« No Such Thing As A Fish

501: No Such Thing As Republican Barbie

2023-10-19 | 🔗
A compilation of unheard material from Dan, James, Andrew and a whole host of guests, recorded over the summer at the Soho Theatre in London. Visit nosuchthingasafish.com for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes.  Join Club Fish for ad-free episodes and exclusive bonus content at apple.co/nosuchthingasafish or nosuchthingasafish.com/patreon
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I don't want a welcome to absolute five hundred. Add one of no such thing as a fish. Well, what do we have for you? This week we have finished ass. Some alive shows we have loads of extra beds that I couldn't fit into the normal fifty minutes to an hour episode of fish Usually, what we do with those is we'd make them into a compilation and they would go for club fish members. That's where all the compilations go these days, but saying as they were the live, shows that were coming to the end of summer and that we're all sleeping off a hangover from episode. Five hundred, we thought we would put this up on our main feed. Now,
The thing is about these episodes is, if you liked the fact some fish, then these are some of the best episodes for you, because they are super concentrated of little nuggets of information about those loads of fun, silly stuff in there as well. I really hope you enjoy it. If you like your compilations, then you can become a member of club fish. You will also get ad free episodes. You'll get other bonus content such as drop us a line where we go through the mailbox and meet the elves. Where we meet some of our newer members of staff at Q. I there's all sorts of stuff on. There is well worth joining and you can join there by going to notice that sunfish dot com forward, slash apple or no such thing as a fish dot com forward, slash patriot anyway. I really hope you enjoy. This week's show we'll be back next week with a novel episode, but for now it's on with the podcast credit
please welcome to say, buddy loosened, please welcome to the stage rachel parodists everybody due care, everyone fry doing going, nerd royalty, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the stage
susie dent the teens, of course, Greg jaffe ariad law, the german more than everybody, the sally fella, the fella AL sham of the richard osman, the great anecdote which I've been trying to prove. But it's some. I don't think it's true. I was actually not true and is not relevant, let's move on. Well, Look at the novel. That was great. Usually I wasted a lot of time, but I'm learning that soon also one of your best stories done quickly until he goes by Alan bombard.
As a french doctor, and he is very usual because he's one of the only people in history ever to shipwreck himself, okay, so this is amazing and there were lots of people that are being you know, lots of shipwrecked sailors who were dying each year. What like, when the, when the boats were shipwrecked, and he wanted to prove that, even if you had no food or water there were there were ways you could survive. So he settled from the here is where the sextant atop all an efficient rod and sealed box of food and water, where she was gonna, try very hard not to open them. Self control. You must have heard he suffered terribly like that's his phobia here. He had no rain for three weeks and then storm snapped the mast of his dinghy swordfish approached his rubber dig no sir, I don't ask who fifty three days later, he bumped into ship, and they said oh yeah, you're still six hundred miles, of course, for you're going wrong. He had just become a father as well when he did this, which I find
like. Well, at least I got some sleep but yeah the lengths some people will go to the air was amazing, but anyways, so he he, then he got aboard the ship which picked him up after fifty three days he had a small launch of a fried egg that got back on his diggy and kept sailing towards barbados, and he made it there, the andy did it eventually but yeah. I just think what a what a self experiment to do that is extraordinary, but why if the above, all, not to see a child and why I think to do tat eighteen years to get. I think I was to prove what you could survive on if you could survive on fish or practice and which you can do it and you can do without actually doing here. You could just say oh about fish today, but that as with self control, why that is, let's say the food econ open it just out of curiosity, have we have we been eating and drinking from the wrong end? This whole time
Would there be? Would that be certain things? Well, because present garfield was through his famously you ve got a bit of your point left them better time to put it into practice. A tutorial. If you will, I think, if you have the option mouth is interruption if we have no other option that directs him his accepts just fluids, though so I mean, if you're, trying to solve lots of nutrients you want, then you know your stomach and your opposite. Justice system will do all that work. So I would say it is a plant be very much like and I'll still try. It have you I was looking at people who died laughing. This happened in nineteen twenty and it was reported by an australian newspaper called the muggy guardian and north western representative. You know yeah, that's my as about Michael author cop croft,
I read, I'm reading directly, so Mister arthur cop Croft died at his home in loftus street saturday. He was reading this nineteen twenty. He was reading an old newspaper of a nineteen fifteen date and was comparing the prices of there is commodities with those of today when he suddenly burst into love to the great efforts he appeared to be unable to control himself and eventually collapsed. Died? Commodity prices. They must have been so different laughing. Think about it. Now it's amazing, because I recommend a cost of living crisis, isn't that fleets that I know of but if I say to you are like a friend, I used to be tempi capable of reading, when something goes wrong, onstage, and so that got me into a whole territory of if someone is hurt as their acting. What do you do?
