« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/9/23

2023-06-09 | 🔗

Trump indicted on 7 charges in classified docs probe

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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And in all my years, public life. I have never obstructed justice and I think too that I can say that in my ears of public life, I worked on this kind of examination in trying to destroy a reputation, something and when election, that's just This ban is doing any of the other things that have been done. as sober of years, and especially during the two thousand and twenty election people have got to know whether or not their president's a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got so I just want to tell you I'm an innocent man. I did nothing wrong done from pen richard Nixon, each proclaiming innocence. Fifty years apart, Nixon was never federally indicted. Donald trump was just in time, on. Seven charges will go through what we know about the federal charge, and what happens next in the case plus will explain why
this indictment from Florida. Grand jury is significant. Twenty km to a venue for patents. she'll trial. Meanwhile, on capital hill, predictable response from many republicans who are rallying around the former president, blaming everyone but ham for this indictment willow. we have the reaction from trumps republican rivals in twenty twenty four presidential race good morning and welcome to morning Joe, it is friday, jus, ninth, along with willie and may we have former? U s senator now and then bc news and MSNBC political analysts clare mechanical the host of way, the early white house pair of chief at politico, Jonathan la mere former white house press secretary, now, an MSNBC host Jen psaki former us attorney and senior f b. I official chuck Rosenberg and NBC news presidential historian, Michael Besh loss, so NBC news can now confirm. Former president donald trump has been indicted by a grand jury federal
and jerry in florida in connection with spain. Council jack's myths, investigation into. handling of more than one hundred classified documents discovered. last year at his moral a resort in florida too. Worse, is familiar with the matter confirmed the indictment one adding that trumpery if the summons, to appear in U s district court on tuesday. This is the First time in american history of former. U s president will face federal charges. The sources say: trump has been indicted on seven charges with one source, noting that does not necessarily mean seven counts, because multiple counts can be associated with each charge. A spokesperson for the special counsel declined to comment. A separate Source said the indictment is under seal, which is why the gun We cannot yet comment, but sources tell NBC news that the charges include
violation of the espionage act, conspiracy to obstruct and making false statements willing we're. President Tromp is expected now to surrender to authorities and appear in a u s: district court in miami on tuesday at three o clock in the afternoon. The? U S, secret service, official, telling NBC news secret service personnel will meet with trump seen today to begin security and logistics planning for his movement to appear in federal court. This is trumps second indictment, just in the last two months. He also faces, of course, though, state charges in new york, where he is pleaded not guilty to thirty four counts of falsifying business records in a hush money. hey, involving adult film actress, stormy day you're so
Joe will get into the reaction to all of this, from Republicans we'll get into the political implications of it. But we have to stop and just say what an extraordinary moment. This is that a former president of the united states for the first time in our country's history has been indicted on federal charges and not just the former president, the united states, but a man who now seeks to return to the white house, as is happening in the middle. The president dry and pain, and lets me really clear. We ve been saying others show, I think, since two thousand and nineteen If you lost in twenty twenty, he would continue to seek office because he would use it as a shield against any possible indictments. Of course, the justice department guidelines that says, if you are a sitting president, you can't be charged with crime and that active as it shall. We remember during the mauler investigation with mauler saying well, there are examples where he probably committed obstruction of justice, but he's present, and so We can charge him where the crime so
before he ran for president, we were saying he's he's going the wine and going to run if for no other reason, so we can say that every one of these charges that he knew were coming, who were witch hunts the thing is the american people really are buying that. If you look at one pole after another, this is so important. If you're watching other networks and ear ear watching p will celebrate a man who is An insurrection against the united states of america led to a lot of people who are in those riots going to jail lied about american democracies. Trashed american democracies trash the united states. Military is true. America's intel services, yet they continued block around him, maybe need neither now you're doing it, because you're scared that. A majority of americans think he should be indicted. Even sixty percent of American said he should have been indicted in the store. We daniels hush money case and another pulse
