« Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

Bonus Episode: Jamie Kern Lima in Conversation with Oprah Winfrey on The Color Purple

2023-12-24 | 🔗

In a sneak peek episode of the upcoming ‘Jamie Kern Lima Show’ Jamie sits down with Oprah Winfrey to discuss the new, reimagined film version of The Color Purple. Oprah shares why Alice Walker’s 1982 book The Color Purple resonated with her, how she was cast in the iconic role of Sofia in Steven Spielberg’s 1985 classic movie and why she leads her life with intention. Jamie Kern Lima created IT Cosmetics in her living room with her husband, Paulo, eventually selling the company to L’Oréal for 1.2 billion dollars. The Color Purple film premieres in theaters on Christmas Day.


Buy your tickets on Fandango now! https://www.fandango.com/canvas/thecolorpurple

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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There has been paolo and after years of rejections in companies telling her no over and over again, Jamie ultimately sold their company to lorry out. For one point: two billion dollars. You heard that right that a billion would be don't you want to know how she did that. Well, I hope you read her book worthy that comes out on february fourteenth. It is so filled with inspiring encouraging experiences that will be especially helpful to the young women in your and to you, even if you have trouble accepting your own success, Jamie and I sat down at her house on herschel to talk about something. That's been near and dear to my heart. For over forty years, we discuss all things, including the color purple, the new re. Imagine film is coming to the aid of christmas day. So today, here's a full episode of me on the Jamie kern lemme show keep an eye out for
Premium this february on youtube and wherever you listen to your podcast. Oh my god. I know I know what that's like yeah. I know oh my gosh. He knew that needed to believe you actually worthy of something. This is your. The fanciest welcome sign. Welcome Oprah web for como you ready, we really tired The here. We go. You eddie, I'm ready prayed up right at me.
Purple up in here transcendent. I mean I just can't believe this happened to me in this lifetime. That became my grounding teaching for the rest of my life career. The greatest life lesson I have ever seen she's impacted and continues to impact hundreds of millions of lives. Daily issues often called the most influential and powerful woman in the world. The queen of all media tighten icon living legend, the woman who raised multiple generations in their living room. She has been my mentor from afar, my entire life, the one I dreamed my whole life of meeting and dared to pray and believe it would one day happen, and today I am so honour to say
he's here. Miss Oprah, win, free. Welcome to you. The Jamie kern lemme show more of our conversation in just a moment. This holiday season, love, is at the top of every wishlist, show how much You care with pandora's wives, selection of stunning jewelry and makes a perfect get bra The loves on your list shop ring necklaces, earrings and charms that are expertly. Crafted in hand, finished and genuine metals. Each pandora peace is so much more. Just a beautiful accessory. It serves. the tangible reminder of a cherish memory, a significant event, especial time in someone's life or even a beloved person, pandora jewelry symbols of love making them the heart of gifting create your We owe unique love stories, weaving their memories and treasured symbols in a way as unique as a person, you're gifting love what you give and give what you love expressed gratitude. This holiday season do beautifully crafted joy, from Pandora. The best gives come in
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story. You saw that trailer, I'm so land and I feel that. The color purple circle for me is its transcendent. I may I just can't believe this happened to me in this lifetime. As you ve heard me say from the moment, I read the book July nineteen. Eighty two as a sunday I got up, went back to the books bought. Multiple other books gave them out the moment. I open the book and the first lines or your god, I'm fourteen years, all I've always been a good girl. That's my story. Please explain what's happening to me, that's my story and I could not believe that there are words on a page
reflecting my story. Some somebody knows my story at fourteen. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe it. First of all those of you listening, you just have to imagine a world and nineteen eighty two there, no black show who's there. No black images there, no role models there. No black magazine is there no there's, not there's nothing. reflects you in the world. You go work on common. You never see a billboard or a bus back of a bus, nothing that looks like you. I think good times was on or something like that, or the family- god bless norman lear. But you are not He reflected on a regular basis in your work. in any environment whatsoever and so to pick up a book which I loved, bull,
The only other story I read that had come close to reflecting me was my angelos under the catchword saying, and I read that it fifteen so in nineteen. Eighty two, When I read this, I was now twenty eight years old and there is my story on a page. I didn't know it at in I think so. That's why I went back to the bookstore and got all the other copies in and past about the friends and then I hear that there's going to be a movie and that whole process of.
