« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 9/11/23

2023-09-11 | 🔗

The Morning Joe panel discusses the latest in U.S. and world news, politics, sports and culture.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Consumers cellular award. Winning customer support is one hundred percent based in the? U s, and you are one hundred percent based in the? U s, that's something you have in common with consumer cellular customer service, consumer cellular Customer service likes pizza and you like pizza, you want a free month of service and we want to give you one. We obviously can't wait to hear from you visit consumer cellular dotcom, slash free month and enter code three month to get your second month free consumer cellular on freedom. Calls we're here to answer. Promotion is subjected terms and conditions, good morning and welcome to morning Joe it as Monday september, eleventh that is alive. Look at ground zero, as we commemorate the september eleventh attacks on this country. Twenty two, years later
Are you this morning's live events from new york to Arlington, to pennsylvania and speak with homeland security. Secretary Ella, hydro, majorca, send chief of the national guard bureau general dan wilkinson. What has changed Also this morning, president Biden is heading back from his overseas trip will discuss the key take away from the g20 summit. Plus mark meadows loses his fight to move his georgia elections case to federal court. What now means for the other co defendants, including tromp, who want to make us mills, as for learning more about how especial grand jury in georgia had also recommended, charging does more, including sen. Lindsey graham, will show you how
south carolina republican, is responding in get analysis on that expanded list. Those people weren't indicted with, as we have the host of way too early white ass, bare chief, it political johnson, le maire. U s special, correspondent for bbc news katty Kay president emeritus of the council on foreign relations, richard houses with us and the president the national action network and host of MSNBC is power. ex nation, reverend owl enjoying leaves a lot to get to I will say at least in new york, last night yesterday, what people working, you yourself and enable more like cocoa guys just annapolis incredible. My daughter, and I watched together and we were, we were just at the She said she did, it should look like she was down for the count. She looked tired and the first and second and then the third sector.
My god came roaring back in the second set third set and really has never really really inspirational, richard eyes year, golf expert: why did you talk about ten saying that guy if the a little bit differently, but she was fantastic. Probably the first such I almost didn't play that she said why sure decided on her opponents on forest areas and so forth? Second set was a true session third set was, was dominant and then today, the mens file to watch joke of it again. The second set was unbelievable I was a man says just fantastic tennis, but, twenty four grassland. So you had the statement by the existing greatest player. Some might say of all time the rising starts like I was a fantastic, weaken. The tennis, and I want to thank you for not raising football,
we will now. I will not race with ball aid. It has served for you so badly, but yet anthony mayor. I mean that you again, you have you had the rise of the new and then the celebration for them with the greatest of all time, twenty four titles and jagged, which to the wall and an extraordinary second sat typewriter. You can really do well after he got through that that that that he He was having for his twenty fourth title: yeah It's certainly nowhere near as beloved as federer Nidal his contemporaries, but he's just relentless, and that's is defining characteristic. He just doesn't stop it keeps coming. He keeps coming. He keeps coming. He made should be yours and once you survive that second sat and he ended his opponent through all he could Adam the third set the coordination and the stats or speak for themselves, joke which the authorities certainly saw the fears. Laughed he's, gonna, put away that for career to sands for man, we're probably know
going to be out of reach any anytime soon. But let's just say: let's be clear, though the story of the weekend was coco. Goff she is new york city, she she was extraordinary. She lit up this entire torment, she'd scare, very first match what she fell behind. Had a rally in the third set, I saw in the round of sixteen times there at the: u s open, which she beat a terrific. Inferred sat three sets and this one moment. Saturday night, there is new york and there's one video going around, that she had attended the? U s, openness as a child, They show her dancing in the crowd in here aid later or so. She windsor first grants land and surely not her last going make a what I thought was so beautiful about. It is again a new champion. Crown is so exciting. and an eternal we're, really the spirit of pillaging king
so permeated the whole tournament made it so joyful day, and I know Billie jean was cheering for every step of the way she got handed the prize money. She said. Thank you, billie, jean, for making this possible unbelievable such an incredible moment. So many incredible moments: cocoa, golf caddy k. She she's a new generation of young women. You speak for themselves if you watch your interactions with her coaches or mail coaches, even she pushes back and tells them to bear when she knows what she's that she's got it and they were just so many incredible moments on that court, but I loved when she thanked the people who didn't believe in her the way I got a trophy ass, a lamp that she took on the haters and she did
