« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/21/23

2023-07-21 | 🔗

Biden would benefit from third-party ticket in 2024, polling shows

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Our national parks and forests are home to some of the most picturesque views on the globe, but sometimes the most beautiful places hide the darkest secrets I'm Delia GM brought in in my show park, predators. That's what I'm here to warn you about. Join me every two. They all summer long as we dive into cases that continue to heart. The histories of these beautiful destinations, listen to park predators. Now, wherever you listen to pod, casts the republican harry. they have unfolded over the last few days and throughout this entire congress are a malignant clown show that are not design touch issues that in fact the health safety and economic well being of the american people, but instead pedal outlandish and out of control. Conspiracy theories.
You know it's it's out through those house later. I came average, not hold back willie. I thought the reference to my favorite punk scar band. and why was it was my malignant harsher at the clown show that that one best nineteen nineties punk ska band out there now called close cousin Joe to the insane clown posse. Of course out of detroit I'd said. Yes, I saw that a malignant clown shell. He makes a good point. Actually, this comes as a top republican in the Senate releases an f b. I memo that fails to prove any any of the accusations against president Joe Biden and his son hunter people said health, The republicans now have their own. overseer. Yeah plus captain mccarthy, aren't responds to reporting that he made a problem.
to download tromp as an olive branch, because the house speaker is not public endorsed trumps. Twenty twenty four, our campaign and speaking of the former president, will play for his ominous comments that seem to be calling for a january. Sixteen response to it. legal issues see here's here's the problem really no problems there, but now there are a lot of them, but he needs to read the room. This does the jack smith. I dunno this hell town with a contract dispute in new jersey when you throw words around like that, threatening stuff doesn't help with jack snare. Does it I had the same thought when I heard that last night, which is your about likely about to be indicted for part of the I meant for inciting arrive, they will be wild everything else, getting people to go to the capital, and now, if surface implying that,
supporters might do that again? If the justice department does, in fact that you nothin legal strategy, though I don't even know which lawyers he has around him. Any more if they can mention that to him, but it doesn't appear to be Looking through any legal advice, he may be getting he's just gonna. Keep me in him. Yeah it's a malignant clown charred thing to be a lawyer with us. We have former whitehouse director communications, president obama, Jennifer palmary plug. rise. When in calmness and says the editor of the wash imposed and msnbc political analysts, eugene robinson, Why has the editor for political, sam stein filling in for the very very lazy, johnny let me say I mean that guy is what your words yeah turns lazy are, I might this might be the second
in five years he's taken off. I dunno look we have sam and what we call that a malignant clown show yeah, that's terrible, my joke. It was so so weird everybody whining about how Joe Biden gotta do so terribly, we ve already whining about a third party, canada, we every whining about everything, because this is what the Democrats do. as the obama administration, but with their campaign talked about bed wedding, excessive bed wedding going on there and the pole. Showed a polyester they showing the donald trump losing closing by five point: stingier lying forty, nine? Forty four percent- another came out with media. I say it calls a brutal, brutal, all showing Joe Biden. If rushing donald trump, even with a third party, can well that's the interesting part here. Despite having some concerns about both president Joe Biden and former president donald trump new polling shows, most of the
Organs are not open to voting for a third party ticket and twenty twenty four in the latest monmouth university survey. Just thirty percent of registered voters say they would definitely or probably consider voting third party if Biden and trust, are the leading names on the twenty twenty four ballot as How a nameless third party ticket could impact at twenty twenty four re match between the current and form President, the polls show that may actually help abiden without a third party option. The survey shows Biden beating trump by seven point, forty seven percent to forty percent with a third party. Take it on the ballot ballot widens victory over trump grows to nine point: thirty: seven percent, two twin He ain't so percent willie. Looking at pass, I mean first of all I mean this is the second day we have polls out that show Joe Biden ease, beating donald trump thumping, and on this
party We are all thinking. It's gonna hurt, Joe by it's gonna jump by people with Donald. It doesn't That way here doesn't look as wait. Some other policy it looks like people are saying I don't like don tromp at all, give me another option: I'll, never vote for Joe Biden, I'll, never vote for democratic by gimme, a third party option and we actually see there there's some actual softness in donald trump. numbers and job, I'm looking better than ever hear that cuts is the conventional wisdom. Everything we ve been hearing, which is, if someone like Joe mansion or to jump in the raise it would only hurt, buying and help to get donald trump reelected to be president of Jan palmary, I'm curious how you read into those numbers, because every other pole we ve seen says people don't like the match up. They don't like that choices they dont want donald trump against Joe Biden, and they don't want to see this movie again and yet, when you actually put question directly to them through percent of them want to see a third party, but it actually help
