« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/28/23

2023-07-28 | 🔗

Trump faces new charges in classified documents case

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Find the quality care you need all in one place: introducing center for sports medicine and orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible. The strikers cutting edge technology at center for sports, medicine and orthopedics care meets. Convenience were designed to get you treated and back home and ours, because our passion is getting you back to yours called for two three, six, two four, two: six: nine six or visit sport man dot com to learn more about, in a sports medicine and orthopedics today, centre for sports, medicine and orthopedics. Here then home. As defendant, who has almost no choice but to flip he's. Looking at charges that have twenty years months, even though that's not the real world sentencing he's looking at spending a big chunk of time in prison if he goes word play, have him dead dissenter if he does not cooperate and what are they get if he does cooperate his pudding?
front and centre in this scheme to obstruct That is former? U s attorney Joyce vans, describing the legal predicament for moral logo maintenance worker now, defended and donald trump classified documents case, we will go through a big new development there in just a moment. Also had the white house response to questions about whether president Joe Biden would consider for his son after hunter binds pleading fell apart earlier this week plus another unsettling moment in the senate with an aging lawmaker, will show you what happened with sand Diane Feinstein. Yesterday, meanwhile, the Republican controlled house takes in early recess slaving big slave and its business and not a whole lot of time to get it done when they come back in six weeks. In the morning. Welcome to morning Joe, it is Friday July. Twenty eighth on willie geist with us you've got the host of way too early and white house bureau chief at politico jonathan LE mayor former chair
One of the republican national committee, Michael steel form, a white house director communications to president obama, Jennifer poem As former: u s attorney and senior fbi official truck Rosenberg and NBC news, justice and intelligence correspondent can delay, got a great group assembled for story. This morning, as Donald trump awaits a likely indictment for his alleged efforts to overturn the twenty twenty election results. Before president, was hit with three new charges yesterday, in a separate case in the sun in district of florida, federal prosecutors, added to new counts of obstruction, and one of hopefully retaining national defence information. In the case turn around his mishandling of classified documents and mar a those needs just laid out in a superseding indictment which alleges trump directed to employees at his palm beach estate to destroy security camera footage shortly. After justice department issued a subpoena
tat the same video in june of last year, one of the Employees trumps valet while not was previously large along with tromp now so what else has been added? Marilla go property manager, Carlos de Oliveira, which charge in yesterday's follow up indictment describes a moment when the two men walked with a flashlight through a dark tunnel it marilla go to school. A room where boxes of classified documents were being watched by security cameras. Few days later, Yellow vera allegedly told another, employee quote the boss wanted journey footage from that room deleted as for their charge that, when involves a meeting from last august at trumps property in bed, minster new jersey there, the former president allegedly showed off a classified document about possible attack plan, for iran to people who are doing interviews for his former chief of staff mark meadows upcoming memoir that cover station you'll remember was captured on an audio
that was leaked last month. Well, is merely a shining example. He said I wanted to attack imagine you have a big pile of papers just from the presented me. This is off the record, but presented made us. This was him susan defence, the forbidden him We looked at him. This was him. This was done by me. This was all sorts of stuff pages wrong with the movie. amazing this totally wins. Migration it is highly either way. It is done incredible yeah. I was just saying, because we were talking about anita. He said he wanted to attack IRAN and what
is done by the military given to me. I think we can probably see the president going to the dealership now. I can't you know, but this is that's audio that meeting in bed in new jersey in total now with the new superseding indictment. Trump is charged with forty counts in the classified documents case he and not have pleaded not guilty to their previous charges. A lawyer, forty of error, the property manager declined to comment. A trial date is tentatively, that four may twentieth, twenty twenty four, so chuck Rosenberg. We all were waiting yesterday, perhaps too here for a new indictment in an entirely separate case involving the twenty twenty election in the efforts to overturn it. This goes act. Now to the moral
go documents k so for our viewers? What is a superseding indictment number one, and what are you read into the content of it short, number one superseding indictment is simply additional chow just on an existing indictment. The four Indictment of MR trump and mr not a moral logo for mishandling, classified documents and obstructed. Thus as unsealed that a month ago or so willie they have now the charges to it. They ve added another defendants, Mr De Oliveira, that precedes the first indictment. replaces it additional charges, and we called a superseding indictment. What do I make of it?
