« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/7/23

2023-07-07 | 🔗

Walt Nauta pleads not guilty in classified docs case

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well well well shopping for a car Carvana me financing a car is smooth, as can be oh yeah. I got pre qualified instantly and had real terms personalized just for me. It doesn't get much smoother than that. Well, I got to browse thousands of car options on Carvana. All within my budget doesn't get much smoother than that it does. I actually wanted a car that seemed out of my range, but I was able to add a cosigner and found my dream car. It doesn't get much so it gets smoother it's getting delivered tomorrow, visit carvana dot com or download the app to get pre qualified. Today, I think Jake he could not still come up to the states deal with the fact he's, the only person outside the state of delaware to ever lose to Joe Biden, and he wants to pretend he's still president. He wanted to continue to pretend he was president and of these things to people and say look what I still have look what I still mouse presidential candidate
is christie with his thoughts on why Donald trump kept may have kept those classified documents at his florida golf resolved. It comes as the former president's co defendant in the case makes his first appearance in court. Meanwhile, in the race for the two thousand and twenty four republican nomination, Donald trump is bringing a good deal. Ash with their questions about where all that money is going will look into. It also had more on the story been following all week, be cocaine, found at the white house, were learning more about where exactly was discovered and who had access to that area plus treasure secretary, JANET Yellin, kicks off high level meetings in china with criticism How beijing treats american companies good morning welcome to morning Joe, it is Friday July. Seventh, I'm willie geist, Joe and Mika off this morning with us. The host of way too early white house bureau, chief at politico, jonathan amir for wine, director of communications to president obama. Gentile mary ann pulitzer prize
when it comes to associate editor of the washington post eugene. robinson good morning to you all we'll die right in with former president trumps personal aid and co defend a wall. Not he's been arranged on six federal charges. In the classified documents case, he pleaded not guilty to all counts in federal court in Florida yesterday. This is the third attempt to arraign nata, who was finally able to higher for debased attorney, which then the proceedings take place. The hearing lasted only about five minutes with not, as attorney entering the not guilty plea on his clients. Behalf nada is accused of acting as cole, conspirator and helping him to hide tat secret, national security files from investigators after trump left the white house. The charges against him include conspiracy to instruct justice with holding a document. A record and making false statements not It is up to twenty years in prison if convicted, the most serious charge against him. Let's bring former! U s! Turning MSNBC contributor, Barbara MC quaid,
it's good to see this morning so well. At least they finally got walt not to arraigned on the third attempt. He found an attorney who could represent him inside the state of florida? What is his place in all of this? An alleged co conspirator with donald trump, how significant Your is he in the documents case. What only I think certainly fair to say that he is a lesser player than donald trump who abuse his position as president allegedly to take. boxes and wilfully retain them, but why not? I very instrumental figure. Here we learned earlier this week. In that less reacted very of the affidavit, some more detail about his role, one of the things that I was writing to me is We know from the indictment that he was interviewed in may and said. I don't know anything about any boxes. Sorry wish. I could help you and it turned when the government got the video of the recordings of them. One of those boxes. It was the day before he was interviewed.
