« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/15/23

2023-09-15 | 🔗

Trump pressed on classified documents

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There are even mention the presidential records like this is all about the presidential records I am allowed to have. These documents are allowed to take these documents classified or not classified and frankly, when I have them become unclassified people they give go to a ritual you don't it, at least. In my opinion, you done a question is airlock. Your lawyers sign a certification saying they turned over everything that was responsive and when they are I read in morocco. They found documents that we're responsive that had not been produced more climate the timing is again, I'd have to check out- I I don't know I don't know the timing all I knows I'm allowed to have those documents like that, but when you get to subpoena, you have to turn over I know this already. No that, because I have right to have those documents. So I don't really know that our I once
and donald trump seeming to confess on the air how fun it must be to be his attorneys in all these cases against him, we'll have more on that straight ahead, plus we'll get exe. legal analysis on the new federal charges for hunter Biden, also. I had house speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, dares the far right members of his party to try to take the gavel away from him, and breaking news. A historic strike is under way this morning. For the first time ever, the united auto workers are taking on detroit speak three at the same time will go through a union's demands and how the automakers are responding. A lotta get you on this front, morning good morning, everyone, it is friday, september, fifteenth and along with, Joe willie, and me we have former white house press secretary. Now
muslim, busy, Jen saki the host of way too early whitehouse beer, cheap at politico, jonathan le maire and emerson busy contributor me barnacle joins us this morning. Willie geysers sake inventions, good for the soul. I guess that's why I'm from keeps talking during your letters on tv k, it's amazing it. Sets down with melancholy kelly. He sat down with our kristen welcome the new moderator meet the press and just continues continues to confess, and we have a new trump classic. thousands where he says. I know that even though this immediately contradicting himself when, as told when it pino presented to you have to turn over the documents. Also, he can keep citing the presidential records act and he can keep being wrong about that. That doesn't mean that you as an individual, get to take the dock So with you, when you leave the white house not remotely what the presidential records as they go to the national archives. Those documents belong to the government, so maybe that argument plays well
with his audience with his base. But again I guess for the one thousandth time: that's not at all how the press! financial records, act, works Now it it's not my barnacle, and yet he continues trying to use that excuse and cadiz. Around in circles but again at the end of every one of these interviews you Prosecutor prosecutors, just looking down, that books and go well, that was a productive help. Productive have you forests, I mean he's just be basically just confessed, for the prosecutors every time he gets. It gets in front of a camera. Can you imagine being his lawyer or lawyers Every every appearance is the tale of the tape. That's where it goes. Was directly to a tape that all have to do in the prosecution is turn the tape and endless interviews with megan kelly. Everyone everyone's kristen welker, one everyone whose ever interviewed him he has said something out.
In dynamo during the course of irregular into a nightmare here a candidate he is someone a suspect, someone under indictment who will never ever take the stand in a court of law? Because of this and an ass his attorney. Not only do you have to deal with all that, but you also have to look at him in the face and say good job, MR president or you'll get fired. Let's start with federal grand jury, though the indictment of president bush, son hunter on three felony gun charges setting the stage for a possible mental trial during the twenty twenty four campaign to counts are tied to inter Biden, allegedly completing a form indicating he was not using legal drugs when he purchased a cult cobra revolver in accra, we're up twenty eighteen, the third count to legislate as a firearm, while using a narcotic tubes,
scary maximum prison sentences of ten years, while the third has a maximum of five years. Each count also carries a maximum fine of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. historic indictment against the son of a sitting. President comes after a plea deal fell apart Earlier this year and after house rubble hence launched an impeachment inquiry seeking bank records and other documents from the president and his son, cases being overseen by special council. Did Why so, also headed the investigation? Wisely, a trump appointee who was kept on as you s attorney for delaware because of the centre the unique nature of the investigations attorney general merrick. Went named wise as special counsel in august, just as they go, creation over the tax and gun charges collapsed, leave council for honey
Biden, abbe lowell issued a statement that reads in part quote: we believe charges are barred by the agreement. The prosecutors made with Mr Biden, the recent rulings by several federal courts, that this statute is unconstitutional and the facts that he did not violate the law and we plan to demonstrate all of that in court. The white house referred requests for comment to the justice. Meant and a hunter binds legal team. Willie in joining us now, former fbi, general council now and NBC news legal, analyse, Andrew I andrew good morning so wicked, some lines here, because so much has been conflated by opponents of president Biden. These charges are specifically related to hunter guide hunter by buying a firearm, and they saw the charges are that he lied on the form filling out the application for the gun that he wasn't using narcotics and then that he possessed a gun
while he was using narcotic. So what is this? never again, of this case, if you see any to the large investigations around hunter Biden, that republican say maybe connected to jobs and there's no evidence presented that yet said. There'd there's no connect at all I mean this is a this: is an alleged crime related to the purchase of a single gotten? There's nothing about he's my there's nothing about ukraine, there's nothing about far and business. This is simply a purchase of a garden. I do expect that we're gonna see the federal tax charges that war initially sought to be brought in delaware that we're going to see there's as soon as. as today, possibly those be interesting to see what they say, the source of the income was there. There may be a a connection it's important to know that, to date, there is simply
evidence, that's come up with respect cheer the current president having any RO in terms of any sort of illegality regarding those tax churches, but it remains to be seen what work the ledge by the special council here, Andrew its jonathan, let's it's your assessment of this of this charge in terms of how I'm in or it is, the summit would be actually charged with this and then, secondly, it you know If we're adding a tax charges to it, as you suspect, may happen, give sketches out. First, the likelihood of this going to trial and if so, when shore, The way I look at this is when the former presidents as charged in the four separate india once that exist, a legitimate question that people could and did ask was whether he was being treated.
