« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 6/12/23

2023-06-12 | 🔗

Trump to appear in court Tuesday

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Our attorney general bill bar disputing done trumps claims in the classified documents case will go through the many new develop and tied to the indictment and show you what the former president had to say about it over the weekend coms as trump rivals for the twenty twenty four republican nomination: ral to his defence will have those comments. Some of them do so Guided some equivocate, some of them down do and sought hours bag, yeah yeah. Now it was So what is the strategy was the latest from ukraine where the country's counter offensive is claiming small victories of a russian forces. Also add an update on the eye. Ninety five, collapse, disaster That has shut down a section of one of the busiest tie: ways in america, good lord good morning and welcomed a morning Joe it is on eight june, twelve with us at the table. We have those two way too early. What has been achieved that
go jonathan, le maire, professor at princeton, diversity, eddie, claude junior and the presidents of the so on foreign relations, richard hoss richard is as notified as Jonathan that there's so much, and we cannot talk about sports, can spare even a minute not even to talk about what happened at yankee stadium or the stadium as they call it. The red sox taking two of three. We don't have time to talk about that. We don't have time to talk about the fact that the allegedly beat a team with a payroll that is actually larger than man city smell. There's, none of that time. No time to talk about beating Gary cole, the yankees' ace on friday during be back in the late innings yesterday, listen, I would love to, but I find it. I find it hard to get a pass or all of the excuses people are making for a former presidents, stealing nuclear secrets that I mean I I maybe that is that is so bad. So much
time even talk about last night, and I have no time to talk about that. Red sox win in series went, but I understand that these guys are getting right now. Well ahead of yourselves. Is it just want a wailing better than to others? That's what we're gonna get down and we're gonna give there's a second, but I just want to say about all of this stuff, you're talking, but rather that we ve been talking about how we can't just a couple of things: how cap, first of all, it appears it appears, by his own words, by his own deeds by his own actions that he stole nuclear caesar s right? So, let's just break this down, because our people in it of doing a lot about you re well what about hilary? What about buying? What about this? What but he's All nuclear secrets are allegedly is they aren't devilish onwards and he knew what he was doing he's on tape, and then he got it. They get in dead all right he hit, he'll. Why they f b! I had so ever the public is not looking at the republic
do they real if they want to harbour a fugitive politically stall nuclear secrets. Good luck, lose even more in twenty twenty four lose even more in twenty three four and these people to work at it commit acts of violence or K. Guess why cats, what s happened that's been tried before very in jail or go going jail. So if you think you're intimidating anybody like the eyes, a sudden, also, ok, there's something so that they saw. How much more do we enough gel cells that we have enough gel cells right so go ahead. We ve seen this all before john at the mere and when it badly forum in january, the six if they hate america's, so my author, they want if they want to overthrow the government, it doesn't work. You in
but in general, and the people who try fry dab conspiracy can swim in jail for twenty years. Right and republicans they want to go down this path, even more harbouring guy prolific, we lose stalled, nuclear secrets and figure out what documents to steal that showed a Rick is greatest weakness is. Why did he do that? Do think they talk about that, like the ninety toll, why I don't know we don't know why, but it doesn't matter who still some of the worst staff? And They can do that. What about listen? Listen, listen, new break! My heart, the break my official newspaper of mourning Joe. That is really still you don't have to play to the demonstrators at you. Have you really down but anyway, so that we're going to see a lot of that noise, but is one said the may. You get ground noise and you get the signal
they ignore the ground noise Joe focus on signal the signal. As we have a guy as present, who has committed the worst crimes in the I'd house and outside of the white house of any big chief executive in the history of this republic, and my feeling is its republicans wanted defending if they want to come we leave destroy their party, have at it. we have seen this before his horse happens when they defending- and this is the worst yet and yet a lot of mortal still you stupid to realise their just given up twenty twenty four by
yet in the federal authorities are surely concern about that noise. Trumps calls to. First of all, they invite daily erect they very they may have to arrest and not yet two thousand people throw them jail for the next twenty years. A hardening. The courthouse around Miami today advances the appearance tomorrow. So that is that that is, one certainly could turbulence set aside for the moment, but that the politics of it you're right. This is these classified documents, the material within is about as serious as it is the most serious mistake rousing or its dna states has about our own capabilities about relationships, allies about intelligence about out information collected from others spies who now, by the way, what abandoned it hot on today talking about talking about in the documents and are stored in boxes at the moral algal, ballroom
bathroom next to literally next lieutenant lush on down the next. I would like what are they moved in there? I don't know, but yes, and yet over these last few days, most republicans rally around not all but most let those who want to beat him. germany's this is their chance. This is their chance to finally get away from this unbelievably undemocratic send while someone really why they didn't after january, the sex. I now look relations a child, a riot and move away from an interest. I saw this we as poor yesterday that a lot of people are freaking out. Oh the republicans! What what do you expect? This is what they did after january. Six but there was one Paul Alex. I hope you have there's one Paul that showed where the core republican party was that we can vote in primary issue. How many people think that that state Nuclear secrets is bad among the core. Thirty only but what happens
I know not all of which means I'm not great at math, but I think that means sixty four percent of Donald trump's republican party. Think it's a bad thing, still nuclear secrets. Sixty four percent pay! Good luck! Where that party! Good luck with guess. I got a couple of the whigs that would like to talk to richard that I was to the rest of my country, and this is what I've been saying: chilling blue, the face is. It's too thousand and seventeen you keep narrowing down your base until you have insurrectionist weirdos and freaks That's where we are everybody. Look you're freaking out about. What's going on, look at them number vat is us people who actually give a damn about a president of the EU I did states whose steals nuclear secrets and then
is about to the fbi, and then why is about it? When the f b, I tried to retrieve nuclear sacred things that are not his eighty percent his eyes. is that we are the majority and we will in the majority, as long as these insurrectionists, weirdos and francs, continue to say it's ok for donald trump to do what ever he wants to do, including well what marco Rubio said back in two thousand sixteen seventeen cause severe counter intelligence typed in this country. That's what the entire committee by rubio said in what twenty sixteen or seventeen it still the case. Now you and I are old enough to remember. The republican party used to stand for two things model Strong national security, rather than the other, was law and order. But what does this bring together?