How do I find the way to get in a movie? I don't know one single thing about movies or anybody in the movies. I then, six months later, get a call saying Quincy jones, who was at the time who had produced thriller. Anne was working on Billy jean somebody was suing Michael jackson for billy jean saying the pillaging was not Michael jackson's lover and whatever and Quincy jones was in Chicago and happened to be coming out of the shower and saw me on aim chicago. He had taken a what would happen. Had he not taken the red eye. What would happen if he had already spent the night in been in Europe?
so all those forces I get a call saying, come and audition I audition. I don't hear anything for two and a half months. When I call the the the the casting agent he says, real real actresses have auditioned for this part. Do you know who just left my office we would it don't. You call me I'll call you reuben the who, just the other day, colonists tickets for the premier that same that that's got and didn't. I get him to visit the premium the time I called to say you know Have you heard anything after the the audition? I thought oh gadding get it because I was overweight and that's why I left and I went to this health retreat, which they work at the time. They call them that far it's not me calling it and I was on the track trying to release the let it let me let it go, because this is I'm obsessed with it and I started singing. Soon, surrender all. sir, in all,.
all to the mai Please sit say view, I surrender all over and over and over and over and over again I saying that science Aid and cried. And when I saw and say: ok, I can let it go, I hadn't let it go waiting cried some more until I could bless alfred littered with the role. As I know, I thought away. I'm gonna get it. He said alfred wondered, left his office there's no way, and I one would be able to see the movie, but I want to be able to see the movie and not be upset that I didn't get it. So god help me bless alfred, wondered. And I cried and prayed some more and then the moment I felt the release, the moment. I felt the release.
Woman comes running out and she says: there's a phone call for you and that phone call from Steven Spielberg saying here europe that farm few lose if you lose a pound eukolos, but this part the fact that it happened in the instant the instant I'd know I let it go. Was greatest life lesson I have ever received, because I physically felt the release, and I saw that the second I did that it chain the second. I stopped resisting the second stop wondering the second. I stopped putting myself in the fear space and said it is well. Use me how you choose to use me. I thought this was the answer, but now I see it's not
I'm willing to be open to wherever you take me that instant? I did that. I saw that woman and so that became my grounding teaching for the rest of my life and career. Do everything you can work as hard as you can and then let it go, give it to god give it to the universe. Let it be an offering do not resist. Do not resist, do not push against it. Let it go. and that was the great teaching that was the great teaching than ruled every decision going forward, do what you have to do? Let it go, do what you have to do, let it go! No attachment, have no attack bent to the outcome and then, when I lost track of that lesson, I got it again. Hardway I worked on beloved for ten years was attached to the outcome, winning
major depression afterwards and why? Why did I go into depression because of my attachment? Not because the movie fail, because my attachment to it succeeding- because the work was the work I loved every minute of the work, the process, the work, everything that I offered. I still love that wouldn't change a thing when I was offered an opportunity to change it. As you know, madam change, it there will it's screening this way and people don't either I'm not going to change it. So what was I attached to? I was attached to it being something that I wanted it to be versus what it really was, and you talk about going through that depression after eleven and having it shift your perspective eye on. Now seeing things as making an offering yeah, because I done beloved- and so I was so depressed afterwards.
