« Optimal Finance Daily

2438: Today Is the Day to Improve Your Finances! TODAY! by Christina Browning of Our Rich Journey on Building Wealth


Christina Browning of Our Rich Journey helps you improve your finances today

Episode 2438: Today Is the Day to Improve Your Finances! TODAY! by Christina Browning of Our Rich Journey on Building Wealth

Amon and Christina are former federal government employees that focused on saving, making, and investing money so that they could grow enough wealth in their investments to never have to work again.

And, guess what? They did it! At the age of 39, they reached financial independence, quit their jobs, and retired!

If you’re interested in learning how to save, make and invest money on the road to financial independence and retiring early (i.e., FIRE) - their site is for you!

Subscribe to their YouTube channel for more how-to videos on how to make, save, and invest more money in the pursuit of financial independence.

The original post is located here: https://www.ourrichjourney.com/post/improve-your-finances-today

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
If you are a lover of affirmations or you ve just heard about how powerful they can be than you are going to love the dealing affirmations for women podcast created by the women's meditation network and hosted by the amazing jody guard. Every morning, you'll receive an episode that is dedicated to one specific affirmation, so you can have the space to reflect on it and receive the power with follow and start listening now to the daily. After nations for women podcast on your favorite podcast player. This is often finance daily episode. Twenty four thirty eight today is the day to improve your finances today by seen a browning of our rich journey dot com and I'm your huh and personal financing, theseus Diana Merriam. Now, let's get right to today's post continue optimizing. Your life today
the day to improve your finances today by christina browning. our rich journey dot com today is a day to improve your finances today. Why not yesterday? Leslie yesterday has already passed. Why not tomorrow? Why put off for moreover, what you can do today, why not start today take a break and then finnish next month, objection compound question: why not blank no more questions? The answer is today. This is my challenge to you: do something to improve your finances today, that were all at different stages when it comes to finances. At the same time, I am certain that we all have room for improvement, at least when it comes to managing finances, for example. a man- and I just sat down and went over our monthly expenses. We go over our expenses. Each But we noticed something different. This month we
they so much money from being inside over these past few weeks to be clear, not saying that were ready to embrace the hermit lifestyle to cut down on expenses, but I am saying maybe we were spending too much money eating out, travelling and buying little knickknacks here and there in previous months and the future. Maybe this is something we can improve on scratch that today, This is something we can improve on today. man and I are going to go through our budget and identify areas that we ve been over. Spending will update our budget and will stick to it. How about you? What can you do today to begin improving our finances. I've got some suggestions, their simple and easy things, and you can do them today. Number one create a buddy If you are serious about pursuing financial independence, you must create a budget. A budget is an important poland, to calculating your fire number. That is the aim,
of money, you need to accumulate before you can reach financial independence and retire early. Not only that, but it will also help you identify potential areas that you may be overspending. I promise you creating budget does not need to be hard, pull up old, critical statements on mine. Look at your bank statement review emails for past charges. Look at old receipts group. Your expenses into categories and there you go- create a budget, save more improve your finances check. If you ve already created a budget points for you, but why not take some time to go over your budget to make sure your expenses are aligned with your budget? Remember a budget isn't a static document that you create once yourself on the back for creating it and then quiet file it away somewhere between your expire to do list and last year's taxes you, be consistently reviewing our budget and making changes as necessary, so pull out that old budget.
pop up in a bottle of wine and do some updating number to set up on a magic bill? Pay. Do yourself a favor and simplify our bill. Paying process by setting up automated go pay setting up your accounts to automatically pay your bills. You can a limb, late payments and late fees, not only that, but some companies actually Words you for signing up for automatic they'll pay. For example, did you know that if you automate your federal student loans, you get a point to five per reduction on your interest rate, it may not in like a lot, but it adds up consider a thirty thousand dollar concerned. needed student loans. At a four point, five percent interest rate with thirty year repayment plan that equates to twenty four thousand, seven hundred and twenty two dollars and total interest on the loan. Take that same student loan amount but reduce the interest rate by point to five percent because of automatic bill pay the total interest collected on that loan will only be twentieth.
thousand one hundred and twenty nine dollars. That's a savings of more than fifteen hundred dollars, just by switching to automatic bill, pay number three all your credit card companies and ask for lower rates, Michael Jordan once said, you miss one hundred percent of the shots. You don't take end quote if you have credit cards with high interest rates, take a shot and clear, had occurred companies to negotiate lower rates, a lower history on your credit cards? Can speed up your ability to eliminate that on your road to financial independence? All it takes is one simple call, a couple of tips when negotiating number one loyalty be sure to empty as your history with the credit card company, they don't want to lose. You number two timeliness if you make. sin and timely payments make sure to bring that up and number three competitors do
research and find out if there are other similar cards that offer lower interest rates and be sure, Engine that and remember the worst, your credit company can do is tell you know, but they could also tell you. Yes, it's worth a shot by at least asking so be a jordan and take some shots, metaphorically speaking, that is number for me. good debt plan here is. Another debt related suggestion. I don't how you feel about that? But me not a fan, I'm talking about bad debt, her debt payday loan that moans from free and family. If you have debt that you need to tackle created debt plan, you can do this with any type of that good debt, bad that all debt right. Now, all of your debt list, the creditor amount owed and the interest rate for each debt write down your mouth and timeline for paying off each that and set many goals and track them.
Studies show that were more likely to achieve our goals when we write them down and tracker progress towards achieving them. Number five watch minimalism, a documentary about important things. Finally, if you have a netflix account, one of the easiest and simplest ways to improve your finances is to watch minimalism, a documentary about important things. Yes, I'm recommending that you sit down and watches seventy eight minute movie on netflix in case it It'll doesn't give it away. The movie is document every focusing on minimalism america's obsession with material things, a mother happiness and concern sean are correlated after watch, The documentary you'll have a whole new outlook on consumerism and how spend your money. You can check out the trailer on youtube, the trailer, Loan will pull you end, but be warned after watching this Maybe you may never spend money the same way again. Atop youtube comments.
on the documentaries official trailer sums up her experience in watching movie with the perfect question: did anybody else feel physically revolted seeing those hordes of people acting like animals trying to get their hands on useless. The response four hundred and twenty seven people gave it a thumbs up. You just listen to the post titled today is the day to improve your finances today by christina browning, our rich journey dot com. I understand why so many of us procrastinate on improving our finances. It can be intimidating. an uncomfortable to dig into, especially with all the mix messages out there? I person He had to seek out inspiration to motivate me to make improvements. It started with this bring the MR money mustache bog, and then I also read like your money or your life and the simple pass to wealth. I needed to change my perspective from
this is overwhelming and intimidating too. This is exciting and totally fixable. Once I took steps to improve my financial literacy, it gave me confidence to dive into tat tax and start really paying attention to my money I think getting started. Is both the most exciting and also the most daunting part of cleaning up our finances. This is when you get to optimize all the things This is where you get to align you're spending with your values and make some big moves over time. All this stuff is going to feel like. Secondly, so enjoy the novelty while you can, but that'll do it for today have a happy severe day and I'll see you on the thursday show tomorrow we're optimal life awaits
Transcript generated on 2023-09-07.