« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 8/11/21

2021-08-11 | 🔗

The Senate passes Dems' $3.5T budget resolution in latest win for Biden; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns and a Florida public school district responds to threat of potential loss of funding.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The Senate Pass President Biden, one point: two trillion dollar infrastructure bill with by partisan support: that's that's right. A trillion dollars to fix our roads, bridges and airports so ass. They finish the Guardia that leave us with forty bucks will good morning and I welcome the morning Joe. It's Wednesday August Eleventh make as some morning off, of course, another quick track to the south of France. Willie YAP pledged, gettin some time away. We got a lot to talk about this morning. Joey began at the latest developments with covert cases. Hospitalizations death still on the rise, especially in parts of the country with lower vaccination rates, as we ve been telling you for some time, NBC News corresponded. Morgan, Chaskey has the latest delta driving. Colbert cases too dangerous highs the variant now Titan
the three percent of: U S: infections, the biggest spikes coming in Texas, Missouri Florida and Arkansas Monday brought its largest single day increase in hospitalizations. Since the start of the pandemic, patients fly We need to organise our hospitals at double the national right, it's worse than any of the prior searches for whole host of reasons. Why? Don't they I see you beds left in the entire state. Doktor also pulses. His hospital is seeing an increase in younger patients, young. Healthy people should not be dying from a viral illness period. They should. I'm from covered ninety, but because this particular science, is so severe virulent and an replicates very, very quickly where Z, pretty rapid changes to the health of individuals that are infected with the virus. President Biden, speaking out about states banning mask mandates. Despite the search, I find that totally
honor, intuitive and, quite frankly, disingenuous powers to intervene in states like Texas Florida, where they are banning ass. I do believe that I do thus far were checking in Texas after mould school districts defied the governors Mass Ban, a San Antonio judge, issued an order allowing local school officials to issue the roan mandate and in Kentucky the governor mandate all schools mask up as yours. the cases now top thirty six million the push to vaccinate and confusion over Booster shots continues, despite the FDA, urging only four boosters, some states like Mississippi or advising doctors to consider it as Pfizer and Madrona conduct their own safety trials, Texas officials, conforming some people- are intent. Really getting more doses than they should. Experts say that decision is premature. I don't should be going should be going out in doing this on their own is a lot more confusion and
We want to look at the safety and efficacy data of third shots before we make guidance about who will benefit from it and who want pouring Chaskey reporting for us, there more our schools, thousands of children heading back to the classroom this week as the debate over vaccine a mask mandate escalates bringing NBC News corresponding Carry sanders from Riviera Beach Florida in Palm Beach county. Carry what are you doing there. well good morning. You know there's a real debate in this state right now about whether parents can have this. cools mandate actual ask wearing because the governor has made it clear this school boards, the superintend since they cannot do that and if they do do that, they will potentially lose their salaries and again that would be the superintendent and the school board, the real constitutional.
question here- is: does the governor have the authority to withhold their salaries and essentially tell them what to do, or is this local home rule in state of Florida? Sixty seven counties the governor has been hammering we're over again that if children are going to be mass, that decision will only be made by the parents. It will not be made by the government. This is what the governor here report in writing de saint. This had to say yet again on that issue. Its appearance vision if you believe in them skiing during the school you're free to do it. No one saying I can't do it if you're somebody that this concerned about that, that thinks that that may not be the right thing for your child, then I think you should have the right to make that all a decision. I don't think government should override that I was in Naples yesterday that call your county first day of school, their kids all excited showing up to school, and I talk to some parents and some kids about wearing masks. Interestingly one,
hair with their children not wearing mask said we are wearing masks, because we believe our faith will protect us. I spoke to another family, they had their I saw the kids had their masks on there down there I said: you're wearing masts, and they said our faith teaches us that we should, where mass to respect, earth, and so you can clearly see that even along religious lines people have a different take on whether the government should tell them to wear masks whether they should wear masks. Now there is a political side to all of this, of course, and we decided to take a look at the counties in Florida that have decided that they are going to defy the governor mandate mask wearing. So you can see these urban counties in Florida model of women are but the counties in Florida that have decided yes, we're going to mandate, masks and defy the government now We take a look at the most recent presidential election. Take a look at this,
that have decided to defy the governor are also the counties that supported Biden so that's clearly shows and reflects the political nature of all of this, but at the end of the day instance here at Washington, Elementary here and Riviere a beach when kids will become into school today, they will be told that they need to wear masks, and there are those in this state who say. Why is the government trying to tell us while others are saying absolutely the government, should to do that, because we're seeing a rising number of covert cases. In fact, some of the church, hospitals. Guys are reporting that their seeing more children with covert than they have it any other time during this pandemic Delta Jody MAGIC Hospital. ten kids in the icy you one of them on it, then a later That tells you a lot the one thing we don't have the number as in the state, and that is because the floor to govern has decided that first of all covered number
going to be released only once a week and missing from that formation is the age of the patient. The age ranges which, of course, be very useful for parents, as are getting really send their kids to school, worried about the spread of the delta variant. Guys carry just cover here and I'm sure you have, also seen and heard from medical providers around where you are right now that one of the amount since he rooms a lot of icy. You bad jammed, packed and also lot of pediatric words, also jam pact as well talk about just report force if you will this situation and how dire it has been up and down the coasts of Florida. I think the thing it struck me most- was a pediatric doctor in call your county who decided that she would participate in a
essay- and this was a video put together by the hospital that then the school decided to send out, and this is Collier County where they do not mandate masks it's up to the parents and children, decide what they're gonna do and when this Doktor was on camera, urging people they should seriously consider wary masks she broke down, was crying and had to walk off camera. She could not get through it because the number of children that she sees showing up. the icy you so the emotion from a doctor who, let's face it, doctors are frontline every day with patience and they do see some of the most horrible tragic cases of any illness in our country, they're losing it emotionally. You understand the power that is actually hitting the children with this dealt a variant and with covert and the the real question is when you go through this for parents is, I want my end.
