« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/7/23

2023-06-07 | 🔗

Dozens of Secret Service agents have been subpoenaed or appeared before grand jury in Trump docs probe

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Find the quality care you need all in one place, introducing center for sports medicine and orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible. The strikers cutting edge technology at center for sports, medicine and orthopedics care meets. Convenience were designed to get you treated and back home and ours, because our passion is getting you back to yours called for two three, six, two four: two: six: nine six or visit sport man dot com to learn more about in a sports medicine and orthopedics today, centre for sports, medicine and orthopedics. Here then, home. But does it say to you that an indictment is near? Do you believe that I suspected, I suspect it's there? I've said for a while that I think this is the most dangerous legal risk facing the former president and, if I had to bed, I would bet that its near you believe, there's enough evidence while they woman died. If there's not enough evidence, but from what I seen their substantial evidence there. For me,
turning general bill bar reiterating his belief that the former president is likely to be indicted for refusing return classified materials will take you to the latest developments connected to the moral logger documents. This as a key witness and multiple investigations into donald trump fine it gives testimony to a grand jury? Meanwhile Chris Christie. Officially jumps into the twenty twenty four raised for the republican nomination will show you his pitched voters and what he had to say about his past support for donald trump. also I had a republican revolt in the house will explain why a group of far right law makers intentionally tanked a couple of geo p- lead bills, and we have the later
on two major stories tied to the war in ukraine, the flooding caused by a destroyed dam and what were learning about the last week. Last week's drone attacks in moscow plus sure that has stunned the sports world will explain the significance of the deal cut, but in the p and if the tours and Joe I have been getting quite a tutorial in what has happened here from our crew here and the washington studio. Lot of strong feelings about the live, golf merger- I guess, if you can call it a merger, some don't well or are a tender eleven billion dollar via some people could call it that is well. You know willie, I think people the clubs and people are saying, is that J Monaghan, the guy who win, win, pga, gone Where's went out and started to play for this.
bodies and live suddenly. He was talking about how badly felt four nine eleven families, because it is very strong implication that it was the saudis that were completely response. With september eleventh and how, They knew no pga players ever had to be ashamed for playing the peachy a thick yesterday. He turns around, I mean cue, the ice. the brothers for the love muddy yesterday. What's he's, saying that the there when he said, there's only respected business partner or something like that. You talk about a radical turn is it was naked materialism. Yesterday yeah and nine eleven families ripping J monaghan. He's the PJ commissioner, now that he, join forces with the live toward. This was framed over the last two years.
As a moral question, how could you possibly go play for saudi arabia, knowing where the money comes from, knowing where that money goes and the players I'm thinking of a guy like worry, Mcelroy who's, the third rank player in the world, who stood with the pigeon tour, who rip guys he knows who, when left, to go to the live tour. Who else framed it morally. Who probably could that somewhere in the neighbourhood of three hundred to four hundred million dollars to go play for the live tour and didn't because he believed it was the wrong thing to do. and the pigeon tour led by its commissioner him and many other players go out in fact, sent him and many other players out to do their bidding to defend the pda to save this you'll, never have to be a shame to play here. Tiger woods went out then he doesn't have to worry about money- is much, but they all took this principled stand and with the consultation of any of those players. Yesterday, the pigeon when forces with live many of the players Joe finding out in it
meat that they now we're in business with saudi my game I mean there? There's just no excuse for him to do it. The way he did it. I need to tell you about tiger woods a set. I think tiger passed step, seven hundred and eighty and carilion dollars, three orders of a billion dollars to the right thing to do the right saying to stay with a p g and then Yet this warning meagre buncher tigers thanking the pga stab in the back. Like Sir Maria seven out of eighty million times it will be fascinating to see the fall out from this, but a lot of strong feelings about this that we can continue to talk about throughout the show, let's bring in our panel along with Joe willing and me, we have: u s special correspondent for BBC news category as where this washington beer achieve for the new york times Elizabeth be mailers with us and former you
attorney and senior fbi official, chuck, Rosenberg keys and NBC news legal analysed and also with us the hosts of way too early? What has been achieved at politico jonathan lemon, So we are learning new details this morning about the two separate and jury is looking into former president donald trunks handling of classified documents after leaving white house first and busy news has learned roughly two dozen secret service agents have been subpoenaed or have appeared before the federal grand jury in washington dc thats. That's according to two sources, familiar with the matter. They say the testimony took place in the past few months, meaning not recently, as the grand jury has been on high, yes the same time. The new york times reports a private wait unknown federal Jury in miami florida started here.