You, two percent americans, think this is a serious crime and never having majority believed that, if he is in and charged with a crime and ultimately found they. He should not be allowed to serve his present. The united states on that's not that this country runs, but this is Think that all that all of these for there are lining up after everything, Donald trump, his dime after everything, That donald trump has died show their stand once again, there with the american people. I do, though, with all that You decide their willie, do want to say that say two things can be true. At the same time, this This can be something that had to be done, because an american, no man is above the law and and
extraordinarily important for every american to understand for every american and now at this. same time. We have The line here that is extraordinarily dangerous for the future you are now going to see republicans trying to seek retribution trying to indict a democratic process. If independence run in the future, you may The same thing and so It is extraordinarily dangerous, but we are given the way. First of two options as a nation, and I think Michael bash loss again is I will say this is this? Is it this is a dark day for america and if anybody thinks I I've been labour are are, are are not complete,
lee straightforward and saying that they don't understand. This is something I feared for a long time by removing the discussion. Will people are talking about indicting george w bush because of suppose it a war crimes? Is it ok, that's great. What are you going to do for years and now we're eight years from now when republicans when died, Barack obama for four war crimes for for the drone warfare, for whatever But here we are, and sure you agree with me. It is a bleak dark day for america. But also a day that we win. Had they commonly donald trump, the, I think, perhaps what the most dangerous legal and constitutional norms he's broken through. Is this one that a former president is actually indicted by the justice department
sure is, and the other thing Joe, is that it it's a shame. The reason it's a dark day is because it's come to this. You know this was not just something that came out of thin air. This is not just days. You know some day trying to indict Dwight Eisenhower. One of the most honest leaders in american history in nineteen. Fifty eight, let's say you know this is there has to be evidence. You know you and I make a will everyone else on our animal. We ve got faith in our system and You can't just say that there was no evidence that led the justice department to be interested in this case or that there was evidence that lad agree jury in miami in a state. That is deadly more of a red state just you were saying, with sir funded by certain prompt supporters in the state of florida? If we faith in our system. We have to say
You know this is a reaction to evidence of a serious charge and if we re I believe in our system, then we have president tromp ex president prop is not what are you, what he's being indicted for a trial will bring that out and he will be found out not guilty. willie michael brings up such a great point. The grand jury the grand jury in Florida that that brought the charges just like when people were too about a witch hunt in the EU jean carol case, that was a jury of donald throbs peers. so these are americans. This isn't. This isn't like you know, george soros His immediate family, or whatever wing racist, anti semitic conspiracy theory, they want to drum up like these and jury of peers, better indicting him.
Yeah. I remember in the jean carroll case in prominent united states senators questioning now these jury system- that's been one of the bedrooms of our legal system because it didn't go donald trump's way in this case, we'll get into it in a few minutes, but some of the republicans are painting that says Joe Biden going directly after his political opponent to try to knock them out of the presidential race when, of course, this not just comes from the justice department from an attorney general who separated himself to avoid the appearance of any partisanship and gave it to a special council, who then gave it to a grand jury, and here we are so sharp Rosenberg. Let's get into some the legal questions around this donald trump zone attorney last night in the television interview confirmed that the charges in here, though, that document I is sealed, around the espionage act. What else do we know about what donald trump might be charged with when he's arraigned on tuesday right also vase? on public reporting, the unlawful.
