« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 5/20/21

2021-05-20 | 🔗

The House on Wednesday voted 252-175 to create an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, but the bill faces a different landscape in the Senate, where it needs at least 10 Republicans and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposes it.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In order to support our show, we need the help of some great advertisers and we want to make sure those advertised for once you actually want to hear about, but we to learn a little more about you to make their possible so go to part. Servadac. Slash morning, hyphen Joe, it take a quick anonymous survey that will help us get to know you better. That way we can bring on advertising. You won't want to skip once you ve completed the quick survey, You can answer for a chance to win a hundred dollar Amazon gift card terms. The commission apply again this pod survey dot com slash morning, hyphen Joe thanks for your help, well bull play, but do it better We touch ever there. as Corey Clue where last night in Texas, the Yankees starter, whose had a bunch of
years of injuries coming back strong in his first season with the Yankees faced only twenty eight There's one walk away from throwing a perfect game against the text. Rangers bought into mourning on this Thursday morning Joe, I know you as a red Sox fan, even as a red Sox, Vain can appreciate clobber, who, like the guy, he was as a chance to get me out. A baseball hurt his shoulder. He heard his arm get hit with a line drive a couple years ago. Two time say: young award, whether one twenty games a couple years ago and less going down to Texas Stoical quietly Certainly twenty leaders in these six, no better. This major league sees it yeah course of first in major League baseball femur, currently used by the other events some there I think there somehow hitters in central times just last week to say, yeah DA mayor, listen. We want it now. We want the good things to happen to American.
These teams, I gotta, say thou. I started watching the seventh setting because, of course not did she against our fellow American League Brethren brother, I noticed a strike. Sound come on, let Gregg Matic, would be in the US right he throws one actually in the dog and they on the corner, I mean it what little arrayed greatness oh there's, the there's, the old adage that you don't talk about a no hitter, so you don't want to jinx it. While it's in progress everyone? I knew? I went through my source list. I started just randomly. I think that look This is already our sixth no hint of the year and the fact that Corey Clur, who I believe, has drawn up a total of three or four innings since twenty fifteen than he through one makes me think this, most compelling argument yet immediately based need to fix them
either, move it back or shrink it or do anything possible to action. allow hitters to hit the ball Corrick lubricant. Do this. My big mistake any here Joe, is to extend the olive branch to Red Sox, failed to open the door to give you an opportunity to celebrate it's just for one night with arrives and then immediately breakdown of the low road from. That was why I just what is it that the low road we we care about Colombia, and strikes, and you don't have to move the mountain back. Let me just call a ball of olenin strike a strike, and it made me said last night to see that umpire cheap in the game of base. this goes down in the history books. As one who, whether we put an asterisk by right now we're not missing, whereas it is right as the empire last night was that part of the issue with the Europeans for like a pitch is seventy one strikes that is pin point accuracy. You made the right comparison. Gregg Matic is paint in the corners like that. Just tying p up all night. Corrick labour.
No material, both big side to since, ninety nine, when David COM, through these perfect game for the ancients. First, I'm here for the Yankees since data that is yeah, that's so exciting. We're so glad to share this with you Let me right, oh by the way, He started texting me. I swear to God. I had had an event last night with Sinner Amy closure of a book event. Virtual book of it, the middle, but I started getting taxed. You said, please don't tell anybody please the two yourself but Corey whew, whereas now hit, are going through the fifth, adding dont, say We think the old king set and then he's got all cap say a servant. He was, he was doing it. As I have been too. I guess I did earlier. I didn't say all cap. Speaking of speaking, our enclosure they had.