Testimony in the classified documents case last month and only a handful of witnesses have testified or are scheduled to appear. That includes one went ass, set to testify to day the paper sites. People familiar with the grand jury is working on this. The times also reports that the existence of two grand juries suggests security are considering bringing our both. Why king, ten and florida, big news, why? Yes, so all that's going on Donald trump's from a white house chief of staff reportedly has testified before grand jury hearing evidence in the justice department investigations of the former president source, how a b c news mark meadows answered actions in both the probe into tat, his handling of classified documents and the investigation into his alleged efforts to stay in power after losing the two thousand and twenty election meadows was with trump in the weeks leading up to the january six insurrection and state
with the administration right to the end last. He turned over hundreds of text messages to the house committee investigating the attack for he decided to stop cooperating court of the new york times which broke the story. Also as one of trance representatives to the national archives, give them inside and efforts by the archives to retrieve bots, The material the former president took with him when he left office in a state to the times and attorney for meadows would not confirm. His client had testified, but did say quote stir meadows has maintained a commitment to tell the truth where he has a legal obligation to do so check, Rosenberg, not surprising that mark meadows offered testimony that he was asked to come testify, given that he was at the middle of everything as the cheapest. After donald trump, given what we know about how close he was too. The january six attack to the attempt overturned, the twenty twenty election. Everything we heard in that committee from people the around him. What are you
the fact that he was ass yesterday shortened. surprising at all really that prosecutors would want to speak with MR matters. primarily because he had proximity to the president's, he was with him at the end of MR trumps term in office. He knew what he was thinking. They obviously must have discussed things going on around the white house like the election and its outcome probably knows a good bit about the classified information at the very least. How MR trump routinely would treat classified information, and I imagine prosecutors would also want to know whether there was any standing declassed suffocation order, for instance, something that MR trump has hinted at over the last several months, so that the most important witnesses in cases like this are people with proximity to the subjects of the investigation. Precisely what mark meadows is somebody with proximity to MR trump chap
Chuck. What you make of the miami grand jury show reminds me of a science experiment that we did in grade school, where you would get something in a box and shake it and turn it upside down and trying to figure out without having the only to open it? What was inside of it? So it could mean a couple of things could mean in that there are parallel investigations. Other charges, other defendants against whom charges might be brought. It could mean that, as the government has learned more about this particular investigation, they believe, then you might be more appropriate in florida than in washington DC and the case is sort of moving on a different track. Can it in that direction it me and although I think this is less likely that it was done for the convenience of a witness or two you weren't able to travel to washington d c. That happens occasionally, but that's rare. So it's one of those things most likely, but it's that black box from great school joel.
hard to know for sure so, Elizabeth mark meadows, we learned from like the january six hearings from following the news information to share, I guess the question is: how do we know if he shared it had? Was he perhaps compelled to share it, but he had access to a lot of information that could potentially damage the former president. Yes, and he was that he is shared all of those documents earlier than the very beginning of the investigation. So much of what he knows was in the documents he already gave to two investigators, but I think what s interesting about this grand jury in florida and what looks to be wrapping up the grandeur in washington is that we are sure we are hearing there close to a decision by the prosecutor to potentially charge forming. that had tromp ends. We are hearing that increasingly that this is perhaps weeks away
Worse, things, take a lot longer, as chuck knows, and people usually think when it looks like the investigation is wrapping up, and so and plus they need to move quickly because there's the georgia investigation and then course this agenda, where six investigation. So, as we have to talk about, the president is present is potentially facing Three more indictments two indictments even before he, while job for I mean slider, it's lining up like traffic over laguardia. In the summer I mean yeah. They need to start clearing. Some of these indictments out there quite a quite a few more had a voice in former attorney general billboard actually talking about and taking on donald trump, handling of the classified documents, after leaving all this trumps former a j who really either I thought, finally just offended him shamelessly for years doing it any more than what you said yesterday about
investigation and whether it was in the words of donald trump, a witch hunt If this, based on the facts is in fact, come out, I think over time people will say that this is not a case of the department of justice yeah conducting a witch hunt. In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president- and this would have got nowhere- had the president just returned the documents, but each of them around for a year and a half and the question is daddy, deceive them, and if there is evidence of that, I think people will start to see that this says more about tromp than it does the department of justice, and that is that he so egotistical that he has this pension for for conducting risky reckless acts to show that he can sort of get away with it. It's part of asserting his his his ego and he's done this repeatedly at the expense of all the people