engine of documents in violation of the espionage act, there seems to be a conspiracy charge and I'll talk about that in a moment and theirs. To be also a charge related to an obstruction of the investigation. Perhaps even witness tampering, why is that important? While second thing first obstruction as our evinces a consciousness of guilt and one of them things, prosecutors always have to prove that a trial is at a defendant, acted intentionally, wilfully and not by accident or mistake. So if Europe's acting the underlying investigation. If you're concealing documents or urging witnesses to telephone story that proves consciousness of guilt and helps pro peters on the other things that they have to do proven intent with respect to conspiracy. I often
on that as a prosecutor, where it was a political willie, because it gives me certain evidentiary advantages if you and I, for instance, plot to rob a bank- and we include Mika in the plot and you the bank and meek awaits outside and get away car and I go inside the bank and rob it we're all guilty of conspiracy, because we had an unlawful agreement that is an agreement to do something that the law forbids and if any one of us takes a step in furtherance of the agreement. The conspiracy charges complete it gives prosecutors evidentiary advantages, because anything that the one of the three of us say you William Nikko, or make anything that it says in furtherance of the conspiracy, is admissible against. all of us, and so the devil will be in the details eager to read the indictment. I hope it's a speaking indictments and lays out in some detail what the charges are, but obstruction conspiracy and espionage act. Violations are all
ordinarily serious and confer on prosecutor some evidentiary advantages tackle me. Ask you this because know people are looking at this. I you can't blame on it's just the latest in a series of of choice. it that donald trump has had whether, sir to impeach ments, whether it is the the lawlor investigation add on top of that, of course, a manhattan charges, and on top of that too, Jeanne carol case- and here we are yours- very easy to look at this case ago up what this is just another in a long line of challenges it. Donald trump is going to be facing for the rest of his life. If you I'd love to explain how this is so different, because it's in federal court? One of these charges I read this morning could carry with it possible eight year term tromp, maybe typing in all cabs right now. But he understands the gravity of of federal charges against him. He also understands he could spend a significant
time is in jail if found guilty on all of these charges, which may actually make him a bit more flip moving forward. In these deliberations because he could spend the rest of his life in jail, if charged on all of these counts, could you go through all that farm if you're, willing and explained or viewers just how different a federal cases than all of this cases are mahler, investigations are impeachment. Absolutely joe and add one word to what you said it, such as the federal case. It's a federal crime. Ok, so when we think about MR trumps, legal lose over decades are almost always so no cases often brought in state court but their civil. cases in several cases aren't about liberty. Civil cases are about money, right. If you lose a civil case, you tend to somebody else, money if you lose as a defendant in a federal criminal case. You're talking about liberty, to your point, Joe you can
the jail and you can go to jail for a very long time. So I too want to get ahead of. This has only been I urge that this point, not even a rain, certainly has been tried and has been convicted or were sentenced but the reason this is so serious and the reason this is so different is If you lose in court, a defendant. In a federal criminal case, you can go to jail, and so civil cases are serious. Was me on the short end of one of those. It would keep me up at night if I was on the short end of a federal criminal trial, I would be best, case. These are ex ordinarily dangerous times in part, because What MR trump did, but is also going to be. Mr trump in a court of law facing a jury of peers is going to face the consequences of what he did by the way. I agree with something that you said or at the very beginning of the show it is a solemn day as prosecutors, I never never celebrate
the conviction or us sing. In my view, no matter what defended did it was always a sad day. This is a sad day, but the person caused? It is mr trump Claire mechanical, then Jen saki want to hear your thoughts. This is a really important day. Something that's never happened before. If you listen to trump world, you would think that something terrible have. To a great man at this in time this is a man is found liable of sexual assault. Defamation he's been indicted in manhattan and for what we know the facts in the documents case are very real dressing, because there's this hue and cry somehow he's being treated differently and it's not fair and president and be indicted, and I'd like to gently point out that he has been true
differently in this way invents, given him the benefit of the doubt at every turn, for a normal person who would walk out of the skiff with sensitive documents to hide to lie about them for a year and a half that would never happen. They wouldn't take this long. They wouldn't him every opportunity to give the documents back. They wouldn't give him a many many opportunities, to cleanse himself up very serious mistake, but rather than taking that up today. He find it and lied and brought other people into the plot inwards, fascinating to me, also- is that the republicans are coming to his defence. Have no idea what the evidence that's right, it's very scary wit, and one thing I'll have in common. They are defending them therefrom, bright, red places.
