« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/19/23

2023-06-19 | 🔗

Former allies break with Trump

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Consumers cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up, to have the key, for the same thing, fifty percent, the money for one hundred percent. The same thing hope I make myself clear: consumers cellular when freedom calls were here to answer callers and one eight, eight, eight freedom, half the cost it based on cost of consumer cellular single life. You can buy data plan with unlimited talkin text compared to lower costs. Single line postpone unlimited talk, texan data plan offer by t mobile and rising, may twenty twenty three donald trump, position on them national. Debt is identical to Joe Biden. I've been promises made about draining this law building the wall. Doing all these things you none of that came to fruition, he's a pension, child when someone disagree that is also a fundamentally flawed person who engages in reckless conduct. I don't need to read the indictment or believe it's allegations are true, although I'm pretty confident they are clearly was unauthorized illegal in and then.
I view the serious and disqualifying actually for commander in chief anybody who doesn't want to look at the facts. They should be done aside from running, not just drop? You know somebody those people were at work. That work for him. You had. attorney general you had the national security adviser you and his secretary of defense breaking officials, all republicans, all supporters of donald trump all people then stood by me he'll January, the six they're, the ones criticising not not like left wingers. They were inside and worked with him, and they know exactly what he's about because they ve seen it we're going to have much more of the mountain criticism on the former president and his campaign. Amid a federal indicted among other legal challenges, with the possibility another indictment coming this summer. Meanwhile, one of
new challenges in the twenty twenty four race. Chris Christie dismissed as one of the currencies requirements to participate in debates will show you his comment on that it all comes as president Biden's reelection campaign appears to be off to a slow start, but our signs that it is picking up some steam, will explain good morning and welcomed a morning Joe. It is monday jus nineteenth and with us. We have the host of way too early white has been achieved, that political, Jonathan, le maire president of the national action network and host of suddenly seized power takes nation we're in Dallas sharpened joins us roger chair and the american presidency at vanderbilt university John medium is here and founder of the conservative website. The book work. Charlie sites joins us, we'll get that one s John major, metaphorically john. How are you, how remarkable is it? Did you you again? The pier
criticising a political opponent. It is now progressive democrats? It's not people that served in the obama administration that are out there this week in criticising Donald trump former national security adviser its former. Rotarian defends its is former attorney general, who who was so oil. They him that he was willing to perjure himself in front of the house, and this in a judiciary, committees, No man is a hero to his valet or his attorney general The one thing we there are saying is the People who know the most slowly. saying what, though, what what the
spoken barred. The tough part out loud and the great question the question on which so much of the country's future hangs is to what extent and republicans who see The truth about trump Can they make a difference? and turning a party that has been a remarkable force for good in many many ways it back into a function. constitutionally constitutionally strong and saying it is the beginning, but they ve got to break with, They ve got to make sure that that he doesn't keep when it and that's a very different thing: then saying something on television. And you know, charlie sites, so great tat. So things about a week ago and I believe was made count. Who said
I'm not looking at the paul numbers for awhile to see how donald trump stewing, because they're going to stay artificially high because pulses? call them they're gonna, What simply get in line because of this quote attack I see from the left and then be watching fox news, I'm gonna be watching one republican say about it and by sand standard. If you, if you look at the, other vain. Vice president who started out immediately afterwards saying oh there's a democratic kit. Job is above the law and then suddenly, in the next day, I'm going to pardon ham and then as the next day talk, but how horrible this information was, and the next day saying. Well, I'm not going to our him. Yet I'm going to see what it looks like actually it took him three or four days, but he actually got to wherever you americans should be, which is this looks really bad he's in until proven guilty and why in the world, are we even talking about pardons before convictions? And so it doesn't
if you use that task of not look poles right now, but instead looking at republicans, it is a myth. Bag at best for donald trump, it is- and we don't know where the cumulative the cumulative weight of all of this will make a difference, but that montague pleaded the beginning was really quite extraordinary, because those voices from within the republican party in from within the trump administration saying? Look, we were in the room with this guy this who is this is how house's behaved- and this is where is wrong and we need to move on now. Again, I don't know That's gonna make a difference. It hasn't made a difference so far, but you know to your point. These extraordinary extraordinary moment. No precedent has ever had this many former many members, former top aids people who had been in our inner, intimate associates of his administration. Now coming