the depend on them to conduct the public's business in an honorable way, and you know we saw that with both impeachments and there is no excuse for what he did here around the time. Barr was giving that interview former president trump unleashed a series of posts on social media, claiming he did nothing wrong, etc, etc. Slamming The deal jays investigation again tim, as quote election interference, call on his supporters to quote fight in all caps, so the uk predictable response there from donald trump, but we're here when we have heard it now from people closer to him, including his former attorney general bill bar, who we should point out, found religions suddenly, after january sex when he left the administration before the inauguration was right at the side and did donald trump bidding through his time as attorney general and by the way has said, if he's dynamic still about form against Joe Biden, but that's a separate story put all this gather. If you can there's a lot people watching this morning to sort through where
parallel is the most immediate peril for donald trump, where's seems like the most immediate peril is the morrow logo case. That's been the simplest. One is perhaps not the one that some of the people who are attempting to prosecute donald trump, another, just would like him to be charged with first of all in this context, because it may be the most serious mission put january, the six up their public most serious which are as well, but that looks like it's further off so moral logger looks like is the one that closing in the fastest and it's a pretty clear case. It looks like from everything we ve heard of obstruction, which is why makes it different from the Hillary Clinton case, which is what makes it different from my pension, which is what makes it different from Joe Biden. One question I would have had four chalk if I may check that
that you're shaking around a grade school. Do we know about matters went in whether he was just just being questioned on my was: was he also being questioned on January? The would would we not sounded sounded like he was being questioned on both, and that would be logical because, because he was there for both, but to your point, it's really hard to know what prosecutors are aiming at right now, I also think something you said I want to. I want to get back to it. I always if you're going to charge of former president that you have to have really compelling evidence, number one, the really serious crime in my mind January sixties as serious as it gets, because it's an attempt to undermine the democratic processes of the united states. I dont know that compels us to go first on one or the other we'll find out. That's not this.
In the classified document case isn't important. It is, and the obstruction makes it more so but in my mind, the january sixth election interference. The insurrection trying to thwart the transition of power to a new president has always been, in my view, a bow the most serious thing a present could do to his own country. So some jonathan mirror is we always say you wrote the book on January sex. You wrote it on the big lie, curious about this. We hear about the sliding scale that if you look at all the indictments coming it donald trump, the weakest is probably the manhattan da's. But this is a bit The most serious crime is, of course, the january six insurrection and who were saying one defended after another defendant plead guilty for writing. For trying to overthrow government, where for various committing seditions, can being part of a conspiracy to commit
seditious acts against the united states of america curious from from your research. Also of what your hearing now is the time support department getting closer to having a war Ok, so january six, because it does seem like documents case from everything. I'm hearing there, there they're going to the indicting it's going to be a clean, simple indictment that january six. Obviously a lot more. located a lot more sprawling, but then again a lot. Lot of americans. Believe There's gonna be justice for all these other people who committed violent acts against police officers and attack the capital. Then the person That's running back conspiracy! Well, here to face. Justice is well yogi camp. You can't throw a bunch of working class and middle class people in jail for for conspiracy its addition against united sates without having
somebody running back conspiracy, canyon, right, and we certainly know that hundreds of people all the jailer six riding in the capital have already been charged. In many cases convicted, so there's been this quest Whether trump would follow them. And yes, there is the assessment that is the most serious of these instigations into him, but also problem? The hardest to prove I'm hearing from people with some J, vesting geisha people close to the fore, president is yes, there is a concern that that's happening to it's going slower, it's more complicated, it's bigger it's hard to do, but that that is also something that jack smith is, could bring charges on likely would be further down. road, as opposed to the morrow logwood documents case, but still very possible, and that would be perhaps be the political death knell for trop No, as he seemed to be shrugging off these other investigations, at least so far in the republican party every field and chuck. I have one more question,
for you and we should ask, we should also not gloss over the idea that secret service agents who are testifying submitting wealth there also have problems to the president. They also will be very aware of his actions and whereabouts and what he's doing in saying not just about classified documents but about january sex, but that that Florida, grand jury is also a theory that was postal me is that that might be access to an associate of trump, the trump himself, the grand jury with the washington based one, is looking into the actual former president, but someone who has been caught concealing lie impeding the investigation, simply immoral logo who's, not trump, that maybe that's happening in miami. Does that strike you as possible? implausible plausible jonathan. If somebody had committed acts, only Florida, even if its connect To a broader scheme than venue for that person, maybe somebody who followed MR trumps instructions to obstruct justice where to conceal
evidence would be properly charged and tried in that restriction, then you would be appropriate in florida. So absolutely a possibility remains to be seen. I will say one other thing: Jonathan, I dont know Each case is moving quicker, although it appears to be the documents case, but when defence attorneys request a meeting at the department of justice to make a pitch that their client ought not be charged. You know you're much closer to the end than to the beginning, chuck Rosenberg always great to have you with us to sort through all this. We appreciate it. Meanwhile,. Some new faces in the race to challenge donald trump, former new jersey, governor Chris Christie, officially is running for president, public and made the announcement last night during a town hall in new Hampshire in his speech governor christie, this cried the state of american politics and blasted donald trump, a lonely self consumed.
