« On Purpose with Jay Shetty

7 Strategies to Stop Getting Drained by Your Problems & Focus on Possibilities

2023-10-13 | 🔗

You might have heard the buzz about positive thinking, but have you ever wondered if it truly works? 

People are often encouraged to visualize their goals, maintain an upbeat attitude, and affirm positive outcomes.

Today, I am going to share the power of shifting your thinking and the impact it has on our lives. We'll begin by dissecting the concept of thinking into three distinct types. It's an eye-opening revelation that sets the stage for our main topic - the Possibility Mindset. This mindset is a game-changer, a shift in thinking that can transform the way you approach life.

But, of course, not all thinking is beneficial. We'll delve into the Problem Mindset, dissecting the seven key elements that hold you back from your full potential. From only seeing the issues to choosing your words carelessly, we'll uncover how these habits can discourage not only yourself but also those around you.

The ultimate question we'll explore is the difference between talking about big things and actually doing them. So, get ready to challenge your thinking and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. 

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • What is possibility thinking
  • How to stop being a problem thinker
  • How to develop the possibility thinking
  • How to level up your doer mindset

Your mindset is a powerful tool, and by the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the knowledge to wield it effectively in your journey towards success.

With Love and Gratitude,

Jay Shetty

What We Discuss:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 01:19 Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work?
  • 03:13 The Three Types of Thinking
  • 04:23 What Is The Possibility Mindset?
  • 05:28 Do You Have A Problem Mindset?
  • 09:19 #1: You Only See The Issues 
  • 12:02 #2: Doing Things In The Mind Alone
  • 13:08 #3: Nothing Is Never Enough
  • 15:56 #4: You’re Likely To Discourage Others
  • 18:12 #5: Choosing Words Carelessly
  • 20:27 #6: Thinking Like An Expert
  • 20:56 #7: Talking About Big Things vs Doing Big Things

