« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/25/22

2022-07-25 | 🔗

Jan 6. committee is considering a subpoena for Ginni Thomas. Jonathan Lemire leads us in today's discussions 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sledges me that is saying that donald trump is unfit for office. It's either. To tease owned by rupert murdoch. It's a new post and there at a toy on friday. It's the wall street journal said the same thing after our hearing on thursday night, so I'm gonna continue to be guided by making sure I do my duty and make it the american people understand the truth republic, Liz Cheney had a lot to say over the weekend about for president tromp in her work with the january six committee. Meanwhile, more signs from like pants that he's trying to break away from its former boss. The pair wants separate stages this weekend in arizona play no six days for president Biden. He was staying busy at the white house while recover from cove. It will have the latest on his health good morning, welcome to morning Joe is Monday July. Twenty fifth, I'm le maire, Joe meagre and willie all have the morning off if you're, not.
We are in good hands with us around the table. We have former aide to george w bush white house and state departments, at least jordan, professor at princeton university at claude jr, the president of the county, I'm formulations, richard Hoss and NBC news corresponded VON hilliard also with us the found. the conservative website the bulwark Charlie sykes. We have a lot to get too and we're gonna begin this morning with the latest developments from the january six select committee over the weekend, chair list cheney, one of only two republicans serving the committee went on. it's yesterday to defend the committee's work here. How she responded to a question about why capital police work better prepared for the attack incident? our focus, the investigation. You will see our report, you will likely see an upcoming hearings, and so is certainly something that we can be very focused on, but but what we aren't gonna do brat. blame the cap,
police blame those in law enforcement for an old trumps armed mob that he sent to the capital, Kevin Mccarthy decided not to participate in the committee that some, The house of representatives cannot investigate the single worst attack on the united states capital since the war of eighteen, twelve, China also discuss the committee's interested interviewing jenny, thomas, the wife of Supreme court justice clerics talks, the committee is engaged with her council. We certainly hope that she will, to come involuntarily, but the committee is fully prepared to contemplate a subpoena if She does not. I hope it does. to that. I hope she will come involuntarily. We we ve, certainly spoken with numbers of people who are similarly situated in terms of the discussions that she, was having that you mention. So it's very important for us to speak with her and and, as I said, I hope she will agree to do so voluntarily, but but I'm sure we will contemplate a subpoena if she won't
Jenny Thomas sent several text messages to mark meadows, former president trump chief of staff joining the result of the twenty twenty election. She all exchange emails with trumps lawyer john eastman, who pushed and illegal plan to overturn the election and she sent emails to almost thirty lawmakers in arizona column and to help overturned trumps loss in that state last night thomas responded to speculation, that the committee would call to testify. Saying quote: I can't wait. to clear up misconceptions. Ford to talking to them Her lawyer, though, has pushed back against voluntarily talking to the panel asking lawmakers to give quote better justification for her testimony, meaning I'll cheney and other members of the committee commented on whether they plan to make a criminal referral to the just department about former president trump. there is a massive difference between I'm an approach
the last administration for political vengeance and not prosecuting administration that literally tempted a failed coup? That is a that as a precedent. I'm way more concerned about, I sure, as hell hope they have. investigation at this point under donald trump. I have no direct knowledge of the status of their investigations, but what I'd say, as you can tell the department just watching our hearings closely. The committee has not decided yet whether or not will make criminal referrals that something we take very seriously and I would also say that the department of justice certainly is very We focused based on what we see publicly on what is the largest criminal investigation in american history marriage the committee fanning out over the weekend on television just couple days after the make that primetime case at least At least this section of their hearings. Give us your assessment. Did they do that, and what would it mean if the court of justice did take the step there,
plenty of their there to these hearings. I was, I followed, as closely as anyone watching the show, and I was surprised by some of the revelations and just re living it in russia. time and remembering the fear of that day of january, six of the capital under siege was just so powerful and you couldn't see where a tad slow, impact. So far, perhaps deadening, donald trump appeal. Just a teensy little bit His most active support hers, and so I do think it made a difference. I think that this month of lag time is going to be an interesting window to see what happens with some of the primaries and donald trump in his decision to get into the race and whether he announces, but they need to pick it up again in september, because there is still plenty of unanswered questions: richer. There's your true audiences! Here right, there were, of course, a garland department, justice, but also, as the least said republican. poll, suggests that yeah this has had a little bit of an impact. Trump is still, the favorite was nuts, not sure.
