« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/20/23

2023-06-20 | 🔗

Trump defends keeping classified documents

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Find the quality care you need all in one place, introducing center for sports medicine and orthopedics, outpatient surgery, orthopedic excellence, sports medicine all made possible. The strikers cutting edge technology at center for sports, medicine and orthopedics care meets. Convenience were designed to get you treated and back home and ours, because our passion is getting. You back to yours called for two three six, two four: two: six: nine six or visit sport man, dot com to learn more about center for sports medicine and orthopedics today, center for sports, medicine and orthopedics. Here then home chef understands it. The job of attorney general is to serve and protect the people of the united states and that is exactly what he will do and do better than anybody else. Can Jeff sessions was disasters, attorney general should have never been, many jobs are qualified, he's not meant
I qualified to be attorney general, we hope bill. Barr is going to be as good as we think, because bill is a good he's, a great gentleman, a great man and by the way, when bill, Barr who's. You know a coward bill. Barr was a coward. Billboard didn't do what he was supposed to do. I fired him and he has great hatred in his new role as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general milly will serve as by top military adviser. I have absolute confidence that here fulfil his duty with the same he is and fortitude. He has shown throughout his long and very distinguished career,
Millie, frankly, was incompetent. The last one I'd want to attack with, as my leader would be, Millie John kelly will do a fantastic job. General Kelly has been a star incredible job, thus far respected by everybody. A great great american. I know John Kelly. He was with me, didn't do a good job had no temperament and ultimately he was petered out. He got he was exhausted. This man was totally exhausted. He wasn't even able to function. I am confident that Jay has the wisdom and leadership to guide our economy through any challenges that our greater cause, we may face, and you know I had my own situation with powell and I beat the hell out of him. I was not a big fan of pal. I was recchi was recommended by some people. I didn't like him a brief look back at donald trump, claiming to have hired the best people
only to trash them after they left its amiss administration at something he was pressed on last night in a wide. enjoying and contentious interview with fox news, during which the former president offered new and at times incoherent- reasons for why he kept classified material moral log, according to fox news, analyse it listening notable interview with Brian Meyer and then go here and also it will go, live to beijing for the latest. On the: u S, china, relations. Following secretary of state, anthony blankets, meeting with chinese when changing pang plus rescue In the atlantic are racing against time in the search for a submersible, many submarine that went missing wall diving to the wreckage of the titanic,
good morning and welcome to morning Joe, it is Tuesday june twentieth with us. We have the host of way too early and white house bear cheap at politico, jonathan le Maire, former our aid to the george I'll, be bush white house and state departments, Elise, Jordan. The president the council on foreign relations, Richard Hoss, and poured surprise but in calmness and assess it at the washington, post and msnbc political analysed Jeanne robin Jane. We can't we can't just let those quotes here. You have dialogue is wrong saying job stations that then that is better than anybody else. Better equipped are better qualified after he moving from said Zeb cut out for the job? and he said the same thing about bar- that that he's gonna great job and then he said he was a coward milly. I love this yet absolute confidence in milly anytime,
about how, through his career his brilliance was recognised. Everybody, including jobs, are fulfilled. He went to work for Donald up there was unanimous, unanimous consent. The general milly was brilliant and trumpet tartarus brilliance. Suddenly after working for donald trump for a few short years, he became incompetent. Kelly, general kelly, star, respected by everyone, but after work for I'll drop three year you're. Now he was barely able to function, but as asia pal I mean you're here is it here is a guy. I get you do wonder this. Almost cult like following of donald trump. You wonder why people can't The obvious and adheres Chris, you by the way said Joe gonna help help you out yesterday on twitter, you said, eat yet open anyone.
more or less, but I'm marked merely before is a great gentlemen, a great patriot, a great soldier. After a blinking idiot, yeah person back and here's powell on your own power before he strongly committed and he's smart after he asks of J Powell whose are bigger enemy, J Powell, our chairman? She My second point, somebody to the fad then he believes is a bigger We did the united states of america, then there of communist china here again, who would vote for a man like that workers, rights, living things from from bad series of club tourism first, you watch them and if it just struck me, This guy was president of the united states. Amazing, I mean how, in the world that have about this, this virgin media brazil, united states.
