« No Such Thing As A Fish

154: No Such Thing As A Submarine Shepherd

2017-03-03 | 🔗

Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the UK's noisiest warships, how glow-worms go fishing and what happened to the world's first cannabis smokers.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
They don't want to put all the hello and welcome to another episode of no such thing as a fish. A weekly podcast coming to you from the QR offices in Covent Garden, is Dan Schreiber. I am sitting here with James Harkin, Andrew Hunter, Murray and antigens in sky, and once again we have gathered round the microphones with our four favorite facts from the last seven days and in no particular order. Here we go starting with you, James, okay, my foot this week. Is that british warships are so noisy submarines can hear them from one hundred miles away was going on These sippar
yeah. So this, basically, is the type forty five destroyer and I think we mention them before they ve had a lot of troubles. They were the ones who broke down in warm water, yes, and they also run, very loudly- and they used to stop it by putting little wooden wedges between the hatches and that would stop them from rattling, but they kind of stopped doing that now, just as they run out of patience, and now our warships rattling around the seas and anyone who wants know that rounds doesn't even have to use any detection, they can just pay it anymore. Marine yeah. You can't really hear while on the water. You can hear better under less well known in this area and try to have a chat with someone underwater, but sound does move quickly through liquid them through a really yet because the molecules are close together, guess but then there in a tin. So like there
in the water. It's just to show they're not using their actual ears, to hear it right. No, I would say people in submarines, if you're, detecting things through sounds then usually it would be soda rather than people sticking memory is out of the hutch want to get clarification. That is a niece of Marie that the the swedish building the building is incredibly about submarines and one of the features they have is there's a pod in it where the submarine can land on the some of the sea and then the pot opens and special forces can leave the submarine plan mines or do whatever they need to do on the bottom of the sea and then go back in that's very unusual is now very on because, first of all, submarines don't really like to actually touch the bottom of the ocean today. And they can get stuck like the Kursk one point: this was just concept drawings and maybe
If misunderstood, also minds in the water, you don't tend to dig them underneath to sea. Otherwise, all you're gonna do is blow up some fish. Craps yeah. It's not like the old school scuba divers with a huge rope thing. It just feels to me like you've, seen an eight year old trolley, but it's more effective to catch scuba divers because they're wearing the big flippers on their feet, so they're more likely to tread on a mine, that's true, but the flippers will mean that there's less pressure because they're wider, but there is pressure pushing down from the ocean, so the additional pressure of the flipper, you think local on the fluent yeah. Never let them touch the ground. You walk on tiptoe on the flippers, which would give you extra lines and which would give
You actually less of a surface, basically standing on lines there ass of fish which have their extended fins, and so they kind of walk on the bottom of the ocean. Tripod fish that called out I dunno Switzer. Sweden only has five submarines that, but they are incredibly good, an incredibly quiet as well there so stealthy who, for example, the mostly used for Sweden, has already find many people, but they are mostly used by the american Navy to play the Russians and what the last time it did. A big war, gaming excised the swedish submarines, got through all the american defences and set a virtually torpedo, the entire american Navy, while yeah now being detected, isn't a danger that one day than Sweden, this lovely peace making nation is gonna, think hang on with really good as well, and we try to act not making it again this time sweetie it's two ones have a third of Europe. They used to have a massive massive empire. They invaded Russia while simultaneously fighting France. I think that crazy, Russia, well
What, then, is fighting other countries equal? I know that the submarines made by sub is the main thing. I wanted to say Marine Well, we made some pretty high points of pottery quite early to know where to go from here and say: one way that submarines hiding themselves. Planning on hiding themselves in future is with bubble, wrap was it wrapping themselves in just bubbles, yeah, but not see bubbles. This is obviously in submarines as a problem of trying to avoid detection by like boats and other submarines, so not in radar and so they've developed this kind of bubble, wrap, which is kind of plasticky material. I put on the outside of submarines and it will deflect radar. So wow and mate mean they're impossible to spot, also mean they're really fun, because you just detected. That's the problem
five year olds yeah, they think about bubbles. That's interesting! I don't know if we've mentioned this before. Is that a torpedo when it hits a submarine? The torpedo doesn't hit submarine explodes just before the submarine and it's the bubbles that bring down the ship yeah it's extraordinary. It's like it explodes as a massive vacuum which, like a bubble, and that will force the hull it's wow, because it would fool you as well into thinking you were safe when you saw it explode before it hit. You like, it is next point. Is there you know how airports have flight controllers who sort of Shepard in the planes you know in order plane, shepherds the shepherds? I think so.
