« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/29/23

2023-09-29 | 🔗

House GOP impeachment inquiry witnesses: No evidence Biden committed a crime

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I have been following these hearings say that our off my thoughts business show early today I dont know what was achieved over these last plus hours, none of the witnesses today. We're fact witnesses that mean none were involved in the investigation into the alleged activities in the first place. What's more, none of the witnesses testified today of direct knowledge of what republicans had been claiming about Joe Biden, whether smoke today, we just got a lot more smoke. Vox is a new computer with the same assessment that came out of yes, days impeachment hearing in came hearings before about the acquiring a hundred Biden and how Joe by Get so fabulously wealthy off his crack addled sign
What's a lock fellows, is house publicans failed to produce any evidence once again linking the president to assigns business dealings. We're gonna have a lot more from bad hearing. Meanwhile in capital hill, it may I get miracle to stop a government shut down right now, we're going to have the latest on any last. Ditch efforts to fund the government before Sunday's deadline and we're going to show you the big moments from president Biden speech last night in arizona he actually focused on the It's too are democracy. You know that was the idea that was has to be such a loser in twenty twenty two that so many people mocked him about it. Wasn't democrats wine welcome the morning Joe Mika, welcome to morning Joe willie how you guys doing morning. lying on,
is now runs right, able. Finally, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna just get up to set are actually I'm gonna read the paper rendered well, I think actually Joe a lot of what we saw and we saw Neil could veto actually kind of bringing at home. There is none. That the republicans have put on the table that nothing they already have put on the table, and none of it is adding up to evidence. And while I am it's kind of funny along the way to watch them twist and turn and try and figure out how to make this into an investigation, but their wasting america's time, while we edge close or to a government shutdown and willie conclusion was the same conclusion, the wall street journal editorial page had about a month ago. Why lot of a great there's. A lot of smoke, where's the fire. That's exactly what kavimba was saying yesterday, a lot of sense You guys keep showing a smoke. There's there
any fire, because the smoke is usually being passed out by people who I dont know or international fugitives yeah did it catch that guy, I think, he's still on the run. The one who's the agent of the chinese communist party in arms, dealer, arms dealer in the Middle east ever legally elite re down smuggling a rainy and I'll do the communist chinese party yeah, that's combers, bigwood, big witness and you know there was some six and a half hours, something like that. Yesterday, again, we are open to hearing new evidence. There wasn't any in fact internally the constitutional scholar who was there said effect You guys don't have it if you're looking for impeachment, there's no evidence that would get us there. this point. Maybe you're gonna real roll out some more, but let's have Remember that during recent years, totally and utterly said that the kind of been donald trump corner over the past several years, just a little defender he's been an offender as go points out rightly, the
hearing was going on, while tomorrow now at midnight the government likely is going to shut down and their government work are already getting emails that getting their notices that there's gonna be furlough, that they're not gonna be be paid. I take that nap. Shout of guys and women in that room for six and a half hours on iraq to nowhere. While the government is about to shut down and people are gonna, be jobs and and work out, the calmer is now actually designating like some of these impeach people as essential workers who will work. Government shut down my way, I'm I'm gonna let this shows start soon. I promise I am, but you know really the stairs. As we have always said, this is the paper of record for sure from warnings, and there's something on here that I just little problem with jack? Don't stop eleven Come on man. Stop I mean how many october
Do you wait for the great pumpkin arise from the pumpkin patch, and yet kandian It's a good little boys and girls. Before you understand it's never going to happen. Yeah. You kind of feel for the head coach, Robert solow, who is a good coach and a good guy. He has to keep going out there and saying zacks our guys, zacks, our guy. We hear the naysayers, we know Joe namath ripped them. Aaron rodgers came out and supported exactly. In as well, but he's going to be on a huge stage this weekend by the way, because the chiefs are coming to town. That means maybe taylor swift is coming to town to good, so the country is going to get a look at exact, Wilson and he's in year. Three, now it hasn't gone great, it seems unlikely they're, going to turn it around. They signed a backup this week, so it looks like a long long season there I'd like to know when you are wildly out of touch with the rest of america when you are a right winger of forfar
We are attacking taylor. Swift can also when when you don't follow football, you go hey this kelsey guy. He may start getting some good publicity. Now that tennis worked. Is that he's he's won a few super bowls right superbowl by virus is speaking of the great pumpkin, never rising from the pumpkin patch. Let's go to the boston red sox contingency, you know it's bad way. you're starting wait when you're starting picture that loses is announced your homework for her picture for twenty twenty four ever the red sox give credit. They allowed the balkan warriors who take complete command last night of the american way they clinched The american league east last night sure you're just saying the bus here on and we lost. We we lost then, and by losing, we are surely we want we gave it after the charm city. Again, you know you forget about that. Jonathan there look at that. Seventy six!