and I found this thing that apparently it's a huge problem for paramedics when they called to help someone who's really injured, whose in a zombie movie because they arrive, they have no idea who the patient is, because everyone is bleeding everyone's noise, even if they find the person whose really injured themselves. They just can't tell why the wounded, because the amount of parallel broke a rib they chased by zombie once did yeah, I was in london like one of these things. Well, you pay to be chased by zombies yeah, you don't think that's. It does sound a bit like. I was like watching a lot of american football at the time and a zombie was coming towards me and I thought I'd do some amazing touches pass them and I got no one. yeah pasta in any kind of tagged me and push me into a wall, and I broke a rib and state. We had said So, like the agony- and there were quite a lot of people who had similar problems- and it was just like you say- it was like being in mash,
I got my business people with arms hanging off, even though what was real and what wasn't I found out a bungay in east has the highest number of sageness in the uk. Now, I'd like to take issue with which he is both over indaba show how many years, both over seventy it's seventeen, seventeen, okay, seven, okay, but it might, but it might be relative to population. How big bungay is sounds time it does balls at this balls over things from the census in two thousand eleven were always the senses. I bet it's is later census. Mind may be at an, I would have said twenty twenty one year, but the impulse over it was only seventeen people who wrote satanist as their religion, but that was the highest per person behind highs. Contrary even bristol, let me had thirty four billion euros. Ized
brussels. He's so say the glass can, I saw said, am bungay in east anglia and then the next one was bronze break. London, which had twenty so the big game being continued until the alphabet, pl zip up the beast yeah. That was it. There was a footnote that said they throw a bone game. I might painting it as a kind of tourist attracting thing, because they've got a big black dog account, but it's cooled have a big black, satanic dope, and we and we are trying to push that its work world talking about bungay. All that I owe it did. You lose a pen, my horse, arrest and test case. When ways them when it was found that the tests goes budget brand, everyday valley, burgers contained twenty nine posts.
it hosts me. Oh yeah, yeah pantomime horse went to protest in tesco's, crying gang, mommy laughed, it was led away and it was never see. Yeah he's a good, quick, little tip. If you meet someone who's dutch and they say to you. I fuck horses, they, not necessarily we tip. Oh, I can't confirm for certain yeah now. Is that dutch does it sound? Ok means breeding yeah, they breed horses
yeah. I'm a supposedly was a story where the dutch foreign minister was introduced to J f k, and he said I how it is that america, where what are your homepage, I thought courses and liability only say that one word in dutch and the rest of the evening. I swear. That's where I also questioned by it does stand. I looked up. The translation and f. Ok is for breeding so yet again, you'd! Never here that in that kind, unless horses, I didn't look up horses and look up if they say that in dutch so we may vonder. So one person who did slightly pioneer the idea of living under water was Jacques cousteau jockey. So you'll probably know him he's he's empty calypso and he was one of the greatest ocean. Sorry
I dunno want. You know the dance, no, the ice cream. I was confusing it with a calico yeah he's one of the greatest oceanographers of all time and that he kind of pioneered documentary making in the field of immersive, and you follow a team and the life aquatic by wes Anderson is very much based on the story of Jacques cousteau, but on a scientific level. He also invented or co inventor of the aqua lung, which is why we are able to go diving, so that was Jacques cousteau and then one of the other things he did was this thing called the ken shells which are the continental shelves which were habitable zones down in the ocean and continental shelf. To was this big, looking starfish kind of housing unit and he lived in it with his crew for a number of days they had a parrot that came down and lived with them as well. Yeah cause that a sort of slightly dark sense. It was like the canary in the mine. You know something was wrong with the levels of all
Jane pirate would know first, and so they could get out of there. So he said and record is anyone's been down there and then his son, fabian costa, knows these demands on. So he lived down there and held the record for the longest anyone's been under the ocean for quite a while, and then they got taken over by professor and students, but he invented the shark submarine. Have you seen this this? Is this incredible? It's the submarine in the shape of a shark, so the eye, is that he can observe sharks while being one of them. It's a one. Submersible though he has to be an diving suit, while he's in it, because water flows all the way through, he has to drive the submarine while laying down in the shark strategies elbows steering it as he go,
Well, his elbows. What's the deal with Zari he's on his elbows, staring with his hand like is needless later, complications fall as I do he's on his phone. Isn't he just laughed? I was looking at in british elections. You know there's that thing of always on election night, a general election like this is kind of who gets the the ballot counted for and its which constituencies or socially like sunderland, versus newcastle sunderland. Newcastle and are you mean, like a race to get year, was all I was really about sunlets methods for ensuring they stay at the top of their game. There maisie, though they well the gangway it's kind of a tradition. Now they ve, like they ve done it. They really go into detail, so they hire bank teller because their very good at flipping, through lots and lots of paper very quickly like invisible bits of paper. They use lighter paper for their balance sheets, because it slightly easier to count
first system, so they switched from one hundred gsm to eighty gsm yeah. They do. Obviously they do practices like they practice, dress rehearsals with the students who are running holding the ballot boxes and they, like they say, you're going to be filmed. You've got to be. You need to be careful, you don't want to drop those that'd, be a disaster and the labor always wins in that constituency right. I think they do. Then they always when I guess they would, but are you use? I rather like I always watch their election night and they all the results come in and I am stay up. First, suddenly, newcastle upon hundred percent labour It got so bad. I always slightly disappointed when I wake up and go. You can get wooden coffins these days. I believe this is very little price for anyone who can guess the headline that was used on this story, announcing this until eleven take the time that you are allowed well in coffins day as a cool willen coffin, that's been launched
I have to hurry known at nearly, but all now, that's all billina bit support Kosovo for anyone in the audience. This is too tough requests and the only one What are you roberto, barrows good famous phrase, casey better went with rested. please, my lovely
yeah, but you can be buried in it or it can be promoted. It does the saving the way using guy cobbled coffins wool coffins willow coffins banana leave coffins. Oh, you can now be wrapped in a shroud as we used to be and there's a big movement and natural burial movement, which is because there are so many horrible chemicals and the law of funeral processes, especially if you aren't bombed, is very bad for the environment, for your body to go into the ground for the chemicals. So if you have a biodegradable coffin, then you can be buried in like what an unnatural burials airfield, someone's agreed tat people buried in wicker, yet weaker yeah, and you can also get one- is made it like a mushroom fungus that will start to decompose your body faster. We are saying and is cool, and so you- and this is really important.
