« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/11/23

2023-08-11 | 🔗

Federal prosecutors suggest January 2, 2024, trial date for Donald Trump's charges of participating in a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Crooked Joe now wants these prosecuted this deranged guy to file a court order, take it away my first amendment rights, so that I can't speak so listen to this. We don't want you to speak about the case when we say I can't talk. I'd love that I will about it. I will then not taken away. My first in the morning, Joe in big johnny's right they're, not going who are the first amendment right anybody's first, remember right: he scanned threatened people, I mean well kind of get into all of that in the second but its grey Every year, a morning joe, that was trump began thomson ground new Hampshire he's gonna keep talking about federal charges, but facing the twenty twenty election case, including, I guess, threatening, federal prosecutors, the judge, in that case could decide exactly how much they can talk about it. It comes
ro prosecutors are now pushing for trial right. After new year's day queue up you to weaken it. much more on trumps legal issues. I warmly welcome morning Joe it is, I mean, come on man, it's august, its august. This move and this year's movement to vat did august mid august. Are you get old like me and adjust? It flies right. It's august eleventh with us, we those way too early, whitehouse, bureau, chiefs, politico, Jonathan or mere also present, the national action network and those of of MSNBC politics nation wherein tan. Today, the reverend now sharp I mean come on man and present President obama, war, tannen langley, look what happened. It was a big news very gaiety, another day cancelling that there was a big news story so the united states wearing can in the white house. We have that
and people are upset by like that are now I hate to really cool whereafter. We support a guy, that's actually trying to overthrow the federal government that it's it's more of a new storing them to wear tansu and it is to try and put fake electors in two decides the president that doesn't matter have a right that you watched their television in the white house do nothing for hours to stop. That's all right, but just aware we're town. I grew up in like northwest florida where everything was poplar new or ten. I'm sorry! I can't do this anymore. I'd get mixed minus eight phil spectres in my ear, but I the up in lord any war, world poplin you wore seersucker walked, and you know this walk. You ought to block the courthouse
like somebody host you down outside its, but we also have congressional investigations: importer for the washington post, Jackie enemy, also state attorney for palm beach, counted florida dave ehrenberg. Staff writer new yorker susan glasser. Would you like? try. This ok hold on one. Second, ok check now, still there it's like, if we, if we plug this up to like the edges, guitar, It would work perfectly a lot of echo. I'm taken aback out again: ok, listen! I know, I know you told Phil not to bet on the red sox. He wouldn't listen to you and now look is two hundred million dollars. We told him, we don't have a starting staff dont do it felt that this is a false errand
feel gambled stories are today. According to a day a memoir put up, I had accomplished, and acclaimed apparently gambler that feel mickelson gambled over one billion dollars of the last decade or so, including a hundred and hundreds of millions of dollars. Betting on the ryder cup team wait wealth, while he was on that t, while we resolve nicholson, denies that, but that's extraordinary stuffiness we're, says that's pete rose territorial said: that's pete rose stuff when your gamblin, although on your own events, yes and mickelson, as he has said, he What did he likes to have a friendly wager now and then his handling prowess is well known, but these extraordinary numbers and it will raise eyebrows if, indeed, it's one thing, you getting on for a godfrey betting on march, vanished right, entirely through betting on golf, the you're involved billion dollars. Speaking of the red sox, did they win last night? He did just that they did. They went to nothing. Passion was good. They won three out of four against the royals, which they're supposed to do against a bad team. It still doesn't matter. My diet doesn't matter let's get the nurse federal.
