« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/13/23

2023-06-13 | 🔗

Trump to appear in court Tuesday

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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said comes as they former president is set to be a ring ignoble held this afternoon, which is what what are we the millennium falcon here all around you bought with you, but I dont think are viewers can see what was going on and I was covering perfectly earlier. You will govern perfectly, as was everything was going just follow, take the fun away from from telling people they like one minute before it will actually one such issue. The lights go out on the mare, like that. I respect you reverse lying at the least, was to pay the like a little advice. We relative position ass, something dramatic, as I wanted to tell you now: lifestyle cash in a sort of land, fifty or moreau bodies that are lower than use our country where else started up and it sounded like when they were we're just where the hans rational millennium falcon trying to get at flying. That's how I fix everything does
sure you Joe, and whether you actually get her again along with caddy rebel giants, millimeter and me in as they introduce the former president trump is set to be arranged this afternoon on multiple federal charges for his handling of classified materials. we have legal experts standing by to break down what we can expect from the hearing and what could come next will also take a look at new reporting on the former president struggles defined legal rep, is hasten fit for. The very serious charges he is facing revis is bad and for as the new yorker that understands, this is just finance on the plane coming up and the guy said I know you know. Donald well worked with him and we found the pretty soon that do business the guy. He just doesn't pay his bills. He starts by showing you, then these is again mitigated present and that's always work that work where this guy is very big. Still. Construction company is in order
where'd you out, so you have so eventually they pay, but everybody else, everybody knows that's how we always worked but here with lawyers its catch him first but inverse ali doesn't pay, is bills and the cases according the lawyer. Secondly, well listen to and take us there rainment. Nobody wants to go to work with somebody trashing the federal court It meant. No, he he, first of all, you can't be a lawyer or coach too. So, let's forget that he's going to be his own worst enemy there, but Big, it's sad for the country, but it wasn't it. But above all for doubt trout. Those of us did no one I knew that donald trump does not believe the rules apply to him. He was small guy and a big chair. You know it reminds me of the adage dead. You can play a crown of cloud, but it doesn't make it more king rascal, to make the domain. in a circus, and that's what has happened, he's not a crown
but he certainly has not risen to being president or presidential and cause he brought those bad habits entreats with him. He is now. I have criminally tried- and I think I'll probably will be convict you, don't you who, who is a clown willie, one republican after another after another who actually don't even think I won't. Even if they're taking nuclear secrets, an enemy putting them and taking some of the most secure things according to people in the trump administration who worked around national security saying this is worse than any of us could have ever expected, which means a republicans and cap, boy cleansing around, they understand that too. All they can do is one about hilary right, way just just for the record here. I must state department, look at and
instead said know she didn't do anything over deliberately that hurts national security. obama, justice department did the same weight as second. The trump justice department had four There's. Let me say that again, they have for you is to bring charges and they never did state department had for years, to do right. His scathing rebuke of Hillary Clinton never did. They could charged for over war years. If she had done something broke, the law they didn't do that. Yet these clowns come in with this What about hillary? What about the corvette? What about whatever again Biden and and mike pence?