They living in a primary world, not a general election world, and I need to point out to everyone that president's, if you become present united states You have to live in a general election world, you don't win based on a primary and that the fatal flaw to the term strategy and ones engine soggy. These republicans, who are crying foul right now, are the same ones. Who really don't have an argument? For example? What is it is by the mastermind of a d J, slot against the former president, already falling off falling off and unable to complete a sentence which, as it I know, I mean I I think it's really important for people to understand. I mean Joe Biden is Biden risk the rule of law, but also respects the separation of branches of power, and so on, we're looking at how solid today is I mean he nominated attorney general garland, whose operating dependent, lay who also named jack smith. We all got to this moment and in the present one,
size by including members of his party for being slow for not pushing just at the department of just this farther he did that because that's how system is supposed to work, and we are here because the justice system was doing it We'll see how it concludes. We don't know yet I was thinking last night about my former way. colleagues, my colleagues I spend so much time with you know when this news broke at seven fifteen, seven thirty last night Micah, they didn't have a statement prepared they weren't a war room. Some of them have been getting in their cars. That's typically, when you finish the senior staff meeting, they did not. this news in advance either. That is how this system is supposed to work, and I think it's important for people to understand that. I say yes, what we ve seen and just echo clare from republicans, who have some into this some exceptions. I mean asia hutchison. A little bit is really this. You know attack of the justice system.
heck of our institutions that have been fundamental to our country for so long now. Leave strategy, no understanding of what the charges are their train, again de legitimate, as the system and politicized the system, which, frankly is the opposite of what president Biden and the justice, I ve been currently is trying to do to genes. To your point there at the only state at the white house put out was to refer reporters than carbon adjust right. That's all they did. This is we are hearing from above since their number one argument least for now is this. President Biden yo j going after his top competitor saying this is about The republic say that he's trying to bring down donald trump before natural, but this is certainly an inflection point for this election, but also we wish just lose the modern history here. This is now a federal charge for former president, on top of it They charge jarring and they're, probably more coming. We are you're just a looms in summer and we don't know we're january six investigation. They take us to attorney george com
join the conversation. George, it's pretty when I get your reaction to this historic moment and your assessment of these charges now being brought forth in florida. well, I wanted to send a little bit from what some of it was, earlier, at least partly. I don't think it's the same. they put. The contracting is a solemn day. I think it's a moment. Stay on. I think it's an important data significant day in a very serious day, but the sad moments. The sad point was that we had a president who was such a ban in criminal by him, who launched in inspired an insurrection who stole government documents classes documents and then try to conceal them and try to obstruct justice, and though we have millions of americans who still want put him back in the white house and we have a republican party were virtually all of its major figures
are so spineless than they can simply say. We don't support this criminal and that that's the slave. The sad thing would have been. The terrible thing would have been. The worst thing that could have happened to our republic would have been This ban was never charter that he was let go in and as cheap as as clear point now they didn't want to bring this case. The government drag its feet. They wanted him to give the documents back in short to narrow around a natural archives and records administration around for over a year in law, to them, he lied to the justice department and yet others like the justice department. He concealed arguments he moved around and and it took a year and a half for them. They get a search warrant. Well any of us would have been searched weeks after weeks of after taking those documents and
Any anybody else would have been indicted long ago when we saw that the evidence in the unsealed search warrant in last august. There was plenty of the air to charge. Somebody with there was enough there that any of us where we had we been a senior administration official. Taking that volume of documents to our beach house. We would have been indicted long ago gotten every break. They could possibly give an inch, and concerning general garden? Didn't wanna, bringing case, but he asked I want to underline what george just said: clare, and I can again tell everybody here that, because we ve we seen documents I did when I was a member of armed services. I know clare, in the senate, wait when she was as well go in there and man. They do everything afterwards. When you walk out and skip it, owes you down and I'm telling you it isn't. It
emanating thing at least it was for me going and there you understood what what you were doing. You understood the importance of of keeping that information there not passing it along tell you. There were briefings that I had armed services briefings that I haven't like nineteen. Ninety eight. Ninety, ninety nine, two thousand- I still haven't told anybody anything about. I'm sure that that there were they, information was declassified years ago, but now how much it is impressed on all members and in peace pulling government about how critical this as you look its former cia directors that have been shot charged. You look at former Jim are all issues that have been charged for doing far. Far less than this, you will get mad no security advisers charged for doing far far less than this. I mean it's
level will end, and I do want to say I do want to add to what george said. This is an extremely sad day for the reasons that I by what I have what george said. You have a guy that's been charged with violating the espionage the espionage act He knows that he took class documents. He was supposed to take they now they know she took those class If I documents is well vain, all of these people defending him. No did this guy violated image act and he lied about it. They know he lied about it to the f b. I they know he lied about into the d o J. They know he said about it to the national archives. They know he's been lying to them, non, stop you know and vague. Health care so wall.
