« My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

MFM Minisode 332


This week’s hometowns include a terrifying roller coaster ride and a big fan of Stephen King.  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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author sebastian physic con man. Milan burg, has a photographic memory, but he's hiding a secret. He can't read. He comes across a car and traffic with a girl in the back seat, desperately holding a written note up to the window, but What does it say fearing the girls in mortal danger alone becomes determined to find her as he follows a series of clues, each darker and scarier than the next he's thrust into a nightmarish odyssey with a deepening disturbing progression. The clues are tied to his passed with his life on the line. Can MILAN save himself and the girl narrated by listener? bread are easily echoes. The gift is an edge of your seat, psychological thriller. I love audio books so much. You know that the kind of things I have to create in my life so that I can do something. So I can listen to my audio books as like the idea stretching Now I do like a lady wand on my face did you say dictionary had yet issues more than I ever did book or because they love audio books, so freaking much it's ridiculous severely
audible, dot com, slash the gift to listen now goodbye, the the Oh, and welcome to my favorite murderer the many sewed. That's right, we read your emails there. You know how this goes spend years. It's your thing to go: yeah go for it! Hometown story, scary theme, park story, high karen in georgia, great podcast thumb thank you for those listening to a mini episode and her georgia state that she loves spooky, slash scary theme, park stories and I picked up. I've never been happier have a near death traumatize in life events, so depressed
This story when I was an elementary slash, junior high school. I was a fearless adrenaline junkie who loved theme park rides these days. I hurt my neck by just looking in the wrong direction and that the mai, how things have changed, the summer after six grade and one of my best friends was moving to another state, her family and by the need to a local theme park as one last hurrah before they left the day had been great sunrise and yummy fair food. The day was winding down on my friends his sister. Let's call her bailey wanted to go on the main roller coaster, the tornado, when last time nobody else was up for it. So I volunteered to go with her. So get through the lime, get immersed ease and pull down the lock bar the ride started member being annoyed because there were these two young boys in the back of the ride, screaming the right just started it wasn't that exciting. They continue to scream and I looked back and to my dread they were standing up known.
yeah, I'm no genius, but standing up and moving roller coaster is no bueno. So I pulled at the last. and sure enough. It wasn't locked. Oh at this point, everyone on the coaster noticed as well and started screaming. We were trying to get the rise operators attention an older gentlemen who seem to be stared off into space. We started going up the at least four story: hell and bailey was losing her shit. She was screaming crying organic cavy we're gonna die, but somehow I was able to keep some of my composure and, through my arm in front of her, screamed back, we're not gonna die calm down, we'll be fine internally, I was convinced this was that we were going to make it even if we didn't buy off the road. Stir a lot going downhill, there were several tight spirals afterwards. I remember thinking about where we could potentially jump off the ride and potentially survive with some broken bones. Luck I know that is, is odin
mare nightmare ends. Little little kid. It seem like an eternity before the ride suddenly stopped. Just after the first car started, going over the peak of the hell up, employees are the park, ran up the hill and with a screwdriver locked each bar into place. We are forced to finish the right now or later. Those two boys who raised how we arrive later- we found out that it wasn't a malfunction of the lap. Are the right operator simply forgot to switch on the luck. I'm sorry, sir you're out of here, sir sir, serve work at the library. That's what we're fire! Please awesome. People always asked me if I am now terrified a roller coaster is, and I simply respond. No check to make sure it's locks, I'm now thirty, six years old, and I remember that terror by experience like it was yesterday. Thank you again
lovely audio experience, stay or awesome selves katy, she heard katy. Thank you for it like a story that actually I have like pillow tension in my shoulder now, I'm like how my shoulder hurts, because I immediately started imagining how I would just start pulling down on that bar like how you're going to keep yourself in your seat. You'd have to hold on and the loops like. I wonder if there's ever been like a whole like cars of people who died like I still hear. One person falling out, but not like, Nobody was trapped and stories that awful it so bad because you have to lake, especially rollercoaster that go in loops its bare minimum that your bar as its legs, even then you're not Indeed I need bang. Might you know? Oh, it's bad and ok, good one, the subject.
