« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/14/23

2023-09-14 | 🔗

Biden addresses House impeachment inquiry

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why, you down as a maybe that's one way to do it my pants doing a pretty good job of brushing off a protest or in iowa. If you would call him a protest We ve got a lot to get This morning, including house speaker, Kevin Mccarthy's defence of the impeachment inquiry into President Biden we'll have his comments on vat and who hate blake as for his flip flop, on whether to launch the impeachment inquiry without a full vote meanwhile, on capitol hill, far away right republicans got the inquiry? that many of them pushed for, but now saying it won't deter their demands on spending bill and we have a pact guest list this morning. That includes Senate majority leader chuck shimmer.
Speaker, america, Nancy blowsy was just announced, her re election campaign and farmers secretary of state Hillary Clinton, just to name a few good morning and welcome to morning Joe. It is thursday september fourteenth along with Joe will in may. We have white house had four: let it go sam stein doing way too early duties this morning. Think is an error at the non partisan group project. Democracy, Amanda carpenter is with us this morning and russian investigations rapporteur for the washington post, jacket, alimony, joins us this morning as well good to have you all on board? Will I, let's start with impeachment some guest list by the way I'm gonna work clean clothes joan. I both today we're ready. Let's begin this, our new details. Surrounding the house republicans impeachment inquiry into President Biden on tuesday speaker, Kevin Mccarthy announced he directed through
committees to conduct the inquiry made claims Joe Biden used his position, as vice president to further his son hunters, foreign business dealings. Mccarthy made the move without. Holding a floor vote yesterday. The present addressed in for the first time in a democratic fundraiser in Virginia, he brushed off the republican move. Saying quote I every day, not a joke not focused on impeachment. I've got a job to do. I've got to deal with the issues that affect the american people every single solitary day and quote the present Also claim the house wants to a him because it is a white session, shut down the government car faces a september thirtieth deadline to pass and government funding bill. The house has been unable to reach a compromise as far right republicans are pushing deep spending cuts, some believe mccarthy launch the impact an inquiry in an effort to appease those lawmakers, so they will support his stop gap, funding bell, but
These moves seems to have done little at all to curry that favour in conversations with reporters yesterday and then of house freedom caught this member said. While they support the inquiry, it does not soften their demands, for spending cuts so, SAM stein. This is what we ve been talking about for several days now, which is republicans Matt, gates, marjorie, taylor, green, believe they have complete leverage over speaker, Mccarthy, because they gave him his job on that fifteenth vote back in january and they're going to extract from him everything they want in the peach money. Where it appears not enough. They want one right: men and you have to understand. Maggots Marcela green. Their reason political reason for being is to be a thorn in the side of their party right. If Matt gates emerged chair of green, or to say area the impeachment or has been launched? We will therefore vote for fund the government there be normal. Damaging their brand but inviting a challenge to their own position, and so, if mccarthy thought
any point in time that simply authorizing an impeachment grew will get their votes in a garden funding that was obviously mistaken, and this to show you started. The difficult position. Mccarthy really is in right is very slim majority needed to make a ton of decisions to in agreements frankly with the far right in order to get the speakership and now they have moved the barrel. They can call it an important time, a vote on his speakership. I don't think it would prevail, but it would be an embarrassment to him and he has to bend over backwards to get base things done, like funding the governments and, frankly, talk to anyone on the hill? There is almost zero expectation that the government will stale in past september. Thirty four are, or maybe a small stopped epidemic was, after that we think of government towns as big deals. This is now going to become a sort of a routine process, Jackie Elam anybody of hearing on the hill are some members have Kevin's mccarthy's far right group carcass whatever were so
Oh so disrespectful toward him on the airwaves a minute just it seems like a very unhealthy alliance. That house yet needs not one that is proving too to work to his benefit. Even after he's, gonna head and unilaterally announced that the house is going to shit and impeachment inquiry. Because last night, I couldn't even move forward Funding a defence portion of the appropriations that because this group of hard line stocks server that lives have said that it's not enough that mccarthy announced in people for that they still haven't seen what the speaker promised them. It's ago, when they decided to vote for him as speaker, which is these twelve top line. Number of the the numbers for the twelve top line appropriations bills that they've asked for to be dramatically reduced. This is you know what they ve been calling for all along these big budgetary cuts and this