that in twenty twenty four but his popularity, his dip? Some do you think so Other audience department, justice, where they listening. I think there I think, because, obviously the committee had access to material that they haven't had access to it's, why they requested all the all the the transcripts, but I think it's a really complicated set of calculations for them about what They want to take it to that point, whether other worried about a jury trial, whether he could you can ever find a jury that we can victim. I think it's a real question country wet weather, these hearings or better Jonathan? As what you might, a civic education but influence the country and, by the way, most important might be independence, but my vote and a general action rather than republican primers, whether it s the most important or whether you think it is the legal aspect of this, and I am unpersuaded yet nothing. Lawyer too easy for me to talk about. but the legal package necessary the most important but might be, in some cases, the political path and that's where the hearings might be most important sector
you're probably have about a month before the committee resumes, they say. They're gonna have some sort of hearing when they put a preliminary report. In the intervening month list These is facing a primary and was worthwhile me. She is, of course, in many ways become the face of the committee, a republican, obsolete the trump she's dead the polls, what I mean. What is it tell us if we now. We see this committee again she's defeat it's for reelection, but it will. Let us know that the problem is just simply donald trump This is throughout the country right and we have pockets of the country that actually agree. Ideologically its trump ism and its evident thing itself and our politics, but I will not go back to something that richer said. Yes to, politics is important, I think so, but this figure rule. The rule of law is also important. If it turns out, There is an individual, war in office, the presidency that is above the rule of law, what happens downstream, and I think the question around donald trump
that I think the committee, as laid out there are clearly and even the question original thomas right. Do we do with these folks who believed that they stand outside the sphere of the rule of law, and how does that and play itself out among everyday ordinary folk who in some ways bear the burden. The of the rule of law in some way. I'm just not sure we're there yet, and I think again, we normally again not a lawyer, but you did the case up and you go did you first look at other people around them Can the justice department is dairy and I don't think they need to be the are there yet at the question of whether to go ahead and go after the president? Personally, I think that's premature, let thing player, so top of the show you heard. Congresswoman cheney refer to the two editorials from rupert murdoch: own news outlets against for president tromp, one from their posts for presence there, newspaper and the other from the wall street journal, the journal its world titled? The president who stood silent on january sixth, begins like this.
No matter your views of the january stick special committee, the fact it is laying out in hearing are celebrating the most horrifying to date. Came thursday in a hearing on president trumps conduct as the right raged, and he sat and tv posting Majority tweets refusing to send help. It continues. Mister took an oath, to defend the constitution, and he had a duty as commander in chief to protect the capital from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused He didn't call the military to send help here You call MR paths to check on the safety of his loyal vp. Instead, He said the mobs anger and left the room. it play out Eighteen months since MR tromp has shown not an iota of regret. Our job is revealed in a crisis and MR pants path. His january six trial, MR trump utterly failed. His
Meanwhile, the near post went even further. What's it with its editorial, with this headline from silence on january sixth, is damning. They write in part this. There been much debate over whether trumps rally speech on January six, twenty twenty one constituted incitement, That's somewhat of a red herring what matters more and has become crystal clear in recent days, is that true Didn't lift a finger to stop the violence that followed it was the only person who stop what was happening. It was the only one the crowd was listening to. It was incitement by silence. It concludes. Only focus was to find any needs day and the consequences to block the peaceful transfer of power There is no other explanation. Just there is no defence for his refusal to stop the violence. It's up the justice department to decide at this is a crime but as a matter of principle as a man,
of character trump is proven himself unworthy to be. Countries chief executive again, charlie sykes, I'm gonna, guess you don't disagree with much of that. Wanna get your take on it, but more than that, give us your analysis. of them, significance of where these charles appeared in two rupert murdoch: own outlets, He, of course, also owns fox news, David extraordinarily friendly to donald trump. Throughout most of his tenure, there seems to be signs that may be changing well, first of all, Jonathan, I do agree with those editorials and I think that they are really very much on point. Although I get my one quibble would be. No donald trump was in fact not silent on January six that he was on the phone and he was putting out tweets that were targeting vice president mike pence, that was worse, a dereliction of duty? But I guess