the documents, this guy stills nuclear secrets and lies about nuclear secrets, more plans. There is no comparison will say it a million times between what donald trump did is alleged to have done what my pants did. Joe Biden did and even what hillary Clinton did. And yet you have people like speaker mccarthy. Again, these aren't the back bench bomb friars that you expect here. This is the speaker of the house who I don't he believes any of us, but if he does believe it and he doesn't think what he saw and then indictment is a big deal than we are. Or if he should have access to classified information. If he thinks any these be able to pass everything around, they think jungle mirror that they should be able to get nuclear secret. Somebody can take it home and its if lindsey graham thinks the donald trump nuclear secrets and and and and as the most important classified documents on america's weaknesses on war plans and that's cool
Firstly, these people or are unfit to serve and certainly unfit to have any classified information all their due they think they're owning the lives. They think they're defending donald trump, all they're doing condemning themselves for americans to say we can't trust these clowns course of voices over last couple days: saint, just how stunning and serious. The level of documents that were found were worse than people possibly could have, age, and let these were america's most sacred secrets- secrets that endanger the couldn't. the lives of operatives that could endanger the lie of alliances with your foreign entities would put people wait for united states and and we have heard a few republican voices christmassy being one who sharply size what has happened here: Nicky hayley infinitely, there's a surprisingly target overturned tone of voice and someone defending trumped yesterday criticising trump right now there are few and far between, and we still wait to hear from the likes of wood now that
arraignment- is coming governor to satisfying That's even minority to Mr Cox's speaker, mccarthy, serve glibly said yesterday there was a lock on that bathroom door, or else we must see. This is again. This is the speaker of the house of the united states yesterday this was not a good one. For the former president boxes, I don't know boxes time long, so I dont want people to take these documents away. The vice president, hence as a senator you'd have the power to have these commodities documents behind the corvette in the garage with the door while providing with an idiot. There's no need to fight with an idiot It's the dumbest argument. Willie sincerity,
it is shameful. Do we say bathroom doors locked from the inside seat to be in there with the documents may be flushing them down the toilet? I mean. I don't know that the morning saying caddy, the more important point is that's true. Yes, the more important point is this is again. This is the speaker of the house. This isn't some random podcast or talk show who's, trying to defend donald trump. This is coming from the speaker of the house, saying what I saw in those pictures. What I read in that indictment, not so bad, it's kind of like what Joe Biden did having some documents that he return when he was confronted with. It did not obstruct returning them that garage somewhere down. You can anything. The camera desperately concerned about his members here, voters that he's having to say this, because there is a lesson It may sound distinction between republicans light billboard, who don't have to account to voters those who do have to account of voters in terms of what they're saying of making haste interesting yesterday, because she is trying to win over voters. And you know you read what she said this is you know this puts,
our military men and women in danger. This is reckless, and then raises again the possibility of a third indictment, so she she's a net somebody who oversee the nose national security for a time at the united nations, it would be very hard for her to be as clear, perhaps his Kevin Mccarthy's doing with secrets of this kind, and it does remind me of one of these. The raid first happened heard from people from the sea. I am talking in saying this is potentially way bad. When you look at what actually in that its much- not a word and people work, try re installing it yes than they expected in terms of national. So, as I mentioned caddies with us for the duration, but caddies got a book,
today, your timing. As far as also a terrible tat, we get the power- I don't know abuse of power there. You may I it's time to remake power, but I make laddie and declare our added again with the competence code series- and this is the power cuts will be talking about it in the seven clara join us examine all of the legal, modern longeth. It is important that you die. You mean you don't want me to David. Ignatius is with us. well this morning. So just wanting that out as we learn, Jane to our first story backwards, as we always do so flung repressed Donald trump has just hours away from this first scheduled court parents as a federal criminal defendant, the former president is set to appear in a court room at three o clock eastern time to be arranged on a thirty seven count federal criminal and meant, for he is alleged mishandling of classified documents after leaving the white house
makes them the first ever former president to be charged with a federal crime. a source tells NBC news. Trump flew from new jersey to south Florida yesterday, with attorney todd blanche. You well represent him at today's hearing, but it is not clear who else also represent tromp at the hearing. If anyone launches a york based lawyer, typically, a local attorney was admitted to practice in the southern district of florida, would have to be present, in the court in order for the arraignment take place, but a source and busy news judges are usually open to allowing alone who was not admitted in the district to appear on behalf of the defendant. Magistrate judge Jonathan, Men will preside over today's court appearance. Trump appointed judge then cannon who was randomly assigned to the case from a month
we're judges in the west palm beach division will not be present. Today. In any case appearance today will consist of being processed and fingerprinted. It is not clear a mug shop will be taken. Judge goodman, set bond and conditions of pretrial release, which could include trump having to surrender his passport one line Play condition of bond will include a provision that trump not commit a federal state or local crime during his peers, release setting the bar high, for I might say yeah the arraignment does occur. Trumbull verbally enter his plea, which she said will be not guilty, no rest will be allowed inside the court room and one The hearing is over. Tromp is expected to fly back to bed minstrel new jersey, where he will give public remarks about