I probably gained another thirty pounds after that, because the morning that I heard that we would have been beaten by the bride of Chucky. I didn't even know what chucky was and I was like how be over it's just a saturday, they just open yesterday and they said no, no, no, you ve been beaten by chuckie, and so I I. had macaroni and cheese for breakfast tat morning and continued to eat my way into a stupor. And I just became numbed an I were feeling like. Oh, this must be what I've heard people talk about. Depression is because I felt like I was behind a veil. I felt shame I felt embarrassed. I felt that I spent eighty million dollars is studios money and we work. Make the money back. I fell. that lead when he morrison down. I felt like I looked all the actors too It was just all of the things and I remember thing
at the time? This was in ninety ninety eight that I don't even know who I can turn to. I interviewed therapists all the time, but I dont know I could trust I you know carried. Celebrity thing. I don't know if I go to to somebody they're gonna- go to a tabloid? If I go to talk, what's gonna happen and so I really just prayed my way through it. I remember saying to myself: I'm gonna get myself ninety days when some ninety, these vessels don't get myself thirty days, then I'm going to get myself sixty days, so must have ninety days and then some were in bed in that time is at ninety days. If I'm gonna, I'm gonna, figure out a way to find somebody. I can trust and go to somebody. And I was doing I was in the audio both doing tracks for you, nor the promise we do after we show and
Somebody made a comment, and I heard myself laugh when I just left o something something broke, something after I had a conversation with gary's gulf who said to me. So what you want what was your intention and I said well. My intention was to create this film, where people would witness what it meant to come through slavery and still be able to love that they would see us as human beings and not just as enslaved people. He said. Well, I felt there And I said well gary, I want a more than you to feel it equally. Well, who did you want to feel it because I felt that in Linda felt that everybody I talked to, they thought there. I go, I think I want a millions of people to feel it and he goes well. Then you would have done a movie for millions of people. You didn't do a movie for millions of people. You did a movie for individuals to feel what they feel
And so that shifted the west side being- bet being able to go back and look at my intention? What did you really want to do if you hadn't and the way you did this will be when I did We believe it people are saying. While issue goes you she not a ghost his casper does. She walked through walls. I wasn't gonna make it character from a nobel prize winning book. There was like casper, the ghost wasn't that so I wasn't willing to do what the public needed for it to be in order to receive it. So that is what allowed me to break through going back to what was original intention. What was your original intention and thing that was shamed was my ego the thing that was hurt was my ego. The thing That was embarrassed was my ego, but the thing that really wanted to do the work to create the art I did that did that
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let the joy of doing it, which is what I've been saying to this cast for the color purple. Yes, let the joy making the movie the phone call. You got that said yourself yeah you're silly you're gonna be sugary. Your miss, let the joy of the process of the world and putting the work out into the world, be your reward and how However, people receive it that becomes a bonus, but the work and the but you wouldn't change anything about that. You and change any. about that until now, as we move into award season Fine, it's wonderful celebrated its wonderful for people to have acknowledgements about it, but the, real joy, is in the offering in the color purple and one of them,
the most powerful lines. I should like to ask you about Sophia. First, when you played it here,. That line in the cornfield, usually They beat me all my life. I had to fight all my life I had to fight had to fight my uncle's. My brothers never thought I had to fight him and I added my cousins because it was my cousin written. all my life. I had to fight, and that law and I did in the first take- and I did it. From the space of knowing a girl child ain't safe in a world full of me, which is the last time, cause a girl child aids, in a world full immense- and I know that to be so true and on that
there was a great day for me. That was really a great day for me. The best the best seem for me was the dinner table seem which takes us, long time, because you got all those actors at the table, but that's a day actually became an actress. I think because I only had one line and then the rest of it. I ad lib. I mean the line was how you doing Sophia and she supposed denied and saying to one all right and then Stephen said tell us how you felt in the store when marsili came to see you tell us, and so I just started rocking and add living in during the day I seen you in that store. I know there was a god, my no there was it. So I mean. Let me just say this: the color purple aside for the fact that it taught me to surrender and all of my work and life into. A surrendered to guide existence. So imagine that
Will you see me walking, you see a woman whose surrendered her life to the higher power, so I'm stepping out on moonbeams and stars. I am literally walkin in the light cause I have lived. A surrender like how the hell else do I get from missis be demonic pseudo as your next door. Neighbor. It just is impossible. Without that. Ok, Ah so it taught me that deliver surrendered life. Don't during the dream, led god in the dream for you and you step into the dream, you ascot. What is the dream, but he should dream for me because I'm open to go where you lead, and so let me hear number two why king Steven, Spielberg and quincy jones and Alice walker, everyday peace in that creative collaborative space