the New York Times, did a remarkable remembrance of her father that guy encourage everybody to read it. What is it strong ordinary life we heard about his battles with alcohol five thousand. then sober for twenty five years, but this guy climbed the matter horn eight times Round Kilimanjaro, he had he put short between teeth and had a sharpshooter shoot it out again that this stories, it he covered or incredible little known fact, Clubbing Sars Father was they cared at the time, did you call Minnesota one of three kids to call Minnesota for J F K? After that the numbers and that put J F K over the top, the called it like fifteen minutes later, so he had an absolutely wonderful life and of course, we still
thoughts remained with Amy and the entire family, it's a nice where the newspaper up are to be in Minneapolis. Had a great piece about. In the other day, recommend everybody read that we'll get to the news here now that we ve covered the big story: choric lugers. No hitter with us, former chairman of the republic and analyses of these day as ever sent me to see political analysts Michael Steel. Thank you for also shake your head. Michael and Co. Founder of punch, Ball NEWS Anna we were happy to say she now MSNBC contributor. As well welcome aboard and a great to see if you haven't been tell already has the morning off. Let's get into the news the bill to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the gene Six capital effect has passed the house but faces an uphill battle in the Senate. Thirty five house Republicans went against part. leadership to join all Democrats in voting. Yes, the Washington Post framing this way quote report
Leaders are trying to sink the legislation that probably would scrutinise former President Trump roll in the riot and his converse genes with republican lawmakers. That day here is, Democratic congressmen timorous. Of Ohio put it on the house We're yesterday did ninety percent of our friends on the other side of the Isle, holy cow incoherence? No idea what you're talking about Ben Gaza, you guys change the former secretary of state. All over the country spend millions of dollars. We have people scaling the capital hitting the capital police would lead pipes across ahead, but we can't get bi partisanship. What else has to happen in this country cops? This is a slap in the face of every rank and file cop. Then the United States, if we're gonna, take on China. If we're going to rebuild the country
No one will emerge climate change. We need to political parties in this country that are both Lebanon reality and you one of them. You know the first part club we didn't show we actually did. He was grateful to the Republican said were working a partisan way to make it happen, call them out by name, but it surprising that those people who work ring for their lives, many of them don't want the country in the world. To know what happened on January, the six when united Its capital is breached in a way it hasn't been breached since the war of eighteen, twelve. We too, to vote against an inquiry to figure out what happened that day. It's is about a staggering as it gets
It is, and now I'm going to the Senate jail where it doesn't. Look good frankly needs support from at least ten Republicans to get past. The filibuster need sixty votes to get this thing going we'll yesterday Mitch Mcconnell some members to oppose the bill. Calling the proposal quote slanted unbalanced and argued the ongoing congressional investigations are sufficient to probe the attack quote it's not at all clear what new facts or additional investigation. Yet another commission could lay on top of the existing efforts by law enforcement and Congress so and what changes. Here, I made a pass through the house, but if you gotta get to sixty votes and Ms Mcdonald telling his caucus not to vote for it, how does this pass. Thing it's gonna base are really uphill battle. The real question is: how hard does Mcconnell pushes members do not support this? Does he let this be a vote of confidence? We ve been hearing privately that sent Republican,
are weary of not letting a smooth and filibuster when you had such a bipartisan vote in the house. Thirty five report, above all against get going, in supporting this measure, and so it checks. Rumor. Has it he's doing all this with or without Republicans he's going to press that hand, and I think, in the next couple of weeks we're gonna see how much weakens, are willing to in the Senate, say no, we don't need this mission. Little confused here, which nothing new. I was confused last night when I was watching a strike, sound the size of a county fair, but will get back to that later. So the Democrats, you always say Jerry. We always here for fine razors moving into any election
we ve gotta when the house, I know you don't think it's means. Let me get subpoena power. Oh we ve gotta, when the sin that you don't want the democratic step subpoena power. Are you don't want the republic instead subpoena power and go after our president I'm a little confused, the democratic control, the House demo? that's controlled the Senate, You can watch these commissions, they can set em up anyway. They want to set em up, they get the power of subpoena, they can call any body they want to call. and, of course, structure more can do it in the Senate is well, I'm sure you'll get fifty votes for that. Are not even for those just tell your ear, chair, chair chairwoman go go! Do this Did I tell you got to participate, Not really sure why people are ringing their hands over, not having a joint committee. Wait, wait! What's what's the difference, because I mean look what reply
weakens did on been gauzy with just Republicans. Basically supporting that inquiry the real question and near totally right. If Nancy Policy wants to have a select committee or have or Chairman Subpoena people in this. In what happened on January six back can happen. I think They were trying to do is have said. This is a step back moment. This is a nine eleven asked moment where we should a bipartisan mission and the speaker really moved. She had started this to be kind of a much more partisan operation was gonna, be who could have subpoena power in its now and evenly balanced commission it would you to have both Republicans and Democrats supporting the subpoenas, but this goes back to the fact that they wanted to have something there where there's not choose. That's a fact that Republicans were invested in the efforts, so that we can have arisen actually bring back to the people of this country to say this is actually what did happen, not Mozilla down from
