« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/2/23

2023-08-02 | 🔗

A grand jury in Washington returned a new four-count indictment criminally charging former President Trump with his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and subvert lawful votes.  

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Find the quality care you need all in one place, introducing centre for sports, venison and orthopedics outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible. The strikers cutting edge technology at center for sports medicine, orthopedics care meets convenience, we're designed to get you treated and back home in hours because our passion is getting you back to yours call for two three, sixty four to six: nine six or visit sport man that come to learn more about centre for sports medicine and orthopedics today, centre for sports medicine and orthopedics. Here then home this says, but this action is now congresses certified the results. I do want to say the elections are over. I just want to say congress has certified the results without any elections ever again. Now over. So let's illusion don't
hours after the deadly insurrection, Donald trump still refuse to admit the election was over those lies and all in so damage inflicted on the country are now at the centre of the new cap, when all case facing the ex president of the united states, who is a candidate to be the next president, not in states good morning and welcome to more Joe. It is wednesday august can the month of august coming and like a lion. Let's dive right, Andy, yesterday's unprecedented events out of washington, where former president donald trump, who took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the united states constitution has been indicted. allegedly trying to subvert that very same document. A federal grand jury convened special council jack Smith voted to charge the president his alleged to efforts to stay in power after losing the twenty twenty election
Forty five page indictment lays out for felony charges against trump. They are conspiracy defraud the united states conspiracy to obstruct the official proceeding obstruction of an attempt to obstruct benefit. proceeding an conspiracy against rights. Tromp is scheduled to make his first court appearance in the new case tomorrow. At four p and in washington. Special council smith, spoke about the case after the indictment was unsealed and If a the seriousness of the charges, the attack, our nations capital, january. Sixteen, twenty twenty one was an unfair it ended, assault on the seat american democracy is described in the indictment it was fuelled by lies, lies by the defendant target, at obstructing a bedrock function of the? U s: government in nature
the process of collecting counting in certifying the results of the presidential election. we're going to dig deeper into all of these charges the potential jail time that comes with all of these charges, but as people think back to january six, twenty twenty one two and a half years ago, the way they felt watching people storm into capital. The way they felt not hearing The price of united states to stop at the way they felt watching cops, get beaten up with american flags. Justice is shouldn't, and here it is a forty five page indictment that shows the bill now has come due for that day near the wheels of justice grind slowly had a like vague grind. Finally, the area and we have by the way we have just saki mike abash loss, chuck Rosenberg, kinda, lady and george Conway might barnacle John beecham claremont gaskell andrew. I david, fragile, sharp deny me, go down the list: bob woodward Joyce vance, Michael smite, Neil cod.
Yes, I remember John we have, and we have so many people here today to talk about what certainly is most important criminal case in the history stood out to you in this great republic You know it so easy meagre and, and will We we do this every day and we see the lies and We see republicans, unfortunately, and people on the tromp right in media, just going along with him and lying at its very discouraging what stood to me, though, ring this forty five page document, is far from being a democratic conspiracy against donald trump is adopted All forty five pages phil not only republicans that supported donald trump and voted for donald trump, but peace.
well whose lives depended on him, winning the election. I've been richer. More power full more connected. Had he been elected and these are the people and time again that jack smith drew evidence from Gaza from, and it is astounding willie I go through this document. I see he's just when things against the wall, one. Why, after another instantly and time and again not only rule saying now: that's not true, MR president, it's not editorial page, tory page editor for the new york times, saying that it's it's not somebody and NBC seen prime time saying that its republicans- I just if, if you all well be patient with me for one minute. so telling jackson right, says: he's claims were false and the defendant knew they were false. In fact, the defendant was notified report repeatedly that
claims were on true often by the p, on whom he relied on four candid advice in important matters and were best position to know the facts and deliberately. Regarded the truth, for instance, and they use through the defendants vice president the times the defendants vice president told him. Mr president, that's wrong it's against the law. We can't do it in your leaders of Donald trump justice department, the director, of national intelligence. Again, his sensible adviser on intelligence matters does views that offend the notion that there were any any election interference department of homework, securities, cyber security infrastructure security agency, called it the most secure.