Times they call them traffic controllers, that's just a slang thing, thank them for playing shepherds, yeah, so all submarine shepherds do they do they, because if you've got let's say you send out like a fleet of your own submarines and they've all got this amazing, invisible detection thing they'll just be slamming into each other on the way out the harbor. I so is that a thing I didn't think because we didn't have as many submarines as we have commercial planes that I didn't think was sending two hundred of them out in the space of three hours. That must be occasionally where it's like- let's launch- because we know Sweden's decided I'd like over again, I can put money. Has one constant? Yes, the nuclear Trident submarine, so I thought so- why is it so? It does a crash into their lesson as this one which is being set of repaired. All the time does one which is being used for training all the time. It is one which is constantly at sea and obviously that's which has aroused it's not like. One of them is constantly bigger yeah? That was it
sing looking at the numbers of warships. So in nineteen forty five, I read this an article that we had night this bread at nine hundred warships in the royal Navy by the time of the full clan wars. It was down a seventy warships and they now reckon in two thousand seventeen, its half of that. So we're looking at about thirty five warship Another I think, includes a lot of smaller craft as well like frigates and five. So a warship you that can mean anything from an aircraft carrier to a speedboat speedboat is not quite that bad. Yet, but we've already thirty five speedboats, but it's bad. The japanese Navy is larger than the british and french Navy put together how many speedboats have they got all the seventy five wow. But this is the thing the japanese army I was reading about this in the economist has never fired a shot in anger. What have they fight it
revenge. What do you mean that does it? I dunno what you mean by that? So the japanese army was disbanded after the second mobile, so you mean since the second world since the Second World WAR yeah, they fought a load of shit, but since then they have never got involved, and there is a japanese man who is now suing the government, because they're trading, his son, to kill people really yeah yeah, the british Navy, at least having big problems with recruitment and they've, basically just had to change all the rules. So that used to be that you couldn't be recruited. If you are over the age of fifty in another saying if you're over the age of fifty nine, that is no problem, please come and rejoin the Navy because they really needed that does seem relatively old to start naval training correct. I think it's I think it's retired it's
yeah yeah there saying come back again so that the current first see Lord, whose name Admirals Sir Philip Jones he's put this calling out saying we need people to come back its code named, and I don't know why we know the code name code name from ST to fleet and they just don't have enough cyclists. Basically, they need they need people back on shit. Zoning I speak. Both we need to match gets and this It's been named the year of the Navy, and that was named by as Michael Fallon, the defence secretary he's. So its moments be pushing it. I mean he's the defense secretary. They should all be the year of the Navy yeah. Well, he needs to have a special year for the Last year was a year. The emerging says this is defend Prism year, in which we prevent people from evading. Does anyone know the name of the captain on the? U S, navies biggest stealth, destroy captain. Though I dare say so, ten Pugwash but keep along this lie, Anko
cut, cut. James Kirk sure is the captain. James T cook runs this destroyed and the cool thing about this- and this is true of some of our warships and related to the fact, which I guess is about how ships need to disguise themselves- is that it looks to re doll a little fishing boats. Actually, all of Britain ships look like a metal fishing boats with me, using disguises realistic. They do it by the angles that it's built, as if you look it up, it looks like more like a spaceship than a boat, because it's built a really weird shape and the angles again. They deflect the radar
so make it they can. Even you can you do the opposite, whereas if I have a tiny ship, I can be solved going check out my my ship over there, and so here is how it works. Imagine your firing something at an airplane bouncing back at you like a tennis ball, you throw it out and about his back and you can sell its there because it balances. But ok, ok, now imagine these stealth aeroplanes, which a triangular, if you fire at exactly at the knows about back at you. But if you. If I were anywhere on the side, it's going to bounce to the side, so you're not going to see that and thus how the stealth works, and so one of these really angular aeroplanes. They look tiny, because the only bet the comes back from the radar is from the little nose, but but what do they think that they must be just stay a apparent side? Oh they think it's a bird is that's it now is.
Playing the ok. It is time for fact, number two, and that is just an escape. The fact is that the first account of european smoking cannabis reported that one, a jar for four hours and another go into a fight with a pillow and say this was I read this in a book called penguins, pineapples and pangolins, and it's first encounters with the exotic as it's subtitle and it's a little about the first times that people from some parts of the world encountered stuff from other parts of the world. So this was a sailor called Thomas Bowery and ten of his mates. They were english. Actually, this is in the sixteen seventeen.
