« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/24/23

2023-08-24 | 🔗

2024 hopefuls square off in first GOP debate

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Verbal vacation homes come with twenty four seven life support. So if you ever need anything, you can reach a real person and about a minute further price, it vacation rentals for you and your people do pray the first line of defence for I've, never done that, we back doesn't understand it. He wants that and ukraine to russia. He wants to let china taiwan he wants to go and stop funding Israel. You don't do that to friends what you do instead, as you have the backs of your friends, ukraine, at the front line of defence. has said if russia Once russia takes ukraine, poland and the baltic sea are next, it's a world war we're trying to prevent war, look at what putin did today he killed Four goes. It went the EU and the russian ambassador suddenly died this guy.
is a murderer and new are choosing a murderer. You well in your future career on the boardwalk eaten rapier bags at the man in the on going came out in a given region. It is allied age. You been pushing this Y all week long ago and defined Israel. You wanna get, It's just that. I'm glad you you're! So the way I would have laughed at me, you have no more in politics beards and if you know what now frazier it down, you know what the morning joe, I'm Joe. It's really great. Did you ve to be with us on this first of our hopefully He shows ahead at that.
And I was some kind of debate last night. I mickey. I had a couple moments. She really there's a nother moment willie where she? U basically come on, let's supplying everybody sancho buying that cause the deficit such a buying that cause the debt is donald trump and you all went along with it and said nothing. So it was is about saying the bay ice, gotta say, rum swanny was going round. He really was insulting everybody's bought and paid for what I found in politics is we somebody going round the state say, embodies, bought and paid for there are the one who's bought and paid for by your mind, me, I'm tracy fleck combat a bad man all movie about policy, there's a way around witherspoon as tracy flat and he's just as little kid gone around try
say the right lines and do the right things. Every thing was so pre packaged everything. Every there wasn't a conspiracy theory. He didn't follow, fall down. There was that insult he didn't launch. It was all else so miserable, but it was a fascinating debate. It and other aspects and make a lion. Sad is kind of like by like they both love to hear that, but dishonest kind of state in there is no, I think, great anybody. Modern day like save his campaigner. Give me this point, anybody that wanted to seem collapse would have been disappointed. He just kinda hung in there and I think for me deadlines are making. Here we had a couple, a really good moments. Viva occasion was arrested insult absolutely every body chris Christy,
she thrown off his game, a best ivy back and they went back and forth it at one point prescribes you say, be back sounded like chat, gb, tee and them and decided kind satisfy held his own, all in all, probably not much of a change except a lot of press for back and who knows maybe some some conspiracy theories will support him coming out of this year. If this was, the facts, rama swamis night, to introduce himself to the country which he said was his goal. Last name for people who said who is this guy? He did that here a lot of time. He was centre stage. x to governor the scientists, but also with that time he said we should cut off aid to ukraine altogether. He said the climate change agenda was a hope and said he would issue a preliminary, a pre emptive pardon of donald trump. For all these cuts he's alleged that to see donald trump turning himself in in fulton county today. So, yes, he had
bought. Yes, he introduced himself, but that's what he did with it into your point. Joe and meat that run the santas was. She was centre stage is pulling the highest among the people who were there when it forty points behind donald trump. In the latest paul He was Joe, he wasn't really there. I mean he knew now. He got on a few can lined up and it was interesting see that the fire from the other candidates was trained not at all on run dissent, as it was all going at the vague roma swami, which tells you with the rest of the field, thinks about this race. While along with Joe willie and may we have former aid to the george, w bush white house and state department, at least jordan, doing wager worley duties for us this morning. Thank you will ease the president. National action network and host of MSNBC politics, nation, reverend Al Sharpton, founder of the conservative website. The bulwark charlie sykes is with us and attorney, and can attributing columnist at the washington post, George conway, is