national security and law and order and the idea that so many republicans, including several the people who want to be present at the united states, are not willing to take this on friendly terms. is again it yet another statement of what has happened to the geo pay, which is something Less than a grand old party has azure as as a result, and we can argue that the text that we are intrinsically said. This is not a winning formula, but just ass is just to me a tragic commentary. What has happened in this country that this should happen? Put aside with politics, just people, just dumb anymore, stand up and say this is unacceptable of clothing is alone makes me feel better. I don't understand. This behaviour has someday election and now I think I need to say in twenty six nineteen and twenty eighteen and twenty nineteen and twenty twenty and twenty twenty one. Twenty twenty two and twenty twenty three, this nuclear frightens us as their shape: zero cool with tromp, stealing nuclear secrets, There goes twenty twenty four and by the ass or of you, know that a lot of
our concern about. What's now that they are like trying to beg their own base, wake up, wake up, look what you guys and you're right let's go to the law and order thing what do concern But what of conservatives mark for fifty years? So scientists say yes, yes, Johnny here and broke into the demon marcus and they eluded the store. But we don't need to look at that act. We need to look at all the things that they were victims of growing at it's not that led up to this very day This system is corrupt, and so you cannot blame swat. Republicans are saying: oh poor, Donald, poor donald dated spell after he's, not his fault. They always look at what job. I did look at what is It's that its at all, it's not only the bad looking about over there. Everyone bill Clinton get in trouble. Are our goods
they're from Louisiana going over there trying to distract there, try to download donald trump, and I guess that would work. If you talk about porn stars of playboy bodies, but somehow not as effective when you start talking about nuclear secrets. Partisanship jumping pop patriotism that Eighty percent joe you right, that's all we that's us, but these fall. Do you believe? I want you to cosette I hear you I'm hearing you loud and clear: do they pose an existential threat to the country? have been jailed about. Ain't ever gonna commit violent not jailed em. If they're saying that thank god and anti sparse elections go with if they run around different. I promise you in the suburbs of feeling if they're running around defending it. and who saw nuclear secrets and wouldn't give it back at all. I do is lawyer and lied to the fbi and lie to everybody around him and did the the o j not really good debts
an ivy ten in the suburbs of atlanta- that's not in it! twenty in the suburbs of failing that hurt in the suburbs of Detroit that hurting them suburbs of Milwaukee all the places he needs to win back. This home even further away and the republican party that get trashed those era? because of abortion, because and I'm a sex you this died Promise you ve morning? There are republicans in those states going. Do we just pull up the tent stakes cause we can't. We can't take any more on board so, let's get to chuck Rosenberg dave Ehrenberg, just my claims from trauma and his defenders that the indictment sake. What witch hunt the charging comment as the new york times rights quote, did far more than merely lay out seven crimes against the former president. The times I quote, though, the strength of mist
smith's case walter mentally, be tested by MR trumps lawyers. The evidence that the assent council and his team assembled was abundant and buried. The indictment included photographs, a transcript of recording of MR trump. and, of course, the lawyers notes which were obtained through a highly unusual legal tactic of working around attorney client privilege on Fox Yesterday, trumps own former attorney general bill bar had assumed take and offered a damning prediction for the former president. I wish by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were frankly, if even half of it is and he's a nice demanded. It's a pretty very detailed indictment it's very, very damaging and this idea of presenting trump as a victim here, a victim of a witch hunt, They kill us? Yes,
it's been a victim in the past. Yes, his adversaries of obsessive will be pursued with foam. Claims, and I bought and I've been at his side, defending against them who, when he is a victim, but this is much he's, not a victim here. He totally wrong. That he had the right to have those documents. Those documents are among most sensitive secrets. Country- has he they have to be in the custody of the arc of it He had no right to maintain. The men were to retain them and he kept them. in a way, it monologue that anyone who really cares about national security would their stomach would turn at it. We can forget here that, Entire thing came about because of reckless conduct of the president If you just turned over the documents, which I think every other person in the country would have done governments documents their official records are not his personal records.