Then they were in Bengal and so in India. At the time, lots of weed was smoked all over the shop. It was called Bang B, H, Angie, and this guy reported Thomas Battery reported that it took its operation on most of us, but merely save upon two of our number. One of them sat himself down upon the floor and wept bitterly all afternoon. The other terrified with fear didn't run his head into a great jaw and continue in this posture. Four hours or more so did he of his head in a job on a hot, his head in his eye. I always notice full body. I mean it's hard to find a job that you can fit into these days. The plain of jars in LAO the plain of jars, in INLA in LAO Laura La La land, yeah yeah, the country of LAO. They have a big plane with loads of massive jaws and no one's quite sure. What they're there for, but the properly for burial, yeah, oh, could be a big part, is getting stoned and
in somewhere to hide is actually specified as a martyr Ben Jaw, which I think is a big jaw from somewhere in Burma. Okay, who won before, with the pillar. Great question so get fat, but definitely the pillar based on one of our number was quarrelsome and fought with one of the wooden pillars of the porch. Until he left himself, so skin upon the knuckles of his finger and I've even remained in time- is that the jar made of glass, or was it made of steel back on the job it's a ticket, if it's made of glass, it's not the best, hiding spot. Funnily enough glass jars did they would have been a clay plaza. It's a pot, I think we're saying pot here call it pop his something about cannabis. That I did not know a k is that there is a conspiracy theory. Oh
oh, that the only reason that marijuana is illegal is because have you had this don't know? Is because hemp paper was a rival to would paper yeah? And so basically, big paper got the like a three year: ya got together and try to shut down and get it declared illegal connivance with so great in some shape is not true to say your conspiracy theories away, more boring them. I would know aliens in that it is going to be the lizards and allergic to help. The family are. All Kennedy was killed by a bullet of marijuana or something sorry, it's just that. That's the theory, if you type in you know what is actually plausible. The good thing is that there is some genuine possible substance to it. Exactly here's a thing: legal indoor, growing of marijuana uses, one percent
all the electricity in America. Oh yeah, yeah it produces equivalent in carbon dioxide of three million cars the industry is huge, wow yeah, so it's bad for the environment is bad for the environment. The hippies are going to hate that hearing lad thought. That was the thing when people were taking laughing gas in balloons, shall they still do but is very bad for the environment, because it's a really bad greenhouse gas right. So it is hard to be an eco friendly hippy these days, heroines or right, try heroin we could have a set of Mozart visit is monitored by her when no one's gonna in brand name out of it yet that we can use it's just a heroin heroin was a brand that was heroin was owned by Bayer the german pharmacy. Oh my god, really so other other kinds of heroin- that we just weed know the name of their end
businesses that basically the same, but I prefer the pan, but there was this thing. I wanted to put this forward because I sound to me like it's fake, but you guys might have read the story while ago and then know if it was, well, it's this new theory. Another theory that Shakespeare was a pot smoker because they found in a pipe which was in the gardens or in the area of where he lived. They found a pipe that had traces of cannabis in it and The suggestion is that he might have been a weed smoker. They can't prove that it was his, but it definitely is from the time it's a pipe from the time on the grounds of where he lived so would it have made it to England were saying by the early sixteen hundreds cause he died at sixteen, because we we got it from India in the mid. Sixteen hundreds read in hardly any
one was smoking in my family might have uncovered one small hole in your theory, but my theory, it does make sense if you consider that Shakespeare's plays were all written by Samuel Johnson who lived about one hundred and fifty years later, yeah. That must be that it would grow in these kind of climates yeah so, and I think they were germanic tribes who were using it. So theoretically, it could have been around possibly even though there's no evidence, so we used it, it's very, very unlikely, but he may have and the one person getting stuck. That explains why he was such a genius out of his time. Right so true go. Can we go back to the jazz? Thank you James. One thousand seven hundred and forty nine, the rapid all over London that you could go and watch him on getting into a job getting into a quote bottle. Actually so quote bottles pretty small, tighter, yes, really small well compared to a mob shown. It depends on how big the neck is
while he waited, depends if his neck will fit, but that no This was a bets between the Duke of Portland and the Idol of Chesterfield that they were discussing the gullibility of the british public. I'm one of them bet the other that if I put signs up saying a man can climates will fall crop off, old? I bet people will go and see it on the guy goes now. People out that stupid anyway. People were that stupid. He turned up and they waited for about half an hour until it became obvious that this guy I'm his bottle, would now go to turn up, and then they trust the place. General chaos broke out. They ripped up the theatre through seats and benches everywhere. Three pillars had to be hospitalized. Everything carrying was hold outside and thrown into a bonfire people abundant
the hats of wigs in the panic and then people try to guess who it was. No one knew, and that was only about four or five years later of the Earl of Chesterfield and the Duke of Portland Fence stuff. I would absolutely go along to the show I'm with the public. If someone said this, theater on this day has been books. I would think that's legit well up in Covent Garden, where they have all the street performers, I saw a man my size get into a briefcase, the briefcase it was mostly it was. It was a slightly bigger briefcase, but it wasn't quite a suitcase, so he just opened it up and he did this whole thing. I'm going to fit myself in this in this briefcase, and he did. He just disappeared- that he picked probably made his way to the inside.
