« No Such Thing As A Fish

449: No Such Thing As the Blancmange Olympics

2022-10-20 | 🔗
Dan, James, Anna, and Andrew discuss candy, desserts, popcorn and what's wrong with a Shirley Temple on ice. Visit nosuchthingasafish.com for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes. Join Club Fish for ad-free episodes and exclusive bonus content at nosuchthingasafish.com/apple or nosuchthingasafish.com/patreon
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Uh huh how low and welcome to another episode of no such thing as a fish, a weekly podcast coming to you from the cuban offices in covent garden. My name is dan schreiber, I'm sitting here with an addition, skiing, andrew events, unmarried and james harkin. Once again, we have gathered round the microphones with our four favorite facts from the last seven days and in no particular order there we go starting with fact number one, and that is Andy. My fact is that one traditional irish recipe for blancmange involves more here we go. So this is a cool fact about an old irish pudding, and this
It is a good thing, happens they it's cool down. The list is interesting and its goals and is actually from hack. I might say what I know you re at the moment when your turf already, but basically there is this pudding and is made from a thing called dried. Kerosene. Ok, now is called moss called. Our most is not actually moss is a kind of algae and its brown and crime The stuff when you take out of the water you delicious sent, you have to boil, isn't milk for twenty minutes. Ok, but the weird thing is: when you bought a milk it, vomits out this huh this he like you're in so the next nigella. Is the this jelly stuff here stuff and you haven't you, then you know at the sugar of another to make it slightly, wait and you will get all up and then he let it shall I just love, just go another. The niger live analogy, the way that
He really what you said about meeting of you said a few times and really stressed that nobody gets a display of adding some fidelity and show you I owe you, then you got your most blancmange, an apparently young, what crap isn't it? What about about it? I just think, is extremely plans, but gets good lady s. It doesn't really taste of any it's some people say taste of the sea. Yes, Actually, I think it just take really blonde than they used to give it to sick people. Didn't they. If you are ellen infirm, you might get some of this pudding eyes in a night he's century handbook of invalid cooking by mary? Poland is one of the early recipes and other recipes in that book. Oatmeal mush lavishes scraped beef, screw milk lemonade because only apart from it contains sherry milk lemonade. Ok, restorative jelly and the restarts of it has politics,
Oh I'll call jelly kind of thing. I wish we were doing hello fresh ads in this period where the river there are advertising this algae, this the seaweed heavy pronounce it again- and I said kerosene, hurricane yeah it's. This is one of those stealth things. That's in our life in so many different ways that we don't quite recognised. If you look at the back, the ingredients list on many of the things in your house you can find. This is one of the elements. So it's in things like toothpaste, it's in it shampoo in cosmetics, firefighters, use it to get better foam when their fighting fires that its partner. Yeah it's it's used in that its used in personal lubricants check your ingredients at home, but it's everywhere shoe polish everywhere at lahti, yeah helps those line out.
It is good for helping things slide out yeah, but it's very controversial. Did you guys read about the rabid controversy surrounding carradine ooh? Well, this is this athletes? Oh it's not. Maybe there are two: oh, no! Okay. Okay, I go to k. Let's compare controversy. If this is just the it could be very bad for you. Cause deadly diseases, it does us boss what yeah that'll neuro. What goes into a very much want Devereaux, because this is a rumour that goes around in health circles about car again and will not be extracts from the saving of increasing ultra concentrated exactly yes and is used, as we said in lots of things, it is also in ice cream, cottage cheese, soy, milk things like that, and there was a academic culture on tobacco and who, I think, is still going campaigning against it, who said a few years ago that it caused all sorts of cancer,
parkinson's heart disease. Things like that she was actually looking at a different thing, so it turned out some and looked into the study and she was looking at something that was called like the radio, a slightly different kind of seaweed by its land. And if you go on any health website like avoid kerosene, it will give you can't say I'll get the house tat. So don't believe it. it's almost carcinogen, like the word, is very similar to what she studied. She looked at carcinogens and yes, what these of course comes next to each other in action area. Some is latin aim. Is ready? Funds could jaundice crystal Ah just a nicer description. I'd like to hear about the sporting controversy and I'd like to have a guess what it might be it is that, like a slippery thing right so may,
be they attach. It sets the balkans when you do bob sled and it makes you fly down. The bob said I and a number of the other guy isn't that about they put a load of it and the swimming pool thickens up the watch and uneasy you can just run across the water, swimming rice. That would help everyone locally. How do you put it? Everyone laid one leg from a day the fifty meters You could do it in your opponents lane and yell and down to have a lot of courage to turn words into a solid it will be an olympic swimming pool. You've got one beautiful, clear line of water and all the other problems. Yeah. Those are those know. The australian cricket team have been using it for years to yeah. It's bad that I believe what it is
is actually identity, as think it's a controversy. I I jumped the gun, a, I think, is also being used by athletes and builders, although not completely sure if what capacity make them smoother. They look smoother that my be a me, I don't really I said I jump the gun on, I really, but that is a case that there is a thing. It's an effort is the act. We news buffer rats sire These are very rare. I really mean it really. An idea to fertility aid actually get ramp up. Your testicles is the phrase of rapid. You know what a partner subtly testicles. That's not! It was entitled an appeal is now opening up we'll separately as to what the deuce orator you tested gets. What makes the ones that means I worked out a coating or like the vienna it may in the voting. Is the sperm alot more mortality, give two I think, make files bigger, maybe as well hurricane is responsible for my fair lady.
