« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 7/12/23

2023-07-12 | 🔗

NATO offers vague terms, timeline for Ukraine

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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and I dont want a coward being nominated against Joe Biden. you have donald trump's challengers in the twenty twenty four presidential race, with direct criticism of the former president of title. Little bed it comes as the department of justice will no longer defend him in a defamation lost. It will explain why the d o J is backing off its previous position. Plus report I can congressmen. James comer doubles down on his defence, which I'm so mysterious he's doubling down on its defence of a guy who legally is an agent of the communist chinese government and illegally is final, a rainy and oil to chinese communists who in illegal are, stealer and
Why two authorities about all of those things and now is actually, on the rhine after being indicted, that's that's too, in com or the republican party. Defending that is this so called whistle. Blower is now facing charges at all had so well moreover, intact. For meanwhile republican senator tommy tat. Her veil of alabama is backtracking on comments about white nationalists having in the milky way airway my dismay will he s, convene I hear you ve got the begins in the house to our support a guy who, like finals illegally arranging oil to the communist chinese and this an illegal arms traffic her and legal agent for the communist chinese and then on the senate side. You ve got a fifty seven
the eight year old guy from Alabama who refused, the call white nationalists racists is this: I guess I don't know is this: there are twenty two thousand and four strategy and sen tubers had to be dragged kicking and screaming to that position. He's been defending white nationalists now for many many weeks and say: well, that's your definition. I you know we defined white nationalists. One way you defined it another way and finally, yesterday, under pressure from other republicans, that okay, if you define him the way you're defining than their rates. That's only one part of his day. The other part of senator time reveals day is threatened military readiness by holding up all these appointments in the marines poor and beyond so he's on Y role and doing that he's also. You know preventing women from really wanting to join the military if they want to get healthcare while there in there I mean it, goes on and on and on with that man along with Joe willing and may we have- and this is busy
tributor might barnacle washing barrow chee for usa. Today, susan page and white house editor political, SAM stein. Well, so it was all my barnacle. Let me just in the words of my grandma clark. Let me just just here, the rag off the churn and tell you, I always find all star games to be horrifically boring, but I sit there, smile with everybody around the tv acting like I love this midsummer tree, but really you know where that when there's that in cross lag in right, veiled and and and sometimes lying back in the grass and talking to the announcers in its solemn bit to care, for my liking. I want I want. Pete rose, like I think, rose, started a fight the nineteenth centuries in an all start again gone and spying sigh and a second base and starting starting bra, I mean in instead of these guys just kinda. You know it's just
jogging around to take it at all, and am I wrong and neither was the aid granted. I was right to do you know I mean she. She was right and people. crashed into the played. Not second basin ended their catches career, basically as dead sergei in the seventies he play hard. Every time he played the all star game last night was a terrible bore, you're! Absolutely right. I mean I fell asleep in about the fifth or sixth ending. First of all, I'm appalled at the uniforms they wore the narrative of the national league looks like they were working at a coffee my a man grins willie paying is really let these are such incredible ways and there will be entertaining guys and mean you just look the four
to fly out steeped right and then deep delay, There are great athletes, and I dont know they they. They need to do something that put a little bit of edge. Little better competition into this game. I dont know what it is. Now This is always the problem with all star games. You're you anticipate, and then you could say it's certainly about the pro bowl. They changed the format, because that game was so bad. It didn't even resemble football n b, a all star game becomes a pickup game where they score. One hundred and eighty points and nobody plays any defense, but I dunno, I think it's a nice break. It's fun to see all these guys in the same place. I didn't mind Mookie betts and Freddie freeman talking to each other great. They were great together. Cause they've got the mics in the eye at bees during the game, but yeah if, I'm being honest, I think I'd turn it off at the forthcoming one. They had made a vow me, but why the starting point you Joe Emilio may one day I was annoyed that they learn annoying yet leave him alone. Well,
I was annoyed, but you know me to tell you that I can do two three four five things at a time: I'm a multitasker from way back, but SAM stein, when native all these sitting there trying to figure out how to get laid. Batteries out any citizen, their talk can do and color commentary on is matter stange. I start like swearing, and I will say that point lace, in the end of oppenheimer. I had no idea what was going to happen now I I agree that is nerve wracking, to say the least. I I basically become a pool of sweat when
is talking to me during an outro and so like, I could not throw a baseball with that type of distraction and I will join the chorus here. The game is a bore. I mean it. Just is plainly a bore. I do like the home run derby. I feel they've spice it up. It's nice. You know it's funny. I I believe in Japan. They have these contests during their version of the australian, where you can like who can lay down the like the best bonds and stuff like that, and maybe that's just where we should go, is like individual skill sets like. Let's see who could throw the the furthest, the the ball, the furthest, the cut off man the most times, or something like that yeah this this little this, this nine inning game just becomes not watchable Joe. I'm not sure that contest is the solution to put an ios. I was going to say: hey your home rods. That zone share that kids would go. Hey Johnny you've got to go in front of the team is good, then the third know it's so good. You guys are so wrong, unbelievable worst call ever alright. I'm putting-
To this end, we gotta go to our top story. You're welcome. That was absolutely till my hour. I wasn't. It was a good except my barnacles Following some major developments out of the NATO summit in lithuania, the alliance says it will end by ukraine to join but only when allies agree and conditions are met. These are live pictures of ukrainian, President lansky addressing world leaders right now the group did not. If a timeline or details of what those conditions might be the vague wording is in line with what president Joe Biden said last week, calling a pathway to membership for ukraine premium. nor while it is at war with russia as the knee times points out. It appears the president and the like minded allies have prevailed over poland and baltic nations that wanted a formal invitation for ukraine join the alliance as soon as the war
