« On Purpose with Jay Shetty

8 Ways to Improve Your Circle & Accelerate Your Impact in the World

2022-04-29 | 🔗

The people worth keeping in our life are those that see our potential and encourage us to work on them to achieve success at work, in our career, in relationships, and in life. Let the values they stand by influence us positively and allow the valuable life experience and knowledge they share to give us a better life perspective.

This week, we listen to Steven Bartlett of The Diary Of A CEO interview Jay Shetty about his childhood, professional career, monkhood, and the life of purpose he is leading as he chats with successful people in pursuit of success, wellbeing, mental health, and love.

Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/ 

Key Takeaways:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 04:04 Formative things from the early years
  • 08:05 3 Steps to self-awareness
  • 12:23 I talk aloud  to myself a lot
  • 16:23 Loneliness and solitude are completely different
  • 21:14 The importance of surrounding yourself with people of good value
  • 30:58 Are you a remarkable quitter?
  • 36:25 It’s always about the middle path
  • 43:18 3 effective formats to meditate
  • 49:20 How to incorporate meditation in your life
  • 54:05 Fear can be healthy or unhealthy based on how we use it
  • 01:00:47 We aren’t perfect
  • 01:13:38 What does it take to impact someone’s life?
  • 01:16:48 Simple fundamentals to live a happy life 
  • 01:24:03 The partnership with Calm
  • 01:29:40 The people who see your potential
  • 01:42:53 The definition of true success

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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z, you why w five g requires. Compatible planning device you may not be available in your area. Visit http dont come forward, slash five, for you for more details. Hey everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every single one of you, I am so excited to share this very special conversation with you today. I know that I usually dive into a theme, but this podcast was super deep. I think I opened up like a heaven for a long long time. In a conversation were my dear friend stephen bar, let on his podcast area of sea, oh and I know you're, going to love this conversation. I talk a lot about the journey. I've been on mistakes. I've made flaws. I have things on personally working on and I think Can I give you a deeper insight into our relationship, so Some of you to listen to this makes
tag me share your insights. I cannot wait to see them. Thank you so much. This is a really difficult question to ask, but it is the best question you can. Ask yourself I enjoyed being a monk. much as I enjoy understanding media and really paradoxical for a lot of people, but that's just my truth: I've, always wanted to share meditation scale with the world. If you just keep want to change your environment, hoping that your life's going to improve you're going to feel dissatisfied at the next place, and I feel we're just conditioned to say: okay, you don't like your job, quit your job. You don't like your relationship, quit your relationship, and I think we just keep saying that it's this external shell that we're in when it's actually this shell and what's happening inside of it. That's defining all of these perspectives. I believe that to create happiness today, in one year in one month in a week you have to have
can you do me a favor if you listening to this and hit the subscribed button, the falling, but wherever you listening to his podcasting J studies, a household name around the world, he someone- that's, right, an inspiration, wisdom an insight billions of people using social media, I me to tell you who he is because his? mutation. Proceeds himself in his early years he was most becoming a monk, helped him to find himself three service he's gotten to touch eyes of billions of people through she'll media, but who, Is he really who's the guy behind the following mean J have a connection that I'm yet to experience with pretty much any gas? Thus he with me- and I knew you're to feel that today this is a truly special, honest open conversation between two men, so many things that
I genuinely think the world needs to hear. Thank you jane and when I say Thank you today. You can understand why shortly so that, neither do I am stephen bought it is the divers ear, I hope nobody's listening. But if you are then please keep this yourself. Thing festival, billina, easily studies, picasso committing serious way good to see you back in the uk.
It's good to see you- and I was just saying this to you offline- that I think the first time we met was around three years ago, three or four years ago, new york- and I think we had this plan to become best friends. I realize we're going to see each other this this this this this and then all of a sudden I moved to l a and then you move back to london too. It's so good to see you man, it's great to be reunited. I do feel like we've got so much in common and so many unbelievable ways, but the reason why I was so excited by this conversation is because we've also got so many we've walked a different path and all, and and you're such an self aware sort of self analytical human being, so the wisdom that I've gain watching you online over the years. As someone who comes from london is from the uk as well in his speaking to the world. the continent channels. I find I found true inspirational so let's get into it one of the things I we start with people, and I think this comes from my experience would like studying childhood psychology is trying to stand what it was in that early years that that has led them to on
they went on and ultimately to be sought here. When you look back at those he is a new life in growing up in london and what weather normative things that you point in hindsight. go to know, I wouldn't be who I am now a bit of an anomaly. If that hasn't happened One of the biggest things would be that I felt I mediated, my parents, marriage when I was younger and so was there go to pass it. for my mama, my dad I have a really good relationship with both of them loved them both and they come to me with their challenges. and their issues and their pain points and as I was growing up, I felt that I was always trying to reconcile discards converse, negotiate for both the money, decide and one thing I realize very early on as a young child was. I never wanted to take aside. I never wanted to, one of them win and one of them loose.
I never saw one of them right in one of them wrong I really saw them. Both to humans trying their best produced, like me: we're naturally and infallible and made mistakes and I think that gave me a sense of compassion that through today, for myself and for others and for people that I work with, and the people that we communicate through the cost and videos, I just saw very early on in my life that people could mean well. People could try the best people could try to be loving and their kindness, but they could. still feel that things well working out for them look at that as a massive moment my paused, because now, when I back it. I think I've been I've just been doing this for so long, a catholic not doing this when I was probably see Seven may be ten years old.
And so now to be still doing it today. If you, like something that was a natural role that I embodied at that time. And it's now our role that has evolved into king internally for myself. Oh looking at the things that I adopted from that time that we're uncomfortable and things that made me question my own self worth and my own meaning of life will be those things, I would say that For me, I realise that we either try to repeat Avoid we saw in childhood. Happens either unconsciously or consciously so you could be, consciously rip meeting what you saw your childhood or you. be consciously avoiding it and I found that they will To me that were really great, avoiding some of the negative things but Also subconscious parts of me that adopted some of those behaviour trades that I only discovered in the last two years,
and saw give an example with my wife. I sometimes played the role of sacro, by saying: over giving but then expecting her to give the same amount back now, the way I see sacrifice now is that if you sacrifice something for someone, and then you want it back It's not a sacrifice the transaction you give someone a discount and then awesome. to pay full price and then say it was a sacrifice because it wasn't. It was a transaction and eyes sure that in my life, because the way I'd received loved from extended families or love school or teachers or whatever may have been. I was loved in that way. where I was loved, but then made too guilty. If I didn't repay it in full, and I saw myself a doctor- that, in my own loving relationships with my wife family than my sister, and I
literally only spotted that two years ago, I thought to myself. This has to stop. I can't repeat the cycle. What does the work you do to spot to these some of those of subconscious behaviour patterns that we all have been going on in the background of our lives and our minds. We have the arch childhood lessons we learn and the limiting police we learn almost acting as the pop master of our lives and so Does one become get to a point where they can spot that go, you know what that comes from that. What is there an exercise you ve done is that you may tell me, I think, the face thing is that when you accept- in conflict with someone or you experience a disagreement or a disconnect with some one hour, Society version is blame them it's their fall day up. that you dead wrong and friends will agree with that when you, when tell your friend that so and so did something they'll say: oh yeah! Well, you know here: she's, a x Y, see x Y said sorry,
extra zob building their merits better, do as dive in amerika the exquisite, if they're so, and so there like this there like that and action, in that moment. I think the best thing we can do is what My accountability in this what part of this have I created for myself. This is really uncomfortable difficult question to ask, but it is the best question you can ask yourself. If every time something goes wrong or something doesn't work out in blaming someone else or blaming yourself. If you can pause and say what part of this Am I responsible for I think, the reason why that's difficult because we see everything is binary. We see it as its either, therefore, or it's all my fault, it's all your fault.
