« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/14/23

2023-07-14 | 🔗

Biden: Putin already lost war in Ukraine

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Consumers cellular you, get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to have the costs for this think fifty percent the money for one hundred percent. The same thing. I hope I make myself clear consumer cellular when freedom calls we're here to answer. Call us at one eight: eight, eight freedom, half the cost savings based on cost of consumer cellular single line, five gigabyte data plan with unlimited talk and text compared to lowest cost single line. Postpaid unlimited talk text and data plan offered by t mobile and verizon may twenty twenty three. If you and trump got in the ring, he loves his usa and stuff like that right. If he'd gotten the ought to get you and him Goodwin come on guy seventy eight years old, I kick his ass. Our. republican presidential candidate. Chris Christie takes talking tough on trumped to a new, Well, there we ve got a lot to get to this morning, including new reporting on
Donald trump centre circle is talking to a special council Jack Psmith, about efforts to overturn the twenty twenty election plus the party that doesn't want you politicize, the military cramps. It's far right agenda into defence fail, will explain what's happening in the republic controlled house also Some star power is coming to the picket lines. Hollywood actor join the writers guild by going on strike, and there are conflicting opinions from top scientists and health officials on an officials winger- that is in out of products from diet so as to cereals will go through that debate, Joe you. When you die coke good morning and welcome to morning Joe, let them alone to say this really. Let me say this: ok so we I've had a few diet. Coke in my garage, but growing up growing up
I think we all knew three things number one of course willie, we know you never eat eat a big dinner before you go swimming right, their number, two to never ever ever in macao, their tortoises, don't don't get engaged in a ground war in asia and number three. I think we all know from the first set of giant code that we had a nineteen eighty, two We knew and cause cancer, You know this case. ok, bye, there's gonna be we kill made because they have another more seriously. We must Getting avatar pop rocks and everything else put down our towns and our MR pimps, and then we we we pick those things You drink guy. How can you just know that first sit back the eager yeah this? This is what killed
always business gonna. Take you down and let me make health care not cause. She's still cause she's out. Not. She runs five, six, seven, today. She still whose tab and she's tails what's your slams, so she instead allow like enough play it. Safe, waylaid member rests gas slowly. President still around they still I play associated tat to you can still find tat. We get a look, aren't there so much in their macarthur. Groundwater is tied to Aspartame that severe connection you made their yeah, but mr perry reference revealing like me, you like an off brand doktor, pepper as well. That's fantastic! when we read the news about Aspartame yesterday, Joe. I hope this is aunt to bleed, but we begin
prepare your obituary and we've been talking privately about how we're going to handle the news that it's over for you, since you mainline diet, coke. Let me tell you something the way I need to tell them all the time right now. The cancer sexually told the cop. I wonder how If you will, let me say that it was just like exactly so anyway MR patten, that was good, but in You always feel like when you drink in this kind of like you live in, I feel like evil can be able, with every set by take my car at the gesture he's a guy who has the button and you hit a button in the diet. Coke comes into your office or somebody else, and I remember somebody that was trying to say I'm thinking about that. hey
actually bounced back and forth. Actually, but I do really between diet, coke- and this is not good for me now and then I'll have sweet tea and then I say this because my blood sugar to hide, you wonder about ironed out, it's a whole cycle. We really do need to stop with my dreams. It play willie loud music that and the captain eighty drinks, ok, along with Joe willie and me, we have pulitzer prize winning com business as a matter of the washington post. You didn't, robinson and here in new york circuses and town specifically co housel times, thus circus. Former white house director communications under president obama, gentile mary and busy news national affairs and was John harmon and police. Well strategist. Mark mckinnon is year. You guys look good, it's good to have circus in town. So here we president Joe Biden, wrapped up his five day european trip in Finland yesterday with nato newest member sentiment
and the decades of diplomatic neutrality in April when it became the alliances. Thirty first member, the move, also significant, because the country shares eight hundred and thirty miles of border with russia. President Biden, yesterday celebrated finland's membership, and toes united front against russia, president Vladimir Putin was to present this critical moment in history. This inflection point world- is watching the sea will we do the hard work that matters to forge a better future: Well, we stand together. Will we and with one another we committed to our course. This week, in the united states, and our allies and partners says resoundingly loud. Yes, yes, will step up. Yes, we'll stay together in years, keep working towards a stronger, safer and more secure world press,
binding deliver those remarks in the very same room in Helsinki were former president Donald trump met with Putin almost exactly five years ago. That day, then as an interim famously sided with the rush. The president's denial of interference in the twenty sixteen election, going the findings of american intelligence yesterday president drew a sharp contrast with his comments about Putin and the state the war in ukraine, he lost the war, Putin has a real problem. How does he moved from here? What does he do? So the idea that there's going to be what vehicle issue wished. He could end the war tomorrow. He could just say I'm out, but what agreement is ultimately reached, depends upon pulling and What he decides to by two thirds the possibility of him winning the war in ukraine, he's already lost their war.