and we're susan page. We are in the middle of a hot war and there are a lot of people and the pentagon. You ve been saying for six months a lot of people and informed see community inside and outside. The administration have been saying for six months that at one it's point they're going to need to figure out how to bring this war to an end, because it was looking like it would up in a stalemate and a lot of water people in the administration were predicting exactly what's happened with a spring offensive, so shouldn't be a surprise that they're, not there, not going to waive this red flag in front of russia at this point- is trying to end the war and also their or if you talk to leaders in the eu, they say yes, we want ukraine in that they have to meet certain standards at work. not going away for any body, so
very frustrating for the landscape, very frustrating for those of us who support what ukraine is doing. But this it's not going to be rushed. Is it No, and in fact, if, if if ukraine were part of nato now, would we not then have an obligation to be battling russia and, as president Biden wouldn't that be world or three main they did make some steps at the summit yesterday in telling ukraine, that, when it when the war's over they can kind of jumped the process, can avoid the initial process forgot into nato. That was that was something and I think no surprise to ukraine has been a consistent position of the united states, the united states continues to say privately to ukraine that they will ultimately have to be a automatic solution to this war, attic resolution, probably not carry one and that's all That's that's a hard message in some way for ukraine, but it is vital
the realistic wine as we look ahead to what's gonna happen with this war, looks to the summit in vilnius, NBC news, Whitehouse, correspondent monica alba, is therefore us monica good morning. So we know president vine will meet with presents olenska in a bilateral meeting, come up and just couple of hours from now and if some to the conversation will be perhaps presidents allowances, frustration that ukraine has not been admitted to nato present, abide jake Sullivan. Who will talk to you later? The national security adviser say that day is coming, but frankly states of nato? Don't wanna be dragged into this war with russia? Militarily exact william that day isn't coming soon enough and intolerance? Can I think you can expect him to continue to make his case. why ukraine should maybe be continually ass tracked as a member nation for nato, even though the u s and other western can Greece have said very plainly that the time is not right.
because conditions have been met yet from a security reform perspective and from a democratic reform perspective, but you saw yesterday before he got here president's landscape called this unprecedented. He said that this kind of uncertainty says something about the weakness of this position and old the u s, officials and the white house this morning are responding by saying we agree. This is unprecedented in terms of just how much support or stepping up and continuing to give to ukraine. That will be the message today and yesterday the focus was on what ukraine was feeling they work able to get in the short term in terms of a timeline commitment for assent to nato. Today will be all about what they are going to get in the long term when it comes to security and you're. Already seeing some of these nato countries pledging to train ukrainian pilots on those f, sixteen fighter jet something that we have talked about over and over again in recent months. In terms of the? U s
delivering those after a lot of deliberation, and then I think you'll also expect to see president bind today continue to talk about the weaponry. Those controversial cluster notions of the. U s is going to be providing to ukraine, but then also the fact that they are going to be able to say to ukraine that now individual countries are going to be able to make some bilateral security agreements with them that ukraine will be a bigger part in terms of being raised from their current status to a new status here at nato, which means they can basically call a meeting with all the member countries. Of course, the newest being sweden and Finland, which we expect to happen imminent which was a huge headline. Outfits summit as well, so continue to expect president bite into town this unity. This show of support, despite present once he still saying thanks for all that, but we would still like to see even more. We, then we will see those two together, as I said just a couple of hours from now and mrs monica hour at the summit in view Yes, lithuania, monica thanks so much so my prayers
by will meet with presents olenska short time. From now saying we have been with from the beginning of this. War will be with you for as long as it takes to win this war to end this war, but not enough. In this moment anyway for president's allowances as we want to be in nato. What do you expect present I must say to him privately today. Well, I think, The president, united states is certainly aware that every single day so when's he puts it life on the line in this country, and then he has been a noble and honourable and heroic leader of ukraine, giving their country strength. Moral strength, physical strength and out and me so, outgoing than that he has managed to assemble a group of allies who are keeping the country alive. The president, states knows all of this, but the presidency, I states also knows that without the united states leadership that for that that strip of film we just showed with all of the nato leaders on the stage grouped together, and they are together that
was stunning to Vladimir Putin eighteen months ago. He never expect something like that to happen- and it happened, of joseph far by that only reason that happen bringing nato together, like that in support of ukraine, in addition to all of the incredible technical support armaments, other support intelligence support as well that the united states is provided ukraine, so I think there's a balance in this conversation- and I president Zelensky clearly knows he has to show deep gratitude to the united states. This is not like applying to get into augusta national. I mean It's your turn here, and they are involved in an act of hot war each and every day, so well, see whether mike. I completely agree with with your mere your comments, and you have here. You know I've I'm gotta say it's. It's always ridge, when this
leader in that we supported zalewski, who I've said on the show. Many times is a hero and exacted an extraordinarily heroic waste from the very beginning is a great example comparatively churchill said at times his family were in greater danger than churchill. His family ever work that the height of the battle on britain, nineteen, forty and forty one, but when he starts attacking allies and when it when he starts talking about quote weakness, I must it's a little wretch and perhaps he can read a little bit of history from Winston churchill and the way he worked. De, I only say that, because we, we ve given ukraine over forty billion dollars, we ve given twice as much as I believe europe combined, we ve given them an extraordinary amount, so munitions would give them extraordinary amounts of anti aircraft weapons, tanks, that's worth supporting at all.
