« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/8/23

2023-08-08 | 🔗

Judge in classified docs case questions prosecutors about use of two grand juries

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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President Biden was cracking jokes with defending world series champions at the white house yesterday at looked fun, we do have a lot to get this morning, we're going to have a very confused judge in fort ploughed, like gosh, where we were shocked shot, but you gotta have to wrench freeze going at the same time, it's not a good sign when you go to law school boy, there's a lot of questions. A good solid and goes with the flurry of legal filings late yesterday and the twenty twenty election case, that has the judge summoning both leads to a washington delivery room. This is a different judge. A different case plus action around the fulton county court, how in atlanta latter case, sparking speculation that another indictment, another one becoming very soon for the former president, also ahead,
explain how the fight for abortion rights in ohio could hang on what happens in today's special action there and let this our presidential candidate and former new jersey, governor Chris Christie will be our guess. This when good morning and welcome to morning Joe, it is tuesday august aid which important about this day might be. Somebody's birthday might be, somebody might be t today its birth with us. We have those two way too early white whitehouse bear cheap, politico. Jonathan le Maire, president of the national action network and host, my son be. Is politics nation, riverdale, sharpen press to marital at the council on foreign relations, richard hot, so every dight use, nor did because he's a marriage has arrived washing imposed. Opinion editor and writer. Alexey mccammon joins us and former you his attorney and senior fbi, official chuck Rosenberg is back, and
and beijing news, justice and intelligence correspondent can Delaney in, and we also pulled over founder of the conservative website, the bulwark charlie site from wait you early this morning. I want to tell you, Charlie one second, but can we have a confused judge in south florida which of course, I find it hard to believe that a judge to be confusing and have to granger is going at the same time. I just a decisions coming out of a judge who already been excoriated by the eleven circuit in previous cases for being out of her dabs guinea? Can you explain, but what happened with those for fierce violence in her latest order, judge cannon as essentially it will first, while she granted the government's request to have a hearing on whether Not as lawyers stanley woodward has a conflict of interests that needs to be explored because he's representing not only
not about other witnesses in the case of you, may have to cross examined so she granted that in the process of doing that, though she denied the special councils effort to file part. Something under sea all saying you didn't justify that, and then she and why he was using to render it to continue to investigate whether there instruction of justice in this? now. You know there are some rules about continuing to investigate the case for the grand jury after it's been indicted. You basically to be instigating pursuant to a separate indictment, chuck Rosenberg More than that, so it's not it's not it's not a naughty notion that you would question that, but it seem like she was a little bit surprised that to render, as in the case when the prosecution had already laid that out in previous violence to day, seemed to be bad faith and, speaking in bad faith, that the judge in the eu
carol case where the judge said: mister sharp, raped, easier care. A lot of also here not judge, has dismissed donald trump counter suit against writer aging carol trump sued care. in june alleging, she defamed him by continuing to say the former president raped her even though in may, a jury found trump only liable for sexual abuse. Yesterday, a judge ruled against trumps argument explaining that, while the jury did not find that trump ray carol. According to new york, penal laws, narrow definition, her allegation of rape is not defamation because the words common and more work lay understood. Definition is broader the it, also denied trumps claim of presidential immunity, saying he waited too long to raise that defence. The counters
it is in response to a separate defamation, lawsuit filed over comments trump made about carol both while he was in office and the day after a jury found him lying, for sexual abuse that civil trial is set to begin in january, lawyers say they plan to appeal that judges ruling one of the chief since that we says something again and again and again, and chances are good. Who can get exude charlie psych, so you know that this morning a gerard baker in the wall street journal wrote, wrote, column the were, I think, you're referencing earlier at where you said republicans really have to, good choice here they can continue their year of magical thinking. Are they can keep defending donald trump and in so doing forever alter the rule of law in america? Very true about that lets say the same thing about brothers and sisters did. I grew up with in the evangelical church. They are now
fiercely fighting for and backing a rapist according to a judge who said by the common definition of the term donald trump rate, aging carol, that's in the court of law, it's not in in again the pages of some left wing journal. These are the same people who all collapse. their fading couch, because bill when they had a relationship with an intern back when he was in the white house and said he was unfit to be present. The united states, I judge I sat down, we'll talk is a rapist, and yet they line up right binding like. These republicans, who are all law and order and rule of law continues to line up. the guy. Then they're doing it in a way that This, writing are their attempting to eviscerate the rule of law. The justice department, the fbi in the process,
yeah? I think what we ve come since twenty fifteen thinks what's happened to to the american conservative movement was happened to our political culture. You know it's, it's easy to dismiss dying, Donald trump, this narcissistic it got clown, but hard to understate the impact that he's had on this on our political standards and an end to your point. Look you are seeing a full out attack, not just on on the culture of facts which we had back and twenty sixteen, but now on all of the institutions of our constitutional republika, great piece in the in the washington post that that talks about how all the other a republican candidates are going after the court's this of a law the deep state, so distrust in any institution that might challenger whole someone like that. Tromp accountable and The willingness to accept lies, it has been established over the last few years, but but think about the moment. Where
in right now, Donald trump is he you mentioned your what's going to happen in the future. It is, it is a rock is rock solid certain that donald trump will continue to make the threats will do you to make the insult everything that's happening now get worse and the republican party and the evangelical church will go along with it and to your larger point This has long term in things like this when they are broken. They are hard to put back together. And edward bakers says in the wall street journal peace forever. Now, as if revival continue this line of thinking if they continue their their support for donald trump, they needed pull themselves. A second tromp administration would destroy the department of joy. This would destroy the f b, I would destroy the federal government's rule of law. Would drawing judicial independence. It would
straw. The third brand of america's government. It would ripped to shreds mad sony and democracy. They need their stand, what they're doing, and perhaps they do, I'm just trying to figure out- What is so important about this form a reality, tv host that there were Linda literally, throw away matter. Sony democracy to defend him that is what really has, as is troubled me, is that it's it's that you can have political debate, those consider the left, those on the right, But when you see what is going on now, I think the new york times is a story about this money. Where you have. actual institutions of government that would be totally altered by the politics of today. Particularly of truck want to win a mean.