Right when you get to have a negative put your briefcase on the table. Have you met my chief strategist, and so I have one last thing about cannabis, which is that in two thousand and eight that was a japanese customs officer who was training his sniffer dog and he planted a pack of cannabis resin in he was meant to Atlanta in a dummy bag. Okay, a previously agreed dummy bag. He decided to give his dog a bit of an extra challenge and planted the cannabis resin in a random member of the public's bag. Right, unfortunately,
The dog did not find the drugs yeah so, but that's probably because there was a guy inside that bag just immediately slow traffic. Okay, aside from the fact number three that is Andy Perfect, is that glow worms go fishing with their own urine. We've mentioned these guys before. Actually they live in caves and they live on. The ceilings of caves, really wet caves and they drop lines down and they dangle them out of their own bodies and they dangled them out of their mouths. So scientists have been analyzing the content and it turns out that mostly water, but the the thing that makes them so sticky is urea, which is one of the ingredients in urine. So we think that taking like the early gut urine as it's forming and stringing that out of their mouths to make these adhesive lines, that is disgusting, disgusting,
and these lines, then things get trapped in them right exactly things get trapped in that they hold them up, but won't hold them back up yeah they go, oh, my god, and then they recycle and digest it and then use the same line again the same so all their meals, tastes of piss Poseidon, I just refused to take a piss. Without you know, that was just one thing: they do they. They build a mucus tube on the ceiling of the cave and they shuttle backwards and forwards along it with dozens of lines dangling down. So they can keep loads of fishing lines on the go at the same time while and then, whenever an insect get stuck, they hold it up very cool I see that in a lovely and thorough thing, which is vomiting the person that aids in it hey, it looks like a Christmas decoration. In that case,
I am not coming to your house for Christmas yeah and seeping through the city yeah, so they're not glow worms like the globe. We have in Britain, which are type of beetle they're, a type of not which people only found out relatively recently. In Maori, the name is Titty Y, which means projected over water when that, during this thing with the fishing, they are latte and they're like that for quite a few years and then they become an adult and they're only an adult for like a day or so, and then they mate, and then they lay the eggs and then they live for love a for ages and ages and ages. And if you get to the
We have these nuts in a cave, then they'll start catching each other and they start eating each other and they get cannibalistic right. Okay, so just a few more things about the city. Why so quite a lot of animals seem to use project, tells his fishing rods, and I think I've seen a claim that one of them is the fastest animal in the world and that cheater yeah. It's a swift, a swift as the floss as a buffalo falling off a cliff, Is it a human in a spaceship? All of these are strong contender. Every depends on your definition of fast, so it's a frog, fish and lack of a human into space. It's possible depend which bit of the body of measuring when you're talking about speed. So this is pacifically its tongue, so fruit, vegetables and picture its they look so where they live,
like a weird gnarly bit of rock, with a kind of wobbly face on outside. That happens. To be my wife, and they have one of their, their dorsal fins is like super modified into this ruin. So it looks like this really the long thin rod that sticks out at them and has a year at the end. So it looks like a bit of 'em. I got at the end of it and when it sees a fish coming bio crustacean on something, then it wobbles that you're around, so that the fish thinks it's a bit of prey and then the fish will come and it'll try to eat it and the speed at which it sucks in the prey this landed on it's sphere is it manages to get it into it's mouth within? No point, not not six seconds so another way. Think about them is that so that no other animals can say it happens if you're sitting next to go, there is proper, then is the first real
You may just disappears says. Presumably what happened? I was we'd, ironically enough. God has probably conspiracy theories and refresh world about what happens to the act. That is incorrect, What humans have done is wait. The fish haven't done this developed high speed cameras, the fish police. Probably look at that and see people speeding and they're. Like oh man, I wish we That's also really do with other behind you and other worldly faith swallowing at night. What so we can see it through. So we in it with with eyes, become those of NATO Jack that tunnel enemies. Are these things? It is amazing that will not be such a scale of euro to restaurant. With someone at something like what happens, my together that they'll get mail, or does it say that no one is incredible supervised, and also they can suck stuff in is bigger than their own bodies target, and I think that is a bit of it.