the case. Then I wonder- and we can ask our legal experts about this, but it is perhaps the judge might give him some parameters on any remarks he might make we'll see, maybe not early. Maybe after there's a reason. Let's say, of natural gifts. One reason a couple of hours, yeah yeah exactly but David Ignatius. I wanted to circle back to you again and talk about how disheartening it is that you have somebody who's. Third, in line the presidency and I want to just focus on Kevin Mccarthy, because there's somebody other republicans who were bad actors right now. But swear. I e we keep being shocked, but not surprised. Gonna say, in this case. I william shocked and some surprised that somebody in it These position republican. Our Democrat, when scoff and this mess nuclear sites, prince being stolen from a secure
location and dark. Spread out not only in bathrooms and showers, but also in bar rooms. Are ours involve rooms with action. I think these documents again is as people in the trumpet ministration. I've talked to these are lights somebody these documents are extraordinarily sensitive, their shocked that only the down pat but by, but just the way, I did ask apoplectic how they were stored. Sum of america's most an important secrets, store where they were in a country club and again stammering little bit here, because I find it hard to believe that any grown up like Kevin Mccarthy, third in line would be talking like a five year old in a play, round fight. It's just insanity, so joy. I think what's beginning. Today is a test further apart,
party, you obviously to test for our legal system, but facts in this case, as they have been gathered by the special prosecutor, are extraordinary. You just go through page after page of this indictment, and you think they couldn't have gotten that specific evidence. and yes, they do not have it as they have, for example, from one I'm not daughter. Formal. Where's is just extraordinary as he recounts what tromp asked him to do I have a copy, the indictment that I've realise we reading it and the words are they leap off the page? Don't leap off the page for speaker, mccarthy, there, something wrong. Other he's been running, from the mega republicans right since he became speaker with all washed that this a moment which she and every other Republican a really good aft to thank. Do I want to go over the waterfall with dial trumpet- The facts in this case I think
You often said Joe. This is a test for the party, the more attached themselves to this ex president that this set of facts, the worse, it's gonna, be for them and do they want to go over the waterfall to defend a guy, the gray paralleled. It stole state secrets how long as you read, it lied about stealing state secrets. Had his his aid high, state secrets when they were coming back to get those state secrets, and continued lying about it. It's all on tape. They've got him yeah he's busted, There's no word ago was uncovered. Miguel are still going man and in the united states, so child lie dom, listen to him. They take nobody believes him. He doesn't even believe himself. So why is worth finding a guy that is stolen
state secrets lied about it and obstructed just when they try to get it back. So it makes you wonder, let's bring in former: u s attorney choice there She's, an MSNBC legal, analysed, attorney, bradley moss. He specializes in cases relating to national security. The congressional investigations rapporteur for the washed imposed jackie alimony and I think, bradley. If we could start with you, stood out in this a diamond to you as a real potential threat to our national security or what items plural sh so the thirty one documents that we're reference in this indictment are known. Small thing put aside the classification markings on them? We're talking about tells a nuclear weapon revolts our own and that of foreign countries. What I'm a war plans in defence of capabilities if there is an attack on the united states and intelligent
on how military operations would take place overseas. These are Some of the crown jewels of what the intelligence community gathers what the defence department compiles over the course of a presidency with the EU. To advise the policymakers and decision makers on how to proceed forward, and it's just sitting around it sit in the air the bath. behind the shower curtain, this kind of it for me She is not supposed to be out of a secure location and talent, trumps getting is come up and today, in weight on the key ever expected so As fans we've been talking about the problem, Donald trump's, having finding an attorney to stick by his side through this, and part of that is because, as Chris Christie said at the town hall last night, it's just indefensible. If you read the indictment, it's indefensible. When you look at everything, that's in there for eternity bilbil bar used. The word toast he said, I read the indictment, the guy's toast, as bar talking about donald trump, as you read through this house here,
yes. How damning are these charges, so the charge extraordinarily serious enough themselves, but it's the factual detail that deo J provides in this speaking indictment that really tell the story of just how much jeopardy the former president faces when you think about people who have declined Damn the former presidents conduct, who do not see a different between Joe Biden and mike pence and donald trump, it's because they don't want to see the difference. Didn't again plain riding for everyone to see. At this point, the level of obstruction is just out of bounds. You know prosecutors encounter obstruction in cases where people try to keep their wrong doing from coming to light, and that's always an indication that they knew that what they did was wrong. The focus here, I think, the
Pictures that you all have shown helps us appreciate the severity of these charges and there's one photo in particular that we haven't talked a lot about, but it's that photo storage area of a box with the lid off document is drain all over the floor, and you can clearly see the classified cover on one of the document, and you look at that and you think what is the story behind that thorough classified documents? You know is that as someone who handled classified documents, it almost gives me hives to think about that happening. It's just something that were trained against for the obvious reason that this is exposed at a country club for anyone who chose to walk in and by the way many legal experts have pointed out in the last couple of days. What we saw in the indictment might just be half of the evidence or even less than the prosecutors are sitting on right now as they head to trial here. So Jackie alimony. Let's talk about donald trump's legal team. Is there an actual? problem here today that maybe there won't be somebody who can representative in court. Is there any jeopardy?
