« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 5/23/23

2023-05-23 | 🔗

E. Jean Carroll updates 2019 Trump lawsuit, seeks new damages

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The optimistic we maybe I'll make some progress because we both agreed to false, not really the tape down here and the consequential failure pair of bills would be the american people would have a real kick and are kind of economic wellbeing. As a matter of fact, the rest of the world would too President Biden and speaker Kevin Mccarthy, continue to take positive, have that positive tone on the debt ceiling and how it's going, but there is still no deal with just over a week until the country could default completely, will the disagreements that are holding up a deal for now. Also add trumps comments about aging carol during his town hall could cost him more money, as the writer takes, new legal action against the former president meanwhile tromp peasant new challenger and that twenty four presidential race will show you,
Senator tim, scots, pitched voters and part of this, I'd ranging interview within busy news after yesterday's announcement, plus a top republican in that house, seems to it. the real reason for an investor everyone in the by family. Finances will show you that moment. Good morning welcome to morning Joe it is tuesday may twenty third, along with, willie and me we have a host of waging too what has been achieved. John mayer, former white house, director communications to president obama. Jen palmary joins us as well. so will jump right into it and writer. A gene karol is updating her original defamation lawsuit against former president donald trump. In response to the comments that he made about her journey recent town hall event. You wish
you had to know it wouldn't have made a difference. This is a rigged deal. This was a my lawyer said, sir, you don't have to do what I actually said. I think I should it would be respectful. They said, sir, don't do it. This is a fake sorry and you dont want to give it credibility, One thing you ve never done. I swear. I have No idea who the hell she's treasure His insecurity is just again. We talk about this before willie his insecure he is just so overwhelming that he feels the need to say, sir, sir, sir, when I just again you talk about a tell it's just the greatest sell. This is like. was insecure man and in public life.
At this john, and I were just learning the sir story. That was just an excuse to tell another sara story which, as you say, he's usually a tell that the thing he's about to say didn't happen. He just wants to show that someone gave him some respect but make it he can keep defaming in public, but is aging carol, taught us in that jury, Thus in manhattan a couple of weeks ago, he's act doing it with impunity anymore. So what aging care our legal team are saying is being keep going in trashing me and we're gonna keep taking five million. Maybe ten million dollars in this case from you time. We do it and sending the message that finally, someone is drawing a line in the sand with donald trump. Gravity gravity is returned. I mean to the legal system has made that so, where you now Gonna lie about sandy hook, parents and and say sandy hook. Children never never exist, you're going to pay a lot of money.
go around lying about somebody, you get busted for defamation, and then you go up days. This isn't this: is the world that trump thought he had created over the past few years said gravities return. There are doubts that have to be paid for, for so many the things that is, he does including defamation, your tractors, entire career and life, as many have. I think this is the first time he's faced a word that is very, very alien to him. Its accountability, in a new court, filing carols attorney asked for at least ten million dollars in compensatory damages, as well as a quote. Very substantial punitive damages award. This loss, it was for filed in twenty nineteen is separate from the civil case that well one earlier this month, where a jury found trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation.
