« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 5/26/23

2023-05-26 | 🔗

Oath Keepers founder gets 18 years in prison

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
one of traumas great advantages does it accident level where third fourth and fifth grade indications could say oh yeah i get that the standard and in fact trumpet i made the republican party the party working americans and away probably hasn't been true for almost a hundred years the epoch in a hundred years as a politician that said you know i think i'm going to try to make this a third graders can understand what i'm talking about combat level really without zoo gingrich actually urging rhonda satis together level of foreign graders i'm not joking get out i d like donald trump does wonder what it meets this is a tough can one of the wettest we ve ever seen from the standpoint of water rarely have we had an experience like it and it certainly is not good
whether the wettest we ve good morning work anymore you joe hope had a good week it is friday friday twenty six legs a break and whether the house away too early whitehouse bureau chiefs politico job if and when they are also the host of inside with djinns oxygen saki she's a former white house press secretarial so pulitzer prize column is an associate better the washing repose eugene robinson whose enthralled by the media ology report from donald trump i also have to suffer the forecasts on brand with johnny dooit study deutsche and also column mrs says you then for the washington post david ignatius swell white day of new yesterday is that the most high profile defended the january six investigation with wednesday eighteen years in prison you heard right eighteen years in prison the stiffness pennell
handed out so far and what's become one of the biggest criminal probes in you history and be seen just as corresponded kinda lady and has more one of the key figures behind the january sixth attack on the capital facing the toughest sentence and more than a thousand prosecutions stuart row the founder and leader of the far right group called the oath keepers was sentenced eighteen years in prison after being convicted of seditious conspiracy using violence to prevent the government from carrying out its lawful duties rose was not quickly present at the capital during the january six attack but judge ahmed metal said he conspired with others to help make it happen and too take up arms and foment revolution a former army parachute who graduated from yale law school roads warren or prison jumpsuit during the dramatic court hearing he showed
no remorse defiantly telling the judge that he considered himself a political prisoner judge matter research turning to roads usurpers an ongoing threat and apparel to this country to the republic and the very fabric of our demand see roads lawyers promised an appeal well i think that this case sir was all about the weapon a cessation of speech by the department of justice and i think it is delayed they have used start roses words against him prosecutor say road spent weeks after the election plotting to use violence to keep president trump in power the judge apply to so terrorism enhancement erode sentence the first time that has had and in january six case its various arrogant sentence and it sends a very i think important message of deterrence yeah that really die send an important message of detail something that republicans uses
poor that was nbc kinda laden with important as we told you yesterday the writer who is photograph with his feet on a desk events rigour nancy policies during insurrection has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison as well and for governor and twenty twenty four of iran to send its promises if elected present he like donald trump would consent pardoning some of the convicts hurrah i did on just related to january sex the insurrection at the capitol you made the comments on a radio show take a lesson india jane the i've been weapon ized we see that we in a variety of contact some of which you mentioned some abated the f b i going after parents going to school board meeting some of it how they treat a pro life demonstrator how they dont go after people
better attacking pro lifers and so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do one day one i will have the folks that will get together and look at all these cases who people are victims of weapon is asia in or political targeting we will be aggressive in issuing parted now somebody's some of these cases some people may have a technical via vision of the law but if there are three other people who did the same thing but just then i content like be a lamb and they don't get prosecuted at all that is uneven application of justice i mean it's not really that stupid maybe he's talking like a third greater roma people who try to overthrow american democracy enron knows that he knows and yet he's that game recall donald trump also responded to a question about pardons four january six rioters in a recent sea and in town hall meeting my a question to you is what you part
january six rioters who were convicted of federal offences i am inclined to pardon many of them i can't for every single one because a couple of probably they got out of control what they ve done to these people they persecuted this paper and yemen my answer is i am most likely if i get in i will most likely i would say will be a large portion of them labour law and order the party of law and order that's what they always tell us is law in order for the poor this law in order for the dispossessed is law and order for four four why everybody but rioters who try to overthrow the federal government to keep republican white house after he's lost you know the people you're talking about pardoning let me dissenters and trump
our people like stuart roads who said they won't fear us until we com the rifles in our hands and stuart roads wrote a message head of january six saying that after the it there was a recording that was played and cord during if the trial were zero am a political prisoner in trump saying he's a political prisoner dissented saying oh they're all political prison oh it's that it's the f b i and the deo is fall don't you understand its verified oh it's stuart roses fault after january six after they cobb said i'll be mounted them with american flags he said is only regret was we should have broad rifles let me tell you something about four hundred writers have already received sentences for crimes for their violent vile acts committed on january there's six there
anti american their treasonous acts do van incarcerated for that writing to the beating of cops support the blue not why not even close four donald trump and his rioters it was beat the hell out and they cops and they were planning to overthrow american democracy it's called sedition law enforcement still seeking three hundred fifty criminals who commit violent acts at their capital and that sir goes on in trust me the rioters will be found and they will be brought to justice too open the saddest praises writers it you're looking at they praise this addition is they pray the convicts and they said very clear very loud message to others who try to overthrow federal government while beating the hell out of cops with american flags that our troops have proud