in saying this man is not fit to be the present the united states. Now look, I mean a lot of these guys like bill bar. You need a healthy gag reflex to sort of accept him, You know coming from bill bar. This is a truly. This was not on my bingo card for twenty twenty three now that he would be the most vociferous and effective critic of of donald trump. But in terms of how do you break down told on the republican party. I dont know if it's possible or will happen, but it has to be something like this. Other republican saying not really conservative. He didn't deliver his promises and he's a ashland nine year old child What am I Andrew mccarthy saying for national view what you say, right on the headlines and drudge every day white. What your ears from other conservative thought, leaders and and people who have been aggressively anti anti trump shamelessly over the past several years. You look
the national review that turned anti anti trumpism into an art form they're all coming out saying this is much worse than it looks. I have more on these leading republican voices speaking out about the former president and just a moment, but we want to get to developing news out of beijing this morning, where secretary of state anthony blank and met with chinese president Xi Zhang, paying the associated press reports, their meeting lasted roughly thirty five minutes. The apc also sites footage from the meeting released by chinese state media in which chinese president. She is attributed as saying quote. The two sides have agreed to follow through on the com understandings president, by than I have reached in bali, so that tax, meeting taking place this morning, like the very early this morning for us not to let my so for them, but Jonathan
This has been coming for some time, I must say just I've. Been saying this show, since two thousand and seven I think the supremacy of china has been overvalued by americans. I think china is obviously the rising power and we're going to share the world stage with them for the next thirty forty fifty years, certainly art to dominate us, but I also think indeed this talk of this talking of of just absolute collapse in the relationship has also been overstated. Both sides have been jostling for possession binding in far more aggressive he's we done something that everyone Since said, they're gonna do this century's actually done the pivot toward asia strengthening america's positions and guam strengthened positions with our allies in the philippines in japan, australia I mean in a man, of way and obviously that's the push back
other presidents talked about doing, but not from dead. It's what acts Biden has dine, and so that's obviously you can understand from china's point of view, a wrangles fathers, but at this time, Europe today I had a very constructive switches, we need china. China needs us, it's just said simple, whether you're talking the economy whether you're talking about the environment, what four issues you're talking about global, security, we we need each other, so you We see we're talking about some problems that over the past couple of years, surely I'm sure they talked about economic a key issues, military issues and probably close up and undue speculating here, probably closed up with the red sox sweep of the yankees, which everybody is talking about now. That is the top mobile headline this morning, Joe. Yet this of course, is the meeting that was around scheduled for february. That was postponed when that Chinese.
I've learned was spotted over the united states and really tensions. SK lady between the two countries, and they took them several months to get to the point where they could have this, and it was widely expected- the secretary of state would meet with she's in paying at the core. Nation of time beijing, but there was a way to see how his talks with his counterpart of chinese foreign minister first to make sure that didn't devolve like they had done in the past, they went well. Both sides say, and therefore blinking got his audience with chinese prestige and paying the chinese president reference his match with meaning with present. I met the g20 in indonesia last year. There is hope you s, officials tell me that later this far next, this year's g20, the two men might meet again and that certainly not scheduled justin, but there is Joe, certainly there's been a number of flashpoints between these two countries. last year or so, but a year its tell me over the weekend. They do feel, like things are heading in the right direction and, of course, president biden-
as you say, has tried to have this pivot to asia. The worn ukraine slowed that some, but they feel like it is. He is framed his entire on policy as this battle between democracies. No talk season, suggesting, though that doesn't have to be conflict with china, but rather competition and though there are still tension between the pentagon, the chinese military this, but a few moments where the chinese buzz american aircraft or boats recently the sense, the things of cool down just a little, and they feel you're heading in the right direction. Now, what following this and and anymore from the white house on this meaning. We turn back now to a number of former allies of former president donald trump breaking with their former boss, here, is more of attorney general turn general bill bar unleashing a new scathing assessment of donald trump Conduct related to the classified documents case,
it's not a circumstance where he's the victim or that this is government overreach. He provoke this whole problem self. Yes, he's been the victim of unfair, which once in the past, but that does not the eight the fact that he's also fundamentally flawed person who engages in reckless conduct and that leads to situations calamitous situations like this, which are destructive and heard any political causes associated with. This was a case that entirely of his own making? How strong is a special council case on obstruction specifically when it first because a lot of the evidence comes from his own lawyers and, furthermore, there is evidence of him saying things that are completely incompatible with any idea that this was an innocent document dispute to believe you lied to the justice department. I personally believe that, yes, I do.