skaters, imposed a start date for donald trump trial and charges related to his alleged effort. Overturned, the twenty twenty election results and filing yesterday special care Oh jack smith, not deranged for the judge to gather trials start on january, the second twenty twenty four to quote, vindicate them. The strong interest in a speedy trial and interests guaranteed constitution. Trumps. Lawyers, however, argued that its they defend. It is guaranteed the right to a speedy trial, and in this case, one- would not benefit their client now there until next thursday, to impose their own start date, which is likely to be after the twenty twenty four election dave. I got a feeling I got a feeling, the judge, he's going to be a lot closer to the people? gaiters date then, whatever they donald trump legal team comes up with causes
so far removed from from irrational day. I think this is the case. Is gonna go first? you don't have a complicated sipa issues like you do in the documents case. You now have the need to get security clearance. Isn't a judge and judged chuck and who want to keep ball rolling? So I think this is going first, but this is still complicated case over seven states, six different, unindicted, co conspirators I mean these are serious charges not as serious as like wearing a ten suit but serious agnostically that it would be delayed, beyond january, but I still think it goes before the documents case, Definitely before the election, yeah and jackie I mean we ve been looking at, different cases, and it does seem. Does it not that this january six case, even though the scope of the crew I see so much larger than the general public. Actual charges are pretty tight right compared to that documents case, which again seems like they have him dead right there, but he do
have so many nationals, security issues and that and you can take a long time to wade through and we have spoken to jack I can about this, but what we ve heard from experts from prosecutors, people- his outer circle is that this was done purposefully, anymore, this sort of skirt some of the other delays in road bumps freedoms that could come up in if his scope was a little bit broader if there were actually indicted, co conspirators, but instead he's going strictly after trump even judge, Eileen cannon. Who is, as we all know, a bit more sympathetic towards trump had rejected their ask for the case being after the twenty twenty four twenty twond for election will sort of them crazy. To say twenty twenty four election, how it goes things are moving value, and so she, if you have some unlike her, whose giving nothing up trial times,
it's more than likely judge tonya chuck is going to rule in favor of prosecutors and jack Smith. By the way. Let's talk about judge canon for a second, I haven't talked to you since the very interesting order that came out a couple of days ago. She did a couple of things that seemed bizarre. She did She did something that, from florence Zeman asked for question the propriety of the grand jury that exists in dc and expose it to the public you're allowed I have no idea why? Why would she do that? She knows that in cases there are more than one grand jury, often they're more than lingual, rang jury. Why would she exp? those the grand jury- you it's interesting job trump, lord trust, Jim trusty, was on a right wing, show and said there is a problem with having the supper grand jury. This was the day before ruling came out and so made some people think that was message sent from trumps team to the mark and accuse anyone of impropriety, but this peculiar that we decided to do that when no
ask for that to be briefed and she said now. I want you to tell me whether you can have a second grand jury, but a sudden grand jury can be used to invest the other car. And to indict other people. So I think this issue Sleep bizarre and makes me think that we're back to the judge, canada, twenty twenty two and ryan canning to point out I mean a new look Jonathan. Yes, they do not need to get off on on this issue too long, but If you go, if you go to the door, support only given day. You see the mistakes. She's may Yoshi she's she's, just I've had much trial experience, but in cases the case seems all the mistakes are breaking trumps way, at least in the dock. Men's case which again why we say that this explains in part. I think why jack's with cap the cap, His is indictment so tight of donald trump, because he's in iraq
get that things going to actually move yet at any. Fifty fifty ball in this case is going to drop from judge canada. Did you ve been very differently to his teams arguments and that does seem why that jack smith is trying move forward on a tight case here on interference and ensuing last hour, it's not just january second, the day after new year's which tromp was fixated on his tr truth, social posts. But that's lesson two weeks out from the iowa caucus that iowa is January, fifteenth, Thirdly, they set that already generally. If every fifty I'll get a republican date, for I will costs so that less than two weeks, So this is what is just the first example of how often that the his donald trumps legal- issues are going to overshadow his efforts to come back to the white house.
Well, that's right. I mean there's a collision course that's happening. There is no question about it between the twenty twenty four primaries and you know donald trump, rolling courtroom gates in twenty twenty four might my concern for, while has been, though, that you know millions of republican voters will have ended up voting before these charges and being resolved dominion of january. Second, as an opening bid from the prosecutor, Let's stipulate the idea that the judge, wanted to move forward quickly and that its lips not too much what that means. You're going to have this extraordinary split screen spectacle donald trump, on trial in a criminal court room every day, you have to show up for that, unlike a civil case right in the middle of the campaigning, so he will be basically fusing his campaign message is that he the victim in this courtroom, and we ve already seen, I think, a preview of the kind of vision,
imperative. I attacks that he's going to to launch as part of both his legal defence and his political defence. So I'm is really concern that one curdling towards a kind of precedent it once again crisis. You know from donald trump, I you know she is incredible self absorption is leading us right back into a national drama in which were not going to be able to get this guy out of our hands. Twenty twenty four is going to be once again personal drama, Donald trump inflicted on all of us really likes. I thank you so much for that susan. We are now depressed for the rest of twenty twenty three and all of twenty two, four and we fear into twenty twenty five we're learning more about the shooting death of a man who posted online threats to assassinate president Biden and several other dimming officials, the fbi, says Craig de Robertson, pointed
gone at agents early Wednesday morning when they tried to serve warrants in his home in Provo utah agent, chet kill them after he did more spawned their commands earlier. week. Robertson posted that he was preparing, is key. The flies and sniper rifle for present binds trip to utah. That's the ice. they were modern, some five year olds online activities from what the senora ones we want all sir confirmed NBC news, Donald trumps, own social media side too. social, I guess you're part of it, state now alerted fbi, Robertson's online activity back in march was actually the responsible thing to do. The warning was prompted by an extremely graphic threat made against manhattan district attorney, avenue, First of all, thanks again People are true social and said this is real threat to the press in the united states. But as far as from goes its it's it's hard to come.
