« On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Arnold Schwarzenegger ON: How to Make Your Visions a Reality & Stop Having a Limited Mindset

2023-10-09 | 🔗

What’s stopping you from turning your visions into reality?

This is a question that many struggle with and we often spend most of our time finding the answers. 

Today, we are happy to welcome Austrian-born bodybuilder, actor, businessman, philanthropist, bestselling author, and politician, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold served as the thirty-eighth governor of California and his new book, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life, takes readers on an inspirational tour through Arnold’s tool kit for a meaningful life. 

We will explore Arnold's early years, growing up with a strict father and his deep yearning for genuine conversations. His experiences in the military taught him invaluable life lessons that would shape his path to success. Arnold shares the pivotal moment when he first arrived in the United States, igniting his passion for bodybuilding, a journey that would ultimately define his legacy.

As the conversation deepens, he emphasizes the importance of creating our own paths to happiness and challenges the notion of sacrifice when you truly love what you do. He highlights the significance of having a clear vision for our goals and how compromise plays a vital role in maintaining family unity. Arnold's insights on the art of selling and looking beyond conventional markets shed light on his extraordinary success. 

In this interview, you'll learn:

  • How to be resilient in the most difficult situations
  • How to change the trajectory of your life
  • How to be genuinely happy and content
  • The importance of allotting time for your family
  • How to effectively sell your product
  • How to breakthrough any market

His journey serves as a testament to the idea that every accomplishment unveils a new purpose, driving us to explore our next chapter in life and an inspiration to us all to reach for greatness and share our stories with the world.

With Love and Gratitude,

Jay Shetty

What We Discuss:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 01:06 Growing Up with a Strict Father
  • 07:24 How the Military Shaped Me 
  • 10:54 Discovering America on My Bodybuilding Quest
  • 17:05 How I Kicked Off My Bodybuilding Journey
  • 23:57 Creating Your Path to Happiness
  • 31:37 Is It Sacrifice If You Love What You Do? 
  • 45:26 How to Set Clear Goals and Achieve Your Dreams
  • 49:50 How Compromise Saved Our Family
  • 54:53 Shifting Your Sales Focus to Real Customers, Real Result
  • 01:10:07 Expanding Your Reach Beyond Big Markets
  • 01:15:54 How Arnold Turned Goals into Achievements  
  • 01:21:11 Why You're Never Truly Self-Made
  • 01:25:31 Arnold Schwarzenegger on Final Five
  • 01:28:27 Discovering New Purpose Through Achievements
  • 01:32:50 Arnold's Public Speaking on His Success
  • 01:41:24 Finding Calm Amidst Chaos with Meditation

Episode Resources:

Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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when this episode I'd like to invite you to join this community, to hear more interviews that will help you become happier healthier and more healed, all I want you to do is click on the subscriber button. I love your support. It's incredible to see all your comments and we just getting I did. I can't wait to go on this journey with you. Thank you so much for subscribing the world to me. The best selling harder number one healthy well gave sharing hey everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every one of you that come back every week to listen, learn and grow. Now today's guest I mean embodies, in so many ways, and I can't wait to die. into a mindset. Is attitude is routine his history in the journey, to be here it someone needs no introduction. Please welcome to on purpose. Arnold schwarzenegger. It is great to be here with you. I am so thankful that you invite us into your space. It's fascinating,
look around and be here with you and thank you so much honour. Absolutely as ever here I've been in his office for the last thirty three years. Some of that built the building in nineteen eighty four and then this property was there, was a railroad going through here and then the first released it the property, and then the the railroad company was willing to sell it over then bought it and build this building, and at first it was kind of marshall office building with insurance companies and banks and suffered as india. Then I decided that I want to move in here denying these five years later and make a day in the time in building, then oliver stone, move next door to me and the left when you come out of the elevator because he's my left wing than I am so he had to go to the left. I was my right wings. I was going to the right, which is this
office, and then rainy, harlem, came in the ancient davis and the johnny Carson who came in here. So everybody was like totally like the hip entertainment kind of a building, and so we have enjoyed this building ever since, and it's just a great space. his and I kind of like moved a lot of members. Remember you see an alligator here for me ray sir, you see battened from batman and robin me, as mr freezing does terminator from terminated one in terminated too, when you see the predator, this, you know all kinds of and then oh and kind of interesting political leaders from both sides from the left and the right to notice, because I didn't really care that much about those things so I'd say yeah for John F Kennedy, the eye of ronald reagan. He of president lincoln,
if teddy Roosevelt over here say if differently this and then we also have those data have been losers: bridges stolen. I got this is a gift from a russian weightlifter for the russian weightlifting celebration and also of color let them also they I feel like we ve, entered your mind. That's it feels like when you entered this room like all these aspects of yourself. I was I was wondering, what you're earliest childhood memory that you think defines the person you are today heard somewhere. You mentioned your father made, you earn your breakfast and I was thinking what feel like we do. You know why I really dont know exactly why the worst it gave me the dry. Forgive me the ability to visualize my goes in ordered birthing? the combination of things of growing up after the sitting
world war, nineteen, forty seven, I was born and grow up with no food, MR wave, a starvation and famine, and you know my mother going around, but the core hamstring, which means begging the various different farmers for food. So she had food for the children. So all that I think, had an impact her and a strict upbringing. My father was very strict and obey were hit many times and punished for not doing the things. The way they thought we should do things be at the earn break like you, said, you're going to be the push ups and sit ups in compete and knee bends and do this stuff running around the house in order, to be allowed to have breakfast, as I think, all of that contributed in the end also, having the military around the british military. That was because the occupied that area of Austria they can,
It was around with their tanks and with the big trucks and everything nothing that gave me the fascination of fur. Becoming a tank driver myself and amending the austrian army ever since then I have had the fascination with big cars: big drugs with tanks, stuff, like that, and I now have the tank data driven. military. I now have over here in los angeles, and This is the mellow the ranch where they have a lot of various different military vehicles. There did the upkeep and a driver that, once a month and specially with after school kids, thither staying in school in the afternoons and sounds if a lot of fun with that used to drive it yeah, I drive it every month of the year, okay yeah. I really enjoyed that, but that's why I have hummus into the big military trucks and cars and su reason to the the oshkosh and all
This is as a sudden craziness did never leaves you now. You know boys their toys, road, the air, absolutely daddy, you somewhere as well that you're you felt like your father. Maybe struggling with some post traumatic stress disorder like he had that energy that kind of came to. won t. You guys work, My father was a very complicated guy. Obviously,. I never really got to know him that well enough know by the time I left he was that guy was eighteen years old. I'm in the military then moved to munich. Then he moved from Munich america, so it really was no tome a wish that day
I could have a conversation with him, because I'm much smarter now am much more interested in various different issues like that would make someone take what makes someone you know happy and suffer whatever. So in those days we didn't talk about any of that. You know. So it said that he was complicated because he was a victim of the second world war, meaning that he was dragged into. What became ass a soldier and nazi officer, you know, was shot didn't installing drought. our leningrad should end and he was in a low buried under rub off of buildings that have collapsed. On top of him, for three days and then he had back surgeries and then he was shipped back home to Austria. That actual bowery would save him. because he got out of russia just in time before the whole thing collapsed,
And so it did, it created the sudden, I think you'd malaria, so he was suffering Malaria. He was suffering from shrapnel moving around in his body. He was depressed, obviously, did the lost the war in the first place, it must have had an impact. what is man because everyone around me when I grew up was kind of drinking, and so the people only dream and every unhappy You know why you drink a glass of wine that guy's I'm stupid not to get drawn by sailing, They did so. There was a the drinking going on not of violence going on hitting the kids, not just my dad, hitting me of my brother, but that the neighbour, it. His kids in the other neighbourhood amazon, advocate a regular, a kind of apparent teaches day we want the parents come into the classroom. They will go up to the teacher the talk for a few minutes, and then they go go the kids in the classroom and snack
very behind. While he was is the wildest can ever think everything say will be grateful comedy today. I think it is because I have to laugh about it because people all kind of like laughing about it, because we knew like when my dad came in, and he then had this look in at first. He took the job. Then all of a sudden was this is look towards me. Then he walked has come up, The bomb we smack you there we walk, I had a thin. Some old lady will come in with a book with a walking came and she was the grandmother of one of the kids. They were sitting next to me and ass. She will go to the tea didn't you walk over? There came into dig, it came in snack, get over their heads, the king and said this was So you understood this. I think it's it was a different way of upbringing,
then maybe you had ordered the kids have today or that my kids had in a way that was always love and affection for them. Yes, there was discipline, but it was all done. in a measured way and not mutating and stuff like that, so it's it's is it the ice, but I think all this has an impact yeah. On my the way of a viewed the world and my drive to get out of there out of Austria and to come to america and to get into the the building and all those kind of things. What was the most intense part of your involvement in the military? What was the most intense experience you had there? Obviously there was this experience at home and at school, as you just said, I think that the military
When, though, when I went through, it was really tough, but I have to say that when I look back at it, I recommended very strongly for andrea. Any young man or woman is faster. Goes to go through that because you learn how to be tough. You get up at five in the morning run for an hour, then you do your basic training in know, growling and all and with a gun in your hand and shooting and learning how to drive motorcycles and cars and trucks and tanks. You learn about leadership, but it also means simple things like how the orange