These people really saying does what they want to advocate the absolute destruction of the gene. this department. As we know, one and all of the institutional law Coal is, as we know it, because where they are going, they are undermining the very principles that country was founded on and that is democracy as opposed to autocracy, and I think that is one the be caught up in the heat of a campaign is another. the thing to say that I completely overall. How we governing what we stand for the nation, and that is the law they began to cross in the pilot. Of some of those that are running in the republican parameters and for what for me. I turned loose again I now to lose again. Another looking at poles are paid. No heed loses He loses every single year any has, since twenty seventeen so very willing to throw out the Rule of law willing to just
ignore this to nominate a guy who's gonna lose again and are also willing just to throw out common decency if you'll have what try has completely admitted to doing and what he considers normal and the way he has behaved toward people, especially women, push money payments, porn star foreign affair, telling the turning a vision, carroll who again says he raped and human. During her liable in marking out in the next debate, is marks her in the debate defeat her again she he's being sued again, tells her return, you're? Not my type, can't even ident her and one his wives, I'm just saying common decency is this? Who you want forget all
criminal stuff. That's going on. If you can't get your head around it. If you really really think, if you really think it's a witch hunt, you really deep inside think that that's that's you that you have to work with and look in the mirror. That's your choice, but do you want this person run our conway making choices. I'm representing us, that's a deeply disturbing thing: they have You convince himself said it's a which ought to have a guy who stole nuclear sacred, say of a guy that stuff. All of these other things and again well, why didn't hillary Clinton Why wasn't Hillary Clinton ever rested? It was donald trump, just apartment. I know facts don't matter to so many, but it was Donald trump justice department in twenty Indeed, the toll donald trump there's nothing. There is no crime.
Eighteen the same thing: there's nothing there, there's no crime from kept going back to think too just donald trump justice department of the people. He appointed job sessions, the people he appointed, there's no crime there. So when Donald trump stills nuclear secrets, we can't go here button. Hillary Clinton, no, you can't win, Donald trump steals secret war plans to invade iran, we can't go out hundred by now. Are you can't do that? But that's what they're doing and they know it. So what they really do. They know it's a lie. They know the game there playing right, an end yet they always in themselves in the party they always say will, even even in these beds and editorials where they,
actually take on trump. They go oh here, but the Democrats, oh yeah, but Hillary Clinton, oh yeah, but hunter by they can ever say it's wrong that he sold nuclear secrets and no president, our former president, has ever done that in american here its long these rights to overthrow presidential election and no press that you can't you yeah hunter Biden when we're talking about stealing a presidential, election, and yet you do that you, Do nothing but degrade yourself daily the things that you write, those things that you say there with you, however, on this year, choosing failed reality. Tv house failed politicians over Eric S, rule of law, the judiciary. Over mad zoning democracy and its its
just the further we get away from this moment, the more more horrific it's gonna sell, a second growling problem that federal judge chuck. Alas money from that several case, including donald trump deposition, to be given to manhattan disk, de tournay alvin brag for potential use in these states in Daniels case trumpets facing thirty four phelan accounts related to a hush. money. Payment, he'll, logically made to the adult, fell mattress to cover up an affair. He has pleaded not guilty. What does this mean? How does this change things yeah it's an interesting whirling mecca, but not terribly surprising, when what a defendant says can be adduced against him and trial. It's an admission now people may wonder why something he said in one trial can be used in another trial, but it really doesn't matter where you say it or how you say: it's just that you set it because
was done in a deposition in a simple case prosecutors Manhattan had to ask for it. They applied for they said judge. Since MR set these things in your case. Can we use them in our case, and simply he said. Yes, this is Eighteen, by the way, this is not here say its next, option to that rule. If a defendant says something it can be adduced some in trial. That's all. This is by the way, does strengthen the hand of album bragging. His prosecutors in their hush money case. It does its more evidence. They can use it if they want. They can choose to ignore this day if they want, but it's there for them. believe they need it and my Hence is that it will be helpful to them and proving their case and a reasonable doubt to a unanimous jury in manhattan's. So Let's talk about the hearing our earlier that the proceedings last night in
in d c, chuck and I'll start with you thompson yours once again talking about the first amendment to it such a bad idea. Forgive me for my editorial here, but it's such a bad faith argument and everybody in the republican establishment. Now that is saying- oh yes, I don't like tromp, but he there attacking him from first amendment. He set up false electors. and in setting up false electors, his goal wise, and we have all the testimony for reward for donald trump to take away. The votes of people who voted against an american states for president wanted to take away their votes and replace electors that represent them with fake electors who was, it was a conspiracy. It was a lie. That's what, being charged for, but talk about the protective org
and the back and forth that last night's you read: what's it made yeah? So what's a protective order, let's just start with that show for some time The text I mean, ostensibly it's used to protect information, but really at the heart of it were protecting to other things, people in process these by the way out. utterly routine in criminal cases, I don't think I ever prosecuted a case where I didn't have a discovery order and a protective order, and by the way I never had an issue. and the folks on the other side abided it and it helped to streamline the process. That's a key. Thing to understand here. Mr trumps, attorneys dont want to health, streamline the process. They want argue against everything and anything. So why not start with the protective water all the government is seeking here is the knowledge that, if they turn over stuff, which they must to the defence is part of discovery that that information,
right. The processes and people that underlie that information will be protected, as the case builds to trial. What do you want to protect that stuff, while some of it is sensitive? Some witnesses told the truth. Some didn't. There is personally identified information in the discovery that will be provided to the defence we want to protect that to this it's really not a hard call, but if you look at it through the prism of what the defense attorneys are trying to do, all they are trying to do Joe is disrupt and by the way it seems to be working normally protect the borders and discovery. Orders are signed by both parties and submitted to the judge, as you know, and perhaps on the day of agreement, if not soon thereafter and was actually going on here is the defence attorneys have bought themselves a few days in another here