well, you know that sort of sad and away when I was a federal prosecutor. There are always a lower level individuals, and I can tell you quite frankly, I didn't get any joy out of prosecuting them. My goal is always to enlist their cooperation. To have them tell the truth. Each of them to a fork in the road where they can either tell the truth where they can lie and if they live, if they obstruct justice. an attempt, in this case, to delete security footage that has been subpoenaed by the department of justice. And prosecutors really don't have a choice other than to walk away and they're not inclined to do that and that's how people MR nada low level valet mr deal of era, a low level operator manager end up in a or criminal indictment with MR trump, the former president of the united states, here's also make of it. They may really bad choices when they decided to lie to the fbi and obstruct justice, didn't mean it
it's too late for a good attorney to help each of them salvage it. They can still tell the truth and they can still minimize any damage to themselves. Whether or not that happens. Willie we'll see So can the laning as you look through this new superseding indictment, a new character is introduced. As chuck said, this is MR de Oliveira he's fifty six years old, the head of maintenance and moral log or property manager effectively there who was pulled into all of this by Donald. just last summer june. Twenty second, twenty twenty two, when they d o J emailed trumps, attorneys a draft subpoena Tromp says: ok now I know the f b, I D, o j is coming for whatever I have here and perhaps for security footage setting in motion this process by which ultimately deal of Eric tells the head of. I t marilla go the boss in his words, wants this stuff deleted. You look through this indictment. What else do you see in there.
Billy, let's just take a pause on what you just said. It's just extraordinary these allegations, rival anything that Richard Nixon was accused of being two additional counts of obstruction of justice and these This indictment reads like a mafia case. Here, you and again. These are allegations and, and the burden of proof here is high and they direct witnesses implicating trump, but this is scheme to destroy evidence three day After a grand jury, subpoena lands on MR trumpets, it's mine, ongoing and, as is chuck said, it involves very low level employees whose lives are, to be ruined unless they cut a deal. cross. Here's an end. As for Mr Nada, there's no sign that he's gonna do that his lawyers are paid for by MR trump he's ease. completely loyal he's following this tromp around. So the other thing I ve about these obstruction elements is that you know a lot of regular americans out there who don't
all this very closely when they hear about the by documents case they have time, distinguishing what trump did what Joe Biden and my pants did, even though we all know that it's vastly different right, all three men. Classified documents in their possession soap, nobody has trouble. I think french, aiding these increase well obstruction, justice charges. Everybody understands what it means to destroy evidence, particularly surveillance, video evidence. Now I have to point out there is no obligation in this new superseding I meant that they actually attempted to destroy the takes. Remember we read in the new york times about an episode where there was a flood and there were some concern that that was an attempt to destroy the footage. That's not in here there's no, allegation either there's there's nobody that can directly put MR tromp in a room and testify. I him say: destroy the tapes, that's it it's all been. Say it's employee number for saying I talked to Carlos deal and that's what he said so,
obviously what they would really like has chuck said it. For me, the oliveira to common, testify and tell the truth about his conversations with MR trump But if you read this indictment b b b structured extraordinary, and secondly, of course, this, serious document, which we believe was a military plan, will, we believe the diamond now says was jerry plan about options for a time iran donald trump it didn't exist remember after the original diamond now we know the government has. It has since trunk turned over the batch of documents. The national archives in june twenty twenty two and it's the subjects of the tape you just played and it's a devastating piece of evidence of this superseding indictment. It seems to me really strengthens this hour. A very strong case you know we are all waiting right yesterday, thinking that the january sixty diamond was coming so we're we're only guinea. There really Third, ending, I think of the of the federal we'll troubles for former president donald trump? Will
it really is astonishing, Jonathan, the mayor and where it has to be said. Reading through this new indictment, it reads like something straight out of the gambia: no crime family, where they say the ball, once the tapes deleted, Donald trump calling his head of maintenance, other people who work for him who he knows are loyal, dam and I'll do what he said ass. He had to do things that are you get them to where we are now, which has brought up on fair charges guys meeting in the bushes at marilla discussing what to do and then after the Feds come king on MR de Oliver, the head of maintenance to say we want to make Carlos, is good, in other words, he's not squeal to the Feds right. Is he loyal to us? It? Isn't it stored, neri document, an extra a document with so many parallels to a model, resignation. from those sixtys and seventys with one x, one perhaps exception affect the inclusion of a ship.
