« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/9/23

2023-08-09 | 🔗

In a win for abortion-rights supporters, Ohio voters reject Issue 1

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There are other they'll say trump didn't look well. He was extremely wet four or five degrees in Israel, but world that right he doesn't want. What would you say ones like Elvis and somebody such a thing, as I think he was actually making fun of the appearance of other people? I don't know he was now we always was making fun of a gap to wonder if the bomber present eyes healing the heat I expected in basing my way and like swipe this. What office phase Jordan's hardware mean asked I council, Jack Psmith turns up the temperature in federal court amid the back and forth over the protective order. In that case, There is no reporting this morning arguing well now now
what I'm just saying, I'm sweating that much do you think he's in a million different ways. I don't think he's mountains unhealthy some. I mean, like a rubio, didn't sweat that my correct randy santos, dozens, what that anyhow, That was a of swear. Yes, new reporting on a secret member that laid out the plot to overturn the twenty twenty. Election. We're gonna go through that major development, injustice, but meanwhile we're getting a better idea of the timing for the next possible indictment, the former president by twenty twenty eight, no challenge or she could. Can she delay this any longer. I think it's come twenty twenty eight, maybe twenty twenty nine! It could be his force indictment, we'll talk about that and let the timing looks like now. Also ahead. Bohr institute in the dissenters campaign will take at the latest, shake up for the florida governor in his twenty twenty,
we say a dramatic as we look at these pictures of the saddest word. Is he may stop zipping? The vast up three quarters of the word here can work and welcome to morning jailers averse in the summer minus eight hundred degrees, there's so much news, and I guess that's how we survive as laughing once I wonder why it is on Wednesday guys we're in a vast when it's like eight hundred degrees outside its wednesday august nine, and I guess I should say only wednesday with us, we have host of way too early whitehouse beer cheap at political jonathan. The mayor outward looking very good this morning. Dapper? U s special correspondent for BBC news, caddy k, always elegant and lighthouse editor or politico. Sam sties ashore sam's here also our duty as this is this issue. This abortion issue is is turning in two
remarkably politically potent issue for people who want a return to work, where the united states was for about fifty years, where women had a right to make health care to see and make choices about their own bodies. We ve seen in Kansas we ve seen in kentucky we ve seen in one read state after another, we saw a supreme court race in wisconsin, landslide victories all because Republicans taking extremist views, and we saw last night and a state that has gone dean brad our I add. Yes, voters overwhelmingly rejected a republican, backed measure that would have made it more difficult to change the states constitution. More than three
in people went to the polls in ohio special election voting to defeat issue, one which keeps the threshold for passing future constitutional, once at a simple majority, was idle about abortion and sixty percent super majority. That was proposed and, of course this is all about abortion, because they ve. we're going to have a referendum. This fall and sudden the pro life groups and the republican legislators, caddy decided. We're going to rig things were going to change the rules, we're gonna required sixty percent, Because we know the majority of the people don't want women, they have their healthcare decisions, decide by men in state legislators. Fifty seven percent of all I am voters to say no to rigging the process. Forty three percent said yes
Caddy. That almost certainly ensures that this fall Oh hi, I will be yet another republican state that pushes back against abolition of royal yeah republic, wanted to make it so that you couldn't change and lord in the color part of the constitution, without sixty percent, having sixty percent for decades has been fifty percent. That's been fine for all the other amendments that they have had in the past, but when a She was on the ballot. They wanted to make it that much harder for pro. war rise people to do it actually that fifty seven percent is not far off the sixty percent, they were mandating what's extror. This is that is august. A What's the rebel alliance, this is not even a vote on a board, and this has a vote on an amendment to the constitution that is potentially about abortion and even so high turnout in here numbers and
campaign that have been campaigning on on pro abortion right said thought this might be close. This reminds me of Kansas. This reminds me of that forget we had where we were all surprised by the margin of the victory for the pro abortion right and here we are a good move- when a year after dobbs, and it is still rallying people. Fifty seven percent. That's a big victory for the pro abortion writes a huge victory, just like a huge for green wisconsin estate. That's all he's been very close, a huge victory in kansas and other state. That was red time. again. You look at these Paul's and they just don't tell the tell people like you and I are finally going to vote for the guidance for people they don't low closely psych arena the guy who falls off his bike and stutters once in awhile or the guy who tried to take over the federal government with a riot and setting ensure made the constitution, and then you don't pay,