to contest something that is normally never untested because, typically, both sides, both parties have an interest in protecting information and protecting the process and protecting the people. That's only true on one side, in this case So can I spoke to some folks and tromp camp yesterday in a pretty clearly admit that they are trying to delay things they that I see the south florida matter. The classified documents case is moving along slowly. They got seemingly gotten assist from that judge yesterday, but in Washington that wants to seemingly move things along a move things along quickly, their trust, slow things down. They also, of course, argue that donald trump adjusted that he's running for president any to be able to make political arguments? The first amendment so that we ve covered so extensively on this show bad faith or no so give us your analysis as to what happened yesterday, but more than that which we expect between now and that deadline at the end of the week on this matter. Will Jonathan,
I agree with chalk and add to what he said in terms of the delay. It looks like they ve bought themselves a week delay here, and it was really interesting, because what the special council last night asked the judge to do was simply to rule just to impose the protective order that they believe it should have been imposed in his chuck said, is generally noncontroversial and ninety nine point nine percent of cases, but the didn't do that these judge does want to move the case. Law is very clear schedule. The hearing for friday. So that's me delay and more litigation and more lawyer time over something. Really shouldn't be reversal- and it was really interesting to read the special councils rebuttal last night of of trumps lawyer, his attempt to craft a narrow, protective order what they they said, his look. What why don't you want to do it Why this case in the media he wants to do all this secret discovery to granting over, including very sensitive information subpoenaed phone records
witness interviews transcripts and he wants to be able to make some of that public and they even point today, a full ginsburg apparent by John laura, where one of drums lawyers on the sunday shows and say you know they hint in their right about this? That technically, if you read the local criminal in Washington dc you're. Not really to go on television and talk about the evidence in a case, but that's exactly what he did and they were saying, judges is only the beginning. This is exactly what these guys want to do. So don't let him do it just in was our order and she didn't do that. She males, We do that, but she she scared the hearings are vague and argue about it and that's exactly what the travelers want. They want to delay this they're, making these arguments that your donald trump has a first amendment right to make public evidence that the special council has gathered in there to your investigation, the special council saying ridiculous. That's not what this is: war discoveries for the trial, it's not to air out in the
media, and you know this also sets the table for what is sure to be another battle somewhere down the line as to where all these attacks are donald trump, is making against the prosecutor against the judge witnesses how whether at all only those can be tolerated or whether the at some point we have to try to radio. The even though donald trump running for president. That's really difficult the waste the way judge unwashed day with roger stone. Remember, there's a gag order against russia stone after he put a target on a phone of a judge what you were going to come to that point. I predict that some moment in this case, but its aids again, it's a devilish problem for a federal judge dealing with a defendant who is running for president right or dealing with the defendant, where the common under standing of the system in fairness is that no man is above the law at some point. That's going to have to come
baron b cs kendall, informer. U s attorney chuck Rosenberg! Thank you both very much for being on this morning, and we are now in the second week of fulton county georgia district anthony well as his indictment decision window for that you said around the first two weeks of august, secure around the courthouse, has increased, and so is the number of people who have received subpoenas to testify before a grand jury as part of the DA's presentation to seek indictments embassy news can now confirm, at least for more people received subpoenas among them. Former lieutenant governor Jeff can and, as we await final indictment decisions, the wall street journal is reporting that it's likely will see. Racketeering charges against the former president of the night, states who likes him a calendar as we cover all of this. What stands out to you, especially with a fourth indictment looming once a year
my maker, I mean, I think it's really revealing about what voters, but especially republican primary voters want and not just their nominee, but in the future. President is someone who is facing this tangled web of legal threats and folks around him who are now being called as witnesses who have served as his lawyers and aids and assistance we're seeing the way that he is trying to claim that he just sexually abused someone but didn't rape, someone as if that somehow better, and I think that, as we see, polls show that republican voters continue to want. Someone like trump doesn't mean that roma easier for him to win in general. So as much as his team might want to continue to delay and come up this process, it's not going to help necessarily in the long run, and the other thing that think is really important, for the republican party is that there are folks running for office right now who have to answer for trumps legal said: we I'm thinking of someone like these
general and kentucky camera and who is running for governor at the first debate. He was asked about whether he was still proud to have donald trump endorsement after the situation was Stormy Daniels came out, and that's just one example of the number of republicans who will have to keep answering not just for trump's behavior the legality or potential criminality involved in what he is doing, as this campaign goes on in this year and through twenty twenty four. Richard such as go on the list of of of our former party members who have when their setting out stage? Are you proud and do you still support the problem? pumps endorsement and you still supporting, despite the fact here, he was found, live of actual assault in new york, and the judge said what he actually did was very the commonly used term would be rape that he rate carol that here, charge, stand and he's got his own people testifying
ganz him stealing nuclear secrets. First step, secrets about invading iran, stealing secrets about america's weaknesses militarily. That he's accused for. having a conspiracy scheme to set up fake electors into fraud, the united states government and take away the It's a millions of americans and seven states to vote, and the right the election make their there having been asked. These questions- and I know about you, but one day, that is really I've found really disturbing over the past week or so is assessed was a republican set claim to be anti tromp, say: will amanda tromp light this later Indeed, that is so on on stealing the election there just going after him for for the first amendment, and why are they after honour by these people know better. They know better richard and- and it really I will say it- it is. Its eye-