was ordered to pay five million dollars and is currently appealing that verdict. The twenty nineteen lawsuit stems from comments trump made that year after carol came forward with her allegation that he raped her in a department store, now her attorney, say. Translated latest remarks quote: show the death of his malice toward carol trumps. Lawyers say they play to fight the motion. Writing in a statement quote miss carols, eleven bower attempt to amend or complaint exposes the true motivation. behind her numerous law. Social innovation is, is for her for four donald trump to stop lying about the woman repeatedly, and not only will this cost him money in the end, if he loses again, agent carol is already one one suit against him: he has to spend all this money on lawyers, and that's just one of the many posted so closing in on him again. He thinks he can keep lying and there are no consequences to it between robinson, the real causes
once you hearing at our genes cover jennifer barbaric the the. What are the consequences of this as you look at the punitive awards of punitive if she in this case are likely to be much greater because this happened days after a jury found him liable for sexual abuse. Sexual assault And for defamation, so they go back at their two or three days later again, I would think that they will be looking very closely william hard with punitive damages to stop the type of behaviour in the future in that way that we are experiencing with him, with accountability in their voters, have held them accountable right. He didn't win in twenty twenty. He tried to pursue extraordinary means to stay in office. It didn't work out the court's backed back to democracy in that case, and
the courts of way, then again to hold them and accountable in the way that the heat we haven't seen happened to him. or an. I think. So this is that's a positive thing: that's democracy, work game, that's our institution standing up but imagine he'll keep doing right, because he was so angry about that first judgment and then possess a woman coming after him. He never like that, and I It has continued to say. he's derogatory remarks about her and they'll continue to be accountability in and then the court singing, let alone all the other accountability. That's illegal on the legal front that you know are likely to come. His way that somewhere to and there's some news in one of the other legal cases against AL tromp here in new york, where he is charging can with that alleged hush money, payment prosecutors say he ordered be made to adult film actress, stormy Daniels, the former president will appear today:
by video for a hearing for the judge can explain to him the rules of a new protective order which bars from using evidence, in that case, to attack witnesses, prosecutors from the manhattan district, attorney's office, work that order earlier this month and the judge agreed under the rule, the former and in his lawyers, will not be to share evidence to third parties, namely posting it social media going after people. In the case, it also requires certain sensitive material shared by prosecutors. He kept them by trumps lawyers not shared with the former president himself. They don't trust him. Whether truckers pleaded not guilty to thirty four felony counts of falsifying business records. In that case a trial they expected to begin next year so- bottom line on this hearing today, John, is that they don't trust donald trump with evidence in the case, because they think he's gonna use it posted on for media Two jury with the trial coming up here, that seems, pray, reasonable fear and an obvious cases are separate, but these
Carol matter reinforces why you do that he keeps talking, he gets himself and more trouble. He and now This is an effort. Of course the judge is saying: don't do this because we don't want you to impact legal proceedings and we have seen trump in the past when the midst of litigation, he uses social media previously twitter, now true social, to go after people involved, and it could be intimidation. It could be an attempt to influence things and it can't be a full gag order because he is running for president states. The the court seems to acknowledge that, but they're restricting He can do and say sort of an important step here, an again to meekest point when the first times that he's had to face any kind of accountable or restriction he's not able to just do what he wants per partly from the court. and you look at it and we're talking about accountability. It's really, but it's really across The board here I brought up. The sandy hook lies right. and there was something where again, people just started thinking you can lie, you can say whatever you want to say, there won't be any consequences. We
We see no, what happened awhile with with with the voting machines. What happened there? We see what happened I'll drop in man had we saw what happened with this jury verdict. We also are saying it every day that the justice department continuing we are continuing to pursue people to beat the hell out of car rioted on january. The six try to overthrow peaceful, eric and presidential election again there are. sequences and again it appears that donald trump will be the last person. Then that understands this, but there definitely are it's gonna come in georgia in August is going to come with jack smith. at the fads and when you do, we have transformer attorney. General hulu basically did whatever he told him to do, and a new, you have a former legal counsel of is saying
could land him in jail the moral ago, obstruction of justice, part of that case that yeah consequences have come. They will continue to The question is: when is donald trump, going to figure it out I know we live in a world that he's created all onto himself, but at some point, well. If you believe one of his former former attorneys and this one of his former attorney sized now. What I say is, I think this guy it's gotten away when so much, but take up, says getting them up in jail yeah. guy's been on the inside and has seen what's going on. It's one question as to whether or not trouble ever get it or if you'll just keep thrall, fire, who is falsehoods out in front of every case and try and dragged out as much as possible, but The other question is republicans in the house, for Can you still continue to follow him as they are watching this man, ten years to touch the heart still
and put his hand away and lose the house republican leading an investigation into the binding family finances may have inadvertently revealed. The true tension of his probe in a fox news interview, yet they oversight committee chair, James comber, was asked whether he thought his investigation was the ring. in foreign uptake and media coverage about the binding families, business dealings. His response was to cite head to head paul numbers between president Joe Biden and donald trump. Do you think that, because of your investigation, that is what's move this needle with the media absolutely absolutely there's no question. You look at the polling and right now, Trust is seven points ahead of Joe Biden intruding up Joe eurobonds, training downward and, I believe the media is look at around scratch at their head and their realized the american people, are keep it up with our investigation.