say not what some of these fringe members, the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the world or say what here is what happened? laid out and actually make a pathway, warned that doesn't seem like it's gonna be possible. Steel do remember for president I'm second impeachment trial when rather than the Senator Mitchell caught all gave an impassioned speech denounce, what happened on January Sexton, saying that, of course, that the present a few old that violence at the capital. But nothing like this should ever be allowed to happen again. Since then, he's done everything in its power to walk the other way and walk. from those remarks and hear blocking a bite. listen commission to investigate truly what and there I wouldn't you just go here, Michael this exist, yet another cynical political play from which require What is this say about? The state of his carcass, where there the party stands right now and the grip, the Donald
still has on the GEO, be what it says. A lot about the group more than anything else, Semi Dana Mcconnell before down, mom said anything or really weight in on this. With respect to Mcconnell was like well, I'm gonna take a look at this, I'm not sure, then Donald Trump basically call them a punk and you know next thing you know which will cause like now, not. Ah, I see no reason to have this investigation. This about a couple things, one of which involves consequences. The GNP calculation right now when they look at redistricting, they look at the gerrymandering and they look at what state republican legislators are doing to fix next year's elections and elections beyond that. they see no consequences at the ballot box. They think they have the advantage Why upset your base on necessarily because at the end of the day, that's all that matters and why upset Donald drops down
on necessarily because, at the end of the day of the end of that day, that's certainly all that matters. So there is calculation here that it will be very little consequence to this and I guess Democrats and others will harangue. Now. Men and they'll be bad headlines, but when it's all said and done. So what? If we put you gonna, do to me right and that's that's that's the stunning cynicism here in all this- that this call calculated and political approach one of the most devastating events in our country since the war of budgeting twelve per week, and even say, let's find out why This happened, let's get to the bottom of who was involved in this. and the second pieces Why this is all about in four Kevin Mccarthy and other Republicans who had who up to their elbows in in this thing, because they
played a role whether was talking to Donald Trump that day or whether may be sending a text message to people who are storming outside those doors, there's a lot of information. He had, they dont want disclosed, and so you have these two pieces and sitting in the cut to serve well. What are you gonna do about it and I think that democratic suggest push through it. You ve made the play the bi partisanship you won in america- to see it all funnel and What gives you said basically to the country screw you and so now I think Democrats. They all right, let's give this to the committee's endless list. God do the investigate. that's a Joe. We ve got votes in consecutive weeks. Last week's vote doubtless changing from her leadership position, making this statement that going out publicly and speed in the truth and sang the election was not stolen, cannot stand and the Republican Party she's kicked out of a job a week later. You have this vote in the house, it says no, we don't wanna be through carefully and closely at what happen.
on January six. What led up to it? What the security failures were on that day, this is weirdly. It can't be any more start from Republican saying we don't want to take, look at what happened during the twenty twenty election or the events that followed it leading to an attack on the United States capital. It shouldn't be a cut. Virtual issue to investigate and attack to overturn it as a general election, but here we are Well, here we are and I'll say again. Democrats still have the power to call this. They still have the power to subpoena I actually think for Democrats who want to know what the truth actually is without having this on the lower I q and non type says screaming and yelling and trying to get on these committees. Here's what Nancy policy does here's here ear is what maybe instruction we're does his own version of this, but now simple owes you can still call a committee in in the House of Representatives and here's what you
You ve got thirty five Republicans, I guess around thirty five Republicans. They voted for this inquiry. She pigs for Democrats, Archie aspects for Democrats and for Republicans, and maybe too those Republicans or Adam kissing, her and Jamie, and then you put to form republican attorney general's, who served who pass administrations and then she, the Democrats, Republicans thirty five. She puts too on there hind choose to former reply. we can attorney turning generals to be on. There are former administration officials. Maybe you get somebody like a Robert Gates. Maybe you get somebody like I don't know. I said former attorney general Forward Ministration officials, who are by partisan, newer, respected and who will follow the facts instead of Donald Trump, and there you have something that America will stop and watch. We
saying that list Cheney is actually in the eyes of of Kevin Mccarthy and Donald Trump mainly focused on getting to the truth, about January. The six we further cleansing or do the same. There are thirty five other applicants are thirty. Three thirty four of the republic, The vote in this way so this still happen it does. It need to be a joint deal. The FBI running its investigation right, the Senate can its own investigation the house I'd love to see the house one. An investigation for Republicans for Democrats but less Jamie and kinsman or other look inside to former republican attorney general's and then the democratic pick out, therefore, and Willie your gun, not only are you going to get to the bottom of this, but because you ve gotta for forest, weird and also list Cheney on their actually getting to the truth, about
Kevin Mccarthy, new and win Kevin Mccarthy New, and what will look, Heaven Mccarthy said and win Kevin Are these set it you get a lot of people watching that and the truth, come tumbling out and we heard congressmen Benny Thompson Mississippi, who negotiated the establishment of this commission on our show yesterday saying his suspicion? Is that people like Kevin Mccarthy? Don't worry? this commission, because of what it might reveal about them. We, of course, will come back to the story, but we want to turn to the Middle EAST, where israeli officials reportedly expected, You just ceasefire deal with Hamas this week that even as prime sir. Benjamin Netanyahu gives no public indication that his military will back down. A senior official tells New York Times? The two sides are hoping to reach an agreement by Friday, but, in speaking with Andrea Mitchell. Yesterday a spokesman for the israeli military said he saw signs that the fighting is nearing its end Netanyahu said yesterday this.