and there's a lot of reasons why george is here today, former president tromp add to surrender to authorities at the fulton county jail tonight. Tromp will travel to Georgia later today, and will reportedly wait until proven time tv hours to officially turn himself in There's a look at his co conspirators conspirators who have already been booked. We have written We ani kenneth cheese bureau, sidney power, Alice, they all surrendered. Yesterday they ve got mugshots, it's quite something that this group of the so called enterprise is beginning to. in itself, then Joe, and you know some of them in these mugshots. They did not seem to be taking the moment quite seriously. It is a very serious moment, well that they all. their stand as we look at these mug shot. Sale. Understand it's a very serious moment, and I bet George
Let me go to you. I think you probably like may like a white rudy Giuliani, dead and, unlike a lot of people, may be watching. Look what rooney jewel and he did in new york city and, along with again everybody else. Whenever you credit drily for anything in the turnout of new york. Everybody says a lot about this for a while everybody in there I ve been throw David deacons end there, but he was mare when there is extra mary turn round of new york city and I've got to say one of one of one of the great accomplishments, one in one of the great accomplishments. For us eddie that I've seen in my lifetime by main new york city from nineteen eighty, certain. I do it. I'm eighteen, ninety, two, ninety ninety five unrecognisable and, of course, people who very moved by what he did on nine eleven there were a couple of days were george w Bush just didn't find is funny poetic layer,
weekly earn a lot of other ways, not really till he went to new york and stood on that stood on on that pile of rubble. and and duly what giuliani was for those these four million millions of americans who was America's mare. I look at that mug shot and they deserve that justice has to be served. But what a sad sad fall for a man who didn't have to be there is absolutely stunning, I remember being a law clerk in new york for the federal appeals court there and nineteen, eighty seven and eighty eight, and Yet he was u s, authority for the southern district of york, so basically the old ten or twenty percent of the brief swore yet had his name on it and he. You know defending rico convictions in
get them affirmed, and and now these charged with rico, and if you had told me then- or if you had told me at the end of two thousand one- that twenty years twenty or thirty years later, a b penniless friendless ol boy did have that private chat are unaware that tape from crime. well defended in georgia, state racketeering case I would have looked at you like you, knew me you're insane and but that's where we are it's just stunning to see this fall, and it just keeps getting worse and it's hard to see that he can't even get a lawyer may not even be able pay a lawyer. I I dunno where this goes for him other than it's going to keep going down. It's a fascinating split screen for the republican party, so convoluted last night the candidates were asked onstage if they would still support the former president as the nominee, if he's convicted. In any
of his ongoing legal battles. Take a look former president Tromp is convicted in a court of Would you still support him as your parties choice? Please raise your hand if you would just because you gonna leads it again. You know do in this book and look up soon, You did whether or not you believe that the current charges are right or wrong. The conduct is beneath the office of praise of the united states. This is the great thing about this country brewing is allowed
It didn't change the truth. President trump, I believe, was the best president of the twenty first century, the honest to god. Your claim that donald trump is motivated by vengeance and grievance would be a lot more credible if your entire campaign we're not based on vengeance and grievance against you sit here talking about how you want to stand up for the rule of law, yes and law, and order, and the fact is that it can't be selective in your book, You had much different things to say about donald trump and you're, saying here tonight as well. It is very true. I am not going to bow to anyone what we president united states who just respects the constitution. It's important to say that the president said Donald trump said: it's ok to suspend the constitution, now they won't you take is to preserve, protects
and not suspend. I will always stand up for our constitution, regardless of the political pressure winning hans, do whether president tromp should serve or not. I trust the american people, let them let them decide they will tell you is that it is time for a new general. Snow conservative leader. We have to look at the fact that three quarters of americans don't want a match between trump and by and we have to face the fact that trust is the most disliked politician in america. We can't, when general action that way, so that charlie sake, Nicky Hayley criticising donald trump in that moment also criticise them for adding eight trillion dollars to the debt. But on this Why should the legal matters in front of donald trump, including the one today we're going to turn himself in fulton county, was really down at the left?