Now a realizing is actually you made a fully yourself time and time again. dont really can't cherry pick a pall because a republic and poland, came out recently public opinion strategies, which is, of course, said here is the most respected republican pulse, certain washington, but most most republic, would suggest that been around for twenty five years. There His paul has, I think, it's from the thirteenth, the fifty two may it has Joe Biden up over donald trump, has him up even over We'll drop in georgia. Wigand through all of its type, but bet there's nothing. Now come on out a covers investigation, but more viruses from him, will admit he hasn't produced any evidence any evidence and by the way, even
right wing allies in the media say they would prove members of the binding family gauge and any criminal activity. But of course, Will you listen to that Try to remind you of somebody else does that when, when we are all ask away, why are they freaking out so much in any hearings and screaming at taking it Julie and trying to turn into some big political hit job Gaza and let's play the tape, and we can see the peril has a match. Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable right, but we put together a bagasse special committee, a select many what are heard numbers today. Her numbers are dropping. Why cause she's untruss table, but No one would unknown any of that had happened. Had we good, so and palmary that is Kevin. Mccarthy. Twenty fifteen saying the quiet part out loud that her pull them.
You're down that is proven. Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy sorry by the way for using one of your trigger words, which has been gaza as someone who worked on the twenty sixth, but there are no differences here, at least in that was only what eight years ago, at least they pretend Did they try to publicly say republicans? Did the benghazi by getting the bottom of the deaths of americans at Benghazi. said. This is not about Hillary Clinton. They said that publicly and by the way after Kevin Mccarthy, those comments trigger I need the chairman of that committee of the Benghazi committee called him in and made him apologize publicly. So it's disappointing he's my friend. So it's especially disappointing. Every republicans made a big show of saying disappointed they weren't in Kevin Mccarthy and condemning what he had said not here before ostensibly that was about the deaths of americans, but explicitly in the case of this fight and family investigation is about Joe Biden. It is about his family, so they really can't say anything other than were glad to
he at least in one pull that they found that it is taking at all, it just shows you the erosion of the integrity of the republican party, even in the last eight years, and also how young kevin Mccarthy looked in that I hate that was like it's shocking responsibility, ages, people, but even that that that what Mccarthy said in that was in fifteen about, but god save for a small one of the best ways of the Clinton campaign, as it proved are our whole theory that this is all political and in now and not within their at about what actually happened in Benghazi. But then that that was seen as costing cover. Mccarthy. The speakership that that move and any he any did have to, he did have to backtrack and, as you said, trade Gouty did go after him and now Jim know, Jim chair of that committee, just go had and asserts. That is the purpose. The purpose is to. The purpose is to
I've down vitamins standing with with the public- and I mean alone like chose point about the fact that those holes Most of these Paul's deathly do not show donald trump beating beating Biden, but it shouldn't points, and also they are failing. Even in trying to assert any kind of we'll case against against spur by family here, sadly same playbook, that we have seen there begins to use against Hillary Clinton twain? Sixteen, but it's really diminished sequel hasn't works. We saw twenty more with tony or whatever that guy's name was, but I just didn't loose the name drop here, the the business partner of hunter Biden, who was the surprise guest at the debate in two thousand and twenty, which is a pale imitation of the surprise guests that donald trump brought the Clinton accusers in twenty sixteen and works.
time and time again there trying to make this happen and it just there isn't and we we ve talked about Joe. You will see if honey is charged with crime later this year of the second, maybe on tax filings, or you should had a gun when he possession possession we'll see that will deal that, as it happens, will feel the will see if there are any electoral impact, but even then There is no suggestion that the present any wrong, and at least at this point the Republican try as they may and as many hours they spend on fox news. They have not been able to create anything about the actual bite in crime, family. That seems the changing any voters minds and instead turning off voters who seems to be focusing on other things, Well, I mean an end ended so awkward. They sought out that funding. I so it's bizarre quarters. Rhonda sand is trying to two laughs.