american history and then he was fired and he was fired the day after he put that out, all donald trump senior white house attorney surgeries and why he went after the cat conspirators. He gave cause all of donald trump senior white house attorneys that state with him through charlotte that state home through racist comments about vader about ass whole countries about you name it all all the she language, they stayed within through two impeachment. Very or the people tat stood, his senior whitehouse attorneys so like. By donald trump, to provide him. Candid advice informed the defendant. Time and again there was no evidence evidence of this fraud and also told him
presidents can end on january, the twentieth, twenty one senior staffers on the definitive twenty twenty campaign, whose our mission was the defendants, real action think about how much more powerful they would have been If he had one set of sir for jobs. What are they doing now now they're testifying And donald trump talking about the lies and time and again they said What you're saying, MR president, just isn't true state and federal courts Is Jack Svensson rejected every outcome. Determined of post election law suit filed by the defendant is coke in spirit. his allies, providing the defendant time noticed that is the will merit, was again republicans, Republicans republicans and errors. The arizona speaker of the house who was pushed and pressured by donald trump said. If we're evidence of illegal votes or in the proper account in arizona law, provides a process to contest the election
but the law does not authorize a legislature to reverse rule zone. of an election as a conservative republican, I dont, like results of the presidential election. I voted for present drop in. I worked hard to re elect him, but I cannot wilma, entertain a suggestion that we violate current law did change the outcome of a sort of five elections in his life aged under laws that we voted upon. Arizona voters chose it, and our system requires that in evangelical, a republican lifetime republican, a trump supporter refused to do it in georgia, the senior campaign advisor whole donald trump, that his dead odors claim was untrue and he wrote this. He said quote When our research campaign can't back up any of the claims made by our elite strike force legal team, you can see. Why oh and thirty. Two on our cases are obvious,
a hustle and help on all frogs. But it's tough to own any of this when it's all conspiracy, shit being down from mothership quote closed again a proper wanted, Donald trump, don't win in georgia. The lies about the five thousand. Dead people, the georgia secretary of states and well, MR president, The challenge you have your data is wrong. The actual number were to that and climbed out of state. Voters voted in georgia to join, Separating saves council said we ve gone through to those as well and those numbers. We got rid of it we're just saying: they're, not accurate. You can go through every go stay. The michigan this house This is an amazing statement. We gently examined these reports of fraud to the best of our ability, said the republican speaker of the house in michigan
who donald trump had invited to the white house to pressure him. I fought hard for present. prompt. Nobody wanted him to win more than me. I think he's done and credible job, but I love our republic to MIKE. fathom risking our norms, traditions and institutions. as a resolution retroactively changing electors for trop, I fear would lose our country for ever this trip would bring mutually assured destruction for every future elections in regards the electoral college- and I can't stand for that- I want won't nodded your york times editorial writer, not an embassy, MSNBC prime time house now mornings right wing concern that is speaker of the house to support it down prompt away said he can't do it. Then you go, another state and on december Seven tromp race with acting attorney general specific VON claim.
Wisconsin and acting deputy attorney general told donald trump. They claim was false and willing, we can go on and on and on its. Why did I, and all of that time. Talking about it, because right now, democrats are being blamed for this Democrats are its supposedly something to distract from hotter buying, who we ve said time Can he do anything wrong sending to jail? We dont care? I mean that if we wait, we it's it's up to the justice department. It's up to its up to the people. The price getting but they're they're, claiming that this is some left wing conspiracy, v, was written all the statements republic. The january six testimony Cassidy Hutchinson all of the people who testified there very warm republicans whose very professional lives depended on donald trump winning
that when you are areas that was the power effectiveness of the january six select committee, it's important that you just lay that out, because the art already were hearing from trump defenders and even from his own attorneys on tv, is that he was operating in good faith, which is to say he actually thought the elect had been stolen from them will now, if you go through these forty five pages, as you just did in a very important because it shows who exact and how many people were telling him. Sir. You lie ass, the election. Here's a claim that you put up Here's why it's nonsense! Here's another claim and state by state go to michigan and go to pennsylvania, go to wisconsin, go to arizona and yes go to georgia, where hear more from the day in full in county. Perhaps in a matter of a couple of weeks here about that case, he knew So the argument that this was all in good faith is nonsense, as laid out here and as was laid out. As you said in the january six committee, the other defend
were hearing this morning and last night was that this was about the first amendment. He had the right to say these things well, jack's met the special council. A short circuits vat in the indictment too, and yesterday saying yes, of course, we can see that he has the right to say these things that is protected in the first amendment he doesn't have the right to do- is to go out and work too old turn the results of the election, which is to say, put in false electors, You can say whatever you want to do, but you can't do that. Things that he is alleged to have done here to overturn it need twenty election in your right, Joe speaker, mccarthy, Kevin Mccarthy, the speed The house yesterday said, as this came out, he was there he was furious. We ve talked about this. He was screaming donald trump on the phone and January says he knows what happened. He knows what donald trump did said yesterday after this came out this indictment he said well, this is just an attempt by democrats in the biden, depart