It's all my fault and the truth is there is no all it's all parts, its partly your full and its power you, my full. But if I don't understand what my part to play is then I on actually understand it took the first step is: what's my pop? That's this first part of the exercise, the second by the exercise, is now that I know what my pot is. Let me focus on skill, I'm missing. Let me focus on what growth I haven't had. Let me focus on What part of my life feels incomplete? That makes me act in my complete way with others. So pardon me is missing and I found that when I was over sacrificing over giving that's because I was trying to demand love from someone else in demand validation from someone else. So I was almost trying achieve all that love invalidation, and so I realized I wasn't giving it to myself
and so now have realised that whatever you want from someone else, give it to yourself. First, if you compliments from someone else them to yourself? First, if you want innovation from someone else, give it to yourself because no matter how many of them they give you if you never gave it to yourself in the first place, it will never be enough. So that's a second, whatever you want from someone else, give it yourself first and the third step say to get to that self awareness is syn, sitting down and plotting the three most if a good times in your life, to sit down and write down what have been the three most different times in my life, for the most painful decision making? of transition in my life and then asked yourself when you made good decisions, what was the environment like who are you listening to what people saying around you and when you may poor decisions
What was the environment like? What will be? saying who were you listening to and you start to but a pattern, and I found that in my life, anytime, make a good decision mode people disagree with me. Have to listen to my inner voice, and I'm usually doing something against the grain now, that's my patten, but everyone to find their own he reached himself alone is where you can literally pinpoint the steps of doing that, and obviously your poaching and all the work you do has m has exacerbated the extremely. Is there like a practical today habit, you ve installed in your life, to be able to look back how jays behaving on my cup is no pad is voicing its in your phone. Is it meditation? What is the day to day practice? That's got you to this point so. I would say that over time I've done journaling. I love voice notes because I, like speaking sometimes more than writing but I'd say the biggest one, if I'm completely honest with his david, like sitting here with you in your looking in my eyes, asked me a question about the
the answer is, I talk to myself lot while driving. I talk, loud to myself a lot and I sit there while I'm driving- and I will talk through that day- about a situation where I didn't like how I behaved or situation where I was really happy about how I behaved and saul, pin, and I always think it's really powerful to pinpoint which way you were below your expectation- and point where you are above your expectation? sit there, and I ask myself why why that I was above my expectation. Why did I have the ability in that moment to act in that way? will give an example of, whereas below my expectation, the other day, I was going to play tennis with a friend in the morning, and I was running late because I woke up doing things out that morning out, if you work emails from the night before I'm a out ahead of alive, now so side things to catch up on a mining late. play. Tennis, we ve got the court
and it's only book for an hour or so we might be late, something really insignificant by the way. I turn up and I meet the lady at the front and they haven't been able to give me a membership card because ammonia for ten days and then I'm like he's my membership number and and they I figure it out and they don't, if I'm in this system and navigate later for the core, I'm holding my own and am the verge of just being light? Get on with my comrades this is not that complicated, and I resist from that but in my head and thing you, why did that even happen? why am I even feeling the urge to put aside- where's in trying to do their job. Why am I king, to release my anger and anguish onto them, thought about that later that day, it was all because I was late. I was frustrated, my friends gonna be upset that, with thirty minutes late for the core, I was up. Were going to get even less time and I was about to take it out on an innocent person
Who actually has nothing to do with any of it who's trying to do their job in safer me talking out loud when I'm on my own spending, I am actually now what I'm onto question spending I'm alone is the only place where you get to have these conversations, and most of us spending time away from being alone, because we scared of having these conversations. I'm sure you ve seen they did that study where they. men and women, whether either wanted to be alone, with their thoughts for fifteen minutes or give themselves in electric shock. Now the result will surprise you that percent of women. Themselves in electric shock and sixty. percent of men gave themselves in electric shock, and the reason was because they didn't want to be alone with their thoughts for fifteen minutes we struggle so much with the idea of being
present in our own minds and bodies and hearts that we distract us So really the habit is being present, with myself, with my thoughts and work through when I'm happy myself. I want think, I could have done better. you know. I really really can relate to that point about not wanting to be alone with your thoughts, not from my own experiences, but because I've got friends around me specifically of the last year when we ve been in this lockdown You have really struggled and even over the christmas period of got a couple of friends who really really struggle because they are alone with our thoughts and you ve spoken the value of sitting alone, with your thoughts in silence and self contemplation. But what is it in the human and human that makes them not one too be alone, with their thoughts, wife or some other thought, so such unpleasant place to be. I think it's because weave equated loneliness.
and being alone with abandonment, and those are two completely different. Ideas You can be lonely. But that doesn't mean you ve been abandoned and We confuse this so much pool till it writes about this, and he says that the chair since today is that we think that there is only one word for being alone, and we call loneliness and he says we ve forgotten about a second word. It's called solitude, solitude and loneliness externally. Look the same, but they're completely different things, and he says that solitude is the strength of being alone, and loneliness is the weak? and to me it's because being alone feels like abandonment. It feels like everyone has left us if you we're alone at the end of the party and no one's gonna stay. We
created a feeling of being in nam, mood and being was to admire b. together. My other half my better, off the person who completes me it's at all. This language is free he's in a way to make you feel half and incomplete when someone came to school and they don't have someone to sit next to them tat person. The loner, If you add a birthday party and no one showed up you, were considered unpopular All of our self worth since we were young, has been defined by do you have people around you know the quality of those people, not the depth of those people, not most those people actually love you just did you have people around you, and so we ve just been condition to believe being alone means being lonely means being abandoned. Actually
being in solitude could be beautiful thing- we could do so. It's just as a society. We ve gotta on learn that conditioning, that's made us forcefully believe that, if don't have someone else. If you turn up to a wedding and you don't plus one, so one of the most stressful things were people, I don't know who I'm gonna take. Why is it that problem? If you don't have a date every single major life event graduating weddings there based on having someone else there to celebrate you why I like why why? Why can't we just celebrate ourselves, and I thought that's where we ve lost it. We ve lost the idea of celebrating ourselves, cheating that I was just thinking. I think through our thinking. You dave ten thousand years ago under in the tribes of africa, if I was without, if I was with a tribe, I would have been from every productive standpoint, less attractive, no woman. One to have been with me, because a tribe speak
the resources I can provide and bringing up it baby for a fund but also in a way we have been in a great danger. My social status would have decayed, and typically they see this in tribes. I think and monkeys where, if you should fall, the tribe. Eventually you get sick or die said. You think that the prehistoric, a part of our conditioning or is it like a social new social construct. I think breed story plea? It makes sense, but I the social construct has been that equating Solitude or loneliness with isolation, seclusion and separation, and I think we Confuse the two ideas spending time every day in solitude is not me saying to you, don't Look to anyone all. You know good enough, yeah, and it's not like me saying so, some time talking to yourself and being alone with your thoughts means never go to a pot you're an event like. I think I just think we ve got really poor? Is humans, as pertaining to ideas that,
supposedly conflicting, but recognising that there is a middle ground like we were poor at saying. Ok, well, Jane, even on saying be alone or be surrounded by people were saying, spend some time alone and be intentional about who you spend your time with and for some reason the human mind. There's! No! No! No. I think you're telling me that I have to go live forest be away from everyone. Not really what solitude is solitude is. I am, comfortable spending I am myself. a few moments a day enjoying my own company and speaking spending time with people then. So what are they? If you read a lot about this kind of seventy five percent rule, people often discuss importance of the company. You keep weather is that with, the attitude that positivity darkness whenever the effect that can have a new as a human being, what have you done in your life and also what is the importance from what you experienced of surrounding yourself with people that have good values that are equally ambitious, that share a sort of similarities and other
so who you want to become is simple does it matter I think one of the biggest mistakes I've made I think we make as humans is we? often look for divinity inhumanity, you looking for that divine person? That has the answers, and that is infallible and perfect and when you seek divinity humanity, you left with insecurity and anxiety, because no one fulfils that divine search and- For me, what I really had to understand, as I went down that road and felt like I was let down and felt like people made feel unworthy or unequipped was recognized that there were four pillars of relationships and they are care competent consistency and character, Every single person in your life is
to be able to give you or should be. but to give you at least one of these four characteristics, very rarely if ever Well, one passing give you all for and if lucky, you might have a few people in your lives. They give you two or three. So let's talk about each of them care, my mom there's no one in the world who cares for me more than my mom? She would do anything for me, she'd be there for me, oh shit, to make sure doesn't matter what I've achieved or what I've done. If she picked up the phone to me, have s question is: have you eaten? What did you eat? are you safe. Are you healthy right like that's all? She cares about now my mom isn't the person that I go to for business advice she's, not the person I'm seeing hypothetically, that I go to form social, media or advice. That's not how competence, but she does, need to be. She cares for me, that's what I get from her now, let's go to competence, fun. Thinking about starting a business
new dragon over here right, you'd, be a great friend to call up you're someone who understands what it takes to get investors scale a business bill. teams manage internationally grow scale, sell what you have that journey, and you have that network. You have that korea recur I know you're sitting around me. I've got to out afford here and you got good character. You don't have the consistency. The community's each other out three, I throw a thirty five percent year. Seventy five said, and so for that, for me, is the perfect example of this competence there and there is care they which is wonderful and this today, I believe you, someone of good character, that's the national character Some people in our life that hold us too values they help us with greater integrity, they help see things beyond what we're chasing. They make us look beyond our desires and make us I recognize that this so much more to life and those people are massively important and
People may not be the people we see every week. They may not be the people we see every day. They may not be the people that we call up for you Damn is your compass? The people would characterise your compass And then, finally, the people that are consistent, you of some some there. you just know- are always going to pick up the phone. You, that, if you need to move house, you a family emergency. You know which friend, you call them not be the competent business adviser day, I care about you, but they don't care about. You ass deeply human does, but they are consistently always there for you that's beautiful, but the problem is when we our consistent friend. We think why you not competent weed our competent friend? We think why, you have good character. We look at our character friend and say why you always bear and always looking for which see they don't have rather than appreciate them for exactly what they bring to our life met your wonderful wife do not near her honestly in a room full of
hundreds and hundreds of people if there was a light like if she not like a physical like a light in the room energy was just unbelievable and its remarkable because she she felt so much like you in so many ways, I'm guessing what you when you are talking about that the point about character and values in showing you things in life that are beyond what you might have thought, the meaning of life and, if my own ten minutes. in a conversation with how I feel like she must be in that category right: yeah: right, I always used to say to people eight, so people become friends in me and I they like me, and then I introduced into my wife, and I never hear from the fact that a socially steals all my friends and I'm I'm not even to saying that, like that genuinely true she stolen every single one of my friends as soon as they problems can introduce genuine driving but yeah she's Just I don't know how and it's been injured, because my wife has taught me so much more about me.
and life dan. I have thought a partner could and it's because As my so my wife and I ve been together since, before my external career took off and so she was with me when I had no money, no job. She introduced our family, when I had no money, no job, I met her pet Hence I matter extended. Family I'd know career plan. So I've been without around eight years now and far far before everything kind of took off externally. And what was really really phenomenal was, as my life took off externally, I start to develop this need for validation from her, for what I was achieving. Sir. If I'd get a big deal, look, why did look idealism? This amazing? and she wouldn't be impressed by it.