I came in. I wouldn't say that sound show that I've one month of his showed its just cats. Very awkward, but you look at durham he has- is he two cases thy organ approve the fbr despite and Hillary Clinton injuries to juries come back out, No, not even close twenty four jurors just said. No, durham. His cases were so horrible. He never proved anything I have com or coming along and and they put out a report and my god, then people on the right then, why time and time again about they quote violent crime family to say well, there's no smoking gun there is there. There is not really anything there. Is there nothing going back to Joe by and there's night, but it again it's it's awkward because they're, so bad at this
and the end is really said with Gaza, you had an underlying tragedy. You of go of course, of course, tighter makes it even more grow task that they decide that they're, going to exploit the deaths of for americans who gave their lives in is to america to try. You drive down Hillary Clinton, paul numbers, but the under lying investigation was a worthy one to see what happened in Benghazi, they just the guy they just its perverse that He said: well, let's use these for debt americans to drive down Hillary Clinton, paul numbers here they literally have. I think that when that man hunter and yeah focus on hunter, I think continues to back fire, because I just think I could be wrong, but I think there is a kind of a bad reaction to going after president oh bindings, surviving sun, and you know who has written a book about his struggles.
who has been open about it. Yes, if something you're right and all of us have said this, if there is a charge against him, we will cover it. We will cover anything else, but the kind of power sensation of the power takes against Joe Biden, whose Thirdly, known as a very empathetic man role: is it I known as a very good man who seems to many people like a good guy They go after her son like that, and I think it it just kind of is cringe worth it. Doesnt work continues. I've got investigations, we just Your time and again, if binds indicted, he's found guilty varies. worry about that. But that's injustices, something. and were and yeah, but it's not even covering part of it is it's a Democrat wouldn't go out, saying they're going to tear down the rule of law that the Democrats. go out and say what market
rio says about the jury system, cutting ripping out trying to rip out of basic pillar of amerika Judicial system wouldn't go outside the sort of things it Donald trump says, which is if something's, if courts don't? rule in my favor, then, let's terminate the constant pollution of the united states. That's it Extreme viewpoint, the excessive this where they put. This failed ray reality show host of iraq. its constitution and the rule of law. We don't do that here. Democrat stout. Do that they're not going to do that. Hunger buying does end up getting it. I didn't even going to jail. That's what separates right now. Prop republicans from the democratic party had again not Joe Biden they're going actress. Way out on morning, Joe will have the latest on the debt ceiling negotiations. President Biden and house baker government They are calling yesterday's meeting productive, but there is still
no deal in sight, plus republican sen, TIM Scott, officially jumps into the two thousand and twenty four white house race. We'll take a look at some of his wide ranging interview with NBC news on the heels of yesterday's announcement. Also ahead. African centre, Josh Holly, gets marked in a new I'm paying add featuring a little hollywood. Our power and former tutor candidate birds we're governor and voting rights activists. Stacy abrams is our guest. This morning you watch. In jail, we'll be right back we know that
the one on Tom yarmouth from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist we take you to the front The story words actually happening with envy Jordan was on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know: bring your news me to life and now Tom stories available as a podcast, so you can listen anytime anywhere subscribed now for new episodes. Every week I'm dance libyan law time investigative producer within bc, news in two thousand HU I received a letter from a new york state prison from a man serving twenty five years to life for a murder. He insisted he didn't commit dear mister slapping. I know I don't belong here, but I am a firm believer that everything I have this to us in life is for purpose. It ended with a desperate. Please look into my case. I didn't know it then, but this letter spark the twenty year
journey to uncover the truth and what I ve learned haunts. This is the story of a man convicted of murder, his fight for justice, letters that changed both of our lives? This is letters from things apart. From NBC new studios. All episodes available now. Listen wherever you get your package. The secret service has arrested the driver of a rented box truck the crashed into security barriers near the white house last night. According to witness was two reuters investigators founded nazi swastika flag inside the truck secrets. this believes the driver may have intentionally crash that vehicle. U s part police are expect defiled, charge is no injuries were reported, make a he didn't, get very close to the white house, but certainly made an attempt, will be
following that is time now to take a look at the morning papers. We begin in Michigan, where the detroit news reports on governor gretchen witnessed signing into law, the extreme risk protection order act. The light Patient allows judges to temporarily confiscate guns from those deemed a risks of themselves, for others, it it's the last of a three part package of gun regulations. Lawmakers introduced following or is deadly mass shooting on. Chicken state universities campus in florida. The tallahassee Democrat has a front page feature on governor ron. Desantis, asking that a federal judge be disqualified from presiding over a law suit filed by disney de santis says the judge has referenced his dispute with disney in unrelated hearings, claiming that means he can't be impartial in this.