Joe Biden, again in that head to head. I think it was seven, once again the one we saw yesterday was five points. You have Joe Biden up seven points in this monmouth pull over donald trump. So for all the panicking. As Joe says, that's been going on in the democratic party. Those numbers least in these last several paul's, pretty good for Joe Biden, scientists looking at me, fun, because I already have two text messages from Democrats who I don't like to use the term bed waiting cause. I find it crude, but who are very, who are freaking out about this poll because of that is what type of craft studio you're right we do freak out, but it's also wider. Still, like standing, because we over worry about about elections that what's going to happen in them. This is this is interesting. I'm not sure that I trust it. It's the first time. I've seen a pole where there is a third party option that did benefit Biden as opposed to tromp. Although.
or at least this didn't hurt by them, but there is a, but there is a lot of kids that if you have that that trumps numbers and every other pull that I've seen has showed, this are very strong, and if you if there are people have a third party option that that is likely to take away from violent because bite and as we need some disgruntled republicans and independence over now continuing in the role of the party pooper here for democrats, wholesale talking about the pull from yesterday, which had died, and we mean forty, nine forty five over trump. That's a national pole, that's great! When you look at battleground states, Marius was concept as an example. You know you gotta get to two. Seventy. These states are not static. There
changing and self wisconsin, for example, have a higher level of why nine college educated voters in twenty twenty four that it had in twenty twenty vats. Cohort of voters you know has been has favoured tromp as opposed to bite and so These paul numbers are all rates bites it getting. You stopped about it I gotta get to seven day Anders concerns about when you look underneath the hood, with those number going to be like in the each of these battleground states and then in terms of the third pretty you know grade the only thirty percent are open to voting for an a you know either have to third party option, but Jill stein only needed to get in the very small digits of support in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania to win the election for donald trump. So I think that the third party still remains a very, very significant threat, such of the repeat,
I stay strong strongly this one. There is no it's just a dramatic is? It is dramatic stress: why Jeanne best aids and pulling for Joe Biden. Why didn't you just say we don't deserve good. Can I say women I deserve a boy But when you say I love you gone. What this is one line in a positive direction. You know happy days are here again when I look at wisconsin. Why the why you see, I see a judge's race that conservatives called the most important race in that state in a decade and Democrats won, eleven point. Yes things or not. static, veins or breaking. Maybe it's because
a democratic, I'm still it independence, so I'm not over overly negative. Yet things breaking endemic That's why they want by a landslide, was consonants supreme court, judicial race or publicans call the most port and raising their time democrats kansas, they one big one, and can hockey on abortion. They have so many things that are breaking their way, not just the indictments but the row over. Learning of rose, so many things good going in their direction and donald trump. Looking craze urine crazier everyday. That's why we, I don't talk about national pulses, usually talk about the suburbs of atlanta they'll! Never go for trot began to several I they'll never go for tromp again the suburbs detroit they'll never got four trump again. of your walkie they'll, never go for trial. Can especially post row and I hope, the power of positive thing,
king- did not trigger jan or any other sites out there. it's ok to be happy itself A smile I would kill. It's not our now, just So let me, let me just agree with Jan bed. Wedding is a crude. Gaston term. It should be banished from what never mention it again and, secondly, Jan did make her. You know, I think, a very valid, if not you know, maybe cup half empty case, for being optimist for democrats heading into try and twenty four. It is a race in certain states. It's not a national race. Right, like you, have to look at wisconsin, pennsylvania, and this, I guess we'll, be a question I would sort of dirty jean here which, as you know, if you look at that third party ticket right and you're scared about it. It's you know there is not a new look at two third party
that's right like there's the mansion one, that's no labels, it dry would draw centrist, and maybe republic it won't be open to bite and it could draw them away from us, but the other one is a cornell west type ray who could take. You know a couple of percentage points may be few key thousand votes in critical states away from Biden in what jan is in a row, living a sort of like jill, sign scenario right and I dont want to trigger it again. But that is what happened. You are on the engine, you know the people, let us which one do they actually fear the maoist right like do. They fear the engine ancient thai order. They fear the core I'll west small percentage points, liberal enthusiasm being just drain from them.