Hey John heilemann to the white house, was just absolutely delighted with the contrasts it so very early on politics is all about contrast. with your opponent, the white house I have been happier to be in the same room five. You later we they believe in most americans, believe even most conservative win donald trump humiliated himself in front of vladimir Putin. The contrast could been sharper cut. It could not have been starker start or sharper joe, I think, humiliate himself. I think, even for people who supported or one of those poor, donald trump, it was now a moment where I was more clear unfit for office, then with that moment, that was shows a shock literally green, for we all thought Donald trump was of active though the chain and like a crazy and mandate to intemperate and a lot of things that moment was on the world it was a moment where a lot of people we're trying to give trump. The benefit of the doubt said: oh we're in trouble here and I another thing that I think the white house is delighted with and I'd be delayed,
There were two people in a bag kettle drum all day long Joe Biden is senile. Joe Biden is in from Joe Biden it is my job I needs at the last up here seven hours, yeah head? He said after third at have press conference went for more than our he's taken I am cautious on foreign policy and what bring good craig, what you ve done it before, you give your not like you Didn'T- have a tax getting not able far right, tough, scheduled top priority gets in. There doesn't wall press conference, not always the contrast with what trumpeted five years ago, just in general the guys up their handling she's on the world stage and without really MR bean, if I've, if I want to run a tape to refute the absurd notions of job Joe Biden, senility or as infirmity thou run tape, find the white house and say that guy is better in this space than any on this table could do at this entirely that back and news of this week and inflation. That's a pretty good.
when, when I and Jan and I'm looking like what he s a statesman on the world stage, yes, so much winning just like exhausted by all. It was it was there is the fetus the light before and with when he was, was commanding the press conference even to go back a second time to the finnish reporter who continue to question america's commitment. in finland as part of nato and he's like no. No, let me like. Let me go back to what you know. Let me go back and correct you, but I also want to know: does anybody know who decided that the trip would end in Helsinki because a genius moby rebecca, actually not clear to me. it was the white house? It said, hey let's go back to helsinki five same five years to the day room place. It just couldn't be a more if that was, and if that was baked from the nordic leaders themselves, but either way, and still just like so breton
at that moment from tromp, like man really still gas. When I hear every two m by contrast forbidden to be you know, not just doktor showing american leadership. It also just be so great at nail in that speech and that prescott so Joe. How does he continue this type of momentum in terms of not just the optics but a real? kind of generating a sense of having complete control over. Situation. What's different at the NATO summit, nothing's different and that's the thing may I will. I will say this make following up on what you said a couple days ago that get. got you in red on the drugs report, which has pretty big when they give you the red headline they do s scheduling better. They they do it. scheduling better, and I thought it was important for them to say hey, you know what he's been going night and day we're gonna letting take off, for the dinner of course
I am that I had next time, but about little things like that, make a big deal, in spite of course, but anyhow it out and put out for look at this, thing here is tightly produced, its beautiful run. He get everything here, allows these world leaders to do what they do and theirs Our concern about the small things- and I would suggest, that what I said that I guess put me in the red is it can seriously when he comes back home. as is good at what he dies, and these people, not just told people that is the president's very sharp he is you, you say something or write something there have been times he's called and he's refuted it very sharply. He's talk to foreign leaders that have had conversation whether that said that he was on top of every issue and to the degree they were actually some some.
