« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/28/23

2023-09-28 | 🔗

Republicans clamor for the spotlight in a boisterous, messy debate

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Let me thank you for speaking what women are up in arms about you survive by my here. We're both sides debate. Gentlemen, have your turn what we haven't between this in China? Everybody knows that I may, if I may, just on holding go back, I make accountable. We need to be, I actually honey with long to save us so a view couldn't understand. Any of that. You were not alone the republican candidates on stage at the ronald reagan, presidential library last night, mostly for I started attacking each other rather than the front runner in the polls- donald trump talking over each other lot tromp was instead on stage by himself in Michigan, speaking to a crowd of mostly nonunion autoworkers criticising the strike against Detroit spic. Three, that's a tie.
shot their. Meanwhile in washington, it appears the far right. Republicans in the house are ready. You shut down. The government over one key funding item will tell you what that is just ahead so well willie the debate last night, we're gonna get to apply more, they club speeches overall one republican Neither one contributor why, on every after another after another, just they thought they were tat, thing and calling all saying the same thing. Water. mass what an embarrassment why Disaster it was. It was a lot of what we just showed in that clip talking over each other, the moderators having lost control of things, so very cringing moments, awkward moments, mickey Hayley. If you wanted to pick somebody, she had several adult moments, but for the most part you're, watching and thinking
This is, as some people put it, the kids table where there are fighting for second place of as now trumps. It's coming. we at home any watch that you watch it. Ask yourself: why would Donald trump ever participate in that debate with the lead he has? Why would he you now step into that fight and whiting a lot of people, the analysis, you're kind of going through the usual motions of a debate like who won, who lost and what should we expect tonight? I guess the only way does any of it really matter. Some things could change. Of course, with that form major federal indictments ninety one felony charges against the president. I guess some people are trying to hang around long enough to see if that impacts, Donald trump, but hard to say anybody. One last night did anybody stand out. I don't know we all watched and I guess you could say: Nicky hayley did pretty well Chris Chris, again, the only one going after Donald trump beyond our show again this morning, I did note that thing didn't come up. The former president knighted states called effectively suggest that I should say for the execution
of general milly and that didn't come up at the debate. be curious to hear what all those candidates think about that now it didn't come I plus I asked about that really par for the course of that. My John fast was talking about yesterday, where we are with that. The media has to cover the stories that our news right and the that wasn't asked more the massive fraud? ability that went down yesterday, I mean This is why Universe versus another that actually lives on fact, There's candidates were asked about anything, but I mean the bed. You knew you had the milly, basically in patient to assassinate you had donald trump. You like he was getting it shut down from doing business in the state of new york and
donald trump, also saying that he was going to shut down in and comcast john comcast la mere that something that that that those two really stream things at that, countries, social were white. The wall street journal editorial pledge correctly brought detentions, guys guys gauss if, we keep going in this direction. Guy who just said these things is the year nominee step here. He is your not only me, there's a reason why the people and by world think they're gonna win an end, You worked on the stage and everybody yelling at each other. Last night I do I do. I do think that mickey hayley problem stood out among the best bet. But it's so split up. It's just eight twenty. Sixteen there splitting themselves up five percent here, seven percent there, nine percent there and
people who say it doesn't make a difference whether split or not fair. There were see vs ie. You got all that. I'm sure you're beware outline enough everybody are watching us, but in the we states iowa new hampshire. In both stage you have about seventy five percent of the voters who say their open. Voting for somebody other than donald trump that their working there and large chunk of about a third in each of those states are saying they will not vote for donald trump. So there's an we're charity last. I was another blown chance to get there all right I went I somebody they can actually be. guy who says the chairman of the joint chiefs needs to be assassinated. Yeah last night chaotic, it was messy, was sloppy. A lot of major topics were not address a video, brahma, swami, unknowingly or not had the line at night. Where is he if someone for speaking he was interrupting because of that