Well the answer of course, because their Democrats is both by before I get to that. Let me know: I'm shocked that we haven't yet mansion wormwood, twelve minutes and lucia. We have mentioned the one real bad. story in Washington today, which is the annex If the owners approved the sale of the washington for fighting the commander Dan Snyder to show errors, the long national nightmare is over and you know everything everything is bright and sunny again, so our own clown show. So, let's all how how could anybody have negative thoughts on a day like that? It's just it's! It's amazing! I claim a third party,
My general view has been that a third party would probably heard Joe Biden. right now we have some data indicating maybe wooden, I think that's a good. And I think that I think that, following has been good, has just been good. providing and perfectly willing to say you know great and then spend a day, not worry I love. My resolution for today is not to worry and to celebrate the end of a terrible, here in washington football there you go that's the spare yet spent almost a quarter of a century under the Snyder family, with the redskins lash commanders and now officially is over jean congrats to you. So we're talking about this interview that donald trump did earlier this week it was an iowa radio show- and I were, the former president was asked about the possibility of joy.
Time stemming from a special council, jack smith. Investigation here is trumps. Answer something that concerns you know- of the people making sure that they, Don't go out of their right mind if something like that happens because I know what I'm thinking of could happen if that, for example, they do say it Mrs ok, I'm going to put down will trumpet jail, is a very dangerous thing t even talk about, because we do have a tremendously a passionate. Group of voters- and I mean maybe you know maybe one hundred one hundred and fifty I've never seen anything like it, much more passion than they had in two thousand and twenty and much more passion than it had in two thousand and sixteen. I think it would be very dangerous job more passion than they had in twenty twenty implying could be even worse than you saw around the twenty twenty election obviously does
appallingly dangerous stuff to say, given the recent history in this country, also, as you pointed out, really very stupid as perhaps comes under indictment here for the events around the twenty twenty election, yeah. I don't know if done and what is it doing? Ways talking like a mobster yeah The shame if the very dangerous reject What want another ryan, water and their more dangerous? Now and they were in twenty twenty two. Twenty seven wise jane. He's just so stupid. He really is he doesn't understand going up against the feds. He doesn't understand that he can't bully and a stir and threaten his way out of no charges that are coming because he broke the law because he stole nuclear sacred because he's stall secret plan to attack on Iraq because he stole secret mill.
Terry secrets, because he has people all around him. All around him on January, the six better testify. Against them. No Democrats No moderate republicans all burs doll, everybody that he ever hired is gone before the grand jury, everybody there it's around. In january, the six went before the grand jury- all trump- He's gonna be charged for some of the most serious crimes in america. Any his response. His response Is that talking to his lawyer saying hey get me deal. I don't know what it's gonna look like. They give me a deal because money, it got me dead derived my own people are the pit testifying against me get me dealt instead of that. He goes on. iowa radio, show and like a man, MR threatens jackson, has he not walk at pictures of jackson?