Some nato leaders have told me they for who very surprised the contrast between the image in the public and the by behind closed doors because he is so sharp unease on top of everything. So much of it has to do with as an taste, I will say also verde trappers everything, oh my god, you're talking about We may need to rest every once in a while. Please we're mcdonald about, did nothing but sit in his office and watch cable news all day. The exact The time when we like to get one we can go to more, allow go. He probably has some shoved in drawers his oliver stuff, but but jane Let me just say: if we were talking about style over substance. That would be one thing. We're talking about matching reality with presumption bill clay. I had a great saying, which was: if a turtle shows up on top of a post, it didn't get, thereby acts.
and did not expand the historic links and having a power by accident. It was by along with his equal partners that masterminded this. But Nato allies will do they look to america for leadership. He did this history. Will toward this, whether idiots something tromp right on I want to admit it or not- histories gonna report, this that this is this is pretty remarkable. You you look at the economy exploding? They have been just it's. Like obama, rightfully get credit along with bush at the end of the term for helping save the economy. Joe binds gonna be credited moving us beyond one of the great economic crises of our time, which was, of course, a covin posts. It looks like we may have new, safe landing here for an economy, and I just said
isn't happening by accident, and if people want to know This I am following on assent, bagger falling off of the bike, that's fine! But the wall. There too, king about that Joe Biden is making general europe safer democracy. Yeah every anybody who spent any time with Joe Biden in the olympics since he's been in the oval office knows that the reality is nothing like the the the dystopian picture that the republicans are trying to paint of of the senile doddering president and it's as sharp as a tack and and- and you know this nato summit- I just thought- was stunning.
When you look at the nato expansion. When you look at how nato now some rounds, the the the baltic sea are in a way that was unimaginable you when you, when you look at the the the the the I met itself. Nato doesn't do anything without american leadership appear, and despite what the boy generations of french presidents would like you to believe. In fact it is it is: u s leadership that that that shapes, nato and that moves nato forward, and this is Joe Biden, it is. It is remarkable the statecraft that has led us to this point. They say you know u s. Elections are not usually sited on on foreign policy by I people just have to give them
Look, it's really extraordinary achievement and then, on top of it, as you mentioned the economy, we are having a software which is which nobody thought was was conceivable and everybody is oh wait for the recession it's coming. It's coming doesn't seem to be coming. It seems that inflation is being tamed and, and the job market is, is roaring unemployment below four percent for history, a glance of time. This is this. Is it occurred that I think any president will want to go into real. whereas and and it's a matter of the campaign is a matter of making them the reality signs through the false perception that has been created market and, as jean says and objectively successful trip to your with NATO celebre Finland's ascension
Sweden be made it now and the path and ukraine getting security guarantees and the promise they too? Some will be and to NATO, that's three new countries added a tomato just in the last few weeks, potentially one of them being added in the economy, inflation down to three percent. That's all the substance, and the style if you watch president Biden net vilnius university two days ago, giving that speech talking about the courage of the ukrainian people type, at the american will to stand with nato to stand with ukraine, and if you want to make the contrast, watch donald trump rally in south carolina. You could ask yourself side by side who actually is losing it, as some trumpets have said, president by nothing world more quickly, put the age debate behind, and then weeks like this and because stack up more than go a long way towards toward his re. Election has been a fantastic we both internationally and domestically. So when you look at republicans this week, trying to fight back against Biden,
they're just punching air because, although got left is hunter Biden under, they are a very focused on that and far right media outlets as well. Literally, that's their lead hunter Biden when you go not angry. He got his hunter. Ok still I had on morning Joe will be joined by two democratic members of congress, mikey cheryl and south molten on the heels of path. Republicans, adding several controversial amendments to the annual defence spending, they'll plus press blindness, criticising republican senator tommy tolerable over what he calls his ridiculous decision to block. Hundreds of military nominations, we'll show violence, new comments on that and have a senator is responding. Also I had hollywood actors will be on the picket line this morning after union leaders voted to strike yesterday, we'll take a look at what it means,
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it's a beautiful lie, picture sunrise over the united states capital at six twenty two in the morning, the republic uncontrolled house voted last night to include and of controversial amendments to the national defence authorization bill. Among the measures limits to the deal, This diversity initiatives back on the military, covering gender of care and the approve to roll back a pentagon policy that guarantees service members access to abortion, far right republican also try to push proposals that would limit america's involvement in ukraine, but those failed Full house vote is expected. Today, democratic leaders have pledged how's. The bill writing this statement. Republicans have pulled. Hijacked will always has been a by parties. Legislation to continue to quote jam there right wing ideology down the throats of the american people. That's a quote from the house. Democratic leadership Joe. Once again, here we had senator I top of the list. What he's doing in the senate but house republicans