Is disney is suing the florida governor over allegations, the board he appointed to oversee the company violate disney's rights right is free speech, as well as the contracts clause that and the city star lane through the missouri bill. That would allow public who is to offer elective courses on the bible, it also requires schools not show any favour or hostility toward any religion. Some critics this might violate the spirit of the separation of church and state. The legislation passed both the state, ass and senate, and is now with the governor and fine the republican american reports that can the connecticut Senate has approved a bill to regulate artificial intelligence. The measure set requirements for the development and use of ai systems in the state government. It also proposes creating a group that can make
recommendations on how to regulate the tool in the private sector. U s! when Richard Blumenthal says the bill could serve as a model for the federal government and coming up Tik tok files a or a lawsuit against montana, challenging the states law that the chinese islands because of privacy and security concerns plus U S, surgeon general, be back mirth, they joined, says with a new warning about so, media and mental health, jobs will be right back. This is them. Is that this is already melvin? donald trump was facing multiple criminal and civil cases and on MSNBC sancho
It's prosecuting donald trump legal analysts and federal prosecutors, Andrew weissmann and mary mccoy, two of the most well respected veteran prosecutors in our country, get into the cases against the former president. Tell you what could come next from a veteran prosecutors view, search for prosecuting donald trump, wherever you're listening and follow hi, I'm Jordan Rubin, former prosecutor and legal writer with MSNBC these days. It seems every new story has a major legal angle to it, whether it's the multiple investigations into donald trump, decisions from the supreme court that impact our lives or fall out from the january six committees? Findings. That's why we ve launched deadline, legal blood in online extension, if deadline white house with Nicolle wallace will be breaking down the legal implications of the stories that are driving the new cycle read the latest at MSNBC, dot, com, slash deadline, blog
He's alive shot of new york city this morning, Tik tok is suing Montana the state of montana over the states, new ban of the chinese own social media, the company argues the ban violates the first amendment and several other laws. The governor sign the bill last week. Amid concerns the chinese government may have access to tick tock data tiktok says it has never been. to share its information. Montana law bans the company from opera inside the state and stores are not allowed to offer it there. Any entity found in violation would be fine, ten thousand dollars a day. It'll users. There will not be punished. A group of Tik tok content creators involve a separate lawsuit against the ban. Last week Mika while the united states, surgeon general, has issued a new advisory this morning warning about the adverse effects of social media on our younger population according to the department of health?