three. Now I dont say: yes, we're happy or the oil spans degree of ambition that they deserve this too, but we have finished under five hundred again. We will now finish the low, the yankees again, the yankees wonder four force, that is, captivated the nation that largely syndrome time zone are going who's going to fit into the union, and yet notably just we found it as we did with clenched. It was developing associations, gotta come now, you're, not gonna, make it together. Actually do this for a while. what is it? What is a disease that thirty one, like republicans, you ve lost seven out of the last presidential contested popular vote like the red sox? Are we three out of four within
last place. Three out of the last year it is, and I and I think, six or seven last place finishes in the last ticket we have, but you know the thing the thing we got going for so, whereas we're a small to mid size, market team, so people don't expect a whole lot. We don't really care, I think, like events, don't care now, there are managed alright is a the top of the prudential circles. Celebrate this, and now with that, let's go to make her within it. Yeah gets about time. Don't you think also with us the president, the national action work and host of MSNBC politics, nation, reverend else I've is with us as the host of the pond cast on brand, with donna deutsche donnay, deutsche and congress? no investigations. Rapporteur for the watch and imposed here in DC with made jackie alimony, great dab, you all a meagre wage one, and now we are, I don't mean in a purely showed up on a noose. New show
fashion, show actually dick broke out on this side of the table. I mean, if you want to look at these guys. I mean Tom ford your heart out. What are you why Asked you guys what you were wearing, but I know you both have tailors that make your suits and you don't buy things off the rack like me, but rather that is a that is a sharp suit. You couldn't have warned that ninety navy to those buttons would have been poppies couldn't, but We have a brown motif, fall kind of conceit seal going on a very nice. Ok, I'm making I knew the news or why yeah? I'm I'm good, I'm going to ask that you zip it. We have a lot to get through this morning, including this a panel, has ruled that donald trump will go on trial force. Or fraud on Monday, where his higher new york real estate portfolio could be at stake. You know only general attention James. She problem
Why has hit this former president? It hurts more than any other legal acts. against him and you can see it in mannerisms and reactions among the trump family. Yesterday, five judges I to lift a temporary stay on the start of the non jury trial put in place while they consent challenges by trumps, legal tame, the former present to attorneys claim that some of the charges brought by new york attorney general Latisha James fellows The statute of limitations and argument rejected yesterday on tuesday judge, arthur and goran rule that the former president, his too oldest sons and his company itself were liable, of fraud. That means next weeks trial will simply be to determine how much they pay images in this case, which could include a fine of up to two hundred in fifty million dollars and the
of all seizure of trumps. New york. All parties yesterday project inform the judge that they plan to call the former president and his sons to testify dishes to his daughter of former trump organization cfo alan wisely berg and trump's ex attorney, Michael Cohen, This is a dramatic turn of events in the in this in terms of drums legal issues, Joe and women. Working all about whether or not Joe Biden needs to fight back and talk about the legal cases against donald trump. He made a pretty eloquent speech about democracy and when, after the muggah movement and we'll talk about that coming up, but At the same time, one could argue that you love, play out and boy did it ever this week, you know fascinating, danny's everybody's, been focused on those of the criminal case, of course, have been focused on the criminal cases, but we ve down down
hold for a very long time and you, get this sense, that a lot of the criminal cases and the possibility of incarceration is still an abstract concept to this guy right. There's nothing abstract about this. This is his life work. This is a guy coming queens with a huge chip on his shoulder and doing everything it can to build a manhattan, real estate empire and the ass few days, especially with the appeal being rejected yesterday, show that very soon that new york empire gonna be shut down. If, if things continue in this direction- and he may even be from his wall street location from tromp tower it monitor trump from his west, shut, its being yards being monitored its. A lot of ways is, could turn out, but it looks acts Like this civil case may be, what's hitting them the hardest right now we're point in this fight
him being press united states everything's always been about money should on rights. It comes back and we always say that when people say why is he doing it? Why is he doing it? We always say follow the money is always about running for president everything yeah. He likes the attention, but the attention he thinks he can use. Generate want real reason. He ran for present. What are you just get publicity for his business and look this hidden in the gut It is a very good chance. He is going to have to divest himself of his properties, and you know he is a man and his buildings and his tall buildings and his big buildings and everything is about size. I mean it. May it means so much to him that in a in a very sick moment of many sick moments on January anja on September eleven two thousand one gallo as he was watching? hours go down again now of the tallest billion wall street, where the lie of some of the best bet again, that shows you in his fevered brain how much those buildings mean down? You know some. There are two too
and always meant things to him. The money and the stature with people the people around the stable in the media and people in new york, city and rival, and allay and celebrities and he's lost both them has shrunk and, of course, his standing with outside of to blow mississippi is in difficulty, could not walk into a restaurant. New york city now show both of those flanks and taken away- and I think your point is really well taken. Yes, a lot to allow people going to jail would probably be the scariest spectre. What to him? The thing that really probably sitting with him right now. Is his big tall long buildings, maybe going away now a rev you've known for a very long time. Would you agree absolute agree, I think I think the kremlin indictments something that he can spar wit. Feels he may get away with, but I think that the similar case is an existential threat to him. This, his who he and his family and his whole and its desire to so show his dad was gone. Forget
