« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/12/23

2023-09-12 | 🔗

Speaker McCarthy will endorse Biden impeachment inquiry: Report

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready for the best school year. Yet with I accept the ultimate all my learning programme for K through twelve, whether its homework help great improvement or conquering new challenges. I accept guides your child. Every step of the way I excel makes learning fun and engaging, and its less than ten dollars per month say goodbye to costly tutoring. I excel provides comprehensive, supported. Unbeatable value membership started just nine ninety five per month visit. I excelled outcome today for an exclusive twenty percent off unlock your child's full potential visit. I excelled I come now. the good morning and welcome to morning Joe, it is tuesday september twelfth. The Republican controlled returns to capital held today with now the time to hammer out a new budget, and now new reporting suggests the geo be majority seems to be more focused on launching an impeachment inquiry into president Biden then prevent
being a shot down of the federal government. Well, well, what's lock, fellows and thus Jane, that's been stays that way to play right in too sweet voters worst instincts about you dealing day. Ok, jabba loser. Ok, plots russian president. Vladimir Putin is meeting today with another dictator in an effort to secure while more support eyes for his military king of losing hassock, just Also this morning, hashtag we're doing so. Bad are a military, suck So bad, we have to ask north korea for. Their health Mozart is warning. Does russia we have two? Were publican presidential candidates joining us former arkansas governor S, a hatchet sin and former new jersey governor Chris Christie will be our guests morning along with Joe willing and may we have the host of weight to early. One has been achieved that let it go Jonathan, le maire? U s
of correspondent for BBC news, caddy k is back with us for suppliers calmness and and associate editor of washing imposed, eugene robinson and senior columnist at the daily beast mac, louis with us this morning. Good to have you all. You know really like schools back when, when I was growing up in a state new york in that way, seventies eyes. it wasn't the m radio all night. Now, listen W a b c george Michael in new york city to listen god, listen c k, l w just didn't cry. I was an upstate new york, so I could I could get any. I can get the east coast, I could get the midwest, but it's a wonderful life lie, but it was really cold there anyway. Your door. Curly
I get three whole dark at like three three thirty to attract mates there. They would do whether it'd be like you know: minus twelve degrees, and you know everytime. They get sad weight or me or her caddie, and I matching I dunno. What can I telling a story and will be defrayed afterwards? Okay, that anyway willie so it'd willie solidly minors, twelve I'd be depressed there and flats new york go little. And the cold is place on earth and then it gets radio dial and I, We're gonna, w l S, we still better go minus twenty degrees in chicago is that while it could be worse right, as a lifelong atlanta falcons fan. In the depths of despair.
I would say the least I believe this is a long up. I just want to know if Cady and I are matching go ahead- I'm not your jets fan the most jets thing ever, happened to the new york jets and that's like saying the Mats thing ever happened to the new york met. This is like seriously being set. Straight to hell, and the devil says no. No, now now there's there is actually a place below here. You ve, never heard of, and we're going to send you down there. But now it's like the jet He is thing ever happened last night, a tragedy for their friends. It's called back and yet somehow some way a mere. Can't finish at the just to the absent got punch for new york jets fans. Now I say this is new york giants fan it was
to watch last night, so they get aaron rodgers in the off season from the packers huge trade acquisition vague two year contract last month and he's gonna say, the franchise they haven't been to the super bowl. Since nineteen sixty eight he's going to change all that they've got a good defense. They like their head coach for plays for, plays into his first game with the new york jets. Last night, against the bills down with an achilles injury likely most I believe we have an mri today out for the season done and their right back where they started with Zack Wilson. The number one draft, I have a couple years ago who they gave up on and brought in rogers he's now under centre. Now they did when the game, because their defence is excellent and they had a walk off, plus return, touchdown and overtime to win the game, but completely completely overshadowed by the law also aaron rodgers, who we don't know for sure, but it's an achilles. We all know what that means and likely outfit
season. Jonathan, let me I I will say Jonathan on mere their defence. Looked great they're running down hill looked good. They ve got a good running attack and they actually here For the first time in quite some time, looks like the jets have a pretty good all around tea. They do one piece away and that- piece of aaron rodgers and that peace is got there surely will try to trade for a veteran quarterback as near goes on, but no aaron rodgers, a future hall famer. Even though his play has slipped a little bit the last couple years, he was going to be defined, try and this is it. The jets have become a cursed, tortured franchise for decades and there was or expectation and hype about last night and about the started this season, then perhaps I spent a year in franchise history, with one possible exception of nineteen. Ninety nine, where they were considered a super bowl favorite. Then two and vinnie tester
pretty their star quarterback in the first came. The season tore his please tending it's the exact injury. It is dead stating and we'll find out later today the headquarters of saw said after the game last night. They did believe that it was in a killer which would end to seize it at one wonders aerodromes who turns twenty later this year, whether ever see him on a football field. Again that can't be ruled out either just uttered got punch for the fan base of game. Yea turns forty and a couple of months. That was, he down anywhere rolled his ankle and then He got up and sat back down. A guy who doesn't get injured allotted isn't like to come out of games. He knew I think some was up there Joe and he sat down in these carted off he's in a boot, and we expect to hear today. So that m it that the news is not good for em, for those jets fans have been suffering only since nineteen sixty eight always in sixty eight are always since Joe willie. I took him to me.