before a big group are planning your funeral and advance care planning. It's big thing that you should write this down now you're going to get wrapped in. That will suit right to put it that, because this has been recorded and will go out, I do not want to be eaten by mushrooms. What do you want banana leaves or wicca or will I'll be put in a big way? It's a cage, birds and probably some people be dancing around in white in this situation. That going to be an amazing podcast. When it comes that one of the suffragettes, this was an hunt. She walked into the national portrait gallery and she stopped in front of a portrait of thomas Carlyle who's, one of the founders painted by Millais, and she slashed it as a really famous thing that she did. There was only one member of staff who was suspicious. I was guy called David Wilson and the first time she was hit. He wasn't a suspicious. He thought she was american
Lee? He thought she was american because she was looking so closely at the pictures. Apparently thus americans they, but then the second day she came back in again and David. since said they. She couldn't be american, because no american would have paid the six pence entrance be twice over that must be someone that's up to no good will she coming back. You already slashed now. The last time she went hand was to kind of carriers. I again here, so there were lots of sort of famous incidents like competitor flashpoints where, for example, mrs bankers was going to speak an event and then the arab either the police didn't want it to happen, and so that became a causal ever so there was a debate good the battle of glasgow and they wrote about the mrs pack. I was going to ask to speak and the police did not want her to appear. They didn't want to speak. There were fifty police constables in the basement of the building where she was built to appear or tickets have been sold in acute presence like people checking every one of the door
Suddenly, missus packard appears on stage out of nowhere and it turns out she just come in as a point of order. The ticket sat by the platform who gets up, install speaking through all the police start coming up from the basement, because that you know their activated Meanwhile, twenty twenty five of the suffragette bodyguards get their clubs out and start trying to beat the police up yeah, because you've got twenty five suffragettes with cubs and fifty policemen with truncheons, one of the suffragettes shot a policeman in the chest point blank with a blank bullet. So it wasn't. It was just the kind of it's rather than yeah. She said that, I'm sorry are you, ok, playful or the close to texas tried to get onto the platform when MRS Pankhurst is still speaking at this point, she's still delivering her speech, the plainclothes detectives are trying to climb onto the platform. It turns out the floral garlands all the way around the form a barbed wire they ve been discussed.
Is. Why are old. Ladies now, beating the police with their umbrellas as they're trying to fight the trunk. Will it just sounds like an insane scene whose listening to the speech at this point, weird moment They? I was researching crazed when I found out in japan at the moment there is a trend that's going on, and then it turns out. This is growing global now to eat crisps using chopsticks, so that you don't get the oil on your fingers, as you are doing the other work that you're doing right if you're eating so so I was literally eating a bag of christmas, as I was researching that fact and my fingers absolutely with sticky on the on the mac sort of miles spits, you know like cato but they keep that neither like the other hand mouse thing keypad, whether keep that's the email address and learning the mouse. The tracker detract pad the track pad.
cos it's like living in the future. Isn't it yeah. I found myself reading a piece about historical novels by radical james forester. Just want a quote from this article. You wrote about ten years ago and listen to this. He was a he because he reads a lot and he I think he wrote historical novels to one highly acclaimed and commercially successful. Recent historical novel had on page three the statement that there were no priests within a three day ride. Taking into consideration the time of year and the location of the statement, I calculated that there were between five and eight thousand priests who did a three day right here. I could carry on reading
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now with the podcast over the show children. It's weirdly good at lying, so old, rather than the so adults, are very bad at telling when children alike. This is the thing and the reason for that. They can only work it out about the same as I guess they gonna, like a fifty four percent of the time, so not much better than chance, and the reason for that there are lots of experiments and it's because adults assume that children, like adults do or they assume that children's faces move in the same way as the adults do. But basically there have been a lot of experiments which assumed that not proficient lies and in fact the problem is that children does look guilty quite a lot of the time like custards you totally young child.