Then, if I did something in it even viral beyond, look at these two really slow. Look. How cool this is. What is in this amazing and she wasn't impressed by it and then, if I was on the front, cover a magazine, something a blonde look. How cool this look. Look at this and she wouldn't admire it. and for a long time I started think, did I marry the wrong person was thinking to myself. Did I with the wrong person, because I know people who are telling me that that covers amazing and videos, amazing, and that podcast is amazing, and that person's amazingly, am I like not worthy of respect. I realised as I and I on that, as I said earlier that what part of this and my accountable for and the answer was really simple. My life, my wife loved me, everything that came before that she loves me despite all of that of
was to go away tomorrow. She'd still love me ass. I isn't that the most beautiful thing isn't that what we all want? Isn't that? What we truly craving that we are loved beyond our appearance. Our Eve men's our ambitions and our goals, and I had that. but I wasn't seeing that because I wanted to be loved my ambitions. My achievements, my goes, and so Yes, when you talk about my wife being light she's one of those people for sure, because she's been my guide, my coach, my teacher, would Even knowing, if you ask this question she, she, and say that she was doing intentionally, but she's, been such a great teacher, enlightened, my life in so many ways, and so I'm always just trying to any time she annoys me, I'm like there's a lesson in this for me and then there's gonna be Sunday really profound in this for me, because she's she's she's, caught from a different cloth she's, she's remarkable I by even know how she's, like our parents about parents, are credible and you're dead.
they have given her a lot of love, and so I see that kind of flow through her suddenly burst out laughing then because it reminds me of my girlfriend pepper and ice, said in this put alone and its I've never actually that it be fundamental truth in what you at their. But whenever I talk about My girlfriend, I say she doesn't really care when I if I'm not born in the charts or find number one here, that the reactionary from have us, as other people like my boys, is kind of a bit more muted. Maybe she just doesn't care about my you, don't my like, prefer but the youth what you ve highlighted. There is in fact somebody that values something else yes in you, The aim of my girlfriend would be very, very happy and very, very impressed asked with meeting a bunch of other things that would make it more pure in their eyes she was celebrated. Those things is not like she's, not celebrating me. It's just. I don't care
the euphoria from the like number one in the pot costs. Yes, it is a question of values and in fact, as you say that what we should all be looking for societies told me that you clap when you get numbers will you go number one or the bank balances big, so and it's so interesting. It's probably, I guess someone's schedule draw the conclusion from that they're going to look at their partner he's been clapping, because they've got like a promotion at work or you go by and not at all. We should at least be supportive It is about everything that upon his do, but it beautiful that you get an opportunity to learn about your partner's values, they value in your own success and doesn't mean that, like you just said, like yourself into my wife, is not happy when something goes number one or does great of yours, they're happy, but there's something deeper than that that makes them happy and I think that's really special and that's that correct. In that light, when I was reading through your story and from one of observed with your story, there was an
really interesting similarities. That really did me of mine, but I feel like are an exception and its it's you and you know what you said it before. We started talking You said we were talking about very soon. these things in business decisions you ve made and also you tweet talking about you moving to allay our just going there with your wife for weak and you symbolic just felt like the writing Do we would ask for one we can it felt like the right thing to do so there you believe in new york. We had all this stuff and use starting to build your presence there. You used, you're you're compass became how high felt- and when I looked through your your history, From you'd very, very early days from a teenager to school to university to going off in becoming a monk to getting a job, essential in peking picked up by marianna huffington having imposed on quitting after six months, because you're doing this other thing you are a remarkable quitter,
and you seem to be one that guided by this compass of how does this feel not? What will people think talk to me about it and is not observation, accurate setting what a way to live in one sense and such an easy way to live in the observation. I I never put it in those words, but I love those words and I've you talk about that. Before about being a good quit and I loved I I've. I think what you say is true. I agree with you I've never articulated in the way you just did, but it feels so true I from a very young age, just fell dead. Is this strong in a voice, and I bet everyone has it this, isn't me being religious or spiritual or whoop This is me saying that there is a vote that we all here in our minds in our hearts and our heads wherever you want to say it is it's there and
the challenge that happens is in our early years, you're told to tell it to be quiet so from that voices. Well, maybe not another. Just just do what they're saying do what they told get. Not conveyor belt, get on that assembly line. Stick them bar code on your back, become a machine, go a robot and and was programmed and so voice. That is not machine like that voice is the human inside of us is being trained to be a machine, and we start treating ourselves like machines, I'm machines, you just programme then, and then present too. Many gives you once, but we don't function that way we're a conversation in the universe where not a programme and so, if you're, a conversation in your and interaction, your dynamic that enough, We become so squashed than now by the time we twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy. whatever age. You are you
here. It anymore. You say that some spiritual mumbo jumbo stuff, because I don't hear that voice but that just because we quiet and it so for me, even till day and by the way I have things trying to quiet that voice today, I had a conversation with my team recently, but a few new things I wanted to try out this year and I want to be said to me they said J, don't eating, that's a risk. Brand you ve created, created. You think, that's a risk to who you are, and I said when I What this hard to not do what I truly like I haven't got so far by being someone else. I've got this far by being new to myself, so I can only continue to do that, and so, Yes, there are things that I do that are slightly unconventional. Four people have been monks in the past there are certain ways that I live: my life and and things that I enjoy, and I always say this- I enjoyed being a monk. Much as I enjoy understanding media
That's really paradoxical for a lot of people, but that's just my truth. I enjoy building a business and learning about what it takes As much as I learn trying to understand how to meditate deeper and go internal, I am, I enjoy and appreciate what Again from all these pursuits and I see them as being this beautiful. you know beautiful, symbiotic, synergetic combination of learning in life and experience, The problem is our minded said. No, those things a paradoxical: that's an oxymoron! You can't connect those two things those two things are unconnected oil and, unlike what Steve jobs said that creativity is connecting things and negative think: thinkers will rule of future. So if we can't spot connect since in anomalies and I think we actually sell us off shore and so, when you say being a remarkable quitter, I see that is me saying only
train myself to know that I can only do what I really feel like doing with the awareness that this could be a risk, but I'm ok with Sounds you personally episode and you know you you bit put up another point on which I think is: is equally muskets, but look upon, but equally connected. Witches you know society will give you a label. Your monk say I collect behave like a month. We know amongst our hears the instruction manual of being a monk, and if you do I think other than the instruction manual that then they'll say contradiction. Yeah they'll say you're, a monk: how did you live in l, a j? Yes, you have a you. Have a nice home you make money, and then so what is it? What is it about these labels that we give people in and weak society then tries to enforce, and if you step outside of the implicit the actions of the box that we label Jim in we go fraud, yeah yeah. What is it there's a really good meme on social media that have seen fly about for years. it says society says be yourself. then it says no not like,
yeah and I don't know who invented it, but it's been out there in in the mood for years, and I love it because I'm like that's exactly like the way you just exe and what you said, and I ve never had. It said better than that's. You just explained in that second janet rather than about for the past three minutes, but but that's exactly that we want to label people we to label things. We to label everyone. Now, let's take the rock ron, Johnson, we lay we could label emma a but that ressler is one of the biggest actors in the world. Today. Forget actors he's a brand beyond if we label demons restaurants, had no; no, no, you just have to stay a ressler. You never get see this. If you look at steve jobs, will you start by making computers your computer make us just make computers Why you inventing itunes, why you inventing the phone now think again harder when it gets to things that spiritually intertwined, and I grew up the belief for a long time that if you
truly spiritual. You had to be poor you had to have nothing, you had to be completely detached and disconnected and I found that that's a worthy pursue and has some beautiful rewards at the end of it as a journey, but I so having lived, that life is among the research areas of impact- in conversations that we never got to be a part of that were set things in mainstream society that we never got to shift and that something that called out to my heart personally, where I felt if mental health was mainstream that was a mainstream conversation that ever the world had access to the tools to help themselves for free through podcasting, through interviews through books through videos through content. What if everyone in the world had act? to what I have access to as a monk, but does that need that needs staff these employees and needs a cameras? It needs.
microphone, it needs people needs teams, it needs a business so? What looks like a business on the outside is just purpose on the inside but with so school and trained to judge things for what they stanley, look like not one internally are doing. give ourselves the expansive abundant mindset disable. Maybe this could be more now not saying that I don't have any actions and I'm not saying that I don't love things as well. I I like nice things. I, like nice clothes like fashion. I like I like living in a nice space twilight. I like nice things that I would never shy away from that, but I will fully aware that I don't depend on my happiness on those states. I'm not putting what I believe is going to make me joyful on those things I appreciate having them, but have also appreciated life when I didn't have them
dave never defined whether I've worked harder work to my purpose. If that makes a hundred percent, two times in this conversation? Leave you ve made points wet weather kind of conclusion that my head is arrived. We have to meet in the middle If we can make progress in the first humming. That was when you are talking about I'm having an argument with with a wife or a partner whenever it might be an you. Ve got it actually like me, and say this is maybe where I can improve, and maybe this is where you are used. To find, and then you said it again there with them with examples. vanity and probably like the business world, thus seen as pope visits, one is all about you know. Maybe a less less of a desire for material possession and attainment climbing in capitalism and the other is the internet the definition of it and use it. Well, really, if we are to spread the message of humanity around the world. We are going to learn a little bit from the other side of the building and scaling and and- and I I just think that phrase- the treaties in the middle has haunted me for the last couple of weeks, and I came back from india, indonesia, because
it seems to be the nature of everything we're actually moving away from a polar, I society, black white police, the people rich pie united woman, there s an end it's beautiful. You said that actually because the buddha always talked about the middle path, so he Who did the middle path, ensure that reason following what just said that it was always about the middle path that the answer was somewhere. I interviewed kristen bell recently and she wrote a book called why the world needs more purple people and because of the red and blue space. So the idea of this idea of like meeting in the middle of that there's someone says that you only come across. If you can, to attain this idea- and this idea and look for the connection and what I love is that for everything- talking about summons thought about and talked about it before and when I think, if someone who defined what we're talking about really well- and this is a quota- thought that site that I try to live my life by
martin luther king and he said that the people that love peace need to learn to organize themselves. As well as the people who love war. I'm to me dad what's been missing soul for so long in spirituality and wellness in health? Is that we can speak about? these things in this really organic beautiful way, but if it doesn't organized and if it doesn't get strategic and it doesn't get focused it just kind of feels like splattered pain, and it doesn't allow people to practically apply in their life's or sometimes when people say j? What you're saying is so simple it so basic like tat. I'm choosing to do that, because that's what who need like? Don't we all need to make this really simple and easy impractical? I know that's what I need and by the way I love getting caught up in a heavy intellectual conversation and
I studied the vedas that a five thousand years old and I can reel off lessees and talk about philosophical intricacies, but I don't think that's going to help. People at this stage and that didn't help me when I started so for me. I like to focusing on how can we get focused around powerful? simple ideas, for simple idea that loads of my guest come here and talk about. It is interesting that they do because they are incredibly six. will people typically is this idea of meditation and the power meditation. No I've heard this meditation for many a year recently over time become more compelled by started. Doing it lot to my girlfriend as well. So and you write about it alone. Your book, I mean a couple of retract his mentioned mean pretty several of the chapters medicine man the participation, talk to me about this simple dear of meditation, and what the impact has been for you and can be for those listening so in the book. I present three differ.