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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paul learn more at the mw. Usa, dot com, Bmw, the ultimate electric driving machine on berbers is supported by a t and t the driving force behind connectivity, bridging gaps and enabling exploration and growth like never before in our ever changing world where time seems to slip away its common to all worry about finding our purpose too late, but I didn t is able to connect us, so we can embrace the possibilities, follow our passions and light up that path that sets out I was on fire. Eighty t believes every moment is a chance to discover your purpose, no matter where you are in life, to take your time, connect with your interest change your part and your purpose connecting changes everything. Eighty anti, I am grateful for what I have, but I'm excited for what I'm growing for days. This balanced approach notice how I'm not
Putting forward the other extreme life isn't just about. I'm at one extreme? How do I get to the other extreme? I'm negative? Let's get a positive, I'm not grateful. Let's be grateful. It doesn't work like that. That's too simple the There is far more great fiance's black and white eons is not one or the other side Everyone will come back to on purpose than a more help broadcast in the world. Thanks to each and every one of you that come back every week to listen land, and grow. Thank you. So much four tuning and tightening up for europe. information. I am so so happy to get this this time with you every day. Every week, multiple done today, maybe
I thank all of you that had been leaving reviews, mores, learning more is trying to improve your feedback, always trying to make this better, and I'm so happy that we ve always kept this absolutely free. The part costs has been free since day, one you have over, four and a half years worth of content, that's available, make you go back and listen to incredible. besides saw it all the way back in twenty nineteen and just last week. So today I want to something really important and I think a lot of the time. we heard a lot about positive thinking, it's all about positivity, they say The thing is times gone on. We ve realized that positivity open they ve thinking doesn't really work. because when we tell someone to be positive, but we're telling to do is think good things right, just the positive, ignore the negative ignore
what's wrong in your life right now, don't I kept your emotions or your feelings. Don't acknowledge but you're going through just be positive. Someone says all I'm really worried that I may not get this job, I'll just be positive, you get it and then it comes around bidding get the job and I said well, I was being positive. Why didn't I get? It with these. Maybe there was feedback. Maybe there was a lesson, maybe those learning, maybe that job wasn't right for them. Maybe they try hard enough. Maybe they needed to I understand their feeling of worry and know how to transforming and move on. from anxiety, but Think someone to be positive doesn't get them the result they won and it stops then dealing with the emotion. Telling someone to be positive doesn't get them the result and it stops them from ignore imaging how they feeling so adding toxic positivity
has been around for a long time and often people assume, if someone's, telling you to think bigger or think more mind fleet in the same, be positive, and I don't think that's it case. I want you to know that today, I'm not telling you to be positive, I'm not trying to just get you to think about the good things in life. That is not what I'm encouraging you to do, because think, there's a lot more to it than that simple statement. Now these three types of thinking, positive thinking, problem thinking and possibility, thinking. I want to talk to a bit about problem thinking the opposite end, so positivity is one extreme. Will you force yourself to just black everything's gonna work out everything's, going to be great things amazing right, which is in you have to do stuff. You have to work through stuff. You have to figure things out. The other extreme is problem, thinking everything problem. I can never do that. That's never going to work out, that's impossible! That won't work
me, I can't do it. It's not gonna happen right, we do the opposite, just as we were blindly being positive. when our blindly being negative it is. We were being poor it is for the sake of being positive, were now being negative for the sake of being negative right. There was a basis. There was no evidence to our positivity I now there's no evidence to our problems. We just keep pointing out the problems Even if someone presents a solution, we find the one negative in that solution and edges can used, go round and round and round. So I want to present to you possibility thinking. Right the possibility mindset this, is an imagination. This isn't delusion possibility. Mindset is saying in I've been falsely positive instead of being falsely negative or falsely prob
I'm looking or problem spotting. Let me thinking possibilities. Let me always look for possibilities. Instead of problem let me look for what could happen, what we could figure out. Let me look at war and how we could approach it differently. Let me look at what is possible. Let me look at the possible over the impossible. Let me look at once probable. Instead of the possible, let me stop discounting or deflecting things as jews being fully problems, and let me actually find the way now. The way I want to address this is, I want share this with you, as if you have a post, billy t mindset or problem mindset. So if you have a problem mindset You will believe there is only one way we do this.
our careers? We do this in our passions. We do this in our marriages. We do our relationships, if you're so who believes there is only one way it means with stock in problem mindset, we believe this is the only part, and if this path doesn't work for us, then it will never work for us. We believe that this, the only job that will make us happy. If we don't get this job than we can be happy, we believed it This is the only way we'll get to where we want to go to, and if we don't go in this way, then it won't happen. If you new, believes there is only one way to to where you want to go you living in problem mindset. Now somebody's living in a possibility mindset who say, let me find another way, they must be another way, the back door, the trap door, this secret door, the reverse moving door, there are so many other doors down the front door. That is a possible