but how to sew on buttons or how the iron, your your pants, how the brushes shoes, how to clean your shoes, clean belt, buckles indoors, so become care of self sufficient, and it gives you, I think, a certain amount of confidence that I didn't need to be babied by anybody. I can take care I can cook which you'll learn the basic foods some ever be made scrambled eggs and top of the tank, because the back of the motor will be so hot, while the witches with the eggs and top, and just scrambled there and aided of of the tank dirty as it was read, sobered them in. So you feel kind of look. I can handle food, I can handle ironing mound stuff
and the washing mound stuff. I don't need anybody to do this kind of in a stupid choice. I can do it myself and I feel good doing it myself. So there's a lot of things like that. Did you learn in the army? It just gives you a certain base where you dont get afraid of anything. You feel like I've gone through all kinds of hell now, with the military alone, they make sure that, and so I think that that route- terrific, I remembered the word times. There were really tough like, for instance, if you'd make a mistake, they will have you open up. The hatch did is underneath your seat, your seat by the driver, citys of the tank, and you open up that hatch new falls out and then the heavy crawl out a dead the whole and then drive
I then crawled under the tank in a mud and dirt with your uniform on and everything, and then you have to you have to climb up the back of the tank up the deterrent down the turn back to your driver's seat and then out that hole again and do the like fifty times some time you do is take hours, lay them there, you would you literally collapse is exhausted from orders of so this punishment, like add, did were really route of so We would not wish dead than any bilateral honest with you. I mean I could handle it, but I either come here because it was eighteen years old and you know you are very vague- toffania yeah. It is about anything in the insurance and strengthen those that was in the middle of my weightlifting embody burning curiouser. I was hers the strong, but it was strong. Will those who said to me the result care of it was good
it was tough yeah. What was your first another you ve talked about like you wanted to get out of Austria, you wanted to get away But what was your first glimpse of america like what was your first experience of the united states that you had the first experience was be. I was competing in florida in miami do me MA am he was the first experience really arriving in in new york, changing planes and then flying the mainly I came from london to new york and then from new york to miami. That's me was the first experience of the horizon: the beautiful hotels, the water What's everyone had about the same as it is? Can you believe that I mean everyone that they have an apartment? Then the at the canal, the waterway and then they have a boat and they were just all cruising around and we were invited, we body bills that were competing in the coming,
vision, we were invited abode rights. There was this one body bullet had about food like ten people, so we were going around, saw how much fun they had in how well people lived happy. They were to meet It was like a really interesting experience, unlike the experience when it came to California, because I felt like I m coming to California and I'm going to see all the things that made me want to come here muscle beach, but it must have been a better time was closed in other close in the sixties and said there was no must have beach per se. Then gorge it was not as big as I thought it's going to be the buildings. When you look around out here, we are in venice right now. It's the still the day very low buildings compared to the high rises in new york, so I thought that it will be high rises. He also
los angeles, high rises and then, when I, when my friends took me to hollywood, they try to convince with this is hollywood. I would I mean, look this, and I looked around the edges Couldn't see anything right, so I thought there would be studios left and right of holly. pull over, there will be students, there will be paramount, studious, never be sony, and then there will be no colombia disney and warner brothers. In all of this to his will be lined up left in a bit guy hotels luxury north down the hollywood boulevard. It was like a bunch of home this people running around and weirdos and drug addicts and hippies and that's what I saw and isn't tourists. You know so submissive this sally. but is it? Was you that if the understand this is daytime I did really lights up
Why did you bring me here at night when it really lies I visited midnight and it was also very disappointed, echoes a few lies and if your billboards- but you know I just came from london, so I've been bed at that point. When several times the london, because that was competing embody building in london, and I started my body building korea there. So I saw Piccadilly square and I saw- lights. I mean I saw action. I was there Staggering. That really blew me away. You know, in driving out this double decker buses and it ended transportation with the subway or the tube whatever, they go underground, allowing it and end of this. To me, the airport, the heathrow airport knows that really blew. away, but when it came to america, in los angeles,
the vision like it will be like that, but it wasn't air, and so I was very disappointed in the beginning until I got used to it. And then do I understood that this is a quick country. Did you don't build high rises? You know because they would collapse laid on ass time, went on. They figured out there that acknowledges the put them under orders one, major tiresome and so did the moves. So you don't collapse I learned understand all of their laid on. But the first thing was a shock to me in a nagging but then, when I got used to listen endless, and then I got used to the gym and used the members. And the kindness of the american people and the sweetness of the body builders, you know that would ensue
I'd me on thanksgiving when it didn't, even though with thanksgiving was here, They would invite me a stranger like me to the home for thanksgiving dinner, or they will come and show up at my apartment. so where, because have any there with dishes with the blankets Pillow cases bedsheets and I remember this one girl gave me the girl radio, a wooden radio for my aunt tara next to the, which I still have next to my bed the day, because only to keep their because it was sick did was it's him lies, isn't anybody at that radio? It symbolises- the generosity of the american people in I was kind of like included. Then I moved over here and all that. So this was there was a lot of interest.
Lessons that I've learned right away when I came over here, the difference between cultures and all that begin austrians and germans in play. and the americans in order I think a lot of what you just said about first coming to hollywood, I think, is very common. When people go to hollywood boulevard and have a very, he glamorous view of what it might be, but it, but it is in will you remind me of just now? Is just this idea of how Everyone has like dreams and visions of what something might be, and then, when you experience it, get a sense of how you view it through your own eyes and for me, though, what I'm, what I'm fascinated by his who is your who is your first ever body building co and you remember your first ever tournament. How did it go yeah? No, I but there was a fellow by the name of could manure
who was Mr Austria now imagine many like fourteen years old, like I was in fifteen and mr Austria was like: oh as a big star yeah, he came out to the lake grew up. There was like a lake where there was an weakens like three four thousand people around the lake headlines in the grass and the on blankets and then swimming in that lake, and it was kind of a muddy color, the leg and he came out. Then he looked like god. He was very good friends with the swimming coach, the guide again to cure very indeed the lake, and they were working out and they were inviting me to workout with them. So the me there was kind of the first experience with some kind of drag many in and inspired me, I'm the same as her. Oh, my god can you imagine, looking like
and he, if you wanna, do not happen very good because He said the mrs wallowed. In five years you could live like me, and I was saying I was visualizing right away. Oh my god. Can you believe that if I could live like that- and I missed the Austria as if there was like major and I just felt like this- is almost kind of my my new dad. He was thirty two years old and he became catholic, a mentor let me then First, all he invited. I realized that they invaded always this athletes out to the lake shot buddhists in javelin throwers in weightlifters and boxes bodybuilders, I mean all kinds of athletes. They all work out together and have a time and the kids were kind of like hanging out with them and resolved, and we will work out with them. So we got
good my real early inspiration that way, and then I went down to the club to the weightlifting club I started working out. Instead, really become religious about it, he was like this was my new life and I started having visions very clear visions of being a mister Austria. Then there were pictures of the Mr Europe contest to visualize myself being in a Mr Europe contest and winning, and then I saw pictures of reg park, which is a british bodybuilder who then subsequently laid on moved to south africa marry the south african woman but the name of marianne and they created a family in south africa, so that what became of my idol- and I so pictures of him winning mr universe in london answered that was my new vision. So I started really creating through this guy's a vision.
and but the vision was so vivid so clear that I felt like all I had to do now is just follow through with the rook said: lippman now find out what needs to be done, and so I'll I read about reg park, how the train he drained like four or five hours a day and he didn't sound. So many sets so many reps, and these are the exercises he did. Did the bench press, the intemperance, the bed, the curl, the shoulders presses and the disney- and I just wrote everything down and I started following his routine, and I was absolutely convinced that I will be another rich poc, and so that's how
I really developed. The first rule that always talk about the success. Is you gotta have a very clear vision? Yes of the way you want to go because if you don't have that you'd just floating around, and so you know, I was very fortunate that I created that vision. I was very fortunate that there was not this site kind of things, going on. We didn't have a phone in our house, we didn't have a television in our house out at that time. The winner I found the ipad. Those new computer there was just really had all the time in the world to think and really just sit quietly and it visualize.
and I always say that I feel sorry for kids today there are spending hours and hours on that. I found one an ipad computer and they don't give themselves their chance to just settled back into just figure out. What do they want to do or who do they want to be? And so this is why I think that are made. They can have the rule number one is in a visualize now is conveyed through did you can have the best airplanes
the world which the most advanced pilot, but if he does have nowhere to go, is just going to fly around until it crashes. That's what happens in life. If you don't know where you want to go or who you want to be, you eventually just float around, then you will eventually crash and that's why a lot of people are unhappy yeah they or they take drugs or drink or the suicide rates, and, as I think, a lot of it has to do, because people really don't have as much of a purpose and the mission and division and often the things the things that drove me. from the time I was like fifteen years old. It was very clear which direction or to go. I couldn't be more excited to share something truly special with all you t love as outlined, and even if you don't love tee, if you love referred Would you relating refueling. So it is that a good for you. Listen to this.