proceeding not happening today and then. Secondly, who is gone defendant whose left with other peoples departed his eye, It took good question. There aren't going to be any issues today. We were told late last night that christopher case a veteran florida litigator, surely signed onto trumps legal team last year and very wisely gotten up front, multi million dollar retainer right off the bat before he was alienated and actually pushed off of the moral law go down. in this case is going to be appearing with Todd. Blanche was taken, the helm of trumps defence tee so they're gonna be appearing with dolls. Today, along with walter nata, his body men, who was also charge. Forty nine page I mentioned, is listed as while one of donald trump co conspirators, but going word de trump team is still searching for a lawyer. We report we reported last night that yesterday afternoon, after a trump landed in
lord, I he had a number of interviews with perspective lawyers, although several prominent florida lawyers have already turned down and offer to represent the former president for mere, reasons. The two things that we keep hearing is number one trumped doesn't pay his lawyers there. She has a sort of prey well no track record of that, and then also because he someone who regularly issues legal advice and then at times His own lawyers in legal jeopardy, look at every corcoran most recently, who actually was witness in this case attorney. One list wrote referenced extensively in the indictment who the trump teams going to settle on is still unclear, but we do know at least one name ben puny, a well known florida attorney, who himself was actually indicted in two thousand eight for money laundering charges which were dismissed a year later. So Joyce make it just noted. The reporting on the condition of a bond is that trump not commit any
crime, but what, if he's charged with a crime, unthinking phone county, georgia, what does that investigation comes down the months ahead? Could that impact? What happens here active this very standard provision in a bond? Is that if you, violate the conditions of your bonds. You can be taken into custody, but this is applying to crimes that the former president commit after this bond is issued, fulton county, could it enter a just calculus here, might change whether or not there is release. I think it's unlikely to alter whatever decision is made today in court, but notably if the former president were found to have ongoing retention of additional classified documents that haven't been turned over that might well ring, the bell for a new and additional problems, bradley just walk through the weaknesses, potential weaknesses, might be in the prosecutions case. If you are the prosecution here, what are the thing?
that? You might be concerned about shirts the biggest issue we saw this a lot in the indictment is the question of how much of Evan corcoran testimony and the notes that stuff that was detailed, explicitly an indictment. How much of that gets it. Made at trial. There was an initial ruling in this. You know grand jury phase where ciao DC allowed him to to our ordered him to testify, ordered him to turn for those notes, under the crime fraud exception to attorney client privilege, but now The indictment has been brought now that there could be a potential trial in south florida. The trump team could move raise a whole new argument about admissibility and privilege to have that excluded to prevent the government from using it now, while I have no reasonably and judge can in would change. You know that assessment from judge howls ruling from several months ago. That is a wild card. If the trunk team is able,
you get some or all of that. Testimony in those notes kicked out that would cripple the governments because that was such a part of the absurd an element in that with such a key underpinning of this indictment, but again and see she gives kicked out. It goes up to the eleven circuit than the supreme court right. The government would come out into pre trial motions. The government would immediately appeal it would delay everything and the eleventh circuit would most likely reverse yeah they're, going to reverse it, exactly right, Broadly moss, former: u s attorney Joyce fans and the washington post, Jackie Ella. Many. Thank you all very much for your insides this morning and still add on morning Joe. We have much more on what to expect in donald trump federal rainment. Today, federal court, including the heightened purity in miami amid possible protests and threats of violence, plus the twenty twenty four june be candidates defending and attacking tromp over here latest indictment
one who appears to be in the metal will draw you. That is also a had an update on the explosion that collapsed a section of ice. five in philadelphia much more on that story and his ray in a mile high city, while the highlights from the den bernard gets nba championship victory. Morning, Joe we'll be right back when you're ready to pop the question the last
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Twenty three year, the first shot in the sun rise in washington d c. It is just about half past the hour republican presidential candidate, former new jersey, governor Chris Christie, spoke about the trunk, indictment in a cnn town hall last night. It is a very tight, very detailed evidence, laden indictment and the conduct and theirs is, is awful put aside taking the documents in first place, but then, when you start getting asked anderson in may of twenty one nicely with a letter from the archivist say, could you please give it back and you ignore it, ignore it ignore then they come with a grand jury subpoena and that, according to the indictment, you tell your warriors tell them. We don't have anything, even though you have dozens and dozens of boxes of material. That's all
kind of justice. If it's true this, is vanity run. A mock anderson run, amok want to mock, and he is now they're put this country. What, through this, when we didn't have to go through it I did this for seven years in new jersey within hundred and thirty political corruption prosecutions without a loss. I could tell you for shoring up event. Indictment is there's probably about a third of the evidence they actually have. Isn't that indictment? There's a lot more. There will guarantee be a lot more in your prosecutor. You never put. Every car on the table before the trial. And so there will be a lot more, don't be fools, there's a lot or information to come when they got a trout, specifically there are gonna, be a lot of witnesses who actually worked for donald trump or not. Fast against it.