justice to distract from that big hunter Biden news we had yesterday, that is the defence in the face of all of this so I must be very clear here why You brought that up. Willie lets me very we're here. While there were reply. I talked about all the republicans that that shows tree over over an attempted coup. Last night there people like Heaven, garthie though, and there were also some people on other tv networks who who continued the law, I mean these are people who spent months in november. The fourth election day spent money, undermining america's confidence in democracy sad choosing donald trump over american democracy and lied about it repeatedly evidence here
black and white, they lied about they knew they were lying. Just cite, Kevin Mccarthy knows he's like water. Doing now. All of all of their wise lead in january, the six. That's what people game in writing because they lied about a mere democracy, so they ve been sued bay. out almost a billion dollars there probably going have to pay out another billion dollars and what they doing now. Let's be really clear about this now Kevin Mccarthy and troms allies in in the right wing, tromp media. now undermining america's confidence in our judicial system, James Madison's third branch. Balances out the other two and protects the constitution of the united states. Now it wasn't enough from november through january, the six to undermine
americans, faith incompetence. What is the americans? Thirty five? Thirty six thirty seven percent, but enough an optical. Chaos enough to try to make a run at overturning the federal government, that's how they spent their fall in twenty twenty and wetter. Now there are spending their fall in spring of time, Twenty three and summer point: twenty three under mining america's faith in our in the dc area in arms justice department, like they savage the military, just like they savage intel community, just like they savage universities' and colleges' the best in the world there savaging every instant ocean in the name of a failed reality, tv host of fair,
the president, who is lost in elections from twenty seventeen to twenty twenty three, and yet they continue to savagery and so now, Kevin Mccarthy, doing after savaging american democracy. Is now savaging our judiciary, Let's just say a lot of opinion hosts another tv network. are doing the same thing and I can see why they don't want to the stock and then never saw actually reading it look at everything we we were watching nobody, what they were drawn doodling on it. Joking about talking about. Others are good reason. Why? Because these facts from that black all their business. Republican, visual PA can indictment, it's not something. You're gonna want to read if you ve spent the last couple years depending on websites,
run by chinese religious cults, Let me say that again, if you are r r r, depending on china his religious calls for your information about the united states of america. The greatest country in the face of the earth are maybe maples facebook postings that she got from somebody like in russia you're not going to want to have the truth from republicans. This is the truth from repub. Let's bring in the first of a number of all star panels we have this morning for you, the host of way too early white house bureau, chief at politico, jonathan LE mayor, author of the big lie, former white has pressed between now and MSNBC, hosting saki joins us, and I see justice and intelligence corresponded ken Delaney here former you, the attorney and senior fbi official chuck, Rosenberg attorney and contributing colonists at the washington post, george conway and
NBC news presidential historian, Michael bachelor, The learning and set about forests, Joe media so very well. But you know what so remarkable about this environment is. It starts off, as he said, with jackson acknowledging the dull job not only at the right, the claim fraud in the election. He had the right to lie about it. We had the first amendment right to lie, but to lodge a campaign of what smith called prevail. seven destabilizing, lies and then act on it that cross the line into criminal conspiracy and the indictment charges three separate conspiracies conspiracy to defraud the united states, conspiracy to obstruct that official proceed. congress on january, six conspiracy did to brought deprive voters of there. It's in those seven states and I found remarkable because there was a lot of reporting on this along. The way is that
I was wondering whether they were going to charge and they did the plot to subvert the justice department. I found to be the most dangerous part of the whole thing, because remember Jeffrey clark and speed conspirator number four, and this indictment of water but the oj to send a letter to states say the justice department had found pervasive fraud in the election. We recommend that you call your legislature into special session and, as you said, Joe, those tromp appointed career of people at the justice department said that's crazy, not doing that and they stopped it, but nonetheless, jack smith has charged it in a conspiracy. As part of this indictment here and the indictment doesn't charge, Donald trump within I, the violence on general sick that doesn't charge him with seditious conspiracy, but what it clearly are equality towards the end is the doll tromp everything that puts it. Try to explore indeed exploit the violence at the capitol ungenerous ex too continue his campaign is alleged campaign to try to
delay and subvert the lawful transfer power in part by calling having separate lawmakers, newsome new evidence about calling sent there is even as the violence was unfolding and asking them to continue to delay. and lasting I'll say that I'm stealing little bit from chuck roseberry here, so forgive me chuck, but There are legitimate defences. This all the evidence that you laid out a lot of people. I talk you think that donald trump could persuasively claim, but he legitimately believe the election was stolen and or that he was relying on the advice of lawyers, but the problem without defence is it seems that it would require him to testify trial. Who else can talk about donald trump state of mind and ITALY would be legally disastrous. So it's a real trap. The jack smith has set for donald trump. in a breathtaking forty, five page, a dynamic ass. It is