Self serving mirror hawk is not a leader. The person I am talking about who is obsessed with the mirror, who never admit a mistake. who never admits of fault and who always find someone else and something else to blame. Whatever goes wrong, but finds every reason to take credit for anything that goes right is Tromp is not any more thought entertaining anymore, it is the last throes of bitter angry man who wants power back for himself, not for you. so Joe Chris christie representing the voice of the exhausted republican, perhaps say it's not funny anymore. It's not funny anymore. It's time to move on and trying to give some of those voters a place to go big
this new Hampshire further for him, he thinks that's. The place weaken do best, didn't do great there. It should be pointed out in twenty sixteen when he ran and soon after dropped out and donald trump. But what's your take on chris, Chris in the race. Now well, you know, new Hampshire is a site that February two thousand. Sixteen debate where he did Marco rubeus chances to win the nomination and and and that was just one debate- and that was focus in that one debate: you do That sounds bag Christy's mission. It may be to win the republican nomination and be present the united states, but like sherman, going through georgia to the sea in his march. To the say you it ascends here? But Chris States march to victory is straight through done. Rob, and it is political, annihilation, vats, his goal, total war and why I suspect white work rubio saw.
And one debate, Donald trump is going to be saying this entire campaign. Does that move the nato I don't know, but I was thinking yesterday, Elizabeth Chris Christie, actually chris christie a former prosecutor. This is a guy that can actually take the case not only about. Troms failings is at present the politician, the person straight to the voters but also the federal indictment that is coming. It seems Chris, christy's lined up perfectly to be the one taking it to the voters, going, none! No! No! Now now you know what great you go on facebook told you that, no, let me tell you did this. For years, I prosecuted for years led tell you why he's wrong donald trump throng and why he's not fit to be present and I may be cut, she's able to carry that message awaited a way stronger than anybody didn't sixteenth, maybe
but everyone is going to ask: where have you been the number of years when you are endorsing donald trump, supporting him talking about becoming his chief of staff. It's it's a complete of! U turn and it's going to be hard for some motors to take. I mean yes, he's appealing to that of that dwindling number of republicans who are fed up with donald trump and need someone else. But again it's going to be trump will have his straighten up and it's going It's it's annihilate them, so we shall see. Its is, is interesting. Much right is the item or in candidate he's lively, he's smart,
he knows the stuff, but I just wonder how he will do this in this than the current republic is already will. This was a stronger start than we seen em. This was going right to the heart of the matter. I can't can't disagrees one thing he said. I think there are lots of people who feel that way back donald trump, but I'm not sure it's the base. Although there are some members of trump world trunk supporters who are tiring of that, and I think Chris Christie can be that voice and gaddi. I think he absolutely has just pointed out far prosecutor has skills to meet, try! where he is, and to fight, even fight hard puzzle even dirty, but my god that It's going to be the question, at least in a general wherein the world were you like when country was melting down over covered wherein the world were you and you can do a long list of things that happened right when he was in there by terms
but he said nothing. I mean that would be a critique of him Imagine that comes from the press and from the media when he's doing or those media interviews, but the other candidates who are running against donald trump. They may not want to raise that because that will make them look like they are criticising pats, donald trump as well, so he may get a pass from the other candidates on well. Why weren't you criticising trump earlier, because it slightly puts them in a bit of a year in a row, my position, but I think more than the prosecutor aerial skills he just has the temperament whom he has that he had he advice has been waiting a long time. He is waiting. I spoke to him a year ago when he was thinking of running, and it was pretty evident in the conversation I had with him that he was. He was waiting to fight trump and he wants to trump and he relishes fighting from the other candidates. I look it from thinking. How can I go round trump right? How can I get round him without barely mentioning him? They don't want to fight trump on the fight, but criss crossed he wants to fight trop and that's what I haven't seen a candidate backing.