Types of meditation that Restrained in as a monk and that I was exposed to- and they are Breastwork, visualization and mantra. She'd. Look at all the medications that exist today in the world. There are three tools or three formats in which you can do it breath work we naturally it says in the name all about you, breathing and breathless, generally, aimed body and physical serve your physical anxiety, physical stress, if you're rushing around your hot rates gone up breath, what is it beautiful way to come back into alignment. now visualizations really interesting because visualization is used by air, from Louis hamilton, when he's driving his car track through to David beckham, for he took a free, kick visualization was the art of sitting in one place, closing your eyes and visualizing. What's that track, gonna look like what's that turn gonna feel like how's that bull gonna move
its visualizing, the process, not the result and that's what's fascinating. Western societies made it all about visualizing. The result visualize yourself at the top of the podium in the goal to smile people in the world of visualizing the process in the work and the journey, and that's where manifest patients gone wrong. We can go back to that end finally mantra of sound. So the This text on meditation believe sound has the power transport and connect us in that no other type of meditation can now we can we all have experience of this When you hear a song from your past, you taken back their immediately. When you hear a song that has maybe some ego in it well, there's a song that you that you listen to on your way to a party or a nightclub, because it pumps you up and it makes you feel good. There are songs that make you feel violin sound. Has the ability to wake you up in the morning? You don't wake up by sight, you don't!
cut by sent you don't wake up by taste, you wake up by sound sound, has the power to awaken deeper pots of us depending on what level it sat. So when you look at adaptation. You have breastwork, you have visualization, you have sound you try a mix. You can try. One of the other items for me meditate shin is an option, unity to build a relationship with yourself. Truly. What it is to build your relationship with your body. With your mind, with your hot and with your consciousness and you continue to meditate through breastwork through visualization, through my train. Sound, that's all doing It'S- just deepening your relationship with yourself- it's woman, like saying all went on with my girlfriend. Oh my wife. What do I do? Others feel in experience. Experiences that you do you got for dinner, what movie you go for a walk? But what do I do? My own we when to meditate on my own, I get to know myself better and that's it beginning of what meditation is but the greatest benefit,
the meditation com, from using the right tool for the right part of your life. So before coming on upon us like this, will going on stage. If feeling nervous when my heart rates going not I've. Denies that. That's because I care it's because really really care what I'm about to do and I want to be of service to others. I want what I say to help someone one, what I say to hopefully soon someone's meditation journey. Potentially, and if that's the case, I need to be aligned, saw practice. Breastwork, I'll, breathe info for and out for four the simple practice just brings me back into alignment see stephen. We all had this experience many times. Have you ever woken up and feel your mind is ahead of your body. Every your body was a mind, is racing all you explain the opposite, your body is racing and your mind is still in bed, so most stress
tension in life, from a lack of alignment in our body and mind a bodies, facing a hundred miles per hour, and our mind is slow or minds racing a hundred miles brown, a body slow to bring them, back into alignment you breathe in for the same amount of time as you breathe out Simply doing that brings you back into alignment. visualization I use for when I think of it, start a difficult journey I think I may lose a bit of patients or I feel I really need to practice this imagine this is about to go on stage. Doing some. That's really big deal and important. For me, I'm visualize myself, pacing back and forth, onstage when a visualize myself communicating that message, gonna, visualize myself, being really energetic on stage notice, I'm not visualizing people clapping not visualizing, people saying that was amazing, because that setting a false expectations on visualizing, my performance being the best that it possibly can
and the montreal sound, which is a big part of my meditation every day. I do too connected my. The self I do to awaken pots me that, not an end to feel ok, into a higher power in the divine is so many people listening right, and you said that so beautiful in eloquently hu, I imagine listen to me- deniz package may be changed because they wanted a business podcast and they go. they go Steve again talking about meditation whenever and limit the reactors. That reaction is probably caused by the I didn't the historic kind of snobbery that surround spirituality. It can be quite exclusive club, I am, the terminology can feel very exclusive to normal people in shock crazy in all of this stuff in alignment and when, when words like that, said to some people who are you on near the middle? very much at the other end of the spectrum they just turn off to. So if I was
be somewhat he's listening to this now driving in my van on my way to her to work this morning, and I see a lot of people in their veins driving listings. The forecast what would you say is a really good just a first step to invest eight for themselves subjectively? If meditation can can add value to their life. Where would they start yeah? I would say that the and you want to do- is put being in your schedule in your calendar, which is time for you look at your schedule. You would the council, an important meeting with someone else, but we don't even schedule one with herself. There is nothing in the calendar that time with myself time for me time for you time for just this disease, thing that's going on right now lit put it in for five minutes a day. It's kind of five minutes driven two minutes a day, Put it in there because of you putting that india you, then to margo. Ok. But what am I going to do with this time? I've got five minutes while ok, what am I gonna do with it? putting it in there. That's the first at the second step I would say, is deaf
We focus on your breath. I think the breath is just something we no relate to its tangible by the way, athletes, have to learn how to control their breath. Musicians have to learn how to control their breath, whether you dell, or whether yours football player. You have to learn how to breathe in order to perform me you and everyone we're all athletes in different ways. We all use our bodies. We will use our minds whether you're a business person or whether you are an actual athlete playing on a on a call or policing. I dont know how to breathe I am saying you don't have to breathe and no use specific, I'm saying that most people don't know how to breathe and I didn't how to breathe until I was taught how to breathe, and I that sounds ridiculous, but Many times a day you get out of breath This damsel dave I get out of breath how many times day. Do you feel that new experiencing an emotion. Your breath changes. When you crying or your sad europe set your breath changes when, happy and elated. Your breath changes so a breath is connected to every single emotion
so. If we want to navigate our emotions and our life, we have to train our breath. So I would just everyone take out two to three minutes and you take a moment to breathe in and out and breathe in for four and out for forge Try to simply is that never somebody struggles to get to sleep, which can often be something that I think everyone struggles with. That's when you, breathed out for longer than you breathe it. Should you breathing in four four breathe out for more than four to relax and rest your body and if you are one of these people that goes Jay, I've got you know, got like you too, I'm going to do a delivery. Today, I'm gonna run to this meeting of going to get this and you need energy breed out for less and then you breathing so you may breathe in for a second and breathe out for a millisecond. It's a really sharp breath out, and if you do that, you'll feel this pumping energy in your body and so to me it's these are really practical tools that I think we all need to sleep several knows their meditation for sleep. We all need. get energized, so that's a simple meditation of and we all I just feel like we're. Not rushing
So I think those are hopefully quick things that feel practical to anyone and everyone yeah I mean I, I think my natural position on on things is to be a little bit of a skeptic, and I, when I was in indonesia the last time I Mcgovern me to see a breathwork coach, and before we did the breath work. He explained it to me and said This is as a logical guy like I am the explanation, matters a lot, he was talking to me about We pretty much lived most of allies these days because of the over stimulation because of distress because of the screens in this kind, permanent state of vital flight, and when you look at what happens in front of light and I studied biology, I know what happened to the body, an ant anatomically physically you what happens? digestive tract, and I mean this is what a lot of people say when they say I'm nervous and they ve lost their appetite partial body. Preparing in keeping the minerals and nutrients it needs to spend energy to help you in a situation on the serengeti. When a line is running you that's a very prehistoric in it.