human services and the surgeon general nearly half of the teenagers I spoke to say: social media makes them feel worse about their body image over sixty it say they are exposed to hate based content on social media, either often or sometimes hell. Seventy five percent say social media. send sites are only doing a fair to poor job of addressing online harassment. Joining us. Now. U s. Surgeon, general, doktor, viii back mercy Thank you so much ring where this, which deserves a general, so tell us about year, surgeon, generals, advisory over social media and the mental health of youth and america. we're living in the middle of a of the mental health crisis in america, and I have said before this is the defining public health issue of our time and the reason I'm issuing this advisory is. I am very concerned now that social media is an important factor that is driving this heat. Mental health crisis
the parents of the country and the most common question that they ask me a social media safe for my kids and the truth is when we look at them the collection. publicly available evidence we talk to me. Researchers and subject matter experts. We can't say that social media is in fact a safer. and in fact what we do see is growing evidence of harms and basically you think about the fact that kitty more than three hours of social media day, face a greater Ask in fact double the risk of depression and anxiety symptoms. This is especially concerning, when you consider the fact that the average the amount of use by kids is three and a half hours a day. The bottom line is that this is a real point of concern here, when nearly half of Its are telling us that social media use makes them feel worse about their body image. But that is a father who is too young children, and I want what every parent wants. A woman Kids grow up confident to grow up feeling good about themselves. I want them to be able to thrive,
we should make sure that social media is in fact a place where kids get benefit somewhere there. Not heart So what does an advisory do at this point in terms of spreading the message, lot of parents are living. The message and social media has become a part of the fabric of young people. lives. It's not something as apparent. You have allowed of power over, you have some, but you don't have a lot and in other cases, things that were dangerous toward children. There were, regulations or laws or bans they can't smoke, no not supposed to smoke cigarettes there, so Stu, where a seat belt, the can drink alcohol. A certain age the solution here, and what does this advisory? Do you want your parents to? yeah. It did a really good question that I'm glad you brought a parents Mika, because parents in a very difficult situation here- and I hear this from parents all the time. having to deal with a technology that is rapidly evolving. That is proving
save around ninety. Nine percent of kids are using social media that technology that Well, he changed our kids look at themselves in each other in the world, but a technology, Our generation's never had to deal with their contend with an or manage, so parents are in a very different. Situation? What I worry about me crazy, we have largely put the burden. Managing social media on the shoulders of parents and kids ended. now what they find themselves is pitted against. Some. The best product is There is in the world who have designed these platforms to maximize the amount of time that kid spend on this platform. what I care about me. Surgeon general, as doctors at dad, is not the amount of time spent. I care most about their health and their well. That's what we should be seeking to optimize what this advisory does is number one that helps. parents, you understand what the data tells us about the matter, how them a social media and our kids, but it also calls to action policy. May curse: technology companies researcher and others and lays out concrete actions that they can take and finally
what are they gonna make it? You mention other places where we looked so poor parents sinner in making decisions and keeping their kids save what you think about cars, we don't tell of parent of fifteen? sixteen year old, is about to start driving. You know it. You figure out the car is safe on euro. You figure out what and then ten so to safety, provisions and features it needs we ask public safety standards and that we implement them and enforce them? That's all. We need policy makers to do here, because this is too much to place shoulders appearance alone, doctrine Good morning, when that only see report came out in february, dropped the jaws, I think, of a lot of parents that showed a special eighteen teenage girls, young girls, sixty percent or something like that have feelings of persistent sadness and hopelessness and talked about suicidal ideation. All these things that just break the harder of anybody, read that study is there doubt in your mind that this huge spike in that is directly linked to the
liberation of social media? Why mission is adviser, cause I'm really concerned that it is in fact the linked, but there are open questions. Are we ve got to answer here and Are there challenge we have had in getting answers, the questions we have about the full extent of social media impact whose greatest harm the mechanisms of harm or are there. Searchers have not been able to get all of the data that they need from techniques, J companies. It's something I here all the time from researchers, on the country and that something that has to change look. I We recognise that there are. Some of the companies have been working to make them form safer and that's a good thing, but it hasn't been enough and we need faster social media has been around for twenty years yet I have not yet seen and all the probable publicly available evidence we have looked at that. There is clear: evidence that this is in fact a safe for our It's an that's really. What parents are asking for and he's a very miserable ask a very well Consider this you know I I the other day I came home and my wife, and I were talking to our
who is five years old and is in pre school, and she asked us about posting a picture on social media she's five years old she's in pre school. We don't to her about social media at her classmates are talking about it. This is pervasive. It is everywhere and that's why so important that we support them and soon I'll. Tell you what we're doing for four kids, as our kids get older Our goal is to be to delay the use of social media until after a middle school financing. That is easier said than done. and we're gonna need help, so we're looking for other parents, so we can partner with whom I would take a similar approach kids Khazars strengthen numbers, but for parents out there kids are already on social media, a couple things that would offer one is to start a conversation with your children about social, it about the benefits of the harvest, but about when they should be worried if they're being harassed or bullied as so many kids are. But all I recognize certain areas in your kids life that you want to protect their sleep there in person, time with others, and there
for physical activity and making those times in their life tech, freezer is one way that we can help protect our children. We have a resources and our advisory. They can help. Parents have these conversations, but the bottom line as where the middle of a youth mental health crisis, we ve got to do everything possible to help support our kids at me. addressing social media to make it safer couldn't agree more. U s! Surgeon general vivek murthy, you very much for coming on the show and sharing? This was us things away? Turning back to politics, Lord winning actor and saint Louis native john ham is voicing a new political add on behalf of u s: senate candidate, lucas Koontz aid- we are hoping to unseat Missouri republican Josh holly this november. Take a look.
