« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/19/23

2023-09-19 | 🔗

Trump wrote to-do lists for assistant on WH docs marked classified: Report

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You're looking at lie: pictures from capital hill, where a law makers have seven days to get a spending deal done and avoid a government shut down since there is no sense of urgency from far right. Republicans to find an agreement will talk about that. Meanwhile, men and the geo p are criticising a deal that is bringing home five americans who were wrongfully d. and and imprisoned in iran, will explain why in just a moment it comes as present Biden has said to deliver a speech to the united nations general assembly, calling for continued support of ukraine. lack of prominent leaders in the crowd is raising questions about the importance of the annual event will talk about that as well. The lot to get to this morning good morning and welcome too joe, it is tuesdays september. Nineteen
than along with Joe willie, and may we have the host of wages. What has been achieved: the politico jonathan le maire. U s special correspondent, busy news. Caddy k is back, thankfully, and former aid to the george w bush it has and state departments, Elise, Jordan, she's, an MSNBC political Yes, it's great to see you again leave a lot to get to you this morning to get through this morning willingly couple a really good. It fell games last night. He I cared for beings, cassock they were not great names, but they were and it fell gains none the less. So we watched a devastating injury for nick chopper, one of the best running backs in the end, a found, the cleveland browns. That was that they didn't we show the replay was so bad, but listen I'll, take double had her Monday night, no matter how so so, the games are jonathan mayor mainly distract us from the red sox baseball rights. Yet the red sox did too much Our surprise manual win last night was first one
for a while, but you it's a willie's point. Nick jobs of brown start running back, just a devastating injury. Pollutant, here's, my one, and pieces of ice forever watching today, don't search this up online. Do not look at this. It is really really quite terrible. His season is over one wonders about his career. It's a real shame, he's one of the star running backs in the league and the pittsburgh steelers though they gotta when they did and then and then I cap the northern sites to it up undefeated and by the way you don't have to search today because is Jonathan was saying. Don't surging, that t J p the asian region, there's a war, so there there is work came here. Let's get you the news! This morning, a former assistant to donald trump, reportedly told federal investigators at the former president repeatedly wrote to do lists for her
I'm classified documents, lakes and hold on hold on hold on a second, let's just it's very serious but better willie wasn't as the same guy. That said, Hillary Clinton should be locked up. Because of now with the coupling classified documents and he's he's writing to do now, saw milan yeah, classified documents and having them to staff yeah. I mean that the mica is going to go thirty here, but this the a b c news report- it really is extraordinary, I mean it gets this story just keeps getting more outrageous. The deeper you go into one of his assistance says she's telling the authorities and investigators that he wrote to do lists things here: remember for the day on notes cards that then she would have classified markings on classified documents with aids grocery less than the back. It's ugly
make a user. By the way I have my language last either like poles I signal waited on my arm and says: do things are sometimes too big when you just do it right in my head and no pat classified documents said this is all according to a b c. Now, let's just try and not it's c cartoon ask. But if he well, it's caused her down anyhow, it's like several sources who are familiar with the statements from Molly Michael. She worked in the trump white house and continued as his assistant at mar a lago until last fall. She says the written requests from the former president, could often come on no cards with visible classification markings used to brief trump while he was still in office about phone calls with in leaders or other national related matters sources tell abc news that last august Michael went to morrow. Log
the day after the f b, I searched the property and found notes. Trump had written on her classified to her on classified documents in one of her desk drawers. She then made arrangements to turn them over to the f b, I a b c these reports that Michael, is believed to be the person identified. Instead, shall council jack Smith's indictment as trump employ two and handled many trumps box, as from the white house. She also is believed to have taken some of the pictures of the boxes that were included in the classified documents. I meant sources told ABC news that after tromp heard the f b I wanted to interview Michael last year, trump allegedly told her quote. You know nothing about the box. This is again MR obstruction he's been MR obstruction. His entire life
here, you go, he keeps doing it. He keeps lying and again, the people that are turning on donald trump are not four wingers very Our knives risen, Since republicans, they are people that vent actually worked for donald trump and work for donald trump, nodded twenty seventeen, but the end, and even after january, the six a trouble spokesman By the way you said that b c noses report lack proper contacts and the president I just you know it. It is so unbelievable that it's hard not to crack a smile. Because it's well just google it so unbelievably stupid is just so unbelievable. At the same time, and this woman has turned over the information The f b, I know he's probably end up in a very serious situation.
