« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/18/23

2023-07-18 | 🔗

Trump plans to expand executive power if he's elected: NYT

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Major phone carriers make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forest. Fernando sounds pretty insecure. If you ask me, consumers cellular, we believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of monogamy free of contracts and, more simple to your data me this way you stick around not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love or phone plants like ardently love our foreign plans for not going to sleep consumer cellular freedom calls we're here to answer. Call us at one eight, eight, eight freedom. Twenty twenty four is our final battle with you have made We want the mollusk too deep state we will expel they wore mongers from government we will drive out the globalist. We will cast out the communist marxist fascists We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country down
on saturday, appealing to is far right, bays promising to take on the so called deep state that is, against him. There is new report this morning on trumps, much darker vision for the country. His advisors are crafting autocratic. For the presidency if he wins and twenty twenty four. That reporting is in line with a warning from transform chief of staff about what a second trump term could. Mean for america. Meanwhile, opera, when a Democrat is leaving the door open for a third party run for president will show you what or Joe manchin is saying about that possibility while the latest from eastern europe, where rush President Vladimir Putin is promising to retaliate for an attack on our short supply ridge for his forest. Is a lot to get here on this tuesday morning on July, eighteen of mourning, everyone along with Joe willie and me we have former white house
secretary now and MSNBC host hosting saki hosting. Way too early and white house bureau, politico, jonathan le Maire, pulitzer prize in calmness and says it editor of the washington, post and MSNBC medical and eugene robinson and her and NBC news presidential historian, Michael bachelor, and joe great special last night, it's Joe twenty four seven, prime time and first, in the morning. I'm impressed great job if you that policy yeah yeah, he isn't very good yeah, I'm really excited you were here last night yeah, the iron. When we can't go ripken well, I've got a lot to do About. First of all, though, is scraping on new york set. I can always see the newspaper of record in europe. People say
I recall the new york post, a newspaper record, I just gotta say it's because you know they handle things with such delicate, say. You know you have a human tragedy now I know you have a human tragedy and I know too much about the pain the cost of the wars and I think the new york post handles it like well get angry back to new york posed to handle a divorce. Now thing just it up: gals glare of fear by observing, aren't here there s getting divorced. So there you go so the newspaper of record I busted up prostitutes well our lead story of the morning apparently reference I on nineteen second I say we are saying here, speaking of busted up willie, the american ladys once rind by the new york yankees red sox, while as now we're with it
doormats of a well we're the house of the earlier. The new york meeting, also say so called action of last boy. You ve got to figure out a mere how to locate and pay It's modesty go an art form when they're in last place, you say we're in last place. You require them to explain to the world how they are actually in last place. Instead of you looking like a front runner just saying there, was when they go lie. We go high, as I now know, it's all false modesty to break their hearts even more at the end, so right now what you're saying, as they were, no idiom mary on early. This is a marathon. You guys you get. They kick at the end. No chance. I think of you really what we to be honest, you guys probably end up with
the earliest by seven, eight nine gang barren rock bear brian taught you very very data. No chance is appalache and state where the guiding we would be told this sixty three do not think that it will cover twenty think after the game it just so the good, the good, mommies and daddies of alabama. That interest me that show that I just let them down and just pray to god. They don't take them out of my school moved on that's Amir. This is what it is. You are okay, technically excitement. Paul mccartney arrives with the beatles at jfk all all the reporters grave you no good. Why are you here? Why are you here? There's a mom and pop mccartney's we're! Not. Why are you here? You see you so watch this? Why are you ready to take six itself? So listen the red of the yankees doormat said the alleys I gotta say probably gonna, win by seven eight nine against. I think the fact that right now little up, it's gonna make
that charge in the first place, even more well Joe you're nice to say that and I'm flattered and disarmed by your game, where I would add, is the actual use of the new york yankees in seoul setting oslerism. I finish my appreciate your generosity. The yankees are in last place right now alone, nine games back for the first time this late in the season, since nineteen nine, the when millie vanilla was burning up the charts, generationally bad right now for the new york yankees. It didn't help that they were playing the angels shohei ohtani, tying the game. The two run home run in the seventh, his thirty fifth of the season. Watching something, John that we've never seen before, and it's even as a yankee fan, it's just fun to watch as long as you're. Okay, here's your test, so John two thoughts here. First is simply an ohtani first, that, as he is spectacular in the biggest storyline in baseball, the next two weeks is where the angels trade here, because they are about to fall out of the card race he's on pace to