man. You hope. That means courage. Courage, isn't something you can give speeches or write a book about it's not sitting on the sidelines, while others sacrificed or denying help to those who did it isn't putting people down or trying to control them using your own power for profit or ambitious in Missouri. You can't fake courage were the show me state and courage is something that shows it shows in the working class people pitch in to help the family next door bankrupted by medical bills. It shows in the marine who signed up to honor and serve the community that took care of them. It shows when a misery and stands up to the power when he fights to rebuild his state to empower people to secure our future. If you want to be told about manhood, some guy wrote a book about it, but if you want someone to show you courage, send lucas codes to the senate.
Jen palmary lucas scare occurrences, that's is so. and really powerful. Add that I have seen so far this cycle, the question is in Missouri. Does he have a shot? I mean is it a state right, Jason can or had really get ads in Missouri as well also had also a veteran, and you know he did not it's not succeed and when it has and winning his senate race. But at some point you know Voters have free will And at some point we talked about in the earlier segments how facts matter, how the fact the fact that the fact comber, if not coming up with any facts to prove his allegations about the Biden family that matters to you. Being held accountable from, but for what he says what he says, matters that has consequences, and it oh geez,
Tal aid is the footage of I'm running out of the capital of the footage of him things that are at odds with what he claims to be and then how he votes, how he represents Missouri, how we at a time of crisis like proceeding right now it things do still matter to to voters. So it could this happen in Missouri sure good candidates running a great campaign in these opto good start. When you have one on the other side that is racking up hypocrisy is. I think that that can still matter. there are well. I also obviously We have somebody on the other side did took an active part in storing people up to overthrow the united states government like Josh Holly, did to write that day who tried to overthrow presidential election yeah. I would hope
The people Missouri might actually just give a damn about that was swinging pulitzer prize winning com. This necessitated the washington post eugene robinson Jane. You saw the add. What do you think I thought I was a really good at a really good, read it, and you know it goes right at Holly's manhood thing, which is, I guess I don't know, he's trying to do with this. But I'll tell you he's not exactly a schwarzenegger and it's and it's easy. The is senator. I think he his record. We ve seen what he did on January sex. We ve seen his recording servant, which is quite undistinguished band, so Let's see, of course, can do it. Missouri is a tough state, as has just set very red state, but George Holly,
we'll see if he can be a vulnerable candidate running for reelection So we should note on the Missouri race that Eric Schmidt won in two thousand and twenty two by thirteen points and donald trump won in two thousand and twenty there by fifteen was certainly a tough hill to climb, even if you've got don draper helping out with the ads eugene. Let's hear about your new call, he took a look at the rond de santis is, would be campaign, soon to be announced officially the matter of days and your thought that it might be pretty short lived, tell us about it. It's just that. He has such a thin scared such a long memory that he holds grudges and that's kind of the opposite of most really good politicians? I know who have very short: he's very thick skin, because today's adversary might tomorrow's ally. But if you look at the santa she'd look at his, crusade against,
disney world you know, is fighting to defeat the magic kingdom against bought eiger. Good luck! You look at his at at what he has done: in florida in this attempt to not be outflanked on the right. He has gone so far to the right that he's made himself potentially and I think, actually toxic to those suburban women voters that the republican party to win back in. is that they lost in two thousand and twenty. They need to win back at twenty twenty four and you look at the six week, abortion ban. You look at the loosening of gun laws. You look at the all these sort of anti woke nancy,
Instead, he has ran through the state legislature and you see, if a guy who is but was kind of making himself less and less a workable and You see that and if all members ice by, I believe which have gone down as donald trunks of up so unless he evolves and unless he changes I don't know that he's gonna stick around very long be this year's skywalker to santa speak to get into the re sometime this week with a chance. I think he hopes to reset things a little bit working to continue this conversation about the twain, twenty four republican primary as tim's god has thrown his hat into the re. Senator scots message to voters yesterday as the officially kicked off Bid for the white house will discuss that when morning Joe comes right back.