with such ass machine mason made a point of doing it right. She went for the microphone said. I've got one more thing. I need to say and she's had a middle, so many detractors and critics as everybody who is in the public eye, particularly a young black woman, will have had a ton of them and she took them on and she did it in you known, and she did it with this win Only did you take them on a word? She took them on right now and she won that tournament. I you know I felt this is it new generation. We talk about this in politics at the moment, a lot about the old garden. You knew god, but Carlos Alcatraz, who didn't make it into the finals but is clearly than it is the next general of men's tennis as well. I'm gonna bissing be seeing a lot more of him, a between coca gulf and call us alsace. I think he's he ankara's he's nineteen as well, I mean we have than we have right there we have koga golf and we have Carlos and they're going to be the next generation of tennis players and it's exciting to see and even joke a bitch at wimbledon acknowledged that that this is the moment when we're passing the baton to the
generation. No doubt settings jaska things twenty and they might cocoa. Also so so graceful a yes to push back against aids, which you so graceful through, though the even that higher process. So grew so so great grateful to her parents to our family toward coaches did people of new york, just tubes, this beautiful, absolutely beautiful and before we go on. just gotta say we can't let this go because gand site well, jonathan le Maire, we're not gonna bring richard. In last night I was just ugly. anyone remarkable outlining weaken for then event will get through it all I mean the brown just absolutely dominating the bengals right out there, boy last night, the giants just get absolutely
found it yeah. This is a year. The giants come into with a lot of expectations in the playoffs last year, pick to go far this year, and this was over and over fast, and it was ugly. The final scores for nothing we just saw right, there are feasible blocked, run back for a touchdown, a pic six soon there followed this was never again The cowboys smoke a giants there home tonight of force. Many ethical also here in new york, aaron rodgers masons did you're the jets, but you're right. It was a year and a half a fallback statements made by the forty niners browns, really thumped, the bangles Joe broke does not seem a hundred percent patriots gave the eagles again, but you know I didn't know. I couldn't pull up the big place at the end when they needed it and yet, and then even the atlanta felt yes Lana falcons job scarborough this wrong to know we jack scar ruined, I were their cannon
and saw the falcon seem really wanted to get out. I did unto a lad and wanted to see the the debut bryce young, who did did fairly well by their whether you Jack jones or bryce young. Are my alabama crimson tied up, not a great weight but to us incredible. Wake I just with the first thirty men, the marshal was probably not force glass and I actually football intersected with politics of eleven years. Our senses, the rivalry, a college football rival, railways injected with even more bitterness over the weekend. When the two front, runners for the twenty twenty four republican presidential nomination, both showed up at the game saturday, both former president donald trump and florida governor wrong dissenters, attended the country between iowa and iowa always stay trump sat in a private sweet and was greeted with cheers, but also notably, some booze
and insulting gestures when he at one point waived crowd way way back, but not the way would have wanted not that now we now well, don't you, It won't go into detail. Dissenters, meanwhile sat in the stands with irish republican, governor Kim reynolds, who he said would consider for right. Vice president, if he wins the nominees and both candidates also tried to whenever I when's outside the stadium tailgating with fans before the game. So there you go donald trump took to true. social. What's your voice is generally agree, not a very old man yeah. No, it was about a recent poll that asked voters about what he called his age and mentality. The former president wrote in a phoney, probably rigged wall street journal pole coming out of. Nowhere to, softened the mental incompetence blow that is so obvious with crooked Joe Biden they ask
but my age and mentality order that come from. a failure to go, and we can we can play you about it. Our worth of cliffs and show you what not happen hours, I've tried to walk down the stage where I live. I digress continue a few years ago I was the only one to agree to a mental acuity demands you said a horse cow woman tag. Camera one thing and the fact that you call that basing it shows just how wobbly things must be free and then he added now that the globalist set far and the wall street journal have failed to push their third year long losing says they do this. Well, I hereby challenge rupert murdoch and sons, Biden, walls, trading, Our heads to acuity tat. I would not work out well for donald trump on so many levels,
Why? I'm so glad you did this Alex put this angry this year, because two things. First of all, I want you to talk about how I'm nord donald trump is it continues to be now calling murdoch and fox news globalist. Secondly, I went to all these links last night. It said Joe Biden crazy, as hell looks like I'm low howling at the end of Joe Biden, sleepy Joe Joe, this Joe that vietnam, you know he's gonna, be tired in vietnam, that's not a shock. I said before he laughed india, vietnam I'm not so sure. So. look at it and you know at this point urges making ass there is making stuff up, he's tired and then he goes. I go into bad again