what it was because everyone was always shouting at the other end. It was hard at times even just to hear one was saying last night, and certainly there was real breakthrough that there are some cringing moments in some pretty bad. What lighters we can get to later, but there is to your point job at the polls there Still this appetite seemingly someone else step forward to be the trump alternative for a law time that was perceived to be governed the status of florida and his campaign has been in freefall and there's nothing left. he didn't fair poorly, but he also didn't do all that. Well, there's nothing. Last night suggests that his slow he's gonna stop there. Isn't it At our among republican donors, right now that maybe Nicky hayley could be that person in part because in the head to head poles and we're very really, but in the head to head pulling. She fears the best against president Biden, so me she would be that choice and she has done pretty well miss debates, I'd our you'll do better in the first one, then last night, but she is sort of the adult in the room. But the question is which
lead so big or republican doors, really gonna throw their money at hayley right now, if potentially its waste, that's good. choice, or do we see some of these candidates dropout potentially to give haliae chanced to be the alternative least right now, no one and no one is and the more the cannot stand the more divided it gets, the better. Of course it is four donald trump at least jordan, and as far as lines of the night go, I've gotta, say: Nikki haley of borrowing from happy Gilmore was a great movie banter. Ex answer, amazingly yet years, is abbe gilmore line. Every time you talk. I feel a little more dom worried no points I may have. God have mercy on yourself, that's, but basically what she did. So let let's giver, let let's get him robs leaves, were you know borrowing from happy Gilmore. Now
governor alia. The best sense of reading the room, actually speaking, then following flow of where the arguments were going answering questions than any other it on stage and I think that's where some of the other, that it's just really fell flat because they stuck to there were her the lines in the moment might not have been there. The timing was off some of the more uncomfortable exchanges. I just. I really hope that might pencil line about his wife was not pre planned just because it was so incredibly awkward. I just didn't good to know about his life with his wife to to say that was a bit of a distraction. I, but you know, Nikki Haley really emerged somewhat winner of a very weak night over all and would it be in the republican
It is best sensed coalesced around one candidate and for donors to get behind one candidate if they do not support donald trump, yes is gonna happen. I doubt that that common sense will take hold well the thing that's more troubling, as neither the candidates nor anybody in that room addressed the many elephant in the room hears that moment with Nicky alien viii background, the swami in an exchange then started when the business men was asked about having a tick tock account. Then I want to get too turley on the other side about this. Take a look, So the answer is, I have a radical idea for the republican party. We need to work elections and part of how we win elections is reached. The next generation of young americans, where they are so when I get an office, I've been very clear. Kids. Under age of social under the age of sixteen should not be using addictive social media. We're only gonna ever get to declaring independence from china, which I feel
if we actually win infuriating, because tik tok is one of the most dangerous social media ass. If we could have and what you ve got. I honour every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say, because I can't believe they talk situation. What they're doing it's these Fifty million people are on Tik tok. That means they can get your contacts. They can get your financial information, they can get your emails. I look. I just say these messages losers in this area are badly what there is very little. We already, and I understand you ve got a new now she's I'll make men will in china is not a mere excuse. Now want to kids to go and get on this social media that dangerous for all of you, when you are in business, what the chinese that gave honour by five million dollars. We can't trust we don't. You gotta love that they ve bags logic. Now A ban moonshine when I become as the united states, but I'm
I drink this jug of moonshine right here- cause he's going to help me relate to the kids a little bit better: okay, I'll pass and moonshine around forever: charlie sykes, hi tech, dot, com, user behind, hey everybody I'm gonna win but he's in tipp jack, I was wrong but Charlie. My my bigger concern about the whole thing is y know He asked or spoke about the republican front. Runner talking about assassinating general milly like how does that get avoided by everybody in the room, How is that not the first question? Well, I didn't documents. Felonies didn't talk about fraud. They didn't talk about any of these things. In the end, that its look, I mean
Where do I go to get? Might the two hours my life back now? That was an absurd farce. It was an unknown event, but it was also it is completely pointless and I think you just put your finger on it of you. Have this debate at this prison we will debate. Donald trump is sitting back he's not there and Nobody really laid a glove on him. They they continue. Do goats go through the motion, so unless we want to engage in in fan fiction, I I think I think the reality is. Is that that debate did not mean anything it's not going to change. Anything in the republican feel is very, very unlikely to coalesce around anyone other than donald trump, and I think that that that bad as to settle in as they as this is the moment. So you don't the larger pictures. They should asked about general milly, but at some point you would think that republicans and looking at back this this incredible sound, show this chaotic mess up there and saying this is the best that we can do and that we're not going to address the fact that we are in this far away from now.
