« Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

Super Soul Special: Devon Franklin: Produced by Faith

2024-01-17 | 🔗

Original Air Date: January 30, 2019

Award-winning film and TV producer, New York Times best-selling author and spiritual success coach DeVon Franklin explains how he believes you can find your life's purpose. Devon describes how he climbed the corporate ladder, starting out as an intern for Will Smith to later becoming Senior Vice President at Columbia Pictures. Today, Devon is CEO of his own production company, Franklin Entertainment. Devon also discusses his book "Produced by Faith," which uses the filmmaking process as a metaphor for finding direction, meaning and purpose. Devon believes we can all look at life as a movie, with God as our director.


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mobile winfrey welcome to supersede conversations the podcast. I believe that one of the most valuable gives you can give yourself is time taking time to be more fully present your journey to become more inspired and connected to the deeper world around us starkness right now, in just fifteen years, divine franklin is climb. The latter from internet will Smith's production company to vice president at columbia. Pictures this resolution includes hits like the karate kid, the pursuit of happiness and jumping the broom. That's when I dunno actress, megan good, a little better now, they are engaged in about two jumped the broom themselves, VON is always put his faith front and centre, found solace in the church after his father died. Suddenly we was just nine, he discovered that's where you most at home, and he started preaching, giving his first sermon at fifteen using the film
the process as a metaphor for finding correction, meaning and purpose in our lives. Divide, calls his new book. A road map for success, what a treat it was to sit down with this dynamo and talk about. What's it like to be produced by faith, This is exciting. I think this was such an interesting. I have read every book self help book I have in nineteen. Seventy five- and I have not come across one such as this. reduced by faith where you're looking at the purpose intention of your life through, like like building the arc of a play or movie. Yes, I realized in reading your book that that that's exactly how I've lived my life, I am produced by faith. I didn't. I never thought of it. That way. which is the classic. Ah, an amendment reading a book that I too am produced.
Faith by allowing the vision, god holes for your life to be the free media direction that you follow after because what I began to realize that god is our director in move the movie business people have a hard time understanding how movies are made yeah I mean I worked for a studio, and I tell you my mom can't even tell you exactly what I do you know, and so I wanted to help people understand how films are made and use that a parallel to understand that you are the star of your own move. So one of this What did you say that really struck me? Is that if we look, our life as a movie and god as the director of our movie, then we use our faith to help propellers forward interesting in the director erect. Yes, absolutely is what I realise is that sometimes we in the most difficult times in our story, we begin to loose. They ok, listen to listen to what you said: ok,
I love this part, the trouble is is that when you are a character or story, when you are immersed in it, you can't see how things will progress in the future that you lack respect if it's let me put on my glasses, it's tough to lose the job. You love, shrug and say: oh well, god is obviously putting me in a position for something better to happen in a few weeks That's normally not what we do we got. Lord is all over all over what has happened to me. Ok, it becomes very easy to assume that things will always be the way they are today, and I was just talking to burn brought it and she wrote this incredible book called simple abundant had on the show she saw. Five million got five million five million dollars. and as a result of that success, she thought she said to me. She always thought it would be that way I set off cuts for god, that nominal
nobody self five out in your happiness and when happens to you. You have to accept that. As nominal. Absolutely god thing that's happened. You can't expect that the next book you right is going to do the same thing. You can but doesn't mean it's as if that's what you're saying so when I read this, I thought of that when things are Well, we sometimes lose perspective and start to think we're in control of things, but all it takes is one wrong turn and we quickly remember that's just not true walmart, black and unlimited platform is making it easier than ever to support black own brands. When you go to walmart dot com, slash black and unlimited joe, only get to shop products from black own brands, but also learn about black founders. Legend L, stevens of camille, rose specializes in products for naturally curly hair. Many more awesome products that you'll have yet to discover its all defined with walmart black and unlimited platform join