Within our me, you know, david day, when you nor schooling and you're, trying to figure out who is liable, there's the but for test, but or john it's into a mere driving by driving wildly down a street after the red sox laws. Take him from the scene, but ford Then there would have been back crash at the intersection, were doors opened up and it was kay skaggs rolled all the crazy, tough childhood you had in boston, but in case. If you do that task, it's hard to imagine this. And being dead, but for the end, and pointing rifles at the fbi and and and threatening to assassinate Joe Biden for stealing the election. our new imagine this ever happening buds Donald trump continued lies again. This guy flying and it
his most intense followers who pay for it. Some paper or whether social security checks that they send it. Scam drives to help for his legal defence, others for by sending spent it years in jail, because They actually listened to him, lady, the january sex and this man- aid for it with his life. He bought to the lies. He bought the conspiracy theory and now, but Donald trump you're? Not you could Make the argument he's dead. Do you I very much that he's dead because of donald trump know you and you wouldn't be too far removed from exactly that. Look at the people there in jail project. where's six tat would not me in jail if it were not for donald trump. So if you from january six people that work victor that are now doing time to this dead, cause he would pose this kind of threat on the president, who does
trot was until that day saying was not the president was of fraud. In all of these things, you can't take down drop out of the story it's like you and I were a baptism like an evangelist come to town and income when people out of money that Jesus is coming tomorrow. Give me all your money calling Whilst you know your husband is spending his money irresponsibly, you who lured him into doing yeah and that's who donald trump is. You know we called those people had come to what we'd call it when those people come to our church and tell them that Jesus is coming back next week was the tuesday exactly. I heard that a lot growing up next week, leg swag some four no hold on is to get the lake planetary. This may mean just sell books, they get money. Nobody knows the exact time when Jesus is coming back weeks since the what's out there.
Not where to know they didn't I eyes, probably why pat leather shoes had head did tell big smile, hair that comes across in gray, perfectly coins, blake, lindsey grammar and other people said a man our rights jackie? I don't even know how I said way out and that when we need to re brand the suit a camel suit. Ok agrees that empowered expertly we second hours large, you do jack jack. Is camel hair Maybe we'll hair of work is well known, that no not actual hair, but that once then, and its She signed from a banner she's saying, must she's saying for my description of your suit, my description, the dipper, desperate, and if your fashion forward, you would call a cab right there's this amazing man on twitter, Lou tux all about extra.
Haleran. I don't know why. I follow him, but what I learned a lot. I need you to outline in fine, let no I'm a mere and polyester is the next big craze, I'm Joe. I'm joking Let leads, let's continue bob and weave in and out of all this stuff and Jackie a again talking about what the tragedy that happened in utah. It's, not it's, It's really! It's not just the conspiracy against doc against Joe Biden. And against Democrats did so deadly here is constant attack against the three, I sense Fbi has been forced to investigate donald trump get this document sure they tried to get the fbi agents name, so they can be threatened. then there was yet a news stories about this fevered pitch hot too.
