« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/25/23

2023-09-25 | 🔗

Hollywood screenwriters and studios reach tentative deal to resolve strike

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The arsonist have let their house on fire they're whining about their house, burning, they're, going to want credit for putting the fire out and then they're going to set up a gofundme to get paid for what happened This is really disingenuous. Anyone who says that we're gonna finish altogether patients bills between now and next saturday is absolutely hallucinate eyesight, ass. The sea are did resolution so that we can pass so that we stop passing see hours, that's like pale and crack attic, we're gonna, give you more crack to keep you off a crack. It doesn't work. Ma am. Your house republicans with very pessimistic views on whether congress can prevent a government shut, while the latest from capitol hill on the contentious negotiations there, as law makers, have now is there a way to get a deal done. Meanwhile, The are cautiously commenting on the corruption allegations senator bob Menendez after that,
wage and say they found piles of cash bride must be hidden in his cautious jagged backlog. When a man cautious, yeah age amphetamine say, and he needs to get out. Nobody else is now that's a fair assessment so far, new power on a hypothetical biden, trump rematch, including how voters feel about violence, age and trumps. Legal issues also ahead jade on the autoworkers strike, which is expanding to more sites. It comes The union is expected to get high profile supporters on the picket lines this week morning and welcome to morning joe it's monday, everybody them to get up september, twenty fifth and for our jewish friends observing young kip. Or we wish you a meaningful and easy fast and with us this morning. We have: u s special correspondent for BBC news, catty K, present
at the national action network and host of MSNBC politics, nation, reverend, L, Sharpton and founder. the conservative website the bulwark charlie sykes, and before we get to politics, we have some developing news over night. After nearly a hundred and fifty days, a significant turning point in the months long writers strike that brought hollywood to a halt As of yesterday, major screenwriters and major studios have reached a tentative deal to end the historic strike. That's, according to the writer field of america, which is closer to the finish line after having five straight days initiations, this new development suspended. immediately details The agreement are expected to be announced in the next few days. At that point, the The old will vote on whether to accept the deal which includes higher based compensation. Increased royalties and stricter protection against artificial.
intelligence. That was a real sticking point. The first batch shows you will likely see back on the air are the daytime and late night programmes. The move would relieve. some pressure on hosts who were criticised for announcing plans of a return before these strikes were resolved. As for hollywood actors, there are still on the picket lines and will continue their strike until their union. Sag Aftra reaches a deal with studios, we'll be following. Well, yes, but we have some major new pulling in power, this morning- well some crazy new pauling Yang than ten ten points apart, the two poles in or out so we sakharov than simple. from NBC new shows that president Joe Biden and former president donald trump, our deadlocked in a hypothetical twenty twenty four election match up Cordially survey, both by an end trump, earn forty six percent of support in
potential rematch of the twenty twenty contest. Seventy four percent of registered voters say They have major or moderate concerns about the current president's asian mental fitness for tromp, who is just years younger than Biden. That number is twenty seven points lower at forty seven percent. Sixty two percent of voters they have concerns about troms legal problems, but sixty send say they have concerns about binds awareness are involved and in his sons, business dealings, which is the subject of an impeachment inquiry in the republican led house. Then other new poll, this one from a b c news and the washington post has trump leading Biden by night, points in a twenty twenty four election match up in this survey. The former president leads- current one fifty one percent to forty two percent among all adults, to wash impose noted that this pole is like
in outlier compared to one taken by other groups, but it is consistent with the a b news, washington post paul of the same question from early this year in this latest, fall. Seventy four and say biden- is too old for a second term versus fifty. we're sad to say trumpets too old for a second term and five nelson this negative ratings on other key issues as well. Just thirty, seven percent approve of his overall job performance compared to fifty six who decide ruth finds approval is even lower at thirty percent for his handling of the economy and at twenty percent His handling of this, you're at the southern border. Let's bring in white house rapporteur for that can impose tyler, pager and NBC news. Presidential historian, Michael best loss, good people
this morning. So I'm not I'm looking at these falls make a leg. Let's talk here among ourselves for a second for bring the guests, and we ve talked about this a good bit yeah through the years about Joe by and I got a I got- I think- was yesterday evening- caltrans newsletter, where different takes on it. I want to read you one. Take ok and it's pretty its pretty consistent from one, and I guess one of his experts say and think about this. I can show you one expert, for another mocking ridiculing Joe Biden, the democrats for their strategy, leading up to the twenty twenty two mid term, the mockery for, I'm talking about democracy and abortion was over the top you should have heard them mckenna save people's names here. The so
truth. Teller stay made fools of themselves. Mocking Democrats and Joe Biden tsar ways there's no blow back for under estimating fine. They were poor when wrong. The irony of fate, attacking the press for not tell the truth and then wilfully being blind all of their terrible predictions and twenty twenty and twenty twenty two is pretty thick peoples fine withstand the water. After I will, after new Hampshire, after nevadas, open mockery was over the top to open, mockery throughout the twenty twenty campaign was over the top to tell us up on election night over the top, the tales of doom over the next two years. Over than up, but not one. ever held accountable for under estimating Joe Biden these past few years. Nobody and the people that look and I must say that the people that you look too is truth tellers or at the top of that list. They were wrong, about biden- then they are wrong about Now they are wrong.
