« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/17/21

2021-06-17 | 🔗

President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin emerged from their meeting in Switzerland on Wednesday projecting optimism for future relations despite continued divisions on thorny topics from cyberattacks to human rights abuses.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It was important to meet in person can be no mistake about or misrepresentations about what I wanted to communicate. I did what I came to do nothing One identify areas of practical work are two countries can do to advance our new your interest and also benefit the world to communicate directly correctly as United States or respond to actions that impair vital interests? for those of our allies and three clearly lay out our countries, priorities and our values, so we straight from me when you, President vitamins message to the world following his summit with delight, food and when pretty well Joe or live here. Washington? Why aren't you come in and join us
welcome sweet outward garage morning. I will not say June seventeen July, which will lay, and me we have my god. Why does more for the press, JIVE Willowmere wet. What time did you land last night? We therefore one got back from eleven o clock. Sounded a couple hours sleep happy to be here this staying away from anything that looked like it could be t? Russian is no, sir. Are you feeling everything good? I am tired of vine, so rely hamper Geiger counter materialise. We do you guys counter Willie, you saw the picture sir Day, five Russians on one red Sox fan and you know it s kind of like when I saw the picture. Do we have that picture of selling when they saw the picture that there are five five rational named eager coincidence,
all of them, and they were like. I just can't tell me eager so do I was kind of life there, the sea in the museum Batman with christian bail, where they have to separate them from all the prisoners, because beating Imala, but now they they dig that new world. Are you needed to be removed? Jonathan day was transmitted, loosened the way at least surprising pro gr you take for making this a relic rejected little mere back and one do such great Washington. Where is the World NEWS America catechised with as well? I jumped then you're. Yet when I say willingly, nets windows live really talk. Look, let's be honest. here is a rather see caddy anyway, so that was probably right? Call by Mister Berwin Jonathan describe dipping his shoulder into five russian security officers. He wasn't kidding based that paragraph and
Obviously, in Helsinki, Jonathan asked the question of President Santer. Excuse me with Putin standing there, and I think it's fair to say, say President Putin may have recognized you when you stepped into the past. that was the special train. Their did Shaq questions at him yesterday to about electing the volley. Why was afraid of him? Why? What do you do if Ukraine or join NATO he stared at me been did not respond and then sent his friends there to get me out of the room, which was truthfully a heated seen. So my colleagues were knocked to the ground as we just just yesterday, not not the entire, be U S. Principle was able to get inside that room in a sort of it that phrase it set a set of tone for that day. Do reflected the tension that had been surrounding that summit. Since it has been announced- ok, ok here also with us for
the prize winning historian Rogers Chair and the american presidency at Vanderbilt University. A matter lies wrapped up, but he was wrapped up at a Kentucky. Fried chicken joy, in Nashville. Yesterday John Mitchell occasionally Officially advises President Joe grave. I envy you yeah this morning. President Biden, this back at the White House this morning having wrapped up his first. sees trap as commander in chief the eighth day: tour across Europe culminated with a face to face meeting with Vladimir Putin. The president said the talks were positive, while Putin called the mating destructive. It is clear, however, that divisions remain on issues such as human rights, its and cyber warfare rush? denied recent attacks on the United States and instead accused the. U S of being the, are just cyber aggressor, the issue of
trust also came up when Putin was ass to be trusted, Joe Biden, he said, There was some quote some spectre of trust: here's how answered that question this. Not about trust. This is about self interest and verification self interest. That's it is about. I virtually almost anyone, then I would work an agreement with an affected the american people's interest. I dont say why trust you no problem, I see what happens this is about this is about how we move from here, This is I listen to again. Giving? Unfortunately, President Food Press conference was- and is he pointed out- this is about practical, straightforward, no nonsense decisions,
We have to make her not make we'll find out within. Six months to a year, whether or not we actually have a strategic dialogue matters. For example, I talked about the pipeline that Cyber hid for five Do you know their rights and were hidden United States? I look How would you feel. if read somewhere took on the pipelines from your oilfields said, it would matter. I made it clear that we will not tolerate attempts to violate our democratic sovereignty or stabilize our democratic elections, and we would respond the bar wine. Is I told, president food that we need to have some basic rules of the road that we can all abide by Also said, there are areas where there's a mutual interest for us to cooperate for our people russian and american people, but also for the benefit world and the security of the world. I also,
We know that no presently United States could keep faith with the american people if they did not speak out to defend our democratic values. To stand up for the universal and fundamental freedoms at all, men and women have, in our view, that this part of the dna of our country. How could I be the prey? of the United States of America and not speak out. Guess violation, even right, Sir John, what's inside just looking at yesterday, let's look at what's happened over the past week for small The special relationship that there the meeting early on then G, seven, then NATO and then the Putin How is the White House feeling about what they ve accomplished this
