« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/18/23

2023-08-18 | 🔗

Barr says federal cases 'legitimate', predicts conviction by next summer

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I resigned on December fourteenth because I thought at that point the state votes certified in that was the end of the legal process. Right I also didn't like the way he was spouting. The big lie. I thought that was irresponsible, but he took it much further than even. I expect our anyone expected, and during this time he was being by lawyers in the white house that, if he kept on going doing this, he would spend the that his life, tangled with criminal justice process and that's exactly what's happened. He shouldn't be so I said no one else should be supported- these surprised. Nobody else should be surprised. Any body that has followed this story at all unless lesser reading about it. On, I don't know a website. wrong by chinese colts would know that there are,
many around Donald trump warned him at the time. If you do this, if you keep moving forward, you are going to be fighting the law for the rest of your life. That was warmer attorney general billboard. Knowing something about Making it clear that donald trump snow lay the blame on himself for his many legal troubles. because he was warned all along that all of this could happen no good morning it. I wasn't warning Joe, I'm gonna jump right in here. Of course, it's Friday august, We got those away too early, whitehouse Piero, cheap political, jonathan mere for awhile as press secretary under president by now and MSNBC host Jen psaki and former white house press secretary under president obama, Robert gibbs. nigger has morning off she's at him. undisclosed, location somewhere in the south not so, but people always believe it Jonathan mayor, this is his
you you look at all the january sixth testimony from the hearings, every trump lawyer every trump lawyer that Donald trump hired city head. Do this the miserable. you can't if you do this year. This is gonna, be problematic. All the throw, he was warned all the way, he knew and he was making moves were illegal and its. Listening. to train lawyers. He decided and he would listen to political operatives and south florida who were actually plotting and scheming. This before election was over. So instead of I attorney general who didn't give him. Battery, wanted listen to roger started, then I think most famously I was come out in january six trials
pushing his lawyers. What can we do? What can we do? They all said, MR president, gonna have to leave office in january, the twentieth, there's nothing else. You can do. We're sorry it's over donald, as you know, cause you're at the book about this view That's when he starts plotting the January sixth riots he goes back to his head- is is private residence any tweets? come on january, the sixth it will be wild inside, can and there's a guy on the inside. Who said we warned him every except the he just wouldn't listen. Yeah present trump. At the time chose not to listen to his turn journal bill bar where his white house council, he chose us and to the crack. It said pow, edward giuliani, and then there like an as each other options failed in the day
after the election, they methodically move to the next. There is the date when the states were certified in middle amber electric cars recounted. They thought that could be a day. They would be overthrown roadblocks that did work. They talked about voting machine, investigations. They talked about even at one. Will it briefly concerning martial law? All of this fella part in it, finally settled on this scheme for fake electors, which is what the johnny spend them, oh and the key role that vice president pence was gonna, have to pay I on january six trump summoned the crowds with that tweet to to a real talking point in the conservative media that people would come there that day and of course, as we know, mike pence within the system, Dan quayle chose not to carry out trump's wishes. But this is going to play into his defense here because he's making the argument trump and his attorneys
that he truthfully believed he had won and that he was simply doing everything he could to find what he believed was the fair outcome. But that is of course, contrary to what we know, which is what he was told repeatedly by the authorities in not just his white house, but in the states that he hadn't won, that that's not going to be the argument to fat Joe that that defense is going to work and even if, as billboard points out even if trump did if it, but still doesn't give him the right to act illegally to carry out that outcome. Yeah I mean it's true, but I mean I can walk up a walk past and airport airport and go pay that private jet that vat that gulfstream that's mine. That's and then what does that mean that? Because I think It's mine for budgets. Night I'm in the key event, because I think it's mine- I can then steal it or start plotting There's still it now well and beneficial bore says not about the key event theirs
bar says, though, about will tromp trying to steal elections so calculated and deceitful plan to remain in office by a fine in the gating certified legal votes. The fact that he didn't drop things could bleed some doubly than those people who defend and say that he genuine. We did feel that he was robbed and this was the good fight in the proper fight. Well, even if he did when I am dubious, at that, but even if he believes that that doesn't mean you can use illegal means to rectify it. If you think that bank, unfairly keeping your money. There are many you can do to get it back. You can't go and rob a bank exactly I get calculated deceitful plan to rob people of the roads. Yet again, I need to talk about donald trump here, but we also need to sort of open up the aperture a bit and understand that this