Most of us on the panel today are old enough to remember when newspaper editorials actually had some real cloud or significance, or maybe they never did, but it is significant that the rupert murdoch, publications would publish these editorials, but the reality is. The fox news is far more influential than the editorial pages of the wall street journal or the new york posed to mean this may be influential with the donor class. But, as eddie mentioned about the way roaming primary, we need to understand what the mood is among the republican electorate and night. After night after night, rupert murdoch, sad news network is broad, asking trumpets, trumpets propaganda and as long as and as long as that, bull horn is employed to prop up
well, I don't think you're going to see an appreciable difference, but but it certainly is interesting and also just don't make a note here. Fox news had not reported on those editorials until Liz cheney brought them up on fox news yesterday. So once again, Liz cheney, rather remarkable performance and pointing out that the boss of the folks I mean the owner of the of the company in fact, has taken this particular position. But I wouldn't read too much into it in terms of the impact it's going to have, except that we do have the drip drip drip of of republic and thinking you. Nor can we just move on from this freak show at us about, backing a winner. We should recall that murdoch and a lot of news corporations were actually slow to support trump in two thousand and fifteen, that a lot of criticisms about him and only came aboard once it was clear that he was the overwhelming favorite we saw Vaughn over the weekend. Dueling rallies both prompt and my pants arizona, and one
lot bigger than the other. Give us your assessment as terms of what you saw. What does it mean right now about? This split in the republican party, and I think you know The extension of charlie's boy he's not silent in a year and a half later. You know that rally came less than twenty four hours after this final public hearing and you don't hear a former president up there denying that he did nothing over the course of more than three hours the violence during january six, I hear him denying that he pressured former vice president mike pence to not certify the election. You didn't hear him denying that he plays phone calls to members of congress who object to the results, were the place calls, including two local officials in arizona there is no denial. The one thing he did die, I should note, is that he threw food. The other part of his speech, though he was trying to undercut the reputations of the hutchinson of Sarah Matthews he was. putting more questions out into the either and at that away there, he was making himself the martyr this is a man who, yes, just an hour. away from wherefore. Vice president, like pence, was also
campaigning painting is setting himself up is a martyr for the report, Can party in power of the future, as opposed my parents. This is the clearest choice, path, we're talking about motor, Ultimately, voters are gonna, be the ones to decide on august in arizona. You have these two candidates guarantee the ropes and and carry like new faces to politics, one currency, the ropes and with my parents with don't you see, on the other hand, Donald trump, Wendy rogers kelly war at a cost of other were far right. Arizona figures are saying it carry lake, ultimately It is the voters on august. Second, they're gonna be choosing that path there. In the last thing I want to know it was a make tents, tweet as he was leaving. Arizona in my pants was flying in. He said quote. If the republican per allows itself to become consumed by yesterday's grievances. We will lose. Those are the tooth pass. We for the republican party right now, at least is grappling with. Theirs is donald trump refused, even as his position as the favourite for twenty four. He refuses to talk about twenty four he's. Only talking about twenty twenty a lot. against fearful that he's gonna
Ben and declares president's is presidential candidacy. Before this year's mid terms, would you be on and of distraction, to say the least. Well I mean talk about turbocharging, the democratic electorate. And really ensuring record turn out of democrats. If you have donald trump pudding himself out there as a twenty twenty four contender specific with arizona, I'm fascinated by the Senate race there and how it's going to play out with winning wings of the republicans battling? You have the whack republic And then you have you no more of the moderate Mccain republican wing, and then you ve got the progressives who were fighting with moderate democrats too, and so how do you say that senate primary and eventual sinnott race play now? You know it's interesting, a light. The governors railleries were paying so much attention to it is because pens and I do see felt that they had a candidate to go, to guarantee the robes and in the senate? Brace they're, not being in because Jim layman blake masters even