aren't judges homer you have set just a year ago, but as far as the anti scope I mean this is setting up such storybooks camera on back for the mirage honours. You know you that little team that could its anti their bullets- and there are some giant sovereignty side- is hardly I see what they're doing this is like secretariat. Rather, it speaks for itself. The twenty seven pan, the twenty seven titles, the dozens upon dozens of penance. This will be one of those yankee teams is remembered throughout history like this twenty seven yankees sixty one yankees exactly two thousand and one half is really what you later reddish is going too far, and what happens to your house and three? What did they do? They break our? If you sign up they break our that's what they do, year. Our time outs are three sets up. Two thousand and four for you guys, so I think we can all celebrate. What's that, I dunno what to tell you something, even a blind squirrel confided in every once in a while. I just get say before you do anything else:
word association show mansions centre like to me too the retention there. I don't mean centre of the outgoing already I mean center of attention like to be Where will well. He will figure out how much wow talk about Joe, our good friend jody day. Yeah he's. Do you think he really wants to help a fascist get elected president because it will be that will be his legacy for the rest of his life. Joe mansion helped the fascist before that was senator and governor. I think he likes being asked if he's going to run for their gen- and I think he's got some time now to be buzzed about until january when he has to decide if he's going to run for reelection. So he's going to in the buzz ok said the boy. maker. well just recently put perfectly
I sit in the bus and do the news forests all right as polls show, I don't even know what that meant: donald trump leading the field of that twenty, two thousand and four republican candidates. His potential radical, and for a second term, are coming into clearer view. According to the new york times trump and his allies are planning a coach sweeping expansion of presidential power. Should the former president retake the white house, this word reportedly include giving trump the power to withhold funds from any government program or agent. is that they doesn't like, including the federal trade and federal communication. commission's within them agencies the times reports trump intends to quote strip employment protections from tens. thousands of career civil servants making it easier to place them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. Among trumps
there are top targets, would be the state department, defence department and intelligence agencies to replace people who he has deemed Part of the quota sick, political class that hates our country- all of this would, done under the framework of a decades old conservative legal theory which rejects the idea, but three branch system of government and the fundamental concept of checks and nonsense. Instead, according to the times supporters of that theory, argue article two of the constitution gives the president company Control of the executive branch so kind This, cannot empower agency heads to make decisions or restrict the president's ability to fire them in men to the times a trump campaign spokesperson, did not deny the plans, but instead said the boy the president has quote laid out a bold and transparent. Agenda for his,
I can term- and this is one of those vintage trump moments, Joe, where his base love this in some ways. I love it as we we we talked about last night because It suggests that he's strong and authoritarianism is now at the republican party. It used to be small government. Small governments been replaced by thorough. it rhine, decided to save a baseball team to a professional baseball team tweets. There they for of all the he, actually uses a power of the central state to punish that baseball team. If what this they taught the largest employer. In the same mind, you decides that they're going to do Celebrate diversity He uses all the powers of the centralized state too I try to break corporations, intimidate corporations. It's a thought terrorism and even even cruise liners again the biggest industries in the state.
The saddest learn very well from donald trump and end. trying to force cruise liners to open up during the pandemic without using any safeguards he does the same small business owners. But this is what this, why Donald trump is talk about ed you know my commission laws. This is why or bond does in hungary. This is what was happening in poland before the war. The whole idea was used. This centralized state to crush any descent whether in the bureaucracy is an apple bomb, talked about the toilet. democracy where T replaces competence, weather about in the media sphere, where you intimidate and and get rid of media opponents. What about again that the Ep You see donald trump, having the sole power to decide whether this network are other networks. doesn't like so you're on the air or night. That's what we're talking about here. Talk about
danger the level of danger to american democracy. Well, love and mussolini. You will love what donald trump is talking about for twenty twenty five, Mussolini followed the unitary executive theory to which meant total power, dictator, no constraints. This is about as on american. I thank you all agree. As anything I've ever heard. I think the reason why this country was found it was as a rebuke to the british king, we want to develop a system where you could not have a king. You could not have a dictator power was under constraint when you work as for Joe, I'm sure that you talked about as you I've ever since the fact that there are checks and balances, three branches of government- that's bats, james madison. We used to conservative, a hero, comes along donald trump, the first man your candidate in american history, to say out right eye,
a presidential dictatorship. I can't think of any it's more out of the american tradition, and it's really is really it's from from Madison there was a conservative hero for general. since from madison domicile laney with all the power or in the executive ranch the power they shut down to stations, the power tat, the proof certain businesses to other businesses. It is it's exactly why fascists do is pure, strong man, stuff and they're, saying it out loud. They're saying this is what we're going to do. You watch just in the first term, it's going to be even worse in the second term, just saying it so. Here's trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, also warning about the the ability of a second term for the former president Kelly told the miracle quote, it would be chaotic it simply with the chaotic, because he continually trying to exceed his authority, but the sick of I would go along with it, be a non stop gunfight with the congress and the key.