That he was seen moving those boxes in and the storage room and sell his law are very clear there at. In addition, he was boxes according to the video out of storage room moves. Some bad Can it storage room, but not all of them? And then he is seen escorting trumps lawyer into the room to do that. of documents, clearly, knowing that it didn't contain all the documents, and so I think, she's his role here is significant and, as is exposure is also potentially many years in prison. Barbie while not is incredibly loyal to donald trump. As a matter of fact, we still see him out staffing, Donald trump as a personal lay the drug is, the judge. Excuse me has instructed the two not to discuss the case will leave a tour of europe to decide if they think donald trump can exercise that level of restraint. Do you believe there is any possibility of war not finding a deal here or is he gonna fight on the instructions of down trump. Yet
now by I've had a defence that you are absolutely certain had said. I will never we'll take a deal come to you with their hat in hand, asking for a deal as the trial date approaches, so it's always a possibility, but I think is best option for deal has come and gone if you to cooperate. He had the opportunity to provide value before that in a mass all of this other evidence from other sources a year. Ago six months ago. I think his ability to cooperate now has been. italy diminished, I'm sure if he came forward and said I'd like a plea deal, the government would listen because he might have information that he can shed light on so it's always a possibility, but I think as every goes by his value diminishes tomorrow Of course. The third attempt to actually arraign, mr, not because he hadn't retained legal counsel that could work there in florida until yesterday and there it's that had led some to suspect. Well, that's a delay tactic. That's just the first of many, perhaps that the trump side is
to utilise. So I want to do. take on that going forward here. We know this is a complicated case. We know the classed by materials are involved that inherently go slow things down. How do you see this playing out? Do you think this case will start in that december? a date that it currently has. I dont know about december trial day. That might be a little bit ambitious. I think, will learn a little more next week when the parties go in to visit with the court for a super conference. That's that ass information procedures, egg they're going to have to work rule how they're going to deal with this. Free and motions and trial handling these classified documents- and I think, based on that we're gonna, get a better sense of what a more realistic trial de looks like. I think it's so let me of all that we can have a trial early twenty before, but I am and I'll trumps strategy will be to delay. It passed the election process,
It is our getting threats around this case as well barbed the Washington post report, some of the prosecutors involved in this classified documents case against former present trump, are facing harassment, threats on line and elsewhere, securing to extreme ism experts in a government official familiar with the matter talking to the post. The fbi says it is working with partner agencies to assess and respond to the threats, as the classified documents case news for dna officials, vasile responded by to keep the names of prosecutors and agents working on the trump cases from becoming public in official documents, congressional hearings and even in less formal conversations about the case to officials tell the post federal agencies have not observed a general increase in threats against lawn force. An overall in the week. Hence trump was indicted. Tat is major contrasts from a surge of reported, violent rhetoric against f b. I agents in the days following the search of mar a lago last august, so Barbara as a
a prosecutor yourself? How common is this stuff, how seriously d take it, and obviously this all comes from the top donald trump call into question. Everything about this case say it's. A witch hunt painting himself as a martyr had a jew is up ask your hand lesson. How does deal J handle it now? not normal from time to time prosecutors do get. Death. Threats may be based on someone that their prosecuting, but I think we ve reached a high different era when we're short of time. forcing these sort of threats at any time from prison, thanks from says these things about which, once in hoaxes calling for that funding of d o J. There is the rub that someone out there is going to hear that and take matters into their own hands and go after these line. Career prosecutors I've had threats, others have had threats the way, it's really handled is the? U s. Marshall service can provide protection sometime including twenty four seven protection, but
very resources. Intensive. The process have better things to do than to be checking in with their six in detail, and they have lived, they have children, they have air to do in their personal lives, and so this is a whole new day that, if prosecutors have to think twice about whether can just do their job safely and, of course, we saw these threats to secretaries of state attorneys general in the states where the election was in dispute and donald trump was pushing his law about them. Israel has lies former? U s, tourney Barbara quaid, barber thanks! So much always great dabbler insights, despite those recent indictments or better, perhaps because of them former president tranches. double thou? His campaign fund raising according to campaign officials trump brought him more than thirty five million dollars in the second quarter. That's parry the first three months of this year when he read