in aiding somebody who has been charged with ninety felonies was calling for the be death penalty for his political enemies and critic, shutting down the media, and somebody Who is it out on a daily basis, dick compensating on social media. So here we are and to the point that this feels a lot like twenty? Sixteen I'm already having the ptsd flashbacks exactly like, though the lower dumber bridge, by the way, Joe, I think the backward is from Billy madison yesterday. I think here barely mad waterway billy madison one of my favorite amsterdam guy. Yes, yes, Billy madison added delivered by the great jim downy lead Very essence, hang the principle science while behind you, movement a minute watching that in the next break. So none of the candidates last night, as we said, were asked about donald trump
Ashton. The outgoing chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general mark milly, afore, star general, spend his life in the military deserves to be execute. for treason for communicate. With his chinese counterpart at the end of the trumpet straighten to let them know the nickel arsenal, was secure General milly, though, was asked about it in an interview for sixty minutes. President trumpet when we said that your dealings with china were so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been deaf authorities over screw. He is suggesting that you be punished by death. The former commander in chief to his former tat military advisor Look I'm on a soldier had been faithful while to the constitution, as is forty four and a half years and my family and I have sacrificed greatly for this country. My my violet before them, and you know
as much as these comments are directed at its also directed at the institution of the military in this two point: one million of us in uniform and an american people can take it to the bank all of us? Every single one of us, private, the general were loyal today constitution. It will never turn our back on it, no matter what no matter, what the threats no matter what the humiliation, no matter, what we were willing to die for that document. If we're going to die boy to combat, if you're willing to but lose an arm and a leg, and I to protect and sport and defend that document and protect american people. We wanted to look for too, so I'm not going to comment directly on those those things, but I can tell you that this military, the soldier me we'll, never turn it back on the constitution. The record was there anything inappropriate or treasonous about the calls you may do not zero none. It's almost seems odd to ask this question because the some commander in chief seems to be calling for your execution
are you worried about your safety? I've got adequate safety precautions, oh, I wish those comments had not been made, but they were and will take appropriate measures to my safety and safety, my family, Joe, that's a pretty exe. their exchange, their received a forced, our general mark merely sitting there in his dress with the bars four stars saying say anything you want to do. You can talk, you can post on your social media say you could even call for me to be executed, but I m may I serve with the millions of americans who serve, are going to continue to do. and the constitution. That's our job! That's all noise! I'll! Take care of my safety. Keep good keep going with this. We're not gonna change. What we do yeah, I mean it is it's it's it's so discouraging donald trump has as sent that signal out loud cycle. through journal editorial page yesterday, said, and many others have said yesterday that He he's sending a message out and
and certainly it is possible that some cool, is going to follow through on that. It's the same thing. Then. He said about Mitch, Mcconnell, it's the same thing. He said about a well about me. I did. The same thing is said about so many people, and it does it is changing general melias life right now that he's gonna need security around the clock for clean some time, because Donald trump knows exactly what he's doing. That's, why he starts talking about somebody being secure, did with would Mcconnell yet I will says death wish in all caps. That's again it's! a message and and yet. And yet Charlie sykes. Nobody, fox news. Last night I thought that was worthy my question to ask. Even if they're they're there partners. The wall street journal were dead that morning. Nobody thought
if necessary, to ask about banning b c knows: what's donald trump became present, the united states again, if he got elected again, nobody thought about any of that nobody fraud. Nobody thought about asking something: those on the front page of all the newspapers, including the wall street journal yesterday morning, which was done. Tromp is probably going to be stopped from doing business in new york state because he acted in sight, of fraudulent way and over valuing is properties for bank loans. Those were all I mean those things were all teed of natural, alias sure how those question could have been asked. What more to the point, I think it's just absolute in sand in either the people that are running against donald trump didn't bring it up stage couldn't I made those at me. At some point,
goin to have somebody smart enough to find another lane and channel this guy are all through their just gonna meekly keep like sort of like this link. Just sort of folly behind. We risk christiania airing absent, absolutely nothing This is the this is our life for the last seven years and let the last eight years isn't it and by the way the wall street journal editorial. I think it is worth to spending a moment on that. They were shocked, shocked to discover that all of this is going on is it is interesting, some of the anti anti trump oaks and looking around going The way this is like a point, you understand that this guy is completely crazy and terrain and we're about to be nominated and night. How did we get here? Will we got here by exactly the kind of thing you're describing denial avoid is a rationalization of your goal? into this this alternative reality. Were these thing.