turning gyro marked burnham edge. They had been playing donald trump, is a mere we're. Leaving another path for voters, or even these more right and mainstream republicans, are we to think of. In that sense, they haven't had a path or to- and so that's where I think a lot of the question is- are right: it's gonna be mark Kelly, come november, with the litmus test of receiving trump support being, whether or not you believe the twenty twenty election was up and up from arizona to florida. Top republicans flocked to the sunshine state over the weekend for two major conferences. On friday, the statue beheld its annual sunshine summit headline by flora, governor and presume twenty twenty four presidential candidate, rhonda santas online in past years, Lee than was largely closed off to the media. With descent It's only opening the conference centres doors to those who would give him positive coverage. The next as a president, tromp headed the Tampa where the conservative student organization turning point usa holding a summit of its own, their tromp spoke
or nearly two hours railing at the january sticks committee and any other groups lucky to hold an accountable for his actions. There's never been addition treated, there's really never been probable in terms of a large scale and length of what's going on. I just never ends, but there's never been president treated like this is never been a politician and for the most part is just about never been a person treated like is charlie. I am disappointed that you didn't have an entrance like that for today show with smoke sparkles and sore, maybe fire, but setting that aside will do better next time there is give us your take on just where things are about trump and how continued backward looking, but yet seemingly embraced by the vast majority of the body
Well, he I regret that. I don't get that kind of an introduction as as as well looking at. One of the big questions is the republican party has a collective action problem. Everybody seems to be looking at everybody else, like you're, going to do something about this right, you're, not gonna. Let this happen again right. We don't want to be the one who's going to throw yourself. On the political hand, grenade like like Liz cheney did so I you know, I mean there's a lot of focus on whether you know ronda santas will run and whether he'd be able to take him. On I mean there are some polls suggesting that he might be competitive but he's competitive and a one to one race? What is In fact we have a replay of twenty fifteen and twenty sixteen, where you have all of these candidates in the rays and ultra may not be we always popular as you once was, but he could run the table with a kind of numbers that he has, and I think what you saw in floored and in arizona, though, is this continuum, and the republican party were donald. Trump is not just embracing magnetism think about
people that is associating with on the continual minutes along continuum in conservative republican politics. These days, Donald trump is associated with the craziest possible, and you know it. It extremes out here when you're talking about curie lake when you're talking about Wendy rogers when you're talking about going down to that tp usa, that he is demanding fealty to the most extreme aspects of maga, ism and obviously going down and speaking to a group of young people for nearly two hours and venting his grievances is a pretty good window over republicans might face over the next two years. So I guess the question is: is there's a lot of talk behind the scenes among the donor class and among the elected officials? Can we move on from donald trump, but who's going to do it, and I have to
that, I think, is very unlikely that my friends is gonna win. The republican nomination is wrong. The sand is actually going to pull the trigger on all of this. Knowing what a scorched earth campaign it will be minimal, look after themselves. Miss anybody think that donald trump would accept a defeat in report in primaries any more than he would accept the defeat in a general election, and what would that look like that filters trump to trump that he is demanding has led to some senate candidates, which many of the jew appear starting to nervous or become nervous that they may not grab this upper chamber like they had fought
Perhaps a few months ago, charlie, sykes next time, will get you the smoke machine. Thank you. My friend NBC is Vaughan hilliard. Thank you as well, hello. There, I'm chuck Todd an appeal on meet. The press have some great news. You can also get a daily dose of politics. News and expert analysis on our new show meet the press. Now everyday will go beyond the headlines to explain, what's happening in politics, how we got here and why it matters we'll also talk to the folks on both sides of the aisle about the issues this country faces and how what's happening in washington impacts. All of us. You could watch meet the press now every weekday at four pm eastern streams free at NBC news now and it's available on all streaming platforms.
