« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/14/23

2023-06-14 | 🔗

Trump pleads not guilty in federal classified documents case

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the most important government job on the planet, we're about to turn over their conservative movement. Person has no ideas and any substance on the important issues that nuclear codes of the united states on erratic individual. What was the day, was stall entrance and sold to the iranians sold to the saudis when over to the russians that alligator maiden that indictment knowledge may that allegation? So, at the end of the day, we have to wait. Damage of the indictment versus the damage of the allegations is cologne. True and it's just not even a fair way said- mama ratios evolutionary nigh on donald trump access to it and handling of classified documents. yeah? I it's not even the close call. You way, whether you we need a eleven circuit said that the foundational principle of this country that no man is above the law and you balance that against whatever marco was saying we should balance it against. That's
it just I just you, us you will notice all of them always of all the ground noise. body is: he is innocent nobody is saying he did not commit the crimes that put him in jail over a hundred years. If convicted the whole thing, I can think of one person who has said this. Man did not do so. What they say is brought about hilary, and I mean they had a long time to show that we had a smart in reality, have chewing anja in time. Just a simple aboot. Now, just a simple country way. You do things echoing Shelly or whatever, but I will tell you this willie Fascinating we celebrate group, do we really yeah, what's so exempt fascinating years, they
I would say, he's innocent. They are basically say he's guilty but what about hilary right yet. to tears of justice right. Worst of all, yes, the obama administration james coming twice close the case, but that's obama. What about donald trump? What about Little trumps justice department is now I they weren't talking about it. They were talking about convicting are our are bringing charges against hilary, especial counsel against sillery. In twenty stan. While he was running you talked about it set out together like now these seventeen. He brought it up again. They came here inclusion now cap in twenty a teen brought it up again, there's not a case their time and time again, very little games
wait. It wasn't like Donald trump said. Oh, you know what I'm going to be cool now that I'm in the white house he raged on in two thousand and seventeen he raged on in twenty eighteen. They looked at. It is legal so said: there's nothin so when these people say tears of justice, and you don't have to do our job need to turn the mirror back on themselves, because that was the twelve D, o j bird said charges brought against Hillary for the same reason that the comey, Then you come his exact words. No reasonable prosecutor would ever bring charges with the fact This case and the three year justice department investigation into Hillary Clinton's email, mail server, which concluded in two thousand and nineteen found, quote no deliberate
miss handling of classified information, nothing systemic. The west support any scurry away with her server running into the woods with it wishes subpoenaed. She testified actually met gave information and, to your point, the president, this president trump bar to look into that. A certain right, even just say it's coming right. This is coming and far so. You know that if there was anything there that led the sort of intentional she would have been charter and by the way there is also another attorney general time, a fella then Jeff sessions from alabama wasn't gonna cut needed with tailoring slack and they included beck and call, the igy there was evidence, finger is evidence of a conscious effort to avoid
way the sending classified information by writing the round the most sensitive material. This is what the ins, actor general set, is then the fbi director james call me put it now reasonable prosecutor would bring your case and working I could our investigation the mishandling or removal of classified information. We cannot find a case that would suit bringing criminal charges on these backs. This. Is it celery then drops ok man sessions was the attorney general price. for age. Dyed her brain. Special care, water up, blocker or their tells again now, there's nothing there. Mr president, there's nothing there heat, two is white house council down began, said now we get there why. Why do I All this up, because big big giant white shark, great white
a legal, great white circling, donald trump and now the entire a party, and if this is all they have their given the aid of bigger bout here is this it's not gonna. Do piercing additional thing. I ask everyone around the table. At the peak of the right wing, anti hilary crusade around the emails right can nobody here as best I remember what it was the most dramatic piece of of classified material that she was supposed to have mishandled was nope. Nobody can be that way. They can't even remember they were trying to figure out why his see what does that stand for couldn't even figure out yet the classified markings wall, yes, and so you had trump always under the volume of theirs. Thirty thousand emails that we can account for. But those knows there was never any thing we're even in their favour the fever swamps, they neighbours. like hell. You know we're up and Chappaqua she shared with somebody. The american people
