shouldn't have got. Was he was he just in your face about it afterwards? Was you celebrate? Was he celebrating or was he very gracious that he thought? No, that that was always very gracious. He never gotten anybody's face or let him know about it. He was always very gracious it might. It must be nice to to meet your son to get that one when it gets. Your son, though just remind yourself, he's, still got it. He probably should have too but the the the one time he needed a strike. Actually he he did throw the strike any eight pin at the ball and stood back up on the way yeah, and I was in ST louis in front of my mother, oh and it was like their view, like replay Replaying bowling, like a nun, was down by contact. No, if you hops back up after last, back up
counts. What about homey? Seven, ten splits! Yet I think I've made five and that's hard a shot bowing low. It chose my luck. Really the ideal, there's no set way to picket you just throw one pan and hope it bounces out and had see other one. That's gonna, be an incredible feeling too sometimes the first one I man was, I oh, my god. I can't believe, like yeah I mean yeah l and but you know now it's like I made two last year and at the it was fine. You know it's just a fun, split the pick, even though you get lucky doing it just you know the fans get excited the borders get excited, you get excited, so you know, and it's always a good time. Yeah yeah until a little bit about international when you met you mentioned, are colombian people there other national team. They do the two handed thing. What other countries in the world are significant like bowling?
competitors in just about every country I mean they have, the pan and games will over an asia were all age the? U s goes through those countries all over the world the go to like the The pan panel games are different styles of boiling in different countries, certain teams known for more power. Was everybody's, got their own style, cause everybody I'm thinking like in soccer. You know you can point at spain and be like. Oh, they do the short passes and point at the united states be like. Oh, they love to lose in the first round. That sort of thing but like when it comes to bowling, is there like? Are there certain cultures that are associated completely different styles of bowling from others. not that I know of main everybody's got. It cannot do it the same way, I know korea
There are very disciplined when it comes to bowling coaches very disciplined. He makes the bowlers do what he wants. to do malaysia, I guess, might be the basque country, because I know a girl. There shall win you carefully. Who has won gold battles in these games before She has her own posters. Billboards and malaysia is awesome wines. got back from the game. She was marked by the press by the public for autographs pictures. Interview actually makes pretty good money
for winning gold medals, you win a medal and in a different country you get paid pretty good from from your country. That's awesome! I can't say that the! U s pays all that. Well, I've never been to one yeah yeah, so you also are scratch golfers outright. I used to be so being an incredible bowler and scratch golfer. That's gotta be like the best combo. of sports that you can dominate after like the age of thirty, I would imagine like in your twenties. Maybe it's nice cool, but you just like you, you ve hit one's right, the! U s, I have, I mean that's incredible lot of scratch, golfers an insane thing to be, and you also were one of the best bowlers. What my my my personal opinion, the best bowler of all time. What how like, would you Golf all the time when you weren't bowling absolutely as that much into it in there
every time that I got breaks, sir, even out onto the bunch aghast at hey. Let's go play off yeah. Ok, man end and even on the signor. Now, after after we bore get a squad- and we have bessie afternoon on there might be eight ten twelve. Sixteen of us go plague off. You Paul jackson of bowling and go nah nah. I think so I think so I was gonna say it sounds like a those two sports are the once it. You can possibly be the hustle people at Yeah ranges. so they get out of similarities. To its good I hand, coordination is written in its timing. It's you same thing- depends Wang yeah, also, like probably the the two sports you need, the most mental toughness in terms of you can't make you know what I mean, you can't make one mistake in in either the sports
you have to be next shot has to be better than bowling and bowling you throw a good shot. You can still get a bad break right and golf. You hit a good shot, you're going to be rewarded for yeah, yeah and golf. You see what's in front of you and bowling you don't until you We throw the ball yeah, so you know there's a lot of similarities and it's just I loved vienna golf course cause I spent so much time inside right. There, to be an outside, bout. I on the tour, what about groupies their fans like wheaten, in hotels and stuff. You know just here comes pete weber, Well, it's never happened to me ass, a poker I can't say after I'd, probably sure there is yeah because we know that a lot and I then it's never happened in our hands up. Yet made answer adrian. Malaysia