And so you can imagine eugene robinson, a scenario where, instead of general, kelly or general mad or eight people who said state in those jobs to provide guard rails because they worried about what was behind them, won't be there- and I say this only slightly kidding that MR pillow would be the man in all the losses, giving guidance and advice to donald trump, not getting old. At the aware of it would be people like extra pillow and and sitting through the entire crazy lunatic fringe. They gathered around donald trump, and that will enable this move toward fascism. I mean this is textbook fascism, it's it's outrageous, its incredibly dangerous, not just to to our system of democracy in our democratic values. It's just it's just dangerous because he's talking about warning,
essentially fire the people in the federal bureaucracy who who know how to one thing, is who makes a country work? Who could keep our air clean water, safe and and who? Who who who keep us safe in the intelligence agencies and in the defense department and everywhere he sees somebody who who doesn't toe the line, who doesn't go along with every crazy anti democratic idea? He has. He wants the ability to fire that person and replace him or her with a lacking das. one step, witty intent. We should believe it. Louisa Says- and this is a great danger to lead to the Given that we know at its core with this possibility janet's people in the end. The pentagon think that war trumped up her to office, there would be
no guard rail sea would we be cupola unfettered. He also importantly, wouldn't have to face there's a gets. There's right o consequences that they feel at this could be the American express itself would be in jeopardy. Yet so so Without is in mind how realistic you- I've just cannot a federal government not too long ago. How realistic is could enact about some of these. Are there any checks and balances the could get no way. Could congress play a role as to me that not all just republicans bowing down to him? How does work well it is important to remember that some of these independent some of these agencies that are independent is by tradition and were presidents of republican Democratic reasons have respected that donald trump made no indication he's going to respect that. He did not in his first term and when I speak with national security officials in the pentagon, our former officials, they will say a second term- is for scarier than a first now be on the his intention of say self. Pardoning himself should he need, which is legal team and
advise or seem to even talking about privately. The other concern here is that he could use these regular. ray agencies and outside agencies for his own personal benefit- think about the empty nobody talks. What they have to see something they care about on a daily basis are bad, but this has This agency is an enormous amount of control over coming it's being regulated. He could decide that companies, my political enemy, I'm going to hurt them. I want to the company to benefit, so I can financially benefit by the way. That's exactly what orban has done. Yes, so he has a he. He doesn't throw people that run businesses he's supposed to into jail. He its government investigations. He finds them. He taxes them. He put you levies such a heavy burden on them that, by the end, one of his allies who go hey. Listen! Why don't you just? Let me buy you out, you look around and see, or one has no opponents in the press cited vagrancy, it's it's the getty he does it.
Exactly the way you're talking about trump doing guess he it feeds into the potential for corruption, because if you are a private sector company aren't going to try to get into the good side of donald trump or somebody who can control which companies are regulated or which are not so it feeds into that as well to go back to your original question, they're gonna, then I mean, I think. The challenge here is whether Our system is set up for a sec trump term. I mean the people who have been, you may disagree with them politically or their policies, but they have respected for the most part, rule of law, and when agencies need to be independent, for good reason, that not something that trump and not just trump, though also does Aunt us and others running for president have indicated they want do away with this. Checks and balances that have been a part of our government for hundreds of years and Michael bachelor was a ron. Desantis actually offers a very good warning about what
happens in a second from term with somebody might learn his license. Instead of just being the aid that goes to twitter when he's angry wide dishonest is actually given imperfect exam So. This is how you crash businesses. This value intimidate, see each other again. I am talking talking in this weekend. The republican from the from that that that's works. Republican party for a generation who said to satisfy the free state of florida is a joke idea. This person said idea would see us every day who are petrified petrified. That rhonda santas will notice them and they're keeping them it's down there not doing it because they know. He has. The ability to use The central I state to crush them to make their lives miserable right and you
got the front runner of the republican party donald trump, the number two candidate by poles, rhonda, desantis or disaster, whatever it is their both fascists, they both if the in america and the thing I can understand, maybe you can all. Unlike me, why did donald trump make an effort to announce this last couple update it wants to make peace? well, it wants them Will the think that terrorism and trump are inevitable and bow him and make it much easier. for him to walk in and sixteen months. Well, This is a man who needs to walk in and sixteen months if he wants to skirt the law he is running for president and that's the probably the only could avoid the legal issues he's facing later today. The first free I'll hearing in the federal criminal case involving former president. donald trump and his handling of classified documents at all.