something that they had actually tried to explicitly separate from the impeachment inquiry that the two things are unconnected, even as mccarthy has tried to say that they are that, if you know decides not to fund. The government may can't go ahead with an impeachment inquiry. This doesn't seem too resonate with these these hard liners, who are simultaneously calling for mccarthy to ramp up pressure on both of these fronts, the thing is their only playing for social media. They don't give a damn thing madame about balanced budgets. They don't care about the things. he fought for when we were. There is republicans they don't give a damn about any of it. How do I know that? Because when Donald trump press. The united states are actually was begging them to focus on smaller budget on balancing the budget on bringing Down the national debt, I actually went and talk to the head of the freedom carcass for, like saying,
stop your nonsense. Stop playing around. We actually have the debt that keeps exploding. And its exploding were sundered donald trump than any president ever do something about it. And what do you think they did? They did nothing. Mark meadows did absolutely nothing and so now suddenly they're going to shut down washington DC because of the deficit when they just didn't give a damn a few years ago. So long as it was Donald trump breaking record spending thus ended dad destroying our economy long term health of it faded care causes all about donald trump. It wasn't about deficits, it wasn't about the dead. Wasn't it the united states constitution. which very few of them so we care about, if you don't believe me- Let's talk guy who actually serves with them. You know well,
We ve got some moves on mitt romney right now and we can read it before that, this war, early. I got up and I said: reading some access from a k, poppins extraordinary here book listen to some of these things there we rightfully sad first a large portion of my party, will, Well, he doesn't believe in the car. detention and then he said my pants, no one- has been more loyal, more this might well. What do you say? Absurdities more. Willing to ascribe guy its will to things that were on godly, the mike let me say it again. Now more few people we're more willing to ascribe god's will two things at work: godly, then my pants,
holly and crews. He said we're too smartest people. He ever met in politics, but he said there they were on january, the sixth making a cat. Collation that put politics above the interests of american democracy, the! U s! Constitution. and then this will rally the stage at a uterus, black and meeting in twenty twenty one after the january six riots, quickly. Realized underestimated the vitriol awaiting him. The heckling booing get so loud, sustained could barely get a word out. He labour What's there is prepared remarks, he became fixated on a red, faced woman in the front row, goose, furiously screaming at him why child stood quietly by her side. He paused in this speech,
he couldn't help himself. Look down that only said. Aren't you in paris? Aren't you embarrassed. And neither that woman normal, expanse holly nor ted crews, nor my old republican party, are met these old republican party embarrassed, You know one thing very, very complimentary of what its Mcconnell dead on J, worried the sex. What I found out. From this reporting is then, on january, the second the king called. It wrongly said we have a problem. Intel is suggesting that the far right,
extremists are coming to washington dc they're, bringing weapons there's going there. Violence me immediately picks up his found. He texts, he'd tags, mitch, Mcconnell, we're in trouble. we need a plan for this. This is going down mitch. Mcconnell didn't return his text. Radio silence, with a sitting member of the united states Senate, told the Senate majority leader. We are going to be facing violence. on january the six and submit rami thought back about that, as the senators will being chased all around me: and they were trying to find a safe, rome and,
The security guards said: will the senators now, where they're going wrong? he's, a snap is another. Don't they don't know going what there's no plan for this? You have no planned to get these or public and senators and democratic senators joy same space and that point mitt romney realize That not only admits Mcconnell ignored his warnings. you ignore the warnings of everybody else. and there they were lost. among the mob. Desperately I do find a room where, where where they could say United states senators lives Very large portion of my party
Rami said really doesn't believe in the constitution and its confirmed when Donald trump says he wants to terminate the constitution and for There are six of eight republicans, say: yeah, we're on that guy side, people ask: why is mitt romney with I rang from the senate, I ask in the hell: did he stay there in that report, in party for so long willie that senior describing in mackay carbons. These are just excerpts from about that's coming out in a couple of weeks, but that senior describe of angus king urgently reaching out to mitt romney. To talk to you calls and talk. Some angus king informs him of the briefing he has received about the online chatter and the threats of violence on January six, and then that text mess you're, talking about where mitt romney
reaches out to Mitch Mc Carlin says: there's talk that they want burn down. Your house match that there's gonna be violence and a couple of days are we ready for this? What's the plan we know what's coming we're getting all this intelligence were see it online and did not get a risk? from which Mitch, which tells you so much you also Amanda carpenter reading through some of these, excerpts get the sense that yes, retiring, mitt romney because he says of his age he's seventy six years old and he wants to turn over the party to a younger generation, but that the party that he grew up in father first and then he came up through and was a governor and and a senator is gone and that that's about it, the book the Josh holly's J D advances- and he said it was for effectively asthma K report clear, these were not outliers, but this is where the party is going, and these are not people he believed came to wash.