Image. He apparently also in there, as they are trying to say, hey we're doing something secret, don't tell anybody and we use the shushing emoji. So that's that's shows you the equality of henchmen that donald trump has in this particular matter, but Michael Steele is it to KEN's point there a moment ago we're here in washington. There are tv trucks light as far as the eye can see outside the courthouse to LISA that january six, election of a diamond. We still believe it is coming soon. We don't know that will be this week next, the week after but this is a reminder of the super city indictment that they already have donald trump, seemingly dead, direct on this case very serious case about america's most sensitive secrets and yet and yet and yet his linen a million poles us and will continue- and I suspect once
the january. Sixteen diamond comes down which everyone is entered into, supporting that that world, just continue to lock in a little bit more so the event in Iowa tonight, where you have the presidential candidates, I'm sure we'll talk about it later. You know parading in front of the the iowa, faithful to sort of make their case will not make their case against donald trump. They woman, their case for everything else, but donald why don t we should not be the nominee. Donald trump will come in and she will be moan and parade and an lie and obvious gave an claim victimhood and they will eat it up the audience delete it up, even though he lost I or the last time. We may or may not be the boat doing well, but it does it matter because, where we're done tromp is the conversation is not about the folks just in front of it was but a broader audience he knows events like today that we saw yesterday events that may come
tomorrow. Next, we are all part of his ongoing narrative against the deeds that deep state and why republicans need to stay hook to him, because as he reminds them if it works, may they become an after you and I'm your retribution and that narrative plays extremely wise still very fact. Despite all the evidence in that for that base, jen up front, I'm to give you the twenty sixteen trigger warning, but it does have to be pointed out that the our criticism. Hillary Clinton, energy, mail, server member that she was wiping the server that she deleted it with bleach bit. Software deleted emails about yoga appointments in chelsea wedding, and now you have, according to this endure indictment, allegedly before presently united states bordering his underlings at his beach club to go delete a server
I mean well. I would I her arena with sight making dinner, and I heard the words. I believe that at that of attributed to donald trump of delete the server and a flake, it just slave so absurd. Also the hush homology, the security footage, all of it seems so absurd kind of bomb, blaine and then so serious. When you see the around standing bad. It was, in fact a doctor, related to you was to no possible plans of if they, if there was ever conflict and ran, writes a bit that I think the details matter here. I'm with Michael steel. I think there is very little chance that someone can overtake donald trump and republican primary, but all the smart p, the republican primary who are trying to do not think that it has to start an iowa theirs lay them in details in here and I've seen focus groups, and I have I awoke republican caucus goers where, when they hear that
details in the documents case particular what was at stake, what what he rest. It had an impact on some people big lincoln dinner. You know: that's all happening in iowa trump will be there to scientists will be their most of the candidates. Are gonna, be there this the moment, if you're going to try to start making argued meant a real argument against him, maybe somebody well, I kind I argue in that ballroom, I kind of doubt it though but chuck theirs. I want to ask you about co concerned. If the earth there are so so that so that trump is being charged along with two other defendants, they're considered co conspirators. I knew that that changes the rules of engagement here, that's as far as what that some of the stuff at some of this evidence has been entered into the record. How traded and can impact tromp, our first
but when they say the boss wants this time, can you out of it plain how bout works jennifer a question so when you charge conspiracy than you have conspirators there, Our rules of evidence have actually helped the government a trial, for instance, jennifer view, and I were robbing banks together. You and I are conspirators and bank robbery you say or what I say if it so statement made in furtherance of our conspiracy to help it along and of its made during, Conspiracy can come the trial against either one of us both of us and so conspirators statements are a very powerful tool for the government, a trial that you noted it gives the government
evidentiary advantage, plus juries understand that criminals often act in concert with one another, so each conspirator can take on a different role. I could go into the bank with the gun. You can drive the getaway car and we're both responsible. You and I both jennifer for that bank. or even though we had different roles, and so conspiracy is a very powerful tool for agents and for prosecutors and confers on the government of trial evidentiary advantages and by the waves, spirit or just don't have to be indicted. They can be unindicted. We ve seen that too as long as the grand jury in its indictment, articulate with concern returns are and what they did and what roles they took, It confers on the government, as I noted, a significant advance. Such a trial, and candle laney as we talk about the mob like elements of this superseding indictment, the new one at the very end, once they have conferred,