as I have despaired over the fact that people that I've known my entire life adult life are now playing stupid. Pretending this is about the first amendment, not a conspiracy to set a fake electors to steal. Seven states from the rightful winner, the twenty twenty presidential election, but how america move when you have forty, maybe forty five percent of americans who support a guy that stills nuclear sacred and tries to wriggle actions The reason none of us should be sanguine about this sure of american democracy. Every three years off from the two hundred fiftieth anniversary of the deck creation of independence. One of our tomb your parties essentially it no longer believes in institutions. It's essentially put put the emphasis on a person. and causes rat,
the ban on principles or institutions? That's that's something. The founders never anticipated director, richard hughes you said on a person and on cause is earnest. There's no cause donald trump, theirs cause for donald trump. It's all about donald trump. It's personal, eleven calls back. That's that's what, so crazy about. This is the sad even about causes. It's all about this one person and this called don't you you again. It's an angry populist movements. Trumpets is quite clever. Quaid brilliant in some ways it reading. What Everyone want feeling angry about that stuff, the politics agreement, so they are prepared to tear down the temple. You don't hear, Mr Tromp, you don't hear other people talk about what they would really put in its is you went through all the agencies they would tear down and justice and the rest it also tear down the energy department, has become other battle battlefield. If you will, they would strip away
the funding. The united states does in renewable energy again to their death. it's kind of again tear down the temple, we know what, where against we're, not gonna, do anything that the leaders that the establishment wants. So this has become. a truly destructive movement, if it ever to succeed. I'm yours you! You are confident that he would fail. I hope you're right, but if you're you to be the opposite. If these people work again our again that I really do think that only the second time in american history, we would put on our collective fate at risk. Well, you know it is. It is the risk it is could he might succeed, whether it's the one percent or ten percent or thirty five percent or forty five percent risk. They may cause whence of losing any candidate losing to donald trump and becoming an ex president, catastrophic,
american democracy. If you believe what donald trump says if you believe what donald trump says that not not what other say what Donald trump says, and what justice everybody than ever worked for him in the first term says his muscles. Work for the first time, He selected that he appointed say he's not fit to be present the united states, if you believe them, if you but I have, if you believe, the trappers present the indictment. A second tromp term would be devastating to american receive- and here we are charlie- sykes. I will admit that even after Donald trump get elected, I thought I thought amerika would come to its senses. I died.
republicans. My former party would come to its senses, are member van and proud bragging that he was a leninist. And ass a leninist he wanted to tear down government cared all the institutions that lifted us up, tear down the institutions that created american century tear down all the institutions that fed and freed more people than any other country- and they history of mankind, vat, What are you wanted to do and, as I have water, that's where we right now you have republican Did it saying they're going to abolish the fbi? funded and abolish it. They're going to tear down the justice department they're going to tear down it instead tuitions are gonna tear down universe, so these are going to do all the things that we conservatives supposedly feared during
Eighteen sixties from the radicals on the far left there there closer to doing it. Then they hippies were you know. This is not trump derangement syndrome. This is what they are saying that they want to visualize. S is what they have made it very clear. This is steve ban the agenda right now. I think that's a very interesting point when he said you know, I want to burn it all down and tear it all down. Well what what? What are our publicans all around the country running on and I dont That is to alarm has to say that that this would be the end of the of the department of justices independence in that. Would you be just part of it, because I'm not your it's always difficult and dangerous too. leave anything the donald trump says, but I actually do think that I believe went out says that he intends to do this. We need says I am your retribution
he mean oh yeah. Does misrule complex everything, but he will try and think what that would be like the prompt to point a would be financially worse than from one point out. You would not have many of the adults in the room that does stop the worst of abuses, and I think this is one of those moments when we need to take him at his word and the rest of his party at his word, because we were point now where it's not just steve ban in is ranting. You know ranting at the moon He has brought much of the republican party itself along with at the base wants this, and there is no indication that the republican establishment would be a check again If we try to do this in a second term, zero along for the ride, generally, that's the thing again sense since then, latest indictment scared of the number of of people that claim to be anti tromp all along are saying. Well, I'm anti tromp, but this
it is said of entitlements. While why they're? Just dieting him for the first amendment which again you can, say what you want to say, charlie, but us be very clear to our friends in the republican establishment that keep trying to tell I did the american people in the and anyone that they're they're communicating with setting up a conspiracy to have fake electors, of the votes away from millions of millions and millions of americans in the seven key states like wisconsin like great idle date back Charlie. That's not the first time that's a conspiracy in the end there in the willing, the other put on the cloak, and although looking like it's about principle, it's not about principle, it was a. It was a conspiracy to overturn the election and I think the bid you need to go back to
specifically what we're talking about they wanted to, and members of congress went along with this. The Texas attorney general went along with, as they would have taken all the votes of folks, like me in data wisconsin and just fraudulently thrown them out. said what I'm going to count them in georgia in pennsylvania, in in the in places like india and other swing in another swing, state and, and so too to say that somehow this is, This is about the first amendment missis fundamentally- and I think this is this- is the the dishonesty of the anti anti trump wing of the party which is they will say that they recognise what a threat heap is to american democracy. But when push As to shove, they will defend him and they will come up with Disingenuous rationalizations these everyone and every time- and you know what's going to happen there.