the legal theory by which he gets to take battle plans and sensitive national security information, as his personal papers is absurd. It's just as wacky is the legal doctrine they came up with having them president unilaterally determine who won the election. as you know, has many good qualities and he accomplished some good things, but the first the matter is, he is a consummate narcissist and He constantly engages a reckless conduct that that puts his political followers at risk and and and the conservative and republican agenda risk, he will
always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country's interests. There's no question about it. This is a perfect example of that he's. Like he's like a nine year old defiant, nine year old kid who's, always pushing the glass towards the edge of the table defying his parents to stop them from doing it. It's a means of self assertion and exerting his dominance over other people and he's he's a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country's his personal gratification of his of his ego, but our country, our country, can't you can't be a therapy session for a troubled man like this. Oh, my god, that's worse than I thought And there are millions of question joe millions of questions as to why you didn't this earlier. Why he actually can tell this story, as he was witnessing it from inside out this? in time. He clearly knows donald trump very, very well, and I guess the biggest take away here
is that this must be so bad. He is nowhere else to go bill bar, but to say exactly the truth. This guy the word who use just toast, but he knew tat. He knew this time. Trumpery word for him, anybody that is for more than five minutes knows that he puts his own interest in front of the interest the country and certainly anybody that worked with him inside the white house- figure that out very quickly, but you look reverend AL at some of these some these words that bar said he's not the victim which of course, vats These snowflakes there's some. snowflake media. It's it's a great ironies projection. Isn't it that that you all of these trappers. They talk about of legs who were triggered. There are the biggest snowflakes ever the victims are the they there demise bye, bye, bye, biographies the bird committee at hand
air in their midst demise abide american trying to protect their nuclear secrets, the victimized by everything in the years bar telling them you're, not a victim. He asked does say he says trump's, very destructive brutal. This is entirely of his own making, which of course, everybody knows it is he lied made more set. He lighted, the justice department and reckless conduct that puts every puts puts his on interest? Is petulant cell interests ahead and that of the countries of the conservative movement of the republican party, the most damning part, but also as the part that that is owing to cause the biggest obstacle for him for staying out of jail. Is apart aware bar said ease. big trouble. He's toast, because
the most damning. Testimony comes from again not left wingers, not democrats, but from his own lawyers No doubt about it, you know we can argue about boss, ve come forward earlier. Why did he come now? Is really secondary to the fact that you are talking about a man. There was the a general under donald trump, making all of these things and saying it unequivocally and really going to the fact that the law has been violated. Will fully by donald trump. His motives are completely narcissistic. He cares little about the country, and I think that this is devastating. I don't care how true
been anyone tries to spend it. You may William bar is the top man in the justice department, not barack obama, not Joe Biden. He was your choice and this is the man dead. who entrusted with the justice department saying this about you, you can't your way around this unfairness, The donald trump these therapy, we was that on our third conversation would Donald trump. That doesn't mean criminal, the rest makes him criminal from here pull over criminal. Allegations at federal level. I mean I don't look there is no value in and looking back and going. Why didn't you? Why didn't you? Why didn't you, whatever you think of belvoir he's clearly doing the mouth here and saying: there's there's no way out and not just ten former defence. Secretary mark esper under donald trump also spoke out against his former boss,