your choice, some say, but if their child up in the hospital they may have a very different take on. Why didn't we just mask everybody, Well, I'm an way we hear that of so many people have a close friend. I heard it from a couple of days ago who in the see you and feared that death was not far away, One other thing carry a curious as you talk to these parents and talk to others school administrators. To think that I found is that it it's not white is right. of red blue line in some cases in North Florida places where I know I've seen you all your reporting on Hurricane sweeping cross estate. I've talked a friend who were trump supporters who were school administrators, HU couple nights ago. One of my friends cut off a debate and said were wearing masks. The delta variant is killing people, it's
the children were wearing masks, there'll, be no debate in this school, a conservative school, a private school, and if anybody hasn't problems. You tell him to call me and this is somebody who was a strong supporter of Donald Trump. I found this Kay it. Yes, there are those that- you can just lighted up and if they voted for Trump, they supported tromp there that on one side by the other, but I am seeing some former trump supporters actually look at the science the medicine and they are actually taking a break. We did. Did you find that at all and in your report I did- and I think what I was struck me was some were really about not wanting their children to be required to masks, and so they took them out of the public school system and put them in private schools. Now some of those private schools have mandated that they were,
wear masks. You know it's it's a little bit of handling your political philosophy, while also concerned about the health of your child, which one is going to win out here. I think in whose cases the child and the of your child is going to be the most dominant part making your decision on whether you want? child masked the political, out of this, and this is one that the Republican govern IRAN disincentives, and this is one of seven states that have said adamantly that decision can be made by the parent. It will not be made by the government and, of course think Does that mean we really have to consider that, should this be a governors decision this be a state decision or should local governments the school board, there were elected the school superintendence than are hired. Should they be this. I we just saw today in Brower County, which is Fort Lauderdale, angry parents,
both sides and Brower deciding you know what we are going to defy the governor. He can threaten take away our salaries. We are going to do this, for the children, we're going to mandate mask wearing and the reason we're going mandate mask wearing is there's no do over when this is all done. If a child gets the delta variant and one's up in the hospital and potentially dies, there's no way to undo a mistake like this guys then, and what so worked so hard to understand carriers, as you said, we're not talking Rhode Island here. We're talking about a massive state about thousand miles long from one end to the other, where their sixty seven counties and really five different cultures. It east well, embassies, carry sanders, is always it's great talking to you greater warning. Thank you so much for being with us Willie. I just just makes me scratch my head. When I hear reports of parent
same we're going, you ignore doctors going to ignore science Jesus. It's gonna take care of our children, so we we can act. Reckless magically Jesus can too Do they think that Jesus decided to kill over six hundred thousand people with with the covered viruses, it is Sates it's beyond anything, I've seen it sadly, its consistent with much of what I've seen over the past five years other than now in what making calls a death called. We have parents who were willingly sending their kids in India, schools less safe than the medicine suggest they could Bayer thither, that their doctors, their own family doctors, would suggest they could be if they took
simple precautions: people free not to take the vaccine- that's absolutely there right, but it has implications for other people, so you may not go into a public setting like a school. For example, we heard carry talking about some of the school districts. Defying the governor yesterday the show. We spoke with the superintendent of Electoral County public schools. Doktor Carly sign that she is pushing back against governor descent. the ban on mass mandates in schools, despite his threat, to withhold money from her district farm of threatening to cut our funding is a concern, but I think that You don't really when I reflect on the job. I need to do it, then this is just something that I'm going to have to push forward. I need to provide secure safe school environs. That's constitutionally mandated to my students and I believe that I need to just focus on my job and make sure that I'm providing that opportunity for the Students- and I believe I am with the mass mandate in our eater-
Doktor Simon told us about a letter she received from the state Commissioner of Education, Richard Corcoran, or he pressure her to follow the governors order and to respond by five o clock to Morrow evening and Doktor Carly. Simon is back with us this morning with her work. Bonds, Doktor, Simon Good morning. It's great to have you. I want to read for audience. part of your response. What you wrote to the commissioner quote the failure to use all of the mitigation strategies available, including me will inevitably mean that some of our students will have to receive their education out the school setting. We share the governors view that this is not the desired outcome. Death or serious ill of a child as a result of covert night. Exposure is a far more serious injury than any discomfort that may be experienced do to you virtual masking doctors I'm and goes on. We ask that you seriously consider the appropriateness of withholding funds in an amount equal to the superintendent salary and the combined salaries of the members of the school board
like you, we are obligated to provide a safe and secure public education to all students Inversely masking is the most effective strategy we currently have. Besides vaccination to meet this obligation so Simon. When we talk to you yesterday, you were trying to get ready for the first day of school and check on all your kids at your teachers and get another Differ school year under way, but then you had to deal with this. Tell us a lot but about what went into this letter in what way on you as you wrote it, So we ve been on. You know examining the letter as far as what the argument that commissioner budged caisson had and then we compared it to how we see it in our situation firstly associated with our our data and today or yesterday, was the first time, and so we did get a kind of sea action. What we were concerned about occurring, just as an example, our largest high school, the entire foot