Eggs will continue until Hamas is defeated. Meanwhile, the power Minister is facing growing pressure from here in the United States and a phone call. Yesterday, the White House indicated president by and told Netanyahu he quote expected. Is significant the escalation today is really attacks have continued this morning with ideas claiming it targeting Hammas weapons in tunnels in Gaza. There have been no reports of attacks from Hamas today. At least two hundred thirty nine people have been killed in eleven days of fighting, mostly on the palestinian side, joyous now long time, foreign correspondent, Martin Fletcher, who is report four NBC News in TEL Aviv Martin Good Morning. So what are the hopes there on the ground for a cease fire here in the next couple of days, I think he's looking pretty good Willie they pump. Spin from a government that Andrea Mitya was told yesterday about the government, dignity, the country needs more time to finish its operation. That's not what they primary
is being told by the security officials. There was a meeting last night. israeli Army and air force. The message they get gave the prime minister was at the can and should end the operation so the minute, Finally, it seems that the likelihood of another of an end to the operation could come soon equated with is whether that's what the government actually wants to do today, That's the issue right now. Her mask its side has said, this morning that they believe they could be a cease fire within a day or two. They called it amused Chile agreed she's fire so that an important, cohesion that Israel and Hamas are talking by intermediaries and that its ceasefire could be imminent. But I gotta go to point out one thing: Willie, the amended twenty fourteen, the last major battle between. Israel and Mass. There was a cease fire, then that the and at the end of the fighting, but guess what the fighting continue Then there was another ceasefire, more fighting and other seas fighting it went off
six or seven times are about six or seven cease fires so well, it does as if a ceasefire is imminent. Now, of course, we hope it the cease fire it may not be? The end of the or even when it happens, willing and again, Prime Minister Netanyahu, giving your public indication anyway, that he is stop as yet Martin Fletcher in TEL Aviv, Martin thanks for being with us again this morning, so job- and we talked about president by making a phone call to Prime Minister Netanyahu- said you get to DE escalate today. Is that happening how much pressure. Is the White House now exerting different from the last few days? So why willing to give Israel some space here, some room they did not offered me a cease fire? They recognise that publicly saying Israel has a right to defend itself. They stood back. as Israel launched attacks at Hamas in response what was happening there, but that ten or has changed significantly in the last forty eight hours had started with behind the scenes pressure. President Biden spoken Netanyahu on earlier this week. Eleven Asker adviser other others them
then the by administration spoke to their counterparts as had look. This needs to wind down, there's only so much longer? We can cover for you you're losing super national community. If this continues much longer and then yesterday we heard for the present in the strongest terms yet like this needs at like this needs to this needs to de escalate these operate, This need deceased, whether the next day or so, and Thirdly, the Israelis we just discussed publicly are not quite ready. Why did down yet? But there are signals their communicate to the administration that they are going to start deep, slowing pace of this, but in the next day or so could have a what would be considered a very fragile, cease fire. I think that we all need to understand as Martin just pointed out, there is a chance here that advice, spasms. Violence could creep up again over the weekend, but they are hopeful that by Moral Friday that the vast majority, these attacks, that they will be done, down, and that's where the the White House, the present personally say that pay that's what needs to happen. This needs debt, and this is
these rightly point out a cease. Fire takes two sides: that's up to start coming from Hamas as well. Jonathan. Thank still ahead on morning, Joe former President trappers to the news that the New York attorney General's office is pursued. Criminal investigation of the trap organization, plus Congresswoman Mikey, share all of New Jersey. A veteran informer federal prosecutor will be our gas. She says with the January six Commission, our country will not be able to heal. Also this Senate majority with Dick Durban will join our conversation and a new warning from Doktor Anthony Fouche, who says some Americans are misinterpreting the new mass. guidance from the CDC. Let you know what he said. Come right back and mourning Joe looking for more dateline, mysteries, peacocks on the case. with a new streaming channel Dateline twenty four seven programme stories from the true crime original gotta pick
tv, dot, com and sign up for free this week. girl, the history it made me Twenty against heading into some memorial day. We are voting against again, as in whew shouldn't these youngsters below masks these nowhere mass murder, whereas it is now a word on our approach here, Sir oh run up residence before your eyes, but I did want to give reverse the pleasure of seeing his generosity is contagious, mask anywhere you when you add a ya
drunk when morning effective, be taken it, but it gets hold of her love a good stories studies. When you add story, my evidence, I get a lot of positive calls about good, ere. I tested worry only today there's so this border yeah. I guess it positively for negative right, so I just it perfectly. This
reading I tested negative, but hubs negative Nancy, Greece, our president- and I would rather, she not be taking something that has not been approved, especially in his shall we say, wait grew at present, but is more recently a breeze. Lump policy is a sick. Warm. It's got a lot of problems, whether mental speaking of mental problems. It is real jobs pandemic. Yes, what, after November third kroner virus for magically all decided, go away and disappear? Does not some Bavaria judicial? Do you wonder he got from watching? You is in government? Is my gun like a well allowed? People bitten survive? Actually this, so I won't
hydra. The nineteen fifty bucks, a core going merged warning, not affected persian hydroxide, glory, good nine non, stop did not get it. I will say again and he got them. You think the right come These were the vaccine, so we can be grateful for that this year. But man get a lot of things wrong. You I'd forgotten about that moment to where he said, I tested positive, and then he had to go on down this long and winding road explained. He means it was positive news, meaning night tested negative just all over the map. Unfortunately, all of that company Jimmy camels put that together led to a lot of deaths. Unfortunately, Doktor Anthony Fouche speaking S with my gallon of axioms, raising concerns that some Americans are quote missing. Putting the CDC New mass guidance. reality, that's what we're seeing goes people hearing and they