And we do it gladly, because we're not just doing it for the ukrainians were doing it to defend freedom in europe and a push back against an illegal and immoral invasion. We get all of that, but einstein- and I suppose, perhaps We all would be saying what, at present zalewski saying if you weren't, position, I will say from by its point of view and from the point of view of many americans, we have a president and a congress that had been there been walking on a razors edge for a year and a half between balancing freedom possibly starting world war. Three with a country It has more nuclear weapons than any other country on the planet, times we can't just put our heads down and georgia have. a bull in a china shop
right- and this is why we asked whitehouse spokesperson emily simons this Morning- is these- are any frustration in administration over that Zelensky common yesterday, which, to your point Joe seemed to have absence of gratitude. I guess is the right word for what has been delivered so far to the country and, of course, you know diplomatically. She sidestepped the question saying everyone's on the same page and they all have the same sort of general agreement about where we should end up. It's just a difference of timing and process, but I think what we should consider here is that hanging over all this discussion about nato membership. is a very real possibility. In fact, the likelihood that diplomatic resolution to this current stand off a born with a warning care now will involve some sort of negotiation around ukrainian you, NATO membership. The russians will not sign off on any diplomat again. The war, if there is a guarantee that ukraine forego
membership, and so I think the lens he's probably looking at that future in saying I need to get in under the under the warrant. I think we, the nato allies themselves, including the us, are probably looking at their future in saying we can eliminate that diplomatic card right now, because down the road. We will need to possibly play it in order to end this war. I think that's the big unstated factor here as people. are gathering in Lithuania. What makes nato nato is that all the countries in it agree and brook meet the same requirements. That's number one number, two for a country: that's not a part of nato they're, doing pretty well they are getting the support of nato, unlike any as ever seen in the more unprecedented? So I think I think there is agreement on that at the same time so ski, is going to fight for what he can get for his country and for his people and he's also representing as people, and they want to see him fight for everything, Why? I again is if you
His position, you understand ideal him pushing as far as he can put, should be very careful about again attacks in a country that, given you over forty billion dollars and an alliance that is literally kept up, the country afloat, kept him alive, I will say right now: it it'd be NATO membership. But if the united states comes you and starts talking about the israeli models, it's not a really bad model to follow, nobody's going to invade israel. No foreign countries going in aid Israel, without under standing they're, going to have to go through the united states that's been the case since nineteen forty eight. So this gonna, be messy. It's not going to be per as I said yesterday, if If we really want to get to a resolution where you have a he's agreement and you you stop future
veins in that area by by russia and we actually is a world community actually stand by our word yet in protecting you, we in sovereignty, unlike a back twenty fourteen, well, then that's going to mean we're going to bring in a lot of people around that peace table, including the chinese, to get a deal that, at the end of the day, protects Ukraine not only for next year, but for the next generation and and and that's again, it's not going to be perfect. That's why that's that the view negotiations- or we have a lot more coming up on this. But let's turn to politics here at home republican house oversight. Committee chair james calmer, he's still wants to talk to gal loose. The so called whistle blower who republicans have claimed would expose alone it's corruption by president Joe Biden and his son, hunter. That's despite the department of just
Indicting lived on charges of acting as an unregistered agent of china lie to law enforcement and arms trafficking luke. Karen currently on the run and considered a fugitive. I, the d o J. He was finally arrested in february before skipping bail, where's. My calmer is now questioning the deo jays tie me of sealing the indictment against low, but so what's the deal jade challenged to? Actually the charges yeah I area couple of days ago and said: oh well, why don't they show the charge? They do show the charges, because it is always a conspiracy theory. So what's happening is you've got James comer, standing on the side, I suppose, of of of people who were maybe spies for china the letter engaging in illegal arms trafficking, people who were illegally finally array, in the oil to the communist chinese, sad who we want to
Vandyke calmer, tempera borders. Yesterday move followed by his apparent on fox news. He's a credible witness because he worked for csc just like hunter, but I'm not saying are guilty and you're saying that he worked for the same company. That hundred of artwork all I want to know what the company did. What knowledge and what role the lively with respect. The day o J. I find it odd that they were very quick to me if I may, their indictment unsealed, but at the end, You look at what they indicted for bread they indicted for being an unregistered foreign agents. Will that's what hunter bottles for this Currently only hundred Biden received hundreds of thanks dollars more than guy look we're seek. I'm not saying looked, is completely innocent of anything. We're obviously have his opportunity to tell his end of the story, but at the end of the day, I know this the thing that the departure
Justice indicted on is one of the things that I think hunter binding should have been indicted on for five years ago. So the fact, the department justices move so quickly on gala, but they haven't done anything other than turn out of two hundred Biden is, is very concerning. That thing they were like challenged to actually release the information the indictment several days ago, if I'm not mistaken by fugitive himself, the fugitive said: yeah go ahead, go ahead. And and and I dare you to- and I did- and it was again illegal arms trafficking, which I guess, cameras, okay with being an illegal agent for the communist chinese, which I guess cameras? Ok with you. We finally uranium oil to the communist chinese, which I comers. Ok with gas lie too authorities about all these things, which I guess, commerce