adding up all the things make this a grim day. Let's put that near the top of the list, and also that forty forty two forty three percent of americans now this guy likely violated espionage act and they don't give a damn So at the end of the day, Donald trump right, current shoot somebody on fifth avenue and support, wouldn't care, because what he's dawn is most likely. These violated the espionage act. We The fact pattern here, we've seen it unfold and they don't care. So. Yeah I agree with george george, the majority of americans care and think it should be charged, but agent? Many americans have no risk for a law. They have no no respect for justice and
The bitter irony is making the people have been running around with their hair on fire for the past three or four years: yelling law and order and law and order and law and order are the last people who give it am about law or order when Donald trump does things that would have any of us screen in jail already and vague, don't care well. What makes this potentially have some long reign ramifications that this country will have to confront by the way merit. Garland didn't want to think with this. He put jack smith on it and separated himself, and we will find out Finally, what is in their on tuesday, when Donald trump is gonna be reporting to the federal court house in miami at three p m on tuesday we ve got the this minds on this story: chuck, Rosenberg, george Conway clare, Mc Caskey, Jen, saki, Michael bash loss, stay This will be right back after a quick break to continue our coverage on this. Is
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Dollars off blue nile. Taken major phone carriers. Make you sign contracts with rigid data plans to trap you into a kind of forest. Monogamy sounds pretty insecure. If you ask me, consumers cellular? We believe in a more consensual, unhealthy form of monogamy free of contracts and more lex? what are your data me this way you stick around, not because we force you to with contracts and fees, but because you love our phone plants like ardently love our foreign plans for not going to sleep consumer cellular when freedom calls we're here to answer callers one. Eighty I hate freedom, and I can't imagine you ever say bring me some of the boxes that we brought back from the white house. I'd like to look at them. Did you ever do that? I would have the right to do that. There's nothing wrong with that. I know you don't think you would do if I don't have a lot of time, but I would have the right to do that. I would do that. Remember this now this The presidential records act. I have the right to take stuff.
They ended up paying rich and mixed. I think eighteen million dollars for what he had. They did depressed essential record jack. I have the right to tax. If I have the right to look at stuff Oh that's the famous interview from march twenty seventh workshop hannity was trying to coach Donald trump out of an indictment out of implicating himself dieting trump went in again and again and again it will talk to chop Rosenberg about this, but it keeps citing the presidential records act. Did it in that cnn town hall a couple of weeks ago, when he said infamously, I took what I took saying it did take all those classified documents he's come ITALY wrong. He either doesn't understand the presidential records actors just lying about it, but that, in our view was something well understands that there has been testimony that he stands in extraordinarily well. You actually walked through it. with several people who have testified about how much he under stands, the process
classification in classifying just I am well, there's no way, but you just not that's more is really not. I mean if he's a fascist he's like organs, he heroes, like a guard. The type of vat this is just not bad seaboard. I mean the thing is The guy says George Conway thanks. I had an saying. I know you, and commit a crime. I can commit a crime to fail to give it. Mr president, I know you wouldn't commit this climb. I can comment that crime. If I want to raise on added, he says: ok, let's move on! the oh, my god college campuses I mean there is so much they're going do in tat. Time and time again- and I say this not smart, because you said things and the and tat all meeting better go
get him and legal travel as well time and again, he admits he lets me and tat. They commit that crime publicly in public. Is it, but that's absolutely right in the best evidence that he has created that it had passed. Evidence against them is evidence that he is created by having the documents in his office by having the documents in his home by having by having by talking to lawyers, who then trot you children, get them to commit illegal acts and them refusing and then a court holding that basically the he that there is no a tolerant journey, client privilege because of it he was trying to call commit criminal acts and you're right he's just absolutely not bright. It always ease adult and an end. He but a stubborn dope and that's the reason why he's here today and he he had every opportunity as we been pointing out to give