Letty mindset these windows right, there's cat flotsam expertly going off for you, the boy the idea raise. You want to train yourself to remember there's always another way, there's always another door. There's always another possibility. You have to look deeply search for that possibility, Thomas edison, why said when you believe you have exhausted all options remembered this. You have I remember at a certain point in my life. I believed that the way to make living was to having a job now, that's totally normal and totally fine and there's nothing wrong with that. Right, that's normal, and if your success, Let you job things going fine for you. That's actually an amazing way but as someone who realize how in secure that was at times. I recognized that
I needed to have multiple sources of income in order to be safe, because I wasn't doing job I loved or a job that I was doing, you know propelling unto me This was a really really important learning that there was not the way to live right. You never even occur to me before, that you could have multiple revenue streams of that was a way of living One point in my life as crazy as it sounds. I really do believe there were many jobs in my head, you could only be in a couple of jobs because everyone around me was in a couple of jobs. I didn't even know you could be in media or being journalism or being communications. I didn't know roles like that existed its fascinating to think, but it's true. I'm sure there are times in your life will you didn't believe percent of some music and new discovered a new type of music, and this is what it's all about discovery when we're living in a possibility mindset we're allowing ourselves to discover
we're allowing ourselves to unravel revealed something? So I want you to think about where, in your life have you developed. A problem mindset where you look for the problems, and you think are. This is the only way in its not working, I failed and how new challenges of how can you push yourself to actually look for the possibilities, even when it seems there are none right. Remember those words of thomas edison. When believe you exhausted all options. Remember this! You haven't when you think you ve exhausted, options, when you think you ve been down every path. I promise you there's another one. If you really care about the goal, keep trying a new path. If you don't about the golden change. Your goal, but if you care about the goal, keep, finding a new path now. if you're living in a problem mindset when you see a plan,
when you see your goal? You actually you see a list of issues right giving it a problem. Mindset you're someone who, even though you have a goal, even though you have haven't you, I build maybe have a physical goal, a mental goal, an emotional goal, a career goal, but all you do is you think? Oh god, I got too much to do gosh I need to be there. That's not going to happen right dead. Someone with the possibility mindset, mu list out all the areas of growth. The list the skills that they have in order to get there and, though list out the gaps as well known, So that's a different mindset, there's a different mindset between listing the issues in listing the problems and then listing areas of god. now, this is what I want to do as a practical step, make a list of everything you have ever achieved. I make a list of everything you ve ever achieved. It could be the developing of his skill. It could be a qualification, it could be a degree what
or maybe it could be a job promotion and ask yourself to questions one? What are the skills that you developed or have that helped you get there and second of all was that a traditional route you took, or did you take and and traditional route The first question is important, because you have to realise that you have skills in order to get to where you want to get too and some of the problems that your pursuing or some of the problems facing. You actually have the skills to solve those problems. You have actually done that before and the second question is important to help you realize that often you may have done things in a slightly different way. You might have done things in a roundabout way. There is plenty of possibility that you approach things differently and when I practice my possibility mindset if I've a goal. I always look at ngo. Ok. What would I need to learn? Ok, what would I need to develop? Ok great. Where do I need a star
right, rather than tequila all right, this is going to get in the way this is going to get in the way. I would say this is going to get in the way, but how do I create a plan around that right? That's the difference between possibility and positivity thinking positivity thinkings thinking, well, everything's gonna go gray, everything's gonna go to plan, there's no issues possibility The thinking is here, I know that's a possibility. but how can I make it less of a probability right? That's what possibility thinking is. I know that's a possibility. I know it's possible that things go wrong, but how do I reduce that probability and actually have a pro activity approach to solving it? If and when it happens, that some possibility mindset? this segment about possibility is brought you by eighty anti hiv anti believes connecting changes every sometimes where our own worst enemy and our own harshest critics and this
of doubt often prevents us from reaching awful potential it doesn't just affect us individually. It can also hold back. Teams and entire organizations. This is what we call default. Thinking when we get stuck in our usual ways of thinking, limiting our options, stifling creativity and stopping us from exploring all different ideas and opportunities that are out there to open door for more opportunities and possibilities. We need to shift from default thinking to scenario thinking, so Are you thinking simply means being able to think about multiple different possibilities at the same time and being ready to. act when opportunities come our way when you adopt, the strategy you start thinking what, if, instead this is our only option or we don't have another choice, change in how you think will gradually made you see things from a different perspective, one that's curious and open to new experiences. as you get used to this. What, if approach you disk?