might have no? No, no, no people ever groupie know there should have been well I'd. Imagine like there's a lot of just like fat dudes with mustaches that you're there here, ever now you got that right now. What am I best friends in Japan? They call him my stuff oh, is this goes back to ninety three hours, bawling and every time I turn around this. Understanding her smile at me. Like all good, what I do now and it was like after every game he would move pairs with me. Just watch me ball and after The round was over our sitting at the bar, haven't a beer and I turned around and areas so I call him all said you want a beer. You said yes and we ve been friends
Well since nowhere I in fact the storm high sports over and in Japan hires him. When I go over there, he they hire him to pick me up at the airport. Take me to the hotel. He stays with me and if the hotel drives me to my appearances day, as you know, so our everybody over there knows who he is all my bowling. Friends knows who you saw is very, that was every light or its grey about all this. You know just think you have a star behind you, and now you want to your best friends when you go to japan. Yes, can pays off yet ring that he had. So. Where are you now with voice year, you're, officially retired, from the people? yeah right now, I'm officially retired, from the regular tour. Okay, I still am a p v, a member. I still have all full time on a pb, a senior tour. I do both some of the like. If I would have got it
vital to the? U s open like I should have been highlighted. I would, above all the u s open. I ask you to invite you. I had no idea. Got it. I mean I'm want to make this having guidance from who's in charge of passing, at the invites that I don't that or is it the pb a now the pdf has nothing to do with it is. This is totally united states, bowling conquer self handling or saw what it is like people ever it all. I know there is a couple o there, like you, don't like me, data What am I either and I don't really care if they know or not, I, I don't like me, then I like the fire, I hate them. I I listen. I hate their gods. Well, yet, all of five time open champion forty forty, Here's a member pda usb she hollow famer. Five Family grew up in indianapolis five
three major tiles, including a: u s, open at woodland ball and I dont get an invite discussed workable. I think that's just in india, it it it's like winner major eating ben kobayashi from competing in the hot dogs, talent, ass places you are, you're synonymous with boiling in america. New York invited. Our aim is that it's me too. It's an eighty lane bowling centre and they only have a hundred. Knowledge bowling in the tournament they already six people per squad as the slav interface Well then you know not to say anything against movie. That's ok I have bold worth and I respect- and I have the greatest utmost respect for him, but he gets put into the term it without having to qualify for it. Junior bowlers, from junior team usa.
our medically seated in the tournament dont have to pull the pity q. That's a bigger slap in my fear near me. I understand from their perspective, while maybe more at sea is go draw surmise that soldier people ever, but that's it there's a p weber is bowling. P weber. If you want people to patent your tournament. You will invite so whether they don't like or not. I still draw people you do ass. I still draw people for berlin. Have you completed in that term in the past? Well, this is the first year that I haven't. We gotta get the bottomless this now when you could sit on the warpath I am happy that this happened today, because now I have no way to help in the more I ask about. They said based on my criteria for semi required criteria.
and I know what that means, but I would have to bowl the p t, q or ask for an exemption, but that to me is a double insult. Yet I have to ask for an exemption into it. I've one five times, ungrudging hard for you, I'm gonna this. I know the commissioner is grudging hard to We are again, you know out, for you, ok, so he's on our side to redefine the other p. I were on this united bowling colleague we're gonna fight for you, like saying like tiger woods, can play in the masters. But what are we doing here? They invite him it's his choice, not to bowl right or not to talk because of injuries that have right his choice right but at least is always the option. Yes, yes, former champions always get the invite. That should be how it always and that's what I feel so are you? So how are you so? Are you bowling in like regular leagues as well, because that would be fun? Do you like?
I do I bowl on Monday nights with my best friends and his two kids that I've known since they were four and six years old You dominate the woman, I love. That's that's right now I'll know horrible yeah they are. you know one ninety two to ten its average so that a respectable come on, but we have funny and eyes it. I thought when I feel started bodily get the guys. The other guys in a league would have a problem. but I am, I wound up, knowing a lot of them, so they Nobody really had a problem and it's actually a really fun league to bowl and that's awesome. You know I. when it comes down to the test raymond. I need a strike. He I try yeah, but the frames before I I just put my. and bongo yeah I'd I'd just there to have fun right.