their issues and their and suddenly you get closer. It's just like twenty twenty to remember the red wave of twenty twenty two. Neither do I you know I never! and you know why it never happened aboard it's a big issue, also some people, it's quite. If you write this morning for the wall street journal editorial page or on fox news, some people love can democracy what kind of fashion. That way, I don't know it's warm forest, two hundred and forty or so years, I would like to keep it for another two hundred and forty years, so you portion and actually american democracy because our concern is stupid, as torreon writers of the wall street journal editorial page over the past week had believed them debate they he threw the lies, they see through the gas lighting and they decide hey. This is really troubling. What this guy, may I mean. Maybe this guy over here can write a bike if he wasn't sweating so much this other guy. He falls off about
once in a while, but wait a second. Then he actually believes constitution of the united states. You add that, in a boar and together, yeah and it has been a potent potent political punch in the gut against republicans proven trying take away women's rights and women's rights. You bring up a good point here, because think. What we are saying here is that men, women are seeing health care being taken away from their families from their loved ones, and why It is an issue of a woman's right to choose its also One issue of families, health of a husband watching her husband, her book, his wife have to bleed out because she can't get the medication she needs for a fee. abnormality. This is in issue now that goes across the board, like men and women, understand what has happened over the past few years. With
its being taken away and when urania health, where you look sam stein at these numbers, fifty percent in kansas, fifty seven percent in ohio, again read red state aid alone, slide victory in the supreme court ray southern wisconsin. The republicans called the most important race in years when you that you don't get to. Fifty seven fifty eight fifty nine percent with only the women that went to them. Women's march, like in two thousand and seventeen you'd give their with left wing activist. You don't get there with women, you get there with women men a young, oh thank you blow why fish yannick, you name it. This is an issue that cuts across all demographics,
and its shocking to me that the Republicans still have their head buried in the sand on this issue because another election- I don't know if they know it or not, is coming up next year I mean to make a point: its men are involved in the pregnancy. Obviously we don't carry the burden of the presidency that we know what happens when there were their wives. We feel very much part of the process and I think it resonates the issue of abortion for men. much as women, and if you look at the issue on ideological grounds and me there's a recent poll that showed that some thirty five Forty per cent of republicans were upset over the dogs. Decision mean those numbers don't really happen in many other. Shoes The proof now is in the pudding, so to speak. We have three major elections, probably more missing, kansas wisconsin ohio, where it's very evident that abortion rights is a
credible motivator. I would just add that in ohio, caddies raymond, tried to sneak this sum municipal elections in the middle of august it was, it was fairly transparent. What the anti choice cry! was trying to do, and I think that a backfired pretty badly, obviously with voters who felt like they were just being hoodwinked too like they were being taken advantage of its already a bull position to ask voters to willingly vote to reduce their ability to change their state's constitution in the future, but to do it in the fashion that they did that these organizers did to try to sneak it in and then a municipal election in august I think, was insulting frankly, too, a high winds and proved to be insulting by these numbers. They trumps republican party, one. They try to take away a presidential election to day line up, and
fort, and I won't name the editorial page again that does it. They line in support of a fake alike conspiracy, plied right. That on people lou was unconstitutional, that their own people knew would be overturned by the united states supreme court, but they were doing it, confuse the issue until lay a constitutional process, and they wanted to throw the votes, a meal millions of americans in seven states that I've gotta can, I say again more democracy, nonsense, they actually kick black men as of the tennessee legislature out because they dare is the voices of the law? They were the white woman stay and by the way, as interesting- justice, why? I don't know public uncertainly, blind your black wages, later in tennessee, and you speak up speak out. They kick you out. Right
you go to ohio when what we have you first of all have the women of all I'll have the right to make health care decisions for themselves are pair some ten year old girls who are rate who have to flee the state. So can make health care decisions themselves. First, republicans taken that right away from ohio, women and ohio family and I'll ohio doctors Van they come up with it's game and they say, and we're going to take away your right to amend the constitution. The way we ve done it for years and we can use make it at an august and you're ve been and have to get sixty percent new I back to get the right. We vote taken away from women and ohio and across amerika you said before this is august, how august such a dead month. Politically, I will tell you any