for an invasion of Iraq, our nuclear seek organisers of nature that we, even in their criminal, most crazed conspiracy theory skip seriously addled minds. They couldn't come up with it, like what has been detailed, a close anything, the same universe, let alone the zip code of what's detailed in this indictment, and so you know, if you put the whole just as with all the sight, of course, the republican arguments about our kill us. I will say consistent when he was when he was impeach the first time. This is the same thing, which was not one depended him and the persecution and no one defended in the second impeachment. No one has defend vehement anytime he's been holding further united europe. We scale resilient age. Are everybody just please? I know, there's no threat to function well, even distraction. They know he's guilty is charged. Why are we starting? This show? This way will first of all, because I am for the dining four hours we heard about hyper guy by these acts and blows up this blows up. Ray argument that little marco and everybody else puts out,
you ve heard slow and tv has blows it out of the water, because when they said Finally, equal application of justice for attacking donald during his stay, oh jake, and just sessions and bar the reasons mccarthy, when ass again yesterday jumps from what do you make of the indictment to Hillary Clinton bleach trick mail server back in the day is because the step in between There would be to defend what donald trump did and its indefensible hoss rights gates just indefensible. So when you see those photographs, when you see all the chart that are made in that document. Theirs. Way to go out and say: well, I think We can say that maybe there's a way out of this for him, Marco rubio, by the way who's now so shrugging at at all that yeah. What are you going to do? It wasn't so bad he's the ranking or of the intelligence committee, and I said it is the leading report
in an intelligence. Does he really believe this isn't a big deal and dads we've got to look into that. We we we got problems, we got real problems with people are supposed to be protecting america's secrets where they say they don't give a damn about them. Is secret in so many words that they care about it. El reality, tv show us, and I called leader more than they actually care about security George Conway, we bring in readier george visit Is he markka rubio when he was running the intel depart no way was running the intel committee. The senate entail khamenei, hay and the other republic in school run the majority donald trump. Two thousand sixteen campaign caused a direct counter. Intelligence threat to the national security? A grave threat to the next security of the united states of america now markets. While I see now that this
he's a clown. Now he's turn himself into a face from donald trump saying we can trust with nuclear codes. That story sixteen little margo do saying Donald trump caused. Raise a counter intelligence threat to because national security to now what see. Now we have all here: no evil do no evil, though its absence we ridiculous, no sense in particular, because this unequal unequal chastity, argument, the lights, the fact the troop was charged with simply having these materials, he wasn't she I was simply taking them out of the white house. He was charged with doing the things that you are leaving a part: the differences between the kind of information that was in hilarious emails and the kind of information that was in trumps boxes. They they simply trump, while engaged in obstruction in a way that they Hilary did not, and it's just that it's just a huge represent an and
among many others and and the fact that the rubio can say these things just shows that he is completely unprincipled and shameless and getting worse. This we are now so that again, You set hilary hidden, do it, you know well said elevated doing more let's say began a wider single council jab sessions, trumps to attorney general, the trop administration that the trunk state department again again. I was very disappointed and in the trunk administration, and apparently so too, are a lot of progress in the unequal application of the law. Is a daily news, ford, kids abstract? Why well that, just as out of something and the official paper of record for the morning Joe just for them
heard. Unlike our counterparts, we actually covered discovery, Clinton array rain. You're, just not rabby birthday today, Donald trump, seventy seven we're very critical. We were very credible, just ass, progressive follower rebate is whether good very critical of Hillary Clinton. During that time for things, you should have done that we didn't things you don't do so. I guess, though, again This is all willie. It's all one way right. We report on both sides. They report They saw the more extreme people just report on what certain somewhere. Therefore, the line the warder, unless it has to do with well. Loyalty to donald trump has led republicans to do some wild things, but now that me, in a place where leading republicans speaker of the house or say: would you get it
If you just stick them in a shower, your beach club will happen. What are you going to do? You can lock the bathroom door, oh canada, as as liquor sky and affordable cabin yo yo lot from thence I remember in their saturday reading I'll tell you thing about the fact that will defend him. He has his kind of real time futures market about what they expect to happen in this case, because the thing that they're all afraid of you know this as well as anybody were you afraid, if one euro is like to Republican, is what are they? What are the ads going to be? What am I going to get tarred with later? What do you can't defend him? Not just because it's indefensible, but you don't want to defend him, because you think there's a pretty good chance he's going to get convicted and you don't want to be on record. Defending the Obviously the original behaviour, somebody who is likely to be in fact convicted, let's about visas, actually, why I know people so what's he thinking? Did he not sleep? There