side of your screen. Chris Christie in asia, hutchinson the only one with full, throated and clear criticism of the president's conduct around the twenty twenty election. His conduct around those document admiral logger, the others, were wishy washy had scott and Rhonda santa's quickly, pivoting saying what we have to do is stop the weapon visitation of the justice department, suggesting Joe Biden was leading this prosecution of donald trump. Did you make all land that what you saw last night, Well, first of all that was an extraordinary moment when you saw most of the candidates raising their hands when they were asked directly. Would you support donald trump for the presidency if he was convicted of felonies? You know what a surreal moment that was- and I think there were a couple of surprises last- number one. I dont think by the way that this was the debate that Rhonda sanders wanted were than he needed eve. He felt like he was an afterthought by the end of the debate and, yes, they back came in
very, very strong he's he's very, very fast I'll, but you also his weaknesses later on when, when Nicky, hilly, took him down. I thought Nicky hayley overboard about me. She worked. She was impressive. She was the adult in the room. She was the in the room on spending on abortion on on ukraine. I also think that my pants actually over performed somewhat but let's be honest here. They they were not lying to the reader, the bulwark worthy the orders of mourning Joe eight was very back, who knew exactly where all of the erogenous zones of mega world war and he played on them. He was playing to that that that ideological iD he was look? The reality is that he's shallow shameless facile demagogue, which means is Bobby,
in a month in the polls in the republican poles. He may be in second place by the end of all of this, but I also that was extraordinary. How little time they spend talking about the orange elephant, not in the room, fox news went out of it. way, not even talk about him during the first hour we spend about eleven minutes on the fact that the former president is bound to do a purple walked today. It was doing very much ex bag. I mean I I understand, the people were saying nor the vivid came in heart and soul of this the spotlight, but I also think he's his vulnerabilities later on when Nicky hilly, just absolutely eviscerated him yeah and read section about Donald trump- was almost apologetic by the leather debate. Moderate we're just gonna talk about this for a few minutes and we'll get actor to visa issues and they did at the top of the second, our. That is the question does any of this matter. You know some people had good moments. They had bad moments round the sand. This kind of wasn't a factor. Last night, maybe that's important background the swami
used himself, maybe that's important, but down trumped up by depending on your pole. Thirty thirty five, forty points over anyone on that stage and I think he's probably feeling pretty good this morning about not showing up didn't into trot problem, feels good that he didn't show up. He didn't lose, thing by not showing up but might take a ways were that you saw the question that if Donald trump was convicted, would you support of unease. Most vans go up use saw me resigning of the republican party being the law, not a parting. I mean how do you look at that and ever take them seriously as a law and order party they said, by their own hand, raising we will excuse a convicted felt to be the president of the united states. Lose all credibility in that area.
happens on the same day. Rudy Juliet he's been book been on the eve of europe, the guy You saying you would support for president, not if was indicted, he was convicted. Was the question I think you know raising the two thousand for the democratic progress, and I can tell you getting on a big stage is different than any poor. Pinocchio pre steadied anything I've ever and I watched to see how people coming out of the big state- and you know I not a baseball or football fan like joined in you, but I loved back can be regarded as title shot last night, any was good until he got punched it not unknown to draw good punch. You gotta be able to take a punch He hastily squatter tiki all last night,
world of. I will big I'd go back and jim this morning and let the train a hit me because he can't take a hit dissenters. Almost wasn't there. He should abandon plata would drop because both of them didn't show up. Last night and and in my opinion- and I think, that, surprisingly, might did well here surprise. There really came out of the rain unscathed scarf. I was surprised at times, underperform, the almost forgot he was there as I was watching it. As somebody who has been in bed worrying- and I was impressed that my parents did not get punched and I was absolutely impressed that Nikki Haley seemed to have She came in with a fight game and she's. She did, but I think that the week was good, the first five rounds, but they were Helen them take about the ring by aids. Well,
away the mattel wave and lead tabal so yeah very interesting. You you, you brought up TIM Scot. I had actually forgotten about term for a second, we ve been talking. I've been tugging at least about how He seems to be on the campaign trail good on the stump good talking to people go. He was not good. Last night, and so I guess, a story. Aids in south carolina story, TIM sky really under performed last night and Nicky halo, really over performed expectations. So that was that's a surprise. I do I say that amiga a guy. I am so glad that rev talked about how the republican party has forfeited forever the idea that they are ever some law and order party or ever supported justice or even the constitution. We Chris Christy's, getting booed when he brings up the unpleasant fact. Donald trump said he wanted to terminate the constitution the united.