breathtaking forty five page indictment, it is, it is narrow, it is focused. It is powerful for the reasons that can pointed out willie. First of all, he doesn't have to prove that donald trump responsible, the riot and, secondly, he's a b. at the very beginning, Donald trump has a right to lie if wants He has a right to lie, but then he moves on that conspiracies he he took part in where he lay not specifically. I wasn't writes about her so right about, as I also say, Jeffrey clarks name being in their makes one eric enrichment very prescient, ass. We learn again and other donald trump lawyer, Donald trump lawyer, who defended him through impeachment fitted into the very end up until january, the six telling Jeffrey clark you better get yourself a the criminal defensive honey and we found out yes,
afternoon at about five thirty that Erik hersman once again was right, find the quality care you need all in one place, introducing center for sports medicine and orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible. The strikers cutting edge technology at center for sports, medicine and orthopedics care meets convenience. We are designed to get you treated and back home in ours because our passion is getting you back to yours called for two three, six, two four: two: six: nine six or visit sport man, dot com to learn more about center for sports medicine and orthopedics today, centre for sports medicine and orthopedics here then home as a person with a very deep voice. I'm hired all the time for advertising campaigns, but a deep voice doesn't sell me to be an advertising on the road platform doesn't sell, be to be either. That's. Why you're a bee marketer you should use linked and adds linked in, has the targeting capabilities to help you reach the world's largest professional audience
that's right over seventy million decision makers, all in one place, all the bigwigs, then medium, wigs, also small wicks, who are on the path to becoming bigwigs. Okay, that's enough about wigs linkedin ads, allows you to focus on getting your a b to b message to the right so does that mean you should use ads on linkedin instead of hiring me the man with the deepest voice in the world? Yes, yes, it does get started today and see why linked in is the place to be to be. Will even give you a one hundred dollar credit on your next campaign: gotta, linkedin, dot com, slash results to claim your credit, that's linked and outcomes. As a result, terms and conditions apply, yeah even allow those people who were in the trenches right up to the end knew when it was time to get out, including hersman Joe, even there, Your post is playing it straight conspiracy to defraud the united states. Talking about donald trump.
daily news crimes against democracy, of courses, headline news and papers, not just across the country but around the world. So Rosenberg, your name was invoked, thereby can I'll. Let you have a crack at this forty five page document. What we've seen at what's there and what's in it. Were you surprised by anything? As you read through the indictment, it was extraordinary indictment, willie compelling linear by the way prosecutors don't put things in an indictment unless they can prove it what you see in this environment over and over is Joe so well articulated, are lots of la words of high ranking republic and officials, who told MR trump over and over that he was wrong, that the election was fairly hell, that he had lost, that there is no basis to check at once, all of his appeals and law suits had been denied. There's a really interesting issue
Here willing, if I wanted to prove what you know, I could either based on what you say, worn. What you're told and this indictment is replete with what Mr Tromp was told over and over again that he had lost the election. So I think can is exactly right to point out that there is not the amendment concerned in bringing these charges it's not He believed is not even what he said: it's what he did. The crime is what he Did he acted on falsely held beliefs? Now again-
The department of justice doesn't put things in an indictment that it can't prove. So I imagine that all of these witnesses- overwhelmingly high ranking republic and officials in the trump administration have gone before the grand jury have testified under oath and that testimony will be the same. Testimony adduced at mister trumps criminal trial. It's a damning indictment. It's a compelling case. It was and remains a threat to our democracy. You know it's interesting, really talking about all the people that testified before the grand jury. Obviously my pants, you can this has. He played an extra. only significant role but another name that sort of floating out their mark meadows, many assuming he was not named as a co conspirator. A very easy could have been. It suggests. that may be summoned the trump team who were so worried that he gone quiet silent autumn there
inner spheres may have been may have come true because there's gesture. That mark meadows also helped put this together It was seen a couple of weeks ago walking into a courthouse and staying mum on the case. A lot of people speculating that, maybe he is cooperating. We don't know that, but that does lead to questions, as you read through this george conway you're, leafing through as we speak- and I read it yesterday as well. What have I to you as an attorney some thought of me is this: I think we owe a of credit to the january six committee, because I mean there are some. trusting things in here that we didn't haven't seen before it's kind of hard, given the fire hose of information that we have had over the last three years about this to figure out which things we ve seen in which things we haven't, but most of it mentally tracks, but being that were laid out and backs that were drawn out in the january sixth hearings and and end
putting the charges are mean the charges three, seventy one, fifteen twelve, since various for the united states and of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeded instruction in an official proceed, Those were the same statutes that be january. Six committee work negating about me in front of the judge. Los angeles when they were contesting. He spends refusals pretty stocking so they really very laid out a road map for the prosecutors in the role and the prosecutors have just went with it and I'm really impressed with how quickly MR smith has put this altogether, even though even though so much of this was gathered by junior six committee. It's a lot to kind of shrimp trip it down to its essence, what we really need to prove and the fact that the only charge one defended, I think, is absolutely critical, because the more defendants. You add to this, the more exponentially complicated, the pretrial. Previously proceedings become, and so what
