« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/1/23

2023-09-01 | 🔗

Trump enters not guilty plea in Fulton County case

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Verbal vacation homes come with twenty four seven life support, So if you ever need anything, you can reach a real person in about a minute. because, if it's boring in and you need assistance, the land thing you want to do is wait to talk to a robot poor girl, after on life, support in amenity. Every vacation home should have further. Private vacation, rentals for you and your people. Let me just say this: these are the distractions, the gate, you to lose elections. The last we were told that special sessions here in the study door to just a few weeks later, the republican majority lost to? U s and rice. I can tell you that, as long as I'm governor, we're gonna stay focused on the issues that help all That is the way you win, races that
the way you move forward, not focusing on the past or some drifter scale, that somebody's do and to help them raise a few dollars into their campaign. georgia's republican governor Brian camp, with some strong words. Obviously talking there about donald trump and calling out far right members of his party who want to special session to remove the district attorney prosecuting donald trump. He says it's not gonna happen his watch. This comes as the former president officially now pleads not guilty in the fulton county election interference case will have much on all that in just a moment, plus a republican, financial, canada again calling for time limits in the senate. Following me, Mcconnell latest healthcare will have more on his medical school waste and also ahead will look at them. I didn't ministrations plan to close major loophole for gun sales good morning. What the morning joe, it is Friday September first and willie guys with us this morning, the host of way too early, whitehouse bureau chiefs.
jonathan le Maire, former white house directive committee, issues to president obama, Jennifer palmary, pulitzer prize winning in calmness and associate editor of the washington, impose eugene robinson whitehouse editor for political, SAM stein, and were assisting. U S, attorney for the district of columbia, Glenn kirshner NBC news. Legal analyse, got a full house morning tee. All its dive right in former president trump officially has pledged not guilty in the fulton county election interference case trumps, t matter, His plea yesterday for the third infallibly charge as he faces, including racketeering and conspiracy, to play with entered in writing as they filed a waiver to tell the court, he would not appear for next week, gradual arrangement for our presidency, your team also pushing to separate his case from the other co defendants, the filing argues october. Twenty third is not I have time to prepare a defence that date was set for the speedy trial of co defendants. Kenneth cheese broke down
funny, willis ass to judge last week to set that date the remainder of the co defendants as well. When the trial, officially, is that there will be cameras in the courtroom. That decision confirmed by the judge yesterday hearing proceedings relating to the case will be televised and lie strain on the court's. You to channel so glad I ll start with you this morning. Let's talk about first, Donald trump waving the arraignment pleading not guilty I guess no surprise there, but what severing his case from the others. What are you read into that you know it's not a surprise, willie in virtually every co defendants case, we get motions to sever which essentially defend and saying love judge. I want you to break me out from the pact I want a separate trial. Aren't they want a separate themselves from the people that they believe might be more comparable? They don't want evidence spilling over on them in a joint trial and with respect to Donald,
pumps decision to forego a personal appearance at his arraignment. I have a feeling, you know all along donald trump has been waging battle really in a court of public opinion, not in a court law, so he may have made the decision that you know his grafting opera. Communities will not be particularly high if he makes another personal appearance in georgia. For arraignment. So he and his lawyers have decided to wait for another, the personal turns out the arrayment interplay of not guilty and hill to see what the court does not only with respect to the next in person, status. Hearing, but with back to his motion to sever it'll, be interesting. I will say willy meyer the motions to sever are denied and corn will cite things like judicial, economy, inefficiency. Imagine if you had to have. Nineteen
trials witnesses would have to testify nineteen times it could go. On four years, and there is this sort of preference for a joint trial when defendants are properly joined together in a single indictment, but will have to see what judge mcafee does down in georgia, So with that in mind, then gland. Do you believe that even can a cheeseburger gets his own trout very soon by the way where in september this morning, so that's next month he's looking for in october, twenty third trial, which do fanny was a sure we're ready, let's go ahead and do that you think He goes on october, twenty third, and as you look it for you the idea of this getting split up nineteen different ways which, as you say, is unlikely to happen when donald trump? Finally have his trap. It great question two different issues with respect to somebody demanding a speedy trial and under or July. That means cheese. Bro has to be tried by the end of august,