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it's where you're going to want to write this down. Tweet tweet we're in control of only two things how we prepare for what might happen and how we respond to what just happen. The moment, when things actually do happen, belongs to god in a brilliant, brilliant man, True, is true, because what happens is the moment when things happen in our life we don't control. In a moment, life can change for the better or what in the moment, may seem for the worse yet. So our job is to prepare to read for the two things that's right, prepare for what might have a threat and then how respond respond. That's what has happened because so many times what keeps us in the valley of depression that keeps in the valley of frustration is our response to a moment and not recognising it is exactly that. It's a moment. You know in the context of the book it's one scene of your movie what makes a great movie our seas that are put together of great conflict? Ok, continuing introduced by fate
The key is remembering your story, the spiritual rare journey parallels the steps involved in bringing a movie from the initial idea to theatrical release, which is what you do. You start with the colonel had a process known as development and production, don't we know development can take five or ever forever, literally literally, every somebody's I've worked on for over. You know, ten years in this process, you are god's writing partner. I love this. God is the director, and each step is crucial. No idea becomes a movie. This is key without passing through these stages, and even though some of these stages can be difficult, tedious, even painful each leads to the next, and hopefully access yeah, so we're all. Aren't we always in our development stage in some way shape or form? I would argue that not some of us are actually you know in production. I would say: ok like he was probably working on the sequel. You know so you have
on through the phases of development production. You ass. It then into the next chapter. I could have called it working on the sequel, yeah yeah, yeah opera. The sequel, that's guy, doesn't have any right now. Ok, now and so some of us are most the time in development and development, as you said, is super hard because we don't ever think we're gonna go to the next level of our life and also actually what you say in the book is that development begins. When you have the first vision of what you can be radically, you can right a movie unless you know what the movie supposed to be about? That's what development? Sometimes So frustrating our lives, but we have to go back and wait a minute. Do I I understand what the big idea of my life is supposed to be. My life was a story. Then I have to know the point of my story and sometimes what happens when we start developing a movie? The producers may have one vision of what the movie supposed to be, the studio has another version, and in the movie becomes nothing there's, not clarity of idea. So with our life, we have to have clarity of what we're supposed to do. What are we?
were called to do in this life and in that way gives our whole development process more say. I am getting goose bumps right now. You know why? Because I know that the way, had landed with me in the way I heard it that anybody whose hearing you also can hear that can field the kernel of if you are not in control of the development of your life or aware that your life needs developing. and are just waking up every morning going what job going emotions. Getting your paycheck then you are really I always say it's sort of like being the walking dead that united control you're, not helping to create your life with the ultimate creator? It so true, because sometimes you know You're going from seeing this ain't to scene with no idea what your intention is in development, not only do you call right the script god, but you are the star of your store.
Nothing worse than when you are on set, and you see an actor in a scene who doesn't know the intention. Yes, because then, the saying goes all over the place. They wait a minute in our little. That's why actors will often say tell me: what's my motive internationally exam motivation, exactly so what's important in life to know what our motivation is, so we give We've seen that we're in more purpose, and otherwise would I find it sad that so I mean I see this. Obviously in the work that I do and you see in the work that you do that most people are not in recognition of In fact, it is it's why I do. What I do is why I wanted to write the book. It's why I preach is why I make movies to help people get more purpose in more awareness. Sometimes I have no perspective so you're in a situation you're going day to day month to month or year to year, with I'll say wait a minute. What am I doing with my life? So if you could just get people to away if in a moment you have to have a look
little bit of perspective in those moments of inspiration is when changing we're, not get through every single chapter, but I just want people to get a sense of when you write in produced by faith that it's actually a step by step plan for how you can begin to look at your own life as your own personal movie. Development script and putting that into action and get it greenlit by the powers that be that's right by the powers that are So my favorite, one of my favorite things to talk about these days, is that we're in a culture that you say, first line of chapter two in a whirl obsessed with instant success, obsessed with what has happened to us, that we think, You know that by the time you're thirty I know you're supposed to be the present in colombia.