Buying far more than they are right from property to progress Some people have made a lot of money in podcast news letters being our truth tellers. They had been dead wrong about Biden at the polls and dead wrong. but by the hammering out, by torres legislation for three straight years, but no accountability, because they are tellers and wake up. It's true, I need all of you, remember after iowa yeah he was dead. Remember after new Hampshire, my britain, he'll dead after nevada there's, no way he can come back here caroline was denomination. We weird and things to all these living in his face when he stopped of areas, but either you can't get out of his basement, he's going to lose and then election we'll trumps going to win this state in that state. Now things wrong and then print I sense as well as trappers rights, on for two years about by partisan what I'm
telling you, maybe these right. Well, they're not writes that ninety nine points morning, Joe betting syndicate, will all of your bets right now like if you, if you wanna, take the plus nine on job I'm here now he's not going to lose by nine points. Physical, race and there are warning signs there. I will say that I'm a little tired of it, I'm a little too Three years hearing about how Joe Biden going crushed he's. crushed in twenty twenty. He didn't That's gonna get crushing twenty twenty two there's going to be a red wave, there's no way he can pass by partisan legislation. He passes more than anybody the salary, and it just keeps go there's a bunch of things at play and to jump on you're saying if these truth, teller What say you know it doesn't look good. These pulse don't look at, but we ve been here before. Let me give some context historic way,
look what happened the last time he was underestimated and also terms of his age look at what president Biden is doing through his schedule, look at the things that he has accomplished, list them and then too, about a man, his age and what he is able to do at his age since ages, relative and that's for donald trump. I think that there has got to be a point where if you're, an organization that works round debating the issues and following the truth, I don't know why there are extensive interviews with this man when he cannot even admit He lost the election like that would be the end of any interview anywhere or it should be, and instead pontificates and poland and rolls over people with lies
and people continue to put him on as if he is a true. Let me tell you a giant he's, not a truth. Teller, jonathan swan and the way that he did savannah got through their other people who do it, but fully in line with the law continues on microbe s loss. I dont know who's gonna win next year. You don't know gonna when I I do remember when present teddy Kennedy was twenty points. I hadn't jimmy carter and nineteen. Seventy nine. I mean that always right and, of course, present teddy Kennedy served eight years now, I mean it is early quite as early as it was, but I just want to go back to this Joe Biden animation thing, because we never go back. if one looks at the headlines, never Nobody ever looks at the smart tags of all. I quote truth tellers, the media's biased and this is, they would say, the truth about buying the media's bias. I won't say the truth about this and buying
ways underestimated his entire life locked and ridicule, and the guy somehow it's one. So that's why, when I see a pole like this, the nine point four site- and I literally started laughing out loud detour. It down to alight, went out and my sunday morning walk because it's a joke, but it continually that was exactly the proper reaction. I felt the same way and I've even go I kinda earlier president's, you know Joe, you were elected nuke congressman and nineteen. Ninety five, how many people you talked to felt that a decent chance that the next year bill Clinton would be re elected president biases to a substantial majority. As you amber alot of people were saying it. Congress and nineteen. Ninety four, this is a lame duck. President me was even asked at a press conference. Are you relevant? Yet he defeated bob doll, next year by sub substantial. None,
ronald reagan the year before he ran for reelection. They recession still on its numbers were down there wasn't much, suggestion that someone would run against him within the republican party. but the numbers were not grade and walter mind they all the chief front, runner epidemic, Adding side was full of optimism with some reason and then remember, brok, obama most recently, two thousand eleven I bulgarian public and also talking to some people on the other, The white house staff they the fall of two thousand and eleven exactly the same point in this site cycle. We're I worry that obama could not make it for a second term. Unemployment we're still high has now we're not particularly great, nor were his groovy numbers and they were saying- and perhaps this is a case where
bama is a one term. President. All I'm saying is that this is something that is almost built in to polling of incumbent presidents, the year before absolutely totally agree with you. This is going to be a an election gotta go down to the wire wire deeply divided country may be additionally complex it because a third party candidates, but I would not take very for this very seriously right now chart charlie's I share in one of these swinging of this wing states was consul right now. I'm curious, your take on the polling. Well, let me obviously the what the the Washington post poll or the a b c poll is, is fuel for bedwetting, but I mean, let's just think about the last three days where, where we were right here at dawn, Donald trump mocked, a disabled veteran called for the
execution of a general mark. Emily has called for the complete shut down the government unless they defend the prosecutions against him is asked for all send democrats to resign over the menendez case and the ito by using government power to retaliate and shut down NBC for criticising him and yet, and it will do this ball and we're supposed to think that he's a reasonable shot to win the presidency in what he does. Look that these people is an outlier. You look at the numbers youth voters, and it tells you know that- there's no way that donald trump is winning the youth vote. This. This is not to be taken seriously, but the warning signs are out there and the NBC poll, I think, underlines along with other poll that this is going to be a tight race. It is maybe a close race as as have all of our presidential raises in in recent years, and it is going to come down to some swing stays, but this notion that somehow there is no such thing as political gravity anymore. It's kind of fanciful.