You know very well guess why do you think he did it? I mean he couldn't. He cannot live with the fact that he lost the Joe Biden. He can't live with it and look out The way Joe binds performing I'd be pretty bombed, how to find a loss to Joe Biden, but the fact is he did and he wants to continue to pretend he's president. He wants the trappings of the presidency around him and I think one of those traps Is these documents and we're in a situation where there are poor people in my own party who are blaming t o j? How bout blame him he did it? He hasn't won a damn thing the twenty sixteen free time loser. Twenty eight we lost the house. Twenty twenty, we lost the white house. We lost the united states Senate couple weeks later, twenty twenty one and twenty we too, we lost two more governor ships. Another
and at sea and barely took the house representatives when Joe Biden had the most incur but it first two years I've ever seen in my life loser loser loser Well when you do that? It's good, but that was pretty attacked if he were laid out there and then came at the end with loser. Loser lose interest. A poor country lawyer he's a prosecutor from the big same them all those guys you'd arises. So confusing, this guy lose. As for you and you come up, the most pathetic defend is really strange, willie doors, not all about how good chris christianity was last night, the prosecutor increase crazy, we're talking about the car, tat were just talking about his argument how he delivered the hour. He d, blaming luck!
was excellent. Last night he was very clear in his criticism of donald trump. Piece of this stuff is indefensible guys. We can pretend its non and he's talking to. Fellow republicans, like Kevin haven't Mccarthy's bite we just play read the indictments has indefensible. Stop blaming everybody else, stop talking about everything being weapon eyes blame a guy who took nuclear secrets, who military plans and diminish our moral logo and allegedly was waving them around to some people. So the question will be: does it Is there a lame for Chris Christie in this rates, are there are enough republicans who are fed up with donald trump? As John pointed out, there weren't any applause freddie those lines he was delivered last night. He was telling the truth and doing it effectively by there was the big rousing ovation like Donald trump out of his mind, I'm not sure how this town hall were set up, but at least the truth actually got in the front door, ass of a republican avowed and got get through
front door. We must say David Ignatius by a very skilled prosecutor. Now people are talking Chris Christy's line pheasy have aligned victory. I don't even know if that's what he's focused on right now. It appears that he's not not just for the hell of it. It appears that interested in prosecuting the case against a man he believes has destroyed his republican party and now is doing things for these documents that could destroy the national security of the united states of america, is also Joe. This amazing shakespearean drama of Chris Christie who prosecuted jerk. Business father and then was exiled from from the trump in her. Sir. I just can at the last minute from one thought, would be a significant role. and he's having is, is say now. I thought he had some incredibly acute
observations, last night, one that really struck. Me was the phrase vanity run amok and as a sound and looking at the indictment of it's gonna lead you one brief section in which transformer lawyer, Evan Mccormick's, says the trunk told him I don't want anybody looking. I don't want anybody through. My boxes I really don't. I dont, want you looking through my boxes that says that the press- and see the documents, these secrets, that millions of americans and uniform and in our intelligence services at worst sorry they're mine and that's that's, the thing Yet it to me in this indictment this that so appalling christie just nailed it and I hope.