marched into battle for over two centuries mrs storm government links destroy american democracy that's ok stay and back and stand by j summon the ryder cup of what once was the republican party it just keeps her chin zombie like and it will follow donald trump into one ever gutter heat eggs them on this aid large toward fascism but almost fascism that's something quite like fascism but first she's on itself and thank the republic in party i grew up in the conservatives that claim to be conserved as they want to talk about me a party of law and order and they argued that criminal penalties did not just punish the violators stuart roads but all
discouraged other people from committing those same violent crimes but no more rhonda santas no more donald trump wow giving that's gonna win sway rotors in the suburbs you ve got another thing coming you the only thing i can say thank god for the judicial brand and let me say that again because i say the lot thank god for the judicial branch only one of the three branches did stay true to madison's promise of checks and balances across our great republics government federal judge both conservative and liberal alike did not my don't sleep follow donald trump and that's why the law still reigns supreme in america why justice keeps getting dine in court houses cross america the day had hay why if you're out there you can crimes if if you can
violent acts on january six they're coming to get you and bring you when not as a political prisoner but is somebody who does filed the united states capital and tried to shred the constitution of the united bates and now this justice will be sir david ignatius i look at sea roads is conviction yesterday a thirteen years i don't think it's a bath but that's what they got guts for an eighteen year and what message does sent to all the other people out there that listen the idiots on pod casts or on of sites that are saying let's overthrow the federal because i've heard this for thirty there's from wing lights on the far reaches of parties donald trump to bring it mainstream and a lot of people are sitting in jail for a very long time because of it
joe the words of judge had made up who was that judge john stewart roads case ring in my mind they should ring in everybody's you sir our ongoing threat and a pearl to this country and then gave met eighteen your sons he insisted that there is no crime worse than he could hear here than than seditious conspiracy it is a message as you ve been saying that judge and i think you are right the court system in general will not tolerate the kind of behaviour that we saw on january sex but but i thought this judge was especially direct blunt in in in calling stewart rhodes what he is which which is which is a person who wants to overturn the system government we have in this country i am glad he was so such specific now gotta see whether justice can finish these press sean's can can keep going
and indeed what will approach the person who it is are you launched the january six ride in the first place that's for oppressive drop the other thing it struck me here i think is there's been so much criticism from democrats a lot of it may be warranted about the pace of the departed justice as it relates to the prosecution of tromp people want something do happen out there but they strategic exactly when these writers when after these insurrectionists first they did that purposefully for that deterrence pack that we heard merriam accord talk about earlier in the show and that's interest two because in some to some degree at this point what they set out to do is working at least two we saw that in the in the wake of the trump indictment where there was not thousands of people gathering ready to take down government buildings let's hope that contain
but this is a moment where i think the department of justice and their strategy does gonna work and some would support and i guess applause to some degree i wanted to ask you eugene just about kind of how you think out their politically demo adds progress is the basic democratic party that are frustrated and have been that nothing has happened donald trump our digesting this that thing of roads and and the fact that finally something is happening but it's not quite sharp how do you think that's playing out there eighteen years is a significant prison sentence and i think he had got everybody's attention and i think i think people see it s ass heartening that that this these crimes that committed on january that are being taken soon
forty you know the le blood people know people who were our know how people who work admitted of of what we know think of its relatively minor drug offences who had long prison terms like that and i think it says something really it is about the judicial branches joe said and about the justice department that no this is being taken seriously that steward roads got eighteen years in and that this very systematic drawn out process pollution the rioters in this attempt at round them all up in an identify them and bring them to justice continues and will continue and yes the big question is
does it go up the ladder to the person who inspired and someone the rioters and sent them off to the cap at all and that would be former president trump and that's a question for special council jack smith and for a journey merit garland then we'll signal sent out the amateur and jonathan mayer mere you read the book on the big lie you read the book on january the sex you have one person being convicted after another and as are about to be sentenced they say i because of me i didn't make its donald trump i was following donald trump he's the one who taught was to be there he tweet out of mud before said from one january to sex and of course from set it'll be while trumps one told the rioters stand back and stand by told white nationalists during the presidential debates stand back and stand by and in the most recent appearance on cnn at the town hall meeting what did he say he called
generally six a beautiful day and said that those people that beat the hell out of cops with the american flag were there with love in their hearts you talk about someone stewart roads doesn't have an ounce i also regret for sitting there and watching rioters destroy cops and an violate the inner sanctum of the u s capital has absolutely no regret for white whatsoever and i am just wondering how do you and hundreds of people to jail for followed the orders of donald trump and donald trump does it also get sent to jail for sedition conspiracy sounds memory everybody couple months ago said nobody was getting large were that since they are in