So as well as here something so it's important again always great to keep things in perspective. We see in action is weirdos and freaks defending the stealing of nuclear adoptions. We understand ok, they're, weird, insurrectionists freaks. We get that you get that down. That's what they are but your bill more, who defended him through everything, I think, shamelessly defending was always the way is bad over. The attorney general is John Mitchell, if not worse, because it also lie in front of of the senate and the house to defend donald trump. he was shocked by what he taught said. He's not a victim and said these were the most sensitive secrets this country has that he took. I heard that from other people like I dont, want reveal who they are, that worked in the trump administration that were very high up
When it comes to national security heard this weekend, they thought it was going to be bad. They could not imagine they could not imagine they would this bad? I mean just people who work for him that were apt literally stunned and shattered? You were given ass. All of you. I talked about the mass of new they defended in time and again all this. What about hilary nonsense? Not this time that this is worse than it then we could have ever imagine adding mccarthy, very tough, very more conservative jurists and Also, writing that this was this was terribly bad trumps, not a victim that this. This is just horrific, so Yes, yes, you have in some insurrectionists weirdos freaks out there that going to send him
There are also a lot of other strong conservative voices out. There can understand padding nobody on the head. Could you still nuclear secrets shut me that hard to come by engine. This is really bad, but there are people that are coming to a conclusion. I talked to senior democrats republicans alike over the weekend? It was unanimous. This was far worse than people anticipated, even though, of course, this has been a a scandal, the women living with now for a year- or so I mean a lot of the trumpets their back on bill bar when he refused to go along with january six threat, but we should remember, of course, the bill bar shaped the mulder report, the hit the role he played in the public opinion there, but there are some republicans who, like bill, Barr or will listen to bill bar or those who who are kinda billboard who are doing. He worried by this. We should note bar gave that message on fox news. That's a moment for conservatives to hear that, and it does speak too.
seriousness of this matter. We should note Donald trump responds to bill bar call him weak, totally ineffective and a guy less pick were sitting. Might again that everyone can. We also get near. Listen all lay the basque people, because for all you weirdos, freaks and insurrectionists, it are turning into mourning Joe this morning and there are some of you there hi. How are you I can see? This is like rampart wrapper room and I don't have to even hold up the mirror. I know who you are little way. How are you a little dom friends little to me he's. So so, even though they do that and and talk that way. It's again, it's ten they know how horrible it it is, and even those editor bending donald trump right now understand he pudding.
itself into a corner. It's going to be pretty hard for him to get out. So, let's get to the legal aspects of this spring and state attorney for palm beach, county florida, dave, Ehrenberg and former us attorney and senior f b, I official chuck Rosenberg chuck begin with you, first of all, having had the weekend to really take in the indictment in every aspect of it. What do you think the most concerning part of it is sure. Well, of course, the retention, the wilful retention of highly classified information, but what makes this case. Prosecutable, but puts MR trumpet so much risk are the obstruction of just Charges unexplained that maker, the federal prosecutors. All prosecutors always have to prove intent.
It was done willfully and intentionally and not by accident or mistake when you obstruct the investigation when you mislead your own attorney, when you urge your own attorney to mislead the fbi, all of that evinces demonstrates intent. Had he just. Return, the stuff- let's say you find stuff in your house in Indiana, like MR pence or in your house, in delaware, like Mr Biden and you notify the fbi and you cooperate with their investigation and you turn everything over and you are truthful with them. There is no criminal case, but here, where you obstruct the underlying investigation, you demonstrate for the world and ultimately for a jury, Micah your own intent and that's what's made, that is what makes the wilful retention prospects. suitable in a court of law, where I believe trump will ultimately face justice, Let me ask you, though, obviously a bizarre, a bizarre appointment for discharge I mean the fact that there are, I think, fifteen.