over that is sort of separate, and apart from a motion to sever, I do think that she's burrow we'll get his speedy trial, sidney all who is also made a speedy trial. The man may get back together with cheese brow. It's an The question as to how much time, judge mcafee if all of the other defendants, but here's the thing I think she's bro, in power, have set a bit of an atmospheric precedent, not a legal precedent. their arguments are now kind of antagonistic to all of the other defendants who will argue jews. I can't simply be ready to go to trial. In october, the judge I think, can rightly observed well other defended already willing and able to go in over. So why can't you,
so one of those nineteen co defendants, one of donald trump, eighteen co. Defendants in this georgia case may have well confessed a little bit too. The crimes is accused of, while giving it a veto fox news, former trump lawyer, John eastman, he of the infamous esben memo, appeared to admit to attempting to stop the certificate of the twenty twenty elections during exchange with facts house laura ingram. On January sex what did you want to happen and how was that store a clean grounded in the history of our country. How would that of take play so just so, the viewers can understand what would have unfolded and how that would have ultimately been constitutional, there are several things. Some people had urged that vice president pan simply had power to reject. Can electors
who certification was still pending lily? I don't believe that Only one thing. I agree. What and I can I exe listen told vice president pans in the oval office on january forth, that, even though it was an open issue under the circumstances we had, I thought it was the weaker argument and it would foolish to exercise such power, even if he had it, what I I recommended- and I said this repeatedly is that accede to requests for more than a hundred state legislators and swing stage, to give them a week to try and sort out the impact of what everybody acknowledge was illegality and the conduct of the elections. Election really want these colleagues, not ever on it now, but that was the argument that was being made obviously- and there were irregularities that everybody had seen, but whether that was still there whether rose to the level of change in the outcome of the election again without
go proceeding in the states that mattered that the argument, ultimately, what was a difficult one to make and enhance hands here? We are so Jane robinson, they have one of the central players in all this. The guy that Jonathan Amir wrote about a lot in his book. The big lie, who drive did the memo with theory with crack legal theory that, yes, my pants, could flip the election to Donald trump effectively saying yes, that's exactly what I tried to do around the election and by the way to say that everyone knew that there was thing fishy about this election, nano donor, there were sixty five, court cases, only two of them went his way, and also people saying. Obviously there were something I'm in their throwing around these words. It's just not true it's just not food. I may have implicated himself in that interview.
absolutely right is just not true, is certainly not true that everybody acknowledge their problems. The election, in fact, as you, as you just mentioned, that that proposition was tested in court sixty five, times and it failed, Robin to minor examples of above where The irregularities were founded, but in fact nothing that would have changed the outcome of the election. In any state period, it just simply did that happen, so
a lie and a just acknowledge. Really, then he tried to something that was that was unconstitutional or extra constitutional there's, no sort of well give it a we sort of provision in the constitution or in or in our law. That would allow that sort of thing and, and so yeah sealed sounds to me like in it in an admission of the facts with which he being charge criminal law and its a bit. It's probably I dont know why these these lawyers go on fox news and and talk. There are criminally charge them defended to go out A book and talk about their cases generally dont do themselves any good and often do themselves farm, and I think that's what he's been is doing a little light confession air from John eastman, who, of course,
also during the process and twenty twenty in emails would suggest we might be breaking the law here, some more of the came from him in and genes point is certainly right that largely tell clients are going to be? Someone need to tell the worse to do the same. The gentleman there's something else about that moment? That was really interesting to me. I noted at at on way too early, but it's worth further further exploration here, that's laura ingram! who was very careful and how she talked about that with the backdrop of the dominion lawsuit sediment looming fox news court loud a lot of money, there there's another smart matic lawsuit still pending, and so is an initial political moment, though, where fox, at least in certain moments is not willing to we support trump and his team and their claims election interference. Could that hurt trumped political standing as we berlin to these farmers. I add that that was that, with my big takeaway with was bow. She is going out of her way to enter jacked to correct the records they. What we know
we don't want know what was possible was impossible and it in like sort of way. A casualty of the of the trump years is the casualness with which the lawyer case goes on. It goes on air says. Thank you know basically admits to a conspiracy here, disabled. To find some way to get this done in a war? Ingram has been held. She she knows what it's like to be held accountable under the law. Right and johnny has been, doesn't know that but it is. It has been a man. I've been seeing fox system in the last couple weeks to be very little schizophrenia and how whether or not it can really be propping up trump without without undermining its own. It's like whether or not it can survive yet. Another poor challenge.