And with the right intentions, are that there were cynical operators undermining democracy and that he couldn't work with them. Yeah, listen! It is a fact that that mitt romney is returned. From the senate. He is one of the few seven senate republicans at voted for impeachment, but you really have to dig deep and think about what does that mean that mitt romney didn't feel safe and the united states Senate because of the threat posed by his colleagues former republic in presidential. Now many very wealthy man should be one of the safest scares people in the world he is a smart person- has made the calculation I cannot function here in a positive way in the Senate any longer you know I wish him a very restful retirement, but I don't want to lose it and here's why. I firmly believe that republicans like men- we will not make a difference in the future of our country. It will make the difference the quota
as an atlanta profile where he talks about how authoritarianism is like a gargoyle perched over the cathedral, ready to pounce at any time. Stop me in my tracks, because I believe it is one hundred per cent true and if mitt romney can realise that- and he can talk to other republicans say listen, I may not survive Joe Biden, but I clearly see the difference between rotarian, then in democracy, he's putting it that way and authoritarianism is really scary. Work is not one that we want to play. It apply to the circumstances of our country, but if we look at what it donald trump with in a different country doing this, we would have no problem saying that, and so I think a lot about my job democracy. What can we do to make sure report Kids like mitt romney disappear into the ether, because there have been a lot of republicans who have disappeared.
once a prominent positions, I mean we can name, the people that have been retired could have been primary and all the you hundreds of other people that make up a republican party who no longer feel welcome They need somewhere to go. They are not going to become democrats necessarily, but if they can undermine and the choice as mitt romney does and he can be voice and that that would be very helpful. If not sad, very sad who simply the Senate yeah and was surrounded him it seemed like a times no safe harbour, even people closest telling people that he was gonna get people that I worked with it that were friends for decades, It's like Donald trump came to town and the people I knew for decades completely disappeared. Will his running late was paul ryan guy had known since ball is very young guy. I remember calling paul urging it come on. You got to fight back. This is normal dont, pretendedst normal, don't put your head down and say you're gonna worry about legislation, which is what it is doing well here. Yet
raw me, who is struggling with impeachment, and He knew he was moving towards voting for impeachment and he just said There any kept hearing the same cynical arguments from miss connell from other groups what members of the Senate from the stand from the lawyers couldn't believe it, and yet he was really anguished about what he was going to have to do and it gets a phone call. And it's from Paul ryan. and Paul Ryan. Not talk into a mrs swarm are running. May always a friend Paul ryan, here by star see that most mitt romney says giving the same. Talking points wrong that the trump white house was giving that Mitch Mcconnell was giving him the white house. that the lawyers were giving him. In addition, the presidency team presented three defences: no words
This is a loss on so many levels, given the current state of our democracy on a slave losing a good man here, he's not running again. Senator romney made the announcement that it won't run for another term next year in a video posted across social media. The seventy six year old, former presidential candidate acknowledged his age was a factor in the decision. I spent my life twenty five years in public, service of one kind or another. At the end, another term I'd be in my MID eighties, frankly, time for a new generation of leaders, they're the ones that need to make the decisions that will shape the world, they will be living. In now, we ve critical challenges morning, national debt com, The change- and
bishop, authoritarian of russia and china. Neither president Biden nor former president trump our leading their party to confront those issues. Look, I'm motivations too often in the solutions that these challenges demand. The next generation of leaders must take america to the next stage of global leadership I think the great thing about the president by former president from where I am someone I mean for the environment. He realized that he was a transitional figure. The next generation well transit, sam stein curious year. Your thoughts about again, their retirement, but also some candy extraordinary clothed setting out from it romney nor actually thought the most.