slowing down this new Ben there many times voting on that something that happens every year, getting them terry, the money it needs to do its job I'm telling you. I was on the serb armed services committee and pointing their four times and me I can tell you mark mckinnon, nothing drives military leaders nothin drives the rank and file crazier than people fight. Culture wars, basically in these military of funding battles and an author. I you know whether it is authorizing, are appropriating and all they're doing and John thune said it about How me tat reveal all they're doing is the hurt america's readiness and how I mean how hypocritical republicans always saying or military is woke and weak when we're actually stronger than ever because Democrat, we trying to
with his eyes said now. Culture will know it's Israel public consider literally fighting culture wars. Instead of funding our troops. Yeah joe, I mean they're clawing their way to the bottom in two ways. First of all, on the issue of abortion, which, if, if you saw the kansas referendum, which is a pretty conservative, state Republican should have gotten the memo, but clearly they haven't and at the same time, they're doing it while denying military leadership which is supposed to be the republic, stronghold on issues I mean, if we ronald reagan and John Mccain and the should that that the republicans would be holding up the leader, after the military is so contrary to community conventional history. The republican party ohio man it's crazy? It's just absolutely crazy again, politicized, this house's as become an especial an issue like this, especially when have readiness issues here, ear.
here the actually not only just driving women who would want to serve year also driving a lot of men whose whose spouses are not going to walk to come with them, not going to want to be applied, I this lifestyle and and and it seems the republicans doing everything they can to hurt recruitment here, Look Joe. I there's there's it's clearly some element here of house republicans having thing like they have a free vote where it's like you know the Senate is not going to do it. We can pass these crazy amendments says I couldn't do anything, but that then you're doing all on these become law. But that's it raises the the oral question that we are talking about this last night on alex issue. continue, did not understand it. They put in this basically up affectively a band of effective ban on abortion. For for what the military by
not allowing them to be able to choose to pay for their. Do you go back to places where they can get an abortion if they need one? And you know it's like we're here in new york state, where you ve got five or six biden districts, that republicans one. Crucially, one enables to enable naval them take control those represented all of those republic members, all of them voted for this may that exploitation, then that holidays zone is me away. I don't it's just like what we give you guys up many times. You have to put your hand on the hot stove. It's like ouch, That's an a cartoon or something really burn your hand for in your hand, Bernie and over and over again like why I don't date, how much is your head on fire for them, because the losing you should put us at last night? I thought for sure you're giving rise to say the five or six bands like, oh obviously, those that those members of congress voted against this. I met this amendment and they voted for me. you can lose. Your house see what sort of edward amendment you can provide and did not all personal america's, not with you on this
shoe, and then you are non top of that. You are putting this extra burden on the military that is all these strap. That is already either. That is its doing great, but recruiting is, does not easy. It's not easy. I come for military family, the strain unstressed on the families on this, says and they're gonna put up with all this nonsense: its chain of command and tom and tile like this, is why the military works and your take you're very unpopular agenda and then layering it on top of the military. It is like its nuts to meet that they voted then Joe, it's just impossible like they couldn't see the ramifications of this that they know that many layers grandma your occasion, zoom they don't care, they really care. They live on their own world, they live in a possible, they don't care what our meal Terry leaders, think they don't care about the people that are going to be taking our men and women, war and combat. They don't care about the radio's they care about, appealing to small slice of their district in districts that are overweight
mainly red. Already again, I can tell you, you go to the pentagon. You talked of military. Leaders they be so angry when members would use their positions on the arm services committee, are in countries due to push this sort of nonsense, because it god the way of focusing on protecting america against threats from china from russia from from from terrorists. All these other things, but Jane this has just been an ongoing assault from republicans over the past couple of years. They try our military, trash our military leaders. They say that we should be more manly, like the russians, ignoring the fact that there are our troops are the best are our military? Is the most powerful relative to the rest of the world the time since world war two but take
trashing our military saying there we can work, and so they hurt recruitment in middle america, and they do these sort of things and they too the social engineer that they do have their social engineering there, their cultural war, inside the united states its military. When what is more, this is as yet one is middle america want ass kansas. They don't want to talk abortion batter ass Kentucky. They don't want total abortion ban, ask wisconsin way hans and which had a eighteen, forty, nine total abortion ben. How did that work out for them?. a landslide in the most important supreme court election many years there. Now listening to a mere ok here and there the military because of that