If that's what it took for him to get back into the white house, but those candidates raise their hands except for a sergeant and increase. Chrissy too said they would support a president if he was convicted of stealing unclear secrets. Dealing military war plans to invade it's stealing military assessments on what the weak as parts of the EU in states military, wise, stealing, presidential election and and everybody, not liberals, not progressives. Having everybody around him saying. Not only did he try to steal a presidential election he had it up
spirits see they get fake collectors and then called the georgia secretary of state saying I need you to steal eleven thousands of votes for me, so the fact that they would raise their hand and say that they would support a presidential candidate who was convicted convicted of stealing nuclear secrets. jus once again, so much more than you need to know about how low the republican party has fallen in twenty twenty three, it sad and it's pathetic, and I for one thing: we need a strong, a strong republican party. This has not it it's almost like the question was: would you forfeit the republican party for the call to one personality
and several raise their hand mean there were so many moments. Last night. That said a lot about where the where the parties stands, if you still call it a republican party, the Democrats have very strong, missions on guns, abortion democracy as it pertains to wear the american people. Watch parties are what they used to be ever since we got spinning- and I was little we'd worry about buffering now kid just worry about. This are cooler, reward vacancies the best way to stream. Your favorite chosen movies is on the expenditure. Ten t network restrictions apply, are strong conway, regardless of what republicans thought last night in the end, Donald trump muslim is going to be facing justice and facing justice again today. What do you expect what went away you look forward to events of the day in georgia, while
I look forward to the mug shot. I look forward to the spectacle. I guess I mean it's kind of sad, it's almost old hat now, You know, what's really really sad. Was that the events of last night, when which will be soon forgotten, where we had six candidate, saying they would vote for a person who is a convicted fallon? I mean it's just absolutely stunning, but yes, as this is going to be twenty, sixteen this year is is that is going to be twenty. Sixty is all over again because everybody there all attacking everyone, but but trump and they're all bended they're, going to end up in nominating a candidate who you know well, maybe a convicted fell, more probably die in prison and Anne Frank was found by this report to be a rapist is just pray, he's a young, and I don't know I don't know, but what the box that the box you get out of this box, it's crazy! When we look at this look at this place, I want to go
back to you and talking about how hard it's going to be for him to get out of this box cause. I don't. I can't figure that out, but look at these people died in the georgia election probe. All four blindly follow. a guy about stealing and election talk. Out I mean you're a lawyer, I mean You ve seen how much one charge against somebody could can impact on life is best from the fads. The feds usually don't mess when they go out for you, the Feds git you if they prosecute you, like They can beg to most of the time talk about what the future looks like most of these people and then let's talk about don rob with ninety something indictments against him and then, let's just talk for saying how does not end up in jail again. I but listen. I I've spent I've spent. I've spent you're saying you will always escape justice. He always escapes just as no man is above the lobby
Donald trump, it seems, but here I go through every scenario. I don't see how he stays out of jail. The I agree with that I mean. Essentially, he has been playing russian roulette with the law and as loaded every single chamber, I mean one of those he's not going to make it through all of this. The only way he can make it through all of this, as if somehow he wins the presidency and then can declare himself immune from from the D, J or being prosecuted- and I don't think that's going to happen and- and he is, as for all the other, finance I mean I don't think there will be eighteen defendants by the time this taste goes to trial. I mean, I think you, your you're already seeing them in conflict. You're already seeing different strata