ok, with its it's faster. spring and right now, edit of the bulwark jonathan last Jonathan, my guide, I need you, you talk about, for love and all the wrong places it is calmer. Guy is its absolutely arriving tell us who this gal locked Is this? What you say is moved this whistle blower this gripped or this by this illegal oil. Trafficker to that, mean this chinese party, who is so you have to understand. Is that projection? Is the sincere this form of trump ism right. Bizarre, This is this guy is co director of a think tank in d c, and he unlike unite
Furthermore, occident ye, I or you know me a tear near tenant, dig she's links has spent his time running around. We especially in china, doing work for the chinese government, so he is story this is amazing. He is doing this perfectly legal stuff, that's all above board for the e f c, the chinese government's energy company and that his bosses that's it! You have to tell him boy this hundred I didn't think that we're doing over here super shady and because he, the patriot, he does as he's going to go to the department justice, the f b I and spill the beans on all the really bad stuff that hunter Biden is doing. He has a meeting in brussels in twenty team, which is correct me. If I'm wrong. when Joe Biden is not president. He tells he told a delegation of people from the fbi and southern district of new york or
things that he has learned about the terrible illegal things at hunter Biden is doing and they because I guess, Donald trump's justice department is super apolitical. They decide not to do anything with it and galloped says They then went and just read all the evidence that he gave them, and he he in I told them also that the Biden crime family at a mole inside the fbi code named one eye. This is all about so Then, when it take us back to two thousand, nineteen is when God love goes in talks with the justice department and donald trump justice department bill bar. Yes, they decide to do nothing whether they found no evidence that there is a connection between hunter by. The binds anybody else armenia.
ask yourself how? How far is how deeply this conspiracy really go right and this? Yes, so it would be, he alleges that they went and they buried all of this. and but you know he has the goods and we all have to take his word for it, as he's videos from an undisclosed location because again he's a future on the run. and so far, what does that mean? Now, for the republicans I james com or who still are bowing down on this guy holding him up as the key to the entire investigation, are they gonna stick by the sky? It move find them first once they find them where they gonna stick by him is the key to the whole alleged Crime family I think so as a political matter. I don't think they can let go of this and they gotta keep doubling down and doubling down and doubling down bullet. You know the the the missing piece on all of this is- and I'm happy stipulate the hunter by ms, a bad guy and may have committed crimes and
seems from the outside that there's been a pretty rigorous investigation of him. There is no evidence that Joe Biden is involved in any any of this right. This is, you know, show me one piece of evidence that the president is somehow involved, because that would be bad right, but but it doesn't seem to be any and I think the republicans He doubling down doubling down, because it's it's one more thing that they confer against the wall, while Donald trump has been actually indicted himself. A couple of times may be indicted, another time or two before the election is one the way they just get keep muddying the water and pretending I think they need under Biden to help put help themselves, pretend that the trump stuff isn't so bad This is only convince themselves that, in all these that is, as our guy I'm not remember when getting indicted like hurt your credibility didn't boosted, but fundamentals. Where
where is sloughed, and what are the odds that we're gonna the american law enforcement gonna, get their hands on him, we don't know where he is. I have no idea myself he seems to be presenting a sudden is, is fourteen montevideo what she sent by the way to new york house if I was an innocent guy being persecuted by the deep state, I would probably reach out to reuters or the a p or a john's france, france, presse, or somebody like that. He sent it to the new york post, make your own make your own conclusions on that, He says that he may be on the run for the rest of his life. he's here, three planning for the long game, and it's it's The main you can't make the stuff up yeah. I'm really, let me say in and William, of course, I think at this point we need now that the new york pose the format, Now is the paper breaker four mornings suddenly asked
guilty if I were guilty willie of selling ill illegal arranging oil to the communist chinese and if I were a charge for being an illegal agent to the car this chinese government and if I were charged illegally selling weapons. and lying to authorities about it. Www when I got to verse. just go to the post. Why? Just this morning, Joe they've got a front page splash about former mets pitcher Matt harvey's new girlfriend. I rest my case. That's a great thing. So, yes, I say my case. Listen. Listen is that what they say that the headline and by the way, I'd send it their where they had
I have always said John at the name- q crucial your time very much sense time. Thank you as well. Thanks for doing wait, you're! Really they are you really really going to do to go to do. Do the math over of bunting contests do come on, you can kind of as he's really american baseball nudes. Yes, goodbye sam. Thank you still. I had morning job will be joined by national security, adviser, Jake, Sullivan ahead of president meeting with ukrainian president Lansky this morning, plus a top. west generalise warning about the far reaching impact of republican senator tommy tat prevails, decision to block military promotions over, they bore issue also had the ira legislature paths isabel to ban most abortions after six weeks, we'll get alive report from that
voted the way I think I were, and ohio could now be him I would have never said that a year ago, ever The very latest somebody severe flooding across the northeast and the federal government's response you're morning. Job will be right. Back well, well, well, shopping for regard problem. Made financing a car is smooth? This can be oh yeah. I got pre qualified instantly and had real terms personalized. Just for me doesn't go much further than that. Well, I got to browse thousands of car options on Carbonic. All within my budget doesn't get let's say there than it does. I actually wanted to
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week in which he said is only some people's opinion. That way, nationalists are racist. His new eggs come after an interview in may, where he implied, he would be ok with white now analyst serving in the military takeover to his comments from that interview, followed his remarks from Monday. We are living in the military, so pass our readiness in terms of recruitment and why day, one because the Democrats are attacking our military. Can we need to get out the wildest dreams? The white matchless people, adults, nobly in our gender, as as the head, your by an agenda, if they're destroying you mention the binding administration trying to prevent light nationalist from being in the military. Do you believe they should allow white nationalists in the military. Well, they call him