and twenty sixteen was there who relished the fight with trump. Apart from that to patten kind of relished it, but none publicans did, and I don't see any of the other republicans in this field, relishing it in the way the quick christie see my gaze liking, it alot Joe and you know the end caddies exactly right. That's what separates Chris Chrissy from everybody else. We then whining here on the show that everybody is being polite, donald trump running against donald trump, to try to destroy donald trump. Chris crises go. straight through donald trump, and you know there is a sliding scale for for all republicans. You know I said the same thing about people you know Matt James Mattis went in to try to help donald trump. A lot of people did. Chris Christie did the same. I will say early on in to that some twenty. It was criss cross that started quietly telling people willie in march and April. He said tromp.
Trying to set this election up, Talking about talking how it's going to be a rigged elections. He's already trying to do. You know tat about melon balloting and everything else, and they talked about in large twenty twenty that this was his plan. Try to steal the election from Joe Biden so again, yeah. He was there, he was there all along and I'm not I'm not. Carrying yellow his is is water when I, when I say this the way I look at this Public and failed is its donald trump against the field? People have been trying to figure out of his donald trump get beaten. I think with Chris Chrissy, being the lead prosecutor that the failed, fail chance at least a fifty fifty chance
fun donald trump? I dont want this guy going around all the time talking about pay off porn stars. Talking about you know all the things that christie, is going to be talking about during this campaign and he will get a lot of earned media he's a well known figure. He speaks in sound bites. He knows how to to get media attention. The question will be who me if that matters in this big field, if it matters against donald trump, as I said, new Hampshire he's setting up, as is This is where he's gonna win. He did finnish six six explain in two thousand. Sixteen may that same pitch to voters there, two thousand sixteen. I guess what he can do any remains. A longshot like a lot of these candidates is to inject do the conversation these issues, these failings of donald trump, Donald trump history. In a way that is,
I have said a lot of these other candidates. Just don't want to do. They don't want to fight them. Yeah Christie is showing a willingness that he will. In fact I was struck yesterday. He really went after trump's family too, after ivanka trump and Jared Kushner called the personal calling them grifters, and certainly there is a backstory there with his relationship with with the kushner in particular, but he's at least far going somewhere that other candidates have been on a have been afraid to do so now it will be as someone who still has stated mission, is to become the g o p nominee he's a long shot. No doubt he's not even playing iowa he's only playing in new Hampshire, he's polling in the single digits. So there are some of the glp never trump or who want christie to almost put on the political suicide, vest and say hey if it can't be me at least make sure it's not trump either, and they remember took down Marco rubio affairs. Go you have to ask, increasingly willing to do that without cause, of course, that he would know that he'd alienate so many republican voters. It would eliminate his already very small chances of winning the other thing. You're right he's very good at earn media. He will do I'm certain a ton of interviews, but the best moment for him to take
donald trump design debate stage there's requested for the christmas can qualify her debate stage, they're pretty strict lies. Currency has put in place. He's gonna have to raise a lot of money from a lot of different donors in order to make it if he can't a mute alot of his attacks on truck, they can't do it face to face Still I had on morning Joe another revolt against house baker. Cabin mccarthy, within his own body as right. Wing members block a pair of geo pay bills in response to the death, deal. Also ahead. Could Florida governor rhonda santa space criminal charges in California, we will
plain that, plus more on yesterday's donning golf merger and the comments from pga tore commissioner J Monaghan that have critics calling him a hypocrite, you watch your morning. Jobs we will be right back, does not find the quality care you need all in one place. Introducing sooner for sports, venison, orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible the strikers cutting edge technology at singapore, sports medicine, orthopedics
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You have to be alive and under a rock to not know that there are significant implications and it relates to the families of nine. Eleven I have two families that are close to me: the lost loved ones and so I heart goes out to them and I would ask any player that has left or any player that whatever consider leaving heavy I do apologise for being a member of the pga tour. People have been reading about detention. And we've talked a lot. said previously that we were going down our path. They were going down. There's in today. Attention goes away, innovation is dropped, we're sing to the world that, on behalf of this game, we're coming together and It's it's less about how people respond today in its