This guy looks like a judge and door or a guy the tags. guy from the star wars galaxy and throws amended jail for life. He doesn't stand. Oh my god! Look, I'm scare! You just scared me. By putting this picture up, yeah. I want my legs ass to. How does he think Jack Smith is going to be intimidated by law like threads gene, It's not gonna happen judgment. Those I got really intense. Guy eddie looks like he's gonna take any of this from donald trump. I think trumped up does doesn't know what else to do. We obviously sees the was closing in on him. The indicted it's coming. Someone must have told him. Let him know what the conviction rate is in its federal court, which is worth over ninety percent of of defendants
were charged. The plea gets guilty or get a convicted ending. It is This is a tough situation for him and rather than then then make it rather than try to you, know, somehow keep his freedom. He he does. This It can only make things worse for him. and only make things worse for him, but he are you just don't know what else to do not run harder and harder and harder to the presidency again, so he can a pardon himself. That's, I think that's ensues ultimate goals. It reminiscent of their stand. I can stand by that. He said that the two, the proud boys and there's a lot I can, I think I will with the jail in this one point, although highland just tell texted me and told me not to let you mouth me about the moment, all
the he says that you do so. He said what he said yesterday very mob, like rates, but he did a another interview earlier in the week where he was ass like book. It seems that you kind of like these indictments and he said no. It bothers me right like a little moment of vulnerability that he was Shelly that, in that this, this stuff is is getting to him. well coming up we're going to act, motorway genome when also taxes, when he said that the earth lazy, easy he's, voices, of course, but also just talking about the poor, disturbed him that there's a ball that actually shows that things when we may well have just fine, we don't I It says a message from Jimmy for a moment about why we're not gonna know it is Debbie, think that binds going to lose michigan, because if she does, I mean I will
but her like a couple of detroit tie. Your baseball tickets against red sox taketh did by he's gonna win this again. If he goes up against trust, I think by and when michigan. If he goes up, I think Biden is going to win reelection. I think Biden is going to win michigan. I think he's going to win wisconsin. I think he's going to win pennsylvania, but it doesn't mean it's going to be easy or buy a five point, but we didn't want you to know. Is she says? I'm not wedding I'm in union halls. You know which is here and in union halls. This us is really it's really. It's really concerning the present, way. W is you are Debbie is up for grabs from spoke with them by this book, with them they're trying to win them over. So I still think in the end, this is going to be ok, because democrats do get. It together by these individual states are concerning how you asked these questions about the third for it again that matters what
you're really gonna. Third party states again, I feel good about the third party states, because donald trump and worse in them in time twenty than he did and twenty sixteen in toys, twenty two. You look at all the swing states. They broke more alive more for democratic and they did for republicans the same, not ben wedding. we call it the same, a pity they, the democratic party, all we heard willie red way ring Alex points out a good while there's gonna be a red way. I'd I don't do does make. It doesn't seem like a red. Why do you I always dozens of validating how you feel validate how everybody feels ok, but willie. Here's the thing: well, say this: I'm glad the Democrats or panicked when the sun comes out. Dan Snyder leaves why and whatever their call now I'm glad that their panicking
that means you're, gonna work harder. I remember that thing that freaked me out around my campaign offices were with nobody ever dared, say more than one time: hey, hey joe! We get what ass, when you get out of bed filing cabinet stocks at all, will feral with that's right. At that point, I can understand that, but see this is what the Republicans d understand right because because they and so crazy. They forgot what used to make them great on the campaign trail, which was organised, getting out getting people about Democrats over past two or three cycles have figured that out. So I get what Debbie dingle sang but got a very union amber going got a joint support, Joe Biden or not with unemployment at record levels with manufacturing exploding across amerika with a dollar generational eyes over the past year against the red, with america's economy, doing better than
it's done in ages, with our gdp at twenty five trillion, while china stagnant and seventeen trillion you're a union member, ages are growing like your wages against inflation are growing a question on who you are going to support. You given that the union halls and ask them what kind of glue there's nothing, because Joe Biden has been the best president for unions that they bad since I don't know who help me out here I'll, be J. Yeah could be my J. I mean that first of all, you gotta run for something you're pretty good at this. We should talk about that some day, but the the the Democrats and Joe Biden do have a good story to tell and they should be worried about telling- and I think that's true and then their side of it is here's the alternative that can sort of make that point twenty case again
Do you really want to go back to that? Do you really want to go back to the trump years? Do you really want to go back to the guy who's currently sitting? trial and a court room in washington or sitting on traffic, roman florida. Wary ends up next year, which is making the arguments are. There is the side by side binary choice, but to your point I think that as yet points out two thousand sixteen sort of, maybe a little gun shy about counting their chickens before they had maybe two thousand for also and in twenty and again in twenty twenty two. It was people grass it was activism. Was democrats working hard doing the old fashioned stuff getting people to come out and vote that frankly changes course of history in this country, and I think they need to be mindful of that- and they are clearly as jen says- that this is gonna, be What race, even though its donald trump and a lot of people, think he should go the white house: it's gonna be closed, that it's gonna take a lot of hard work to be done can be close.