comparably to other people. Now there is there, is there a precedent for other people being charged? in like circumstances and in the january six case it was an easy call, because scores and scores of people have been charged for doing less than the former president are the same thing in the morrow logger documents case said that there was. You could look too how other people had been charged and say that this continent and consistent with the rule of law. I do not think that is possible in the hunter Biden case, to say that this is really strikes me as an abuse the display I missed discretion that a prosecutor has in deciding not just
and you bring a charge because syria obviously can do it. There is probable cause that a grand jury found, but should you be bringing the charges, and here the first two charges are completely duplicative and, as you mentioned, it's just not very common to see this type of charge. In my twenty one years as a prosecutor, I never saw this charge I think, that's com at me here, Jen socket given what onto Andrew just said. I think this question about the politics of it in an you, can take a question to him as well, but first just wanted to hear your thoughts politically Does the indictment of the president's on its serious and engaging reaction on capitol hill, and you had major players in the democratic party, jimmy rascal and others are wall. Well, all of them respecting the There was no screeching. crying about the weapon asean of the judicial system. There were
This is a sad we have to follow the law we have to what happens if someone does something wrong, they have to be brought to account. This isn't the president clear factors here: you're you're saying they acted like people who actually respect american democracy correct, like you're, saying they won't like fascist to wear their leaders were charged with something they traded. Tear down the jury system, they are now the fbi there try, so they want. I slept there were like republican sewer, myung fascists. If we're going to tear down the fbi, the justice department, and attack the jury system if they didn't like really, if may. How can those Republican say everything they ve been saying which arose in your lives every step of the way that the same is move, and I gazed republican reaction and right wing television and they were acting well. The hypocrisy is balance us gears, jamie rascal and then we'll get to Jan saki. On the other side, I dont think people should,
I applaud the system when it works for a hunter Biden, but then try to tear the system down when it works for donald trump, both of them been indicted on various charges? The presumption of innocence operates for both of them. Due process right operate for both of them and you know who we shouldn't take delight in other people's misfortunes, but we have to have a rule of law. I mean we have turned our rule of law can show a it's such a relieved to hear that from people, including when it's about, as you just said so many who is very close to the present, I mean first and foremost, the politics of this are a little hard to predict but right now you have the floor. In son, somebody he loves deeply somebody who has very publicly struggled with drug addiction now facing these charges. Which are serious and I'll. Let andrew into a contemplation of the legality and the process, and all of that which I know a lot of us- have questions on what is trick
to watch here and when I think we all will be watching is what do republicans do with on the hill as it relates to their impeachment process, bologna efforts right, we I see a lot of that yesterday, a lot of the timing of these charges to their impeachment efforts. If there are additional charges we see from the department of justice that Andrew just alluded to. I suspect they would try to do that, but right now what we're looking at- and I think on the politics of this- but you know me, of americans have dealt with family members who have dealt with drug addiction who dealt with alcohol addiction, that, with a range of addiction? My battery is right. Now, this is a heart broken president in the way ass, who is worried about his son and we're all watching to see kind of what happens with this? So you're, your question, and now I'm just curious while trying to figure this out what happens exactly
next year, right there's a lot of talk which is important for all of us to know about maximum sentence saying, but what happens now? Could this really go through the course of next year? What are we really King at after yesterday, so I think I see you heard from abbe lowell. The new defense counsel that you're going to see two types of motions, at least one, is that there was a pretrial diversion agreement that was signed by the government in connection with these gun charges, and that claims can be made that this is barred because the department of justice, through the special counsel, agreed that this with these cases would be.