Jim Minus students who have been vaccinated will be quarantined. My my stuff, Attorney has allowed me to share that. She was not feeling well and she actually went home ill and she actually sacks vaccinated, and so you know we ve been predicted. that this is going to have an enormous impact on how we perform are functioning school district, and so those are just two examples of how this dealt. A variant is really doing everything- and this is these- are anecdotal or just started. I did find out that we had apparent to tested positive who dropped off their children to school. To so you know then the component of parents making the decisions. This under the assumption that parents are making decisions that are considered the public health and I'm not, seeing that across the board. So you had a man
ask mandate in for the first couple weeks, a school kid show up at your schools in your district yesterday, how many of them would, you say, were wearing mass and what adapt to say to some who worked so as far as entering in the building. All of them needed to be mass were still trying to find out. You know if we had any concerns that you know happened throughout the day, because, obviously it's me day. You know things can occur. Sewers so looking into that and examining it we did have parents, you came at the front door. You want their children to enter and did not want to follow our mandate, and we we end having twenty four. I submit the medical opt out form We also had five people who acted or asked to participate in the Hope Scholarship Programme. We did have
a situation where one child was dropped off about a mask and the parents did not answer the phone child waited in the clinic and we are. We are not to allow it, situation, where somebody who disagrees with our policies is allowed to do whatever they would. Please, no doctor lemme, ask you one How many vaccines do children need to have to start public school in your county At the top of my head, I don't know if I were you just you know, remember as apparent signing my children up for school. I say there is quite a few of them and then, of course you have them throughout their childhood run on that. It's just always and then we also encourage flew shots every single year after districts, though, and that's right, I'm an autograph voter participation.
It's interesting, I think, like I remember five or six for kids and they'll get five or so vaccines, its end. thank you and I are of an age I'm about years, older than you I'm sure where we were also required to get vaccines, or else we could go to school. Did you I did bizarre that you think to explain the human beings that ever lived over the past forty fifty sixty years the purpose of vaccinations, the purpose of why why vaccinate our children or why we protect our children. Even if, let's say polio, for instance, MIKE Zol get polio shots? We did your kids everybody's kids, get polio shuts, hardly any chance of getting polio, but the desire of the government, to eradicate polio from the face of the earth. This is something
we have known for fifty sixty years, and yet these people coming to you they act as if this is first vaccine. That's ever been administered, I'm curious! How are you respond to that? How do you? How do you react to parents who at so shocked that either there is their kids? If there are major need event a nation or or need to wear masks to prevent this disease from spreading Do I share that same observation and the sun swear? I mean my both my parents have the scar on the arm where they did a shape, but was I'd smallpox soon, I'm not even sure legalised the big landmark, and you know it's funny, because I remember as a key talking to them.
It they? It was a mark of fire that they were members of their community. This is what they did to eradicate this disease within the community, and- and so I remember those types of stories and as apparent myself, I have vaccinated my shoulder. There's like that collective Poland, as well as protecting your child. Now. I do find it very hard to understand the resistance. I can understand it as some people are resist to change a new and I got that right. Steals wrongly guides. You know we all function. Well, in my mind, if we all are collective, when we work together to unity matters to me- and this seems to me to be just a few- they shall act of being a member of a community. There's everything is bigger than us and more than us.
I don't understand why we can't find common ground. Protecting life is actually something that we all should be doing so Simon, as I read through your letter. One part jumped out at me because it was so specifically said you ass to the commission, that. You seriously consider the appropriateness of withholding funds in an amount equal to the soup tending salary and the combined salaries are the members of the school board. Is that what the state is threatening you with? If you put this mass mandate in which you ve done now, officially we're gonna, take it your salary. Is that what they told you that so they ve shared on the news. I mean it's interesting because they dont control House funding is allocated to are employees like, for example, are organization, our gesture. We are the ones who distribute paychecks n bonuses and all of those components so actually saying that they are not going to pay me or the board members. That's really not quite an act
statement. They are taking that funding out of our general fund there removing that allocation for monies. It would come to the district in order for us to provide the education to our students. So I guess he can think through that way in his mind. But it's actually not that way and the reality of how the money is coming to the district and how to distribute it out to history as we might take your money away. You say I'm keeping the mass son. What gave us here. Might you have to work for free this year? I am going to run this the district and take care of my families and the community and and the students and my teachers and my staff members, and if that is what it's gonna, take. That's what it's gonna take, I'm not going to let some com not like this. You knows material thing, stop us from doing the right thing!
