« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/20/23

2023-07-20 | 🔗

Trump’s target letter included three federal statutes

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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to sum up again, I think society, Donald trump bears some responsibility for the attack on the capital. If he's found criminally responsible, will you respect the result? Is not I don't see how it could be found criminally responsible here, not trojan what criminally activity did he do you tell people to be peaceful. Ah so willing site. oh, hey, first savings and loan on main street be there on january. The six light override the guards deed everybody up inside. If you have to go to the beach after go ahead and wipe it on the walls. Take their money beat people up. Cause, the death b be seen as approximate caused the death of four guards there and then, two and a half hours afterwards I'll tell
stop for cabin mccarthy to say why did he do Did he do well? We, let me read from you what we look at this video: This is jamie gang gal from February twelve, twenty twenty one and an splitting lace phone call with Kevin Mccarthy, while the you capital is under attack trumps. the riders care more about the election results? Then Mccarthy dead, they insisted, the writers, we're tromp supporters and banned tromp to call off and then this, shouting match began a furious mccarthy told then president tromp, why breaking into his office and through the windows and asked trop quote, who the f seventy didn't say ass, who the fuck? Do you think you talking to that's kevin,
car thieves shouting wall, here's this is under siege bag- Donald trump, just so the rioters begging, Donald trump, to stop the riot and then I'll drop, saying oh cabinets, He found his response again. A shouting Magda Mccarthy went around telling olive all the republican I guess it was very proud of the fact that he shouted down the president who you know sap. There for two hours, while they were being attacked while rioters we're we're we're losing their capital and while police says we're getting brutalized You know, there's a reason that Donald trump refers to Kevin Mccarthy and has over the years as my cabin, because it is his cat, has any saw his cabin display there against yesterday, which means he'll, say and do anything to protect donald trump, and he had that one moment on January six, the phone calls you just laid out that
lindsey ground was another of them. Who said that's enough enough is enough. He bears responsibility for this. You can't change that video and it does you wonder. We ve talked about this Joe. How someone like Kevin Mccarthy, looks in the mere at night. What is it I was family. What does he tell us? Kids? He was there. He knows what happened on January six. We show the video, because we have to remind people. Yes, your eye we're right that day. The thing you saw is exactly what happened, no matter now speaker mccarthy, wants you to believe and they political, Joe, is for what they're putting their political lives or political career is on the line there ready on the line for die. Trump a guy who has lost them election after election after election in may, I'll lose em another one next year. yeah they're they're they're, putting their pudding everything on the line to defend a loser. That has brought the
public and partly due to two tanuki new loaves and then we're not even talking about the shamelessness. They hypocrisy, the. Why we're talk about election results and you look at the latest quantum p at Paul that head dead match up between them I'll drop in and I bind that just came out. I mean it has donald trump losing again. I know. There's some polls that showed close, but this recent one most recent one as donald trump down five points. People now you look at public opinion strategies? You look at their head to head at in one state after another. It doesn't look like this. It looks like the status and another republicans giving Joe by a much better race, but here Joe Biden up forty nine percent to forty four percent. and was even before the latest jack psmith ladder, another indictment for what on January six. It does begged the core
seriously. Man in congress. and tell you it's not worth it, not it worth it, willy nilly be this shameful and I will say now: I don't know people I just didn't know many people in congress. That would do this because you can never get away with it. I mean you say one thing one. And the next day you turn around and and and play the cavern mccarthy they're just look at you and laugh at you would never trust you again and being just ain't got what fools. But this report can partly this trump republican party. It's called I'll go along with it until in fear every day of your life, the thing I'm about to say is that gonna upset down tromp. If so, I better not, and by the way we see it among
If the candidates mica, who are trying to defeat donald trump they're measuring their words, now wait, I know this is really bad. I know January six was bad, I know stealing nuclear secrets and hiding them at your beach club is really bad. I know all the affirmation that we're gonna talk about is really bad boy, if I say something mean or something that Donald trump even could interpret as critical, I'm in big trouble. So I bet offend the guy, even though I'm trying to beat him in a political rakes, its wild, where we're going be talking about a bit a baby, you look the ruling out of new york, where district Yesterday in new york, said: hey, maybe donald trump, Maybe he did and rape aging carol about the letter of the law and under the new york penal law. But my in common parlance. The people, the: u S, army and may every measurement he did
paper. That's what the judge said and and and and get quite work with problem lawyers. He suggested their client did not rape Jeanne carol had that happened any time before Donald trump would be my god. There would be phone calls and our hour and a half later there person would be out of the re spite well sir not the case here, because this is all about working party. I guess it not only a shameless and hypocritical, but they just like to lose, and I can't figure out what they like losing so much, but I just I, to come to the conclusion that they're afraid to win. Since you mention the aging carol case, let's just let's look at exactly what the judge said, because that than the jury only town trump liable for sex.