differed so they're going to seek to enforce that agreement and we'll see how the judge rules on that. The second, which is quite ironic and and judge and im sure it is an escape you that republicans have obviously been touting the importance of the second amendment and a very lively issue that is going to go to the supreme Core court deals with the constitutionality of this statute, and the republicans have generally taken the position that this statute and parts of it are unconstitutional. They infringe on the second amendment. So it's and really unusual here is that you have charges that are definitely going to be subjected to scrutiny as whether they violate the constitution or not, and so it's unusual for the department be bringing these charges at this moment, while this
still untasted as to whether they will appear but stand that scrutiny. So I think that is the second thing and that if they could take some time to get, let it get it and and willie there's some questions layered upon questions you talk about, political position it is, we always say, you're funded by- did something that that he deserves to be charged with in an all billy convicted since very sad for him or for body, but he'll go. Jail and that's what the law as in this case, though, the so many strangers Wurzel abbe lowell brings me they'd. They made a deal with it. Then they broke the deal Are they going to be barred from doing that thing? You have is Andrew said you ve got the fifth sir another circuits going we're not actually sure that this than this law that he's charged and is even constitutional, and then you have the fact that then twenty twenty one, only five percent, only five
Adam charges? Are these type of charges were world did to guns- and I Haven'T- I haven't, found one so I did two gun charge. If you actually did me use that gun, in commission with their crime, which he did not do that. Then you Could the uniqueness of the MR me tax charges as well that maybe coming The pike and it just seemed again that that it has name war smith. You know what he would have out a long time ago, and these charges would have been brought and its really interesting point you make and andrew dismay, which is that imagine say this word don junior and he were brought up these charges, he'd be it I can amendment hero right, like this. This law shouldn't even exist. They would point to the to the pending litigation that you're talking about here, but it is hunter Biden and they believe and with a reaction from republicans, has been. This is
is the first step. This is just those two gun charge on hunter Biden. Now, let's get to the there's stuff, that's house republican sacking about impeachment, then again without evidence. Yet Ty hunter binds business dealings to the present, the united states and MIKE barnacle jen saki point so the second ago, but just the way that this may be impacting the present united states. Again. This is his son, whose had addiction problems. Now bringing trouble to him in his bed to win re election in his bed to keep Donald trump out of the white house again, which a lot of the country views as an urgent matter. How do you think this on a personal level is impacting president by well willie. The president is now part of a long line of parents across the country who have a family member of the family. within their fair way suffering from addiction thousands of them from coastal coast to many people.
Have been touched by addiction and their children. he carries that every single day the also goes to work every single day is present in the united states, which is a twenty four or seven job and the weight of the press. Is enormous. None of us can really factor into what it must be to carry the responsibilities of being president in the united states, but hovering above that job. Each and every day for Joe by and Jill Biden is concern and the constant worry about hunter Biden know trying to figure you know: will this set em off? Will list with him. Even more deeply will list get him back gone to something that we don't want him doing. So they worry about. That all the time- and that affects him- obviously and we're going to see what happens in ongoing hunter seems to be pretty strong. According to people who know, I'm still standing up strong going through what he's going through
find out, but in the meantime we have these charges that were brought yesterday and Andrew. I want to ask You mentioned the diversion agreement that apparently was signed prior to the break up? of the deal, and earlier this summer does that mean it's a contract that our null and void automatically does it have any effect right now and before you answer? I want to tell you that today. It was texting with a form of federal prosecutor Who now sits on the bench and I tim. If an ordinary citizen were charged with line on a gun, application, knew he or she was inadequate. What would happen to me? ordinary citizens and here was his responses. He texted back to me. He said, ugh I've lost her. Basically, he said not much heed lose the gun. He would lose his gun licence other than that less. There were other factors involved. Nothing would have
until women less than he was very unlucky or his name was hunter Biden that was his spawns. What's your response, so I completely agree I've. I've never actually seeing this discharge brought in twenty one years, and you know I saw lots of cases in new york and in D c. I do think that this is situation, where the last name of the person is making a difference and that that's not how the rule of law is to work. With respect to your first question, You have an agreement with the government, it is enforceable and you can bring a motion which I am confident that below will bring for what's called specific performance. So if the government agrees to do something, they can't redneck and it can be enforced, the issue will be whether the agreement was really final and now
that the hearing that was held last month. Both sides said this was signed by said it was in. Pan have any other part of. the deal in terms of it had nothing to do with the tax charges, and both sides said that to the court. So it can be very hard for the government to try and wiggle out of that, given their representations to a federal judge, nor should the governor be trying to wiggle out of something if they agreed to something. Even fewer gretta later, that's not what you do representing the government. You have to stand by your word our andrew standby, because we ve got a lot more to talk to you about including foreign president trump confessing confessional tower again he just confessional our does. He know what he's doing it the eu, just as you know, we're just he