I know you know me. First of all, I'm thankful that god did not give me everything that I wanted. You know when I was praying for it when I was going to college and saying here's what I want to do by the time. I'm thirty, those are my five year plan. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, I had everything laid out. You know it's good to an extent. At least you have a vision. That's right! That's right, but I think what has happened is that in this pop culture you know through. It shows, you know various music and what not, yet there has been an over obsession on you can make it overnight. Yes use: don't we one day when american idol? I argue that those who win american idol. Basically, that's a pay off for years of sites. when you struggle that no one ever seen it's what malcolm Gladwell talks about and outliers as a ten thousand hours, absolutely terrible, really good at something you gotta you gotta put in that much ten thousand hours like the beatles before we saw them on Ed Sullivan, had one really put in the ten thousand, our that's right. So what happened to them in a world was just exactly that. it all already they had already put in the time. In the world, which is more eliza things that already done, but what I see
in writing. As you know, I talk about the book, which is unfortunate. Is that what is facing people aspire to feign with any means to an end, unlike what okay, so you're famous. Now what what do you think's for when you're trying to aspire. what to do in the world. I argued don't put famous during guy, you know what is your purpose if you become face, this, because you are rarefied and what you do and you operate the seat of your purpose, no one else in the world, does it and because of that fame is a part of it, fantastic, fantastic. But I argue that if you shoot for thing without any understanding of what you're supposed to do when you're their ill be disruptive, it will be destructive, we, therefore there is no question that eventually does it known as just visit. Law says that it has been asked to work that way. So how do you define success? You have to define success, one I defy the says as peace
Hmm, do you like meat, yeah, you're, my kind of guy? That's that there's nothing without that! No okay, good I'll. Let you finish go, who you, who back at you in the mirror. Do you like that person? Are you at peace? Are that peace with their person? Are you content? That is the foundation of success. You being the most famous person in the world yeah and not have peace, and I wouldn't let you haven't, we do we do and I would argue, you're you're, not successful. You know we not allow external forces to tell us we are that's so so you, I would add one or other things that I would take us into peace. A contentment and a film it fulfil yes, a full heal. Yet you are fulfilled by what you do yeah you are fulfilled when you get up in the morning. No so many times with over the morning when the press were down were angry frustrate or you could wake up saying, I'm glad to be alive. There is purposes this day to mean that its success
and I would argue that once you have that internal success, then extra well just a manifestation what happens internally in the best possible one of my favorite thought leaders, spirit for teachers, Gary's, cough who's, been on a superficial several times and his definition of authentic power he says, is When you allow the personality to serve the energy of the soul or the spirit when the and and- and I interpret that to mean that when you use your personality to serve the higher energy, of your spirit, so you just letting that personality work for the spirit in you, in that I is is what I like to talk about in call that is embracing your true self yeah, because sometimes I we all have different language, different language languishing for, but we're saying the same thing. Could we don't believe people that people don't believe that their yeah, they don't believe they have what it takes, but when you,
embrace. Will you want in now worry about living in anybody's? Via? Will you do if they dont believe they have what it takes? I think a lot of people don't believe they have when it takes causer compare themselves. Yet everybody else. Instead of looking at themselves, I mysel people stay in euro movie, we're over here a lot other people's movie. Yet you have no idea, you look at someone else's movie and in one scene it looks like there on the top but you have no idea, what's going to happen, that next thing yeah, so you stay in your movie, you focus on your scene. You become the best you can be and you'll be surprised at how great your own story work continued refine, develop your own script, absolutely and an annual I'm gonna start using in your own movie, that's right. This way out of my way out of mind, they are your poet who, over the several years has had the good fortune to record hours of conversations with one of the world's greatest songwriters superman
partly reflecting on everything from the beatles Tom wings. The result Our new podcast gassed a life in lyrics. Listen, Wherever you get your point, so the book is well produced by faith, and you know I I highly recommend it to anybody who's looking for a way to fulfill their purpose in life, which isn't everybody just isn't everybody else. So what does faith mean to you? What does it being defined? That faith? Primarily, you know first and foremost, mean belief in god, you know and trust in god and I have faith in his will. I have faith in his love for me when you say, as will, what does that mean means? The reason why we create it means that
There was an understanding of what he wanted me to do in the world. So do you believe that for every single human being on the planet, seven billion of us that the fulfil, Lint of that person's manifestation, as a human being means that the creator god had a plan for each of those or do you do and absolutely believer, then I believe that we have to have faith. Faith in god is where it starts. I also think, faith in yourself. You no faith in believing that you have in you all that you need to be successful so many times we look to other people say if I was just more oh. If I had their opportunities, not realising its only right in what you go through brings what already in out. Ok. So what path or religion are you in your?