as Donald trump is out there ending americans as loudly as possible that he is thorough dangerous, Andy range and at some point I think that's couldn't get a little bit of action. This is the season where your firing black europe and say that yeah job two older than that I'm not enthusiastic about him, but a year from yeah we're going to be faced very directly with the choice. Are we going to put donald trump back in the white house? Again yeah, I mean people I just people aren't focused pages vogue. I know this will come as a shock. To a lot of a lot of you watching this show, but I had the I talk to a friendly. College graduate today, who asked me about power, excuse you that I don't really follow politics, a whole lot. I just need to get focused and I said well what do you want to know, and at least they told me
after, and why here, Rhonda satis may be running, see in iran in this hockney people are not focused on that that we do not about from four hours a day, figure I generally when they didn't start focusing and I Now I dont think right. The sentences running by the way- I don't they It's gonna work ash bike, but when they do our folks and you are right. There is going to be a lot there. Camilla veal, asking a lot of questions about minimum joy, one about four guy who's going further than execution of this all the things you talked about, tyler I will say even the Democrats I spoke to you say who share my view that it was no time for bed wedding that they needed to take deep breaths and enjoy their sunday long as they want the middle of the tropical storms in the northeast they there is a common refrain, even among those who think Joe Biden can when a whirlwind- and that is this-
Biden. Omics message is not working. They need to stop I can demand people how great economy is when the people aren't buying how great the economy is by it's a roll up their sleeves and he needs to start pounding donald trump rhetorically, had on bad the agreement that was the biggest take away again, even from people who still thing John he's gonna win this election and donald trump. Is at the end of the won't, be able to carry boats they're get off by now makes its not working. You need to get down get down to where the voters are an and start punching back. As is hard as he's hitting you, he, I think that's a big concern. We hear from from denmark across the board and even some white house officials conceding straighten that this message of binding not is not breaking through. We saw across the poles, so for the weekend, the cotton consistently is one of the issues that trump out rang spy
in terms of his handling of it, and so I think one the frustrations for people inside the white house that I speak with is that there are some positive echo make indicators, lower unemployment, you jobs being added each month, certain sectors coming back strong. Continuing from this request. From the from the pandemic, but bodies not getting credit for any of that. I think there's a disk between the message. Sometimes the white house is trying to sell in the lived experience in the reality for americans across the country, but I do think show your earlier point about this. For stretching within violence. In our sir about him consistently being underestimated is really what is driving a lot of the messaging thinking from inside the white house. A lot of them people lived through those primaries as election night, and they feel that the press, the point and etc continue to honour. Major bided, and this time is no different. However, there are a lot of democratic. that continue to say that that they are worried,
Joe Biden in its ability to feed donald trump there there concerned about what happened in twenty sixteen that the democratic has rallied around one candidate and then trump one, some people want some competition for job I didn't. He is obviously not gotten that up to this point, how he returns the campaign to our when, when he really to go head to head against donald trump and there, persistent concerns about age, I think tat is he'll driving factor for a lot of Democrats who are starting to increasingly more nervous about his each you two feet tall tromp again, I mean Take on this, as democrats need to get behind Joe Biden because he has performed well for them and so far looking around here haven't seen any one else who is beaten, Donald trump. So unless you want to be that Democrat johnson, and then losing to tramp. Good luck to you, but I'd say get behind them because this doesn't help within the administration. There is a take away from these Paul's there's a big take away
focus his schedule and make sure everything he does mean something, this man worked harder than donald trump ever has in a day in his life. So it's not like. There is even a comparison, but let's make sure every appearance he has mean something reverend now you know they. They seem to be doing that in the decision to go detroit. I believe tomorrow going to Detroit tomorrow for a sitting president to join a picket line, and I think that that is the step right direction, of showing the contrast between download I've been you. I also that day, due to the age question on hit. All these he would say resident bugs. It say that travellers only three years younger than me. So what we talking about whose sounds like the old and out with somebody calling for the execution of general mally or one that you're trying to deal with these issues- and I might
reminding people in the democratic primaries in two thousand and twenty the youth candidate was Bernie Sanders is two years older than Joe Biden Adam. Anyone asking Joe Bernie sanders about his age, while young aggressive rallying round he'll, take the If you head on, take it off the table and then you can get to the wreck that you sick compared the economy under me, what there it under trop unemployment with almost double. I think when the debate, if you have the right debate, I write and charlie mentioned mark miller. Here's what donald trump set about joint chiefs chairman mark milly after the atlantic, profiled million apiece last week, where he detailed how we have to protect the constitution from the former president The revelations coming days before million, set to retire as the country's top military- trump spent friday. Intensifying has
acts denouncing milly for the? U s: troop withdrawal against afghanistan, also taking on Miller's record and said asking that general. What have been put to death for communications with china. the communications. Trump seems to be references to our reports that Millais called as chinese counterpart after trump lost the tool. Twenty election to say he would warn china, should trump decide to launch a military attack meanwhile, in that same atlantic peace miller, also recounted an instance in twenty nineteen we're trump reported. They told him that a war dead soldier should be banned from public appearances, at the ceremony wounded army, captain Louisa Vila who suffered multiple entries include, including losing a leg in an idea attacking ghana stand and to heart attacks, sang god, bless. America Miller said trunk ass.