Hopefully the judge drifted with accidents. The first thing I want to ask is definitely the judge. Win win listen! This is, I looked up last night, because you know he don't have much of a life make, it thinks I'm a nerd. Now, by doing things like this, I want to read what the eleventh circuit said about this. This woman's decision earlier said to create a special exception here would defy our nations foundational principle that our lie upon applies to all, regardless of number wealth or rank. The law is clear. We cannot write a rule says the extremely conservative eleventh circuit of what, the judge tried the year before that. Allow. Any subject of a search to block government investigations, after exception of the war, Or can we write a rule that only allows former presidents to do so either approach? a radical rethink ordering, which is what their accusing her doing a radical way. Ordering of our case law, limiting federal
courts, involvement in criminal investigations and both would violate bad right. separation of powers, limitations. I could go on shock, but Why don't we basically say this woman, just violated bedrock principles in the constitution to try to protect donald trump. It was one of them scathing scathing rulings. I've ever seen, overturning a lower court's ruling. The person in charge of the case does stay in charge throughout the entire case probably so joe. So the eleventh circuit- and I read their opinion too- was not gentle in their review of her actions. I read what she did and I read what they said about what she did and they had it right now. Look there's a big difference between a bad,
judge and an unprincipled judge- and I can't tell right now that I believe she's unprincipled. She may just be a bad judge. Image not be very good at our job. Look. There are dentists and airline pilots who are really good news. it is an airline pilots who are awful that doesn't make anyone feel better, and I both know you've got the luck of the draw on this and the odds of this woman. Getting this with fifteen come on man. How? How did this woman of all women, who of all judges who again probably put down the worst, a worse, a ruling that had the advent of the doktor again, they eleven sir, one of the most conservative circus. How could that job be assigned this. It seems for from what the draw. Well, we look idle No, that is anything but luckily draw Joe. I dont know that if it's something-
else if it's not something nefarious battle come out, ways does but here's my larger point about bad judges and good judges as a federal prosecutor you live with the judge you get. Some are very good at managing the case in the courtroom in their docket and some aren't. If you're underlying facts are sound of your theory of the cases sound if you have investigated the case properly, you're going to be Ok, this is not going to turn on the judge. I dont believe I may be wrong about that. Umpires make calls all the time. I understand we're not talking about baseball, but the best team usually wins. But here s the last night Jonathan amerika two out of three this week and that we don't have time to talk about that. Dave airworthy, as you well know, that did chief clerk of the federal court system in the southern district of flora confirmed the judge. Canada would. This is her trial. Unless, what's your accused herself, so it seems like that's a done deal. Give us your thoughts
and also this previous, please We're gonna see tomorrow in this historic moment, when a former president states appears in a court house two faced federal charges Jonathan I'll show you this is this deep- where jack Psmith check the box spur the court new vision, and here he checked west beach, and that's why judge can had a really good chance of getting this- it wasn't one fifteen joe. It was one out of four morning. Jesus you're in that west public division and then it depends on workload. So, there's no conspiracy here, I know the clerk of court down there. noble and she's awesome she's she's, honest, and this is by random assignment issues, bad luck and by the way, tomorrow, the matter judge should be dealing with the arrangement will be a minor judge. A guy named John good money will not be judged. Canada and it's all signed all in the john goodman is no relation to the John goodman from that
shall roseanne or threatening now grant was the first thing I find. What does the magistrates to do tomorrow, then? so a magistrate of John goodman. That's the deal. J abides will go ahead and just deal with the same way. We also take their plead for the arrangement of not guilty will set the terms of the pre trial release and then we'll go a trumpet go back them our logo. Now here's the thing the deployment of justice had bad locking in getting. I cannot agree with shock it because you know she, she made some very controversial rulings, but you know she also knows that she was publicly humiliated by the eleventh circuit. She went too far and this three judge panel within the conservative eleventh circuit, you cited it, they say,
down on her rulings and they took her off the case and two of those three judges were trump appointees, so you've got to believe. Perhaps she's been chastened, and maybe she thus will act differently, not wanting to get put in time out again, but don't expect her to recuse herself, and this is the case of a lifetime. She wanted whatever way to intervene in the case last year, when she really shouldn't have so? Why would she take herself off involuntarily if she goes out of bounds here? Expect jack smith to go to the eleventh circuit to get her removed? But I don't think that's going to happen yet they are in shock. Let's say, and then she comes up with more bizarre rule lakes and the eleven circuit keeps put Writing down these rulings at some point, kojak smith ago and and ass for her removal,
judge removed because you are not good at their job. You can get a judge or accused or remove Joe, because they have some conflict, typically familial or financial. So look. There are a couple of really important rulings that shall have to make, including whether or not the peers Other turn a client privilege which was decided by a deep sea judge with respect to the grand jury investigation. Still, applies to case before her, which would be tried that big ruling, if you lose that maybe
do you go to the eleventh circuit and you argue that she got the law wrong, but there's lots of rulings by judges in the on the path to trial. Some you win, some you lose and as a prosecutor, you deal with it. So I agree with Dave. I don't think there was anything nefarious in her appointment. I think she was chastened by the eleventh circuit and that may bring her back into line. It may turn out that she is not a particularly good judge that happens to prosecutors, and you deal with it by the way to say again. Just so everybody understands what happens, let's say, for instance, if, if She rules that they turn a client privilege should not have been pierce. She makes rolling jack smith appeal, and it goes up to the eleventh circuit and based on everything we know, stunned, the law, Levin circle or verse it and we go. down that'll, be one where humiliation farmers, we again, if sheep,