last week. Was it a success? They feel it was success. Aids I talk to over the last week or so overseas on various fights air force, one I do feel good about where they were. They were builders of feed. The trip had a theme to end. It was much about messaging, as it actually was about an extra to live all they want is to a signal that the? U S? once again, a dependable ally who could be trusted by its european partners Actually, the world knows that was a thing that we that you seven this meetings with more shots, NATO and culminating with this summer. Yes, replied reboot, they want to establish first, the hake we have is Eliza. Yet we may not agree, however, that- and we saw some differences, certainly on how to handle China. They want to be unified front going to that Putin lives. Be the how it goes well here, I'd collar abiding working It was in December in a good mood. At the end, the end of the summit ended, the wakening feel lucky accomplished. He did he did this and it is a crying out overseas traffic that are hard. Look,
pursue were founded by the end of it. There were moments. Of course. They even with these paths, schedule where the present looking up and military seventy years old, but he also he look here. Look at you. He felt they felt he was doing so with Putin using command. They. They like just for once the new conference, despite he demanded. whatever briefly at one point, to show that in a little yeah she apologized for, but now they feel like he's good, and he was welcome back by with its european allies, you're, so relieved that he wasn't his predecessor. John means is executed really well in terms of how they laid everything out. Yonder Joe Biden by demonstrations come under criticism brave a meeting with let a mere Putin and of course that's just happens at whatever presents going to do there going to be questioned on whether their making the right move or not. I just I just got to say if it I'm looking at every thing that happened, starting the special relationship, contrasting that with Donald
regularly insulting tree some may going on the g7, contrasting that, with Donald Trump, constantly being an irritant asking were VLAD is why is this a g eight? Why aren't we inviting the Russians and instead the Jesus? could focus on how they were going to push back on russian aggression. Are, you to NATO. Donald Trump, pushing people out of the way to get to the fight. Again, it was me of a collective effort between all of the NATO partners. It has been traditionally and then, of course, the meeting with Russia I've been going back through my mind, maybe maybe come up with better weak and american diplomacy overseas? Over the past twenty years, the twenty four century. I've been trying to figure it out over the past, twelve hours. I can't think of a more
successful diplomatic trip in the twenty first century than this one simply because we finally did the basics. We weren't going around talking about wars. We were starting a war that we orient we were nailing down or special relationship. Our genes, Relationships are NATO relationships, and then going as United free World to Vladimir Putin. I think it's does right. I think what President Biden still here is watching far was the right out of debt AIDS is the young Germans and upon Relations Committee being vice president and of having a really it's always in two right sense of what diplomacy is I've e defined it? Your sdr called it's a science of human relationships and
doesn't mean what we say. Was it say our line get in a room with somebody. We can always make a deal. They also from the thing to say right now The interesting thing here is not binding, Diplomacy was about The nation and the alliance, not himself eyes is talked about. the audit diplomacy is extension. personally measures by other means, you didn't know, mean leader, leader salon. as nation. Inside act according to self interest Nations are collections of people or in an autocracy. The manifestation of one will end up when decision, so this that to me as though there was news had to tributaries meeting president talking about how Our values are that's. Why
tributary. The other was. This is a very practical man who, believes in these ideals, who believes that diplomacy, our work. As you say, it's meeting details I just keep plugging, and there was this might be interesting. My inside watching the Prescott precisely was there was a kind of over three in his prose. that makes sense, not literally experts will just the home was straightforward and baby so straightforward. Can an elevator You know there was a moment two guys during the press conference of President Putin, where he invoke January. Sixteen, both the black lives matter movement when he was ass, I'm a b c news reporter about his crushing of political opponents. Here's President Putin If I may serve
The list of your political opponents, who are dead, prisoned or jail is long. Relaxing of Awning organization called for free and fair elections and end to corruption. Russia has outlawed that organisation, calling it extremists, and you have now prevented anyone who supports him to run for office. So my question is, Mr President, what he's so afraid of its like prohibited. Do not prohibit it from working. They can continue to operate foreign agents and told me to stop operating if its, if they are extremists in nature than that's another issue which they organisms that you mentioned has been has publicly called for mass disorder. You didn't answer my question, sir. If all of your political opponents are dead, in prison poison. that send a message that you do not want a fair political fight, although that will cover reviewed earlier. As for
What who is killing whom thrown in jail? You actually come to a decision what came to the? U S, Congress, a political choice Four hundred people people criminal charges placed on them? Catty k it so interesting, the watch? importantly just doesn't have to face questions like this, obviously at home. So by doing that press conference, you is facing western journalists, organ ask questions and ask follow up questions, but the term What about ism maybe has been over use over the last couple of days, but it's exactly what President Putin was doing comparing January six in the book. lives matter, movements to the murder of political dissidents, to the jailing of Alexey Navarro me, and then look it's possible look Putin believes what he is saying. But when you watch him in a situation like that, he seems you're gonna master of the arts of disinformation and of lying frankly that you kind of he knows he's not telling the truth. He knows we know he's not telling the truth, but he's Putin