Actually I'm bringing all of this up because there is such a week is senator argument not just legally, but also politically. I think you can start seeing more and more people, pilato admitted in doing it move. We, the Nicky, Hayley, move term scott is right now we'll get to that. Getting a peel off one time, because at the end of the day they know this is their. This is their opening sort of blurry. right? What about Hillary Hillary? What about the boom boom? I mean at some point they going get tired of getting punches face, and then they're gonna have to go now moss. Nuclear secret still bad, Relax think that's where they're going to end. and you see, I think you may see one or two, peel away every day. What we saw yesterday was a lot of vintage donald trump where he went into his indictment in federal court in miami and he had the thirties. seven counts read to him. He was slow
over in a hunch shoulders folding, his arms, grin phased. He was released without born. They did not take away as passport there's no travel restrictions. He was told not to have contact with witnesses the case and, of course, most go defend, and mr now it was after working with him, as he went to a cuban restaurant and people there saying I'm happy, day, I guess there is some sort of connection he feels he says with the cuban community, not so sure about that, but continuing to desensitized the american public on the truth. He then folk in the evening and kind of admit it again to what I did take a look documents are president decides to take with him. He has the right to do so. It's an absolute right. This is
laugh, I hadn't had a chance to go through all the boxes. It's a long, tedious job takes a long time. The other picture that was so vile. You remember that one who is angry and corrupt was the photos staged by the f b I and those that it might go, they were putting document, all over the floor, oh my lord said always frame danger, Weissmann. I know you want to talk about this, but also, if you could talk about aging carroll and why that important as well, because she also was holding him accountable, also how he just began again. He admitted it again did your charged with illegal possession, and you give a speech where save. This is why I possess them right here. Right now is that is actually an unusual mention. Not to finance their use in court. Those statements are admissible. Everything coming out of his mouth is admissible under the rules of evidence. When I told him that I think
It has counsel to council. Jor is definitely told him. Yes, that's the bounty So you may be doing this for political reasons, but it's gonna hurt you in terms of court here two things happened yesterday outside of miami which were so interesting, one blacksmith is continuing case in DC, withdrew to traffic electors were going into the grandeur. I thought there was this fascinating that yoke use opera issues should tenacity and speed right because he had you down you jack Psmith in miami, but his team is still going forward on the judge, jury six case and then let us kaplan ribeiro respected judge you ever saw the civil case by eugene carol made a really good important rules, which has allowed her to bring an amended civil case which basis you have continued to defame defaming because again, Donald trump continued to speak after the verdict in the
oh case, and that basically saying I need more damages damages punitive damages afford their there to deter someone from continuing to defamer. so that caused him. A fortune said that first I had about Joe millionaire yeah, exactly okay, that was amazing. George Conway, listen again to that speech, and that's about as much as as we are going to play from that last night, because you just made a speech life is the outcome. And we ve him do that at the scene in town always said, I took what I took and his The fence is legal under the presidential records act, which is we've detailed, maybe a thousand times, and the show is absent we untrue, and he knows that it's not with the presidential records act says. So we if you're on his legal teams are for that hypothetical for you. But if you weren't, you that's status, and where do you go? What's the defence of this
I don't know I mean I I'd love love to live to be a lawyer actually like to say: hey. You hire me, get up I'd ask for five million dollar retainer and first thing until tell him the news I I'd say, plead out, environment and five million dollars, but I don't don't know what I dont want did there is nobody. Fancy they have not articulated offence and, as you say, he's been, he is incriminating self almost every day, every time he opens his his mouth and easily he's he's only just digging himself a bigger and bigger hole on the G. Harold thing, I think, is very interesting that can is actually probably gonna go to another trial in the fall, Another thing is interesting about it. Is that remember the case, that was tried was the actual ro assault case, but also it was a second defamation. Yes, is a second defamation case of the defamation from twenty twenty two, the damage.