Ask the fbi agents that actually did the search. But doesn't this show they cost of of telling people. Whether its on fire news are coming for donald trump, that the fbi is coming after you they're coming tonight on the doors of your home in their coming to shoot you so you hear that time and time and time again when you, a threat against the present united states, the f b. I comes and check it out. You know your guns up like the again heart, it's not to look at all of these lies, and these conspiracy theories against the f b I and the say they were responsible for the death of this man. I think it is. Martin necessary to look at all these attacks in that context, as no one comes into donald trump incinerator without being too I should in some way from the insurrectionists you're a charge for going and storming the capital on January cigarettes from behest too
now the weapon is campaign that that congress, is running in order to define in trump against the f b I and the justice department that all of these have real life consequences. I mean talking about defunding the fbi. I mean it's anathema to the republican party and everything, but that conservatives have have stood for for quite some time up until trump and I mean when you look at at the trail that trump has left in his wake. It's really important thing to talk about these sorts of cases and and kind of law. it's men and and show that right rick matters at the end of the day. You know lot levelling all of these threats against alvin brag, foamy willis we're just waiting for tanya truck in to get thrown into the mix there. They have consequences, and the fbi is just trying to do their jobs here, despite whatever spin were probably inevitably going to hear and right wing media about sort of how again these talking points that
At the f, is you know of the binding administration and has been weaponized, and we should know embassies reporting that just this week judge shotguns how to increase their secure he had three agents with her yesterday. Just get coffee elsewhere a whorehouse day, then the political rhetoric is so devices so heated and the short violence, used into the talk. Predator odyssey from the right we ve heard our trump just recently: tougher heavily riots in the streets if he is convicted on any of these charges- and we have discussed in the show quite a bit how laws we spent federal and local, are deeply concerned that violence is now part of our political narrative in we could see acts of violence january six like acts of violence, but again next year to connect to the trump legal matters or the election itself. You're in this four lines. This, how worried? Are you concerning a mean, these attacks on federal law enforcement have real consequences. Remember the attack on the fbi office instance Cincinnati this come from. Law and order party. Remember so it is a problem
while you're having this hearing on a protective border today is coming for, judge chuck. As for whether donald trump can disseminate some of the information that he's gonna get in this case against him. This is different, though then a partial gag warner. I think that is going to come. Ultimately, because the farmers are unable to stop the rhetoric and when he goes and continues to do it. I think that eventually, though, we request for a partial gag border, but you only impose Gag order, if you're willing to enforce it, if you're willing to possibly put a set of steel, let's around donald trump risk, and for not able to do that? Then all the protective orders, all the gag wars in the world mean nothing. I mean, sorry, yeah people say there there to standards on untruss side? Will there to standards going forth fortress, no, I mean you and I both know some of the I'll say stuff He says, on line
that he says in crowds about federal judges, about federal prosecutors again in my, experience in northwest florida there criminal defendant would have called in front of a judge and and and the judge said you know what you're going to have a night in jail to think about this and the and I mean seriously, I think most people that practiced northwest Florida would say the same thing and then the it turned the lawyer and safe, and if you can't control your client, you'd, better haven't find another one: are you can try but if you get from him, you'll be in jail where they, like? Nobody, no judge this stuff federal judges put up with this type, a beggar. That's the bizarre thing about this double standard stuff I like lead, Donald trump is had a double standard break in his direction from very beginning just can knows that trump is running for president and there was a speaking indictment out there, which detailed his alleged action so that the judge is gonna. Give him a lot of a bill.
