« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/22/23

2023-06-22 | 🔗

Republicans take the rare step of censuring Rep. Adam Schiff over Trump-era probes

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
To day we're on the floor of the house, for the other side has turned this, but this chamber where slavery was a, first medicare and social security and everything were instituted. They turned it into a puppet show, a public. And you know what the puppeteer donald trump is shining light on the strings. You locked measurable, you look measurable the The advantage to all of this is that, instead, reversing what we did on the ira to save the planet or reversing what we did to reduce the cost of bush with drugs you're wasting time. You look measure ball, former house baker. Nancy policy calls out republicans for their grievances. It takes and using the house floor to appease donald trump, censuring democrat, Adam schiff, who led the first impeachment against the former president
it comes as there is a growing rift between two of the most outspoken, far right. Members of the house over how and when to impeach president Biden, also had were learning more about the case. Special council jack Smith is holding against donald trump in the classified documents case, not looking good, pleasant and convicted of attacking a washington dc police officer during the cat, no riot shows a complete lack of remorse for his actions Show you the officers reaction to what happened in court yesterday. We will have the latest on the search for the missing submersible. Crews are desperate to find the vessel before for the five people inside run out of oxygen that oxygen. That is, if they're even alive
good morning and welcome to morning Joe, it is thursday june twenty second, a lot going on the zoning with us. We have the host of weight to relate what has been achieved by politico jonathan le Maire, washing and buried sheep. For u s satan susan page. And u s national editor at the financial times. Ed loses with us as well. Before we had started. I just let's just get an overview really quickly of why this republican house majority is doing here. We were and that they were insurrectionists weirdos in freaks that they would be reckless if they were given a little bit of power at loose. They ve censored chef, They get really tell us why other than he invested gated white, Marco rubeus intelligence committee Senate intelligence committee called quote a grave counter: intelligence threat to the united states of america,
that's what she was investigating. Let me say that again here investigating something that marco Ruby owes senate intel committee said of trumps too sixteen interact since, with russia metaphor its highly. Access unwillingness to share information with individuals. Closer socio with a rush and intelligence services represented a grave counter intelligence threats are ok, so he open up an investigation against that and brings up again so many things that are disturbing. Then we keep hearing about the binding crime family, but you asked the question: what crime they can't tell you walls, regenerated oreo page rightly says a lot of smoke. No fire, you ve got grassland. Those are the most senior republican when confronted about what a duck
but they're looking for, and how really does it do anything to add to it to two suggestions, I didn't think wrong. Guess we'll care whether the right or wrong. You have call me going outside we We care we're just trying to bring down his pole numbers cumber, I'm sorry comber, so we and then yesterday I think maybe this modest and most pathetic spectacle of all when John durham, whose made a fool of himself time and again brought one, can after another trying to say under the fbi, trying to slander Hillary Clinton. He goes before house panel, and these claims We completely ignorant of things that happened we're. On the front pages of the new york times, markka rubio intel committee wrote about he even claimed he did know about that grave counter intelligence,
to the united states. He didn't know that donald trump, it ass russia divine Hillary Clinton, z, melt, he'd, know. one news item after another and his lame response was, I dont, the nose. Don't really read newspapers and watch television. This would be the start The point for any investigation of the investigate, is that he would have, and yet they keep making was of themselves there just gesture the most extreme members of the republican party, including durham people who get their nose chinese, religious cults, If you were to ask me, is there a publican, Today de closer mitt, romney origin george santos, who is in a cloud of the first order and should not be in the house.