anti democratic trying to rob people of their votes is bill bar said, but this is now but calm. The accepted, nor and donald trump republican party. You tennessee. You don't like what to blame. Legislators are saying. Does it matter that the people elected them? You kick them out right right, that is the same thing in florida. You don't like hell prosecutors are acting, even though their doing exactly what voters were promised when they and for office. Rhonda sad is just kicks them out of office he's really. He makes an anti democratic moves away with it. We don't care what the voters said you even you ohio, recently, they had a rule, a role for referendums it was fifty percent issue comes up very,
turn it in the sixty per. You know the thing you go back and you work all the way back to bill Clinton. I think I think Democrats as a democratic one, the popular vote in ninety two. Ninety six two thousand two thousand a two thousand and sixteen two thousand and twenty to that you know this whole one man, one vote thing, one woman, one voting here that never works publicans, and it is almost like that you're too. That out, because what in january, the six can, I say ohio or florida you're doing every they can now to stay in power. By push voters aside and this bar said by IRAN. Being voters of their vote right. I mean much, I think, one of them fundamental problems? If you take a step back from all the developments of the league,
trials and tribulations of donald trump is that the republican party has moved in action that's out of touch with the american electorate, and you gave a number of examples there, but if any party political he is trying to make it harder and more difficult to vote, which is thing, we ve seen the republican party doing a number of states across the country over the last couple of years. It's because they don't want more people to go out there and voice their view and voice who they want to support that mean fundamentally you're scared of more people being their voting. Because they're going to vote for your opponent and they'll higher example, you gave us such a good one that, unfortunately, there is a number of their cases in states across the country where there have been efforts to get harder for people in in red states and purple states in lavender. Whenever states color states, they are too expressed their support for abortion rights and the ability of women to make choices about their own healthcare, because there is a fear.
that. Women will do exactly that. That men will do exactly that, because those positions are popular in the country, so even as we're working through navigating litigating, explaining every detail trumps, legal issues. The chair, and here is that the positions that the core, candidates and leaders of the republican party have on issues people care about whether its access to voting choices about your own health care. All of crazy. Whack adieu, cultural debates about game First of all, gay marriage is the lava land it's out of touch with the public, and that is a core problem for the party what's a mass of party- and you have these extreme positions on abortion- I always use- was consonants example because there's a state- probably I think, along with georgia, the greatest toss upstate, it's that it's the it's the state that everybody's battling over and so have an abortion law from eighteen, forty, nine, that's it!
total ban and they they have a shot of winning the most important supreme court election. There will probably decades now, their wildly out of touch so then they say: well, okay, let's stop people, voting are, let's change the rules and that's it. Short sighted ivy than that. That is not the lawn play and they're going to keep losing the the nation of supporting donald trump with his we're, felonies and and and in supporting the most restrictive, abortion laws possible, I mean in now being seen as people it even try restrict morning after pill into needs all again all going to very badly forum and I gotta say after the manhattan prosecution, Robert gibbs after the manhattan indictment at a lotta lawyers, democrats and republicans ain't. I don't get it even
after january. The sex, the couple weeks and others in think can I think it's yellow, ok, but very big it's gonna, be harder for jack smith to prove that now, after george, I gotta say some of the smartest lawyers. I know people worked with some of the most well known lawyers in the country who try to tunnel cases there, Basically what bar belarus now saying now, which is this guy's going to jail? Take a look at war I think the federal cases are legitimate at the end of the day, at the core of, thing he enjoyed in the case of the document and at behaviour that where anyone would be prosecuted, I don't know of any attorney general who could walk away from it. He's not being prosecuted for having the document is being prosecuted for obstruction to agree. Just instances are alleged, so I think that's a very simple case and that should be tried