welcomes will see it that they really want to defend this. They want to go to the wall, to defend the things that are in this document. You think about willie chris Christy, You think about others said are sorry, you speak out little bit here limit there. you think about the family that his scattered on the members of the families have scattered again: it's happening as fast as spread. some would like, but bit by bit piece by piece the core donald trump isn't twenty twenty three compared to what it was and twenty sixteen more and more isolated family went everywhere together and twenty. Sixteen, no matter where was brought to get there and you look at the people who are willing to work for him and twenty sinner saying my better nowhere to be seen now and at my gosh, the harshest attacks have come from people like bar,
am I right. We were watching fox last night to see what they were doing at six o clock. Pretty down the middle. Lisa sex. We can see the rest of it just stay of my twitter. are you can go on? There is such a mess now by the way twitter, satire gags, like you used to just. Are you sick? I confusing I could scroll through in five minutes right and really At that time I looked to lose. What yeah I'm fine. I can't do it now. I don't even look at that stage. This is its chaos, its is stuff. I don't want to see our badge dynamite saying that I don't care. If I don't care. Who's running at its summit this, namely the fierce erected eating a mosque, I'm just saying it's an absolute now ass. I now Let me say this to my progressive friends and I just gotta drudge, there are times a washing did as whatever, but as far as quick fix, what's going on, what's the buzz you stuff you gotta, drudge dinner,
all the newspapers it used to be twitter and I just grow it and in five That's true, I don't guess gingerly year now has parties here ass though it now, and I have no idea how we get on twitter there. But I was five act surfaces Well, last night it was. It was pretty pretty straight down the middle, at least at six o'clock, and you know you had they. They played the quotes of a bar, which was just steering. And then they had brent human yeah and was like. Okay, listen, basically says, ok, so maybe should have done something different with hilary, maybe maybe they should do something different somewhere else gets us fine. You can believe that an umbrella, we say this also prepared. At the same time, very deeply offended and worried about what donald europe has done here with national security secrets exactly what chris Christie said, last night said, I think james coming blew it with Hillary Clinton that deserve more prosecution, that it got. Ok, put that to the side,
seven eight years ago now, just read the indictment he turned to the crowds ibis. Please read the indict rises, nuclear secrets, ass, his military planning and again I understand our audience, doesn't love everything kirsty stands for his palace and positions. We set a million times that, yes, he was along for the ride. He endorse donald trump and twenty. Sixteen gave him credibility I worked for him right up and through debate prep in two thousand and twenty. We get all that, but there is someone in the race now who is at least saying in this case the obvious, which should be the easy, but it's not so easy. It turns out for most republicans to say this is bad. This is very bad. appears. Nikki Haley read the indictment. She is now also criticising the former president on friday, before the indictment was unsealed. The former you and ambassador tweeted in support of trump writing quote this That's not how justice should be pursued in our country. The american
people are exhausted by the prosecutorial overreach, double standards and vendetta politics, but then yesterday on fox news: ok, Hayley, condemned tromp. If this indictment is true. If what it says is actually the case, present. Tromp was incredibly reckless with our national security. More than that, I'm a military spouse my husband's about to deploy this weekend. This puts all of our military men and women in danger. If you are going to talk about what military is capable of or how we would go about in vain or doing something with one of our enemies, and if that's the case, it's in its reckless, its frustrating
It causes problems and you know we're looking now. This is the second indictment or looking at possibly a third indictment coming in with georgia, but John I'm just looking origin, others reserved for trump another versu worker, travesty view other burst with us with the that's all you ask or in a leader they can change their mind right. She sought- and she said and has never do late. If this is true, this is in credibly reckless, incredibly damning, and she has a very personal reason for being concerned about it, because her husband in the military, by making it up, a personal? it ends husband. It brings us back the core of where we ought to be. The most Disturbing bring me about would become a copy says. Is he since, though, There was a lot. I don't care, was a baltic lock on the door that the documents had a right to be in the bathroom
I have moved this whole thing to like donald trump had the right to have. documents did Madame whether local here's the thing right like we keep forgetting this. I talk about it all the time when I would go up and I would get intel doc you I see some documents ibm Hearing the serbs, clear say you need to go upstairs guns gave you need said he said or they do everything, but they like holds you down. Maybe that just shows me that maybe it was just I don't know, but you go through all these steps, your father, but the phone here you go when you sit down we'll tell you, I wasn't intimidated night being around presidents and prime ministers and everybody else and little small, rounded and face faze. I always knew like Egli my had its here, I was nervous and their cause the concept, says were so great. If you screwed up said the year on the shovel, for I briefings,