Well, it seems obvious to so many people, but it's actually a brave act to protect their children in the state Florida superintendent of actual county public schools, Doktor Carly, Simon Doktor, Simon thanks so much for with us again this morning will check back and with you this week President Biden meanwhile spoke yesterday about the republican governors who are banning mask mandates in schools, pointing out the hypocrisy of their stance in one things that I find flow, disingenuous suggests that people in so's, where there is high risk, where the ass, like you, are doing all the governments- should get out of the way and not do that their authority to find it interesting
And some of the very people saying that her whole government positions are people who are threatening then affair school teacher ass a student who they ve been vaccinated or FE principal says that everyone in my school should wear masks. School board rose for that governor well nullify there. tat was rain. Imbecilities MSNBC national affairs analysing the house to the exact can produce or show times a circus and a host of Helen. I waters podcast from We count John Ireland, John. We have spent the past six years under estimating the public's appetite for stupid politician stunt, stooped political stance. I do wonder, though, talking to Republicans and Trump supporters across my home state of Florida,
that I've grown up and people that supported Donald Trump, in their response there sort of defiance against what the scientists is doing. Do wonder whether dissenters is teetering on a bridge, a political bridge, constructed of cheap political stones and stupid press conferences. It may be one bridge too far for him, because even some of my trompe as friends, some who have gone to the hospital with it for some covered, but and others who have not seem too, stand the danger of the cove invariant and love their children more, then they love following political cranks. I just wonder: are we hoping against hope that perhaps this political stance we're back fire and Rwanda Santas will stop me
dating from Tallahassee what private business owners and local school boards can do and let them do what they know is best for their customers and for their children. Yeah. I think we are Joe for sure, hope against hope and- and you know by the present calling out the hypocrisy of of of what centres is doing is is is spot on, Inter just what's your You kind of tea set out all over there, the extraordinary hypocrisy of conservative supposed conservative, although we know that in the Republican Party now what conservative me This is not what it ever used to mean, but conservative governors of issuing mandates forcing private businesses and school districts to do what it was due to follow as ideological and political leanings rather than following their own calculated best interest, which of course is what conserved? We should really wants. it's all not right, but I think you, the question you're asking about dissenters. Now,
so we all had a descent abroad designed a spur for the last. You know as the last year. The last two years has been. You know. Is this guy potentially that the cops smart, a smarter, more competent and there or more dangerous in some ways, version trot, but that's it kind of been his he's come out of the tempest governor in the country in what is now the kind of home, and I afraid to say to you about your ancestral home, one of you, Castro. Homes, Florida, though the heart of Trump country, is that what this anti is right see the kind of more rational, more competent, not Wait so crazy person, Donald Trump, that he, I think, that's what he's he's trying to do Twenty is trying to be, and I question you're raising is whether is it possible that that that you, if you take a little, but if you take the trump out you ve, but being less crazy version of more competent version. Donald Trump makes you not
that trompe at all, and then that makes you an ordinary politician again, and I think that is like that. What what what dissenters this flirting with that you can be? He can be Trump. And get away with it because there seems to have been over the last four years. An unending tolerance of that and republican Party, where the political tricks irrational. Eighty science policies the cold wars- all that's not the Republicans continue to give Donald Trump a wide berth on that can around descent get away with that indefinitely. In the face of covert it is not actually Donald Trump. I think you know it if you're right there were about to reach a tipping point in Florida because of that the potency, the threat to the damage of covered will Let us start at what I can learn something about the positive, we can learn something about how true horrible Donald Trump. The networks are to non trump politicians, thought run. It says, maybe on consular not to day in it,
it seemed to say, but I, on the other side of that lets, you stop and look for a second what right to satisfy the tension that Rhonda Satis has gotten by doing intentionally stupid things by doing intensely dangerous things by doing things that will on the labs that will get on the media so yet I want everybody that the vat trump supporters hate are criticising him when you have Hollywood actors criticising this it is when you have even Kane, criticising sad is when you have people in the media. Criticising the saddest I mean that's a gold mine, and of course, is being rewarded in a sense for doing something that endangers endangers children and yet
Donald Trump learned that only made people more loyal to him, and I guess the question is would ride dissenters, we're at where rather be where he is right. Now we're where Nicky Hayley is are aware the other. Thirty people who want to replace Donald Trump is we're. Donald Trump is, I mean to satisfy, gets a lot more press now, then Donald Trump, so maybe considers placing children's lives endanger. Maybe maybe he considers that big political aware that he doesn't allow local school boards to take measures that would protect children in their own communities? Maybe that's a big when, for him why they get look it up in a clearly has been so far, and you asked the question. Obviously he didn't run the same as that would rather be in the position he's in then the position of any other republican politician in the country, except for maybe down from self he's. You know you're you're, right