Is nearly nineteen million dollars not clear exactly how much of this money? Actually going to campaign and how much is going to his pack save america, which would help to fund from legal bills, according to recent fundraising solicitations, at least percent of donations have been going to pack, so you robinson this is in line with what we ve seen in the polls that tromp has surged because of the indictment against and because of this picture, who is painted of himself as a martyr and that he needs your money. He says to his supporters. To fight them to pay is legal bills, despite the fact that claims to be a billionaire he's People are centre, linsey gram, weeping on television, asking trump supporters to send money to pay the legal bills of a billion air. This is how he does business, but the larger point is he surgeon the poles and raising more money because of the indictment against him
Yeah I mean when, when you look at the money and where it's going you'd, you do have to remember always watch for the grifter when it comes to trump, and so I would. I would just assume right up front that a lot of money that people are giving that thinking It's going to campaign will really go to the legal defence or or somehow go to trump, but that, aside short, his bay says rally behind it, and these needs indictments in terms of fund raising have been a boon to the former president either. This is this is the counter intuitive craig way, bad as the trumpet mega work, and so this is gonna be really
then for somebody like, where are the scientists to try to overcome you you're going to need a lot of money if you're going to knock off donald trump in the primary, it's dishonest does have a decent amount of money. He's got a lot leftover from his gubernatorial campaign, the last time, but he's not raising it. Quite the clip that the trump years- and it's just another indicator of how trump really is ahead for the republican presidential nomination to hear. Are those numbers following donald trump disclosure of fund raising the descent this campaign announced the forty cover raise twenty million dollars in the first six weeks of his presidential campaign? Is super pack never back down. It's called also raised one hundred thirty million dollars, but more
eighty million dollars of that is left over money from his book and a toilet re election campaign. Meanwhile, in an interview on fox news, dissenters was asked about his pole numbers which have fallen in some surveys since his campaign. Lauch me said: if you look at the people, like the court media who were they going after who did they not want to be the nominee go? And after me, who is the president of mexico attacking because- This will be strong on the border to hold him accountable. The cartels he's going after me, so I think, if you look at all these people that are responsible for a lot of the ills and arson I ve targeting me as the person they don't want to see is the candidate. We ve got a huge amount of support to be able to take the case to the people. We really have started that yet weren't, process of building a great organization- and I think we're gonna- be on the ground and all these early states. It is three Is it a cloud of dust type situation?
Gentile marry, as you reminded us yesterday, is still very early going in this campaign. Governor to santas is right about that, but he has had some time here to introduce himself and at least within the republican primary many voters have said yeah and in fact, Donald, support has increased over the last few weeks, he's doing a great job being the runner up, I mean and in it- and it says if his campaign is design not to be tromp but to be the air to tramp. That's I guess it's his assumption being that at some point, the indictments become too much that people that republican voters get concern that trump can't get elected mps. There when Herod the trump base, but if not how you win. Eight, that's how you, whenever as primary and he's not he's he's, is weirdly run. To the right of triumphant. When we saw the bizarre
the bizarre homophobic video that he did a week ago, attacking trump say, you know they're there that trump has vulnerabilities and you could you could as a republican candidate to say this could be running a strong campaign against from based on his him not being electable, but is that either in him from the right in saying that you know he's not doing enough to restrict algae bt rights. That is not what the maghreb base is going to go for. And he raised trillion dollars. That is a big numbers. We should not discount that. Can you keep that up mean trump seemed seems to have the ability to keep that money going plain the victim and I'm just not sure that the scientists is going to be able to have like a big number like that in the next quarter, suggested we
we've talked to voters, I've talked to voters who a lot of them like trump they like to send us something to say. Well, I want trump to run now to your heir apparent point but disdain, as maybe he's our two thousand and eight guy. I think it's interesting that trump tree social has started saying well to sanders. Even damaging himself has twenty. Eight chances are all part you're like. Oh, this is really hurting them and twenty eight I dunno defenders of doing themselves harm the guy has undeniable trolling skills. I think we can all agree on that. But let's talk about it, though: yes, the sentences raising money, but as polls are going the wrong direction. We'll again note Nothing. It turn that around, but it's so clear. There's a lane there there's an opening for someone else to jump forward here and try to become that trump alternative. You see any movement, is there anymore aunt em within the party, even if it's not registering the voters just yet as to who that next republic in the next person up might be now. There is christie Christie Chris, Christine has