sad to say. I think it's closer to being the party of George santos vain they in tat sense of Madame schiff yesterday device an incredibly powerful, an important tool legislature discipline. And shaming its own members for credit conduct for four dream ethical breaches, What Adam shifted was appalled situation of duty of the house to provide oversight of the executive at a time when executive, was breaking all kinds of rules- aids for come conventional wisdom to say not just on the right, but you know, monks, of polite conversation, to say that the robert manner report exonerated trump I leave that four hundred and forty eight page report a few months ago, having read it originally at the time. It isn't. It Strangely damning document corroborate
as you say, by the Senate intelligence committee report, signed off by said it republicans very establishes multiple counts of action of justice in the the into the alleged rush collusion between the tramp tramp campaign in russia. There is I doubt that there was her collusion? There is absolutely no doubt that was there was an attempt by donald, to get Putin to assist his election. It wasn't critical, probably to his election in twenty. Sixteen so been some overstatement of that on the left. But of course it happened so in a sense to censor a congressmen adam shift, for this makes the party of George santos, not just one last point, Adam shift said look up one day, trump will be gone, Your dishonor will remain this is desirable. This is deeply dishonourable. Guy,
is deeply dishonourable and and jonathan the mirror. Again we keep hearing but the Biden, crime, family, here's another example. You know you have. You have I'm going around lying about the fbi. You ve got the these right wing. Freaks, insurrectionists and weirdos lying about the quote by crime, family. You have a member of this. Brain courts, wife taking part in in in activities around january. The six. Yet in sending sending emil's around two people and in saying them crying family should be put on a prison barge outside of get both for crimes. I always ask what crimes or crimes or crimes they have? No one what crimes? No, I did. We said here yesterday people in the media have been saying for years. What hotter Biden dead looked unethical looks. Bad is it,
Adding nobody here is defending there's no media blackout massive pieces written about hunter by during the talks, nineteen and twenty twenty time period not fade, and yet they keep chirping fighting crime, family Biden, crime, family, durham keeps talking about investigating the investigators, russia, russia hoax, when Marco Ruby owes senate intelligence. He said very sad after that sixteen campaign Margo is already kissing, Donald trump, that the trial campaigns. Connections with russia influenced people caused, quote grave great. What is a grave threat to you, ass count intelligence, a grave threat so
person is in charge of the committee on the house. I should investigate that and now they're censuring him for doing that. We got that you ve got durham, you get this crime, family, nonsense and now a page but yeah. god, oh God, thank god. We don't have only one trillion dollar debt to the donald trump top basically gave us, and these same republicans gave us. Thank god. We don't it concerns with china. Thank god we don't have any concerns, the economy. Thank god we don't have any concerns about skyrocketing college cost. Thank god. It's far more for empty and lorn bobo defy each other on the floor, calling each other bitches because they're having a ways to impeach Joe buying over what nothing more just drawing more vis what we warned about if they put in erection is weird.
I was an francs, in charge of the people's house and they have put weirdos its action is an francs in charge the people's house, and this is what people in those strict get dishonourable dishonest and I'm serious, that's what this is its on serious it. It is not a party in this any interest in governing it? Is a gesture and playing to the lowest common denominator, whether it's that fox viewer. The pod kastler sterile, Persons gonna write them a cheque for their next campaign. the binding crime. Family cuoco quote Well, you just mentioned how turbine some certainly appearances of unethical behaviour. He was charged with crimes this very week, he pleaded guilty, no widespread corruption, nuts, about enriching him, the president or himself because of official business, but rather because of tax matters and and he shouldn't have purchased a gun when he did those are crimes he pleaded guilty to them. There is
fighting crime family, that's not stopping the republicans from trying to spin this up into something to do. From spinning and certainly to do drawn from spitting in terms of censoring adam schiff yesterday. This is a. This is a rare thing. It's only happened three times this century, the last rep I have to be censured. We remember this paul ghosts two years ago. Why was he censured? Because heat it out and animated image of him. murdering a colleague, a democratic congresswoman and threatening to kidnap. president by and he was censured, rightly for that behaviour. Adam schiff was censured for this behaviour, the behaviour of simply doing his job of of of investigating donald trump behaviour. They dropped. The sixteen million dollar fine that was on the table last week, but he still has now been censured. Only the third representative this century to do so and Joe to your point next appears to be impeachment speaker mccord.
He was able to table that for a little while, but mika. This is something should only be used in the most serious matter? It's only been used a handful of times the history of the united states and were dangerously getting close to simply being another thing that happens, the republicans can use to score political points well, as you said to your point today, house republicans will vote to send a resolution to impeach president Biden, so the homeless security and judiciary committees, the resolution charges Biden with crimes and misdemeanours over his handling, of the southern border. So so so it's about policy. They don't like yeah. It was introduced by colorado, congresswoman lauren beaufort she had wanted. hold and immediate floor vote. But speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, urge sure to go through
The committees that are investigating the president bogart says she's fine with going through the process, but won't give up her fight, telling reporters last night. If her proposal does advance out of committee, like sheep promised. She will quote bring a privilege resolution every day for the rest, my time here in congress. Thank you laura over. Meanwhile, as Joe mentioned congresswoman bo Burton a republican colleague marjorie or green were involved in a heated exchanged on the house floor yesterday during the argument, green cursed, bo bird out, multiple sources tell the daily bees. The dew were fighting overboard resolution to impeach president Biden rain had also filed articles of impeachment, but both bert leverage to procedural tool to force a vote on her resolution. Within days now brain says, the colorado representative copied her our legislation.