When you're the shape of Jeff Edwards. I've got, you know the way one of them does. It is by opening their mouth to twelve times it's original size, so it expands its mouth to twelve times as wide as it was and then not create suction. In the motion, was the other, then, whilst ovum selves or they that another animal completely, because they ve got a massive fish. I think the thing is the thing that said alive because they say that humans of got like fifty percent bacterial cells, so we're almost more bacterial than human. Now, if youve eaten a fish which is bigger than you, then are you actually more fish than human Well, this is what they discuss. A lot of fish philosophy school when the police give him a break yeah there are which secrete glue through their skins and then when snakes,
get anywhere be extinct. No, it's Kubiak stinks well there's one called butter, CO, Seps, a tenure at us and is Crete's from it's skin glue which sticks a snake to itself and glues the snake's jaws shut, but doesn't stick to the salamander, so the snake is all glued up next to itself on it's own coils and it's mouth is all glued shut and that's terrible, not fantastic for the salamander yeah. Obviously you're in the monkeys wash themselves with it. They've just found out a new study. Do they yep to attract mates? So it's male and female monkeys we think of several species they way into their hands and they rub it all over themselves like it's shower, gel is Weis it with animals. Animals, just love pistol, night loads of them, like literally we single time you, Google, animal urine? It's always they do this too
Grats mate so, but maybe we've got the wrong attitude. Maybe I mean how many of you have given a chance to your own urine on your body? No well! No! I haven't. I haven't been on on purpose. I can think of world leader or two who might yeah no cause history yearns been used as mouthwash. I think we've mentioned in the in the past. We've used it for all sorts of medication. in Basle, Henry, the eighth. I think his his soldiers always wash their wounds and urine in really right that, where unusual not only in animal world but also in time im. This is a very, very unusual part of history. When people are dousing themselves in euro yeah as charged yeah really good point, I'm Robert Boyle and who's often said to be the father of chemistry. Urine was very much a part of his his
ideas of medication, so he used to say that every morning you should drink a moderate draft of your own urine did and while it's still warm run or mere area import and not wanting to cool down lobby disgusted. Well is the difference. If you don't, like red wine, have a go at Mould wine, because it's a very nice. even, if you don't like red wine- and I imagine that's what you're a like. Are you saying you should put some clothes until you're in for a drink. I'm just saying heating up urine might take that sort of edge off what was stopping you from the call for a more come to your place for Christmas, and they just we knew who like every so. There is a fantastic article by Article Richard Sugg, on the guardian, which just list some of the many will be used, if yeah, it's so good. I did read that one as well. Okay, I haven't read this so, let's alright, well AB go in fifteen. Fifty, the italian doctor,
Leonardo FEAR of Anti Solomons knows sliced off in an argument and promptly urinate it on the fallen organ before stitching it back on. Wow. That was to keep her germs at Bay and suggests so yeah yeah, they used to say women should goggle year and don't drink warm urine to deal with a sore throat which might well work. I suppose warm liquids are quite soothing, yes, but don't do it with cold urine, never do anything with cold beer, and I think that's what it is today. He Richards hug in this article. He also mentions that there was a pioneering french surgeon. it's a padre and itching eyelids. If you had itching eyelids wash your eyelids in your urine and make sure that the urine that has been provided has been kept all night in a barber's basin. So there's something I guess about just it getting some air and the light bulb is based on. Why not just any old light,
we're all well, because someone might put their head in or around if they've got plans that no one has ever put their head in the bulbous base. The only basis people don't understand, yeah apart from Dublin, is beating a bogus basin has the gateway in it where the urine would spill out. We know where your lion neck down, oh yeah, so that she wouldn't be able to hold nearly as much air in as a conventional base, which bit It's a Barbara, and you lie ahead fact that so many modern modern BB is based in Jamestown spoken about this before people used to face downwards over over a basin which was just like a mini. Both cars were a kitchen saying because it's easier to get your eyelids into the into the urine, and I just want to say that I am so skeptical because James you have made a good point that urine was everywhere throughout time in all animals. If you read literature from any period