about how people respond in ten years. That is pga tour. Commissioner, J Monaghan almost exactly a year apart speaking last year, first stairs compared to yesterday about the legal position its rival now partner, the saudi back live gall fleet. In a stunning announcement. Yesterday the pga tour said it has agreed Marriage with live in a deal that would combine their commercial businesses and rights into a new yet to be named for profit company live golf is back by these saudi arabian public investment fund, an entity controlled by the sadie crown prince. That's been embroiled in I trust lawsuits with the pj tour in the law. last year since its formation, let's bring it up and the council on foreign relations, richard house and best selling author longtime sports calmness mike loop, guys good morning, good to see about Michael start with you. We were saying earlier to be worry or tiger woods this morning, having on principle passed up four hundred five hundred and tigers. Cates eight,
good million dollars to join, live standing out publicly? for the pj to her only to find out they're making a deal behind your back willie, it's amazing how much support it comes back to the old bob arum line from boxing yesterday. I was lying today, I'm telling the truth. Jim I'm gonna have a hard time explaining to those players. Why are you guys got paid and he said no, you remain loyal to us and will take we'll take care of you. ok and literally. Why are you report here at the start This is also like it to me. You know it's your line from the godfather. It's not personal. It's strictly business jane Monaghan went to them. People. He said he hated yesterday more money. You know if anybody has overtaken money from my nose is a big and the big This case is gonna, be my hands. Personal reputation of willie, I believe
it might not happen next week or next month. I think Monaghan through we'll see. I mean this combined. Your two wheelhouse is richard foreign policy and golf. What did you make of that announce and we were all stunned yesterday? I immediately thought about all these guys who went out there or put out there by the pigeon tour in the last twelve months, to defend the pda end to rip summit. Friends who went and left and played for live for making that decision. Now that's one hole. setup are, shall we say, awkward confrontations that remain people who went in both directions. Those who know what's going to happen to those who went of. What's can happen to those not. I also said This was inevitable. Once the president of the united states, went to saudi arabia. given the deep pockets that the Saudi have given, how many talented players defected, given the anti asked another legal battles. Tat reminds me a little bit of the old nfl afl. First, you then you merge. So I just thought this was. This was inevitably gonna happen. It happened much much quieter much more quickly than I thought you had a lotta
players- I get It- it's not a hundred percent done yet, but I fully agree, there was only a question of when not if this was gonna happen, lobbying like the nfl in the air. If the nfl accuse a fellow being responsible for pearl harbor I mean this is mike loop Lupica, you actually have. I mean, I don't think the hans wherever accused and starting planning pearl harbor, but you said something is second ago. You said that Jane my monaghan went from saying he didn't like the saudis too. Now working with a man I know it's so much worse than that J, Monaghan accuse the saudis of killing over three thousand americans on site timber eleven. He did look at his words wraps it all around is defensible. The is all wrapped around this idea, we're not going to be in bed with a people who killed three thousand americans september timber and yes,
You call him great business partners and I've got a feeling like germany, I don't care if he gets fired tomorrow. You meet everybody's, getting rich on this still everybody's, getting rich and and just again, I don't know how you go from calling them terrorists. calling on great business partners just because he's getting ten eleven billion dollars. Yea Yeah call this simply the nfl as the merger or or the a b, a and b emerge big, because this has a global context, and- and this is sports watching and listening, I know sports doesn't get to take any high ground. We keeps in the ascending the olympics to china. We know how in bed the n b a is with with china, okay and they're, hardly the mother of mother teresa, but his case. In this case you saw how the nine eleven families went right after monaghan yesterday. She is going to be tough for him to walk away from and for all
the talk about truth and beauty and in these jews warring factions. United, ok, The way I look at this is the crown prince. Why himself? The pda tour yesterday and the other context years this The pga was is worried about discovery in all of these anti trust suits, as as the sounds were, did they had the deep pockets to come it legally ended, the savage that does. It will play the longing here. What's wrong, The clock on these losses, the pigeon. I couldn't do that an angel. I dont know how cash strapped they might be spent the way they have on purses to try to keep up with the saudis. narrative is always about money richard, but rarely so naked in lightened and, of course, we we there's the rhetoric, but this tumor eleven families- sausage, I shall give the wash unopposed columnist killed. You S, officials believe, at the