told you I could be some by this- takes away any inkling of improving the dad that he could rise up. The I was thinking just yesterday right down to a bamboo one grand job for your grandson mark is out how one day out right now feared lavender. Would my grandson saying you know that building used to be called prompter hours in telling a story? That is the thing that is down of trouble. get about, he will be removed from the memory. Next generation cause they'll, be nothing called trump if this level gazed austria over ninety percent? I was, I was going to say it's, it's really. It's it's already happened, even in our time. I owe you stay. When I looked up in connecticut new candidate, I got the website I way and, as I laughed you'd, see, seven eight a bill Ro huge buildings, tramp tramp, tramp tramp tramp, tramp, tramp and
we people that would pay a lot of money to slap, isn't on the side of the building. Coming in in seventeen and eighteen one at the time they were taken down. They were taken down up on the highway now they're talking about actually taking trump tower and another hours away from me. By way, some idiot idiot idiots is this- is this happens and stalinist nations? Now this actually haven't donations, words where there's rule of law and stalinist nations you say is on nation and they take you out back and they shoot you here. We have a rule of law and everybody- let's just for people or from manhattan that haven't lived a man at an end. Ray body for years, have now been donald trump, his lied about his network has lied about his building, has lied on his loans. This is this is no shock to anybody
if this is a stalinist nation and Stalin has been deaf, dumb and blind for, like forty years, because this is not so I know when he was running at sixteen I'd, say what even bedroom don't do business with him. He lies, he cheats, he doesn't pay his bills. He said you hear that from every body and also he exaggerates how much he's worth you can't trust this guy in any business yeah. This is the trump that's always and bright, and he was a celebrity real estate developer before he got into politics. I told the story the other day about how he just simply renumbered the floors in trump tower to claim that can be taller than any other building near so this is who he's always been, but now he suffers some coffee winters, and his business power has already shrunk to your point. Is Davison stripped off the buildings throughout the city? he's had there. He still has a number of golf courses. Debris stands risks. losing those, including a few here in new york, state and then trump tower. Was his
enjoy. That was my signature building. That was his whole for decades and re ass. He is with a law, it up now by yes, he is no longer from. He has no warning us. He only spends a few nights a year and trump tower. He lives more logger. He lives it bed minster, but the city is always message a part of his identity and we forget it now, but his first campaign was about being america, ceo, being a business man that is long since dissipated and now this so much of what he john is still about making that money driving that attention, and now a huge parts of it will be gone, he's going to have to appear next week and stand trial likely to take the fifth up here. You know MIKE again. This is not surprising that anybody who lived in new york, even people who voted for donald trump, not surprised by this, when when he was selected to two to run the apprentice and go saying you're fired you're fired I'm not saying this to be mean. Unto me this was in all the papers. Eight people
actually ran businesses that that they laughed about mocked him and the that the fact that this guy was gonna be some big business genius laughing ended, something that he always resented, but you know there's a guy that inherited. If one of four million dollars from his father and lost it well attitude that many people in new york, specially people and businesses your cat had thirty run you're right. They laughed at him over three decades. For his suppose, a business acumen was, happening in starting monday in new york raises the question why It begins sooner. Why did anyone in public office in power in public office over these twenty to thirty years in the past. Why didn't they? take you know. Might we we ask that question in real time? We ask that question. Just I don't. I don't people remember, but I kept asking about jeffrey
update on he s eyes at what weight. What's going on with Jeffrey upstate wisest guy still walking around, I don't get it and anyhow a year or two later. Of course, thanks. Extraordinary reporting, it have julie brown in miami justice came to it, but it was in place. Science is the same thing with donald trump. We ve been asking us for some time. They know he's lying his loans. They know he's lying in everything he's doing on his net worth where, where the charges and everybody was afraid to bring charges were with was the enforcing the other aspect of it is people We delighted many people read delighted when he's on trial, beginning monday, they'll say finally getting has come up and he might we don't know what with verdict the world's civil case. I believe we don't. What will happen in the case, but at the end of the case, at the end of all of these federal cases, you know it's gonna be left the damage that Donald
has already done to this country its deep in part It's gonna be lasting and part of its gonna be irreparable. That's what have to figure out as a nation how to deal with the ever widening began last night right did we get last night will get that will in a second but again this is yet I do Sir. I've always thought if I had one count levelled against me are the feds coming after me on one count would be hard to find on anything other than that he's get. Ninety one counts. He's got business empire crumbling, it's hard to say we're out how this guy who's seventy eight or whatever seventy seven seventy eight, and to figure out how yeah well, when I see him can view twenty. Sixteen with twenty oaten fusing obama with with Clinton, except I mean I actually. Can understand that. I'm surprised you guys, even still walking with with with the up
forty years of lies catching up with him all at once. He asked bluster and all the projection. You know there's a lot going on there in that mind. Have the man we're looking at right? There me we ve talked it. it's lawyers who some of them even sympathetic to donald trump, who say I might be able to get you off nine counts, but ninety one there's going to be something in there that sticks and so he's gotta be very worried about that. It also point out in trump's real estate, as Dani knows, he doesn't the own most of those buildings in new york he the licence at his name. So other people build buildings. He sells his name to stick on it, but that's a story for another day. Sup republicans and I was running interference for donald trump, the house over Our committee held its first hearing yesterday in the republican led impeachment inquiry into president Biden, not a single witness called by republicans, confirmed any evidence that president has committed a crime? I am not here too.