they absolutely are made definite impact on recruitment. After all, in the motor you don't get to choose where you serve and and and that that sort of mobility for reproductive health is is important. I think something like one five members of parliament terry is a woman plus dino. You, you mentioned spouses, and while I mean this is this is the substance of this? Is that this ever became more? This would be a terrible thing for for recruitment and at a time when a man is is not knowing is as well as there is the military, but Why couldn't so? That is that's the substantive problem. The political problem is its: it's not just those seats in in
in new york. Those seats that republicans won in Biden districts there, but you know I can think of a seat or two in in virginia and other places in the country, and this absolutely will be a huge ball and chain around the necks of those republicans as they seek reelection. sure it's really get her during house debate over amendments to the defence bill republican congressmen, eli crane of arizona brought up a proposal to ban and the defence department from considering race, gender religion, in and political affiliations, when recruiting training, promoting an educated service members, here's what he said. The one he took to the floor to defend this measure. My amendment, nothing to do with whether or not coloured people or black people are anybody can serve ok, it has nothing to do with
vague, I'm any of that stuff. What we want and what we preserve and maintain is the fact that our military does not become a sure experiment. We want the best of the best we have standards the guide who who's what unit what they do- and I met you guys right now the inserting the our age ass. They took down his words. Let me tell you something Somebody asked me because I guess they didn't drop in the south g when I did said, will you know with such as white with people say behind closed doors? I can tell you maybe in the nineteen sixties, but I haven't heard it in in polite society, in Sunday school class are bound. in closed doors and law firms or anywhere else. Pull using that term
only bring that up to say that He goes on the floor and talks about collared, p, bull or what using that language, that something is insight that speed. Sky who talked about. aggro grow in you. What, then, those words? we're coming out because, obviously there are using it everyday life and mean people make mistakes all the time I just I dead system mistake. I haven't heard in fifty years in the south west, If you know, of course, I guess I wouldn't hear it if it were being said, but you're welcome to the twenty twenties and in in the mega republican party. I mean apparently because yes, you're right. If, if that comes out on the house floor, then clearly, this is the way that guy talks in
conversations, and this is the way that guy's thinks with is it really help? guess to to hear it out loud that it it sort of sort of makes. You were understand and remember that even paranoid have enemies right. At the end, there not paranoia to think that that that there's this kind of strength all style racism out there that thing news even stuck decades later. I just gotta I've gotta, bring this case up again, it wasn't so long ago that the report and parties. old, steve, king for iowa, off of committees and basically ran against him to destroy him, because
in doing things so much More moderate, I hate even used the word, then then why trop republicans are doing every day I mean you know, I'm so optimistic about this country and our We always talk about the email k, quoth, the email, I like to say about justice yet the arc of history bending towards justice, they will say over the past seven years, and at least in the trump wing of the republican party. It's taken a massive wicked depressing detour and yesterday was another example of that I mean at six. Thirty five and the republicans are taking my breath three times already like when we heard the trauma of the work that the people in the Biden districts voting for the abortion when men, and then this man talking about call-
people first of all I mean it. I mean, I believe, guys no mark and john, no, I'm a big facial reaction and I was like her arms when in the air and need to isolate likely. Like I don't know what they were talking about us is too so whilst me, but also does this man do anything about it and military right now, because it is, I mean I think it's the most this institution in the united states is not one of the most diverse institutions, the united states I was on. A navy ship recently where they spoke. One of the officers there's boat spoke so proudly of the diversity in their share Then, however, winds from different parts of the country, and they all make it work and learn from each other in this not only is it you know from the fiftieth sixties and racists, but also just shows us. And how the military operate that today's as he that's, because he would say you think that's laudable diversity. He would say that just proves that the military is becoming woke social, paramount. That's like that diversity is not to be admired. We
that's a that. Those guys are obviously that I, you think think that's great you gonna fix this, but that needs to be will say that it was eleven needs to be a little wider. How case would position so we're gonna, and take your breath away a fourth time coming up we're to talk about the descent. This campaign coming up loose joins us with his new piece in the financial times as the florida governor works to reassure supporters about the potency of his presidential bed warning we'll, be right back the consumers cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to have the costs for this think fifty percent the money for one hundred percent. The same thing, I hope I make myself clear.