like now, no matter what the guy does. There can have these screaming a headline say that he's out of crazy when wanted the opposite, and then you get There is no video donald trump hell on the moon, say I'm crazy, stuff, everyday, its egg. I don't know. I talked a lot of people over the past week or so on that up they're, not about either side, but it's not like there go and binds crazy and tromp is all there. It's just kind of the opposite, exactly the opposite, you'd be advantage. That tromp has is when you start off when those strange is high the gauge dead. You ve gotten strange me. We will look at Biden We started off novel and start saying easy act and off trump started so is harder for people to catch up with our off he's really gotten, because he was never really that stable in an incentive in the first
praise, as we would judge being stable incentive- and they for him. Now, to our just pick, fights would put that really helped to create these candidacy and sixty wall street journal fox news, I mean it is like a child which also gives concerns about is losing its balance. Even are there now he already was off. Balance is like a child anybody that says anything eat it, just as they are in sites, him to start play child games- and it goes off, I think that we have no concern. If I were in the republic of white I'd be concerned about donald trump, not because of his age, but cause of ways is mine has always been, is all about him only about him had he can't help himself,
really really quickly. What we want to get we had checked Rosenberg here, want to go to chalk and talk about a lot of things that are happening. The court cases they do. One of those talk first signs of a mere about the fact tat. We all talking about next year. Twenty twenty four and five you know what a hand wringing is james car will settle out of bed wedding on his plastic yes, but but you you ever What would your warning? It really is. It's just split it. Splendid, yes fifty per cent of republican support, Donald trump gray at fifty percent, the down and then you ve got this war. Would fox notes. I mean you know to somebody this weekend again in a supporter, tromp trump and looking at you. You know that their lead Now, though, its news max that's where they other news? It's now music, but there's just these split and divisions, and we have a guy wants me, the republican domini, who is trust,
fox news every day, again fox news they'll get by Other people get five, but I'm just saying when you have a republican, already, that is, that splattered donald trump divided right down the middle, it doesnt bode well. Next year. I don't care what everybody says: tromp is making the bat that he's bigger than fox that he doesn't need for so that's a risky back to make. We know what power they have wielded for such a long time in its true, they were supportive, eventually of trump and twenty sixteen. They were all in on twenty twenty and they ve gotta go back and forth. Here, like Has they certainly seem to be flirting with the candidacy of rhonda centres for a while as that has stalled, frightened look at their cover I must say that gets preach, warmed up to tromp again for the most part, but the, but that's not good enough for trot trump wants. Simply almost a king John ask chorus of just nothing but support at all times
and so, therefore, if there's any even slightly dissenting voice, any singles out these posts to a particular piece in the wall street journal, the occasional anchor and fox news, if they're not just giving him lavished praise at all times, that's not good enough, and he goes scorched earth against an end to your point. That's that's dangerous a little bit here, as he is far hadn't primaries, and even a fracture republican party scenes this moment on track to renominated him, but as we go into next year, he can't afford to lose any support we need how close dexterous election is going to be, which are often about how president Biden can't afford to lose. Small margins, whether because of voters of color or those who might be attracted to a more liberal third party candidate. That applies to two trump doesn't have a margin of error either he would need every single vote can and if he's turning off some republicans, if he doesn't get that full throated endorsement, the fox news next time round that could to your point, you actually come back in her- we're going to turn now to fulton county georgia, where mark meadows has lost his bid to move the criminal case against him to federal court
That's not good news for you ever try. The judge ruled on friday that meadows alleged involvement in efforts, pressure state officials to overturn the twenty twenty election results was not part of his official. duties as white has chief of staff according to a court filing that judge found. The actions quote at the heart of the state's charges against meadows were taken on behalf of the trunk campaign with the ultimate goal of affecting state election, activities and procedures meadows has already notified to the court that he plans to appeal. You lose I remember it because this is obviously lose all the way up in here ruling the judge did say that she does not have any effect on the outcome of other co defendants seeking to move their cases to federal court last week. Attorneys for for president trump said he might seek to do so as well move the case to federal court.