these days, the news, never stops the morning's headlines change by afternoon and by the end of the day, it's all totally different. So, let's get into it, what's happening right now, what it all means for you for an hour every day I get it. I know that it can be hard to keep up. So let's get started together and go from there, hey I'm Ali jackson, and we have a ton going on tonight. Here's the deal ali jackson now weekdays at five pm eastern on NBC news. Now russian missiles hit the city of odessa just hours after cave in moscow reached a deal to resume exporting grain from the ukrainian, port city reach officials say to cruise nestles hit the poor on Saturday drawing a doctor ukrainian ship and other military infrastructure. official, say to other missiles were shot down by Ukraine's air defence. President zella
we denounce the attack instead, that it quote destroyed the possibility of a dialogue with russia. U s sake Mary of Saint anthony blinking also condemn strike, saying cast serious doubt on moscow, credibility to that agreement. Meanwhile, new details are emerging about the harrowing conditions of hundreds of ukrainian fighters and civilians faced when they were true inside a steel factory in the port city of merrill For eighty days this was an extortion he paced the ran over the weekend in an air times it rights at the plant was becoming a horror. Show. Civilians in soldiers were short of food weapons and medicines to treat does of wounded troops, soldier were dying for even minor wounds, innocent the field hospital at the plant, the wounded soldiers looked pale and deathlike crammed. were dark industrial bunker mode were lying on the concrete floor
night and day, russian ships and artillery units pounded the factory while russian jets fired rockets and bunker busting munitions began to dig the bomb shelters spare set in people in the bunkers when we without seeing natural light or breeding clean air people became in cruel, occasionally fighting said a woman who sheltered there with her daughter became so desperate for an escape. They began to drink from the bottles of alcohol, infused hands sanitizing installed during the. The pandemic- and I encourage everyone to read this piece- is. jim, to say the least verhofstadt. Let's start with that missiles, It comes to short time after France in russia and Ukraine seemed to strike a deal to allow more grain to come out of that country. Ukraine, of course, one of the bread, asking of the world real fears of not just right, in prices, but I agree food shortage in africa and other places, and yet
as we ve seen so many times before rushed word. Cappy can be trusted quite clear, though Jonathan, why the russians engaged in the diplomacy with the united nations in turkey, the steel was announced and, as you say, within twenty four hours, the rushes russians are violated it. So what's going on, was with the whole thing or two, Does the whole thing a show was. Was this stay So when it was an authorized to do it, wasn't a one off You cannot. We don't know what I think in the u n and turkey and try to resurrect the steel it's important, not just for ukraine, but for the world. We saw already food riots in sri lanka. As you said, big parts of africa have food. It just the combination of inflation and the lack of foodstuffs is severe, we could have another arab spring in the in the Middle EAST. The stakes year are enormous caught me the bottle eyes. We don't quite on the understand why the steel unravelled within twenty four hours of its being sign, what the russian or putin prudent agenda here. I think we're gonna find out in the next couple of days whether this
can be revived. If so, good, if not Then you know where we are we're, where we were the other one of the big piece of news over the weekend was the solent sky interview with the wall street journal and what he said. Quickly said was. We are not interested in a cease fire. We interested in any situation that gives a pause, so the russians can rebuild why they sit on our lands and rebuild militarily. That was really interesting. It showed essentially that were open, diplomacy, obviously, but not diplomacy, that hurt us and helps the russians yeah on that point either. We, though, we're down here at the end of July before we know it winter will be here, and there is a real sense. You, a special eyesight, speak to say that there will be this pause for six weeks. It's two months whatever it might be, where there won't be able to be much fighting because of the conditions, and the fear is if the russians have whatever territory they have. At that moment, they're probably gonna be able to keep so. The clock is ticking sure.
I think this likely to happen anyhow cost both sides are going to have troubled sustaining this level of intensity. So I think you'll have this open ended war going into the russia, but the ends city. The battle will begin to turn to dial down at the other this can happen. Those we get closer to winters, the question of how the europeans reactor gas cut off russian Thirdly, gonna do it knows about development. They are the fall of the drug e government was, well. Crafted in western solidarity, costly alternatives to him, or bunch of right wing populist pro russian forces, so really dangerous questions in germany about some of their stay. Pal Putin clearly decided that time is his friend he can use. Time tested the fabric. western solidarity to grind ukraine down to grind nato down, and I think I think we have to again reset or our calendar resell clock for will be a long walk. Putin is decided, it will help him we'll richer.