three million dollars and damages for that information. The defamation in this other case isn't just what happened at the town hall, a cup a few weeks ago, but it's the original defamation in twenty nineteen when he was president, he had the bully pulpit and nobody knew nobody knew anything about gene carol until he started lying about her and, and so the damages from that case should be much much greater naughty including the punitive that that she made she'll be entitled to for the fact that he is continuing to lie about that. Damage should be much greater in that case and its also that to be another distraction for him in the fall, while he should be looking back it probably probably slogan. We are looking for council who can represent a month war. What you know, george you you're joking about the doing of real foreign by any any respect for it
I would like any attorney, but look at the evidence would sit in that anymore cry with sitting. Don't say: listen, I know you think judge is going to do your bidding just like you thought the supreme court just sits we're going to need your bidding they're, not at the the day she doesn't be humiliated again. You're going to face justice here and if they get even on one count you're in prison for the rest of your life for the rest of your life? Let me talk to the prosecutor. Let's figure out a plea deal here. No, it's not perfect. I know you may have to back down, but you have their choice and that is going to jail for the rest of your life. I can strike that deal now. I can't do it six months from now. I can now. The lawyer that I know that that has half a brain would have that conversation with the client.
It's not that hard. A bullet is a hard conversation to have with donald trump, but the fact that matter is just all you have to do is look at what does what is the government need to prove to go thirty. Seven, four thirty seven on this indictment is that he had the dock Although there is no, he knew tat. The documents, jack hee hee, we ask for the documents backed by the government- Jacek he we're didn't give- the document back when he was ass for them and had there comes a sees them check and then he was moving them around, to hide them check and he lied when cause people to lie. just one more success right which of these facts? is he going to dispute and the answer is he can't dispute any of them The problem is Dante sure but tat they talking to his aides, everything they have him. So so that's why I say he really
it needs to play that he wants to stay out of jail for the rest of his you to some accompany country lawyer in non simple non country. Learn exact check my contract melodic on this, but I think you would, I think you would have the prosecutor here media one august include trumpeting guilty right. Then I was deeply guilty, can only present states again, you can write me. I've been taken out of that. I think that would be a political compromise, except for the far left many people, What should be an orange jumpsuit wants even sure. Yes, we made That's the guy. Accountability is important. Like many people, the country would accept a plea deal, we need that involve trump pleading guilty too. some thirty charges say beauty madam president, I will keep my way out forever. I think that we are pretty broad consensus in the new democratic part of the country. Yeah that was a deal. People wouldn't live with there'd, be somewhat down. Okay, he's not going to jail, but he's never going to be back in the white house again. That would be a play equally broadly accepted deal about most.
country, I mean that's happened before with public officials right where you they they play its eight years. Adele you do the deal you're. Not in you can you can be in office elected office. data that the latter- that's that's unusual, yeah. So there is no question that the the Legal move is to plead. If you want to avoid jail time I mean, and what they want. Something strange happens is getting convict. This is happening right radically, strong case. If you want, void jail, there's precedent for, if he plead seeking gonna deal like general, betray a sad re avoided job the part about staying out of office is one which is more unusual. This is spirit so look he could throw that if he's trying to say I'll, go I didn't do that. The deal Agnew had yet tat. Question jonathan, le maire and andrew schwerin, and this to one thing that tromp in his legal team may be counting on against judge cannon that they believe
she will be friendly to him. Maybe she doesn't like some of the evidence, and maybe she kicks the canned down the road till after the election. I think that's the one thing illegal strategy, but their counting on the judge being favourable to them. Yet he's the real wildcard here, and there is no doubt that she delivered a lot of favourable rulings early. process during early stages, investigation to, of course, as we ve been noted on the show and appeals court firstly that she was rather humiliates the questions issue. GonNA. Take those bullets. Again for him, so the trunk circle that I talk to think that she will. They hope that she will women. They hope that there are. There are procedural moves that can be done to really delay the start of this trial. To push it beyond the election to get a passer today that began well being that trump could win and therefore be president. and be charged in good part in all the things are trying to sort out. I'm certainly no one I talked to the trump world is talking about We deal right now. That's not their strategy. He's going to fight, of course, it remains you know the last card they could play. If they
who come to their senses, about the facts of the case, is just about wine by our lawyers here on the show, but right now that their instinct, and certainly we only deployment but it was more what about ism and blustering fight last night from trump at his speed, bed nets, new jersey after the re and now would be the ripple effects throughout the rest of the party point. Twenty four candidates lawmakers like very, if you at least so far willing to stand up to him again that all the bluster all the what about ism, that doesn't keep you out of jail right now and right. Now. I would say to my client andrew: I'd say anybody that I cared for listen right now. You have one thing going for you only one thing: you got a crazy judge, who humiliated herself before the eleventh circuit. maybe the fats, maybe the feds, are thinking it may take him. A year and a half to put you in jail for life instead of six months,
This is our only window. The second she makes her first whirling and she jack smith. Instead of you, people understand that it's runaway judge is not going humiliated again by the eleven circuit and you lose all Sharing power do that I know we won't do this, I'm just saying with ninety nine: nine percent. Ninety nine point: nine percent of defendants who found themselves in this position is a deal upon in the second, absolutely so. that she that Canada has to worry about is if she repeats what she did during the investigation and she She is now that you're crazy willing. This is the rest. Her she gets taken off the case ride a circle, and so conversational into our trump. It's like look if she d fewer counting on another crazy ruling from her.