extraordinary quo is just completely filled with external quotes was one a quarter from mitch, Mcconnell actually, and I'm going to paraphrase, because I don't have the piece in front of it but believe us after that. First impeachment are in the midst of it, Mcconnell cause of bromley. and he says you know I'm jealous more or less and say what you get to say about trump and it was that word can't. I thought that was kind of extraordinary here, because of course he could write like mokanna could say he just wouldn't and I think that sort of the fundamental distinct between raw me everyone else in his pockets, in what he conveys to mackay carbons is that. his sentiment, exhibited publicly about trumpet trump ism is more or less Third, with ninety nine percent of his colleagues, but he may be among the one or two percent who says it publicly:
and the rest of them just refused to do it, even though they felt it and I think that gives you a sense of where the republican party is about compromises that it has made about the choices it's made to get to the point where it is and it also gives us a really clear understanding of how we got to this point right now, maybe- nothing else would have changed if Mcconnell and others had stepped up and said things they wanted to say, but I found until we I believe we probably would be in a different political system or landscape. I should say, file that path or that instinct. there is no doubt about it, a man. You know one thing that came out here that we ve all known for a very long time is just how much every rule lookin senator hates donald trump. There story after story throughout this, of how republican senators were trashing, Donald trump and the cloakroom we'll talk about one time where after after the mulder report and acted model
His testimony in trump came to the hill. He was in a great mood. He spoke to the senate and he said that all this is behind me and now we can be the party of of of of health care, and ass he was walking out. Everybody was applauding. He goes out the door Second, these out the door. There was silence for a second and then the tire room, a robs in contemptuous laughter laughter, marking laughter of donald trump, all of, and this the republican party. This is how they feel behind the scenes. But you put a camera autumn is mitt romney, say, and I just started lange and trying to kiss up to donald trump in the case of MR connell, I mean when he says I can't say things that you do mitt romney. It's because miss Mcconnell hisself gagged himself with parts Shep in, I always think back to work, while one of them with someone,
old, Jonathan Martin, making for new york times he's a while ago during impeachment, in which it was mcdonald's view that Democrats would take care of this problem. For us I mean that sort of fatal flaw here is always thinking. This is a part as an issue, it's. Not a national issue is on the issue of upholding the constitution, as mitt romney has pointed out, is always a partisan fight, while will epidemic take care of it and I will never have the self police or do anything that might blow back. I mean when it comes to policing. My own party in is not just my Mcconnell, as you pointed out, they will freely admit this behind closed doors, but as soon as they go on part of the cameras, the partisan gang goes right on and they themselves, you know you look it now: the composition of the senate, Jackie alimony, that people like mitt, romney or pact to me, or richard burr, being go down the line. The sort of all an establishment, republicans they're all gone there, leaving and making way for candidates like herschel walker and doktor eyes, and the ones that that down
from likes better jos, right. If you read through these excerpts from above It revealed something to the public that we stand. The show a lot you don't have to take our word for which is that the republic So you see on tv defending sometimes weeping on fox news, saying donate donate to donald trump hence find their coming for him. They're coming for all of us, they have beyond, can form they mark him behind closed doors, which makes what they do out and the public every day, all the worse- that they know better, that they know better. They know that now tromp is not a good man. No, he wasn't a good president, but they fear him and they fear his voters, and so they go along for the ride every day. There are willing- and I think one as that biggest takeaways, I had from mackay's extraordinary piece really Ferris had its dig into this book Is this idea that I think a lot of people have debated in grappled with over the past? We know
eight years now, really, which is tromp ism is not an aberration is something that mitt romney had believed when he actually decided to make the running and go into the senate, something if he showed up in washington dc thinking he would be, the moderating force in washington. There would be successful at that and came to. We realise that that this actually was the future of the party. Now you know why Twenty twenty four seven years after he got here and has realised that there has been a complete metamorphosis. I mean I haven't, talked to one former members of congress who hasn't To me how much that institution as a whole has completely degraded and mitt romney gets at that as well, which is that he was told that the number one priority in terms of his decision making process by one of his colleagues is. Will this help or hurt my real action?