judges anywhere competent that could be brought concluded before the summer. The other case after the election, he in my pay, we did crush the line, it wouldn't just rough and tumble politics. He crossed the line and he actually says trump could be convicted by stunned, like somebody, I doesn't think tat It's gonna get a jail, but does it really explain why a guy convicted for stealing nuclear secrets wouldn't go to jail. We can do talk about that later. They bid just look ahead for as if you well, you ve got this george cases sprawling georgia case you ve got janet six that which I think actually going to move pretty quickly and the documents case. All of that between now and muslims, we Donald trumps conventional. the georgia cases does itself sprawling will go, but you gotta leave too fast, cases very real possibility of donald trump being convicted
in the january six case and the documents case, even book or the convention, so he'll be a convicted phelan. Please, Robert walk is through that. What in the hell does that look like well, I think what it looks Can you see that counter up on the screen? Is you as somebody who may well be the leading candidate for the republican nomination, who's gonna spend the better part of january. who may be mid june inside of a court. And not outside. On the campaign trip. I can only imagine that the most we'll job in the trump campaign met may well be the scheduler who has to figure out how, in a court room in the in the daytime and how did they get him to island new hampshire. South carolina nevada in the eu to campaign? I think it's going to be an extraordinary thing. Why You see the prosecutors, jack smith, who wants start in january, and one of the cases, the
spring documents case, which the attorney general said seems to be pretty pretty open and shut case. Have georgia who wants to go in march even its trump now? What the push these into twenty twenty six. So it's gonna amazingly complicated time period, I think it's the we clearly an unprecedented waters, we ve never had a precedent that has been indicted we're now into four indictments. We now have two indictments just in august, so to say this is uncharted waters is. It is really a dramatic understatement, but I think there's no that you're gonna have the leading candidate for the republican nomination present spending more money on lawyers than its campaign over the course of the next six months now I predicting conviction by next summer bill bar his attorney general. It was really is Roy cohn four wait until until it was.
obviously was gonna try to sell the election Jonathan, mere women saying over the past several days that that that that day, drop, has had a game plan since the mid seventies and game plan. I think maggie Haber men said this before still survive five minutes, the next five minutes, the next ten minutes. and his fights have been against the new york posed as fights have been against the daily news had been against the new york times been against, lloyd, called cherry's fought, rosea donnelly's thought. For all of these people. Were you just throw out we're claims people be shot same thing with the press, he weighed get good ratings, and matter that he was lying all along. He he survived that. talking about certainly store georgia?
how we ve now moved from a sort of yellow trop world where you can just bs all the time you can have the fire hose falsehoods and get away with it because good press for him. He's always one step ahead of the tabloids. That's ended and I We got a great indication of that yesterday when you- and I were talking about the fact that donald trump We're gonna have this massive press conference. We were told to show how Georgia was rigged against him. I said John cell yesterday. This is great news. If you want donald trump to go to jail is always going to do is continue meeting thinks that the process it are a kind love to listen to and sure enough what happens he cancels does any. He does because right now, trumpets afar, oda falsehoods? Banning he says, is admissible in court
as we were, discussing astrid just hours after trump was named as a co defended in that sprawling, fulton county georgia. Election interference heap promised to release a quote large, complex, detailed, but irrefutable report. on the presidential election fraud which took place in georgia, trump thus release the report at a major new conference this coming monday, the twenty first at his bed, ministering new jersey, calls golf club and he claimed, would cause all charges against them to be dropped dropped and it would be a complete exaggeration. What that dramatic jonathan, I say it. One wonders why he waited to have here's to release this information that would have exonerate him and given in the state of georgia, but It was common monday. Well Joe, it's not yesterday, tromp took to his truth, social page to say that we won't be seen that report will be released to the public, but instead his
I would prefer to use it in the legal filings. Therefore, the newest conference was no longer necessary. A piece of news reported yesterday, the trumps lawyers and lack of leadership team to call bent other advisers did to arguing that continued claims of electoral fraud too. This case and business has not confirm that reports. saki, but this is something. First of all, there is a theory here that donald trump as we now has trouble. Retaining good counsel party doesn't pay them and some of them, and that testify against him, is more. said signaled to him: hey we're gonna quit. If you do this because and make our lives a lot harder as advisers, we're doing the same. Saying look, you can say if you go out there and say the wrong thing It's just gonna put you in more and more legal jeopardy, which presumably They ve been telling him for months now, rivals because these can he's got out there and said things that could be used in court and we may see Jack smith.