suit of perfection we going to wait where, where are we re submitted and came? What does that mean? Some? They have innocence of christian denominations and one of the things that we believe is observing the sap so from a young child bring brought up, I was always brought up with sabbath observance so and I sat down satellite sundown, as mentioned in the ten commandments. Remember the seventh to keep it wholly. Of Jesus observe sabbath is well yeah, so it's one day where I don't take my emails, I don't respond, we're cause. I don't read from Friday night a knife sundown down, she said day night sunday yeah no work, you dont check your emails. No, that's IRA! There's a flashing, that's like against the command! hollywood. That thou shall carry that. You are very at all times, but you know what he's getting we you sent boundary yeah, yeah affront up front cares,
my commitment is so we all agree. I love to take the job or go down the row. Yeah, here's a commitment or we all agree. This is okay. So then all I have to do is just make sure I keep the whip, because the moment I break it, yes is the but they realize how will he was necessary, but for me sam the time to recharge it's time to rest its attachment. I, with my family, two spiritually reconnect yeah, it's incredible! What is interesting is that you allow your face. Your belief in god to be at the forefront of who you are in a place, for most of us and you even saying the book. I remember when I said to my father. I was like thirteen fourteen, I'm gonna be an actress. No, of mine is going to be going out to sodom and Gomorrah, oh boy, sodom and Gomorrah sodom and gomorrah right, so you are living in what a lot of. Certainly traditional christian people see
hollywood as the land of everything, but following the path of of your faith, have how do you make it up? Will you make it by being true to yourself am. I literally for your for your first job me sergeant, reverse job. Working as an turned. We will psmith, yet you say to them look. I have have the sabbath off, which may I just confess that I learned in my first meeting with divine All these years. I've got the sabbath was sunday, I've been going to church, we say: worship on the sabbath worth worship on the sabbath in the baptist church, and you corrected me, you said no sunday is the first of the wheat. Sabbath is Friday sundown to Saturday son. That's right that I stand corrected. So if you go to your first job, will spare and say look. Excited to be here, but I have to have I D, rather nice announced aramis and off and what happened was
once you're scared to say that I was scared. It didn't it wasn't like you, he was an intention, wasn't intentional, but I'm there in the interview, yes and god starts to literally feels like he's speaking to me, you know, because she everything great, I feel like. Okay, yeah. I got this in the bag. You know you just go in and every land inside it, but at the end of the interview it was like, god was saying, tell her about the sabbath and I'm like no I'll tell her I get the entire directive as you get. What I want to tell you that I said no be obedient, incisive and I well here's the thing. I can't take this internship if I have to work friday night, Sundown saturday night, because I observed the sabbath and she was quiet and then after a moment she said, don't worry, work around them and I said how louis and what it did was. It gave me confidence that if I embrace hawaiian, why it will open doors not shut them. Also, that's really big. All that a moment pause, tweet, tweet
I had no doors right yeah. If your face one bit in the door that opens yeah, then I argue: do not work. That door, the door that gonna open luckily moment will fit your fate So what you say on page fifty, eight, your collaborate with god on the script of your life, justice green writers, sweats through multiple dress, to perfect his characters. God is working to help. You perfect your character, your ability! This is, I love. I can get tears when I think of this. Your ability to manage people create relationship, help others based and integrity, and so on. to achieve this. This is a moment he will always steer you into conflict. Hallelujah lillooet. I do it because
there is no story without conflict is no story without conflict, and that is the hardest lesson for us to realise and except yes, that conflict is not always punitive, and it's not because he's angry with us is because he loves us so much. He knows that we will not grow. If we don't have conflict is the key to everything and drama, whether its film life theatre, fiction or television he had so without our own conflict in life. You really wouldn't be building the key. Character and integrity required to finish the story, absolutely and also manage what you aspire to achieve. Conflict helps. Prepare us So let's say you want to be president of the company. The complex you face along the way Jus lasted so that when you are president, you have the we need to manage because you go back and you remember all the situations you ve been through some when things are brought to you, you refer to that conflict wait to understand how to manage would ever come into. Well, let's, let's get. Let's get down to be