Meanwhile bill bar, of course, the former attorney general under donald trump again pouring cold water. On all these arguments, your hearing, especially the one from trump himself trump repeatedly has said, is upcoming criminal trials amount to quote election interference. Well yesterday, also on fox news bar called those claims silly, I mean the basic principle in the criminal justice system is: if a prominent person commits a crime and there's an endless seeking office that give em immunity. If there's, if there's enough time to have it resolved before the election, it should be resolved ideas at okay, well, I'm! So I will let you get run in the and after will address it, that's not a principle of the criminal I mean just thinks a mayor charge charged with, ass of embezzlement, and he says: well, you don t have to the election. Let's put that on hold. Will I one free reelection, it's silly it. So
you can argue about whether we should have been charged and so forth, but the idea that this is interfering with the election is simply and the same. This is an argument we ve heard from judges in these cases to which is particularly unthinkable, judge shock in the deasey federal case around the election say yes, the march What is the date? We begin your trial. I guess that's on the eve of super tuesday. It's not my job scheduled through your presidential campaign. If you didn't want to have all these no problems. During the campaign year, you probably should not have committed. A large number of let'S crimes? The aspect is the key as here era, what makes it a bar fact the pure as he could care less what people think about him and it comes across in the way he talked right, it's like so what? If people on fox news get mad at me we're telling the truth. I don't care about running, brought, strengthened and yeah. I think he's got a very valid point, not just legally, but or you could look at it the other way right. It's you know it's a service to the
voters actually to get this sad to get the little stuff out of the way right, if you're, a voter you're going as burden primary in an ideal circumstance. You know if the person your casting about four is gonna, be rusted phobia, even be the ballot. These are major questions that need to be resolved before people cast ballots and the idea that trunk and just pushed off till after election is pretty transparently an attempt by his team try to run at the clock. Get pass you I can win office and try. I just get rid of all the legal problems that have been surrounding him over the past couple months. If I could, I won't go back. The one point about eastman. I wish things about point here why she going on ox news why's he creating more power himself in this sort of the underlying issue here, the topic which has proved its worth- secure lawyers like johnny seven day. Yes, they found in
an immense amount of legal problems from their actions, leading up to the twenty twenty blushes and certification. They ve also found a fair bit of celebrity a johnny. Spain is now a celebrity on the right. He goes to combat conferences, he's here, there's a hero in certain quarters of the conservative movement movement, and so there is an impulse that is trying to resist, not very well to go out and be celebrate, go out and do tv hits on fox news? I think that impulse is problematic. Ultimately, for these types figures are because they're gonna leave them to say things like you did on blurring I'm it's a good point. And he could say the same about really giuliani in sydney pal during the twenty twond, our election. Why were they doing it? Relevance there on tv people were talking about them, something they crave. another development. Around january six yesterday to former leaders of the proud boys were
in some of the longest sentences in the january. Six capital attack Joe bags atop lieutenant in that group, were sentenced to seventeen years in prison following his conviction on several charges, including sedition, Conspiracy. That's why you're shy, the eighteen year term, given to oath keepers, leader Stuart roads, the sentencing, a departure the thirty three year term prosecutor originally wanted after arguing begs, was a vocal leader of the group shift to political violence, another? he figure. This attack, the Zachary real, was given fifteen years far below the thirty year sought by prosecutors during sensing federal judge, Timothy Kelly describe what occurred day as a national disgracing quoth when, banana january six harmed and important american customs that day broke our tradition peacefully transferring power, which is among the most precious things we had. As americans notice, I say: had we don't have it anymore and quote: defense attorney. for both real and pigs,