in Turban guidelines that happens all the time is not their fault, as just people either read them quickly or listen in here, half of it they are feeling was it, you don't need a mask anymore. That's not What the CDC said: If you are vaccinated you feel safe and she will get infected either outdoors renders it did explicitly not say that accelerated people, banned in their masks. So we have the vaccine. You can take the mask up at the bottom line. Meanwhile, the debate over Mass were turns out, a capital hell with House Democrats rejecting a republican for to roll back the requirements yesterday, minority layer, Mccarthy argued Mass should no longer be required in the chamber. How Speaker Nancy Policies Office offered this response get your members fascinated against covert nineteen first, the resolution was defeated and a party line vote of two eighteen to ten members of Congress or among the
most Americans with access to the vaccines, but many of them have not been vaccinated. Several republic at law makers publicly have refused to get it. dozens more, have refused to disclose whether they have been vaccinated. So Anna Palmer actually over in the Senate. Most Republicans, all Democrats and most Republicans have been facts. it's the house, Republicans, as you might expect, where a lot of them think the number is less than half of Republicans have publicly said. Yes, I have been vaccinated yet too big for them in you. Ve seen this week, where Raw swallowed him try to go to the house or in protest, be taking off their masks and the speakers not laying her. She is buying them. They have a kind of early warning and then a five hundred dollar fine and to this point should not be changed right now, because there is at least seventy five percent is what the most recent reports ate. Some real, only some happy that actually being vaccinated, and so there's a lot of concern about what that means for staff, what that means or those who are in common.
Positions and Fortunately, you know Canna Mccarthyism telling all of its members, hey guys, just go, get Baxter and we can get rid of the mass he's just trying to make a political point here coal? Steel? It's really the report. Can party? Might my former party being a party that is TAT pride and ignoring Madison, ignoring basic science and- and You know a lot of these people, Hippocrates. You know that a lot of these people have secretly gotten vaccines and their posing publicly to their Andy backs crowd. do the queue non crowd in claiming that didn't, and so it is, of course it's not illegal acting people. I say: go on the house for the deliberate but its impact
their staff members as well. It's impacting the people, they come in contact with all the time. It's just forget about it being anti medicine, Anti science, it's just an dice Well, it's just rude. It's just rude it isn't. It shows a lack of concern or interest in that they now the health of those around them and end. There right, I suspect, a lot those members have gotten vaccinated, but they're they're playing the political card and saying it I'm not going to tell you I mean, is the easiest thing in the world he I got vaccinated. You should get vaccinating to what so hard with that sentence and, what's armed with that reality. Well, it doesn't play in the trompe a narrative, in play into this idea that you know you got you you ve stopped people of a certain direction. You push them towards a cliff
you don't wanna all we'll guys. We don't want to go that way. You want to play that we will not win only to go down that road reality of it is people's lives. those members who work on the hill Staff people neighborhoods in communities in which you live you're, a leader. You said the example. And yet at every turn, They seem to shy away from that leadership moment and will again. And I go back to the point I made earlier. Go, steer. Look at the country and say give us the keys to the kingdom. Put us back, in charge, because these guys are socialists. you. That's that's right there and that's the best part now come up with It is crazy. Willie. I talked to family member in France, soup are saying Why is it government finally doing this? Why are they require that way? You I have to get this too in a what
The vaccine, passports and Linda. Also me why? Why does this group People need to be vaccinated why these children need to be vaccinated, and they ask These questions. Emily infringe friends. Ask these questions as if this is the first time but this has ever happened and why this is so This time the people have been encouraged. They get vaccines. You know the first state that require vaccines for children go to school? Was Massachusetts was at least to nineteen, said oh no, it was eighteen o nine, team nine? We ve been doing this for a while, and all of you people than are going crazy about you're taking my freedom, a waiver vaccinations, you, kids,. how'd you get vaccinated before they to school, this has
no way it's very your entire lifetime. All fifty states right ear, I'm just looking polio, give theory TAT, Miss measles, mobs rubella hepatitis B. Chicken pox and then on kids are required to Those vaccines, for they go to school and some people say well. You will understand. Why would you? Why would you children they get backs vaccinated because they're not gonna, get that sick from most likely. it's just like the strategy for polio strategy is getting hurt. Immunity stopping out polio getting rid of it for for good. children have a much better chance of getting covert than they do polio. But there are still required to get polio shots because the
it is to stamp it out all over the world and not let spread and again. This is a basic stuff has been the reality for over a century, and people are acting like this some new violation of civil liberties, its absolute madness, its absolute madness. It is, and in schools are talking right now. I can tell you about whether or not this father can require vaccines. A covert vaccine companies are going through those deliberate right now we have to be vaccinated, come back into the building. These conversations are acting. As you say, these vaccines our kids of in getting forever have not been contracts So until now, obviously some things have changed with the Anti backs movement. There's this proliferation of terrible information. You have people in position the power and leadership questioning accedes, but I think the way the luck is towards the doctors who actually know what they're talking about and that towards political leaders.