They might have other eyes they my fidget, that might be incoherent. They look. I look like I like my hiding something I'm not so I don't think they're lying, whether they may well not be so. I didn't. I looked permanently guilty, it mostly bad liar, but it was I saw a really bad truth: teller, that's the problem, because I look like I'm lying whatever, so any lawyer said I'm going to get cortex like I'm lying and anytime, I told the truth. No one police because I look like I'm lying difficult. That's why I have to have a computer in front of me. point one the reasons that we have acts as the x men and their x, ray and stuff like that is because they car used x to mean an unknown.
Algebra yeah. Wasn't it he decided, choose X, Y and said, and the story goes that the reason he did it is because the prince who was doing his book said I got loads of xs ys and says leftover cause. No words have them, so I might as well use them, but it turns out that, because he's french actually x is quite a common, relatively common in french and it might have been because they just had lots of x's because x is quite common. but europe without those without their car, we might not have the x men, we might have the ape man, all the other, be manner whenever we wouldn't have the seabed tweet probably not the lives of the good things that are named after people, and I was there. I was reasoning that there must be something which is the most famous thing that people no is named after a person. So we set before like shrapnel is named after a bloke who was called general and research.
I think I said, then that shows what name after a guy called exactly those are just a few days before the car to go and we will move they both to the seventh girl I've gotta get. That is known because I read an article claiming that he was wearing one He led the charge of the light brigade. I feel that cup copyright that would have a uniform because it feels to like pushing his march during more likely. It is named after her, but I think- and it was during the battle of politicians, that's the thing and the crevasse go back to croats can relax all those your end, hm slaves with Slavs, I mean that's not quite happening, it's the kind of top names and- and I'm really sorry to always know at the time. But the pukka is actually a riff on bulgarian because there were these bulgaria
In fact, in the eleventh effects in the eleven there was supposed to get up to strange sex, so web bugger comes oh yeah, I talk, then that is natural in independent strictly speaking it ninety ninety six. The swedish maybe admitted that they have found a huge amount of evidence of russian submarines operating in their waters, right really serious in post, cold war, threatening security environment, and there have been six thousand incidents huge number aborted from nineteen eighty one, ninety nightfall the what they had been hearing was largely the authors. Splashing, playful authors, splashing the water there about one in a thousand claims. Little was likely to be a submarine the respite random, as I also they found out that it was passing, fishes well, didn't I hurried yachting fish lots and yet they communicate by fighting it fights. We have this
fights occupy, which is herring, communicate by farting, yes, and we tweets about once a year just so that everyone sweets richard arrogance ago. I didn't know you'd hate I can imagine so. The thing I want to talk about protest is to do with another quiz show which is mastermind and that the first question ever was about protests, and it was about a painting by picasso, which was a protest about the bombing by spanish planes on a village, and the question was: what year, when the event took place, was the operation for the painting. The answer was: nineteen. Thirty, that the answer was nineteen thirty seven. But the question was about german planes, not spain, so the first ever question or master. And was incorrect so how shit is mastermind. I just I just feel like as qr encounter on stage together. Let someone. What do you reckon see that shit yeah? Let's get I'm headlights, that's yes!
I the setting up of those vicious just on religion, while whether there has been a few naked religions in the past, so the otter mites, they were a sex in north Africa and the second third or fourth centuries. use, always wore no closed during the religious ceremonies, the idea being that they were going back to the garden of eden before we had clothes, and this was the best way to get close to god. Now it became big again in the czech republic and check here in fourteen said: Three and people who roundabouts then would go naked through the towns and villages. So they went to everyone's had their clothes off and they would go for the town. Saying commentary, our gang. You know whether we are the closest to Jesus hunger, basically, describing and make it can get shot
Color and they got what they did- do a lot of naked dances. They would have a fire and they would do naked dances around it, and the idea was that they rejected a lot of the things in the catholic church and a of people think that they would like the precursor to the protestant revolution. So it was like you know, they were the first people really just kind of go against the church and then it kind of built up a belt up in. Will Europe got up and carried out oliver cobweb trimble over that's dumbwaiter corrective other puritanism. Dear sir it carried on them in the: u S, they had some other mice, and I was reading about one clergyman who is right about them and he said about these people who or in church and naked the whole time, if the planet's of venus reigned in the lower parts, making them swell for pride or rob four lust, then the clock with his, long stick shall strike down the presumptuous flesh. So basically, if you yeah what yeah he said.