the sentences were harsh, reiterate. his clients were just stained orders from donald trump donald trump stood. What how How far as you like sugar, a mile and a half two miles from here, you see Seventy four million votes was the commander in chief, the leader of the free world. He told people the election had been stolen. He said tat while he was clothed in the authority of the united states, there is a bigger threat, then a riot at that but that's a stolen election. These people listen couple years would have been enough time sentences are too morning to more proud boys will be sense, and the leader unrecorded terrio expected to learn his punishment next tuesday So glencore shows take that point from the debate The attorney there about the length of the senses, not even half in some cases, of what prosecutors we're looking for, but still a decade away. As a long time in jail and there
argument is well donald trump made me do it. We were just following orders in fact over the coup if some of these trials proud boy leaders were weeping literally in court, saying I screwed up, a day. I know I did something wrong, but it was the biggest fault. No really, I struggle with these sentences. You know rarely did. I have judges, impose only half of the sentence that was asking for as the prosecutor in the case, but I do think you know we have to accept the fact. that they were responding to orders from the president of the united states, the commander in chief. You know was telling these folks. Your vote was stolen, your election was rigged. Your president being unlawfully taken from you, and if you don't go to the capital and fight like hell, you want
have a country anymore now go down there and stop the certification. Of course you used the word steel, which is helpful because it up wade's evidence of donald trumps, criminal intent, because even he knew it wasn't stolen, but you know reflect on my own experience, I join the army, the nineteen eighties and served on active duty for six and a half years, because I was willing to listen to commander in chief at the time, I was well to go somewhere and fight like hell? If I was being told, if you don't do that, you won't a country anymore. You know I would have gone wherever I was deployed, some of these defendants believed donald trump and frankly urine I don t believe the president of the united states, even though people who can discern fact from fiction donald trump was lying, so I have mixed feelings about sex. Says that are only half of what the prosecutors are, asking for, but I think in part it's a recognition that donald trump is the one who was really responsible for the crimes.
The sentences are reflecting that yeah and gene is something we ve seen again and again in these cases, these trials of they played out with people who were, The capital people in this case will lead the attack on the capital, which is and it's illegal offence right, they're trying to keep out of jail? They need something but in some cases and ben both of these guys, who were sent yesterday crying in court. Mr real saying I'm done, peddling lies for other people who don't care about me apologizing to his friends? Is families even apologizing to prosecutors? Saying look, I believe, lies about the election. I know that they were lies. It didn't work spare them they're going to jail from fifteen and seventeen years respectively. But this is this is the case there, making donald trump and other members of the media, told us a lie. We bought it and attack the cap, and what we thought was a patriotic act and will it
I think that that we said what hundreds of visa january such cases now come through, that through the courts in and we ve seen defendants convicted and sentenced- and I think at this point we can look in and say over. All the justice system is getting this right. Then the foot soldiers that the people who simply were true believers who came to talk as I believe, everything down from told them about the story, action and and and just or followed the crowded and went into the end of the capital there there being punished, but their baby punish with with much shorter It says for more serious for less serious offenses, then the proud boys and the oath keepers, the proud boys, the oath keepers came organized. They came with gear. They came up with with tactical plans to to upset our constitutional order and
it to essentially stage what would have amounted to a coup d'etat by stopping the certification of a free and fair election and that's a much more serious offense. They do the especially the defense, the defendants who were convicted of seditious conspiracy, and it deserves these these longer sentences. I I agree with Glenda that may be integration because they were being told to do so by the president united states, thereby recognising begin judge tiny judkins court swore that former president, but in the meantime the sentences seem about write to me. They are serious sentences in federal prison. do the time and and that's a long time, fifteen years. Seventy years is a long time to think about what you did and I think they are appropriate glenn. What about that point that