Abuse? And then there was new court filing. A judge clarified that the jury found that donald trump did: rape, writer e jean Carroll, and that was The way that the word is commonly used. The jury handed down that verdict during a civil trial between the rider and the former president in carol. Five million dollars and damages trumps lawyers file the motion seeking either to produce that award or get a new trial, arguing that he was not found liable for rape like kerala alleges yesterday, louis kaplan as Joe mention denied that request saying that the way new york law defines rape, much narrower than how it commonly defined by some dictionaries and other criminal statutes in they opinion cat won rights quote the findings This carol fail to prove that she was raped.
within the meaning of the new york penal law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr Tromp raped her as many people commonly understand. The word. Rape, indeed the evidence at the trial recounted below makes clear. The jury found that MR trump in fact did exactly that, this filing comes as trump faces. A second defamation lawsuit from carol over comments he made about her shortly after she came from. with her allegation, as well as comments you made the day after the jury in the first trial handed down spurred verdict, remember that he just couldn't stop. Authorities for tromp have not responded to requests for comment it's interesting given mccarthy is so scared of this man. He's frightened his shadow, and yet this woman will hold Donald trump
count. No matter what she has to go through and no matter how long it takes just saying very, very, very different, different abilities to handle interest- let's put it that way- and if you want to really look at just how much this party has devolved from twenty sixteen with the access hollywood tape came out, you actually had had I begin saying MIKE my pants. Everybody said we we can't. We can't follow this guy anymore. We we we, we they, were speaking out against it and and so you now have a president, as you said, that has been indicted three times indicted for stealing nuclear secrets and in them and is beach club, military other military secrets also stolen from the u s: government, hidden in his beach club, you the district court judge. Calling we'll drop a rapist saying that he is a rapist again, this
any one of these things would finish anybody any political career in either party pre donald trump, truly frightening. What the republican party has become because eighty two a politician was was was: was it you, It is a pleasant judges. Working on your best, I just saw a giant by judge, says, he's a rapist what what company we continue having this guy is their ceo, stealing nuclear secrets. Bang went. If fired immediately, just leave the building, we're going to box your stuff up and leave the building, I mean these are the sort of things really. That again I mean the fact that the repub hence our sitting back and their fine. With all of this, therefore, with nuclear secrets being stolen, they're, fine, with military secrets being stolen, they're fine, with with milk We plan to invade iraq being stolen, Donald,
stop lying to the government when they tried to get those secrets back and a judge saying Donald trump raped e, jean Carroll, then they're. Fine with that again it just It's getting more and more bizarre every day. I think it's, weren't. You say that it wasn't always like this. If we all have heads of a certain age or growing up in this last decade. In this political culture, ask ass, an wondering is it always been like this now, and it's not always been like this and be like this, and we should go back to it, not being like this, where people are held to a certain standard of behaviour, leaders or cells are held to a standard or behaviour, but it takes that even care when it takes some integrity to do that and man is there. Deficit of that in the leadership of the republican party even had republicans coming out yesterday, desperately saying
while the only reason, jack smith and the government in the by the administration is coming out with these indictments, is to silence us and to overwhelm the newsday on our investigation of hunter Biden and the oversight committee. They don't, they can't bring themselves to spress concern very serious potential crimes, because again that would mean criticized donald trump, it's hard to it. Plain to somebody who hasn't been watching it as closely as we do every day if he dropped down from another planet, any ass, a body in a way Is this happening? How can you allow this to happen? It's a tough thing to explain, except for the fact that they are afraid, they're, afraid of donald trump. They continue to be afraid of his voters and its clear, really inside the republican party. Anyway, what breaks that fever? Can you get to the investigations also again so called whistle blowers, Emmi
might be that these iris whistle blowers at least weren't spies. At least they did no legally smuggle raining oil. Do the communist china, sporty least they weren't an active agent for the chinese communist party, like the last whistle blower was, but this was a blow at method. Yeah yeah? I brought this up to the trump administration, the prompt justice department. They see anything there either in oh yeah, all those things republican This might have been saying about merit guerrilla, that I said about a supposedly those relies too so they're, just throwing things the wall because they're so desperate? They don't want american stay here that a judge called Donald trump. rape, as laid out that they don't want the american people that focus on the fact that donald trump stalled nuclear secrets wouldn't give him back, to the government, the donald trump, military secrets in secret plans to invade iran and wouldn't give it back to the government. They do they don't we
People are setting, make things up and they have all of these so called. So blowers, who again admit the trump justice department said: yeah, there's nothing. There all of this with us. We have the host of way to early and white house church, a bureau cheap at politico, jonathan le mere member of it our times editorial board mara gay founder the conservative website, the bulwark charlie sykes is with us and former: u s turning and senior fbi official, chuck, Rosenberg and chuck. I had about possible third indictment of donald trump. We are learning more about the serious new charges the former president could potentially face who attorneys with direct knowledge of the matter. Tell em news that in a target letter sent a trump this week, special counsel, psmith mentioned three federal statutes: decorative it. Shouldn't have rights under color of law, conspiracy,
to fraud. They nodded states and witness tampering it's worth noting, although new charges against them, President are extremely likely. A target letter is not an indictment if tromp is indeed charged, the counts, could extend beyond that's raised. Attitudes mentioned in the latter chuck what're you going to make those three charges that those three possible charges: it cause so first to make a point to target letter is not an indictment but having been a process, and having sent out target letters. You don't do that unless you, and to indict sought means an invite. It is coming when I make jail of those three charges. You and I have talked about this book. I have always said that the most compelling case would be the most serious charge and the most His charge, I can imagine in a democracy, would be the effort by an office holder of president, MR trump.