on one occasion there was a woman who made a congregation member rise in such an immeasurable manner that the old clock was forced to use both huh to his current ways. The prophets I was in such pain that the whole house could not hold him and he said he would kill the clock quickly. This guy just stay luck in his genitals with his stick. He attacked that guy and Basically, they only just stopped him from carrying the clock, but this guy said he wasn't, but because it was in church, god will look after him and it didn't matter if he killed a clap because it was naked. It would all be fine. it's like we feels like pants, is just easier. Isn't it yeah, so borrowing also have lots of piles of poo outside the nest, and it's cow, dung and bison dung and all of this, and then they just stand by the poo and wait. They just go into kind of century position to just stand there looking very still and what scientists record
is that the fishing for dung beetles, russia's down yeah, don't beat us, are really interested in the bureau. Have love eating the dung beetles yanza, though, to stand of weight and let the dung beetles approach is not crazy. That, basically means are basically fishing rights, they land fishing. yeah. Now I got it yeah yeah. I tried to find a if there was another naughty barbie. You know kind of like the origins of barbie being a call girl and I managed to find one which was the pole dancing barbie. This was a one off because it was part of a thing in Japan called habbo con, which was you know like robot wars. This was,
see robot wars. This was a robot was where everyone ruggles they face. Legal relations. None you! How summit will you you had to bring a very bad robot? Basically, it had to be terrible and so the worse it was the better you go in the competition can do you were so there were thirty one entrance and barbie dull that was entered was a attacking through pull dancing barbie, but the other ones that it went up. How did she attacked q with appalled? I spend round and kick you and I thank them, because I couldn't find any photos, because this is in twenty thirteen and I think it will have no. So I bet it's you. There was a small thing happened in Japan. The winner was a robot that was so sturdy that no one could not get over, so it just stood so the other things walked into it
well and the best one was the the person who got a special acknowledgement was one person, a lady who accidentally left her robot on the train and then just went for a beer instead and they will that level of shit, this is so great that we want to commend you with a special honour, their saucily. I pull dancing barbie the only one time and I and ii robot war. Japanese competition have become very cool. There is a thing called the bubble. a challenge! This is that the valk in russia, so its narrow, saint petersburg, that's a race, a kind of a rafting race, but instead of a rough, you have sex doll. It began in twenty three anyone's lots whence we have to have a compulsory I'll call test before you start, oh yeah, we don't what we do want to make. This seem tool we're unprofessional and the twenty six us riding extolled, other etc chatting
exciting of the bubble. Bubba challenge sex. All races was in twenty or sex, so all the races since the water and the really really strong winds and that member, almost all the sex dolls blew away All these russian, mostly guys in the waters yourself without their sex dolls and there's only one person, a guy called ossipon who reach the finish line about. He was disqualified because the jury had noticed size of recent sexual activity? Dull was very much about your mother. thing, ok Bobby has officially not part of any political party right so that there is reason for that. She's been a presidential candidate. Every elections is ninety. Ninety two mostly Hillary Clinton offer, but she got no. She gonna beef was Donald J, trump abarbanel bob.
Donald trump had a debate at the last elections, because Donald trump tweeted does a thing called voter Bobby, and what do you mean country keep saying J in his name. Oh sorry, that's his junior! I'm talking about trump Jr, I can't believe yeah yeah, ok can be the senior I mean they're, both such that both such different, wires vs while other innovations that as I think it was junior, but basically one of the trumps tweeted voter bobby- must be a Democrat. Because she's already wearing an I voted sticker and yet she's got another ballot in her hand, lever mattel her to reply Bobby is not and never has been affiliated with a political party to ensure an official statement. Saying she's, not a democrat yeah wow thanks,
as clearly that, can I tell you one more dueling method that happens yeah, so basically the the you know the thing about you turn back to back and then you walk and then you there. There are various different methods and different country walk. Ten paces turn round shoot sara. Yes, so the back, that's french, basically, and- and there is a much more fun variant which has has another french name- is called avalon you face each other. Can we do the fun there? Was people really relish that you know that a certain kind of person really seemed to enjoy? It says vertical avalon tate? Will you face each other right and you start working towards each other. You can hire whenever you like, but if you miss you have to stand still.
Wait for the other guy to sail right. I know that feels tat. I thought you were going to say that you're standing right in front of each other and then you walk backwards so from each other. Again you just helping someone's, not kneeling down behind. You has amazing early only used to me in the alembic student pistol dueling, yet nineteen o six. There was one of the categories. It wasn't a metal one, but you would you So it was. It was a thing that was done because then women would be dead, yeah just going to put a silver medal, but that will be the that was like an insect calgary games. Wasn't there no six, it wasn't the main game and they used wax bullets and the idea was, you would just see who got hit first quest and you had to sort of glass plates that was over your face, and but it was done as a proper thing, with spectators around and everything yeah. It was very exciting, as we said before, that I think nasa found the oldest known,
Walk the oldest one through cars on the moon and then brought back to earth. Yes, yeah land, it was called big. Bertha was the name of the rock and was it yeah? It was yeah. They named it after a, I think, a gun from the first world war. So they brought that back and it was the first earth meteorite ever found on another body, as in the first meteor out, if you like the first bit of it, that it hit somewhere else, wasn't the the moon created when an asteroid hit the earth and there's little splash, so they said so they say yeah, no, I'm not sure I buy it. Yeah pics or it didn't happen, there's actually a strong theory that it is hollow so that it is the moon, cave theory this ooh yeah? I haven't heard it called that before I suppose yeah, because supposedly when you hit it, it brings like a bell. So
essential is a real name when a meteorite headset knife, you just know when they did drilling on the moon, they they bade specifically tried to find out cause. You can't do that. You can do zile. We can do seismic tests on the moon to see what the composure is on the inside right and it is completely empty. Apparent and joking. I want everything I promise you, I think I have you ever been in a diamond mine in your adventures, Heaven I wonder what that's like I see we've run out of facts and ended speculation, territory and you've mentioned the oscar, then hypno dog before the podcast. Can you remember that was asked. The hypno dog was a labrador who was a hypno. He was hypnotically trained. When I went missing there were signs but up all over the country say do not look at this. Basically is dangerous
We have meant that, but what I'd never heard before was about puffy their cap. No cats puffy, they have no cat, was in the ninety policies. In America there was a guy who on the bar- and he said that puffy was sitting on the end of a nightclub bar and a couple of girls came up to him and I didn't really pay attention. What happened, but suddenly a girl was simply out some her feet.