a whole world of options and solutions. You might not have seen before this new found flexibility can be the key to achieving great success in your personal I life because it equips you to deal with. the ever changing challenges and opportunities. Come you away. So how do you make this shift scenario thing? and open up more possibilities. Here are a few practical steps. Don't let fear hold you back face your fears. Doubts head on understand that fear can often stopped. From exploring new ideas. by acknowledging and pushing pass these fears. You can start thinking about different options without hesitation to think about what you want to achieve begin. The clear picture of what you want to accomplish when, our goal in mind, it's easier to explore different parts that can lead. You dad visualizing. Your success can motivate you to make changes. Three come up with different options,
actively brainstorm various possibilities, even ones that may seem a bit unusual or risky. Initially considering a wide range of options. You increase your chances of finding creative solutions for identifying, assess your stakeholders think about the people of groups who might be affected by your decisions or action. Engage with them to get a variety of perspectives and feedback, this collaborative approach. Can I help you make that more informed choices It's time, you had a roadblock exercise, those four ways to find more creative solutions for your next challenge. This has been brought you by eighty anti aids He believes connecting inspires, unites heels and helps us grow. Connecting changes how we live our lives for the better. Now someone who's got, a problem mindset relies on. Do being things in the mind alone, and some one in the possibility mindset realises you have to take action.
So what I mean by that is, if you thinking about problems, use you just think about them in your head and you go yet, like the one we doubled work and you trying to figure it out in your head. It's almost like mental gymnastics or mental arithmetic its trying to sober math problem in your head when you're, not that good math right and so what so interesting Nowadays, you just keep going round and round in circles in your mind, trying to figure it out rather than just taking action again, it comes back to that proactive possibility mindset. How can we take action? How can we move forward? How can we just take one step if you're struggling with problem thinking, it's because you're being blocked to actually take a step? This step could be ordering a book. This step could be taking a class. This step could be doing a course. This step could be
I need once right this step. The action doesn't have to be a big risk. It doesn't mean you have to take on a huge burden or carry a huge weight. It can truly be the simplest step forward. So the next one is the problem. Mindset says nothing is ever enough We always forget that, where we are today is somewhere, we once probably dreamed up right. There are things that you have achieved today that once upon a time you are ambitious too, pursue. There are things that you have attained today that a one point you can believe you could get to it could have been a job. It could have been a partner. It could have been a financial position. Please please! Please think about this for a second, but nothing is ever enough. It's always about. What's next, that's problem thinking why
I because, if we're always wondering what's next, then even when we get to next will be lost in what's next, it just keep going on and on whereas a possibility- t mindset says I'm grateful for what I have, but I'm excited for what I am growing for right. I am grateful for what I have, but I'm excited for what I'm growing for days. This balanced approach notice how I'm not just putting forward the other extreme life? Isn't it It's I'm at one extreme. How do I get to the other extreme, I'm negative, let's get a positive, I'm not grateful. Let's be grateful. It doesn't work like that. That's too simple. The answer is far more gray. The it is not black and white, the answer's, no one or the other side. So how can we really developed this mindset? The first year
when you grateful for what you have you don't have to just be content. I think people mistake gratitude with saying I dont want more right. That's all gratitude is gratitude. Is I appreciate where I am. I appreciate myself. How far I've come if you're, climbing up a mountain half of the mountain you, like I'm grateful to myself for getting halfway up you're going to get the energy it's going to give you the boost. You need to get the other half words. If you look at it going costs are still have left to go. I have achieved anything Do you think that means it's gonna help rather than the mindset This is amazing. I'm doing they are. I let's push forward, you can either motivate yourself out of love and compassion and gratitude oh, you can motivate yourself out of fear and anxiety. This show is sponsored by better help other moments in my life when I knew what was good for me, but he felt like me, Brain was sabotaging me like I can
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My overall quality of life copilot, has been a fantastic partner on my finnish journey. Helping me become the best version of myself visit. My co pilot dont come forward, slash on purpose to get a fourteen day free trial with you. on personal trainer now fear and anxiety to get you started. Don't get me wrong. They work but didn't get you far Fear and anxiety will get you started, but they won't get you followers love gratitude will get you on the journey of life. If you can talk to yourself with compassion, talk to yourself with grace, talk yourself with love, you actually be able to push forward now. This is where really shows up, and you might see, there's more new friends, but I want you to notice in yourself if you have problem mindset you like it, discourage others were. I share their ideas when others share their thoughts, you might be like. never gonna work. All your ideas signs those tying up. Our did. You know that bless and start a pod cause, or did you