This email is my bad ass. Grandma made me stock, Stephen king, dear Karen george, and my favorite mustache raising seven and there the first person to have them do not receive an amazing. Ok, I've literally listen to all of europe is so it's over the past year and a half. Yes, I work from home. I get so sad when I scroll to only see the green check marks beside egypt pursued and snares searching for a little unchecked jam. I also know that feeling listening to pod gas anyway, this stories about my bad us, grandma pat tat, was a nurse pilot model. basic nineteen fifties. I can do what I want. Woman grandma pat, grew up on the jersey shore, moved in with us when I was about five years old and she was an early fifties and then parentheses. It says, but she seemed much older
He loved to have me curl her hair than criticise and then criticise me for how I did at the time that are you six year old child, you fucked it up. You fucked it up. Can you please focus she would put on a full face of make up every christmas morning and then pretend like she just look. I love this woman, always care more ready it's often she would peel an entire orange in one peel and then place the rind back in the fruitful and offer it to an unsuspecting guest and then cry with laughter when they dressed. Oh, my god, those are just a few of my favorite memories onto the story. I grew up in bangor maine. hum of seven. Can amazing right. He actually lived very close to us in a big red, victorian house, with a wrought iron fence adorned with iron spiders webs an bats, and then it's scary. We would trigger treated his house only four.
Full size, candy bars. He would give out this fuckin to real mark of characters. Even king, that you are you, give out foresight, candy bars on the hollow mutely, god bless. Otherwise we would stay away from that. Fucking frightening house, grandma pat, was obsessed with Stephen king We walked to the library. Almost every day, right by our house, pat knew his schedule. Often she would make me play catch in our front. You heard only to throw the ball out into the road where I would ultimately have to chase them into his, oh, my god, genius, then she would blame me. apologize just to get to talk to him. She would force me to the library insisting that I needed to read more and then we would then the
in the adult section. Watching Stephen king was stalking him. I think that's what it's called fully stocking or using a child as a prop to stack to aid and abet, and then it says I don't think I ever checked out a book yeah. My grandma even made me watch pet sematary and it quote: unquote. Prep me for our king encounters look scarring movies to watch as a child, their budget line to like ass, many of them are but two definitely than are about children and the elderly in seeing horrifying things here, terrifying and then it says these are just a few of my favorite memories. My grandma past unexpectedly, at sea Four years old of a stroke, we buried her in the actual pet cemetery, the perfect resting spots, my margarita grandma. My grandma has visited me a few times in my
memes, always telling me how proud she is an offering encouraging words like don't fucking worry about that shit and you've got this because you're an intelligent, incredible, strong woman. I love that so much the king may have unintentionally provided my grandma with her inner strength, but I know I get mine from her. Oh, this is such a funny goofy story. And is like. Oh thanks for stabbing me in the heart, yeah yeah say sexy and help your grandma stock, the king of Horror- and I love that I love that she was fifty two like somehow that is like I picture my grandma my little old lady grandma, and now I realize she was like sixty as of yet not that fucking old at all. It's not it's not at all, it's not at all now, but when you're a child they're fucking like methuselah crazy
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his number one meal kid got. This is called emma them. Save me from sex trafficking. Jesus, hey guys. I've been listening to your part cast since twenty nineteen. When a friend of mine said it was necessary for dog walks lol. Let us get into my story. Last year around new year's my then boyfriend now husband, his dog My dog decided to put our relationship to the ultimate test and rent an rv and drive from scottsdale arizona to hilton, head south carolina and all the way back to the good old, o c california. My hometown is testing california in search for the best bbq in the south portion of the usa sounds like a dream amazing trip at the beginning of the trip we have multiple days of eleven our driving days to get across new mexico in texas, and I turned on like three straight hours of am fm. My husband, after three hour,