papa conditioning and we do live on edge. notifications penalised. None of these things say when we think about what who might be getting a little bit more anxious day today. It's probably cause we're living in like a heightened state of fight or flight, and one of the things that happens in fight or flight, as well as your breathing changes. so you and then I think about the moments where I'm feeling a little bit stressed and one thing I've done my funny safely. My head went straight to new york city as I'll. Go I'll, stop illogical, and whenever I do that when tends to be engaged uk yeah, I'm fine, I'm just like I have now, but no, I completely agree and I think one of the things that I think everybody listening, regardless of who you are or how much of it I've got you are you should m deafened clear targets even say it is not really an under bits of target in IRAN. The this. Let's talk a little bit I fear that this budget, we talked about that in your book. In chapter three, you talk about
being good fear and bad fear. How can fear be a good thing? I I realise that fear, could be healthy or unhealthy bay. Stone. How I used it and most of us don't realize tat. We consumed by fear, instead of using fear Sophia becomes our being in the sense that fear becomes what controls us it tells what we should do and what we shouldn't do It tells us how we should think, and we shouldn't think it stop us from doing stuff. That's really improve into us and it makes us do things that we would never ever do. It makes us say things to people that we love that we would never want to say to them and The other end. It stops you from saying things. You really want to say to someone like you, when I appeal week and you eager won't, let you sophia takes this really magnetic controlling effect on our lives. But
at the same time can be of the healthiest things because its bay simply giving you a signal as to what's important It's basically giving a signal to how you feel when you It is a signal not as a suggestion or a push. changes everything. So, let's, let's break that practical when you are in your home and if Fire alarm goes off that gives you a signal to say check for the fire check, If there's a fire right now, you go are just turn it off. It doesn't matter. Let's avoid my fear, let's avoided, let's just turn it off forget about it. could bend down or there was nothing in its fine, but the odds are that there could be a fire. Now. If you someone who goes wont, let me inspected. Let me curious about that. I'm sorry that is a fire. My house now that I've heard the fire alarm. But let me curious. Let me inspect. Let me check. Imagine we
broached off here in that way, imaginary. I felt scared of something I said, will let me curious about his. Why am I scared of this? Why is it acting me so much what about this scares me, is it all of it or is it just a part of it when, start doing it. You start to break that fear down and that's the healthy way of look fear rather than the unhealthy way of saying forget about it. Keep it away from me. I don't want to death? and so for me. I really feel that fear is what blocks us from these beautiful breakthroughs in life. And ass such chokehold against such a stronghold in us having most of us living our lives because we scared of someone will say, What someone will think what someone will do and that feel sounds like something that we can have regret when, where at the end of our lives, will they
they do rights of an interview. People, as you know, on their death bed, and this is the number one regret the dying, you'll dams. They must be full of people. They are a exhibiting exactly not behave because on a minor their young, person saying I'm in this job, I'm in this relationship, I sucks, but yeah fear. Yes, fear of change very of uncertainty whatever it might be, what you typically say to those people that you know that they hate the situation therein, but the fear is kind of imprisoning them to enter into an action. I think I with me too. I always say: someone of my team this morning? Actually I always try me everyone with passion in not judgment, because I know what it feels like to experience that and I still experience that different areas, my life, so it's is there, I think if you don't meet it with compassion, you can kind of say something really energetic in the moment and kind of make them feel like they've solved it but that isn't really wearing it down
for me the first thing is to acknowledge that that fear is real technology. That day potentially, will be backlash that potentially will be someone who's upset because Often we told honoured you do what you want and it doesn't matter and unlike boy does matter, because Maybe you are a good person. You don't want someone to be upset. We don't know the parents down. We don't want to hurt someone right. Will you don't inter brew. Reputation by putting your job or whatever it may be, and I it's important to acknowledge that that's real, and that may happen, but I What I tried to next to say: ok! Well, let's say you didn't change anything. How are you gonna feel in five to ten years and that's my favorite, question to ask someone: let's not change anything about your life. How does it feel? in five to ten years. If he feels worse, what you think it is now chances are that even if you're gonna hurt someone, that's probably the better way to go. but if you say you gonna feel the same or better than shore except that most people will know. If I can
change. Anything, but don't get out this my life's going to be worse, but he is the the thing. I think, It condition to think that we need. To change. Our situation too. a change in our life, Naturally, we want, both of us, believe it's all changing perspective in mindset. I have learned things from jobs that I hated. but there are so useful to me right now, I have learned things from relationships with people I've had anders, people that I didn't get along with. but those lessons are still serving me today. I've been incurred situations where I wanted to get out that situation, but that situation was put. Thickly designed to show me something The problem is we constantly trying to just move and get away, and so really what I say to everyone is: I want you to find out. What is the perspective shift that this situation is trying to create in your life, because if you take them, with you that perspectives
stay with you, no matter the situation, but if you just keep trying to change your environment, hoping that your life's going to improve We're gonna feel dissatisfied at the next place and the next place and the one off the bat- and I feel we, is that you don't like your quick job. You dont, like you relationship quick relationship, is: the global relationship. It's the way you see it and I think we do keep saying that its these external shell, that wherein, when it's actually this shell and what's happening inside of it, defining all of these perspectives so I mean it was a unbelievably beat wants and I'm gonna hundred percent still balance. I want you to know especially that five year point, because its aid is a really good sort of mental, am gains to role play One of the things I was thinking when you know you Ok, then is about a lot of these messages that will get on instagram wherever it might be. The scented and insecurity, some kind of insecurity and. because we have a lot of followers. You significant more than me, I'm because have a big audience. What people were assume-
We have all the answers and we ve got, figured out and that we live our lives like saints and always one of the really clear on this point I absolutely do not say so. Let's talk about how we go back and forth and we to say a couple of things were really really bad. We want improve on whether they are in securities. They are lessons we. and we know, but we don't follow eccentric centre ye. Please be my guest, her this one's been the one that the universe keeps teaching me so when, if I think about this question is the first thing they're going to my mind, I keep believing that. I'm going to meet someone who's going to help me take my work to the next level and I always have had this belief and I didn't where it comes from it's one of those ones that I still need to figure out every year, obi like oh yeah If I'm working with that person that person light as manager adrian or whatever it was like tat persons gonna, help me get to another stage in the universe,
just keep teach me every year that it's you it's you it's you it's you like you've got to do it for yourself, there's not going to be anyone that comes into your life and changes your life, but my naivety. Every year is try and look for that person and, if so lost me and said, o j who's? Gonna? Be that permit me, I would tell them now you might you that's what I was aids them out of the bag is outdated, someone stole depending on other people, stop waiting for I want to change your life. You have to change your life, but then in my own life I keep my action. Show that I'm still looking for. That's that's the first thing. I am sure that let's go back and forth like this. Yes, it is be plenty more as a case of the fur loads came to Marie s largest outruns, not from the top. So the first thing they can mind that I I know the truth upon and I would prefer about this costs, but I find it hard to do. Is I still kind of impose my unbiased and beliefs on the world onto others and I still lose lee- don't understand
and why everybody doesn't want to do what I want to do with my life. So I don't understand why everybody doesn't want to be successful and pity climb the ladder and pursue and have nice and build wealth and build an empire so some time If this is real bias in the advice I give people and this real kind of like naivety and lack of understanding, that happiness is the northstar. We we'll have her and pass to getting there and can even exhibit that as an employer. I can. My voice can sometimes question why team I'm busy, nor behave with in the same way as me and its funding. sleep because again the news stories happiness and their party- happy is not the same as my and that so many dangerous game to play, especially when you, you got a big part form because you'll make people feel inadequate. For journey to happiness because it doesnt resemble your own, and so I really need to get better understanding. We will have different parts and if I just say to myself that the no stars happiness- and we will have her in ways that then I can stop preaching
people or assuming that because they are not following my are incorrect. Yes, So yes, I love that. I think one of the biggest things I was you talk about is asking people to take time for themselves and make time frames. I know it, s got things religiously biogas, I try and I think I do, but I oh that this year, It came to so I I try and take a full month of every f myself and usually go to india, and because covered I'm unable to go for the last two years, now you should go lived, the monks again and and take panel meditations and practices for a month and it it's one of my favorite things to do- during the last two years I still decided I would take a month off and it and I said I would do from the fifteenth of december to the. In the Jan and I found out a week before that I kind of had to stay for next week and allay for work. So I delay
and as I'm going to twenty second of dissent to death to the seventeenth of jan and then I go got to london. I started a break up, but it was like. I got to the point where I could see that I'd been delaying myself care and I kept delaying it even by that weak and in that week before I left, I can tell that I needed a break like I needed to switch off and my to everyone- is don't let it get to that point. You ve gotta, take it just before that and I were, planning on doing that it was scheduled, but because of commitment, some priorities and important things had to push them eggs from ireland, sure fine and I'm okay and I feel great, but I don't think that sustainable and I think it was different journey. and this is being honest to I don't think I am opponent of work, life balance, although it may appear that wasted. This may actually be a perception thing. I think people may perceive that J believes imperfect work, life balance and the truth.
I don't, I believe, in purpose and per to me as being obsessed about what you care about and what impact into you for me what I do is my purpose, and so I'm obsessed about I care about, I love it. I breathe. I live it and When I was building, I was working eighteen hours a day. I was you know couple of those with meditation sure, but then I was sleeping for six hours. Working eighteen hours days for two to three years straight seven days a week and I The perception is often people may feel that no J, you live a perfectly balanced life, and, unlike will no no, I haven't like two days different skills required to go upwards, stay maintain. Create momentum like it's a different gear that you're in all the time today. My life is far more does blend in my held the bonus than its ever been before but there have been periods of the years is getting,
that. Didn't look like at all. If the jasmine, completely gonna. Thank you for sharing super valuable. My next one would be what you described. The tennis court, which is some days, especially because I mean these opera with everything I say now is probably gonna, be an excuse, but I'm gonna say anyway, but I presented as an excuse to have that kind of is okay. I've got my mind to care so much about the like being time efficient s that ensue. situations where things are moving with the efficiency, the I would I moaned from my business life you actually get out of here that I might cause my expectations- are of efficiency and speed when encounter. Situation may be like the people that would bumbling round to the cliff boarded the tennis court. You described trying to find your membership whatever. expectation goes in man. Frustration arrives, and then I might promise on the way that I behave and that might in being abrupt being too to forward with somebody or being too too harsh. compassion in the way that I say something.