but it also has just I mean with tromp anything to delay, giving us and again. This is far from presidential duties, what they're doing having georgia its jesse out, which is why the case is being brought by the charges brought against every this way and former? U s attorney senor fbi, efficient, chuck, Rosenberg chuck first of all, give us a year. Take on the decision, by the judge and how it may impact the other defendants yeah? I read joneses decision, Joe. I thought it was thoughtful and thorough. I think it is probably, pervious on appeal, although that turn in some part on the Are you draw in the eleven circuit court of appeals as a matter of fact, and as a matter of law to your point, mark meadows was acting outside the scope his official duties as the white house chief of staff. That means
He seeks to remove his case, the federal court he loses. So I never thought. It was a frivolous attempt by MR meadows, to remove the case he has. the reasons why you would want to do so, but I didn't think it was going to prevail. It didn't I think judge jones was right to say that all listen to anyone who wants to make a similar motion each case on its merits, but I think by and large gonna, be hard poor, other state defendants to get. There has removed a federal court because of the way jones. Recent might again. I thought it was thorough and thoughtful and I think it sort of bodes poor for other people who gonna make a similar clam said so check. You seem to visit. instinct is going to be difficult for donald trump. I know there are a bunch of others. Two of those defendants are also trying to do the same thing, but it would make it difficult for donald trump to have his case moved to federal court, which would have multiple advantages by him
the jury. Poland has potential to pardon himself later on just as that, but also whether we're gonna get some sense this week in hearings about the timing of the georgia case, turkey, so good questions are number one. It's a little bit different mr trump, because by definition by statute, the president and the vice president are not covered by the hatch act. The federal provision that preclude, political activity by people on the government's settled a woman payroll, so the factual faster. His case is gonna, be a little bit different. I still think what he tried to do was outside the scope of his duties as a federal official, and I think he loses by the way two things, one about the jury pull in one about pardons the jury. Pool in the northern district of georgia atlanta division, the federal division is not all that different than the jury pool in full, count a little more red
a little more diverse, but not all that different than I wouldn't make too much of it, because I think juries in my experience, can be solved did, by a good judge, to be fair and thoughtful undefined. The facts and apply the lot. That's one thing second thing, even if MR terms, gets his case in the federal court, remains estate case, and I know that sounds weird. It's simply would be estate case, pride and stuttering, court, and so were he convicted and if he were re elected as president right now, two big gifts, he could not pardon himself because it still at its roots and a state charge an estate conviction soap, lots of things the play out still early innings here caddy, but I do think joneses opinion, does not bode well for other people, seeking to remove their cases. The federal court
there's a lot more to this story to cover this morning, including a lindsey gram connection to the footmen county case. We're gonna get to that chuck. If you could please stay with us major for that. Also still, I haven't morning, Joe, it is a desperate race to find survivors have a devastating earthquake, damaged homes and buildings across morocco, leaving thousands dead we have the very latest on the ongoing rescue operations, plus a top geo, be alarming her criticizes. Senator Tommy tat reveals ongoing military. Ok, I will show you those new remarks and talk about that. Whether other republicans Finally, speak out also had new developments in the search for an escaped in maiden pennsylvania, where police he's been spotted and what he may look like now and in our food, our of mourning, Joe Walter Isaacson,
joins us with his latest biography on elon musk, one of the most in the Winchell, uncontroversial and controversial figures in the world. Today, you're watching morning, job we'll be right back me phone carriers, make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forest for sounds pretty insecure. If you ask me- at consumer cellular. We believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of monogamy ray of contracts and more lex,
What are your data me? This way you stick around, not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love our phone plants like ardently love our reform plans for not going to sleep consumers value when freedom calls we're here to answer callers at one. Eight. Eight freedom- hey it's crusades this week on my talk, ass, wise, is happening I'll, be talking with care expert agent to about improving the care system in the. U s from the time were born to the time we die. We rely upon the care of others, and we ve somehow cast it as non productive. Labour and we have a hard time, even calling it labour because it is, essential and so emotional and fraud in many ways, but it is actually the essential work of the human experience that this week on. Why is this happening
search for wise is happening. Where were you listening right now and subscribe Twenty seven has the our life look at capitol hill as the sun is yet to come up over washington. So the report from the special grand jury that investigated the two twenty election interference case and fold in county reveals charges were wrecked, mended for almost two dozen additional people, including south carolina. Senator linsey gram, gram along with former george a senator stated produce kelly left lauren tromp national. Security adviser, Michael flynn, we're on those whose especial grand jury recommended for indictment, but were now bird charged grand was investigated by fulton accounted for cuter funny, well s over to phone calls. He made too
we're just secretary of state brad reference berger and his staff after the twenty twenty election reference burger claims gram suggested his office. Have the power to reject certain absent. See balance, but gram insists that it was only trying to understand the process for verifying thou its signature. as in georgia. What I did it was consistent with my job as being united states senator asking questions about the melon voting process. I never ask him to set aside ballots ring thing else after the conversation I decided it was best for me, to certify the election if it ever becomes impossible, nor politically dangerous or legally dangers for united states. Senator the call up people to find how the election was wrong, god help resolve the next. Election, if I have questions I'll, do the same thing