north korea in nineteen. Ninety eight still won't talk about today. I'm sure it's been firm, totally find it, but everybody's is trained if they come and say this is Top topsy this is this is classified information. This is you, you cannot repeat this to anybody here, I am thirty years later, I was thirty years later. That sticks with you. Kevin Mccarthy the same way, Kevin Mccarthy, not going in and stealing dark eyes government Are these not taking documents out to California? They, like and thrown in the bathroom surfer. Friends house he's just doing it. I know better and then you don't do this and if you had taken any of those documents to yoke congressional loves at the time it doesn't matter worthy that a lock on the door that they would not
supposed to be out of the place that you were told to keep them and by the way, everybody's attack, an fbi. We all know you stupid. I can hear you got even here congressional office forget taken up, only law dogs. There, the f b I had a big guy, come in and sniffing your room for documents or whatever, but. We all knew that the court. no said he would never It gives them the skiff even do his speakers office without author, they are the f b. I would come another trashing the fbi for doing to donald trump, what they would do down for much less absolutely and I think that's the outrage of their defence. If you want to call it the sense- and I think that make here We will not agree on most things was right. to finally say wait a minute: I'm gonna take it.
Angel mind here, which is fire had I think chris Christy. I don't agree on many things it was excellent. Last night I mean, I think, that he did watch the republic Embody least, do let's have some standards return? Exactly look. Let's have some standards by the way. The president for cabin Mccarthy scares me is that just ask him, would you take up? documents from escaped your office and put the in your drawer. Would you put them in your coat pocket and take them? and when you were asked to return them, would you not give them back just ask him that, but what they're doing answers will be correct or not answering the question itself answer the grocer. Well, what do you think about Joe? these core vat and is what he said and then lindsey grammars was. Where are they public is very concerned that we, the report in what are now. He always talks. It talks about the republicans. Eda Lindsey knows my god at that time, golf partners committed a multitude of crimes. Linz
It deals with this stuff on the arm services committee. He knows better, but listen. what they say they didn't. and this what brought you brought up last night on fox, never say he didn't, these crimes time then Of course I use an innocent man that was strongly urge all seeing him out. There say members say it: that's because he's guilty, guilty and all these counts. They know he's guilty and all these girls, so they do the james I will look into bird over there and look at averred over there. Even even grandma emotional interview with george seven, obviously the day, conceded that trunk shouldna taken the documents he did. He did say that their defending the idea tat, he had the minutes possession, but it is. what about is made to look over there? As you ve, been detailing its but most of all against simply blindly. And it shows again the grip trump still has no party, but what is interesting, Chris. We sort of knew this was of christie's fashion, his entire campaign. That probably
go anywhere, but he's fashion fashions entire campaign as a trump critic. Looking here is not done that and this is she put a human face on it, but The emblematic? Is this the first time the first that some of the other candidates might do the same financial. My money might be answer is like the answer is quite possibly know on scott, tell the truth about scott, it's clans, it's about the santas. Are they going to do the same? So false gotten pens are not no they're, not they are still defending them and if you look at the polling The latest rourke Reuters poll shows war. Eighty one percent republicans think that this is a politically motivated witch hunt against the process, gains donald trump, what they are doing, what kevin? he is doing and all of the other public and later doing is having an impact on the republican party because You got a trunk base of thirty percent that are going to be. Failed him whatever, but eighty one percent republicans believe that this is politically motivated. So every time they talk about Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton, even MIKE pence. They are doing what they are having an impact tom voted and the reason they don't want to talk about this. To your point, chuck grass there was asked about. He said: I'm not a legal expert. I can't speak to that. He knows better, but he has lots of sen. John Kennedy was chasing. I wanted to fees that if y'all want to talk about ls you've been in the college world series, we can talk about that they're having a great season. I don't want to talk about the the trump thing. The reason they can't say anything is because this is cut through with the public in a way there's the picture there are the photographs of the documents in the bathroom in the ballroom donald trump he said what he said on the record about yeah. I took what I took. What are you going to do? I had every right to do it under the presidential records act. That's not true, as we've outlined, so people know there's no as chris Christy said last night: it is indefensible. There is no defence. Therefore there not trying to defend it, got the pictures they ve got the tape. Where are you saying? Well, I couldn't declassified ass. If I were still president