campaigns of for campaigns. I ran. You basically down in august right, good everybody's gone. Nobody focused on anything there finishing their occasions or they're, getting their kids ready back for school to getting before the fall vestments, get any ready for everything and its caddy said voters flooded to the poles, did tell these ty democracy, republicans, no one person, one vote majority rules and these referendums, you can't change the rules midstream because you want to continue taking away the rights of women to make decisions over their own bodies. and by celebrated after issue, one fail: releasing a statement that reads this measure was a blatant attempt to weaken voters, voices further erode the freedom of women to make their own healthcare decisions ohio spoke a loud and clear, and tonight democracy won
in recent years, republicans and a handful of states have sought to make it more difficult to ass citizen, led initiatives from expanding medic. aid to raising the minimum wage according to the wash imposed flag was I mean, I mean that the better laws and really liberal states- I bet, these efforts, loss and really liberal stays. Last year, such efforts to raise the voter threshold failed in south Dakota, south dakota and africans who, on those states with his temper by went south, does really the terrible to schedule a similar hoed in Missouri were unsuccessful frazier Jonathan lawyer? I mean they're, not even trying to hide it anymore. I mean and they're, not even trying to hide the fact that they're trying to make these the these processes more, forgot there trying to change the rules midstream. They said as much that answer abortion groups
anti women's rights groups said as much we're changing the process or else we're in big trouble. Just why? If taking the rights of women away to make their own choices over their own bodies puts organization in big trouble. Thinking to say, after the past year and a half of election results, those people that want it women of their rights. There are big trouble here. It is fundamental effort and a unique effort in american history to take away a right, and we are seeing the consequences here in these deep rate states, including ohio well covered a friendly bad faith, effort to schedule. This middle of august to try to sneak it in, like they did it's just the latest defeat for this effort and frankly, the the anti abortion movement in this country needs to come to a reckoning here in terms of their handling politics, the ballot, because there'll be handed defeat. After defeat after d
we also should know this comes on the heels of two years of republicans in a number of state legislatures. Also, try take away another right, the right to vote, restricting access to the ballot, and we have seen the consequences. There is well that played a role in the twenty twenty two mid terms, but washing here is, is by far the biggest and it, and it is even one where republicans are threatening some believe many believe our national already, because a centre topples hold on military promotions right now, army marines, both without a commander because of his hold about It's an abortion related issue there. As John. I think I am hearing what is on that point. You ve got republicans who use criticise democrats. For using the military to push them Ethical social agenda, Now you have tommy tub reveal that stopped. the united states marine corps from have. Commodore leading it
for the first time in a hundred and fifty years value Have radical republicans in the senate, who are lining up meekly behind tommy tupper bill. Who were now stopping the united states army from have a leader there as well, the wariness issues and republicans know this the readiness issues that this poses, for our men and women, in the united states armed forces devastating. The stating in yet they're letting this guy from alabama basically lay waste or readiness in the united states marine corps, the united states the army and across all the services, big have you heard of any report kids in the senate, who actually give a damn enough about the readiness of the moraines in the army and the forests in the navy and a coastguard behaviour,
we have them saying they are going to stand up to the tub, will reveal and stop this madness. There's been some private, bring the very little in the way of public concerns? We didn't hear from Nicky Hayley yesterday, who said that he didn't like how this was going down, that she sided with the idea of tolerable that military shouldn't be doing this, but did This should be carried out like this. Maybe that'll be the start of something it remains to be but, of course, republicans were proudly declared the part of national security of defence, and yet they ve turned work on this project. their issue in its a hundred percent. That's exactly right! That's hard to make that claimed now and it all should be noted that this is further proof that abortion defining issue and twenty twenty two really still a driver this year it was. be again next year to in some Democrats, feel like it could even potentially expand the electoral map for them. So
We follow this major news out of ohio this morning. There's a lot of other news to get to a major development in. new reporting on a secret memo to overturn the twenty twenty election. We haven't heard about this before this. Definitely laid out a strategy for trump to actually overturn president by when of the twenty thousand and then again not restage more like a strategy to actually do it well and illegal ski actually, the way a constitutional count, a freeze, page nope in an illegal scale, to stop the constitutionally mandated count of electoral votes in january six by making a bad its argument does show confusion among the electorate and delay the constitutional process, and this is the thing we're gonna will explore maker. They did it