And then I bought a little more competitive league on Wednesday nights to where that pays. A lot better. You'd pay more for your for your league, but it pays better and you know it's just more competitive, so I kind of you dominate that to know all interest. Now really there's some good bowlers that I love house bowlers it's a house that I really didn't girl a bowling in, I only bold a few times in a row. I haven't had very much success there either interesting. My first, I saw the Wednesday night league. I had like five ninety five and five. Ninety eight ok for my three games of league yeah, but then I started bringing some other stuff. I didn't know I was actually getting twenty five pins, a handicap one. So it was kind of neat yeah
but now I'm down to like two. I think of I've got my average back up to where I'm down to like getting only two points per game and I'm trying to get that down too yeah yeah, have you ever have you ever show up to a bowling alley and just absolutely hustled somebody that doesn't know who you are now no one's ever? Does that happen at bowling alleys like it happens? Sometimes I dunno at a golf course or driving range to see who can hit the ball. The furthest. Has anybody ever like just asked you hey, you wanna put some money on this next game. Well, you know it. I've had people ask me to bowl for ten thousand dollars a game, but it's to me that's like I've got nothing to prove,
and if they beat me, then they're a legend killer true, so it's kind of a no win situation for yeah the guys used to come in to my dad's bowling center at home. When I was like thirteen fourteen n, hey anybody, bull action, dad I'm dad Well, what do you want to bowl for a while or novel, and you know janka bo me the how much your vote for and it's at twenty five when he says alright, see that kid down there, which was me, see a kid down there ho boy in a few years if he wins, you have to buy, pay me and buy him a soda. How? Yes, They always on pay, and that worries Men are its. I have one last question has been and is so much fun. It's rollback question rollback dot com,
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and then let me you're gonna large. She let me see what I do. That's the best. That's that's true workable of a bad boy when it's like you might despise me, but you ain't you a turn in the channel. Now how many people do you know there are gonna change challenges because I dont like somebody, but they want to see what you're gonna do. Yeah plenty yeah back and tennis john macher. I hated watchin tennis low and was on large because I'd like to see what he was gonna do. Has he ever reach out to your of you ever Madame now, I imagine because we have a lot to tone down as he is. He is the p whether of tennis yeah. Now I've ve never met him. I play golf on a celebrity gough tour for a little while you know, and I got to meet some pretty- need people dwight clark, they alfonzo rebecca, oh johnny bench, and some pretty neat people.
sunday had to be the best were after Kansas city, one when the game first thank patch. Mahomet did booze for a picture of me up in my clothes, his tweet. Yes, that was me, is one of the biggest honours I've ever had. that is for him to do ourselves, bad job, I am sure, brought up right away. Tat was, and we leave reached out to sea and maybe we can meet or something maybe sometimes earlier. Maybe both online are you g7 states, surrey, come on yeah, okay, so you're from ST louis. So you are, I used to be a rams fan till they left, ok and then, as soon as they left that I became a kansas city, pretty good, pretty good run. You guys, I'd, say you up great over you and from voting for chris large room for patch bohemia. After a big upgrade yeah jump great article peak. This has been so much
and and now we're going to go, watch some bowling and hopefully you're going to bowl a little know very well because Be ok, ok, alright throw a shot or two for you guys that'll be awesome. Yeah, that would be a and ballet let's his hotdog eating thing: oh dog yeah, a lot of hotdogs so that I could probably yeah yeah, I like you, I am shake it. Ten pins added on to your score. Don't get subtract from your score if you eat every hot dwell, it's it's kind of its kind from three hundred and eighty two now you have been along. I heard the night fourteen hot, so he's down one one. Sixty he still can't get out of here so we are and why we need your majesty S. But thank you so much pete! You are alleging that we appreciate Thanks guys. It's been a pleasure for me to p weber was brought to you by the bars to sports book. We ve got exclusive popping up for the superbowl, we're crunch, the number
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call one eight hundred gambler. That's a thousand dollar new player bonus. How bout that objects going to the bathroom right when we start talking about boy he's good, he waited sp. Just pee just pin number one we're about to start about bowling. He might not actually be paying. So what should we say about jake while he's out so the bowling, the the bowling challenge we did today, shadow everyone who watched it was incredible. We had like twenty thousand people watching all at once. Concurrently, a lot of people said it was great way to pass the time during the day we were in the alley for eight hours. I I I actually thought it was like pretty you know fun and interesting. I I there was a moment last night before the we we like started where I was like ooh. Is this going to be good? I thought was pretty funny. It was very funny.