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down by more than twenty points in a recent poll, florida, governor and white house hopeful run, descent de santas is once again looking to calm nerves among his donors. A new campaign memo obtained by NBC news shows that decent just team trying to reassure supporters by laying out a plan for the future of the is the memo is labelled. Content, annual and data July six. It says that campaign will contain which focus on early nominating states and consider adding more resources to super tuesday states in the fall, Emma also argues the only people who could viable win the primary, our him or former president trump. it. Also previews some tough weeks ahead for senator TIM Scott saying he will quote receive appropriate scrutiny in the weeks this as political report, some top dissenters donors are star to consider senator sky
instead drawn in by a more traditional republican, rather than a combative, the combative styles of both trump. and de santas willie We know they're about TIM Scott. For starters. Meanwhile, the florida governors team already is looking for a possible reset, of its media strategy. A number of sources tell abc news. The descent is campaign has been weighing a shift in media strategy, while the governor has largely shunned, mainstream media outlets and mainly stuck to friendly platforms, I've fox news and conservative media outlets. it may be about to change several sources. Let me see news. The governors team is leaning toward having the scientists begin. Doing me, in stream network interviews and possibly some town halls, the murdered market, stark shift and strategy for the governors team who sources said
earlier in the year, dissenters could afford to engage only with more friendly platforms and media figures. As spokesperson for the santa's campaign did not return, abc request for comments Joe, it's gonna be a hard pivot. If there's a new strategy when you ve the media is out to get him dismissed. All showing you not doing while saying the media is out to get you in that. Doesn't you to become the nominee in then determines a sharp I'll sit down, b c, NBC or CBS. yeah. I mean that strategy works, doesnt, work, immediate his is is strategy of shining? The media is, is of a failed state, jane. It will never work and John ireland that lets. Let's talk about donald trump and specific, Let's talk about donald trump, and this show in twenty fifteen at twenty. Sixteen. People set out Donald trump's on too much I? This bears repeating. We told every
presidential candidate and when out on the road. You want beyond the show pick up the phone, give us a call and, let me just say he's Friend of mine no need for a long time. I was begging, JEB bush come on the show body in jobs camp. but they were so careful they were so scared. Job was just so tight, danger. Bush said this timely and one of the smartest skies one of the best leaders, I've seen up close in all my years in politics, he froze I'll, say it to killer, clad in twenty? Sixteen, despite the fact, we always had great interviews within or ill regret and in. thousand aid her campaign so tight, she met, Where can I just say, That is a river. Tell everyone you guys related. You hold your general she's right here, you're talking about gender member, when you guys made us like fly
into some southern state and drive on a dirt road for two hours to sit in a school with her for twenty minutes. Oh I forgot about that. I mean that was just in ignored. I mean like it just come on tv we man on the floor and out so let me address its agenda and and and and jumped busy sittings idea. John Nobody general gin would always be saying she be very polite should be very loyal, as you say it's above my pay great? I can talk, but here is very loyal, knock and if they are reasons, why learning to do your show as much as I would like that a euro notes on the thirteenth now that? But you should hear that bread, but here's a bigger point, a right that there remain if hilary, if Hillary Clinton had come on the show and twenty sixteen early on would be like to, thousand eight it would have been it. Would