There's a reason why none of these lawyers camellia match on the stand? Ok Stella had I had on morning, Joe they united autos worker union, officially on strike this morning after fail to reach new contract deals with detroit big three automate we'll take a look at where to go. creation stand this morning and we'll talk. Sugar, senator Gary Peters, about the possible nationwide impact of the strike plus cabin mccarthy, dares his republican critics in the house to carry out their thread of holding a vote. A movie and as speaker, what to say to his geo p colleagues behind closed doors, I had a potential government shot down. President Biden tries to sell by economics by law launching a new attack on republicans and trumps economic policies you're watching morning. Job will be right back
the The white house corresponded christian, wellgood joins me now from across the nation, The number one issue for you to the national states and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate with critical votes were killed still too closed. And when power was held, we kept his abuse of power and impeachable with Christ. In the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet the press starting Sunday september, seventeenth on NBC, the one on Tom yarmouth from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist we take you to the front
the story. Words actually happening with envy Jordan was on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know, bring your news me to life and now Tom stories available as a podcast, so you can listen anytime and anywhere subscribed now for new episodes. Every week, I'll come back. It is twenty six pathway, our alive work as a capital on this beautiful friday morning, from monday to friday, we made to frighten more now from that interview where Donald trump seem to confess to some other federal. We're just gonna timmins crime when he talks at urban crime, solid, post, negative hell. I admitted this pressed tromp on his handling of classified materials and the audio recording
him, showing a classified document to people at his golf club in new jersey, ok, but let's get to my question Why would you be holding up a newspaper saying this is still secret Am I looking ass if I had a virus, but I said I would have to look at it, but that's what we're like you told brett there that there was an ice cold. There was no, I also told bread bears. I remember I don't know it's a long time interview. Will you tell me what right away in a rally also joel bread bear that it was day classified document? What were you waiting around in? That meeting has served as I'm not going to talk about that, because that's all had. He been, I think, very substantiated and there's no problem with it hasn't been substantiated Jack Psmith says I going lemon juice women you told prepare. Let me tell you here we go again, I'm coming by the presidential record jack I'm alive, to do what I want to do. I am allowed to have documents. The presidential wreckage active civil, not criminal, acts in any weigh civil and uncovered
One hundred percent- and this should be a case. And then they say I fought them and I obstructed same thing, they have crime. There is no crime, in fact its civil, it's not criminal. And so your asean- that's why they could. They say: espionage act to make a criminal, although there may get me one. I should like, as something well you're all day like get a spanish. Our modern good array doesn't look D, s will jack of nineteen. Seventeen has no impact on this. I am covered. a hundred percent I got there is a dispute about the involvement of the residential areas it just on my audience. I don't think there's any dispute there, I'm covered under the presidential records. Well, you covered, but it's not clear that it allows you to take all those targeting can't say it. It says what it says you allowed. Do you believe that every see a document they came to you, as president, was automatically yours to keep no better way? I'm looking to answer that question. So there's just be of no. No, because I think
clear and the document. My answer, nothing, nothing nothing about. It is clear and your wise man that was the biggest nonsense biggest bs. I him saying that he could take whatever he wanted to take because the presidential records it it. It doesn't fall under the presidential records. The guy steals nuclear secrecy. Still secret plans then end again, not exactly sure this why this wasn't pushed. little bit more, thereby he told susie wiles, I am holding, is whereas document I shouldn't be showing it to you. If I were still, president. I can dig suffice it but I'm not present. I can't be classify it. He admitted everything right there on tape, clear as day so
That was your who he was lying. Do there and stupid enough to believe any of what he just said. Because can you you look, the facts of this case that is all we're in black and white tramp tramp. Is it These entire cases are built by donald trump people that Donald trump hired. That's it said the key there is that it's on tape I mean this is war, nor the government is just the most incredible position because they have the defendant on tape confessing to the crime I also to interest her willie's acquaint introducing this. Is you have the farmer? Lee of the free world, saying he's not sure when you get a subpoena, whether that means you have to produce documents mean that this this uk,
this just now about the fact that Iraq is is spinning to his pace should try this case in the court of public opinion. The they're just isn't dispute here. If you are just passionate about the facts, I think the biggest challenge for the government is getting that this particular case to trial. They are not being helped out by the florida judge, who is didn't very slow in making. rulings in deciding things so that that I think is, can we that is the challenge. I suspect that they are putting all of their effort on the january six dc case, because the florida cases, something that remains to be seen just exactly when that will go to trial, but dick is it self is overwhelming sojourn at just a boy? people even further and united this year, three months ago, international archives, the actual archive.