these. It's been a gold mine for him in finds a republican politics and he's put himself in a position where you know if it tromp, doesn't run for president in twenty twenty four. I don't know anybody in in in who covers national politics, who doesn't think the right as it is, is a front runner, if not be front runner for republican nomination, so he likes it position and in its clear that that is what the reason is pursuing. The policies that you are talking about is because he's been in this positive feedback. Loop in the in the hermetically sealed universe of of Republican Trump era politics. But I've go back to your first question, which is like. When does the clock run out on that, like windows, the death toll will get to be too high. When does do you're the first, you are citing that the trompe florida- voters who you hear from you Florida are off. Our guests. The point where there are getting fed up with it, where they're getting to the point where there ready to say enough. With these cheap theatrical, we ve, not
Never saw that moment with Donald Trump. It never came the moment where Republican. Finally said enough? They never said it lot of the kind We did brochure and a lot of swing. Voters did Georgia by its present, but a republican voters never did or they about to reach that point in Florida. How hides the debt we'll have to be how much inconsistency in hypocrisy does does rather Santa's put display. Haven't you conservatives Republicans walk away from him before that calculus just I don't know if we're there yet, but he's testing the proposition certainly as any wonder if they support the people, support governor dissent as yanking away, the salary of someone like Doktor Carly Simon, because she wants to protect kids in her school, will see a lot more to get this morning, the Senate pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill hand this morning also pass a three point: five trillion dollar budget blue plus a new war. Now from you about the possible collapse of Afghanistan's capital, now the latest than that
Le Bands ongoing, take over and and at the moment from the set of floor last night, democratic, senator, quarry poker of New Jersey, its downright giddy, in putting a republican amendment to a bill, will explain what happened and talk about the resignation of New York Governor Andrew Coma morning. Comes right back our world is facing some big challenges. Chuck Dodd breaks them down a deep dive into a new topic. Instead of covering all the big story We want a cup of one single subject, impacting american politics, exploring explaining the critical issues that affect our future made. The press reports pursued season. Two are now available on demand on
hey Guys, Willie, guys to reminding you to check out the Sunday sit down podcast on this week's episode, I had down to Nashville to sit down with one of the biggest stars and all of music Luke Brian, to talk about his latest music and his new series. My dirt road diary, which gives an inside look at the triumphs and the tragedy on his road to success and get our conversation. Now, for free wherever you download. Your pot casts back the morning gel six thirty four in the morning here in New York City and the governor of that state, Andrew Cuomo announced he will resign in two weeks following report alleging sex, harassment and workplace misconduct and they see news corresponding Cathy Park reports for us from Albany. I think that, given the circumstances,
the best way I can help now is, if I step aside and led government get back to governing four, that's what I'll do? Three term near Governor Andrew Cuomo, dramatic fall from grace the Son of Fame, Governor Mary, oh Cuomo, Andrew Cornwall, became a regular national presence on tv during the Yorks P covert outbreak, but he since embroiled in scandals over nursing home deaths, the publishing of his book and allegations of sexual harassment or nations. He continues to refute, In my mind, I've never occur. asked the line with anyone bought. I didn't realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn clause resignation comes exactly one week after the release of escaping report from the states attorney general alleging the governors
actually harassed. Eleven women, democratic leader welcoming Cuomo decision to step down. I respect your gun, decision, but President Biden, you and call Cuomo to resign. Also saying this when asked about Cuomo performance as governor aside from his personal behaviour frozen, a job quarrel accusers also reacting to the news I feel like a weight is off I shall there is, and hopefully I can move forward and be happy again resignation enough for you. It's not here, didn't take responsibility, he didn't really apologize watching is press conference today in his resignation he almost how the attitude as though he is the victim when he is not the victim he is the victim is, Cuomo sent his resignation was meant to avoid along an expensive impeachment, but that process
still go forward and if convicted Cuomo could be barred from ever seeking sate office again counterpart reported from a couple of Albany New York, there less bringing NBC News correspondent for investigations, Tom Winter and political strategies, with lots of experience in New York Politics, Susan Del perceived good morning to you, both Tom. Let me begin with you and how Governor Cuomo got to that moment. Yesterday. There were so many people right up until yesterday morning, who said covered this guy long time work with this guy for a long time. I know this guy there's no way he walks away, and then he did. How do we get here? Will physically he got there. taxpayer funded helicopter to New York City to conduct a press conference for which he took no questions from the press and the press weren't even invited in so conceivably. He could have done that from already, but perhaps when less helicopter ride for the governor to get to the heart of the think. Your question yes received the information the morning that he was on the helicopter he was coming in. There was gonna be
and thirty eight am announcement, it appeared to me right away that you don't want. Maybe things had actually turn, maybe the resignation of his top deputy in his? U dont kind of his right hand, woman, but, Mr De Rossa, I was the thing they kind of broke the camel's back in that that's what Let us there and then all the sun, Rita Graven comes out his personal in turn, speaking in front of the governor seal on a government funded live stream, coming out with this forceful defence in kind of. feuding, some of the things that she had been saying all long. So at that point things that kind of turned and worth the thought process was Maybe this is gonna, be an announcement. Races abstained on it. I'm fighting, but in the he gets that this decision. I think you have to look at which friends, have around in the answer to that was really not at the end. Nobody was sticking up for him. Nobody was speaking on his behalf, both in state politics, national policy,