been great for her. We would have had a discussion paper. Donors would have saner people, it would have worked well if JEB bush come on. The show me we're like reform. We just kind of go people try out there ribs on our show, then things will goes out on the campaign trail they get hold of donors, they get that they just just cause. You always a unique issues on monday and let them go and live in it like it up. They alger here's the point: All of these people have always been afraid not just of our oh, but of the media. Now let me bring up donald trump I know trump and lindsey graham, were the only to people that took us up on our offer and they called and an lindsey only called a couple times, but gen donald trump called lake. Mine, stop
I mean here and there a murder and it made a lot of people angry and always call the campaigns, and I would say, Come on the show, talk you like what he said. We don't like what he said come on job tell us why it worker from our job and talk and gems people are john pit asked I talk to you. Come on John, what are you guys afraid of and it didn't work for them. it's not working for rhonda sad, either, there's a very long way of saying. You know you're here Donald trump hate that he was on the show a well. He was on the show, a lot because he wasn't sky, the shadow, and it made a difference this is how scared of a shadow and its kill any men that having defended this, the shadow- and I love that I mean it's all here- the confidential memo, like first of all, marking the memo confidential that you're obviously wrote to leak to the press backdated to July six. Talking about,
is studying the media strategy same mad telegraphing that you're gonna go after tim, two no nerves are now saying one now now they're looking at times that donors in a donor think they're controlling events here there actually just sort of commenting or observing, what's happening in terms of the republican primary, not really looking for an alternative to tramp, whether it's too anti us our r Scott, but like they have it's all of the markings of a campaign that just can't traction and the staff is trying to do all the things of the staff tries to do too like reset and show that we can still when this we have an early state primary strategy. Let me just market level our monitors. Let me interjected one one. One contrast you're right that the meeting mystery run. Hillary Clinton as an example of this was that people she's was great. She could do right interview as we saw howard stern, what's deadline. Personalize join our story after she lost did too Our hearts. You do what you issues. Masterful bashful, acumen, empathy,
I am an empath, empathic and sympathetic, banks and how it should have begged her to in the show for two years she didn't do the show she went on the show she was fantastic yeah. So that's so, but this is the difference and this Joe. I think this is the problem is The third reason why they didn't want around the scientists to come on the show and to go on a mainstreaming issues. They were afraid that he would not be good. That's not why you didn't want hillary to come on. The show wasn't that you thought she couldn't perform and I think part reason why the shift, thereby there this shift, is assigned. operation is they hid him because they didn't think could handle these forums they need is not. It is like the press. He has very really done mainstream interviews. They didn't think you Add the chops to be able to come on morning Joe and have a free form interview or to go on a place where you get tough questions, so they hit him because they thought that would be a way to protect him from
from what he's up open borders that you wouldn't be good in. So now it's like there being dead their desperate or saying he's tanking in the worms right. We gotta do something different, yet it's parisian move and the reason that I think it would work is because the fundamental problem is still he's not going to perform While these environments You think it was a mistake that I haven't tried. You can't be a presidential candidate. You can't come on morning, Joe and other places like this do well, but I think there was a reason why he didn't come on it wasn't because this is the lions den or because by values our lives, that is that they were white, is noted. These, like this implored either chap I mean you, so is chrissy, come on and make it disagreed with him a lot of issues. We disagreed with him a lot of issues, but he had to say- and I think it good progress grace I got my it's good for everybody that comes on this show or other shows. How much is talking about our show again lets the personalized interest.