Score points and Willie, and by the way I the last time I checked. Ninety percent Doctors around nine out of ten doctors have got the vaccine themselves. If these for that are running around in acting like this. Is the first vaccine, the government it health visions of ever asked them to take? Despite the fact is going on for a couple of hundred years, we talk to your doktor talk to the person that takes care of your family, talk to the person who took care of your child who delight, We're dear baby, who took care of your through. You know and trust talk to that doctor, SAM if they got the shot. Chances are really good, they're gonna go. Of course I got the shot. Why would you want to get that China is? Is that its madness? It is working much more about this coming up, but also the inquiry into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo widened to include whether he prioritize
Over testing for his friends, and family another controversy, another scandal for the governor, plus a look at where things stand in a crowded race to become the next mayor of New York City morning, Jos, back in a moment The covert vaccines are making a difference in beating the virus. The city He says that if more people get vaccinated, we can get past this pandemic and get back to normal and now vaccine eligibility has expanded to everyone over the age of sixteen, no matter which stadium then so it's time to roll up our sleeves and make a plan to get your vaccine, though, to plan your vaccine, dot, com and you'll find a state by state guide with everything we need to prepare including vaccination sites in your area. What to bring to your appointment and more the site has real time up dates so that you always
had the up to date, information you need to make a plan planning I've seen dot com is powered by NBC News and Comcast Embassy Universal roll up their sleeves and make a plan. Lange, your vaccine, dotcom today welcome back to morning Joe Governor, who Cuomo of New York is under more scrutiny as federal investigators. Look into whether New York state officials gave priority access of covert nineteen testing, to quote close associates and family members at the beginning of the pandemic. Accordingly, our times. Members of Cuomo inner circles submitted priority covert tests, which are submitted to a lab and process in a few hours according to state, the official special task we're supposed to be used for urgent cases, including those linked to an outbreak to help stop the spread of corona virus, people familiar with the matter. Tell the Wall Street Journal. The federal inquiry is one of three investigations into Cuomo and his team investigate
as already have begun. Looking into the governors handling of covert nineteen in nursing homes and states, Many general is investigating accusations that Cuomo sexually harass three former and to current. aids in his office. The journal reports Democrats Dominate the assembly are conducting in it each man investigation into Governor Cuomo, so Jonathan Mere there's. A lot that is stacked up here against Governor Cuomo the nursing home deaths the changing of the numbers there, but this p so the plaza we sort of knew. This was out there. They ve been reporting that he'd give priority testing to members of his family and close friends. But now we know this is also part of an investigation that's what's new. Here is the idea that it's the thought the authorities are looking into this and I think it's it's a reminder. The headlines, have sort of faded around the governor. In the last couple of months. We certainly had a few days ago with the news that he is going to petition five million dollars off his book that he wrote about his handling of the cover pandemic,
during the middle of the carbon pandemic that still had a whole other way, to go after it was there. The book was published, use that certainly raise some some eyebrows here, but there is that stretch a few months back working on a daily basis. There is another bad headlight for the Gulf another accusation it seems there is talk of impeachment fellow Democrats in Europe state we're looking for him. sure- and that seems to have subsided, but this reminder that he certainly not out of peril just yet. These investigations are ongoing into the nursing home in scandal into only if the pandemic, certainly into the action, and of sexual harassment, and these are that they, we don't know if they come to a conclusion, the weeks months ahead, but they still shadow the governor. He remains an office in a still toying with the idea of running for real. Then again, even though he is these four now survived any sort of impeachment effort, but his has put future. Far from clear and will have to see where this investigation takes them. Yeah I mean he's a guy who's been self confident
to put it mildly after a long time in these appears. Despite all this, I think any one of these would very another governor. He seems to be covered. As you say, still talking about running for reelection yeah and he certainly taken the routes have taken the floor, This becomes so common now for a politician who is accused of scandal. Is: u dont resign, maybe or to offer some sort of an apology budgets, you put your head down. You stay office. I hope your base stays with you and the headlines. We have seen this whether Donald Trump do it met gates list governor Virginia. The list goes on and on that he's trying to ride out. But for him these events, nations there still ongoing. There could be problems for him down the route. We will see what were these investigations leaders keeping it in New York. We are just weeks away, from the primary race that likely will determine who leads America largest city on June twenty. Second, for the first time ever New York, cities, crowded, democratic may, oral primary will be determined by a ranked choice its voting system as it stands Now the rates up for grabs former presidential candidate Andrew Yang, barely edging out there.