Did not exist. They don't exist for that battle audience. You know he didn't say. No, that that mark milley should be executed. Qt dub, you know a federal judge. Shutting you know the the business down doesn't and registered the ninety one. Felony charges don't even register, and I- and I guess you know this- is emily glad that you're still focusing on this, because you know there there is a sense that we become numb to this that he has more malign the language of political violence and normal lies in the language of political violence can lead to the normalization of violence and we ve gone from lock her up to hang my pants. Do, let's execute general milly this is intentional and it is highly dangerous and there's no reason to believe that he will not escalate best and on foot there's no reason to believe that there are not people out there who are hanging on his words and might act on it. So when you have general middle sitting there saying I have to take the steps to protect myself in my family. This is the reality,
have people like mitt romney were spinning five thousand dollars a week on security for their family. This is the way We are living in and we cannot allow ourselves to become numbed to it. Well read their hands, but the constitutional order. I don't about any of you here on the sat on the show, but I'm still shocked, and I found it heartbreaking to hear general jaramillo having to answer? Did that to deal with that? And here that this was said about him by the republican front, runner an end to hear him tell what they're gonna republican front runner threw down? the draft with its supposing a tree bone, stark spurs where should never get his way and rang anything after his father get a doctor to to too bones presenting, so we can avoid the war he that mocks John Mccain for sacrificing and leaving so much of his life behind in vietnam staying there even when
John Mccain is told he can go home. He's gonna stay with his band of brothers. Despite the fact he's carrying injuries, it will stay with them for the rest of his life and then with general milly. I see we'll drop and I see other parks, column, calm parks parks in congress do riding in romania, a man who is serve this country proudly and bravely upward like aids, who has fought in one war zone after another war zone, is risked his life time and again to protect and defend constitution of the united states of america and some park some committee, is yelling at him and attacking him to try to gain political points, grotesque, I do wonder when my former party is going to wake up and I keep I keep hoping my former party is going to wake up and start spectin men and women and uniform, but give them for this country to protect and defend this country instead, game, show house who makes
we think about himself before country for constitution before already, both for people. I keep waiting for them to wake up. It's a it's been how can a sleep there, the replant winkle of of parties, another thing that was not brought up at the debate last night as the massive fraud case that was brought by new attorney general Latisha, james and boy. Did she have a massive win and that, with the judge making a ruling not even needing a trial, because the evidence was so clear, so stave right here we are going to ask about it state. What is from borg current business status in this in new york. In light of this ruling glove I want to send a little bit of suspended animation because trample appeal. The ruling in this will get litigated and I think until then, Nations ended and recognised
the trumpets. A master of litigation knows how to prolong it so could be years. I don't, things change, but at the end of the day or what the judge has rules should happen once us all. Litigation is all resolve is that his properties will is business licence in europe will be avoided is properties. Will we put, answer receiver Their job will be to liquidate them and what's left when all that's over, and so Now, though, it appears tat suspended animation, what what happens or their people monitoring tool. spain business? Are they? two still do business. What happens next week when they look at damages? Is it and also judge, seemed very frustrated with the wrong lawyer is constantly trying to prolong this. Some life nature and speed up the future process with this, given that they have really called them out
on trying to drive this out as long as possible, well again, that is from specialty dragon things out, and it is sure they will try to that. The judge will try to shorten it. There are the procedures that take time rights of appeal and so forth. The new our courts are notoriously slow in moving along on some of this kind of stuff, unlike the federal courts. So, I want to be realistic and say it is probably going to be some period of time, until this is resolved I believe. Yes until then he can operators properties they. The judge has just as both sides to nominate people to be the receiver, but whether that right, action can exercise any influence until until these appeals are exhausted. I think this is not is not going to happen. So stephen
Central part of this fraud is the overvaluation of his property. Its trump tower seven springs estate up in west. Yes, you have a chart that shows that so just for the layman, what's the benefit of his overvalued these so wildly by the way, while the benefit is, it wanted to borrow a lot of money and so the more collateral you have, the more money you can borrow and the cheaper. Can borrow it out and so it, was in his interest to wily inflate these put aside his own ego, of course, which strives to inflate things just for the fun of it, but from the sand What are borrowing money if you say you a house. It's worth three hundred million dollars. You can borrow more money and you ve been at a lower rates than if you say well, you know it's really only where thirty million dollars, which are the kinds of things she was doing, is there no one along the way like at the bank who says, I dont think that a three hundred twenty seven million dollar apartment sir well I guess not- and that is one of the questions people in my world have been set of asking is how the banks could have I'd on this are believed that or whatever, but if you look at, if you look at them