that MR de Oliveira, the property manager is in fact loyal to donald trump that they don't worry about him down from alleged calls him and says I'll take care of you. It's a lawyer, don't worry about it. I wouldn't hold your breath. If I were you, MR de Oliveira down trunk gonna help you out there. Let's look, though, now can, at the january six twenty twenty election invest. Irrigation we've been looking for this indictment all week. What else do we, about where that stands this morning, Well. Yesterday was a very important day in that progression, because Donald trump the attorneys we learned a travelled to jacks its office in northeast washington d c and had a meeting over there and sources familiar that meeting tell us it was a standard. Final pitch the defence arguing that their clients should not be indicted and that they didn't think it change anything. So it's essentially a formality, and so we expected case that india the come at any time, and you know it
be far more significant than this document. Case, in terms of the threat to our democracy, as as big a deal that documents cases the general six cases, perhaps ten times as important, because we believe it's going to be alleged. You know a conspiracy to defraud the united states, a conspiracy to obstruct and official preceding the key. thing and certification of electoral votes in a presidential election believe. You know, based on the witnesses, have come before the grand jury. The questions that have been ass. The scope of this investigation it's going to allege a basque sphere, spirits see two four to keep donald trump in power and to subvert the results of an election, and you know it's it I just can't overstate the significance of that now. The grand jury too, We meets on tuesdays and thursdays. If we come in today will know that things are different and we should be watching from potential vote if you don't come in, then I would expect the next tuesday
would be that the next day we want and so that by the time it could come next week, but we believe it's coming fairly soon. Willy de facto them chuck as we don't know, and we ve been printed up front about that. All we could be Tuesday could be thursday or maybe, as cancer they may come in and meet today in a different fashion, but it does appear inevitable at this point. Does it not an indictment of the former president? In that case it does for a couple reasons: willie we know that MR trump got target letter. Let me explain that It is a putative. Defendants are unlikely to be charged when I was a federal prosecutor on occasion on all cases, but on occasion I would send out a target letter, not a game. It's not a faint, it's not a bluff when a prosecutor ends a target letter that means that he or she intends to indict or at least ass, the grand jury to indict target,
to transpose the target letter, you can assume you should assume that an end man is coming when I think canada's exactly right soon. Grand jurors meet on tuesday and thursday can meet on other days as well, but I think it's inevitable that the datapoint number two, MR trump received a target letter in the mar a lago case and within No two weeks herself was indicted on the classified documents portion of the end, station. So I think it's fair to say an indictment is coming when they start to say an indictment is coming soon, MR tromp, as a target, and I want to echo one other thing that can said because I think he is exactly right. The january six case, is as. telling a crook case. As I have ever seen, it involves the attempts by of president at the time now, former presidents to fort peaceful transition of power in a democracy to thwart the
peaceful transition of power in a democracy, absolutely remarkable, and so, while the moral logger case, the confidential, the costs by darkness cases important and compelling ken's right coming next is far more important and far more compelling cause. It goes to the very heart of our democracy compelling a case, as I've ever seen, says: chuck, Rosenberg chuck can Delaney and so great to have you both with us this morning to walk through all this. We really appreciate so Michael Steele we've talked, and you just touched on it a minute ago about all the off ramps republicans have been given by donald trump. You could take january sex. You can take the indictment cigarette. Take the indictment over stormy Daniels. You ve got another chance here and it's worth asking report. Kansas worth asking these people the candidates running against him. It's at worth asking house, republicans and senate republicans are
Ok with what you see in this indictment, is this the guy you're going to get behind because you're making a big state if so, that a guy who worked and pushed to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election in one case or the guy who took nuclear secrets who took war plans back with him to morrow logo, obstructed their return and now we're learning this. These new allegations of the superseding indictment, like my boss, ordered his staff to go out destroy evidence. Are you ok with that and so far the answer has been yes, and so willie my follow up to. That would be a which, I think is probably even more important question is why and you let go in light of everything you know, then you ve, heard everything you ve read. Presumably even reading these indictments with the rest of america, you been watching what prosecutors have been doing you, what they were saying. Why can't you let go