It even suggests that there was corruption, fraud or any wrongdoing. In fact, I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment, You mentioned in your oral testimony that you had written a commentary entitle you'd go to prison, for what Biden did that was you ve got a prison for what to buy did isn't that's exactly right. I was. I was cutting downwards to stay within my final. Many realize you're eliza. That's an important word, though, that you left out tonight So none of the witnesses during six plus ours that hearing involved in the investigation in the hunter Biden, business dealings, they were involved. They are not fact witnesses. They were analysed but they suggested more bang records are needed from president Biden and hunter Biden to determine whether a crime may have been committed, or at least something worthy of impeachment. Meanwhile, house oversight committee chair james comer,
has deemed his staff essential workers. That means if a government does shut down- and it looks like we're headed that way their work on it each one inquiry into president Biden will not be rapid, so Jackie alimony, your reporting on this hearing walkest their little by what we saw yesterday and than that detail at the end, which is the government, looks it's gonna shut down at midnight tomorrow night for jane commerce, protecting his staff and the people. We saw in that room yesterday sort of ironic that this big hunk of red meat, that Kevin Mccarthy, through at his house, yo p conference, to try to placate them and steer them away from a government shut down, is now going to be not only an effective but the one of the only things that that stays open and that taxpayers will continue to pay for, despite nine months of investigative work, that has borne no fruit whatsoever, no evidence and known evidence connecting Joe Biden to any of these allegations that james come
I made yesterday presented at all, even by these handpicked geo p. Witnesses who cromer had assumed would vouch for this investigation, but you were all of them say sure you can do doing impeachment inquiry. There are enough questions here that you can open an enquiry, but there are certainly not enough evidence. Nothing that arises to crimes and misdemeanours for the how stupid conference to continue with any sort of impeachment articles. I have senior geo p aids yesterday texting meet made. Shearing that they were sort of astounded at the way the hearing was playing at that. They couldn't believe that calmer and his staff had actually called witnesses who they assumed would ouch for their entire narrative, who instead did the opposite. Said, the calmer lost control of the hearing that he allowed democrats to sort of discredit and attack mrs as well in, and how coals
arguments that they were making and that the media narrative as well had just completely collapsed. What it's about a meteor writing how this isn't a creature. Impeachment inquiry like now now they're usually do to the table with a more than this, and you said that republicans, for even behind the scenes were a little surprised. What are they? get out of this. At this point, especially when we are days hours away from a government shut down. This seems like a political loser for them. These are want questions make out that even house lawmakers republican lawmakers have people like KEN buck who have been asking them quite loudly on our airwaves and really across the media, and there is not a ton of buy and that's why Kevin Mccarthy did not hold an actual formal vote on the house floor to authorize the impeachment inquiry, and you know I we don't talk enough about the.
contacts but an idea. We talk all the time about precedents here, but a slate of historians and constitutional experts. I spoke to said that there is absolutely no constitutional basis for this. In fact, it's anathema to what the fray had in mind when they envisioned the impeachment lever that glass box being broken to help in a time of crisis, to hold the president accountable if they needed to, and that this is not that this is the first time we are trying to repair We are trying to impeach someone for the crimes of the presidential relative and actions that were taken by a presidential relative before Joe Biden was even in the oval office. My lord bodies, it is it's really incredible and we ve been talking about for some time about how this been the gang couldn't shoot straight. They ve been problems one thing after another, not things have and again the fact that you would actually get people
that have actually been on donald trump side through most of his presidency constitutional scholars. Who say you get nothing here. You wondered the degree of incompetence that would have a chairman of any committee. Calling somebody who again is going to actually undermine your case? Well, here's a history of that chairman saying that really have a whole lot. There take a look. have you found anything illegal while he was actually an office Well, we found a lot. It's certainly unethical. We found a lot. should be illegal? There's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally or if you look at the laptop and the emails between the president and his associates. They went to great lengths to high jos involvement hold on a second kashmir. Did you just say that the so blow or the informant is now missing.