she's, playing out and you're, seeing that some of these defendants, even even rudy giuliani, who came down to a private plane, can't find a lawyer and he can't pay what he's going to have to sell a co op in new york and and these people are these all of these people. Legs lot of them are going to end up having to plead Jenna Jenna Ellis no one's paying her legal fees, it's going to be trump ending up all by himself or are just a couple of other people, and I don't see how he survives that, but that you know that the georgia case is going to take the longest. Probably to resolve because it is, it is multi defend in case the jack smith is as brought this absolute. laser beam. A case in d c, it's not complicate it's just looking at his conduct that case on preached on women, can be surprised if backed up cases
go to trial within a year and he's convicted? I don't see how he gets out of that in the and and the moral all documents case. The only thing he has going for whom there is that the judge is is this judge who actually rule in his favour a few times like slammed for it, but I don't know how she can save him other than by by delaying the trial, and she hasn't mewing shown an inclination to do that. I mean at the end of the day you ve got these individuals who are gonna testify that he will keep. You know that, move. The boxes around you got tat show you move the boxes around. You got you ve got this. I t guy, who just flipped, who base the says that he was tall, but I just wanted to wanted to cover this up and he's dead It's there again. Ninety one cows, europe with you, don't have the prosecutors
don't have to go ninety one for ninety one, a lot of these felonies or five ten twenty years is just takes us. A few counts intend he's for the rest of his life and by the way, with the ip guy floor there may be more flipping to calm as people look at the potential for jail time that going to jail for donald trump. Elisa are please and CNBC bc reporting that donald trump is going to hold a fundraiser for rudy giuliani legal defence fund? Finally, I guess he answer. Brody's call hundred thousand dollars a play that bed minster coming up in a couple of weeks to get At least rudy some legal help, but we're watching the debate last night in this question we ve been talking about of. Would you still support down trouble? You still vote form if he's a convicted felon it was telling some hands when up quickly, but notably run Santas looked down the islands that are we doing this and then raised his hand? What did you make of that? when at last nice I I think that, specifically with rhyme dissenters it
was the problem that he had all night, not really being mare and not being firm, size of having a presence, but the republicans writ large it. how they just do not want to attack donald trump and just see their electoral vulnerabilities that come with attacking donald trump and asia. Hutchinson increase Kirsty said that they wooden both for him, but the rest of the crowd was still there Another notable moment around the events of january six and the two thousand and twenty election is when the moderate moderates asked the panel did former vice president MIKE pence was on the stage last night. Do the right thing in certifying the election here? Was their reaction? Do you believe that my pants did the right thing senator spot? Do you believe you did the right thing,
so we did the right thing, but what do we should? We should be asking ourselves a bigger question about the weapon of the department of justice when I'm president, the first thing to do Is fire merit garland, We all do fire christopher re, MIKE pants stood for the constitution and he deserves not grudging cried? He deserves our thanks as americans for putting his oath of office and the the two of the united states before personal political and unfair pressure. I do think that vice president pence did the right thing and I do think that we need to give them, credit for that I've answered this before or are we might like did his duty. I got no beef with them, but here's the thing is
gotta be focusing I'm really going or art the rehashing of this? You must rats with love that the president asked me request that I reject or return votes unilaterally power that no vice president american history had ever exercised are taken. he asked me to put him over the constitution, and I chose constitution. Such what we see in some cases there, a grudging affirmation of what might fence did run his answers, really said: gay you did the right thing, but by then the TIM Scotty said yes, but- and this is action- is that he asked my pants. Did the right thing in that case, but what's really important here, as we talk about donald up and all his legal problems is that the justice department has been weapon eyes, josh and somehow Joe Biden is ordering all of these investigation, rated donald trump, which of course is not how any of this works at all, but it may be.