I thought it. I thought it was great. The the bonus dogs, the lightning round off too so so, if you haven't watched it, you can go back and watch it, but there are also be a p m t v, recapping everything awesome thursday night. We did we did some fun wrinkles. We had a bonus round where max and jake eight hotdogs without using their hands no bonds Billy said that he wasn't do I dont want I'm sure she marry when I want to make all about. I have sought to making so you, so you want on your own today with the stipulations put ahead of us like, I don't like eating without emails, winds yeah, you use p web, which was the stipulation that was brought and max is a man a max thousand all time. Alpha move to be like no p weber, how many hearts algae and a beating max I'd max do you not! Seventy nine dogs because I lost oh yeah and he began.
Yeah, we did a head to head during the middle of it where Jacon max went head to head to see who if the loser had to get minus ten or plus. Pins on their score in a loser, got minus ten or the wind. minus ten. I was great. Hang on a second year beget Billy boy, was your winning score that you rolled the one I won yeah a one, thirty six and how many hotdogs did you eat? I ate seventeen hotdogs, but one of them was to negate the last is two finer and then I ate one thinking it'd be given to jake after the fact, but you age, seventeen hotdogs. Yes, you're coming to drive at nineteen on all, but I saw boil. I went away five or without the bonds. I know I know that's why they call me from wronger Billy had the lowest bowling total end, the lowest amount of hot dogs eaten today I its reform number remember we are three in the beginning: here again, three firm, but even naomi innocent.
Yeah yeah, that's what I'm saying, because jake eat more hot dogs than you and bold and hit more pins down the newt. It didn't use p weber Is that true, I'm just questioning I dunno? I look. I have a couple of hours figuring out. How am I gonna get out of this as the last person to get added to this? On a coin toss Didn't you any preparation, I won the system. I beat the system, I don't care I did my time guarding got out its legal aid system thats a waiting we was very fond watch backs. I want to hear your thoughts and we'll get to Jake, who were kind of one at all, because he was the big loser and he was the last man standing max. How are you feeling I'm in a world of pain right now The real gone to the bathroom. Already now I'm worried I having I haven't taken shape. It affects not. I I have like it is starting to hit me during this recording. I have like started the fort. I don't know, that's not even
very bad yeah like I was doing. Right at the end of it I even or even was about the eating, an additional hot dog for jake, but right now, like I it's it's all start. How leads hurried again? Seventy and you are eating a lot with with condiments like onion, while sums up the oak? I will this it out. Proud was essential. Wolverstone EL. We were doing dirty water dogs and like, if you know like dirt lake, they can get this. L of the dirty water dog can get to you after awhile lake and you just taste east every bite that you take you to start taste that water and I needed to mass that I needed the like, I needed some sort of must I needed the mustard to kind of I needed to take something else other than the dirty I get that is making me really said. I get that now. How are you feeling like from your arm from going, because I think
anybody here? The bold today you're going you were born like as hard as you possibly could on every boy you ve got one speed. Any abuse describe the sound you make after you let go above. All mass had max max his face looks use crying at one point: it literally crying ah in the face. russians. The grants disagree. I google yeah yeah, there's a great moment was at your thumb, popping audible though it was a huge amount of making this house I this is. This is the first I'm hearing of this out. I dunno that yeah I made sure to get to the camera and get video. What is this? What is going on? Would you like to say anything about the tears the tears weren't they weren't real, that's ass. They were
also learning water. Two years, I've just been going through stages of lake being really bout with a hot dogs and not unlike being and not having any issues at all, because we did first than we did. I did was just eat five hotdog as fast as I could. I don't think that was a good idea, because it was ten o clock in the morning and five hot dogs you wake up or not as soon as you wake up, but five hot dogs before eleven am is probably not grieve for your stomach. So when we were doing, We were doing the lightning round. I thought for sure I was in the puke. The lightning round was so fucking funny you guys just not using your hands trying to slurp up raw dogs, god save me yeah. It was a great lightning round. I've got the the sound effect here. max. Does your thumb are your mouth or what it is with us well that one that one actually was.