Yeah, the musical, really well, we're safe self used a medical center revolt headlines like those websites like that. You know that, and they live in all the controversy over three way. Well, it's used medicinal. The irish moss is good for, like your throat, specific of your throat invites the some evidence that it might stunt the rep. Patients have covered as well, although less not certain yet but anyway, If the person who introduced it into medical use was a guy called MR todd hunter and mister todd hunter is more famous as a playwright, okay and he did a play called the land of heart's desire. I, in double in- and it was so bad so so had her- that everyone just buried him off. They kept her in every time we put it on. They beat him up. They bade him off was taken off the rota of the play house and it was replaced by
of the man, which was the first success of george. Bernard Shaw. We went on ass, a knight pygmalion, which my fair lady was based on the I was gonna guess that the law has. Actually. I think that those running out that's great go in my coat among those who
the irish moss saved america, because there is, there was a lot of it grown in the usa and there in fact, I visit this town and it is near Boston is called skit you ate and sketchy waited very near boston, brilliant and which is supposedly causes of the most irish town in the whole of the usa about fifty percent of the population. There are irish and from the eighty forties onwards it was a big site for irish moss farming as in they found it kind of comes on to the to the shore in north America and in europe does not exactly yeah yeah and he saw some in the water he thought wait. I know that I recognize that from when I was in ireland, and so he so he sat at the industry. Basically, this is called Daniel ward anyway, so
in big big, big industry for this town during the second world war. Suddenly there was a there was a thing called agar, agar jelly, and that was no longer available because that was grown in the far east. So you need a god to grow bacteria and stuff. Well, it's a thickening agent, all sorts of foods and basically it was no longer available cause. It was logic art in japan and places like that, which were obviously nautical trading with usa, irish moss, kerrigan and basically rocketed and production, and in Canada they made two hundred and sixty one thousand pounds and nineteen forty one the next year they made over two million pounds this day for use in foods yeah. It was a huge deal and why did it say america. Well, otherwise they would have starved to death tat everyone. Will they wouldn't they wouldn't have pleasant sources. Drugs would allow morale called them
in the high castle word. I imagine that the germans had won the second one working day alive than we should make a principle of it where we actually look at what the reason they lost the war, and it was because of this lack of a guy. Probably that's rummaging, right foe. Are you buying the nypd. You know he was saying that targeting was in health food and always has been many. Thousands of it has been round, and I came across an article in the new york times and I think it was like ninety, no four or something, and it was, I just found it really amusing, how little the police oversee how to do it. At the time. So it was a story about how eight romanian gypsy women had been arrested in jamaica for charging over seven thousand dollars, which was a lot then for basically irish moss. It's a lot enough. irish moss, don't pay homage tourism. Also talking about it was a very small tincture.
in a glass why seventh seminars and yes to much who's the guy? Well, it was a lady who had a hunch by that she wanted cured. Souci employed a healer, this woman, who said she was romanian anyway, the healing said she boiled some water. She covered it with cloth and he said: look at that water, don't touch it. Don't move, don't tell anyone for twenty four hours, what I've done and then you'll be cured, and the women it it ruined the cure by telling her mates was not look of employed this doctor. I know that this is about occur because you just told me to light, not touch this last twenty four hours. While he goes to the coast, to guess the narrow shit we have new seven thousand dollars well makes you don't need charge like a hundred. At that point, the woman reported to the police to detectives came to a house hid behind the curtain,
The romanian lady came back to say you know. Ok, that was the first step now the next step comes and the detective saw her slip, some irish moss into the water and then say: okay, now I'm going to charge you seven thousand dollars and an assurance gonna hand over the money in the detail. Is directive jumped Do you get to sleep doing that that much these days sort of will come into your house? Hide behind your curtains. I think it's a disgrace. Yeah taxes. I want policemen hiding behind my cousins every day of the week. Did she have an exact time. She was coming about how long with the high, because, as she said, Wednesday classic another cup of tea behind that yeah, she has to knock so they could just hang out in the kitchen, I suppose in like like a surprise body, gloss, alarms and amazon. Deliver you because you're about mr flynn the unemployed, irish mossy, queen known ass. She was
She wasn't beauty greener anything. She was the queen of the irish moss industry because she was, she was a great masa and she started with the aid of nine is another someone who exert or whoever it harvested. I think she was in nam, situate scaly, I think said shoes irish said no irish moss. I see where we amerika. I guess he really american irish. Did we not listening intently members lowest on early just outside busting, my brightened amount to situated just outside busted. I must not have been at the time. I don't think there was any evidence. Imagine if I edit out your reply yeah so, but what yeah give us more about her? Is she how she do it yeah? I think she's passed away now right, but the schedule these days it does have a bossing museum.