So having up here. A morning Joe jackie alimony of the washington post is going to join us with the latest son, who testified Before the federal grand jury hearing evidence on the january six riot and also attempts to overthrow the election will be right back our national parks and forests, are home to some of the most picturesque views on the globe. But sometimes the most beautiful places hide the darkest seat It's I'm Delia GM brought in in my show park, predators! That's what I'm here to warn you about join me every two,
they all summer long as we dive into cases that continue to hot the histories of these beautiful destinations, listen to park predators. Now, wherever you listen to pod casts, But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lives. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, Elizabeth she's not gonna, like that. I will prevail boy, get the low if twenty nine ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms Why does it? U s cellular dot com for details? We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens, We'll rustles one of the president's body, man he's a guy that carried no genetic tax a comin, was around the president to ensure that administrative tasks like that were fulfilled.
and he is depicted in photographs. He was apparently with the president back and forth to the lips and into the oval office on january sixth,. That was a lead investigator for the january six committee, describing the latest witness to appear before the federal grand jury hearing evidence about the january insurrection and donald from attempts to overturn the twenty twenty election william Russell testified yesterday. long time, aid to the former president, who was reportedly? trumps side from the day on January six- twenty twenty one, although he has previously testified before that jury. Rustles level of cooperation is unclear synergies, works for the trump campaign. We did, though, get a possible hint ass to why prosecutors are questioning him
in a bizarre seen that played out during an unrelated court proceeding same building where Russell was being questioned. His lawyer showed up late for a hearing for a different climate, got visual. but what it s like bank fraud. What was it now it was. A client was sentenced for his role on january sixth alone, when the judge pressed him on why it was light. The lawyer said that he didn't want to leave russell alone with the special councils prosecutors, because his client was quote being asked questions which potentially involved executive privilege that could end aid that the deal J is questioning Russell to help piece together. Trumps word: actions from the day, the insurrection, the judge then send it U s marshall, to summon the deejay prosecutors to the court room where they had a tense private discussion at the back
fascinating and sprang in congressional investigations. Rapporteur for the washington post, Jackie ellomenus, she's, an MSNBC contributor and Jackie. What more do you know about William Russell and and what he might be sharing, where the federal grand jury because it was an extraordinary seen that played out yesterday in the dc courthouse whence ten woodward showed up late to the sentencing of frederico client january six defendant because of the length of the questioning of his client will russell in the future. There are six committee and now jack smith's team of prosecutors has most likely put together a very comprehensive account of that day on january sixth and transactions, but there is no one who is perhaps more close to the president during that time period, and maybe who knows him better than the body man as we any scene of, for example, with someone,
while not trumps, co, conspirator spirit on the morrow logger, daphne in case who replaced well rustlers, the body man posts presidency. This is someone who follows the president, around all the time knows all of sort of the most intimate details and could give a really clear and detailed insightful view into trumps mindset on that day of, where there are already countless other people. Are witnesses who have testified to the jack Smith's too We know that, for example, during the january six committee we heard from people like Nicholas Luna, Julie, Radford. These are all able to evolve trump. Two former president trouble who detail some of the events leading up to the january six rally where, where trump whipped up the crowd into a fever prior to them, attacking the? U s. Capital, where trump was on the phone with swiss former vice president
Hence at the time, then, vice president head of the electoral certification, we people who had said that trump. The conversation was extremely heated. We heard from Iraq or tromp who said that the president had never taken such a tone with the vice president they called him- a wimp. The p word, but again will rustles. Testimony still could be really important force method in terms of wrapping up the final stage of this investigation. Jackie, SAM stein here The talk about sort of I figure in all this. The attorney stand word who seems to represent basically everyone in tromp worlds in these various charges that they are facing, he was.