he makes, which is the way the justice system is working. It has been a slow when patient, but here it is it's a lot of people to get through in the case of january six, but even now georgia, you have the nineteen co. Defendants gave a look at rudy, giuliani's defamation case he's going to have to pay a whole bunch of money to to a lecture. workers in georgia who defamed made lies about him, frankly, ruins their lives. It does appear and made not fast enough for some people, it does appear. Now, though, the bill is coming due for so many of these people in the justice system is doing its job free with jean yellow eyes conflicted. As I am about some of these sentences. I do think the justice system or systems both federal and state kind of writ large are getting this right. I think the Injustice that I feel that is at play every minute of every day is that the people who, we're following donald trump orders are in a pretty promptly being
arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned, and the general who the unlawful order is running for president going to dinner. Parties holding fund razors and pretty endanger with his statements and his posts. Body else, who's trying to hold him accountable, judges, prosecutors, witnesses, jurors and their family members in summons, instead, so until we remedy that, by you know, getting donald trump held accountable for his crimes. It still feels like we are sort of living with an injustice at the moment. I do think that I believed all along that the system will get there and hold trump and there the hierarchy of the insurrection that suits of the insurrection, not just the boots accountable for what they ve done. By the way, not only is donald trump saying his supporters go to jail for what he stoked he's, also having
pay his legal bills by raising money around all this and be seen whose legal, annals glenn kirshner thanks. So much so great tat your expertise in all this. We appreciate it still had on morning Joe the latest on ms mcdonald condition after another house scare this week and what republican presidential candidate, Nicky Hayley is saying about it now, plus long time, republican strategist, crawl, rove tears into the roma swamis, twenty twenty four candidacy, arguing republicans deserve choice, not an echo ray from rose, new peace and brand new, supporting this morning about the white house. building a warm room in anticipation of a republican led impeachment inquiry They're watching warning Joe on a friday morning we'll be right back
verbal, they keys Holmes come with twenty four seven life support. So if you ever need anything, you can reach no person in about a minute further private vacation, randall for you and your people, hey almost from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist. We take you to the front the story. Words actually happening with envy. Jordan was on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know
bring your news me to life and now Tom stories available as a podcast, so you can listen anytime and anywhere subscribed now for new episodes. Every week. to give up out of the white house, the washington monument to see the lincoln memorial beautiful friday morning in washington, a doctor says: senate minority leader mitch. Mcconnell is fit to work after having an apparent medical episode. This week. In a statement yesterday, the capitals attending physician wrote he consulted with the kentucky republican and iter Mcconnell was poured medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned. The doktor added quote occasional life. It is not uncommon in concussion. Recovery can also be expected as a result of dehydration
During a new conference on Wednesday, the eighty one year old Mcconnell throws up for nearly thirty seconds. The incident came a month that very similar one on capital hill, several months after Mcconnell suffered concussion in a broken rib after falling outside of a washington hotel is by yesterday's clearance from the doktor, some republicans still expressing scepticism about the senators fitness to hold office. One anonymous house lawmaker tells NBC news mechanic to be more transparent because he briefed on national security issues that most other member of congress are not buds who is expressing public confidence in the minority leader president Biden speaking yesterday, the president, who also is questions, of course surrounding his age said he has no concern about his former senate colic. I spoke to Mitch. He's a friend when I spoke to my today-
People is all self on. The telephone is not on at all unusual to have the response that sometimes happens mitch when had a severe concussion is part of it is part of the recovery. and so I am confident even be back to his also, If I didn't already do it, do you have any concerns about the stability I do. says: no, I don't have any concerns about Mcconnell's ability to do his job. Meanwhile, republican presidential candidate, Nikki haley, who has called for mental competency test for lawmakers over the age of seventy five, was asked about Mcconnell's latest health scare, here's some of what she said that's news. Yesterday it fair no one feel good about saying that you know it any more than we should. Good about thing, Diane Feinstein any more than we should feel good about a lot of what's happening or seeing Joe Biden this decline. What, I'll say is right: now the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country I mean