the overturn of fair and free elections. I can't imagine in a democracy, crime more serious than that, and so these three charges articulated in the target letter deprivation of rights which would be related. The voting, I believe the earth to defraud the u s government by overturning the election and then Thirdly, an effort. We call it's called witness tampering in the title. The statute will actually means attempts to obstruct unofficial proceeding. Are the Asturias, as you can imagine, because they all relate to january six. They all relate to an effort, a criminal effort to retain our by unlawful means and soap. You know, look the proof will be in the pudding meant what and when smith, and his team of prosecutors and agents say something they have an obligation that cabin mccarthy and members where's, don't have they ve got to prove it in court. Beyond reasonable doubt to a unanimous jury
they don't write these letters lightly. They don't in cases lightly, their words have meaning and they have to prove it, and so it's a different order. But what do I mean a job. This is as serious as it gets. One of the things we've learned over the years covering donald trump is even if there's some bluster in front of the microphone. His true feelings are often revealed when he's alone with phone onto its social- and I should note it is all caps greed after caps greed. After all, cats greed clearly freaking out about this particular point, ensure an indictment and Charlie sykes chuck chuck just said He said in his estimation, this is the most serious charge in a democracy but yet show it seemed like most republicans are viewing it that same way. Yes, asa hutchinson, Chris Christie, they were sharply critical of most others in the g. O p, though, who are running for the white house, are attacking the o j instead and I want to get Europe assess,
This doesn't it feel like this is the by product of true years worth of trump really serve softening the ground in downplaying what happened on january, sex normalizing? What happened on january? Sixteen! I was always a protest to cattle had a hand in it, was and teeth however, it might be- and it feels like despite this being the most serious charges in democracy. For most republicans, it's a shrug. It's a witch hunt. It's the deep state! That's not going change! Your vote. No I'd probably right. This is one of those many mornings where I think america wakes up thinking that they took crazy pills. I mean: can you just stop on the federal I just said that the former president is in fact a rapist and Jos point. There is no job in america that this would be disqualifying for it, except apparently being the republican candidate for president of the united states and know your your. Your point is exactly right. You've had two plus years of of donald trump you'd go
ass lighting the nation about what happened on january six reckoning, the whole thing, but you have also seen this long marge of two of donald trump and and and his allies to the institution of america. Demur justice system, the deliberate imitation of a public prosecutors of grand juries of of courts of any institution that might hold him accountable and now we're seeing this little republican party is completely internalize. There's not just that they're afraid of him. They actually internalize the idea that they don't have to take a federal grand juries seriously. There are only have to wait to see what the charges are, they are completely internalize. The idea that the attempt to returned the election, the lie about the election, the if you're the that is the deception. The obstruction of justice, in fact, is no big deal. So here you have this moment, and I do think that it's worthwhile just recognizing how true.
Bizarre it is, I mean, really made the point you have somebody came in from another planet. They couldn't understand this well, many of us feel like we did come from another planet in all the world before twenty. Sixteen, where you see all of this conduct and republican party deciding in one we're all in on this. We invent will make obstruction of justice in this particular case, is central to our legislative agenda. This is not a normal moment. We said this again and again, but I think but when you're seeing this week is really when the illustration of how fast all of this has moved and again how extraordinary it is that the candidates for president, we're on sanders are running as these strong candidates wanna, be the leaders of the free world My illustrating absent, unwillingness, an inability to stand up against donald trump. It is an extraordinary moment once again in american politics,
Make it so extraordinary about? It is again for, for former republicans like charlie and myself, we the party that defended the institutions against what we thought were over there results in the sixtys and seventys right, defending the united states military, defending the intel services defending the f b, I even with flaws defending the justice department, even when they made mistakes saying we have to respect that. institutions. These are the institutions that tie us together as a society that tie us together as a culture that ties together politically that protect and defend us whether overseas or at home. Now you look and see it's just savage attacks against the united states, military from republicans. It savagely! acts against the intel community unbelieving vladimir Putin. more than you believe our intel community remember Helsinki in two thousand and eighteen, and also would so selective right, the republicans again
charlie said doing everything they can do to us, our institutions do assault the justice department to undermine the justice department credibility, even though it was Donald trump justice department that decision did not to move on Hillary Clinton for four years and now the joint about unequal justice, no time and again told Donald trump there's nothing to charge. Hillary Clinton with Donald trump hand picked They generally came to that conclusion. It also of course, with the fbi that helped elect Hillary Clinton with a bizarre our letter ten days out right? they don't say anything about that. So very nor the fact that the trunk justice department- didn't after a hundred by the trunk justice department didn't go, three Hillary Clinton, but now they say, oh there's, a two tier justice system. So let's destroy the pre eminent law. Foresman organization in america that protects us from terrorist
his eyes, the parties disabling law without the right this same thing with the justice department, the trunk justice department, the tromp fbi, don't go after Hillary Clinton, they dont go after turbine donald trump keeps telling them too, and they keep coming back going. Sorry, crimes. We can't do it this surely said they humans ending years moving for this moment where they knew Donald trump was going to get arrested at an end, that they undermine all of these detentions to try to from now on its charlie said so people are now to it. In the republican party there I saw didn't really still nuclear secret, steady, really, steel, military secrets, steady lilies. I was sure how they explain away the rape, the judges conclusion of the rape, but they're, going to figure out a way to do it