a wee bit a momentum behind him his if he is he's taken bonnie signature and where is really vulnerable in terms of him being able to win an election that is having small impact. Khazar republican voters that, but that are very open to that argument, I've heard people say you know tim scott sort of interesting to me or of our avert people say in iowa, Nicky hayley is interesting to me, but is there anyone that there's? No one is putting all the pieces together? There is no one who is making the elect ability argument the way that Chris Christie is doing with an argument on, but with a public policy argument behind at an end, and in saying I'm fighting for you. You never I've at christmas. they came closer to that when he said last week I heard him say you know he's not for it he's for himself. He is no longer for you that crises, imperfect messenger for that, and I just don't you know it
It still early and lock. It happened and all of that- and it may be that the next round of indictments is the fraud. That makes the camel's back and people say. Why was just too much be Biden but indication. We have thus far is there's no candidate, that's putting an altogether. That could be a serious rival to tromp, and these indictments just are not hurried home. Their toward of coalescing more support item that just deepening has support with his core followers and there's no sign that that's going to change with. Whatever indictment comes next update on a story we brought you yesterday, former vice president MIKE pence was pressed by a voter in iowa earlier this week about his decision to certify the two thousand and twenty election results back on january, the sixth twenty twenty one. Here again, exchange
and for your boat? We would not have Joe Biden in the white house that was a constitutional right, that you had to send those bullets back to the states, the constitution, the vice president and everyone else. The about the little difficulty that exchange views. We discussed yesterday vice president pants their rebutting the argument that he had the power on january six to overturn the results of the election, and is the woman put it there. The voter send it back to the states on morning, Joe yesterday, our panel question, whether pensive answer or do anything to change the mind of a voter like the one he was so
into their well? Now we have our answer. It becomes very we'll call to figure out how do you convince them? Otherwise, so the first are what they are. Pants was very what's right, but did he actually vincent right and that's the challenge. Of course, What do you think after hearing MR pence's answer, I believe he's a good man. I love the fact that he is. He is strengthened by his faith, but I really do feel like he altered history. Would you consider supporting MR pines after listening to him? I would consider it that he has that one hiccup Is that one strike against them? Eugene Robinson, that seems to be the sense of the voter there. The woman ensue city iowa, who sat and listened to vice president pen
patiently, explain why he did not have the power to do what she suggests he had to do, but it speaks to the power of everything. Voters like her and supporters of donald trump people watch certain news networks and listen hazard, pod cats and red certain websites have been told that he, Let them down that day that down from has told them that it was in fact my pencil fault, the Joe Biden as president. same thing is that it's almost not just a matter of fact for that motor matter of faith and ITALY trying to to trillion someone's faith, trying to convince her of something that cheap No, she just simply does not believe her corps. That is an enormous challenge. This you know you can call the trump following called like I've called it called like
it is it is our unquestioning- are an unwilling in many cases in the case of many voters, unwilling to listen to any evidence to the contrary or evidence. Contrary to the to the thesis that donald trump is the savior of america and and how do you? How do you there are none of the republican hopeful seems to have an answer. Jonathan le maire. We ve seen this before in covering donald trump and and his supporters. We ve seen it in our lives where you have to patient. They say to someone know the voting machines or not control via satellite, in italy, or by four monitor the chinese government officials had tapped into. But that seems to me beside the point: doesn't it that they they taken as an hour full of faith that the election was stolen from them. In that anybody who participated in keeping down trump from being re elected
is against them, including my pants, who was a heartbeat away from being president stood by down from side for all four of those years right up to the end. moment encapsulates where the republican party is right now and twenty twenty three that donald trump grip on the pie his brainwashed. So many of you lookin voters that they choose to believe their own set of facts that vice president pants can. Look at that woman in the eye and explain very reasonable, daybreak patient labour, kindly but very as rightly that I didn't have to or to do that the constitution does not. Let me do it and she's. Simply wouldn't believe him and will hold it against him and lively were withhold her vote for him cause of edit engine palmary It is every so often we're in this every day, so it's to lose sight. Sometimes at the big picture you are just like that.