everybody, the crew around everybody feeling like that, late working together to build some towards something I thought We want a job. when a job or the work for any. again. I want this feeling. I want this that I'm feeling that you're feeling with your crew here I want this feeling everyday. I never want to feel like. That I want always feel like. Even if I didn't get paid, I would be doing it. I got thirty five thousand dollars for doing the color purple by lawyers that I could get you fifty, and I said please don't please don't please don't do it nothing, and so I always wanted to feel like I'm working, I'm getting repaid for it, but doesn't feel like work. I'm going to create that environment
I'm here to the most important thing that happened in terms of my financial advancement. I watched donegal. Ever told me that is virtually everyone in a movie set any told me that he had an agent along. your manager or and that five percent of his salary went to pay all those people, I said, don't want to do that. I want that I gave up thirty five percent. You already given up forty percent to the citizens. The irish dont want that. So that taught me That's not a model I want for myself. I had to give up my entire tracks vacation in order to do the film, so I had a contract for three years my first year, I was only getting two weeks of vacation them
The movie required me to be on set for two months. The only way I could negotiate to continue Do the movie, because my bosses abc at the time- and I am chicago. We, like you, better, get your ass back here and I said I will give up my entire vacation for the entire contract. I will never take another vacation if you'd. Let me finish this will be at the end. That deal my attorney. Said you never want to be in that position again, and I said I never want to be in a position. I won't be in opposition again and I had gone to four audition for the in addition to universe studios and I met with Steven Spielberg he's the one. They told me that I had the part he has a company called ambling. He owned himself with em studios every movie, you see, see them books, billboards, you see the emblem. You see little boy you see the moon and holding it never occur.
May you could own yourself, it never even occurred to me. A person could on themselves that gave me the idea that I could all myself giving up three week. Three years of my vacation said Anne wanna be an opposition again, and that is how I came to own myself. Wow all woven thrill, the other purple, All woven through the calibre, so when I say it was the most life changing thing that ever happened to me. It is it defined it defined, and my career. How did it feel to go from getting that while in the track from Steven Spielberg yeah, now Oh producing it with, well, I was so afraid during the whole movie I mean I did know how to act. I couldn't I didn't know I actually had books like stanislav skis method. All that, in my hotel room, motel room trying to figure- hurry act. I knew instinctively that you needed to tell the truth you needed to be.
true, but I can figure out. How do you act and also tell the truth? and there was really critical scene where he had asked cry and I couldn't cry, and then I cried all night and then adolf Caesar who played the old mister came to my door, cause casinos. could hear me through the walls and said god tat. Work is no eyes and I said stevens bill, whereas meter I didn't guide. I know these gonna, throw me off. The movie gets a second time and he said, to learn to give yourself over to the character, let the care- to take control, you stop fighting it not you, you surrender surrender, which I got: surrender to the character, let the care to take control and if she wants to cry shrill cry, she didn't want to cry. Not able we'll see work and make her cry, and that was my greatest acting lesson: and I was released after that day and not quite
Fearful of stephen, but he never really talk to me or really- and I remember filming the scene in town where she Sophia hits the mayor and is into jail, taken off my coat going to stephen saying I won't be here the next two days, because I'm going to sign my contract for my talk show and he says what is that an ice? Oh I'm gonna be doing a talk show because, like radio or what is in it. I said no, it's like we'll tv, and you know People say I'm gonna be famous, but I don't know it's you know. be like danny you, but only it's gonna be me and he said Well, when will you be back back on monday, but I wouldn't signed the contract. My name is not on the poster because I wasn't, but I said, and I said to him I think people are saying I'm gonna be famous, but should probably put my name on the pulse uses your name take on the poster. now you can go in the poster is already negotiated.
And shag avery says. I think it pisses got off when people walk back as the color are available in a field and don't notice it and don't notice it do you think it pisses god off when people walk by their own beauty and power and don't notice it hmm, I dunno if god gets pissed, but I think it's a real disappointment and I think. Although I don't think I d ask actually gets disappointed, I think I just is and that you just keep getting chances to get it right and to do it better. I certainly think the metaphor of.
not paying attention to the color purple, because how complicated it is to make the color purple and how intricate and how beautiful it is and that all around you, you are surrounded by this beauty and intricacy in your own life in your own body, just what it eggs pushing air in and out of your lungs on a regular basis, and you not paying Tension to that, I think it's. I think the universe if the universe could be disappointed with be disappointed I think the universe I mean I was just. Thinking recently that its human beings aren't doing such a good job right now. We human beings are losing the battle of our own humanity, and it's really sad, because You can see that its loss to the eagles It's all about the centre.