even though they knew it was unconstitutional and the supreme court would stop their applied. Not only did you have this person, came up with the illegal scheme saying that from the very beginning, but after eastman adopts it exit into the white house MIKE pants turns to eastman saying this is supreme gonna pull there's these, because where I know then I don't now, and then you have pence, Turning to donald trump and going to see you guy knows the supreme courts can overturn this illegal scheme nothin about free speech there. nothing about free, more or less secret. Memo. Also news on potential timing for a fourth indictment for former president donald trump I'll, be right back
hey guys, willie, guys tier, reminding you to check out the sunday sit down podcast on this week's episode. I get together with Emily blunt to talk about the award season. Chatter, around her performance in oppenheimer, her pension for napping any time any place and a question from her husband, John Kwasniewski. You can get our conversation now for wreak wherever you download your pod casts. I did it. I remember we live in third unprecedented moment in history, for rising from facing criminal indictments, end trials, anonymous embassies pie, gas, ruskin, Donald trump bedroom prosecutors, Andrew S, with a merry mccord breakdown, the charges. What we can see at these trials search for processing, donald trump, where
Are you get your broadcasts whitehall celebrating this morning? Why shouldn't a sea of an anti choice, referendum procedure? Actually, you now high seven million people turned out to vote on this caddies. You said in august it's how lazy that the national election in a special election in August yeah was that I was just checking issues. We were all fair. The population of ohio is twelve million, so threem. in turn out to vote. That's a quarter of ohioans turn out to vote. This is not talking about a presidential election. We're not even talking about a primary vote here, we're talking about a vote. On an amendment to change the constitution, but. We body saw this for what it was. This was the prelude this would have set the stage for an. a choice forces in ohio to severely
straight women's rights to health care in the state and make us right. This is this, is a women's issue. I think this is so often portrayed as a women's issue, but the last I checked my biology. It takes two people to get a woman pregnant, Men are intimately involved in this process. They see what their wives are going through and we ve had one story after another, including the case is going through the courts in texas. of women whose health has been increased it very dangerously put at risk because they couldn't access to the health care they need because they had pregnancies that have gone wrong, and I think had now. So many of those stories right around the country that people in ohio Of course, there was a famous case of the girl who was raped had to go to indiana. They know this meeting women and for girls? Men are stepping up and by the way, at the top of the hour, ohio senator shared brown will join us to talk more about this. Now too, the other big stories that we're following this morning. A previous
unseen memo is providing potentially damning new evidence about the plot to overturn the twenty twenty election results by donald trump and members his inner circle, the memo. Was obtained by the new york times and has not been very, five by NBC. News was allegedly sent in early december, twenty twenty by trump lawyer, Kenneth cheese, borough jails, bro was one co conspirators identified, but not charged in the justice department. Most recent indictment of the former president. in the newly obtained note, cheese bro outlines what would become known as the fake electors scheme which false claimed former. Vice president, my pants had the power to block the certification of the states vote in january, two thousand and two to who lie about people
who were going to be the electors, fake electors will create a fraudulent sleight of electors and there's. This troms defenders are calling free speech Well, no, no! That's not! That's! That's like an attempted criminal to to have roid of marriages for a licentiate of the road to another trump lawyer about what he acknowledged was a quote bold and controversial strategy, but claimed he was not necessarily advising this course of action. Despite trying to stems himself from the planned, though the times reports that just one After sending that memo it ended up on the desk of trumps, snow lawyer rule,
gee, that's, just not good, not good, for emu are fake electors scheme itself. Cheese brow even admitted that the supreme court was likely to end up rejecting the plan, but even in that case, he claimed that airing it out publicly would quote by the trump campaign more I'm to challenge the elections and on minute this is as clear as day they're coming up with a fraudulent scheme that they know is ITALY. Now they know the supreme court will rejected by one they are trying to do very true to illegally delay. A constitutional preceding the constitution of the united states says that the electors get together and they they they count them the data is january, the sex Here's a plot, a plan, a complete, a completely illegal scheme where they're going to get fake alike.