What makes a vast oil by slight shot or authority for such violations. Travel that violate cold war was abused, deciding not to resettle murray, choose quicktime out more seconds remaining like what more shots holding james. Dr goes its sides and with at the los angeles. Lakers season ended last night, lebron James, coming up short on a couple of potential time, shots and the final seconds of regulation with the lakers down to on both of those possessions blocked on that last, when the denver nuggets
waiting for game sweep of the lakers in the western conference finals, moving to the franchise as first four nba finals and good for them mika yoke, its lead, the nuggets. He is unreal. Thirty points, forty rebounds thirteen assists or he's a triple double breaking the nba, a post season record set by will chamberlain and nineteen sixty seven denver overcame. On thirty one point: first, half at fifteen point half time deficit to come back to be. There lay one thirteen when eleven. As I said in can be a finals for the first time ever, the nuggets will face either the boston celtics or the miami heat it'll, be the miami heat in the n b, a finals set to tip off thursday june first, so long ten day lay off for the nuggets. Celtics trail, the heat and the soon conference files three games to none. He can close it out tonight, for in miami. As for the lakers last night's season, ending loss has Leubronn
Amy mulling retirement. Maybe where this is a successful year cause I don't play for anything besides winning championships at this point in my career- and I don't remember- I don't get a kick out of making a conference appearance. I've done it a lot, we'll see what happens gulf war I like to think about. To be honest. Think about it be honest and- personally von Goethe or with the data basketball now think about water what about sir jonathan le Maire you have to take in those low moments after last take things with a grain of salt. That's how you're feeling in that moment, which is lebron james thirty, eight years all deaths and injuries that share one. That's been nagging, I'm still have to deal with in the off season, but he still averaged almost thirty points.
As a thirty eight year old, put this team which had no business being in the western conference finals on his back. He clearly can still do it. I think most of us think he'll keep playing, but It takes some time to think about yeah we saw yesterday he played well. He ran out of gas, the fourth quarter he still lebron james, not at his peak, but still a very effective player. I I suspect we will see him again. He has talked openly few weeks that want to play with his son, who still more than a year away from potentially making the NBA distant thought here. Is impression the lakers to makes him off season moves, leaving terry irving I'll just say here seem like get swept takes a little bit of the state. Well, the possibly the likely tonight the celtics are going to get swept. So at least we can't win it. At least they can't. I won't re litigate that game three with you. They didn't show up truly awful. So, Leubronn, we hope, keeps playing he so great. He's such a great ambassador for the game. I suspect he will there's a nice olympic he loves the olympics next summer, twenty twenty four in paris that he probably ones a part of his john said. He has indicated that he
the stick around long enough, that of his son brawny, who will be a freshman. This fall at? U S, seat, to the nba, eventually that he could potentially play with them, which would be incredible now you know Jean Robinson. We just said goodbye to man People consider to be the greatest running back in and then fell history. there is one thing that Jim brown is undisputed, really the best that he was is the best at knowing when to walk off this stage of all the great athletes he laughed at his pig and you see some players stay a year to three years too long. We have. We ve grown up, saying that, whether heroes, willie, mays or hank therein with brewers are or whether it was at other great football players, and I don't I've kind of europe. We it was extraordinary guy to watch, but at the same time
want to see him struggling for a year to extradite area No you don't and you're right. Most of them do stick around a year or two longer than they really should lebron scored. Forty last night I mean he was, he was terrific yeah he was. He was tired at the end price, you, you know he used Lebron James barreling down the court toward. You is still a really really fearsome sight. That said, well, he could only carry this team so far he and Anthony Davis, and they had no business being there. I think he will he'll think about it. I think he can play at a very high level at least one more year and if so, I'm guessing he'll do that a little over a woman's right to choose global action. When challenges the ongoing at a democracy when you sign up MSNBC daily news letter. Your signing up to
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-25.