calm, americans. First of all, I am told against any type of racism. Ok, football coach for here and there In an had obtained here to be around more monopolies and anybody, I promise he'll quite nasa. Is just another word that they want to use other racism, but just we clear. You agree, though, why nationalist- should not be serving in the. U s military. Is that what you're saying people think that away nationals is a racist agree with that I agree white nationalist as someone who believes that the white, superior to other races will lead some people's opinion on it, they coming it alone, but pardon. What's your opinion opinion of a white nationals it, so I won't com. What matters to me is an american is and now, if that widened,
This is a racist, I'm totally against anything that they want to do, because I am one hundred and ten percent against racism. After that exposed. Leaders, Schuman, Mcconnell, criticized the alabama centred yesterday and soon after receiving backlash from both sides. The aisle for his comments tub attempted to backtrack his remarks. The senator from alabama is wrong wrong wrong. The definition of nationalism is not a matter of opinion white nationalists. The ideology that one race is inherently superior to others, that people of color should be set. brigade subjected relate relegated to set class citizenship. Is racist down to its rotten core and for senator from alabama to obscure the racist nature of white nationalism is indeed very, very dangerous. I urge my republic in college
to impress upon the senator from Alabama the destructive impact of his words and urge him to apologize it's the center of the galaxy white nationalism, especially the white supremacy, is simply unacceptable in the military and in our whole country rising demographic cited unless and until there is nobody here, but I am totally against minorities, thereby this building, so your body,
my Israel, that and say he still say that white mask lists are racists. It has made a little ways says: oh ass, somebody's definition, but this I lived in the south for fifty somethin years. Fifty five, fifty six seven years knows no exactly what white nationalism is, and he knows that that white nationalists believe that black people and hispanic people, anybody who's, not white. They are in theory because of their race. He understands that. So I, exactly sure, why still has not said the white nationalists erases, but this idea that he's back track now he has a backtracked at all. Well,
No there's a possibility that coach tub of might still be under concussion protocol? Who knows but listen Joe problem is that this guy's ignorance, senator tolerable of alabama, his ignorance, is still impeding the promotions and the prey the pay scale? Ups from million? for hundreds of of american military members, and he does it every day in impeding progress in the united states, military impeding progress get in a lot of families. Have problems with movement. State or another because of the lack of health benefits for women and the fear of having to do need reproduction services from doctors that won't be available to them. This guy, impeding all of that In addition to what he's doing displaying is ignorance on a daily basis and, as you pointed out, he has not changed its position. If you
in our view, has not changed its position. Its ignorant, sir definition of who senator tub veil, is. Yeah, and I would go further unfortunate may I wish this was ignorance that at least one explain it if he was just stupid lose just. stupid man, but he's not has lived in that state for a long time. He has served the state he has coached in the state knows exactly what he's staying and he is speaking to white nationalists in that answer. Sort of stand back and stand by we're here: nonsensical but you're, actually speaking them, and then you say you know all with Democrats say that's the definition he knows definition and he I'll, not condemn what nationalism that the bottom line. It's not ignorance. This was his point, though, all and the white nationalism was the
wait here while and he said Democrats were criticizing republicans for criticizing for it as well, and he brings it back to the Democrats. It makes it political and now the head of the repub can party in the united states Senate there's criticized went again. You know I always like to talk about this country. Moving towards a more perfect union. There are a group of republicans and are taking at least their party, there there, their wing of the party in reverse very quickly its twenty twenty three and you have a united states, senator that that is? is refusing to call white nationalist, racists and always as well. If you that's what you they are then I say I'm against that's what Democrats are they are this again. I just remind you how badly things have got them. This party, it not so long ago that an iowa congressmen get kicked off of miss committees by the republican party. First, things that were far less offensive than what tommy
our rail is saying everyday. Yes, let bring in how a white house correspondent for political and co author of the play book you in Daniels he's a morning Joe Senora contributor, eugene more you hearing about this amene tommy tuberville is in the news lately not just for white nationalism, but for prevent seeing women and the military from being able to attain abortions, or wanting that dap and and holding nominations and promote since in the military as a result of this frustration in the republican party, because of his failure to say anything against white nationalists in this country. Why nationalists in the military? Because folks, like distract me from what some of them kind of agree with that he is trying to force the
pentagon to get rid of or get rid of this rule that they are allowing women and people who needed abortions to travel, and all of that is holding up these nominations because of it, and I will say, as someone who played football until my college years, you can be a college coach. You can be coaches to have some racist mania, we'll just leave it there, but he he has moved the goal posts on this one, starting with wanting a vote, on this invest ending this from from the pentagon, and now he is kind of standing, even farmer in the gap saying that he wants the pentagon to completely retract this policy, its unlocked lie that the pentagon is going to do that. He talked to anyone within the administration. Anyone in the pentagon and the department of defense and they'll say that it's unlikely that this is actually going to happen, and so it leaves you at this standstill now than when you talked to a lot of these.