This you're going to lose her there. The governments can appeal and that risk as they say. You know I can be sent back to a different, listen when molly for years, but just think it work on this and that the question on only andrew explain this would not happen. But first of all, this is the most high profile casey they read foresaw and, secondly, we ve said here before the language and that allow and again a very conservative federalist society, infused circuit, but again as I've said knowing people No, there are nine cents, be very scared, that's right. They may be conservative, but they followed rule of law and there really tough about that. They accused of undermining the found, dacians all basis of our public,
they accused or of creating a special exception that would lay waste to the american believe that no man is above the law. It was there They accused her of doing violence to the most basic notions of separation of powers that this was a language that was not only can The humiliate this is like language and say: don't ever on the railroad think about doing this again and true. In this case I mean why is this like? I'm gonna criticized, because in another case you ve done these right. I will say that we should really aiding enough. That's in this very case. That's what they said, and I thought to your point saying term, ruling saying that, because he's the former president is entitled to extra weight right, I mean they just want absolutely bonkers on saying that is not the rule of law there not what happens in this. So the point is john, that while they, what nor,
take a judge. Chop of occasion for really here or there sure she but in so wide of the mark and- and the debate itself so embarrassingly in the tank drop that it start rolling like that you be well within the realm Possibilities of them say: ok, remove her enough week when I can give you a third strike, you're off the case there. That makes sense to me this is my non lawyers question to the lawyers they assemble lawyers. Here you're a ruler, easter judges make ruling the rulings than that rulings and some of the rulings they make our about things like the pasted, the case how powders, how one trumps lawyers to what Jonathan I suggested which I think we all understand is they're going to try delay this as much as possible. Try to get it past election day and then in trump's mind he wins the election and then he can make the whole thing go away. Kinds of rulings were she could not be making substantive rulings, but really about procedural rulings, about the pace of the case could
make those kinds of rulings coming to his assistance is aid tacitly Those are not really over turnabout, because they're really about kind of the way that the pace of delaying tactics she accepts is the concern you know the concern is that she does this dance where she does this delay, but I'm going to try and do it in culture and language. That's not reverse spot, but can be emotions that defence makes in front of her about costs. Time must conduct about striking evidence, and neither is it can be hard for her to shoot at that line. and she's can be asked to do. Things were if she is a really good she's going to repeat the same kind of nonsense. She did the first time that I think is the guy best chance for removing, from the case all right still ahead on morning, Joe. There is a lot we're gonna take a look at some of the latest reaction from republicans on capital following donald trump arranged
yesterday in federal court, including house baker, Kevin Mccarthy's can and what about it, some plus what twenty twenty or white house helpful licking highly is now saying about a possible pardon for the former president also I had. Russia increases its missile and aerial strikes as ukraine. Ex limited gains in an early counter offensive we'll have the very later fighting overseas you're. Watching morning Joe. We will be right back the.