so you can get up with get away with it by standing up that the trunk with what about him is that you can never win at that game, because, but there was some pressure on Fire then to respond to that in his press conference and he did too, but that that there was no comparison, that war, criminals who came to Capitol Hill Putin, turn around and say yes, but Novotny under our noses criminal as well, so you can escalate and it doesnt really get. You verify the the effective thing about it: happened yesterday between these two men was that by did have a chance to go in there and say this is what we will no longer tolerate, particularly on the cyber front proscribed so saying yesterday. It's not very satisfying to think we don't know the answer yet about whether this was a successful summit, but we do but we will know, is in a month or two whether those attacks have diminished then yeah. That meeting in Geneva will have been important
is that meeting in Geneva will be important and again I want to follow up on on. Why John meets him said, and what we are saying before is that there was actually some poetry in his prose. He did this trade for a way out. What will put it, where low mere, and I can now can't can can- Ellie, figured out tat. He had a lot of singles ate it for the fence. He did what he you didn't do an ally just can repeat this again, it bears repeating, and maybe people are tired of hearing it, but it ain't nothin. to get the United States of America, and on the same page, because a view caddy I'll, say it again, and some people said. Why does he say this area because we overlook it as we brush aside the EU like Europe as one stop would say what chocolate makers and clock makers or whatever. But if you
combined the United States GDP twenty one trillion a year and that you and Great Britain's gdp about nineteen trillion. That's funny a trillion dollars of power. That's food, a trillion dollars of leverage. That's forty trillion dollars being able to be invested against a country in Russia that has a gdp of point four trillion, and even China, nor has it p fourteen trillion yourself when you weren't, you think that team together I'm sorry I mean we can understand this too that's going. The avenger together, like buying rallied, he's, posse exactly
did you go over a year and we we ve gone from the Red Sox to marvel to John Wayne. I do a little bit about culture and take it when you can't- and he has a playbook here. He did it with China to remember that very first trip that blink. And Lloyd Austin made together. They did exactly the same thing: they went through Asia, they went to South Korea, they went Japan and then they met the Chinese right and that's what Biden did this time around? He went new showed the united front of that is a much harder thing for Russia to take on four pollutants take on men, and I think we need to give this. He painted this kind
he painted a vision of democracy through out. This trip has something to offer, as opposed to Persian saying, there is no happiness in life. Only a mirage of Mariah there's that, should you run a lot of really is not quite jeffersonian medium about Bulgaria, life, liberty and the illusion. That was really sequencing in this trip and term suddenly note that not just the build up and whom we met with before he went to meet, face to face with Vladimir Putin, but even the sequencing of the Putin event itself Putin arriving first putting him that completely different position than it has ever been in before, where, quite frankly, if Biden was late, Putin would have had to wait so it was perfect because Putin got there on time for the first time actually because he realized the only way this gets going. Survey shows up, but then you pull doubt align I mean
You get a sense of what happened in that meeting. If, in the press, friends job. Evans has our President says reporters, how would you feel if ransom, where violated Europe oil fields, that this is what he said to Vladimir Putin, but he's saying to Vladimir Putin? Does what he told the press? They said. Can you what he was saying in their it's. Quite frankly, you wanna talk about cyber. We can we can. We can combat where we can respond in a big way and how we feel if we did write and certainly a lot And rightly so, that importance used converts afterwards, the what about isn't the did the excepting no responsibility for the mouth fees and strive by Russia or not or you host, groups or the government itself and in their pressures, are put to the present. Will how can you be sure, you ve setting there today changes in buying level is, I don't know yet we'll have to see, but the mess was delivered inside that ruminates highlighted afterwards to and indeed point that lie say, look the! U S
not just gonna sit back. There will be consequences button to my question him in his compensated election. If only died there would be caught, whence it if he gave a list of off limits for structural projects that states where, if a ransom, where attack, what hit these there would be consequences and certainly meagre the hint there the russian oil fields and wake Veda NEWS comes annual financial really knows it was a pity. It was a very clear message and he said to the present prudent look. How would you feel if this were to happen in you country in Britain and binds recounting Putin said that would matter. This is a significant moment. Time, welling, you know Jonathan Le Maire, though in another understatement from President Putin. Yesterday he said, President Biden is very different from President Trump and so much of this trip from the very beginning from that. First stop to two days ago, where the present landed a base. I spoke to merit
In truth about the need to restore faith in democracy that we stand on the edge of something we need to step back from that there's a moment in history to save democracy was about making the case or America as contrasted to the previous four years. So in that regard, How did he do John H him? Well, the fitness of this presidency. At the weights emerged is this: is democracy versus autopsy, an autocracy form both at home, and so you, Chinese Communist Party, Lattimer food needs oligarchs, insurrections January six, those suppress the Santer listen up. There is a connection. The american way, in those forces, and so my own view la again, is that basically, almost
anything. The president does is going to be you all and understandable in this frame. Does it strength it does something he wants to do once the country to pursue desert strengthen democracy? chronic institutions, then under prolonged assault, explicitly don't you you're sitting. Aren't you near the capital? You know you can't walk to the cap, open leave that studio and go over there because of the financing and the soldiers That was the legacy of the previous administration. What I think Does it binds doing what country voted for last alone? wise, not theirs. Turn the normal see not this. Since our restoration, as though there some deep state establishment that is coming handicap to calm things down, it's not that I think we saw that with good bye