Favourable, and the second thing is: what do all of those officials any turned on? Have in common, they all told them now at various points that they have reached a point where no I'm not going to do that we're not going to do that, he can't push me into doing and, as a result, be heaped savages them an attack, sermon their idiots and they're stupid, but whose surprised this as well donald trump has done his entire life. This is who he is, and you know we we had him for four years as president and let us please not do that. Again, it's it's just stunning I mean there's so many there's so many good good, apples of that is true.
well judgment, are, are actually terrible leadership. I mean you look at general milley. He goes from saying that that he's just the best he's the best since george Patton, and at the end, the most overrated general ever. Tillers and talks about his brilliant sentience up, calling him and eighty. We could go in an odd, but you know Jonathan Omair whatsoever sing. His last night we can show some clips from way an interview that. even fox news analyse, said, trot was it in here again and we show that interview, but he's well yeah, but you know, but for every one of those people who happened to be the leaders, the people that run he said there can be, they loved me. You said I was great. We did all of these wonderful things and, by the way, he's out like a leftists, he goes look what we did do the economy. Look I donald trump. Now actually believes that its, not business A small business owners, entrepreneurs, creators, inventors who build
economy he thinks he builds the economy yeah. You know why. Doesn't he got a turkey at our china to talk like that? That's I hope where carry the united states and conservatives used to think that way, but think about at the very end january, the sex? You claim everybody was around them, know everybody abandon them. Most of the competent people have left the white house. As you know, because you wrote the book on January six, his family, members had a bad and him because he was so crazy is his. that you're bar head laughed shack. Doubt it the stolen election, fiascos when, on january, sixth donald was literally alone in the white house, with it everyone else around him saying: stop the riot, stop the right
stop the riot stopped the rights. All the testimony against donald trump in all of these cases are from tromp employed, so him saying other ten people who love me for everyone now everybody around him, either it. Him thought was a trader. Are our thought actions on January, the six were unforgivable last night, incoherent and as we'll get into maybe incriminating, From from donald trump, but it's a great point on january six, by the end he was isolated and alone people forget there was a major cuts with outbreak in the west wing a few weeks before then so lot of the senior staff who hadn't already reside at minimum their working from home, they weren't there because people had gotten sick or they quarantining, so it was really tromp and chief of staff. Art meadows was there Vodka, trumps, Zola, building only a few others and trump holed up in the
in our study, he has authored the oval office, there's like a dining room there, where he had set up a bank of televisions and loved to show off the super tivo to his guests, which problem is progress thanks, add while in office, and that's where he watched the riots on january sixth, where he rewound the footage, so he could watch again some of the more violent moments. This is according to people who witnessed some of this and seemed to be during on the supporters, necessarily didn't lift a finger to stop them until he was fry persuaded to do so his age, but this is loyalty for dollar drops a one way street. He demands it. Doesn't given in return. We sign flesh you just detailed flip flop, although senior staffers, all those cavity members and that's why, in part, so many of them are so happy to testify against him right now. The people who work closer to him, see it the ten people who claimed to love him their private, the same people with tears in her eyes and call him, sir. Every time they see in backstage
so this interview was even more than incoherent and in possibly incriminating. You could really see a difference here when he sat down with bread, buyer one on one, the lights, him actually being held to account on us questions as opposed to the townhall hall that he did earlier where he had the audience with many did his stick and he felt like he had a command the situation you uses something different here in his face and in his eyes as well, because this interview did not go well for him donald trump doing what most criminal defence attorneys would advise their client against doing speaking publicly about the charges against them. in an interview on fox news, the former president defended himself in the classified documents case and in one of his claims trumps, a new york times article insisting the only way the national archives and records administration could get the documents back from him
would have been to essentially bag for them. It is unclear in which specific article his referring to take a look. I have every right to have those boxes. This is purely a presidential records act. This is not a criminal thing. In fact, in times of all, had a story just the other day that the only way narrow could ever get this stuff. This back would be please please please could we have it back because they have no, we ass, you are now, and they say in your arguments, but we would talk and then they said they went to deal J to subpoena. You, too, which they never done before right why not just hand them over them, because I had of boxes want to go through the boxes and get all my personal things out. I dont want to hand them over to narrow yet, and I was a busy as you sort of seeing, but according to a view, then tell this aid to move to other locations.
Telling your lawyers to say you'd fully complied with a subpoena when you hadn't, but before I send boxes over. I have to take all of my things. These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things, gulf shirts clothing, pants shoes, there were many things I would say were much much more, not that I know of, but not that I know of, but thing was declassified. into the indictment. You were here at bedminster on July, twenty first, twenty twenty one after you're no longer president and you recorded saying that you had a document detailing a plan of attack on another country that was prepared by the. U S, military for you when you were president, the iran I plan to remember them ready.