I put out a detailed statement in the face of all this. What you just heard from president trump former president trump would year from his lawyers, about how the presidential records act, and they very politely said that none of the your hearing from trump and his team about our our law. Our rules is true. I one attorney for four down from tried to then spin and say well, there's you a two year grace period where the present former president can take these records with him. He and his, half consort through them and decide which are clear, no, the natural archives. You know that's not at all how this work so the the one who need to hear this may not hear it, but if you're interested in the truth, you can go to the website of the national archives. The statement is from june ninth and read a detail that the of what the then record zack says, and does not say that's true, and you can certainly become an expert on the presidential record acts. Should you choose now. I think it's also Weren't. You know here the india
meant that jack smith throw the speaking indictment. His team road had a detailed list of these documents they are talking about here now it does have all the specifics What you can tell from their detailed list is that these are documents that have such a high level of classification. They have references like five, which means you know that it is only for the idea that it is documents that we we got through the cooperation with some of our key partners and as the highest level of clearance in the government support, talking about here. Put the presidential records act become an expert. If you want aside, for just a moment, is the former present. The united states taking nuclear secrets, things that would put at risk source as people who are out there on the front lines trying to protect the united states every day, the methods through which they do that at risk He said also in that interview, which is the thing that set out to me, I didn't know the timing. Now
We all know the timing. We all know the timing was that they asked for. documents he's a kind of provide them he held onto these highly sensitive documents and shared them and showed them too. Who knows who so outside of the presidential records act? That's the peace that they concern Well, I'm not already know the timing. He had his lawyers sign document saying we have returned every thing back to the fbi. I and the D jane to the federal government and lied yet to the guy about returning all the documents when he knew he had not returned all the documents and then he went to I teach people and ask if they were Destroy the tapes right yes now then they may not have destroyed them, but he asked for that would be. I don't know, what's the word obstruction see issue so Andrew earlier this week the new york
gee, seeing the hush money case against donald trump. Remember that one signalled he would be a into delaying the start of the trial, while a development That is usually a setback for prosecutors. Andrew you say it's a win for manhattan true attorney, Alvin brag. You write about this in a new peace for msnbc dot com. entitled Alvin brag keeps winning and nobody is TAT king about it, so I tell us This would be a win for will first, the fact that the the manhattan case may get moved, is something that we should have anticipated because the d c january six case by all accounts is the case. That is the most significant. It is also one with a real time line, because that's the case I couldn't go away if tramper an ally were, to wit the presidency, because that's a federal case and the president
I have the power to just say: stop don't go forward, that case really needs to be tried- and it is useful for the electorate- democratic antwerp look it and to have a jury verdict that so knowing that both judge mersham, who is the new york judge and de brag, I think Very graciously made it known that they were not going to be insisting that their case, although first in time in terms of when it was brought that they had the view. if justice demands that another case go forward, first, that they would not stand. in that way, and just judge mersham had a conversation with tiny chicken feed. See judge and judged chuck it and put that on the record that that's what she did oven bragged made it known that he would not be opposing that, and I think that from India brags point of view,
that was really a sign of statesmanship. He could have been much more. Romeo and you know, he's an elected official. He could have said no. I bought my case first. I want to go first and I think it's really commendable that he really looked at the big picture. I don't think it's sign at all that his case is weak and I don't think he would have brought the case if he thought it was weak. He couldn't he could not have been banking. in this development- and so I think that's why it's a wind or, frankly, the entire electorate, to have the d c case go before the republican convention before the general election said there'll be a jury verdict. Whichever way it goes. our NBC news legal, analyse, Andrew Weissmann. Thank you very much for joining us on this friday morning and coming up much more ahead. The philadelphia eagles tiktok week do of the