said he didn't like all the murder talk and insisted, listened, a random stand, a comedy for the next few days and get it when you re, like a cop, a pallet cleansers, absolute her. Our stories has got s foreign to the end. Trip after twenty six glorious is on the road. We decided that staying in the plains of west texas, where my husband's whole families from was fine just for a plate of text max, but not fun enough to set up camp. So we met up with family members for lunch and decided to book it all the way, from midland to last cruises, to get a good chunk of the dry done on our way to see after a few minutes into our six hours. ride. My husband says: fine you're right. I do love em at them stimulus anymore, a I may heirloom eager we played for three hours of many sounds. He says he doesn't like the girl gossip in between the originals excuse
shut up and we drove laughing and enjoying the podcast the whole way. Shortly after he passed by EL paso at six p m. My husband said he bestowed bang and needed me to look up a local bbq pet for some food, but for the last leg of the drive we found one not far out of EL paso and we parked across the street from the restaurant in a dark, empty chase bank parking lot. If my husband is a real estate agent and had to finish up some paperwork to sell a house for a client, so I offered to take the dogs outside for a good one. and let them go to the bathroom. I listen to another many sound well, I sniffed literally every entered this chase bank, probably twenty five minutes and then walked back to the ivy sector, leashes off and walked into the restaurant, to give a table for us or my husband, finish up the paperwork and shortly after a met me inside
after eating. We walked back to the army and when we opened the door and sat in the driver's seat, there was a red rose under our windshield wiper. I looked at my husband and we both turned she'd white and he immediately said lock your fucking door and put your seatbelt on. He shall pay sixty miles per hour out of this parking lot and under the freeway entrance nearby with a very angry, but also terrified, kindness face as we relief in the parking lot. I noticed two very old shitty cars blacked out windows sitting in the parking lot very close to us, in our view, with men in the front seat, as we drove away looked up the meaning of this and saw that a red rose indicates a solo female traveler and is used to learn that female out of the car, so the traffickers can grab her from behind with a chloroform towel to abduct. So you see that they, they think a girl sees the red rosy, don't believe it well there's some of these. I
Have we heard a lot of versions of this kind there? Some that have been entirely debunked same thing, matters used to be tie on the handle, but this is a person whose telling her first hand experience of look get people and seeing that there are other people kind of sitting there for no reason written shitty cars watching her things, so the who knows- and they end she had looked alone in the beginning, because he was still in the car. Yes entirely. I kinda learn that EL paso was one of the largest trafficking borders in the country, and that was deaf most definitely the agenda. We drove straight through less crisis and all the way back to scottsdale arizona, char driveway. My husband was too scared to stop the army, so our fight, our trip, ended up,
I have an eleven hour drive still to this day. He brings it up and says if we hadn't been listening to karen and georgia for hours on end, I wouldn't have had my guard up about that rose and most likely would have gotten out to grab that rose yeah. Thank you for your wonderful show and making us both slightly neurotic about getting murdered or abducted at the end of the day it saved me from god knows what My husband is now a huge fan and we love listen to your show on all of our road trips. I'm sure you're wondering what the best barbecue was over ten states. Houston Texas, took first place with a restaurant called pit room. Dallas was an easy number to say. Sexy and dumb grabbed the rose off your windshield sidney. I mean sidney with that's unbelievable. I mean like that. Of the whole thing is just look whether its specific thing, whether it's like a trend, whether whether its whatever it gets people to pay attention,
to their surroundings to pay attention to the fact that if you are doing something with your dogs by yourself, you might be seen- and you know who knows there's no minus. As long as people keep it in perspective of like this is possible- or it's not like looking that up and seeing what it actually could mean and what the facts are gathered here, that's all for sure. You know. makes me think of their results. There was some influence are, and I can't remember if it was like an instagram thing or whatever, but it took place in Petaluma. She was from some alma, I think, but she was in a parking lot in front of a Michael's and petaluma and she got on and started to like doing a live stream about how there were traffickers in a parking lot there she was talking. Just like two locals, she basely didn't like the looks- and it was this thing that, like at first people, she was like