Bert denies that allegation she told the daily bees quote. Marjorie is not my enemy, Joe Biden and the Democrats two are destroying our country. Like Priority are to correct their bad. Policies and save america rain also acknowledged the feud telling before she told bo exaction exactly what she thinks of her green says by bird introduced the resolution for fund raising saying quote its throwing out red meat so that people will donate to her campaign because she's coming up to the end of the month and susan page here here we see it here we see again a race to impeach. Joe Biden policies. They don't like, let's just be very, very, very
We are here when, when people are talking about how reckless adam schiff was for leading the first impeachment that impeachment the first impeachment was because congress past funding for defensive weaponry to ukraine donald trump stopped that stop the delivery of those weapons to ukraine got on the fire With the landscape and said that he might be able to do it first zalewski needed to dig up dirt on job. I have my end, bindings family, something I never remember happening in the united states history, that is clearly and peaceful event, sir a commander in chief actually stopping congressional mandated funding defence weapons for ukraine because he wants to get political did dirt from a foreign. Later and again, that's what happened!
chief is censured. Four in part, and now we got these impeachment based on policy differences. Well. Let's, let's talk about unintended consequences, I mean what is the consequence for Alan schiff politically from being censored, it is to bolster his fundraising for her raised when it is to burnish his credentials as someone who stands up to report hence and investigated former president trump quarter of the kind? quinces pursuing these impeachment matters against president Biden. For republicans, I think it might be something there. Boot might well be. The kind of backlash saw with the Clinton impeachment where it actually help. Democrats in the ninety nine eight mid terms, the republic is pursuing an impeachment. Proceeding that american sought didn't make sense so this is this: is It's not a good thing to be censured by the house in many ways, but this
very risky business for republicans, including there Hopes of holding onto the house the next time around the spring, and then we see news, justice and intelligence. Correspondent can Delaney, and can we want to look at the moral? I go documents case and parallel. I too, a similar case. What just happened because you know, can we ve been saying for some time if anybody else had done this of any member congress? Did I on this? We have more power. Opera said. If I had done this is a cia and say I am ass. They took one document I defy on the spot. If I took more than that, I go to jail well, a former f b. I analyse. Has in sentenced to four years in federal prison. Far very charges are the ones against Donald trump right now a judge handed down the sentence state, hendrick kings, very yesterday after she pleaded guilty to to
out of unlawfully retaining documents related to national defence that she took hundreds of classified documents just like tromp took them. How just like many containing intelligent sources and methods tied to the government's counter intelligence efforts, just like all right from case, though she was not accused of showing that caused by material that anybody else, so personal really is serious as donald trump and and and the judge basically said asked her can What in the world were you thinking taking them commence pertaining to me because national defence and leaving them. In your bathroom does that sound familiar can yeah joe. kendra kings very, was a cow intelligence analyse for the fbi for twelve years he's a resident of dogs city kansas,
as you said, she took home all sorts of documents, twenty thousand documents they found in our home. Three hundred. eighty six of which were classified I'll. Tell you one more difference between her and donald trump. According the courtyard, is the most serious, the most sensitive documents she took homer classified as secret level, not that see secret level, which was a designation given to many of the documents found at doll. Trumps combine our logo. She got three years, ten months, prison. Her lawyers ass for probation. They cited the series very sad circumstances in her life health struggles, debts of relatives but that the judge essentially went along with almost the government's recommendation and This was a serious threat to the national security, the united states. In the sentencing memo, the prosecutor said that hey there's no way to know whether anyone, any foreign adversary or anyone not entitled see. This material actually saw it because it was improper. we stored. That would be the exactly
same thing. They would say even assuming they can't prove that that Donald trump actually showed the documents to people. Do they would still say that they were stored in securely in various places, a monologue? Oh, were aware people streaming through in. There is really no way to tell there's no way to disprove, that a foreign adversary didn't put an agent in and take a look at some of them I can steal them. That is situation, and you know it. She did plead guilty, which we don't expect donald trump to do so you get a little bit of a benefit for pleading guilty although she didn't fully accept responsibility, and there is little awareness in our case of eight. They found that there were never really sure why she took these documents, but found that she made phone calls to the subject of subjects of fbi, terrorism investigations they were, never able to explain that she didn't explain it. So that was little bit of a hint ass to some. We motive going on there but Again, you know no dissemination to foreign adversary. Three years ten months in prison that