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born wherewith from our parenting struggle raw surroundings, some people's, outta vision because they say well how have a vision and look where I am and thence other people, dade cant, have a vision, because when they see someone like red park or mr Austria and your example, what the sea? Is all envy. I wish I had that you know like all. Why does he have that? Will maybe you know I should have. I think we live in these two worlds, where we either feel helpless or some. We feel envious and egotistical about visions, How did you allow yourself, or how did you develop that ability that, even though around you, there wasn t much success, there is more stress, but you saw mister austrian were able to do that. You ever have figured out what that was compared to everyone else. You grew up around. I just tell you. I was very unhappy yeah. I was unhappy with the reality.
hmm of what was around me. He know the tough parents and the lack of food and others heads steaks. We didn't have the money for that as a maverick we never ate meat during the week now that they did. So this is really good because even vaguer him like a velvet. Moreover, because of a lack of money, we didn't have anything so everywhere looked so, I think to me The only way really was in order to be happy needs to create my own world and to visualize you know, that's why people sometimes read a lot because they wonder sky
been to another story of the day. They watch movies to go in to see another to escape into another story and always have for me that wasn't available in the first movie I ever saw was let go when it was like nine or ten years old to do business. The common thing in the village, where I grew up to go to movies- and I remember there was this collapsible kind of a seat. I just fell right down enough enough flora because I had never even heard of a collapsing. You have to afford it down to afforded it down, then waited a little bit and then, of course, it's been back up again in the haven't read down in florida because of the world, negative world. I had to kind of create my own the world, so I was just always daydreaming of wonderful things, so it was it. I developed that art.
it with a smile on my face yeah so clearly when it didn't so mister Austria, mr universe and I saw this guy's tons of photographs of it and read about it in the magazines, I created my vision and I saw that vision myself being up at that stage. and I saw myself, you know people screaming around me and screaming honoured on order and and always savages, the insane crazy stuff softer than never shared in those days with anybody who used it. They would have put me in a mental institution red salmon. So which is? I just remember that I was sitting in the classroom in school. I was thirteen years old fourteen years old, The teacher will be where you are now in front of me teaching in our just slowly. There's look off. to decide at the window. Mrs green trees,
and then owes a desert, seeing things and die the smile just as one of its after they saw and I was now- the chalk landed on my forehead. So the teacher, through a jar of my kind of saying I I'm here, I'm getting paid to teach you the teacher. ass a thirty. Why are you looking out the window? I couldn't even the ticket late that this would your teaching year, doesnt really blow up my skirt? It's like it's not like kind of something that I mean what I mean business with. I just saw when I looked out there and I saw myself and its- age in london, at the miss the universe, canvas sinner mandated says, and things like that. So I think that with me, visuals- as he became a normal thing
and they never really knew that I had really I very special ability to visualize and to connect the dots the cinemas have war. If I can see it, then it must be a reality and I can make it a reality. for me the vision became a reality, so it was only then the matter following through with the work to get there This is why, in the book, he has one of the things that talk about his work, your ass off every single time when there had been. About anything I had to work my ass off, but it was pleasure, said that is the great thing when you go to work. and you know exactly why you working, then it becomes fun a challenge
It's entertaining sometimes, and the. when you read that seventy eight percent of the american people hate their jobs now think about them I mean that it must be so depressing. Did you go? That's a u in working some car plant and you do like a kind of the same work pudding window in car over no well. You know fifty times a day every day, all along for thirty years I mean tough, and so this is why it is so important that we really have a clear vision so that you know where to go. and they were arrayed, is if it is to become a great autumn mechanic or if it is really work, become a great teacher or politician. Oh hi tech engineer whenever it is, but I haven't
and then you go after then you should work, because now, every step of the way is gonna be great. You know, when you mean you pig, the doktor you I want to be a doctor, I wanna be asserted the kids ass themselves. The age of fifteen were from that point on he now yeah, all the class as he is to take already, nice cool and then many psychology, knows which university to go what kind of gases take and then how long would it take him in all of this stuff? So days, a reason for going to school, rather than all my parents, they don't have to go to college and you just go to fulfil this obligation, but there's no goal yet.
that's what happens to a majority of of kids today they don't have the gore and that's why they end up being one of the seventy eight percent that unhappy with their jobs, and they wish they could change jobs. But but then it's too late cause now you've created a family and you have to pay for in a you, ran for the apartment, and you have to put food on the table. We have to provide money for the kids and for a wife and for the family notice of so it's really tough. So that's why so many people are really always looking for an answer or searching for an answer. How can I improve my life? How can I make it a little bit better notice of, and this is- I did the book in a beautiful. I'm glad that you put it in that order, though, because I think families this new and watching a lot of people say I do work hard, my ass of homework, my socks off, I'm like doing everything I can, but I think what important is that in the book you start with, have a clear vision and I agree think there are. A lot of people are working really really hard and it's almost like, if that hard work was channel two.
What a clear vision, as you say, then hard work pays off road because otherwise a lot of people working on getting stress putting on pressure, but dead there. Isn't that vision? Have you found? What was the greatest sacrifice you ever made in your life? Do you think, and what was the reward that you gained from it the biggest sacrifice. That is really the question is is it really a sacrifice because you love it exactly To me as a real question is the word discipline, because I tell you I felt many times that another discipline person but people always insist he. It must take so much. Every data get up.
Every day when a gem at seven in the morning and worked at the nine thirty in the morning, and then he went to college after that in anyone does need it and it works in construction, and I was like looking forward to getting up in the morning. And looking forward driving the Jim and working out thousand then going down to the beach indignant run in the deep sand and Some cardio work done a noise of I say I was looking forward to it. It was not like, oh my god, after do another workout. Yes, you do. That when france and sometimes people go to the gym and the doctor says no, you should go to the german. You should work out because I was in see some problems coming up, high cholesterol and body fat? Isn't that and you gonna go and wipe out no ten years younger than you want to, if, if there's ever the right time to by pass Furthermore, in any case so that person you can see the Jim is there,
It is they do the ribs, and they do. This sets and then not really into it. you can see, there's no life in the ice. You know saying that is like really. They grabbed a way to those sets and you get the pump and they feel good. They put the weights down and get the next heavier weight than that during the set, and that's really fun, but that person is kind of like a vegetable in the way they just cruise around in the gym. The citizen, the lifecycle and pedal away and when he stated in mrs, so why do you work out They have no answer then, eventually they were to be honest with you. The doctor told me that I should get in shape that it's better for my health to bring my blood pressure down and my cholesterol down and the I sat down and those so then it really size to them was it. You know what you should do. Is you should just pick a goal? Did you can chase? There was a glad ass. He worked.
how much you way, I'm going out and ninety pounds. No one the lower my body fat body weight as it were? What are they pick? A girl like you want to go down to hundred and seventy and the day and is now march and by august, when you go to the beach, you can ever slimmer waste less body fat. and you look Lena and he came a proud of your body as italy. Big that's got that's a good idea, Did you write it down and then right- and the sets you have to do to get it there and the amount of reps. If the two on the lifecycle. Did you through around and regular bicycles and running? Did you have to write off this down the market of everyday you market of that's what I did to me: There was really the dead feedback to see a lion being cross. That means one was set,
stand. It was a satisfying got everything the line was crossed off. The next line was crossed off in so I tell people dead and then the dizzy oh, my god. This is yet you I'm gonna, do that. There is such a great idea, then a combined, Like a few months later, It is worked there is undoubtedly would work. It was fantastic and is really If me a purpose, sees it, that's what is it why it is important to have a purpose may do things if a clear vision wages and gives then you'll have to look at it catholic I've to be really discipline. To do that, we have to make certain sacrifices, the That's because then it just drags you in that direction, and you just do the work since it is what I think is always a butt clearly there were sacrifices. Lakefront images give you exactly. What do you think like when you go and you run for governor and you promised to people that you are going to be
My number one brewery. Now you win: now you have to do the work but now you come home and you kids are crying. and the dinner table. When do you come home. Daddy. You didn't come to my recital on Monday dad, it didn't come to my football practice on tuesday, daddy. You proud maybe the amended, is currently dignity school. You didn't this week so that is devastating when the kids are crying and complaining and you said yourself, you know I promised the people that the number one, but it also promised my family. I promised my wife when we had the first child that they're going to be one. So this dilemma now in a dilemma, and now we have to make certain sacrifices, and I
to make certain sacrifices and he comes to spending time with my family, where my wife had to pick up the slacks and she had to do the extra work So there were sacrificed made were paying for sometimes when you see it, is crying. That's painful, and you know it's your fault, but that system the asian you in, and you put this on the situation in other choice to run for governor or not around for governor. If I would have come even a movie business. Those kids were in Heaven, because they were in the movie in may. Make up they were watching me getting made up as the terminator I'll find it, this kind of movies, they were my motor home, and they the homework in the afternoon there they brought their friends with them, so that was fun now. I was saddened to go up the sacramento and everyone. he's running around, be the suit everyday tie.