by on the orders of the crown prince, who just bought himself a gothic and we now have a afford any running, more or less or partnering. With a? U s. Sports ends. What sought by the saudi respective here this is obsolete. Part of their their soft power game they also just bought, Cristiano ronaldo, one of the most famous soccer players in the world. There's talk that lionel messi may be heading that way too seems like such a success, for them that they have influence that they get. This this does blessing from us from a u s entity the same time. They just They gonna slash le production, so prices can rise and the good or bad news, depending on how you look at it when they did slash oil production prices have not risen. So if you don't The power they this is about the crown prince we telling younger saudis. I can. I can give you a better future. This has less to do with how saudi arabia place here and more action. but how it plays at home. And what are you it's the basically say a support me do not oppose
me- and I will bring you a better future for a lot of young scientists- they see concerts. They see this for all of flaws. I get it basically making that that that sail here and the charges are real particular onto showed me there there's there's, no wait, there's no grey! That is black and white. Women still have real dick. All these shorter anyone who basic wants to initiate their own human rights or political efforts, that's not allowed in saudi arabia, lotta people in jail. You hear about the the killing, so for nine years a little bit more complicated virginia than the nine eleven commission said. There was no direct evidence of officials. Involvement in it a little bit grayer. But but there's no there's no illusions here about what the partner is, but for saudi arabia. They've essentially sent the message we're here to stay. We are not going to. President Biden, Jonathan use the word pariah. The soil is saying, is we? You need us we're here to stated that the deal with IRAN you ve got
blinking. There are now the secretary of state, saudi arabia's, basically sending the message. You may not like us and lots of ways, but we're a player Now it's fascinating Jonathan was talking about rod, concerts Rinaldo. They newcastle, but when by professional god. Resist sosius here, take it to a new massive level like this is a well I'm a year I will say this for everybody hyper ventilating. There are few of us here see just two of his ear richard and mic that are old enough to remember when the japanese bought pebble beach and the ladys, and everybody was high, prevent relating it bought thirty rock, my god, America's gonna be Japan's greenery everybody get it paper bag. Outbreathed David stay mean we don't know. If the saudis you're gonna be here forever, we just now
pga is run by a bunch of It, creates Michael bigger and again hypocrites just can't underlined this amount. Through a year ago we accusing the saudis of being behind the killing of over three thousand americans on September eleven you're absolutely right, there's an old expression. It works like a hypocrite. I like a hypocrite. It is inadequate. And can make sure you get exactly right, but I get your boy then I met a couple of words out there, but I think you go where I'm going with this and and you you talked about newcastle. You talked about Rinaldo, the crown prince. bought himself a pizza commissioner yesterday that will really up now about it mike lubricant. Thank you so much, we should mention MIKE as another book coming out. He he he writes books like a drink, sweet tea. It's just that easy for him. He's got another best selling book out with James patterson titled twelve months to live. I mean
This thing's sure, like all the others, go to the top of the top of the list. It's due out this september MIKE Lupica. Thank you. So much for being with us and coming up, we've got the latest on the dam break in ukraine. That's flooding the front lines and how it could impact the war for weeks to come. Also, prince Harry becomes the first senior oil to testify in court and more than a century will tell you why I haven't morning jam find the quality care you need all in one place: introducing centre for sports, venison and orthopedics outpatient surgery or the beating excellence sports medicine all made possible. The strikers cutting edge technology at singapore sports medicine, an orthopedic care of meets convenience were designed to get you treated and back home in ours because our passion is getting you back to yours call four, two, three. Six: two four: two: six: nine six or visit sport man, dot com to learn more about
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destruction has triggered massive flooding endangered thousands of people living downstream ukraine's. Now Police say twenty three towns and villages have flooded, and at least thirteen hundred people have been forced to Actually the? U s s intelligence, leading to russia being behind the attack? That's according to? U s and one western official, so richard talk first about this dam and why it so critical and why it might have been attacked. Whoever did it? U s! Intelligence believes it was russia, but why that such a central place, important, significant place in this war. For what it clearly does it distracts ukraine wants to do if it wants to focus on launching the so called offensive. This makes it much more difficult. Tens and tens of thousands of people directly affected its also What related for providing water for the cooling of the nuclear power plant? That's not that far away from it, so she can see. to me that ukraine at any to do this.