yeah, it's not! That is no longer much of an industry has made lettuces here and get you. I am wondering what to do us hyperactivity sets calculate wrong later. Was held. Look on the man, don't ask a local area and to get a programmes is but the middle point in Boston. The of the other arm to thirty miles and em It'll, be all night lies below that, whichever way well it'll be coastal so He knows that Hamas, as I busted thirty miles south of boston along the coast, and if it's not, there go sixty miles yeah. So, just on blue orange, we should talk about the fact that it was only quite recently that it stopped. A meet yeah, really weird they blancmange been around, since I think that this recipe may become from Baghdad in the tenth century. A long time and it was only the eighteenth century- thought less toppling chicken in this
rough edges en masse, basically for this, in the same way that they use the same weight as kind of to make it more gelatinous to make it bringing out a pleasant stringing, us lovely avenue, shredded and really pounded the chickens have lost all of its slave. I believe and mix it up with them. I have some sugar and some rice and yellow and they still eat it in turkey, almost the same thing actually with the chicken and stuff yeah yeah, it's called the tablet could go to, and it literally means- and I really want english people to have gone and ordered it. Having done the google translate cause, it literally means chicken breast, but you order it and what you get is up. Lamond yeah! You look at everything on the menu like. Oh, I don't wanna. I don't know chicken breast yeah safe,
it has given the they haven't, have because at a bumper, saint Paul know their jelly innovation firm and they basically do absolutely mad things with jerry all the time I constantly coming out with incredible, nations- and you know, weird flavors and anyway, I just looked through a list of all the things they have done over the years One year, valentine's day, they created a jelly which was called throbbing the age robia, which sounds like an apple if the service is amazing. What this jelly does it locks onto your heart rate right and it pulses it pulses in time with your heart rate as you're eating is how I tend to and it was so if you get very excited as you eating the jelly, the jelly itself will start reflecting this video, like that, could call throbbing that perhaps if you not an erection, the stiffer erection of it.
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rising. This is amazing light. Some people might know this. Already. I've spoken to one or two people who have bought to me. Shelly tadpole is a child movie star europe, who basically retired when she was ten years old, certainly Actually, when she got about older, when she was forty fall, she became diplomats and she did loads of stuff. For the. U s, she was the first woman to serve as u s ambassador to Ghana, but she was also
with the ambassador in czechoslovakia in nineteen, eighty nine, when the velvet revolution happened and the communist regime fell in in what is now czechia and slovakia rising and rising rapidly. She was sort of that towards the start as well. It was a shame she thinks one may be one of the things that helped her get. That gig was the fact that in the sixties, she'd been in czechoslovakia, and I think she was working for multiple, multiple sclerosis foundation, which is why she got her taste for like international diplomacy and stuffs. Her brother had m s, and so she founded this organization. She was doing some international work in czechoslovakia and she happened to be there at the time that the russians basically invaded to crush the uprising to crush the products, in and yes, she members watching from her balcony as a woman got gun down, and that made a thank you I'll, take a career in diplomacy. How the other ngos that she married her second husband in, I think in the herd thirties, and he was and aquaculture engineer in ocean oak refer, so that also got hurt
go into the environmental side of yellow essay said I was part of it. She's really I mean so she she did have political ambitions outside of being an ambassador. She was a republican candidate. She wanted to run for the house of representatives in nineteen sixty seven and she lost out to a guy called congressman, PETE, Mccloskey and but she obviously had close relationships with leading republicans at the time, because it was under gerald ford that she was ambassador to Ghana and she she was under ronald reagan when she did another of her posts and then the checklist one was george h, w bush bush senior numb. She must have been really good knights of them, and you can see that this child stock is surely temple really is even to my generation. I used to watch movies in black and white as a kid like my when, where were you what are you a hundred years? All right, ok knew, but no like she's.
She still a name that most of us know me I largely at night because of the drink, the non alcoholic mock tale that you can get so, but before that, I what shirley temple old child sort of like Kelly, her child back to like hugely famous star and also not our colleague drink? I only thought good ship lollipop wishes that suddenly she lay sick. We all, I know a lot of hurley films. She preaches fiscal regime. sensibility of a low tax state, and so it is kind of surprising that that's stream, we should have seen it actually yeah. She was an independent republican candidate. I think for the nine sixty seven election to be a pop, the us house of represents If so, what does that mean, in my hand, believed that it means she was republican, but she wasn't officially on the ticket. I think I'm not sure about that, but she said during the election. I think many fine and here to stay, but I have a hunch that it wouldn't hurt to have a woman's viewpoint.
it's expressed in that delegation of thirty eight men much too soon. She started okay, so she's a child actor as we know and sort of like age six. She was already winning like special oscars that were being given to her like she was a big deal. What's what I did not know, this there's something quite seedy about her intro into the world of acting nothing against her. It's her parents are obviously signed her up. She was three at the time she know, and it was part of this thing called hebei Less? Yes, it is incredibly were yet. Did you not just because I didn't like slaves nobody's is all had our laptop. Please is an online I issued by mass, be somewhere. I must again article. It is because it's quiet scarcer early thirty. Nine thing is how I couldn't find an online version. As one film, I reckon you go on youtube if you try it
the dog web, it's so what it yeah. Sorry that you should say what about yeah? Ok, so it's described by the new york times as a series of sexually suggestive, one real shorts in which children played all the rolls. Yes would it? What was is basically they were parodies of films are grown up here, so the time or the group, the grown up stars were people like Marlena dietrich edge Mae west, and they were obviously you know very sexy women with very flirtatious dialogue, and these maybe better they can. Did parity versions of these films, whether children playing the roles and legal seem alone. I guess right is like a close, but not with delight saucy dialogue it's a three year old with in defence of the olden days, Secondly, it was a comedy and they were all so they were sexy outfits on the top half and then they tough enough.