Rail against him until it is obvious that he is the romany and then they will do what they did back in twenty sixteen and twenty and twenty twenty they rally around him. This will be not just down trumps political party, will be the steed ban political party. Let aims to tear them burn down all of these institutions. All of these works of our constitutional system. You know I have a lot of people over the past weeks and you know once again we need to understand them. We need to underline that we need to tom and understand about this first amendment. We need to understand why they think the deal jays put now. We doubt and the first, that I've been telling you we need to understand what driving from prism, but I understand completely when they start lying about the first amendment. I understand it, you it's the first amendment which is a lie before it was hunter binds laptop, which was a lie. You go down the list. They create false equivalency, maybe underbred as we set
cotter, binding, somethin wrong with his laptop or with a wall that you should go to jail. When call with that, but you do Some moral equivalency between hundred binds laptop instilling nuclear secrets hundred binds elapsed open. Stealing all the votes from wisconsin binds laptop instilling all the votes from pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, georgia from millions and millions and millions of americans dark play that false equivalency game with me are with reverent now reverend. Our final word here: The final word is that we have got to be committed to the base, institutions that make this country what it is. We can debate it We can argue out various political views, but this things should be movable and dad is protecting the democratic process and they know The law
now get away from that. Sykes. Thank you so much for being on this morning and the washington post so mccammon. What are you looking at today? I'm falling all of this legal drama, of course, and any more news from governor to santas thanks to the great dasha burns. Oh yes, we're going to have that the lad on morning Joe more on the new polling that donald trump slightest indictment has had little impact on support from republican voters matthews will join us with his tail. Gone the new numbers plus as alexey mentioned after repeatedly dodging the question twenty twenty four whitehouse hope wrong dissenters, acknowledge is twenty twenty action loss, but it came when it we are well play, one, had to say, and in NBC news exclusive interview and someone who is working to stateroom those again former new jersey, governor and presidential can
Chris Christie is our guest in a few minutes you're watching morning. Job will be right back the concern live on the second term. He will be off the hook, there'll be no way of controlling him and he also surrounds himself with yes, yes, men just one
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walk off grand slam by pablo rares lifted. The red sox are big royals last night provisions before the big it hu, as managers was ejected for our union checks. We call on the three to pitch with two hours in the bottom of the ninth inning. So instead of an ending being strike out by areas as is well known in areas whose walk off home run, gave the red sox a sex. When John mayer yeah whatever I mean, I'm just lay Oh, my goodness, yeah It's got a reason to argue about that when so, I'm not talking bout, this steam poster trade deadline out, they add a shot last year. They did nothing. I got the deadline and their team collapsed and- and it's happened again- poster trade deadline. We do absolutely nothing
and bloomed as absolutely nothing again this year. When we desperately need pitching, we desperately need so many things does nothing What same exact thing happens, we go we just get. So I will let you go ahead. Make europe perfunctory remarks about How great we are the yellow, uniform said and and how bad the yankees our go ahead will start with. also the negative- I mean it is an excuse. Well, they came out of the trading deadline without any pitching help. Right now, the through they fight man rotation, twice two out of five- were using openers relievers, they don't have a major roster had major calibre fishing staff. They simply don't. Yes, there are some good news. That was a fine words off would last night they caught a break, have third strike to be sure, and they are remarkable. Twenty two and four, in recent years in those yellow city connectors is, I certainly have warmed to them. The red sox are going nowhere and rigid ass. Not to rub
but neither are you or yankees. The socks have now passed you guys by half game in the standing, we're both in trouble. We're both fallen out of the wild car race. and yesterday yankees manager, aaron boone. Well, he took issue as well with a call getting ejected on a third strike. You'll see it there I'll just note in the case on strike, boon comes out, gives it empire. Last year's it, in fact, as we will see here, even acts out the strike, call with a pretty good impression of the empire. Take it away, have you throw in the towel like joan I have on the red sox. Unless we get a thin, alas, I have this is this is this is just to paypal and boon is basically lost control of the team. I think the act this essentially given up this you're, so many dugout issues, people not running out, hits the alcohol there's a issue you and so for this is that this is now
one of the worst teams that money can buy and it's just painful to see isn't even the process of rebuilding that be one thing I could take that this is more just a process of collapsing and it's just very hard to watch. We know it is. It is fascinating, rubbing in richard at all really night, but the end gone the opposite way of money ball in the twenty first century. Well, actually, since the mid seventies, they on world series to show for it this century, and it just keeps getting worse and worse, and I we're all starting to understand that, unless you're in a desperate position like the red sox, where every one of your pictures, it seems, is gonna hurt you unless you have to fill those gaps for a run. You build a farm team from the ground up. Are you dont when world series you can't go out and and spend tens of millions of dollars hundreds panes of dollars on players and expect to win world series unless of course
austin we take our but richard from the bottom up right. The core has to be the bottom up, you can add the odd rent or something to to compliment that its that's. How the teams and really every sport do which you look at the best basketball team should build up to the draft to the core, and then you add, positions, and so far the yankees have just don't they don't seem to have the patience they used to have the best form system. and now they have one of the worst. What has gone wrong with this team with the least I actually think you need an overhaul manager front office. It just not working. Then in his miserable I gotta admit. Are you you look in that line up and three? where's, the guy's tumult they're, not Can I say that even as a red sox fan looking that some of those guys just state most of them just are up to the stand wearing the pen stripes by way
While we stay in the air, at least because we know everybody across America just wants to talk about one division in baseball, there's some controversy around the feel good team of the year. That, of course, is the baltimore orioles perennial. ass, place finishers by the controversies the fields and the broadcast booth play by play, it answered. Captain brown and support we ve been removed, it may, as in broadcasts after made a reference to the us losing record against stamp obey it tropicana field in previous years. Here are some of the comments in question from a pre could gain broadcasts. Last month you get him booted, This has been- maybe the toughest ball part to play in but the orioles have a chance to do something special today, they've already clinched at least- with Monsieur is wanting to the first three:
it could pick up a series win behind tyler wells. Today it's been a minute: the orioles split a two game er with the rays in june, they had lost their last fifteen series here at tropicana field. Recording The website awful announcing and the athletic real ownership, tug issue where the analysis is not analysis. It's just a plain bags the orioles sat at the drop everything in those it, but they actually took it. With them telling the truth and brown hasn't been on and the orioles, broadcast since then disputing the brown suspended, but really jonathan on beer. This is this is just that. It's absolutely ridiculous. Now, and the reporting shows that that staff that he read again, it's not analysis is simply a statistic. Was a in the
wheels media guide that every rapporteur at the game was handed and be, as we just showed. It was in a graphic, the broadcast on mass put it up, he was simply reading what Is there oil in the world? then a great store, the sheer, but we should note the fan base. There is pretty unhappy ownership, the angels family for quite some time, and this sir, it's like there being entirely too thin skinned and it's a distraction from what has been a wonderful story at this point. yeah boy. You talk about a! U turn, warm system jack tells me that someone like eight of the top one hundred prospects coming up. So the Man they're built for the long term, hopefully are put this behind next presidential, candidate and my new jersey, governor Chris Christie joins morning. Job will discuss his surprise trip ukraine last week, and meeting with ukrainian president forlorn america landscape as well as the late. Time has campaigned for the white house morning. Job will be right.