one of my reactions to the president is now almost I'll percent. Of what miracle correctly on this is, Ninety percent of Biden is pretty much out there on the. I suspect that divide. Language. We saw a lot words. I bet ninety percent of that was what he was like behind closed doors I said before by lack of down iceberg, you see Mostar. This is a bad thing for this now, and I think that is an interesting far I think, is an interesting way of thinking about it if you want to know where to thinking just listen right. Having now and any, We had lost his temper there the end so bad, but Buddy Clarabella, that's the kind of thing Ford narrowly, we all know this
muttering about in the cabin on earth. Was right, daddy, never asked you know they made me that's wrong question! You know why? Don't they bodily understand what he didn't the cap on air force, one in front of the world and, I think part is being seventy. Eight years old, I don't know it's it's it's the now filled the presidency I like it is proved that I'd some are going to the night you Thirty's appropriately. This is also covered by May well be yeah, he shows up, he does well, these shows up as opposed to Baby Babe Ruth saw a lotta tickets it was highly dramatic. Bulgaria got, it does not think there might be their mates. Me either in the wine. They were afraid of ourselves and we will even say, is red Sox fans they're, both pretty girl.
are you gonna call me Jerry, Garcia. Frankly, I'm good, in his leg is not bad. The Lou Gehrig of the financial Times Idlers rights, their buying politely reads: Riot ACT, do Putin S at less rights in part, do we measure whether Biden is making progress with Putin. Mostly my thing: that do not happen such as first, russian incursions into Eastern Ukraine, support for international piracy and the long gravity of Alexei. Nobody, sense of being cyber attacks on the. U S would be another benchmark. More ambitious one would be the weakening Russia. China ties the late is being presented suddenly pronouncing. That's how you say a former Eu Us national security. They are described it as the alliance of the aggrieved
adversarial. U S. Relations with Russia could loosen the Moscow Beijing Embrace, though that would be a vote. a long shot for that being Barton must make do with me. This contrasts compared to Putin's twenty eighteen press conference with Trump when the russian later could not contain his smirk bill, solar press conference in Geneva seemed notably Dude, and I will say that he seemed physically. This is bottom reboot and a little bit like a little on edge and a little uncomfortable and a little smaller. He didn't seem like he had the upper hand all your revenge within every answer was January. Six, I would say neither would turn to mere say such things about President Mr Barroso Use video Vladimir Putin events that he doesn't? He doesn't feel defensive, heeded
feel honoured. That is not him. He's comparable All he's doing is and I'm sure President Putin would take this as a compliment is a shark, and waters looking for weakness and victims, and that's that how he looks at the world. These constantly is a KGB agent very good at what he does carry. He looks for weaknesses. He knew we had weaknesses and Donald Trump. That's why you couldn't in a smart he had for Whatever reason he had no respect for Brok, Obama treated him with contempt Eve even just visually constantly slob, showing an absolutely no respect, George. W Bush. He didn't think too much and George W Bush either, obviously, which was ended all across the world. With with he has first present
but he understands he's. Gonna professional has been on the world stage for forty years, and also professional who's. Not distracted by more in Iraq, an ongoing war in Afghanistan, chaos across the globe, yeah we're meets him said about the inverted iceberg and that's what Biden is I mean, So what you thought of cutting the shop Nobody sees the fin run. Turkey is an unlucky, lies and lies and lie. So we don't know if anything he said to Biden yesterday, he will take. to Moscow unemployment. We don't know that you're right. We have to this. That, as we know, it sounds factory, but we have to see. We have to wait to see the proof of this, but there is something about the fact. The Biden has an incredibly experienced team. He is a very experienced diplomat here decided to make a wall against pollution as opposed to Trump and maybe Biden benefits from the chaos
tromp and the inadequacy of trumpets are the building diplomatic wherever he goes. He goes to Great Britain, and there like, thank God, we have a guy who's. Not can actually went so price, whom he goes The g7 I wanna keep the queen waiting bacteria and I'll stay at the front of work in front of them. The Jeez sat. Then again, you mentioned the European Union and I think that better the trip was slightly overlooked. The European Union is critical to America on a lot of fronts at the moment, particularly in a way because Britain is no longer in it, but it's the European Union is gonna, be dealing with China. The European Union is going to be dealing with Russia. The European Union there's gonna, be dealing with climate change, a hugely important partner for the United States. At the moment, a Bible get that because he knows, because he's got a team around him. Who knows that I remember having a meeting a jar cushiony very early on in the trunk administration and cushions ain't me. Well. We think that we can fix Middle EAST,
peace, because my father, nor is a great negotiated just because of the character of the guy, we're the hubris in it. The innocents tips oddity of it, that one person could fixing binds team the opera yeah? He likes personal relationships, but he knows how you get things done and that's by building alliance that you also wonders rounds, jump Willowmere, there's, history, there's diplomatic! Israel is the one thing that the trunk team They had a belief that history began on January twenty of twenty. seventeen they didn't have to. Well. The history can have contempt, they would say repeatedly. When you talk to them off, they were so smart, wise breathing in such a mess we're going to do everything differently by his team connected with his three binds team understands history: fines Let me God Joe Biden was around the creation of the EU he's seen the successes he seeing the failures. He knows. What's this