Others using court as the trials begin as Then rallies over the last few months, but yes, as you touched on there We don't entirely now, but a lot of they smart theorizing. In my view, here is one there are more lawyers, then adding one can imagine he was a has now clearly paying there's been a range of reports on this people who have been hit legal counsel, people who have been politically advice, think him even he owes a lot of people a lot of money and there was a really interesting component, LISA reuben wrote about this actually in one a recent federal, we're hearings that John Laura was participating in where he asked for in the dust. Cavalry phase for the sky, for all these documents to be provided to lawyers who paid by the campaign. Volunteer lawyers, essentially because either he can't pay them or he won't pay them. So I guess it's you like he's having a bit of trouble holding onto council here this
seem to be one of the first times that we know of where he has put in really listen to legal counsel inadvisable for him by cancelling this rally, which probably wasn't because he never likes to look weak. But that does seem to be the most likely theory at this point. Does it makes sense, it really does irrefutable they're gonna drop it awake now, I'm not gonna hold that press conference at Robert I'm going to veer off the road for a second here, but I promise I'll get back onto the main path in his second year. I always read about, like Winston, churchill. I we do drink all the time. but there was always alcohol and his body in everything I'm not much of a drink or I can't do it and the few times I've tried I get up I just can't do it and I I always I I've said to make voice, or you know life's hard enough. I don't know how people do this like getting up going like I can't do it it's hard enough as it is well
This- reminds me of donald trump campaign people and I want to compare them to. You- is a campaign person. Wanting for the presidency handling all the incoming is hard enough as it is. I know, No, are you gonna? Do you guys in two thousand and seven two thousand a year at a time of challenges coming at you- and I knew you were. blessed with a remarkable political candid, but it's hard enough as it is can you imagine trying to do this with a candidate for his foreign indictments against him and who keeps speaking out against his own interest every day. I can't damn it I can't imagine either I mean it's. It is hard enough, as you said, on even the best days to get em rolling in the same direction. have to manage the candidate in a totally separate way, to have two problem,
We have lawyers in almost every discussion that you're having particularly around planning but this has been going on around donald trump. He he loves. It appears just the sheer chaos of all this once ass chance by sir right before he went into the white house. You know You have any idea that those tweets for coming to view does. Does he share those tweets before he gets send the deal any of it, and he said no, I wake up open. My phone, and unreadable just like you do, and you know you just a tweet. Imagine now you're talking about something that puts him in potential legal really, I do wonder, is if you watch this, Is this a realization by donald trump that he is in much more significant trouble than he is lead on to the fact in and looked so. If I had accuse you of half of the stuff that Donald trump had done, be rushing to a court house tomorrow to try to clear your highway, not waiting
tell twenty twenty cents and that's the point, isn't it Robert did? If you or I were accused of something we didn't do and we had as a general election ahead of time telling my lawyers get me to court as quickly as possible. I'm gonna bury these people court. Then I'm going to bury him on the campaign trail. he's doing the exact opposite. He actually. He's been accused of stealing nuclear secrets has been accused of stealing plans to turn to more plans on invading IRAN has been accused of trying to steal american democracy, and he say a let's just let that hover out there, let's not, I doubt whether I was guilty or not entail a year or two after the election, I mean that's not helena. Person acts. It's it's it's a great point and by the way on
on your point about talking to shown spacer. I remember I was driving around one early saturday morning. Betty was march twenty, contained going to get coffee on Saturday morning and trumps tweet. Comes across. It says your former boss, Barack Obama, had tapped is phones at trot power. I mean we call the riots previous and I asked indelicately rise, what the blankets going on and it was like what he may well mean. I said- you need to read twitter twitter is like a shit you back so now, they never know about the most outrageous stop- and remember- to be worse on the weekends, because Jared wasn't around supposedly to call me down again. Robert, don't say how we get from here to there is for is running a play.