sixty nine supervisory and their one inspector. Were fashion. This meagre always reminds me sixteen the servants baltimore codes, goldens me The version. The second in question here is not just Where did I listen to em radio growing up in the seventies, but do we and carry my yes, because you bought me this and then I taxed at her and told her by the same dress. Oh yeah shit. She got a different color I got my wired or no mika. I've got the same color, it's just the lighting and digital video is not quite as beautiful as the lighting in your speech perhaps really different I know, but I promise I swear to. God is exactly the same dress. They only do in this blue. That guy will match and do the news on match day, new polling, showing a major drop in support for former president donald trump in Iowa yeah,
other single candidate is filling the void in the latest emerson. College survey out this morning. Forty nine percent of likely caucus boat or say trump is their pick for twenty twenty four down. Third team. point since may the former president still leads florida governor ron Desantis by thirty five points, there has also seen his support for six point since earlier this year, south carol Senator TIM Scott former, you went ambassador Nicky, Hayley entrepreneur or vague roma, swami and north dakota governor doug bergen all have gained supports in spain. but they are still in single digits and trump still in the lead and a huge range of us, and when you look at the trend, sits though not a mute again g robinson, we have to keep saying it because well, it's true it looks like a drop, is dominant figure, looks like he's. Gonna win this thing still really early,
ganz John Mccain at this point in two thousand seven was on his way out. We were talking about Rudy giuliani, going up against Hillary Clinton. Republicans still have several. to figure out whether they want to vote for them nominee, a guy who will probably be convicted by the by the convention, a guy who stole nuclear secrets, a guy who still has more plans to ironic that so he said so right, a guy, a guy who, who stole a military assessment to show what america's witnesses was. A guy who's, been called a rapist by a new york judge and and my will for sexual assault by a jury of his own peers, a guy who's like they get you just go. Down. The line before model can still have a little bit of time to figure out, This is who they want representing them moving forward, and you know I has to be the favourite. I still don't think it's a slam. Dunk there's a lot of ground to cover between now and then and it doesn't get
you better for donald trump, nor did shouldn't get any better for him. At some point, we may be in candidate that people will be asked to vote. for somebody who is actually at that moment on trial. So again, what is it? What does it do to to his vote? It's it's unclear So yes, it is dead instead we still early not as early as it was theater or beta. That means months do sir and we're gonna get to those iowa carcasses and we're going to see whether the support actually true and slides into into into votes caucus votes, whether Do it, those god s kind of like loading and unloading? Donald trump is still the favourite and you almost call him the prohibitive favorite to be the republican candidate, but it right
What I'm really interested in is the dishonest, follow the lead, the rise slightly in. From the low single bedded to the slightly higher single did its of people like Nicky, Hayley and tim Scott, and and it happens if we want to be a sort of loss ahead, the santos and getting a serious look at the potential alternative to crop is. Is that a possibility that possible with that baby? They look at and find them more vienna, one of them more attractive as a potential alternative, promptly The saddest, who obviously is not gaining traction so we'll see bright right now, worries wears a smart money going to go. I was going to go on crop
and part of that reason. Why really is the kent contender who's gonna? Be the contender trumps very fortunate that his number two guy is wrong to satisfy a guy? Who is just? a terrible campaign, because the guy's, a terrible candidate has all the social grace and tied should feel of elon musk. He just people have been telling me that, even before it is campaign, they said, listen. Every these fine. They want to give him money. They obviously haven't spent five minutes alone with him in a room here It's not good with people. Now I heard it over and over again video and you can see it and then it seems every week there's another huge republican donor who sang worse than I conservative, but this guy a night ideology is six week: abortion ban no way and so they're talking about pulling their money from being so part of that problem is right. Now, as you you got
you got a field that has a willie weak number. Two is gonna, keep falling, decide. Tromp is falling. The question is: can enable step up to be. Donald trump Main challenges seems to the same question. We are asking in twenty sixteen we're the same question eight years later than the gulf as time is so wide between donald trump and the rest of the field. That Nicky Hayley, for example, has a good debate. A couple of scale does well establishment republican, say: oh, I think maybe it's her and not rhonda santa's. She seemed to be the adult in the room on that stage and she still in mid too high a single day, It's depending on the poll you look at, so it's a wide lead, Matt Lewis, and not clear that any of this legal trouble that Donald trump finds himself in that we're going to talk about more here. The minute does anything to his a tremendous yes he's down a little bit in iowa, but his It has gone from what forty two