Well, we were hopeful that we can finally aboard make it easy for us. What was the crime crime is trading policy for for money. Which policy well we're gonna get into that? Do you believe this is now officially the Joe Biden bright? we allegation, and do you believe that you will be able to prove that Jim calmer I sure hope so I do believe that there is a lot of smoke and or their small there's fire. I'm telling John, it's better than green acres. Really, as you don't. Born of the pig there no aren't, I wasn't so sad. You meagre would be funny. If I wait it's funny now now it's ridiculous you're making fools of themselves. You don't think I'm fine white thousands, loving watching this I mean this is
This is just an end. They keep doing it. My favorite part is where a shirt we will wait a second Zog! Aren't you calling me informant. Gone missing by worse, but I think that I speak now this guy's covered in uranium oil. Hugging members of the chinese communist party, Jonathan s. anything there doing is just gets a clown shut. The Biden Whitehouse didn't disappear. The witness he's a fugitive overseas If there's real anger among republicans to how this went down. Yes, there should be. There are still some true believers, the comres, the jordans, who believe that they are at least they're, acting as if that there's here there there's enough here to lead to an eventual impeachment of a president by there are other republicans who are we have come this proceedings, but still want to see them go well score political points burn as you might well, and I thought she was an abject disaster that those witnesses
under cut everything. Jonathan there's nothing. There is nothing there by the way, if there is something there hold it till you ve got it till you can display it till you can prove it. They ve got nothing. They know they ve got nothing so think keep humiliating them said you, and this is why mccarthy didn't want to go to a vote because he knew he didn't have the votes and in the speaker who is hang on. red right now in terms of keeping that post looming government shots, outlook, while beacons are more focused on this clown show on this nonsense than trying to keep the lights on and Mccarthy may face a vote to vacate vote in the coming days, led by Matt gates and this isn't going to help, even if he's not directly involved in it just makes the republicans look completely out of Certainly they want what our staff, as I did, hear from you. What work shortly as they have done worse. They were sure to laying we don't say that the south, but I use em, ask me, as they were chortling bit
mike barnacle what what? What they going to do. I mean why they doing this, and if, if mccarthy does have no confidence votes, we think somebody calls to vacate the chair. All that does make republicans look like once again, because it's going to be a repeat of what happened at the beginning of the session. The only person that is going to get two hundred and eighteen votes is going to be mccarthy, okay, so you've been there. you ve actually been another were cause of the hellenic of the myself. I remember that yeah. I remember all the care yes, but are we not talking about impeachment hearing a phony fake, laugh out loud impeachment hearing only because Kevin Mccarthy had to throw some the ten members, bribes, one party to keep his job as speak, isn't that Why the hell are you
adani management matter management, one o one. I mean it's one of the things that I learned very early on, don't take a job if you're set up for failure and mccarthy took a job where he was set up for failure where he was begging. People for it never beg people for a job anytime anybody calls me answers what I got you know I won't say not this network, but let's just say it other places and they start single. Why don't you this way. I will tell you what wider you come here and do this job they could. Maybe you can do. Our job and made no, you take it on your own terms, Mccarthy didn't do it He always did and that's why are these suffering through this right now. Fourth, he's a joker poems drug and I want to go back something really said earlier. This is going into the backdrop of we are a day away from four million government workers losing their jobs, ts. Eight people not showing up the mill Terry, not getting paid our economy put at tremendous whisk, we'll we'll neil devastation to read
americans and the clown show contain and that's what's particularly galling at this moment in time. At this particular as I said, where we real things can be effected in this joke this, I will be with the eighty eighteen clowns getting out of volkswagen, there's going on Donnie deutsch Ladies and gentlemen, it six thirty two, a m self real american. We real america's. How are you you save we'll amerika? I thought I sent real. I would never put myself in that rarefied. Do you still have a real measures? You serve all the people running around clean in your front, your front, sidewalk. No, don't you down, and so your own rear, a real american. I move of gay, very real, proud american wearing brown too, have to be so so so rev I mean it and at the end of the end of the day, this is just again. This is just more. bad news for this republic. Party a b, you you, you look and what's happened it in this,
spent dale, there's chaos inside they also wall street journal editorial page day is talking about the candidates? We read the other day about hey republicans. Do you really want to do this again? Do you really want to lose this warning? about how they can it's giving Donald pass and the editorial says P candidates largely left the front runner off the hook. All of it is to court irrelevance if they can't cut into trumps commanding lead and no is going to become a credible, credible, alternative fighting about curtain at the united nations. Here's my favorite line. It is possible, Challenge MR trumps record: without having like left wing scolds at cnn or MSNBC. Y know well you know what it is striking to me. The other day when you- and I were talking you about when I ran for president death- and I thought about the debates, what was very striking to me and in a day
with the brand of public and body lacks empower the brand of experts, Europe, Our group is brand of the republic and bodies is severely damaged, goods, advanced at the debate when one melendez senator Menendez, was indicted, does indict right that convicted and died. Democrats lined up and said he shoots sleeve the senate, not One republican candidate has said what Foy indictments donald trump should step out of the rain. if I was on a stage now would have said just like Democrats say when you accuse uses. beside ring donald trump footing The party should step aside why they did it or not the fact that