sees wacko rulings actually made last time, got to eleven circuit again, and I, love out. This is flying out it. It's not going to the night circuit, The most conservative circuit in amerika the term right when a judge, withdrawal, panted judges there reverse it. It goes back down to another trump appointed judge, and so the question is how much You wanna be humiliated and, I think chuck ass. The right course has she learned from the last year the asian well we'll see, but again any rolling. She makes will be reversed. By the eleventh circuit, the thing here is if let's just say somebody wanted to drag this case out into benefit donald trump. Vat is one thing complete, italy within her power, for That's what that's! What donald trump wants? Jack smite piled this kind. in south florida in the import
because he wanted this to be expedited. He wanted to eliminate troms arguments, and this is the wrong venue and try. avoid all those delays, but then he got Canada, yes, she could grant trump always extensions and delays, and you know that's true strategy, so I worry that she's going to dismiss this case and the eleventh circuit has shown that not only are they going to reverser they're quick to act there, they they know the stakes here, but she could do some things that could really hurt the. absolution such as she could allow more trump supporters on the jury during jury selection, If he's found guilty, she could go. Way below the federal sentencing guidelines and give extreme leniency. So, in addition to delays that are ways that she could hurt the prosecution, but I agree with you joe: she goes too far. Eleven circuits going step in, but I don't think they can have lloyd. If she delays this pass, the twenty twenty two twenty four election and just on the party
of it. The venue change in florida, eliminates trumps complaint about biased, getting to judge, can also eliminates, makes it harder for tropical by us in the trial. To show me harm is shaped. The narrative when it's his appoint doing everything the venue, the judge, everything breaks, Donald trump sawyer, all which means of there's a problem for the prosecution, It is at the end if he is if he is found guilty and if he is charged in a few sentence than if he goes to jail, then he that's happened really with. giving every single benefit of the doubt satellite state up and I'll be with you in turn, on her the same when you turn have shale gas, while I get ready, must aim to journey for palm because, no matter whether it be in jail but gave ehrenberg and former hugh s attorney and senior fbi official check Rosenberg. Thank you both very much for coming on by early this,
I am sure, will see you tomorrow. I gotta help but notice richard the chuck bought a baseball. Do we talk about our commercial breaks? Still I had on mornings more on the new developments surrounding the federal indictment of donald trump, including the choice posed by the times for the twenty twenty four g open field boat law. order, loyalty, plus two or public presidential candidates promised to rename a military this really soon after eighteen february, this and every hour alive, that's right as raw without a traitor who blows it's like is familiar with wider. They resided aim losers, edward he's right users. I will tell you our evil, also we're gonna live on board from london following the resignation of Boris Johnson, the british parliament huge and the big players from last night's tony awards, europe
morning, Joe. When one of those we will be right back what the same expert advice you get from the programme: nor while shopping online at discount, tired dot com, me treadmill your personal on my entire guide that matches you with the perfect tire for your vehicle, get your best match in one minute or less, with dread. Well, by discount tyre ready to pop the question. The jewellers, blue nile, dot com has got sparkle down to his science, with
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open any did with that shot. Unwarrantable stuff taylor claiming the hour bc, canadian, open title after a forehold plath against tommy fleetwood and made the longest made put. This PJ's tore greer richard that's active shot. You can regarding the splits news at the weekend, I just want to make it clear to both did give me that their rights are you taking two out of three weeks are now paragraphs where no, that joke, if his man's record twenty stir twenty third grade. slam singles chairmanship doing it at the french over break it I was rather than a doll and now moving three in front of the retired, roger fetter, with asia eight set victory over casper rude in yesterday's file that adding to his twenty sixteen and twenty twenty one titles at role I got Joe give us now. Is the only man with at least three from each major. the titles of the austrian open, from one will then and three at the: u s open,
jokey, give it also now's half way to a counter your grand slam, resumes pursuit the all england club, that's wimbledon next myself me as you did We make any warmongering claims about kosovo being property of the serbian He didn't do that yesterday, but he didn't repeatedly during the night, I'm just curious. If, yes or now he can get held his tongue on the next time, he was there on the women's side. World number one he reacting arrived. Third trophy harris on saturday, defeating unseated karenina job in as you said that very well. Thank you to claim the fourth grand slam title of her career and I'm told now that we sports section has come to a close, We don't have time to talk about the yankees today. We have any video for last night of this game that we don't have time to play and on this the maybe we just did
again through the right of those who want and shut out. They won because there are already like these are always those little that want to happen now our day, if not wasting energy strategy. There's no time, it's practically pugsy to seep burns interview that the eighteen eighteen minutes, blank tape, our I let's get to other used without the colonial judge with one because busiest highways is facing a partial shut down after a section collapsed, to attack or truck caught fire underneath they overpass on the nine ninety five in philadelphia. It potentially leaves afore of the highway unusable for months,
NBC news, correspondent, george police, has more about it. Ninety five, an explosion leaving a major northeast highway, destroyed the now little charcoal act with an out of control area. Now the northbound lanes of interstate ninety five in philadelphia, buckling and then collapsing under flames that officials say erupt, from a tanker trucks fire. Underneath the overpass, I plan to issue a disaster declaration allowing the commonwealth to immediately draw down federal funds and move quickly to repair and reconstruct this roadway. The? U s! Postcard says the tanker was carrying nearly nine thousand gallons of gasoline holes near the site also funnel flames. We two seconds explosions the cause of the explosion is still unknown governor based on what you ve seen in your brain,
is there anything that indicates that this could have been intentionally set. It's an ongoing investigation for the fiber drivers recording the scene on I ninety five as they were driving on the highway mark. The city was on the southbound lanes moments before collapse, capturing this video. How are you feeling now that you've had some time to decompress a little shots that I've seen it was there at that moment, crazy. They want the video is where it. When I hit that debt Knowing what I know now, it's it's insane official say more than five hundred tonnes of steel and concrete from the highway collapse My came outside I smelled smoke I gasoline, actually as firefighters, race, to put out the flames, concerns compromise. Gaslights added to the danger there have been, reported injuries, and I ninety five remains closed in both directions. Authorities say, delays and traffic for drivers could last week.