afterwards, why he brought quote people like that to the why, how was that is in line with. Obviously what we also heard from other general sense, the literally word donald trump. It is sick, it's always a sick man. It's all so sick, of course, that there you know he said that that people who died in wars were losers. This is, why does what he's done so gotta cave where's? It begs the question we have. These policies ass. They like half of amerika is awarding a guy. Who says this about wounded warriors who says he wants to terminate the constitutional second says. The chairman of the joint chiefs should have been executed for telling China we're not going to attack them did just just did not worry about it. That still nuclear secrets, deals, war plans for invasions of IRAN, who judge and new york state says that did he rate
woman, giggling on and on and on this is this we're dealing with, though, and I will say for those democratic, we are concerned about political strategy when you're running against that focus on that I'm not sure you should be talking so much about gdp growth It send. Let nerds like me do that, I'm not so sure you should be talking about. All of you know, trying to convince people how well the economy's doing in their lives when they're not buying that, but instead talk about you're writing a godsend and, I think again, that's. That's what I'm! The eurogroup democrats in washington, yemen lit. The white house has been super careful about not wanting to bind to talk about the legal since the present about those legal cases- and that's understandable, he's trying to make it action between the private. administration, his own administration and give merit garland only to autonomy that the d o J is rightly do, but there's
plenty of material and actually, when you look at these poles, there's also plenty of wiggle It seems within still the republican party what there are thirty five percent of republican to die hard trump supporters, but that's a lot left to prove I had to take a second look at another candidate would seem to take a be prepared. Take a second look at another candidate for all of those kinds of reasons. Like me, we've all had the conversations with people in the pentagon in the the tree who were dismayed when the first reports came out about the kinds of things that Donald trump set of to John Kelly about his son, who had died and why do people give their lives? That is to understand it or what he said about John Mccain being taken prisoner of war now for the diehards of transport? Is that makes no difference? They still him anyway, but there are all republic into a perpetual look somewhere else. It's just this primary season doesn't seem to have produced a viable. Yet alternative candidate
we'll trump, so we're looking again at that trump Biden match up which pull suggest many americans feel discouraged by on the economy? Think you're right I mean you know the biggest threat. I would have thought to Joe Biden. The moment is not watch the age question, but the federal saying they gonna keep interest rates high for the next two years, the potentially the altar, what straight. There are economic clouds on rises that could be damaging to the president, and I think you should be careful to time self. Just the message of five no makes very I claim and a lot of economists now believing that interest rates are going to continue up in next year. The elections he's my commercialized, for we let you go I just love to hear what you want. Your red is obviously somebody's closely followed american. Street through the years. What what you're take is on the basics.