She is in a serious situation. I am, I don't wanna make light where is gone from tragedy to force, but it is a tragedy. At least your new worked in the government. You worked at the state department. Has tough assizes, can't underlined and ass the fact that if I given classified briefings at arms Mrs committees, if I were given classified documents, I would never leave the committee. with any of those dogs. You just don't do it never knew a member who did I never know. Member who said one time works. I accidently talk if you decide you re out of the eu, why, because never did that's why these people out there that want to forget. donald trump and its much ado about nothing. That's just a lie. There are there are so many people than served this contrary in them
what terry in the state of poor the deal d in congress. That understood exactly what they could and could not do, and he has. He has breached that that code of conduct so and this is just the latest most it ages- most rip reckless examples, Elise will well of how many american serve in war zones and when they have classified documents- then there s a remote outposts, did they have a skiff for sure, but there bags and things are burned and things are taking care of in a responsible manner. Remember them clash that sandy burger guide bill Clinton, and I say when he stepped documents from the library congress into his shirt laughter was george, yes and he got into trouble foreign, and here you have donald trump, just treating it's. This important paper work. These treasure
of america's national security, our secrets as if it's just you know, paper that he can use to do less die and is suddenly environmentally friendly. It just makes no sense at all, and he It just shows how he doesn't have any base conception of how what he was dealing with, was so important and was completely unfit for the responsibility of commander in chief Jonathan Joe- says one of the other problems that tromp past Right now is that Molly Michael was in their through all of twenty. I through the january six through time he laughed ass. She was effectively a right hand to donald trump. She was his assistant. That's why he trusted her with this project. As you there again the suggested abc news report right now, but multiple horses were working to verify this she and while not according to this report, were the ones who brought the boxes from the marilla storage and brought them up to donald trump and said: go through these. What do you think
to give a man. What do you want to keep at one point? He said all right, that's all the boxes! tell them that's everything we have, and she says, according to this report, knew there were many many more boxes and that they weren't be forthright with the fbi, so it would seem she again, the right hand, Donald trump, a key and central, witness in this case yeah. The report goes on to add this pretty damning detail that was sort. The source is telling me see that when trump heard that the f b I wanted to interview Michael last year, trample actually told her quote, you don't know anything about the boxes so that certainly would be potential problem there legally for the four present part of this investigation on one hand. Yes, this reiterates and underscores what we have known about the trump. Why have we were poor party and in real time how chaotic it was, how they ignored norms and practices, how they, the charge up their nose at basic security procedures at times, both in terms of battling with, say the color
irish, but also handling of information handling of documents. They didn't always go through rock proper, or channels, and this is now we know that even classified documents reuse at times a scrap paper and we in closing days of the minister should during that abridge transition, because, of course they fought disdain office until january six areas. done so haphazard lee at the end and things were thrown in so they shouldn't have. It is not a surprise that that this sort of inappropriate behaviour contain and this all gonna add up willie two more problems for this present as yet it is members of his inner circle. These are members who worked faithfully for the foreign press. It are the ones potentially test buying up one and the ones who are not only get lonely urgently, because they have classified documents in their present. They can what a gel which, by the way, there's nothing political about tat. I guarantee you at home. If you have classified, documents in your drawer with notes
them somewhere and the government I doubt you have them you're going to jail too. It doesn't matter what your party registration is. It does not have that matters if you're, if you're trafficking, in classified documents? If you have possession of classified documents like it's true well in caddy k, most people madagascar. You have a former president, united states. You stole classified documents from the white house who stole nuclear secrets from the white house who stole war plans from the it house plan invasions of iran from the white house and to show that He didn't know what he was doing. He told one of his kind hey managers. Here I be showing you this, I could have declassify. I did if I were still present the united states, but I'm not so I be showing you that's. You know exactly what he was doing and and he says
you're one of his staff members for did you ever saw this stuff right, what Now, what are now taking a bow of bar is not thing about the boxes. I guess aren t to you the trial after sheet suffice year. to see those words up on a board in front of the jury and I don't care how buys jury is caddy. Donald trump continues to back himself further and further into the corner any. Does it here again with yet more proof of obstruction, yeah yeah. I was just watching that good classic the first star wars, star wars for last night. You remember that scene with Alec guinness where he says to the sky, the storm troopers. These are known. The drones you're. Looking for the drew, the right you know, they're, not the ones you want, it works fine.