Have people. Why that their sort of I d be electors, and then mike pads put these fake electors before the united states congress and ends doing still. Seven million eight million tim, I mean how many millions of votes are. They steal from people and swing states nor elected Actually, the real electors who again are part of a constitutional process, the trunk showing that- again the argument that this sum out free speech that this illegal scheme that they knew is illegal, is just it's stupid for twelve supporters and certain editorial pages yet and one of them Just trump faces is violation of rights turned to fraud. Deprive rights right to vote is one of them and they were trying to decent french
as millions of americans here by tossing out their vote in trying to install these fake actors in this memo puts in one place sort of aid z. This scheme that we have known has been out there and now can be clearly central to the prosecution against tromp injects myths case there in war, Ten. This idea that it would they knew the supreme court even a supreme court. There was tromp friendly and most ways had ruled against them. On election issues. We have documented how badly they fared in courthouse across amerika in weeks after election day november, twenty twenty there were something like sixty three and one and their one win was very small procedural one. They knew this wasn't going to pass legal standing. That said, they were trying to buy time. They were trying to buy time to push for more cases. They were trying to buy time to install these fake electors. and then put it to my pants on january sex than if he had said well. Look we ve got competing. Sets of electors here
let's throw them all out, let's just put it to the house and that's how trump wins the math worked in trumps favour there. That's the scheme, that's how they want to stay in power and that's how jack smith is going to proceed with his prosecution. Here. I just add this mean this reads to me, like a plot and overt plot, to subvert the vote presented publicly as an insurance plan. In case the court's somehow intervened on, transfer half even after his job sixty three or whatever decisions against the trump campaign at that point of view stands out to me, though, is just how little and again most of the trumps actual lawyers, the professionals in the just permanent at the white house, dig action, care about the real one consequence of the laws than they have been pushed her violated, but the worst like few people here, including I can't cheeseburger out and john eastman, whose we didn't occur to them or they in care enough about what the consequence
spill out of such a strategy, worming cheaper in this case a saying this is balding controversial in another man these men, I believe, said you know something like you know. Well there maybe riding the streets, but that's why we have the insurrection act as if as if a little sort of blood in the streets was just the price you pay for for this type of strategy. And it's remarkable, I guess to me- maybe a little bit shocking, other people were willing to just let their minds wandered to those places in pursuit what they understood privately to be controversial. Perhaps even a legal steps to subvert democracy and you look at their interactions caddy Again, they understand that this this scheme is, is the car is not going to be seen as legal by the united states supreme court. They say as much my pants confronts Donald up later saying. Even your own lawyer is telling you that this
not legal, the supreme court's, going to overturn it, but they talk about how this who caused the way it will cause confusion. It cause riots in the streets and when that up is a possibility that this will cause riots in the streets. They say, that's why we have the insurrection. I that's why we have the army, put down riots that responsible for by pushing something they know is illegal in part of trumps defends. Presumably when this goes to trial will be well, genuinely, as he said last night. New Hampshire in that rather moist appear I will slide new sweaty. I genuinely believe that the election being stole. This is what my lawyers were telling me. I had a good law is like when telling me that this was the case, and so you can't get me for that
because this is what my belief was well, then jack smith will come back with this kind of evidence? You know these, they hear you, while you were presented with a plan, You are also told by people like my pen that this would not go anywhere, that this was the supreme What would not think that this ok so that you're gonna happen. of this during the course of the trial, but maybe a part, This wall is justice. I mean we talked about this a lot around twenty. Sixteen. What was the aim of russia with the aim of raw was this shit, so chaos and was that democracy was not strong and dissatisfaction so dissatisfaction in the democratic system, and when you read this secret memo, it sounds like that that part of the aim of this
to show is too so the chaos centres and and make people think the system is not working. Hi, I'm jennifer primary and unclear mechanical where the hosted the MSNBC podcast how to win twenty twenty four. We both know first hand that winning an election is hard and having been in and around tough races for most of our don't lives. We have some unique insight into what it will take to win this twenty twenty four election and some crazy stories to share to search for how to wind, twenty four, wherever you're, listening and follow new episodes. Every thursday chief whitehouse corresponded christian wellgood joins me now from across the nation. The number one issue for you to the national states and I welcome them to the final twenty. Twenty presidential debate with critical votes were killed still too closed,