We reporters in a document. I had lots of paper. I had copies of newspaper articles. I had copies of magazines. Typically a quote you're quoted on the recording saying the document was secret, adding that you could have declassified it while you were president, but quote now. I can't you know this is still secret, highly confidential and that indicted such the recording, the testimony from people in the room saying you showed it to people there that day, you say on this and on tat is just the opposite that you cannot survive. So why have to what I said when I said that I couldn't be classify it now this because I was in president. I never made any bonds about that when I'm president. I can't eat less. If that's what you do said it ass, I said no, no, I said I couldn't pleasant argument. Bread There was no document that was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking to ran and other things, and it may have been
up or made up, but that was not a document. I didn't have a document per se. There was nothing the last by these were newspaper stories magazine, sewers and arctic understands as yet versatile let us be very clear, the transcripts. What does trot said to an aid- was the I have this document. Basically- and I couldn't classified it when I was president, but I aunt declassify now. So that's a shame that I can so he's not talking about newspaper articles. He he just balancing later or lack of it on that, like just like you did in the defamation trial, agro way these asia, but it isn't gold, shirts, clothing, pants shoes. Really I've been bred bear to his credit, goes spread around more plants Is it proper to say I don't know if you kept that up, but because I had gobs. it's closed the pan shoes and brad. Interruption goes around more plants yoga as it
In our view, threadbare search, it just put that into perspective trump balance between defences. There sometimes saying the dock. had been declassified, sometimes saying there were no documents at all. Maybe there were, Some he also went from saying the they're not and that he couldn't be. Classify them admitting. He can't be classified documents when it pros yeah, he said government officials could have asked for the documents back which they did many have twenty twenty one and trump said he was too busy to separate the classified material. From his gall shirts, while thirdly ordering staff or to move boxes to other locations, The interview aired fox news. Chief, medical analyse Brit hume said troms defence would not hold up in a court of law. Why in his answers on the matters of law, soon demanding the verge on incoherent.
he seemed to be saying that the documents are really is and that he didn't give them back when he was requested to do so and when they were subpoenaed, because he wasn't ready to because he added sorted them, separated the classified information or whatever from his golf shirts or what are we will send. It was not altogether clear what he was saying, but he seemed to bleed to death What is that he had to classify them evidence to the contrary and and and therefore he he could do everyone within which I don't think it's a hold up in court. yeah. None of that is gonna hold up in court and brits absolutely right. Elise, was incoherent and, I must say, incoherent, incriminating and stupid And I say that by saying Donald trump actually believe wants people to believe that in his transcript he's looking at a document telling of aid, I can't declassify this now. I could have declared by that when I was present united states, but I can't now and then
later in the interview- why? Why in twenty twenty two, he lost the election in two thousand and twenty waiting. Twenty two. Why did. He hide the documents, because here golf shirts, clothing, pants and shoes inside cases with nuclear nuclear information more play against iran and some of the Americas greatest vulnerabilities. all in there with more law golf hugh packing my trunk in Afghanistan one time I just these documents from the skiff just found their way and with all my roby they made me no just casually, you know it happens all the time this is behind Bizarre, I think we're just hammering in on all these eyes here, incompetent just
plainly irrational and out of touch with reality, but also Oh just a plain idiotic. I mean this is garden to the point, he's talking, encircled, I dont know why talking first of all, as no real to be going out these interviews and incriminating himself, but the whole episode is just so idiotic because it could have all been avoided. He got up ass, he was said he was told you can give these documents back, yet he would Do it and so he's trying to go up against Biden and create this narrow narrative. The Biden is out of it he's old and that he's incompetent. When what is he with his own counter narrative. Yeah. You know richard. The Washington post broke story about again what we ve been signal along the great irony when you proper say. Oh there there's this double standard. from the justice department? Is a washington post? Show? Yes, vain their investigation? There is a double standard
and there's one standard that every government official is held to who would a meal? ITALY be yellow, arrested and then there's a standard that they'll donald trump to drag their feet for over a year if the ai dragging their feet now in wanting to get these documents on nuclear secrets, not even while the girl went to see all the box is that he had and donald trump saying: well it sedges worse. For me, this has never happened before and, of course it never happened before because again he lost in twenty twenty in twain Twenty one he's still. Lying in twenty twenty two he's still lying about having of the most sensitive secrets and ex president could I have left
I think you're being a little bit unfair here. All of us have been late to see off we're we're rushing through the golf course. You grant assure you grab and war plan it's hard. I just think you really. We gotta get this in principle by the wages zopyrus during our peoples. When I respected vienna richard this, Really I mean days. This is important that you We are talking about this in making light of it, because you act he handled america's most close We held secrets. You understand the too much the degree than I understand, but I understand other people who have served in the government whether in the white house, one arm servants committee are In turn, many understand like marco ruby over since understands better than anybody fit this. a grave, grave lack of judgement which writ which, which
as criminals. I would raise a criminal. Let me show you a rigid. Would criminal for in the body. Who did this? Well, that's that's the point. What what you see here is the justice department, the fbi and everyone essentially want the extra mile and then the extra mile after the extra mile. That's from out to bring charges, basically sailor. I know everyone? I know that everyone's equal under the law, but were also real, is here the former the united states. Who knows what you're gonna be doing again? Please give the documents back. We don't want to do something: that's gonna, open us up, charges of being politicized or weapon eyes, injustice, and essentially what donald trump didn't do was let them here they basically gave a modest role? wouldn't use it so either he's really really really really sabbath Jeanne himself would have where'd you one years there or he decided that this would be useful, politically
they went out of their way, not to press charges at a pace that Arguably study was too busy come on. He was again I don't know how many rounds use play Joe since he was president, but my guess is yoda squeezed in a little bit of time for document search. So something doesn't add up her way and everybody around him says he knew what were in those boxes. they call them is beautiful, mind boxes that he was. He was obsessed with them. He knew within the boxes and- and and he held those boxes. Just I know people understand I just want to say for this- where's, Donald trump that are watching this question for you, then you are out there. any member of congress from ted crews to Bernie sanders, they got briefed and took three doc It's not all of these boxes, not thousands but took three cups.