It's on trump, like they're, doing sort of a zoom meeting from her yeah. I don't think it will get made today. No and as stories that surely temple would tell about it later in her autobiography where she'd say that if they got in trouble, the kids that were part of this production would be sent off to a sound booth where they have to sit on a block of ice. Apparently, every night shelly temples mother would call her hair in two fifty six perfect curls, so she would have to sit there and do her hair every single night and then should be read a bedtime story. But the bedtime story was the next day script that she had learned, and so the mother would read the lines from the script since she had support them back and should keep doing that until she fell asleep. So Joe, that was my pleasure. She does sound like em, proper, classic girl fashioned hollywood insane pushy mum as india. She she ensure that other child actors who might threaten heard all the girls had then had the past
which parts of the body part that goes to the un. So she she was very protective, very, very forceful in getting getting. Surely you know to fame? Also one thing she stole from shirley temple herself was a year of, her life she knocked a year off, shelly temples, age, so shut. It was actually giving someone an extra year. Oh my god, she's I think mob season. I mean my mother could certainly say that I'm thirty five but it'd be great, will do, but she wouldn't be she'd. Be telling you're a year as as its I shouted tellers, we're older than she was at twelve birthday party. I'm set out by the way your thirteen ah well, but when she was nine, said that she was eight, but that's why so there's a lot of their cited sobering eyebrows. I like she was three or four. I thought oh no she's getting a bit too old for this old alternate like she's about to be no, I think, she's about to turn five and half or something so. It was like right we're going to make a four and a half again and then she
only from the age of four and a half thought that she was thrown off. I've not acknowledge. Then it was when she was twelve that someone actually is rise. Welcomes a teenager just like turning the clock back in the autumn and turn it again in the small act. So human could do this, for you James, but you'd be a borrowed time. I'm perhaps at this stage of in my life. I am borrowing and excitement. The on the ninth on her eighth birthday, so she was actually nine, but she was. I thought she was eight. I she got a hundred and thirty five thousand gifts, yeah That's amazing really amazing and it was sent to whereby fans around the world right, It wasn't her buyer, scott, kangaroo from Australia and the thing is it will you can keep up
presence in the pouch find the suitcase sounds with her her liked. It sounds insane hasn't she. She was the biggest box office star of the year in nineteen, thirty, six, thirty, seven and thirty- eight, which I think were the years when she was eight nine and ten I mean she was she's, the biggest child star. That's ever been, there's been just ever since really only culture is the only about like a big car. I think, in terms of the amount she out at a time the fact that she was the only person who wanted any films in between the age of three and tankers and twenty nine films, nineteen, thirty, five, a sorry with two thousand five hundred dollars a week. This is when she was seven. Six or seven does love money on those. It wasn't just like a third of a tincture of gotta houses, stuff with our was she was also responsible for quite a random bit of cultural input, possibly, and that is the novel, the power and the glory okay by graham greene, and this is because she had sort of a feud with graham greene at the
age, of sort of nine eleven I wanted to remember the night was in the nineties all the early two thousands they used to have celebrity boxing I like to base foot with I dunno some random person day. Yeah yeah remember patrick kielty or something yeah. I just want to see graham greene. So surely that is a pay per view. I would pay cut back, surely she's tough under those ringlets, and he was quite mean about
He wrote a review of her film saying instead of suggesting that she was trained to deliberately be a bit coquettish, I'm saying she symbolized dimpled depravity. She had a well developed rump and suggesting that her films were targeting sleazy middle aged men and it's unclear how humorous he was being having read it. I don't think he was putting that humorous. I think it was just pretty nasty review and then mum and fox decided to sue him for slander for saying that for suggesting that, and he according to a friend who wrote a biography of him years later and he realized he was about to be sued, and so he might get prison. So he fled from england where he was too mexico which didn't have any extradition rules and in mexico that was where he was inspired to write, maybe his great his magnum opus power and the glory certain mexico expression of catholic wow. As an adult she broke the ice. Whatever cheat sheets,
she has been sitting on a lifetime. She said of a copy of her autobiography. I invited him to tee so clearly. very many hard feelings on her part. Get what you want. It will not wasn't she well. She had got three thousand five hundred pounds from graham green in the settlements. I wonder how much she saw that the idea of having got this written down, but I do it in the course of reading. Remember that a lot of money was taken by the parents and seen by surely also I've got to figure out. What are the right? She and three may in two hundred thousand dollars in her acting career, quite a lot of money at the time. By the time she was twenty two years old. That was forty four thousand dollars left, and it was that because depleted by her parents, who was heard that right so hard tat was a banker, and so he was in charge of all of her money. Obviously her parents, they will be, but she'd, never blamed him. She reckons that he got duped. So basically he made a lot of bad investments, because people could see he was making a lot of money and he didn't really. You know he was
the grades he left school when he was in seventh grade. He wasn't the greatest bank revolt, banking monopoly banker, the banker instead of licht of the money other than that yeah. She said that she didn't blame him one little bit and it was the people that counseled him who would carry on just a nice link between her past and her sort of future if you're, placing yourself in nineteen. Forty okay goes back to this. This fact that James five, the start of the show so when communism fell so basically she'd, never liked references to her history as a child star. She would say it's not for everyone. Everyone was a child. How come I'm the only one who, as a very high, achieving dip martin politician in a gets label. Our former child star, Bulgaria, but not everyone likes at global level, was put me wait. I know they might have vincent obscured