happens to regular people who take home so I dont we see the time and again this is just the latest case. Guys and care just to highlight the documents that this woman had were not as highly sensitive as the that tromp pass ascetic a fair way holding it. I faced because they were designated as the most sensitive designation given to them, was secret, which is different from top secret I see colors are the most sensitive documents to the disclosure of which would cause grave damage to us national security. Now the indictment, the the the the court documents say that the karel she had was very sensitive came from now. Only we have b I another agency which move in the cia counter terrorism, making very sensitive stuff, but not the kind of stuff that would but to the office of president of the united states. We are always after we're. Talking about donald trump, is the number one customer, the entire fifty billy
dollar intelligence apparatus is designed to give him the most scientific information? You know the most sensitive, the most exquisite that the? U S, government collect, so it's just bought was the mine. What what do you mean hopefully, will never know exactly what donald trump had damn gives us thirty right, incites thirty one documents out of the hundreds but tat, ever chimpanzees gotta be far more sensitive than what you know. An fbi countered and at in kansas, has access to write. Adler's again approving again that somebody these republicans and have been critical of the handling of the ice handling of this case. There are lying through they'd their teeth and they know they're lying through their teeth. This woman Do we think this woman was called pull? we buy the fbi and ask if she would please return that can this brilliantly sleaze? Please return the documents and give minds and plead and bag? No, no! That's not what
they do. I'm set it time and again, if any member of congress, if I come back from a from class. breathing with documents, the f b, I would be knocking on the door in about thirty It's in an hour it just this. So when people talk about doubles, added, when these republican hacks, who are trying to defend a man who stole nuclear secrets when they do that and say, there's a on saturday, all right and the double standard time and again, It's broken in donald trump's, favor and this case proves it, the way when you see donald trump difficulties in hiring lawyers, theirs good reason for that, because there were- several times over them. eighteen months, whereas take more advising him look. I think give them back now. I think you should but I do have far at a search of we ve got and cooperate with the fbi
and then this will be, that meant that this will go away, we'll get a light rap on on the rest for it, and he ignored that instead he chose, does have a double down south. In grim what every opens his mouth on this most recently monday night on fox news and so is to have some kind of, I don't know I'm kind of illegal death wish going on here, because if I were prosecuting I so so health warning. But if I were prosecuting donald trump, he would be the dream defendant. He makes the most basic mistakes heap He leaves his finger. Prints are everything here? class that he's breaking the law on tape and their own you ve, so ina you need a psychologist ready to explain what were trumps game plan is here. I don't think any lawyer can help a client like this. What I mean you know somebody who. agrees with you is
We're attorney general of donald trump bar is, we thought was his attorney, but he wasn't. Others is personal attorney and bar kind of get confused where little while there thought thought here, His is attorney instead of america's attorney general. he sort of course corrected a bit now but again bar said he's toast and for a reason he asked her because every night. He goes on tv, more legal admissions that the prosecutors, are just lapping up and then yet I want that he's on tape, admitting intent bearing that he knows why, he's doing this and those that he doesn't the power to declassify documents as an ex president, the best thing one can do for trump supporters who, in the most ardent, will double down and say it's a witch hunt. We'll just ask them to live into his words and look at the law. I me he'll tell you your rosa
really care, you know they sure about tat their fine, they're fine, with grave counter tell threats towards the united states, very fine with riots started by donald trump against. You I did states congress to try to stop the counting, the legal counting of of electoral votes. There we're turning of an election they're, fine with that and now they're fine good, that we see how far lindsey, graham and the argo rubio and other reply looking are willing to go in. The base are willing to go and donald trump. They are fine. Now make no mistake. The fine with donald trump, stealing nuclear secrets. Am lying to the fbi about having will your secrets and not giving those nuclear and I think consequences to that would be bad for america. That's an interesting question, but bad for america. For them
we have to try to get back nuclear secrets. Secret attack plans against IRAN, and also secret assessments of america's greatest weakness is the day interesting that yet and best is fascinating, knock and even, how they live with themselves, because well, we could have been asking that question for the last six year, our rights still I had on morning chow as we have been discussing, we'll show you. The chaos that broke out on the head, Floor ass republicans and are rare, move voted this ensure democratic congressmen, Adam schiff, plus new developments in the classified documents case against donald trump, a special council jack smith. sharing the evidence the government has with the former presidents legal team also ahead two highest ranking democrats in the senate, chuck shoe and dick durban vote each joined the conversation and pennsylvania.