if I'd documents would go call the next day from the earth are they show up in their offices? It would be immediate. I was talking to A cia analysed over the he can do said if he handled one document. even though he was a career cia guy, he would allow his job. That day might not get. Rested for one, but they would be their knocking for the next day, they give tromp years year and a half and he keeps ignored and then- and now he keeps on tv. I want you know what a what, we bring in a barber MC way. Of course, former EU us attorney barbara. We sort of summarised donald trump in our view, with bread bear last night as incoherent, incriminating idiotic on so many levels talk about how he keeps putting
self one step closer to jail. Every time Does one of these rambling interviews yeah? I know any lawyer would tell him to just stop talking about this matter, but he can't help himself. I think he thinks that by getting out there he he can just explain it all away, but this You did a very good job of pending him down, because I think one of the things he admitted to is that he kept them even after he knew he needed to return them, because he knew time to review them when it was asked about He moved them around. He essentially admitted to obstruction of justice and said isn't he did it? Was it he needed to Through that may mean imagine if you got, you know, tat it comes and goes. You said you didn't fire taxes because you're a very busy. it just doesn't fly under the law. These are our nation's most sensitive secrets. It's like holding nuclear material every second, you have it, your exposing rip people to risk that there is a risk that these and up in the wrong hands, and so every day that goes by puts
nation at rest. So I think that this this evidence. This recording is very likely He played before a jury a trial, yes about let's lest his personal further there, what what stood out to last night in terms of what could free frankly admissible the trial. It almost feels like trump borderline firstly, to work he's being charged with like how, how tell stating as this potentially first offence. I think it's very powerful evidence, because I think the hardest thing to prove in most cases, but especially case like this is fulness for most crimes, ignorance of law is no defence, but first The crimes, including mishandling classified information. There's an addition. level, of Wilfulness that is proving what you did was it legal and if you knew it was illegal and so that little clip word from explains about his understanding of economic longer be classified documents after he leaves, White house says that here understands what it means to handle classified documents. He knows
that these are regulated certain laws, and so for him to say a trial if there were to be some defence that the governess failed to prove the requisite intent. They'll just play this, take and I think a jury will find beyond reasonable doubt. They have we knew what he was doing was illegal. and and jean the government has tromp coming and going on this issue as far as intent goes in far knowledge of the law, because, yes, they have say you know as well as a former president. I can't be classified this material. I can't declassified this document, it's a shame right. so they got him as an ex president understanding that as president, they have testimony of donald trump, you're standing the declared vacation process. I have said somebody that it briefly and how they are more evidence from more staff members trot, knew exactly what was required to declassify arguments and unlike what he said on shore and in what he said and other shows he can
I wish it in his mind and make it go away. The classification document- he knew that I mean it seems to me that hell for defence lawyer is a place where if you have donald trump as a client for all eternity, because he goes on tv with bret baier and then repeatedly incriminate himself on the counter. After counter for current and- and so my question to barbara, quite is what what do we just say you are? He is one of its defence lawyers and you watch that interview which you surely advised him not to give any given anyhow, and you listened to sad and how we basically confess
two to a series of crimes. What what do you do? How do you try to repair? The damage and- and is it tat, the dog dear bryant, about some sort of play, a range of it well number one, you consider resigning. I suppose, because you have a client who won't listen to you, which is everywhere nightmare. I maybe you dissected for him and explained to him in very gory detail exactly how harmful that was. These are the elements of the offence. This is what the government have to prove a trial. When you say these things, this is, evidence that they will play in court, perhaps as one way you'll kill Pleasing is so interesting here, I think any normal d, that any normal lawyer would absolutely be talking about a plea, can imagine the government is going to agree to the car of conditions that Donald trump one in exchange. The comment that gonna want prison time, because any else would get prison time were they're going to war.
which the justice department permits an agreement, not big higher office. He's just not gonna go those kinds of things, but maybe, as we get closer to the date any realises that serious prison time is at stake. Those things look a little more attractive than they do now. Don't know how, We couldn't realise that right now, former? U s attorney barbara quaid! Thank you very much, but also for podcast. I love Come on. It's amazing. How do I add on morning Joe NBC, generous mackey prey or join to live from beijing following. interview with anthony blank and amend the first trip to china via secretary of state in five years plus will dig into a new report of a failed plot by the kremlin to kill an informant for the? U s Government who was living in florida also ahead. democratic congressmen. Tabular was our gas he's here to talk about his new bill to regulate artificial.