nobody was sticking out for him and it was difficult to see one thing he said his press conference, I think, is universally accepted and believed to be true, is difficult to see how the governor could move forward governing in the coming weeks and months with impeachment, with this tremendous cloud over his head and a complete lack of support and the state assembly made clear if you dont resign, we're gonna move forward within peace, so he was in a corner a bit that way he said yesterday Those remarks that this investigation was quote politically motivated, I think it's important remind the viewers that he initially backed and independent investigation that was conducted by the state attorney General Latish, J who is a friend and ally of his well, I'm in the he called for it. His senior council sent the letter that authorize investigation in the money to be spent on it in the first place. That was back in early March the to intervene vessels were hired one and absolute expert in sexual harassed in sexual harassment cases the other, the former acting
United States attorney for the southern district of New York to people with incredible backgrounds and income Well biographies Erasmus. So when you look at him through the to type of independent people. You think that you would like and then, of course, the investigation starts to curve in a way that the governor probably hoped it, go in all this, and this is a biased investigation for weak. We heard from his personal attorney: hey, do not giving the transcripts they're giving access to the underlying materials. Yesterday, she's up thinking about all the mid, all the things that they didn't cover in the course the investigation, which is it you either don't anything or eat your you know things about what was an uncovered and just didn't make an awful lot of sense. So, yes, this was completely driven by the governor. He had hoped that they would come out the idea of a public report, the idea that he wouldn't get weekly briefings all contained in that letter, authorized,
senior council Susan now pursue how you ve known me, your politics solemnly your politics. For a long time, great, the governors performance illustrate the press conference at minus at least disgraceful. His He, as we heard one of the victim say earlier, he played the victim. He refused take any responsibility. It shouldn't be surprising. That's the way here, decided to go out. He wanted to fight, but, as time said, he has no. Friends. He had no one to back him to help support these decisions, so he was left with virtually no other option. What he did was average lawyer make a case for the record that could go uninterrupted and then
came out and, and did what he had to do, but by no means was escalation was that this no means in New York's best interests. This was solely in Andrew Promos. Best interest as good simple question immediately I ask what matters to them and why, let's be clear, it is about fraud. Work who said I hear MSNBC with special coming question a forward, and specifically, are you going to me three or process care about to fund. If no now, when and if not us,. repress them and if what you did govern doesn't match. Your expectations can in fact Jack this forest. Keep asking yourself hard questions, confident not be tough on the answers. It's just not true fever facts over conspiracy. What should american citizens know relying on experts not influence? They are now going to debate it again and vote again entrust standards over here at MSNBC
This is what we do in this area. A wash the Washington Post mad by road to peace. Earlier this week, called the last act and Qualmless Father son tragedy. It was it was a pretty extra. Mary piece in the mat rights in part this with New York's, of honour, the story always comes back to the father and son the legacy he can. Ever out wrong the interplay with this laden, legendary Father Mario, has always been front and set are inseparable the drive and the recklessness it is. Defining relationship of his life they enable each other. Maybe that's the best way to understand it, Andrew was Andrew. The political, tough guy venomous teens, who would apply apple, would happily weight into the nasty business of New York politics more. Oh god, to go on being Mario, the high minded priest, a public morality.
and because Maria was Maria was sanctified. Hero and liberal America. Andrew got to go on being Andrew, which basically and entailed wielding power He had not armed, say He was doing whatever he pleased by now. Andrew Cuomo must two things for sure. The first is that his father, whose admiration. He sought for a lifetime would be bitterly disappointed in him, although perhaps not for the reason, you would think maybe Maria would have been second by the allegations detailed by the stated Ernie general of boorish groping and innuendo What certainly would have appalled and was the governors brash bungled response to the crisis, how careless he threw away a fifty year family legacy by believe, himself invincible, the cycle. then Cuomo mercy as that he will never outpacing father shadow now hill
when that mystical. Fourth term. That barely alluded is dad. He won't even finish the third media called Mario Hamlet on the Hudson mommy. He hated until the day he died and this last act. It will be an drew who ultimately fills the role better, anguished in hearted, unable to finish what his father left, undone exit stage laughed and general men always been struck by the devil, sin political personalities, at least between father and son, Mario Colombo. When I interviewed him When I saw him come speak at the University of Alabama that more conservative, one of the more conservative times in recent european history. Nineteen eighty four here always working the crowd. Was always working you he was always arming, you would sort of that Brad.
She knew your charm. He was always trying to persuade you. He was always trying to win that argument to explore Why his vision For America Liberal America. Now, The government was the best way. For that not only for liberals, but for independence and conservatives Actually it was a really compelling political personality, regardless of where you said, I d ideologically. His son was just truck those structures ran over any body, they get in his way talk about the contrast between father and son and how Andrews choice of how who is going debate is a politician left him broken and alone. Yesterday yeah, I'm Joe you you ve met by and in you both pointing out. You know, I'm just a start.