but I'm not so. I can't declared If I had so, we got a problem here and is a louse dad. It's it's! It's indefensible and so we will also what happens. But again, I'm just one he's tempts. God is its term scott gonna keep acting like this. Isn't a big deal There is no coherence, yellow What way ways of my comments are steps forward. On january, the six than does the right thing by the union He won't do the right thing when it comes to calling out somebody that stalled nuclear. secrets. Old nuclear secrets and then lied about having them. I'm you might expect it has to be more than mitt romney line right. It comes from a similar kind of background, mitt romney, but he's not managing to do it and after this arraignment what happens? The you know we
continuing some stories about it, but until the trial, I guess there or just hoping that they can get away without its only gonna get worse as it is as Chris Greece's elves getting worse, there's only more evidence is gonna come out, we need dank will save republic. We are coming up former in. U s attorney barbara, acquaint explains why this? What about us? in the past by documents, cases so dangerous that straight ahead warning jail. Ready to put the question the jewellers at blue nile dot com. It's got sparkle down to his science with
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What picture new york city that seven minutes before the top of the hour thursday morning, just yet great rev, some big news, surprising news to a lot of us the city here, the police, commissioner, commissure soul, only a year and a half into the job. Stepping down what's going on here I don't know the inside. I know she did a very good job in terms of reshaping some things and was getting some things done, but I have not talk to the mere yesterday I was out of town, but she stepped down. I think that many of us they saw a kind of turning things. Can aid in a better way PA and had been done in the last several years. to see a go. I'll put it a good hour. No one may Adam see whether his choice of a good commissioner to replace that he chose on the first for some people Easy easy, micromanaging heard that, yes,
after afternoon, and so maybe he migrant met next of little to mine people are like. Let me do my job only based on report sets that's what she said. I was in new york we bit over the past four, I've days. We ain't going around man, it is, it is seems to be pre cove at new york, and I we haven't been down the subway yet by but every EL seems, I say almost back to normal. You still gonna doin red and you wanted tik tok their lawyer tat their three three different plastic containers and cycling,
I have said a few months around the show, free, my toothpaste and he's right about that. It's not just the toothpaste. You want, like a pack of gum and you've gotta, hit the button and have somebody come over. It's terrible sign of the times, because there is so much some of that retail theft is so going on. The subway still has some problems or that people go down there. You can sort of a sense of you know your head on a swivel but you're right. The city's coming back. The the buildings here in midtown are not occupied the way they were that's a huge structural change which probably isn't going to come back post on cobit, but it's a beautiful time of year. Here tourist service is hordes of tourists. A day of traffic traffic is bad traffic, cars caddy or somewhere get a sense that the those is that a new york resent the energy is back down, but I still want you to unlock I will say always: arctic jig suitably quickly to really touched on commercial space. So much commands commercial space
Let me this is a crisis. Its exit related, doesn't add up. Waiter you can have all of these commercial tenants defaulting. and where does that go to that goes to the bank's. How big is going to be done now? quickly before we leave designations. Let's go from from coming space problems in manhattan to a war, a very, very hot war again in europe, before long go, give us the very latest what you're jeering at least that the ukrainian counter offensive in russia's response to it Joe. What I'm hearing is basically cautious assessments, the ukrainian our offensive has begun. They made modest progress there whilst openly that they ve taken for relatively small villages, in the south eastern that you're, not scary, up its believed that this offensive is going to try. multiple axes push south to break the so called
The bridge that connects russia with crimea, that's the strategic goal, but that could take me A week's russians are dug in the defences are very difficult. This will be caught. stay for ukraine, but I think Initially, the judgment would be. This is off to a careful start than planned. seriously. People are writing this will be the biggest that military battle in europe since world war, two one it really gets under way, were not there yet so us state turned for for something that could be quite extraordinary. The negotiation and reverend AL shocked, and thank you both for being on this morning, and you next round is about to start writing. Yeah yeah, just shouting for a car and carve honour for real yak havana makes it super convenient to shop whenever, wherever for real, that's On a car options yet, and these raw with my price range for really real- you can afford that with carvalho and boom. Just like that, I'm getting it delivered in a couple
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.