getting charged for exactly what they did taking part in the conspiracy timid sedition against our republic stir roads compared himself to nelson mandela and he said his only regret was that they didn't bring rifles other members of the earth keepers did it breast some remorse they receive slightly lighters mrs eighteen years is a lot and we will see if it's deterrence and now we all due weight as the large investigation j f b i fbi's history it has been has been slow at times but it has been steady and we have seen conviction after conviction african moving up the ladder and we know the special council jack smith was locked play right now also talking about marla documents which will get into more laced in that probe but certainly looking at january sixth and this and whether they can prove this did that violence that we keep saying that violence was inspired by donald trump donald trump himself and donnie donald trump though has a law
away from that all he has suggested that he will pardon the vast majority of those who write that day he has appeared with convict january six convicts who have formed a chorus and donald trump has used that music for his rallies now we have governor dissent is launching his bed and today he would issue pardons as well how do you see this playing out in terms of the policy southern in terms of the future of ensures a republican party words to two meaning it the presidency both say hey look those guys didn't jailer six million walk out what are the chances first because we know what trumps gonna do what would happen god forbid round the scientists came out so you know what i'm alone what our candidate and i don't believe in the overthrow of this government donald trump does i don't would he lose the complete base or would the republican party go we have a sane person in charge of it that's that's such a plausible thing to do yet
new coke he's just following trump and you're not gonna get thereby zig by not one drop his eggs as someone number two if there were public lose law on water and what do they have the first doorstep that's the cornerstone who they are and i could not wait to cut commercials together using that knowledge and superimposing on that is to say its trump saying partners that that that is going to be so powerful we have not this could be obviously the first presidential election with what i'm going to call the material the footage the proof points to use or that forge that we ve been you looking at as two or three minutes and to me if you don't that and you are appalled by the way if you just does your lose business also with disney so you don't they keep they keep shipping at the there's two cornerstones of rope republican party used to be but once again this is going to come back to bite them right particularly the case of the santas why you just be new called versus coke
it doesn't make any sense at all i mean in again party of law and order please party and law and order if your black that's what the republicans believe but not party of law and order for what dunes that that that went to yale then try deleted seditious conspiracy against the united states government they want to pardon it's unbelievable now got a new reporting that chill donald trump warlike employs we're moving boxes of papers the day before a visit by the agents and a prosecutor there were there retrieve classified documents in response to a subpoena that timing now being viewed as precious and then the occasion of small obstruction for more let's bring indefinitely national entered the washing purse philip rocker he added here than europe caring for the post philip wondering what's goin on their way
this happened in june of twenty twenty two when when president had received already a subpoena for those classified materials on june second he had two of his employs one of them has valet there a long time worker at mara largo move number of boxes of papers on the property later that day his lawyer trumps lawyer contacted the justice department and said it's ok now for you guys to calm retrieved those documents in response to the subpoena next day on june third is when a product iter and the f b i showed up at marilla go to retrieve the documents but the boxes that had been moved of course we're not retrieved you fast we're two manage the next when the f b i did their raid in august at morocco a village
and i'm not even a country laura like job with assure seems like this can be added to making the case of obstruction try to move documents around ahead of that show some walkest through like the legal possibilities here and also the timing is there's been a lot of shadow recently the czechs nets winding down this path and we may get a discharge decision sooner than later while the active yet the grand jury have has slowed down that means a lot of witnesses lot of trump employees advisers etc i have already been for the grand jury for questioning some of their multiple times and we ve seen that tiffany slow down which is an indication that the special councils invest nation into the classified documents is nearing its conclusion or at the very least is in its final stages we don't have a ton of visibility into what jack smith is thinking about doing but our understanding is that the charges is considering include obstruction of justice is
was mishandling of classified documents new details at the washington post reported this week show that a broader timeline here of possible obstruction the key period for smith is between after trump receiving the subpoena which is the sort of lawful direction to him but that he cannot have these documents it needs to return them to the government and the and the the august raid by the f b i and what sort of acts trump and those around him we're doing to potentially cover up what they had to keep to withhold some of those documents to try to evade the gaiters and so the new reporting we have about the two workers moving those boxes that before the f b i showed up is really significant and i think could factor in heavily smith decision about whether to file obstruction of justice charges phil your colleague david ignatius just one if you have any
better sense now of what trot motive was in holding on it these documents and then why he was so concerned about is retention of them that according to the who this information we're getting he was instructing people to move them out of the way of a potential search what what's the bottom this case is you look at it while there are a couple is that we have indications of his motive both the public comments that trump has made the last several since interviews and at his rallies talking about the documents and also what we for our reporting at the washington post about the investigation trumpets said many times that he believes these documents were his property