which Mcconnell has done some great things and he deserves credit, but you have you know when to leave. That is why I am strongly in support of term limits in this country, I think that we do need mental competency tests for anyone over the age of seventy five. I wouldn't care if they did him over the age of fifty, but these are people make, decisions on our national security there making too. genes on our economy on the border we need, oh they're, at the top of their game. You, you can't say right now, looking at congress, so gentle, mary, slightly less gracious, therefore mickey Hayley than was president Biden to mitch Mcconnell calling the senate in nursing home, but she makes is making an argument for term limits that are getting a little bit more traction anyway. Is it your sense that there that may go anywhere and then were to how much do you think knowing Washington as well as you do? There are private cars stations among Senate republicans about what comes next after midnight
about whether perhaps he should at least maybe not give up the sea to step aside from his leadership role, You know we have term limits there called elections and voter to decide who you know who who they, who they support, and they Oh, how old people are when they vote for them in california, voters understood how old Diane Feinstein once when they re elected her- and you know they real. They chose to rio lecture and This idea of a competency test match like its heart talk about think about how fraught that would be recalled from doktor from two thousand things Jane who gave him? How would you do something like that? It's it's or attempt to make this to me age. A lay, a liar larger are larger point, but in terms of the went on with the senate, you know, there's a lot
These about Mcconnell has been a very effective. If that were you know, deliberately effective leader and if he goes out what can happen there are. There are forty three senators amount in the wings wave aim that could could take its place by yeah this happened a second time. I think that there is there chapter in the senate, like that. There that there may be time to make a change whether or not can execute on that before the end of the year. But it is difficult to imagine how that plays out. There's a lot of trouble. she's a congress again have to deal with, including possible shutdown of the government and yeah. There's there's concern that whether or not Mcconnell can have operate as effectively as he normally does, and certainly to Jenn's point having it happen. A second time change the serious as the kansas be explained away as a one off dehydration and Mcconnell did receive that note from
but the senate attending physician yesterday, but certainly a sam stein, people we've been talking to in washington, you know not sure they'll buy it. They're, Democrats or republicans alike are really concern is whether Mcconnell can she keep his post, maybe his seat? The leadership is a different, a different areas to talk to about how things could change. If you were to step aside, we reported you how the white house views Mcconnell once a real democratic. villain, but now as it as it is an important partner, someone, the present kills worked with a bulwark tromp ism somebody need on ukraine, but also how would change the dynamics of the Senate and and potentially embolden some on the far right. Let me get it jens test out of the way person, woman man, camera tv there. Allow me now to address, strengthens the giant. You knew a very valid and wishing for here, which is that it will come on
ten years ago, is super hard for democrats are in ITALY blockading of mere grounds for import nomination, clearly sort of the pinnacle obstructionism fur for democrats cracks is down. You know not. One obama have a second term in his first term again. Another. emblem of how he was a thorn in their side. But since then, in this, bear especially for this white house has become when a common ally but an occasional ally, he was there on the infrastructure deal eyes, giving the by not a few other legislative oppositions, including that model scandal legislation on a more than that, it could have been a bit of a bulwark against trump ism and of course they are for ukraine funding and I think it's important for people are Shan. There is a very actually tight personally ship between Mcconnell,
I didn't mean Biden, spoke at the Mcconnell center in kentucky shortly after that first debt ceiling two thousand and eleven to praise the dead minority leader for being a partner. I now is tearing than that with the bad days, but now they ve been fairly formidable partnership- and inside the white house. There is real concern on a personal level arsenal. on a political level about what happens. If a common weren't you step aside or early this an entirely and I saw some others in the senate in their punk imparting, so that they can work with, but there is said he you know is so important and so many key legislative vehicles that they need, including government funding, which is what he was talking about art this latest outbreak besides, there is real real concern inside illustration samson