And he come to as his dad? What is this before? What did he do? Why are you having this job there? There were like eleven twelve years old, and is that why you have this job now As everyone has a pseudonym tie, their one looks very serious and they all attack you. Is it bad things about you? I see why this debate is politics soon, as you run first year of liga eighty percent popularity and then, as soon as you run, dizzy of you you'd popularity ghost under fifty percent, because fifty percent of the other side, the other party how a republican since fifty percent at the Democrats, they hate you. I didn't like you in there, that the republicans like you, but then only one like him cause he's yeah he's doing to socially liberal city, said mayor campaign manager, always says this is allowed. Twenty percent of the people hate their mother. Don't worry about someone hating you! It's just the way it is in politics. You know so anyway. So this is so. You have to make sacrifices like that. Imagine a sacrifice you have to take. When you come to this country, I mean no, it is like you leave
missing behind my friends, my parents, my relative, everything that was around me. That was kind of. Like a sure thing. I had a job after the military that it could go to continue on the job that they did as a cell man. I had all these. They left orders for uncertainty. because there was no certainty coming to america, it was Joe we did, it I'm going to help you find your parliament find your car. Yet there was some people did help a lot he's the one who gave me the airline ticket to come, the american orders of. Shall we lose the publisher of the muslim magazines he has passed away in the meantime by them and he was like the guru of body billing he created by rebuilding the federation was created based other Ben weeder, Joe at them, and this amount of magazines in distribution company for wait, equipment for food supplements and
so he brought me yes, it was some help like this parliament. I am, I walked away from. All discomfort did come to america, So there were major major sacrifices like that, but every never looked at it in that way, because I just say to myself I want to go to america. I want to go and be there at work. My way up to become the greatest bodybuilder of our times, and it's you know, We are talking about one of the other rules, gas, easy in inedible bridges to shoot for big korean I think small is just as much energy was little energy, a shooting for little girl in others. It is just as much hassle. When you have a little gold. Let's say if I was a I wanted to be Austria, where debts asthma working out, then looking up for Mr Ferber, mr universe,
germany, you might as well just convene the onagers, okay or after the now. The difference really is that you have to become a real professional. You have to know how the pose you have to have the right tan. You have to dig diverse food supplements if to eat the right food. You have to really find tony to get the definition. It's not just the size of the body, so the higher up you go the more complicated he gets to win and those who oppose animals have to meet the two should for the goal of being a world champion. It's just diseases shooting for qualifying mister Ashton the austrian champion? So I which is when all out and not only the wind, the world championships, embody building but to go beyond ridge park who one at that point three, mr universe, tat- is to go beyond that and say I want to actually become the greatest bodybuilder of all time. All attempts that there was that the mai mai go
instead. That's why I had to come to america, where day's muscle beach, where does gorge gym the older champions, were cut together, where this Joe, we that it can be helpful and publish you and put you on the cover of his magazines in office, the promotion, the campaign, the training, the marketing of bodybuilding and ordered. So I to me this was really the way to go, is to come to the sanctions and on top of it, los angeles is known for hollywood and this is my next career, so I always said to myself the with rage park. I saw him How can these movies? So? Can you believe that did this guy one mr universe, three times and then he was discovered in rome, in tunisia. And I saw him the and said. Oh, my god, you are hercules. Isolation!
We understand it. Acting classes, the acting school and you gonna play hercules and then see reefs did same thing. Who was another missed the universe, romanian? Forty? I don't I didn't, Fifty yards, everyone reveal fifty rich named fifty one to both of them became. Hercules. Then there was many other body, but as it became, did hercules movies or those gladiator, movies in muslim movies and stuff than the successive became very famous them miss alzheimer's of average park could get into movies Maybe when I go to america and I become the world's greatest bodybuilder than they were asked me they're, going to movies. And so this is what the idea said to me. It was natural alzheimer's of those hollywood, in LOS angeles, is muzzled. Visionless answers to scold Schuman, those answers the show ouida here. This is perfect. I have to go there. There was, reason. Why went here? Did you ever have a plan b? I never believed him,
and be because they felt kind of like one of them. We have in the book is never list the naysayers, yeah. Me. I always felt kind of like every the single dream of mine and, of course, I have to say, the outrageous dreams, so people. Second, stupid yeah. What is the matter with you? There were no, happened, the minute you dream, MR, go good america raising their way, in for you over there. I mean there's plenty of people over there. Never was a million population, didn't need anymore answer. There was to come thing is never make it america, there are medium term no impossible Minnesota will be world champion in bodybuilding. It was impossible damn want to get in the movies that was impasse. so it was always impossible. So I felt that way can go and defend ourselves from that, and just listen to the nation
But if I start having a plan be then all of a sudden I'm coming in a way I may say to myself were true, so we go. That means now that I'm saying well, maybe this isn't working out and if its working out. We should have a and be so to me This is the most dangerous of all the naysayers. is me saying no and its impact, a simple, maybe to myself. So therefore I felt The best way of handling daddy's is not to have a safety net and not to have a plan b. Did I am at risk and therefore I have to be at all times and the edge and a pen but don't fall. Where would need a safety net near this? is the way I have dealt with that issue, never
and be always go for, go all out with my plan and really put one hundred percent of effort into it, in order to really achieve it and do, and I just always believed in my goes. I mean I remember when I ran for governor and people said you're crazy. I mean you know this great day. She's gonna take out and then, if he doesn't boost demand these Lieutenant governor does all season politicians uniting about politics and blah blah blah. Why don't you run? familiar, and why did this and no, I was very clear with my vision I could see myself as the governor because I felt that the people in california were very upset
the regular politicians I mean they were always talking about what they know and how smart they are now they're going to fix things, and I mean them with a thirty billion dollar deficit. in the meantime. We have blackouts in the meantime, the winding up driver's license to illegal immigrants. Would they call undocumented immigrants and the area did the people were gainst and people didn't like the indian gaming tribes were gambling and having gambling casinos, but nothing axis, so they were man about that. So I will just tell people if I become governor, I will change ordered at the group, this compensation cause
businesses in California? I will cut, didn't have that's why so many businesses left curry funnier because of the cost of doing business says advocate, didn't have entered this exactly people bought in because I was fucking believable amateur, was out of my head in a fire for the people to do the things that I promise Those things will be done and as it Where do most of those things before breakfast, the the venom in office, so that always sounded good so in any case, but the people bought in and I remember that when president bush and the disguised comics. The white house is it. You want the president to come out the campaign for years now. Remember I said, then it becomes part of a political thing about the republicans, are helping each other and then the great davies is gonna, have out in a bill Clinton I'll go and John Kerry.
Of those guys. exactly what happened He had orders, people come out campaign for him and I All my guys know don't come out, because I wanted to be the David and let the goliath I wanna be beyond the dog, and cat have saved looked as has just been me and the voters to them was my vision, not a political strategy isn't that them in there was my vision. I said I have to be. There that is by himself. It is kind of crawling up there and that this can be beginning with the voters. I dont need someone to speak for me, or anything like that. You see if you and communication to erect a notice of you need to have president bush come out and speak for me. I didn't have to have two vice president. Come out this way. Oh anything? I guess I wanted this debate will be anything and it worked. People figured it out. did I'm out there. Did I'm
in them and they bought into it and it ended in and they want, and so this is why it is important that did you have really a one percent? percent, believe and not have to go and see my plan b This isn't workers, I'm gonna go back the movies whatever on forward unfold anyway, you know so, but let's first go all out and not have a plan b. This is the thing in I've. Never had a plan b, They show is sponsored by better help other moments in my life, when I knew what was good for me, but it felt like my own brain was sabotaging me. I can recall those nights when I really needed to get some sleep, but my mind. Just wouldn't stop racing with thoughts, keeping me wide awake. It was frustrating because I understood that a good night's sleep was important for my well being, but my brain seem determined to keep me awake and it's not just about sleep.
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That's enough my wicks linked and adds allows you to focus on getting your beat me message to the right people. So does that mean you should? use ads on linkedin. Instead of hiring me the man with the deepest voice in the world. Yes, yes, it does get started today and see why linked in is the place to be to be we'll even give you a one hundred dollar credit on your next campaign, girdle linked in slash on purpose, to claim your credit that they did not come slash on purpose terms and conditions. Yeah? No still really really great clarity? he again of just determination that there's no other options and- and I like what you said or were really connected with me at least- is this idea of how you can become your own naser broke down, a plan b as you talking yourself out of why you should go off in order to already putting it in a kind of shaky ground. Yes, you're gone yet already setting, as you rightly say, were if one wilma visit. If that means is
stability. In your mind, this could fail, and that is a dangerous road to go I think I agree where. Where did you go when a few moments ago, you were talking about how to kids you're upset when the governor, obviously public, gets upset why? someone's in a position of power. You ve got all these balloon rely on you personally and professionally, and you have said yourself leg. I couldn't really talk about it. I believe no one can really understand that. What did you do that and where did you go for connection? understanding and even heading job, talk yourself at that time. or are you just have to find the compromise, What you can do is to say: ok, I'm gonna go and spend the next day at home, so because it was the choice
in LOS angeles a lot of days or have been sacramento. So I spent four days a week in sacramento and three days a week. in los angeles, and I decided then to spend another day in LOS angeles and to go that as school recital or go to some kind of a practice. Sessions of you know, beckett, playing football or baseball, or something like that and reducing so due to figure out a way, and it didn't take anything away from my public service, but it gave a little bit more time faced time.
for the kids- and you know it really is absolutely crucial for the kids not just to see their mom coming to school, but then he did that more. So you know, and so that's exactly what I did and I totally understood I talked to my wife about it but, like I said in the end, she was really the one that was to the powerhouse in the family, because she's spent, I would say, eighty percent of the time with the kids- and I did twenty percent because I was stuck in sacramento and even though she worked as as first lady and she was in sacramento, but there she spent much time with the kids, and luckily we now have a good partner. Then you can do a lot of those things I couldn't have done, it yeah definitely- and you you mentioned that thing in the documentary too, that if there was an oscars for divorces, then you should get one because of how, even in that circumstance you both have found.