to respond, but at some point you cross the line, I think is cross the line already. you ve been given a lot of deference, so I think Ultimately, there will be a powerful gag order impose, but then the big question is: will it be enforced? If you- and I did some of this stuff- we all have our He pulled already in order that it has a prosecutor. We limit in spring member rights. All the time when you go to first appearance, your limited to contact in the victim's you you're even tone, not to use alcohol many cases, so you don't have the same constitutional rights as someone who has not been indicted for a series of crimes, and now you gotta go, but as an act of war secured or just reading the tea leaves I'm carries when you think george is gonna come next week. I think it's clear. diagnosed coming- and I think actually that's the second strongest case- the strongest case to me as a prosecutor- is the documents case. That's it air tight case. I think second strongest case is in georgia. Fine Seven thousand seven hundred eighty votes he's on tape and nothing influences a jury. The hearing the defendants, all words on a recording
tell you what I think the generally six case, all Really tight. Consumerist YA. You ve just got the testimony of olive trumps. People basically saying there's this conspiracy and this was important. What David more? Thank you so much great to see results, is our remember: we're living through an unprecedented moment in history for resin trunk facing criminal indictments and trials and unambitious, podcast ruskin donald trump bedroom prosecutors andrew ice with a merry mccord break down the charges. What we could see at these trials search for propaganda wherever you get your podcasts, you censure closer to the Middle EAST. Where you have rex, listen and my pompiers secretaries of state to increase We are accomplished men, you send him why we found out the answer months after he left office, two billion dollars From the saudis to Jared custer and a banker trump
two billion dollars because He did all this and more with his family, He's normalizing this conduct, and now we have another president who is doing exact, the same thing. and allow a hunter Biden. To one roughshod making money from foreign governments a silly access to Joe Biden, let's see two billion dollars lap. Top I don't think it's the same by that is form a new jersey, governor and prison. cabin crews, Christie making. Comparison between the hundred biden and trouble son in law jared cushion or the one very key sunlight Jared, kushner hunter Biden. and has not ever then a white house employ so is either we don't like it, but it happens,
billy bear Jimmy Carter and Billy carter right and, I think reagan, reagan handsome siblings. I don't know ended Clinton, certainly did sometimes that you know Sometimes you can't control family members or you want to, but you can't difference between that and and people having we pulled in line when billy start showing up next to mow, mark daffy parades. somebody working inside the white house, do in a white house business and come out the other side, two billion dollars richer. Then they compare again. It is again I'm not talking about the governor here so much some time that all the republicans freaking out over hundred biden when they dont look at all all the things: donald trump children and in laws, gatt who actually work inside the white house and got these sweetheart deals from saudi Arabia and china, while
inside the white house rub work and Second, the wideouts talk about paid a play, their desks, relation. When you have a congressional committee wanting to look at someone whoever it is that has no real government connection. That does not. on the main guidelines of government cause they're, not working for government, their related right. Nobody there! Now you overstepping were government ought to do that does does Maybe we shouldn't condone it. That doesn't mean some relatives or trade off of situations like but you don't have oversight over there. You don't. oversight or work congress blow senators, cousins, so. I mean would be doing is overstepping the authority of the committee, even though we may all say that was a bad thing. Somebody did ride, have no of obligation to answer to a congressional.
because they're, not a government employee yeah, I made a yeah so reagan. I alex just tell me that is neal reagan, one and radio stations reminds me that lady bird magically got again since the tv stations in taxes said then became adamantly wealthy? You, you look at the bushes, some of the bush kids, the same did very well on this so these republicans a meaning they're sitting you're looking at the hunter Biden, in some missing again, not only the two million dollar ample right in front of them, but also a long history of this. Entire kashmir continues to cash out on the term presidency and all of them connections he made with the usa in the saudis throughout his four years in the white house in this single job that when you are sensibly, should have been advocating
negotiating policies on behalf of the u s but was instead fomenting These relationships with people who he now continues to do business but there is a long history of trouble family, members and children in the press. I new white house and I think I've read the devon archer testimony several times and you know the headlines couldn't be clear. Devon archer says that Joe Biden had no no knowledge, no discussions with hundred by dint of the of the business is that they were doing and if you read really closely, I think the picture and the portrait that is paint by Devon. Archer is actually a really sad one at one of the sun, whose exploiting his dad. Taking advantage of that word of doing everything he can to capitalize on his name selling this brand. That's absolutely true, and by the way we ve seen the time and again, I don't think it's right very active