africans. What they say is now the readiness, if the. If he continues this and you dilute you- have the lack of one commandant and then that continues. Then that affects the readiness of the military, which is what he says that he is trying to stop. Senator Schumer could kind of try to get around tub reveal he could try to file cloture, which is what is called for folks, and it will take a long time because each nomination will take days and, and it would further could further politicize the military and in these these nominations, I will say folks are looking at. it's mcconnell to kind of push him to tuberville. To do something different Mcconnell doesn't seem to seem to agree with him. Holding these people are he's obviously, would step out and in in say something that gives
I will, if necessary, but he doesn't usually unless absolutely necessary, strong arm his colleagues, the folks in his and his conference, unless he feels like its necessary so is unlikely we're going to see how this actually ends up many times. Consider Mcconnell has said explicitly disagrees with what senator tub bill is doing in this case, holding up all these military promotions, but that one senator does have the power to do it our system, so susan page part of the irony in the richness something changes referred to, which is that comments we heard where tommy about feels like the military's getting too woke, and that this white nationalists thing that he's talking about he billy turning our military readiness, while he has spent the last several weeks hurting. Our military readiness by not getting these promotions through and now the system is so backed up that it would take weeks and weeks and weeks to get these more a hundred promotions down and get people and positions where they need to be in the military,
you know- and this is no small matter- I think about two hundred and fifty military promotions are now blocked. This of new members, new nominated members for the joint chiefs acting these military families. It makes it harder for them get the assistance they need to move to a new location for a new assignment, so they're real their real repercussions from his actions. the repercussions from his actions which, by the way, Biden yesterday called bizarre be in a way more serious than precautions from the war, his words that so many people find offensive all right. Thank you, Susan, for that, coming up what democratic voters are saying about, president vitamins, age who show parts and focus group aware of aspects Frankly is too old to be pro
let because you hear from Washington democrats real concerns coming up a focus group that talks to voters so I had an update on the next possible indictment coming forward. Donald trump has to go juries, are now sit in georgia, will show you what the judge had to the jurors morning joe we'll be right back The selling your car to Carvana is as easy as easy as pie. Sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or been as easy as a stroll in the park. Okay, then, just answer a few question: and you'll get a real offer, and secondly, as easy, you see new wine, I scheduler pick up or drop off and carvalho will pay you that amount right on the spot as easy as playing guitar I find that kind of difficult, but selling your card of carbonic is as easy as can be
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from political analysts mark halprin wide world of news in which he spoke with eight democratic voters from across the country about the questions surrounding president Biden's age, leading up to the twenty twenty four presidential election. Take a look you're concerned that if he showed signs of aging between now and next november, that republicans could effectively use that to beat him in the presidential campaign. Razor and agreements are an event that ok, so everybody's got started that or how do you feel about president Biden running for another four year term? I have sort of mixed feelings about it. I think he's really done a lot. My goal Well, is that that trump is not? President is actually done an incredible. the age thing is not going to go away. I will certainly support him if he is the the nominee, but I would prefer that there be somebody else. I don't have a problem with this age, the good thing about him. He has a
but he has lots of experience. I too will vote for him. You know when he's you know the one. That's probably gonna be there, but I do have I just kind of worry think he's very strong. I think he's had a great career, a political career and he's gone besides the island he's been able to communicate with you know he doesn't size. I like that bottom so much, but my only thing is with, though each issue its concerning, but I mean the other option scares me so this? if I can deal with the age thing, if it's at astor tramp, I want to ask one more question about about what we started with. Is this question of the president's mental capacity as raise your hand? If you think he is capacity art somewhat more significantly but lessened since he took off his region. If you ve seen a dick, of some sort, since he took off, raise your hand, art
Only two of you see any decline whatsoever, aggressive just to be clear. The rest of you think he's exactly the same as when he took it's the I mean he's got the pressure on a male. No, you know like barnacle what white one unanimous here every one of these democratic said they were going to vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden was there they also tell there's respect and admiration from all the Democrats. For what he's done, some concern about age, And that does track with with what what we hear from people in work she didn t see, but no, no, no I'll turn joe by I mean now these to be sticking wedding, you know that fact
screw tracks exactly with what you hear from ordinary people, when you grocery shopping, getting gas in your car, exactly zactly along those lines, people our concern about his age is eighty one years of age is president of the united states. Its may be the most difficult job in the world today he's overseas and ease the head of really the legitimate head of nato having brought that group together, he gets if the plane he flies back to washington dc for another series of dreadful days. That begin at eight am in the morning, if he's lucky and end it eight p m at night, if he's lucky its overnight intelligence reports, it with scared the hell out of any normal human being. All of that at eighty one what I think the plan, is for the president and his campaign is to more more or less all his age old, the fact that these eighty one on the fact that he you know run ass fast ass. He used to. He doesn't look,