get us? Nobody one can, I think it works for donald trump. Suddenly say you know nothing about the boxes. our produce up mine trick on somebody who's we took up office the boxes and we see that she is also the same person that produce many. These photographs that have been used in this she starting to look a little bit like cassidy hutchinson from him for him a little bit of a problem of somebody who has turned turned those He went into the fbi, presumably, been talking to. The fbi seems to have done the right thing when she realized she shouldn't be having shopping list. Written out on classified documents. I donno troublesome through this time, remember complain that he didn't know but what he had he shouldn't have because he was being asked repeatedly bed by the archives to return all of those says so all along no steps a legit There are indications that he knew he shouldn't have these. had decided to turn not took hold onto them and then was saying
molly, Michael, even though you photographed the dough, events, even though you ve seen these classified documents with no to ignore them. You know nothing about the boxes what do you know how they know nothing about the glasses and by the way willie kay will get especial parting gift rice, or only the san francisco trade for all, guess that bring up star wars, media. Allow me to buy, say things like her we're going for now we one can always- jack. I mind tricks to David letterman's, stupid human trade. Where'd you get from which one dropping it age, Dan and while I go mean area is, on one hand, is make it says you chocolate, but my gosh, the brazen ass with which donald trump just said. You don't know about that. it is in this report. Molly Michael's describes according to sources. Fifteen box
It's coming up to be turned over to the f b. I she says there were ninety boxes down in the storage room, many wow, or that donald trump was planning on giving to the f b. I, if they had not gone to extra is that search warrant so more on that ahead. While I'll drop is doing these things while he is facing these crimes and these alleged crimes and these trials republicans are worried about Joe Biden to republicans, though warning our own party, about the political brinkmanship. The house majority is playing on capital help when it comes to president binds impeachment inquiry and the stand off over the budget. First, here's republican com christmas can block of colorado, pushing back and geo allegations that president Biden committed in people offences in the case of engagement world for treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanours and, in this case, high crimes or misdemeanours. So The evidence is very strong against hunter binding. There is,
little evidence that links hunter Biden with Joe by we have three committees right now: the oversight committee, the judiciary committee and the ways and means committee that aren't integrating hunter binds activities and their doing a great job. There other uncovering a lot of good information. Just have sound that link yet with Joe Biden. So that's republican ken of colorado, meanwhile appears speaker. Kevin Mccarthy does not have the votes to pass a short term funding bill, but at least fifteen publican saying they will vote against it if it comes up their demanding things that would never pass the Senate republican congress instead, mac of arkansas share his concerns about that yesterday
it's an unmitigated disaster right now, on the majority side, we look I'm I'm fearful of what this leads to. But let's also remember it's the eighteenth of september. It's really early in the process and I'd say that tongue in cheek. I am concerned right now that there are too many people up here. That don't feel like government shutdowns are all that bad, a deal that they don't really affect people. Let me assure you, I don't care who you are, even if you don't think a government shutdown affects you, trust me it's expensive. It affects you and eventually we're going to have to get this thing operational once we shut it down and the question then becomes what changes in order to do that, and was it a fool's errand in the beginning, so Joe you're, seeing some of the private prostration we ve heard from republican spill out into public. Now, with the impeachment income number one, and then with the way the Kevin Mccarthy is being held up on a number of issues, including potential government shut down by this small caucus. That says, we gave you your job
mccarthy, we gave you the votes back in january. To put you over the top. Now do as we say by that I mean the congresses. Warnings are barbara, prescient really for somebody it hasn't serve their real long time? I will tell you we were there and how to get shut down, it never ends well, and it never ends well for weakens because republicans are usually the ones that forced Democrats hands were democrats little more free with spending and less donald trump president and then of the crowd without report again spend it in record. Reckon amounts budgets traditionally how this always sets up its so republicans that are forcing the government shutdown enforcing the government shut down things. Go well for a week or two, but I will tell you with us: it blew up you find out very quickly over the course of a week or two all the things that are impacting by a government shut down and its I just our constituents who are impacted by governments shutdowns its moderate,
step joints. Conservative constituents, libertarian constituents have become far less libertarian when their pay check from the government stopped. I mean this is this: is a problem- and you know the bigger problem, Elise is- and I here, all the time I mean it. I, don't I don't mind saint I've been saying it, my entire adult life, the federal government spending much money federal government is, was whether money we ve got like authority three trillion dollar. Doubt that is devastating. I've only been saying that for thirty years have written for books, they're all the same book and they all say the same thing, which is just exactly that that we are headed for big problems, fiscally the problem at least the republicans making. This argument now is that they haven't