Eighty five of the opposition score too late, touchdown to cut the lead, the thirty five. Do you see anything that cuts into his advantage here in this field? Obviously I think if you're a betting person, you bet tromp. I think what you can start to imagine a scenario where you have to do. You have to use it. modulation, to imagine a scenario where trop losers, and I think what you like to imagine is number one there's not enough should there be a primary elect in the sunny national election and so you have is fluke estates way, iowa and now share and the first step is tromp has to lose them both right. who would happen again? These are lucky states. Iowa goes for people like how could be, and rick santorum and ted crews. That could happen again. I the fact that Donald
this currently leading their by. Why mark and is important, but I dont think its youth. I've seen it. We'd like that collapse, and I was so that step. Why did we move to new Hampshire, another flunkey state? is it possible that new hampshire it's to deliver able, what a donald trump and then comes dynamic and that's. That is the hope and again I think this is is borderline fantastical, but then the elective ability thing becomes a question right now, republicans don't care about it. the ability to think anybody can be Joe Biden and they really like donald trump. But what happened? if tromp were to lose those first to states and then we have liked what he's gonna have to be in tribe is gonna, be in port. You Do you really use your imagination, but there is a scenario, albeit a longshot, where this collapses and donald trump, The novelty for now
not collapsing. Maybe that changes when he's sitting inside a court rumour that the heat is turned up even further, will see. Meanwhile in washington, the house Representatives returns to the capital today with a busy, to do less speaker. Kevin Mccarthy, though reportedly set We endorse and impeachment inquiry into president by punch. Bowl news is reporting this morning quote mccarthy plants. Tell house republicans in a closed meeting this week. That watching and impeachment inquiry is the logical next step and the geo peace process. The president and his son hunter by mccarthy in the house. Leadership have a closed session schedule for thursday morning report later receive an update on the investigations led by house, judiciary committee, chairman Jim Jordan, and how oversight. Committee chair james comber, that's according to punch ball news that rights quote mccarthy plans. say the two chairs of uncovered enough information that necessity It'S- the house formalizing the impeachment inquiry in order to obtain the binds bank records and other documents
jonathan mere it looks like he's gonna do it. He's flirting with talking about it all summer accorded small news this morning he is going to. Authorize rise, impeachment a inquiry against president Biden that increase so far as known show, no connection to president Biden has been all about hunter Biden. I guess the hope is if they open it up with more documents. Perhaps they'll find something but his james comber said himself lot of smoke here: no fire, yet yeah and so far there found no evidence, and we should just state that plainly at at the top, the house comes back, mccarthy or spent the last six weeks vacillating as to whether or not he wanted to do this with the pressure has mounted the pressure from former president trump, the pressure for members of the house, freedom causes and the far right, in fact, that gates, is this liver speech in the house for tat, basically denouncing mccarthy and threatening his move or suddenly suggesting that he could go, there's a say fear. That mccarthy is trying to placate those forces that he who were unhappy with him the debt ceiling deal who are happy with him about the spending bills needs to get done here to keep the government open
he trying to throw them a bone. If you will, by suggesting we'll go down this road to impeach, rank a caddy since the people are tortured washington, that if they go impeachment peace for inquiry, well, there can go impeachment. That will happen. The white house is preparing. They don't want that. They think it will be time. its and terrible. That said, they also think it'll politically backfire on the Republicans, but it's not clear. The mccarthy can actually get enough votes to make any of this happen republicans motto, republicans, who won by districts wheel, expressing worry about this? What do you think he Mccarthy get there or when you ve got enough vote margin. You need every single vote you can get and if you are a Republican who's up for reelection in twenty twenty four in one of those districts in the country. That Biden one and you ve got to appeal to people in your district who are more so interest more independent. Who think that this is a waste of time in terms of government resources, then it's gonna
difficult and of course you know that the war and the white house, a set up is gonna, do everything they can. Paint this and target those specific Just to say look, this is what the ultra mega report the current policy is now doing with your time and money up on capitol hill, and there is nothing here and there wasting or and so that would perhaps swing the house back to the Democrats. That's what they would hope, but you know when these things are opened. You just don't know where they're going to go right and they do get bored and it is a risk for the white house, which is why they are going to put all the resources they can into this room and they've prepared been preparing to tackle this and robinson though it does it not just I do swing. Voters disk republicans independence, worst instincts of doubt, the crackpots better. in the house of representatives, mainly in the back bencher, back Ben