It simply wasn't from drinking I'm something of a hypnotist myself and I realized she was a hypnotic trance and it turned out that this cat had been hypnotizing people in this guy's ba and he started then training the cats to stare at people really really fixedly to try and hypnotize them, and puffy became really really famous and in nineteen forty five, the american feline society called her, the king of all cats, because she was bringing in money for wall bumps, so you'd go into the bar and you would pay some money to be hypnotized by the cat and then you know they get the money for the wall and by the end of her life she, was credited with hypnotizing over three hundred people always would benign purposes. Just we're spend all my money on ten june with left to open a rather place over another. I knew how to use it
sceptic, you probably don't even believe us stories are actually now. Maybe one of us on this panel might be slightly harder to hypnotize than the other three oh ok, coming we guessing. Is it done kosovars, dubious questioning techniques not turn because These questioning techniques is with her scepticism. It's not hanno with euro scepticism in place rapidly, with his lack of ability to talk to people at party. The parties, James are being so fuckin judgment about the other, is james, but not for that reason. The reason is because
like james. You have a fantasia right. Alright, just go with what you said wanted. I just can't picture things in my head, complex things in your head and that might make it harder to hypnotize you there was a well. This is from the uk hypnosis convention, which sounds amazing. Last year's events included recreational erotic, hypnosis and a fantasia. What is it? why should we even care slightly bar to talk about at an image of time? We I got very deepen the weeds on people who want to be here. Into bad stuff. Ooh yeah you heard of the hero complex now, so it's not quite a psychological disorder. It's not in the diagnostic manuals, but it's like talked about bike psychologists. It's a thing where it's sometimes known as a vanity crime where people are desperate to be the hero, so they'll do something bad, so they can then rescue people
I'd mug you, but that bit myself up. Yeah is exactly that unhung yourself, then I can act as the idea, but iraq myself up a bit. Why can't I learnt about a lifetime, but like this? This is quite a lot of case studies. The briefings with nineteen. Eighty four and lapd place obstacle Jimmy wait. Pearson heroically discovered and diffuse the pipe bomb on an airport basque carrying the turkish olympics. in l, and people saw him running down like the airport, holding a pipe on dismantling and throwing over his shoulder. Shouting get out. You know that properly bruce Willis starr it turned out. He had planted it there. Cause he wanted to be the hero because he wanted to transfer to a different department and his boss hated him, and he thought the only way I'm getting out is. If I get a commendation and he failed a polygraph and he ended up with fifteen hundred hours of community service and it became a bit with the and but everyone was like alright. Well, no one was hurt, fair enough, but then there's some really bad ones. So this this one
could firefighter arson. It is a serious problem that there are a hundred I find this every year arrested for arson anymore. Cologne is a million five items. So it's a tiny statistic, but a hundred people, mostly young men, each sixteen thirty. I read a whole report issued in two thousand and three by the: u s: governments, national five administration. I got very there are six primary motives: excitement, vandalism, revenge, profit, political terrorism, hiding evidence, the crime and it's a really big problem for a small subset and there's a guy. Who is the tennessee fire chief. He set fire to his own fire station, Why? Because the three a million dollars damage and when released, he then set fire to a car dealership and he did it for the sexual thrill. This is why many pornhub sexual sexual sexual throw he gave off on the one thing, the worst ones, John. All he was glendale fire service
when you're in knowing ninety one was found to have planned. Eight arson attacks on shops was suspected many more. He killed for people in this fight, really really horrible. His main job at the glen they'll service chief, often investigate. wow have story, and so they tailed him for months and every time there was a fire investigating conference, there would be fires in the local area and he was possibly alleged of set two thousand fires making the most prolific american arsonist on record, but one of the clues that they did did about him? Is that he had written a novel about a farmer who sets voice. It's like a serious thing and I'm so sorry to get started, by then watch firemen sign with my four year old. Does he do that? Hang on a second for sexual thrills? No, I won't see babies, I don't you.