and what power was helped with his abuse of power and impeachable kristen welker. At the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet the press some days b. It wasn't about actually. Having a system that works, a process that works, they knew they supreme court was to overturn it. It was about creed the delay green the chaos and if it's happened as they said that why we have the army. That's why we have the insurrection. I ve we can use the insurrection act, get there we in the street down the riots from people whose votes have been stolen and then truncated. the clear, martial law, which is basically what their talk about doing in the end. This is what russia. Wall street journal editorial page. This is
What russia was trying to do in twenty sixteen. This is why russia. It meant they were trying to do in and six sixteen. This is what they had of the wagner group brag about saying these remember how successful our campaign was in a man in twenty six saying I mean come on russia, ok, you shame yourself. Every day you shame yourself. Every day, If you don't see a linkage here right see the legacy of the russians, trying to sell confusion and then no trouble on his own learning from. People that he's always admired on his own did just cause. A process that will so confusion that's illegal, that will so delay and, if he's lucky,
will create riots in the streets and they can use insurrection act to declare or law, and you call it free speech I call it an american and guess wide americans agree with me and now You you're disgusting, your absolute disgusting. If you going to forget this type of behaviour I say that to the republican establishment theirs Oh you know. There's two standards of justice here: hunter binds laptop on but and over here we're talking about eagle scheme, overthrow, throw other to get riots in the streets of donald trump can declare martial law. a year, saying, there's some sort of legal equivalent say
there's some sort of moral equivalency, that's grotesque, and what so sad for you? You know it's grotesque entire republican establishment knows its growth, you got it I'm trying to steal an election and you ve got up. secure destroying the brain, the injustice, and if this guy were in democratic, you'd already have been locked up, jacks It's trying to bring this guy to justice, and what do you do use back silently. You don't go to standards of justice. And then your silent is Donald trump threatens a federal prosecutor. An all. Sir of the united states court system, saying I'm coming after you silence, And you wonder why you keep losing elections? Second, stop
You gonna keep losing your on the wrong side of history. You know who, on the right side, has strengthened people there, were american democracy. No war buffet set it after september. The fifteenth against the united states of america. You lose and you all have been betting for a guy does for talking about terms. The constitution of the united states. That's tried to or throw a presidential election that worked his heart is to undermine americans confidence in american democracy in the american democratic process and yours Jill standing bind him and then said? Come the washington it will be wild and encourage these rights, were the spiritual, generate the sex and sat back and did nothing for three hours while children while his lawyers, while his campaign people well Everybody he knew begged him.
Stop the whites, his response or maybe my pants deserves to be launched. And you're still supporting him because you said, is over two hundred by weapons. Eight hundred by and say that you say those words and you think actually that provide You absolution note of that, provide you know, absolution in history books a web solution at all gonna, get your rounded at the ballot box again what's They know better. They absolutely no mortal known out thing lot of these guys know better and women are speaking of delays. Donald lawyers have been called to appear in court later this week. After a judge rejected their apparent attempts
to delay? What is normally a routine procedure in the two thousand and twenty election to get case against their client after days of back and forth regarding a protective order requested by prosecutors, judge and yet chuck can put a scheduled hearing on the matter, for sprawling morning at ten o clock. This is where the lawyers will come and hash this out. Doesnt really need to be done, but they're doing it trumpet is not required to tell them. What do we expect their jonathan willowmere? We expect image. Just gonna make a decision on whether or not trump can t keep talking so freely about the case he did so yesterday, defiantly so yeah threateningly during wild profound sweating on stage in new hampshire. He went on to say that look. What is where my will allow he was an extraordinary amount. It was an extraordinary amount of sweat, appropriate preparation. We really dwell on draw further by
he did went on to say he was like look, I'm not gonna be able to go to iowa. I'm not going to come here like new hampshire and talk about this, so his his team, of course, is going to make the argument. Yes free speech, but more than that he's a presidential candidate, he needs to be able talk about These things, so we're gonna have to see what sort of guidelines or guard rails going to be established that will likely happen friday or possible evidence. We presented audience will make the decision soon. Thereafter the judge but jack Psmith. team has made it very clear that this is something new threatening rhetoric and it shouldn't be part of the case. He shouldn't be talking about potential evidence that the case try to intimidate witnesses were influence of jury, pool all extremely important and legal analysts have suggested that if it were, anybody else from there would be potentially loser socially or even be locked up for this, so it is in We have our his face for a judge who is clearly trying to accelerate the timetable of the case to factors just as when we say here my gosh to standards of justice samson.