films on him spouting philosophy, age, nine, but she did give him a treat just once so it was when communism did full and active aka big day very exciting. She called all of us see new staff together, shut the doors, very private room and apparently looking very stern me in the eye and said I am only going to do. this once and then just not a promising round the roman singing on the good ship, maize, innocent of just one thing on child stars and how to become a child. Right because it light for us they lay for us. If you know I've got a kid on the way, so I could actually get going on this, which is there's a company called jam, two thousand and that the agency that, basically, when you see a baby in the uk on tv and like call the midwife, you know even the crown of Sherlock. If there's a baby in it, it's good chance that jam two thousand gave them so when the baby is born,
Baby can get enacting licence within a few hours of being born in america. It takes about fifteen days. You will be fifteen days altogether workers per annum. How are you the unita audition like what you are coming out of the birth canal? maybe a cobbler exactly so that's the euro They say that often people complain like this baby crying all the time say. What will you you just happened to been given a crying baby, unfortunately that, but they do have specifications that they like so triplets or twins are particularly liked because twins most likely even be borne three weeks early triplets inside cases seven weeks early right is good. I go the extra smoke. Is that ok, I always look newborn anxiety. I actually not. It would be that they would only have to work for twenty minutes. That time did you give them the other? That's the other reason. So when they're looking for tiny babies, twins are fantastic, the tiny, but you can do double time because you ve got to pay puzzle.
They are almost identical level. You, if you would think so right, but so sometimes it's to do with hair, and sometimes we are so the guess at this company, said that they ve ever handed over a four day old baby in order to be used- and I it's a great article which just tells you about different times. Babies have been using and just a little nugget for any star wars, fans out there in star wars, revenge of the sith. We get to see luke and leia, who are twins that are born episode. Three. three yeah, so you get to see them as babies and that's what you learn that their brother and sister in the series and the baby is that we use for that were actually one which was a guy called aden, barton he placed both luke, and so would you like it I'll get this in kind heart. Some current is Eddie murphy a bid meet the reference to universities from somebody how to see anything before about nigeria. He's ever feel like a kind of carlos reference. What have you done with jobs? Does to someone
Does a lot of quizzes also sorry that you have not seen star wars? What you talked about so twin boys also correct So why don't you say and don't say it because it we're going went out in the series of could layers of legs? I can't I thought if you start episode, one like a psychopath James. Where would you start one? Then we go so you'll find out come on you, boss, James, the only person who doesn't know went start watching stalls and I am not an unfair ample. It's it's. The first episode there's a second Similarly, they wouldn't have called the map, so one two and three. If they didn't want you to buy what has first, they re Mona softly cranks job with a heart was actually paper. six we hold a guy in his time for back number three, and that is my backed my fact this week is that their use, to be a cinema in melbourne, australia that had a cloak room to keep your babies in moments.
This is the scope, the sun theater, and this was a place where it when you were arriving at the cinema. You would have a cloakroom, but rather than leaving your coat and there, you would push your baby in its prime into the cloakroom, be given a ticket and then go watch the movie now, obviously, don't it completely banned in your baby, so while you're watching the movie, if your baby in the cloakroom kicks off and starts crying inconsolable, the ticket number that you hold will flash up on, the screen of the movie to let you know that you're desperately needed in the cloakroom, so he can get out and look after your baby, very clever, brilliant, hang out at flash up for all the other members of the audience is going to replace the image that was on the screen or a little thing in the corner that something like a quick, I think, just a quick superimpose the number twenty nine. What I think I think I'll be alright might be mid film. I dunno if it would be a directly over the whole thing it might be in the corner. I couldn't actually find that it's mostly corner I'd, be so annoyed, because babies cry consonants, yeah fifty babies at a big blockbuster film in the cloakroom, maybe you're just gonna, be watching a series
numbers bashing national answers on this, and this is a genius- gives a very clever idea, and we not we it have it today exactly why don't we, it seems, don't think people don't just leave their baby. I don't think I'd leave my baby, another that I say that outloud your baby's, probably in the movie that yet we do baby cinema now, which we take my son, I gotcha yeah. We took you really. You really should take it out on her back with us, booby that we took wealth to see my finelli, my wife's wealth to say was of the movie. That was on the by pick a churchill that came out for years all the baby's look like tat wealth was really two eggs. He was like, while it's me in a suit this amazing, so is the sun theatre. It opened up in melbourne in nineteen thirty eight and it was a single screen theatre. It had one thousand fifty seats and it was. It was
really massive. It was. It was a big deal and then over time people stopped going as much and they had to sell and a new owners turned it into smaller screens, though they stop doing. It's no longer a print. You didn't bring your prime and there anymore, which is a shame. It was, and I can't find any others mother did this now. I am just this one and there are people who ve left the children in cloak rooms before I would just like to say this is a thing because it's not by ninety ninety nine tony blair's chief of staff as a backup, Jonathan Powell and I'm not the power of the good old days My friend of a friend he went to the gradual club had left his eight, we called daughter with cloakroom attendant, and that was If there was a brief comment about it and then they, the family complained saying the child has a right to private life, and I think the newspaper said politely if the child neglect from that anyway. But the observer center reporter called saskia sessions who took a colleague of, has five
Oh baby, the various cloak rooms all over london is as a great future, so kings cross left luggage office. Absolutely not the ivy restaurant. Yes, please leave the bay with us lay stash about alleged national gallery. I incredibly route Just ask you young friend, one of the programme would have it set out of the question. The second set you now you had examined. That said, that's very, very irresponsible can set wet minute. was all in the same position. I want a second opinion: restaurants, injury much more willingly also tower brussels, which the restaurant in london said. Yes, of course, plays leave the baby with us, as I guess, restaurants, a smaller as though you know you can go to the parent if, as an issue, whereas national gallery filet lays the paragraph one famous and left him a cloakroom is the kaiser from imports of bananas less than a handbag in station. I'm sorry, I thought I'd look ensued, that's play by oscar wilde.