That's what I wanted to ask you about. Are we just looking at a long term? Insurgency in these contested areas, if presents a landscape, doesn't want to concede any territory, and then Vladimir putin doesn't show any signs of slowing down his assault. Then Is this just going to be an ongoing conflict without resolution, where the west is feeling it's been in arms and then also russia is able to reconstitute their forces to the russians may have some trouble, not clear where they're going to get the help from that's the one area where the sanctions might be making a difference. But the short answer to your question is: yes, look there's been going on since twenty fourteen. This is not so much a new war but chapter two of an existing work and what you can is actually a conventional war with military on military engagements, but that that, as you suggest in some areas, you could have more of an insurance it. Crane doesn't send traditional military units, but essentially tries to undermine russian occupation from
in the way that insurgents had done its in time immemorial, so just as we are also going to move towards that both the classic war and something a guerrilla war simultaneously, quite possibly for years to come, and certainly right now, no shortage of credit from the united states to contain it. money and weapons that way, but europe that would be a grave. As the year goes on, and also down the road in the united states, whether we had the dishes expect. This is big bucks, billions and billions of dollars and what? What would be really interesting and both parties, reporting signs of it in the republican party weather people search saying enough for ukraine, we ve got real problems here at home. We done more than enough for them. We got a focus on ourselves. I think a version of the old guns, verses butter debate could willow openness country sometime again, something vladimir Putin is hoping to see as a u s fresh operating over the over the weekend, The money is not running out, but it's not unlimited either
I see ninety two plan, parenthood versus casey is decided with the supreme court limiting abortion rights. I knew we needed more women in congress and I haven't put fighting sense filing for rain divorced me melchior today. The dobbs decision overturned road but been at the forefront of women's rights, is taught me. We can fight back and we just don't. I approve this message because it also taught you can send a man to do his job. Abortion rights are front centre in that exclusive first, look at congresswoman carom alone is new ad ahead of new york's democratic primary on august, twenty third she's for reelection against her colleague congressmen, jerry nobbler after their just Where will we dry into one? and congress maloney joins us now? She is the chair of the house, twenty on oversight,
the forum. Comments have a of thanks so much for being here. Let's just to have you start by talking about that ad, why did you feel like that is what you wanted to put out there? as a second point of discussion for this race against to people that new yorkers are used to both having in congress. First of all, thank you for showing the add, and I think it shows that I have the energy and drive to go to washington, be in washington and fight for all women. progressive during his time in a row. Republican majority has chip away at our rights. They literally bulldozed them into the ground. we need more women, democratic women in congress, the fight for a legal, safe abortions like clean environment and an end to gun. Violence on its as a really challenging time with the supreme court. These decisions, we need people with sperience invite
they lack actions speak louder than words in my answer. Is that congresswoman maloney, you really are launching an attack of sore on congressmen, adler by say totally no heralding your bona fides when it comes to abortion rights. Do you think that he has not been a strong of an advocate, as he should have been during his time in congress? I think women fight harder and when a woman's at the table, the agenda changes and change doesn't come easily, but it will come if you never give up and women will never give up on the right women, Congressmen will eliminate the repression of bitter that. What do you actually mean by the claim that women fight harder? I mean let's listless, masking the question in the context of broader kind of, criticism of the democratic party is not fighting hard enough in this. In this particular environment. How will you
stinguished yourself as someone who will fight aggressively in light of the forces that seem to be trying to undermine our democratic policy in this moment. So a explain to me what you mean by women fight harder, and baby. What is the nature of the fight that you understand? it's in front of you in front of all of us, in light of the forces, are trying to undermine the republic of this month, Well, I think that the fight for abortion rights for a clean environment and then, for god's sake, gee. I think that it does. I've been raided repeatedly by outside raining organizations got track and that committee for effective congresses per second, A third most effective up member for getting things done actually promising thanks, not just talking, but getting things done, and I have been envy. fight in a street just got arrested last weekend, before a lasting and also in the back room, and I