I'm wondering- and I ask this- is a guy- I'm a sweater from waiver. Ok, exactly understand, Donald trump was so bathed in sweat. I really I was worried for his help. Do you this is why he's afraid to debate the republicans because he's gotta sweating condition. No, I don't I think it's just that it was really hot, but what's funny, isn't protagoras there's a lot of time. about body temperature? Is this morning and moisture sure, and it's just making me generally uncomfortable, and I think we should move on again? There is actually so much real stuff to say, but having said that is just a little bit fitting, given that he just me so living out of our making confined guards. As I mean, I was once someone he made he'd literally made worldwide news. Making fun of my face. Ok
let's bring in NBC news correspondent behind failures overnight murderer. Thank you are murder and I was face shamed, but people what he did to me was worse as actually use. I set no euro psycho joe aren't you am I, on the other. Psychological you're lying because you're either my eyes craze neurotic and psycho yeah, I'm a psycho ok, well, ass, Michael Schnell, about this VON hilliard was that the trump rally in new Hampshire yesterday also with us congressional rapporteur for the hill microsoft now, who wants nothing to do with, does nothing. They reduce their reporting on how the house speaker is giving political cover to the president. So thank you guys. Ringlets bond first of all, take a ok and I swear this- has nothing to do with this nothin to do with how much she was wedding last night just politically give us
if the temperature of the room, cowardly schilling, about trump, how are they feeling about? No, I know people say good thing to take a temperature during the raid, the room, how read the room? Forests and I if they're going to a trump rally. Most have we're gonna, be rock ribs trump supporters. Is that what you found There were thirty people that that that were questioning whether he could actually when in a general election are really are. They all went for. Donald my dry idea worked perfectly fine yesterday to know, but look at what we're looking at that gymnasium yesterday or today. I think that's hits at the points here, the joe you were just making for all the tension on the past. I think that what was so striking to me yesterday was I've. Cover heck of a lot of these rallies over the last nine years, and that was the most defiant donald trump that I had ever witnessed for from this is not just about him. You is, to a certain extent, is powerless to defend him in the courtroom. Unless you take stand by what donald
is able to do is mobilise his political operation. To use it as a bludgeon against the. U s justice system, we have seen him. Do it again, see who s election system, we have seen him, do it against the? U S, media! For now here in this moment it is about mobilizing these millions of americans too, initiated distrust in the court ruling meetings are about to take place, I want to let you hear from the two other folks. I talk to because when I stood there in that realm and talked with these voters here for donald feel he told that crowd that that his base Maga base is the most passionate inspirited that it's ever been while may, that maggot based may have shrunk, the last three years. I don't he's wrong in his assessment about those that still remain. Take a look. That's nazi, germany, hitler! You can't silencer political opponents because you don't agree with Joe Biden
being present forests, bribes, the vote was stolen. I believe it in my I remember they blew up one of the election quarters where they kept all of the dominion. Machines like that blow up at donald trump were to be found guilty by a jury where what? Where do you see this coming civil war? Civil war am, I ended up because we can't live, other, obviously, and if he wants me to meet them, I've gotta go in there. I'm going to let you know that I'll do it. Guys. I think this is about the inherent danger of where Donald trump takes this from here forget about the election forget about general election. Twenty, twenty four! whether he can win or not hear it. Donald is found guilty by a jury. Where does this go from here. I know that we did not foresee an actual physical attack on the. U s, cap, on January six, twenty twenty one and I can't be and to foresee an event
of what made miss tat size coming out of a guilty conviction or another election laws from donald trump. But what I am increasingly convinced by conversations like those across this country is that we are increasingly getting closer to an event ever that that may be, that of men who could becoming increasingly closer here, because Donald trump does have millions may not won him election, but will be there to defend them. The very end, whatever that end may look like Joe. This is republican leaders are so needed and they are so not present for the truth. For reality, we need one hundred mccain moments, one hundred times over member when he said that member of the audience know you're wrong. When did disparaging comment, the untrue comment was made about Barack obama run. This is why this is pervading, because other republican leaders, members of congress to
verse people who have either been infected by his lies or no kevin mccarthy that he a liar and has come, crimes against this democracy, you know it to your core and you play that game and these people are caught in the middle. These people are infected. Lies and people like that went to the capital on January. Six that cover mccarthy is mixed. Mcconnell. If members of of from from new Hampshire's but in vain it, oh god, I'm sure said that they would immediately become the outside immediately become part of the deep state which is which is part of the problem itself, part of the reason why use a boiling down of of the number of trump supporters it it's gotten smaller. It had gotten. I think he's, got more intense and, as people have made, the point
not really a political campaign. It's a move met a threat, but it's a movement, Michael that that you have the leader of the movement who started by calling the press enemies of the state that he then remind americans, confidence in us actions when he knew he was going to lose. He started talking about how american democracy was red, and so he turned his supporters against Now he's turning his supporters against the judicial system, the rule of law and the united states, because he knows he's going to be found guilty of some of these charges because he committed the crimes and an end. She is What are you a hearing on the hill? We certainly here what member sates publicly. Are you hearing any concerns fry we from republicans about the can? then you'd radicalization of donald trump and his supporters wallack joel absolutely some moderates and more central in the party had been