Fence of a lot of what we heard last night to a lot of people watching the show tonight. But is it the fact that its? What the base wants to hear and that's who these candidates are speaking too there is no question, no that's what the base wants to hear me. Can it almost think of this, as as to two debates at two two primary? You have the mega primary, which are clearly, I think I ve back one, and then you had the you know that the donor slash normie debate and I think that dead, Nicky Hayley, really scored some points there. I think she's gonna get another look from a from a lot of the folks looking for an alternative, but I have to say that that may have been that may have been chris Christy's finest moment. Standing next to mike pens and his time to defending what the vice president did very clearly in a very short give way MIKE Mike pants not shying away from the decisions made on January six, but we should be under no illusions that that people like that
and round sanders work feeling to the the majority of republican primary voters and by the way you know that that that clip also, I just have a kind of captures logistics. Corners of of rwanda sanders who who spend so much of that sort of shouting and and no. I did didn't. Man does not seem comfortable in his own skin and and can't quite figure out. How do you running donald trump without any. agonizing the majority of public, who don't want to talk about any worries x. You don't want to confront the fact that that they form the present I'd states might be convicted phelan by you know no november, so there was there. Wasn't there were little outbreaks of clarity and people there, and I think you decide that man, just so bush league of is just so bush league of rhine descend site. Screeching real
Are we gonna taught you now shouting? just very shouting and and and nervous and not knowing what to do I always held political candidates with ass were advised. You ve got something that is needed. You're uncomfortable about doing, go for it go. Go was head one into an nobody's shoe when you go and ninety miles an hour and that's it Don't you see with all these people in town scott? Well, yes, by, let's talk about the web and essays. You know. Bob Zoellick gets here nuclear secrets by god, I generally to doubt the lowest common denominator. You can go ninety miles an hour. Tell the truth about this guy and move forward and talk about the future. You really can, but nobody here. Chris grizzy seems to be able to do it right stopped for one. Second, stop talking about politics of what happened last.
For one second and talk about my parents, because We have a lot to be concerned, bowed in this country, and we have a light that we get more concerned about. Regarding my parents, including him saying he would vote for a convicted donald trump. I do want to say, though, that is possible and it was so glad to see everybody up on stage most of them even having to say you did the right thing. It does take you back to and you, the sex and but for mike pants. But if my bends hid my Put himself in a position where he risked his life and he risk life of his family, this kind They would have gone hurling towards a constitutional, ices, the likes of which we haven't seen since the civil war, and we probably would have moved towards.
something resembling a civil war, so I'm glad Question was asked last night. I'm glad that most of them answered the right way, but how sad that people like rhonda santas had to be petulant in there is Watson couldn't just say. Of course you save the constitution of the united states of america and our country at an end or r r, R, ten skyped go away yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but yeah have yeah hundred buttons laptop how sad they couldn't you sit back and go yeah that guy model ganz democrat issues within, but on day on january, the sex, when he said noted donald trump, and that mob who wanted land show. My parents did a pretty in. Double thing for this country in the constitution. I don't It is a question about that. Probably disagree with my friends on ninety nine.