The documents belong to trump, which documents the documents that the client is. I can't tell you, but the classified should be back and I don't believe the document classified documents and president Biden has all the way back to the senate, though they don't belong to him either, and I don't believe that Hillary Clinton, when she had the server and then bought the new software to bleach it all the way to do that. You know extraordinarily dumb down, don't like to say that about anybody that says extraordinarily stupid, stuff to say on all counts, but he knows that he he knows that six. What it is a guy that again he sees classified documents, I guess settings third line. I guess he's sakhalin lie aptly willie he second line and he's saying that he knows for small difference. We buy and might pants they collapse and we have some documents. Come get em donald trump rely time and time again and was
The pain and reside hinder them. Contain committee clearly understood what the process was to decline. Fire document lied about that continues, to say what he did and what was in. There was quite damning and dangerous for the united states of america and Alex. Can you put up those courts again about for my that, we can reach from my cabin about Hillary Clinton and and what this voice said about. Hillary Clinton, because, if, if he's, if he's ray at anybody, you should be angry. I could be angry it james. Which will be where to ground. We gave the election basically to Hillary. I me to gave the elect the Donald trump ten days beforehand, pipe whose donald trumps D o J that decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton as well they concluded there is no evidence. This is. This is about hilary what an indictment by day and thank you.
There's no evidence of emails intentionally deleted by former secretary Clinton lawyers silver. The presence of classified information on former secretary Clinton server that I e g of the state department. If anything is, I was estate and just justice chosen this I'm sorry even better. If anything, there was quote evidence of a conscious effort. To avoid sending classified information by moving around the most sensitive material horowitz concluded, so what the inspector general at the justice department said. the obama justice department decided not to prosecute, and the trump justice department decided not to prosecute. Is that, unlike donald you threw stuff in toilets nuclear secrets here bathrooms in
ball rooms right by where their play poker in and everything else? They said it, unlike that Hillary Clinton, with out of her way Not to discuss any classified information on the emails None of that matters to a group of people as mad lipsitz bleached server. For hillary chappaqua. All the words were just given the truth will win out exactly. It will eventually will, and we've heard how many times we heard in the last few years that Republicans privately- and we hear it- are tired of donald they love some opportunity to walk away from here's a chance of jail. Six didn't do it for you, maybe taking nuclear secrets and war plans to your beach club would be fortunately and unfortunately, for most republicans they haven't take, that chance join, is now more reaction from the house congressional report for the hill, Michael Schnell, so mike
Did you say this morning, speaker mccarthy, set the tone there, what doc men's playing glare, pretending it doesn't know what they reporters are talking about. An on going right to hilary Is that sort of the consensus view at least publicly up on the hill the shower bath, the short answer when we're talking about house republicans is yes, I've seen this argument from Mccarthy trickled down to rank and file members close allies of former president trump, the morgue Many of them saying that this is a weapon is vision of the department of justice, also calling on pointing to Hillary Clinton, probes, pointing to the classified documents case that invite and is currently the subject of course, though, as you guys have noted, there are significant differences, but in those cases, specifically the obstruction portion blessing have a mccarthy has said that this is where innovation of the deal J and he's vowing to hold the department accountable. He said last week that he spoken with congressmen, Jim George, and james comber. They are top chairman of the house,
jerry committee and house oversight committee about ways to hold this account. This weaponization accountable. So I think it's very likely that we will see some action against the oj against perhaps jack smith in the coming weeks, but there's one drifting dynamic. When you talk about congressional reaction to this indictment on capitol hill from Republicans house report, and have largely been defending the former president running to his side. But that's not the case. Among the top republican, in the senate, we saw yesterday Mitch Mcconnell Senate minority leader would not comment on the indictment. He said that he is not going to comment on the press. Joe candidates in the republican primary, and we saw two of his top deputy essentially say that these are serious allegations and it's not looking good for the former president. So in some house republicans standing firmly by chemical they, but, interestingly enough, breaking with Senate geo PE in terms of not defending president truck
there's, also republicans in the house, and also television hosts, with their foghorn, going on and on and on not just about Hillary Clinton and not doing the proper follow up, and talking about what we've talked about here, that there was follow up in the trump white house, Clinton to prosecute yeah and they decided not to prosecute but now the other sort of look into bird, look at the bird, the binding crime family, so this investigation there? What? What is the very there on that you had the binding crime family negation? That has been a significant priority of republicans on the house oversight committee and they pray, significant development last week on thursday, which was the day that former president trump had announced that he had been indicted over members of the over. My committee had gained access to an fbi document known as an f empty ten, twenty three document that they said