Reserves are really quite extraordinary. He valued moral go at over six hundred million dollars, it is its role. to the twenty seven million that the judge said and by the way moral marella, was attacks, assess the twenty six million a few years ago from fought that instead it was too high, so Allah is worth more than twenty six million dollars for the genre. We should point out that Eric trump two days ago, valued at one billion dollars yeah just he was eyeballing it back of the envelope yeah. It's a family tradition to clearly exaggerate the wealthier, so Steve were this to happen were, were his business certificates? Take we don't know, that's going to happen and he can't do business in new york. Where does that leave I mean he does have properties elsewhere. He has some overseas. Would those be vulnerable? generally defraud charges brought elsewhere and there they are not just does trump workers we What even exist
well. The whole point of this would be trump org would, as it exists, would be dissolved. The assets would be sold, the banks would get paid off or or and whatever is laughed he and his family would get, and they could start all over again somewhere that? What, and to do business. I don't know. If he had, if he committed bank fraud and other jurisdictions, they sure he can be prosecuted in those, although I suspect most of his activities, where the backing system in new york, but this vulcan. These are the bulk probably of his assets, so he would not be left with a lot of other stuff to europe to play with so of speak. Guy see, let me ask you I'm curious about where bed. the procedure of that send an. If, if you don't know the answer this week, we will look it up and you were here might buy, Where does the judge decide that that what part of this process is? Is a process where we learned that Donald
can no longer operate as business and in new york. Is that in the damage is part of the hearing, or is something the judge is already determined and and we'll have to wait. Wait for the appeal, the judges determined that the judge rule and the ruling itself was quite extraordinary because it was a ruling from the banks before there was a trial. It is very unusual. I in fact trumpet to dismiss the whole case, someone what they call summary judgment and never xx that would end up going up so the other way whether drugs would not only dismiss that requests or climb, but then impose this ruling, which is really unprecedented, I think, on and on a couple of levels. First, the fact that it was lost the bench before there was even a trial and, secondly, this whole process, appointing a receiver and putting the businesses into receivership, and so on is something that you see for like organized crime or
level narrative wells who should be doing business anywhere. This is don't believe, has ever been a case of some one of this of these means in stature and so forth, whose house properties essentially taken away from him I know I've got to say willie and I take that last statement, level. Ne'er do wells. Personally, I I will he's obviously referring to our glue gun business of night teenage. Now I'm telling you we got ron co to buy in on this for a while, it looked like we were going to with a knife states, our monitors that were insults, keep coming up put in place. Looking when really willie's gonna kick out had well, I don't know why I hate the gay rights yoga now that was on us. We went in businesses. Wrongful peel should be an automatic winner. The idea wasn't graphics and we
granada things from the from the eighties, including that project that you pitched ranco. I know a lot of regrets, a lot of regrets from the eighties we won't even get into the cessna I bogged down in the keys go in. Eighty six minutes were with us was the whole thing. Who by not to stay where they were monitors, put in place to kind of assess what was going on and trumpet org by the judge, and apparently those monitors were ignored. They were not given information; they go from people completely cut them out. Will the beam aggressive monitoring and also a little bit of conjecture. Could there be collapse what consequences to this volatile appeal? Where people don't want, do business with someone who is found liable of mass and fraud across the board, sure look. This is obviously a terrible for his business is business prospects I would say that a lot of people, of course stop doing business with trump for many reasons. Over the last few years there are buildings
in fact, were his name has been taken off of it because nobody would go there because it was a trump building. He's already suffered affair not a damage, but this of course suggest that much worse and yeah. I think that I think gonna find himself with a judge who clue means business and it's gonna say: you're gonna have to cooperate, you're gonna providers have to provide you're, gonna have to stop, following an and let's get out this, but again we have, system. The new will have the right of appeal as a very important sea ratner. Thank you. So much is greatly greatly appreciate. You been your movies insult unwilling. May I listen to me. Listen we areas too, that we had the glue gun business with long now. Let me at this s not aware that says that business it didn't go well, but I thought and eighty six people would want tours of colombia didn't work out. They were did I say I will say willie. We
can I get the eighty six months. The boots they made it up and then I have to get in season. They wanted to bring it up. Linear cut my eyes light at all. I do have been a part of that bear. I am going to strangle tarzan, don't we in that capacity that we want to make great they loved lording, showing you not alex distracting me why the power to end this power. I will have much more, probably very high level of players. I mean gees last tightly regulated in primary debate. prescribes. We know neck named for donald trump. Former new jersey governor will be our gas. We got a lot of questions for having plus worldwide from measure again where, instead of joining as opponents, the debate stage from maybe is pitched just striking out of workers from a manufacturing facility?