no one has even called on him to step aside for a date other than christie here, other than christie for cases. Ninety one indictments and a civil it is right and you can stand up and say what democrats this thing. Bob Menendez. That is bad brent. What That's also one of the things said to us who journal editorial page said this morning about, hopefully in the next debate, Questions that are ass from a moderators will actually push them more on these issues, because none of these questions, including the incredible bombshell that that draft about imposing being stripped of his businesses and new york. brought up a really before we go full page. Add this morning, are really not an magistrate and announced by the wall street journal six mine, hashtag, I stand with Evan. now been six months that
it's been held in russian jails for being a journalist, six months. He at a hearing last week where he was appealing his pre trial detention that he should be released before the trial that was denied. Of course, we had secretary anthony blink on the set with us last week. We asked him about that. They say even as they secure the release of those five america from iran last three. They continue to work on the case of adam gush of its and possible but yes, six long months for a great wall street journal reporter that we comes home very soon, and we following that Donnie thank you will get to see you and our forests, our with a new edition of brand up around their futures, wholesome shoot. You feel like you so popular, but the negative is that the schools, I'm really takes the biscuit ass. A lot of kids have to watch brands and ran down so they can talk about at the weekend. I do bring it back here Do you still I had on morning, Joe congress has less than two days to reach a government funding deal what
latest on the looming shut down and what it could mean and we'll talk to denmark Senators, Chris murphy and gary peters- about a potential path forward through the aperture Also ahead. Senator Bob Menendez receives a muted response. After you, Colleagues, for the first time since is federal indictment will show you what new jersey, democratic, saying about the growing calls from within the party for him to resign, plus just how much interests. Is there to watch the republican presidential candidates debate without donald trump, especially there really talking about a neither we'll, have a look at how many p two and then on Wednesday night, as the former president is already planning to skip. november's debate in miami you're, watching, Joe we'll be right back
chief white house, correspondent, Kristen wellgood, joins me now from across the nation the number one issue for you to the national states, and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate were included. Results were killed still too closed. and what power was helped with his abuse of power and impeachable kristen welker. At the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet the press some days
bc, hey everyone! It's Chris Hayes, I'm excited to tell you I am taking my podcast. Why is this happening on the road? This fall for a special three city live tour I'll, be in chicago at the house of blues on Monday october, ninth in philadelphia at the fillmore theater on Monday october, sixteenth and in new york city at the town hall on Sunday november, twelfth I'll be talking with some truly amazing guests and the best part you can be part of the I bought it. You can buy tickets online at MSNBC, dot com, slash with pod tour. You can join us in person for what I know are going to be fascinating and lively conversations tickets are going fast, so buy yours today, at MSNBC, dot, com, slash with pod tour, hope to see you. This fall, rainy friday morning here in new york city, but still a beautiful shot of new york harbor looking down into lower manhattan it six forty two in the morning, president Biden yesterday called former president trump and the mega movement a direct
at two american democracy present spoken tempe arizona to celebrate a library. built there in honour of the late republican centre, his old friend John Mccain. I've come on It caters to the library because they are home, proud republic put his country's first. Our commitment should be no less democracy. Should you nine all american, regardless of political flourish, something dangerous happened, american Extremist movements does much. The basic regulation or democracy, the magyar move every public and not even the majority republic, is here to the mind essentially beside the elegant. I know because I'm enable workers republic is not whole career, but there's no the days republic report is driven, intimidate, by Magda republican extremists. Firstly, regenerative carried out fundamentally alter the institutions, american democracies. We know it
for pushing the notion that the fee, The former president expressed when it was an office of applies only to hear this. Dangerous notion does present above the law, no limits on power. Trump says the constitution gave him put the right to do Everyone wants. Is president. I've never heard a presidency that is just not guided by the constitution. or by common service, indecency decency, our fellow americans, but by vengeance vindictiveness so Joe yesterday was the beginning of an explicit case at present, there are now makes throughout the campaign about democracy. On the one hand, talking about the economy was at all we ve done historically low unemployment, etc, but also presenting this, x to voters that, if Donald trump is
back in the white house. Here's what's going to happen, it's something a lot of people have been calling for and it started yesterday, it did so. Yes, I thought it was effective. I mean this is This is a message and, and I've gotta say I'm glad that when he talks about does he talk specifically about magda republicans and says explicitly? Not all publicans, because I know an awful lot of republicans very concerned about the fact that you have a president talking about assassinating the chairman the joint chiefs of staff tear talking about deep. funding the f b? I d funding the department of justice tearing the very institutions that have made this country yeah what it is that the protected our rights and our free time yarmouth and for me the news is so much more than I have it informs spires and it still matters recovery you have to begin will take you to the profile of the store. Works actually have