they crackpots, who control the mccarthy? Yet here here in time at january, so fierce wing voter and you did anyone didn't love for donald trump in two thousand, but let's say in twenty two: you decided to vote for a public, giving your district for a little bit of balance, You ve got a house that republic then he stood in the way of january six in sagacious. Are you house republicans in talking about getting rid of are are are going and calling the january six writers and insurrectionists who ultimately responsible for the killing of for cop test their families they'll tell you that you calling them political prisoners, calling for their amnesty. Your call waiting for the de of of the ukraine, crazy, and still at Vladimir Putin role when do whatever he wants to do. You're talking about
It's stuff and now they're talking bout, impeaching job just because the crackpots on the back bencher calling for it in its caddy said those Publicans that one seats, By now also one. I gotta know this. Down report. begins, where might be charge of the house next session yeah. I think this is An impeachment inquiry will be basically curtains for those republicans who won in districts. By one, and I think in an that's. That's the balance of the house. go down. Then the house will back the democratic hands full stop. This makes the mega base happy this, perhaps key Kevin Mccarthy's, his job
for a while, but above all in terms of independence and and it's going to make a democrat and democratic leaning, independent rally around Joe Biden, it's just It's gonna do that it's gonna, be a kind of jolt of energy for the democratic I'd. Energy fuelled by outrage that that be in the long run is not good for the republican party and its prospects. I believe, but it looks like he's: gonna go there and he's gonna go there because I think he thinks he's out of a job as he done yet and then you look again maker. The question is: how much can these republican swing voters. Independence take got january, the sex
You ve got the the apologies for january insects by the republican house. You got him talking about these people that killed cops, calling them again and if you, if you don't think so, ask asked the family. Ok, ass, a family who killed the cops and they'll tell you is writers, it donald trump within frenzy and sent to the capital you have abortion an issue then see going to be again once again as it wasn't. Twenty two, a huge issue in The need for new got a federal judge, declaring I'll talk to be a rapist by any standard definition of how we and in to define rape. And now you ve got an impeachment that they simply because the easiest people on the back benches in the house of representatives are demanding that Kevin Mccarthy call for an impeachment. I again this is this- is for white houses, dream
right, that's very confusing if you are a real republican where you go, because this is not the republican party, as we once knew it man, you haven't you column in the daily beast entitles Kevin Dorothy's only weapon is willingness to be humiliated, and in it you write in part quote since taking over as speaker of the house in january, Mccarthy has been surprisingly resilient and effective, but with congress back from august recess I see now faces what may be the greatest challenge of his political career. The republican led house has to pass a spending package between now and september, thirtieth or risk a government shut down jail, ps right flank, once cuts and concessions that geo p moderates and mainstream conservatives view as unachievable illinois? eyes too and politically toxic
when these demands are predictably not met. It seems more likely than not that freedom carcass members who seem to be edging for a fight bring a motion to vacate the chair, which would force abode. on removing mccarthy, remembering with rising line white house, go to send the czech knocking them doing as long as mccarthy is willing to endure. The humiliation in pursuit is only true gul remaining speaker. He will like survive again. At some point, the government must be funded, but how and when we left with more questions than answers, the most likely scenario seems to be a huge s: shop, that is embarrassing for mccarthy and the g opie, but ultimately pointless in the grand scheme of things, but that's just my best guess buckle up where to enter into the land of the unknown. Like will we already haven't fitness
anyway, so I am a member mad. Again though again this is this. Is this? Is it but people who, like donald trump or just thinking five minutes ahead, they have no grand plan, they have no grand strategy. Seconds are shutting down. The federal government is going to be just like you know what we heard about the dead sailing. screaming yelling rather debts, and they said they're going find it. They always funded their data, they never let american. wolden their debt and we ve already been through I've been through a ninety ninety I have ninety six. I think a government shutdown doesn't end? Well, but again, too stupid. I gasped, if dared to think more than five minutes. I had to tell me. I know there are a lot of good republicans. Thank you know in the house carcass its kind man. Are they really that desk to be in the minority again, but again you down the list of things at me. I hate that, I didn't even talk about donald trump, stealing nuclear secrets. They didn't even talk about donald trump, stealing secret war plans to invade iran. I didn't even talk
donald trump. Stealing stealing and assessment to show up america's weaknesses, then add abortion. On top of that gene, add all the cat as of january six. On top of that, and then add all these people in the house that Kevin Mccarthy says he basically owes his speakership to saying that the people that killed cops are political prisoners. The people whose family think vague Cup or pull I call prisoners. What does that due to europe we can and swing district in new york, the wily, this week, the Joe Biden one it that's. What kevin Mccarthy is shit You were right. He's got basically I've seen house majority. and you have many many kind of moderate main motto: republican, mainspring conservatives who want to get reelected next year.