I fell regular season with a win over the minnesota vikings, we'll have the highlights, from Thursday night football plus embassies Matthew very, will join us with some insight for your fantasy lie. Not keep it right here on morning, Joe the hey everyone. It's Chris Hayes, I'm excited to tell you I am taking my podcast. Why is this happening on the road? This fall for a special three city live tour I'll, be in chicago at the house of blues on Monday october, ninth in philadelphia at the fillmore theater on Monday october, sixteenth and in new york city at the town hall on Sunday november, twelfth I'll be talking with some truly amazing guests and the best part you can be part of the
If you can buy tickets online at MSNBC, dot com, slash with pod tour, you can join us in person for what I know are going to be fascinating and lively conversation tickets are going fast, so buy yours today, at MSNBC, dot, com, slash with pod tour, hope to see you. This fall hey. It's Chris says this week on my podcast. Why is this happening I'll be talking with journalist alex press about hot labor summer? We very much are seeing a lot of this initiative come from the rank and file. These things that we're talking about whether it's the reform movements or the you know, sort of ambitious contract, fights and strikes very rarely are they being initiated from the top it very much is being pushed by I think what the membership want, but this week on winds is happening, search for. Why is this happening wherever you're listening right now and subscribe? The pressure the world
tied eagles quarterback jail and hurried to the sixty three are bomb to wipe out that smith, in the third quarter, last night match up against them, the king is that splore gave the defending annex ii champions twenty point. Leave minnesota, did close the gap and could not recover from three costly fumbles. The those get the win on a thursday I gained thirty four twenty eight move to two and oh You now watch in jail and hurts you finish second, last year in the end, vp boating, only two patrick mahomet is probably the best player in the annex c. Last year before it, we're about them. When he came into the nfl he bounced from alabama to Oklahoma, he could run. Could he throw in a pro style offense, while lasting through that dark to devalue Adams? Rush for two touchdowns himself sign that big contract? over the last few months and the doubters are gone now Jalen hurts is an mvp worthy player in the nfl. Why what an extraordinary story, jail and herds is here's a guy who yet
It certainly was. It was a hero at the university of alabama, but what we saluted him for his his junior year was the fact that he was such a team player that when he was benched behind to hear he's dell was a team player anyway, still still kept his by guy great character, But you know really you look on. lip piece you like clips from now some of the best in the business people. We love the wisdom, calling coward listen, you know shannon sharply. Others who said jail and hurts was going to be a bust in the nfl. There was no way the eagle should take picked as high as they did and then he it's gonna be a failure. I can tell it hurts, is proven everybody wrong and is one of the great quarterbacks in the nfl right now so then he's handled it with grace, he doesn't every day he doesn't get in front of a you know. He doesn't
it would be on sanders now in poland for de on colorado. But after that, first, when I just decidedly and keep your head down body You you've eleven games every year, don't go out likes scream and yell and great you are people need to believe but jail in stages, in his head down and these working on the field in that's a type of quarterback. that I believe are you want what a great story, though it is, but coach prime, doesn't have keep your head down in his arsenal. That's not now this, but yeah jalen hurts, if he's just happy for, like you say he got in, and he was a great back at alabama. He got hurt too took over. He went down while mad success too, and having a great nfl career eagles too, last night's game. All sad plight we fantasy football implications joining us now, NBC sports vanity football analyse new york times best selling author matthew, berries, the host of fantasy football happy hour week, day
at noon. Eastern I'm peacock, matthew, grey tabby on the shall we want to talk about fantasy and show your teams. I had a bleak week, one recover here, and we too, but let's talk about the big, storing the nfl ass, weaken that is aaron rodgers for eyes in his career, the saviour of the new york jets their long suffering jets fans who, having ben too or wanted superbowl since Joe name was in town, going down with the achilles injury out for the season and at least on offense right back where they started with Zack wilson before they got aaron rodgers. Now they ve been credible defence. They proved by being the bills the other night. What are the prospects for the That's your going forward. Well. First off, obviously there are worse anytime, you lose a future hall of famer like aaron rodgers, that's not good, but I don't think the season is over for that now the fact that they won their opening game against the bills, I think that's helpful and they have to