with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world, we cover what you need to know and bring your news feed to live in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join me for top scored, weeknights at seven eastern on NBC news. Now, hey guys, willie geist here, reminding you to check out the sunday sit down podcast on this week's episode. I get together with the busiest man in show business ryan seacrest to talk about the hustle that has taken him from high school radio, dj to media titan and, of course, his new gig, as host of he'll of fortune, you can get our conversation now for re wherever you download your podcast comes in spring and right now, though, present emeritus of the council on foreign relations, richard ass richard, number one Joe Biden started talking about democracy before the twenty two election, so many and were laughing at him to ours too, abstract people,
I understand this experts were saying that what you wanna do you. The talk is something they can understand at the dinner table added. It ended up the people at the dinner table, did understand the threat to democracy that actually move it's like abortion, which wasn't supposed to be a big issue. If you looked at the polls beforehand and ended up dead women's right to choose and the the preservation of american democracy works two critical issues odors- and they still are, aren't they absolutely. not going to be a line on the ballot in thirteen. Such as democracy, but make him think about it. Democracies on the ballot in all this I think that the President needs to do is built on the speech, which is a good speech and talk the warmest state of americans? You may disagree with me on this issue that but there's something larger at stake here: wrenches democracy. So I think you have to do that.
And also remind people not just about the stakes not just about the risk, was the case for democracy. He hinted at a really developed eggs. Why does the average american have a stake? That amount democracy continues. You needs to remind us how democracy Fourthly, is delivered done well, despite our current problems and what happens to us if the accuracy in this country. If we become another hungry If we become an illiberal democracy right, what a president could do and by the way, he's got a pretty good case study. What happens when democracy fails? It's called the shutdown. It shows that we can't deliver. and how average americans really suffer federally? Does it concerns our allies? The dysfunction I will say that we are talking about the potentate potency and the power the democracy message away. I was surprised even We are hopeful. Alatas of us were surprised at how just about every top tier candidate that was running.
as an election denier they lost. Whilst in arizona they they lost in state pennsylvania. They lost in state after state across the united states. This is a powerful message. You have plenty of house. Members were returned to their seats, but those high profile, clearly senate and governor Kennedy and lost and most importantly, secretary of state, can also be guiding about largely lost this. The fourth in a series of speeches president has given on this topic. Biogas is you is one who buys joint, proving potable pundits rock and senior white house aides. I've talked to say that he is really glad that this resonated last november and they think it will. Again in this way is the same behind closed doors in recent It has been given fundraisers across the country and has made this argument, and yesterday he took it to the public and he also tied in with with current events, he linked the mug extremism to the government shut down linked by extremism to the threats against german milly, which happens days before he also used all trumps name, which almost never does
He made it very clear as to what will be at stake this next time around his saying, is you don't appear meet the almighty comparatively alternative? He needs what the alternative is solid trump and what that would mean for the country and in look for a series of speeches like this in the next fifteen months or so. yesterday it was very personal to the present because he was able to MIKE link it to the member his friend John Mccain, who have been just thinking about while in vietnam a few months ago and dedicated library to his memory and point to him as a republican who would stand up for patriotism over party and call for more details. He was deeply moved in Hanoi a two year back at the tribute mikhail at the black that they have no central oh by the way where John Mccain drop in, Ferris you when he was play, was shut down deeply by that it continues with speeches today, as you just talking about
and the fund raising that he's had around the country. You hear anecdotally that within the fund raises, he will talk the record, obviously, because we're not there about. He will talk about threat that he was speaking about yesterday as a visit contagion. It's out there. It's infected the culture and he will talk about the you're more than he will about the politics. That is what has happened to our goal. As a result. of the denials, the denials of whose voice rightfully elected president of the united states and which it he will also talk about the fact that when he goes overseas, as you just did, india in Hanoi and other countries that he's visited as present the united states within the first five minutes, a leader of that country, Whatever country he is in will raise the prospect fearfully of what's going to happen next to you you're going to run for reelection. What's going to happen, if you bunch of research, I get question more than any other kind of reform leaders all the time. The used to be
when we had an election for all the differences between the republic and the democratic. The similarities were greater there almost opera. within the forty yard lines, the fact that we now have a party and the likely nominee in one of the engines. Could then, if elected within induce all sorts of changes. It means country. Our friends can count on us. Look at the consequences of the debate about ukraine, people literally. Dont know if, in thirteen months the spigot begins to get it turned out? Clearly, the russians, the chinese and others are literally waiting a shout. I do remember like that that ever happened to disagree in american history plus in the meantime, How are we supposed to stand up and quickly say. Democracies in former government around the world, how coup, if we don't walk the walk, how can we talk the talk? The best way we promote democracy is by setting the example that democracy works. If you're democracy you thrive politically, economically, culturally, we can't make their that argue.