living externally in thinking that You're value is in something that is outside of yourself. So any. I feel. Yes, he does his got off the life lessons in color, purple friend forgiveness, to you in everything you now is done to me, is already done to him. everything you even try to do. The me is already done to you. well that is, that is karma daddy is the third law motion in physics. Tat is The foundation for how I love my life, what you put out is gonna come back so You don't have to worry about your enemies, because, whatever whatever you're thinking, that so mean spirited sana, the energy of that is coming back to them all the time. the time, and you know you have to do anything about it. So that is that is the truth and everything you
right I to do to me is already done to you, Everyone seeing the color purple who has seen it ahead of time. I mean, if tears filling the whole theatres all kinds of life. Lessons- and I just want to ask you this question- for anyone who has not read the book who has. in the original color purple. You don't have to do any of that. Yeah has the story itself will live and live beyond me and live beyond generation and integration of it I mean I I it Forty years ago, when I did it, and I can imagine what come you know. What I saw, what I say in strongly believe is that the lessons of the purple, the color purple of forgiveness,. Mostly, finding your own identity discovering, who you really are, that's what it's about discovering who you really are in connection
with the life force that we call god that silly calls guide and. That is timeless. That is forever not even a. I can change it that the heart knowing who you are and what you have to offer the world, because ultimately, coming back to worthy What sillies discovery is a jury? two worthiness s from the beginning to the end is she finds her worthiness. She finds her value and that path of self discover if self realisation of coming into the grid in giving herself the graciousness too. right and not just survive as a victim is what the store, is all about, and that will endure forever. And I think to be more needed than ever. I think you know
technology and social media and all the stuff in the things in the business of life cloud over. How sad and lonely people really are. there's a lot of deep loneliness and sadness and connection in its. Why your book worthy is so valuable at this particular time, because all the stuff that people are put out there in the way that its being put out, they can't feel the worthiness. Otherwise you would be doing it. You can see it yeah. Oh, thank you for continuing to be a mass in force for good in the world for putting goodness out there Thank you for doing this, show. Why did you say? Yes, how are you hear your process for discernment is so clear
and were. Why did I say yes to you? Yes, I actually feel that it was somehow divinely ordered. I feel that, the first time that my assistant at the time- Amy wine balloon brought you back to see me I could feel your heart. It feel, you're yearning your desire. I could feel your eye member. First time you told me that you wanted to have a talk. Show as like. Okay, well, You know what you're asking for that, and When I look at the work that you're doing in the world, I think. When you say you wanted to do a talk show. I think it's because obviously I've been a model for that, and I've been a model for how you can do it really. Well, may I say we did that thing
But what you really want is a platform in order to speak to the world, to help the world to know itself better and what, in whatever form that shows itself, and so it happens to be now this form and some point may be. Other form, but I can feel it. I can feel the truth of that. The the is this of that. The sincerity of that
and I wanted to support that. Thank you, and that is why I said yes thank you for seeing me thank you for believing in me make sure to go and see the color purple and stay tuned for something so big coming in february at me and Oprah. I cannot wait to share so make sure you subscribe and click the notification buttons, so you're gonna be the first to know. I just wanna say thank you so much for joining me today and before you go. I want to share some words with you that couldn't be more true. You right now, exactly as you are, are enough and fully worthy. You are worthy of your greatest hopes, your wildest dreams and all the unconditional love in the world, and it's an honor to welcome you to each episode of the jamie. Currently michelle here. I hope you'll come as you are and he'll where you need blossom what you choose
Whose journey towards your calling and stay as long as you like, because you belong here, you are worthy. You I loved you. I love you. I love you. I thank you for listening to this bonus episode. and thank you jamie current lemme, the jamie Lee michel makes its debut in February twenty twenty four. You can watch it on youtube and listen to it. Where ever you listen to your podcast and get your tickets, get the whole family tickets to the collar purple. It's in theatres christmas day by buddy find the quality care you need all in one place: introducing centre for sports, venison and orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible the strikers cutting edge technology at centre for sports Seven orthopedics care meets convenience. We designed to get you treat,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-26.