in view of a great within bc, Paul in most other policies that we have a deadlocked race between Joe Biden, and a guy talking about the execution of germany, lloyd chiefs of staff who talks about terminating the constitution is stolen. Your secrets I can go on and on what we want to which your best export should the date for that, because I don't think we can. I ever stop asking or so enough. Why? Why so many americans would continue to support somebody that is calling for. The termination of the constitution, stealing nuclear secrets, etc, etc, etc. You couldn't be more right. You know in the end, a year from now, what's going to be important about this election, whatever happens is if it's Biden, vs trump you're, going to happen on candidate, who loves democracy, who was given an effective leader in all lots of ways in for more than half a century. That's Joe Biden Other side, you're gonna have donald trump, who this is not a
plan. He has told ass? The appears elected is going to end to a presidential term. A dictatorship is good the spanish, the rule of law. By ending independent department of justice is When does the span and independent military under civilian control and with pride national soldiers vice, he is going to have not a mark milly, someone in the defence department- and someone is secretary of defence, follow his orders. If it's I been trump. This is going to be a choice between democracy or dictatorship and people vote. In this election. On any other basis, they're gonna be making extremely dangerous mistake well, let me add two more things less so just off the top of my head, he's already said: he's going to just start. Arresting Democrats and he also said he was going to take over
the take over basically the ability to down television station said he'd be the guy. He would take all of that power into the white house, and so heavy stations could be honour what what tv stations couldn't be mean. The dangers are endless. Donald trump Presidency- and I think that Biden, nah max with a long list of accomplishments, whether it's the chips act, the inflation reduction act, everything else that he's even try to retain the right to abortion and health care for women and efforts on that as well as overall in the world, the safety of the world and end galvanizing in uniting nato and create a space for ukraine to have a chance of winning against tyrants and that, ultimately, for us, all of that has been mentioned. but as an aside and then focus on the turn if which is basically a ford
I'm indicted alleged are no actually found liable of sexual assault and a judge called rapist. Somebody who would take dirt from foreign or for on a political rivals. Somebody who had sex with apparent are and then paid her off. This is your alternative to lead america and Joe, Biden and his team can focus on the stuff trumpets put out there. He says he took the documents that he talk: nuclear secrets that he says they were his. there are millions of things taken, focus on that are already out there in the public domain because they came out of trumps mouth use it use it. Yeah, but they need to again the by now makes message not working historian, Michael bachelor, thank you so much being where this and wash
tyler pager. Thank you so much as well. We greatly appreciate still ahead on morning Joe the Biden administration is preparing government agencies for potential shut down as house from Hence remained at odds on spending deal, while the latest ahead of a funding deadline plus senator Bob Menendez receiving mixed messages from fellow democrats about whether should resign in the wake of federal corruption, judges will show you what. colleagues, are saying you're watching morning, Joe we'll be right back There comes a point:
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Thirty, four pass: the our welcome back tune morning, Joe democratic senator bob Menendez of new jersey is expected to hold a press conference. Today to address the federal charges he faces as the growing calls for him to step down are met with some hesitation democratically it or john fetterman of pennsylvania was the first to call for menendez to step down over the weekend. Releasing statement that raids in part quote centre menendez should resign. He is entitled to the presumption of innocence, but he cannot contain, two wheeled influence over a national policy, especially given the serious and specific nature of the allegations menendez also faces calls to resign from democrats in his home state, including governor, fail murphy and represent Andy Kim who has announced plans,
challenge menendez and twenty twenty four primary for his sentences. centre or menendez released. A statement friday. That reads in part quote, though, to believe in justice believe and innocent until proven guilty. I intend Continue to fight for the people of new jersey, with the same success that I've had for the past five decades. He added I'm not going anywhere. Some democrats like ill in illinois, Senator dick Durban yesterday were more reluctant to call on menendez to step down. this is a very serious chargers, no question about it bears reminding us of what I have said about the indictment against donald trump. Equally, his charges. These are in fact the indictments that have to be proven under the rule of law, the person accused, is entitled the presumption of innocence and israel.
This will be the government to prove that case. I said that about donald trump will say the same thing about menendez in terms of resignation. It's a decision made by senator Menendez and the people of new jersey. our menendez and his wife Nay, dean were indicted on federal charges friday that include conspiracy to commit bribery according to the end, meant menendez, allegedly used his position to enrich three new jersey, businessmen and benefit the egyptian government during a search of the centres, home investigators, say they found gold bars. over four hundred and eighty thousand dollars in cash. Much of its stuff to envelopes and hidden in closing Santa ana miranda says he is confident he will be cleared on the charges. He and his wife are expected to appear in federal court on when status. Our vision and capital corresponded alan vitale. Thank you so much in india, where it is
surprisingly surprising new at least me that there's only been one democratic, senator calling for his resignation, especially considering his past problems with past indictments exactly I mean I covered his last election cycle in new jersey and there was concern on the ground from democratic voters that I spoke to, but large this idea of alleged corruption for them, at least at that point, was baked into the cake. I do think that maybe pressure could ratchet up once law Cars are back in town. The fact that you ve got senator futterman sort of hanging out there alone, as the only person within the senate took. for his colleagues. Resignation is, of course, notable. I think its import though, to sort of be clear here that monopoly. is saying: he's not going anywhere from the senate, but he's doing what he did. The last time charges of corruption like this came forward, which is being down as the head of the powerful foreign relations committee, so he's at least not