as agile as he used to because of his age. He has a troubled foot that makes his walk look a little more weight than he is actually in the it looked me look worse than it is, but at the end of the day, given his age in his vast experience in government his knowledge of the presidency, given the record that as achieved, which arguably better than Barack obama's first term, I that's what he has to campaign on all your age, so things like no pay. When Washington cross the delaware I was there, they help pull those boats in that's how old is he really own his age and he can do it? And even here of doing it properly from script from his growth in Scranton pennsylvania, telling his life story in this, lord aversion, a brief version than is usually use just tell in it. He can then I am you the american citizen that you are
I have often times that I couldn't afford. I have made almost head cars repossessed. I've put kissed, school I've carried the weight of an indicative child. I've lost some children. I've lost two children. I know the pain. you feel on a daily basis, I'm Joe Biden. Zack. I I I can agree more. That focus group really reflected like conversation we might have had with friends across the dinner table or you here across the country. Who really care about him? Think he's doing a great job and he's gonna be eighty to one he's running and It's an sing. You mentioned as the third problem. This is a man who grew up with a start. Are all those things if you or I don't know on one show on fox news, you're going to focus on that and he fell off a bike or whatever it is in and make it a huge issue? You talk the Democrats who have voted for it, four and look at the alternative
page. The alternative It is the same age, maybe one or two years younger. It's not like donald trump. If he wins, the nomination is some spring chicken too. say the least, and you know presidency was full of executive time and all thing and rusty and watch tv, while Joe Biden has been working his you know what off during presidency and doing a pretty good job. So he's got the track record too. Matches age and to brag on it. You know, have any choice not to join our own? His age is MIKE was saying he cannot remind the clock and become a younger guy, but do two things one is he can deal with. This was humor with its comments knowing George Washington, that is very disarming, and it shows that this isn't something that's getting his skin. The other thing has to do is what he's doing this week in the end,
NATO, which is the show himself ass, a vigorous leader whose, on top of things able to liver, able to unite this. This alliance come back home, able to deal with economic concerns at tat that work many americans who needs to joke and To do, and that is the only way forward in dealing with logic, concerns about his age maker eugene? As you talk to people inside the white house, what's their view of how to handle this for the next eighteen months or so the questions around his, because, as everyone here is said, demo as we all know, very supportive of job. I, when he talked in private moment sometimes ago, go that press conferences little after all, it was hard to watch him walking across the lawn whatever it is again democrats like Joe Biden and when you ask them what the alternative might be to go well he'd, he beat donald trump once and we think he can do it again, so they can ride with em, so how's, white house. Looking at this issue of age, I mean at any
when you talked to in the white house and on the on they're kind of small campaigner at the at the Dnc, even who's operating and as most of the of the Biden campaign at this point is that he's getting younger? They think it s the years ago, when they first got in and republicans we're doing this, they were worried. They were scared that it was going to do something; they don't want to talk about it, but what is and over the last few months, is that aids around him I said you know what I'll also older age. I said you know what forget it just talk about how old you are. He knew he made. He started making jokes at the white house correspondents dinner about his age. He started to do it at different events, just little barbs here and there, because when it tells people
it doesn't like, like susan said it doesn't bother him if he's not trying to hide from me. It's obvious that he's over for what he's trying to do as a unit, I'm an elder statesmen, I'm wise. I have experienced those kinds of things and, more importantly, the most important thing that he can do and has been doing it will be doing, is saying Donald, it, is not only around the same aid, I'm the only one that has become and when you have a democratic party, both the voters I, like the elite of the party here in Washington DC, who are terrified of what another four years for donald trump, might mean. That is a powerful and has been a very powerful argument for him to make its. Why you didn't see any Democrats who probably would want to run it twenty four doing anything that people I gave a new, some graduate where the people that have an actual big biography that would be appetising to vote
that has not happened, because they are so terrified and what democrats are doing now and what the button campaign is doing now is also painting Rhonda santa's and the entire republican party in trunk. Continuing the point out how comes image, they are because what that says is even somebody else, you should still be scared of trumpets them. So they're doing a lot of work just in case not trump as well, are you Jeanne Daniels and susan page? Thank you both so much it will. You know, is a fascinating focus group and I I we completely with mike and the other set on the age. Ronald Reagan, william at washington, across the delaware and binding. Was there pulling in the robes in iranian reagan? Famously said I thomas jefferson. Thomas jefferson was a friend of mine getting bigger. I in the eighty four debates, second debate after so terribly in the first debate you know,