and on top of his excellent reporting analysis, just crushing the montreal cognitive assessment this morning, but well done my friend fishing gear and very impressive comedy. Next year, russia holding sham elections in illegally occupied areas of ukraine, even amid ongoing conflict there we'll have details on how ukrainian officials are responding morning, just coming right back verbal they keep holmes, come with twenty four seven life support So if you ever need anything, you can reach her ill person and about a minute further private vacation rent. As for you, and your people get abreast of him b NBC all in one place every day. The MSNBC daily newsletter,
Each morning in your inbox, you'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shows training for real. Why dissent as we actually get you a poor card from the american people, previews from our pod casts and documentaries, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves understand for MSNBC daily at msnbc dot com. The beef allied picture from the top of our building at thirty rockefeller centre like it. I just Mika lives, an apartment at the top of the comcast building. Here I've never been invited up. Frankly, it is the friday before labour to get ready for beautiful weekend. Meanwhile, overseas russia has begun staging what experts call sham elections on territory illegally annexed from ukraine a year ago, footage the dynamic region show citizens holding russian passports and turning back
oh on a box marked with the russian coat of arms writers reports, the kremlin picked governors. Each territory are seeking full terms, what is now for a cia officer mark polymers policies and msnbc national security and intelligence. market morning, it's great to see corrode a new peace. why Biden must send ukraine. The attack comes. It needs now So, let's start with one attack, homes are exactly and why you think, there's central to ukraine, winning this war. Good morning. I think that the we wrote the peace, because Many of us strongly believe in the notion that the united states actually can affect the battlefield it, and what does that mean? That means revision these long range ballistic missile systems that would enable ukraine to hit anywhere in crimea now
behind the russian defensive lines, whether its supply, depposed or a command and control are loot of adjusting send. You know we see a lot of criticism from united states, unfortunately, in a lot of anonymous, viewed the officials talking about the slow pace of the ukrainian counter offensive, but a matter of fact We haven't resource them properly. So again as the notion we can affect the battlefield. These attack missiles allow us to and men I still I find it, and many of us find it a bit maddening that the set this has not happened. Yet new administration have six in which is something that key has wanted from the beginning. The lansky is has made it up a borderline ups, sure of his government. We need these. We need these now, but it's been slow going. We s and training programmes have picked up give us. Assessment as to what difference they actually would make were they to arrive? But how likely is it that they're gonna get in time to make any real difference in this current sort of you're fighting season or to for Jonathan
a the curve on timelines, you know. In the beginning, we had some senior officials, talk about an eighteen month, training timeline training evolution and I wasn't sure it turned out to be four months, but as we ve done this programme many times, and I most of rabies has been very open about this, that this is a bit late now. This has a lot to do in kind of the future military. But I don't think it's going to affect the kind of the current fight These somewhat, let me go back to the attack, an issue that would- and you know, there's a lot of talk any ministry Well, maybe there's an inventory issue back on this or perhaps the dead. There's fears a russian escalation, but an inventory. Let's do a proof of concept. That's what we argue in the peace, give him a hundred attack and see what happens and on russian escalation fears. Look. The ukrainians are hitting targets inside rush, it every night now withdrawals but think they ve blown pass this idea of escalation. So this is, you know the art. Was: it is a policy description on something that can affect the battlefield and do so now. I think it's really important at the administration do this more
You mention the grumbling and washington, but about the ukrainian in the sense of going slowly and then not really taking that much territory. What is your assessment of how this this battle is going well or two things on his first? I think it's rather on tour. Four anonymous officials talking in the in the? U S, media complaining again about a slow counter offensive when we haven't resource them. In order for them to succeed. So that's one fees. I would. I would like to see that stop, but under the second, or look over the last, what seventy two hours or so ukrainians had seemed a broken through in this up reach a region. The russian defensive lines Perhaps they are making some more progress, and again it's just the idea to slowly but surely, where down russian offences. The final point on this and again I am- I have been very open about the history, nature of what the united states into by demonstration is done for ukraine.