on any of the groundwork they ve been reckless spenders. They went along with donald trump, but and if they were around with george w bush was presently united states. They went with george w bush is record deficits and record debt to show you can't just it'd for deficits and beef for curbing their It's an shutting down the federal government wanted democrats in the white house. That's why this is a terrible. political player for them and not only in school this strikes, but in every district in every state because they are ranging hypocrites look at that contributions to the national debt. George w bush six point: one trillion over eight years, obama eight point three for over eight years. Donald trump eight point two trillion over,
for years, donald trump and the report. We can congress added more debt to the EU. states ledger, then the first forty two president's in in india its history, the first forty two presidents donald Forty years did more than they did in two hundred six two hundred and seven years, Joe at least with the bush administration. For slight defence at least, there was a serious effort to try to reform social security that didn't didn't go anywhere, but it was a serious, well thought out effort. You saw nothing like that in the trump administration instead, just like you mention all the republicans on the hill were more than happy those so called this. Will conservative should just keep spending in spending spending when they are in power, and so now, at the twentieth, our eyes, these nego
agents really should already have been settled, force Oh many republicans to just be at a point of order, with abstinence and won't be impossible when they know it's delusional and it's just not going to happen is just obstructionism and you know the thing willie I don't you know, usually when I'm in washington. What am I working on? I'm working orphan really view and that's what we didn't write. I dont use and guardian of the hill and talk to members. Hey. I really think you need to look at this. I just don't do it. I will say the exact one one exception to that was when I went and talk to people that ran the freedom cox, listen. Stop with your madness. Stop with a trump madness, okay Khazar all I go, we're just like you were when you were here: joys it now. No, actually, we focused on balancing the budget- and we bow
that forty years in a row had happened since night, in twenty four. You guys to start doing that you ve got to be methodically of god. Work on a day in and day out, and you can't be distracted by this talk, nonsense, focus on protecting tax payers dollars. You know where that when in one year and out the other and they blew through eight billion dollars in four years, willie such hypocrisy. It is, I think, Europe, were better spent on as orphans than on the freedom cop, and that was a noble, a noble. Try way some yeah there seems to be some glee from the freedom coppice publicly about the potential, for I shut down that they have the power to do that so yeah, maybe we'll be headed for a ten day shut down very cavalier with this to put pressure on cabin mccarthy and so jonathan le maire. As you look at the way, this dynamic is playing out Kevin Mccarthy on the house
or being told you are out of compliance by members of the freedom caucus harrison get resolved. How do we keep the government open when he doesn't seem to have any power over most of whose members Mccarthy was bedding that if he opened the door to the impeachment inquiry of of president Biden, that would play kate? Some on the right the who were already upset with him about the debt ceiling deal he struck with the white house earlier this year and who are. Upset at the idea of spent s having to sign off on the spending bill to keep a government open fall and winter well. Mccartney was wrong. These members, that freedom, as the far right members there? They can't be placated. They don't want to be placated. Many of them have openly said they want. The government to shut down and what we're seeing here from mccarthy is extraordinary frustration reporting each. the last several days about both public and private, emanations he's giving two members of his own power
who were suggesting we're not being serious people right now? We need to actually learn to go. We are also seeing some unhappiness other republicans. Even some would be dude. You deeply call conservatives, but not freedom. Kok has members who say look the pain of this is going to be too great. This isn't what were sent here to do, but there isn't an obvious solution here. The Senate is in sense that Mcconnell on the role of the Senate or going to work with the democrats air to potentially even jam up the house. But it's unclear how much pressure that actually put Mccarthy Mcconnell has been far more hands off. These days is ever been before he took a real backseat. The debt ceiling deal. Of course, questions remain about his health. The white house is watching this. They don't want the government is shut down. They do believe that, if it were to republicans would get the majority of the political blame. But of course that's risky too, because if there is, economic slowdown. We have the treasury secretary coming up later today. Who could talk about this? Well, some of that's gonna come
on a president who of course, is running for election and a healthy economy is issued on the one side before we're gonna break spray view the fact that president binds could be speaking at the u n general assembly in new york city today, caddy k, obviously this com. amidst the ongoing war in ukraine, that debate over climate change and what to do other pandemics and and other global issues, but only president Biden, among the leaders have five permanent members of the security council. That's the! U s! shot china, france and britain are gonna, be there. What do you make of? These no shows yeah does make it a little bit of a scaled down united nations general assembly, and it also raises questions. I guess about how relevant this meat is. It is important for you cry