the all the logic, if you will points to russia, but they ve been controlling this area of ukraine for quite a while. So one assumes they had access to something inside the machinery that operates the best. So if this is a sunday has taken place at the beginning of this counter offensive that we've been hearing about four months and months and months, perhaps as way for russia too, slow that what is state of that camera offensive people here that term they hear its cause. I mean what does it mean exactly and what difference will it make in the wider war? You know it's the right question to ask it's a hard question to answer: it's not as though an offensive or counter friendship is a single event. not so it happens at a single moment. You do also approach probe- should do all sorts of faint, more proper the better sense of at once, it's under way where they you indeed it it's possible that the ukraine military haven't quite decided. Where they're going to concentrate my guest. you? U probe certain places, and you find that way. You have the greatest opportunities. What, though, is truly strategically ukraine
is under pressure to show some significant gains, got a few months to do it this fighting season. So whatever you call it, however, strive it in a few months either. Ukraine is gonna, be controlling a lot more of the territory of its own country or not and in a way that will have all sorts of implications. Search get your assessment of a few recent reports about ukraine carrying out operations within russia these drones attacks from a few days ago in moscow, there's there's reporting that it may have. They may have been targeted russian intelligence officials. Apartments doesn't seem like they had much success, also reporting that the ukrainian government was plotting. a blow up the Nord stream pipelines they didn't carry through with that operation, but later a believed. A pro ukraine group did how what does europe take on ukraine's we being a more aggressive going into russia and what the? U S, responsible,
apparently knew that ukraine or some ukrainian entity was planning attack on the Nord stream pipeline for several months, and we clearly did not headed off. So I would just put by that out there, but you're right there's too much going on for this not to be plan. You see the drone You? I think that ukraine is clearly decided to do if they want to bring the warder russia. They want the russian people and their hoping that that puts he on Vladimir Putin to pretend they think rethink the entire war against ukraine on the church, work that way always dangerous for feeds. Putin's narrative that they are the victim they are on the defensive. That could be a rally round the flag approach with that is, I would think Jonathan, that is the ukraine calculation. Then, if we can take the water, russia that'll get some russians to put pressure putin to rethink the war against us and elizabeth doom miller. This all comes against a backdrop just in the last couple of days, some whispers from speaker, mccarthy, other republicans that it might be time to re, evaluate american support for ukraine.
that's right, but I would ask richard a question what what what do you think of the this shift? Why? How strategy the shifting red line of Joe Biden, who Lena starts out with no less stains no tanks, and he says no, he says no, and then he says yes, yes, yes, it's in the in the early days of this war, they were so afraid of taking it of its being too tough going to going to having the ukraine strike inside russia. So how do you have you assess the white house shifting most to this war, which happens boop assembly weekly. Now, when you the administrations, been debating itself from the get go? I think there was a real concern that if we did certain things, trigger russian quote on court escalation, even possible nuclear use concerning Elizabeth seems to have receded, and I think what you're saying How is the administration is saying? Let's give ukraine what it wants see how this offensive goes if ukraine can regain its territory good. If we give
everything and they can. Then it sets up the city. motion for a new phase of you, a strategy which obviously involves diplomacy, but I think the administration is made something of a turn on that after debate. with itself for what fifteen or sixteen months, you are seeing something somewhat different right, richer ass. Thank you very much for being on this morning, washington, bureau, chief for the new york times Elizabeth bill miller. Joe jump in I was going to say you can't look. I gotta question for Elizabeth now. I I shy away, their elizabeth red Elizabeth. Let us now! Ok, we should vaster about donald. in relation to live It is. Actually you know what's so funny about it's always revisit that alex kid got my ear and he's you have to talk about tromp data course forgot. Because will you now, unlike dora story, is a door
Keep on swept away. During my dear worry, I don't remember anything Elizabeth, but you do- and Why do we have you here so tell? if the connection and how donald trump is so happy about this layover pg a uniting. Thank you for asking. We had great reporting from Eric lipton this morning about how much this benefits Donald trump, this this merger of the pj and live he has been complaining for years now that he is olive, is good that the PJ has has basically shut him out of of tournaments at his golf course, since he's been very bitter about it, it got worse after january six when he was really ignored: and and and kept on the outside, but the live, and let live had many tournaments at his golf courses and he predicted a year ago that this would happen. So it's as benefits them financially. It benefits his golf courses and it just helps them with his base as he runs for president. Well, of course you need some good news. Caddy kate, as the cause, let's look at is truths.
posting again. Poor guy still can't fix his all count. The here we we really need to get him a new phone. Well, I think we still have a more the problem here as me, pointed out down a monologue. Using the thing you lynette mainly, I think it was that poor draining. That was the problem, so we got our rights because I think he is, I think, he's out she very calm and wants to just right in not caps and I'm sure you're like say something nice and soft lowry, but because the cap's locus is coming out shouting and so, unlike him, any comfort zone, one in there all right. Why shouldn't be achieved for the new york times less but few miller? Thank you, as well as for the quality. Are. You need all in one place, introducing centre for sports venison, Orthopedics, orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible the strikers cutting edge technology at centre for sports medicine, orthopedics care of me.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.