in concerns about this. There are a number of lawmakers upon capitol hill, who have said a number of republicans, rather more We moderates and centrist who have said that they don't want to see donald trump, be the republican nominees Twenty twenty four: there are a number of other lawmakers republicans who have endorse some of doubt. challenges, but look the reality of it is that donald trump is still the leader of the republican party he's a force the overall front runner in the geo p primary and when we talk about some of these followers, particularly those ones up on capital hill, who could come the minority of the party if they were to speak out against donald trump, solve some lawmakers. Try this out after january six, you talked about a speaker, Kevin Mccarthy backward was minority leader will all remember that days after the january, raw capital, riot, Kevin Mccarthy went to house floor during those in that impeachment debate and actually said. President trump responsibility for the riot and said that he needs to take responsibility for the actions that
bent on january sixth. But then everyone will remember. It was just days after that cover mccarthy said that. Well, he doesn't think that donald trump provoked and he thinks that, while donald trump or some responsibility, there are also people across the country bear responsibility, and then, after that, of course, that in famous trip down tomorrow, logo to meet with the president, so after january, sixth, cover mccarthy, in some other republicans, tried out this this state of being of going against president trunk and criticising him, but the to the matter raises that time showed that the party was sticking behind. Donald trump at the geo, p was staying behind trump, and because of that firm grip and that firm ground. when the party a number of these lawmakers careened back to president from side and that's all in play all right now in the wake of this indictment after indictment after indictment. Why and and Kevin Mccarthy. Why wait? Where does Heaven
car they go from here again. The party continues to get more more radical, their pushing for impeachment their pushing Now he was on china. Happily, I think, and how did he kept talking about binds bright we scandal, bright, Kevin camera, Mccarthy knows theirs and Monday night can Mccarthy knows, there's nothing there. It's a lie. He knows that every time they talk about these candles and these tapes and decide the other. He always ends up getting humiliated. So so talk about the tightrope walk. Haven't Mccarthy's having to take every day I its next, We tight and we it's a tightrope because of small majority that Kevin Mccarthy has in the house? book a majority and just to go back to what we are talking about. What you guys we're talking about at the big of the show that was in large part because republicans under performed in the twin Twenty two mid term elections, which pulls showed a large reason for that was because abortion was large issue for democrats and for voters across the country say: yeah Kevin Mccarthy has been walking,
very fine line on number of matters. Throughout this congress you bring up impeachment kevin Mccarthy has said that did it if facts in this situation rises to the level of a need for an impeachment inquiry he makes that distinction that it's not actually voting on articles but accelerating bested into President Biden or other administration officials that if they got to the need for an impeachment inquiry, they would go there that the understanding and the assumption is that a formal vote would be needed to actually open up that inquiry, which of course, no Democrats are voting for that cover mccarthy's gonna have to do all on his own. But that's gonna, put a number of binding district republicans in a really tough spot, so agnor again another fine line he's being forced to walk because of the phone products, then that's that's a real problem for the the republican set are sitting and by one districts or sell me these radical positions that
empty genes are trying to get them to take the more extreme members are trying to get them to take the law and birds. It puts mccarthy and these republicans and by the six indifferent difficult Positions on- let's finish I just want to ask you- is random way of southern Kerry lake was talking about jumping into the arizona senate race with or without Kerry lake. That is a fascinating race. You look at some of the numbers and see it split three ways. We don't whether sentiments going to continue to run race or not, but talk about arizona, and I mean just a lot of different pieces of that post when that Senate rice right and carry it Essentially, the rest, the republicans have set it out. Governor Doug deuces still lives in arizona abide. He has shown no indication or desired. It this raised, there is a sheriff infidel county who is running for the public a nomination. You can see him there, though, but this is carry legs to lose. If she in fact gets into this- and I think its import folks to remember. Carry lake last joan me good, bye seventeen thousand votes here. She has a firm
such support still in the state of arizona along time. Conservative state kissing Alma has not officially announced her independent run here, but if she gets in early pulling suggested that carry lake would be a very formidable candidate here. Again swimming guy ego and against pearson cinema. There are a lot of dynamics at play, but I think they go weeks comes back to the two us remembering the potency of that magda base that still exist, in a plurality election? It's not enough to get over fifty percent, but in a race that would be split three ways: it could while putting area like going to the usa. Never since gone hell irritating congressional rapporteur for the hell, Michael schnell. Thank you both very much for your reporting this morning,
a dark prophecy foretold, her death, then through fire, it came to pass and the faithful mourned, wasn't the hand of god, the lid actually mortal sin broadcast from daylight and from me, Josh mangles, listen to all episodes of mortal sin. Now, where ever you get your podcast,
Transcript generated on 2024-01-16.