Way to let the kindness be even the way you're speaking about today, because it's it's kind of the most important thing is it's one thing if you suffer through it, it's another thing if your wife suffers with, but the kids, a really totally innocent bystanders read so we had to come away. I've never been very good and working together said the kids, don't really feel a bump in the road and that things have smoothed for them and again it's important. I mean I saw it very clearly that it can be done and if we did It- and we were very happy with David, the outcome be a very, very proud of kids, I mean they're extraordinary yeah. I had the fortune of interviewing catherine, probably a couple of years ago, when her book came out Yes, I've got to have some interaction with hurry and I've had several interactions: two and a half is a carbon copy of maria.
maria, a carbon copy of units. June. Is a carbon copy of a row whose candidate to desire goes down there like clowns, exactly. You know exactly what you get from them. I mean it's like the captain. I mean I'm so proud of her for the woman she has become, and so is with christina with my other daughter and and the boys. It is it's a lot of fun. I never thought that having kids will be that much fun. That said, I'm as cause, I only in the beginning, always thought about. You know the work that would take you to take them to school and go to silence the practices and to teach them and to have swimming coach Joe. When did you know it? You have to just be part of everything if to teach them teach them,
if it's in a form to swimming, to running to football, to water, skiing, snow, skiing, you know you have to just be on top of everything and also and having animals, because one of the most important things with kids is. If you have the space that is, if you're in a little tiny apartment, then maybe a cat is good, but the men norman is kind of like good many of dogs of any affleck the miniature pony we had horses, a donkey lulu, the manager donkey we're pigs. Now I a piggy again did the kids in the animal and never stops for them into, because the kids grow up with this animals and you teach them how to take care of them. This is extremely important because they have to have a sense of
responsibility, began to say I would like to have a rabbit. I would like to have a pig yeah, but you take care of it. So that's what they ve learned One of the lessons in your book is sal sal, sal, talked about it now, when you took my almost selling yourself to become governor deserts, sun promotion, marketing approach to galvanizing people to get behind you and I think the word sales in selling has a lot of a lot of people have a negative connotations or difficulty with selling, because it almost feels like there has to be something fake about it I have always found that, if your proud of what you're selling, if you really believe in it, then it's easier to cellar but generally people have a challenge would like the word cell, but you say one of your lessons is sell, sell, so walk through how you are able to, I mean oversee, even volume, all the movies, the franchise is, you ve created a record promotion, iroquois selling and of course they were highly
entertaining, but tell us what you learned about how to sell effectively but also authentically, the first of all. I think you're totally right that the word selling sometimes comes off sleazy. So that's why I can call it promotion or communicating or whatever you call it, and the point of it is that you can as the best product in the world, but if no one knows about it, what's the point of the product I mean I would like to I like to know, for instance, if there is someone out there that does a heart surgery or valve placement without having to have open air. But if I dont know I will just aroused and say I whenever my surgeon and what are you about replacing But if I know because they promoted it well, I can go now called that expert and then goes on to. This is why I think it
it's so important said to me. I learned the art of selling way back when I was fifteen years old when it was in trade, school and mina was working for this lumberyard kind of construction. Company hardware store was like a combination of things. We were taught how to sell the merchandise and then sometimes we were able to follow. The guided is the boss and he one time said the misses a honored man and he helped me up and he would talk at to the customer, and I realized quickly that there was something odd going on that always had his attention focused on the wife as his couple. They wanted to have some inner tiles for the bathroom and for the kitchen
and then he first talked to him and how much money that he wanted to spend in order said what colors know he always had and he was like. He ended up only talking to the woman. So is this a worthy to learn, I say we. I learned that you were really very clear about all the advantages and disadvantages of the various different tiles you at the various different colors. Did she had yet that that's right, it is one dimension of edward, as is the I dunno. This is to see how it shifted and my attention went from the husband to the wife. This idea was that all about- and this is were realised this he had really no interest in the tiles with colored should be what type real tiles of fake tiles all what it was her vision. Andrews here
desire to have new tiles, and he just went along with it because he's the husband he's the provider of the family. He makes the money she didn't make the money, but she had a very clear vision of what you wanted. So I shifted my focus because I realized that she's, the customer, not him and you got to go and be would reach the customer, and this is why I said a talking to hear more. It was day he just out of courtesy said it. So what are you she delivered on thursdays is here. Whenever you words always able ever Jesus fridays better because friday, my husband is it in the afternoon, was it can help you carrying order stuff up to the second floor brower, so she was much more precise. Is it that's why he spent most of his time that so Those are the things tat I ve learned whenever selling and how important it is to actually let the people know. Did you have this product? I was. I went right after that
a few years later I went to Munich and I, after the military, served there as a trainer in a body building Jim, and we had like I remember two hundred and eighty members, and there was another gym in munich that had five hundred members and that guy his name was Ryan had Malena. He was Mr Europe, and I was at this point- not mister europa. There was june hemisphere, but not mister europe net yet and I didn't compete in any other, international competitions. So I was training really hard. This image, If I could go to MR universe, contest and I've compete and to really well, I could maybe out and so this way did I. ain't really hard for months and then is it, Then there was the MR universe end of september, missed universe, conduct and I have to play second-
to call runner up yes, so this was I go to that point was to be in the top six years nineteen years old. There was second place winner. So when I came back from london munich, I ran around on a construction site. We just a bathing suit like a lunatic and everyone was dressed up in their superiors in as it was guy doing those walk now than the construction site and greeting people notice of hoping some press will show up, because this is crazy. Guy running around in the cold weather whither just paid little basing their and sure enough. Newspaper showed up a photographer showed up They asked me after his, why you're running on like that and they, but I will make sure my gymnasium Universal Jim, is in a newspaper
those whose or give or take a good shot. What are you doing this Why would the idea help this guy with the construction said, doing some mega cutting of the wood and stuff, and then we would eggs? We will create some pictures that are really funny, and they put it in. The newspaper then extend it says. Schwarzenegger just came back from MR universe was runner up in miss universe contest, which makes him the biggest title holder. in germany la so? I made it clear that they know that their method of Mr Europe is bigger about others, Secondly, the mysterious is the biggest title holder so there was like another story was in the past and we we didn't know time, be beaten him with that David gymnasium membership and had over five. Hundred and his was lower. He remembered in calling, so I think I've got that myself in his jim, because we worked together because it's much better when you have a good training partner is attained in himself and we were laughing about it
then just to show you how important promotion is so then he started Secondly, posting posters all over the city on construction sites, No some alarm Jim. We train you, you become a champion more energy, He healthier body. This isn't, I noticed, So when I saw the post I said: I'm gonna go create posters myself for the gym too weak. it'd posters, and then we went. I followed him with the car and he was going at ten o clock at night on friday, putting the posters up there and then, after you put the poster with the glue even left and then I put my post on top of his wet clean because I came right after him. and I didn't wait until it dries when, after him and glued my post on top of him- and so this was kind of like the post, the war
amongst the job as it was hilarious days all it was all about selling memberships, because I knew that my salary comes in is getting paid for or from those monies that are coming in from the the members, and so I wanted to be able to buy food supplements. I wanted to be able to buy myself good food and that the trips to the various different competitions notice it was very important did. Our membership goes up the very successful, but it's all about selling, and so when I kinda America there was in my blood. Now and and and communicating and promoting so I did. May I remember my book promotion allowed education of a bodybuilder. Simon and choose the wanted to have it the innocent hundred thousand carpets. So I said well, I want to have it on. The best seller list are no body. Berlin magazine, The best sellers forget about
as it was at this, give it a shot at how many cities to be go promote the book. That is why he is sick cities. Owl suggests- and so I said I m. Is it one of the good, a thirty cities? Are you crazy so he was laughing, but then I put together schedule and for thirty cities in thirty days, and I was crisscrossing america. I was going from ninety degrees temperature, Amy up the minnesota there was there. The below zero, so it was literally hundred degree about temperature differences in the same day. So this is how much I criss crossed this country and it was so fantastic. We want the best seller list. I sold. You know to an fifty thousand hard covers aware it was. It was a good total smash as a body billing and fitness
so this is again over and over again I've seen that not just the willpower to succeed, but to be able to sell in the communication to be out and actually talk about it. You know, I think it's important to let people know you'll. Have was the issue to the hard sell by you talk about old and by my book buyers. If this is the only way you're going to stay healthy, the orders of the you don't have to do that you're just in an indirect way, but the key thing is that when people walk away from the interview, did didn't, know about it, and it is also very important like for when, when we were doing johnny carson show in though I was learning at that time about bridging in a way the bridge from a specific subject at someone asks you to, then, would you want to talk about. This is an art. You know it's a my friend was vice president. Nationwide insurance and heat,
I bought it. He said that he has taken many seminars about the you know: promotion, because insurance business is very important yeah they do promote and communicate and publicize the notice So I asked him about it, and he told me is his way of bridging is one of the most important things. So he taught me about that and of course I was on Johnny Carson show promoting Conan the barbarian just example and causes cosmo china. Does this really unbelievers is how long you been looking out. Maybe this then why did is working out? So I said to myself: ok, if I answer this question in a thorough way, You gonna sell wanting to go to see common air. I gotta go and bridge, and so what I did was eight answered very briefly because you have to address. It sounds stupid. If you talk about something else, There was a johnny, the very good question, as it was fifteen, but I tell you it fit.