and that seems to be the case that the drive in the motivation for a lot of the law makers. We see now, of course, in the senate, there's a little bit more room for some some moderation and for some more traditional conservatives, as you just named, although a lot of them are now leaving the hair, a dying breed and and in the house, obviously, because of the way that these districts and have have been created no lawmakers can get away with it: far more controversial hard right. These these players that we ve seen rise up in this market universe, but but as romney also says at the end of the day, what our people, like ted crews, Josh, holly, Janey vance, getting their becoming famous senators, what what does
that mean in the broader context of the world, and I think that that also guess at this final point, which, as you know, is, is good. And now the most effective vehicle for change, and that seems to be something that at raw me in necessarily believe in any more other than the fact that you know his colleagues, don't believe in the constitution the washington post, Jackie alimony. Thank you so much for your reporting editor at they non partisan group protect democracy at the name right, Amanda carpenter. Thank you very much for being on this morning. Come back. Both very soon. Thank you, and still I had a morning joe, the man hunt for an escaped prisoner on the run for two weeks is over we'll go I've depends of pennsylvania for details on how least captured the convicted killer. All We had much more on the impeachment inquiry against president Biden launched by house baker, Kevin Mccarthy, wheel.
joined by congresswoman Nancy, poles say, who was criticised by mccarthy for launching a similar investigation into then president trump, when she held the gavel plus majority leader, chuck sumer well way in and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, will be our guest this morning, as well you're watching morning, Joe we'll be right back I can't wait and see The one on Tom yarmouth from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist. We take you to the front the story words actually happening with envy
jordan was on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know bring your news, feed to life and now top stories available as a podcast. So you can listen anytime and anywhere subscribe now for new episodes. Every week now the I'm MSNBC is ali velshi, a book banning our classrooms with fifteen hundred titles band. Last year alone, each week on my week on bill, she band book club, a different author joins me to discuss, thereby I bought like Margaret atwood glory holes, anderson and many more using books. That's how we share our wisdom, our values, that's how we take our country to the place that should be loosened to velshi banned bookclub. Now on apple podcasts, new episodes, thursdays this fellow cavalcanti is back in prison. This morning, authorities captured the fugitive yesterday morning ending and nearly two week, manhood in chester, canny pennsylvania. It was
down using thermal imaging technology, fishes say he was taken by surprise. A border patrol dog pin down, as he tried to crawl away through underbrush the dog bit Cavalcanti three say he suffered a minor injury. Please say no offices were hurt, while apprehending the fugitive, Cavalcanti was transported to a police ex, where he was arraigned on escape charges. The convicted murder now being held in maximum security, prison cavalcanti broke out of the chester county. Prison August thirty, first just nine days after he was sent to life for the murder of his girlfriend. Thirty Europe also wanted for murder in brazil join us now, site where authorities captured him in chester, county NBC news. responded george, so LISA george, we had on the phone yesterday morning, while this was all unfolding, what more have we learned in the twenty four hour sense.