People don't do this about me, but when I'm alone, I think about It's is probably the number one thing I think about. I reflect on how I treated people that day, yes and there's been too many days in a row where I've gone. He fucked that up against a be better tomorrow and then I'll come into tomorrow. The expect nation will go in man I'll be out, become a pass I don't want to be, and I'll say to myself in my private thomas that you fucked that up again and I've been doing that too much for too long yeah. I think we all have I talk about in my book. I had this. I had this moment same thing. As you just said, I this company is going a lion travelling round in in who bears and going here and there and getting a new or lift and calling one and jumping added going on and I got in, and I also my doing whatever and then finally later. I realize we had moved and That's how consumed I was on my phone, whether I was scrolling or texting or emailing and I said to the drivers: it is ever ok and he said- you didn't say hello
it has had a hello t five minutes ago, and did say hello? I just It was such a ally. late for my meeting. I was late for big thing. When I felt terrible, I thought oh so bad ass. I I've really one people can with everyone is a human. I said, I'm so sorry. What's your name? tell em anything driving and he wasn't try. he wasn't even trying to be abrasive like somebody with our that's a bit he's not he's Aren't you don't things whose fault all I think he taught me such a valuable lesson, because I was just kind of like I used to serve as a book to treating you like a robot. treating them like a machine and yet one day will have driver this cause, and I won't have to say hello sure, but eating a human in that way it I think that goes against everything I stand for is that I want asked. Become more human, and I want us to not lose our humanity as technology advances, and I love. Technology and its grey, but let's
lose our ability to have human connection, which is bring so much joy to our lives and so yeah I've that that's one of those moments that I was like You're really trying teach me less than if you know what this this whole back and forward- if it's taught us anything, it's that even people that you presume to to have the answers from from the outside fact may be. The correct answer is too stand, one's own faults undisturbed we're already ready, imperfect to be self whereabout this votes and then make a commitment to be better every day and I think I'll, die, imperfect, but trying to be better. I dont think die perfect. income. I think that is maybe they'll probably be people that view the work that you didn't say: god he's got, it all figured out a hundred percent of things and I don't so I'm inadequate. Yes, I need to J and, if I'm not J than I'm inadequate, I'm morally wrong my values about I'm a bad person, so that's kind
I loved I'm so glad I loved the back and forth to a unit. For me, it's it's always one. For drug by these things, and I think that's what our generation is changed in this space, I think we did live at a time when gurus and guides and coaches were revered as flawless perfect, and you never really sore the behind the scenes, and I think I would say to my team, like I'm always trying to now. I dont want I don't even one that pressure its its pressure and they actually stop you from being sincere and genuine and authentic I feel that pressure. Sometimes I feel pressure. When someone has a question and I need to rush off and on like, I want to answer it, but I also need to rush off and I feel, pressure and it's just realize they don't want that pressure like because I'm not perfect, and I don't want to try and pretend I am or I do want to have to live up to it, because it will just let someone down- and it's really interesting because whose around probably around eleven years ago now- and this
I was mentoring before I became a monk winnows among comes a mentor, and then I became a coach and whenever took on a men, tea or a coach coaching and or any one, the one first things I'd say to them and our first meeting is: I I want you to know that I will let you down just want you to know that there will be something I do that upsets you did the points you or let you down if you're, ok with that, let's get started, let's get going I saw the amount of people have worked out that door really there. people that left because they were. Expecting divinity inhumanity and they were expecting perfection. I am really happy that they left, because I would never have been able to live up to that and I dont, even when the pressure, and so I'm really cool. with people even now, like I work with so many clients and that's one of the first things osage them and you see that the peace I'd stay, recognise that, because they understand they are flows, we all do and I It took off the pressure, especially in coaching where a lot of people
you can change their life and is an mutual coach or therapist. You may you, can change someone else, his life and the well I've coached in the more hours I've rector, with coaching the more I realized. I don't khan chain, someone's life, don't have what it takes to change someone's life. I I have to say something profound. Every word I say: I'm not ever I say is gonna, be perfect and credible and insightful and if I can let go of that, I actually might allow something beautiful happen. Actually trying to do all those things trying to say something profound. Every sentence trying to magically solve someone's problems. trying to be perfect. All of these things actually block something beautiful from happening kind of I think it very much linked what you said about not not putting expert nation on the outcome? We said that earlier I'm, not gonna, try and change a life today, focus and, as you said earlier in the process of like what we can do, today, I guess putting my point,
seeing that came to mind there was yet we both quite simply put them out and eat the internet, and that kind of thing, but aren't going to comply, When I might question instagram have now expectation that is going to change the life of pretty much actually don't think, even if people agree with it most then when actually do anything, probably over ninety five, maybe ninety nine percent of them. But what does it take to have an impact on someone's life is something that you can do as a coach. Or is it something side, then that is what you just. did into their flame. What is it. I believe that we need different language. Different perspectives, different faces, different voices to connect with em person on the planet will, to say the same thing: in your own way from your own mind and heart your experience and that's going to tat someone in a way that what I said caught and then I'm gonna say something in a country this can impact someone else that your words may not speak too, because I I've heard truth again and again and again and again and again
and then I hear it again last week and it clicks because I heard it from some one that set it in a way that speed, the language of my soul, let's weeks the language of my mind and heart- and I think tat it's what so fascinating about needing more voices in more faces and more people trying to serve. But when you took my what creates chain the encroaching there's this for steps to making a change in someone's life. He goes theoretical, meaningful, practical and applicable. So most people when they like a post on instagram or with a common, that's them think fit radically. I agree with this and I understand it. I stand, theory that what you're saying is true and I like it and I grieve at it theoretically, but The radical understanding doesn't create transformation that theoretical understanding doesn't change someone's life, it may hit them here and hit them here, the next step.
Please from here to here, which is: is it meaningful to them, So given example, leslie someone reads quo, but they just lost their parents or they. Just lost a family member. They love. I know I've goddamn it to me in the last couple of years? I'm sure many people listening have now. It's not theory. meaningful because it hit your heart, one from here to hear, and you like Okay, that really resonated. and that doesn't change your life because now it's meaningful its emotional, its internal, but dad, changing your action or your behavior, so the next step is making that practical, ok Stephen wrote that amazing quote: how do I make that practical? Let me reflect this is work that the coachee or the client needs to do ok, stephen presented a beautifully connected, my head, it hit my heart How do I make that practical in my day to day life? I'm not and I'm not J. How do I actually practically do that and then? Finally, what's the part that I apply and take action on so
as a receiver of wisdom and knowledge you to do half that jedi, well you can do. Is the theoretical and meaningful and you may even help with practical tips and application, but someone still ass to sit there and go. How do I do that unless you're sitting the more than one and one obviously- and you can't do that- the practical bit for someone else forever ever yet he could beheld them today or tomorrow totally not for a lifetime. It's not gonna, be the fishing rod over the years. I've tried to kind of simplified. What what happiness is. My city with my guests and mugabe was great at that as well, as, of course, is unbelievable and of the concept of happiness What are the kind of simple fundamentals that J shitty required in his life to live a happy life These two were happy. I knows a shitty. Why didn't he respects by just one he's that is there that the word here I'd. I'd say that I look at happiness as daily habits and then deeper purpose So there's things you can do daily that keep the.
in this kind of moving and feel its growing? and then there is almost the object if the compass, the reason why you, and why you exist, For me, it's been really clear that fight in your passion and using it in the service of others is what creates the greatest deepest happiness, when you find what you love, what you excel out, will you brilliant and then you can actually use that to improve. People's lives and you can use that skill that passion that energy to make the difference in someone's life There is no better feeling than that. I'm one I find is I meet a lot of people have mastered their passion, but not for service moss at it for business. They must Did it for money, the atmosphere the success and they, have all of that, but they haven't got the service element in their life. They don't understand how to use their passion for a purpose
and so they feel unequipped, and then I know Two people are trying to serve or trying to make a difference are trying to do charity work. They tried to do all this good work and they so good about it, but they student fulfilled because their missing. What is my special role like? What's my position, what's my bring in this space. You kind of get lost after a while, and so to me happiness is where both come together, where it's like. I know what I love and what to me happy. I want do that for others to improve their lives, it makes them happy. you can do what makes you happy for others- and it makes them happy, it's going to give you happiness, and I have tested that principal time and time again with clients with friends with family, with myself and I've seen it can be true again and again and again, but that bigger happiness, peace go to the daily habits that daily stuff
I want to try and avoid the stuff that I think people have heard and people have probably come across before in many different places. Maybe I've spoken about them, maybe other people have but one of the ones from me. As I read a book a few years ago about flow state and book really transformed how I feel about things, and it told but how being in flow is the end section where your skills and your challenge match so your skills are higher than your challenge. You feel board lethargic and maybe feel stock but if your challenge is greater than your skills, you feel overwhelmed potential depressed and disk acted in disappointed. Some most of us are living in one of those discrepancies, and I find on a daily basis. I'm playing around with that equation for happiness, because that state. When you know you have a skill your challenge is met, and even if you lose you still,
such joy out of it, because you know that you still working in the right direction and I think that is an under played paw of happiness, because it doesn't sound like something. Predictable are obvious, because people go on that achievement that ambition Actually, no it's just saying tomorrow, people it's either. Ah, there challenges a great than their skill of their skills, bread and their children. So I would given to say look at your life Do you need to improve your skills or doing to broaden your challenge, is a year of expanding. Your challenges the year of broadening your skills, and I promise you ve start with that. You're gonna get so busy and active changing one of those that happen. Is going to naturally flow. Comes into a little little model I created of creating happiness for my year and die We sit in one of them, seligman which, when it in I built that tat, create happiness. Today, in one year in one month in a week,
You have to have three things. You have to learn something every year you have to launch something every year, and yet the love something area. And that's how I've lived for the last three to five every year, I e learning something every year on launching something and every year and loving something and I'll give you an example. So when I talk about state that comes into the idea of grazing. Your challenge is like launching something. The reason why launching something great happiness is because it creates a of nervousness. It creates a feeling, flies crisis leading feeling of excitement I don't know, what's going to happen, we need a feeling of surprise in life. We will need that feeling of. I don't know, the sense of the unknown can actually cause happiness and so Launching something is such a power of wanting to many people will think for five years and think for ten years and maybe launch one thing in their whole life and
me- and you have, but I mean I'd love, to activate interview my progress, but I not so much stuff to ban all gonna go, but that no and create so much joy create so much happiness in Lord something and we can dive into the then there's learn something which what we just drove by learning skills. So that's that that's the idea of creating a flow stabilizing. What skill do I want to learn? And every year I pick a skill and it's usually based on what I want to launch the next year saga, accounting to learn podcasting. So twenty eighteen, I studied podcasting twenty nineteen, we learned balloons the podcast, so what you learn Tenzin what to what you launch and what you launch tens into what you love and we try and yours you trying to the other way round. We try time, love something for we learn in launching it doesn't make sense. you. Ve got to learn about something. First, and then you can fall in love with it. You can't, love something and then learn about it. You can, but it doesn't always work that way. So I try
and plan my years out in that way, I go. What am I going to learn? What am I gonna launched? What am I gonna love so yeah that's how I and great happiness on a daily weekly monthly basis with diving into things like gratitude, meditation which are huge parts of my daily happiness, but I think those ideas that are out there in the we talked about before before launched a lot of stuff a lot of stuff and we need it a little bit about some of these things that influence to mean you ve got your your genius community which you, which has been going for a long time, not brilliant, a really brilliant business and really stand out business in this whole industry in terms of the way you executed here and there I mean even the design of third. The programmes- and I remember going on the website and china are thinking to myself. It would I be able to make something is quality. Is this in the future? in an sort of muddling myself on that you ve got your certification go for catches as well. You ve lost your tea.