it's now sure ass. You say, god is the director of your life. So if you're a person who is seeking to be connected to that, which is the creator, that is the source of all things, what do you begin to surrender yourself to that energy? I think you begin with one remembering that when you look at the context of film a director wants the best out of your performance. The movie is most successful when your performance is at it's best level. So when we think about god, as our director
get to remember that god loves you and he wants the best out of you. The idea in those tapes that were put into your head, that god is a punitive god he's a negative god. He is he's an angry god get rid of that, the god that you have to then begin to accept as a loving god who is trying to direct you into success. Who wants the very best out of your story? So when did you finally get that? Did you have to go through a lot of conflict to get to owe you that your relationship with god? Yes and you know, as a child, when I was nine years old, my father died of a heart attack at thirty six
thirty, six, and that experience was traumatic. Real. You couldn't understand why your father, who is trying to reconstruct, is less. Why now that he's trying to do better? Did this happen? Absolutely, have you ever been able to resolve that question for yourself, you know it's. It's only resolve in the context of you know. My life is a story, and I understand that vat conflict that our face has made me stronger, has informed the man that I've become. Do I fully yet exactly why it happened? When it did, I do not. I can't wait to find out. You know we make mean Jesus their lord what happened and why? But that conflict was so difficult. It was so dramatic because, as a young man, you know being a middle child of three boys always felt alone. I never felt like I was a part of the crown in them. So how'd you get to know god so well,
agile, get to hang it out, because this is out when my father passed away. It was the same year that my uncle started our church in oakland, and that year is when I really threw myself into church- and you know instead of rebelling and getting angry. I got angry, but just I'm gonna make something up. Myself became a reverse rebel. That's right and a rebel revel in reverse, yes, actually and through that process of you know, sweeping floors vacuum in the church showing up ushering deepening in directing the choir. All of these things that laid the foundation for my relationship with god, but I really didn't come to noble god was until college when I was there.
freshman year. You nod, as you leave for college and you've never been out in the world before you're like okay, hey, hey exactly exactly party over here. You know I did plenty of that and through that process, freshman year is when I began to question every single thing that I believed to that point. I begin to question: who is god? What does he want? Why do I serve him? What does this all about in that process? You know that freshman year of college is what really gave me the foundation and for me to have the personal relationship with god, where I begin to feel and sense: okay, yeah he really is for me. I do live for him because I believe in him I believe in his work. So when you're making decisions about what to do or not do or the path to take or not take, do you think what would Jesus do all the time all the time and and sometimes I'm I'm ashamed, because the decisions I make I'm like Jesus. Would it yeah a guy, did every right and when you get yourself in trouble, isn't it always will you have led
The centre of the Christ consciousness all the time yeah, because that ambition and that drive and their determination sometimes gets the best. Ok, ok, this is what was interesting because you could see, through reading, produced by five that there certainly is a great level of ambition in you I'm totally what when you are describing that in speak of it, I thought that feels like ego to me, oh yeah, Yeah, so sometimes your ego gets in the way my best, but best actually definition of ego was wayne dyer, who was also on super bowl sunday, who said his definition of ego is edging god out it's good. I, like that, that's a good one! Yeah, that's true! It's true, because your age got out. You move, got out of the director's chair and then use it. and then you say I know best and What will we do that we are setting ourselves up for our biggest failure, and we have to remember that we do have gods grace that we do have his love.