if he that they were his documents they were they were papers given to him they were gifts given the him in some cases that of course is not true legally these are the property of the u s government that's why the national archive sought them as soon as he left the white house that's why this became a protracted dispute between trump anna they are the property of the government the trump thought otherwise and then the other thing that we ve learned is that investigator have determined that there is not necessarily financial motive here you might think while jean may be true wanted to sell the information that within these classified documents so far investigation according to our reporting there's no indication that there was some sort of financial play here that he was selling this information rather it was two feet of vigo him he wanted to hold onto them in fact are reporting yesterday at the post in a detail it's pretty interesting which is that trump had some of these classified documents in
open in his office in what is sometimes show them to people who are visiting him that morocco or either junipers phil rocker thank you so much greatly appreciate and jonathan mere by the way i want you to know we ve got through the first block without talking about the boston celtics we we'll talk about them the next block of course down three o now it's three to two kurt shilling pitching game six having seem to be breaking the red sox way how you are you thinking it's two thousand for all over again share the presence of a rod and jeter at the game the other day started this and yes i mean we're daring to dream we'll talk about it later we should not talk though about the two thousand and twenty red sox was often has completely fall off a cliff in the last week forty games let's take a deep breath so long marathon still at a morning joe the legacy
ceiling there are new points is warning dwight house and top republicans are surprise surprise engine closer to a deal who could have seen that coming then people that have been in washington for thirty years plus i mean fun rising numbers rwanda status on the hills of that kind using presidential announcement and a major shake up within pack is a top leader resigns gotta bring a little porter who broke the story and talks about a quote cancer that is growing on sea back one in jail
we'll be right back our world is facing some complex issues meet the press reports breaks them down joint chuck every friday it set up the color a lot of topics in one episode we're going to focus on one and take a deeper look at how it impacts america with expert analysis and in depth discussion exploring and explaining the critical stories that affect our future meet the press reports fridays at ten thirty pm eastern streaming on nbc news now and on demand on peak on youtube there comes a point when a singular revenge shapes our future broadens our perspective and marks across
road and our cultural landscape the turning point in a row no documentary series from msnbc films and executive committee trevor noah that explorers these watershed moment for the biggest issues of our time and how we got here and we we go next the turning point documentary series msnbc and streaming on pick up i wonder at the morning joe it is six thirty want friday morning memorial day weekend and where we have shoddy of orlando course you see everybody on the rug you know what they're doing they're gonna universe right now they can't stay away it's gonna be a blue weekend in euros studios in orlando ok and is me as well and see world and all the other places by the we are getting ready to have a great memorial day weekend certainly help
it's better than well the more they weaken for some leaders and see how work she king news out of sea back this warning that trend of that organization has resigned citing file natural mystery surrounding chairman match laugh in his resignation later letter bob both pray raise concerns over how see pack is funding slaps legal defence against the law suit accusing him of sexual assault against a male aid both pray we also detailed several financial discrepancies writing quote a cancer has been mattel sizing within the organization for years as when you write the political order who wrote the new york magazine article about these allegations ben jake it's bad man a lot a sword through here forgive me sally vital heard this story before this is this is weighing lapierre stuff like at at at
the inner re it seems like the n our a and see back just can't see keep their books rate this is connected to i think perhaps bigger scandal and see back the board appear to be i don't have tried to cover up or trying to defend well i i think that's right joad that the board is made up of match lapse friends at this point it's a hand pick board and their there on his team and are working on youtube fed information by him in that dead terms what decisions there making and at this point five of prey has is broken away he sent this letter which ended up getting leaked out by the board to raise these concerns and it's a sign that at this point that the folks worse friends are now having real concerns over the management at sea pack in what is going on and how broken institution has become
so man let's channel new gang region and talk about this in a way that third graters could understand it can you break it down in case people out now are the ugly as its been going on sea pack for quite some time what white wine where did this began with accusations against match lap and an what specifically is treasure accusing the board of doing well this some of its root causes and allegations against trap that while campaigning for herschel walker in twenty twenty two he down a significant portion of europe significant the keys alleged to drink a a lot of alcohol and then groped male staffer who is driving him back in this we have set off a chain of events and there's questions now whether see pack is pain first legal defence the treasure says that they advance tin fifty thousand dollars when these allegations naturally hadn't keep in mind the treasure think slaps innocent of us and then that
had mysteriously raised to fifty thousand dollars more that got to its legal defence there also allegations of financial mismanagement that there's massive staff turnover that this is an organization over the past three years that's church through employees at a pretty remarkable pace and generally but the books aren't straight that as the washing riposte reported earlier that just last year slack started pain himself a salary that previously he had done this without us that is a significant six figure salary to supplement is every day job is a lobbyist while you know i mean let's livestock really quickly i mean that conservative brand has been so tarnished i talked about the end our you could also talk about obviously donald trump all the in depth and set out there again stem here would see back this is this is banned in chile