NASA has also already- I guess it's a bit of an exclusive, your punish it with com mindfulness meditation. App then they will save themselves asleep. This will now have a more modern and description of them. so. Why did you partner with com. So, Michael and I Michael's one of the co founders of com has been a miss porthos. Yes, exactly as, and we were introduced. Probably around four years ago, now He came up for lunch to my place. We were hanging. Connecting getting to know each other. He was being told that He should really connect with me, and I was being told I should connect with him and finally together, we had lunch. My home, my wife made us this incredible lunch. sat down and eat bots brought a friend and either couplet people down, we just hung out and meeting I met? Someone who I really believed was not to build an app.
I met someone who's not trying to build a platform met someone who is not trying to build technology he was trying about an experience trying to build a. journey for people to go on. He was trying to build a practical daily habits for each and every single person in the world. It was really beautiful for me to hear, because I've been an admirer of calm when it first today. When I first heard about it, probably Eight years before we met I've been seeing what they were doing in creating and to meet the person behind it and for them to be as genuine sincere and wonderful is Michael. Is you ve met him? You know what he's like, I was really blown away by that. I was just blown away by that vision and having and I was in years mediterranean, the monastery, the meditating afterwards, I've or wanted to share imitation at scale with the world, I think it's a habit d
Eighty to ninety percent of the world's most healthy, wealthy unsuccessful people live by If we could make it accessible, practical and relevant, each and every person's daily life can you imagine the transformation that they will have an eye. it means that, as a monk I saw it in for years and years and years have seen a lost year during the pandemic. I when live for twenty days on instagram, and taught meditation just to everyone and anyone, because I felt quite inadequate. I was like I'm not a frontline worker. I can't save lives, I'm not! every person I'm not helping people with a groceries in their food. As that, what can I offer- and I thought well, maybe people can have a minute of he's in com, then than that might be worth it and, of course what he days. I end up doing. Fourteen to twenty weeks, forty days with twenty million people tuning, and it was just so mine blowing to me and most of the people were saying that never meditated before
I thought to myself how beautiful that wasn't. One of the biggest piece of feedback I get from audiences will do the meditate? Would you every day, Can we keep doing that and I was like, while with those forty days of light, meditations were were really intense and a lot of work went into them so I wanted a home forever. I could share meditation, Every single day, you piece of meditation insight that each every single person could build a daily, how they vote every day one of seven minutes a day you can, seven minutes a day every day, seven minutes it everyday five days. We find this week weekends. You get days off, yeah. Everyone gets two days off, you'd have to meditate on the weekends. You can sleep in you're, going to you've recorded a meditation income for three. If we haven't recorded Oregon, we haven't recorded all of them because they're fresh and they're moving in there based on my weekly inspirations, we record the monthly nice to record the monthly, so I've recorded for the next month ahead, because after because evans gonna need that. I am
basing it on like what my inspiration is, that weak mama days that we'd, but it's a seven minute meditation, and I truly believe that everyone can find seven minutes. And if just find seven minutes midday in their calendar, as I said that they put aside for themselves I believe in their seven minutes iran could build a beautiful habit. Now, the difference with our meditation is the meditations we ve created. We believe that meditations that inspire action all of them are not just sitting there on your own, with yourself breathing the into connect. with a change in your daily behaviour. So Each and every single one of them have a takeaway have an inside that you can go and apply no matter what you do across the world, so the goal is where meditation meet action, where meditation can actually help. You change how you feel that day, through your real life and so why Here's com was, I want. Home Did you work with Michael in the team? Who, I just believe, are, dreaming beauty
fifthly, about how to bring meditation to the world and so sincerely and genuinely care about each other pass in, and I just love? How. I would say I love how universally day approach Meditation, I think, protein meditation in this universe sue expansive abundant mindset way, which makes sense worry the a of meditation its visualization be applauded, meditation and that's how I was trained in meditations amongst so if he was philosophically aligned as well even so much and really from what I observed. Even you we started in two thousand and I'd say that this sort of external social media content journey started in two thousand. Sixteen, yes, yet is mad. That is, you conference two thousand. sixteen am making your first content, two thousand and twenty two now just
will this global household name as it relates to content self improvement meditation all of these topics right, that's a short period of time. When you look back Can you try and connect the dots as Steve, jobs often did about how apple came to be in the little moments in the little things, whether a moment of good fortune or whether it was something that you have spotted in high, citing your character, why, was Jay shetty successful in such short period of time in such a big way, Give me the honest, practical outsider one any. I wonder why. Why were you successful, so I'm going to give you the I'm going to give you my munch on some that I'm going to eat, then I'm going to get the media and sex, and then I lit by both right, like you have you have to see things his boat and that's why I love my monk answer is I was really fortunate to me incredible people when I was young. I met a few people absolutely transformed. My life eternally indebted to them grateful to them, and I hope
well to them, and so I give all my success to them. You know without meeting those amazing men tours in those phenomenal for leaders and thinkers who are not famous were not known, who are not present like in this social media? Well did not big names or whatever, people. You know those people, if I know let them none of this would have happened. I can see the emotion in your face when you say this: yeah just I really you know, we we skip the earlier, but I just feel like. the gratitude I have for people who saw potentially me when I did see it myself, is just the greatest gift you can give to someone like. I today have self awareness and I've confidence, and I know who I am and I I wasn't always like that, like David five years where I was insecurity. You know whose bullied for being overweight- and I was bullied for being the only indian at school and they were so much like baggage to do with just my body. Might
we have a language are used in all this kind of stuff and two to have someone notice that you may have something, and you ve had there, and that is just you you like without passing for the rest of your life and the best thing is those people don't even want it. So you know the the best thing by all of this is the people there are not going. Oh yeah, we did that that they're actually saying no. No, no, it's not us like it's you and I think that's the beauty of that site. I have to say that I it's important that I share the answer. No, because I'm trying to give more strategic on said, but I think it important because it is a big part of it. and so that would be the monks that I met would be the coaches that I'm the guys that cinema look from a very practical strategic standpoint, shifting now My parents forced me to go to public speaking and drama school when I was eleven years old and I really do want to go so shy. I was confident I was insecure about being on stage or being in a public setting I'd she loved acting
growing up. I really enjoyed acting in doing theater and things like that or is playing and the character, but being myself on stage does that? this thing I wanted to do, and my parents saw that, and they saw. That is something that I should work on, so they fall just me and my school to enroll me in a public speaking course, Sir the age of eleven through to the age of eighteen, forty three was a day three days weeks and nine hours a week for seven years I went to public speaking school really fast, Seven years of my life, went to public school So when I look back in my ability to communicate my ability to understand ideas and by the way, publics he's is examination based too so we had exams where they would give you topic. Fifteen minutes before you fifty minced research topic from the books in the room that they give you, because there was no smartphone at a time when we were eleven, twelve years old and new have to create a speech in fifteen minutes about that subject from the books that were in the room, you
read from a book that you'd never read before they'd pick a random page and they'd. Ask you to read it out. So the examination of a pub- and this was at the london academy of music drama, not it's called lambda, and that's where I, for seven years, so that's very strategic skill set that I had the time to develop thanks to my parents, you know that without my parents, that none of that would have happened, and I think that big pot of wide people of appreciate how I communicate ideas, because spend a lot of time, understanding communication bottle I was eighteen, I had nothing to talk about even though I had all these tools and skills, I didn't really use them, because I didn't care about anything, so sure. I gave a good presentation at university and work experience in an internship. but it was never something that brought me to life. When I met the monks- and I gotta opportunity to study the values which have five thousand years old, and again we will put through rigorous study. We sat down we're to learn verses. We had to analyze ports
I'm in trees on ancient scriptures, we had to do comparative analysis of religions in tradition like, whereas among women massively trained in philosophical analysis and to me get me a real strengthen confidence in these ideas to some of the ideas I present today that may sound simple there, based on really ancient deep truths that I've had the time to go pull wid with great to really understand them, so to me, a big benefit. I've had we have had three years of com the dedication to study philosophy and not just studying the intellectual areas, but the practical and applicable areas as well. So, thanks to my teachers who gave me that. And then when I went to extension repeat well. I guess you just among. Why did you go to essential to pay the bills? I can rely on my parents, and you know my plan well see that they could pay my way. Through life- and I move today, a move back in
my childhood bedroom when I was twenty six living with my parents with twenty thousand eighteen thousand pounds worth of debt and just feeling that charles I. What do I do now and I applied to forty companies that would have given me a job on a first class on his degree student. I'm a stray a student. I was it two from forty companies because surprise, surprise, no one wanted to hire a monk, several ngos. What you're transferable skills sitting quietly and sit on the floor like no one needs that, Forty companies say no to me. Accenture finally give me a shot, and meet someone called thomas power and thomas, and if you have a meadow much he's london based, he started like an early linkedin kind of version called academy and he was- is very network in london in the business space definition introduce you guys, resources and was brought in by extension, to train us in social media. I'm train us in in this new wave of this new thing that was happening