that committee wall. This works its way through, but I do think that if you look over to the other chamber, you have other law makers calling his resignation and, of course you ve still got Andy, can the congress from new jersey saying that, even though he didn't think he'd be mounting a bit like this, he's well to challenge him. So now at least Democrats have an alternative, even if menendez themselves, he's not going anywhere. It he's not facing facing pressure, at least yet from his colleagues to step down really gonna have a busy weak up on capital is not only this story. Of course we have yeah the looming government shutdown. It is monday and shut down week. Look up, we like to say on the program that two things can be true at once, but is it true that the Kevin mccarthy can keep his job and keep the? U s? Government open? I think that's the! been question that we're all asking frankly in the halls of congress, because the way that I look at this story caddy is that once you get, room. Whatever the government shutdown storyline ends up being the next
but we will inevitably be covering, is speaker, mccarthy, facing a motion to vacate this point, though, watching negotiations over the weekend. You ve got all of those key mccarthy allies still in the room with him, people like garret grams, Anne and Patrick Henry all negotiating on the part of the speaker. I think what's different here then, when we saw mccarthy, though polar rapid out of a hat effectively with the debt ceiling negotiation, is that in large part, because he faced a bipartisan deal at the end of that why many members of his conservative flank are so mad at him. It makes negotiations even harder. Frankly, earlier this, we're on our way to early. I had on a frontline democratic congressmen, wily nickel of north carolina, who basically left the door open to the eye that he could help Mccarthy save his job. If a motion to vacate comes up, it does feel increasingly we're, not saying if it comes up, but when people
my based on allies, garret grave said he has his own motion to vacate drafted sitting in his desk just that they can get the exercise over with mccarthy, has been optimistic, of course, about his chances. I do think the other thing I would add, as if we don't have enough going on its government, down, we of course we're dealing with this with menendez, but also republicans are going to start their impeachment inquiry this week towards the end of the week, so no shortage of news on capital hell, You know, charlie sighings it it's fascinating. How divided the republican party seems in many ways. You have a lot of most members calling their own group a clown, show you have this fighting back and forth between different elements of it. Even with donald trump. We focus on a lot of paul numbers, but that a third are always tromp and the republican party about a third or never trump and the republican party. So there's that divide, even something like fox news, which is to bring all republicans together now there is there
to be a split in the audience. If you're reading these sort of it's mortems on rupert murdoch, running of of news courts it. So it's It is fascinating. How divided party is right now, and it seems to me that if the Democrats come up with a viable, strong message, they fix it. Should be, they should be in good shape over the next year. Will you You think so I mean he had. The republicans are turning on one another, but their doubling down on disruption or that you know at the europe. We know to talk about what donald trump is up to them. About what's going on in capital here you are talking about it, go Are you don't get a government shut down at the same They are launching this. This impeachment agree what could possibly go wrong. Kevin Mccarthy has given away so many so much of his power. He has made himself certainly that he has put the lunatic I'm in charge, and yet this is
where we have to ask. Are the american people going to think that the republican, We should be trusted with more power. Are they a serious governing party, whereas it become all performative, it's interesting they're, not even waiting till after the election to basically let their their freak flags fly and you're. Seeing this you know at the presidential level, you're seeing it at the congressional level. Look, you know we've been talking about, What kind of messaging you know that the the Biden campaign should should engage in you know, and it's and it's and it's not really that complicated and Joe Biden can say: yes, I'm old, but he is crazy, they are crazy and they are dangerous and they are burning it down. Yes, an old guy, but sky. de range and fascist adjacent. That's the way you the age issue, and that contrasts your don't, don't make it too complex your I'm all, but you're, not that I think
It makes a lot of sense, Charlie sykes, thank you, and this is our patel. I thank you for your report and in your way to early duties this morning we appreciate- and you all so much so rev curies, which are thought, is away way. What your hearing again from the democratic base, so from from people around the Joe Biden question. Of course, the cobbler harris It always comes in right. Right. Along with the job. I question: what are you hearing add as a guide? It's one presidential campaign before what do you think the democratic Best way forward is well ass, two days at the congressional black hawk is weakened and our present, bad man vice president harrisburg, because using Donna, and I'm sensing a lot of people say that they are committed to going to the ground and try to make sure that their is a major turn out in the black community.
Which is vital for the forbidden harris and too shout to other communities. There's a lot of concern about the potential government shut down in the politics of can work against the Republicans, and I think that everyone is just completely taken aback by the things that is coming out of donald trump mouth. Donald trump is the best thing that could happen to Joe Biden. Because every time he opened his mouth he gave the american people more reason to fear that support Imagine if we was president instead to be executed. General molly, I mean you're. Just some Imagine the things he's saying if he was sitting by that desk in the oval office, so I think there's going to be a lot of people, That will underestimate Joe Biden. I remember during the democratic primaries the morning Did the democratic debates in charleston, south carolina, badges
network grew by here had administers breakfast the next morning and poorly jet booty. Surgeon Bernie said. Does we had all the candidates there? Joe Biden walked in looking like a big man that afternoon, Jim clyburn endorsed him one in the primer. I would remind people everytime Joe Biden has been counted out to come back is stronger than the set back right coming up on morning, Joe. This is bad things. I've gotten for new york, jet fans, judgment furious, tony I'm amazed, the fragmentation and look at it now frustrated when your teeth come on, get a grip go here spans pablo Torah joins us where the biggest storylines from weak. Three, including I pretend
rumour confirming taylor. Swift, signing in Kansas city were back in a moment they pay a guy's willie, guys tier, reminding you to check out the sunday sit down podcast on this week's episode. I get together with the busiest man in show business ryan, see crest to talk about the hustle that has taken him from high school radio dj to media tightened and, of course, is new gig as host of wheel of fortune. You can get our conversation enough.