these documents back it. He had in view narrow over marijuana lara lotto in the spin. Middle of last year, a year ago, we would not be here today. We might not have even heard about the instant, because it would have been just viewed as well. There are there was a misplaced documents and he gave them back it. Wouldn't it would. Be a big deal. chuck Rosenberg, there is such a fog of this information just flowing from so many sources over the last twelve hours or so about why this happened. What happened? Oh, it's just like what Joe Biden did know it's not, and we can get into that its Joe Biden going directly actors, political opponent. No, we just explain why that's not true, and that showed that donald trump had the right to take these records under the presidential records act. That is just not true. We should explain that many times in the last few months. Can you explain because we do have to re, establish the facts here? Can you explain
at the presidential records act, does say and what it does not say. Shore, willie soap, It is important to establish the baseline, the presidential red records act. Choirs at presidents return to the american people through the national archives documents generated by their administration this routinely happens at the end of a presidency at the end of a presidency, may be chaotic, but it doesn't obviate the need for a president and his staff to abide the law and the requires a law holds that the records of a presidential administration do not belong to the individual president. They belong to the american people and the national. archives is the caretaker on our behalf by the way to georgia's point, I think it's an important one. Without thebes
action without counselling witnesses to lie without hiding documents without concealing evidence. You may have a case that all all of that underscores defendants, skill, tis intent and when you lie, or a few skater obstruct. It suggests The thing you are obstructing the thing you are few skating was a crime. judge, a federal judge found that the attorney client privilege had been obliterated and that government was entitled to speak to one of MR trumps attorneys, which, by the way is an x ordinary thing I can count on one finger. The number of times that happened to me in my public prosecutors career. That's an extraordinary thing to allow the government behind that curtain. It's because there were underlining acts of obstruction and so
the presidential records act is clear over the records belong to the american people, not to the president and trying to obstruct narrow, the national archives in its work to retrieve the documents and then counselling witnesses to lie, syria serious, federal crime. Now you know make I just we're getting with richard highs golf corresponding ass in young. it's your two asks says one big question mystery: why did tromp? we can hold the documents. What was the mole? That's? Why would he do that? Why, and sir goes back The first thing we said is he's a dope bright but but also more to the point- and this is what He hasn't understood. He doesn't understand
where he is now. What arena he's just walked into the middle k he's if he thought they were his and he thought that nobody could tell him they weren't heads and win. Even when, even though he knew he was violating the loss, he thought, as only then he could hold the documents. He could keep the documents. This is a guy, that's bullshit people is entire life he's always states. minutes away from from eminent destruction any survived it his whole. Life and how he thinks this is just like: fighting the new york post leaking doc, instead, the new york post about. How he's great having sex thinks this is leaking granted the daily news changing his its name,
I say, oh, that donald trump is a man about town in what way, what what? What name did he used to be that have Sean miller? John baron John Miller John John, our ethan. This is like the mulder report that that he can push all of this aside and light, and I'm serious he's been in this sense, the mere nineteen seventies and he's got the way with it any I will tell you if there is Damn country lawyer, like me, especially there's a reason, stay away from the federal court house whenever possible. Yeah I mean it's it's frightening when want, through those stores, it's all business It's a reason. Giuliani would lie outside and and and make all of these outrageous claims about stolen elections and go inside a federal judge would say, are usage. There is widespread fraud in this election and Julian, you know
no sir, I am not tromp thought he could bully. People he's now going to find out and he's gonna be delivered the harshest lesson of his life. But you can't bali federal judges, view cat bully the feds themselves. gonna, pay for this. You may pay for it with his liberty unless less he, he cops he's, going to have to play or I'm predicting he's gonna charged and very likely will spend time in jail. So I want to know through one thing, you said I you know a dope. A bully both potentially trail. but he he knew they weren't is. He knew our ears reporting that shows it was explained to him. There are documents he assigned to declassify.