edged a bribery scheme that president Biden was involved with house republicans had been a push. for access to this document and then what the chairman and ranking member of that panel receive access. They further pushed for all members of the committee to retain to receive access, and when that happened on Thursday members went to these. since a facility in the capital to view sensitive documentation hours. Former president trump announced that he had been indicted and we very quickly saw a number of those oversight. Republicans and even others know that the day that the hey that they approved that president Biden was and bother bribery, ski These are still, though, I will note unconfirmed the allegations in the FDA, twenty twenty three document, they artists, the information that has been retained from a source. They say that the same date, We expose this and we receive access to. This was the same data. J indicted former president from so again another way that reply
The kids are sort of saying that this is a weapon eyes deal J and an institution that is politicized against Republicans and what our congressional reporter for the micro snl thanking my much together on this information. It's all all lying itself, all smoke and mirrors george Conway last night. I just saw this they again. I try not to talk about other networks, but when fox news, as I have that says, wanna be dictator, speaks of the white house after having is political rival arrested sported from Oliver our sea and other people, it did sent that Timmy when that out, You see, exactly. Why? Why the propaganda that there king nonstop is having an impact on people whose Well, there's just out of court only one of the dictator that ever try to have their opponents arrested was donald trump. Two weeks before
the election when he was yelling at bar, telling him to arrest. Joe Biden and Joe Biden family, but again that's what so bizarre about this. No kyron like that went up there, but you go through a process where again nuclear secrets. I say they can. They can defend donald tusk, yet defending so they put up garbage like this. yeah I mean you would think that fox news would have seven hundred and eighty seven and a half million reasons not to do something like put that cairo up, but rather an alien reason. Now, happily I mean that's true they about they did their not out of the woods yet on the edges and amazing thing: it just shows you the sort of the feedback loop that we have between the public segment of the public. That absolutely refuses to.
Engage in any linear thought in refuses to engage with facts. Will not you know you could hand these people a copy of the indictment and tell them hey it's a good read it's not very long and They will just say: oh it's just garbage. Without reading it I mean he's congressmen like I think, speaker, Mccarthy, what were bay sickly trashing the entire of why they had read a single word of it and and and that's what that's, what for news as catering to their it's just you know we just These words we throw up the word salad wages. We just referred, do our enemies as our enemies and pete call people communist and socialist, the way, trump and boxes the way trump is doing more and more and and and and and just get the idea that we have to learn about arena. We live in an alternative reality, and that is where our of term universe and yes, it's just too much this when you're in politics, neil of an alternative reality,
you'll learn slowly, seventeen illicit twenty offering an illusion. Twenty nineteen year loosened twenty twenty. It wasn't. twenty one years and twenty twenty two he loosened three, and yet wait for it, wait for it wait for it. You loosened twenty twenty four, that's the thing because that's is get raise. Our feeding This is what I will never understand. Really. It is so self defeating. In this whole idea, that you're going to punish the oj that members the republican party in the house again upon the city of J for protecting america Is nuclear secrets? That's a bad look I think, there's about thirteen or fourteen republicans who won in binding districts. They're not gonna, go back. and try to finally election in those buying districts. By saying yes, I punished o j for protecting america's nuclear secrets, and this is so
the public to the voting public. This is so clear, unlike the other cases that donald trump is mired in. Maybe even a manhattan indictment don't understand. The details of here are pictures of boxes in the bathroom at mar a lago of classified documents that are illegal for anyone, including a former president knighted states about by take home with them out, and we were also know. What is this all you and that's all you got me said it there, but here nuclear secrets, toilets, guide, It all speaks for itself. You don't have to be under Reisman to understand that this is very bad. This is bad. This is various carries, I'm asking so at or before we
You go because you ve been here. I think for seventy two straight ours was moving around a different status at the ivy weekend in interest where it is this. Where does this go now came down from has been arranged here? We are, we know the judges, its judge. Can. What are the next few months? Look like? Well, I think all eyes actually should be on the january six case. I think that's the people I ve been looking at funny well in georgia january six case and jack Smith's january six case. Well, so we get a funny well. This is impose just sort of self imposed deadline of sometime in august. She will make a decision. I wouldn't be surprised if jack smith is operating under a similar deadline. Hence the reason we saw incredible tenacity yesterday, where he is Port miami and his people are also in the grand jury in d c,