work closely with tromp, I've heard two different theories as to why he had these documents, one from Integration, who said he just. As you know, these are mine and is like a child with a toy and one for micro colony said he thought that tromp had these because he wanted to use them a further his own power or financial being in some way. Why do you think he held to these documents and went to such lengths to us for them to prevent them from being turned over to the government. They look. I think both areas can be and unlike the to some extent, who knows people described them, is a quarter when it comes to these type of documents. But clearly on authorized, illegal and and dangerous waste your experience is working with the trauma and the actions allegedly indictment. Do you think trump can be trusted with the nation secrets ever again. It's done. His actions again, if proven true under the indictment by the special
I also know I mean it's just irresponsible action that places our service members at risk places our nation security risk you, stand the seriousness of this better than than I do why is it. Why is it a risk that a nation's security to have these days, wins lying around mar a lago. Well, imagine if four, agent? Another country were discovered documents that line, America's vulnerabilities or the the weaknesses of the night states military think about how that could be exploited, how that could be against us in a conflict that how enemy could develop counter as yours things like that, when the case of the most significant, Pace that was raised in the allegation about: u s, plans to attack IRAN. I think about it. That affects our readiness, our ability to prosecuting attack, if indeed, we know that iran eventually develops a nuclear weapon and we need to act on it means things affect our ability to effectively execute policy and could also affect again.
The lives of our military members who are sent for to do such type of racial, some quite concerned about this. These are very serious allegations and he'd be taken soon. sleep by everybody involved: Charlie Charlie. This is not anybody. This issue donald trump shows that IRAN, the pentagon rhine america's military, and this is what he said they were like Donald trump did- was unauthorized, illegal and the dangerous. He cannot be trusted with america's national secrets and play Since these actions, if proven true places, servicemen at risk and places, are country at risk again, let me way to not left winger now the democratic, the person that donald prompt chose to run pentagon now saying that he can't be. us with america's secrets, because he will put
service, man and service women's lives at risk. And he's dangerous and when he was asked directly can down from ever be trusted with a nation secrets again. He said no, so that sound by side by side, with with bill bar, is really extra mary and I am out we keep drawing a line under. It was somebody that Donald trump shows he was the secretary a defence. These are the voice, is coming from within the room in many ways is common are more damaging than bar comments, because he specifically talking too well one above down from strength, ledges, that that is in favour of a strong military, that he supports the truth that he supports veterans and their mark esper, saying now this guy actually put them all at at at risk. So again, you know why I agree with make it that way:
We can go back and say you know why didn't you see this earlier? You'd been warned about this, but in the moment were in right now. I do think that is worthwhile emphasising all of these voices coming from with in the administration and end. We know whether republican voters are? Gonna. Listen, I don't know, but this is are more the amid. This is far more damaging than if this critique had been coming from the usual resistance aspects. Amid these are people who served in administration who, at one time he thought wars, trustworthy and we're so reliable that he put them in charge of the most important agencies and the federal government, and now what throwing them a lot about hell bar ass for Chris they're, all going to have to deal with themselves, look in the mirror and figure out why they didn't see say something our, but the fact that are now these the people, the most information
who have seen him as president, and they are saying watch out and by the way we can get into this later. But maybe you didn't just put people at risk and are for policy at risk. Maybe he acted on. Who knows you know who knows what he did? We really don't know with this information and there's no there's no way unfortunate that we can know, because maybe this is The reason why you don't want these secrets outside of a protected spaces in in the governor is because if the possibility that other people can see it, that other people could be led into a go into that room with this rumour that room or you'll find something there You look in this box there, you don't know what way I'm back this does. Presumption that they're just seems this presumption that it's funny that it is through these boxes there and no doubt which was done to America's national security and our credit.