the word he knows how to exploit it, for you other states best interests just like hey. He knows how to exploit these special relationships, the G7 for America's benefit, instead of just looking at these, these things going what's costing us by an understanding what they can for us, what we can do for them right trump. These relations is zero. Some heavy a winner, a loser, binding that one of the things the trip was: okay, we can off profit together. We can benefit this. Other heaving, Esther ISA look. I would like to ask people to do well that is good for them, but also good for us, in recap, my message to vladimir- and so there there's instantly and his allies. There was a going from sop to stop. The summit to summit on this trip a palpable sense of relief from these european allies of western democracies that there was a new president now there's some concern about what could come next year, s time, if by Mr Harbour, aberration or Trump is the Aberdeen. Certainly, some european allies are concerned that in four years that might be retorted Trump or something like a trump ism. That's a concern
that that is still worry, but they bring ices someone in this this process and when they can deal with some one day they do felt. They can trust. Me understand history One of these alliances, the Prime Minister of ITALY, he said like look just make it happen- sequencing weren't, where which President Biden, first trip it was here, was the UK to meet with us. We're was present trumps first trip and he let the question on Answer- but we all know where it was, it was Saudi Arabia that was president trumps first foreign trip with very different message in fee to that administration. this was binds trying to suggest he said at the time I'm again America is back and said. at the very least, there's a sense that this is now someone who can be predictable and someone the Europeans hours can deal if we know what Vladimir Putin is going to do moving forward. We do now. that we have tightened Our relations with our allies and
that's all that was accomplished, fats and going on this trip. That is a great success that we have to show it had on morning. Chow coming up will be joined by three members of Congress, Republican, Adam Kin, thinker and democratic Alexandria, Cassio, Cortez and sets more plus former secretary stay Madeline, all right as our guest. Also this morning, a GEO p Congress when is facing criticism, including from fellow lawmakers. After refusing to hands with a police officer who protective that capital bring the January sixth insurrection watching morning, jail we'll be right. Back
our world is facing some big challenges: Chuck Jawed breaks them down a deep dive into a new topic instead of covering all the stories, we're gonna cover one single subject, impacting american politics, exploring explaining the critical issues that affect our future made. The press reports pursued season. Two are now available on demand on God. What is missing mean asked the simple question meetings in the what matters to them and why? Let us be clear: it is about fraud, work
angle, Sir Knight errant MSNBC with special coming a question of forward, and specifically, are you going taught me three or process care about you fun? If no now, when and if not us, repress them and if what you did covered doesn't match your expectations can in fact Jack this forest. Keep asking yourself hard questions, confident, not be tough on the answers. It's just not true fever facts over conspiracy. What should american citizens know relying on experts not influence? They are now going to debate it again and vote again. Interest standards over here said at MSNBC. This is what we do in this area. Well, there maybe help on Capitol Hill for Democrats sweeping voting rights legislation Senator Joe Mansion of West Virginia, the only democratic, not sponsoring the bill has
outlined a list of policies he would like to see in order to support. It a memo circulated by mansions office. He is asking for several change. as to the fore, the people acting making election day a public holiday banning partisan gerrymandering by using computer models instead and require voter I d with alternative forms of proof of identity. The Washington reports mentions memo. Also sketches out. Several provisions that have historically been opposed by most Democrats include. putting backing and idee requirement for voters, and they, of local election officials to purge voter role is by using other government records. Joining us now and we see no capital hold her spot in a host of way too early Casey Hand and NASH, political report or for the russian posts breaking news team, Eugene Scott joins figure overrun with us and
Casey? You know, there's been sort and reporting and and also the complaints from Democrats just spend that management going now. No doubt about that now when, in fact He's been developing this last about HR one for a long time. He told structure are a long time ago. Does everyone ass. These ways you stop any. I understand it's a wish list and that's cool, but if you want, I still get a bypass indeed we have worked he's doing the same thing on infrastructure is doing the same thing on air single bill- and this is all Joe Mansion now, because men speaking as we all set on the show for a lot of other Democrats You don't want people in their state to know that their not being Billy following leadership, bright foes Democrats that have to worry a little bit more about the progressive base. The democratic party which germ pension really happening. Holler ensues when open. takes as local Donald Trump. One was
junior by sixty nine percent, most protract state and in the entire union you're actually right and we look the voting rights among a much more sceptical about it. I mean that list is gonna, be a non starter for the congressional black HAWK ass. It does him to say, hey civil rights groups on listening to you? Trying on this structure is going to put him on the spot next week when he puts that he's, making moves. Put it on the floor. Infrastructure I think, is a completely different situation, and I I think that there is a point potentially we're mansion get so frustrated with this, but it with Republicans it that You know he may he may actually move, and I think that gives him some additional power here in the situation concerning saying behind the scenes about the filibustering about a lot of this legislation is. Is it is a little bit different than what he says in public what what it is in. There was actually linked audio. They came out where he said that he would go along with some.