figure out how to explain away every right up the word gas lighting and mara gay. I mean that what you saw captain mockery they doing there. What I thought it was as bad as it gets. You may as well. You know be standing their next to trump on january, six, telling everyone to run to the capital and telling them be wild and telling them to go for it and then two hours later calling for- let's not even it's just as bad, if you don't stand up for the cunt when you are asked, and by the way, that's what kevin Mccarthy D, the day of and yet later they act like it didn't happen. This we're. Gas lighting is important because aldermen Isn't there an impact on our politics and the race for that, the white house and twenty twenty four that's right, meagre and part so disturbing here is these new charges that we that may be coming that we now know of in this target letter that suggest that the president may
they prosecuted under a section of the: u s: code that was enacted to go after clan members and southern whites in the wake of the civil war during reconstruction who, intimidating black voters and Republican, white voters across the south at the time. No, that is, so interesting and so important and significant, because at the heart of donald trump lies at the heart of the I have trump ism is really there idea Only certain kinds of americans are really part of the dam democracy that only certain voters are legitimate voters that some people who are part of our who are citizens? Actually, you and I would obviously recognise that really shouldn't be recognized as equal citizens under the law or in the eyes of their fellow countrymen, and that what's so dangerous about this. Is this idea that the country is really only a country for certain people, white man,
sharon's, etc. That is what so dangerous about this, and that is kind of what has fuelled some of the political hatred, the fear and, unfortunately The cold violence is not new in this country, but its very scary, and I also have to say that it's so just breathtaking to Jos point to see within my lifetime? I mean my he's right. Just this devolution of on party that went from Iraq. It is a witch. Maybe I don't agree with the policies array and his eyes, but just a deep, meant to the american experience experiment to now all of a sudden government is some members of this republican party. It seems simply a vehicle to express the will of their donors or me need to gain power based on extremism in one.
Small segment of the american population that can't quite seem to break this fever as well? He said so. It's Scary It's an example of how, as extraordinary as the american republic is in a thing I have happened elsewhere, can happen here. Democracy not guaranteed If this is really a moment to strengthen those institutions and to fight for them. And to your point about reagan, a vision of america as it should say on a hill now to american carnage, a hell hole that only donald trump can save you, and I had a chance to save it for for four years. Chuck Rosenberg more services. the on the charges that we think may be brought against donald trump. At least the statues that were laid out, those three inside the two- it letter that the former president received what is, as you sort of interpret the document a little bit. What is your view of the burden of proof here? What would the government have to show Donald
new, or that donald trump did to prove a case like conspiracy to defraud the united states. Who could come Sean's willie. So, generally speaking, the burden of proof is always with the government. It never ass. It is to defend a criminal case, and a government has to prove his case unanimously by proof beyond reasonable doubt. But what is the thing that they have to prove and, generally speaking, It's that somebody acted with intent, corruptly right making steak and accidents. Negligence, all those things are bad, but none of those things are criminal and, show them that mr tromp or his minions, or as conspirators, try to defraud the? U s government, perhaps or that they tried to obstruct an official proceeding. That would be the counting of the euro for all that they would have to that these people acted with intent, that's hard to prove an ordered, proven
you have to call on the sullens mind. When will you do that, of course, is to talk to people around the defendant, wicked we saw reporting in the new york times and another outlets recently that the number of people near to MR trump, when he was still present, which subpoenaed too grand jury inevitably would be asked. Did mister trump understand that he had lost it? He articulate that he had lost. Did you tell him that he lost? Why do you ask all those questions that help prove its intent generally willie. In answer to your question, that's what the government will have to prove its their burden of proof it ass if to a defendant. Mice my guess is that they have ample evidence or they would not have sent a target letter and we will inevitably see this laid out in the moon. And that is forthcoming
so interesting and those who testified there are some who have talked publicly about their testimony, illicit for ra, who is now a host on the view saying that was her understanding. He understood that he had lost to Joe Biden and our knowledge, tromp is that he pushes allied to the point where he almost believes it, but then breaks a little bit with people that trying to show off to an admission. that he knows the true slugger. These lie at work when we see that in real time what illicit says he's through there, Conversation trump said. I can't believe I hosty Joe Biden. Now then, probably or that she declared with investigators former. U s attorney senor fbi office, chuck Rosenberg. Thank you. I will be following this with you other closely and still I had on morning Joe yet another legal blow, four donald trump we'll go for yesterday's order, surround
The harsh money case that criminal case against the former president in new york, plus there is new concern about technology, is role in these spread of dust. information and politics we'll have a look How artificial intelligence could impact that twenty twenty four election the growing use of a. I is also a concern of strike. Hollywood writers and actors, steve rat or will join us with charts on how the issue reflect the changing media lamps loss and talk about that new canopy Paul and shows well the weight of all the charges on donald trump and the input since having on the race and twenty twenty four, We shall be right back the