What to get with the habit of quoting myself but I'll say like I wrote the book entitled the big life, but the final sentences are file sentences of the book or the idea that the the the big lie is his dogma now for the republican party, it's who they are, it is who they are. would actually firmly believe it, or at least they pay lip service. In it shapes everything they do. It is clearly going to shape this year election to the big lie. That's with ally back in two thousand and fifteen, and that may be a good, a good book and so the toe the line from your book. I remember we remember that the escalator when trump came down and that day in june of twenty fifteen announced for president, and he sat talk about immigrant come in and about maxine immigrants have been is like some of their rapist Murderers and some, I suspect, are good people. I heard that, and I thought wow what a craven political, to say to do that kind of growth
spain and I spoke with a republicans digest later at the end of the election from another campaign, not trump and said that they realize in retrospect that they lost the primary on day, because what they heard from a lot of voters was wow. Donald trump was to tell the hard truth about something here willing to say that some of these immigrants are coming over our rapists and murderous. No one else has the courage to do that and if he is willing to save that, that's on my mind too, I'm not a hang in there with him for anything, and it's like that started create a relationship with his bays where they think you know- and I hear this paradigm backed me all the time he's what I think that they are going to find. Way to make whatever fact out there in the real universe that doesn't concur with what they believe they're gonna, find a way to. To believe that they want to believe based on what from tells them, because.
that connection. They failed to him so strong. That is what these other republicans running against. Our trump are up against that kind of loyalty. That kind of faith in him still ahead this morning on morning, Joe tensions continue arise between russia and the united states in the skies over syria will explain what's happening now and russian president vladimir Putin wants a seat at the table when it comes to internet oversight. at global level to washington.
David Ignatius joins us with his new reporting on that. When we come back on morning, Joe the well well well shopping for a car carvana meet financing a car is smooth, as can be oh yeah. I got pre qualified instantly and had real terms personalized just for me. It doesn't get much smoother than that. Well, I got to browse thousands of car options on Carvana. All within my budget doesn't get much smoother than that it does. I actually wanted a car that seemed out of my range, but I was able to add a co signer and found my dream
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those two american drones near northwest syria and drop flares in front of them around nine, thirty and local time. On Wednesday military officials say three american reaper drones were conducting a mission against islamic state targets in syria, when three russian fighter jets begin to harass them. The lazy applications come after russian jets fluid an american base in syria nearly every day in my ouch journey is now calm listed, associate editor for the Washington post david nations David good morning a lot to discuss with you. Let's start right there, though, what is russia up who exactly here, admiral sabrina was on with his yesterday and the previous point occasion when those fighter jets were chasing american drones over syria. Just said this doesn't end well for them. If they really want to engage with the united states, military need safe junior it can do, avoid a confrontation in the skies there, but what is lacking your putin doing with these chasing effectively american aircraft with his fighter jets
willie. I see this as a kind of jousting. The two countries are not in direct military conflict, but but there's some back, going on, especially on the russian side. in syria, as in many parts of the world that the? U s and Russia had evolved, a system of deacon flexion I've been present syria. With u s forces were you ask me would get on the phone in effect to their russian liaison officers and say we ve got the drawings going near over such such a place in syria, that make them aware if there were incidents asked the russians to pay. Back generally, those dictate complexion measures were pretty well last summer you're. Certainly since the grand war began, that's I'm afraid, there's more attention. We ve seen the last two days to an unusual extend the disease asterisk, if I can draw on, is- is shot down, as is forced to land
a collision with a russian a russian jet? We saw that kind of behaviour over the black sea several months ago. That was genuinely dangerous, but this is what the countries you and in times of tension that they they function. Punch just show that their there and they get caught from closer the edge of a real confrontation, that woods put them in an entirely different, really dangerous space, David speaking of russia, of course, its invasion of ukraine, will be frightened centre next week when president Biden heads overseas a week Long stay in europe with the NATO summit in vilnius being its centre piece. We have from the ukrainians that there really pushing their own bid to join nato Finland is in sweden, not yet, but we believe soon once turkey acquiescence, but now in ukraine's. A real push and some of the eastern european members of nato or backing it. What you will
in terms of diplomats. You speech on both sides of the atlantic as to where that can go, whether it's for this summit in vilnius or perhaps next NATO summit next summer and washed so I think good john it's for is for the future. The basic rule for nato, understandably enough, is that if you got a current border conflict going on with russian you're, not the candidate from She didn't know. What does by into a new member and then immediately go to war. That's not the deal so in one sense s incentive for ukraine. If it wants to be a nato member to come to a satisfactory negotiated settlement of the conflict, there is pressure from the baltic states from poland to move more quickly. I think the administration is thought carefully about this undecided, no, not yet this pushing back the question that I think