Again, there was a question about his age and he said he wasn't going to use his opponents age and inexpensive it's against him, and he played out to that. it is disarming, it's the same thing job I need to do when and with late. If they also managed to schedule very carefully yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I'm just going to be honest. I don't think they do a good job, helping out the president and I'm not talking about it I'm just saying if you are managing a president scotch, and your managing a president getting on stage in getting off stage and doing getting on planes in getting off plain and yes he's. Eighty years, to be there for him and you need to make a pathway and you sure, as hell better make sure in the fall on a sandbag, and I the staff. For that I mean these are the things that are gonna hurt him. These are things that are gonna, be weighing on a loop, ok, let him do as job. Let him do it
pages. Let him work on policy. Let him do with connections in congress, unlike any president on that we ve seen, I don't know Clinton, but my god sure you know your secret service you're, his staff, that you were there and you're telling him what's next, and it's not big, don't don't take this as oh, he can You can get from one place to another when you're in your onstage and we ve been onstage. I've done speeches and I'm so nervous. I'm doing the speech, I'm trying to get it right and when it's done, I dont know which way to go and I'm looking for direction so do a better job because you can't have these video images of the president tripping or the president like knowing the wrong way. It's not going to work in this presidency because his age is going to be a factor. His just going to be a factor and do your job to make sure he gets from low. a place to another. He can handle the presidency you up to handle it,
agile and where he got and discuss makes me mad me the schedule you're, so bored you have with every president. You have different strengths. You have different weaknesses if, if, if somebody, were younger and the white house. They would manage his expectations and make sure that that he never What two young are two inexperienced vines getting up there. He is slowing down, as MIKE said, a lot of people forget hee. He he I think he broke his fight. Our fractured his foot will do during the transition here really. The same is walks. Looks a lot differently: they, get a manage a lot of things, and this is managing schedule you again that's the asia again again, Donald trump donald trump can't go. Size, Joe Biden, if he's not putting into our days because Donald trump sat with executive time there, cable news farther, grew a great part of his presence there, also a couple of other presidents who told, I personally we're not going to say their names that they like to get out
the oval office at six o clock at night, go upstairs and hang out with our kids and watch tv and go to bed by night or go to bed by nine. So again, again, there's this. Is it This is a management issued. I've gotta saying, I think again to say this its it's it's. What we're pass up our seven hawk wednesday July twelve. I want to keep this conversation going with former you senator now in the lobby, narrow, ancyra, MSNBC, plane, lands, square, mechanical and chief white house corresponded from new york times. Peter Baker. we're gonna, u verse, and if you'd like to trash all our game for being boring and far the. american league wearing jiffy lube uniforms, you can. But first I want to talk about Joe Biden. First I think so fast said: yes, europe in policy x style is substance. Sometimes perception is reality. Sometimes I will say, though, we'll get all the nonsense. It right, wingers or saying trumpets, you're saying right now, the one thing you did there
talking about is how now Joe Biden has managed to get Sweden in two major I'm in hell, I may to give this is this is yet also. This is yet another extraordinary foreign policy achievement by Joe Biden. His four policy team and our allies, which he's brought back together after Donald trump for years, trashing them publicly and privately. Yeah and show Biden has united the west. In a way coupling no other president could have but cause of the grants and depth of his experience on ages in other countries and listen This is a binary choice in america and image, Dave America not only supports Joe Biden but, most importantly, support policies. They don't want weapons of military war being taken The schools slaughter their children, they dont what rape victims to before
to have a baby by the government. I these things and so by the way, these two guys. Why is an out of shape in play golf all day from a golf cart and the other is in pretty good physical show me, you know, there's three years difference really we're gonna use. Those three years is the deciding factor as to who should leave the most powerful cut we in the world one. Can asylum referred to indictments yeah I mean it. I want indictment right, so Once I'm waiting for a journalist to ask these republicans you tell us if you think rupert murdoch should step down. my job. I write someone's Warren Buffett there a big
multi national corporations that are revered by the business world and, frankly, by most republicans, nobody talks about their age, so you now get it. I get it and I I understand why people worry about it, but I think you're buying in a commanding position right now, especially inflation keeps going down, especially We can manage the interest rates going into next year and the economy he'll be whoever they bring and I think they're going to bring a crook selling your car to Carvana is as easy as easy as pie. Sure all you have to do is enter your license plate or been as easy as a stroll in the park. Okay, then, just answer a few quick Hence and you'll get a real offer in second as easy as senior wine. I scheduler pick up or drop off and Karbala will pay you that amount right on the spot. As easy as playing guitar I find that kind of difficult, but selling your car to Carvana is as easy as can be
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.