Obviously, in the landscape in new york, we saw the pictures of humanity of visiting ukrainian soldiers in new york hospitals, and he is going to be there desperately trying to rally the world's countries to make sure they keep up the efforts supporting ukraine with this offensive. That has no going fast as many would have light, but I think the important audience really for Joe Biden has the domestic. U s audience! You know you see the polls that show that seventy percent of republicans don't want the? U s to say any more money to ukraine, the numbers of Democrats who don't want Carry on financing. Ukraine is growing as well, so Joe Biden up that, perhaps not so She will focus on the international audience that he has, but a very keen focus on the domestic orleans trying to keep americans on board and make that case once again that this is in america's best interests, because if russia money, to take ukraine. The message to china is that it can take other countries the message to any rogue actors that they can go ahead and invade any other country, and that would impact potential
america's our national security, I will say this Elise end again, you can borrow on your ear state department experience here bite, maybe it's. some politician it'd make what I want a room. Do myself, if right, I want to be able to lobby all the non aligned members myself. I don't want to be tripping over Putin or she or anybody else. I want to be a because right now there is a real battle with these aligned nations. I want to get them as much time as they need. I want to spend as much time with them. I want to explain to them why ukraine's important I want to explain to them. Why we're there for them There are two ways of looking at this issue in the meeting you like a big show in fireworks awesome, but if you want, get work done with nonaligned nations. This is a pretty good opportunity for american diplomats
It's an opportunity for all nations, big and small, to be able to say something, and you know as well as anyone what truman intended when he launched the first session in nineteen forty six of the un general assembly, and I just think as the years have gone on their certain president's in certain moments that had been really big like when as an inn, eisenhower in fifty three laid out what the american atomic warfare policy is going to be, and then you have president bush after nine eleven pressing the assembly. You have breakin talking, tyranny and, just unfortunately, I think in this age of social media, the power Where are the huge speech has been diminished and you just see those moments apennine, and those leaders really necessarily coming out for that moment, and I wish that they still
would show up, though, and focus on what happens behind the scenes with all those counterparts that they probably are going to stay in any other room for the entire year. I will be found invest throughout the day, and still I had on morning Joe as expected, Donald trump will not be on the stage next week for the second republican presidential debate what are you what he has planned and why his event is getting some push back, plus florida, governor, rhonda, santos ones, praised kovac vaccines at the weekend, deming he actually gave with MR back to camp rose into a senior citizens plays and said. I am proud to deliberately you. A vaccine was mister accede. Why what's doing something jail since then, he has been on what seems to ban and type
acts cross, saying what is meant by why works it was. I can feel I just I don't really get it like. This is a guy. You also said he's with tommy tougher bill that he wants to damage the military's readiness and stop the Maurice from having gone and mr a six week, abortion van fanned ass digs oil will have as late as metals body that go against the basic guidelines. You're watching lingering well we'll be right the chief white house, correspondent, Kristen welker, joins me now from across the nation. The number one issue for you to the national states- and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate with critical votes were killed still too closed,
and what power was helped with his abuse of power and impeachable kristen welker. At the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet. The press. Some days bc, hey guys, willie, guys tier, reminding you to check out the sunday sit down podcast on this week's episode. I get together with one of the brightest young stars in all of music kane brown talk about his extraordinary rise from singing viral cover, songs and social media to filling stadiums across the country and around the world. You can get our conversation now for four rate or every download your PA guess. You tube is blocking russell brand for making money off its platform after rape and sexual assault allegations against the comedian actor. The online platform says
violated its creator responsibility policy brand as a major following a new too, with more than six point six million subscribers. Meanwhile, the three remaining data, France comedy tour in the uk have been postponed last friday, and denied the claims on his youtube channel and said his relations. all have been consensual on sunday? his management agency announced it had dropped brand as a client republican front runner donald trump skipping. The next primary debate once again will attempt his own counter programming, the former present plenty of travel to detroit on september, twenty seventh. To give a prime time speed, before current and former union members that comes as thousands of otto workers are currently on strike, hence general motors ford and the lattice the trump campaign, even considering having trump making it here. It's on the picket lines The united autoworkers union is not welcoming the move. Writing in a statement quote every fibre of our.