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that's right over seventy million decision makers, all in one place, all the bigwigs, then medium wigs, also small wicks, who are on the path to becoming bigwigs. Okay, that's enough about wigs linkedin ads, allows you to focus on getting your a b to b message to the right So does that mean you should use ads on linked in instead of hiring me the man with the deepest voice in the world? Yes, yes, it does get started today and see why linked in is the place to be to be fully even give you a one hundred dollar credit on your next campaign: gotta, linkedin, dot com, slash results to claim your credit, that's linkedin, dot com, slash was, the terms and conditions apply, the? U s military I'll, tell you what it is: it is to protect americans on american soil first foremost, was led by some random war. This arguably repayment for private robin.
a family member of the united states was violently dolphin charisma, No man Why is it and- and they go it's thousand warriors and republican president's and re again, and eisenhower- and the body can fight to keep europe free from right. Immigration publicly rise further from their graves. Those candidate residents public outside back we're on the swami. Baseless lace jesting over the way. I do that the united dates as aid for ukraine- is repayment for an alleged bribe between members of the Biden family come and do you iranian energy yeah. That's that's! Why that all the european countries suffered this past winter because they
wanting to help hunter buying seriously the fevered swabs, now like they're waiting into their necks and bring a republican presence, can form a new jersey governor Chris Christie. Just came back from ukraine where he met with presents. gee chris governor, whatever I'm supposed to call you So I've spoken with feedback early on nice guy, to be a really smart guy, and we talked about him coming on the show early on. Maybe maybe I'll have him on this no, but his statements keep getting more bizarre by the day he talks about defunding, the f b. I he says stupid stuff like this, and- and you know it's more- I think it's a reflection on them, of course, but it's also it's a reflection on just how crazy, but as republican candidates think have to be done when the votes of the base like what's going on out there when he's having,
he's having to say this by the way for the regulars guided, I dont think voted republican and Twenty twenty and he wrote his book donald trump behave or currently after january, the sex. That's all changed and a couple of years morning, Joe and meagre, and look I don't. I don't take the stuff that he says seriously. You know that This is a very, very ambitious sky. who is it They playing the role so far in this races. Donald trump swing. Man- and that's his call members, I governor isn't a hearing that from the audience you and I both know, we ve seen politicians and basically said telling people what they need to hear Basically a mirror of the audience you and be saying that less use here right well, he's hearing it, certainly from some elements of the party, but I don't think it's a majority of the parts it certainly not- has not been MIKE's married. Some had neptune
hampshire later today, I can tell you that start, I was up there a couple weeks ago. We we heard a lot of support, two thirds audience that I had was very supportive of position on ukraine, which is that we have done enough, that, while I you know, I think that present has certainly done better than president trump and present trumpeted the president obama on this, we still have more to go in. got over there now, Joe and and and bigger and watched myself what the folks in ukraine are going through. What they ve already gone through the idea that this is through that america. Does A vital interest in to me is just absurd. Not only cause we should be standing up against a bar Eric russian administration, that is doing things like The gouging of the cutting off of ears of men.
Crane before they tie their has behind their backs and shoot them. the head and then go into those homes where they just taken these men out of and rape the women Nearly twenty thousand children have been kidnapped from ukraine brought to russia to be separated from their families pro. and to be anti ukrainian at work? For russian federation, met with some of those parents skies, and I could tell you as dad it's. unimaginable to me that your choice, it would be yanked away from you. You don't know whether their dead or alive, whether there being care for or abused these are the things that Vladimir Putin is imposing upon. You pain, and this is the guy donald trump says- is brilliant and a great leader. While that brilliant leadership, you can keep it it is a valid I mean yeah.