We're for real wherever you download your podcasts. This is all remember, we're living through an unprecedented moment in history for president trump facing criminal indictments and trials in an MSNBC, podcast, busking, Donald trump bedroom prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann and Mary mccord break down the charges. What we can see at these trials search for prosecute donald trump, wherever
get your broadcasts, that's what you hold your breath like. Don't you dare breakthrough he's got it again here package have struggled today, love what you want.
What those bans on their feet make a noise on this third down? How stops strong push them?
They actually knew where it lay the dry kelsey. First, in turn the fate of the biggest place where the wooden things across in an area including the first in touchdowns, the miami dolphins, one of the most lopsided games and I fell history, the dolphin sell a seven hundred and twenty six yards on our chances. They just crush them. Rocco sub need sway voting time the franchise record in the most score by any, and it fell team and a game since
Eighteen, sixty six in spring right now, that's the problem Tori finds out on metal, our media spends far majority pablo theirs, to talk to you about yes we have to say I ve got to say their lot. and you look at nfl yeah, like you're you're you're, what you're watching red zone you're like man, one great team after another. I saw a lot of bad team yesterday I yet I saw some remarkable performance is but man I saw some Bad teams play that colds. Game was ugly. I made the v I gangs You look at the ravens that game, but there is some ugly play and instead of starting with the ugliest game of all which we all know what that was. Let's talk about one of the remarkable performances seen in quite some time- that's the dolphins. That's too, where he starts sixteen for sixteen, and it's just under its that two step drop boom to step down
what a performance Joe never seen a game like this. I've been why exports for a long time. I've never seen something like this, and you know it's ridiculous by the end might mcdaniel the x one schematic genius who runs the dolphins, she elected to not kick the few, goal and tie the all time points record, which is seventy three and he was hailed as mercy. He was hailed as class and it's just. Seventy point is not a thing I expected to see me and I felt that is Joey chestnut level numbers. Ok, that it's hot contest, eleven numbers had so the dolphins. Look this story for the davos for people who don't know who attended by lower has been derided. He's been to ride into the point where there is an online movement on nfl twitter, which is a danger, place. I warn you, but to a non is the movement that backs to a tongue of ilo are too and they ve been truths, but how good he is now
who would not have had their day because their guy looks like the envy. There's coach looks like the coach of the year and Joe. You know this brought goes, are a team of scrubs. This is Russell Wilson's team. This is Sean payton's team. This is a team that had the biggest trade in nfl history leading into last season. Last season is obviously a disaster this season is even worse in some of the points is degree of blow out there. It is. on real, but it happened. I will tell you what what dolphin fans were saying when to to his first year, even say into the second year. Is: is unmerciful against this guy? He can't throw a pass last year. Of course, we all thought by the end of the season. He wasn't going to come back he's had so many concussion concussions that they have done in miami's. They have set up an offense that requires to step back muslim, two steps blue wet ago, and it works cause he's got exe. Ordinary, wide receivers. Yes,
jail in waddled by the way his second best receiver wasn't even playing in this game yesterday afternoon, and so tired kill is, of course, one of the fastest people I've ever seen on this planet. Running back like mcdaniel used or the forty niners offence you plug running backs. He makes them go fast and he makes them go far, and so terms, have just the perfect sports car to drive round miami to a tongue of ilo is, is the driver you want because he's accurate. He has the arm, it turns out and any who doubted m yeah, we feel like we are the ones who maybe have brains even a little bit by the internet. There are obviously the best human football right now we are talking about the word steam in football right now. The new york Chad semi that jets. It creates gang. When I talked about some we vote by yesterday, This time saying that was stay sad, sad game, two sad teams they have not been in, the patriots did
I have not in fifteen straight games, and there was vulnerability, hear this if the game that was close till the end and you notice, when you are, I dunno searching your soul wondering why god has done this to you. As a jet fan, you notice that the guy was quarter back for you is a movie you ve seen before, and I dont really needs is act wilson, Joe, but when the guy in the stands is losing his teeth, literally, his teeth are falling out of his face, because he is angry. angry, because Zack Wilson is someone that they lied to themselves about this gentleman. Is there himself? Why are we still starting Zack Wilson, why I still watching and play quarterback- and I get it I get it. They dont have another option. Right now. What's up someone off the street truly because Zack wilson experience, you can only look either given mom at some point: mom, I'm not going to law school and she to believe me, and hopefully,
still today it sinking in finally, but that's the way The delusion that you gotta have around Zack wilson to believe that year that you're quarterback like. No, you know. Zack Wilson is wilson, and by the way I feel badly about time that in these people, because they're all they were granted a different lose a topic. Jack well said he is not good and the biggest problem is no he's not good, and apparently, judge management, doesn't know, he's not good, they have been getting there doesn't guys. I said this at the beginning of the of the season. This is a good job they get a really strong defence vacant. For they need to get a veteran quarterback from Yeah me aware Bob anywhere anywhere and they will win seven. Eight, I am games, this season, yeah they held the patriots,