filibuster changes that would make it easier for Democrats to get. either it was sixty, are, I think, in the audio tape it was I who flooded Fifty five idea- it's just it's been floated at generally unites it's one of those ideas. It's been out in the ether bit ly, Brides Rousseau, this review at the end of the day. It seems like a gene that mention is going. I'm gonna give Republicans every last chance I'm gonna shack and see for going to operate in good faith, he's already checked, which Mcconnell off list because of the January six Commission for him he said I can make a deal with him. I'm gonna go when works right with Republicans. I mean it seems to me that mansions again, bending over backwards Republicans. But at some point here
get what he wants. He is- and this is important because, as you are, no matter has been the target of so much criticism from the left and what he has to prove to people and his party is that it just SAM. It's actually people right of him who are making it very difficult for things to move for so many things that Republic has upset if they want to see Voting rights legislate register legislation. He is gone forward, output put forward them still not come on board with him. It's gonna Can I give him the opportunity, should I say to say it's not me: it's the really Folk Casey Obviously this is not going to be announced, are not just for some of those democratic groups you mentioned, but also for Republicans, where Mitch Mcconnell and Republicans has No way to ass one and he's also call the job. Rights voting act. necessary. So if the idea for senator, manages to get Republicans on board. What exactly is his strategy here to do that? But only if you look at this list,
It includes some things like voter idea, for example, and the idea that you could remove voters from the rules by using other government databases mean those are more publican ideas. Those are thing that Republicans of combatants at heinous would make voting more secure. If they're gonna come out and say: okay, well sure we will take your two things that we like, but will it work to oppose it anyway because of some of these other things that we don't agree with a public holiday, for example, making it easier for people to vote in general. Then you're, really setting them up to to demonstrate the obstructionism right that Democrats are focused on when it two Republicans and how their handling this administration and the democratic would you It is so I'm curious to know what is he doing? That is more focused on Republic ends is? Is this really actually because he is under pressure from from Democrats from his own party, because again this such an emotional and really fundamental issue, especially for these these civil rights groups that the women
dont totally understand about this is that the Jerry gerrymandering, questioning that something that Democrats want what you say. To use a computer to do it and what that effectively does is potentially threatens a lot of african american lawmakers, a black lawmakers in Congress who have frankly a ton of power in the House of Representatives and who fought really hard to have districts drawn to make sure that they were represented by somebody who reflect popular Mary higher. Also, though, the most re, easy gerrymandered districts, Anti Roma and by the way, I'm Amy. I understand there really powerful member said. Oh crazy gerrymandered seats. you just look at the state of Florida. You know what that does. That gives them as one seat gives begins five seats around, and so I understand what the purpose was, but too
road to Hell. I think my grandma, I would say, is paved with good intentions and that vows gerrymandered seats that guarantee that one black representative, we'll be that once it has ended up most likely hurting Democrats in the long run closure. taking all of those Democrats out of other states. I want. Can we put up the list of four again in genoa, through these really quickly with because this is this is Actually, I'm always arguing for a fifty fifty Congress because make election day a public holiday Democrats, look very bad, partisan, gerrymandering, Democrats, love that require voter. Eighty actually, a very popular. If you look at where that stands with Americans, most Americans want that right right. That's a very republican proposal allow for maintenance of voter roles,
Joe mentioned a lot of others or psych, wait, wait, don't you perch voter roles every few years it seems like that, would make a lot of sense, but that something else at the Republicans one. That is a fifty fifty proposal there. It is- and I cannot bear to think that some of this is about mansion, defining his legacy. People want to know what his future plans are, and he doesn't go out with the criticism is currently facing. Many people are asking: what is he really about? Is he really with the Republicans? He is a Democrat whose which democracy is representing- and I think when he can make these things are very clear. The way he is now he's trying to tell people face of the issue, that matter most to me, they met a most some many of the people that I represent at your point. They merit Americans on both sides of the. In some cases you know John leads him mansion I mean everybody. Eleven, the eggs and twitter everybody wants everything resolved in fifteen minutes. it's been doing this a very long time. It's all right.