recent years this has been where all conservative candidates have gone they didn't this year because again there's just this cloud hangs over it but man always talk about how republicans have become like the jim and tammy faye bakker donald become the german term tammy faye baker of american politics squeezing every last dine out of out of retirees and other people that they can soccer and then they never all through in what they say they're gonna do our mothers legal defence funds or something else but you know get the parallels i mean you got jim and tammy faye bakker you got oral roberts she got jimmy swaggart you got the catholic church he got the southern baptist church all of these scandals and now it seems it's just moving over to the conservative movement one scandal after another scandal one indictment after another indictment i dont know how to conserve the brand is not just absolutely tarnished for decades to come
what is the conservative brown right now is if you if you say what are these lands basically its hate not even grievance its anger its breaking of laws is below if you the republican should have a loop and the loop replaited em who is it what conservative movement and really made it relevant to americans while ring and they are anti ronald reagan reagan stood for decency and really taken conservatism and putting it making it relevant the majority of americans and the consumer movement now he's just stuck it stop stands for nothing from policy point of view except anger hatred and just complete complete chaos and as you said i dont see it coming anytime soon when you have the new bees in the party we have run the status playing the same exact to know he's getting it right they they form they can't get up so ban what's ex first see pack is there a sense here that that slap was the
hold on power it is is in jeopardy if as you say it's mostly run by his friends it certainly the super conference this year was was diminished smaller despite trump turn it was a smaller and seem to matter less than years before how do you see this play out before i think there's a couple of scenarios in one case that this this continues as it is and see pack continues to diminish as you pointed out it was much more but trunk showed that traditionally see pack is own composition of the conservative movement but the conference this year but sort of a narrow slice of people from one thing that was telling that people used to be physically banned from the conference were now speakers on the maid stage other scenario is whether they buy their sharp cept involuntarily it's unlikely for my understanding the board is involved at deal with us that see pack stores lingering strength because of its
and but it's also seen a lot of competition from turning point usa from other conservative conferences but just a question of this point whether you know see pack see bacchus fades away becomes the arcy cola if conferences sort of something that is a landmark about best allow me to say i love our seek olefin jake i'm thank you so much greater it will be an air mouth russia man some crazy stuff go on their russia's bognor mercenary group now is saying it's ghetto abandon bought moot it's gonna try it over to russia's armed forces who they say can't huh the city the groups you're says russia should not expect any more help from his forces and the city which is in some of the wars heavies fighting over the past year the news comes as a and the leader of the vagueness mercenary group is also warning russia could
it was the war ukraine and face a revolution similar to that of a nineteen sept team let's bring him back and david ignatius david well now maybe i'm over reading this but not so sure i am yet you later of the wagner group constantly berating putin's inner set inner circle rating is military bikes should braiding prudent himself goes in and they lose maybe a hundred thousand mercenaries going in to hold down backward and then he decides to abandon it knowing that the russian army is not going to be able to hold it in the spring offensive so is a guidance talking about revolution is talking about others chaos in russia talk about how badly things are going how russia can lose it
almost as if he's trying to prove that himself by his retreat joe it's a bizarre situation you have these taunts from essentially an oligarch who's formalism militia it used to be very close to putin you have us kind of disarray in the russian military operation the lights which i've never seen in a major conflict this motion denouncing the defence minister well leadership saying he's not getting enough weapons he did all the fighting that jerusalem the interesting thing to me we i heard a word from vladimir putin about this as promotional ransom taunts though their stays in the kremlin aloof and silent is that it liberal strategy by putin to stay above at all it is a sign that he is increasingly losing control we simply not now but the
conversations i'm having with russia must go to this mystery of it was in this moment what's going on with subject i'm gonna try to reporting on today david i want to be really interested in that reporting could my question is how does perversion save stuff and stay on putin's good side how do i see how this out at sea continue to live frankly buyer putin and everything is doing in the way he's doing it its manner it just doesn't seem to make sense unless provision is angling for pollutants job i mean this is this this seems to be a very serious wet but curious as to what your hunches or what you're feeling is it's a gene no more than a hunch but my senses
for some years the putin like many leaders of authoritarian countries i think countries like like syria iran likes to have peering intelligence services and an operative under and they're all jack for power no single one of them become strong enough to challenge the leader foregoing is checked by the defence minister should do in this case the other leaders they exert some more influence you ve got all these centres power under the leader each negating the others ability that the challenge the leader the problem is that is fighting a war and as promotion said this war was de demilitarize ukraine that was russia's objective ran indeed no it grain is now becoming a military superpower in the centre of europe as promotion said russia has achieved the opposite of what it intended so in a weather whether by putin can put promotion back in the box
again one of the questions that we need to ask if he doesn't promotion is gonna challenge in this present david ask you just about move because we ve heard so much about back with there's been so much reporting about it so much of it is levels right now unfortunately because of this war why it's so significant is its significance and when you mentioned the spring offensive what do you think is the next step isn't that what should we all be watching for so that one of the mysteries to u s commanders four months has been why the ukrainians were devoted so much of their blood and treasure to defending backward which is a modestly strategic pointed controls access to that that's one of the areas that that there has been a bitterly contested but was it worth the costs that they were paying zaleski and the ukrainian said basically we need the whole russian forces there while we prepare the broad