And our job shapiro will give an update on the round the clock work to prepare the collapsed section of interest. Ninety five, your watch morning, Joe we'll be right back. This is a circumstance where he's the victim or that this is from an overreach. He provoke this whole problem himself. Yes, he's been the victim of unfair which once in the past, but that doesn't obviate the fact that he's also he's fundamentally flawed person, new engages in reckless conduct, and that leads to situations calamitous situations like this, which are very destructive and heard any political causes associated with, and this was a case that entirely of his own. Making
that you have ever seen. The hey everyone, I'm Tom llamas from the top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist we take you to the frog The story words actually happening with envy Jordan, journalists on the ground from all over the world recover what you need to know:
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then we develop better stuff and that's what we need to do in order to fight climate change and in order to get to where we need to be that this week- and why is this happening? Social wise is happening wherever you're listening right now and subscribe to a thread. the hour, the january six insurrectionists to pushed us stun gun on the neck of officer half an hour, will spend more than a decade in federal prison. neil rodriguez was sentenced to twelve and a half years yesterday and he shouted tromp one, as he was sentenced according to multiple witnesses, rug, rigour. Acknowledged attacking former officer for known after before his dancing, but did not apologise. He insisted each labour waved. A civil war was breaking out. It pleaded to earlier this year to a host of charges, including inflicting bodily injury on
officers using a deadly or dangerous weapon rodriguez. Also bragged about his crimes, including the attack on therefore known in an hour I'm chatroom, writing quote taste the f out of the blue. officer. Penelon spoke with NBC ryan riley out and sentencing, im saying trump won. What does that say to you that he's still that sort of deluded about it? I said- and I think it's been clear by the definitive behaviour there is no remorse elite the individuals and which I came in contact with on January Emily charge. It's killing the georgian state election board dismissed its years long investigation into alleged misconduct by fulton county election workers. During that
twenty election. It comes more than two years after then, president donald trump, his ally rooted giuliani repeatedly claimed to workers ruby framing and her daughter. Shame Shea moss were counting fake mail in balance. state farm arena in Atlanta. I heavily added a brief clip of security. Footage was why Please circulated online and by I'm penalised as supposed proof those fraud claims were announced, stand shaded and found to have no merits the investigation concluded. freeman and moss testified before the january sixth committed last year about there use and mental anguish. They suffered due to trumps accusation against them. There is no way I feel safe. Nowhere.
Do you know how it feels to hear the president of the united states that target you? The president of the united states, is supposed to represent every american not to target one, but he die. Give it me, lady, ruby, small business owner mother approach american citizen who stand up to help both in county won an election in the middle of the pandemic. We handle any and we want to get your reporting on what we. Word or rather didn't hear from John durham? Yesterday after four years of investigating the fbi's decision to probe possible collusion between the trunk twenty sixteen, campaign and russia former justice to pounce department. Special counsel. John Durham testified yesterday that he quote,
didn't, know basic elements of the investigation, while men afford the company chairman for donald trump was having this russian intelligence officer internal campaign pulling data, russian intelligence was in the trump campaign weren't. I don't. I don't know. You really don't knowns rose very basic facts that investigation. I know the general facts. It was the suggestion of his suggestion that the russians could help damage. information. As to MRS Clinton and I really think it an obviously right. That's insane. What happened? Isn't it item? You really don't know I'm not sure exact when you say exactly what happened while the rushes these remaining least stolen emails through cut do they not there are males very simply. Eastern daddy release information stolen from
You cannot yesterday. I am not sure that I really don't know the answer The answer is yes, they did who decent. in my view as well. Most answer is: yes: did anything in your report? Proof false that russians met with trumps family during the campaign at trunk tower after an offer of dirt on Hillary Clinton. Even prove that that meeting didn't happen, I don't have any evidence that that did not happen. Anything in europe who prove false that, ways. Sixteen campaign, Donald trump, try and concealed from the public a real estate deal he was seeking in Moscow. I don't know missing about. That is nothing in the report about. It is not something we investigated. Eighteen european proof false that donald trump publicly russia to hack filler emails and then hours later they did my if you referring to bid, you prove it does not say at a press conference,
If we listening, you should get hilary emails prove that he didn't say that yeah we didn't or didn't investigated. You prove false Sixteen campaign trumps campaign manager gave pulling data to a spy firm. intelligence service. We didn't investigator like I am speechless. The wall street journal editorial page and others, when defending this man, who's made a fool of himself repeatedly who had twins, four jurors. Humiliate him into different cases. Guided actually had no prosecutions, no convictions. After investigating the f b, I did try to smear them. Of course, against smear. Hillary Clinton within
vestige asian of the invest, the gators that took Why so long. as the actual underlying investigation. I mean he easy foolish, had early onset of dementia or age operating in bad faith and has been from the very beginning, and I dont think number one hour the true number two or true now, let me note again a twenty twenty report. From the republican led senate intelligence committee said interactions between donald trump Twenty sixteen campaign and a washing intelligence officer, represented quote a grave counter intelligence threat. And can he kindly was ignored about that He claimed he was ignorant about wikileaks.