Ok, I'm paying, because even is his biggest offenders on fox news and said illegally. What's a mighty indictments, if you can did on one of them like a go. eighty nine and one, but that one conviction that's a life sentence hey you want effectively for president with life. In jail staring staring at you well one. Certainly hypothesis is you run because you feel like that's. The only way you can get out of those The accounts Somehow you can go ninety! You know if you get elected president and ask your new attorney general to get rid of some of these cases. If you buy time and get the justice department to right members that you can't be tried, while you're in office mean there certainly been it, and you know the supporters of of the former president. Have,
I have said as much that is he's running essentially to stay out of jail and you wonder if that isn't the huge because in his rights again, if you look at the fcc reports, the amount, spending on lawyers from the pack from the campaign would certainly we need to believe that their there's a dual track focus, keeping him out of jail and keeping improbably out of courtroom as long as they can to get him back, their case to the white house to get rid of some of these cases and what political for for russia, can candidates in a house in the senate. the orange see that wants to get money from fun razors. donald trump, siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars from republican contributors, and sending it out to advertise. but instead having at all, go to lawyers because of his four felonies.
The way you heard here in two thousand nineteen, I sang donald trump lost. He would for reelection again- and he would do it for the reason, Robert just sad four years later, which is to avoid pray, Still at a morning, jail present binds going to send a clear message to china in north korea today when he heard the leaders in japan and south korea and a key summit aimed at boosting military cooperation between america and asian allies- we're going to the live report. from beijing and white us national security council spokesman, John kerm, he's going to be with us. Why from the summit at camp David. Also, we're gonna be joined by the legal counsel. Four hundred Biden did discuss, they quote, lie fantasies about the Biden family. constantly being pushed by republicans in congress plus twenty twenty four presidential candidate chris christy be our gas will try to get him this guess, mind and get a couple of things of this chest you're watching morning, Joe we'll be right,
I am told yarmouth- for me. The news is so much more than a headline. You didn't forms spires and it still matters recovery. You have to begin. It will take you to the front lines of a store works actually have with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world, we cover what you need to know and bring your news feed to live in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join me for top scored, weeknights at seven eastern on NBC news now. Get the best of MSNBC at all. In one place every day The MSNBC daily newsletter
morning in your inbox. You'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shows running for real web assent as we actually get you a poor card from the american people, previews from our pod casts and documentary, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves, understand enough for him ass, an bc daily at msnbc dot com, pregnant by more houses for his camp david summit of his presidency today. But I can't listen that some without thinking about the end of royal tenant bombs, what a credible credible movie, but let's back to news at the summit, the day is going to bring together the leaders of both south korea and Japan to announce new steps forward in defense of cooperation. This is your, I might say, is a big blinking deal the meeting. really well
I end with a NATO cell defensive pack, but all three nations are expected to publicly farm for the first time that there Curiously, let's go NBC news, foreign correspondent, janet smacking, frere life from beijing, so JANET's, I'm gonna, give you speak just as american. Why I've watched president's in our country, talk about you know their pivot to asia for about what do you? Twenty five years now, it seems to be happening, and I will just say again for myself, not speaking for you anybody else? I think it's a good thing that we building a security apparatus, it very and bringing all of these nations together? I want you to talk about what a dramatic step forward that is, but so, if you could, let us know the level of concern that this is raising with china, because wall while Let the president's doing this. I also that we have to have good relations with china how complicated,
Do these actions make that boy. It's not insignificant that president Biden is using camp David to have this meeting to host the leaders of south and japan. This is the first trial, admiral of its kind. These are two countries with is history They also share these very looming secure new challenges with north korea and china. So in that sense, present abide in is trying to dry in his asian allies and create unity. Among now they administer She says that is looking for security arrangements, as well as cooperation on the economy and technology they're, going to talk about things like sharing north korea, missile data, as well as says, setting up a crisis hotline for the leaders, because
security of these three countries are interlinked and not just rhetorically, but in actual military operations and the threats are very real. The ukraine war has leaders in part of the world. Looking at their security. There is the assertive behaviour of china and that one straight north korea just tested a solid fuel icy, be something they haven't done before, and there are showing signs of military cooperation between russia and north korea. China is low At this meeting about to happen, of course, critically they ve been using state media, to characterize it as a mini nato style alliance. So there is bound to be some further reaction. There there is, so one other challenge. That's facing these three leaders in this important son. It's thereon domestic political environments, prime minister