offensive that we think is just about to start now this this week well that looked like but we have some early signs that the ukraine is about a very aggressive and going after russian would just ex russian command and control we don't read much about it but they're trying to restrict mush russia's ability to move around the battlefield as this offensive begins as as great punishes through this very long front overthrow kilometers punches through at various points will the rush be able to respond and react ukrainians hope that they will able to push through the cora that connects russia to crimea and put the yo prize for putin wishes crimea at risk if that happen this will be in a very very different situation but what we think we just now this week gave him a point where that that offensive long awaited offensive is finally beginning and to further day its point of mr officials now
though still wondered why you pray spent so much time about mood they do think there are successful unjust bogging down so much of russia's forces there and exhausting their weapons and such where they feel like they will be less able to defend the uk coming spring counter offensive and the officials i've talked to joe are growing more bullish ukraine's chances here they still think ukraine they still think crimea is probably too far that key happen now but they think that ukraine can make real progress in the south and east and at minimum go into potential negotiations potential negotiations so let's get to make their call but they'd be do so at a much more position of strength why you and and people are looking at this euro as as maybe a victory that the russians can can put the boxes aware but boy victory with horrific cost over hundred thousand casualties as some people are estimating they were held down they were bogged down while the ukrainian
we're getting ready for the spring offensive seems to me especially you see the wagner group now talking about retreating and turning it over to a group of of russian divisions are going to be able to hold it it's it's it's again sort of the worst case scenario for the russians i think i just to bring up jane you know you you remember like david you remember what russia was like in ninety ninety one ninety two ninety three there was political anarchy there were social anarchy there was a military anarchy i've i've said from i'd sometime i guess because of tomorrow things on arms serves as committee at the bed delay nineties that the only thing i you're you had more than vladimir putin was russia after vladimir putin well attire four grogan proves that here's a guy in just a few days ago you said we need
become basically more of a totalitarian state and russia needs to be north korea over the next three to four years so for all of us people out there listen i'm not nominating vladimir putin for a nobel peace prize anytime soon i'm just saying it can always get what maybe that's a conservative and make it can always get worse but you look at this guy who maybe angling do take lattimer putin's place his views for russia is a greater russia its north korea yeah it's north korea i mean look there's there are no indications that i know of so far of europe nineteen seventeen style unrest within russia right it's not that that's not happening on the other hand the sort of parallel is that in detail
between russia of course with bogged down in a war just sort of feeding soldiers into that mail server started it with the with the army and the navy and then through it and the next thing you knew that there was a revolution now that's i don't think that's about to happen in russia but it does we should remember that now that really really bad things can happen really quickly in russia and so you never know when we were like boiler this kind of tipping point and yes things could get worse and here we ve been showing a close about the nineteenth seventeen revolution where when the first step the soldiers rise up and then their love follow in the other court we shout jane was again where he said we need
the borders we need to make russia more like north korea not dead not not and not have agreed future for the russians are i would say for body in europe so if you don't think things can get worse well i ve been studying russia very long still at our next gas has written a timely and definitive book on china's tearing leader we're gonna about how she's vision for beijing could impact i the world how it's already impacting them i said the world mornings coming right back yom and for me the news is so much more than i have mine you didn't warms spires and it still matters the covering you have to begin what either the front lines of the store words actually happening with nbc journalists on the ground from all over the world we cover what you need to know and bring your news to life in prime time
screaming like it's your news playlist join for top store weak nights at seven eastern on nbc news now dance dan long time investigative producer within bc news in two thousand hu i received a letter from a new york state prison from a man serving twenty five years the life for a murder he insisted he didn't commit dear mister slapping i know i don't belong here but i am a firm believer that everything i have this to us in life is for purpose it ended with a desperate please look into my case i didn't know it then but this letter spark the twenty year journey to uncover the truth and what i ve learned hots this is the story of a man convicted of murder his fight for just the letters that changed both of our lives this is letters from things apart
from nbc new studios all episodes available now listen wherever you get your package the beautiful shot of the white house and sixty three friday the sun while they weekend i don't want your memorial day we can plans are but inside their lot of people trying to figure out how to take care of that ceiling crisis looks like they're getting closer every day bag our chinese resident she became the countries most powerful leaders it smells like tom secure a president breaking a third term in charge she was first selected the general secretary of the chinese communist party and twenty twelve and back china's seventh president and less a year later with this now staff rapporteur for the world street journal cha how long is covered china for the journal since twenty fourteen missy author the new book party of one
rise of change in paying and china's superpower future thanks so much being whether it's greatly appreciated talk about so how do we talk about our present she has as i sat and really asserted authority over the gun went in china in a way that nobody could have foreseen when he first started moving toward power yes so i think one way to look at how this happened when choosing ping first came to power in two thousand and twelve she was sort of an unknown quantity back then the joke was that his wife was a popular piano a folk singer was actually more then she was and he s sort of thing over his career from its rise to know it from the nightingale procedure no official up to the public the party he hadn't may serve sort big day for himself he was sort of seen as they can or capable by the same time not particular outstanding standing by better times came to power