Those are really wanted, buys. How do we give you that ukraine guarantees and protection afford secure? it is going in the next year if night, if it's not a nato, what is what is the alternative way that we make that ukraine's strong enough, that the debate are some real pushed back for russia? People are still struggling lad. I haven't heard a good answer. Yet David latest piece in the wash impose also deals with russia has titled. Russia hasn't stop maneuvering for a role and internet oversight. What exists it is not a mere putin want to do. What does he want his role to be well strange, as this sounds willie that the country that has been meddling in? U s in european elections is, what's take a leading role in writing, rules of the road for safety, viewer in cyberspace and internet- and They do this every few months, I'm writing about and a new instance that just came to light
my reporting that, where they presented a proposal to the international telecom, tell indications union and was soon these obscure bureaucratic bodies at the? U n has that overseas, this world of internet them and the rules and that they then it is to proposals. Secondly, internet is fragmented and we need the- u n, to step in and do more regulation it. It's part of a russian claim that the united states in the west really on the internet, and it's not fair, and we should have international control. The idea that the united nations would police the internet to me is a nightmare ages. now the EU operates the bureaucracy that is slow moving the decision that the idea that they they control as the most dynamic sector of the global parliament seems like back there, a bad idea, but that's what the russians are proposing, and so David is our chance that they get that role at me with the eu and with the world community. Allow that to happen. So
Thirdly, to me, s secretary general tone the terrorists has embraced a part of the russian idea, arguing that we do some sort of collective rules Private is pushing back by I'm told that were working hard with with our partners to attempt to modify any attempts to make rules. That would would really a slow and politicized control. The internet. This is a strange thing, is The russian claim is that the internet is now fragmented that term block it and the internet. While, if there's a blockage, its controls that russia and china impose that prevent their citizens from using the internet is not a is not a conspiracy by the west, far from it. But this is the sort of thing that battle. Thou often an obscure forms. I tried to write about this morning because I think it's important due to expose people know, what's going on see there, She's doing this, they hope quietly
private with ass, have leverage and get enough pressure to stop. I keep an eye on that store. You mentioned china, david treasury secretary, JANET Yellen, now is criticizing the chinese government's treatment of american companies and stressing the importance of improving communication between the united states and china. This, as the secretary meets with senior chinese officials for informal talks on the: u s and chinese economies. Speaking with a group of business leaders in beijing secretary, yes, defending. U S, controls on technology export saying they are necessary for national security. Ellen's concerns reflect continuing tension between the two countries after arriving in beijing yesterday, secretary Tweeted the two nations are seeking quote a healthy economic competition that
its american workers and firms and collaborate on global challenges, fascinating to watch the diplomacy here, eugene robinson, as we saw last week, secretary entity, blinking sort of echoing the comment by president Joe Biden that present she is a dictator he was on our show secretary blanket last week. We asked him if he share that view, and he said the president. states speaks for for his administration speaks for all of us. So There has been this outreach. Yes, there have been these visits from secretary blinking from secretary Yellin, also some strong words to go with them I have been, and so I imagine in beijing they're asking themselves well if, if the? U s is playing good cop, bad cop with us, where's the good cop, JANET yellen goes to beijing And- and there is there's really pretty harsh- critical of of
and the way it treats. U S, companies it is. The EU gives fascinating, and so my question for David Ignatius is our these steps, as yellin visit the the blinkin meetings. It is this actually improving our relationship with china is opening a channel for communication that that might lead to a meeting between president Biden and president XI or is it real or is it or is it going nowhere? Well, a famous response of joy, and why a question about about the fidgit too soon to tell in this case, I think that week we can expect that to be in this process gradual warming. She wants to come the united states
in november for this meeting of the apec summit. I thinking he allow major disruptions. The Yellin visit is really interesting test of of what lincoln and his visit and Jake Sullivan, and this meeting in vienna word work put together the date they wanted to add court duration, on issues of mutual interest to the relation of very contentious relationship and the airlines trying to figure out is there a kind of running rate between the sunshine on economic issues that benefits both sides yellin. As said more fully than embodiment the administration decoupling, the two economies is a bad idea. It's a bad idea for both its bed, the global economy, she's gotta figure out, given that one of the rules- and I think that's part of It- sparring that you are free to earlier the inner meetings they wish to talk about how difficult conditions are for? U S, businesses, the chinese really want. Can count
new trade and commerce print the two countries and they needed, given there Their economic problems they've got to figure out the better rules of the road that that leave us companies feeling that they're not going to be harassed, they're going to be protected, but gentle The answer to your question is yes, I do think we're on the path not a somewhat greater cooperation, some reduction and tensions between the? U s and China calmness and associate editor for the washington post, David natures walking through the world this morning, David thanks so much. We always appreciate coming up here. The far right freedom caucus takes action against georgia, congresswoman marjorie taylor, green for her. exchange in the house floor with another member? What you know what's going on here and a little later we're taking a look at a new NBC documentary focused on the atomic bomb and this scientists who built it that story and much more.