donnie beer is he's trying to pack. Education can be tried next year, and I think you know the right judge and people say this judge, you know she's innocent, try a lawyer of up well one or a public defender on cheap she should be able navigate this to a trial lecture, I think, and that judges, added down some of the stiffest sentences yet to january sixth participants. Those rioters are the second sentence. The second sentence, the indictment is simply the defendant lost the two thousand and twenty presidential election. It goes from there that he spread lies that he'd actually one. Those claims false and they defended knew that they false, and it is interesting how actually little the defensive He wore a six play in here. This is about the big lie. This is about the months of the lie and conspiracies in efforts to overturn the election ticking through state after state some states that doctor I lost my lesson: appoint like georgia, one new
mexico, where he lost by ten points. It is a concern piracy that is laid out, so clearly, and so, Plainly and it's interesting what charges do not appear here, there was nothing here about inciting insurrection through, no seditious conspiracy charge, which some had speculated, might be part of this, because we saw some members of the oath keepers in prague. Boys received similar charges. That's not the case to georgia's point the scene. like. It is meant to be as clear and streamlined as possible to move forward as quickly as possible, and joan make it. We are left with a scene next year we're. Donald trump is gimme shuttling from courthouse. Courthouse from campaign round campaign rally. It's not just that he's a former president. Leaving republican to be The nomination for that nominee for that party again, he has a chance to be president again What this indictment is about,
it's so serious, and maybe it will be the hardest to prove in a court, but it is about the very heart of our democracy and important moment, like we ve, never faced before So why it's interesting that this indictment is very simple on president trumps actions, not on the actions of others riding at the capital, but his axe actions trying to change, the results of an election and infringe on the rights of voters, impede them jen aki is what stands out to you in this and is the Biden whitehouse playing at right by doing a movie night president's often when on big moments, meagre and- and I think that this is, as we all been talking about unprecedented and an unprecedented moment in history in this- is about donald trump. It's not about Joe Biden if you're sitting in a white house right now, that's what you're thinking about you want to leave space. For this, the significant
of this indictment that we have all read through what highlighted and left notes and at the moment story and not make it about the presidential campaign or the political campaign now well. They lead breathe right now, but I do think is the right thing to do there, You're going to at some point have to figure out. how to run against trump and what is in the details of the type of things that are income and the contrast there is not about getting into the specifics of the indictment or the or trumps Chris challenges or the legal cases or what is gonna, be seven hearings. Necessarily, it is about the contrast of what Joe Biden is going to represent if he's elected to a second term and what trump represent and, as I was reading through this make, I was thinking yesterday or last night about the day before january six january fit twenty twenty one. If we all remember was the day that Was this the election in georgia right when off
and warnock were elected, they won those special elections. It was only on the transition and what we were worried about and thinking about at that moment was yes. The lay in the certification of the outcome and shenanigans on the floor right eye by shooting guns, I mean thing done. Well, you know from a legislative standpoint or from members who are supporters of trap we underestimated. We all did what tromp was capable and reading this is a reminder of what he is capable of, and that is the thing that stuck out to me because we still have a lot of time to go. Trump is not going to be mute. he's going to be out there on the campaign trail, we ve seen them already tried to he's. Raising money already tried to get his p to come out and that's the other place but overall, I think that white house the first thing, the white house. You want this to be about trump. You want the air space, all of that to be on that, because that's for history and the right thing for them politically this moment as well
yeah. I owe you we all did. Certainly you said you did. I will just say I did as well underestimated, the weeks to which he would continue to go. Trying to overthrow this election. and after reading this, I also will admit I underestimated many republican office holders. Dad occasion to their oath over. Donald trump, you read through this time am time again whether it was whether it was acting attorney general's inside the white house, whether was speakers of the house. You know there will be a collective panic when you would see should speaker of the house and head of of the senate, go Donald when Donald trump would put out a statement lying about. My pants would say, might pince agrees with me. in time again pants time and time again pushed back on the
eyes. It really was it it striking by reading this just how far donald trump would go and how time and again he met result. dense from republican office holders, republican appointees, I completely, I had a similar reaction and I kind of have these energy label that the top state by state, because what is so us about how this is written and maybe jack smith is a better communicator than we give him credit for by the way. That's another take away. Is that the these officials these states. To your point I mean there's an entire section on each state. Georgia, specifically stuck out to me as well these official standing up time and time again that we knew this from all of the report and discussion over the last couple of years, but it does stand. Do you also, on page thirty? Six of this indictment of people haven't read through, I recommend they do it. It starts the whole.