What can we listen? The government would never never make that is of military would never make that sums up what we just hope for the best. We hope that they were just stack there a year and a half, we hope that they were just stand there and knowledge. Anybody. Why? What evidence? We have that actually grey. Damage has not been done to america's national security. There is no evidence of that and, and nobody in america's intel community come to that assumption. I can do a second look at the pictures. They can look at the evidence and see that a crime very serious crimes being committed. I mentioned Chris Christie and a new and our view, former new jersey, governor and candidate for president Chris Christie pointed to the contradiction between praise for the people and his administration when first began and his creditors some of those same people as they want
by one left, the white house either donald trump, if what he said when they left. That means you didn't pick very best people and does it have to pick personnel? If you believe what about what he said at the beginning, the great stuff, then this guy is the worst manager in the house. three of the american presidency either way Republican should Listen to what he says he's a pair one child with someone agrees with them. and I say what we do for the morrow Alex's we should get down. prompts quotes when he's appointing these people in line them up with what they say right now, to show because Donald trump right now just dismiss them as losers. Whatever now that's not said his judgment judgment is absolutely horrific. Give if he believes in fact that there are this. This twisted now John John medium, when I were talking- and you said early on and in twenty sixteen as donald
was tearing the republican party to shreds tearing their public and establishment to shreds this was like a hijacker taking over a plane, and the passengers cheering on the hijacker. excited. At least a few of the passengers now are having second thoughts, but you and I both talk people in the republican establishment we'll say. Donald trump is a threat to the constitution, Donald trump, a threat to national security. Donald throb. His trap is dangerous donald trump, this donald trump that but then I was yeah but will vote for him If he's these denominators, oh, my god, we could never vote for a moderate from Delaware who actually pass more by this legislation than anybody in fifty years and actually pushed back russian aggression and away nobody. Essence. Ronald Reagan, we had never vote for the head guy,
for that very reason that crazy socialist. So there is a growing understanding. John at the same time there are even some respected people in the world pretty hoo hoo some elders in the party who won't come out and say the obvious yeah it's But this is so important a moment, and I am grateful that you put these cliffside because I think it's important to think about the connection between the distance. We still have to travel between a former. Ernie general of former secretary defence of former, would be chief of staff, nor christy seeing what they see saying what they say now and what that view, how bad you can translate a going and monitored
sure the metaphor of the hijacking a little bit right now, the first ass, cabin seems to be against the hijacker, but there's a huge part of the plain that still with him. and that's a hugely that's the hugely important point here. I have a theory. There don't hold me to the numbers exactly, but thirty four percent of the country still supported Joe Mccarthy long after he was censured and fell from power in nineteen. Fifty four, fifty five, thirty four percent, It's not a bad indicator that thirty four percent will believe almost anything the moment. Wearin is shaped by the fact that the thirty four percent has a delta of about fourteen other let me forty seven forty eight process that will do what you're saying that will vote for tromp, because the
the triumph of a reflexively, partisan instinct. I dont have a equally partisan brain. So I don't understand it exactly why you would choose to put the higher constitutional experiment at risk for judges, and tax rates, and this fantasy version of what the democratic party in this case to be, but that's too much the entire work of twenty twenty four is real she just enough people in that fourteen percent in that in the right states and say, look Policy comes and goes the institution has to endure and dad the essential thing that's why? I think, what general I did what esper dead, what were Christy's doing. I think it's really important now
because it's gonna to reach the thirty four percent that that's baked deadened right. I think, but then that for percent, which include the kind of republicans we're talking about you joke before there. The Peter milan vest republicans right right They are exactly right you used to be the duck, a catchy bass conservatives about now. It's totally the peter Peter MILAN vest conservatives and so they want their walks in the? U s, open and think in their silvana vote for tramp the cause of judges in taxes right and bring with it and some again, some sort projection of old view of abiding without taking account of the facts of the matter is, as you articulated, I think, that's it, and I I think that the fate of the republic, in the hands of