the council to realize fireman sam. He he is in charge of a tiny, tiny village called ponty pandy, but he's got a fire truck a rescue tender. A four wheel drive s: u v with inbuilt animal rescuing crane, a quad bike, an amphibious vehicle, a hovercraft two helicopters and a mobile command center. This guy is playing the game. Like he's. Clearly fire like a huge budget. Can I just say one thing about george Bernard Shaw very quickly: he had your say, Wrong am, I know It is a org yeah yeah, oh gail, just I've never heard of it, but, like george Bernard Shaw, george Bernard Shaw, our kenny george, I'm cool whatever hey, It's all go ahead. It's late night at the soho, picking each other up on pronounce going to go home gone call. There was this man fucking fight about how to pronounce bernard man, you got to see fish live or slurry,
he used to have a writing shed, which was amazing. He said he lived inherit future and he had a writing shed, which was basically on a lazy susan. He liked to chase the sun, so he would get in. The sun would be beaming right in which was a big thing for him, because he had to specific glass, which is in the shed windows. That kind of beans concentrated light in a way. It was meant to be healthy. It was thought to be a healthy cause. It was on fire, wasn't a yeah bernhard yeah, the bit about milk foot, yeah yeah for one thing, milk doesn't float. That's if, if it's with the water, it will sick, no. But if you mix said it all
It makes it if you mix it lets us know that wasn't the terms I was anyway. No plans to alter uk has an f a q page and is one of the like. It's a very it's a gorgeous website. Milk floats dot, org uk. I cannot recommend it enough or the f a q page begins. Alright, maybe they're not exactly, frequently asked, but I thought I might be the kind of questions people might ask given the what university so dies so goods you wanna, do it quick game of? Is it bigger and a poor america. Yes, I do what year, so any twenty three while it has so where would you find the world's biggest dump truck dumptruck EU s eye america? That's that's a mark of pride.
I'm afraid not it's. In belarus. In europe there are seven five, seven ten which can move the equivalent of one thousand all testicles in one go That's my virus! That's how you measure trucks tat. We all know that the world, it is job. So that's when have a load of logs in a river and they get stuck, and so where is it your europe? Our own merits I was tricked last times also europe, this time. While you been tricks, and on the us, and none of us in canada- and the interesting thing about this- is that there is about twenty square miles of luxury. Many goes deep as well. The lux store enough carbon to run two point: five million cars for year. Its interest in this area is that a genuine question other is that law
that have been cut by humans. They usually add like knocked down by wind and stuff like that and they fall into the river and they go down the river and then there's like a little soft point where they can't get out, and then they just german german german jam and it's a really good way of hiding carbon and then finally the world's biggest barometer europe or america, or think I own, I think What am I gonna massive barometer, Andy type based it's a famous barometer, when you see every day on tv on tv, lisa barometer connected big, then a mouse, guys I got no, it's already was at all, but it is in europe. It is in europe is on shepherds bush round about its. Oh, yes, we all too, We'll do that every morning for five minutes, my pleasure at all, without deigning to obey the stepmother presses like what
sam sun, though it's it's a huge profits it was built, is a barometer no longer works as a barometer is currently covering up a big pipe by london, water, but it that building was why inspired the skull, color in the tv show pointless, ah inspired by the world's biggest barometer. Oh, these are easy. I'm surprised you have any of these two promises. Do they do they go up or down? I can't remember now, Behold, the yeah, ok, but I can go up. I'm otherwise do again. This week is when you said, big business, and they have this image of the the m. The mercury going up in a barometer right, and it is only because I was at a fair the other week in my son- did that strong man thing we hit areas to hit the bell: do you think there's any one strong enough in the world? That is that thing had to hit the Bela big Ben, that they could hit hard enough, now. So, let's move on, I think I do
nobody is that there's a lot of rhesus stuff in the right or reese's pieces Reese's pieces, which is like an american candy, but he was here for them, so their sales went up like sixty five percent the next week, just after it been in this moving, and the interesting thing about this is that they were the first choice. If you look at the original spreads all of the bits where ways says rhesus pieces, it was originally gonna be eminence, but apparently mars turned it down. they didn't want to be associated with aliens. A cold. I guess stuff on dropping things from parachutes, this is about a place called friends. Star ranch a brothel in the bar the time in
They had an idea of a and advertising campaign where they will parts a mattress in the middle of an air field and if any one could parachutes land on the mattress than they would have a chance to spend the evening with any of the women brothel it didn't. Go very well The problem was that all the women who stand near to the needs of the place where people, how to land and the guy flying the aeroplane, not that high, could see everything that is happening in Gaza. Completely distracted. There was also some side wins and long story short. He crashed the plane. Oh no, everyone was fine. Oh no one died and the great great moral of the story in the end is the crashed. Plane was so good for business.