the issues. But the fact is History will say that my pants was the thing that stopped us, as country from going into a clear, the mining and some hunting up the undermining of where boats domain and then we're going in to but never a land of fake electors and weather would lead us? No one knows he did the right thing and for people on that stage, last night task to become too the united states to equivocate or hesitate, but try to rushed through an answer to give another answer to cover themselves. What do they think is the base showed the unfair be president bears some free that just basic that you have to say This is what about that's. Why
I have to see it when I saw them equivocating on a fundamental question, not of the personality of bike prince, but will my pants stood up? for enforced and stood with the constitution and the equivocating there. They forfeited dead right to sit ban that desk. In over office as far as I'm concerned? How do you trust somebody? There has They tried to way whether somebody did the right thing to protect the office in the country that you are seeking. There is no excuse with it, yeah. It's actually sad. We're even having this conversation, George conway and charlie sykes. Thank you both very much for being on this. There comes a point. when a singular event shapes our future broadens our perspective. and marks a cross road in our cultural landscape. The turning point. In a regional documentary series from MSNBC films and executive producer trevor Noah that explore These watershed moment for the big
issues of our time and asks we got here and where we go next, the turning point documentary series on MSNBC and streaming on peacock morning thrones fly Stay applies here. If you go the king, you better killed. The king promotion didn't do that. He now is gonna, be isolated from the thirty five thousand fighters have protected him. He's like snake whose head has been cut off from its body don't think your last sixteen ninety days, frankly, because putin at his dark car, is never forgive, never forget kind of person. He'll do everything you can to wreak gents on promotion, he retired forced our navy James stavridis back in june, predicting the demise of wagner had yevgeni produce and within months and pierce. The admiral was correct, as russian state media reporting that a private passenger
lane on route from moscow to Saint petersburg yesterday had promotion on board when it crashed this video Uploaded to social media has been independently geo located by NBC news. It shows a plain fell into the girl in the same area, where propose and plain reportedly crashed- and we see news- has not independently verified Ocean was on this plane this summer. The wagner group, with promotion at the helm, staged an unsuccessful uprising against the russian government and Joe. I still question a man. Was the on that plane. I just big note this man having read about him. I I guess that that might be a question. Well, I just Yeah julia yoffie who knows a little bit about russia, the way russians, bank and the way russians act. I
tweeted this line from her newsletter about this. She said prig ocean, it seems, is damn big. It see. Of course does an awful lot there because I agree with you. I mean you knew just never know, he's he's dead, that serves Vladimir Putin's purposes of Heaven. I'm running around africa killing democracy forces, other undercover, serves his purposes and that's the case too, but at least jordan. There is no doubt that he at least once his his enemy His rivals in russia is certainly think at least that imogene is dead and without saying he's not we're just saying we can't
if anything, russian state media says right now. So it's it's it's hard to to confirm this for sure. Well, in since the day that precaution attempted this Do I just assumed an you heard from some russia analysts, you know far more than I do, that provision was dead. man walking, and what surprised me was that prudent actually gave him two months, and I under what was said in the interim that placated promotion to make him feel that he had some model of safety because he still was able to travel around. He could have gone into exile. He had different paths that he could have chosen to. Have ensured a security, but he felt like spain and the game and look at what happened. yeah. I really too is we. We we now. I think we the admiral online now, but and will let you get on willie, but first
I'm going to say I always was, I won't say special about this, but when, when Vladimir potent chef was cast attacking Vladimir Putin's military leaders, I I thought this is an inside gay poorly does want attack the powers that be in moscow by himself. So this is an insight game he's having his chef, attack this guy and then again you know I know, but you never know. What's going on just like you didn't know what was going on in the kremlin with the soviet union, the kremlinologists, who have paid a lot of money in western think tanks to try to figure that out, you don't know what happened here. Who knows they may. Maybe it is just what it looks like, maybe use on that plane get blown out of the sky. Rigour artless vladimir Putin certainly can have that guy running around as admiral predicted people thinking that age you get away with staging a coup again
by the way you are not alone in that suspicion when that, when the bognor group was marching towards moscow abroad,. We stopped and within a couple of hours there was a deal struck with another nation to end it. There were some suspicions around around experts among experts on russia. That happened a little too quickly, admiral freedom is with us now and joins us admiral. You call this many times. You said you know not long for this world likely is motion what is yours, suspicion or year what you ve heard. your sources around the world about what may have happened yesterday. De the the only through here, I think, really is. Why did it takes so long when I predicted, with our colleague chuck tata, meet the press that hey it's gonna, be thirty? sixteen ninety days, I actually thought it would be sooner than that, for I was giving myself a little bit of time in the
It reads like a john looked correia, novel and here's the point that really drag me and really chills me the public nature as this was essentially a public execution now who is randomly filming a private jet flying between moscow and saint petersburg. They knew Hopefully, when the bomb was gonna go off would be my guest. We have very dramatic footage get a kind of imagine the last moments of yet again promotion and oh by the way, presumably surrounded by his clothes, associates friends, maybe as family, it's an awful to die so publicly and then be flashed across the screens of the world. So no real surprise here it is. A marker, upheld lethal, and deadly and how scrupulous. Vladimir Putin is not that we
did any reminder of that admiral? You pay. now how goree and staged almost for television to remind and show other enemies of Putin what he dies when it comes for you. Do you think that Putin feels the need in the aftermath of this kind? to dramatically reassert that he is still in power. Go back and red Machiavelli, the prince. When you go. for the king, you better killed the routine and that's all promotion in the end failed to do a good new he needed need. Europe is a good one, Elise, he needed to damn. Straight and pretty quickly as it turns whose really running the joint and I think tat. Over the last couple of days. You see the the bricks are too.