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I'll be there for the ground, I president bind in south carolina yesterday touting some of his economic achievements. While named checking republicans who vote against his infrastructure bill, but whose districts will benefit from it speaking of georgia, congresswoman marjorie taylor, green, she may have been kicked out of the far right house. Freedom caucus the cock as voted two weeks ago on greens, membership abc new source. Familiar with those deliberation, says the vote to oust her was overwhelming discontent with green among the members had been growing since she back Kevin Mccarthy's bid for how speaker, but it reportedly was this alter occasion with colorado, congresswoman lauren bobo last month, that put men over the edge the boat to kick her out was two days later. Despite this, and still is not officially been removed from the freedom caucus. That's because caucus chairman scott perry could not say
To hold a meeting with her, despite numerous attempts but war and after the vote to oust her NBC news reports in an interview thursday night, a house freedom caucus board. Member said parry had made a number of attempts to reach green and her staff. Before and after the vote to oust her quote, I suspect, because she knew she was being dismissed from the freedom caucus and a little bit like someone refusing service from a legal standpoint if I'm not serve then maybe it doesn't take effect green team refuted that claim in a statement and called out the member for remaining anonymous and a statement she wrote. I serve northward George first ends. no group in washington. So a lot to pick through their jen palmary you've talk, not so long beyond the search surface with marjorie taylor, green congresswoman, there they see is her own brand. She is our own thing, she's right about that when she says and doesn't belong to a group, what the significance of this. If there is any I mean for us, I wish I could
at this moment that marjorie taylor green, has been kicked out of the house. Freedom caucus that and they did say in that story. They said that part of the problem was the altercation she had with Lauren boba, which, by the way, was a fight over who gets to file impeachment articles against Joe Biden, who gets to do that first right, so note that I but also, but it wasn't just that they said you know Andy bags from that has written coca said it was. You know that the her role in the debt limit fight with has written caucus was unhappy. They thought that that deal was too moderate, also per backing of speaker mccarthy, early on in january, when there were fifteen ballots to try to find a spy bad. You know he he lumped all of that together, which which which sort of computes come comes out as she's to establishment for us, so bats
a moment can that's a moment to consider and then, having spent eight, I spent a week in her district. I've spent time with her and a few occasions and it shit the house freedom caucus is not marginalizing, marjorie teller, great, you know, just as when she law stir committee assignments under democratic congress. She Will you find a way to use this moment to her advantage, and you know, as I said earlier, talkin about the sort of connection human connection that tromp has with this base. Ardor jailer green. Has that with the maghreb base and there's no in the house: freedom caucus that raises more money for republican candidates, marjorie taylor green, I'm certain of that, and she has because she blood for the cause she was. She was kicked out of her committee assignments by Democrats and that that helped her form a connection with the the magazine is that the house freedom carcasses are going to be able to touch, and then she has done a pretty good
job playing. This insight, game with mccarthy, and you know it's over statement of where we are with the house republican caucus that she's playing a role as a as a as a myth. As a leader within figuring out a way to do that within mccarthy's world. The establishment, whole play of you can't fire me. If I won't take a meeting with you that feels a very like george could stands. Sign fell the pretty sure he did that the ito to really is, though, beyond margie taylor green, who, of course you jen says, will remain in force. The republican party who witnessed the highlights this fractured, she's, not conservative enough, but elsewhere back to where we openness with president Biden calling out that groundbreaking there's something why does it really trying to lean into? They did a little bit early on in his charm, and now this here when there's not going you legislation passed rather sure of counting the victories they ve already accomplished. He's
were these districts and talking about republicans calling out republicans who are taking credit for things for projects in their districts, they didn't vote for, they frankly oppose they didn't cast about for the infrastructure bill and it's one thing to do it and anti jeez deep red districts and congressmen Wilson's deep red south tried, as yesterday What else is asking doing this? In I'm told in by aids? There is, about a sexy, swim districts for republicans who one seats in districts, the Biden captured and twenty when he and that right there, that the widest police could be a real pressure. Point could potentially help them. Try in their efforts to get back there and twenty twenty was not the only to pick up a handful, seats and feel those paragraphs. I could do it yet to import the part where they talk much more about this at the top of the hour. Just a few minutes and there's a reason, republicans are taking credit for some of this stuff. They voted against because it's popular there are people like this money coming in to their districts.