in a weird situation yesterday involving William Russell running from one trial to another, and I haven't been able to kind of wrap my head around this, but I'm sure you have how does having one sort of connective tissue defense attorney impact these types of cases, if at all, yes and will it certainly head scratching situation that is set up, but it's it's definitely a common one. Past presidents have also use this kind of joint defence situation and It definitely raises a lot of sort of obvious questions about information sharing and the ability for witnesses to kind of strategizing and come to some sort of agreement on testimony, but at the end, day. There's only so much that these these lawyers, these defence lawyers, can do,
no questions. For example, we yesterday the big issue that that would work revealed to the federal judge make fat in whose scolded him for showing up late to the sentencing was that you know he said to the judge, I'm late, because the prosecutors miss prosecutors were infringing on my clients, claims of executive privilege and that through the questioning ran late, but in something that we have already seen the court overrule those sorts of claims and an ultimate compel these witnesses to be true. we ve already also seen charges pressed against trump company. And allies of people like while not I am for making fun statements, so so there is a lot on the line here, a lot more so than was on the line for some of these people, who simply declined to cooperate with the congressional investigation. Although I must note that will Russell S, one is not someone that the general six committee actually reached out to
nor interview, no words crate. It was a lot going on and watching those jackie, I think so much robinson look at you. Look at this law you're running from one trump. in case to another from lady case from January six to another. There are a gmo or just as ever, be done think about other people that are in jail now because of january, the sex right, because their donald trump link about what donald revolving against donald trump, go back and think that all of us people who worked for donald trump, his national security adviser lake indicted array, sid indicted like charge here campaign manager charged sent to jail. His is still campaign manager gates charge sent to jail. His political debate, kirsty ban- and, I guess, council president thirty pounds.
charged right righted. Origin and and and and found guilty, and in part, Then there may be another charge out there. dude and in south florida, the knicks endued with the funny glasses. I forget his name right now like arrested what's his name again, stow register let's ride for some reason I was get reduce name roger leg, rested jar, it's just its crazy. How many people, if we add a running list connected donald trump, is admitted iteration campaign, who have already been charged and convicted for crimes. There's never been a presidency close to this No, never anything like this, because there's never been the kind of rampant criminality and an insanity to either we saw in the vienna from France
density and so a whole lot of lawyers. Are you know, shopping for new yachts, I guess because bad assuming their getting paid and do by in question is who paints lawyer running back and forth look case to case in any event. Yes, this is a level of of criminality proven Chris, our and increasingly punished criminality that we ve never seen before in history, and I hope we never see again, but it's gotta be a message to to to anybody who gets it out Our goal is a bigger problem. Jack's beth go in tell the truth. These claims Executor, privilege basically all been denied them. Then that argument is working, go and tell the truth.