Other shows you know, marked mckinnon. If Don't think you can hit a curve ball, then don't cinema the big lakes and by the way you you, you learn how to hit a curveball in the big leagues. facing curve balls in the big leads. You gotta get your wraps, and so they really have a choice in never really did. This was a stupid strategy from the start, because he's he you know- and maybe starts out by doing the line, a local radio stations, and I warn you answer: that's what I'd do with a candidate and get the remsen, but you you, you can't hide from the press. Well, you know, problems of months into the campaign, their financing will. Maybe we ought to let people actually seen and its. The problem, as a lot of people said about dissenters. It's not that voters don't like him is that he doesn't like voters and we think about
People that we work with and for and cover bill Clinton, George w bush reg, you're gonna get of go down the list obama. These are for the love to be out with cries, love people and that comes across ultimate. That's what you want to present as the people of the smooth it actually likes to interact with people and that's a fundamental problem I joining us now: u s national editor at the financial times at loose. Who writes for the paper about the quote great. braun dissenters, campaign, train wreck, ed, tell us Why is it a train? Wreck train right because he started with every advantage money front no stages in a lot of pause after his re election last as governor last november, donors. Like can Griffin, of the Maddox is important the new posts, for example, which could in the future,
He squanders all that, beginning of course, so that notorious campaign with either mask onto spaces. These numbers have been plummeting ever since their ticket. I had If a hamptons found raises decided they have these now trading in it discount. If you like, and I think that the reason This is therefore always talk of being a real man than the machismo, and they saw the graphic novel. Superhero image I to project he asked It takes around the dragon dragon day, donald trump, and you should. you shouldn't have you need to share with you what you claim you are and there's no way of ridding, wittingly domination, unless you take down the front runner, and so I think I think probably is all your promise have just been discussing fatally flawed anyway, I'm crazy,
likeable, he doesn't like people, he doesn't like it encounters and I think that's, why he's not appearing on warning jail and others His strategy is also deeply flawed. Strategy needs to it that the front runner is in charge of accounts We cannot take down accounts unless you attack it directly. My well fail, the chances are he would fail by the kurds. Allergy is guaranteed to fail. Do you agree with me, and it seems to me that the that the stress The problem is not really a strategy. The problem is of candidate. The problem
dissenters, dishonest himself and we've. We ve seen candidates reset their strategy. We soon candidates get better in the middle of a campaign, for they were trailing Barack obama did that and on his way, to two very creative way behind Hillary Clinton and Betty, but buddy changed. He found his voice and any found his momentum, but it just seems to me that dissenters, just isn't the guy Who, who can do that or do you think there is a possibility that he could turn it around. I very much doubt it I mean. I share the premise of your question, but now the last thing I see my role as in life is being an to run the scientists the time is fortunes around, but what we do sing applies more generally to any non trunk republican. Let's say gladdened young king.
Does get into the race, and I believe you know rupert murdoch is now. Are for that to happen. Big donors are beginning to look elsewhere. The claim you can get in there the same strategic dilemma of how and on whether you take on top and how you take on from You diagnosed trump ism to be is gonna confront him as it confronts and run the scientists by I share your premise? I don't feel rhonda scientists is, is a likeable oh plausible politician, I think that this tendency of his the thing that what is really catering and conservative twitter I not necessarily to ordinary voters. These very subtle contrived help, positions however, by half by the fact that the guide- decent getting out there and persuading vouchers.
Yeah yeah and you know make up and some such a great pointed something I don't understand about the republican party in general, every they gathered on the lives and get it on the lives. I understand that, but everybody is moving to florida. He could talk about. You know kok has talked about the massachusetts miracle. You know the santa could talk about that lord miracle, whatever he wants to talk about, but talk about economics instead, like I'm going to pick one whole troll scab after another college scab and make everybody bleed out and feel uncomfortable yeah, I'm gonna do last of america- economically what I'm doing from Florida there's a reason I had the biggest landslide in florida. History there's a reason why republicans one from pensive
lay down a key west. It's because we focused on first things. First, we get the schools open we get. The business is open and we get economy once again, that's what he has to do as a great master stand again. All of these to bed cultural battles, that republic in twitter likes left. Just say this is the stake that fifteen democratic candidates, maiden twenty twenty they were playing to left Twitter and Joe, kick their ass, and just say this is playing to right wing twitter and it's not working for him. Play four main street republicans and start wearing our paths right wing twitter. He has the insurrectionists the weirdos, the franks, get made St republicans, who want
our businesses up their schools, open and their economy, running with low taxes and and and and low interest rates and and this regulation better, if they want to do that our building momentum? That's the contrast to end action is weirdos and freaks. Peace is online for the financial times at loose. Thank you very much for being on this morning. It's great to see you mark. We can then Jane Robinson, thank you both as well, well, well, well, shopping for a car you provided meet binding. It's in your car is smooth. This can be oh yeah. I got pre qualified instantly and had real terms. Personal rights. Just for me doesn't go much further than that. Well, I got to browse thousands of car options on Carbonic. All within my budget doesn't get much further than it does. I actually wanted to car that seemed out of my range, but I was able to article cider and found my dream.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.