the change tat you know she really came again in over the truth that he had in his hand and why i think we really did after to control was to use the communist parties anti corruption agency if you see the eye which right about my book use that as a way to consolidate control she sent you know and he cried inspectors to basically clear out on all sorts of corruption the abuse of power we note that there are the time those view that you know an existential threat the party so that was i think a genuine attempt to deal this problem but a same time there was a sense that should give actually using this as a way to consolidate control no you well to make the bureaucracy afraid of him and therefore those away from the consorted power and implement his policies you know that's right to top down approach so we
just saw some footage thereof of president she's standing with president putin and there's been an awful lot of tea leaf reading here in washington about how the war in ukraine is impacting president she's thinking as it relates to his own desires taiwan and and other places in the region so you ve been cut for a long time what's your best assessment of that i think in terms of taiwan i think it's not a secret that she's thinking deftly cares about this issue perhaps we then some russian probe predecessors have done famously said and twenty thirteen through a visiting former tower as president that you know that the talent issue cannot be handed down from generation to generation which said does it says approach and see in trying to resolve this problem or those it's not specifically set a timeline samuel suggested twenty twenty seven train thirty five twenty fifty i dont think we so you can decide to a specific timeframe but we do know
she's thinking has spent a lot of time and expense to modernize the p away the chinese military has been agreed hokosa peace since you took power you spend a lot energy new telling people that i want to make this first rate fighting force and by how'd you know that i have made significant progress in that sense but does russian invasion of ukraine demonstrates that you know you could spend a lot of money to modernize the fighting force but at the same time when it finally has to deliver delivered a goods on a battlefield it might not actually be able to do the job so that might actually plant machine peace calculations in terms of whether the p i which she has spent the past andrews modernizing is actually came delivering note i have to say permission the communist party themselves describing reclaiming taiwan as per the motherland although income is produced actually never government i want this is actually something they hold to be fun battle to their view of what it takes to make china in a great again you knew i realise that china dream i think
of what she linking might be thinking going forward its to say but i think he's right here in his engagement if american leaders that time is a non negotiable issue they must deliver the americans cannot push china on this issue and you have push comes to shove china before sneaker response john this is there david ignatius in washington you swain well us she's skill at consolidating power but i want to ask you whether you see any evidence then in the last few years he stumbled on some key accounts and managing the economy in some of his dealings with some party officials do you see any evidence that the she magic if you well in politics has begun some the most recent example that view might referring to his d how he had waited zero commit as he knows jericho circle
it was china's approach to dealing with the pandemic basically very strict lockdowns you know rapid response mass testing you locked out entire neighborhoods in short notice want you to type into a meeting outbreak in the area and there was ah that's quite significant costs in november we saw outbursts of gotta get the government for imposing such should policy and within days you know the council too wind it even though there was no understanding that this would have significant consequences in terms of public health the chinese abolition of the time you know vaccinate raised among the elderly or spotter low and there was a you know it was wrong to state that this interview if you want to roll back zero kobe properly it would have significant consequences in terms of her you know why spread out the potentially high death toll among the elderly but you know there was still carry through i think
example sort of demonstrated this difficulty for she when he bunch of causing this much power when everyone below you sort of trying to answer to cross second guess what you want when jewish in short instructions on said about policy goes people below you sort of frightening but more than you know you might expect and the sort of them at the same time lets you sort of actual you know enthusiastic implementation of policy which then the government realises they ve gone to forget go back anything zero covers an example of this in a sort of lodging back and forth between different actions on key policies all right then his party of one the rise of she jim paying and china's superpower future judge hon warm thank you so much for being with us we greatly appreciated and best wishes on the book lodge and david as always thank you is well what's bring
conversation now the present the national action network and of innocent disease politics nation reverend i'll shark and also let's prize winning author in presidential is storing doors currents goodwin long with the mere donnie deutsche jen saki eugene robinson so shops this morning the founder of the far right groups oh it's keepers has been sentenced to death eighteen years in federal prison bed of course following his conviction seditious conspiracy in connection with the january sixth insurrection stuart roads call himself a quote political prisoner in a court room speech before the sentencing yesterday judge didn't buy it for a second rightfully and said you believes it only crime committed was opposed those who are quote drawing our country the judge countered those common saying roads presented they quote ongoing threat and although this country into the republic into the very fabric of democracy also let roads no here
is there not as a political prisoner but as someone who broke the law eighteen years is a long sentence for any january sex defend it so far also yesterday fellow oath remember telling bags were sentenced to twelve years in prison now met apologize do his family for the pain that he's caused the judge said he did not pose the same continuing threat as roads justified his shorter senate's traditional of keepers conventional construction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting will be sentenced later today and of course the man who were was was caught policies office and putting his feet up on the desk and and and running throughout the gap we were as we voted yesterday four and a half years in prison so we ve seen what donald trump said which is let's glorify the convict