don't know the numbers well enough, but probably a million people scattered across five states. and how they vote in november. Twenty twenty four and those are the kind of folks who may in fact listen Do these voices of conversion and, as you know, said before we're in the commission in business, not the condemnation of this I'll always in the conversion, business of John wayne wants to convert on his death bed. If the heavens open up for John wayne, that's what we believe John major, not the preaching, starts another god. Eastern european catholic gets nervous. She doesn't want any evangelical talk in the morning, charlie, really close with foil. Let you go here. I can tell you as a as a as a fellow conservative as a former republican,
Hey I'm sure you like me what our friends, our family, most of the people, we're surrounded with and our neighborhoods. They supported donald trump they're, Republicans they're, not going to vote for Joe Biden the overwhelming majority, I'm curious, which finding. That was john talks about the rest of of the party beyond the first class cabin party, and tell you in my experience, sheer eggs ass. Jim, has said in sheer exhaustion. I dont ivy saint same people who, a year and a half ago before january, the six were all in on trump and would would do it just come at me hard well now volunteer, I'm so exhausted man the sadness, attempts god or somebody else gets it. I'm curious, if you're, picking bad at it with your friends, your family, everybody around
and I think the Jan johns analysis. This is exactly right. Look our right now that it is not a binary choice for them between trump and Joe Biden. It's a choice between more trump and never again, tromp at night- and I think this was on that fourteen percent is crucial because, of course, Chris creasy is not gonna break through to the people who mainline news max or listen to away and or or We owe a tune into steve bands, war, room podcast, but because they know that that is that his unshakeable. But there are these republicans, there are just exhausted who do attention to these voices from inside the room. The more republicans and say: look. We share your values, we want what you want, and this is not the way to get it. You do not want to be like to this guy again, this is
What we saw. This is what we heard, and I do think that these are potentially and I can't make any guarantees these are potentially influential voices for the fourteen percent cent that was just mentioned, because that right now is the crucial our group in the american electorate. I join me and truly sykes. Thank you both very much for being here. This morning we appreciate it and said add. On morning Joe twenty twenty four whitehouse hopeful and florida governor rhonda santas takes a else. Why? But trump in nevada will show you is new remarks about a culture of losing plus present by his re election campaign, taking shape, as and a series of events from coastal caused, what it means for the twenty. money for race. For, white house also ahead the interview with governess,
that is renewing speculation over a potential white house where a lot of people where I've been traveling over That's what everybody says that his hannity interview, it's it's! It's crazy! The number of people who were really impressed by that interview morning job will be right back fire consumers cellular you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers, but for up to half the cost same thing up to half the cost up to have the for the same thing, fifty percent, the money for one hundred percent. The same thing hope I make myself clear: consumers cellular when freedom calls were here to answer callers and one eight, eight, eight freedom, half the cost,
it is based on costs to consumers, cellular single life. You can buy data plan with unlimited talking text compared to lower costs, single line postponed. Unlimited talk, texan data plan offered by t mobile and rising. May twenty twenty three well well well shopping for a car, yet let me finally say your car is smooth. This can be oh yeah. I got pre qualified instantly and had real terms personalized. Just for me doesn't go much further than that. Well, I got to browse thousands of car options on Carbonic. All within my budget doesn't get. Let's say there than it does I actually wanted to It seemed out of my range, but I was able to add a co signer and found my dream car. It doesn't get much so it gets smoother. It's getting delivered tomorrow, visit carvana dot com or download the app to get pre qualified. Today today, making june teeth a federal holiday, wasn't just a symbolic gesture. It was a statement of fact. For this country to acknowledge the origin of original sin of slavery. I understand the war
Was never far over it, it wasn't just a body you did, but it was most fundamentally about country freedom to remember the emancipation proclamation wasn't just a document. It capture the essence of freedom to galvanise the cards. It proves that some ideas are more powerful. They can't be deny its reminder that the problems america's we all are created equal, image of god and we deserve to be treated equally throughout. entire lives. President Biden speaking last week at the white says june team concert today is the federal holiday that honours the day, the last enslaved african americans, the: u s learned, they were free, one hundred and fifty years ago today, soldiers, The union army, rode into galveston taxes and posted a written copy