What is it about him that holds you so tightly to him that you can't let go What would it take for you to let go and move on milk, that it needs in history in history as the american people, but more currently the political leadership of the party so tightly. Why and you let go what what will it take just tell us what it would take. I will, do they say so you do. Hope you let go, but they don't want to, and I think tat s out there at the nub of it. There's too much money being made. This too much go, and I was too much power at stake is too many things that value much more than the constitution, the rule of law, the institution that uphold this this nation and keep it moving forward asked why they won't let go so I
I get the media and some of the political class who want to keep walking down the lane whistling thinking that this is all going to turn out normal. There's gonna be all ok, it aid it aid on twenty four is going to be a you know what show at the behest, and all the demands of donald trump, and so yeah, I don't think indictments or anything else are going to make. This go away. I mean what what did you say? I was certainly a general election is a different story and it's hard to imagine any of these indictments are helping donald trump with independent swing, voters, those who may have broken for him in two thousand and sixteen broke against him in two thousand and twenty is difficult to imagine a scenario where those people are persuaded that these are deep state, conspiracies meant to get him and therefore he has earned their support. Yet but in the republican party there's nothing. Will it there's nothing that has shaken the trumps hold on
majority of that party on his base was willing to go with him wherever he leads them and Next. Couple of days, gimme issuing political moment, we ve got the superseding indictment diamond. We have the january six coming soon tonight, as just mention all the Republicans save for Chris Christie, the one Republican his way to take it a tramp. He won't be there, but all the other against, will be an eye. What do they say? Anything odds are now and then tomorrow, dont trump has a rally: in key battleground state of pennsylvania, a state he won in two thousand and sixteen lost narrowly four years ago and he's going to these same claims again that he is a victim and his followers are still with us. And in fact, the effect of all these indictments has been just the opposite. His support has gone up as he paints himself the victim by encourage anyone republican democrat, independent, considering a vote go read. This new superseding indictment is kinda. Lenient said it makes watergate, look quaint.
it's more on this story. Come up in just a bit also ahead. On morning, Joe, the white house is leading into yesterday stronger than expected gdp number as proof by economics, as they call it is working will say what the administration has to say, plus some republicans are growing concerned about senator Mitch Mcconnell following his apparent health scare me reporting just ahead
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That is a beautiful sight at six. Thirty one in the morning, the united states capital, where some republican lawmakers this morning are telling NBC news. They have concerns about senate minority leader mitch, Mcconnell and his health, and that they personally have witnessed changes in the eighty one year old after he fell and sustained concussion in march. Their comments come following wednesdays incident when the kentucky were. Lookin froze for nineteen seconds during a press conference before being escorted- from the cameras. None of the republicans are calling on Mcconnell to step down yet and senators. Next, in line for the top jobs say they are not making succession plans at this time, but the murmurings underscore how the party is struggling to deal with the sensitive health issues of the longest serving Senate party leader in american history
and we see news also spoke without the republican law makers who stand behind Mcconnell and say they have complete confidence in his ability to lead their conference. Said he's fine. I at face value, you hurt, respond, questions, yesterday he was very crisp in his in his answers. All I know is it's tough. It's been here a long time. He has a tremendous amount of support, Everyone knows that with one hand, I'd behind his back he's still a superior peter too so many people here that I think still have a lot of confidence in him. I you just maybe fatigue a lot going on, I mean we're doing all kind of bills might with spain into trying to keep up with all the things we try to get none in the next three months, Macao has served in the united states Senate since nineteen. Eighty five he's not up for reelection until the twenty
twenty six mid term elections and jonathan le maire. You ve got some new reporting on how the white house is watching. All this. Obviously, president Biden, an old fool, and of senator my house from the sun, and it is no good. The two men spoke week after week, Connell's incident there had a warm conversation, I am told of the white house- is watching this wearily Mcconnell for so long has been such a villain for democrats, but now for this white house has become an important partner and a bulwark, few will, holding back some of the more radical right wing forces of law make republican lawmakers on capitol hill, also willing to keep Mccarthy. check and more poorly willing to keep donald trump. check in the, why asked worried about what could come?