Think about the dominance of the of the two of them. Someone yesterday pointed out that, except for one election cycle, might have been eighteen. Ninety, eight, every election cycle from nineteen seventy four to two thousand and eighteen, one of the one or another of the cameras, Andrew or Or Maria was on a ballot in New York state. Some amazing thing I mean that that that just the pervasiveness in the dominance of the Cuomo family dynasty those names in New York politics, so and yet, as you say so different, you know I believe you just described Mauro Cuomo eyes the way I remember it, but also you know, map. I allude to it it's a poet right. You know, Mario Cuomo, the famously said here that you campaigner poetry governing prose. He was you know,
an extraordinary order right, abide by any standards matter. What a reality were. If you heard my call me every admired his rhetorical gifts because he was poetic, he was still a Sophocles. He heap. He gave enough in the thorny nuanced: didn't dimensions of policy debates and of the car moral philosophy around government right. No one will ever remember a speech that age or Cuomo gave there's not a specie. He gave them we could have a quota wine from there's. No one has ever moved by a speech. Danger Cuomo deliver not not not a thing that he he particularly cared about now, on the plus side. You know people will, despite all, as people. While I think some people will look back on that moment in in that in the early part, twenty twenty when other side of a drew, you know we're giving those daily briefings on Kobe, trying to prevent people the facts trying to do to show the country what a leader would
now we all know he did not got you didn't you made a lot of mistakes in cobra that we didn't know about at the time, but in that moment the contrast between him Donald Trump Andrew Como, talk about science, talk about facts, stir sticking with the data pride at present grim truth to New York about what was going on not covet, even though it was it was it was. It was so grim, and even that was a terrifying, but thing we have to look at the swelling in the face, unlike what Donald trump it those were the strength that that that they edric Homo had right, and so it's not that it's not that that Mario was so great in that and then Andrew was all terrible. It's just that they are. They were mere images of each other in terms of Their strengths and weaknesses were both of them deeply flawed. But I think no one will say in the end that Andrew Cuomo walls were not not much much deeper, much deeper than his father's and and and have now brought that that dynasty maybe not to an end. What could talk about that later? I think Redruth Cromer may still he's got another runnin him somewhere down the line, but that's another. That's another topic.
Are the reason many people have said that govern Cuomo couldn't imagine. This outcome is because of that almost sense of entitlement that he is a Cuomo, that this is his seat, that he'll be there as long as he wants to be there. He could run again for a fourth term and then hubris. up to him in the end. What do you think of the Cuomo name at this point? It's complicated. I actually think as someone who is there, when Andrew one real action and twenty fourteen, knowing how important for his father to be there. He was very sick at the time and so his reaction when his father died its clear but the only reason he probably did resign was because he knew her could not scarred the name with the with the Cuomo name with impeachment, and I think that is the only reason he raised and it was in his nature to go forward and and to fight this he would not allow himself to be impeached for, because of his father, John there's still a lot out there.
each man remains a possibility that these investigations into the nursing homes scandal were there not his administration fudge those numbers to make it look better than it was The tragedy of that scandal. There's the book deal there's a lot in the stew here. So what's next for governor Coma law. On top of that, you also have the mental investigations- and I think those are probably the most eminent legal threat to the governor, specifically the one being conducted by the Albany count- sheriff's office in the opening county district attorney's office there looking into allegations of groping. That has the possibility of a chargeable offence, will see what the investigation goes. All this is very tricky with respect to to apply and criminal statute to it, but you ve got the friend of this show maybe Roca Westchester counting District attorney she's looking into the trooper one allegations, you get the Manhattan disparate turning office inside Vance. Looking at this, there's two other disagree: attorney's office. There is definitely more to come for the governor from a lead,
exposure you know, images of the before about the redraw he took up the lines have been react wrought with respect us she'll harassment in the workplace. Original quote: the ongoing culture of sexual harassment in the workplace is unacceptable and is held in place back for far too long. He said that set. Draftsman of an employee need not be severe or pervasive. That was October eleventh twenty eighteen as part of the governance. Twenty nineteen women's justice agenda solely perhaps when he taught about the lines being redrawn on him. He should look at hands and see who's. Holding the pen of that was just less than two years ago, these on the job for but thirteen more days now embassies Tom Winter Susan to pursue a great to see about this morning, the Senate passed a three point: five trillion dollar budget blueprint, the first step Designed to allow Democrats to push through a sweeping expansion of the nations, social safety net without Republic and support the party line vote of fifty two. Forty nine came just before four o clock in the morning
early. In the day, the Senate passed by a wide margin, the bipartisan infrastructure bill, whispering in White House editor for Political, SAM Stein and White House correspondence, PBS News, our and that's NBC, contributor emission else good morning to you both him. I shall start with you in the building you're standing in front of right now. Obviously, president by was happy with me bipartisan package that went through feels like he had a hand in getting that done, and he got six Nine votes got some Republicans to on board as well. That's right, pray inviting took multiple victory lapse yesterday, he you can hear and its voice the joy that any really he was also pointing out. What he sees is really a bill that it's gonna be funded