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von dot com or download the app to get an instant offer today railway actually not tire of oranges, again, Can I just got here: I don't read it and stay inside. I think those canadians are once again polluting thirty five dollars a hour or much set of boot. I don't know you know, I told you why I like to let people in Why I like the lesser evil more about job, because I know that people are saying that so anyway, as you know, my grand pappy always hold me us navy had some rules. We would equally area gone through some of these rules. Don't ever share number one. Yeah grandpapa said jelly never go swimming before
league baseball game. We all know that right. Number two is a smart guy. Joey don't ever started round war in asia, specially south east asia I didn't really understand at the time I was eight years old, but I've grown to understand. He was smart man happy number three. He said: Joey never met or never bet. On the ball. More orioles diminish any higher than for the plays in american ladys. This move. powell era, strong era and and grand pappy was right, but this year. Willie not this year there was a long line of allies, not gray. What was your grandfather? Was your grand the pilot, an airplane. I just picked him up front with you say, never get new ground or in asia ever been in a turkish prison while the rest of it. Yet look at the standing right there, orioles exact in first place,
and now, with the rains first place in the american league east, the orioles, who have the second lowest payroll in all of baseball ahead of only the lowly. open days now and place Joe. They ve got the second best record in all of baseball. I dont seeing our two teams down there, but you can't help but be happier for oils organisation and a fan base that has suffered for a very, very, very long time. They got a real The team is this point the seas and it's not a flute. There are really good team, they want again yesterday and they are tied for first. They present ass record along with the rates in the american league awesome story. It's ok it is such an exciting story. Jobs and when we are talking about exciting stories and sun. Read the boss red sox for a second who were actually on a winning streak going into the olives hour. Break did well afterwards and then Some reason then decided uncle and the drug two out of three, and I will tell you one thing: I
and understand that, although I never question alec score, I do not understand why we Continued a bench are dynamic governments of force in general doran, he knew she'd together, should be an every game. Absolutely every They can be an and, it seems like doran, is getting benched every other game. Despite the fact you put him there you having your wedding, had four times he's gonna get a double one: two times and figure out how to steal third and get home, but again they keep venturing em. It makes no sense. Yeah duran was one of the hottest hitters in baseball there for a few weeks, he's twenty six year old is dynamic and fast he can always take. The extra base. Hit usually struggles against lefties pennies earned the right to be in their everyday. It doesn't make sense. Why court? Doesn't it hence alarm in the wider ban, like they're all red sox off, they had been playing well you're right there, the best working in baseball there for a couple weeks, but then it just now two out of three to an open seen that has one twenty seven games, all your days or twenty seven and seventy one, but yet they beat
ox. Two out of three now mind you that's still better than the. He's fair it out west, they got swept by cultural life. I want to know you don't do that, but I want to know something about the airways lead you to the early stated. I just did a book. These are facts. want to know something about the orioles, their atop, the standing, it's not just their first their team is so young and so cool controlled and they have so many stars. I would put it they also really really deep farm system, shelters, anything out there at the deadline this year, they could go, make a big move like go all in and trade prospects. They don't need for a super star, even eight. Shall we say, show hey autonomy, it's the vaults morals You're, not really. Let me clean this up for him, I look at those understandings well, and you know it scares me the most. They I feel the hot breath aramis, I feel it on my back to new york yankees look. It's almost like I dont know why they like doing this, but they're like secretariat. They like holding back right, we're
the position of sham thinking, we're gonna win the we're gonna win the lateness, at the new york yankees new york, yankees they're they're. Even putting all these other teams, knowing the Sox will see you happy and they're trying to lawless into a false sense of security, you watch the yankees stayed there. and winning it all this year will hide problem. They are aids. Set up that was pure theater and waited for the camera to beyond. To get this unmarried joe, we know the red sox in their management, a watch it, let's make them a lot more comfortable it, but two out of three to the rockies getting swept by the angels are coming out of the all start break before coming home. It's was set up Joe we're going to charge ahead is maybe step out basement, come up. The stairs and finish in fourth place now you're you're gonna get you're gonna get to play off joy, he's gonna hit a home run. Cynthia to world series,
we're gonna win and five. I said at first I sent a lurker so won't move. I have to do a lot of cleaning up from a mirror again. You have got to pull back, ok, yeah, it's a tough supplied as day here right here I will will change the town. There is this. It is large play my part to setting up the yankees come back and be that much peter when it devastates red sox sounds like me. Saunders play my part in this generational. Already we see, year after year, the little team that could does Kay politics now in the latest, quinnipiac university survey, former president from holes, twenty nine lead over florida, governor rhonda santas, fifty four percent to twenty five percent. All other canada it's paul under fire for how that's gonna work out in the general election in a hypothetical two thousand and twenty four general election matchup against president Joe Biden shows Biden ahead of trump by five points. Forty nine per cent
Forty four percent. This survey was conducted just before, or trump announced the news of his possible third, in die. More dangers can help themselves. They really just can help themselves. Thing would rather lose with donald trump one with somebody else. It's pretty stunning. I would also like to see the political courage right I mean you wanna, I mean, if necessary, Where's christie out there, but he's looking pretty lonely, eva Hutchinson too It's a lonely game and somebody's gonna try and bring that favour. As willie was talking about you know earlier this hour, you you have to give. clinical leadership to say there is another way to win. In fact, we're not winter when we're probably going to lose again, but yet they can't quite seem to quit him so I don't get it. I mean the only thing that that I will say here is is another element here, which is these voters, I mean we have to be able to build a be honest about it.