Baxter Mcconnell not expected to run for reelection. So there are, the white house is already preparing for what that could look like a post, Mcconnell g o p, Michael Steele, but if Mcconnell's health and forces him to step away before then and his team is saying- that's not going to be the case. Obviously that new future could come could come even sooner talk to us about the dynamic there in the senate or the you and I both know There are successful. There is a blessing in disguise saloon. Talk to us about what that could look like all. I think there there there would be a battle for the leadership, particularly if the Senate becomes more in play for the twenty taught in the two thousand and twenty four cycle where it looks like the republicans can can take the majority again, and I think that would be one way in which Mcconnell could very easily transition out either way. Actually a battle for the number for who would then succeed him in the leadership
is going to be. I think it's gonna be a lot more tense than people think it is, I'm johnstone would be my personal favorite. To be honest, I've known him a long time and I think, he's in a credible leader who has the ability to work with the president across the aisle you now and all of that should should bind and a return to office But there's always going be that this sort of margaret s kind of back flow. which is sort of bubbled up in the senate, with a tub reveals and others Making noise that ask em an interesting story like what I find more interesting right now, particularly in the clips that were played take out. But name a stick in by right, and, and so we can, we can dispense with all the all ages and stuff. Coming from republicans about Joe Biden, because the reality of it is we We are a country that is being led by
visionary and older individuals and both parties on the pike on this one so dollar back, because and about Mcconnell self, as I'm sure people are concerned about by than they concern about dying, Feinstein and others, those narratives will play themselves out, but this whole idea that guy who episode in front of national cameras is somehow better than your guy who's tripped over sandbag, its We need to we due to poor all that crazy aside and and move beyond that at this point, because there obviously is important. But you can't you can't drive the pie, takes necessarily that way and of its interests that bad for Mcconnell by nor anyone else, then tat part of it well to europe,
in Michael Steele? There was a moment on capitol hill yesterday involving ninety year old democratic, senator Dianne Feinstein. During a committee meeting, senator Feinstein was called to vote on a defense appropriations bill and seemed to misunderstand what was being asked of her. Instead of offering a one word reply, fine, began to speak at length before an aid and shelter another member of the committee stepped in the clerk cholera Einstein said. Suddenly So I would like to support a yes vote on this. It provides eight hundred and twenty three billion That's an increase of twenty six billion for the department of defense and its
once priorities submitted to say I'm ok, just where I sat at durban. To read the statement. Nbc news yesterday, a spokesperson for Senator Feinstein road trying to complete all the appropriations bills before reassess the committee mark up this morning was a little chaotic, constantly, switching back and forth between statements, votes and debate in the order bills, the senator was preoccupied, didn't realize, debate had just ended in a vote was called. She started to give a statement. Was formed it was a vote and then cast her vote so Jen palmary, that's a staffer. Try to do his or her job there to protect senator Feinstein. But the fact is that there are regrets not just whispering about this, but who have gone on the record and called for her resign, including members of the california delegation. Again democrats in congress thing that its time, though,
appreciate everything she's done in the historic figure. She is time for her to step aside, but at all gets to Michael steals, larger point about the age of our leaders. Diane Feinstein present by the way, donald trump, who was seventy seven years old, no spring chicken himself minutes at its efforts. Every sort of wild and look about that. This that the generation that stolen power- I mean it's, it's not an accident that you'd see this, and but the democratic party and the republican party, and it's the it's you know we are, I think, at the end of an era where you have this, that generation this, even in some cases, pre baby, boomers and in charge of america- I think that's why you're likely to see trump and biden in a election together in the fall of two thousand and twenty four is we're still not quite done we're still not quite through this period. That was tough to watch and patty, Murray and sen patty murray having to tell her just say I
ultimately, it's up to either the individual to say it's time to go or the voters. The voters of California knew how old Dianne Feinstein was when they reelected her in two thousand and eighteen or in two thousand and twenty excuse me. they knew how old she was afraid. So, that was what shit that's an eighteen and they re elected her anyway. So you know, This says the photo is also our way: men and I'm sure the white house. It's not excited to see older politicians, have to having a difficult week bites It's fab to show not all eighty year olds are the same, and you know show the president vibrant show the president out and about to the president. You know having a great week and the the world stage, as we saw in europe a couple of weeks ago, delivering great economic news and that- the way they battle. They battle this back
and we should remind our bureau- senator Feinstein is up for re election next year by the said she will not run so she has a year and a half or so left in her term in her career or sent a career either way still had on morning Joe, the world is full of nuclear weapons, but apparently not enough experts who oversee them. Our next guess, as things are more dangerous now than when the it bomb was first developed, we'll get explanation next morning to find the quality you need all in one place, introducing centre for sports, venison and orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine, all made possible the strikers cutting edge technology at centre for sports, medicine and orthopedics care of me.