Place in a south florida courtroom, lawyers for both tromp and code, and it was not our slated to be present, but neither tromp nor now that is expected to attend The hearing was originally scheduled, took over the rules and procedures for how Documents containing sensitive information would be handled presented in the case, bought and busy news, has learned, judge ale, cannon has now ordered both sides to be prepared to discuss the dispute over when the I'll should take place. Judge cannon initially scheduled the trial to begin next month on august, fourteenth prosecutors and special council jack's myths, office have requested the trial begin on December eleven, but lawyers for trumpet the trial delayed until after the twenty twenty four president toll election willie, So while this is going on theirs, georgia, former president trump has law
asked his latest attempt to shut down the fulton county, georgia election interference, probe. The georgia supreme court denied petition by the trump team to stop the fulton candidates investigation funding. This has been looking into whether the former president and his associates broke the law. attempts to overturn the twenty twenty georgia election results. The rejected request was one of two by trumps lawyers. Last week, the petition asked or to remove well us from the case than to quash a report from the special grand jury she used during the investigation, the nine judge states supreme court ruled unanimously against trumpet his lawyer, saying they did not prove the extraordinary circumstances required to close the case representative for the former president deny immediately respond to an NBC news request for comment: the
as for da well as declined to comment as well chase. So John, this sort of folds into your that your book, the big lie about what happened in the state of georgia among many other places, but this was a unanimous decision from not exactly in the state of georgia, a lefty supreme court and they said no, absolutely this attempt we're putting it down the trial or the. travellers get at least for now. It's another example of how the system health, the legal system. Here, the courts as in the united states is held against donald trump lies all eyes on judge, alien cannon in florida to see what she decides about. This that trial. But this was our spray swift rebuke. Yesterday from george, and certainly aging robinson. Georgia has always presented a particular challenge to those trump world people that I talk to their are nervous about it. For obvious reasons, it's about earlier: if trump can be elected again well, he'll have the power of the federal government has also potentially the power to pardon himself and I'm sure them it challenges challenge that, but it can least dry.
do the estate conviction. So that's why the dna their funny witnesses his precision. Scrutiny and there's a ticking clock. She has sent word that this is probably coming down. In early august, trust. If you won't stop how important you think, this year's how carefully should be watching georgia, even as has been kind of drowned out by the headlines from the classified documents case.
Well, it's vitally important. We should be watching it very very closely and zooms to the top of the list. Now I mean the georgia view recall is where there is a a tape recording of a phone call between donald trump and bread rations, burger in which he asks him to find just enough votes find just enough votes to to overturn the Joe Biden's win in georgia is funny well as believes. There is a criminal case to be brought against donald trump in georgia, and it certainly looks like there is to me then yeah. She needs to move, and it's it's. This is prime time this it's time to to move ahead with that case and as you say, a state conviction cannot be pardoned it. It's unclear whether self pardon would work for a president, in any case, even in a in in a federal conviction, but it certainly doesn't work in a state conviction and- and so it's it's heartening- that the georgia supreme court just sort of rejected out of hand. This claim that trump was making about the investigation about being improper. Now, if, if she's got the goods it's time to bring the case,
and we see news presidential historian, michael bachelors, thanks very much for being on this morning, and we ve got a lot to get to still. I had on morning, Joe the kremlin It's blaming ukraine after an attack on the bridge ex crimea to mainland russia- will have the latest on the war as blood reboot now is vowing a response plus It seems democratic Joe Joe. It is flirting with a third party presidential ticket after appearing with former republican governor John hans at camp. In style event in new Hampshire yesterday, we'll get alive, word from manchester to morrow morning, speaker, america, Nancy believes they will be our guest here. morning Joe will be right back the
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agents and navy carried it out and news has not confirm those reports. Yesterday, also announced it will not extend the agreement to like ukraine export grain through its black sea ports, the crime says that decision is unrelated to the attack on the bridge, Joe, you know really. When you in committing war crimes for a year and a half, and he kind of run out of things to do with forests. Threat out we're gonna have a response to blowing up the bridge The committed war crimes for a year and a half year- and I think up he's lost, benefit of the doubt and who blew up that bridge resign. There's some questions of the ukrainians did it to themselves. Much are many people outside a mosque, our believing him journeys now and we see new chief international, corresponding cure sentence has been covering this war, so closely spent it's time inside of russia care, we can start with this latest bridge attack we ve seen
before. Yet, where there's a next attack. An explosion in russia says it was ukraine self sabotaging to gain sympathy from the world, etc, etc. What's your assessment of the way things stand over there right now at what they didn't bring down the bridge? They damage the bridge and they done that before russia managed to repair it relatively quickly. You know it's an emotional blow as well as the strategic blow to president Putin if they bring the entire bridge down. That would be a major challenge because of supply line issues for for russia in many ways targeting this bridges is psychological warfare. It itself ukrainians and we have no themselves. It is then, but many clearly frankly, is them ukrainian sending a message to President Putin, there's nothing the green deal, the branch of all of us. We banks, a picture of no capitulation by either side is absent sign that either side is interested in anything other than continuing this conflict