taken a long time to get things done until now, though, couple years. People expect things instantly, but yeah regular order, you'd go through the sub committees for a month or two you'd go through the committees for another month or two, then a widow go through the house than it would stored in the Senate be my months into it, and then you get Euro, the Senate and the house fighting, reconciling the two bills and then maybe eleven months him to pass a piece of legislation. That's We usually works here. So the fact that, where five SAM and people are freezing than a revolution has taken place in legislation, nets they may not understand our legislation supposed to work but show mentioned. Does one question you have to have.
Imagine asked if the answer is as it were is what's the. Why does your what what's the point of having this myself this method what is unquestionably an inflection point for american and petitions and that's not stated January search. We almost lost the country, we almost lost the cost of it, better. It's didn't get into the capital during the civil war, but they did in twenty twenty one. I'm the ghostly gotten worse deep south years, Overspread Invisible, but not this time, and You know I hate to be totally in character vigour, but we can't hear what happened and So if you re United States senator if that's
where are you going this in your political career, then If your cylinder, imagine you have to decide, What do you want that Secondly, what do you want us to think about when we look at your report? Is a good just use about actions because they can imagine a world where we're not looking at the airport is vital, John John Major. Thank you very much and coming up the ins, story of how leadership, failures, politics and selfishness doom, the? U S, corona, virus response that is next.
I'm morning, Jeff hates perceives as we go. My pike ass, wise ass happening I'll, be talking with palestinian american scholar and author, an historian Rashid clearly on the state of palestinian politics. In this moment, a two state solution is not going to happen. At least not until there are changes inside is that unless and until the status quo is a one state solution, that's the stated is: there's one population register, Israel controls it. You cannot come in, you cannot go out. You can register a child. You cannot marry anywhere within their territory unless they there's an illusion of a passing authority which is a mirage in terms of real sovereignty, jurisdiction afford it exists. It perform some governmental services on sufferance by permission, but its main job is to keep the palestinian state
to provide security for Israel as it continues to occupy, colonise that's this week on. Why is this happening? Search for wise is happening where realistic right now and subscribe, while the maxim warning Joe with President binds July Fourth vaccination goal looming health experts now are sounding the alarm about the so called Delta variant of corona virus and be seen his course on Blaine Alexander, has the latest on the race Get more Americans vaccinated experts predict the Delta variant first discovered in India could soon become the dominant covered strain in the. U S is more transmissible and possibly more dangerous in terms of causing severe disease, all of it. Only accelerating the rush to get Americans vaccinated, but the Biden administration is a lot of time to hit its July fourth goal. Seventy percent of Americans, with at least one shot so far only about fifty three percent of the country is partially vaccinated, but some states are barely hitting a third of their population, the Louis,
rate in southern states like Georgia, Alabama Louisiana and Mississippi we're only twenty. Eight percent of the state is fully vaccinated, a new posts. Gives some insight into why the rates are lagging. Thirty. Seven percent of those asked point to vaccine hesitancy, but nearly double that number say they faced carriers in trying to get the shot and even as scenes like, these are becoming more familiar dodger, stadium, hosting the largest sports crowd since the start of the pandemic, still some setbacks with a royal caribbean cruise ship force to postpone setting sail after a crew members tested positive, for on one hand. We are seeing a number of states loosening restrictions but, on the other hand, were hearing this dire warning about the delta. Very, is this a confusing message? we'll Blaine. I think what you are hearing is really a message for two different populations, which is anything Were vaccinated, you are selling good shape. Buddy
your unboxing, aided the sill reasons to be cautious to sell where a mask will avoid indoor gatherings MRS Blaine Alexander reporting. Their journey is now former Biden, Whitehouse senior Advisor for covert nineteen responds Andy Slab it. He was a key architect and crafting the affordable care act as well. Under the Obama administration Andy's out with a new book titled preventable. The insides of how leadership failures, politics and selfishness do. the. U S, corona virus response Andy Good morning. It's good to have you with us will talk about the book in just a moment, but you're about a week or so out of the job, a running the on a virus team inside the White House. So tell us what you know about this dealt a variant. Obviously we ve heard from public health experts in a fit who said the answer to this is to get vaccinated, The vaccines are effective against it, I think we should think of this as carbon and stare right. You know before why didn't ruminative ten minutes to get exposed to go with nitrogen?