point willie, they have a great difference. They can run the ball well, they should do what the forty niners did last year when they faced a similar situation starting quarterback, they had to pull aspirations, so they What you need new do with zach brought. Is this basic like hey brok, you dont lead when the game for us just don't lose it forest we're gonna, run the ball. Well, we're gonna play great defense, we're going to be conserved. The next five gains are absolutely brutal if they can get out of this, to say, let's say, go two and three over the next five because they won against the bills and they go three and three. I think the right in the thick of this. I don't think the season is over. It is a great no, it isn't, but if, if I'm Jed, and I will say I thought zack- Wilson looked ok, you know coming cold in here that one really drive and ultimately led the jets to win on Monday night samantha get your sense of lasting two teams who met last year's superbowl. We just showed you the eagles, obviously too. Jail and hurts remains? Maybe we as well as, of course, a fantasy monster. Chief lost
first one. I think, there's some questions about Patrick MA and the quality of the weapons around them What do you think there is your watch? Can the homes do it again with a bang travis, kelsey and much else here I guess I'm not as worried about that. I think just the track record of Andy reid and Patrick Holmes speaks for itself. You know that was a bit of a fluky game on thursday nights, as you may There is no Travis kelsey that opens up now, there's somebody miss drops as a professional I received, I think they will be better as well give credit to the detroit lines. They play an absolutely great, but I think the correct that kelsey can expect to be back this it can. So until we see that operates with kelsey, I dont think its. We should judge again. They to the less the last three super walls, I'm not panicking on this butcher. These defending simple champing cancer. It achieves just yet so Matthew S, show
panic meter and the team the chiefs beat in the ass he championship game. Last year the cincinnati bangles of very sexy superbowl pick coming into this season. They look terrible, I mean just platter Joe borough sign that mass of contract earlier in the week couldn't get anything down against the cleveland, browns borough and jamal chase, obviously huge fantasy guys, what's up with them it was a bad game. Obviously, like really bad weather, give clear cleveland credit. They may play really good defence, but also remember Joe borough got injured pretty early in the priests and he had no reason. It was basically a precision game for Joe burrow or is it all about the bangles, like others, gimme a couple, a quick stats here last year at this time, two week, one third best quarter, can fantasy football last year was Carson whence currently does have a job to top ten running back there. week. One last year were Dalton Hilliard and James Robinson. Who are you, know deep, deep backups on their current nfl teams? I just you know that.
The matter is that it's one week right think about couple years ago, verification But a couple years ago the packers went down and orleans and the saint just absolutely crushed the packers, like this just like it was some some crazy score. I want to say it was like thirty, four three or something like that taught my head. I dunno, but it was an awful game for aaron is everyone's like oh rogers is done it's over and everything like that and rodgers is like his one bad game. We had a bad day at the office. We're going to be fine, twenty twenty one and rogers, ultimately in winning the envy p that year, like it's one week, you know in the words of bilbil check, we're on Cincinnati like ice linked with achieves the bangles. I'm not concern Others is too long a track record of success from those guys show matthew, talking of acts- tell you what my fantasy draft? Ok, I'm doing my fantasy draft and I'm watching
baseball game on my ipod during the draft soy screw it mike, and I end up with a quart of that name- Russell Wilson. He had a pretty good day last sunday, I think he threw for two hours. ok and that, but I'm trying to figure should I move them. Should I drop em? What should I do with it, because I don't like em Yeah I mean. Obviously it depends on what else is available in your league, harder quarterbacks on the waiver wire. They can go, get how easy is a free to trade. Is it only one? Quarterback league? I am not crazy about Russell Wilson. The concern here is that in fantasy football, too success is a fantasy football quarterback aid, one of two thanks. You either need quarterback. That can give you point with his legs, and his arms, like we, from jail in herds last night. You guys we're talking about a couple minutes ago, or you need to have thirty five to forty passing touched on upside down. That a Joe burrow or adjusting herbert does, and the matter is Russell just doesn't have that kind of passing upside at this stage of his career and doesn't run anymore. may last year: oh I'm sorry. Last week one rush attempt and weak number one that crazy,
bottom this week. I think John payton. Is it a of coach in their getting the broncos are getting jerry judy back, so that will help that often the wide receiver, the towns of privacy, roger Judy, but ultimately, yes, in an ideal world. I would appreciate your quarterback if you can, so you can email me at all. Look at your way through our citizens I've gotta get a couple of my sons, fantasy teams year, I'm getting check and see what you think. of this let's start will start with Jellia scarborough here he's got gino smith. Let's go quarterback back Do you think of that? I, like gino, I like this year. Juno was a top ten fantasy quarterback last year. I think a lot of people were expecting him to be a bit of a fluke, and I don't think it think about what seattle did this year ride. Seattle didn't drop the court.