surf is anyway, there's not going on beneath the surface. Obedient will lead, so you know what's going on, but that he'd servers inside I shall yet seen out and spread as it you were. We were taught you out before of the errors, as out of the sopranos with Putin. Of course, head of the family and you have luke shinko next door are interested in moving in with what what's going on internally in russia, from the best that you you you can tell yeah, I mean I spent time in Moscow right so russia vs eleven time zones is an enormous country. Judging exactly what the psychology is and thinking is amongst. One hundred and forty million russians not easy in moscow, though one of the making aspects is, is I struggled for words. I mean how relaxed it is, how much people are kind of going about their business. How can we cannot stop talking about it. Economically, certainly amongst the privileged in in Moscow. There's this little. occasion that as any kind of challenge for them
why is that is a kind of nihilism is The genuinely this conflict is a is a long way away from them effectively. I will say that I have noticed in the time that I've been there talking to russia more and more to the point now, where almost everybody so about knowing somebody who's lost somebody in a fit and that sort of ask you out of getting this war. People said well, it might be like Afghanistan, it was a mothers that eventually rose up and get the russians out of afghanistan and complaining here. You've got maybe one hundred thousand baths. Already I mean this is just a horrific man. You look again. Compare that do you know, States we lost about five thousand men and women in uniform over twenty years in Iraq and afghanistan, and it was. It was a great scar, young bonn, honour or our politics, our culture here, one hundred thousand dead, where the
others that we don't know that. I know the number of number is what we don't know, the actual that what would it so long? I mean, there's no question better, basing its riotous entail, which of course Reich were struggling. The casualties could be that high, but regardless it's it's it's massive. So so, where are the protests where or the concert? Well exactly? I mean that's kind of another way of making the same point that when you go does want to join you I want to rush hours. I do you, don't notice that kind of of resistance, I'm a member lots of people who might be resistant have left have left you can. It's that bad, it's about brain drain and not to cut it here. I think one of economically one of the greatest of the greatest legacies for russia that russia, that brightest, but not necessarily to President Putin, has an election next year, a lot of people who might have voted against him. Be there anymore, because there been no look, I think, is important not to judge how
People will lack the will react to losing loved ones and we were seeing really the deep, deep polarization on both sides. I think on both sides as a kind of version dulce de economist, perpetual mourning you know people, you know it's it's right and there are like so poor families who have lost loved ones. Russian families who have lost loved ones may be reacting to that by saying, okay. Well now I am more patrick and more nationalistic. Now, in terms of precaution that could be the curtain pulling back and giving us a sign that there are changes nah Lee, these ecology of thousands and thousands of russians who have been on the front lines coming back to russia. I think that's an interesting question. There is all that. Having said that, though, we have
just talking about the five? What we see is potentially the greatest threat to President Putin. Precaution on Wagner group insurrection, failing right, prudent is standing in imposition it's just. These are just many different ways of say. Frankly, we don't know what happens now: it's a really I'm going to be conjugating that late latin fraser and while I'm doing that, I'm going to alabama this may take a while, throughout the next choir, often seen early morning hours, muttering that as he walk through central park or blanket over you and today Serbia has read you up Think about it, because you know it's, I mean it's. Obviously it goes back to world war, one of course. So it's like yeah, it's web event, Then what are you saying? We can see stoop now I've got except when are we going to learn lacking? I pull it back in your directorate general, which is the phrase again. What's approach of decorum s perpetual morning became, and that means
he's right and glorious to dive your country say now just tat. We learned it does so care. You met in europe when we talk about that. Part of this. You said there is no sign of a capitulation from either side would have true. When you look at the green deal that Putin pulled out, of which I am now, Ukraine can export grain the way it wants to win viewed as an olive branch from the eu and in turkey a yours Oh go so how're you viewing. This is somewhat covers at our experts inside russian around this were viewing some possible end to this. There are some who have said Putin is waiting out the american presidential election in its donald trump. That's a good thing for him. He knows the downloads. Ok, if india his side on this a fair assessment of things they get. Russia has long experience going back to the crimea war in the nineteenth century, long experience that the west doesn't them last. So
you would understand why in the kremlin they might be thinking that that might be opposed. Well, I do think that the the grain deal the seeing the grandiose meat do we may wasn't much green being exported and that this point, but the deal no longer now today in place. It is, I think, potentially a sign of the kremlin down further back further minutes bunker. It's interesting by the way it's china is the primary recipient alone that grain so and Of course. Turkey was part of the negotiation turkey's made this extraordinary shift towards the west. So what does that tell us about how president Putin is kind of viewing his position in the world and potentially so, I think all things to understand from that great deal about the geopolitics, beyond just deep concern for many of the poor countries that was receiving in terms of the potential for a deal. There's no potential varied. This is what about territory