Conversations and the whole perspective of mike pens and the price conversations MIKE pants had with donald trump, including which stuck out to me I can't get it out of my head this moment. Where his chief of staff was so concerned, because Donald trump essentially threatened him in a private meeting who is concerned about MIKE pence safety that vice president of the united states, who served with the president who stood I am campaigned with him advocated for his policies and its chief of staff was so concerned about his safety, because the vial it's here and the threats was, of course, of no concern. It seems you read this this indictment and that that also stuck out to me as a person with a very deep voice hired all the time for advertising campaigns, but a deep voice doesn't sell me to be an advertising on the run
platform, doesn't sell, be to be either that's. Why you're a bee marketer you should use linked and adds linked in has the targeting capabilities to help you reach the world's largest professional audience That's right over seventy million decision makers, all in one place, all the bigwigs, then medium wigs, also small wicks, who are on the path to becoming bigwigs. Okay, that's enough about wigs linkedin ads, allows you to focus on getting your a b to b message to the right but so does that mean you should use ads on linked in instead of hiring me the man with the deepest voice in the world? Yes, yes, it does get started today and see why linked in is the place to be to be. Will even give you a one hundred dollar credit on your next campaign: gotta linked and dot com. Slash results to claim your credit. That's linked in dakar, slash results terms and conditions apply so concerned about his safety after hearing die. Trumps, threat that he
to fight he now to the sea. service. Yes to, let them know did device press that would be in danger. The next day on january, the sixth and sure enough, he was Michael bash laws. Data I mean You you saw year for add is that what we call them? I saw your threat last knife go- and you said, remember this night, yeah and- and I went back through but my lifetime- and you know back when we were much much younger. I remember for me on august. Ninth, nineteen. Seventy four, my grandma was driving me through elmira heights. When the news broke on the radio, the richard and had resigned. It was one of those moments. It stuck with me that really do it out. Remember this night What you said last night, I think I suspect we all will be
looking back on last night, as far as a turning point in this horrible chapter of american history, totally agree- and I think one thing will remember- is how last night and the twelve hours since jack smith labour. That indictment with the help of a courageous grand jury how does this fit into the larger amounts? story, I think the last twelve hours fit perfectly into the good story- and that is this- time to time america faces threats from monsters who want to destroy our democracy, that happened in eighteen, sixty one with the confederacy, I'm like them, and you know are there and soldiers and northern voters came to our rescue, save the union the same. Happen in nineteen. Thirty three, all at the last minute, franklin role: Those came to power saved economic system, pearl bird nineteen, forty one we were bombed
Our system was very much endanger our democracy, many people we're getting it up and saying that the demand chrissy had seen it stays. Blank row that- would help to put a coalition together at the last minute democracy, freedom around the world, nine eleven two thousand one also. I've been login and other terrorist hated. Our demand when they try to destroy it. You we're on going. What we see This indictment is that January six, twenty twenty one donald trump, just like those the threats to american democracy try to destroy our system, take away our rule of law came very close to doing it to take away our system of elections to take away. Tradition of peaceful transfer of power to who elected president. It almost happened, and thing is joe and maker and willing and everyone it's on happening again this morning. Just
You say it was the republican front, runner, Donald trump threatening to do it all again, but even more effectively than saying he's going to institute a presidential dictators, that, we may assume, is going to take our democracy away, and this indictment now close with this is coming at all of last minute. I think if it had been two or three months later, we do. less optimistic about the chance that a trial can take place. Before next year's elections an end Your comments reminded me of of lincoln's statement. Then all the armies of Open asia couldn't take a drink from the ohio river are make a track the blue rage mountains. A if we as a nation or die die by suicide by our own rights riot and then in and
and then america, democracy we pay. Act ourselves we save ourselves from danger, say us to that point: Actually, this is where I think it's it's it's fair enough to question, those right now, like speaker, cabin mccarthy, like proposal hence in congress and like those too, the hosts. I understand the fealty to donald trump. I understand the fear they may have of donald trump. I accept all but what I don't understand right now denying what is in this document and the testimony under oath by other republicans in six different states, local politicians who stood An testified telling their story, and I don't understand why these
lawmakers. Why this speaker of the house, and why tv hosts who are constantly in feeding donald trump eager why they can't give these people a chance to be heard why they can't read this document and take a look at what ok might have happened. they happen to our democracy? If you were there on january six than if you saw what happened, I know what have they know what happened? I know what happened, but but my point is your: actually this point going against what publicans, are saying what happened, and you can see this on fox news last night is split between some opinion are really it really just turned in some extraordinarily sad depressing performances and they're doing it because they fear unfortunate their own view,
worse, they know they know and other people on fox news, and we saw it think Steve Doocy had to wait. We saw a clip of Steve doocy early on bret barrel ass night talking to security. There are other people and fox news they covering the new culture than those covered. It straight covered it hard told the truth. So, there's a split in the all the people. In the same way, the republicans we talked about the republicans, then I have done the right thing here and I think, what's it all the more remarkable about the republicans in here that have done the right thing are We ve seen over the past six years, who have it. They don't fear donald trump, eight donald trump. Let me say that again, Kevin Mccarthy these other republicans that suck up did they. Don't they don't fear him, they hate em. They fear his supporters