the persons trying out something you know whatever it may be, will find another way to constantly make. feel like? That's, not gonna work, and I think we do that. Time. Sometimes we do it. Sometimes our friends do it we gonna discount what is possible for other people. We talk down on other people's dreams. We make other people, beliefs feel like they're not going to work right. I think this happens a lot and it happens too many many of us where we just don't realize how limiting we are of other people, because we ve developed a problem mindset or when you friend tells you idea instead of thinking about how it could be good, you think of all the problems you think you're helping and by the way someone the challenges they may face is a good thing, but you also taking a moment to say well that could work that could happen. What about this? What about that?
By the way, the reason I'm saying this is our and the pitting my ideas to so many people who wrote me off I've seen how easy it is to write other people off as well. It doesn't take a break, so to write someone off? Yet we all do it a problem mindset, person discourages others was opposed. Billy mindset person talks about the possibilities Have you thought about this possibility? Have you thought about this possibility, but with this possibility, may be an obstacle or challenge, and this person the lady may be a way out. Have you thought about it like this? You not to ing them to do it or not to do it. You not also replying and just saying oh you're, amazing. This is the best idea. I wish you all the best. It's going to be incredible. You don't want to lie to your friends either, but think about that for a second right, when and how can you help others as opposed to discourage others? That's the problem versus the possibility mindset now
turns a huge one. The problem mindset does she's their words carefully. It chooses words carelessly and the possibility mindset chooses thoughts and words extremely carefully. Look at the difference between as you can either say. I can't do this right. All you can say. How can I do You can either say it won't work or What can I do to make it work notice how you not just saying I can make anything work. I can do anything right. You know just lying dissolve again using these very em. statements, you're actually twisting the boy into a question. So, instead of I can't do this asking yourself, how can I do instead of saying, don't won't work, work.
I do to make it work notice. How? When you turn into a question, you take responsibility for your journey. You take accountability for your journey. You take this purpose to do something about it, So one of my friends call me the other day they, when a J. Does this toward stuff really work? think. The reason why people thing distorts doesn't work is people think its spiritual and actually is coding than it is virtue when say something to your brain when used see something in your mind, you are simply coding right. That's what it is you're saying something that you're going to repeat, and the question you want to ask yourself is: is this coding Is this repeated thought helping me get to where I want to get to chances are repeating. I can't do this is not going to lead to something creative right, johns's of you saying,
This won't work means it probably won't work right that isn't going to happen. So the question monkeys. Can you do it by ask yourself the question right? Can you switch that mindset and when you start to switch the torture. How do I do this? How do I figure it out? Guess what you start figuring it out. You start answering the question when you start answering the question, you start seeing change right. You start seeing change so changing your thoughts is not some spiritual activity, changing your towards is rewiring your coding another. you might find in the problem mindset people around you is, they think they're and expert right. They think they're an expert, whereas people of the possibility mindset think like a b You know a lot of problem minds if you will be like yeah that will work, because it this isn't days. Oh yeah, I saw that once whereas up
it's minds. It goes unwilling to learn. I'm ready to sit with masters, to figure out what to do right, unwilling to figure it out, and this also tipp sober to them. This point, which is arm chair, philosophers a lot of people. You may have a lot of friends. You talk on what sub groups who talk on tax groups through Just armchair philosophy, don't take any action. They just talk, big things, whereas a possibility mindset finds people are doing big things right, Ask yourself: are you surrounded by people who talk about big things, or are you started by blue? Do big things? mean by. That is even people who do big things have to talk about them. but are you around people who just have big mutations, deep conversations in order to sound smart and feel like they're, doing great work and make themselves feel smart and all the rest of it all Are you actually around people who, like taking strides in their life,
You gonna grow. If we want to develop a positivity minds it, you have to be around people who think in possibility who are making possibility happen whom in shifts happen in your life and their life in everyone's lives right rubs off. And in order to do that, we have to study people who made the impossible possible. We have to consider others crazy ideas to be possible. We have to find that london's community- and I think so often, you ve just surrounded us up by so many people who are currently negative in down about their own, live your life everyone's life that we adopt. thank you so much for listening to number, but today I am so grateful for your time and energy. Please share the practice that you'll be putting into action in your life. Thank you for doing the
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.