I doubt on that was my because here. It comes up that I think I was again in a echoes if everyone fell into every throw felt integral in it whatever yeah and that one it did get stuck in my thumb and it was a straight gutter and and I dunno in her yeah and now jake, you ended up with a one. Eighty eight was your high score to get yourself. It you, you bought the longest, how you feel, and you also had. There was multiple times where you Lamar jackson, that where you just you, you are like mid ball like gotta, go and grab the whites and ran to the bathroom. Also, can you explain to people what what you came prepared with to the to the boy yeah?
my whole list, I tweeted it out what jake's also doing this podcast with a heating pad cause. I yeah he looks like he looks like a pitcher who's ready to go back in for a couple more innings, his mid. You look like Ben Roethlisberger on the practice field right now, I'm bowling personal bowling ball article are offered provide each of your shovel over the whole thing. Their eyes on involve answered, another be going back there and using other There are, however, go with other food was fed yasser when the average directors awesome, yeah barnstable. Ah, through february, fifteen percent off reservation love it yeah, ah bowling ball. The risk art was great because my wrist does not hurt at all ego, so I'll. Take that the rosin bag help too yup yup stick since it's supposed to stick inside the holes and nice yeah and never slipped out? Ok, guys, not the bowling tao I'd ever slipped out. Never! but jake, not even Yet all the bog was
I know he stuck it inside the hole and never slip, never see that not even when you were like changing up your position on the lever slipped out water. I drank did it ever come close to slipping out and you're like oh did I just break it? No, but you put it back in like immediately. Probably drink a notch or ten bottles of water, so yeah an ice pack, heating pad parliament. She said jumpsuit and change of clothes, but I did not need Again, what were those four? Because? that's thinking I was gonna shit himself. I saw the exemplary, but if I sweat, tumor, ok, gaia, gotta bio freeze chopped lot gumbo shoulders.
Why were you putting the bio freeze on your non bowling shoulder? I didn't understand that one, because this is where a torn labrum is so it still hurts. Sometimes I do physical activity, okay so and then wipes wipes for hand, dude wipes and listerine. Yes, mouthwash up a lot max use that through because it changes your palette. You feel like a fresh start. Taste like hotdog is great because what I was saying about the I couldn't get that dirty water taste out of the mouthwash you to have a minty taste and it was a good mental reset, but yeah crazy. Where did you bring the wipes for bathroom okay paper there yeah, the whole thing was was fantastic. I was proud of you jake, proud of you max billy mickey mouse, but whatever that's fine now am I see now ashamed? What I did a hundred percent goes goes making us as fuck, then you did
You did you write a book to eat authors autobahn, you beat the system, you guys wanna watch other grown men do that Yes, yes, yes in the comments loved like a yo, Portugal, what you really don't you I would strongly urge that sauce. I like at one point I had to. I came in and came back like you. after fingers in balls over there were like ice cream co have all the we have all the coors lights. If you drink cause, I did to it's a pit off and he was like no I'm only doing if it's five pins or ten pins per beer, and then I came back thirty minutes later. It's just drinking a beer, yeah, alright I'll I'll, fine I'll do some beers yeah! No, I think that was I called up a little bit that she actually did. I was getting frustrated. I was like you know, I'm just going to chill out with a nice, is called coarsely, I do work a moment where we saw Billy getting into a state that we ve seen plenty of times when new he gets him. into a mess, but then the mess becomes our fault for him being there, and then he starts to turn on us and aegis starts
I get annoyed at everything we saw it coming and the ice cold coors like children out, though the others awesome like hell, like I get an airhole like when when the pins is work going down, yet I don't believe I'm supposed to go down. I loved billy like the way he balls. Is he just rolls in as hard as he can? Every time he's like? Where that, why aren't they going down angry yeah, I understand some people were mad, that we were punting games, but right strategy, yeah man, you had hospitable for EDA Jake. Before we did this, you were. You were breaking down logically, and you were thinking yourself. This might not even be possible to do in one day right note if it wasn't a one day thing like was going to put the whole first day. Oh, my god that would have been bad. I would. I would have been very sad to you. Yeah very upset