fear is supporters will turn the channel to another network. They fear His importers will vote for another republic and that's a talk in a last look at primary. They fear We see and hear republicans warlike, listen, I'm a conservative, I voted, from I wanted in the when I loved station. More then I love donald trump it will not lie for this guy. I will. I will not betray my country four dollars. and so again that's what so disappointing with some of these people that we see, who spent from never before to january the sex mining american democracy in turning the mob, the united states, capital, adding congress, and now the same people on tv and in congress that everything they can to turn americans against the system of
justice that sustain this great republic. For over two hundred forty years chalk can you can time? Why are we Your stand, the time line in the document case idea. What we should expect we ve heard fair in, speedy trial several times over the past twelve, hours or so why? What's that time line. Are you expecting to say here- and I want to refer back to something that George Conway said, because it's an important point and it helps answer your question joe right there's only one defended in this case, MR trump, the moral I'll go case, as we know has three and so this is a similar case, it's more streamlined with three defendants. You have three defence teams, which means three opening statements and three closing arguments and every government witnesses cross examined three times. That's not true here is
also doesn't involve classified information. There's no steeper classified information procedure act proceedings that will be necessary to bring this case the trial. So it's simpler now here's my bias. I come from the eastern district of Virginia, where I was a federal prosecutor is known as the rocket docket and cases move with dispatch. My belief is that this case can be tried before the election. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't sat up to me it's up to the judge, but this seems like a much more streamlined case now. One caveat missed smith said yesterday, and we haven't talked about it yet that the investigation continues. So is possible, This indictment, too, will be superseded and other defendants could be added, but in its current posture I believe it's not just possible but imperative that it be brought before the election and meagre. I hope this makes you feel a little bit better this case.
will not be decided in the halls of congress and it will not be decided on television that will be decided by twelve ordinary citizens in a federal district court room in the district of columbia. Those are the voters who met In this case, we can talk about it. All that we like for this case will turn on the facts and on the law and in the appropriate. Then you for a determination that MR trump among the most serious crimes imaginable in the history of our republic. That is such an import point chop. Everything were hearing on cable news, all the true social, all caps posts, everything you hear from members of congress, that's politics! This is the law. and you cannot run from this. Forty five page indictment. Luckily, we have four hours this morning because there is so much to get through here and can just a couple of quick passages from page thirty, three desperate vice president paths, my pants on christmas day. Twenty twenty calls
president trump to wish him a merry christmas quickly and bonds to merry christmas. Donald trump ass him too, returned the results of the election on January six and, as president reportedly replies you know, I don't think I have the authority. to change the outcome, but mary miss to you, MR president, JANET first and boy doesn't this capture the whole thing: the defendant, former pray, Tromp calls berating. Vice president, my pants, because here too who was the lawsuit seeking a judicial decision that would have helped donald trump. Says to vice president pants quote: you're too honest. That was a law, that he was too honest. So can issue look over the horizon now. We know that president president trump will have to be at the arraignment tomorrow, morrow or appear in some form at the arraignment tomorrow? What
friends from here. What kind of time line are you expecting on this? Given everything else we now including another case from the special councils office, yet that will force on my parents? I found a fascinating that the statements from his campaign last night, where some of the most aggressive we ve, seen the up, not lamenting the prosecution of inform president as he has in the past, but saying essentially no one's above the law and you shouldn't subvert the constitution so fastened. because he is a key player in the sun interesting that it appears that the special powers obtained his contemporaneous notes that the word available to the general six committee, but in terms of timeline. I mean, I agree with chalk and george Conway. That's the whole point of bringing this case with the thing. Well, defending an unnamed co conspirators who potentially could be charged later, is to get this to trial before the election, because, because, while chuck said that it's absolutely true that twelve jurors will decide this case if it goes forward. If it's not true,
before Donald trump is elected president. If in fact, he runs and is elected president, this This is gonna, go away! That's what bill bar said and that's what everyone believes now the georgia case, which we can talk about later, can't necessarily go way, because Donald trump would be elected president, but this and the other federal cases could and that's why this is so crucial. in terms of the system of justice to get this to trial, and indeed we have it tonnage can who It was appointed by Barack obama and twenty thirteen, who is the only judge in Washington DC, who is exceeded recommendations of prosecutors in some of these january six violence cases and who actually ruled against donald trump in a crucial january six case, he was trying to keep his documents away from the generous its committee. She, but no, in fact, he had to turn over hundreds and hundreds of documents and in one last thing to say, amplify What others have said this in
really did rely in huge part on the work of the january six committee staff, bessie that many texted me last night and simon pretend that Jack Psmith fact us in his remarks you he's being sarcastic but and you're gonna have to pay for the chief investigator on later. Timothy essentially was forced of his job as the general council of the university virginia because of his work on that committee, the nation it owes at committee a great debt, there are a lot of people of the justice department and the legal community who didn't think much of this case who were not prepared really to even imagine and environment like the one we reading right now until that committee put this evidence in front of them in public yeah, and there was a deep unhappiness about how slow d J was moving until a generous sixth committee of kick started them, and we should also note to this judge if George, if since prologue discharge will undoubtedly receive a number of really hateful and anatomy racist attacks from the four president up and his support