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welcome, an intense seen from the new film oppenheimer. That was his moments before the first successful test of an atomic bomb, but it was earlier in the film when the most important question was posed by physicists. Niles bore. I know you could do this without me. You come
talk about after power. You're about to reveal will forever outlive the nazis, and the world has not prepared. You could lift the stone without being ready for the snake. We have to make the politicians understand. This, isn't a new weapon It's in the world I'll, be out there doing what I can, but you you're, an american prometheus, a man gave them the power to destroy themselves and now, speck tat. Excuse says that question was tackled in the days after the bomb was dropped, but the guard rails have seemingly gone by the wayside. This morning, politico is out with a new cover story, titled station event the disappearing nuclear experts, author, Brian bender, details of the nation's leading nuclear policy walks or more concern than ever about the spectre of a nuclear war and worn. We are far less prepared than during the cold war to deal with the more expansive threat. Joint,
now is brian bender is currently vice president for occasion, strategy at strategic marketing innovations of government affairs firm. That advises clients in clean energy, space and biota. Brian formerly service, politicos senior national, corresponded focused defence and now no security, Brian good morning. This peace certainly grabbed our attention. The count. ex around it. We ve all been watching oppenheimer and all the ethical and moral questions about the development of that bomb and how it will be protected in the decade since so tell us about the state of affairs here, and why so many people are so concerned, whether way a palpable sense that the bad old days are back. Words, we are in a nuclear stand off, not you, with russia, but now increasingly china, which is building up its nuclear arsenal. Year by year by year there's a sense, and I fear that we just don't have the bench anymore.
In power, if you will that we did during the height of the cold war, whether its political, I just economists, and is technicians, the whole gamut of people whose entire professional life was built around preventing the unthinkable. You know we ve had thirty years now, since the end of the cold war. Where the? U s is focused primarily on on a lot of other threats. Short of blue we'll nuclear war, but those days are potentially back but again You know there's this sense across the government, but also think tanks, academia. That word is not training. train. The new generation of folks tat think this through to deal with this Sir Brian, we obviously nuclear weapons forefront of mind when Vladimir putin sort of rattles that sabre in history.