tell you in the back room when the door closed, the cameras are off, people who stand and fight to the death rights are women. Need more. Women were half the population were under presented in congress we need more democratic women, there in the fight every single day. Cars are maloney, let's switch gears here. Obviously the heat of the last week, or so has been a fierce reminder of the impact of climate change across the globe. Yet one of your democratic senate colleagues, Joe mansion just a week or so ago, stood in the way of the president's climate change agenda. What is message to him, and what is your message more so perhaps to democrat who are staring at washington and see your party ahead in charge of the white house in and both houses of congress in cancun, something done on something so fundamental and dangerous. Well, we do,
get it done, and the house that the challenges, the senate and all admittedly, we need to elect more democratic senators to offer for climate change and also rail gb. Cheat you rights for women's rights the end basically we need to elect- are democrats who all but policies that will combat climate change, the exact literally a light, and and this'll, mid term election is coming up and we should understand us more democratic to the house and the senate. Who will fight not only for the environment but also for guns. de la sensible gun safety laws and women's rights, equality and aims illegal abortions. All right, we'll congresswoman, Carolyn maloney, chair of the house oversight committee? Thank you for joining us this morning, richard on the change record temps across the? U s this weekend, but Europe really bucks
under what the heat that they faced. Just a few days ago, it's it's alleviated a little bit. Some places still punishing and places spain, portugal more in the south, talked a little bit about what you're seeing of climate change across the globe as as as national security issue, but also just frankly, as a human rights issue, I think, line. Jonathan is we're losing the fight against it at the world now is going to meet for the twenty seventh time. This november in Egypt, to talk about climate change and the problem is we're talking about climate change, while climate change is getting worse and worse mystically here we just recently had a set of decisions. I thought you just talked about the legislation that didn't pass. The supreme court decision hobbling the administration's ability to regulate through the e p a what's happening nationally and internationally around the world as we're falling farther behind, and
increasingly don't think the politics or diplomacy are going to deliver answers and I think we're going to have to maybe start hoping that technology gives us certain breakthroughs. We're going to have to spend a lot more money on adapting to the rest, or to the goal of climate change, but this is one of the most frightening things out there, and here it is when the third decade of the century, possible, but I think even likely that before this century- and this will be the defining issue- the euro. It will create tends in tens of millions of not hundreds of millions of refugees. It'll effect. The adequacy of food, and it will affect disease. It will affect lifestyles. We getting a hint and it's not just the future. Its increasingly now and the end equality of the political response nationally and internationally to me is one of the most stunning features of the moment, and then there were had been a sense. Also present tromp pulled out of the paris climate change a treaty and that there is sense that you asked was going back on board eddie to be a leader on climate change, one
Joe Biden took office and, but is really just pointed out. Its knocked its members of his own party have sabotage that effort, as well as the supreme court, which were guided what the epa can do, how how does this change? How does the political will catch up to his richard says what will be over the next decades, our century, almost certainly be defining issue for our present and future. Absolutely we have to begin to identify the oversized role of the fossil fuel industry and our politics we have to identify, find and criticise our only diction to fossil fuels, drumming just a and the new york times today they republic of congo is now going to auction off parts of its rainforest. Five hundred million dollars going to go into their coffers because they're going to all auction off the rainforest that sucks up the carbon that helps us live, and so, unless we begin to understand the stakes, we're definitely in peril. No, I did this logic we can do we can use agreements to tax. You stop me
the cold or going across international lines. We can try to preserve their the rainforest nuclear power. Why Is there no serious debate in this country and around the world about expanding the use of nuclear power? It does not admit any greenhouse gases. The Consistency here is just marking and we're gonna have to live with fossil fuels for decades, but all fossil fuels are not equal Should I ask is not the same as asked? Call we're gonna need fossil fuel transition there so much that can be done in their so much that is being done. This is this is really one of them to me. Baffling it's issues out there and I think everyone says well it's up to the other guy. you gotta, do something we're not going to do it ourselves and even if we do it ourselves, it's not going to be enough, but in the future generations, going to look back on these years and say what the hell, where they thinking, how irresponsible were working, he's around the world know me