voters are still deeply. Bastard and donald trump and alternatives, haven't seen two interests that part of party and No, I think it's ok at this point to ask why that is. Of course, you know things can change Things can change, but it's hard to see. Donald trump, when, when you're being a cue by a judge of rape, and it just does nothing. The poles just kind of in a blanket keep carrying on after wonder. I mean this is called so So what will change this? For these voters? I'll, be there evangelical some into the veil, though, just ignore all of this, the same evangelicals who had come up to me and and be so shocked and stunned and deeply sad that we immediately did the yankee bill Clinton out of office they sang.
You must be a moral man to be present at the united states and yet, when care there was king we're running around you. Do thanks, saying things like that. Looking the good old days when people want like bill Clinton and build in writing his book of virtues now held just another hack, defending donald trump and going to the wall, charlie sykes aids. Crazy I will say this, Charlie I've talked about on the show some my fans. members, my friends, the people they had, no problem telling me even would Donald trump is calling the murderer voted for trial sixteen you voted for drop in twenty there. There done with it, time and again, it's anecdotal and I always euro don't ever believe, anecdotal evidence. I will tell you on a camp, try. When you start hearing something, you can believe that, because it just time I'm again what
but I'm hearing there since why? I still am a little surprised, numbers are staying. So I because everybody and other voted environment. Sixteen and twenty, especially in the suburbs suburbs, say we can't and him we're so exhausted by him and by the way we don't want to lose Joe Biden again started the that more and more willing quickening pace. I'm not exactly sure, though, how those numbers are still holding up, I'm curious what you're, you're experiences over. His loving is shocking that you didn't mention. The murky brewers are leading the nl central and their ten games ahead of the signal was cardinals and they may have a record of seven and three in the last ten games. I don't want my delay: thou l, l central as it is at a hockey league. What see this?
the problem with you coastal elite soul. He now there's a baseball here in our land as well. I just want to point this out in ireland and I just look at the latest Fifty seven world series just unjust land that out here. Ok, so in terms of the dominant trumped, look I get. People may be discussed it about all of this, but this ever is not breaking. I beg you look at these. Both members and the ornament think people are a lot of these voters have become so deeply invested than the sunken caused. A rash rationalizing donald trump has taken its toll. There appears to be no willingness on the part of the republican stabbed, which meant, to the extent that there is one I take him on with the exception of people like a crisp christie, so I think that we know whether going now the crazy pill aspect of this is that any think, intelligent republican will tell you that twenty twenty four hour electing the loops.