yeah, so oscar wilde, famously its lack of by that even lower your values famously brought up with charges of immorality, and he because he was homesick. Tool and an icy. Fifty two there was a movie. The first movie made it impossible to be an artist and it was directed by a guy called anthony. Ask with an answer me ask with was the son of Herbert Henry ask with who was home secretary and he was the one who brought the charge. of morality against oscar wilde which got him running into saying yes, and so he, it's the one who got him in prison and then his son was the director of the meeting. That's ruin a rightful cycle. I found some famous people who worked in the local area, mark omened did I solve itself soft tainted love fame. Can I just ask: is that the most famous new going to lessen
ask it with my own- had thought him already. I actually I started with my weakest one. Where did he working cloakroom? Sorry, my way at the front? So it was up in their own right. There's gotta be a syllable I attended the cavern club, who else is on your list by george, boy, george. He the culture club. Wasn't it inside the ban. The boy george was, and thank you I'm gonna make a singer in the band. I do one word every joint by asking com, a chameleon was the big head: that's it and help the joke. No just sometimes helping anna antithesis he was interviewed about it later and he said I was always wrestling through pockets and handbags. Most people were to pass the notice in the handbags
you didn't bother whistling ay and mothers. I've got nothing, but that can possibly be true. No, I just what do we say? Rifling, that's better than It's correct, yeah, I'm on unquote crumbs. I read so I think we've talked before about how popcorn wasn't allowed in cinema until that and it was sort of post depression. I think when the film was so depressed, they like, let us have the popcorn and also yeah. They thought he would rather into the nice conference will before that exactly thought. We we tread it into the carpets. It was too noisy, and so you have to leave your popcorn. Cloakroom gonna think will set up particle, examines all outside cinemas. That's others Let's see, leave, isn't uneasy and then like a gun or something, and then you get it back good about. How can you take a dog's, our cinema, low? Sorry, I'm thinking of thinking old west? Every time If one looks at the vote in the middle of a movie, you got a lot of trouble in your tourists. Have nothing
gallery forty seven was the thing we had to hand in your gun when you into a wild west bar of towns like most of the wild west townsmen allow gas. Side, so they would have a way to solve. Stop that's! Why there have been taken at the periphery of the year we ve built by fights. I think we said that in the ok corral problem was the reason it happened is because they haven't put the guns. The cloak reform right. That's that's! What I'm thinking of those does my private companies to pass to the now she's thinking of weapons and cloak ribbons. Tell me something famous about the house. The parliament tell you the swords in the cloakroom you gotta yoda place fierce order. A hooks in the cloak grimbsy can hang up your sword, yeah. Absolutely you go into the house. Opponent click ribbons or the coat hangers have a leap of pink ribbon around them
as for holding your sward, do not allow the sword in the chamber. I read a good expose. A o have the fact that this there's no evidence. This is true, so various reasons, so the how, in the massive fire and eight in the eighteen thirties, when everything was destroyed, that was way off to anyone would ever bring swords and, and so it's weight they would have the sword hooks, but even if they were swords. The first mentioned that they were. I was nineteen twenty eight and it was like an mp saying: hey they've got ribbons there and that's from the olden days because of the sword thing. Actually all dimensions before that say they were for a much more sensible item grass umbrella go. I've got a bit of a straight, in cinema news service, while we're elbowed right now I see cinemas straightly as longest running pornographic cinema is finally going to shut down.