just sheeta and president une both face some opposition at home for their own reconciliation efforts. They have to deal with the fact that china is their largest trading partner, so they could see some blow back in terms of soft sanction. And they have security adviser is warning them that there is no guarantee that this level of cooperation with the? U s is going to say dane itself after the twenty twenty four election. So it's why we see present abiding really trying to lock in these allies. We can expect a maid security agreement as well as these agreements on economic, she sat in particular semi conductors and supply chains, he'd reading just about a stagnating china. Economy, I'm wondering how important is it. Chinese leaders to to move forward
the end we can act with western allies to do. Do you see that again as aids My two step process, where there are obviously going to pushing back on on some of the military cooperation around them, but also trying to get get get there. There Trading alliance is a little bit stronger posts covered You see china moving in a lot of different directions right now, trying to force the shore up, but there is strategic I and says, with with russia, with north korea, with iran and other players, their childish or economic ties in trade deals with different countries in europe and also trying to to lock the tightrope on relations with the you ass, the economy is in really sad shape here, all of the economic data
has been released, is pointing just slower growth, even deflation. That's the economic data that their choosing to to reveal. There have been a number of indicators that have been quietly dropped, over several months. In earlier this week, they announced they're going to suspend issuing youth unemployment data. It had already reached a record time. Twenty one point, three percent, so not reporting in any more seems to indicate they don't expect it to go down any time soon, and there are a lot of other factors that play to even in the youth unemployment numbers a lot of young people are underemployed by chinese metrics. If you work one hour week here considered employed so is the sense that that youth unemployment number could be closer to fifty percent. So you combine that with that weaker consumer spending, there's a bit of a chill in foreign. In there
Man with the new security laws encounter espionage laws that they ve had come into play here: raids on some firms, so eight, it's a very tricky landscape that China is trying to navigate right now in china to kick start its economic growth with property developers filing for bank. See protection in the? U s and, of course, very strained. Relations between the two countries all, right, NBC, janis, mikey frere is always thank you. So much live in beijing. We greatly appreciate and coming up next, how we can be taught me to white house national security spokesman, John herbie about today's summit, Jonathan Amir really is striking. Is it not and they don't think we pay enough attention to this issue. Striking? How we ve been hearing. And I must say we at morning Joe, have been skeptical for some time, but we ve been hearing for the past decade. That choice,
had this warring economy that was going to overtake us. That was going to crush us, I'm old It's the same thing I heard about japan, nineteen eighty seven, eighty eight, eighty nine. Ninety in my response, then, was whatever Let him have thirty rock and pebble beach, hoping for and share they then went into this lost decade? I was just for americans. We don't want china economically to go into a lost decade because republicans and democrats like it or not, our economies are so connected that a lost decade in china economically would have a negative impact on our economy. But you listened and janice there The news is all bad economically for china, I mean the fact that that youth unemployment is at twenty one point, three percent are at least it was until they stopped reporting the data and that
includes people working if they only one hour a week, This sounds like a country that is in real economic. In ire straits. Yet all of it Omg indicators are bad right now out of china across the board, obviously trying to find its funding after the covert outbreak the pandemic swept through the nation and the growth has really has really slowed and to your point about the Biden ministration pivoting to asia. Obviously the worn ukraine still remains front of mine that they have been able to do that in a senior officials that I've taught his past. We say: what's gonna happen later today, right now, perhaps a somewhat over storyline but is remembered, is one of this prize? Is crowning foreign policy achievements the way is how bring these two nations, japan, korea rivals for a long time together, any certainly had, as one aid put it to me. Some help from give gentlemen, an asian paying along the way, because those threats there have really source and urged
see here. Among these three nations to come up with this security agreement to their also helps bolster can influence in the pacific and they may progress with some islands off philippines in recent weeks as well, there's a lot of and in there for the: u S, they do really- the chinese economy, especially the one note of concern job, just as I send it back to you is that there is a slight concern. In paying who see everything go go poorly! That he'll! Look too. sure, his standing, his grip on power by resorting to chinese nationals of. Does that mean then a play on taiwan at some point. That is, makes this alliance, which panic korea that much one port Yeah, it really does and- and you are right- Joe Biden sure how it's going to play out in next year's election. Don't know how it's gonna play out. in approval ratings between now, and then Historians are going to look at what he helped do with the nato alliance. Expanding it too sweden and
again, with a lot of help from our arrivals this case one report, but expanding into sweden and finland getting eight hundred new miles. Oh boy with russia and the nato pact. Extra sore neri equal extraordinary, like you said, bringing south korea, Japan, the philippines. stray altogether in this sort of pacific neda, whether they want to call it a pacific, nato or not. That's exact. What it is That's again, what presidents have been promising for? Twenty years Biden has done it. Historians will work that down and remember. It is significant the morning Joe. What can we take a look at donald trump standing among evangelical christians, alleys divide some congregations, but also how it also kept a lot of evangelicals on his side. Despite everything is done means for twenty twenty four morning, Joe we'll be right back.