and it's never mentioned that people were washing in year and that people were drinking year and I've never seen it thickens it never comes up in shape, but you're not gonna, have like Shakespeare's nothing to write a sonnet about like bathing your itchy eyes Is he like all that was about way? There are fish, in fact, a lot of fish oh go around and thou urinate at each other and the way that they found out that its to send signals is they got to fish and they put them in some water and they put divide between them, so they could see each other, but the water was separate and then they put a a die inside the fish which made the urine turn purple. You know like that thing that doesn't exist. In swimming, they say yeah, but they scare us they put that the fish in the in the tank and they would urinate at each other, but then they couldn't detect it because this wall, and so what happened was
They would think there's something wrong and they just paid more and more and more and ended up with tons of pay, because I try to get the point across to the other guy, the not hearing anything back from him, so they just pay even more on us to prove that it's like her signalling that yeah my coat. Oh I'm gonna wasn't point is that I try to get across just a point. That's why you hang upon its true week. We cannot speak, urine, the sentence was, I think, something wrong with my way so that we do Another way that girl everything. I thought this was a myth about. It is time for our final back to the show, and that is my fact. My fact this week is that, according to the endangered language alliance, more languages spoken in Queens New York than anywhere else in the world. The most
incredible? Dense area on our planet of spoken languages is Queens New York and they put it as around as many as eight hundred languages that are spoken and a lot of the languages are languages that are no longer even spoken in the place where they originated from the the now just purely in New York, which is insane it's gone. Die basically normally you know people go to Florida know there are a couple of the hour and he's spoken by like one person that yeah exactly that. Did you read about the guy, Mr Hussein? I think who's sixty seven and he speaks Mahmoud. You which is an austrian asian language, so he grew up in Indonesia, and he doesn't have any one else to speak to. You is not even his wife. What children's big it then I may speak is on the phone to his brother back home. So he's the only moves you Speaker in New York. Yeah is very sad. Some people think that its good that languages dial
do they yeah, which people, on the contrary, an argument we get very precious about them. Well, the argument is- and this isn't my argument, but it is an argument that is the a lot of these languages. Oh, by isolated people, and it's the language is part of their isolation on maybe it's better for people to be less ice. I to drop the more isolated I see and the ago. The other argument, which is much more pervasive, is that it's complete cold. Chosen knowledge, which you lose as soon as you lose the language, although we can write them all down now, like cool with them all The internet is not a language living, though not a way of life living, and I it's not goodnight please, I'm soon, two thousand and one there were six thousand eight hundred and nine no mind which is. How did you think there are now so dying out to a month ago, six thousand two hundred I'd say six thousand nine hundred I reckon with.
Offering more languages us right, there's more than seven thousand no with finding them quicker than their dying out. At the moment, I can keep going for ever know sounded At some point, we will hit the buffers unless there is an infinite number of languages. Okay, so you you were right, Andy! Thank you! That's all I need, or unless we start creating new ones, cause that's nice as, for instance, a new language in Australia, which is called light, wool Perry. So it's it was related to operate, but it's just been identified as a languages in this rarely isolated village of seven hundred people in the northern territory is it lights has like Marlboro lights. is there a site that allows the percent fewer continents or something exactly but yeah? Three hundred fifty people speak it as their native tongue, and this is just a completely new language bay, some other languages, but now classified as me. Why don't we just gotta, keep replacing them with us as we lose them. I'd really like that. It's just that this is a fact from the endangered language alliance, Yahoo record, my don't fight. Languages which are dying
yup and there's a language from Gabon called my Hong way, and it has a word mono, which means I like when you say it softly, and I don't like when the first syllable is slightly sharper in tone. That's like saying fine, fine, oh yeah yeah, I didn't I languages based on sarcasm basically think is brilliant. This group that you just mentioned the endangered language alliance. They say that when you get the subway in America, if you were going from queens tonight, passing every stop along the way, you'll notice, when they're saying things like the equivalent of mind the gap they'll have English, but though have like six translations underneath it and then maybe five, and it may be too, as you get closer in Manhattan, so the amount of density of of language speakers there is enough that their altering enough for multiple translate. I really should have mine the gap in eight hundred different,