He knew they were not what I said was he knew there was a like in his mind what you said to Hannity the israelis thinking. I said right after that He knew he was committing a crime, but in they re always screwed up reality. Can do it and where europeans reality he thinks he can do it. It doesn't matter He thinks so. Laws apply to everybody else, but him then here's my question clare, mechanical gravely serious as federal indictment would be. The law has its own time line, and then there is the the cold time line, and I dont think match up quite well. I think as much as the far right is claiming the deo J is being weapon ized. I think donald trump, knowing his past patterns, will will weapon eyes this himself and draw up the bay,
is any concerns about the conflicting timelines. Well, I I think that certainly those special prosecutor, understands what's happening over the next year. They will. They look at that, while they're gonna try to move this they're ready to go to trial better than you, never learn diets until they're ready to go to trial. I know, but then there all these exports saying it could be a year before long. The developments on the question- a big question- has not been answered yet, and that is what judge gives the case. The judge has more control over the timeline, then jack smith or trumps lawyers, and the judge if it is a judge that understands the value of it going quickly, but let me say one thing, that's why he did this. I think all we need to realize he did a fund raising plea within now we're I now learning is why I'm asking then this is usually it's about money. I think in his weird brain. If he had documents,
the elles had thirty one spoke to have that meant they were worse, something I now I really have. So this is a monitoring. I'm lying thing. It's all a graph gentlest talk a little more about this point about this comes as a campaign is going there and we have had to india our already more potentially coming from the trunk perspective yes he's going to use for fundraising. Yes, this might help on the republican primary. Yes, at least so far, some of his gp rivals are even standing up to them, although it allows them to bring up the dinosaur little. That bit helps the issue, but just the mechanics of how was he going to campaign next year, if he's coming in and out of a court room, whether its do you work for I am it's called how's he going to do this. Well, I mean, I think, he's betting. It could be useful to him, but it is certainly impossible that he could have an ankle bracelet on at the conventional number of legal experts, including the former f b. I director has said that recently I wanted to just go back to the docs for a second, because it
it's true- and we don't know this right now, and I don't know when we'll know this, that it could be that he was showing off for fundraiser for rich donors that he just thinks he lives by a different set of couldn't be more nefarious. What is also true and I'd be interested in what the golf correspondent thinks of us, richard haass is that he is making a great he'll of money from his financial dealings and saudi arabia attics. What has been reported is that some of these documents that he may have showed others are about iran war. And nuclear seek wrangles. That's only environs about those saudi Arabia and a lot of countries in the gulf, so we don't know that, but that is something that Not if not a zero percent chance, that's a possibility, Joe yeah I've. I am just said from the beginning. I don't make as to its with him. It's always about the money? It is always follow the money, it's always about the money, so jones from singly grown, applying old girl.