and then you have no twenty to forty depending on how they fall, but a minority of more kind of right, right wing freedom, caucus republic and that end and you have to have pretty much all of them, you can, you can lose if your cabin mccarthy you can lose or out of your entire herd, I've republic in france, and so he is really being squeezed, and there are going to force him to jump through that I think for me. The real question is the republic and the freedom caucus the folks on the right who right now are pushing cabin mccarthy Are they too? Are they negotiated this negotiation? Is this an opening bad because it's not just impeachment that they want of Joe Biden, but they want things Why are they want to make sure that we're not giving ukraine a blank cheque,
What does that mean? I am not sure that I want to end ukraine funding or are they just want to do a better job of keeping track of the fao If they want to do things like stopping the weaponization of the department of justice and the f b, I do they want to defund the quote: unquote, deep state are, or as this, just a negotiation to cut spending to return. You'd have spending levels back to twenty twenty two. If it's ladder at this is just a negotiation. I mean it's possible that cabin mccarthy could can work out a deal he's? Not sure that's the case, so I think it is much more likely than not that we have a government shut down and I that it is increasingly likely that Kevin macarthur is either going to have to do something such as large. This impeachment probing probably give more concessions or that there will be a motion to vacate and he will have to stand again for the good news. car thieves. I noted in the peace as that.
He has shameless so I, why did he managed to up to it humiliation in january and and become speaker, he could possibly pull off this manoeuvre here, but again this a lot of wasted energy. It's the republican party, making although for themselves and I see an exit plan. Whereby they indicate than they are today, There is therefore an action plan and willie. The thing is, if you Kevin Mccarthy, let me Let me be very careful how I say this: I would Use initials nationals, but I would say f a and f and you guys can figure that out at home guide vacate the chair on fine with that you know what I'm gonna. Do I'm gonna just be outside watch and watch your baseball game, or you guys try to find somebody that you get two hundred and eighteen votes kid you're not gonna, be able to find it come get me in. Four days, when you find out what a fool you ve made of yourself, I mean that's it.
there is no backup plant, they already tried to find somebody. Jake Kevin mccarthy's place, an end and the mainstream republican. In their carcasses are not going to say, let's get some crazy son of a bitch to drive a silver clef, and and no doubt nobody's gonna, get to wait. Team to undermine the votes, were that's or government. Garthie should stop. a coward and tell em, I just sad, but I can't really say on tv they, I remember the votes again and again and again and the extreme right republicans in the maghreb, watkins Oregon. They were going to put somebody else in there who was never going to get to to a team, but the question, then that kind of sad and which is interesting to me, is where does this unhealthy relationship? And so if this small right of Republican says you, your job Kevin Mccarthy. We can take you out just as fast as we put you in there give us this
Where did those listening demands and we want an impeach when a great as ok? I guess I don't want to be run out of my job. You can have that they could ask for anything theoretic way because they can say we'll get right It just as quickly as we put you in there in your comments at the daily beast, Matt Louis. Thank you very much for generating a great conversation in this morning, and still I had on morning Joe the latest and donald trump growing legal troubles as his attorneys law. it's a new effort to get the judge in his federal elections case to step aside yeah and I'm going to build a rocket ship plus search and rescue efforts continue in morocco this morning, following a devastating earthquake there, amid new questions about why the country appears. reluctant to accept foreign such a tragedy guy there only letting three or four countries india help out. They need all hands in morocco right now. This
for is just terrible. They also have minority later Mitch. Mcconnell urges skeptical republicans to continue supporting ukraine amid ongoing war with russia will show new remarks from the Senate floor also, morning, will be joined by two republican presidential candidates. Former governors, Chris Christie and aids hutchinson? Your work morning. Job will be right back. Get ready for the best school year. Yet, with I accept the
the ultimate online learning program for k through twelve, whether it's homework help great improvement or conquering new challenges. I excel guide your child. Every step of the way I excel makes learning fun and engaging, and it's less than ten dollars per month say goodbye to costly tutoring. I excel provides comprehensive support at unbeatable value. Membership started just nine. Ninety five per month visit, I xl dot com today for an exclusive twenty percent off unlock your child's full potential visit. I xl dot com now I am thomas and for me the news is so much more than a headline. You didn't warms spires and it still matters recovery. You have to begin, it will take you to the front lines of the store would actually have with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know and bring your news feed to live in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join me for top scored, weeknights at seven eastern on NBC news. Now
for about two weeks away from the next republican primary debate, and some candidates are still too to meet. The orange sees requirements. Former arkansas governor s hutchinson, as one of them he's out looking to boost standing expanding the states evil travelled you in the coming weeks. That includes north carolina, georgia and text s and joining us now, republican presidential candidate, former governor of arkansas asia, hutchinson to have you on the show is going to show much for being with us behind you, the united states capital. You have served well serve their. I want to ask do about washington dc right now. There's a little off is a little off. Topic These are not well, it's all political topic, it's not about tromp and its
getting into that extra bashing. It's actually about an issue and its crying, and I well, republicans, have loved to say crime only happens in democratic cities. That's not true. It happens, and you know the the worst crime cities were in louisiana and mississippi. It happens in florida, jacksonville, etc, etc. But I want to talk specifically about the the city, the german right now headline in the walls, in the washington post, a shaken washington cubs, would surging violence. This is not normal for why? in times talking about all the people. The young kids that have come to work on the hill tat are getting better. Now stab having having there there they're getting assaulted, getting right, the house committees actually happened. A worn staffers about crime rate soaring in the nations capital governors governor