is originally right. We had the idea of doing as long as possible eight hours a day, yeah felt like the perfect time and now we're I didn't think jager is going to finish yeah. That was that was probably like four thirty I was like oh man like, and I and it being in years. If I was in your shoes, it just felt like you were close a couple of times and I was like this could be a situation where, if look, we're close, we're gonna, be here till eight. It all worked out hot you that one eighty eight was there was a faint ass. I want bowling turkey, the feeling of that equivalent thing. Like a fifty foot, yeah. No, you first with four straight, and you finish with four straight strikes. It was electric and he had the hotdogs worked out perfectly next year. I think we're gonna. Do you gotta hit a hole in one of them's? Is I dunno about that that'll be so funny yeah. We say we just had a fucking course like all nice and lastly, I gotta take thou. Neither oh you forever, maritime someplace, don't you oh yeah five hundred eighty art all so long. Can you keep
bored. Thirty yards likes will delay a pitcher it'd be like a hundred. Can you cut your balls on the green? Were another balkan knock it in I vote? Yes, I Yes, I really am ourselves into the sea every year to figure this out, but that was thrown around. I think that would be. I lay down a body for dollars worth of arizona, themed swag from a bet we made a one on one match we had. We did ya mean I do have a ruptured. You see how much like brok purty. So congratulations. You read me, I guess handicap job the other idea of flying to the next superbowl eastward, with at least three connecting flights. That sounds pretty sweet. What about having to take nothing but uber pools are like shared lifts for a month or two, the super bowl uber pooling to the superbowl. That's that's a big honor system, PF! Oh, no! No cause! You can check your history. Yeah people could laugh people
you can check the history the yet the mate match it all up. Yeah earlier would take her. You say that you would cheat. Never It seems like an easy loophole. If you wanted to, I mean I'm, not a cheater, I would not do it. Isn't there like a wheels up, pool thing where you can like share a private flight with other people sounds like broke boy behavior to me on next year's in vegas theme, something there yeah, alright, so yeah a job well done boys. It was a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun, hopefully not too sore yeah. I don't care I got the job I mean, I hope you're. I guess I hope you're, not I dunno, I I don't really care yeah. I don't really care if you're a straight really going through it just sort of bourbon if you're sore. That's like okay, I hope you're a little bit sore. I think Wednesday thursday will be. I think by friday should be one hundred per cent. Let's just put it this way. You are sort don t, tell us a lot.
I just basically yeah don't go bowling for the next like three days and you'll, be fine. Yeah trust treat the toppings on those nathan's hotdogs I'd literally go back and get some more right now, yeah, I'm like I'm I'm. Finally, like I finish earlier. All my hot dogs hungry again ends yeah out a hundred psycho you on those chile dogs, our great again to end in the red on you knew so good jennifer. There is fantastic and washing pew ever born person was also majestic suit. The aegis, eddie stepped up first want strike. She's fell, awesome source move. Okay numbers did, I say, we're doing two. I agree to it too: yep I'm going to do sixty nine other, seventy that fifty was playing eighteen, you can you can do the frigate they're, not no, really to drawings, were all doing. Ok. So when we start from first drawing where did went up,
I told you my number should be succinct, no, ok, pick up a teenager Yeah, I think, says we're birth diagnostics. My just they treat for the birthday yeah. I think so If you want, I ask do Stu Stu, as this is my number fierce two. Fifty one have you ever gotten this I have not ever has still think so. Twenty four come on Stu this could be oh by the way I have more money to put into place in one thousand seven, the off ok potent seventy back. it will do one more number. I also will be seventeen again. Twenty plus that that's the sixth time max is just as eighteen again,
in me, hague, where are you seating with more money? Oh, I didn't pay up for this weekend. I gotta pay, for I have not paid off. This is my second, this mice does that okay, a photo studio flashes again, you have to match it. You know if someone wins, you matches what yeah. That was the rule or the seed money package overall yeah, what's the money or seventeen, you got sixty nine pft. I did get sixty and yeah. I got ninety six. Alright, second number hank. Actually I'm going be fifty one. team, very one I'll do science emptied out something I think max, I first so
yeah. I had a phasing out of her. I had seventy not exactly on reality, so maxwell, first r, d, c mon, ok, loves him. Three went on seventeen fifty one thirty one one, the one to forty five, It's all the time you are never getting really. You should have picked that one. Forty five would give me that tax break tied for second place, a tie I'll have your yeah yeah you're, never getting married, The time has come
the the river great,
the no way The
Transcript generated on 2024-01-07.