If that's a new polling this morning, that shows most americans think Donald trump's federal trial should take place well before the two thousand and twenty four general election. The latest survey from political magazine, an ipsos, sixty two percent of americans say the former president should be tried before next november context, in a slightly smaller majority, the trial should even be held before the republican primaries begin. Early next year join his now former federal prosecutor on cush kodori. He is contributing writer for political magazine uncool good morning. It's good to see you. You are you right here that there were a number of surprises in this new poll. What else stood out to beyond the headline that top line number? We just read well. I certainly found that number to be the most interesting, including because it has some practical relevance to the preceding here, as noted in the peace that the right. we speedy trial is not just a right, for the defendant is a right that belongs to the public as well as of the public's interest in this. In this subject, I think ought to be relevant.
Surprising figures to me, though, we're on What impact the pending charge, including the pending federal charges, have on people's preferences for trump and in particular in others, has obviously been a pretty robust narrative on the part of trump and his allies, indicating that the indictments are helping him there. You know improving intensity, this support and it certainly that we seen. His standing uproot improve over time in the polls, an object of glp primary voters, but a lot of hat has happened over that same period and the numbers on it. Specifically, this question of how do these charges influence? Your vote seem to suggest that among glp primary voters or republicans that it might be a wash that about half people say the charges don't have an effect about a quarter say it actually improves our view tromp likelihood of supporting him roughly comparable number say it
it decreases their likelihood to support trump, and so I thought that was a very interesting figure that maybe add some color to the to to a narrative that has think has been lacking a little bit of data on kush, What about other voters, though, I mean, did movie, I think, edited down. This is typical for normal from that that that this sort of when he seems to be under attack that that submits the Republicans more to him, but does it detached Independent study detached other borders who might ennoble my question, say: federal conviction, validly charges and not only do the pending charges adversely affect them. Among people identifies independence, but not surprisingly, the
we're a conviction that would also even further depleted support among that group, and I share your view- I mean a lie- the narrative around this area, even when trumpets and off ass, he used to just tell his pull numbers among republicans, but of course, what is actually interesting is how the public, across the whole entire voter american public base, actually thinks about him, and I don't think you know just looking at these numbers and looking at history, we learned from twenty twenty that he cannot win a national election with only republicans right. He needs some significant proportion of independence to pull over and these numbers suggest that at least to me that They influence independence. The pending charges in a potential conviction could eventually actually turn internal action against them
the way. This may just be the first of many cases he's facing, as he rolls through a twenty two thousand and four presidential campaign: fascinating numbers, former federal prosecutor, contributing writer for politico magazine uncouth kodori. Thank you very much for being here today. Selling your car Carvana is as easy as easy as pie. Sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or been as easy as a stroll in the park. Okay, then, just answer a few questions and you'll get a laughter and second as easy as senior wine. I scheduler pick up or drop off and carbonic will pay you that amount right on the spot as easy is playing guitar. The idea that kind of difficult by selling your car to carbonic is as easy as can be visit carvana dot com or download the app to get an instant offer today.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.