and neither side is interested in seeing anything we took the chinese peace plan, it's not a peace plan. It's it's a lot. Keeps its territory he's intelligent path, but by the way the ukrainian peace plan isn't a peace plan either it's a ukraine gets all the territory back, but we should stop. in peace plans and call them victories victory participants when they are so there's no sooner and unless something is happening again. It's quite possum. Unless something's happening behind the iron curtain. If you like, the kremlin ology, which we don't understand, I don't see how we see an end to this anytime soon, so one of the big question I mean they're. So many questions about that day of the short lived to march toward moscow is not just where's proposing, but where are these wagner troops
because they play it, have played such a key roles for the russian for the russian effort. So what is your assessment on how many of them are still fighting in ukraine? How many of them are willing to er many of them in belarus? What do we know about a bunch of the bow appeared to be a better ruse. We were in belarus a few weeks ago at one of the camps. Had prepared now, these to be there Belarus is saying there there to train batteries. The soldiers that's pretty can it be the whole story. I think that do you think that Bunch of this is being made up as as each day and like they can it up as they go along. I mean in the end that deal that they peace that to get because another wagner group to turn around on the end for free, later for moscow that was katy canopy, cobbled together, more lukashenko and others so, and we stating that territory really, I think of kind of watching somewhat perplexed.
Then figure this out you each stage of this out. There is Clearly, a move, the kremlin, to remove members of the military who support is that the insurrection and and that's part of the puzzle. This is kremlin. then you just don't know what what what is really going on behind those currently wolves right now be seized care simmons. Thank you very much for coming on this morning and coming up our next guessed right. The ridiculous state of the modern american democracy is a system where the right to get elected and they allow to get rich senior calmness for the daily beast. Math lowest joins us with more on his new book, filthy, rich politics and a little later will dig into a new peace that lays out a key way to stop donald trump from becoming our next president.
Morning. Joe is coming right. Back the consumer cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to have the cause. For this think fifty percent, the money for one hundred percent. The same thing, I hope I make myself clear. Consumer cellular when freedom calls we're here to answer call us at one eight: eight, eight freedom, half the cost savings based on cost of consumer cellular single line, five gigabyte data plan with unlimited talk and text compared to lowest cost single line. Postpaid unlimited talk text and data plan offered by t mobile and verizon may twenty twenty three selling your car to Carvana is as easy as easy as pie. Sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or been as easy as a stroll in the
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I knew it I pay out. You would eventually take home roughly four billion dollars that amount would make you the actually wealthier than the richest member of grass right now, but not my very much and speaking about joining us now so columnist for the daily beast, Matt Lois he's the one a new book out today entitled filthy, rich politicians, the swamp features, latte, liberals and ruling class elites. Cash and on a marrow ca so tell us about, book matt And- and who are you looking out here? Exactly will looking at all of the maya we in the richest politician in america is actually J B. Pritzker or of illinois and riches numerous men. Member of congress is probably right. scott senator from Florida politicians making
hard to know exactly how rich they are, but they write the laws and the disclosures and it's usually a broad range. So we don't know exactly how rich there but look this book is about how the rich get elected and the elected get rich. I think both parts of equation are important starting with the fact that rich people tend to get elected. In fact, right now the average number of congress, and I'm not talking about president or senator, but just your average house of representatives. Member is something like well times richer than the average american household and that guy, has grown in recent decades, and I argue that there's some disconnect between our are elected officials and we the people, but I think even we're corrosive. Then that is the other side of the equation, which is the fact that once people get elected, they almost always get richer and I think Do you know if you look at talk about how the gave game
rig. I think I said there is a sense out there that are politicians are using their position to feather their nest, and I think that undermining trust in elected officials and in a liberal democracy, and I d get support so so mad. When that, when I served, I mean members that I knew in the house for like me, I mean the congress with a couple: a hound dogs and a buick skylark with Rita there's on, didn't, have all lot of money, but it by everybody without not everybody, but most of the people I served with you Didn't have a whole lot of my very, very middle class background. When did this change It has been going on for about three or four decades when it is really, I think, kind of reached the level that we're out now Joe again and we ve always had rich president. You know, George Washington was
it's obviously f d are theodore. Roosevelt kennedys, there it's not a new thing. What is new is then be member of the house of representatives- and this is the lower chamber right- it's what madison wanted to be. You know something of of a deliberative body that represented the people that was the closest to the american people, the average member congress. I think I think it was in twenty fourteen became a millionaire, and so I think that thing, gap has widened and in the last four decades the average member of congress has something like doubled their net worth, while the rest of us are kind of treading water or maybe even backwards in some cases so mad. I guess the questioning you just alluded to this is: does it matter? Does it matter that rich people are elected office? You mentioned sdr j f k?