non unionized. Our ports company also had will be joined by two democratic members of the republican the house oversight committee, as the panel prepares to hold its first impeachment inquiry hearing. pounding resident buying your watch your morning, Joe we'll be right back. Honestly, every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say. No point in your rambling, incoherent response, or you even close to anything- be considered irrational five Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it,
I'm msnbc alley. Belgian a book banning epidemic is simple trading, our classrooms with fifteen hundred titles band. Last year alone, each week on my podcast bell, she band book club, a different author joins me to discuss their band. Like Margaret atwood glory, hoss Anderson and many more using books. That's how we share wisdom, our values, that's how we take our country to the place. It should be a lucid deville, she'd been book club. Now, one spotify new episodes, thursdays. There comes a point when a problem. was start exploits a humanitarian crisis. Emma, and we see phones presents Martha's vineyard versus dissenters.
the story of the migrants flowing to the picturesque new england island, the community they took them in and the florida governor behind it all Martha's vineyard versus dissent is part of the turning point documentary series from executive producer trevor nor sunday october, eighth, at ten p m eastern on MSNBC and streaming on people I love a beautiful shot at the capital at six, thirty, seven, a m on the east coast and in the towers, the republican lad house oversight committee will hold its first impeachment hearing on president Biden, the new york times reports that top republicans are eyeing potential impeachment charges, bribery and abuse of power while trying to tie the then to his son hunter Biden, sporran business dealings? You see. I am unable to do that. They face time and again, and they keep looking so
I bet I mean the guy running the committee's ass. You have anything as well hope we can find something. That's really they've got the cards For the horse, their meagre were hearing from senior house officials familiar with their plans. The times points that lawmakers do not have evidence of either potential charge and has republicans have struggled to link any of hundred buttons, business dealings to his father, which they haven't been able to do now. For you shouldn't I be able to do that tighter, there's an mp german, Rinaldo, impeached presley united states probably need evidence first, okay, so they don't have that or get back anywhere close to revealing proof of high crimes and misdemeanours. They don't have that yet. So leading up to today's impeachment hearing kind of an extraordinary moment where the house ways and means committee voted yesterday along party lines to release seven hundred pages of documents from iris.
missile blowers regarding hunter Biden, business dealings, republican committee, chair jason, smith, Missouri, pointed to a june sick. Two thousand and seventeen remember that date june, six, two thousand and seventeen whatsapp message which hunter Biden wrote to business associates than he was willing to quote sign over my family's brand smith's cited that messages quote evidence of corruption in this conduct. Well, NBC just now will correspond in our colleague, ryan nobles, followed up on that twenty seventeen date seeking clarification about the I mean the message leading to exchange with the republican congressmen. Can then, is that message you have, I believe, is dated june. Sixth, two thousand and seventeen joe Biden is not vice president or even a candidate for president at that time. So where is the direct connection to some sort of criminal malfeasance within these two pieces of evidence? Well, I think the facts speak for themselves. There's over seven,
pages of examples of where people should be very concerned. Can you explain the timing of the august? Sixth? What's that message why's that evidence of some wrong doing an expert on the timeline. I would love to have president Biden and his family to tell us about all the time lines, because it's really really unfortunate that we see so many meetings, and so many phone calls that involved around official activity that the vice president has been participating in and then big sums of money in follows later, but if used under president or the vice president at that time, we're we're The wrong doing you was even a candidate for president that he was a candidate in on August six. Absolutely seventeen apparent what sorcery, when I'm with NBC so apparently you'll, never believe us, I'm gonna, believe it. I'm asking you, for. I am asking the very directly
new presented a piece of evidence that use came on August six, twenty seventeen that demonstrates Joe Biden, was using political influence to help her son. If you want, a political figure at that time. The first, what's that message you put up where the Rita but the brand- and I'm I'm here, I'm my my I'm completely open minded about this. I'm asking you specifically how that demonstrates that there is some sort of political influence being put over him if, at that time he is not a political is not an elected official. I'm definitely not gonna pin point one item: without one presented it you're the one who's. Your first thing that you brought so apparently you don't agree with that. So it's not gonna. Do that. I'm asking you to explain I'll. Take the next question deeply pathetic was then that's rhino. Was our NBC news, capital hilcrest excellent, doing his job, pushing why should this is the centrepiece? This was headlines across other networks over the last
what days and on websites this. What's that message making something question that the buyer family brand was being peddled again job was neither president vice president or canada on that date and in fact, that tech that what's that as such as a suggestion again, not evidence or a direct link. I mean inside me taking a risk board to the low, go candle down here seeking a group of dogs if they want to play risk. It's just not a fair fight. guys or so dumb I may, it is and and and they they they bring up This keeps happening now, time and time again, Charlie. This keeps happening where the They leave when something then find out. There's no connection there. They look like fools and then they blame the media, we go. We keep going back to that fbi, tape, recording and you have.