invites like this is doable. It's a doable thing play of public attention is not unrealistic, but truly like I was urging andrew, like andrew luck by the way who retired early from the nfl was with the colts, a former star quarterback. I saw him papa on the amazon theirs in football broadcast, cameo and my main thought was the near jets better, be calling that man called amazon yeah? say. Look him up delivered. that is really listen. Here's the deal, we're gonna talk about the cowboys. Now That is talking about the cowboys and I get it, but you go back over the past two weeks and you get it's that was basically on the street where nobody wandering coupled with a month or two ago, an and six out of the eight quarters. The danes The last eight quarters in plain they played
wade. Football in arizona, talent, talk about this game Josh. is the quarterback you referred to, and this is again making Jed fans even more miserable, because Josh Dobbs was signed right before the seas and he had not taken a snap in camp and the cardinal started, making Rebecca everyone's thought is they're trying to lose games on purpose to draft caleb Williams number one overall in the draft. They are taking the season and they can to this game against dallas their own to within playing hard shockingly hard and dallas for context was look like the best team in vienna, fell. They bore the most points. They had the best defence, and here comes Joe stops and cardinals team that had been counted out because their incentivize to lose, and they and upsetting the cowboys twenty eight to sixteen- and this is it's one- of those like the categories- are them Popular tv show in america because its america's team, because the nfl is king- it's the motto, culture, we ownership and the cowboys are the marquis franchise and so
and you have this level of upset in weak three, it's just. mean it's. It's a serial bowl full of schadenfreude, Joe, it's john, it's too late, it's a, I will say, go again: cardinals had a great first half last week will see if they be alone that really Finally, I want to get too being on really quite clear. Yes, just to have to say in passing. The browns What really impressed on yesterday, one week after the heartbreak of losing their their top running back get back up, but let's, go about dna. A big believer I come from the bare brian school of football. You beat you ve been obliging state sixty three to three and in your press conference you talk about what a terrible coach you are and how lucky you are aware,
when I hear the sand sanders after the first game knew what beyond does, which is great, I get it I'm thinkin your head down bad day, come on, man keep your head that do it and he got knocked off this weekend. I noticed a little shouted fraud in your in your mug, their joe on that on that front, because because the uncertainties but to your point, the us Anders does not know how to do humble in that way. The incentives, hawk a long time about how much he loves is players, and all of that and I believe, as genuine, that's all fair but when you are coming in- and you are immediately the second most famous coach next to bear Brian successor, nick saving and you're winning these games and you're talking about being the greatest coach in college football. When I reckon happens like this two things number one. The book make your say: why did you doubt us course. Organ a top ten team is going to destroy you guys, but the second thing
happens. Is everybody who campaigned against you on the level of this? Guy is hype and not substance. It's not it's too, early for the odds, Andrews's victory parade they get validated, believe Deion Sanders is one of the great recruiters in amerika, my gosh charismatic. He built that programme from nothing there better sooner than we thought, but the next aim is against the see the aforementioned calibre. will probably drop. Seventy points on him, and so it but those things where I hope we sold your d stock at this season. Even if he's claiming they're going to the moon endless then they they are they're. Gonna, do great! You right he's an incredible recruiter. He is can college football up like nobody, so If rooms you can, we come in. I remember like It's really hard for nick saban to come to alabama came to alabama at the end of the first season. He was six and sixty three was an average. Joe may not have been the right pick dude to give this
couple years and couple of years thing. It's the same thing with dion to three years from systems and he's got all the players around he's. Gonna be great speed, of a team- that's been great, but but made even make it to the play will see that why, I slot in the american league wild card right now, what a fight between the houston, astros, astros and the seattle mariners. It goes back and forth everyday they're fighting for survival, there's going to be a heck of a find a week. Yeah the mariners have Julio Julio rodriguez, one of the most exciting players in all of baseball. Now that Shohei ohtani has been out for the whole season. To me, the asteroids Joe. The story of the asteroids is mine blowing because of course, we know that most famously further cheating scandal right they are being in trash cans. They are sending signals, but every year, since we realise that actually, this team is just pretty good there. Well, despite all the cheating there there Every year and if you're telling me the ass was gonna make a run in the policies in this year. I would not be surprised, I would not be so
to see a team. Again, it's not feel good store because of the cheating stuff, what you watch them year after year, you're just like they? Actually it's a shame. That they cheat it in the first place, good didn't need it. They don't need a permanent. Every year says it's that bury bonds. Thing right! You didn't Neither steroids you'd better, exactly why even before he was one of the ten fifteen best players in baseball, yes rewrite extraordinarily, how sad pavlovian re evaluating these guys are emitted. A large media popular try to actually we're feminist at the top of the arab everybody is Joe Scarborough. Did you know you? streamlining Joe, live on peacock, that's right! You can find in the morning, knows why feature every week day, beginning at six, a m had to pick on tv dot, com, slash Joe for more information, see you there
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.