well I mean how else is towards the least without help, or does it not that guy driving over right before right before? again. That's interesting! The governor, not ruling out foul play here, but bull continue to follow the story. How are you your family, The brutal beat just now when we have a lot of that, will really complicated trying to deny that it is our job as the east highway country a way around. It is we're back to hit summer travel season and that's going to think about detours, ujiji turning up in new accusations of a political hit, job and witch hunt, nothin donald trump, but boris johnson after he abruptly quick as a member of parliament's men, bessys care summons joins with the latest morning. Tat will be right back when you're ready to pop the question, though,
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freedom, the forty five past the hour, boris Johnson, the embattled former british prime minister, has abruptly resigned as a member parliament overshot the former conservative party leader quiet after receiving a letter from the house of commons committee, which is in there, getting whether he lied to british law makers over lockdown breaking parties during the covered nineteen pandemic and was only the proposal. The uk, scotland's former first minister, Nicholas sturgeon, was arrested early sunday by police investigating financial. Miss backed by the scottish national party. Before being released without charge, surgeon served a scar. In first minister for more than eight years before stepping down abruptly in february, let's go
While there will then be synergy for the national corresponding cure, seventh care, boris johnson and truthful? Who ever I saw this becoming button yeah we're here to make. You feel better about your politics. John marking, you're welcome around I mean it is it is confusing. It is confusing. Let me try and simplify it, boris Johnson, has resigned as a law. as a member of parliament because of this report coming out, which he says, is a hatchet job, but also had we. Occasion that he was gonna have to fight for that seat. For that parliamentary see some. Instead, he stepped the way. You know that, The village committee is meeting today and I will hear more about exactly what their alleging against boris Johnson, but it's all about the question of whether or not he lied during covert about parties
but in the downing street and his account prime minister, your country estate, so there's that part of it and then there's another part of it too, which is that he gets to nominate people to the house of lords. Resignation honours at least to give honours. If you like, that's one the last things a former prime minister can do three loyalists are not on the list and there is a furious row over why. Whether prime minister richie rishi sumac had some partner in the current government, to sum it summit or of politics in the uk, It can be poisonous and there are members a privileged committee nor on the kids from the conservative party, but most of them are an year. Boris Johnson claims he's trying to push them It is something of a jew more for this battle between that the boris faction and the other factions inside the conservative party, but I don't think we ve heard the last of boris johnson far I care semitism care. Thank you so much for making us
No, we are not about our we're, trying we're working through. Thank you so much so sing about this really quickly. Berlusconi passes away right wing populist in ITALY, you have Boris Johnson, going away right wing populist in britain, new have donald trump, obviously apparently sullen nuclear secrets thats just now, in the end. Well, and I are we seeing a bit of turning of the page in a word. No, the disease that led to this, this wave of right wing populism hasn't going away. It happens when government don't deliver and people will feel resent Our country was everything from wars that went badly to an economy that didn't grove for the middle class, etc, etc. So people turned her to right wing populate facebook.
again. They ve lost in seventeen eighteen, nineteen, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three large depends upon the people vote, whether big a referendum on the status quo with their dissatisfied. They may turn to get its tissue to say that we turn the page we still seen in other parts of the world. Mexico, india, turkey sure what has just happened. They are the right wing populist one. So I think it's too to say that we turn the page. You know so it just web. Shots under for second, they gets nailed for this to lie to port parliament about having parties during covert brent. What he does Therefore, this having taken the country over the cliff fire breaks it that will be my legs. I have changed their minds on breaks. It don't most rents now what you're back The EU both most brits, regret having laughed. The polls show up sixty percent. Would my my guessing it may have a river. Now I think that might be or even labour is not calling for real, but what I think will happens labour will, when the next prime minister, a key starmer will win it.