languages wish it shouldn't. I, yes, India, otherwise is be accidents. Yet what this is? Why we're losing this? Why we're losing another language has gone extinguished. L through the guy I read about age juggernaut in the world of Linguistics and his passing. He passed in early January, very sad, fourteenth of January this year, and it is man called Jowl, Yoke long. His birth name was Joe Yelping, not heard of them. Now he is the father of Pink in which is what's taken, China into a whole new world of written language, because it took the chinese language and the applied romanization to it, and so we can now use our alphabet to write chinese words and he only passed away this January he was one hundred
an eleven years, oh yeah, he lived in New York for a while I'm trying to track down if it was queens of not shower, but it might have been queens. He may Albert Einstein there and he he became a sort of out spoken character later in his life. He wrote ten books after turning one hundred and most of which were banned because he was saying really controversial things about the chinese government and when they why are doing this like they censor books? Yes, you can write that he was like I'm over one hundred. What have I got to lose, I'm going to say what I'm going to say: wow but yeah. He absolutely transform the chinese language and when he did that was under Zhao online, who was underneath Chairman MAO. He was a he was his number two or whatever MAO hated it. I hated the idea that they were bringing westernization into China, so they banished him away and he basically spent a lot of the cultural Revolution working as a as a scarecrow. He his job was literally to scarecrows away in the
yields from all the fields. Yes, it's a real curious. He was obsessed with curiosity obsessed with knowledge how real qr a eyes kind of guy, and he only passed away this year at one hundred and eleven, and one day I like the Sentinel Ease language. I think we've talked about the sentinel. These people, before who I totally isolated, a group of people who live in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India and because they are isolated and they're so aggressive, so they really hate outsiders. So whenever we've tried to penetrate that culture, then they have taco, so they know we're like they know. This information from all we're trying to do is penetrate their culture, yeah very unnecessarily violent wellies. Wasn't it yeah? So we have no idea what the language is like. If you look up the language- and we only know the word for fuck off which is one word in you,
softly. Please come in saying, and we just like to say one of the things that could be raised to is the Andaman ease, kind of language which is spoken very near by, and that has all of its nouns are based on body parts. So every one is related to like what body part it resembles or what body part you touch it. When you have examples, it has a so I think, let's say you're talking about a floor. Then it would have a prefix which means like foot, something or maybe If food would always be mouth, something right, and I think that makes a lot of sense that don't you think most things around us? We use with bits of our body, my if we were talking the other night, we realized we didn't know what you'd ever the batteries would have. The beady thing is a bit you mean the aspen needy. So is it
Is it asked ball? Is that what it is? Well, it's in everything, ball! Isn't it. I just know it was a man. I says Windows needs a region bow, I mean you're allowed to put whenever you want it, but it is mostly for bombs at you and if you got one of these things, you didn't know what no, no, no, we saw a picture where the line with we started chatting about evenings in with Israel yeah. I was trying to think of things that like, for instance, a brick. What would you call that? What body part with that go with Clinton's Hamburg What it's called a break proposing imply hand for there are things I see right I mean what about the sun. This I should say from a distance It all got that immediate, something that doesn't work the rest of the time yeah. What about a worm? why why foot, you don't try to
It's gotta be things. They resemble is well known and tested. Oh really one year, because those are the things that they resemble bodily bodily things they resemble. No, I think it needs a practical use. Has makes you got in a language that mines appropriately. My if other Bombay day at I heard Willie, whereby this you that's, why I need to connect it with a little bit of money. That is just how the language works. Tat your language, it's someone else. Obviously it needs to be related to the bit you want it to touch. Also, if I see a Willie Webb thing, is your rules adult imparted, so it's likely that she could not care less yeah swirling into an indian island. This is why
We did what people penetrating. Ok, that's it is all of our banks. Thank you so much for listening. If you'd like to getting contact with any of us about the things that we had set over the course of this broad cast, we can be found. And on our twitter accounts. I'm an at Schreiber Land, James Egg shaped Andy at Andrew Hunter inches in skate. You can email the podcast. Thank you, I don't come be up or you can go to our group account at QR What can we all use that as well, and you can also go to our website? No such thing as a fish dot com, where we have all of our previous episodes, we're gonna be there again next week with another episode of facts will see you then good bye.
Transcript generated on 2022-04-13.