interesting because we ve talked about a mean him many times I'm gonna have him on. My pursued and I realize you don't really teach me much about social media, but you really taught me about breaking my mindset and he would always repeat napoleon hill. You become what you think about it please tell me they'd be let keep saying that you yourself and I saying that to myself and you become, we think about you become knows it I think you are nothing but anything. So what become nothing and who is really interesting. Is that you'd give me this little tools and little things to play with yet another one called our? ass, which he would say that successful people have to open random and supportive. Indeed say that most answer Several people are closed. Selective and controlling cs see anything when you live in a csc mindset, you limit your growth but where you live in our s, mindset open random and supportive. You expand your growth shooting cards to be opened with strangers on twitter hitting card me to be open with random people would mean a conference and just training me and behaviors and mindsets. It wasn't like
how to posting what time to posting. This is how you make it wasn't how to make something go viral like that. Wasn't it was how, engage how to push your comfort zone had a challenge. Your fear. Why are you so uncomfortable to walk up to that person and tweet? Then you know all those kind of things and I sure that my mind became just open. The ideas even was Tom you're an entrepreneur have elected, no, no I'm into work for someone and so you'd pushing me until I get really angry them. You don't even know who I am. only for me to realize he saw something in me that I never saw and then I'd say from thereon. That's What gets me at the beginning of it? I would say that for ten years before two thousand and sixteen I was making content and delivering it small venues in london so I had an event in london at university cool think out loud every single week. I would in a postal photoshop. I told myself version and I the poster, and I would talk now a movie for
philosophical, psychological and spiritual perspective. Take a movie like conception, and I break it down ten students would come every week and then meditation, which had learned from the monks and then twenty. had come in and by the time I finish, university. A hundred people came every single week to him down, and this was no followers. They events for free caring for free doing everything for free, I loved it. I was much joy and then afterwards, when I was accenture, I ran an event in london called conscious living and it was just as it was an event which is partly like five pound on a friday night and again, I was teaching philosophies, spirituality, meditation and I was lucky people turned up. It wasn't university anymore, where you can go on deck, the pools with flyers impostors in the common room in the community area, so Five to ten people every friday night time, five to ten pages, food that we gave and- the post is that we may just to cover the costs For ten years before I ever made a piece of content online, I've practice.
Rehearsed. Experimented rattled, challenged these ideas again and again and again and again and again with any followers without any money, without any thing else. Coming from, apart from the fact that I love you, I love the idea, reading a book and try to make a relevant so I would say that the biggest reason is because I've done this ten years offline before when online seven do and if you like, sixteen years and that doesn't count the eleven you public speaking to us. It is really do something really beautiful about that, because I, I think it gives them a sense of some kind of inspiring, but they also gives a sense of peace to people harassed. you know johnny whether sounded the phone the close and listening, glazing like I was anything king is a waste of time thinking in this vein in trying to persuade Margarets bison when this is a waste of time and its serving my wife.
ago, and is only in hindsight when he speaks people like yourself. We use here about steve jobs journey. What really anybody? That's it from his paw cause, you These are some of the most unbelievably formative and most pivotal experiences as it relates to the you will go on to do tat. You never know what that's going to happen right. You never know when opportune He's gonna meet preparation in your life totally that he speaks to somebody said earlier, which is its the mindset you haven't you doing these things and, if You believe, I think if you believe that sitting on that phone is going to be the rest of your life, forever you are increasing the chances of that being the case, and I'm not putting down people that you call center jobs is actually mine. Favour and the job- did the longest, but think that such an important concept shift that can inspire. Not thirty motivate yeah thing we have to look at our life is a series of things that add up each other rather than like. is a waste, this is a waste and that's not waste and by the way, you said, call centre that sparked memory I day in turn
shipping sixteen years old at the time in his design centre in angel and I was working for a company called up history. Events that sewed event space to companies for these big exhibitions and events that happened in the venue and I remember at sixteen having to call out nissan Bmw v, w out he vauxhall, etc, exerting a big car exhibition and by the way sixteen year old kid who didn't really knows doing. But the people train me really well and out. I was cold, calling an eye bleeding agree with you. I think that gave me so much confidence to bear to pick up the phone to anyone and everyone to tweak anyone everyone to do m anyone ever by the way cristiano ronaldo has the longest list of gems from me that he's never seen right has the longest listed. The aims for me that has never seen, but I'm hoping that one day is going to see them and ongoing interview minutes. The idea of like I don't I'm not worried if you and see them. I'm not upset if one day sees thirty dm from me, presided
that's what it takes and I'm ok with that knows no ego them so happy if to china or not to open up and saw a disguise desperate. I would take the whole day because I think he's if I think he has a phenomenal mind. I'd love to see within and without release what did you lose right that comes from when you called calling in the call center? You learn that mindset of what did I lose if this person said no and three hundred people on this list and that pay. Might be the one that once in now and that person might come back around and you get to develop skills, so I just I just hope wherever you are listening to this right now, wherever you're watching you just take a moment to realise that that place can teach you everything you need to know about your purpose and if you just two in that way, you gonna walk to work with a penny step. It like this, energy, that's gonna, be so electric and so magnetic then, going to know? What's going on with you, and all of these is that you're looking at life as an addition, rather than a subtraction and you'll, receive in a completely different way. Here we have a
standing tradition is podcast where the previous guest the question for the next guest in the diary? That's genius the latter that, if any new, is dead in the spring of well up what we know about the reason why we did it we have explained this is we want to basically connects the the apple heads together in the gas together in some way and dignified by question written in the diaries. Our way who came up with that great idea, spilett sobs, and asked him. When I tell my teeth and humble, become a man not happy nineteen from away until it's funny, you can imagine what it does. What it does. This question is actually one. I think I asked you ready. you can ask me another one. If you want you can pick up pick a random. I can just make one up there. So the question asked what is your definition of true six ass I'd say my definition of true success is that their four important decisions we make our life.
if you can make every decision intentionally. With the desire to learn and serve, then that's all you can do So the foremost important decisions we make in our life, ah do, I feel about myself I do for money. Who do I give my love to and how? I said about it and it you spend your life focusing on inter finally making those choices, life is a success. or you can do- is try to live intentionally and try to hope that it helps other people. I'm listening. I can't thank you enough for coming here in doing this, and I know you are very in demand clarity. I am very, very successful man whose, whose ne in the uk for a short period of time, so it's a true honor that you would come here We have this conversation for me. You ve been a real role model in many many ways, and you know you ve led the way in that content, the self development, helping people, change their lives, domain
ashley someone that comes from the same countries me for the long times, have always looked. Look to you last sunday, seven years since I've, I've doing this and I think your success has propelled and enabled mine from a point of inspiration, but also from giving me a blueprint. How to solve say. I've never said that What I really wanted to thank you, because that some are you ve, helped you probably the reason I get how people as one in my own way. So that means You mean to to me that you come here and sit with me in the strategy That is probably one of the most humbly things anyone's ever said to me, because I'm a huge fan of the poor cost. I think you do an incredible job and get some amazing gas guess that I've never sat down. Where do you know- not be. In my rate, my my radar, radio and tv show things with them, have just been phenomenal, and so when I'm listening and watching I gonna get my heck. I was talking to my own hairdresser about you as a con goons. Cause tomorrow and- and you know, and he and he listens to you as well and knows who you are- and I was just like yeah and and the easiest thing that came back-
Maybe she asked he was really nice. Garlic is really down to earth is really humble, and I find phenomenon because of your age. Because of what you have achieved, I've never felt like even a drop ego around you, and whether that in your online presents whether that's when we men york, whether that's on twitter all those years ago, whether its today, if before we're on cameras- and I really appreciate, I think, as monks, we were trained that the most admirable quality and a humanist humility that was seen as like that, if we can say that in the material world the highest thing about someone is whatever it is: the currency. In monk, life was humility and when I meet people who have humility, I've, I've really, then it might let the people I get drawn your nose, and you just have in bags full- and I I just think you're gonna do often do even more
incredible: successful, phenomenal things for the world and I'm excited to watch. I'm excited to be a fan, a friend and shoot him. Hopefully we get to do stuff together too, but this is beautiful man. Thank you so much. Thank you. I wanted to come on this deal for this brilliant. I hope we do it more and I cant wait to have you on your way, so now that you're coming to las you're going to have your present. Thank you so much for listening to that conversation make sure you tag me and stephen, letting us know what you learned from this. What you took away, maybe something that made you reflect and introspect see you again next week we're listening,
Transcript generated on 2022-06-18.