a petition in one recent poll more than Forty new Yorkers, initially filed campaign paperwork to run that list down to eight Democrats, former New York City, sanitation, commissioner Catherine Garcia recently earned the endorsement of the New York Times Editorial Board, which wrote about the importance the race, writing quote the mix of optimism and anxiety. New Yorkers feel highlights the extraordinary challenges facing the city and its next May in the coming months and years in perhaps the most cards when mayoral contest in a generation twenties the casinos and founders of the data and analytics company Apple CART, Sasha, submitted and met comments I'm good morning good to see Joe. You take the first question. Ok sure, will first of all, let let let's just explain to our viewers these elections around like, for instance, you. Why happens who emerges and in New York City the blog nobody expected him to win, and yet here
off the shocking: when what can we learn from two thousand thirteen Well one of the things we can learn from two thousand and thirteen- is that this race really won't be decided until then, the very last couple days when people turn to an end, because it's an off your election, it's going to be very, very low, turn out, and you there's a big open, question who actually shows up powder they feel about the issues in the candidates today, even though with the candidates are in a lot of people are just starting to tune and right now I want to put the sword got there and such as you look at it. It shows three two million registered Democrats. Only eight point- eight percent of Democrats ended up your voting for The eventual mare of New York City is just the way it works out and it is always really if you look look into it
one of the most important political jobs in America, one of the one of the top Political jobs and America are by such a small sliver of voters. It sure is its sub standard in the city, but the mayor of New York is, as you said, one of the most recognisable political figures in the country and its about eight percent of Democrats. You we usually juices that person that makes up forty five percent of overall me in the city of New York, so It will be interesting to see sort of who is the forty five percent this year. Who did I vote for me mad? when people think of New York City, they think of it, is very little city and you would think that the Democrats. You would think that the different primary voters. would be overwhelmingly liberal? That's just Kay, you say a strong majority. Dont identify them self since such tell us tell us about the
what city primary voter. Let's go. to be voting in in this race play right Joe, I mean, I think, a lot of people think about New York City elections and they think about our Andrea Cassio Cortez. They think about Jamal Bowman. They think about building blocks. You what's really trusting is that our firm has conducted thousand interviews of New York City voters. Over the last several months and what we ve seen, is that a majority of voters who are Just as Democrats as Democrats exclusively self identifies something other than liberal and perhaps more interesting as you Look at the national dialogue about defending the police about crime. We asked to note, and the question of New York City voters ask them what thought the city was on the right track wrong track again, just as Democrats were eligible to vote in this primary election, ask them that those that took the city was on the wrong track when you ask them
Ballinger why they felt the city was on the wrong track. Number one answer volunteer by voters by a double digit margin was public safety and crime. So when you actually go to an election where people are choosing who's, gonna run their city. Their municipal government that's what's top of mine for Democrats. and and Willie. If you look at the issues here- and I know Jonathan wellmere as a as a question, but I just synergies talked about this I find this fascinating Number one cry: and public safety. Forty percent top issues cited here. Then you ve got anti incumbent feelings. There then look right below Homelessness- and economy now those Those are those three issues: climate, we policy homelessness and the economy. Those are the ray things at my republican friends, growls about when talking about how New York City,
the same as it was in the past. You know before the pandemic oh, when Bloomberg was entered, Giuliani was in there. It is again with it the crime in Europe the media, making the mistake of thinking is Jimmy. That's in New York, city, Wanna, divined, the police now now Actually, if you follow closely there, What of neighbourhood sewers saying we need more police, we need more police on the street. We need more police in the schools. Our children are not say, neighbourhoods of color neighborhoods that are impacted by lack of police. If you put that charge up, you can see that and reform is way down. On page two of that less, I can't count that I think it's ten or eleven, interesting Jonathan, you, our reserve, smiling that anti the blog is policy issue and it comes in number two in New York and that's not true
a pooling of Andrew Cuomo. It is interesting that the stereotype of New York City is retirement, voter, liberal, voter, it's not bad just the upper West side who votes for these things, not supper Seminary parks of Brooklyn, its central role, its other neighborhoods, more working class communities of color who are ITALY's, and this point seemed to power ties public safety issues, Can it be a driving issue in this campaign? Matt, let me you this election for New York City is going to be a little difference, a rank choice for the first time being. Here and there in the nations largest cities is hoping you could talk to a slow, but about how that works, but more than that prove It offers a snapshot of where the re stands right now, Andrea, anglophone presidential candidate. He sort have been a top these poles barely Eric Atoms, who's, the Brooklyn borough president for police officer he's african American. He see to be in second place in most places and then Catherine, Garcia, who mentioned. Who is a long time it work for the city of basing red