Barbarism is also guy that set back his own country. Probably a generation exposed whatever it is, so narrowly wig, so so make the If you will about why The united states needs to continue supporting the ukraine, and I wish you talked about the human rights element of it, but geopolitically What does a world look like if the united states in europe, nato, let Vladimir Putin I just take over a sovereign country, we actually treaties with were, would protect their territorial integrity. What happened? and then what happens next in taiwan and then what happens next, in the middle east with IRAN, what happens if we send them, Juno world a we're going to let the Worst, regimes on the planet invade countries next door to them, well, you started answer the question for me I'll finish, the answer rush ukraine is the under card. It's the under card,
because the chinese who are funding the rush aggression against ukraine, I'm are watching. and if we cut and run on ukraine, the next fight. It's gonna be in taiwan, and there is I'm going to be us just supplying weapons. It's gonna be a man can men and women be sent three quarters of the way around the world not to fight there and they're gonna have fight there not only to protect the freedom of taiwan, but for those who don't care about that be practical. Two thirds of the world's semiconductors are produced, taiwan, everything that runs are cell phones, are computers, are automobiles and just like every other element of american life now will be role by the chinese communist party. I don't think that's a place that we want to be in for a practical, economic or technological effective? And when you look at what is happening here,
go to the middle east the iranian, are obviously coordinating with the russians and the chinese to provide more sophisticated weaponry to the russians and the folks in the middle east, whether it's, the saudis, the marauders and the categories or get a look at this and say it's not worth it to be friends with the united states anymore. We might as well cut the best deal we can with the chinese, because when get tough. Americans run. The other way, one point to my campaign guys is that it has never been great by being small, and right now in elements of my party and the elements so well with democratic party. We are arguing for what I consider to be small issues, then not unimportant, but their small, the big, Shoes that we have to deal with in one of them is american leaders around the world, the ooze shoes are what makes america bigger, stronger, richer, freer and every time I go on
We back the seventeen. Seventy six the war war war too, and the cold war Andy and they re the era. When are we have presidents who said what takes some sacrifices and we're illegal big. We always came out on top. We had country after the revolution, we had a united country free of slavery after the civil war right. We, protected a free europe at a free rest. The world became the leader of the world after the war war too, and again in nine years, took down the berlin wall? and in ten years eliminated soviet union from the failures. That's the kind of thing we should be doing, and you brain fight Joe is that is under card? If we, if we do it right I agree. If we do it wrong I completely agree not good and ended, and abiding had not worked with
We can lie strong republican allies in the senate, especially and with strong republic strong allies in nato. to do this, then, of course you would have some of the same people saying the reason taiwan was invaded by china was because united states did defend now. You so yeah it's either there being hippocrates, make it's almost like. When you hear gunnar Christie say that we need. he's on big things. Instead of some of these small distractions, it's almost like he sang america's ending in the world a marrow role in the world is more important than bug light, our mickey mouse, yeah or local. Whatever that means for republicans who just use the word randomly up and down in I think the yankees awoke I sat at the death sentence you just throwing around if you like, cresty, you are in a sort of the leading, but I wanna get to where how we got here in the three indictment.
against him. The ongoing legal suits potential. Fourth indictment. Coming as way is it your belief that Donald trump probably committed a crime or too oh yeah? He certainly who committed crimes in the classified documents, is, I believe, the keeping of those documents as a crime and the obstruction was clearly a crime either and now the superseding indictment, whether where he was ordering folks allegedly to delete the surveillance cameras. You know it reminded me of like what maybe abbott and costello It's the corleone would have looked like you know all of a sudden. Now yes fredo wall nowadays frayed out down. There are two sides to eliminate the to eliminate the server. I mean This is it. This is both criminal and completely stupid, which is combination, Donald trump, is bringing to the contrary. Is the case
instead of criminality and abject stupidity the tourist visa comments and its virtues actions. When you look at the january six stuff, look You know you guys know. I did this work for seven years at the fifth large office in the country, in new jersey and and its aggressive, I meant the january six, the diamond, I think it's, more legal issues raised in the january six incitement than in the classified documents. The time which I think is a pretty clean, clear and not really saleable from a legal perspective. There are going to be so Dressing legal judgments, the bacon, the january six case, but my point two: said our party is yes, we should care those things and the judges should make me decisions and decide what legal What is it for the prosecutors to be doing, but the bigger question for us? is the underlying conduct. You believe what donald trump did on january six was criminal or not it
immoral. He invited me people to washington DC, tell you it's gonna be wild he then lie to them in front of them that they are saying that the election had been stolen when it had enlightened, said it was all too my pants and by commits could reverse this if he wanted to. If we had the courage to then he told them to march up the capitol hill and then he would march with them now you guys have known him for almost as long as I have, and you know that if there is a risk that donald trump was gonna break a fingernail he was going up the capitol hill, and so we're back into the safety of the white house set these people up there to try to intimidate my pants congress is about doing their job and surfing. action and then to me, though, The cap was even worse. He sat. that dying or more the oval office. Eating his well done: hamburger and watching tv as people laid waste to the united states capital and he did nothing.
Despite even members of his own family, urging to get out there on tv and put an end to it, I don't know guys if that makes you criminally responsible, but I know makes you morally responsible and and is that the kind of person we want Did it behind the desk in the oval office running so great is the answer to that: has no apps We know that got that Ray Question- and I I agree, might my father question and its men with a brief period city from having sex in the white house from covered it, we're all sort of watching happened to our country. How do you think we're I hear what was it about him and the way he worked it in the white house. From your perspective, that gets us to a point. we're right now. It's all
standing out that we can have an honest conversation about january six and the fact that this man probably committed multiple crimes, and yet you talk to republican later, she talked a cabin mccarthy and its honestly, like a jordan clapper clip it its honest. I, like you talking to someone who is like well but yeah, but you know, Hillary Clinton did like what has happened that actually There are so many republicans that you have to go talk to people in new Hampshire and in other places that trump one and you have to almost begged them to be reasonable. and to remember like what a moral compass looks like what happen by the way governor. Let me just add meagre though she didn't say then the question make a believes this and start with donald trump, the desired when a five year programme
shot? I wanted. I was made it fast. So a word what white? How? What accelerated look? I think it is important to know that folks have felt over time in the last number of administrations that they ignored and left out and and and and mistreated. So there is, but was at anger in the country that Donald trump tapped into in twenty. Steam. That was the creation of both parties and We need to acknowledge that stand that when things went sideways in iraq under george w bush, there were people we're very angry upset. I felt the franchise by that website. Obama said you know if you can, if you like to talk to you, keep me if you like your health by new, could keep him turns out to be untrue. That people even more cynical towards the government and idolatry. raise that cynicism tune entirely new level during his presidency and Joe Biden, by promising the cat
free when he was running that here to be a moderate who's, gonna governed from the middle and bring people together and a lot of people. A lot of republicans who are on discontent with trump and a lot of independence, who had voted for trumpet twenty sixteen went ahead and took it. It's a binding and there now disillusion than the polls show that that their disillusionment present upon so first, I think it's important that there are a number of people who contributed mightily to this problem in a dish donald trump. The problem with donald trump is that he knows no sense of history has no intellect will curiosity and doesn't care whether he puts himself before the country at return show any sits, thou began says: well, I'm getting into For you. It is so patently absurd, not only because all the that these getting indicted for we're things? He didn't
To do when he chose himself to do had nothing to do with protecting the american people. Hurrying You people benefited by him keeping boxes of classified doc, amerika, morocco that was there You guys know this: it would you please they're just for him to continue to pretend they was president and show off, for people who were on the back patio, moreover, go by showing them things. You should and showing them in it, so he's not putting america first The great irony of this campaign is donald trump, saying that put america for He has not put america first he's put donald trump. First, and I do always ensure there is a pull it just came out this weekend in new Hampshire, which has a lot of trouble, that. The thirty four percent new hampshire bout rothstein. the thirteen about eleven so we're, behind them, but he's out fort
points from where he was and when you think about it, guys. That means that two thirds of the Republicans pulled in new hampshire are against donald trump. The incumbent president, who you know for practical purposes, ease the incumbent. The republic two thirds or against him? So I do not share the scepticism and Fatalism better results, as I believe, is combine adjective monkeys. Bosnia government make a difference. If I can, just say an impasse. The reverend now there I've seen quite a few poles river. Now that had a governor, I see in double digit to new Hampshire. It is early, their lot of people have been running for president for quite some time they ve been more high profile than dumber christie before his launched a better still it too. were so we stopped I have a race in new Hampshire and I think I think, he's right. I think we still have a race- and you know this better than anybody presidential campaign. very fluid.