I can mention georgian, that's actually where I was wanting to go with you. It's one of the states highlighted, and here we are expecting news from the day down there in full, carry the next couple of weeks at most of another charge per tonne does not the interplay here. The georgia features so prominently in this federal case and then state one. How is that can work? Well, I'm there bobo. me doing their own thing, funny willis, as the district attorney foreign county said the other day. That is, she doesn't she couldn't pick out, jack's met but of animals, up or something like that. It doesn't appear I ve been coordinating closely at all, but the or what they're trying to do? What they're trying to do? What they're trying to prove is is parallel. I think I think that the strategic choice that mister smith has made to just focus on donald trump. very, very smart one, and I think that's good. That is will go to trial. I think before hers, because biology she's going to bring a much more or
his crime kind of case would be involving the georgia rico statute. It's going involve a lot, finance and that's that's going to be a you know as as chuck points out that that makes that makes life more difficult for a trial, judge and I think that the end of the day, what matters is you get two bites: the apple innocence, the theirs. I just see how we survives all of these cases, Donald trump, because it each one is this plant he's played russian roulette with the law, and I just don't think he's. I don't think he's gonna make it through the next year Michael backslash eyes, Donald trump, at four p m tomorrow. I want to ask you to give some perspective too that moment as he faces this indictment had on. This would be his third there an arrangement of a former president and his indictment. I and think of historical parallel
because there isn't one right right: right here is not only a sometimes there's not, and in this case you know here is the ex president, zuma, believe assuming he's found guilty of this return the scene of his crime. I made such an american tail here, he's being ought to washington in the vicinity of the cap where this is Correction took place near the white house, where he planned this plot against america to steal, our democracy a jury of twelve ordinary, no american citizen, his ordinary, but twelve, african citizens, which is the highest title we have in this. Do you not president, not chief justice, they will need to decide his date if the There's came back from seventeen eighty seven and they this happening. What better blow that damage
rates that no human being in this country should be above the law No man is an jen psaki donald trump now faces. Seventy eight counts across three criminal indictments and as people who have been supportive of donald trump, all along lawyers and said many have said. If he's The uneven one of those seventy eight counts. It could in fact be I've sentence for him just one just just one hour: seventy eight of all of those and and Jan that doesn't even include georgia? Well, it's hang up soon. I'm just curious feel free to comment on that also comment about how do you started to talk about this before by how difficult it was actually during the transition trying to set up a government because
all of this chaos that was going on gas look, I'm gonna play a student and Michael bash losses. Class right now, that's trying to please Michael bash loss, but I will say that what's important to remember here that you can get a lot of attention is history of peaceful transition of power, and I was in the obama administration when Barack Obama came in and took over for the bush administration. There are lots of disagreement on many policy issues, a rack, the work more being a big one, but we were. in lock, step with the bush team to help address financial crisis too help address any national security threats. That is how it is was to work. Even when you have substantive disagreements, you accept the outcome, but you also work with people where you have battled for you have fought publicly where you have debated when when
I'll try came in, and I was in the obama administration during that transition with president obama said to all of us is yes, this is not the outcome we wanted. That is clear, but I expect all of you to behave way the bush team behave when we came in, which is to treat people with grace with respect provide them with information. Yes, we disagree with a guy ram and many other things, but that is what we are expected to do. This entire transition and everything around it through into Question that peaceful transfer of power that has been part of our country for hundreds of years, and that, I think is not should should be a part of the conversation as well, because If such an important part of how we continue to operate as a democracy, and there are so many other parts of this conversation still to come this morning, Jen saki and based ken Delaney informer. U s attorney chuck Rosenberg George!
shhh conway and presidential historian michael bash loss, thank you all very much for come. on on this important and historic morning, and- I had a morning Joe much more on this newest indictment against former president donald trump, we'll take a look at one trump lead attorney is saying about the new charges and a possible defence plot more than a judge who has been assigned to the case and her history, of handling damp, handing down stiff penalties to dozens of alone, january six rioters also ahead, how trumps twenty twenty bork Pain is already trying to profit of this new indictment and what it means for the gene hey primary race you're watching when Joe we'll be right back the day after these I don't know why he called me he's an a or text
you called me want to talk with me. And he said he couldn't reach others. and he started to ask me about so- dealing with georgia and preserving something potentially for appeal, and I said to him: are you out of your. I in mind said I- Can I only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on. Orderly transition knows we would. I want to hear any other ethnic words coming out of your mouth, no matter what an orderly transition. Repeat those words to me and I he that eventually said orderly transition. Is it good job I'm gonna. Give you the best free legal adviser ever getting in your life, get it. f in criminal offence, lawyer you're, going to need it
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.