and of his all have if we have united states senators like lindsey grand who feel free to call up in the words of trump supporting republican secretary of state brad rat his burger suggesting that he not count certain absentee votes that would hurt Donal. That would hurt, by again To be very clear here, you had brad berger burger, a guy who trump in sixteen and twenty brad raff berger who worry again republican through through its entire life brad rations burger, who won the report. primary in a landslide twenty twenty saying, linsey graham call up tried to rig the tried to get him to throw out some apps t vowed to try to help down drums. not do this whole. God help us percent of the odd help, but about of state can't call another state hu a secretary of state and asked secretary of state disallow lie
your ve got up yet lindsey god help us more senators who think like you and who do things like that in the middle of august, getting to be a conspiracy to overthrow the american presidential actually right, Lindsey god help us so tell me how this works There is recommendation dialing diagram for dry. They'll, Brad ravens, burger to throw out legal votes, a buddy did didn't happen. can you walk through that process? Yes, open ethically Joe. It's not that unusual lots of information go or grandeurs all the time they hear about lots of people alive of acts and lots of different places. That obviously happened here in georgia at the end of the day, it's up to the prosecutor, in this case funding was to determine whether
have sufficient facts and evidence to convict a trial. And if you don't right, there is certainly a delta gap between the quantum evidence you need to indict probable cause and the quantum of evidence you need to connect to trial, prove beyond reasonable doubt a much higher level, and so she made a judgment that they didn't have what they needed and proceeded against some people and not others but Joe. If I may there's something here that really bugs me in the federal system and jury proceedings are secret. They only become public. If you charge somebody, and that means the person charge than has the opportunity to defend himself or herself right. Certain rights attach you can cross examined the evidence against you get counts. Get a trial by jury. Adjudge presides over it. You can testify in your own defence. If you want when you're simply named in a report that some graham was you don't have an opportunity to defend yourself in a court of law, so I'm not
of his. I dont admire him by any stretch out, but I think what happened to him in the those who were named but not charged, is patently unfair because there's no place to go, really to defend yourself. So without condoning anything, because I think it was wholly improper. I hate the notion that Ports can be made public and can, go people out, for you know, by a grand jury, to suggest that they ought to be charged because they don't. I have the same rights as somebody who is charged. Ah I I don't know that georgia broke it's own lied or not. I'm not saying that, but if that is permitted in georgia show, I think it's a very bad idea well the entire process in georgia. Regarding the grant. This first group grand juries where you have grand jury person going out blabbing all over the place, are out of control and it does seem like it needs to be tightened up that part of it needs to be tightened up a good bit. They carry out checks. Concerns reminds me of what logic
bore saying after James call me so not going to indict Hillary Clinton in July, I have ninety and twenty sixteen yeah and then he went out and held a press conference and then died of their politically you, you either died or were you don't indict them? If you don't indict them? Keep your mouth shut. There's a lot of concern that the state, the fulton county case, is so sweeping so grand it'll take forever, but Jonathan. a mere one thing we see here with us west of names of people who were recommended for are just but we're not charged as you can't. You could argue that this It's a that. There was not prosecute prosecutorial overreach that that Funny. Well, Ass was as as key What was she could be while she's trying to take this case for and also whether its in federal court or state court as mentioned earlier, unlike all the,
their cases that could get stamped out at donald trump or two? When the presidency, you cannot run from georgia. She has time you think this decision, it depends how you look at it. As you bring your own biases to it, you can read into it one way or the other. I do think to your point, make it that's right, yeah we saw a couple of three of three: u S, senators hear other Michael flynn I've seen other top members of trumps orbit who were named the report, in diet. You can argue. Ok, the day was being very careful, converse chuck said you know it seems like, by putting these names out there, all your injecting politics into this, and it's gonna give trumpet his allies more amy. action to make the case. This is all we motivated it look up big this wiser. Even going after sitting you senators, and we know that that the dossier is falling facts. But again it's gonna be smokers well what about resumes its about the republican, storing attacks against the wall and trying to make things stick, but you are. This is always been the case that we speak to people and trumps orbit, which I do there
Nice is the one they have the least control over the day. No, that day that this estate state case that the rail transport reason for running in many ways to try to stay out of jail and if you were to win their them with a federal cases, largely make those go away and stop the investigation could try to sell pardon himself. He can't do anything about the new. One was seen as a minor matter. This is a big deal this case and about our how long it takes its always looming over donald trump. Well, you know you're right, you talk to it's, it's a fascinating, others is I'll break down. You talk to the trump people. They are is concerned about. Georgia it concerned about the documents, but they like the fort pierce jerry. They say. I think that that thank you get out. more pierce jerry. That's not gonna followed the law. The jury nullification they do o j they'll, do with tromp that sort of that attitude in fort pierce