Yeah good morning? Really, there is a lot of developments here, sars how cavalcanti managed to survive in these woods. Behind me, marshall rob clark telling us that cavalcanti admitted that arrest interview that he survived out here by eating watermelon from a near by far be drained from the streams which a lot of us assumed. He found a razor in a bag that he stole. That's how he changed his appearance. He is a stopped here. He was very technical about what he did and then he planned to use that when twenty two rifle that he had stolen from a home on Monday night to try and carjack someone to try and break that new police perimeter that please set up here and try and get the candidate or just anywhere that he could. We this sir county area and obviously try and leave the states. These are just some of the new details that we are learning about, cavalcanti, where his I was as the day sort of went on during this man hut. Of course, a community, as you can imagine, breed a major sigh of relief, it's a bit of a cliche saying, but when you really think about it, we have business
the scope of schools ways of life just completely interrupted, because we no, where this fugitive might appear. Next, he was obviously going to homes of former coworkers. If you could get some kind of help at this point. We are still saying that there are looking into who may have assisted cavalcanti if anyone at all- and you know during these briefings with lieutenant colonel george billions- we prestham prestham hard about how this could go on for so long and if any mistakes were made, the crow adamant saying no. This is exactly the sort of look the way they thought it would work out. I mean no perimeters. A hundred per cent sure he said you know we're going to keep pressing em and pushing edmund, eventually you'll, make a mistake, and it turns out sounds like he'd. If he was moving around in that area, he tripped a burglar alarm overnight that a plane with thermal imaging capturing him. There was a storm that moved in, but those tactical teams stayed on the ground just sort of keeping him there and then they use that can It's a really cecile the deal so to speak, and now Cavalcanti is back in police custody, village
george listing description from authorities sound like he was surprised that they capture him from above from an aircraft with that imaging that thermal imaging equipment about one o'clock in the morning. So they had a pretty good idea where he was, is your sense that he was completely caught by surprise when the dog moved in you turned around and saw all those law enforcement officers absolute caught by surprise, think he was pretty confident We aim to elude authorities consider met since extends. He sees me manage to do it for so long, but I think a thorn. Knew what they had him in this area. This proverbial needle in a haystack at made made sure that he was not gonna go anywhere in again, using that canine to really make sure he was taken down and, of course, We saw that photo of the officers, the technical teams taking that trophy shot. If you will colonel saying he had no issue with the teams out. There In that, considering the manpower that was out here and how long they had to
ray these conditions that here the bad weather the heat trying to track this guy, who abated them for two weeks. Will they so all yes, we mentioned kept janeiro cavalcanti, now waking up in a maximum security prison in Montgomery county pennsylvania, where he will ultimately end up. carrying out that life sentence so remains to be determined willing I believe you will not be out of their sight this time. Nbc news corresponded georgia, lease the doing a great job covering the story for the last two weeks. George thanks so much. We appreciate it coming up the eu I did autoworkers are preparing to strike if they can't reach contract agreements by tonight. Steve Ratner joins us with charts.