Yet a grass Legal- and I don't care if he's guilty or not in the area of Republican, saying we're gonna impeach the fbi director we're going to do this and then they find out absolutely not in there, they start screaming about a missy informed. I can't find a form of informants betsy they done with the informant well, it ends up informants and international fugitives to get busted for being an agent of china get busted for illegally selling arranging oiled. The calmness chinese party. a legally dealing, an arms. This keeps happening. This is again that couldn't shoot straight and edges really does? Doesn't it just underlined How stupid their efforts are. Detroit did I had a bust honour by than Joe. By will it
that that's why your your your comment about the dogs was unfair to dogs, because I I have had german shepherds beat me before enlist. So my my my my my german shepherd would not make this at this mistake not mean part of this It is so cringe worthy to watch that exchange of rain nobles. You asked the direct questions. Anything ok. Can you be specific, because evidence is about specific facts, right. I mean there is this cloud of sleeves out. There does no question about it, but when you try to pin them down, where is the evidence? What is the timeline and clearly that guy they pushed through the current. They come up with their big piece of evidence had no idea. He was killed we are prepared. He was here last wins well buying those vice president, charles, he usually easy saying its media. Its medium buys a give, bring up the fact that Joe Biden wasn't vice president.
Presence in twenty thousand and seventeen. This is a perfect example of somebody who is now thinking that facts are biased when in fact, they're just backs. show his arguments. Willie stupid well. This is what happens when you spend all your time in a bubble. We will you get out of the bubble been when you're in the bubble. All this makes sense right, you're constantly in that echo chamber you step out of the bubble, and somebody says: can I just ask you about that dazzling peaceably, since you just dumb your presented that actually makes knows whatsoever and clearly jason Psmith, did not Oh, when Joe Biden was in office or what was going on in twenty seventeen, which is awkward and the fact that they are so unprepared on the day that they're about launch the impunity, the impeachment inquiry, or that's an interesting hell. Isn't it yeah Biden, of course not president, twenty seventeen and not a declared candidate for the presidency again until twenty nineteen, so there's nothing there on that date, flagged by our colleague, ryan robles.
At least we can say this and I think the republicans have not yet provided any evidence that links the president to his sons, business dealings. There's no sense here that he misuse the power of any office to this point, but yet the future increase went forth anyway. First hearing is today do you think this in terms of the politics of this and its did so deeply cynical, it so deeply cynical, but the politics of this could still be affected. For republicans, is it going to be enough of a what about ism to distract from all the problems? Legal problems facing donald trump republicans are counter. Programming I guarantee that any discussion fears about this impeachment process and that their no actual wrong doing against president Biden himself, going that's been proven, has been put forward as evidence get that I'm getting covered and noose and other new silos. So you have republican voters, hers getting one bit of content and you have the rest of the country giving another bit of content.