didn't I did not know the one time it is, absolutely essential to have this kind of a body is imagine on the barbarian at the way friend preserved, painted common the barbaric with the muscles embedded determination at all, this up and there was no one around to do this carrot. That's why they ve never from Conan, as in here, I come miss you. whose body and now I do comment the barbarian is now believe a ball because people and you see me handle the sword and killing otis people, as its belief because you see the masses, so as it my wildest dreams it fifteen. Do they think that one day this masses will be so employer in the movies and stuff. Like that, the ice old, now a days it is question is over fifteen, but a sword com
the barbarian nina the muscles and the fight scenes india, but then would add on as that. That was just one scene that the camera that punched up the camera and blow away too easy, then just spice it up, Is it this is, would you know sullen and community it is all about. I was very fortunate dead. My head was in that so much because when I was governor, then is the most the important thing to communicate the people, because otherwise, how do you get about yeah right? Yes, we need the people, You need to go and see him why we need infrastructure, we need, we build our roads, we need to build extra freeways, extra highways, extra tunnels and bridges and on ramps and off ramps. I said why, because you want to go the kids' school and watched them play football. You don't want to be late our seeing as how many people get stuck in traffic never be raising their hands.
Its eliminated, that's terminal. This problem, let's build more roads. Vote here some proposition one. A so explaining to them not just talking about infrastructure which- additions, normally do people down the women the structures I can unexpectedly, but would infrastructures? Is it there lecture glance? The power lines is the plumbing is the sewage? Is it a building freeways, easy building, high speed rail? this infrastructure- all of this is infrastructure, but these are now you have to explain to the people by saying you ever get stuck in traffic knew. Of course everyone does. So there is ever let's build the freeways. Let's go in the boat for this today. Don't get stuck in traffic so that they know it moves to traffic it's, because we get stuck in traffic. So this is why communicating communicating communicating selling selling selling this is about the great stories gray examples yeah. I love those. I hope everyone is listening and watching in latvia
yet some insights for their own challenges. Those does a great, and I love that you going. away from governor through the Jim and the run, the story of you running around in your senses, brilliant. What's the there was story. Actually that aligns with that selling point there was if tells of meeting you and he said that he walked into a room and it was you sylvester stallone and jean claude van damme, and you were the three that inspired him to go international. So he said that when he spoke to you- three you are said to him that the mark in the? U s s huge, but until you become a global superstar you're, not really a superstar. and so in the same way. You say you are going around the thirty cities of the. U s, you ve done a lot of oh touring, as well for the movies. Why I do him dead when I got in the movies. In talking about conan, the barbarian was my first big international movie. Agendas who'd. You said you gonna, send you too can heal from vessels.
Then we're gonna go inside you to london. And maybe the rome and definitely to japan- so I say, go where we only come before places this This is where the big markets are. Germany the germans always come to india and bambi to the press junkets in england, so the germans had taken care of. Then we have the japanese be go the japan and the the big promotion dad and then america does it a three big markets says he gave to us. It is reaping markets, I see when I look at the globe today I see so many other potential markets. I say you don't want to build those here. You know how to create those. So I thought well, smith, said the story. I said I'd told them as it When I go to france, I'm gonna go to england, to germany, to HOLLAND, defendant to Sweden, to norway I want to go all over the place
the middle EAST. I want to go to africa is got go all over the place is said, a visit you nuts, as this, because I was thinking about two things: one is to promote the movie and the other one is after promote myself, because most people know me as a body blow, but as an actor. So this is a good opportunity for It'll go around the world for the next month and bring both myself as well. I now I've been movies here- and this is my first big movie- is enough. the barbarian, so With a great opportunity, so I told him that is it, so I Slowly started building the international market The studios were extremely pleased as everyone of my movies started, to get bigger and bigger internationally, so used to be.
at once. It was in the national box office and two thirds was domestic, then with me started going to be fifty fifty. A fifty percent domestic fish It wasn't in the national. Eventually became one third domestic and two thirds in the net, so imagine how much more money that it added because of that This was a tremendous bows has hit them as it don't I assume that everyone will know about the movie is a you gotta go there. You gotta show your face: the people to turn this. Like the shaggy man and they like to sit down and a round table with all of them. sticking out to the ten, leading radio programmes of that country they sit down. the day. Will you that the eleventh person it's it's there, now, you're telling them stories about the movie. I said
they go back to the radio's issues. I have an exclusive enemy. We dwell smith and he's he's coming over this movie. It is hot, he looks fantastic it act in order as hey? How can it hurt but doing just promote herself in the nationally then go from country to country, and he said thank you for this really great advice, because if the student would have damn it I would have to say what did you want to use me but using it I buy and how they live with, and he has been thing for ever sense because yeah, it's great advice, its grey advice, or is it? Is it do you know you got to always let people know the does nothing sleazy about, said the marketing and does so many actors we feel legates beneath them to go out and sell the movie. they tell them as it look it no matter but you do if you a painter and you paint great paintings, over a musician- and you want to promote item.
over. Your movie act, Andy promoting movies it you have to do that. Because it's the only way, people who know about it, the more you do and the better you do it in to act- We say the right things about the movie did snappy. They really makes people curious when it goes it. That's all There is an odd by itself, not just the acting is an odd, but the selling is an art as well yeah what I love? What were you saying it's enough is well. I only moved to allay five years ago and I feel like I can be quite audacious in it, driven as well, and so I'm listening to you when I always find it's interesting because the most for people in the world. They have this or das city in that day. Pretty see as reality and everyone, because it's so audacious people are trying to catch up with it. I don't really see it. They can't figure it out and you almost have to have that trust
you know where I can go and how big it can get. Having actually is you ve all your goal of becoming the biggest bodybuilder of all time, going further becoming the huge movie star. You know what you just said that you had to go to educate people are one point that you even where a movie star can give me good it redefining yourself and reality getting people about who you are from bodybuilder. into a movies to obviously governor of California? How does it feel to have lived out so many of your visions, That you saw so clearly is that a man in Austria How does that actually feel feeling under the whether this cold and flew season good? Our eggs is here to help with savings on prescription code and flew mad for the whole family, and if you still need a flu shop good, our eggs can help you find
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Whatever you, how goes off symbiotic. Has you covered? Try them today go to symbiotic. I dont come forward, slash purpose to get fifteen percent of sight wide again that symbiotic. I dont come forward. Slash purpose for fifteen percent of sight wide will do to be honest with you. I always say to people I would never switch my life with anyone slife the matter which is a because I think that I am the most privileged person in the world. I mean it's like to be able to do live this many types of life lived the life of an athlete of an amateur of a professional to really get the insides scope, because when you get danes had scoop of one profession of one.