exposed and something like five minutes. So if you happen to vaccinate You should be worried in it. Another reason for you to talk to you doctor and asked them about it. vaccinated and, ultimately, to get back stated. If you hadn't, I stated in if you live in a community with large numbers of people being vaccinated, that's exactly why you're back stated in you should feel the need to feel safe about the delta varied unviable, can it that, unlike the rest of the world, we have abundant back applies here. Obviously you and your team and President Biden set that July Fourth goal to get seventy percent of eligible Americans vat needed. How is that goal looking and what's the significance of that? That number, from your point of view I'm looking at an. I think. We're probably as a country going to be very close to seventy percent of for we're, will be a sixty percent or so will enable we won't stop, will keep moving beyond that and, I think, will eventually soon cross seventy percent, but here's the point you made. This point very well Willie, which is better
that doesn't mean the whole country. Seventy percent means part of that. Clear ninety percent in Paris, forty to fifty percent and so parts of the country than are forty. Fifty percent are at risk particularly come fall, should see anew arising very inside. You can be sure that we will carry I have a question about, but first have you were talking about a real fears about this and in Britain, Cross, The item is already postponed. The reopening in the UK they ve, had pushed back for a month because of the delta variant and their worried about it, spreading very fast and both being more transmissible and potentially more dangerous. So it's already have an impact in the UK and save it. Is there a possibility? delta, given that we have some areas of the country with low vaccination rates and, of course we have children not yet vaccinated in this country, could we see stresses on the healthcare system in some states because of delta?
You know I'm not a word about it, and I think it is one thing we did Finally, the new UK, which is we required two doses right for all Americans, have done today they have a higher boost in an immunity. Do you pursued a strategy and getting more people backdated more quickly. Giving people wonder the reason the Doktor Valley? others decided that that was not. The right idea was precisely because Americans, because you need the extra boost when you're crazy something is trying to evade the energy system like we'd like we see. With the other hand, it should Le Maire, certainly at the G20 there's a lot of discussion about this. In the commitment made for a billion doses worldwide, though there some groups say that will be nearly enough that it couldn't be ten eleven billion if origin, etiquette depend on it by the end of twenty two, which I know is the goal hopefully you get you to talk a little about your book. It take us a step back in particular that fragile time very fragile time for the provisional transition between the trumpet
administrations and what sort of setbacks an obstacle you experience there. You came in as part of the team that then took hold stations, pendant response the major differences in one of the ways that we were so Fourchan, it is we who are present. They came in with a focus on accountability. It wasn't gonna when accountability was vital governors who wasn't gonna blame states. Basically, its approach was we're gonna get it done. I think if we start from Donald Trump, and I think this is outlined in the book credible Donald Trump, who did everything we possibly could to avoid accountability and whether it was meant denying the virus, existed denying the seriousness of the virus, pointing fingers Lucy if pointing fingers at China's growing summer and system. They were moving anybody. The point of view that differ from his narrative so It's a lot harder to execute when you Abbas,
was actually wants to deny the problem. came in the red. One of the reasons President Biden was sitting in the oval office is because he said we are going to take Are we going to beat it and we're going to be accountable? We're gonna signals are only speeding, we're gonna, set new goals and that's what we did and that's why we were able to deliver more for the public in the Balkans. Preventable. Fancy story of how leadership, failures, politics and self business doomed, the? U S, corona virus response and Islam it. Thank you are very much in case. You do show just how serious this is. Our leaders in Alabama understand L Series is as yet
be tolerable, doing something that surprise a lot of people getting on doing a public service announcement. Saying hey, Alabama kit vaccinate get wait. We call and senator now, but I think, he's more important role as you did not saying like we name image or editor, but in that video, it's the most important title that he's ever had it was for coach. Is there anyone who know him? For that I mean Go on go on him for doing it. I mean there are so many people who have entered won't. Even former president tromp has based they refused to and when he does even mention that work, you mentioned it then he held semi recently and there were There- was silence from the crowd? right, which shows how this has gotten so incredibly politicized. So
now that a lot of these republican too, if you see and ended a survey of all of them in the house- and I hope- and I would even say whether or not they were vaccinated- and you know that they are, but you have decided that they're gonna take rising. We went television mouse, whether its Republicans, you just look at doctors. I think the way this number ninety six percent of Doctors- Eugene gotten it themselves and I saw a fortunate because when you look at the demographics of those who have not yet been vaccinated, many of them are in these voting blocks that support many of these four percent lawmakers white men are the national averages and getting vaccinated so have these lawmakers speak out, could be really beneficial and alone. I beg to still I had new polish shows that among Trump voters flat, Reporting is viewed more favourably. Dense All Democrats shouted down to size. It's gonna take entered as new members straight ahead right back
Transcript generated on 2021-07-19.