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wait on women's health issues, they let you do it, he can do anything whatever you want. Grab them by the my favorite book is the bible. My second favorite book is the art of the deal, but it is not effortless. Actually, I was only kidding you can get the baby out of two corinthians right, two corinthians, three, seventeen, that's the whole ballgame. You can do anything grab them You could do anything, that's what you said, colonel Thirdly, that's true with stars not always but large later. fortunately a fortune. I just don't know what to say I guess I will go to to corinthians defined. donald hubs, words and actions not exactly lying over the churches teachings its framework right. Some worries editor in chief this very day and leads its public theology project in these raise your times Russia is also the author of the new book losing our religion and alter call
evangelical, america and sausages. You have to go to one of those clubs that still years later, fascinates me that members or try to say the evangelicals generally, we both grew up in the southern Bab discharge, but it would sell their political souls and I'll just say their political souls I'll be nice this morning. to a guy who says I dont know you'd, be forgiven for by god. I don't need to ask god for forgiveness Amy body that his in sunday school for five minutes are, parents had them. Gotta training union growing up after sunday night church are stay supper and the youth I mean you name it you're there, for five minutes. You know all centres and all saved by grace, and if you ask
you always save and if you don't think you need that grace just keep walkin, because that's. That's the first requirement it so. Oh a metal russell, and yet you I still have people coming up to us. Thinking were heretics because following this guy well, that's the that's the sadness of the entire thing. I think there are a lot of people who would say with the asking for forgiveness what we I necessarily need a christian president and of course that's true, but those same people would say we need somebody with character and then we ve seen everything that we have seen over the asda, eight or nine years, and I I beg fear? Is it worth the boy right now we're it's not even a point of controversy
for most people. Most people who would ordinarily argue about this have either made peace with it or have stopped talking to people who would disagree with them, it's one of the reasons why I really don't think twenty twenty four is going to be a repeat of what we see and twenty sixteen and twenty twenty its just numbness. I think this is really bad about american life and about church life too it's interesting, we we We you and I again- and I always stumble around when I'm talking about this, because it such a shock to see people that I grew up with and literally was church with four nights a week, just wander around I had I had one of them come up to me when my mom is it my mom's funeral first baptist church and pensacola? my mom's, my mom's casket was three feet behind. We achieve came up lecturing me about donald trump and saying how,
could you as a christian I pray I just cut off. I said: what's your name, I said I want to know when a pray for you tonight, when I go home, because you were lost and you Jesus more than you ve ever he couldn't Jesus, but for in your life I turn round and shook other people's hand, but that's like that all fish level, it's gotten to again for people we grow up with, but yeah. I want you to give some good news to you and that more now related at an event about your book that week or two ago you said so many people came up. Do you evangelicals came up and go thank goodness waller here, thought I was alone. Yeah, I mean the number one comment that I get is. I thought I was crazy and I see a lot of that, especially with evans, elderly women,
There are a lot of Evan jellicoe women who are deeply concerned about. Some of the things that have been passed over and waved away over the past several years and end that we keep seeing repeatedly and ongoing lay and it's not just about the trump phenomenon but other things as well, but related things uses a power in horrific way. within the church and outside the church. There are a lot of people who feel homeless. They feel it Are they not fit into a neat category when it comes to their political party or their church tradition? I actually think that's a good thing. I think we ve two closely tied to those identities in its kept us from seeing the fact that The really is about being different about walking in step with the kingdom of god, not with any set up.