and the part of sanitation, other sea Israel. A buzz around her right now picked up the abortions above near times, but also the New York Daily NEWS, which plays well in those working class. Spoonies we're just talking about What's exactly right, Jonathan, this ring choice, voting initiative that passed in New York City over the last couple of years. You really gonna Bramble the race in a major way. What ring choice voting does is, rather than at voter voting for a single candidate, but their able to do is there are top five candidates in order preference. happens is that candidates. Are eliminated who'd you look first round. You look at people's first choice. Boats, you don't majority of voters that support one candidate eliminate the least both scattered vote. Getting candidate. have you eliminate their voters, what happens as those voters preferences get reallocated to their second choice: So what that means is that an election like this one to very crowded race, a lot of kids
we have high name. Identification are well known without me. Is that it we're going to favour. Candidates were well known by a large number of voters. In its all, interesting we're gonna be favour its also gonna favour candidates who. Have voters who understand how to use rank choice, voting who understands what what we just talked about there, because they will preference voters in a way that preference candidates, rather in a way that will benefit the there They said they prefer says you get this race, as you mention Andrea, done very well in pulling in the early part of this race predominant because she ere he ran for press she was very well known. He had sky high name idea about. Eighty percent of these registered cuts in New York New who he was allotted. These candidates were lesser known, but I think is the Does maturing in these last couple of weeks, as you mentioned, Eric Adamses crept up in the polls. And then there is a major reason for that, which is that he's the Brooklyn Borough president,
a very sizeable porcelain, democratic, primary electorate that lives in Brooklyn beyond that he's a candidate color and in a ring choice, voting system that can be a major advantage because there are going to be a size portion of the democratic primary lecture about a third dot org and be black voters in those voters heavily advantage Eric Atoms, tat gentleman, This Michael Steel, here a lot of talk about Democrats in New York, city city. We get it understand that are there publicans and the race? What are they stand? What are there It says here particularly given rank choice. Voting because it is, it is opportunity for to be a great level of the partisan soda baggage that
the common, the races in cities like New York in Baltimore and elsewhere, where you know you're outnumbered as a republic, and I grew up in Washington Dc Tender, one. Ok, whatever you just has passed through the election. So how did? How do you assess the republican field here, such that it exists and and their past? plenty of being competitive in this system. If not in this race, but in future races with rank choice following what really interesting question, Michael because, fortunately or fortunately. What will you find is that in this race, the Republicans We don't have a voice unless the register as Democrats, New York City is a closed primary system, which means that, if not register as a Democrat. You can participate in this election. That's going to choose next, New York in the defining election that June primary the deadline
for changing your party registration. If you wanted to participate in the democratic primary was February fourteen, a long time ago, York city. There are seven times more democratic than there are republicans these days, and what that means is that, coming out of this June, twenty seven election, you really nobody. The mayor has just based on that partisan split and the reality is a lot of voters. Don't understand that in our pulling what we ve seen as we asked really to quit You must understand whether voters understood how this electoral, as can be decided. The first question was which, which election there is the primary where the general actually in June or the election in November. Second question: we ask was how we gonna voting unease rang choice, voting standard voting how's the selection can be operated. It was too the voters who cannot answer those questions grandly and were just a few weeks out from the election so Sasha before we go. Let's you kind of handicapped the race here and what you're looking for, because it a month from Saturday Election Day, just over four weeks away
Adams is out on top and a new pole Andrew Yang as well. Who got a lot of national attention for I could, because a lot of national media just knew who he was he's come down a little bit since those early days and Scott. stringer, who was the former Manhattan borough president, now the controller in New York. What are you gonna be looking for in these last four weeks or so It will be interesting to see if any one makes a late move, and I certainly think Catherine Garcia is probably the person best set up to do that. Just given the New York Times and the New York Daily NEWS, endorsements Andrew Yang was going to seal the election up. That would happen d already. So at this point, I'd probably rather be Eric Adams than anybody else he's been creeping up in the polls and yet has been stagnant or following the last several polls that have been publicly released see egos and founders of the data and analytics company Applegarth, Sasha Salmon and
collins. This has been an exciting episode of New York, one and I've been Pat Karen and thanks so much fellows, get to see it at every one. It's Willie guys thanks for listening now, I want to invite you to talk to us here at MSNBC, we'd like to know more about you and the topics you'd be interested in hearing about. As we look to launch new podcast text podcast to six six, eight, six, six and we'll text you a link to a short serve it again, text the word podcast to six six, eight, six, six standard text, messaging rates, apply your input matters and were looking forward to hearing from you.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-25.