That's only suggest he is definitely walking and chewing gum and doing his job. Yet I think that's that's so the key thing to look at and then ass. They judge can and is talking about as the is the wild card and the one point I just make about to continue on the hilary pointers. Every time I hear hilary, I ask myself: what is why saying the same thing about my pants. So this is the department of justice that dismissed and since we are not going forward, I might praying he wept innovation and then when they're saying she should have been prosecutor, they sang like pens, should have been passed. for that reason there not doing it with either of them is because there was no intent. There was no obstructs. That's not criminals, here, hilary ask yourself: why are they not saying the same thing? I am again and when we began, they talked about possible and dining hilary in the trumpet minutes asian, a special council time and
began. They came back and said no no case. Now I can't do it, no, nothing and so again it's it's just jump. as your wife's was table at this table is also because it's like solely there's so much logic in so many like just like, like you, rational thinking that goes mere. That is completely divorced from the reality. Then there's another hell. I don't know: there's not a baltic she's like well, if you're saying this that you would have to say this right. Yes, that's a hundred percent correct in the political context railways this as laid out and then I would recommend. May I mean I would suggest me that if you look at the election results since two thousand seventeen no dead, serious, yeah people catastrophes? Yes, they say this is horrible. Can you believe what happened in charlotte americans? Not the same we're completely then we'll go. Go into Hell? How many times a year? We're going to hell and a hand, basket and thence. Thirdly, after charlotte
this evening, I charlottesville you see lines of women mainly standing under rain for hours, moving around a point in the virginia assembly to send a point in the virginia governors, race and twenty eighteen, the same thing and twenty nineteen, Europe's southern governors, crowds in louisiana in Kentucky that are alike and the rest of red states, because people are sending a strong message about all the things that are here: with donald trump and twenty twenty, the same and twenty twenty one. The same look at cannes is look at content look. It was my eyes and answer the extremism there. I'm telling you ve to this too, I think stir than even those things really gonna. Think in because again, americans Maybe they're, not following e g carol, they're, not following the manhattan thing, but you have somebody start screwing with america's nuclear secrets, discard screwing with more plans
against iran starts growing answer, most sensitive secrets and being reckless about it. There is talk about the point, zero one percent and they get into the five percent yeah. This is very, very easy to understand it's right in front of your eyes and, as you always say, the margins are so thin on these. Is there an independent voter watching this play out and going you know I tilt toward donald trump. On not that your seat here all right, Andrew iceman, george Conway! Thank you both very much from hang on this morning. We really appreciate it and coming upon morning, Joe, a republican, senator and trumpet ally is threatening to block justice department nominees. palliation for the former present federal indictment, plus my pants addresses the allegations against his former running mate show you what he had to say moments after trumps arraignment, that's all straight morning, Joe
the few minutes, the top of the hour and update now in the war in ukraine, russian forces launched crews missiles toward the port city of odessa overnight, damaging homes warehouse and several small businesses. Searchers have been looking for possible survivors under the rebel russia also struck an area of southern ukraine. Yesterday that was re taken by ukrainian forces earlier in the week, a spokesman for Ukraine says one towns was reduced to ruins. The new york times reports ukraine has made progress in at least two different locations threat other new crane in recent days, but has yet to totally breach the rush. Russian defence.
Reuters is reporting that it has independently verified ukraine's capture of another ten indeed the necks region. Meanwhile, president I met with NATO secretary general at the white house yesterday come NATO is holding the largest air deploy an exercise in its history. In germany, the drill began on Monday and run until june, twenty third, the two leaders discuss the war in Europe and Finland's admission into the alliance and a red front page of the new york times. Cormac if he passed away yesterday, the formidable and reclusive writer, who, who wrote all the pretty horses. Of course, the road and and and some the class and go country for old man comes now is obviously must, therefore for all men, but are you the road I remember being particularly moved by. It is incredible right.
a combination of singular voice at enormous figure in american, modern american literature and a guy who all of his works like hangs together. This dark, stark, almost apocalyptic kind of vision, Thanks to this really profound moral sense and like that, and now that the the morality in that that car shines through all these very dark visions in his pieces eyes. What made him something more than just a great words militarily by importing artist and american life
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.