is passing away and he was ignorant about cut out. Donald trump saying russia. If your listening, please, Yet I find Hillary Clinton emails and then that night again reports everybody in america read that follows any of this know about these things. and john durham who is supposed to be leading an investigation on connections between russia and trumpet whether the f b, I went to four point eight rents on all of this. I must say, for a special coming sounded like it was a flag for donald trump I must say I never ever seen anything like tat from from us. So councils testimony especially from a man. Let us underlined this and I know you will do get a man had a really good reputation as EU. The attorney before
william bar Send him on all on this. This rather trail, any completely humiliated himself. Joe The exchange between durham and adam schiff. I found particularly shocking because it went information that was done. Equally relevant to why the f b, I opened the investigation in the first place, which was Whole thing, which was the main point of dirhams findings deregulate and lets Let's remember that no one is His criticisms is that the f b I wasn't justified in opening a full field investigation after the us, in diplomat, reported the troubling comments by george papadopoulos about the russians in emails. What What he says is that they should have opened a preliminary investigation that they didn't do enough. They didn't know of investigating before they took the dramatic step of opening an investigation into presidential campaign and went on
We ve thought about that conclusion and when I read his report is that it ignore the larger context. It ignored the fact that donald trump it publicly the russians to find glens, missing emails. It ignored all the press, reporting about doll, trumps, bizarre comments about vladimir Putin and end potential russian Connections with the campaign, it just look purely at at the papadopoulos up lists of reporting. And now we know why it ignore that context. Durham claims you didn't know about it, that is just unmoved we were able to me it's one you talk about things that the motor investigation found later and dirt can say. Well that you know it doesn't if I improperly opening investigation, even if they found stuff that that this that's all claim, but here, he missed the context. He missed the plot here, I am so glad Joe that you keep bringing that's senate intelligence committee report can underline in enough written by road
publicans and Democrats marco Rubio richard bur, signed off on this that this debate that what the trump campaign Did the contacts with the russians was a great counter intelligence threat to the united states of america. They left themselves. Bring to manipulation by them. sharon's so that fine. Vindicated the smaller investigation and the views of many and now John durham did not really understand a lot of the key facts that led the fbi to open that investigation, and loosens hard not to stay incredulous about all of this and doris affords us there was so woeful. There are even got a lot of republicans mattered and, in fact, Matt gates, tweeted a sharp increase sedative since he sharply criticised them and then tweeted later. The durham is quote part of the cover up nonsense: with to be sure, but let's just get your semi your take away here from what was truly a pretty appalling spectacle. Yesterday, a joke,
speculating about whether he has a demand jarrod or whether this is ass. The plane dishonest tailor made by logically my mother's vaunts, dementia. She doesn't even live in america. She could tell you about wikileaks. There's just no pain. Possible way that anybody in in terms position could possibly not Now these basic facts about the origin investigation. It did We often said during trumps presidency that the silver lining too to tramp was at his incompetence. outran his malevolent, so that saying something because as a lot of dark, the sort of darkness and trump and interim prism but if incompetence is strong, other malevolence, while then at least is now. I'd be efficient in executing this darkness. John dime is the kind of sort of special. That's all right, but prosecutor equivalent of that is,
extraordinarily incompetent, before What's he must have known the kinds of questions he was going to ask and his answers weapon. I don't know This is an embarrassment, another embarrassment. You know that strikes me, though, is we either so many threats to democracy that we were concerned about I wonder if we we're not seeing the system work. We see one of the most violent january, six defendants convicted syn straight long, prison term. We see george, state aid agency, rejecting claims miss counting of votes and In county- and we see dirhams investigation end without a single, successful prosecution, and so I think those are things to be actually ink incursion during a time where we do have these significant threats, Well, I'm such a great point. I gotta say, though you have, look also at the same time at the republicans,
and look and see what the destructive force against democracy. Tromp republicans have become think about all the things that happened. Yes, they durham, who attacking tat, the fbi trying gas to cover up. I have no idea what he was trying to do yesterday, but a forty, investigation ends with him, claiming he doesn't know about wiki leaks, doesn't know about cut out. He doesn't know about the most basic, banks and again that republicans and twenty twenty called a grave threat to the EU s counter intelligence. You have a copy, we're brutalized an almost beaten to death january. The sex and defended still screaming tromp one something that Donald there's still screaming things that role weakens are still screaming in congress. You have them we going after Adam chef, because Adam chef follow?