It says about organized labor in the united states morning, Joe's coming right back, the hey. It's Chris says this week on my podcast. Why is this happening I'll be talking with journalist alex press about hot labor summer? We very much are seeing a lot of this initiative come from the rank and file these things that we're talking about whether it's the reform movements or the you know, sort of ambitious contract, fights and strikes very rarely are they being initiated from the top? It very much is being pushed by. I think what the membership want week. Unwise, is happening. Search for wise is happening where every listening right now and subscribe to get the best of him ass, a b c it all in one place every day with the MSNBC daily newsletter-
each morning in your inbox, you'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shows training for real web assent as we actually get europe or card from the american people previews from our pod casts and documentaries, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves, hundreds for msnbc daily at msnbc dot com, forty one past the hour, live work at the white house ass, the sun comes up over washington. The job and presiding over. The mar a documents case has taken swift, new action, seen largely as a win for Actual council, Jack Smith's team in an order. Yesterday, you s district judge, alien, can and limited former president trumps access to it. In the case and bar to him from publicly discussing sensitive material, despite
claims that he had already declassified all the documents that fbi agents found when they searched his floor. resort with a warrant. Last year. The order refer Two materials in question, as still being classified, judge, can and wrote that trump and his defence team can discuss or reviewed the classified information. Only inside a court approved sensitive come part information facility or skiff or another rise area. The judge did not mention the skiff that trumps attorneys requested. She reestablished at mar, which have one during the trump presidency. The sixteen page order by the trump when a judge is largely in line with the proposals submitted and July's by a special council jack Smith's team for house and his journey should handle national security information related to the case
cannons rolling, did not completely shut the door on trumps de classification arguments. She wrote tat, her order is quote entered without any prejudice to any potential challenges, including two hour whence raised under the presidential record's act will be following this of still. I have on morning job to promise and democratic way. While join us speaker, america, nancy policy and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton we have much more. I had on warnings we'll be right back. The that's a beautiful view, looking south from the top of our building here manhattan at rockefellers, six. Forty seven in the morning the clock is ticking for all three major: u s automakers, to reach a new labour contracts and to avoid a strike that could cause
the: u s: economy, billions of dollars for gm and still land have until midnight to reach an agreement or face walk out, by thousands in the united autoworkers union. Employees of companies are demanding. Pay rays and better benefits. Sprained, former treasury official in mourning geo economic analyse Steve ratner. He is at the south west wall with his charge before we die, then stay What's your sense, as the former cars are the obama administration of how this thing ends? Is this going to go on for a while willie. This looks like one of the toughest ones we seen in a very long time, the w has need leadership, very, very aggressive, sang berber, impressive things, demands are incredibly substantial. Much more than the car companies can do, and I think that fifty nine tonight you'll see some strikes. You come up with a fairly clever strategy of striking only a few plans to start with, which would have the effect of disrupting car production, the goal, of course, but also not
have most of the workers out on a strike with their aftershave strike benefits from the union. They will continue get paid by the companies, so it could be a kind of an unusual strike, but none the less potential going to the auto industry yeah just hours left to go here before potential strikes. So, let's dig into your charts with all that, in the background Steve your first chart is about lee scoring some recent winds in these strikes. willie. I wanted to give you a sense of what's going on in the labour world in general, and so these days lost to work stoppages, how each day works on strike counts as one you can see that we had a period of considerable strike activism back before the two thousand, and if I took this back further. You would see even more extraordinary days lost The strikes we lost twenty four million days of work to strikes on average, from nineteen forty seven to nineteen, forty, ten eighteen, fifty nine and then you can see
became very, very question for whole variety of reasons: lot: fewer union members, more aggressive actions by the on the part of companies as and not that much inflation, but now lately we started to have strikes pop back up. We did have it strike against general motors in two thousand and nineteen course now. Everybody knows we have the screen writers and the directors out on strike, and so you can layer the you W. On top of that, assuming it happens and the snow that have happened have been somewhat successful. It's hard to know exactly, of course, because inflation is also pushed up wages, but you can see the first year increases in union ratify contracts we're down as low as one or two percent in the early two. Thousands. We also did not have that much inflation, but now, partly as a combination of both factors, you can see that these contracts, are suddenly out of between five and six percent