are you don't you know wherever you you and I ve talked a great lakes both on and off the show about, the irony also, the beautiful irony of fate it matters sony in democracy. Was saved in large part in two twenty by the very people We want the surface. You think have the least steak having madison in democracy, but black women and atlanta black women in philadelphia and bill Ok all across the country in these swing states, gatt in line voted, The difference in wisconsin made the difference in in Michigan made the differ. in philadelphia made the debt mid literally made the difference in the state of georgia and
talking to a lot of pollsters over the last three four or five days about the the the the all the polling. That's come out, and they say it's, not the white voters right now that binding to be the most concerned about because they are fleeing donald trump there numbers high enough for Joe by the way that comfortably, but to win more comfortably than last time approach, one right now, as he is not inspiring black voters he's not firing. Hispanics people of color he's sitting at fifty percent with a lot of people just completely disconnected saying. We're going to vote for donald trump. They just they don't have a I am right now, Joe Biden. Why is I think that key began addressing that yesterday, inadvertently because these not made it clear that, yes there,
are still many things you aspire to achieve. as they are roadblocks I represent you getting there. He represents you can never get there. When he raised this speech yesterday, which I thought was very important to black women bright. for hispanics panics another. He said This guy is about autocracy he's about him in. and making the final decisions. I'm about trying to keep. Our pursuit of a democratic state at, but I didn't and and for that There is hope, my mother who was raised born raised in these segregated, Jim crow south came to new york married. My father had us by mother, never enjoyed what I did, but she would vote and participate hoping her children would have a better life.
And that's where Joe Biden has got to say. I know it's not perfect. I know there are things that you're still dealing with, but I represent what you hope for he represents when that he will make all the decisions him in his little group who decide everything and he's not on your side, did you run? Would that ronald? rigour who disagree with politically always gave us the hope and ambition adding light on the hill. This guy is about grits me a more biden, runs on that the more a lot of people energizing communities that a mad energized because they I see what is their right, but they can see what they hopeful. And richer before we let you go. I have to ask you one question in your position is warning joe official gall garbed insulting, apparently things not. I I always say we went to jerry bakers party last night, last night and so on. To talk about some
things, were america's on the decline I always say america's not on the decline that the are group stays lie ahead. That apparently, though, not extend to our goal. For I see where you're going Joe while you were sleeping while I was in the first four cents for for sons were played in the ryder cup. First tightening allowing all ready. For me, Did we went all right now we're down ford or nothing? It has never been this bad. Rather this. This is a first step I'm held in italy and is soft anew as a chance for redemption, Joe it as at the famous golfer now yoke, Farah said it ain't over till it's over it ain't over until it's over. I will tell you what is over that willie and my golf clinic we had over the last year. We started actually doing this is aside ass outside gave, we thought we'd get up the guys in the ryder cup care.
Here's what you have an effect territory. We did a fact, but not a pause when richard house, thank you so much and make a what do we have next? Well, just wrapping up here with jackie alimony. We ve been planning a wedding but also turns, but you're watching keys a guy, get going on tv sends I'm all about it. I love this cell, but now, let's tell me now professionally began. What do you want to import a dash well we are likely headed for a shutdown lawmakers are going to throw you how marries they're going to stay in session over the weekend. The house The conference is likely going to try to vote today on a continuing resolution that byron donalds penned. It's basically a one point: four, seven trillion dollar annual and clip a fund that would keep the women funded for either thirty to forty five days The timing is unclear, but Mccarthy still lacks a support even at that continuing resolution done and meanwhile, the senate is headed
towards passing a bipartisan continuing resolution. So that leaves us really at where we are this morning, which is headed for a shut down. I'm also looking for a potential motion to vacate my colleagues had an excellent scoop last night about Matt gaetz his plans to bring that to the floor as soon as sunday and actually trying to get Tom Emma congressmen from minnesota. Wrapped up to replace mccarthy will say that happens to be a crazy weakened here in washington DC jack alimony. Thank you very much and congratulations. It was a knight of the austrian discovery, the apartment whose dark coppery scent of blood in the air. I remember tat the boys don't touch anything. We don't know what's happened here. I'm just
for us, this is murder and apartment. Twelve are new pod gas from dates. I it's a story about a local beauty. Queen had been keeping secrets, it's about gossip public opinion and a tortured search for a killer, I think they ve got the wrong guy and only new podcast from deadline and Keith morrison. Listen now for free on amazon music.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.