the emancipation proclamation on the door of a local church, joining us stout, pulitzer prize winning historian and professor at heart, a net gordon rage, she's, the author of the award winning book entitled on june teen than reverend out, you have the first question Give me your, as you know, a one or two things that I think a lot of people miss you deal with in the book- is that if it had not, and for the union army coming in and pulsing it and for in those enslaved call, slavery would have continued, which in many ways, a hundred years later, with the sole rights movement asking for federal intervention. Even now, as many of us with those issues it has always been a battle of the union. Nor the federal government protecting people against states rights, so a contemporary setting, as we celebrate june tv talk about
the policies that we still must extract from that got a relevant today about acting the rights of those enslaved that those that are treated unfairly of those that are treated unequally is party. The lessons of this day is not about just drinking kool aid and celebrate But the website water is a part of it, but it's not the only thing now suppose you would work thinking about making real the kinds of promise of emancipation and what the former enslaved people expected. When slavery ended and the idea was to become a full citizen to have full voting rights to be treated equally, the right to make contracts all protect your family, all of those kinds of things, sort of political and civil civic rights that other american shared. So I would think knowing making real bad. This is something that we are still working on and so
Now, what kinds of policies do think are the most prominent most important ones that are perhaps being overrun overlooked, or even falling back, given the division that we're facing today. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is voting. And the concern about the capacity of all registered people, adults, who are citizens of the states to be able to for their representatives. There are many things I mean we can pick up the economic disparities that still exist and so forth I'm thinking about what the friedman taking all they wanted economic economic equity and they wanted to be able to make it. Think for themselves? They wanted to be able to vote. All of those kinds of things are still pertinent today. let's bring an MSNBC correspondent, remain lee into this conversation remain. You recently visited galveston text. The origin of today's holiday holiday, and what did you find out
That's right, mega, going back to galveston the birthplace of june, teeth talk folks air who said the one thing that was really important. Folks, the formerly enslaved. Among the first thing they did was bible. what's in land as possible community matter, they wanted bill institution institutions and houses, but it was at threat at every turn and even in the contemporary, since it continues to be at risk of losing everything they built. So went down there to talk the folks, those forces that are causing the black me today? I think, listen. you're here on the southwest corner of twenty second strand, whether june to store began. Its been And fifty seven years since the very first jumping celebration here or the island of galveston in texas, where they live. Of america's enslaved black people were finally freed same collins is the culture chair of the juneteenth legacy project at the college church on Broadway, whether union soldiers would have moved to the city and posted what is general another three on a door here,
general order- number three required absolute equality, but for galveston black community equality has been anything but absolute people talk about black walls great and tells her. But there were many community that were successful outside of those stories are places that were destroyed. gauss and was one of those thriving communities. He said loping jobs, a rising cost of living and middle class black folks fleeing forbid, opportunities elsewhere, all drained stewart neighbourhoods and then two thousand eight a near death blow. the black community hurricane ike. I galveston is a soaked and shattered disasters that seventy five percent, of gallons houses and other buildings were taken out by the storm, including Nearly six hundred units of public housing, the prime really black residents who live there, no choice but to relocate between two thousand. thousand ten galveston.
Population plummeted by thirty, seven percent the city, was eventually forced by the federal government to bring some public housing units back then came the pandemic struggling families dislocated galveston drew in wealthy investors, so many of the homes that used to be If I buy black families, are now short term rentals black families moving it. No, I I I have almost never heard of any black families moving in at all generations of june pulleys family grew up in most in this century old clapboard house by the gulf can eyes this front. Porch, yes, says the fight, porch of where we are now. This is my great. Father Ralph Albert sculled, who was five, The year of june, thirteenth folks used to come this place, island of color, a name- that's he's with time. I guess what is at stake is just the preservation of this very important history.