And, according to the auditors, called the crazy horse cinema and, according to the article dozens of ninety year, old pensioners are going to be absolutely distraught because it's their meeting place. There's there's a big group of what he said then called up you ve got a real plover. Everyone This is you know this. This place has been open for many years and supposedly it's a really good meeting ground for alone. these ninety rolled pensioners, so they all meet up there at ten a m. This is very early to start very early with this comes from a quote from the lady: they they come in. They do they think of the bodies of the dates like a cover. Do they think of the body whatever that is, they do and then they go and maybe do some shopping for the wife. Maybe have some lunch and then come back if they like what they do
It's all male punch, it's male pensioners and they get a ten dollar pensioner, all day tickets to the porno cinema like when they're having this meeting. Is it in the cinema really a meeting? It's a it's sort of like gather, I even think as a teenager, I would be able to get my buddies with the graphics set up by actress yeah, it's funny. Yeah they've made it so these guys these ninety year olds have been going for twenty years. So you know they were of a fruity seventy year olds at the time yet, and I am obviously is less. It's gotta be thrilled or they cried out about the internet that
isn't that so that destroy the moment is closing this year. This is from this this year. This article guides the crazy, crazy fuckers, knock it down that side of the graduates of it keeps them out. Judging by the sounds of these men sounds like a popcorn allowed. Carpets go big and set the podcast start, the bogus, hey everyone. This week's episode of fish is sponsored by hello. Fresh, that's right, hello, fresh are the people who will give you basically the best moment of your week when there's a knock on the door, and you realize a giant box of food survived with recipes for how to cook it. Yeah
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to the show on with the show okay. It is time for our final fact that the show- and that is anna- my thought this week- is that the original vapes, what pez dispensers. For people in the uk who may be don't pez dispenses there, like this sweet holders, their huge deal in america right, they're kind of jobs to hold sway, never funny, on software. Yes, he got a funny head and you d tipp the head back and it's like an elevator, damn well the latest sitting on top right at the top being and you get to pull it out and it's a little rectangular sweetie like a break but much small. Exactly like a tiny, bill. If you are building a house right now. Imagine if you are building a house, but you have an elevator and every time we meet its put a brake on the brick had to come up with an air of hate,
and then it would come out. This is a classical hopeful, local labour. The lucky leg is everyone knows I would like to live and ass his yeah. It's a new deal, are you guys, are you're gonna, try, as I think of them, as a kind of confectionery, staplers greedy after loaded a car to your local police diagonally like some staples, he has actually the best us, and indeed we have had so far. Really good will allow it anyway, has sweets were created in nineteen. Twenty seven in vienna and people smoke them
This will allow the video cigarettes no, but they were created by a guy called edward hoss, the third and he was an anti smoking campaign. I thought was bad for your health. Well done very forward thinking of him and he wanted to create a tablet that helped people to cut down on smoking or over eating, and though they were these mints tablets, and that was what they are explicitly for. Early advert said no smoking passing allowed like they ping and then, when the dispenses came about in the fifties, they also do what the first ones were shaped. So like really like cigarette lightest, that light there for adults market very much for aunt. Oh very a night. They used to send women and sort of, like quite cleavage, heavy dresses around in van cleve low out tat. We call them billions, everybody got very likely, but have you thought that I also see fashion so, let's go to the budget.
they said they they do look about light lighters, but according to sean peterson who's, whose the historian pass candy incorporates They were only design that way to fit into pockets eyes, just a cohen It is the name of my life's a cause light, as are also designed to go. It's pockets, yeah yeah, I did I did hear the past can be incorporated, have an official historic sham pizza. Does he have a red light historian gig, as it is a very, very small area of history? I reckon he does other stuff you'd have to I time tonight. Actually the historians in these kind of companies are actually someone who doesn't have a job, but in their spare time they kind of I'm sure you are.
Because otherwise you'd feel like a fool typing up at a history of comforts like what do you study of the nineteenth century, mostly what about yeah? You sat next to Mary beard on one side and then snow on the other side, yeah yeah, it was until they came to america that they still even one that dispenses granted. You know this was a way to give up smoking and apparently it was only when they went to america in the fifties and tried to market that, and they were targeting adults, kids. How to quit smoking. America didn't have the same appetite to quit smoking. I think, maybe that wasn't such a campaign back then it was in Austria saying this is bad. and so they don't, let's stop putting fun tenement them into fun in shapes and children and endangering the taste. Obviously of the thing from a sort of anti smoking. Nicotine. I wasn't no devising as in they changed it to sweeties. They may have when they were always meant he
miguel. Yes, that's what name comes from comes from the german for peppermint wittily, one of the first flavors they had was chlorophyll yeah. What's what is thy? That's what it's? A green stuff you get in If you want to know what it takes to lie exactly at the thought of it tastes like grass, I reckon I thought I would imagine so too, but it's such a witch flavour. We talk about at edward pass the first so really interesting family, because that so his his father, edward half, the second was a baked goods merchant cases, old baking powder, and his father edward rebates, get good. Is it good for by one or two points baking goods? Sorry, I created ok, but I, but basically edward edward. The third seems to have invented the first ready made cake mixture
it's a huge deal, so wait a minute. Was this the one who did pass or is the one who has the third yeah forgot about? The third is the guy who did hassan for the backing of health, sponge, cakes and edward's grandfather, edward house, the first yeah, okay, I've read I've one references. I cannot find any more detail anywhere, but does this source online, which claims that he died as a result of medical experiments? He d on himself no further evidence that I found. So if you know please write em and enlighten us, because it's not ok the clear what he was doing to himself therein, the banking industry. What could he have done? He behaviorally hopes by heart. So you want to know how hot too big things so we tested the temperature, out of the oven, a hole in his next to dispense loaves of bread it's.