own deasey, though there are also very concerned about an early dc trial coming next year, jack It really type has as a really take a claim against himself, we'll see, that all work sound? I will say how chuck Rosenberg thank you, so my uncle jack really prepared its rev. I will say that when I thought about they said so ironic and I had a friend who went to the the I would state game last night this past week, any Xy club Annie, It is sad to regos how ironic that the guy, that one around saying lock her up and having his audience is a lock her up actually guy you may be locked up and by the way the students action suited actions were chain just that donald trump on Saturday? What do I do it goes on, comes around what goes around comes round and corrupt has turned into, as you said so,
students saying lock him up and when you look at the iron, the I mean you couldn't make this up in a novel of of donald trump, who campaigned on lock up rudy giuliani, who made his name, locking people up and and the ones now facing the criminal justice system and lindsey gram who crossed lines to find out about an election haven't you explain why he wasn't sitting in the dock with the rest of the co defendants I mean this whole thing is kind of flipped and many of us sitting back wondering how they get out of this you weren't draws its let's. for a man from Iowa and I state to india and vietnam. How did How did the outer the meetings go for the present the media? the g20 meeting in india was almost a predictable disappointment. The country has a lot of sway.
China and russia, we're not represented by their their leaders, saw the president really couldn't impose american preferences. The language on ukraine was disappointing was weaker and it was the last time around the language on climate change was disappointing. It talked about it. Face down of karl whatever that means, in line with national circumstances assent it giving countries carte blanche to do with they want the most important thing. while I feel to say a woody allen. Eighty percent of life is showing up. I think the EU s india conversation sends a message. the? U S, vietnam, conversations away, basically telling China we have. We have partners We are growing economic and strategic ties to these countries on your periphery, china. You have created problems, shall, I think, that's the important part of the trip joe, but in terms- actual accomplishments, clear disappointment,
What's going on china there not being there first of all, I mean in how the hell impact for that is. Secondly, though, let's talk Joe Biden and Modi, getting together in Washington dc joe Biden Modi, getting together in india and and talk about it, I think that you have india who the opportunity to really see economic growth over the next decade, and if your india visit for four just forget that we're we're arrogance here when we're saying this: he that, even if we were now, I'm not night americans are not cheering for ver things to go well with america, If your body are, you gonna, be working to the united states with the twenty five trillion dollar economy that just keeps growing faster than than most of the rest of the world are you gonna, be looking to china, who following right now having having economic problems and is a
I staying or at least terrorizing their top entrepreneurs seems seemed like a pretty easy choice for Modi having the outreach request. Yes, he's gonna do both and that so the pattern the behaviour of the indian vietnam's and others they are simply going to refuse to choose. They are going to work develop better relations with us, economically and strategically bud, and it's a big part. They are not cut off china economically, they are not going to cut off china's chiefly they're, not gonna, went and tag antagonize it so. India, the radical richer? We shall. We shall expect him to do that, though around this isn't going to be like a? U s sore usa deal, but if we the first among partners a first equals. That's pretty good. Let's go It's a vietnam, economically, we won't be on for probably one hundred countries in the world, China is their biggest economic partner. India is going to stay close to. Russia is going to stay. Close
to china economically, doesn't want to alienate they're gonna want to have it both ways. India's gonna hedge, Joe and you see u s, goals to grow. The economic relationship with India will happen up to appoint india's still quite protect in essence a very hard market too, to penetrate, but this relations, This grown on the Democrats and republicans economically and strategically italy but it just won't be transformational. a new world. India has its own challenges domestically. As you know, I mean promoting is leading indiana direction. That's less liberal! It's become becoming illiberal democracy in and somewhere, so much larger state role, so we'll see Alex this, being the economic news out of india is pretty good is the best news. If you will there, it's not going to substitute for china if your tim cook, we're not going to basically look at india and say india is going to take the place of china. For me, it's just not going to it's just not going to do that. We're talking about The more word I met on the margins here, category s, question caddy took out rigid
a little bit more about the g20 in terms of this kind of idea of rebalancing a little bit of the strength of the global south and is clearly something you know. India he's trying to lead china. Also wanting to nourish show that it can be a big player global sovereign how how so, this leaves you take this and what are the implications for the trans atlantic? lines for the united states and europe if we are starting to see these countries with the expansion, for example, of the brakes organization, if we are starting to these countries through their weight around a little bit more It's a good reminder that the world is moving away from anything that looks binary, that you have a decentralization and distribution of capacity, economic, military, diplomatic. What what have you been Twenty in many ways reflects that. Indeed, that's why I was invented nearly twenty years ago. The whole idea was to countries that didn't have a voice so much bigger voice. That said,