it's really scared and that ended this whole thing and she made the whole fuckin thing up and was doing this. Finally, this did you know my father. I was in peril for clout, while the everything obviously has to get taken with the grain of salt, and things have gone so far beyond like here. You know every everything has become that kind of like urban leginn gets hate the thing there where people are so concerned, because sex trafficking is a real thing. It's an issue in its a problem here, and so it's like keep your eyes out, for it make sure keep your hackles up for serbia and do your research Also, you know, convert your husband's. Sorry, I told you to shut up, has sidney. You know me, you know me. I thought I'd like I'm that wanted, but ok,
This is what I love, I'm not going to read you the subject line it just as in fairbanks alaska. Someone thought it was a great idea to build the local correctional center, the town jail and the outdoor youth soccer fields directly. Next to each other. One random summer evening in their early arts, when I maybe nine or ten. My soccer team was one of the last ones at the complex playing that night out Nowhere a man comes running onto our feet, being chased by multiple cops on foot followed by cop cars flying onto the grass. lights and sirens. This man was then tackled and handcuffed right on our field in the middle of august, sucker gay, I dont, know how people knew this or if it was just our parents assumptions, but the story was that the man had escaped from the that correction. Facility and went running for being nine and ten year old girls. We I'll handle it pretty well and were excited about the drama,
I only remember one girl crying and being upset, but it was her birthday. So that's understandable if memory serves correctly, the cops quickly packed up and we went on with our game, shout out to eclipse ninety five didi like just end. The subject line was prisoner, escape light hearted short in Sweden, I love that you're. What do you feel you just keep keep playing you're going to force that because of s recent, knowing you and kind of its just like well, I think fire. Obviously it's been handled at home. You know just the one, the one girl whose birthday gus lightly. Really
but it was. It was her birthday. Alright, I got to go in a money. Machine got another one, dear karen and georgia. I can't believe I finally have something to share with you. I always thought when I wrote in it would be about my distant relative who somehow managed to drown in a bucket, but unfortunately I can't get enough details out of my mom to make a story of that. I was just listening to me. So three, twenty five in which a listener wrote about her twenty one year old friend, who got to go into a money booth at a casino colorado well ladys at my catholic grade school outside of the lucky wisconsin, we had an assembly every year in which child after child had the opportunity to try their luck in money everybody or, as we called it, the money machine. There's opportunity was offered as an incentive for selling a certain amount of magazine subscriptions in the annual a fundraiser for our school.
The money machine was a highly sought after prize second, only to the limo lunch in which citizens got to get picked up. at the school in a limo and be taken to lunch at a nearby pizza had less it was the, nineties and limos were considered the height of luxuries. Yes, it is exciting rates with, like you, pick your six best friends or whatever, oh my god, and get a pizza hut. I can't remember it's like a sit down: dining restaurant before yeah. That's right! I think the name big salad bearing that allow bari, advocates sizzler elder brother, Andy and I went door to door in our neighbourhood which was strictly prohibited by the school for
reason, because the august kidnap selling magazine subscriptions to friendly neighbours and strangers alike in pursuit of our turn in the money machine. We met our quota and weeks later it was the day of the assembly, and I finally got my chance in the money machine. It was hard as hell I'll catch up. Here's a caveat. I don't
this is true of all many machines, but in this particular machine we needed to not only grab the money from the air, but also slide each bill that was captured through a small collection slot. What this process ate up a lot of valuable time as gale force, winds pelted. My nine year old frame, yes, the the sick, each dollar in through the slot. No, that's not fair. I know it's not fair. Also, it should be a fist sized slots if anything, the tiny child this size for sure, like I said, though, wouldn't be a slot. Then it would be a whole. It would just be a whole a whole. I couldn't just shove the bills into my inner cardigan pockets. The way you so eloquently described it only. I wish I remembered the exact amount, but if I had to guess I'd say I probably came away with about seven dollars which-