Unclear what what he did was noted for the data, so our story, so the evolution of the paths dispenser itself is very exciting in our poor house. Has the third didn't get to see the feet that were added to the bottom of a palace spencer. To allow it to me, I was a big innovation. Is the minutes, the paths we know and love how hanging eighty seven? I believe I was it eighty seven and they had they had weird designs before it. So before the year they added the feet. There was one in nineteen, fifty six, they invented a sort of space gun and also from what I've seen regular looking guns. So the idea is that the gun don't shoot out like a pistol wish you'd out the peasant the end into your mouth
with a gun, and you will see the guy who set the pace dispenser which, as we know it is going to work with the guy who was in charge of the detention basically was Michael Curtis alina who was european. He was born in prague in nineteen twenty two he was jewish, and that was not a good time to be born. Jewish in central europe, mri his family all send to concentration camps. He was the only surviving member of his family in europe after the war he went to the usa and he started working pez, but that the? U s and the european public have two different camps. They were quite new, quite remote from each other when ready tied together and he had to persuade the viennese outfit. They wanted serious sober, grown up, meant.
It adamant that this dispenser thing was a good idea, but I just I mention all this because there's a weird link to sigmund freud, who was from Vienna, I K copy the old james on the link is not just that they are both in vienna where he lived across the street from sigmund freud. He was a boy supposedly- and there was this brilliant website, her from which is called freud's butcher dot com, which is about the history of signified by norfolk, old, eighty general and she's great, is a blog about genealogy psychology and meet a guy. That's the end. This theory that she pulls is that everyone has edward has. The third might have been considering freud's theory of oral fixation, when he came up with the idea of substituting peppermints waits for cigarettes. Ah, I see mountains that that has dispensing, looks a bit like a penis knock at the door of the next to the evolution of the theory. Maybe he was everything about it. Subconsciously, say, but would not be appropriate, given that its freud
yeah. What a load of AP all the happened to live in the opposite. Freud was weird convoluted thing we attribute to that. She says it's a huge stretch. She also said I disagree with you guys come across Steve glue. loud applause, that has a lot of science, but rather that we really got like a single, a goose bumps, either got excited by the who, I believe glue. He is basically the king of collecting peasants, so he would go to europe and he would get all of these really really rare, as is sometimes digging through garbage to try and get ones which have been thrown out and that he would take them back to america and he would sell them to pass enthusiastic and he said at one stage he was making four point: five million dollars high. He made that much in total selling has kindly dispensing taken
waste in europe and sold in america, and it seemed to be. There was some kind of loophole in terms of importing were more well. You just saw of snuck through customs analyze. It was obviously so. This is what I thought I was writing, let them, I, when they didn't check the site, wasn't one per trip: profits just a little mickey mouse heads yeah help yourself to a movie that I know of yeah. This is how I came across these facts. Additionally, I was reading a review of pes, the pes outlaw which is coming out this year. I think cool and it's a film based on his adventures and it sounds proper, exciting stuff. It was him and his son who's an equally avid collector and he was
real down and out, like wasn't making any money until he came across this big scam where he finds eastern europe go into factories and basically bribe factory workers to give them a bunch of pets, he knew would be incredibly valuable, but they, you know they drive around in this truck. Apparently his son said he drives at twenty four hours straight you'd, be so tired that he often crushed the truck and but just just kept plugging away and had seen, This amazing rival cooled protect, who was another, has guy who got the also got first steps in the factories and flocks paths, while an apparently at one point glue, pursued, protect across austrian, car chase and they like driven on the pavement. They are on the wrong side of the road they had to bribe police with pets dispenses Bill of cash like that could only be tiny little some tea, they went with no apparent nedda haven't you can fit in
hundred dollar bills. Maybe, but then, of course, big pads got involved right, they pass, and so this guy decided he that did a little bit of a deal with a guy in hungary and said that this guy would make extra for him and they were discontinued ones as well. Sometimes so they be really really good expensive. You know rap as is this guy humbly, would make him for him and he would buy loads of them and then take them back to america and sell them, but one day he loved into the paths website and he found a new section called misfit dispenses and it was all the ones that he bought from this guy in hungary pass was selling them for like a dollar each eye. They basically just flooded the model in with other ones, and he reckons that it left him two hundred fifty thousand dollars in that this one track when he rang up this broke her in hungary and said what happened why they doing this? The broker said the right hand knows what the left is doing.
So basically it was all a scot. I just basically fitted him up. That's extraordinary miser so that this, Mention was made by someone called oscar sow and his patrons actually said that it would be helpful for people who have only one hand, so it was a way of dispensing sweets from a box, but you only need one hand to do it. That's what it says in the pace is useful, but people will die. That's why that's why it's so useful? Actually for the pension? Is it really so? I want to have a hand free hadn't later, if you have ever lived. I asked that selling I laid my bed because the patient who says it's important not only for persons who have only one hand, but also persons who often have only one out, free occupation causes that has to become smeared with that.
Well, this is these dad. It's your job, droids painters, especially one year, actually paying that set at its heart back. Thank you. So much for listening. If you'd like to getting contacted any of us about the things that we have set over the course of this podcast, we can be found on our twitter accounts. I'm on shriver land, andy at under hundred m J Matt, James hearken and anna. You can email put cost at you. I don't come yet, but you can go to our group. Which is that no such thing or website no such thing as a fish dot com check out all of our previous episodes up there make sure to check out club fish. They ve exciting things hidden in a secret club like extra compilation, episodes and drop as a line where we go through the mail bag and share a favorite stories, in fact that you ve sent in otherwise just
come back here next week. We will be here waiting for you with another episode will see them good, bye.
Transcript generated on 2022-10-24.