in that position, I'd look at all my family members say you know you. If, if, if you do anything like this, you ain't gonna have a problem. The feds, you can have problems with me, but it happened time and time and time again and and again, we have an example of a sad situation here, these other baby Billy carter's a sad situation. You look at some of the bush issues. You look at you look at it. Like you said. I mean it: if somebody in the shadow of either a brother are of father or somebody else, and they go on that. To trade on the name, and yet it's it's pretty terrible. But if you have somebody this actually making two billion dollars off the saudis. Building, a relationship of middle east these talks on off the saudis it again once again the false Quincy is outrageous and they keep do. We have that
clip of of the poor guy, the poor republican try and long yeah he lets you know something times- and I know this than most times. You should just stay off a tv right. Sometimes it doesn't pay That happens to me about seventy five percent. The time I get on tv, but but here's here's congressman from new york. That needs to give me a call the next time he thinks he wants to go on an interview play the day, despite nearly two years now of an investigation into the president's, and while you have certainly on earth the trove of evidence that the committee says proves residents association there has not been produced. A smoking got clear, cut undeniable proof of the president's involvement with his sons. in business deals. What do you say to that? What we ve
we claim that we have direct money going to the president, but many members of his family had receive money from foreign governments in this is something that is very important for the american people to know. I wanted to their grassland with their voice. Yummy writes a moment. go which, as you said, we never claimed that any money was funneled direct to the president. That is precisely the claim that the chairman of your Many james, calmer and also Jim Jordan have many times on public record, We are on this morning and investigation together, laying out the facts between on the business dealings of this family, we are going to continue this investigation. I believe impeachment inquiry, would give us more tools to get the job done and then into the clever gillian turner there, who is tough gillian turner, said: ok. Can we just to tell our viewers they actually have claimed a direct line from
from hunger by these deals to Joe Biden, but actually problem he had was he's on a committee where they're lying he actually went on tv and told the truth, and I was sort of crossway- with Jordan and and and come, but that is what they keep declining right that somehow Joe Biden, Joe Biden new, they say you can't even think straight is somehow the criminal mastermind of some international money, rain and courtesy gillian turner. I'm fucked up first eight thirty in real time, because she is absolutely right. Comber everyone on that committee has said several times. They have made these unsubstantiated claims and been unable to find the evidence to prove it that there is a direct link between. hundred Biden and his business affairs and Joe Biden. There is no such thing. They haven't found anything
now comber is moving the goalposts because they know that if they do need to impeach Joe Biden there there isn't it smoking gun at least not yet he's now he's going to subpoena Joe Biden an hundred bite and will see how far that goes by what I but I've, never I understood people that say things one day and act like tonight. never gonna come right. So comer will say things like again who's the guy. You were talking about that testimony of an archer devon, archer, star g o p. When exactly have the smoking gun, this star g o p, witness they get their smoking gun, they got their smoking gun, it's all horrible and then the next. Next day, you read the transfer, we're await this actually breaks and binds what they ve done. That tie in time again, where they always This tape, fbi, hesitate, did show there we're others, and then you we're all grassland has to go out and say what we don't care, whether he's guilty or not, will go after him anyway, and and then they go. All we ve got this great and format. We have this creative format,
gonna bring bringing down. He knows where all the bodies are berry, and then you he's an international fugitive. He's ike at agent for the communist chinese he's and illegally fondling, a rainy and oil. I can't make this up I wish I were smart enough to make this up. I Lamar looked into his claims under the term presidency, enclosed them right, and he's finally oil to the mean it's chinese party, a rainy or oil illegally and what you just said, jackie, we cat underline enough. Any time these conspiracy theories come up, or these two tiered conspiracy to others to tears of justice We think there are accusing the bided administration of not doing the f b. I just as parliament. actually the trump justice. Parliament, in that b, I we're jabbered say
charge. Hillary Clinton in twenty seventeen- and you know sessions- If I sessions just weren't, MR president, no crime, their pretty eighteen. He went back charge. Hillary Clinton. What happens to just farmer look sad area! Mr president, there is no crime, we can't charge. Hillary Clinton said thing with hotter Biden is nonsense, but anyway that's that's that's the thing and in these investigations, trumps I just try this. If they get an issue, they need bill bar and job sessions and all ages there you wanted to say something about what I mean is that we keep saying there's no smoking gun there is not even a gun. You write smoking a non smoker You got a subpoena job. I ask him what based on what I mean your lawyer Joe you about bases for witness, What are you bring enemy of four too