If the question is whether this desire is going to be backed up by resources, one of the things that came out of the g twenty was to make the international financial institutions the world back. The I m f a representative of the world you're talking about will it happened not I'm not so sure, isn't gonna be back by resources and the rest. I think it represents something. That's more aspirational, and then anything else, but I come away from these meetings in some way. Shrugging my solar saying it's really not that significant not a serious organization, it's not an institution, its gathering, there's no permanent staff and since when it happens, it then comes and goes. Whoever runs it next time will have their own agenda, why was was walls will see if there's the resources to really make a difference? The biggest right now challenge China is doing with belt. Road is not so much ass, that's what china with belt and road, and that's that
in our saving grace to Brazil as the host next year richard. We should note the president body just went wheels up leaving Hanoi, but before he did, he stopped at the John mccain memorial they're, paying tribute to his friend, who was a prisoner for quite some time, but I was struck how the day before, when he wrapped up his stop in new delhi, he was pressed repeatedly by ripple about whether he was trying to check chime trying to curb china's expansion there menstruation had sort of telegraphic. That's what we're trying to do, but he made a point of saying no overt over. He said no, Do you know what I'm doing that I read that, as that was message, There are countries in the region who are nervous about conflict between China. You ask that treatment to be reassurance with south east asia, but what happens in terms of that bilateral beijing washed in meeting, especially if china says you're, not sure she's, u pays go meet with a in november. industry for state security. Just the other day raised questions about whether she's in paying is going to come to san francisco in november, will have regulation as to why is it because of china's domestic economic problems? She doesn't want to leave it requested. He doesn't
I have a meeting with the american president against a backdrop. You know u s. Economy is doing pretty well. China's isn't was a reason for not coming. g20, simply because he was unhappy within deanna strategic association with us. I don't know the answer to that, I don't think anybody does so I think it'll be this thing whether he shows up and if so, whether these two there's can quote code, establish a floor and their relationship nazi other thing, president vines trying to do. He still doesn't want You are chinese relationship to go into freefall, you'd like something of a floor, but it takes too taking it takes two to do that I mean, the bottom line is that it is the first time in a very long time that china has been. country between the united states and china that china has been the country that is fair The grim future right now economically, they are stumbling and again the united states we're all going through difficult times with Katty kay I mean the united states to bring us in person.
The united states economy, is doing so much better than most economies in the world. Again I keep talking, during that, like twenty five trillion dollar gdp to china, seventeen torreon gdp is cause wasn't so long ago. Three, four years ago, we were both around seventeen eighteen trillion. The united states, just kept growing china like japan in nineteen. Ninety one just stopped here I mean look at the. The administration has done over the last two years. It really has produced results in terms of the. U s economy, it looks like amerika is going to avoid going into recession as it tries to get out of the post coveney era inflation down at three percent. I know prices are still higher than they were when Joe Biden came into office in that part of the problem that he is facing, but inflation is mean down unemployment is down. Compare the united states to europe at the moment, amend the american economies,
booming healthy people are employed and prices are coming down. That's just not the case in europe at the moment where inflation is double, what is here, and certainly you know you mentioned china and the people The chinese economy is having the stagnation of the chinese economy is having. America is really the only place to look at in terms the global economy at the moment all, right coming up we'll take alive, look at ground zero, as the nation remembers, that deadline September eleventh attacks, will speak with the chief of the national our bureau general dan. How concerned about how things I've changed twenty two years later and the imf of service now Major,
carriers, make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forest. Monogamy sounds pretty insecure. If you ask me at consumer cellular, we believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of phenomena me ray of contracts and more lex, What are your data me? This way you stick around not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love our phone plants like ardently love our reform plans for not going to sleep consumers value when freedom calls we're here to answer callers at one eight eight, freedom get the best of MSNBC it all in one place every day,
The mass NBC daily newsletter. Each morning in your inbox, you'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shows running for real web sent as we say, get you a poor card from the american previews from our pod casts and documentary, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves, understanding for mass NBC daily at msnbc dot, com. Fifty one past they our just moments ago. They unfair of the american flag on the side of the pentagon that was attacked on September eleven when the twin towers and the pentagon were hit? Twenty two years ago, the national guard was deployed to protect york city in washington, both on the ground and from the air. After that, we saw the getting of a shift in the guards mission from that
strategic reserve to an operational forest, That would eventually be deployed to fight in Iraq and afghanistan let us now forced our general dan HO consent, the chief of the national guard bureau. Thank you very much. For being on the show this morning on this special day. If you could talk a little bit about the meaning of this day twenty two years later and how it perhaps trigger the transformation of the national guard. Make a thank you for that. I think for all of us were alive. Then it's one of those days. You remember exactly where you were when you first heard the news, and just the active had on our nation, but you also look the heroism display that day by our first responders by many of our civilians and also our guardsmen. Equally here in new york in a we ve got a large national guard contingent here. In new york and literally the bridge and thousands of them immediately went to their armoury without being asked.