often cited georgics hw bush. They all come from very wealthy families in the good things for people. So in your analysis, as you wrote this book, does the canada or the politicians wealth impact the way they govern. I definitely think that Our experience, impacts our world view programmes, rich people and honestly, if I were a super rich I'd, probably be on a beach drinking opinion Collado, so part of admires the fact that that people want to. go to washington and serve their country there if their wealthy. I think there are some problems right. That is what I call the transitive property of expertise. People think that, because they were successful in business that they automatically be good politicians I think, give yours cooper wealthy, if you were born with a silver spoon, it's going to be a little hard to connect and to empathize with regular americans, but two
as I think, much more concerning problem is the other part of the block, which is the part where people who get elected tend to also get richer That is the part that I think is the most corrosive. There was a sense that people are using their position. Weather insider trading in the stock market. land deals or whatever the case may be. You know there was a pew research centres, study and twenty fifteen that showed that Three quarters of americans believe that there are elected officials, using their position to advance their own self interest. Not ours, and this is in twenty fifteen they described their elected officials is being quoted. Unquote, selfish. I don't think there's any surprise that, just one year later, Donald trump runs for president and grant that he was a
actually a billion air, but I think he did a very good job of talking about how the game was rigged. The swamp needed to be drain that I do think there is a reason why that resonated It sounds like a lot of your concern. Here is how politicians are using their job to get richer, do have any of solutions you propose in the book I mean: are you suggesting people should not be able to trade stock if in congress. Social law are supporting. Are there other policy proposals? You think, would help solve this absolutely, and so that is the first one right since twenty twelve it's been illegal to engage and insight their trading in congress, but it's impossible to police, and there are a lot of examples. I could cite that look very swampy varies actually, and so one of the things I propose is simply too bad vigil start trading for members of congress. You can still no individual funds. But I think, if it's that
too much to ask if you do that man, I know I've never understood this. Why why? Why not the ban? It makes too much sense. That's why it makes do. What's that you know. What's funny is now almost everybody is in favour of this, and yet it does it happen When I was writing this book. I got about six months out and I said They get a little worried there. Actually to do it, they're going to ban stock trading, which would would be great for the country bad for my book, and then I realized. Oh, no they'll. Never actually do it. Everyone says they're forest, but there's always a reason they do. A book is entitled, filthy, rich politicians, swamp creatures, latte, liberals and ruling also leads, cashing in on america mad louis thanks. very much for coming on this morning, and congratulations on the book and
still out on morning, Joe more on donald trump new plans for expanding the scope of presidential power. If he wins a second term plus our necks gases, questioning whether the tennessee state government still be considered a democracy will into what happened after a publican super majority gained control still wasn't satisfied here watching morning, Joe we'll be right. Back lending johnson, very similar to Joe Biden, how by the same their best. socialist linden b and then was georgie later in the senate? Does that sound familiar? He was as president Kennedy Joe, was as president obama. He was up
as the president after J f K was assassinated. Then he was elected his the socialists programmes where the great society The great society were big government programmes to address education, medical care. Ben problems, world poverty, trance rotation, medicare, medicaid, food stamps and welfare, the office of economic opportunity and big labour and labour unions now elevators had the great society, but Joe Biden had built back better and he's still is working on it, the largest public investment and social infrastructure and environmental programmes. That is the actual finishing. What after started that l b jake's ended on and Joe Biden. Attempting to complete this commercial paid for
The Joe Biden reelection can't get us a mine let's get the right. Let's do this she's talking to a group of people who are angry that matter care came, a programme of the night that better angry that amount it can. Colleges have been invested in by the government and become the greater institutions of learning on the planet she is angry better, Can you, universities and colleges constantly rank at the very top among the best institutions in the world and that better care that medicare, like Now takes care of senior citizens, she is angry. rural hospitals and that nursing homes that your mom you're dead.