The union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like donald trump at the expense of workers. You can't keep elected bill errors and millionaires that don't have any understanding what it's like to live? Paycheck to page so sean fain, Joe the press the: u s: w has been publicly critical, not just recently, but in the past of donald trump, has not endorse. The union is not endorse Joe Biden as yet, in this case our Jonathan actual kick this to you and so down drop in his meat. The press interview on sunday when, after the leadership of the u s w, so there is a personal element to this, but again donald trump, trying to do something create his own show away from the debate, just as he did last time. This is a real general election play by donald trump on two levels. First of all, to suggest: hey, I'm too big for their through even participated primary. The problem, primary debates, I dont need to stay the last one. My pull numbers only one by some measures up forty fifty points on the next highest.
Began so he's sending that signal, but he's off make a move here about the november twenty twenty four map. Of course that's michigan! That's detroit! This hour, indian workers- and, yes, you are right, Shaun Fein on our air a couple of weeks ago, the head of the? U a w was deeply critical of donald trump. He was again That statement is clear that the leadership of that union- it's not gonna backdrop bought from people in Nor do I believe that a lot of rank and file just might they feel like these are working class voters. White working class voters were true has had some success. We know the! U s. W has not back president Biden just yet the most other unions have they certainly anticipate white us officials tell me they think that they will. The president has also spoken very positively about the striking workers there, but This is an interesting maneuver by tromp to sort of put forth, which be a central conflict electoral conflict, as we had in the next fall.
Yeah, I'm a union workers have traditionally they organise democratic and they voted republican. Allied working class voters voted even remember going back to to when I was running a ninety six I was I can unions and attacking some of my friends and other races, and a guy came in Jimmy was fixed on my phone, and he said I congressmen if you just keep mouth shut, you're, gonna, everybody's voted. The union. Yes, sir, and there was an eye, and for me, but caddy k that was a play tromp made and twenty sixteen. You remember near the end of the campaign. They move and with really really popular, messaging at the end of the campaign and even better with a couple of I think, still worker unions at beginning of his presidency. I thought that was the direct so that he might be going again because a real problem for democrats, but then, of course, he had the biggest
giveaways a wise to billionaires ever with its trump tax cuts, and he never looked back but This meeting and this visit. This push is absolutely critical he wants to win back. Wisconsin Michigan pennsylvania he knows where these rates is going to be won or lost in where his chances of winning the white house tentativeness day out of jail, I gotta be won or lost and its up in those states which are heavily used I I have a really clear memory of in ohio in twenty sixteen of spending time in a steel town in northern ohio and talking to union members who had been a lifelong democrats, lifelong union members and had switched parties in order to vote for donald trump, because they so liked his populist message. They light the anti china message they like the fact that Donald trump broke was republican economic, also, dioxin,
said that he was gonna shore up the welfare programmes that they, like the social safety net, that they light. So there's a lot about dollar but I imagine that they could still find a p. and it's it it's a it's. A bold move to be going to michigan in the middle of the street, but is not one is uncharacteristic of him, and analyse you know through your focus groups that employers, so less ideological than we on tv claim they are. Are people in the news tried to put them into into box? I I I ivory told this story time and again about your trunk voter in georgia You brought up abortions and wait a second I'm a man. Why would I be concerned with that? I set up. Ok, there's a great example, but another a grating, Apple is the fact that you know the new york. I'm in other outlets, reported near the ended. The twenty sixth team campaign about the rob sanders, voters, people who would
but for Bernie sanders if he had made it through the democratic primary, but instead which sanders to donald trump because of populist just like much to the chagrin of it the family. So many far wars and Bobby kennedys campaign in sixty eight switch to george wallace after Bobby was shot. you see those moments where these issues on the far right, the far left they just cross cut, and then those voters come together and sometimes when you have voters and focus groups or she who are shifting from you know, say being hilary voter in twenty six. It isn't going to donald trump in twenty two You say that their confuse, they ve gotten radicalized with the trumps sand. voters you saw we're donald trump, really tapped into something that other republican leaders haddan under stood that the populace forces. Take it over the party that that was the merging future of the party and yet his speech