through an investigation regarding again regarding what the republicans themselves called grave the. U s counter intelligence, you have a woman being sent to jail for four years for doing far less than what Tom did and yet maker bacon. Ten, you yeah. They contain but to defend donald trump. It's not because it's not because of any any of these people have dementia. It's not because any of these people are dumb. It's because Donald trump has corrupted them completely. They are rob and are willing to roll the dies on american democracy just world a bit of power. Time of the limelight, I guess money, I don't know, but its acts Will we shame fairer man that website just keep going collar? Roha calmer has nothing basically says we're doing all of these investigations to to bring them
Joe binds paul numbers the most senior republican and the state senate. Thank you. Doesn't care of fines guilty or not they're, just I think these investigations to try to destroy Joe Biden. It is shameful since saturday and missus Kendall any and thank you very much for being on this morning will be found. When the coming sandra samuel Alito is the latest supreme court justice to face scrutiny in the wake of unreported luxury trips, with a billionaire geo pay mega donor what's going on and what it means for they push for ethics for forms and wake up. The kids. Ok might wake up save ratner is standing by the wall and he says all disputes over an economics, the fact that most american don't know always you gonna tell us how much money he s morning, javelins govern right bass,
our third yarmouth, and for me the news is so much more than I have you didn't spires and it still matters recovery. You have to begin we'll, take you to the front lines of a store or its actually have with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know and bring your news feed to live in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join me for top scored, weeknights at seven easter,
It may seem use them in stocking. Have you ever seen the house, this dysfunctional rachel matter of winning the election? Is this plan to stay out of prison? What happens in that election? If and when he does not? When it comes back to talk about the stakes of this back and forth, given trams behavior, what do you make a statement from Hamas? Why those doing what? What do you think of me inside with gems, sucking at eight p m eastern funded via rachel madame show at nine p m eastern money on MSNBC
the day in Washington dc yeah, it's not looking too good drink it in yeah. It was kind of foggy and rainy. I don't think anybody's getting around depressing and oh lol come on it's by the way. Today, my particle so great, he he just said on this day and night team. Forty four preserve franklin d, roosevelt side, the g I bill and unprecedented act of legislation designed to compensate return. members of the armed services down his g eyes for their efforts in a world war to and what a massive difference mike so right. Thank you, my the the g I bill has made such a massive difference to two americans through the year, some also my mom, fourth day, Mary, bearing charles birthday uk breast
by my host india's later at estate dinner later today, Biden than the first Lady welcomed prime Minister, there render modi to the white house. Yesterday you s an indian officials are expected to discuss ways to deepen defence ties partner more closely on technology and expand cooperation and the key global issues. Such climate change, national security council spokesperson, John Kirby, says later, as will also discuss the war in ukraine. India, maintained neutrality throughout the war and continue. two by russian oil, helping moscow file, the smell of terry efforts in the region and avoid? U S, sanctions, so I'd lose your your dear arriving about america's love is red carpet for modi in your latest peace with the financial times love for you to talk about but also talk about, I think,
more so than britain people blind spot and have always had a blind spot to what a massive growing power or india is and how its The potential, therefore, for offset again chinese power in asia. Is there as well and and and how modi, let's face it he's gonna be there for quite some time, most likely as his popularity just source right I mean that there has been some under weighting of india. I think in washington over the years begun to be corrected in the bush and obama, but earlier this year, india overtook china to be the most populous country while the largest population in the world. So now I gave in china's post slow down. India is the fastest growing economy in the world, so the its long past, jus further
two states to be lavishing. This kind of attention on india now in terms We know what the real motivation is here or the most immediate want. It's china, india, two thousand mile border with china, is no other country in the world that of the size or potential to counterbalance china. No one else can compare to india in that respect. So all of this makes sense, my concern here- is that I think the by administration, is too far in, arms of bathing water, like a supplicant surrender Modi, who is, after all, the biggest democratic backslider the wild he puts on in the shade he's also somebody has not been taking. Our stance. He's been abstaining at the united nations over russia's invasion of ukraine and the I think more cards in the american hand than the administration seems to be
implying india, is much more threatened directly by china. Then the united india would desperately need the united states. Should there be an the border war. So I guess is a little better there's a little bit too much much flattery going on here of this strong man, even though we do need india and ties should be getting closer yet a deeply complicated visit. It is only the third state dinner. Their present blindness hosted since taking office. That's an hour, usually resurfaced a clue. DR allies, france, south korea. There too, india, as as ed noted, has been backsliding on democracy, human rights groups, cha india, with really persecuting muslims who live there in that in that country have denounced the president giving Modi such a welcome here. It has also not waste neutral on the war, russia, but still buying a lot of russian gas helping fuel moscow's war machine, undoubtedly
empower a country on the rise. Susan page to new delhi is hosting the the g twenty later this year. The world's leaders will all come there, but it's a free, fraught visit here- and I know why my sincere what has paid put to me. They know motorists far from a perfect ally, but he's the best one. In the areas they try to establish that bulwark against china, well. You know, Jonathan in diplomacy, friendship is relative and relative. If you can, here our relations with india and china. Any looks like much better friend in china, Our willingness to cosy up to india and too decline to challenge india on some of the concerns that we have, including by the russian oil, including backsliding on democracy in the world. most populous democracy that you read them flexor priority the administration is put on stand to china- and I wonder how much
china views these. U s efforts within they. Do they see it as a sign of? U s, weakness or does it make china? nervous. I dont know the answer that question you're, not you're. Other thing is over. We ve been talking week for the past couple of weeks about how china It is going to europe and trying to get closer to europe by It is my opinion. Nobody else is here. I think it's absolutely critical. We engage india, I think its critical. We engage china to massive powers, whether you're talking The economy, whether you're talking about the environment, whether you're talking about climate change? What you're talking about you, a host of global challenges and issues, whether you talk about global national security and China, the united states, have one thing in common: they actually want the
existing world order to stay in place. Russia does not. They want to disrupt disrupt that because they continue to get weaker and weaker so again. We don't have to agree with india. We don't have to like everything bodies doing we don't have to agree with china. We have to engage and continue engaging make sure to feel good to sit our secretary of state in the chair away from him a little bit the little bit down. Every people can freak out about that secretary of state blinkem he's a tough guy he can handle it. We have to an age where exactly hitting the top of the second hour of the morning show we have a lot to get to this hour. We're going to continue to talk about congressman, Adam schiff, being censured, and we're doing is trying to protect america parallel case to the documents case, what happened there and what trump might be facing a lot there?