There is this notion again that we can do a bit more and the idea of a frozen conflict to me. Just doesn't have to be the case again we can affect about the about. Was the matter but I I kind of live by a cia. We can affect outcomes so this this article is giving the the bite administration of prescription to move forward and quickly. The attack was, could be provided and could be used the sixteenth they could be used right away. There were some grumblings prickly from this republican presidential feel. We heard some of at the debate that it's time to kind of walk away from ukraine, one candidates I would cut off support for ukraine altogether and then make bizarre a couple of days ago claims about letting I should do its thing as a counterweight to china or something are you for that. That was you watch this that american support for ukraine is steady, that holding and that it will be in that the united states will be in for the long haul well related
the question, and then you know there are times when I am confident, because I think there are very responsible members in the republican party in the national social security scare who do want they to continue. But There is also this kind of you know mega, slash populist wing, and you hear it from the former president. You hear it from some of the other candidates that talks about cutting off and you know who listens to this is the ukrainians, and so in europe, as well? I think it's him I, on in the presidential debates, for example, on you saw Nicky Kelly. Do this to counter that argument, because again I do have some faith that there are responsible members republican side. But but you know it's it's it. That's not kind of life, in stolen in sand and look. This is not, as we have said many times the show. This is not republican party of ronald reagan. in any sense, and so reason have reason to be concerned, but still some time ago, these
peace on line of the news outlet, the messenger titled wide Biden must send ukraine. The attack of that needs now, MSNBC national security intelligence analyse mark polymers up was Margaret. see thanks. So much still had a look at some of the stories making front pages across the country, including one state, were too election officials are considering removing donald trump from the twenty twenty four ballot. How would that work plus, while the former president takes issue with his federal election interference trial, starting on the day before one of the big, states on the republican primary calendar, one of our next gas argues pope trumps trials. Dont interrupt his campaign. They are his campaign, will explain. One job comes right, the. senator ten crews of texas was on news max this week expressed is genuine and sincere outrage at an alcohol guideline that does not
even exist in the united states. Last week, the director of the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism suggested: u s, commendations. Could change to just beers a week recommendation in canada was suggesting. Maybe that would be a good idea for the united states is well well. Here's a senator crews had to say about that. What is it would liberals that want to control every damn f? of your life Biden came in one of the first things wanted to do was banned gas new york state has now done that for new construction, they're trying to go stir and regulate seal. we fans, I gotta, tell you taught in texas. We do want to get rid of our ceiling fans, and now these idiots come out and said drink to beers a week their guideline Y gotta tell They want us to drink. To bears a week. Frankly, they can kiss my ass my god, SAM joan I have said many times- is just the acting
so bad. That's where the directive calls COD deb sentences. Ok, I was a great. The first table were trying to do is similarly shoe, behavior. So, let's in the way people actually actually behave, but TED crews net This is a chance for little bad, acting in a little theater. I totally disagree If that was the stuff I read, I acted really natural to me. This is what I do when I go out and drink. When my buds, I have a mind me, I'm the beer and then, when I drink bay, subsequently drink incineration in that's, usually how it's fun. I dont know what kind of bars you go to new york, willie, my god, he didn t he cleared ted crews, as we now already just finds that the issue of the moment, the outrage on twitter area, the outrage on wherever is getting his information. It just pushes on that button,
yeah, whether it's whether there actually is a button or not. He pushes this. Is that he's good one at that he's going to complain about it and and do his? You know his his bad audition, for I don't know, for the TED cruz show, I guess which, which I'm not big enough for putting on my schedule, John. Is that how you is that how you roll, when you hit the clubs in brooklyn, just crack open a beer with your buds, the magazine. S like that. Yeah in san can save. It is not about that night. You don't remember I mean this is this: is the latest sincerity from ted crews? Of course, he's not
it is not the first time you several stance on camera. We call him hiding in the bushes by the border, will remember this where there is here and he didn't live, serve glare, which projects style here, Jim palmary, as he tries to stir up the outrage and that time it was about the migrants. This time, it's about the right to have more than two lodestar, veers kind, fake outrage executed that lay back there. It is fake outrage, executed badly willie, that is, tankers my god, but a lot of fun to watch? We want flash later. This might ass well, say: stein. Eugene robinson, I hope you simulate cracking beers this labour day weakened as well. Absolutely well. I'll, see you later vacation homes come with twenty four seven life support So if you ever need anything, you can reach a real person in about a minute.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-02.