you'll, be a whole lot better off than if You try to stall in some way, because if you do that you're likely to end up, you know in jail, I mean that's. it's kind of work but want to people were headed and look at. You know lotta, who came in and essentially lied to us prosecutors and said didn't, know anything about documents and it turned out. He was moving As a woman now he's he's stuck criminal defended federal charges. So I dont know if people are getting this message that the thing to do that, if but you'd, better tell the truth and cooperate, but if they're not they're, going to pay the consequences, yeah man, I'm so glad you brought that up. I mean some people. Why? For the fbi, a related donald trump. It always ends badly forum,
and and you're also right about executive privilege pay. The roberts court is not buying it if its related to january the six, the roberts court, his already said no executive privilege for things that may have been in commission of a crime, so your ears, so right there and one other thing junior so right on, I mean it's been, terrible for america, but you talk about glory days for the washington dc criminal bar since Donald trump came to town. But finally, he is very full employment ag for all of them still morning, Joe vice president calmly. Harris is going to be traveling to florida today to deliver respondents to the state board of education's approval of new standards on how black history will be, including some really perverse, stop talking about how slavery helped slow.
Reverend I'll sharpens gonna be here and way, and that plus programme vine takes apparent endorsement from the far right. congresswoman, on the road to filet organization margins. Yellow green is helping boost by economics. Also add my recession when oppenheimer stars, kelly and murphy, and robert downy junior, is a highly anticipated blockbuster- that some call the most important and best film of this century hits theatres today, you're watching morning, jello very by our national parks and forests are home to some of the most picturesque views on the globe, but sometimes the most beautiful places hide the darkest seek.
It's I'm Delia GM brought in in my show park, predators. That's what I'm here to warn you about join me. Every time day all summer long as we dive into cases that continue to heart. The histories of these beautiful destinations, listen to park predators. Now, wherever you listen to pod casts, But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lives, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope. Elizabeth she's, not gonna, like that, the role that prevail, get the low if twenty nine ninety nine per lie we were cellular built for us too. Why does the? U s cellular dot com for details? We value human connection with it were distractions us cellular built for us visit. Your us cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens
The beautiful live picture of the united states capitol at six forty five on a friday morning. Vice president kamala harris will visit Florida today to address the state's new standards for teaching black history in schools. Earlier this week, the state's board of education approved new guidelines that includes teaching students that some black people benefit did from slavery, because it taught them useful skills? now says the vice president now will deliver remarks in jacksonville to highlight the administrations efforts to quote protect fundamental freedoms. The visit comes just a day after Harris's speech and indianapolis, where she blasted states that are banning books and speaking of our children, extremists, passbook bands, vent them from learning our true history
bans in this year of our lord twenty twenty three and while they do this check it out, they push forward revisionist history. Just yesterday, in the state of florida they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us tat, the gas live up and we will not do what is now the host of MSNBC politics nation, president of the national action network, reverend AL sharp and rub good morning. I had to dig it and read this because the headline I couldn't be true, but here it is a two hundred. Sixteen page document from the floor to state board of education. One Action that reads: slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefits. I never thought I'd see
Sides ism of slavery, taught in public schools, Well, it is not only insulting energy, humiliating and It really is dangerous because it will its drunk young people if it is allowed to go forward, not only distorted. version of american history, but observers from see where we are when you the vice president, going to Florida data really given national spotlighted is It shows also how far countries gone. Did you have a first time in the history of the country, a woman and a black woman, a woman of color, as vice president, they came from history of slavery, sounded the store how brutal slavery is. I'm saying and abuse woman, and say ya, abused, because I was trying to get how bad linda job of family curses. Out of what I mean is
absolutely absurd, insulting and it not only of distortion of american history, but it robs from us the progress there. we have made their for the progress continue wouldn't think of any damn thing more egregious to do to young people so glad that the vice president is going to Florida, the labs and and targeted about, both sides. Ism rob you you actually have. So, the requirement for teachers to engage both sides- ism talking about like, for instance, the infamous nineteen twenty, massacre in florida that they actually was try by many as it is one of the most single bloody days in american history. This type of massacre against black people. guidelines? Subject say that teachers, must also teach of violence