Intelligent. Coming up with some more disturbing footage from donald trump interview in great bear on fox news talking about foreign Policy will have that, after the break make of the bad administration policy disorder it. I think it's terrible with low, so you re beset arabian their friends of mine that great people, the D the crown prince and the king got along with them incredibly what they would do anything the great great people
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the. U S, coastguard in Boston, spearheading the search, nine hundred miles east of cape cod Among the missing is british billionaire hamish Harding, who flew space on one of Jeff phases as blue origin rockets last year, Harding holds several guinness world records including the longest time spent in the deep as part of the ocean honesty. Well dive according to the? U S, coastguard. The group has about three days of what a terrible terry following we have more now from former president trumps interview last night on fox news. He was asked about some big internet. No affairs items and he seemed to focus answers on how much he's as he's liked by certain foreign leaders What do you make of the binding ministration policy to saudi arabia? I think it's terrible with low, so you re bestowed a raby friends of mine that great people, the
crown prince and the king got along with them. Incredibly, what they would do anything the great great people with putin very good relationship. I went, haven't spoken dormant along while but out of a strong relationship and it was wrong to invade ukraine. He wouldn't have done it if it were made, but it was the wrong after I left. I thought he might do look. I talked I said if you do it gonna be held to pay. It's gonna be a catastrophe. Don't do it he said no, no! No! You won't do that. I told him I was going to do something. He said. No, no! No! You will not do that. I said I will vladimir. I will do it, I'm gonna. Do you believe it? I worked as a separate country from russia it's a shepherd country. No one will want it wasn't a separate and have my me. I did that. Where does that part of the deal is? Should putin get crimea? Is that what you're? Right now I don't talk about those deals, because it really would impede negotiation. I would have a deal done in twenty four hours from the time we started well.
Of course deal would be to hand ukraine over to russia, but richard eyes, the stupidity the lunacy here is, I think again we have to keep finding ourselves. This guy was once commander in chief of the united states of america is very very let's start with the saudis. friends of mine? They are great great people, they would do anything. I mean, They would give two billion dollars to family members and also your member when he was running for president. He said he loved the saudis because they spent hundreds of millions. dollars on his toys and an obvious. I just want to say I'm making out connections but I think, investigators and others would fools not to at least ask these questions who will be the most interested the greatest need other than the united states to have.
u s intelligence highly let fight intelligence on a war plans against IRAN who more than saudi arabia on the entire planet. That way may be worth exploring. Shall we say what can you say that the degree of purse limitation or narcissism. It's all set out to do in school, a farm policy usually of did debates between realists and dealers or whatever. This is an entirely different school. and whether it was with the leader of north korea, the love letters or president she of china or vladimir Putin or the king of show. Princess Saudi Arabia idea the personal relationships and his relationship, which help deliver these countries to us on watch with saudi arabia. The iranian attack, saudi arabia, united states did nothing despite his great personal, released, which is one of the reasons, the saudis russo so alien, aided saudis, we're doing what
we're doing in yemen despite us telling them not to now. I'm not saying it's gonna work out, but the united states, and saudi arabia, or actually negotiating potentially a real intimate relationship where we would offer certain types of security assurances and they would move towards peace with Israel? So it's not as though we've quote on quote lost she showed Arabia and this stuff about russia and ukraine. It is in the preposterous depart The ida. Did you just pick up the phone and vladimir Putin and peace within twenty four hours is just this site or preposterous. Why then, suggesting that the ukrainians would somehow stop fighting after after being attacked invaded. It is also insanity, We do is, of course what he wanted to do the first time and that is below pieces, the nato alliance and so the european, would continue helping others would continue helping donald trump would with
the united states go it alone, everything he could everything he could. To allow vital putin to have what it he said. Putin like did that way better when ukraine was part of russia, richard. I want to talk to you about his closest allies, the people he loves, the most the people. He says he loves the most there's that he says loving him, the most it's never from any democratic country. As you said, in use, The present shape he said So many positive things about president. She include early on in the pandemic that america on behalf of america, he thanks him because, he's being so transparent on on covered up its latin Putin, of course, his love for Vladimir Putin. Then we we sought here in december
when you fifteen and in a hurry to exchange within his law, for the north korean tyrant, one of them one of the most blood thirsty tiring sumac on on the globe, sought maybe there very their great great people. Let me tell you something: There are americans, including myself, who believe that we have to have chip and saudi arabia, but that doesn't mean we call those who chopped up a washington post reporter in a thousand pieces and murdered because they didn't like what he was saying. We don't call them great great people, and yet what is it about donald trump, that it sees authoritarian, says that he as closely identifies with him that he loves and who he claims loves them all. I can say I have two reactions to that. One as I think and your question was more rhetorical than that. Obviously, there's almost