and a woman gets sent to jail for four years, and it's not even as bad or doing far less than donald trump won things you get the same thing. Donald trump did she hit her documents in a bathroom, and doesn't given months and months and months too. Pretty. Please return that my and she amid this is this is what try the spacing for years, and some believe that private former president tromp lucky putting up a brave front, but is very, very afraid, we'll talk about that. those. Thank you very much joining now former treasury official morning, Joe economic, endless, steve, ratner, Steve. We hear how bad the economy is all the time from the same gesturing republicans who well just Some would say, make stuff up one thing that we ve heard vision, talk about four years as an aid to get our manufacturing moving again, you have some information that republicans what an arrogant and now what is it?
what they want america now, but we want american to know that there is actually some good news. Relates to manufacturing, which been, as I'm sure many america, all americans, now a tough place for us in the economy in recent years. But let's take a look: what's actually been happening over here? So, as I mentioned, manufacturing concern Surely this is spending our manufacturing facilities, as carter this kind of flat lying flat lining jumped up a little bit, but never really got over. A hundred billion will remember that donald trump said he was going to make amerika great again in manufacturing. He persuade a carrier corporation to keep a few hundred jobs at large costs of tax benefits fox. Congress post to invest twenty billion dollars. They backed out of that no invested a small amount of money, but look what's happened now, since the binding regulation, which is that a hundred eighty nine billion dollars of manufacturing spending that has been in asked an expected so far for the sheer and
for obvious you create a lot of jobs, has already created over two hundred thousand construction jobs and there obviously the manufacturing yet to come that increased. What you're next chart well we're talk about the reasons and the reasons are multiple but very heavily oriented around some of the policies that the president and the democratic leaders in congress are put in place. Let's talk about the eye the climate bill, whatever you want to call it. So when that bill was passed, the congressional budget office thought that about three hundred. Ninety billion dollars of those tax credits would be used. They ve is there estimate some two five hundred seventy billion brooking stay it's more like seminars. Eighty billion and goldman sachs thinks it's one, point, two trillion now. Normally, when we talk about governed spending increasing it's a bad thing. What this is, in a sense, a good thing, because what it means is that companies are taking advantage of this bill of the tax credits they get to build. Far
more facilities than anyone really expected? When the bill was passed and just by example. Let's take a look at battery plans, so electric vehicles need batteries, going to try to make a lot of them here, and you can again that, since the ira was pass, these are announcements of new battery plants that are being all over the country, obviously good bunch them in Michigan our traditional auto center. But as you, well down many, the going actual into red states into indiana into kentucky tennessee south carolina georgia texas kansas in places like that, and so this is a this. These battery plants could produce ten, the twelve million batteries a year for new electric vehicles, that is more than fifty percent current auto production that could become electric saw these battery plants, plus all the other auto facilities that'll be built as well. To take advantage of that. Where are you
there. There are also two other new policies: there are helping, dr investment, yeah, they were really these three packages, the ira being the one that may ultimately have the biggest impact, but a couple of the things you remember, the infrastructure bill five hundred and two billion dollars for every from a lot of time, rotation, but also broadband itself These are utility upgrades and things like that, and so that money is being spent now and as it gets, spend obviously company have to build facilities, create jobs and so on are produced materials that are needed build out all of the spending and then lastly, you remember the chips act, which is about fifty two billion dollars of government. incentives and grants for r and d for a semi conductors now semi conductors and not just an economic benefit to us, but a huge social security benefit to get more that production here, early in taiwan, and now places that are not a secure and safe
The huge increase in the number of semi conductor projects that have been added Just over two hundred. billion dollars of projects and again all over the country, a bunch of them in upstate new york but also all all texas kansas all over the place, and this is going to hopefully get us back in the game phoenix a course, which was the one that president Biden visited a few months ago. I've stave ratner. Thank you very much to see how much you learn by some noise. I always learn so much a dark prophecy foretold, her death, then through fire it came to pass and the faithful mourned, but it wasn't the hand of god, the lid bachelet, mortal sin, newport gas from daylight and from me, judgments listen to all episodes of mortal sin. Now, wherever you get, your pod casts
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.