in massacres like this against black people were black pay? What acts of violence black people may have committed in and that masquerade get a massacre against black people in florida, because man tried to vote. This would be a candle saying if in warsaw. You must teach not only how the nazis massacred the jews? But if it's use, did anything and the Warsaw ghetto uprising to try to defend themselves against the nazi massacre. You must each those acts of violence against nazi storm troopers is well it's just It s so grotesque I've seen you around, I mean aids is unthinkable that this is happening in twenty twenty three, but this is wrong, dissatisfied florida and could be wrong. This is america,
it is absolutely wrong dissenters, this flawed and when we look at that, he is the most second most popular candidate, all up it's got into the poles. Lorries are distant from all true. So you choices tromp or this This was brought about this in this country. At this time, those of us that want to rise above that have to really push back like d president's visit and stand. Gather made you and I came from different political perspectives, but stand governance while Molly came, the third man invited you to be our guests and why in for a marginal washington commemorating on august. Twenty extra, show that there are people that will stand together and tell the truth about what happened in the country. So we can hear you can bring the country together unless we Just about what happened, yes tell both sides
what tell both sides in a real way don't try to equate being that are not equal and not fair, Oh you're, one of the things that I would say to some one last night, one when I got to call the vice president was going. It's very similar to many of us do as seven a new york paved with the new daily news. Did. A our are tracing of my background. Far about that, Family was all by a family, an edge real south carolina alley. the sharp to that's all Great grandfather was all but, and I want visited age feel are even slaughter plantation. My great grandfather worked. It never occurred to me till that day. Every time I write my mabel here, my maid. I'm saying the name of the owners of my great grandfather. That's not our may we don't know. That's the Pretty name of us does happen. Some of it is sort of thing that money.
red, sun or all whomever my family in Florida could learn this ban. Fitted us that we didn't even know our names. We did now history he was a boy was mabel was made to work, would know, wages There was some benefit to that its personal slap in the face of all americans and we all know the resisted and stand together like you and I have joe rev you know this history, I I have em, family history and in south carolina, but wait you talk about the history of slavery. Its increase Both that it would go revisionist on that and say that we benefited somehow, but they were entire episodes of american history that are actually american history? That simple?
still are not taught, there's the blue. What what moves of the bread summer of nineteen nineteen, for example, truths coming home from world war, one there were lot of turmoil in the country? There were T black riots in cities across the country that ear in the uk, especially in the summary in what was called the bread summer. Episode is hardly ever taught me where in our schools are yet it was a really big deal. How can we not only fight the revisionism, but how can we get just the basics of the african american story, which is the american story, told that we must continue to fight make sure that those doors at all- and, I think,
When we see the department of education federally, should pushing these out pushing these local school boards and state school boys to tell the entire story of what happened. Would I would happen what others We tell the true story: what happened to a lot of poor whites, and I think that it is something to cover up it's something to expose cause. It makes stronger, and it makes us better. and to really try and eliminate all the truth does not make it our true it. May us on wise, as our as a people, then I think we have to look at it that way. reverend now shopton. Thank you very much so well said, and I will be covering this much more in the weeks to come, and thank you rather talk for a minute. If you will, you are talking about the march in august, just remind everybody about the sixty four. Versus the march that you're putting together.
Two years later model of the king, the third, an idea. What is king I had the drum ages to allow me a national action network has called for as much disturbed go against hate crimes, standing against voter rights erosion in many states gets gun violence the green, but out of tat devil, additionally, in a c p, permanently asia. American groups are lot latina, roofs and now all of algae bt, q groups- are coming together. It's a march to say: sixty go doktor. King and many came together talked about a dreary. We go At the same place, lincoln memorial, who promised able Then we bring the country together. That's why we're not going to the Washington monument oda, jefferson memorial, but lately was the one made america's promised. That's why, king with this sixty years ago? Yes, what we're going there on the anniversary that's why we want people You there with us, because we must show in this time
hate crimes rising against all sectors. we're. Gonna stand together, we will not go backwards. We're on the invitation on rev and beyond to be there with you, a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, rope, Elizabeth she's, not gonna, like that I will reveal the lower. Of twenty nine? Ninety nine per lie we were cellular built for us turn plied. Does it? U s cellular dot com, pretty damn we value human connection with me were distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s. Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-25.