party or denominational bosses, then, if that's the beginning of something new, then I by welcoming rubber gibbs yeah. Let me ask you one question: you. You talk a little bit here about politics, see who who do you see on the republic or on the democratic side that even jail, rules are interested in in politics who, if not in donald trump, who in only twenty four beyond do you see as having an entre into these voters here all motion, no evangelism christians, talking about the primary election, yet at all they'll be talk about people. In various sides of the donald trump indictments, but I'd don't hear much talk at all about support for various candidates. I just don't think most of them have have tuned into that yeah. Now that would be different, of course, in iowa.
because they are being courted right now, but I dont think the case in the rest of the country. Will that's why and actually ask you right. There was the idea of because we know that, for vice president pence in particular is trying to win over this group of evangelicals now thinking stands. A fascinating case study is someone who is a man of the faith who makes a centre to his political identity, yet by so many die hard republicans, including evangelicals, is deemed as a traitor because he betrayed donald trump instead of they, because these were busy? The publicans wanted him to abandon his duties. The constitution, the eye Well, that's what was so disturbing to me about watching film from the iowa state, fair people- screaming at vice president pants you're, not a christian people
all kinds of views about my parents, but the idea that he's not a christian is ridiculous and you ask why and its because he stood up for the constitution and and wouldn't undue our entire democracy. Well, if that's the definition of what it means to be a christian we're in a very dark place, and so I think gathering my pants as a lot of work to do, of course, in a republican, primarily the way that it is right now, but I am glad that he stood by his principles on january, the six thin, and that is starting to talk about that quite a bit. Right now rough, Let's talk about a young christians and ninety four. When I ran, I noticed, I would go to a christian schools are away. I waited, I would go to churches younger christians would would be like their parents talking about cultural issues, cultural issues and a lot of people are talking about today.
by two thousand. I noticed when they would come into my office in washington to get jobs like weren't, burke and stocks. They were talking about hunger. Aids in africa if they were the the the the emphasis was, and it was such a marked change in six years. It's what I call do twenty five christians, what we know is matthew. Twenty five christians, fear of feed the hungry clothing, the naked helping them for bringing the hope to the hopeless and was the focus and there was a wheel and a real energy. I remember betrayed katrina hurricane katrina going to mississippi in louisiana and not seeing government over there there are a lot of young evangelical set, were on the front lines immediately. I wonder, is this causing a crisis in the face for younger
christians all of this fighting this trump ism. Because we're hearing about the emptying out of churches. What's the impact of this on those christians well even the word ev angela call in almost every case, someone who will push back and say I dont like the word evangelical. Let's not use it. That's almost always somebody who is the most committed kind of ev angelica, but they see it as being captured by political ass sort of connotations of. They don't do that they dont support and often the people who will say yeah, Evan Jellicoe. Our people who I haven't been to church since the first bush administration, but who identify with the politics, will that's not an even trade, and I think right now we have a lot of people who are hurt, who are disillusioned my response to, that is to say, let's not pretend that we don't have a crisis. Let's address the christ
but let's not yielded cynicism instead create and form something new, and I see a lot of signs of life there, but it's going to be a really important next, four or five years to see whether or not we get there- and I think that's true and frankly, not just with young evangelicals, I'm starting to see that also with a lot of older evangelicals who are saying there has to be a better way than this you know, the problem is that even the term evangelical has become a cultural marker, more than anything else, nothing to do with faith. It's now a cultural marker. I like, like Jim nationalism. The new book is titled, lose Our religion, an altar call for evangelical america. It is out now Russell more. Thank you very much greatly appreciate your being here for faith on fridays and robert gibbs thank as well I'd love to say, war, eagle eye, I don't have it and be at,
I'm gonna go, I don't think I can buy. anyway. We get you out sometime soon. What's in season starts, and so it only takes an instant for your entire world to change we're talking the families of missing persons. Now, maybe you now bring their loved ones. Somebody somewhere knows what happened, deadline and missing in amerika. The hit podcast returns within all new season. Listen where ever you get your podcast. All episodes available now is still not too late to tell what you know
Transcript generated on 2023-08-19.