against ukraine. The? U S, military officials bleed, that's, not a step is willing to take, but of course, every time its rays. We all worry. My question to you is that the world's largest nuclear arsenal, how safe, are these weapons? What are the safeguards in place there other countries where there are starting to develop this technology that could prevent weather government or even a rogue actor from gain their hands, are one and using if the worst possible purposes, but that's a pretty mary concern I mean at least during the cold war is bad is it was and is close as we can more than one occasion to coming to blows. There is concern that you know there is really no diplomatic, need any more to talk to the russians about their nuclear arsenal. The treaties that we relied on for so many decades with the russians to at least keep some level of stability. They would come in
in fact our weapons sites. We would do the same. All of that is really collapsed in recent years, and it only got worse since he knew the russian invasion of ukraine, and I think you know like at the end of the cold war, when there was a lot of concern in the soviet union broke up what, happened. All these nukes the? U s and our allies did a lot in those days to work with the russians to secure nuclear mature We also make sure that their scientists word owing to the highest bidder like iran and north korea, but now there really is no communication. There is very little insight into that now to see a lot of concern about the stability of of the regime in russia and what putin, might be willing to do. There therefore russia leaders were not. So Brian. Where is I mean? Russia obviously is front and centre right now because of its invasion of ukraine in the war. That's gone on for a year and a half now, but when you talk to experts where the other areas of concern is it iran? Is it so
Kim jong on that, finally, developing a nuclear weapon. Where are the other flashpoints here? Well, you know During the cold war, we were used to basically having to deal with one pure competitor in the nuclear arena, and that was the soviet union. Now we have china, which is quadrupling its nuclear arsenal according to the pentagon over the next decade or so, and so they could get to the level where they have almost as many deployed nuclear weapons as united states and russia. Never really think about that before not just deterring one major power but deterring you and then, as you mentioned, you have north korea. You have IRAN other. Rogue states that are trying to get nuclear weapons and then on to all of that, the advent of new technologies hypersonic weapons to travel far faster than we ever could see them
in the cold war, artificial intelligence, which is a big unknown in terms of sowing confusion, side attacks is all of this new technology. All these new potential factors in that way, In that way, they hadn't had to think about foreign, so we're gonna need some really smart people. A whole new generation really to think through all of these These things are much more complicated world where there's a lot more players and arguably alot more uncertainty too fast, a new peace and an important one. It's in political magazine, it is on line now Brian Vander thanks so much for bringing it to us. We appreciate it thanks for having me so much in his major league career already this
Be the first complete game shut out there. It is the show johnny goes all night. Looking for his first hit of the series, some clapping for sure the major league leading thirty seven we shall now, would you, god, first player in history, to harbour in one game of a double hunter through a complete game in the other I got it gotta wait games, shot out check who homers nightcap check. We just never seen it before an absolutely unbelievable double had her for the great show hey autonomy yesterday in Detroit, as you heard in game, one, he pitched to complete game One hit shot out and then came to as it
the hitter. To home runs in back to back it bats before leaving the game with cramps understand that at a long day This comes a day. I couldn t made significant trade to bring in more pitching in hopes of making a play. Our part making clear that he was available for a trade, jonathan le Maire, we keep things We ve seen something the bastard he can do, but this says to me- and this is one of those extraordinary things I've ever seen in baseball. I can compare it then a guy pitches. A one hit shut out then comes back. Came to a double header hits to become runs, we're getting tired of saying it, but we ve just never seen this before cramps slacker I mean it does a feeling. Will you- and I have this scholarship, two or three times a week when we go show how tiny he's the best and he is the best I may you could argue he had one the greatest stays in the history of the sport. Yesterday, a complete wanted, shut out.
Two homers in the second game of a double had her. I mean he's babe ruth he by be better than babe ruth. I mean in terms of pure pinnacle. We don't know, we certainly hope he has a long career for many, many more years, a right here at his apex, he's probably playing the game better than anyone has ever played it. Before Think that's an overstatement. It ray it's true. You you'll never see anything like. I dont think what you saw yesterday, just extraordinary and Paul marry a your baltimore orioles. Your first place, baltimore cut out the weekend off the last place. New york yankees come into town. I didn't do it square,
mean kids from the bronx, they might get aaron judge for sure, but we think aaron judge might come back this weekend. Listen we're just happy to be on the same field as the first place, orioles, it's an honor. How, my god stop to say, hey! I was like I looked at the scheduled I told Jim. I was like oh no, the yankees are coming to baltimore and it just doesn't matter you in last place are second to the last place, ward less the other matter. It doesn't matter yankees and it doesn't matter a second. Alas, it's hard to keep track, but, like it doesn't matter cause like whenever the ocean, the yankees get. It doesn't matter like what place who's in what place leg. It's always a very tough series for the o's, but you know this is our year. I've been clear, It's a very exciting story in baltimore and we're only two and a half games out of the wildcard, maybe we'll snatch that and see in the playoffs, but it should be fun series in baltimore this weekend find the quality care.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.