choosing to do that counter programme and to be pro auto workers in detroit. That is a good move for donald trump it. separated from the rest of the republic impact, it makes them look more or less in this friendly and less eye for ceos pay and more for the rank and file man. I you look at how JD vance's just chosen to write an op ed in support of the workers. This is a dramatic shift from where elite republicans have been for so long and donald trump is really continuing tub firm up his grasp on that part of the republican electorate. Absolutely coming up on morning, Joe Sweden is making plans to boost military, bending as part of its efforts to join nato, but its membership has been delayed as to NATO countries signal possible objections to allowing sweden and we'll talk that swedish.
minister of foreign affairs, about who setback and how it impacts security in europe. That's just ahead morning job and I this is our melbourne. We're living through an unprecedented moment in history for president trump facing criminal indictments and trials, and an MSNBC podcast asking donald trump bedroom prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann and Mary mccord break down the charges. What we could see at these trials search for prosecute donald trump, wherever you get your podcasts, hey everyone, it's Chris Hayes, I'm excited to tell you I am taking my podcast. Why is this happening on the road? This fall for a special three city live tour I'll, be in chicago at the house of blues on Monday october, ninth in philadelphia at the fillmore theatre, on Monday october, sixteenth and in new york city at the town hall on Sunday november. Twelfth I'll be talking
truly amazing guest and the best part you can be part of the live audience. You can buy tickets online at MSNBC, dot com, slash with pod tour. You can join us in person for what I know are going to be fascinating and lively conversations tickets are going fast, so buy yours today, at MSNBC, dot, com, slash with pod tour, hope to see you. This fall Forty six pass, the our welcome. Back to morning, Joe the united nations general assembly will see hundreds of world leaders gather today to discuss a variety they have issues affecting international relations among those topics- security in europe, specifically NATO's commitment to the war in ukraine. One wild card in all of this is sweden, and the question of if and when it sped to join nato will be complete to join the alliance.
Every current member state must agree to a new countries. Membership Sweden is still waiting for their membership to be ratified by hungary and turkey However, leaders and both countries have recently raised new concerns. Turkish president erdogan spoke to pbs. Yes, they were garden. Sweden's nato membership take a lesson to be clear here. You committing that this is something you see them taking up anytime soon. One is in the region for that to be happening. Of course, we should keep its promises terrorist. Innovation should immediately stop the demonstrations on the streets of stockholm and they should stop their activities, because seeing this actually happening is going to be very important for the turkish people sweden seemingly carried out legislative amendments, but it's not enough
and with a salad spring and the swedish minister of foreign affairs to bias bills from medical bills, and thank you so much for being with us. I must say that, like most americans, we are very excited about sweden becoming members of now very excited. I am a bit confused. So what now? What are you? first to do after sweetness, followed through on their commitments they made to earn a line. Are you supposed to do about protesters in your street? Does he expect you to ban free speech and sweden will think of out but first of all, I think we have to take into account the fact that the trilateral memorandum signed at the nato summit last year was fulfilled. We fulfil every commitment, That was acknowledged at the NATO summit in vilnius, otherwise we wouldn't have hand the handshake, but you show in the picture between the turkish president, the prime minister and the NATO secretary general
and, secondly, we believe also bats. Vilnius statement that came out means a lot to two key. They will get a lot of things out of this statement, at least the development. and instalment of an anti terrorism coordinator, something which we have been fighting for for ten years. I would the survey stitch did that the very curious and course. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the hungary's objections, even curious because they don't have list demands or bought a man whose bragged about Liberal democracy, there, a man who is suppressed is free speech show and who the rule of law is actually is whether sizing sweden, because there are some people in Sweden who actually encouraging them to be more democratic, but has actually made any debate, If Sweden no