So it doesn't really matter and they get to talk about that as trumps, legal troubles will be covered in other mainstream ballots, while what This morning I had a spinning rarely get stuck on the mark. Melick stockpile we're gonna talk more about that journalists, lily descent. Generally, congratulations! Milwaukee, a sports town. Just just I mean you guys, can punch above your watch growers of conjugal, I'm gonna, be there. The old burst, lay off came next tuesday night I merely said really exciting, to live in one of these big market towns, where your teams get to go to the every year. Well, while willie and what we are, and I follow these men, the small market team, just our attention more just set up for the hungarian media, andalusia.
five billion to lose a white one. We will one other note on Milwaukee for charlie these. They traded for Damien willard, one of the best players, asterism aid that Yonah Miller and the same team, but to your point, show the yankees last night in a word down bread sites he's just fine for scraps, and the division, yankees clinched fourth place last night and we're off right about that, so we will not finish in last place get cold probably the sigh young aerial, george it to home, runs, and we locked up fourth, John yeah- who did closed last place the boston socks who also on our shared and yet another losing record, they lost or eighty second game last night, so they will finish under five hundred another distance waiting and long winter had Joe. broadband wegg back back there than the fenway neighbourhood of Boston. But do you really
Why Damian Damian Lillard? I mean the rumored all summer long they'll be going to the miami heat stunning and a three team, three team trade that involved the phoenix suns Milwaukee now going on So we want I'm being favorites I mean in a red sox last place. Third, three, I think three out of the four last year and now that the written the yankees way a garret call who lie down the side on the word, but less the red sox, we caught a black that had escaped from right feel that having adding boxed up, by the end of the third any okay. So that's what we gotta go into four minutes go, go size gains sunrise, oxidation verbally, on the show this morning coming up on morning, Joe, who did
like you when the war was behind the uprising jam secretary of state at length, sing in the last sight. At this stage, orange I'll, be right back to protect our children from being indoctrinated. Stop putting kids with these politics. This is the story of a texas town, the became the front line of a cultural war. A younger teaching generation has been pushing that our kids can be any gender. They want me In english teacher caught in the middle, I wrote down right. It's not out of sadness ought to be matched
from the team that brought you southland. This is a six part podcast series about fain power and what it means to protect children in an american suburb dish with that kind of thing I am from NBC new studios. This is great fine, the first two episode. Are available Wednesday october. Fourth follow wherever you go, bond gasps gentle best of MSNBC all in one place every day the MSNBC daily newsletter,
each morning in your inbox. You'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shows training for real. Why dissent as we actually get you a poor card from the american people, previews from our pod casts and documentaries, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves understand for MSNBC daily at msnbc dhaka. You have six point two billion for ukraine. they do nothing to secure our southern border. That is a non starter, suddenly cigarette real we have all seen the images of the southern border. It has to stop immediately and his government should not continue to be funding funded if we also curable from MR president, a vote the unfair standard, short term funding measure is a vote against over a billion dollars in salary or border patrol.
eyes, agents working constructively, solar thermal and train our open borders, are you in our midst she's right? I made a lease when you d find the government you're defined a billion that your deep finding. First of all ice, your d funding, the border agency are deemed funding the agencies that that that have any control over what's going on these people are fighting day. at night to try to bring order out of chaos and what the house, publicans and doing courting the mitch Mcconnell. Anybody actually knows what's going on theirs there about, they talked about the funding fbi now, they're talking about deed in the border agents and de funding ice and you know, who's gonna- get blamed republicans I'm going to take the blame if this shut down happened. If so,
the american government workers, don't get pay checks if militaries not fun, If so many trains are unable to run on time, because there is a government shut down, it's going to be very inconvenient for some people. I it's going to be you now, wife, bread. for others and look at what happened in the border. If you take it, happening on the border seriously, as so many republicans claim they do. Then they need to keep the government running yeah. I mean it's a thing that we found when we shut down the government in the early nineties sexes. You know you you're. Trying to make a political point, and then you start finding out a week into it too, weeks into it just devastating. It is for salmon people for republicans for independence for Democrats and you're, really your ear messing with a health and safety in the welfare hundreds of millions of people. So this is again that these rules
begins. You think they're making a point could actually ask people have been through it before that are on the hill right now they say he's never turns out well for a pop If this house, I always heard someone working party, is almost as if these people want to be in the minority because now. The time should rather be in the minority because they can be bomb throwers, rhetorical bomb, throwers, are we raise more money often social media and online. If they're just lie having bombs and don't have to worry about actually governing that serious people strain it have you ever. To provide an s NBC with your opinion about the tv programmes newsletters podcast and more now, your chance when you showing MSNBC insights, community you'll, get paid, Biotic online surveys about MSNBC visit It's nbc dot com, slash insights, to join the community today.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.