And in those valleys in those scenes that are really difficult. We don't know how we're gonna get out of those are the moment when, in height, we will see his grace was the strongest like when I talk about pursuit of happiness in the book. In the moment where we know wills in the bathroom with the sun gets out, which is actually the bathroom moment Oh yeah, oh yeah, my bathrooms, users of you saw pursuit of happiness. Member when well, smith is in the bathroom home sport is on the door, so people can come through unease in the bathroom with his son that where he has, transfer me home, yes, and when I realise, and my bath a moment for so you don't mean job abroad is clear. By today s abandoned but I was you know, I was working as an assistant wilson s company and I was an assistant for his producing partner manager. things change. You know things in the industry. Things at the company began to change and I realized tat. My promotion probably wasn't coming. and so once I understood that it wasn't coming months, I will go into the office. Depressed
and one day I turn on my computer, my cubicle, and I said I can do this anymore and I went I shut the stall door and I had an outward god. I said lord, I believe in your work. You say anything I asked when the name of Jesus I do so lord. I need you to move on this job today. I don't care what you do. I don't care how you do it, but I can't come in here depressed anymore. You have to open a door. Today I go out of the bathroom. I go back to my cubicle later on that night. Something happened that never happened before my boss brings me into his office. He sits me down, he says divine will, and I we love you you're fantastic. We know you're gonna have a big career, but we also know you hit a wall here. wish we could promote you, but we can't so we want to help you find a new job, so I walk out of the office. Thinking. Ok, wait a minute! God you heard me, but am I wait a minute? I gotta find would be higher. That's like that, I'm gonna change lab. Where does he did exactly what I prayed for
they now you know the bible speaks about faith without works, as did so had the fate benighted put some works behind. I go out on interview after interview. I met my wits in what I do. Just so happened I wish I'd have known you then. Okay, have it just so happens that I've always been a fan of t d jakes and always been a fan of bishop jakes germans and he was preaching in los angeles around this time. Of course, he was of course, of course, right yeah, and so I go he's preacher with a lakers used to play, and I get there so late, I'm in the rafters and he's like a dot on the date, but he preaches this sermon that it was. elected to you write me seriously. You know how it is. I know yes yeah exactly, and so the message he preached was called turn the page. At the end of due to round Moses has died there, lights are mourning his death. When you turn the page to the next chapter, god tells Joshua git up it's time for you to go into the promised land. Your morning time is up and I realized I was crying over a job that was dead. It's time
to turn the page. So I go in on Monday that on Friday night yeah and I put in my two week notice I quit that stepping out on faith man? Will you gonna quit the job? But when I realized, though was my intention was wrong. Initially What was cause all I wanted was a job. God says: I'm not sending you through this for a job. I got jobs. I have money, I have those things. Do you think I would send you to this just give you a job which the temporary think right now. I want a better relationship with you. I want to work closely with you. I want you to let me do it. your life and when I realized. That is why this whole thing was happening. I changed my prayer. I leave that. They throw me going away party, but I leave that day with my box. Is unemployed and I said wow, so this is what faith is all about. Well, Unlike I'm flying out of the play, I'm openness, pairs, who's, gonna work because that's how you get a closer walk with the house. Yet a closer walk with the is to walk right through it and in infant, absolute, that's right,