important conversation and one we will keep having in the days ahead. I'm joshua Johnson, on my show we're trying to start conversations about what's happening in our world. Not just news but ideas, insights and your questions and stories about how the headlines play out where you live. We want to help people connect and engage on challenging issues. Trust me we're better at this than we think we are whatever you believe you're welcome here, because it's not my job to tell you what to think it's my job to think about what you tell me now tonight with Joshua Johnson streaming weeknights at eight eastern on NBC and now I'm andrea canning, and this week's dateline missing in america is the story of Abra Dameron. She was a beautiful cherokee. Woman was proud. That was happy that had a future. Where had she gone, that would only be the first question in an odyssey through a small town and an ancient culture. I believe without a doubt that we're going to get answers, partial buell, says getting. Those answers could depend on a tech anytime, we're looking for any little thing, listen closely, because you were someone you know might be able to help find audrey. If it was your loved one, would you stop dateline missing in america? Listen now, wherever you get your podcasts
Well, I always try to live my life in a way that support orders that make it employees in the world and if mice, Hurry can remind you of anything Let me remind you that when you believe in someone you can change their war. You can change their future. Just like so many people who believe in me the way. We wonder. We believe me from family to culture to be made to phase. I could not have done this without you, my fame, flag, represent h and see each one of you I thank you guys for the rest of my life Thank you very much, and god bless you owe me. The alarm of everybody, irrational baseball hall of fame, welcomed seven new members yesterday, including that guy
and read size great david ortiz poppy sharing those parting words with some thirty five thousand baseball fans gathered in coopers town upstate york, team on the strength of a twenty year, career that included five hundred and forty one home runs and three world series. Titles become the first clear, doesn't it hit her to be conducted in his first year on the hall of fame valley, David Ortiz, the most part, will a person in my house, among my two children, way ahead of me, richard ass. It is can't be overstated. What he did the city boston? They actually had an eighty six year, red sox. Eighty six, your chance, you drop the combat against your near and to those for which ortiz led change that, but this law, where you're I'm having a chance to be classic even of Iraq's bomber fans, even though to Ortiz, was undoubtedly a yankee tormentor during his career, a great and so for the game and incredible clutch hitter and a well deserving hall of fame. The screen,
I I watch again even for yankee fan. He brought joy to the game class, unjust, unbelievable talent. I also that gill haunches, finally, Well, the brooklyn dodgers getting into the little hall of fame one of the great first baseman in major league history. Yesterday was a great day. You looked at. People got in many minnows, so Jim caught. It was an amazing day. Yesterday of a real talent, be a real celebration of the sport and ortiz, certainly that smile lighting up the proceedings, but richard here's your turn to gloat, because, while red sox fans kept an eye on poppy and cooperstown boy, the team currently playing not so great, the defensive struggles continued for the red sox they got swept by the blue jays. This weekend they lost eighty four yesterday. This was a three game set mind you that started with a toronto victory on friday by the final score of twenty eight to five
you heard that right he was twenty. Eight to five, the blue jays almost set a record for most runs in a game. The red sox have now slipped to force in the american league east, just a half game ahead of the once lowly orioles baltimore was held at bay over the weekend by the division leading yankees. Here's aaron, judge slugging his league leading thirty seventh home run and yesterday six, nothing victory. That seems to be a daily occurrence. That is well, that's not great richard. My perspective. But here golf, so you were classy about poppy. Should I get to regulate yankees playing rights, twenty eight to five this, your red sox gotta, feel go on a safe in the eyes and arrested yankees judge is gonna, be them expensive player and baseball for the august for not having signed them up is he's having unbelievable season ahead. A mickey mantles pace on on home runs your neck the first. But those hang in there an houston yank. My keys have a problem which is they can't beat use them.
and I worry about that yeah. I agree on the astor, as it should be noted. The yankees fed remarkably good health to this point. The season they ve lost couple arms, the bull penalty, Severin us out for a while and the asteroids are not going away rigid ass. Thank you for your inside of a foreign policy and hard Bobby, whether it complexities of climate change, the challenges of racial injustice or the threat to american democracy, get your daily dose of enlightening articles at MSNBC, daily written perspectives by people. You know entrust like many hoskin joyce vats and dark at the theatre patel, along with the growing list of experts offering their insights plus fresh, takes from haze, brown and z. Finally, start your day with MSNBC, daily msnbc dot, com
Transcript generated on 2022-08-16.