Sport you pretty much, because you hang out with the top football players which Joe name if this guy's in the seventies mn end with george foreman and Ali get the no rude. The inside of all sports basically enter think to learn everything about sports. who then learn everything about entertainment to be now with the greater the greatest I mean imagine dead. Eyes still met people like frank sinatra and bob hope Sammy Davis, Jr, dean, Martin and of those guys The train mean comedy was built milton burrow and then the old is old. Timer guys Jimmy steward amid the list goes on lucille ball. The list goes on and on and on to meet of his people to work with them. To do photos shoots with them to go the parties with them
be a dinner with them, a charity event or events with them. I mean is really staggering to have this kind of And then the travel around the world it'll, the oldest political leaders from gorbachev and every president in united, dates from ronald reagan, Jimmy carter to george bush, and that everyone did that the list goes on and on Clinton then orders guys auto Nixon. I mean everyone I met and talked to and hung out with and learn from men sure it is his leg. I mean who, as the privilege, to do that and the travel around the Middle EAST. And to do this, Some people say you can't do like to go from an arab. Country to Israel from visa there. I hopped back and forth all over the place from Iraq to Jordan, to Israel,
to kuwait. I mean everywhere in the university the american soldiers over there and be there I mean it's a staggering discount. life and then to go in the political arena and then to figure out what makes really a city or a state, or hundred run and take, and what kind of place do you need and how the negotiate with all of this people, and how do you bring democrats and republicans together now? Do you come up with their own vision of housing? work is very quickly in. I was our hard core republican, but very quick. I realized dead. That's not where the action is. The action is not one party that america is democrats and republicans declined to state independence together, answered that's the deal and as a team together, we can do great things. Believers
splitting the team used are falling apart. Is there any? For team or basketball team says msf Action is outlawed, bringing them together. Don't in all the Democrats dont sold anybody, bring them together and let's be a public servant rather than upon servant. You answer devils my new theme so proud of myself, as maybe five thousand other politicians have to it's about this, but let me know that obama said: there's a blue state red state, there's only the united states, but there's a because lines really mean it sounds good by them in the reality is different, so you really have to show leadership quality and you really have to kind of make an effort to bring browser them together and be not afraid to say to them
does as a republican. I need your help, but together we can solve this problem. I cannot do alone. Health carry former super began. I need the Democrat I need. Everybody knows it is the guy things or building infrastructure doing anything in this state. It was our best work we did together, so I cannot give any body accredit after give credit to the politicians and the people and the people really enjoy that endemic, the republicans got together and campaigned together for propositions to both for the sudden propositions and all of us I think so. I was very, very privileged to be able to do over the things and Have millions of people deal and vote for you, and that of course, goes. to another chapter, and another subject in a book which is, you know, give something back through the community me. You know, because
We are not self made people, and I talk about this at great length in the book as if in a people so many times call me herself made man I know what you're talking about, but I wish to make clear the same them, I'm not a self made man? I was created by my mother and my father. I was greeted by my teachers by my coaches and my body building champions that they were moved by idols and the joe we did. It brought me the america eric moors, who was my acting coach technologies in the recommended, as acting out of this, You have said the man is a mouth. My wife did help men every step of the way in which the kids to my kids will really helpful in korea so I'm abroad of all that- and I think it's important,
They mean recognise that we have gotten the help. They need therefore give help back. So that's why you have to ask myself the question. Ok now, if anyone help me to be where I am, how can I go out and help home? Who can I help? What can I help them with, and I talk about it in a book tat, my father in law sergeant shriver had this great line at the? U It was the speech here. The yale way said: don't look always in a mirror. Don't look at yourself. You know, destroy the neuro. They will be able to look beyond the mirror and then you will see the millions of people did need your help. And so this is all about, is to not just look at yourself or be self consume. Yes, you can be bad
Don't forget, however, that there is a lot of people out there. They need your help and even though, when people say what can I do, I'm a nobody. I don't have any money at spoke is as an excuse, the top. Did I don't want to do anything because When you see hawaii. Burning down to the ground: theirs. things tat. Everyone can do better. Taking some food and bringing it to those poor folks? bring some clothing going out and go some fund raising and bring a few dollars whatever it is You can do something order. When the sum in the cities, cool and I'll be than after school programme and to help kids, learn how to read. species is no in america. We have so many students. Data were english, is a second language, to help them to learn english notice of sudan.
this endless amount of things I just always felt that have to be out. I remember when rooted giuliani call me when he was new york. He said The got another buildings came down, it be creating a twin towers, and can you send a million dollars how did the morrow into? Secondly, the thing about? It is if you did do we, then we need a new masked men cope with a broke out and it ended in LOS angeles. The hospitals didn't have any masked, so I mean they put in a million dollars towards a fund to be put together, if you do to raise a million dollars in never get masks from all over the world and those from asian countries, and so we can supply them with masked gowns and gloves, and with ventilators and stuff, like that, it was a company called flex. Port dead was was within days,
got us the mask, even though the government said there no mass groundbreaking mass. So these are things like that. does metaphysic earthquake or disney. You go out and you reach out. That's why I'm involved in after school, bro, that's I was involved in special olympics in the train and a coach for space, olympians to help them with the winning medals and becoming champions in all of so Life is all about due to receive and to give you was set on what was said in their their death. leave more notes in the book for anyone who wants to dive into some of those stories, but Arnold we end every episode with a final five, so these are fast five, where you have to answer each question in one word or one sentence maximum. So these are your final five. The first question is: what is the best advice you ve ever heard or receive
believe in yourself. Second question: what is the worst advice you ve ever had received? It can't be done. Good answers. Question number three lasted so many things in your life. What are you currently trying to master bring all my talents together into one the show business, fitness and politics oil one and make that be my new? I have a vision and drive to help the world wow. What okay? I'm going to scrap the final out? What does that? Look like that's fascinating. What is that, It's like right now, in your mind as you developing you can use more than once ended. I wanna be out there. It help with environmental issues, because I learned about that during the governorship. I want to be out there and help with healthcare issues with the aging issues with fitness issues. With entertaining issues, because it is important that the time people so Those kind of things so I have the schwarzenegger institute,
where we deal with a lot of those various different issues and policies make it a better world, and I have my environment. Conference in vienna every year where the world comes together. Eighty ninety country, come together and you talk about the environment and how to make this a fossil fuel free world and redeem is pollution, so we don't have seven million people die every year because of pollution, a fearful account karma to see the impact you have in that space question and before has two parts to it. What is your biggest personal success and what is your biggest personal failure while think the biggest personal success is to be able to do two things to the wanted to do that: the visualize them and turn them into reality, and I think my biggest failure. Obviously, marriage.
I think that, from a personal point of view and from a professional point of view, I've had many movies going to the toilet. I've lost, bodybuilding competitions and power, lifting competitions and all that stuff. So I have made plenty of failures: It's always important to bring that up, because people should know that you never will be able to go through life without failures. Failures make us learn or failures may get stronger pain makes you stronger. So I thing off. That is good yeah. Let's, let's address both of those, because it's so true like on the outside, like you said people can say so privileged you met. Residents you today, as you did die you, you know all the wines, you know what I'm looking around this room like everything's iconic, where you know nothings unrecognised, across the whole world. It's all recognisable, but there did. You ever feel the press but when things started to go well of, like god, the next movies gotta be bigger and the next- he's gotta be bigger? Did you feel that what did you just kind of
You just loving it so much that you just kept building and if you went wrong that it didn't hurt you that much you know I never really felt much pressure, probably, but about anything to be honest with because I knew what I wanted and I never really fell for this thing of what the people expect me to do. So I just I created my vision and been everyone says it's impossible. I go after the vengeance, it's like, I go all out one hundred percent and it gives with joy, and it is what s great about it. Is that every time did you accomplish something really big, You see and become aware of other things that the new challenges. How did you didn't even think about gas amended ever think about?
that will fight for the environment now, but because of the governorship, you notice is a good thing. I talk about in the book about hilary times MT everest than these up. Their endeavours in this is another people could be climbed. Drive It is an excellent. So this is something I go and when the governorship I go in there I said working on their governors and out from pauses meeting, otis scientists and experts and talk. They talk about the know how many people diarrhoea, because of pollution- and we can do something about it and I dive into that. It's a new peak. Oh my god, one is exploited. Forget the ninety percent of renewables. We have. There are fifty percent renewables. Forget about dinner, reducing greenhouse gases by five percent. We have to breathe, reduce a bit twenty five percent and we have to do by two thousand and twenty and see you set big goals. So this is the new peak, the climate.
Many go all out for that they mean to get their Denise you another big, beyond, that's it. This is what is fun here, and this makes my life rich. You know It is always something new, indifferent and I'd. I'd tell you that I also learned many a listen to you because you come from a totally different world. That cities gave a difference. None things, so there have been listen. This is evidence of that same dressing way of life. That said, I think we have to learn from one another, and so thank you and I we have a lot in common anyway began. Otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here today that we need to think about it. You it's not just that. I want to be having one of the most popular part cas, but you have to be a curious son of a bitch to go and be really good and what you do
and this is where the notice about your podcast, you really curious and natural curiosity. thank you, and I think that is a pity have to have it. You have to have korea. It shows in the eyes chosen everything when he asked the question, or is it that when you see journalists and which I hate, but now they have like a piece of paper I'll get a very interesting, as is now the meals. Another question you want them said this is the end, then, what we feel that there is they really of the paper, and then, when the answer, they don't even look at you in the eyes. They look at the paper for the next question, but so I did they didn t. Take any of this. I mean every question can without looking at anything because you curious inside one of the men chaired. Thank you. Thank you, analyze dad. It means a lot coming from you and I'm curious. Our group has a fan who didn't so. That's one thing
I think I'm even more curious, because you chose to write a book about being useful and life lessons, and I think that that world is why gravitate towards, because I think learning from the great is all we have and I think when we ignore to learn from the great that's when we make we have to make our own, This takes another reason we can avoid so many zero. Now I am very curious about you and I think you are also a fantastic They tell us if that helps with that. You get into so much detail, and so many examples and everything. So it's it's brilliant. I tell you, it was really fun doing this book because I really had to kind of down and think about a lot of good comes natural for me, yet no details stories about because you each one of the rules, you wanna be able even the sub rules in the sub. Suppose you want to be able to tied to a story People can relate to lego is done about infrastructure. You can tell the people about emphasis.