it's not just the big democratic cities in or out of control. You get me a louisiana. You got a you know: bessemer alabama get jacksonville floored outgrowth. What do we do? What do we do to turn crime rates back to where they ve been. Since twenty twenty back to where they were and twenty nineteen? How do we get there. Well ain't you ride on the importance of this issue. I would say that georgie yesterday and they are not Ask me about trumps legal issues. a single mom was asking me about what does it take to give my while the safe environment and that's what they are concerned about in the schools, but also on our streets and is not just a big city issue because we see fit in all our role cities. We see the challenge of the smash and grab that is primarily in the inner cities, but were watching it
across the country and we're saying this does not represent the best of amerika is the rule of law and there's apple solution here and that is in force. The law whenever we see a flagrant, regarding the law where there is violence and there's not a follow up enforcement and but toughness there they in Europe. I this continued because they're just in a discourse back and is clear, to anarchy and historic with the president and his leadership and saying we're not gonna. Be funding play is that are not enforcing the law. That is critical, that we do this and you are right on target on the importance of this issue when there's poor. Could this washington post article that says from from a from a person whose neighbourhood is racked with crime there are no consequences: and governor. I gotta tell you now
The five percent of americans are outraged when they say these scenes of people crash breaking in two shots: being malls and stores and just dealing thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars of property from The owners of those stores are people in new york city that can even go to a ride, aid and and and and get toothpaste, because it's all boxed I'm sorry. I stand, and everybody wants to talk about the underlying issues, and I want to talk about the underlying issues that lead to poverty generally but first make this say what we're doing that we enter. Paypal. They was, I turn up for the people who say cop stall keepers, save those people I live in the areas are upper middle,
ass areas. You talk to working class people and you talk to the truly disadvantage. They'll say I want more cops on the street to keep my kid safe from the walk into school. I want more jobs in my kids school to keep them safe so loudly, and that is why, as governor of arc and saw, we gave men and women in blue five thousand dollar stipend. Just to say we appreciate you, we re the pay of our state police, because it is critical for the recruitment of our place. Officers, and ok, we're back in them up and there whenever you're talking about the consequences. That is absolutely clear and the consequences should not come to you. down the road. The consequences should not come. AL they're released on parole and they commit their crime and then there are arrested and put
in jail, and then it's another year before their their brought to justice we have to reform justice system. I know a lot of tensions at the federal level, but we need to make our system of justice work at every level so that it is meaningful. There are consequences and law in force. Has to understand that we're going to back them up, they enforce the law Were you see our businesses that are pulling out of so many cities because of the and grab the very. I have to tell their employees that they should be telling their employees this, but saying no consequences. you don't chase sale. You doubt try to arrest them. There has to be those consequences and it starts at our local communities and the public needs to stand up and say this is an acceptable and our community this day It is founded on the rule of law and as a former
or prosecutor I see them whartons that everyday governor do more. It's great to have you back on the show, an awful lot of republicans happy that you're in the race speaking truth Every time you step out critically about donald trump at their worried about longer, you may be around there's another debate come up in two weeks at the reagan library out in california. Are you confident you'll be that stage. Will I but the key is getting good. Paulina information a know. I've made one national poet, three percent. I need to have another one. That's why we're working hard on this, but you side, the emerson poll in Iowa that does not. qualifies in our in sea eligible pole? to be considered, and then the fact that they did not put my name in that poll makes little bit difficult and so We're looking for a good polling numbers across the country, coffee we're gonna make that that three percent requirement work work in very that so, if someone
calls you and ask about the presidential race, asia hutchinson fair enough? so governor? Let me ask you: are no one doubts your conservative credentials, you, the governor of arkansas, of course, You ve, been you and Chris Christie to serve lonely man in your criticism in this primary of donald trump. What, Our friends in arkansas, who may be like you and have supported during the past, but are supporting donald trump. What are they eddie you at this point, given everything that we detail every morning on the show. Given the list of alleged crimes Oh it's been outlining this morning. What they say to you as someone who know, they know that you are a conservative in a way that donald trump is not. Why are they stick with him and what you tell them. Well is a gradual process. It is the most unpredictable political, environmental we ve seen and out you everybody can here's to eight years ago, two thousand sixty we had a lot of candidates and how, in the world, can the pole numbers change
today and the answer is we ve never seen anything like this and and since then, I think everybody senses, particularly in places like iowa, that you're gonna see those numbers chains, but it's only light breaking. It will probably be light fall not decide quickly, and so Tromp is forward then, as so he gets the default position, but as soon as they figure out where they're gonna go you'll see numbers change, but the key is that you have candidates like myself that speak the truth. Not only We can't win up and down the ticket with Donald trump leading the ticket. but also the substance. Of the allegations against tat weathers, protecting national security or what there it is protecting our democracy, whatever happens the legal side, the underlined facts do not reflect We need to have as a commander in chief, that's them, see, that's the truth. That'll happen on that.