You look at Joe Biden's poll numbers. He ought to be much more vulnerable to be five points behind Joe right now with his approval rating, where it is isn't it Gordon every moment, virtually any other republican candidate would, I think, be, can the favour in this election so much, yes answered the matter that this is a call. It has become a politically your rational called. Where are the right lessons? In fact, snatching new feeds the jaws of victory, and these could cost them the senate and the house. It's already caused them governor ships and legislatures around the country even so I mean how do you get out of this? May? How does the republican party get out of the kill him when you are defended and accepted and rationalize everything. How do you turn around and go? Hey? You know come do what are the little bill, bennett books about character around? Maybe we have a dusted off. I mean that that,
that's going on that that europe and its not coming back even donald trump disappeared tomorrow. This party is not going back to basically saying mercury is king right. We have to take these things seriously. That's done now. that those those books and probably been banned at least said in republican party, for example, set by the weight charlie, you open it up, I'm gonna walk through that door about the nineteen. Fifty seven, the little team Milwaukee nineteen, fifty seven as a long suffering, braves fanned the only thing we had the route for four years or point to waste. Karen nineteen, fifty seven, and the the milwaukee braves beating the yankees in seven games and bush spell winds, spy same day of rain loud and held up and really unit was speaking of that. What we're talking about
teams in central timezone get out you? look at you. Look at the fifty seven brags. I mean that new york teams one every year, absolute, every year, but perhaps the greatest days, team fifties was the fifty four indians, who actually somehow managed to blow it to the giant. So we a few things about central timezone teams. Don't we charlie doesn't realize what he's opened up on this show. I've been doing my research since his comment as well, so in game: seven: okay, it's at yankee stadium. That goes to a game. Seven don Larsen and warren spawn or the scheduled pitchers Warren spawn comes down with the asian flew the n asian flew he can't pitch the braves win anyway and go on when the nineteen fifty seven world series over the new york yankees. Thank you, Charlie sex, works again now that the year
he's always get the final word and they're going to crush the hearts of red sox fans. Yes, yes, yes, the the milwaukee braves won the world series in seven games and nineteen fifty seven they lost in seven games in nineteen. Fifty eight to your york yankees, charlie size. Thank you so much you, Charlie J. We can only appreciate your patience limousines and much more familiar things. our coming up an update on senator Tommy temper bills. Blockade of military promotions are stunned that Terry leaders have called a threat to national security and you look the guy right there, that is responsible, tommy tankerville, is responsible. For the marine corps, not having a calm down. That's not for the first time in one hundred and fifty years because of tommy tub reveal, do you know
it states. Marie's doll, have a comment on well tell you what majority leader chuck shimmer is offering the alabama lawmaker also ahead, new polling on how voters feel about president Joe Biden. Handling of the economy says is hitting the road again into tout hears it restorations achievements will be right back A consumer cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to half the cost. For this, Think fifty percent the money for one hundred percent? The same thing, I hope I make myself clear,
consumer cellular, when freedom calls we're here to answer, call us at one eight: eight, eight freedom, half the cost savings based on cost of consumer cellular single line, five gigabyte data plan with unlimited talk and text compared to lowest cost single line. Postpaid unlimited talk text and data plan offered by t mobile and verizon may twenty twenty three selling your car to Carvana is as easy as easy as pie. Sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or been as easy as a stroll in the park. Ok, then just answer a few questions and you'll get a real offer and second as easy as senior. Why not scheduler pick up or drop off and carvalho will pay you that amount right on the spot as easy as playing guitar? the idea that kind of difficult by selling your card of carbonic is as easy as can be visit, von dot com or download the app to get an instant offer today, The city of netflix says the streaming giant. Ass quote super committed to reaching an agreement that would end the writers and actors strike currently underway in hollywood ted's
Randal, said there are still remains a lot of work to do to reach a deal. He added that Netflix as well I'd range of content will help the platform whether the strike but said the real point is to get this, to a conclusion so that everyone can move forward joining us. our former treasury official and mourning Joe economic, analyse, steve, ratner and steve you're. Taking a look at this and its impact, make an interesting strike for ever, the reasons were having a lot of strikes the summer. But this one has some unusual issues associated with us. I started actually today with some words which if outline what's goin on here. So there are fewer Here's pay, Obviously they want more artists intelligence which you referred to before they were data one, artificial intelligence to replace writers or the actors out into how to choose that solely that one there. But let's talk about residuals, which was an interesting finale,
and so in the motion, picture and television news, free riders and directors get residuals which are additional payments whenever their shows, are we aired as a re run. somewhere or other out there in electronic television world. The issue is that the changing media landscape has affected them because videos get paid differently if it's on broadcast, they get paid each time it shower versus streaming with their paid by number of subscribers Just one quick fun fact: does anybody know how these actors and directors got residuals in the first place at night? Sixty there was a similar stripe about five weeks by both groups over This issue of residuals and that strike was left, by the head of the actors who was ronald reagan ragged, of course, one on twenty one years later to break the air traffic controllers strike as one of his first acts president, so that's a little fun fact for you take away with, but let's talk
what's going on in the industry, which is what is driving a lot of this, so you ve had back and ninety in two thousand fifteen eighty percent of american households all subscribe to cable or to direct satellite broadcasting. That number is down to forty nine percent convert Forty back, then, fifty to roughly half of the country had a streaming service, although they didn't use it much as I'll show you in a second now eighty percent roughly have it, and so the higher payments from this service went down the law, payments from the service went up and that's part of why the writers and directors are on strike today, so Steve, talking about how the landscape has changed in one of those ways. This is your second short here is how traditional tell us has really struggle to give us a late alone there. So surprisingly, as households gave up cable and move towards streaming yet had an image. on what they were watching, and so you can see back in thousand and thirteen
percent of the watching was on traditional broadcasts, networks and bc, ABC Cbs and so on. Sixty four It was one of as on other cable service. Is everything from s p to bravo or whatever, but even though a bunch of us had screaming services back then they hardly watch than their only a couple of them. Now you look at today. Thirty seven four of television watching is streaming services, and that is almost double the percentage that watch traditional over the air services and it's actually even more than the number of people who cable service is so low again provide lord in to these actors and directors than those, but a huge change in what what people are doing. Now there's another set of competitors that traditional television face as well. That affects their bottom line, which are a couple of other services, so tik, tok barely exists at a couple of years ago, now jenny, it's ten billion dollars a year of advertising revenue, which happens to be almost identical,
the amount generated by these for top media companies from comcast warner, brothers, paramount and disney, and that's money out of the pockets of these guys again affecting very bottom line, so steve obviously eyeballs, usually equal dollars and fewer people are watching this fewer less money around and your third chart gets into that about how media spending has been shrinking to yeah, so that this concept back to watch going to these companies as a result of all this, so we'll television dragged tell broadcast salvation. You can see it. Half of the revenues essentially have disappeared on an inflation adjusted basis over a ten year period, home video, which is the old business of dvds and things like that. Almost gone movie, theatres partly due to covered, but partly due to changing habits, spending on adjust For inflation is back to the levels of nineteen eighty two, but all streaming is up.