today's money is twelve dollars and eighty two cents as well. The love you all and thanks for reading, stay sexy and don't let your nine and eleven year olds moonlight as door to door salesman, brigitte frigid What a life you re irene! You broke the rules, you gotta turn you got in there and pigs it. I am now. How do you feel about that? I mean what money booze type equivalent in your future, like like know top that, if you have a trap, wishlist full of destinations. You dream of visiting one day, listen up whether you're happy places at the beach in the mountains are exploring a sprawling city or maybe all of the above price lame wants to help. You traveled you're happy place for a happy price and even more exciting. Then a great travel deal is earning loyalty, perks with price lens vip programme. You'll
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when we're taking vacation. I signed up I freaked out, and then I called my sister she's just go on there. Ask for what do you call it after all over the guy he area of its exciting sooner haven't jury duty in July. I really can't wait to be leg. Will I do have a true crime the hawk has, but I think I could do a great job. Ok anyway. It's not about me. This is about this email, which is about jury. Do ok twenty twelve. I was twenty one and living with my parents. When I received a jury, summons in the mail and here's where the coincidence starts. My mom also got a jury duty, summons weird right what are the odds I dont know I'm asking of men who front the visits as probably very slow, but it gets weirder when jury duty summonses are sent out. There are several different groups within the larger group of everyone who got a letter. My understanding is that everyone is sorted entirely at random. Every night we called the
were to see if we'd have to appear and every night it was a no until the last one to make a long story short through several random rounds of elimination. My mom and I ended up being in the final eighteen people. After each elimination we just kept glancing at each other like how is this half the judge took us through a standard line of questioning to determine if we would be a good fit for case. He talked to me first and then a few others before landing on my mom's name on the list. He paused looked up and said camera Are you any relation to Elizabeth to which my mom replied she's? My daughter gasps in the course of the judge? Looked at the prosecution, the fence and asked if they had any qualms with the mother and daughter on the jury. They said. No, that's and that's how my mom and I
serving as jurors on the same cakes? Oh my! It is also my hope that that will be the most dramatic saying to ever happened to me in a court. Then I am sure you will be curious about the case itself, but it was a pretty straightforward, cocaine, bust, nothing to salacious, anyways, stay sexy and don't sell someone else's cain it's against the law. Lizzie LA I mean, don't, sell your uncle game to our success. For not yours not someone else, no yeah, don't hold it as a favorite stay away just say. Oh I'm, sorry. I have an allergic reaction to that exactly away, and that was a good one, great job, everyone yeah another great bow, yeah. I just keep coming true. So grateful truly Tralee, young things, her your emails and transaction don't get fired,
Elvis tijuana cookie, this has been an exactly right. Production are producer, is all a hundred cap, and this The third was engineered annex by stephen remorse, an email, your home towns and fucking. Her a's to my favorite murder at gmail, dot com follow the show on instagram and facebook at my favorite murder and twitter at my fav murder, I soon follow leave us a review on amazon, music, apple pie or wherever you get. Your pipe casts hey, prime. Did you know that you can listen to my favorite murder early and ad free on amazon, music, download, the amazon music app? Today you can support my favorite murder by when at a survey at wondering dot com, slash survey since his death
in two thousand nine. The world has struggled with how Michael Jackson should be remembered as the king of pop, or answer, I'm leon, nay, fuck, the host, a fiasco and the creator of slow burn and I'm j smooth, a hip, hop, journalist and cultural commentator. Michael Jackson was accused of child mala station for the first time and ninety. Ninety three, our new podcast, think twice. Michael Jackson, is the story of what came before and what came after throughout the pot cast. We explore what makes Michael jackson seemingly on council and we began to the complex. Feeling so many of us have when we hear billy jean at the grocery store through dozens of original interviews with people who watched the story unfold first hand think twice as an attempt to reconcile our conflicting emotions about Michael Jackson, the man without a deep seated love of his art, follow think twice: Michael jackson on audible or the amazon music app
Transcript generated on 2023-05-23.