I stage- and it also happens in any recurring fashion when I'm battle and stop talking to voters, Jeanne Robinson? You get the next question for asia. I just want you really quickly in washington. The store we see in your newspaper the washington post, about rising crime rates. I know I know You ve been said all of the whole world the lot at different times, but I think you ve seen the early ninetys right here you're crazy time. In the early nineties, in d c, even through the mid nineties, seemed stored, it started a kind of clean up and and later nineties crime started go down. Some can you to really quickly tell me I ve seen this washington post story. What's going on, indeed say: well, Finally, if you look at the numbers, we are not where we were in the way it is early nineties when in homicides were much higher. All crimes are.
Much higher and the city was was very different. There were neighborhoods that that you didn't go to. There were other neighborhoods that you didn't walk through. You ran through. If you were, if you were there, and so you know just in perspective, we're not there but we are also not where we were ten years ago. Edward our. We were five years ago in terms of little, when watching DC was felt like a very, very safe sitting I think there are a lot of factors, involved in in what is happening, but it's it's real. it is stated is happening either. You saw those numbers that we first up earlier and and and we those those numbers will not go away
in the wrong way as rapidly in every city, as they are here in washington. So we can now. That's that's a problem jean me, the thing is that actually, as with Washington post said this morning, was then these sea seems to be defying the current trend. Crime is gradually it's been going down. Twenty posts covered twenty wind down little more twenty, two down little more than twenty three washington's jesse opposite homicides! Look up by twenty! aid per se. Is she a robbery up by sixty seven, percent
He knows the old city editor, you know the homicide figure is bs are not always necessarily related to those other figures. It seems to have a life of it's own, those other figures, so the robberies and and and and burglaries and carjackings, which people are afraid of. Now that this is a this is a genuine issue and it needs to be tackled by city official. And they need to be doing more because people don't don't feel safe the way they did a few years ago. I do have a question for governor hutchinson that we were talking earlier about what's happening. Capitol hill and republicans in the house are talking about an impatient inquiry, their timing about government shut down. If it is that what the republican party needs to be about right now. What would
your advice for them and for cabin mccarthy, be as they they contemplate. Jumping off these successive cliffs I would suggest that impeachment, which I went through during President Clinton's administration, this something that should be rare issue? Not be routine, they should not be goin our disagreement in policy. It has to be serious wrongdoing and its general simply a distraction now there lot of unanswered questions in reference to some of the financial dealings of of president Biden, particularly back whenever he was prior to being president, but you I not seen anything that merits a full blown impeachment Let's get the more answers there and make an enquiry on that. But the answer is what people are talking about,
is the economy of surprise of of gas at the park. our energy supply these days they are talking about. President Biden breaking the leases and or their slope of alaska. These are serious issues and the public gets very confused about all the machinations in washington, d, c and congress, they just want them to get the job done. Let's get the budget past Let's make sure that we have our services funding but also get a control on spending, because they know that the root cause of inflation that What congress needs to focus on simply getting those things done, and everything else is distraction from what's on the public's mine, perhaps in a major topic of debate, as the house comes back to it and they start discussions about funding the government to keep the lights on, or is money heading to ukraine and senator and senate minority leader Mcconnell. The other day gave pretty stern warning to his fellow
what we can say we need to keep doing this and also communicated to the white house that this might be the last time I can wrangle enough support, to get significant might achieve. Where do you stand on this? How concerned? Are you that fellow republicans may decide you know up, we can't keep funding this war, Well it save serious point of divide within the republican primary voters republican bays. I support ukraine. My criticism of the bite administration is they move too slow and its diminish the opportunity for ukraine away and we have got him abraham tank shit. We still have looking for training, have sixteen fighters, and so decisions have to be made. They have to be implemented in a quicker fashion because there in a war we want to support them. We want an end to it and I for size. That is not a blank cheque I have ordered you gotta, make sure.
it's been used in the appropriate way, but we have to support ukraine is missing? Right now? Is a good, effective communication to the american public? A present It is not in a position to sell it very well to america, he should be, but he's not in it has to be sold, it has to be explained as to what our national interests and why this is import put it in perspective as to how much has been spent and how much europe is putting at which we covered in the debate. We need to do it again, but it takes leadership. I intend to continue to support ukraine Obviously, we want an end to that over time and not an unending war. We ve got to win win. Ukraine has two for them freedom and sovereignty, republican, presidential candidate former governor asa hutchinson. Thank you very much for being on this morning. We'll see you soon, thank you and coming up another republican.