Their brazil, russia, india, south africa in prey to in south africa, having a car Prince Putin is plain to that international audience and is also playing to his domestic audience. Admiral, given description. You gave of the video and sort of giving every body a front row seat to this execution. I mean it, isn't: promotion, early wily, smart character. I just wonder why he, get on that plane why he wouldn't have five private planes lined up can on the one I don't know I. It doesn't make sense to me that that man, knowing his reality, would get on a plane. I agree what I'll add to your thought make. It is now under underestimate the human capacity it s side who got past tat ones
You know how many times in all of our lives do we sort of say boy, I'm gonna get by this one, oh by the way we can see plenty of examples on the national stage of people who think there, get away with something I think precaution thought he had gotten through this and then final thought here. I think it is also a measure of Putin how how club he is his ability to manipulate others, his ability to allow people to think that it's ok, I'm gonna, forgive you on the big one here, I'm the adult room. He lay to go down that mental pass into Your airplanes falls out of the sky, so I'm curious your assessment, Vladimir Putin, right now, admiral, obviously back on his back heels for free.
The past year and a half the economy not doing well the military doing horribly there actually the russian military is holding now The summer has been good for them moving into the fall under it. he's. I know air power may change that that equation bud is, I'm discourage. It seems that things have have solidified a bit for him, even if his military is ravaged, even if his economy is weaker than ever before. What's your take, you know is if Vladimir Putin nor a stock he's I'm really lost thirty percent of its value, since the beginning of this episode and that's both internally and externally, his military, although you are correct, is holding he's lost, shoe percentage of his troops cease lost huge percentage,
his tags on holding because their locked in behind defensive positions, he's lost its capacity to conduct offensive, operations on the ground of any nature. I think he is diminished, but he is far from now. Now, as we have seen, he's got other cards he can play, he could use cyber. He could use a I've been a mass destruction, god forbid he could gain war, traction working with the iranians and perhaps the chinese, although I think jeep, let's hope, is too smart for that he's got caught, eggs. He can still play here, Joe, but he is much diminished. He gets a little bit of a bunk, in taking our promotion, I suppose that's really playing that internal audience and also to the external grew but his allies and friends but diminished, but far from out is how I would categorize him this morning,
retired, forced our navy, admiral james to readers. Us thank you very much for being on this morning. Before we go to break this saturday, thousands of people will gather nations capital on these sixty Anniversary of the night nineteen sixty three mm, march on washington, reverend Al Sharpton you're going to be there tell us more about it. sixty years ago. This weekend was when there was the great march on Washington that here because our money the king made a speech a dream which went into history. Again those sixty years since then, and I have been involved in the last three decades commemorations, but This one is different because never have we seen freedoms, the rights that we gained out the civil rights movement
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-26.