finally change American like these, that they set up for the generation of investment in infrastructure. He talked about the idea that this is going to transform american life. He also harking back to his own legacy and the reason why you won and the reason why you ran in the first place talking about this idea that he wanted to run on by parts and ship that there are lots of nature. That said, Republicans and Democrats couldn't worked together, so you could hear in the president's voice tat. He really really was excited about this new infrastructure bill. Of course, the issue is that the deal is that up yet it can then go to the house, along with the three point five trillion dollar bill, that the Senate passed at four, a m. The big question now is: can Democrats hold it together? Can moderates and progressive make sure to be on the same page and can to track system that President Biden says he's confident will soon come to his death can actually go through in the weeks and months ahead in they will. My the White House will not get the support from Republicans in my house. They got in the Senate
number of republican senators who were willing to defy Donald Trump? I dont think it can be that way in the house. So Democrats cannot figure out a way: Ford on speaking on the floor there last night, the Senate, democratic, senator cool, book, or gave a rousing endorsement of a republican proposal by similar Tommy reveal of Alabama talk about Bi partisanship tub, reveals amendment. Did the Democrats. Twenty twenty two budget resolution was, to cut federal funding the local governments that support to funding law enforcement. We ve heard a lot. Over the past couple years about how all Democrats support to funding the police said. Spin really what the Republicans of lead within a lot of campaigns and likely what they'll lead with next year, well here similar Booker's response to that proposal, Our president,
New Jersey, I'm so excited. This is perhaps the highly of this war and painful and tortuous night. This is a gift. If it wasn't complete application of Senate procedures and and esteem, I would walk over there and hug, my colleague from alabama- and I will tell you right Now- thank God because there's some people who have said that their members of this deliberate of body that wanted to fund the police to my horror and now this centre has given us a gift that, finally once and for all, we can put to bed the scarlet accusations. Somebody in this great esteem body would wanted to fund the police, so let all of us a hundred people, not walk, but sachet down there and vote for this amendment and put to rest the law,
I said, I am sure I will see no political adds attacking everybody here over to fund the police, and I would ask unanimous consent to add something else to this obvious bill. Can we add also that every senator here wants to fund the police, believes a God country an app? I thank you and say they do that the amendment passed ninety nine to nothing with every Democrat voting in support of the amendment to be against the funding the police are sometime, that's our overwrite. That argument is not going to be used to be more despite the fact that every democratic leader that's been on this show over the past year has called the deep fund, the police slogan idiotic, starting with Jim COM, burning speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and three other leader I've had on the reverend now, even outside of politics
does unanimously of said. It's a bad idea and it hurts the truly disadvantaged. Most of also here that we have a vote every damn. That is on record, being against defending the play, so the political world change right. Yes, its content in our it will never be in a campaign out again This issue put it to the site you want. two sachet mean. Obviously they grew out of them. Look on it, I'm sort of computer that resemble a few sorry, I don't know. I don't like to refer to your point: Dearborn Joe. This is a thorn in the side of their prices as you know, correctly, all the leadership, as said they do not support it. In fact, our president in our when you ran in twenty twenty ran on the platform of increasing funding police not decreasing at board de Funding and they passed legislation. Other covered relief bell, for instance,
including legislation that was used to bolster police departments. The already that the word, as was pointed out yesterday, was that run the scientists who appears to be there but more, is giving cops. Thousand dollar bonus. Crossly but he's using funds from the covered with before the bonus, so that its federal funding passed by the president, mostly Democrats, that the centres does not support that are using to fund the police. But now this not gonna, be the notification, the issue we will see plenty of it heading into the matter. Elections, I'm sure it's gonna be featured. Promise in many republican campaign ads, and that's because there are a few people. Freedom threats in the house do support movie police away from more traditional ways, rolling more towards a less tradition Please role in social services well, but that's just a few members of the Party writ large by the way Jonathan DA mayor, sending in the
so sash ay and sentenced to me this morning, the Boston Red Sox. A shade and other tragic loss, Now you might do set in the Senate, me. I'm curious about the three point: five trillion dollar budget budget bill that past I am among Democrats. All Democrats voted for it is is that the prelude to the reconciliation bill that is the prelude to them conciliation bell, and this is the bill. I'm that present inviting laid out and said, is really the the human infrastructure bail. That is the bill dealing with clay. Change its dealing with communities that have been hurt by one by one highways cut through a lot of african american and communities of color. It also deals with giving money for four children giving money for healthcare workers
so in that bill? It's really the bill that President violence, that is investing money in american life and in ways that there are the ways that we should be looking at infrastructure of wider idea pass just roads and bridges. Fleets is that this is in some ways the twenty first century infrastructure build. This, of course, is the bill that Republicans unanimously voted against its the bill that damn that republic and say it is proved the debt That's our quota quoted one has one centres and last night in the middle of the night, spending money like sailors. That being said, Democrats say this is really the priorities of the president and the Democratic Party, and it really is about helping people in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of an economic crisis, try to help their lives out. So I think it's gonna be one that the president is gonna. Wanna talk a lot about its also than to be when they think it's gonna be featured in the mid term since, as we're publicans have really continue to focus on culture worth continue to focus on trying to the pain, democratic, social and democratic and be able to point to say we're here
we got died, while Republicans were sort of painting us as these characters? We got you trillions of dollars and money to help people around your communities, or are you mean Salvador, PBS and politicos long suffering, red Sox fan, sand Stein belongs. bring. I mean like a week, and I thank you both for your report we appreciated so much in the way The nine eleven attacks, hundreds of people recorded their stories twenty years later, be same voices return. Memory, box, echoes nine eleven these timber heathen ten p m Eastern on MSNBC streaming exclusively on peacock
Transcript generated on 2021-08-12.