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hi everyone gents oghee. I'm excited to tell you that my weekly show on MSNBC inside agenda. Turkey is also available as applied past. I know from the yours, I spent on campaign buses and foreign capitals and in the oval office that there is always more to a story under the surface. On my show, we try to bring you inside all of it breaking down the things that matter and visiting with some of the most fascinating people in the news today, if we We are not pro active about theory. Aggressively addressing our infrastructure are workforce, are preparation for the car a crisis than the costs are going to be far greater search for inside with generosity, wherever you're listening and follow. Desperate efforts still under way. This morning in morocco, following that six point, eight magnitude earthquake that left more than twenty eight hundred people dead. With that number very likely to rise and me see news foreign correspondent, Matt bradley has the later
than the devastation and the beginning of a recovery, in the atlas, mountains glimmers of hope survivors? on stretchers some making it not alive after the most powerful quake to hit morocco in over centuries this man, watching his two daughters. Other two children were killed these with a horrifying moments when this massive six point. Eight magnitude quick, struck Friday night, sending customers. wearing out of a restaurant buildings crashing down? this man managing to escape just before the roof caved in here in the middle performance. A wedding ban feels this rattling and russia's we travel One of the hardest hit areas in the countryside. You can smell here between ninety and a hundred people were killed in this village alone and there no longer looking for survivors She says this is our bedroom right here. What kinda that that is done for
there's a finance family, were killed in the earthquake that has come about. She says everybody, taken up right now, they're looking for things there, looking for their identity cards and other things they need it mountain village. Like this one, the construction materials, are rudimentary. As you can see. Faced with a magnitude earthquake like this, they didn't stand a chance. In some cases, the remaining homes are still fragile. That aid helen there's caused further damage, morocco government is facing criticism over the pace of the response. Many to reach remote areas, Assad but who lost seven members of her family and her home, but she still hacks and abundance of kindness. She insisted on making us tee, but her son, Abdul Karim fears, future, he tells us without more help from the government. This whole village may simply disappear. This isn't the govern. All they are asking for is that the government rebuild their homes and gives them food. That's it then, on asking for much Matt bradley reporting from morocco. Meanwhile, there are new questions about the country's apparent reluctance to accept
foreign aid after this disaster, the united states, France, germany, ITALY, several other countries all of offered to provide help in the wake of that earthquake Murat. Interior ministry said on sunday would initially accept search and rescue teams only from great britain, qatar spain and the united arab emirates, which are called quote friendly countries despite off, of humanitarian technical assistance, morocco has appeared slow to accept that help as well you a second. State anti blake and set on sunday quota? We await word from the moroccan government to find out how we can help and where we can help. Sir said Joe, the? U n has said the same thing we are standing by. We can help. This is what we do and far anyway. Morocco has said. No thanks is just crazy that people are suffering such a great degree. You think they would take help, we're and they can get it. Even I mean countries that consider the united states an enemy of allowed us in the past to help them out with
reference caddy kay inside here on why morocco would be keeping the united nations the united states other other other countries that have the ability, the power, the money, the resources bringing a help to end the suffering there It's very hard to understand our is actually up in these mountains. I'm looking these pictures. My sister lives in marrakech unfortunately she is fine. Three children, sadly in her village, were killed by the quake and we were up in the mountains they are very remote these areas and they need all the help that they can get it. The morocco is a kingdom and it's a very centralized government that revolves around the king. Everything kind of has to go through the court. I don't know if that ass for the slow pace of determining who, going to accept or not is certainly not. As far as I know that morocco sees the united states, in any way as an enemy country. That relationship is achieved good between the two countries Just sounds to me like this is kind of bureaucracy they'd have made
perhaps they don't want to give the impression that they can't do this themselves. it clear that when you have a disaster like this, you need the help and unbiased sad as you need it fast. You needed in the first few days, and we ve already passed that window now we're gonna following? This story were also following two minutes: past the top of the hour, a number of developments around the criminal cases against donald trump and filing yesterday, lawyers for the former an end to ask the judge overseeing the trial tying a child can to refuse herself his attorneys claim she's, biased and should step aside. because of her previous comments in relation to the former president, the january six capital attack ultimately judge the judge checking self is the only person will rule on the motion for recusal? Meanwhile, attorneys in the georgia election interference case, asked the judge to throw,
of the many criminal charges against him. The push to dismiss the chair just comes as the former presidents legal team has indicated. He may try to move the case. federal court and mark meadows trumps, former chief of staff and codes, and in the georgia case, files emergency motion, asking a judge to pause and ordered denying is attempt to move his I'm an old case to federal courts. Have you were wanted to provide an s NBC with your opinion about the tv programmes, newsletters podcast and more now sure chance when you showing MSNBC insights, community you'll, get p The article online surveys about MSNBC visit as NBC dotcom, slash insights to join the community today,.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-13.