by this amount. Twenty seven billion dollars, but streaming is losing a lot of money for these companies so net net. When you cut through it, I just cannot an inflation adjusted basis. Their revenues have got Revenues of this industry have gone down by thirty six percent. Sixty in dollars of lost revenue, and all of that translate, into stock prices that are nothing break so the esa. Ninety five hundred since two thousand and fifteen a bit more than doubled up a hundred and twenty seven percent, and these National media companies are essentially right back where they started from so Clearly the writers and directors have a lot of legitimate questions about their residuals and how they get paid in general, but the media come they have their own set of issues, which is part of why the strike proving so intractable,
again, I'm trying to figure out steve. This is far as as far as these numbers go. You're you're saying streaming is just terrible for the media companies as far as their their long term, their their long term revenue stream there. There long term viability while so Our screaming has been a huge money, loser some affair revenues. I showed you, but a lot of profit losses because there are so many of them and their so competitive and their spending. Much money on product overtime should rationalize if the out merging consolidate, but it's not going to be like good old days where you had a few television networks that effectively functioned as an oligopoly and were able to variables make profits because they didn't compete that have wait? These restricting services? Look like they're gonna be losing money for a good while to come. Well, and what that means Steve I mean again, I am just it seems that the only
Solution for these, these companies is media companies. So I get to see mass consolidation like we saw in the airline industry of too many of them out there. They're cutting, the pie too much they're losing too much money. So we're gonna have to get up. We have three four, mass of airline companies where we're going as far as media goes. As far as these streaming services go, we will, I think, definitely see consolidation among the streaming services. There are too many that don't have a critical mass. So viewers had as we just discussing none of them are making any money. You are already seeing the media, the big their big parent companies talk about being more disciplined about how much they pay for content. How many shows they put on eventually? competitor marketplace will rationalize it, but it is a brutal, tough, competitive market place. These companies at the moment, one one- one final question in this: what you thought is for us
long term. I've always been very sceptical for, and we talked about it before when people talk about the end of tv only because people, talking about the end of tv for twenty twenty five years and television is, televisions, we say there. Sometimes a cameras. They go haywire, you don't know exactly what's gonna happen quite tv if they get the cameras in place, but take these been able to hold on pretty darn well thing of fact, we're doing anything we can to keep people here. That brings me I'm. So it seems to me steve that, right now, if you order media landscape- and this is just got- there's just We got it seems to me the longer the strike us the more it helps tik tok the longer the strike goes, the more it helps you tube It does seem to me at least two things I tik tok and you too, I hate to say this We were saying this about a well enough team. Ninety eight, before the aol time warner merged,
people are saying this again ten twelve years ago, but does same like the trend lines for services. Like you, tube and tiktok. Really suggest, that's where the future does lie. we are often often an event like this can accelerate change. Those saying, during a covert that covert accelerates everything in terms of people's habits and how they just live their lives in general, and you could well be seeing that here as we get the fall and as the supply of new shows that the networks and other broadcasters have already put up put into storage depletes and they that are forced into reruns and who knows what to fill out their programming schedules, people will naturally go off and experiment even more of some of these other services, whether to you two were tik, tok or whatever, and then
often form new habits, and none of that is good for this business. In the long run, if people start finding things that are completely off the page of what these big media companies do and therein lies a big and, I think, a real challenge for the media these also, those who were striking against the media companies the longer they are out, the longer there not producing new content the longer than producing scripted content maker for more people are going to move the alternatives and and again It's gonna, be an accelerate for tiktok and accelerate for you tube and accelerate for four instagram reels all of those things are going to gain the longer there's not scream.
If the tv are many different conversations, we can have out of this and we will continue to do so Steve rattner. Thank you very much. Filling your car to Carvana is as easy as easy as pie. Sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or been as easy as a stroll in the park. Okay, then just answer a few questions we'll get a real offer in second as easy as senior wine, I scheduler pick up or drop off and carvalho will pay that amount right on the spot as easy is playing guitar, the I that kind of difficult by selling your carter Carbonic is as easy as can be visit. wanna, dot, com or download the app to get an instant offer. Today.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.