does he know his son might cause he's not alleged to have been involved in any of that, jerry had the tag. He was an official part of the administration presenting a white house ought to know was in that position. So what are you even talking about here? That would justify discussing that support mean. There's nothing there. The the stretch run of the two thousand and twenty election Donald trump asked is just department to investigate his political opponent, which is exactly, of course, with the republicans reclaiming president Biden and his team. Or doing now and look the archer testimony presents a sad and even I'm see unseemly tail for hunter binding, there's no evidence there, there's no direct evidence. The president Biden himself was involved, but that's not stop that the escalation in Susan I make congressmen homer, who, on one hand, is acknowledged. She's doing this, because it's taken a toll on president binds pull numbers he's talking subpoenas now that he wants to go that step. He's giving new life to the idea of an impeachment
encourage, even after hospital Mccarthy a few weeks ago, tried to tap the brakes on that and it it seems. It couldn't be clear that this is an effort justin the waters to come up with some sort of false equivalency to all the legal trouble donald trump, then they're trying to paint a bad faith image the same as the case with the present binding and history yeah, I mean the timing that were having this conversation is not a coincidence, republicans from the very beginning of taking over the house intended to sort of launch this kind of an investigation. They are essentially acting as a part of the defence team. It seems to me for the donald trump legal troubles and seeking to distract and to have us talking about a whole different set of stories in not sends its very much like benghazi. Remember with Kevin Mccarthy, I think who's the guy apart out loud about their give benghazi investigation of Hillary Clinton. That was meant essential. Explicitly to tar the context of the twenty sixteen presidential, campaign. I think
what we're seeing here are it's very clear but yeah we might actually say I do not at all exclude the possibility that there will be peach inquiry launched by house from public and, on the basis of you, know, no direct evidence at all that they ve been able to turn up related. President Biden. I think it's about the death of Women meant as a meaningful constraint, with the prospects in the divided country of ever having you conviction in the senate. Basically, no whether your democratic republic, in we're talking, situation where impeachment has just become another politicized tool in the tool kit forward having it. It's a messaging impeachment they seem to be demanding right now and you know cabin mccarthy. He doesn't a very big or solid reply the majority. He is in many ways the mercy of factions have the most extreme of his number so ina were hearing this chatter, all throughout the august recess when
comes back in september. I would not at all be surprised that they move forward. With more allegations the more donald trump is indicted. The more his defence team and the house republicans becomes a part of his legal case, and you know Susan. There is a cost to that, though, for republicans think of it. The number of publicans that wine in Biden districts those people every time these publicans go on, go down a crazy trail, they're, the ones End up the price for a day it's interesting and you're you're new peace. Before we launch a girl. I want you to talk about your new peace, because talk about. the twenty twenty four election is going to be about. It's me by economics versus the trump freak show and fast debating peace, Andy and was districts and those Biden, districts of swing districts there,
curious, they're going to actually want to know what their government has done for them. They're going to want to know has by now work for them. They're not gonna, be interested in this prompt freak show so seems to me. There are cause for this sort of behaviour. Aren't there. well, I think you know you're absolutely right joe it for the last few election cycles. You seen Democrats again and again go with. You idea that we're gonna campaign around. and a sort of a vision, at least for the? U s as some kind of positive agenda. And that's why you have president vine travelling around the country now talking about some of those very positive economic indicators, low unemployment inflation seems to be easing recovery is in india steam, there's a investments from things like that restructure bill are now kicking in and there is actually groundbreaking and the light. But I think the point about the politics is a really important point: the republican already has become the trunk party they
we seem to have, especially if they go four trump is their nominee again. Theirs positive agenda for governing that their offerings. Looking ahead to twenty twenty four I just you. Think about that most telling data point from the twenty twond campaign, which is when Republicans men in their convention, even improve a platform for the first time that anyone can remember their platform was literally. We support, whatever donald trump wants in Trump is dead, his campaign thousand and twenty four is about. Ah, revenge is, about weapon eyes. The deep state and he's gonna take it back over and he's gonna see retribution. guess his enemies. Am? U dont? That's not really a programme of government. for the countries to those are very radically different visions and politics. and susan glasser thank you. As always, you can read susan's latest piece for the new yorker titled. Twenty four preview by now makes versus the trump I shall end on line right now.