your family members may go to are supported. Medicated she's angry that the federal government invited a safety net for your citizens from they came for prescription. drugs for, She's angry that Joe Biden, I guess change- is angry- that Joe Biden is now expanded. Health care benefits for veteran. She is angry that Joe Biden trying to help The least fortunate america mean seriously. It could not have then more of an advertisement for Joe buyer
absolutely it's incredible, she just lists every good thing. That's happened to the country since FDR I have seen she listed transportation, apparently she's angry at the interstate highway system. I guess I don't know what her beef is. It's, it's really crazy, and so who are these people she's talking to? Who are these people in the audience who are going to going to nod along and applaud and say? Oh yeah, all that stuff is is horrible. It might be a few people in her corner of northwest georgia, but I don't think she'd find very many americans anywhere else who are going to agree with her that all of this stuff is terrible and we need to get rid of medicare and social security and medicaid and and oh yeah, let's have crappy universities instead of what we have to insist. Incredible just incredible woman is is, is really be and
yeah. You know willie, I grew up spinning summers, my grandma in north west russia, and I can tell you the good people of north west floor of northwest georgia. They like there, medicare. They like the fact that their moms and dad the grand moms grandad's can oh to assisted living facilities as senior citizens when need be, and governments there to help in the form of Kay they like the fact that rural hospitals in north west georgian get a hell of a lot of finding a hell of a lot of funding from They came right. There's this idea that republican politicians love the push, we the others
urban centres get medicaid; no, no, no there. Now your hospital provider and rural america indulged in georgia how important medicate is for citizens for what for working americans indulge well tell you really import. How do I now? Because, when I was a member of congress, like they say, me down and said ok republic boy, like let the x I this to you, senior citizens all over, your district depend on medicaid. They do and on better care? They depend on all of these acts. It again she's attack, and attacking Joe Biden, forgetting one importance and when, after another bipartisan one after another bipartisan went marjorie taylor, green Dnc, sleeper agent? Yesterday, I mean, as you said, she speaking to a group
a few hundred people in that room right who share what the the belief that she espoused, which I dont think to your point. She that's a sterile even believes, because so many of her her voters depend on those things by the way. Your former colleagues at the white house, Jan yesterday, took that clip and road twitter president bite is working to make life easier for your hard working families. Have you just take the day off in the white house pressure after you watch that I mean those are some of those moments where you're just sitting in the white house- and I imagine they were doing this when this happened in your watching your in disbelief that that actually just happened. probably extending it around on email there trying to figure out what the right thing to do is to lift this show they. But she also discovered l b, J, a well known president by most people she seemed to just discover who that guy was. But yes I mean that is exactly as ever and others tables been saying what Joe Biden
has been trying to run on the protector of people of how government can work for you. Protector of your health benefits protector of your rights. He still captain bill back better by the way, if every Democrat would just say that that would be helpful to Joe Biden too, so in the white house. I assume they were sitting there. Thinking domestic what should we do? Should we tweet it? Should we reply? Should we be funny? Should we be serious, so we just let it live as it is and think they did a good job figuring out a good tweet external agenda, nobody! Nobody! This is a white ass. It didn't show from the l b J comparisons early on that they wanted to say, look we're being transparent, we're trying to change our government, a citizens whether was after or Lyndon Johnson, and- and this is certainly a gift- from a far conniston, but also goes to what we are trying to do now, which is leading on economic issues, now understand: that's a vulnerability pulse, just allow americans still don't feel great about how economies going either the metric suggest improve, Inflation cooling
by not mix. They didn't coined the phrase and the present going to several times this week. He did it a cup we still as well as going deliver speeches on the issue and they can point to even goldman sachs The new analysis suggests the chances of recession run. Our are fading here, so they're starting this opposition risk by frank. Both arms the economy that they feel like right. Now, it's a risk It's a gene, I'll say the same thing to the by the administration that we said that the trump administration did well said of the trump administration setbacks crazy and on them they, the economic, yeah we run on the economy. With administration, I'd say the same thing. I mean record low unemployment. Over the last year, you got generational highs for the dollar over the last year. You look at our gdp. hey compared to the rest of europe, the rest of the world for a day, god I mean you, look at our gdp, we've sky
I it up to twenty five trillion. China stuck at seventeen trillion, you add, aren't you BP with that of europe. We double we double. We double china, united states in europe. California has higher gdp has a bigger, occur. Let me then France, then great britain, india, like you, you name it taxes, our economy. Then russia talk about the economic miracle. We talk about bringing this country out of covert out of a lie down how we are stronger than better when what economists after another has been saying, we get out of this without session under a crash and burn now Jonathan said twenty percent chance courting to goldman Sachs, that's about average. over the past forty years of what economists have set, our chances are of going
into recession over the past year line. the economy Let's go about the economics, talk about how, by the way, an and endorse on their part. Guessing day. These numbers ain't on add up to seventy five percent of americans. I think they told pew. They feel good but where they are economically feel good about there. They are economically yeah by lean well well, well, shopping for a car can provide if financing a car is smooth, as can be oh yeah, I got pre qualified instantly and had real terms personalized. Just for me. It doesn't get much smoother than that. Well, I got to browse thousands of car options on Carvana. All within my budget doesn't get much further than that. It does I actually wanted to,
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.