I know how to how to drive draft high draft pick they whenever they sign geno to a big money contract. They went out and drafted jackson, smith and jigsaw who many people, including myself thought- was the best wide receiver in the draft they added act sharpening the black field along with can walker. They became a cabin dialogue it back. There is well I like gino, there was a guy on microsoft. Thirty rushing yards a game or something like that. So genoese, absolutely fine as a fancy quarterback. yeah. Actually that was jack. My fifty year old age, its joe we actually had a rough. We give me a dead Joe borough, as quarterback by dead. You hold your job awry logic. Pro job was a top six fantasy quarterback. When I left Joe more than gino to be candid again, it was one we it's a bad week. He had precision, really bad weather.
that that game and give credit to the cleaver runs defence, which is one of the better defences in the end, fell and so get tough day at the office for Joe borough. But this guy's been one of the best quarterbacks in the nfl for a long time. There is a reason why he is the high has paid player in the area We decide that big contract jobbers could be just fine. sure you and your son. On my way. I want to underline something. You talked about the browns defense of browns. Defense is exciting. They are good and they they they make. The browns competitive, whoever they play this year, which is really rate for the people of cleveland, they need it at least get tell them all, if not finally, with one So I want to circle back towards. You had to say, with a jet skis outweigh the day after everybody was melting down, everybody was freaking out. I brought a broad party and what he did last year, but you know why My view of a super bowl team can't miss superbowl team. I go back to fill sims in the jail it's a pretty good passer!
a really good, indeed, a really good running attack south. The euro solid, special teams play. I mean you look at this jets team, their bill to go into the play of say needed quarterback, We don't have to be Joe namath. He can be taken the film sound sagan. phil symptoms grade, but I'm just saying it doesn't have to be why she's guy in the world just put in a good meddling performance and the rest? This team can take your pretty for it you lose aaron rodgers, and there is a reason why there is so much excitement run aaron rodgers and the fact is like its downgrade, like that. You know it can that's no insult Zack Wilson, there's a reason why the jets paid all the money in the draft pics to go and get Aaron. Rodgers
Having said that, given the situation that you're in football is not a one person sport, it is a team sport, your point, Joe, and so again there is a reason. Why is Wilson was drafted? Second overall, the year he came out is talent there. I think it somewhat mental anything having the off season, where there is no pressure on him and aaron rodgers was there to take all the spotlight. I think helps this kid, and the fact is that now he has a choice. to be the saviours a chance to re, write his story. He doesn't need to win games, jets. He just things do not lose them and they judge or smart. It's a good coaching step there. They Oh that, so again you will see a conservative offense. You will see them run the ball, a lot they're going to play good defense. They have an elite wide receiver in garrett, Wilson, and you know, they're going to it's could be squeeze short pass. It's gonna to be a quick roll at dump after the running back to be simple stuff for for zach, Wilson, at least initially. So again, it's not ideal. It's not awesome the
odds of the just making a simple certainly went down when aaron rodgers went down, but I don't think the seas. It is or by any stretch the maids rocks matthew before we go. We had a big new york audience la jets fans us let a giant stands, including myself. Tell me last week's forty two, nothing pasting at home to the cowboys was a fluke. Yeah, maybe look give credit again to the give credit again to the dallas cowboys defence. There really really special again really bad weather in new york, just one of those one of those bad days at the office here's what I would say about the giants who obviously I have achieved a little bit last year, but I'm a brian de bois believer, I'm actually a Daniel Jones believer, and so I think things are going to get a lot better this week on the road at arizona. If the giants an egg this week against the cardinals then, ones allowed to panic, but until that time I wouldn't it just again. We ve seen
before. Where teams have come out there, just they blade an egg, especially in weak one, and I once again I like all the sky is falling and then then it's fine again it's fine, it's weak one run, since about it you're the cases the case of the giants, whereon, arizona, as a weary week, one in a lot of ways. Let's hope for giants fans. It was a flute for bangles fans. Maybe two: it's a long sees in the fantasy football happy hour, airs week days, noone, eastern and fantasy football pre game with Matthew. Area airs every nfl sunday at eleven, a m both of those on peacock, NBC sports, fantasy football analyse, matthew, bury so great abbe. I was this morning. Please come back soon, they I appreciate it, everybody is Joe Scarborough did you know you Streamlining gel, live on peacock. That's right! You can find in the morning news: why feature every week day, beginning at six, a m to pick on tv
dot com, slash Joe for more information, see there
Transcript generated on 2023-09-16.