Is our remember: we're living through an unprecedented moment in history for resin trunk facing criminal indictments and trials, anonymous embassies, podcast, ruskin, donald trump, veteran prosecutors, andrew ice, with a merry mccord break down the charges. What we could see at these trials, search for propaganda, Wherever you get your pod, reporting men's NBC news, highlighting the chinese communist parties effort to down. Members of the weaker ethnic minority group who have fled the country now nation that provide a safe haven for refugees are struggling. The chinese government at bay and b c news chief international corresponded cares. Simmons joins us, live from london. Without story cares, so help me understand something I I I I We are all aware that the weders I too, maybe two million of them- are put this glorified concentration camp because China is trying to homogenize the entire culture. There
curious. Why would they care about winning wagers at that escape and that emigrate to their country's. Why? Why are they so so had said on site, helping these people out of existence. That question goes right to the key point. Let me map it out like this. First and and but years you have the chinese accusing members of that we get community and other minority communities in changing of separatism the chinese government says terrorism. It then instigate this policy of putting as you mention more than a million, is reported into what the chinese cool re education camps, which others call in term camps that sense shock waves around the world people as a standard appalled by around the world Many many wiggers speak out about about their treatment and
What we ve been investigating the obligation is is that the chinese government he's kind of going around the world. If you like, trying to silence those weakest, try silence them by putting pressure on them would act into their families, even potential trying to drive them or in one case which we ve. We focused on putting out and interpol red. It is to have somebody arresting me then gets dropped. Now this Joe, as has been imprisoned in morocco for for two years for two years wanted by china, we had a chance exclusive I trust you speak to him by fun. Idris Hassan is in a prison in morocco, his wife and young daughter. Thousands of miles away in turkey. listening into our phone call, as he tell about his two year, nightmare mine. His arm was arrested by moroccan authorities wanted by china. Interpol, red notice, which interpol confirms, has
in spain dropped he's a member of the mostly muslim regan minority from china. The chinese go accused by the? U s of committing genocide against the weakest more than a million were put through what beijing cause re education camps separating families while in exile, Al Hassan campaigned against that treatment. China cool that terrorism and wants him extradited. He says he's innocent, and now his wife and three children live in fear. You must miss them very much, but I have a picture of my family. I cannot picture if I gave it to very often More than fifty thousand weak have sought refuge in turkey, but they haven't escaped their fear of china. A new report obtained sclusively by NBC news documents. sterling efforts by china to allegedly target exiled weakness
we have your father and sister you'll, never see them again. If you dont collaborate with, as the report says, one anonymous victim was told the report, by safeguard defenders, a nonprofit human rights group, highly critic, The chinese government describes kay he's like javelin limit living in turkey who says His family was forced to call him from china and urged him not to speak. Up on human rights, when you got that phone call, Do you believe that they were speaking? I note that the fund colonies belong to the chinese police department. The report's author you're cool alluvial tells us he's a victim himself, how many
of your friends and relatives have been imprisoned back and forth about three of my relatives from my father's side: thirty or national, far back and forth. Yes, some of them were detained in the camps for a few years and then when the east- and some of them are still serving, my father is serving sixteen years in prison for nothing. My uncle is serving life sentence for nothing my uncle in law, who was taken from a hospital bed, is serving fifteen years in prison for nothing. The chinese embassy in Washington tells NBC news. China is by law, it cannot be accused of torture, persecution or arbitrary detention against. We it's not about human rights, ethnicity or religion. It's about fighting violence, terrorism and separatism, but this year a human working group concluded the detentions week, as was based on discrimination and them muslim faith.
and two years since he was arrested, address us. And told us he is innocent. What do you fear will happen if you sent to china Torture. and you know Joe. We talk about these countries in the middle, if you that, when we talk about the competition between the- u s and china, these countries in the middle countries like morocco, one Questions for law makers in washington, I think for the binding ministration is what is being done is clear that a country that morocco is under pressure from china too and it is assigned to china. What is being done in washington, to put equal pressure on morocco to say
this man has been in prison for two years hasn't face trial and that you, the? U S, sees that his position different, they mean that's where the battle is in many ways with china for the american perspective, and I think not. One question that people should be asking that it's a difference between freedom and tyranny and be sees care simmons. Thank you so much. We greatly appreciate it and jack he's really. Quickly? You look at all the wiggers. You look at the crackdown on Hong kong. You look at the crackdown. on political freedom, religious freedom, Anderson over the past several years to crack down on the most successful entrepreneurs going after jack mine. Several others it seems like it's one self inflicted womb after another, The chinese are chinese is what you'd imagine the twenty twenty four republican can strongly talking about right now. Actually, the administration just level more sanctions against.
Some of the companies that are utilizing. Forced labour when he in china, which has actually come a little bit of a problem for our supply chain as bite in trying to push Everyone into clean energy, etc, other bucket of issues here, but I think seeing sustained pressure from them. administration on on beijing is is something we're going even more of going into the twenty twenty four election. When you're a fan of true crime podcasts, you know that feeling just before the twist is revealed and then there's a cut to commercial. But now there's dateline premium on apple podcasts, ad free and get early access to new episodes, plus bonus content only available to subscribers really well try dateline premium on apple podcast, snow
Transcript generated on 2024-01-16.