sympathy or empathy with the authoritarian leaders? Donald trump, as we seen, has authoritarian ten she's in self. Indeed, if he were reelected, I think there's a real quick about how illiberal american democracy would would become a net the serious issue of another thing, Joe I'd actually cut some slack. If and it's a big if which he never met, he actually could have delivered. It would have been thing, if all those love letters were the leader of north korea, resulted in any any constraints on korea's nuclear missile programmes, but they did not or were China or with russia or saudi arabia. In any case, he showed personal relationships could actually influence there, their behaviour in a way that was more constructive and more consistent with american interests. The problem with MR terms, foreign policy? Is it failed to do that? You had
personalization without any results. So again it it to me. Was it just didn't it just in the bottom line? It didn't produce so is he is offering a bit of a preview of what a second term foreign policy would look like, and certainly the worn ukraine's, not an end many four hours, but it does seem like he would dramatically cut entirely. u s. Eighty ukraine, he very well may blow up nato. He would side with authoritarian around the globe. and that's why it's interviews like this is why, where putin looks at the battle war in ukraine saying this isn't has not gone anywhere near like I thought it would. But if I stay the course, if I try to run out the clock, I might get a friend back in the white house well too. four hours he's going to negotiate with ladder and prudent and he had for years and couldn't build a wall. This just comes back to something that make a joke in the other day, the only thing that exploit
donald trump and basically every instance is money, and I'm looking at the front page of the new york times trop. Ties money in politics and do a mine deal that the salaries of government of socio real estate group brought him into Still, no mine he's my at least five million already. This was right before he announced twenty twenty four. So there's money in it with these dictators with authoritarian, they throw money in it problem, his son in law, jerry cushion or got a sweetheart, invest then, even though, is a varied, unproved, vaster of upwards of I think, to bill again. and he hasn't even been able to execute yet just because the saudis are hedging and they think that trump might come back. So I think that when we look at all of this, it just follow the money and that's the answer.
Coming out more ways all web saluting among more to show you from Donald trump revealing interview with fox news, including his refusal to give up the big lie well, look at new reporting on the justice department, resistance to opening an investigation into trumps role. January six riot of the capital. You you know, you don't know I mean justice disposed to be blind. Now, it's my just not got to say I defend the f b. I know its political, but for a year. Again, He gave donald trump preferential treatment Fraid move against him because of the noise out there because of of websites run by chinese.
Religious calls because of all the ground noise from freaks, insurrectionists and weirdos again do their job for over a year for here. They were scared to prove in america, no man above the law, so they drag their feet, morning Joe, is coming right. Back the consumer cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to half the cost for this think fifty percent the money for one hundred percent. The same thing, I hope I make myself clear:
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I one in twenty thousand. You know you look at it below to share everything that you want to look at. You take a look at to devote where they have people stuffing the ballot boxes on tapes score this last minute. Let's go to recent fbi, twitter Let's go to recent the fifty one agents block, corrupt stuff brown understand about not all share their election, but thats cheating when they lost twenty twenty election. The bread you too Look at all this stuff balance! You take a look at all of the things, including things like the fifty one intelligence, angelo recounts and all the swing states. There was not significant. Why we're trying to get recounts real requires? Not only does this vote icebreaker corruption- that was not a sense of that. There were lawsuits more than fifty of them by your lawyers, some in front of reddish oddities judges that you pointed was content came up with sweat, wisconsin is practically admitted, it was rig, others,
It's your doing the same right now and it's continue releases of re rich attention case a vote of fraud in ex battleground states and they found fewer than foreigners. Seventy five five is alive and look at the right things going. Are you counting they housing, counting balance, not the authenticity of the ballot, the ballots, we're fake? balance, you had very rigour, you're going to go. This is how you going to tell that independent, suburban woman who, after winning an election, and I think, we're winning very well Paul just recently. I have it here. I know, and I watched it, I'm sure you every paul, I showed you we were leading by tremendous no no little eating with women. You know poles change They change and twenty sixteen to your favor I thought I was doing well from the beginning, but you know, but they changed in holes while
this wasn't in groundwater down there. What do you mean g robinson, I just He didn't look well I mean for that suburban voter, that bread kept talking about. He looked like a ambling raging old man? I look bad and you any another thing is The thing is that that If he is the one of this, what we keeps another show he's gonna win back. The suburban voters in Atlanta philadelphia Detroit Milwaukee phoenix. Nothing either they're, not media there's gonna, do anything but drive them further. way that vat is just willie, really disturbing stuff serving. It was kind of pathetic unaware. Media II was challenged and in