I've seen doesn't come on you're on the top of the mountain, because you on the top of the mountain waving, a low, wonderful up right, yet riah, it's a monday rolls around my birthday of unemployment. My mom calls the off, because I didn't tell her what was going on. Oh boy, they tell them I'm no longer working there. She calls me friday, What are you doing? As my don't worry, everything's gonna be ok, and so I got off the phone started watching tv that afternoon five o clock. I got a call from an interview I had done about a month prior, he said a divine. We would like I offer you, you know an executive position. Do you still want it. I said how low yeah Jesus, however, and as a guest, yes I'll, take the job. Yes, negotiate the salary and I got off the phone and I immediately fell to my knees and I said thank you Jesus, because what he wanted me to understand was that success in my life was not going to be, because
it's the biggest movie star in the world. It wasn't going to be because I knew the biggest producers in the world or the biggest agents, but if I would just keep my relationship with the god of the universe first and I would seek him and everything I do, he will work everything else out, and that has been the key to my success from that day to this, putting him first trusting in him and having the faith to let him guide, I mean even when I couldn't see what he was doing, hmm, what is the sole hm? What is a soul? The soul is the spirit it is the connecting line. To guide. I believe the soul is where the holy spirit reside. I believe that is literally, you know when you pick up the phone in there. You have your you know: you're forging network the soldiers, the forging able to write it And to me, while what is your definition of my definition of god
God is not only the alpha and omega, but he's a friend he's a confidant he's a buddy he's a lover of my soul. that's my definitions. Have you always considered yourself? A spiritual person, or did you have aha moment when you recognize your connection to something bigger than yourself, god, Probably when I was ready for my father's death is what I really began to experience. Who got really was you know before they and I felt like it, I'm just going to church, but when that literally was just happened in their trauma, happen is when I really began to understand that there was a force larger than myself. That was consoling me. That was here with me. That was helping me navigate.
A period of time that I don't think I could have gone through without him yeah. I love that you call cause, that's what I call it a force, a force yeah, and is there a difference in your mind or life between spirituality and religion? Yes, I think that religion sometimes is the the structure for spirituality. I think the spirituality can exist even outside of religion, but I do believe that most religions came to be They wanted to help. People understand how to navigate this life from a spiritual stamp. Can you be spiritual and not religious? Absolute? Can you be religious and not spare? absolutely Unfortunately, unfortunately, yes, so what does ok? This is you're. Gonna love this. What does prayer mean to you? Prayer is a lifeline prayer is. It means everything, because there are moments when I have to express, what's on my heart,
and so many times. You know what we can express and we hold all this stuff in. It begins to come out and other way. So for me, frere is therapeutic. It's an opportunity. Communicate and they are times you know. Like I talked about earlier, I got I dont understand what you're doing and it lets me feel the communication in the power. If our relationship- and it allows me the opportunity to not only express but also listen for answers, where do you feel most at home or at peace hm, I have a couple of answers to that. I feel very much at home on set. You know very much. You know like okay, this. This is good. You know watch him when the shots go up and all of that I feel very at home in a pulpit. You know I feel very at home preaching you know,
being able to instruct people being on a state that feels very, very like okay, this is what I was created to do. What do you know for sure? What I know for sure god is real and faith works. Ok finish the sentences the world needs, the world needs more love and a lot more peace. I believe in, I believe in god, I believe in Jesus, I believe, in love love, is love? Is the most powerful force in the universe. The person I most want to be proud of me is my fault. I'm ready to forgive myself. I want my legacy to be one of an incredible demonstration of the divine our fate and cast its it really
I'm over winfrey and you ve been listening to supersede conversations the pod cast. You can follow super soul on instagram, twitter and facebook if you haven't yet go to apple, pod, callous and subscribe rate and review this pledge gas join me next week for another supersede conversation. Thank you for listening.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.