I would genoa, I won't speculate on it. I'll just say it's always about the money and, if Maybe you don't sell it? Maybe you just have at. Maybe you just pass on information to other people and that helps create an about even closer relationship. So nobody, but we speculate on what it is, but but I do now, speculating when you say with donald trump, it's always about the money Am I go back laws? Let me end with you on this very historic morning. morning after an and just get your get your final thoughts. What should americans be thinking about today? As absorb this news digested should be signed that someone like donald trump became president if he is guilty of these charges and nation faith in our system. You know the sad day would be if he did these. I will think that is accused of an hour
some somehow couldn't get its act together, and this guy Got off scot free forgotten, it again without coming to justice. The other thing this is really surreal emmy before last seven years who, in our group this morning, could have a and that we would be talking plausibly about a former president, stage states will taking arguments they told at that Come back by the archives lie about saying no and then we're talking about the possibility of that. He might have sole these things for for money. blade hostile countries. If we had brought stop, let's say we're talking and twenty fifteen, I that said. You know this is fine for I'm thriller, but that doesn't in real and american life. Look how far we mean I mean who could imagine. Claremont gaskell at present. The united states would be charged with food crimes under the ass
knowledge act that is directly taken from some. Some some thriller unfortunately said of a thriller with us. It's a tragedy. You not been Jeanne the plumbers on on h, b, o and I constantly reminded did it sought? The crime is to cover up and three really this. It is, it. Wasn't him walking with those documents? It's how you handled it after the fact, and no one would we're thank a present. United states would be that stupid vat egocentric that ghost on something a value that only he could have that he would do so in this serious and that's really What the jury is gonna hear about knowledge it's a wonder to hang a jury.
All it takes is one so these prosecutors. Let's not forget these prosecutors have a big task. They have to convince all too although beyond reasonable doubt that donald trump did what appears to be obvious, that he did, but it you know, buckle up. This is gonna, be quite awhile. Yes, it is Michael bash, lass, chuck Rosenberg and george Conway. Thank you all very much for being on this morning and so I on morning, Joe much more on the first ever federal indictment of a former american president, including reaction from I'll trumps. Twenty twenty four geo p rivals. Meanwhile, republicans also, oversight committee are doubling down on accusations of corruption against president Biden, and his family will speak with the ranking democratic panel congressmen jamie ruskin, whose There are no grounds to escalate the investigation, plus the supreme court delivers a victory for voting rights. Advocates, ray
farming, a landmark civil rights law that was thought to be in jeopardy Have the detail surrounding yesterday. Surprise decision also ahead live reporting from ukraine as key launches its long expected counter affair, if against russia, your watch, morning. Joe we'll be right back. Ready to pop the question. The jewellers blue nile dot com has got sparkle down to his science. With
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I making news this morning. The? U s environmental protection agency, continues to monitor american air quality this morning as smoke from connecting, wildfires drifts across the country, president I'd and that he's asked transportation secretary, PETE buddha judge to continue to update him on. how the smoke might be affecting? U S, air travel and proactive way, man the situation the why says, americans can check their local air quality at air now doc. Gov people can also look up recommendations for how to stay safe from cdc dot com, most people say where mask outside and don't go outside if it's really bad a senior officer in ukraine's military. Tells us busy news that chief has officially launched its counter offensive. The Washington post reports. You its military intensified. It strikes yesterday near the front lines in this
miles east as it begins to push into russia occupied territory, maskos defence, minister, said yesterday that ukraine's sent up to fifteen hundred soldiers and one hundred and fifty armor vehicles into the region of zapper each year, though his claims could not be independent they verified according to suppose that It has long been considered the likely location of a new ukrainian campaign to unfold over the coming months live alive report from ukraine. In our next hour and in a surprise, ruling the supreme court struck down republican, draw congressional districts in alabama violation of the voting rights act. The court ruled five to four. Backing civil rights activists who say the new districts discriminate it against black voters, chief justice, John objects and trump appointed justice, barrette cavanaugh, Why the liberals? In the majority, the map of the seven
strikes, will now have to be redrawn. The wife celebrated the unexpected win an end. W c present Derek Johnson, wrote in a statement quote this decision. Is a victory for black america and a triumph for our democracy, a proper democracy not function without the black vote. Who should we stop? This show yeah, I'm down just buying a car and carvana first oop for real yeah. It's super convenient. I already got pre qualified in two minutes. All I do is answer a few questions who that's help: Well, and now just customizing my data monthly payments ooh, that's a very fair deal yet boom just bought a car, and you get to take me the carbon, a vending machine in a couple of days to pick it up. Ooh component busy visit, Carvana dot com to finance your next car financing, subject to credit approval.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.