staying on this fantasy that everybody knows that the fantasy and and and good good on Bradford, for calling on it repeatedly with facts and those are facts that everybody knows, recounts every swing, stayed the judges that he appointed looked at the law suits and dismiss them, because there was nothing there ever. Everybody in everybody knows that now everybody knows that he lost the election, accept apparently P. Obviously knows it too, but this this idea that he can never acknowledge that region eve any law see election. I don't see how he thinks that that keeping up that fiction, This is a winning formula for him, because he is certainly not to get those independent voters back now
Not at all and gentle marry. You wrote the book on the big lie, Donald trump still wallowing in the big lie, despite de facto, despite the fact that fox news in the form of bread bear jesting de bound him. Bound. All out of his arguments talked about the federal judges that did it that they found it There was no widespread voter fraud. The supreme court found no widespread voter fraud and, as you it recounts in every swing state. Multiple recounts and again, but telling him this any just looks days and confused and most of those recounts produced more votes for Joe Biden, not donald trump. It is interesting here, accredited bright, bear for the in our view, and if we do, if we should note its immediate story or to the fox news being tough here with tromp, of course, perhaps
we should say impacted because of the seven hundred and eighty seven million dollars. They were forced to pay dominion and there is more litigation coming. So that's probably why they're being a little more careful what they say and not letting trump just run roughshod, but that's just it trump has to running roughshod is used today? the friendly audience, either in the form of a rally crowd or a supportive town, a hell crowd, as we saw it, I'm sure last month or interviewer, who doesn't push him and it was clear, as you got counter punched year, he didn't We have a good answer, so maybe that's a preview just maybe for what some republican kent who would be doing come they. Obviously like. Could this be Chris Christie? Could this be? Maybe it's even governor run since whoever it might be taken to it and it right now it doesn't seem like trump, has a good response. So to your, johnson. Le Maire, my question for you, Joe, is in the primary we were talking about this yesterday when we think about primary candidates who are up against
I to believe that the insurrection and the the Donald trump one election, whether its donald trump himself couldn't primary candidates like is christie. Like the others say. Listen, you don't have to believe the media. You don't have to believe me believe donald trump believe his words and then pick three things. I've picked Three he's not a patriot he set on national television that he would take dirt on a political rival from a foreign later he said that those or his words is a massage earnest think of what he said about it. What is done with stormy daniels? Ok, nobody denies that that happened. He says that a woman where he was fined liable of sexual abuse was now this type and then tells her returning to her face you're, not my type. This is what this man does his work, again and then finally say it he's a criminal, its
but the day, o j is saying about the documents, it's what he's saying about the documents he's saying that this classified information, nuclear no clear information war plans, he sang those or heads those belong to the american people. I plan to follow the law I plan to respect. Women and to respect democratic values. Couldn't that work in a primary against trump? Aren't people tired of him but use his words of everybody else- I I think the others have you talked about which deeply disturbing lenders impeachment, but acquittal. Eventually, the senate, That's what under the bridge for most republicans as one but really was anything well. What do you mean to say? Is you keep it simple as possible so low, clear secrets? He stopped sk. I stole nuclear secrets. He admitted he stole nuclear secrets and you are
I am reminded that he and talk about the the defence, the national security things and he saw new stay on it, but the key is: you always said this going after donald trump. if you're going after any bali or a few going after any- and humbler somebody who's ahead. You can't go half way right, I always I always said in congress- they never say they know, stop you. If you're going ninety miles an hour, it is most of these people running against tromp had been going twelve miles an hour scooter. That's cutting down the street? No, you have to do what it looks like Chris Christy's about to do. Yeah. Don't ninety miles an hour. I go after a hard drive, the train of facts straight straight to him, and you have to keep hammering them on this stuff, because, if you're, my pants
when you go half way, you're going to lose, if you're nikki haley you go halfway, you're gonna lose. If you TIM Scott, you go halfway. You're gonna lose unless you're all running for vice president for donald trump, but he'll. Never forgive you for being naive, percent loyal to him. So even that's a losing proposition so you go ninety miles an hour and you let him hard or you don't on the race I write hold. I just need a willy nilly, so sorry redress really quickly. We know the fbi's I call I mean when other cia sporting, their human being he's in the fbi and the cia, their political but there is no washington post report is deeply disturbing that the department of justice continued to drag their feet. The f b I continued to drag their feet on investigating donald, trump wouldn't even say his name like he was voldemort on investigation into the january sex. The riots whoop the f b, I very reluctant.