They made homes for themselves, they educated themselves they fly and organizations. I want to bring back the dreadful having some having employees on the island At the time resident, anthony griffin is breathing new life into old black galveston. We want to precaution of development, their price, a hotel on the other side of the street. We all three or four locks on the other side he's in spain by up is much land is akin to house play families still fighting for the true freedom that was promised if you don't Economic opportunity dont online. If you not able to but Hey fully in the american dream, you can't ever have absolute equality, make it despite every this committee is going through. They are resolute and strong and trying to make sure they hold want to everything they built over the years, but because these forces these natural. These natural forces folks are running, but their stand. Strong, meagre
emerson busy correspondent remain lay. Thank you so much for that report. We appreciate it and let let's talk a little bit again just to the history behind the I loved your balkan and precise loved you're you're what sort of ambivalent relationship with taxes is that, like VON there's, a lot of the south? I hate this out. What is it just so fascinating about how you you really love Access you identifies tax as attacks, but then you look back at a word. happened, then what's happening now, and it is very, very complicated relationship you ever that state it is an island, I'm actually in austin. Now, and two hundred three degrees, though, is quite complicated we worry in it. It's a complicated situation, because texas is where I grew up. I
I went to my parents loved me, my brothers, my grandparents, I think, of community and family when I think of texas. That's what draws me to the place, but I know that there are lots of problems and sir, made the country is aware of texas is problems of this in the news quite a bit, but I just have hoped or at a minute segment that you did before. Will you have the floor? send who's. Taking measures to try to build economic strength. In gaol. Bustin, who hasn't liven up, hasn't given up, hope and wants to do something similar. Unity is very heartening to me, and I love to see that kind of thing against the background. It is so so remarkable that when we think of the end of the civil war, we think about april of eighteen
sixty five. We think about Maddox. We think about- and everybody considers at the end, but is, as you write and as you explain, there are a lot of people across the south a lot of slave holders in texas that did not want to give human beings as their property. Now it was their property. They had come to taxes from georgia alabama in other places, tried to make sure that they would be in a place where they could safeguard their property rights, but his property, you and me thanks and they didn't want to give up. So there was recast transmitted what we're thinking about one of the things that their alluded to in the the segment before is the fact that no slavery ended, but that didn't end the nose a racial hierarchy, and so there were people before labour, zoo, enacted violence and put in place measures that were designed to keep black people as near to
Labour is possible source. There was a continuing struggle. It was into something, but it was the beginning of of something else that is black people's attempt in texas to make better lives should themselves I'll ride and that Gordon raid is always Avignon thanks. So much for being here. Coming on one morning, Joe great to see you, two republican senators are coming to Donald trump's defense in the classified document case, wonder who they are we're going to debunk their claims. Just to ross following the latest out of beijing, where a second I stayed anthony blanket, has just wrapped up meetings with chinese president shades paying morning Joe is back in just a moment.
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then a roaring mcelroy, whose nine year major championship, drought continues. Clark also became too only the fourth player in the past, one hundred years to win the? U s open after making the cut for the first time in the story is mine and patenting is not passed away and fifty fifty four sleeved massillon sir, and and told them to play here, and he definitely took her and he said he said he carried that with him on. day, what a day lorry at great wrong and that this couple of easy putz along the way that could have made a difference, but very exciting tournament. I just wish Jonathan wellmere Eric things turned out differently out up in bed. I spent this weekend because
fraid to quota boy, yamaha yamamoto I'm really. I fear that all we done is awaken. weeping jain and filling with terrible, all the yankees are probably gonna, beat us by thirty games this year. I don't have it about a sweeping. I don't talk, about a switch the yankees. It makes me very uncomfortable because you know they're just beat, as will I going worse. Series- Jonathan it does like any celebration, is tempting fate. I agree with that, but the red sox look days from london knew where the double that's true make the red sox whet the double hatter. Yesterday they swept the series against the accuracy and there being the yankees five out of their first six games. This shared out we clear that yankee live is not the same. Without errand are they really didn't hit, but the red
We had a knack for they came through in the clutch a few different times. They got some good pitching from first I'm all season flash some leather joe. They they there the word is catches yeah. One, the worst events leading to this point, but they make great the great catch doran there in the trying with a bow? If catch a much, I've ever seen that before us- or at least we have this- this one shiny, mama Joe it'll, be fleeting this'll, be this literally of joy. We pass soon, but at least we had your father's taste, we again What we're like yeah father's day, what is it What is seven year cicadas? What is at nineteen is whites more than a jackie seventeen years, seventy seventeen seven years, but you know the old saying that even a blinds I can find out not once in a while this weekend found three our rights introducing carbonic value tracker, where you can track your cars value over time and learn what's driving it, it might look you cited low, didn't know, Michael
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.