very, let me secure to bar question. Given you a man may disagree on many if not most issues but we always respected the institutions of government and what a true said it's good for even if we didn't they lived up to, when you see a sitting president, the mine in election, which is undermining american democracy. Emmi no power in the history of this country. Ever did I mean the founding fathers for the resolution gives great britain not against the united states. tell him the vice president to undermine the very tenets of war. The country was founded for democracy, How do you reconcile that members of your party and and some of your parliament refused to attack on me who's trying to undermine what the countries do it's on american aside from being criminal.
and immoral is on american, the concept. Secondly, how do we deal with the question of race in you, Finally, a reaching out to people in black community and other communities. few isolated when you have a candid and is trying to erase black history in florida or the people there dense. Affirmative action, less no reparations where you as governor YU and I debated disagree. Could you never were disagreeable? I'm gettin ready human as intended govern all about who was firm, democratic, or got along with you. You came in and said eustace funeral. The great pop star had people concern you sitting there, what our shopton jesse jackson, you never, we're disagreeable, even though you and I would fight bulger was accused as being,
the mouths on both sides. I don't know where they got that and me neither, but how would raise him? How do you deal with the undermining of american institute? Let's start with your first part, that was the breaking point for meow election, I twenty twenty. Where I was, I may be see, don't commentary and without latro came out. Two thirty in the morning and said the election have been stolen when I knew that he had absolutely no factual basis to make a judgment that was just all ego affected me, the most was here's a man present knighted states setting behind the seal. The president in the EU from the white house telling me Mary people the election, had been stolen when he that was, could not be supported at that moment and people watch that, as you know, I believe for the president must know something I don't know and that disease so exist today that so many people, my we believe the election was stolen. I cannot reconciling nor my trying to reconcile either what he did or what others
a party or doing now, but not speaking out against it, because I don't think leaders interpret poles or follow them, allocate to change them. And so my campaign is about going out there and telling the truth and saying that people like look, it didn't happen. Okay, it didn't happen. His ego was damaged and he couldn't deal with the fact that he's the one person outside the stated delaware to have ever lost. The Joe Biden, I can understand, must be a like a killing things to you because job I refer present three times and lost all three times, but the truth is the truth. You put yourself out, there's a candy, you gotta be we accept the result would you like it or not, and he wouldn't and not only did not accept it, but he damage that country, in the process of not accepting, it on the issue of race, as you know new jersey, suppose ethnically diverse state in america, both in terms of race and terms of ethnicities in our state and as the governor
I was proud to be the governor of the state like that, where I wanted to campaign and work in places where report is normally do you know you mentioned Corey booker's. Well as and I worked incredibly sleeve he's mayor of nor to try to work, in the schools there and to reform the police department which needed help, and we did the same thing in camden when we fired the entire pool department in the city. As you know, that was done. Dangerous city in america as yet five percent of color finally tar policemen, because we said you're, incompetent and what's happened, the ten years since our murder rate in canada It was the most dangerous city, america's that seventy five percent and when lord Floyd incident occurred there was no violence and the city camps and in fact the protest march was led by a pastor of the largest baptist church encampment. by the polish american white police chief together, marching against happened to george floyd. When I
this governor was to say, I don't care what your color is. I care what your idea as you know, as you mentioned, when you die disagreed on this route, you because you're african american. I just figured but you're wrong, and you did this with me, that's why, when you put some of my friends in jail but will be able to resolve because they deserve it out, They are you know, that's why when I read reduction, I got twenty nine percent of the african american vote ever republic that's rarefied air and people ask me why I said, because I listened to folks and even what I did- read them in our respect them. What rights Sanderson, What's going on in Florida say that Yes, some benefits slavery. Look if I have to choose sweet and my party on this issue cited rod the santos and donald trump or with TIM Scott, byron donalds I'll, take them byron dolls. I think they
stand the history of slavery and what it was. a hell of a lot better than those two guys do better than I do and I'd. Rather the timid tips thought, as you know, since amatory guy and for team to speak out. Clearly against. This tells me, however, offensive. It is for me historically but more importantly, to TIM, byron. And members of the african american community health. That's if it is morally to be sandy thanks, so I think you just have to the truth as a third either get me some people by party who does port me. For that reason absolutely, but I'm not looking soup
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.