We want a static and related to them is entitled to getting stuck in traffic may he had the recital in the school and you ve got it late an hour because of the traffic in order. Then it related illness aim is with me any of the rules and I can of fun. Doing. It was sometimes frustrating because you want to do in the ten roars their publisher than say, so you can only to seven years. Biochemist should only have his sixty eight pages, a thousand three hundred and fifty pages in all of this crisis duffy goes through. It was a really really great browsers and never my wildest dreams. Did you ever think did I will occupy this space and it really happened just totally coincidence. Where more and more people, you know when you, when you finish with the governorship, I was asked to public speaking engagements like ex presidents and
to that end as I'm turning around. I think one time, some as it can you pump about crowd. We have like a thousand sooner roasted people. We want you didn t just pump them up, so you do. You been a success story, and always took off like wildfire everyone of the public speaking engagements devotes. Instead, I go and have we talk about success rules to success in all that? So it's like something I didn't even think of. Because I always was a motivator in over the special olympics of after school programmes, which we just my buddies amount in the gym. They became a training partners because our I have this kind of energy right yeah come on. Let's just say you can do another set, but wait a minute you're stopping with ten rebs. Give me the I have my ribs and let it it's very good to give painted in one order and you just pump pump up. So I have this energy, so never thought that this will be whose then, for seminars, and eventually for a book like this, is their like crazy nights. Where life takes you
yeah, it's fantastic! It's beautiful! To see it through your eye three other ends and for us all dream as well, and I have one final question for you and actually before I ask When you said, we have a lot in common that there are so many different parallels that I'll tell you later, because when I was listening, I have a very different life, but so many similar lessons are picked up along the way, a thing as humans. That's what brings As together we may not have the same life story, but we don't grow up in the same places. We don't have the same parents, but you pick up the same messages from the world and the same lessons from the world so the fifth and final question I want to ask: you is, if you could one law that everyone in the world had to follow? What would it be.
That's an interesting question. Maybe to get our fossil fuels did you have to use alternative energy if it is nuclear with producing energy itself? If it is for cars, electrical hydrogen, I just feel like, if we have, seven million people die pisa pollution, I think bay, having a law like that and eventually make it stick. I think that we could save those lives, and this is like and let more than any of the wars that have fought and any of the other disasters or anything like this is like so many people die because of pollution. So I made that
as huge one thing here, so I mean you know than the bavarian tomorrow morning, a currency. I have another long gray, that's a great honor. We ve never had no wonder we ve never had to answer as a brilliant answer, but you ve been doing so much work in. I feel, like you, ve, been doing so much work in the plant based space. You know a documentary, game changes like climate change. Are you talking about? I it seems like this has been like an immersion for you when we lose a crazy using other crazier guy with its all. My life is so insane I believe the minutes like I'm here, with this guy Jim Cameron,. I do terminated. One may become friends, we're the motorcycle together, we hang out together and then the signature never to any other movies in that attack and our dialogue here, but He is. An environmental issue. But
we determined editor. I never knew that and he never talked about it. Then I have become governor and now he goes. This system is his out. Are you making to make you aware of their power, he's still resisting the reverse metering celebrates meeting. What the hell are you talking about This is why the thing you know when you produce energy The solar and you produce too much you want to put it back. In again, this reverse metering and you get credit for it, so walk away and assumes, if others to cameroon knows about reverse metering. At about that subject, you know, of course it's very clear because he's a genius right and he just as with the knowledge and stuff like that is unbeatable so but sure enough. I go in the office the next day the governess others. It look as though it will be. The budget was metering arms again to bring this up, because for me,
our companies are fighting is tuesday, they didn't want to reverse meeting. Did we want to pass a law to be too? the legislators to send us a bill so that you can cited in blah blah blah judicious gives you an example you off what impact Jim cameron add on me with issues that is way bees way be on You know of movies and stuff, like that and he goes this is me I said there is it. My doctor said to me is: is I should get off meat and they said they only have once a week. meet me and he says. Well hello: where have you been? I mean I've been megan for five years. This is it what It is a zeppelin being about five. I mean an image for five years. He didn't need me to remember. I don't remember, and he goes crazy now. That is we're doing a deck him and right now the thing you know. In plant based food
So all of a the experts, now I sit down with him and he's telling me for hours about in a pint based food, and now we can combine and create the right amino acids to create the right protein in over is now you can get strong. and he is now lists the name of the athletes boxes. Wrestlers weightlifter, as you have seen, fighters everything data on plan based food, think about that. So now I got into It- and I was part of this documentary right of and now you think maybe once a week made so I would say, seventy percent at least a cartel. Let me then take for health reasons, and it happens, to be also Environmental reasons, as he explained this out, what is it with most of the pollution comes from more than from transportation comes from breathing life stock,
As you are you kidding. This is now read out. This is a serious himself. Some reading it sure enough. Twenty eight percent of the pollution, comes from breeding livestock, this is your people would need means this? Is it wouldn't have the animals being catholic? the horse l a kind of the dead, the vegetable protein goes into the animal than they didn't adjust, and then you, the animal you, the animal you still get the other plant based. But through the animal. Now this is it's it's bullshit we can do better than that. Yeah, that's cut at them. It just amazing how I exposed to various different things. In my life they make me passionate about wasted, I couldn't even than ever They have planned in others, gov relationships and this kind of knowledge. You could never planet there and you have a meditation practice. Is there I dare you in the seventies, there was a time
when I got out of body building and into show business. And it was all kinds of things happening in the mid seventies, it was during the last year. Have competition nineteen, seventy five in south africa, MR olympia service training, for that I was finishing off my movie: stay hungry with barbara, have risen and said sally fields and jeff bridges in day. Doing that, and I was at the same time going full blast in the showbiz digging acting classes and investing money in real estate, so
no matter which way I was turning. I was like scrambling and the dead point. I didn't know much about how to isolate and just concentrate on one thing at a time. Some hanging out with this guy, the skinny rat down on the beach, hasten a transcendental meditation teacher, but he never talked about it. To say that I sit there. I feel frantic when it's like everything's, so we're a little bit overwhelming for me. During this movie, I'm shooting the documentary pumping out I'm going to the competition. I'm, though finishing off stay hungry, I'm trying to do real estate and become a millionaire
I'm all over the place. He says, and let me talk to you a little bit very calmly, talks to me about it, and this is why didn't come up the westwood and take some transcendental meditation? He says I cannot be a teacher, even though I'm a teacher, a good teacher, transcendental yeah is it, but I can the teachers are rules will be the of friendship and other. If there's someone else's but don't worry, I sit up with the right guy, so I go up there and I do this I learned about meditation and As a good into it I've been doing meditation like four months were throughout the summer that hectic summer. I mean the summer was over. He wasn't a tactic anymore, So what I learned from meditation was, you know how to kind of loafers were rejuvenate the mind and took out of this,
to make the mind, but also with a learned, was how the focus on one thing at the time and to just look at that with no power of your vision, so that nothing comes in solve this. and then don't figure by raising us and then go over here and solve this and then sell this because it is if you can never do often, one time anyway and ass soon ass, his single out things. It becomes much more approachable and much more do It is the mere remember his it will drive down and then is what walk with you bike. He says you look sometime centres busy day and it will be all packed. He said
It would look like he would not be able to go through his crowd because you looking at the whole shot in the hall, Walk all the way down a mile venice says overwhelming his, but if you're gonna be the bag slowly, he'd negotiate around the people and always in you will find space is making go. We dump. I anybody know. Is it now said the other end of it and it was totally doable because it today one person at a time, yeah kind of, like, seeking around his is in there
It is with everything is, as he reaches look at it. One thing at the time you ll be able to solve any problem and ass wise ass. You see people like the pope. The tears obviously is daily routine, the pig they lived in those guys to get up at five o clock in the morning. They were god for an hour and a half very calmly get that out of the way. Then he read newspapers open pope John Paul. I remember he told me he read newspapers and six different. images. So they read the newspapers and then you get that done. Hey go, take a shower, then they go and they have the first meeting. So this is how this step by step they approached the day and he says the people that get done. The most load them up with even more responsibilities, because their very organised enjoy systematic approach as it I've learned that
Now I ve never really been their friend again, but if I would become frantic, I will go right back into the meditation because unknown. How to do it and ass they are not. Everyone has been listening are watching. The book is called, be useful, seventy For life Are you can grab it right now? We're gonna put a link in the comments and the captions that you can order it right away, as you can tell on, was a phenomenal story. elaine side of lessons stories and one things. I definitely have in common with honoured that I appreciated by and is our simple the ideas, our easy. They ought to digest the not complicated, and you know have to learn something new, you can actually do sit there, take them and listen and all of a sudden studying, wait a minute. Maybe is, easy. Maybe it is that simple and I think that something that we desperately need in today's world I'm not. I thank you for putting on lessons into a book for us exactly what you telling seventy amazing story- and I designed so but then dollars copies, wages
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relax, crazy aids grades ever further. There were many signals. I love it What's the matter will now make zu tag me and honoured me social media platforms using whether its tiktok instagram, or wherever you are I'd, love to see what resonated with you. What stuck with you keep sharing those parts across social media because I love seeing what is going to stay with you, what you gonna practice? What are you gonna? Try? What are you implement in your life from this episode that will help you become happier healthier or more healed. Thank you again. Thank you. Thank you. If you loved this episode, you love my interview with well smith on owning your truth and blocking the power of manifestation anymore who has spoken to their parents or their brother Paul them right now? Don't think you're going to have a chance to call them tomorrow or next week that opportunity, with my father, changed the relationship and my life introducing uber teen accounts. If you have a team
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.