hasn't anti. It's worth noting bats. Hungary at the summit in madrid last year, accepted to give Sweden state status as invitee to nato without any preconditions to so, I now we we rather expect that the various white smoke coming out from ankara by is definitely going to be white smoke coming from Budapest as well MR minister, obviously sweden is waiting to join nato because of what happened in ukraine she's invasion, their eyes, the? U n, general assembly gathers this week in new york. What is your your sense of commitment from member states here too backing you, especially as the counter offensive has really slow down. and there's a sense. This war could drag on for years. You are quite right: that, since the war is going to take a long time wherein for that, we all have to prepare ourselves accordingly, and I think we should do that by backing ukraine. Every possible way, economically, politically and militarily financially, and we
Do that and humanitarian as well, and we are doing it Sweden is increasing our budgetary support to to ukraine, making it the largest receiver of swedish aid. Ever in history, but also we should giving nourishment to the efforts made by the american people. The fact that without you, this military support for ukraine would have to lasted an and we need to step up in can you know with our efforts? However, I should also say that the financial support provided by the eu to ukraine has made it possible for ukraine to survive ass, a state with that the administration bonding the cyrus being paid, but we, to do more on military side and we should give proper acknowledgement of the american people thoughtful, the financial I thought, seemed immunity, wastes provided to correct MR belgium. In some years. There is a certain issue that is obviously the issue of concern at the eu in general assembly covered dominated the last few years, ukraine,
two years in previous years- terrorism, Syria, why do you think this you're. Obviously, the war ukraine is still in. Russia's aggression is still a huge issue, but what issues do think are really at the forefront of this. Discussion trying to reach some positive agreements among members of it, but we that you provide if you can find many things which are which are interconnected and one of the most important things I think, is to realize what the war that russia is waging against Ukraine is all about. It is a neocon all that occur: neo, colonial imperial war and a good old fashioned imperial war to to to that. What that matters and we need to to show this to the world what russia still bear harming food security. They are increasing the risk of famine, they are disrupt supply chain spending, a lot of things which are standing out of this war and we need to chance of a russian narrative among countries in africa and in america and asia
his somehow I know something which the west has dreamed up. Isn't. It is a good old, neo colonial war and something that countries in africa knows a lot about is colonialism there? I was lucky enough to be in sweden this summer and I was struck by the degree of unanimity in in popular opinion. In terms wanting to join nato wanting to help ukraine. So what more can the country do, whilst you're It's membership seems to be in delayed or in limbo a little bit. At least what more can you do? I I see that there's discussion about sending griffin jets to ukraine. Do you think that might happen it might happen soon could happen in time to help lay ukrainians. With this current offensive, yes, well presents a landscape visited. Is sweden. Just a few weeks ago I was banned, I said, has stood at the press conference when the prime minister and the president made bets beaches, and yes, it is true. We on our training fighter, pilots ukrainian fights
to be ready for the moment and that they can use agrippina fighters and we do not rule out anything in this regard. We have also provided shhh artillery system, the ceiling tastes, armored vehicles and we're going to do more, and we also going to step up on our own defence spending we're going to reach next year, twenty twenty four with a budget which is now proposed to parliament, the two percent spending, spending ratio provided by NATO's. We are fully prepared for nato membership and we become with well trained forces and well equipped. Troops will come with their capabilities in cyber a new text but she and with space technology being the only one of two country, within the eu, with the ability to launch satellites, the other one being france helping you it is a long term commitment from sweden side, and you know a failure. Ukraine seeing russia win would mean the end of the room, this world order, which sweden cast a lot about. It would mean that countries like me.
The Van georgia is next on the list and who knows where women and and up after that, so a failure for ukraine is not on as long as we have something to say. Swedish minister of foreign affairs, tobias bills, from thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. We appreciate it. Thank you like lumumba. everybody is Joe Scarborough did you know you? streamlining gel, live on peacock, that's right! You can find in the morning knows why feature every week day, beginning at six, a m had to pick on tv dot com? Slash Joe for more information, see you there
Transcript generated on 2023-09-20.