problem here is that the union's demands are really pretty much extraordinary way beyond what the car companies can meet and still have viable companies, and so the between the two sides is a very very unusually large and as we move your next check stay, we can see why auto workers are striking, which is effectively, as you say, their wage. have remained basically stagnant for almost thirty years, not keeping in line with wage growth in the economy. More broadly yadda yadda sector is an unusual factor and not unique, but manufacturing itself is different from a lot of the service kinds of jobs that have also got on like the writers and allay hotel workers what, but let's start with a couple basic principles, the sort of deal between american business in american workers, as a few produce, more per person will pay more and this. This Close set of lines. Right here shows that happening as productivity went up going all the way back to nineteen. Sixty wages
in tandem workers, were getting their share in effect of the pie, starting in two thousand began to diverge productivity continue to rise wise, but wages did not rise commensurately and we had very, very high corporate profits, and there are a bunch of reasons for this climb in union membership. Things like that, but the consequence of it was and the consequences were somewhat different for different parts of the labour force if you were an auto worker, your wages after just inflation and stayed rock stay roughly flat throughout this entire pure. from nineteen I, so you had no real increase in your standard of living or first, which is this black lie, have had fairly noticeable, not huge, but but about a tent that increase in real wages over that period of time and then have manufacturing workers who are somewhere in between they got some increases, but not us as service workers and but a bit
than the autoworkers. So it's been a tough time for work particularly manufacturing to stay up with inflation and also my barn. well. The old world of auto workers being in unions, has changed if you moved to the south and south carolina and georgia and places like that, you have a lot of non union, auto jobs there and, of course, those out of the country as well. So that's what auto workers detroit are up, and still resolve that will, in addition to her very feisty new head of the. U s, w sean saying a vote aggressive union leader and steve. The point. She raised earlier that there is a potential strike that will begin tonight at midnight. Maybe just one car company- we don't know yet, but what happens to the sumer, who is ordered a twenty twenty for model do out maybe in november or December, what happens to the cost of that car. Will. Certainly, wage increases are inflationary, and so you want to try to find some bows between the two, I'm not as worried
the inflationary consequences? Because labour is not actually that huge of a percentage of what it costs make car it will be First, I more about how this falls out in terms of the future of the industry, because there are a bunch of disturbing trends that are unique to companies that x or a lot that live in a global market and manufacturing companies the postal service companies, a hotel worker or something like that, because let's take a look at what has been happening to the share both carp car companies and to the workers, workers, union workers who work with them, so the so called big, free as we call them the detroit three chrysler, which is now called, why sport in general motors was up at around ninety percent. If you go back and the nineteen sixties and these would have been virtually a highly highly savage of union markers and That share, has frock drop, drop, drop and is now down here of forty percent, and that's it The of imports from other countries-
as well as companies. May cars here, I'd like to our hand and so forth, and saw him, our market, the Union membership has dropped a pace, so union shut membership with his high sixty percent over here back in about nineteen eighty and its now drop to about ten percent under about eighteen percent- sorry about over here, and so the unions have lost a fair amount of their clout. A lot of these play have moved to the south, where we don't doubt whether typically not unionized, and they pay a lot less and they use a lot of the same cars but outside of the unions and so another place they move. We need to be cognizant of is mexico. So if you look at manufacture bring employ auto manufacture employment in mexico? You can see This red line right here has we're going up up up, obviously covered. is everything for awhile anyway. Now it continues to go up to here.
and an whereas? U S, car manufacturing employment has found shrapnel, but here a covert, and now for the first time right around here. More car mark otto workers are working in mexico, making cars for our market, principally then, working in the: u s: making cars the people in mexico you paid as little as eight dollars an hour there's one union eyes she imply that gets paid like nigh between nine and twenty thirty three a day. Sorry, today, the nine dollars and so your pay competing. The union workers here are competing against us much more we paid workers down in mexico and that's a further drag on auto employment up here, great powers active on a strike that could be coming at eleven. Fifty nine tonight we'll keep our eyes open, steve, Rattner thanks so much as always for walking us through all of it in and SAM stein, on labour.
President Biden said he doesn't believe there were going to be a strike. He's described this as the most pro union president ever Where is he right now, and this is the administration involved in this negotiation in some way, yeah there was one of the top aids to binding genes. Gene sperling has been working with the automakers in the union to try to figure out a middle ground. Here we got word yesterday, while your journal, I believe that Biden himself had called the heads of the bay companies to try to figure out if there was some more give their that they could give up for these negotiations, but you're. Absolutely right I mean all signs indicate that come midnight tonight, we're gonna, get a targeted straw, we'll see how long that lasts and will see if binding is compelled to get more further above them and keep my mind, there's been a couple of strikes or strikes in his administration. Already, the rail strike the I'll. like he has shown a proclivity to get involved at last minute could happen today,
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.