that they decided to leave it there and it's still there in the father, if you ever see that crush played thanks to the problem, though, is that the marines in nevada? Well now, I think you have yeah Isn't that an amazing idea for advertising yeah yeah? It's an amazing idea. Sorry how how low was the plane when he got distracted. It was quite low but high enough that parachutes yeah, so that's quite high for a pilot to be like cool yeah. Stick with them check out that I think of that. Maybe arms know it's a tree. That's okay! That's! Okay! Do you know that John major and tina turner were both on the same day that really that's cool yeah? If, if my memory I didn't actually right now. That's nice memory of maria while I was
yeah that you're going to forget that you know everyone who was born on the same day as John major classic md. In february twenty twenty yeah there was a poll by the center of public opinion this in the united states, who was ahead of the primary in new Hampshire, and they asked a load of voters what they would rather, and they found that sixty four percent of Democrats would rather see a giant meteor strike the earth. sting wishing all human life then see. President trumpery elected, you know, there's been a sequel to phantom of the opera andrew lloyd webber's until they are paying yet it was. It was written by Ben Elton and it was music by andrew, like my book, but it was delayed for months in the writing process. Because of cats musical his real life cat, he had a kitten who stood on this digital, piano and white. Tell all the music that
It's done! Writing of it, which is God bless you and there was a group of secret operatives from Britain called the choir boys and they came up with a plan during world war. Two to drive hitler mad by dropping huge lots of pornography answer his compounds, in the end they kind of slightly, you know they came up with the idea, they started going friend they found. You know this is just stupid, and so they called off the whole a whole idea, but not before- and I quote the group had a man: than enormous collection, home affairs. I made an invention once talking of cars and wing, While a hell of a vandalia grandma, I don't think I can say with a ceiling. I forgot. The name is really good name, but basically you can and drive,
It was all in the name which I cant remember the great french, oh yeah, what's wrong with the piss and drive It's not as romantic as say. Let's see so is the idea that you, just you, don't, have stop off. If you can like. I can't stop my car of this So it's annoying having to stop is brand new as well is logical for think anyway. So I don't want to stop and kay's account started again. So many people get the electrical mended eyes. I prevent what you ve done is the way you never pass. Does the urine get utilised, I'm thinkin scream wash here. I am, I would work well it's just. Yeah slaughter, I'm wondering if it's you pissing all over your electric there's something in there. You can in no way if you are a fish factory and your kind of guy level, the fillets out, will you do it together?
the fishing you throw away, and so little area with all the heads and stuff like that in the area children are allowed to go in and they cut out the little town of the cards and they seldom for extra pocket money, This is a really common thing in a place called love return and from about six years until seventeen you get loads, the kids will just go and grabbed the fashion, though cut out this little tongue in the back, and apparently a serious part, Andy thing: they turn out to be psycho, paralysed, serial killers psychopaths on forest. In that area. There is a lot of that now there is an empty once nice, among other things, a people is scared of singers. I very sometimes I thought do some work after you told me. I was getting paid for others only about until quite late. In the day, but thank you for in your one she's,
hey, listen, Roma, some guy about fitting wait till Adele is scared of sea girls. They would have her and this small, ryan is scared of fish. Kind, even though it is scared of coat hungers. She's gonna cut hangers young men, egg and I'm scared of commitment. There were different outweigh how many different types of wrestling. Do you think there are and iceland one type a rustling unlucky. There are two types of wrestling: but they do have the same name. So I can see why you got that. That's what I was thinking. It's called glioma and basically there's two types and they're quite similar, but one of them is a type of wrestling that you would do as a viking. If you came home after a while,
They doing whatever vikings do and you want it's a warm yourself up. They would just do some wrestling with another viking sounds good, wholesome right. There was another one which was the dueling version, quite similar, but it would take place in a field with a large flat stone known as the slaying, slob and thou you would try and slimy your opponents hunt the slap and break the bank wow and the amazing things out this is they were going to have it in the nineteen twelve stockholm olympic? I think probably the first version now ass I come on and then that the war happen and saw the limp it's got postponed and in nineteen twenty that we're gonna do it anyway. You know they ve decided. Ok, we'll keep all the same spots, but iceland decided that it only had a certain number of restless and it needed them.
press the king of denmark who was visited at the same time as the olympic games, and so they decided we're not going to do this wrestling after all. We just want to impress the king of denmark, so it never became a worldwide spot that it might have another eyes and then, in the end the king never came There was, a shanty, not shanti, but see song when you were getting your grog, so you get your them So I hope you are allowed each day. They would give it you and they would sing while they were doing it, and it was a son called Nancy dawson and it's the tune that we now know is here. We go around the mulberry bush, but it was all about Nancy dawson, who was a stage, saw performer mattress, possibly a prostitute, and there you, I'm not gonna, say what the words are to the navy song about have route. They are very well, I think, there's a sex work now oh yeah, because easy what they cause you couldn't
sex work, I'll get you out. read the songs to saying cause. They like somebody becoming names of registered competitive roller. Derby players include skate bush venus. Trap and weird AL spanker bitch. I sort of thought what, the rudest name that you can get says. I looked up to see you and t word and I was heading down that way, but on the way I discovered the sea, I t word and I can t I have to say that don't give us one flight guy. Well, in the seattle I d ye gods catastrophe, oh yeah, please
considering clear resource rex collect letters about to enter. This gave another clytie, clytie, bang, bang.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-21.