You'll have to get like eighty percent of being back in the EU without calling it being back in the eu, now tell me about Berlusconi. What's his legacy total again right, populous per the personal thing, mainly totally messed up. The italian economy essentially contribute ITALY once again being outside of europe, and he really was trump before trop. I'm aware there are lots of people that we compare prompt to, but but Berlusconi tromp television that the purse, the big personality, the outside in many ways the closest to him you're right now, let's get you, ukraine, Zalewski, says that the counter offensive has begun reports out of russia seems it right now foreign ministry and the wagon group still having having Adults between themselves looks like a real sort of battle. To succeed, Putin got an emphatic, that's it battle over. If things go bad enough, what then, but that what then happens, I actually take it much more seriously Joe than I used to when you know a few months ago,
what the offence and we're going to be asking ourselves every day, almost like checking the temperature of something in the oven, how's it going how's it going. You mentioned You measure this in months, not not in day so in a funny sort of way, let's see where they are in a in a in a couple of months and whether there's a trend here, do we say whether the russians are beginning to ups or jewish, either by the russians in defensive positions, can essentially even if they lose a little bit and essentially hold the line that to me as the big wifi yeah? You know, because I'm a conservative, I'm a big believer that things can always get worse if you want to know how they can get worse after potent look at the guy who's running the wagner group, yeah hey, that's how things can get worse in russia for worse and Vladimir Putin, at least the public image he puts out right now, he makes Putin would like a scene acta, rational accepted. So so, sir, Richard do your point. Restrictions watching this this say look with early signs of progress, the counter offensive, but this is going to be
in months, it's too early to say, but speak re underscore for us like how important is it for them to show real progress in order to keep the funding and and equipment coming, from an alliance at this point, has been unified but we're starting to hear growing whispers was the european capitals animal republicans. What are you? it's the longer. We keep doing this. So I think there's is a fundamental fork in the road and say four to six months. If this goes while people say, stick with ukraine is, is making singing they can progress than even through another winter. Another fight like myself, what defines if it's going well what they question, how much of the debt and taken the that's subjective call, but that they took me taken big parts may be of these. of the nets. That would be a big deal. Not ukraine me a big part of the east. If, however, this virtual no change in the battlefield, then I think your sheep pressured cause ok Let's have a cease fire. This isn't working and think about something Also, I actually but Joe focusing on a big question what's enough to show progress.
Thank you too soon to answer that question, but there could be a debate like this. It's not gonna be blocker. To be some some greater, but there has to be a sense that they made real guess: military they cleared the russians out, the russian seem to be collapsing and another season would bring significantly more progress. If that happens, I think they're. Ok, if it it happened again. The pressure will grow dramatically. I really believe going into the next one, regardless of pressure can be overwhelming for all sides to get together and negotiate. This is in nobody's best interest, so still ahead how to convict tromp former? U s attorney joint spans joins us, but her advice for special care oh jack smith, and how to succeed in this case against the former press. Morning, job will be right back the inspiration I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection? of classified information. No one will be
of the law We also need to fight this battle by collecting and tell it in and then protecting protecting our classified secrets. We can have someone in the oval office who doesn't understand meaning of the word confidential or so five. One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to them handling of classified information. We also need the best protection of classified information service members here and north carolina have risked their lives to acquire classified intelligence to protect our country, Donald trump.
own were driven from the twenty sixteen campaign, which show he understood the importance of protecting classified information, those common. are included in they. For now, forty nine page indictment against and mike barnacles. Here, mike these files, a lot of them were marked with five eyes classification markings only. to be viewed with in the? U s: government, with cop security clearance. We have nuclear secrets, that he stole from the white house? You ve got document involving america's national security weaknesses. Then he said from the white house: you mean that the very things he was talking about their he talk and end, and they were the national security people through for the weekend some that work for him absolutely shock just just flabbergasted by just how sensitive the dock
this war that he talk you know, is, if possible, Joe, that all of that that you just listed in all of the hypocrisy that we just heard from the former president. Could be the second most dangerous element. This going on now in this country, the first and the highly lethal potentially lethal elements is going on in this country is what did into the system ass numbers of their members, the republican party, especially in the house of representatives eddie, and I just talking off camera. This congress may indeed bigs from arizona, tweets and eye for an eye after these indictments are announced. This constant talk, amongst circles in the republican party and thus, unfortunately enlarge seconds the american public that does it standard here: why aren't abiden been indicted, why is it just trump the realisation of what donald trump has done, The damage is done to this country over the past, so
when I eight years actually is now coming to a full head of steam, with this. With this trial. Coming about now, we see we, we know, goes or my weight aware, genuine. Sixth, where I work it's a lot of these people end up in jail. If somebody is looking at what anti begs saying trying to get them to start a second civil war, they can look I can see what happened after january six when they tried this before these people are in jail, more people, we'll go to jail if they do this, and the republican party will pay. Look at this number these These are the amount of people outside of the base of the republican party, who believe donald trump taking nuclear secrets and It's a military secrets. Families bad eighty percent would be taking military, Would it be a national security risk? Eighty percent might say yes and that's the thing did the freaks
insurrectionist, the weirdos, the sycophants that number keeps decreasing by the day my worry is not the eighty percent. My worry is the ordinary people out there, for Whatever reasons ever reasons have immense fields. Towards donald trump weed understand really why they have this. I got an unreasonable dedication to this guy. After what he he's done, nothing for the right I've been that allows us. I've been thinking for like four or five days now, but nineteen sixty I was thinking about los angeles and memphis in chicago, but in all the violence that ensued, neuron during nineteen sixty eight than many people. You didn't remember this. Many people wondering whether the fabric of this country was coming apart without unravelling right in front of our eyes. Nineteen sixty no matter what happened in nineteen six all the anti war stuff all the anti
detention stuff the countries and trouble all that stuff? institution the basis of who we are rising. Government as a people was never under siege was never threatened. It is only thing I'll say is we had a president who tried to sell an election needed doing at present oh, took sixty three cases to the federal courts and federalist society, judges and liberal judges and judges and between all sixty three through those out you out and going do what he called his supreme court is supreme court said now. There was now widespread voter fraud here. three of his justice is that he appointed said now the two conserve them justice is a leader in Thomas wrote, a concurrence, an opinion say there is not enough fraud out there to overturn an election and you can go down the list.