By the end of the day, I think we had over six thousand guardsmen on duty here and as you I mentioned we had six states involved with the air patrolling in fact, one of the nick stories within washington, d c, when flight, ninety three was unaccounted for long. Fighters and because they were not arm, they only had five hundred grounds or training ammo and their mission was to prevent anything from attacking our nations capital and show when those aircrew took off, they knew that may well mean them having the ram that aircraft are prevented from it. making our nations capital general extraordinary moments of service and potential her face twenty years ago, but now we are two decades since the attacks still ever present. Of course, those nuclear, york. But how do you see that that spirit, that spirit of service? Are you still seeing americans war to serve in that way, and are you concern that, maybe not enough are
you know there is an incredible since a service without serving today and when you look at the past twenty years. You know that was really the turning point for the national guard. Part of that more of a strategic reserve, and then we became operational the last twenty years. In fact, over a million guardsmen have deployed overseas, and when you look at it, spirit of service, the experiences developed over that time. We ve got incredible leaders at every level and were very which, in the national, our will meet our or in strength reform by the end of the year and the army national guard on their guard. but closer or finding is you know just those eligible to even enter military service. That number continues to decrease every year, but it the day we Contain our standards and we're looking for the best and brightest and they still come bore formations? And it's really good down their general over the last twenty years, the principal areas overseas deployment, where the greater middle east, Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth, looking forward- it's not going to be, there are things that could
fisheries were thinking about much where you're or asia, china of fuel degrade geo political game. How does not affect the guard? is your training and planning adapting to have two. If you will, return of traditional geopolitics. So interesting you may not be aware of the national guard has state partners, so every state, the united states has a national partner. We really developed this after the end of the cold war. The berlin wall came down. Great example of California has been a partner with you since ninety ninety three and really after russia invaded ukraine. For the first time a twin, fourteen guardsmen, sat down with the ukrainians are looked at. What went right? What went wrong and we stood up age. multinational training group in ukraine in twenty six team, and we really Just on those areas and you're really saying the impact there and their ability to thwart russia's plans to invade the entire country now there's work stolen. Going on shortly after the war began, we moved our training to germany. We still can t
train asgard when the jury, the ukrainian army, with equipment and the course that data. impact on the battlefield. Even today, general one of the things that are most remember twenty two years ago is a sense of people from different races and backgrounds came together. And realise that we will all under threat. I mean no one seller email and tell him blacks or latinos ages Go to work tomorrow to trade on the twin towers or the pentagon. After that there was this coming together of saying: we have our political differences, but we need to stand up and preserve the country, have you seen that growth maintained did see it, then this kind of spirit album community and what has happened to in your judge in the last twenty two years- is right. See that every single day anytime, I drove what the guard unit or visit them. We have about twenty three thousand applied today.
to them. They realise the importance of what they're doing and regardless of your colors anyway, you believe it at the end of it. it says you S, army. U s. Navy was marine corps, what scope guard or space force, and we just work together, because we know we have a job to do and we, Get very assuredly were very honoured and proud to represent our country, no matter where it is on the face of the earth chief of the national guard, a general Dan Hopkinson. Thank you very much for joining us. This morning, verbal vacation homes come with twin for seven life support So if you ever need anything, you can reach her one person and about a minute? Further private vacation rent? as for you and your people
Transcript generated on 2023-09-12.