To go after these dark sees nuclear secrets very real, very scared to do so again, We know the fbi's political there, their political on both sides, the eye virgilius, republicans the raf so well over the past couple years. They have they have the justice. The f b, I scared of their own shadow. Despite the fact in the twenty sixteen campaign, the new york office of the fbi leaked nonstop against Hillary Clinton, continued leaking trying to hurt her political campaign. You call me, after the fourth of July, in seventy six in two thousand and two in sixteen, I mean call me coming out: I'm actually saying that nobody when indict Hillary Clinton under these circumstances and then in the first of its kind interview by somebody rang the fbi, indicted her politically and attacked her politically and then, of course,
ten days before the rice, even donald trump admitted this is, We want call me insists letter the columbia clumsiest most it was letter. I think we ever seen a ten days before before the election, and so yeah political on both sides, and yet you have the fbi and the justice department. fraid to go after nuclear secrets, afraid to go out That, though, is classified, defend, stockings, afraid even mention Donald trump's name internally in relation The january six investigation somebody over there as to grow a spy, and the irony of this joke is you can listen to republicans on the hill there, basically claiming that the justice department Merrick island? Us are politicizing there d
french and selective prostitution, is a thing or adjourn begged, been playing. The rats and the red sludge been stupid enough to listen to insurrectionists, weirdos freaks and call members who were the rats, who were screaming and shouting out so unprecedented, they haven't also at the end the day out of everything Donald's as bad as the documents are, and I hear ya joe- it is bad. You know all of us who have spent our careers dealing with classified material january. Six donald trump was a direct participant in trying to just undermine american democracy. That is is fundamental as we get in the the air that we still haven't, seen any legal consequences that that back to me is the same The greatest of our mission here that is ultimately the most curious thing. Donald trump tried to do to the united states of america
Why do we handle the single class and argument and understands what the consequences would be if they mishandled a single document. Yet really shocking, including the people who are sucking up. Donald trump still, rubio knows what would happen if he took a box and classified documents home is career, would be over and are you g robinson? this. This investigative article, extraordinary investigative article, was she composed your paper, will give you a final word It's just a larger burgundian. Read this this period steps. You know it's it's it's a long red, but it's absolutely worth it and it is studying the the degree to which they treated doll. Truck with with kid gloves, and did not even this. This idea this this false idea that Joe Biden him and merrick ireland were
raring to go after their political opponent. Donald trump could not be further from the truth. In fact, in fact, the f b I and justice was was comp, was absolutely reluctant or unwilling to to pursue what seemed to most of us like obvious, serious historic crimes that were committed by this man, donald trump and and finally, essentially got dragged into it. And this is what this is. Why tromp republicans have done it's the fire votes, same rational people. Take it for what it is it is harming the people inside the fbi and the justice department were scared of their own shadow, but cause protectionist, weirdos, freaks trop called member we're spewing lies, nonstop again Spilling lies,
so claiming the f b. I had a vendetta against donald trump and two thousand sixteen, when the fbi elected donald trump in two thousand and sixteen so again, I'm not I'm not shocked at their fears, to call that the new york office was all in four donald trump, I'm not chalk, because human beings run those office just like cia human being or in the cia, and there are political weeks there have been four long as these agencies existed. It just happens, but it's very job to play straight to play straight as they possibly can and when you are fraid even mention donald trump name internally,. based on a riot that he started to overthrow. american democracy. Somebody to be talking this morning about what the hell happened so and what they re, the retreating tromp like voldemort and
even mentioning his name while sending working class americans who part of donald trump. Conspiracy jail do they deserve to be in yeah. You beat, did you pay, a hell, lot cops. You deserve! be in jail, but the guy got you there as they sit in front, judges. Those osiers I swallowed goneril trumps, orders that guy it's all right to invest, gave him and you can even mention his name. You wall, melt yeah, he did say, go down there go there through their school hours. You only towards point as soon as we get to four minutes past the top of the hour at its it. here's january sex might be the worst thing that he's done to this country. I guess we could only hope, but you have to keep in mind that he had nuclear secrets. He has war plan he had boxes in boxes of documents, and he knew the government wanted them back. He knew The f b I wanted them back. He knew the deal o j, one of those documents returned the national
archives wanted those documents returned. It turns out documents were highly class. I'd and really important and super sensitive, he knew they wanted them back. The quest I have is what did he do with them in? time that he had the obligatory took so along the way we I don't that we know the donald, making a lot of money from saudi arabia. Somebody. I hardly need to investigate that way. We know that he had it for a very long time. We don't know what he did I do know this so again going back to your question. But what should Donald trump opponents do yeah? They should say for words and put it on a bumper sticker. I put it by me when I spoke in a republican primary. He stole nuclear secrets. Ok, fillet stall, nuclear sacred believe his words,
m in that trunk supported. You don't believe anybody. He admitted it, but they do. You believe. Donald trump is the question. We need to ask them because they don't believe in. Buddy, including donald trump. What exact Do you support introducing carbonic value tracker where you can track your cars value over time and learn what's driving it? It might make you excited low, didn't know my car was value this high in might make you nervous. O markets flooded by cars. Value just did two point three percent it might make you optimistic. I low mileage is paying off our values of, and it might make you realize Second, car prices haven't gone up in a couple of weeks, maybe it's time to sell, but it will definitely make you an expert on your cars value. Carvana value, tracker visit, Carvana, dot, com to start tracking, your cars value today.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.