let's praise and people who beat the hell out of cop to the capital in january the sex you wants to part a mall what about why the sad ass well he said if elected press he would consider pardoning some of the people convicted charges related to january sex insurrection at the capital following the weight of the man he needs to catch in the polls donald trump here's trappers the question about pardon for january six the writers and insurrectionists during that we then cnn town hall meaning followed by what to say to set on a radio show yesterday a question to you is what you pardon january six rioters sure convicted of federal offences i am inclined to pardon many of them i can't for every single one because a couple of probably they got out of control what they ve done to these people they persecuted this paper and yemen
my answer is i am most likely if i get in i will most likely i would say will be a large portion of them india jane be i've been weapon ized we see that we in a variety of contacts some of what you mentioned some of it is the f b i going after parents going to school board meeting some of it is how they treat a pro life demonstrator how they don't go after people that are attacking pro lifers and so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do one day one i will have a vote that will get together and look at all these cases who people are victims of weapon is asia in or political target egg we will be aggressive in issuing parted now somebody's some of these cases some people may have a technical via vision of the law but if there are three other people who did the same thing but just in time like be a lamb and they don't get prosecuted at all that is uneven application of justice so it is the body you know when we look
political campaigns the main idea is to present a contrast and so for suburban women far swing voters for independence that are going to decide next year's elections in the suburbs of land philadelphia detroit milwaukee phoenix now they have the right the far right constantly talking about these da's who won't prosecute people who break in and and still clothes from departments right and that obviously that i'm such a lot of people they don't like seeing there and he's got a hell of a lot of people believe quality molecular cities have gone straight out so what do you do you contrast that right somebody who talks about deterrents somebody who talks about being tough on crime
but how can you do that when one of them grievous crimes committed in the united states this century other than september eleventh happened and you ve got the to tie republican candidate saying you know we're gonna do where we're gonna let these writers go by the way by the way the question that was asked to trump was not what are you going to for those people that we're just touring the grounds on january six this specific jim was aren't you gonna pardon the riot though why hunters and donald trump said yes then decide is falling by trying to play catch up with donald trump instead of providing is this contrast that americans swiftly why
generally the census thing just sons me your thirty or forty points down and you just gonna be a weaker version of seven exe mr candidate and with no contrast whatsoever i mean if you're if you're a new product and you're coming to market you can't get people to switch from an old product until you offer them something something new something fresh can you imagine if if one if all of a sudden and i'm coming drifting off topic a young can comes in and says you know what i'm a conservative but here i believe i believe in law and order and you know what i believe that the and when the rioters should be held accountable just like any other criminal this country with its lose the republican party were they reinvigorate our public work they would they would not they would this is what people want there's a fringe and extreme fringe not the entire base extreme fringe but do you think that the average republic voter when i'm an to democrats don't think that with these people should be held accountable they see it with their eyes and its studying the lack of i've just the ability to rear room and understand what i
tree wants is beyond comprehension and then they they why they bitch and wine for years saying there weren't enough prosecutions of the rioters during the be aware marches and an answer our answer is to not prosecute people that tried to take down the united states government it is sheer insanity if you think that maybe justice department should have done a better job in twenty twenty the the answer is not to do it well a job in twenty twenty three it's actually do better but banana two doors you here you remember me tina sixty eight they chaos it happened in nineteen sixty eight people like my parents
the suburbs of atlanta who were democrats who became republicans after the rioting after they chaos after they anarchy that they just couldn't process this was the america that they grew up and this was an empty arse amerika my mama different j f k this wasn't j of case america and what i heard growing up was deterrents deterrents deterrents right so i looked up deterrents this morning just a quick google check and this is what i got deterrent there's a theory that criminal penalties do not just punish violators like stuart roads but all so discourage other people from committing similar offences many people point to them to deter criminal actions after high profile incidents in which an offender seemed to have received to light a sentence well vienna as i keep saying what no power she's still i can survive i still
and yet you have donald trump telling why mass journalists to stand back and stand by you have donald trump like saluting convicts it beat bail out of cops with american flags you have done i'll drop actually actually pay tribute i can't even believe that's what i'm george mcgovern done this to a convict wire a convict george mcgovern would have them like link setting a warm for the rest of the seventy two campaign like republicans would have free out and yet here they are saying oh you know what would win j they're they're just too tough there too tough we're going these people you see your idea scaling the walls of the capital all the people committing sedition
against the united states all the rioters we're going to pardon them to send a message of two other writers and the future doris that's what it'll do everybody in jos scarborough exciting news you can now streamlining joe live on peacock you're gonna find this in their new morning news lie feature every week day from six to ten a m eastern de peacock too being dot com slash morning joe for more information see there
Transcript generated on 2023-05-28.