We're seeing day after day after day these people than beat the hell out of cops. These people that try to overthrow the government, these people, that, when a conspiracy to its additional against of Aragon they're going to gel ten fifth. in twenty years, so I endorse and what you're saying Donald trump was indicted and are they We need to see what happens but richard. Obviously it's it's much different. It's much difference when it's coming from the inside. When you have a former presidents, this, let's do All of this, and you got about thirty thirty five percent of the population going along the. So that's that is I agree with my dad is very troubling. I would just say that it is shrinking band of insurrection. lists, weirdos freaks white supreme. Just and fascists better following him, yeah, but but still distortion. Still should right, you're going to reasons it sancho.
It should worry you are. We really want that northern ireland, where I spent a lot of time it doesn't take a lot of people doing violence. disrupt the society. We saw what happened with that one thing in pennsylvania, with the bridge suggest, say: A small number of intensely motivated people want a clause real damage to this country. They can, they can do it so that to me The fear I have is not of a second civil war corner vote, its drag them acts of politically inspired by Michael united suggesting the bridge was with anything by I ve no idea get. My point is simply what it does is. It demonstrates how infrastructure small amounts of critical infrastructure can be highly. Does at the front and small numbers of people. If they were commit acts of politically inspired. Distraction can do it can cause real damage to a society that we only northern ireland is proof of that. Secondly, yo yo basically saying when you say it's a in an intense but dwindling percentage of america, but when people go to vote, yes, they vote on
the french fried. Who knows when they go to vote in eighteen months, decision surprising centre, maybe it's ever session or we have some rich something related by crime for the border, sick, picking up democracy on the ballot backdrop to the belt. So my point is simply what might saying I can imagine political scenarios words despite everything, your pointing out. Still things go in a very from direction politically. I just want to say versus me who will tell you this, I'm anything but sanguine she heard me this weekend. I did not sound sanguine at all, but I don't bring On the show I get it out, I think through it, and I'm trying to keep things in perspective here yes said this is. This is really deeply troubling the drive and ex post that would still nuclear secrets, and you have members of congress and people running for president I'd state. That say it's very cool that he stole nuclear secrets. We're cool with that! That's really when I do get it. I'm just saying long, run long term approach
has at least over the last eight years of prices and paid by the party who endorses aberrant political behave in a dry thinking we believe said over and over again the two things can be true it at once. So I think most of these things so. These claims can be sure yeah. But what I'm thinking is the kind of the spectrum from the long person in their basement took could be radicalized for two governments are just vehicles police to folks who are well. This is the weapon innovation of the federal government and how could that that could provide cover for these folk? Who think that the federal government is all reached and there's a threat against liberty and all so, I think part of part of My concern is that we face a tragic voice in this country, where at an inflection point and that tragic is always involved. At least when it comes to donald trump, will we uphold the rule of law or will the Kosovo war turn? How will we not open up? Well not harpole! The rule of law
and when we lose our democracy- and we ve been at that point with this guy, a number of years and we're here, it's gonna, but we always have that battle. We had that battle during the civil war, lost the nation we summation. We had that battle during reconstruction. Where were you talking backsliding. We had that we can look at tools in the nineteen twenties. We can look at all the Jim crow laws. We can go to that. the church bombing in Birmingham, wherefore little girls go to sunday school and they get blown up by a white rate. This terrorist and kill, we can look at what happened in selma. We can look at what happened in villain, few mississippi where civil right we were, kids, kids, kids, go down the mississippi and get killed and buried. I mean it. It's it spin, It's been a long hard battle. You talk about nineteen sixty eight, my god we would want to go through.
Sixty eight again, the assassination of them. Ok, the assassination of Bobby just chaos, the ted offensive protests in the streets riots all over america, I'm not saying That now is wonderful, I'm saying We always have this fight of people that trying to pull us back from going. We're being a more perfect junior in Europe? I think this is worse. I think an idea that one of the two things age is worse in eighteen, sixty absolutely. Actually, I thought of a lot of hard about wrote about it in the book. I actually think this is structural systematically more of a threat in part because one of the two major political parties the united states has been to some extent hijacked? I think, ninety six, that wasn't the case. This is qualitatively does MIKE. You agree that I do agree with it, because the point The poor figure in the republican party who dominates the republic has our heart later is soon to be on trial, for basically vienna version and in full the college areas. Gaza, children's telliers right is through his words is behaviour. His foot,
Oh me, attitude towards his followers is pointed in the two, as appointed attack daily on the constitution of the united states, ass chested, that's the spine of our democracy right and that's what he is doing. Who should we start to shout yandah just buying a car carboniferous for real yeah. It's super convenient. I already got pre qualified in two minutes. I to do his answer. A few questions who that's help well and now just customizing my data monthly payments ooh, that's a very fair deal yet boom just bought a car, and you get to take me the carbon, a vending machine in a couple of days to pick it up. Ooh component busy visit, Carvana dot com to finance your next car financing, subject to credit approval.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.